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PT-15 CB, G-15,17,18 27.12.22

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Single correct(+3, -1)

1. Which one of the following alkaline earth metal sulphates has its hydration enthalpy
greater than its lattice enthalpy?
A) CaSO4 B) BeSO4 C) BaSO4 D) SrSO4

2. Among the following the maximum covalent character is shown by the compound:
A) FeCl2 B) SnCl2 C) AlCl3 D) MgCl2

3. A metal, M, forms chlorides in its +2 and +4 oxidation states. Which of the following
statements about these chlorides is correct?
A) MCl2 is more easily hydrolysed than MCl4

B) MCl2 is more volatile than MCl4

C) MCl2 is more soluble in anhydrous ethanol than MCl4

D) MCl2 is more ionic than MCl4

4. The correct sequence of thermal stability of the following carbonates is:

A) MgCO3  CaCO3  SrCO3  BaCO3 B) BaCO3  SrCO3  CaCO3  MgCO3

C) MgCO3  SrCO3  CaCO3  BaCO3 D) BaCO3  CaCO3  SrCO3  MgCO3

5. The solubility order for alkali metal fluoride in water is:

a) LiF  RbF  KF  NaF b) RbF  KF  NaF  LiF
c) LiF  NaF  KF  RbF d) LiF  NaF  KF  RbF
6. The decreasing order of bond angles in BF3 , NH 3 , PF3 and I3 is:
A) I3  NH3  PF3  BF3 B) I3  BF3  NH3  PF3
C) BF3  I3  PF3  NH3 D) BF3  NH3  PF3  I3
7. The decreasing values of bond angles from NH3 106  to SbH3 101  down the group 15

of the periodic table is due to:

A) Decreasing electronegativity B) Increasing bp-bp repulsion
C) Increasing p-orbital character in sp3
D) Decreasing lp-bp repulsion.

8. In which of the following molecule/ions all the bonds are not equal?
A) BF4 B) SF4 C) SiF4 D) XeF4

9. Which among the following has smallest bond angle?

A) H2S B) NH3 C) SO2 D) H2O

10. Polarity in a molecule and hence the dipole moment depends primarily on
electronegativity of the constituent atoms and shape of a molecule. Which of the
following has the highest dipole moment?
A) CO2 B) HI C) H2O D) SO2

11. The bond distance in HF is 9.17 1011 m.Dipole moment of HF is 6.104 1030 Cm .The
percentage ionic character in HF will be:
A) 61% B) 38% C) 35.5% D) 41.5%
12. For which of the following molecule   0 ?
(I) p  C6H4Cl2 (II) p  C6H4 (CN)2 (III) p  C6H4 (OH)2 (IV) p  C6H4 (SH)2

A) Only (I) B) Only (III) C) (I) and (III) D) (III) and (IV)
13. The correct statement among the following is:
A) (H3Si)3 N is pyramidal and more basic than (CH3 )3 N

B) (H3Si)3 N is planar and more basic than (CH3 )3 N

C) (H3Si)3 N is planar and less basic than (CH3 )3 N

D) (H3Si)3 N is pyramidal and less basic than (CH3 )3 N .

14. After understanding the assertion and reason choose the correct option.
Assertion: In bonding molecular orbital (MO) of H2 electron density is increased
between nuclei.
Reason: The bonding MO is 1  2 which shows destructive interference of
combining electron waves.
A) Assertion and reason are correct and reason is correct explanation of assertion
B)Assertion and reason are correct and reason is not correct explanation of
C) Assertion is correct and reason is incorrect
D) Assertion is incorrect and reason is correct
15. Stability of the species Li2 ,Li2 and Li2 increases in the order of:

A) Li 2  Li 2  Li 2 B) Li 2  Li 2  Li 2 C) Li 2  Li 2  Li 2 D) Li 2  Li 2  Li 2

16. In which of the following pairs of molecules / ions both the species are not viable?
A) H2 ,He22 B) H2 ,He22 C) H22 ,He2 D) H2 ,He22

17. In which of the following ionisation process, the bond energy has increased and also
the magnetic nature is has changed from paramagnetic to diamagnetic?
 NO 
A) NO   N 2
B) N 2   C 2
C) C 2   O 2
D) O 2 

18. The bond order normally gives the idea of a molecular species. The molecules
H2 , Li2 , B2 have the same bond order yet they are equally stable. The stability order

A) H2  B2  Li2 B) H2  Li2  B2 C) Li2  B2  H2 D) B2  H2  Li2

19. The wave functions of 1s orbitals of two hydrogen atoms are  A and  B .  A and  B are

 * 
linearly combined to form two molecular orbitals   and   . Which of the following
 
statements are correct?

I. * is equal to  A  B 

II. In  orbital, one nodal plane is present in between two nuclei

III. The energy of  orbital is lower than the energy of * orbital

A) I, II, III B) I, II only C) I, III only D) I, III only
20. (I) (II)
In hydrogen azide (above) the bond orders of bonds (I) and (II) are:
A)  2 2 B)  2 2
C)  2 2 D)  2 2
21. C2,N2,O2,F2
Which one of the following statements is correct for the above molecules?
A) They exhibit same magnetic property
B) They have same number of bonding molecular orbital and same number of
antibonding molecular orbitals
C) The sequence of molecular orbitals is as follows
 2 p  ( 2 p   2 p )  ( 2* p   2* p )   2* p
z x y x y z

22. Which of the following hydrogen bonds is the strongest?

A) O  H......N B) F  H......F C) O  H......O D) O  H......F
23. Which of the following statements is correct?
A) In the formation of dioxygen from oxygen atoms 10 molecular orbitals will be

B) Bond length of N2 is maximum amongst the homonuclear diatomic molecules of
second period
C) Total number of bonding molecular orbitals will not be same as total number of
anti bonding orbitals in dioxygen.
D) Number of filled bonding orbitals will be same as number of filled anti bonding
24. Which of the following molecular orbitals has maximum number of nodal planes?
A) 1s* B) *2pz C)  2 p x D) *2py
25. The relative strength of interionic/intermolecular forces in decreasing order is.
A) ion-dipole > dipole – dipole > ion-ion
B) dipole-dipole > ion-dipole > ion-ion
C) ion-ion > ion-dipole > dipole-dipole
D) ion-dipole > ion-ion> dipole-dipole
26. The predominant intermolecular forces present in ethyl acetate, a liquid, are:
A) Hydrogen bonding and London dispersion
B) London dispersion, dipole-dipole and hydrogen bonding
C) London dispersion and dipole-dipole
D) Dipole-dipole and hydrogen bonding
27. ‘X’ melts at low temperature and is a bad conductor of electricity in both liquid and
solid state, X is
A) Carbon tetrachloride B) Zinc sulphide
C) Mercury D) Silicon carbide
28. The molecular interactions responsible for hydrogen bonding in HF
A) Ion-induced dipole B) dipole-dipole
C) Dipole induced dipole D) ion-dipole
29. In the structure of B2 H6 , the number of BH 2 groups present in one plane, and the
number of B-H bonds. B-B bonds, B-H-B bridge bounds are respectively
A) 2,0,3,2 B) 3,2,2,2 C) 2,4,0.2 D) 2,4,2,0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

1. In P4O10 the second P-O bond
A) is formed by pπ -dπ back bonding B) is formed by pπ -pπ bonding
C) is formed by dπ -dπ bonding D) formed by either pπ -pπ or pπ -dπ
2. The molecule having smallest bond angle is:
A) NCl3 B) AsCl3 C) SbCl3 D) PCl3

3. In case of nitrogen, NCl3 is possible but not NCl5 while in case of phosphorous, PCl3 as

well as PCl5 are possible. It is due to

A) availability of vacant d-orbitals in P but not in N

B) lower electroegativity of P than N
C) lower tendency of H-bond formation in P than N
D) occurrence of P in solid while N in gaseous state at room temperature

4. Which one of the following substances has the highest proton affinity?
A) H2S B) NH3 C) PH3 D) H2O

5. The boiling points of the following hydrides follow the order of

A) NH3  AsH3  PH3  SbH3 B) SbH3  AsH3  PH3  NH3

C) SbH3  NH3  AsH3  PH3 D) NH3  PH3  AsH3  SbH3

6. Which of the follwoing statements is wrong?

A) Single N-N bond is stronger than the single P-P bond.
B) PH3 can act as a ligand in the formation of coordination compound with transition

C) NO2 is paramagnetic in nature.

D) Covalence of nitrogen in N2O5 is four.

7. A metal ‘M’ reacts with nitrogen gas to afford 'M3 N' . 'M3 N' on heating at high temperature

gives back ‘M’ and on reaction with water produces a gas ‘B’. Gas ‘B’ reacts with
aqueous solution of CuSO4 to form a deep blue compound. M and B respectively are:

A) Li and NH3 B) Ba and N2 C) Na and NH3 D) Aland N2

8. Identify the reactions in which N2 is liberated

NH 3  Cl2 

a)  NH 4 2 SO4  NaOH 
 b)
 excess 
c)  NH 4 2 Cr2O7 

 
d) NH 4 NO3  
e) NH4Cl aq  NaNO2 aq 

a) a,b,c b) c,d,e c) b,c,e d) a,c,d
9. Ammonia on reaction with chlorine forms an explosive NCl3 . What is the mole ratio of

NH3 and Cl2 required for this reaction?

A) 8:3 B) 1:1 C) 1:3 D) 10:1
10. Ammonia gas can be dried by
A) Conc. H2 SO4 B) P2O5 C) CaCl2 D) quick lime
11. Iodine reacts with concentrated HNO3 to yield Y along with other products. The oxidation
state of iodine in Y, is
A) 3 B) 5 C) 1 D) 7
12. Sodium nitrite is reacted with H2 SO4 to form NaHSO4 , HNO3 , water and X. Gold is dissolved
in aqua regia to form water, AuCl 4 and Y,X and Y are respectively
A) NO, NO2 B) NO2 , NO C) NO, NO D) N2O, NO

13. What are X and Y respectively in the following reactions?

Au  aqua regia  AuCl4  H 2O  X

Pt  aqua regia  PtCl62  H 2O  Y

A) N2O.NO B) N2O, N2O C) NO, NO D) NO, NO2

14. Ammonia on reaction with hypochlorite anion, can form

A) NO B) NH4Cl C) N2 H4 D) HNO2

15. Extra pure N2 can be obtained by heating

A) NH3 with CuO B) NH4 NO3 C) (NH4)2 Cr2O7 D) Ba(N3)2
16 Which blue liquid is obtained on reacting equimolar amounts of two gases at 300 C ?
A) N2O B) N2O3 C) N2O4 D) N2O5

17. The reaction of zinc with dilute and concentrated nitric acid, respectively, produces :
A) NO2 and NO B) NO and N 2O C) NO2 and N 2O D) N 2O and NO2

Upon heating KClO3 in presence of catalytic amount of MnO2, a gas P is formed. Excess
amount of P reacts with white phosphorus to give Q. The reaction of Q with pure HNO3 gives
R and S.
18. P and Q, respectively, are:
A)O3 andP4O6 B)O2 andP4O6
C)O2 andP4O10 D)O3 andP4O10
19. R and S, respectively, are:
A)N2O3 andH3PO4 B)N2O5 andHPO3
C) N2O4 andHPO3 D)N2O4 andH3PO3
Assertion and Reason Type
Note: In the following questions a statement of assertion followed by a statement of reason is given.
Choose the correct answer out of the following choices.
A) Both assertion and reason are correct statements, and reason is the correct explanation
of the assertion.
B) Both assertion and reason are correct statements, but reason is not the correct
explanation of the assertion.
C) Assertion is correct, but reason is wrong statement.
D) Assertion is wrong but reason is correct statement.
E) Both assertion and reason are wrong statements.

20. Assertion: HNO3 makes iron passive.

Reason: HNO3 forms a protective layer of ferric nitrate on the surface of iron.
21. Assertion (A) : Although PF5 ,PCl5 and PBr5 are known, the pentahalides of nitrogen have not

been observed.
Reason (R): Phosphorous has lower electronegativity than nitrogen
22. Assertion: N2 is less reactive than P4
Reason : Nitrogen has more electron gain enthalpy than phosphorus.

23. Match each of the reactions given in column I with the corresponsing product(s) , that they
can undergo, given in Column II
Column I Column II
(A) Cu+ dil HNO3 (p) NO
(B) Cu+conc HNO3 (q) NO2
(C) Zn + dil HNO3 (r) N2O
(D) Zn + conc HNO3 (s) Cu(NO3)2
(t) Zn(NO3)2

Single correct(+3,-1)
1. The non - metal other than graphite having metallic lusture is -
A)I2 B)Si C)C12 D)Br2
2. On heating KClO3 , with conc. H2SO4 we get
A) Cl2O B) ClO2 C) ClO3 D) Cl2O7

3. When chlorine gas is passed through an aqueous solution of a potassium halide in the
presence of chloroform, a violet colouration is obtained. On passing more of chlorine
water, the violet colour is disappeared and solution becomes colourless. This test confirms
the presence of ______ in aqueous solution
A)chlorine B)fluorine C)bromine D)iodine
4. A greenish yellow gas reacts with an alkali metal hydroxide to form a halate which can be
used in fire works and safety matches. The gas and halides respectively are -
A)Br2, KBrO3 B)Cl2, KClO3 C)I2, NalO3 D)Cl2, NaClO3
5. Chlorine water on standing loses its colour and forms:
A)HCl only B)HCl and HClO2 C)HCl and HOCl D)HOCl and HOCl2

6. When CS2 layer containing both Br2 and I2(2 : 1) is shaken with excess of Cl2 water, the
violet colour due to I2 disappears and a pale yellow colour appears in the solution. The
disappearance of violet colour and appearance of pale yellow colour is due to the
formation of

A) I3 and Br2 respectively B)HlO3 and BrCl respectively
C)ICl and BrCl respectively D)I- and Br- respectively

7. Chlorine gas is dried over :
A)CaO B)NaOH C)H2SO4 D)NH3 (l)

8. Among the halogens, the one which is oxidized by nitric acid is

A)Fluorine B)Iodine C)Chlorine D)Bromine
9. The reaction of the type 2X2  S  SX4 is shown by sulphur when X is

A) Fluorine or chlorine B)Chlorine only

C)Chlorine and bromine only D)F, Cl, Br, all
10. Chlorine acts as a bleaching agent only in the presence of
A)Dry air B)Moisture C)Sunlight D)Pure oxygen

11. When I is oxidized by MnO4 in an alkaline medium I converts into
 
A) IO3 B) I2 C) IO4 D) IO 

12. The products of hydrolysis of BrF5 are:

A) HBr,HOF B) HBrO3 ,HF C) HBrO4 ,HF D) HBrO2 ,HF

13. The structure of ICl3 in solid state is:
A) pentagonal bipyramidal B) square pyramidal
C) square planar with bridging Cl D) trigonal planar
14. What products are expected from the disproportionation reaction of hypochlorousacid?
A) HCl and Cl2O B) HCl and HClO3

C) HClO3 and Cl2O D) HClO2 and HClO4

15. The following acids have been arranged in the order of decreasing acid strength.
Identify the correct order. CIOH(I), BrOH(II), IOH(III)
A) I > II > III B) II > I > III C) III > II > I D) I > III > II
16. Which of the following species is not a pseudo halide?
17. In the following reaction products ( A) and ( B) respectively, are
NaOH  Cl2   A  side products
 hot and conc.

Ca  OH 2  Cl2   B  + side products

A) NaOCl and Ca  ClO3 2 B) NaClO3 and Ca  OCl 2

C) NaOCl and Ca  OCl 2 D) NaClO3 and Ca  ClO3 2

18. Reduction potentials of some ions are given below. Arrange them in decreasing order of
oxidizing power.

ClO4 IO4 BrO4

Reduction potential E0 / V 1.19 V 1.65 V 1.74 V

A) ClO4  IO4  BrO4 B) IO4  BrO4  ClO4

C) BrO4  IO4  ClO4 D) BrO4  ClO4  IO4

One or more than one correct(+4,-1,+1)

19. The colour of the X2 molecules of group 17 elements changes gradually from yellow to
violet down the group. This is due to:
A] the physical state of X2 at room temperature changes from gas to solid down the group

B)decrease in ionization energy down the group

C)decrease in *  * gap down the group
D)decrease in HOMO-LUMO gap down the group
20. The correct statement(s) regarding (i) HCIO, (ii)HClO2 (iii) HClO3 and (iv) HClO4 is (are)
A)The number of Cl = O bonds in (ii) and (iii) together is two
B)The number of lone pairs of electrons on Cl in (ii) and (iii) together is three
C)The hybridization of Cl in (iv) is sp3
D)Amongst (i) to (iv), the strongest acid is (i).
21. The correct statement(s) about the oxoacids, HClO4 and HOCl , is(are) :
A) The central atom in both HClO4 and HOCl is sp3 hybridized
B) HClO4 is more acidic than HOCl because of the resonance stabilization of its anion
C) HClO4 is formed in the reaction between Cl2 and H2O
D) The conjugate base of HClO4 is weaker base than H2O

Linked comprehension:(+3,-1)
Bleaching powder and bleach solution are produced on a large scale and used in several
house hold products. The effectiveness of bleach solution is often measured by iodometry.
22. Bleaching powder contains a salt of a oxoacid as one of its components. The anhydride of
that oxoacid is

10 | P a g e
A) Cl2O B) Cl2O7 C) ClO2 D) Cl2O6
23. 25 mL of household bleach solution was mixed with 30 mL of 0.50 M KI and 10 mL of 4 N
acetic acid. In the titration of the liberated iodine, 48 mL of 0.25 N Na2S2O3 was used to

reach the end point. The molarity of the household bleach solution is
A)0.48 M B)0.96 M C)0.24 M D)0.024 M
Integers: (+3,0)
24. Consider the following list of reagents:
Acidified K2Cr2O7 , alkaline KMnO4 ,CuSO4 ,H2O2 ,Cl2 O3 ,HNO3 , FeCl3 and Na 2S2O3 . The total

number of reagents that can oxidize aqueous I ion I2 is:

25. Chlorine reacts with hot and concentrated NaOH and produces compounds (X) and (Y).
Compound (X) gives white precipitate with silver nitrate solution. The average bond order
between Cl and O atoms in (Y) is …………….
Single correct(+3, -1)
1. Assertion (A) : Helium has lowest boiling point (4.2 K)
Reason (R) : The forces that exist between Helium atoms are weak dispersion forces
The correct answer is
A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
B) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
C) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct
D) (A) is not correct (R) is correct
2. Which of the following reactions are correct with respect to the formation of products?

I. 2NaOH  SO2 
 Na2 SO4  H 2 II. 2 XeF4  3O2 F2   2 XeO3  7 F2
143 K

III. PCl5  4H2O  H3PO4  5HCl IV. 2NaNO2  2HCl  2NaCl  NO  NO2  H2O


3. Which statement about noble gases is not correct?
A) ‘Xe’ forms XeF6 under suitable conditions

B) ‘Ar’ is used in electric bulbs

C) The number of lone pair of electrons present on Xe in XeF2 is 3

D) ‘He’ has the highest boiling point among all the noble gases
4. Assertion (A): Xe atoms in XeF2 and d 2 sp3 hybridised

11 | P a g e
Reason (R): XeF2 molecule does not follow octet rule

A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

B) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
C) A is true, but R is false
D) A is false, but R is true
5. XeF6 on partial hydrolysis with water produces a compound ‘X’. The same compound ‘X’ is
formed when XeF6 reacts with silica. The compound ‘X’ is

A) XeF2 B) XeF4 C) XeOF4 D) XeO3

6. In reaction (1) XeF6 hydrolysis to form HF and X in reaction

(2) XeF6 on partial hydrolysis form HF, Y and Z. The products X,Y,Z respectively are

A) XeO3 , Xe, XeO2 F2 B) XeO3 , XeOF4 , XeO2 F2

C) Xe, XeOF4 , XeO2 F2 D) XeO3 , O2 , XeO2 F2

7. which of the following xenon – oxo compounds may not be obtained by hydrolysis of xenon
A) XeO2F2 B) XeOF4 C) XeO3 D) XeO4

8. Which one of the following reactions of xenon compounds is not feasible ?

A) 3XeF4  6H 2 O 
 2Xe  XeO3  12HF  1.5O 2
B) 2XeF2  2H 2 O 
 2Xe  4HF  O 2
 Rb  XeF7 
C) XeF6  RbF 

D) XeO3  6HF 
 XeF6  3H 2O
9. Which one of the following statement regarding helium is incorrect?
A) It is used to produce and sustain powerful superconducting magnets
B) It is used as a cryogenic agent for carrying out experiments at low temperatures
C) It is used to fill gas balloons instead of hydrogen because it is lighter and non –
D) It is used in gas – cooled nuclear reactors
10. The compound that attacks Pyrex glass is:
A) XeF2 B) XeF4 C) XeF6 D) XeF4

11. The mineral cleveite on heating gives:

A) He B) Xe C) Ar D) Ra
12. In the preparation of compounds of Xe, Bartlett had taken O 2 PtF6 as a base compound. This

is because:

12 | P a g e
A) Both O2 and Xe have same size

B) Both O2 and Xe have same electron gain enthalpy

C) Both O2 and Xe have same ionisation enthalpy

D) Botha O2 and Xe are gases

13. Which of the following statements are true?

A) Only type of interactions between particles of noble gases are due to weak dispersion
B) Ionisation enthlpy of molecular oxygen is very close to that of xenon
C) Hydrolsis of is XeF6 a non redox reaction

D) Xenon fluorides are non reactive

Numerical Answer Type(+3, 0)
14. At 143 K, the reaction of XeF4 with O2F2 produces a xenon product Y. The total number of the

lone pair(s) of electrons present on the whole molecule of Y is:

15. Under ambient conditions, the total number of gasses released products in the final steps
of the reaction scheme shown below is
XeF6 P + other product
OH / H2O

slow disproportionation in OH  / H 2 O


16. In how many of the following reactions oxygen gas is not formed ?
1. XeF4  O2 F2  2. XeF4  H2O 

3. XeF6  H2O  4. XeF2  H2O 

5. XeF6 +SiO2 
 6. XeF6 +XeO3 

17. Xenon reacts with fluorine at 873 K and 7 bar to form XeF4 . In this reaction the ratio of

Xenon and fluorine required is:

Matrix Matching: (+2, -1)
18. Match the items of column-I and II.
A) Its partial hydrolysis does not change P) He
oxidation state of central atom

13 | P a g e
B) It is used in modern diving apparatus Q) XeF6

C) It is used to provide inert atmosphere R) XeF4

for filling elecrical bulbs

D) Its cental atom is sp3d 2 hybridised. S) Ar

19. All the compounds listed in column-I react with water. Match the result of the respective
reactions with appropriate options listed in column-II
Column-I Column-II

A)  CH3 2 SiCl2 P) hydrogen halide formation

B) XeF4 Q) Redox reaction

C) Cl2 R) Reacts with glass

D) VCl5 S) Polymerisation

T) O2 formation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
A C D 19 2 3 0.2 A-Q, B-P,C-S,D-R

14 | P a g e

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