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Cost & Management Accounting –II Note Ch-2: Master Budget 2013

Upon completing this chapter, you should be able to:
 explain the fundamental elements of budget
 enumerate the principal advantages of budgeting
 understand the difficulty of sales forecasting
 diagram and explain the master budget interrelationships
 follow the principal steps in preparing a maser budget
 prepare the operating budget and the supporting schedules
 prepare the financial budget
 Anticipate possible human relations problem caused by budgets.
 Understand what does responsibility accounting.

Budgets play a crucial role in businesses. Without budgets, it’s difficult for managers and their employees
to know whether they’re on target for their growth and spending goals. The purpose of this chapter is to
introduce the framework for the budgeting process, define budgeting terms, enumerate the principal
advantages of budgeting, explain the concepts of responsibility accounting and participatory budgeting
and provide a clear understanding of the concepts of budgeting. Although the primary emphasis in this
chapter is on business budgeting, most of the concepts are also applicable to non-business activities.


Budget –is defined & expressed in different ways for example:

 It is a pre plan of action for a definite period of time.
 According to CIMA (Chartered Institute Management Accountant); budgeting –is a plan quantified in
monetary terms prepared & approved prior to a definite period of time, usually showing planned
income to be generated or/and expenditures to be incurred during the period & capital to be employed
to attain objectives.
From this definition we can understand that budget is characterized as follows:
 It is a primary for planning & controlling device.
 It is prepared in monetary terms.
 It is prepared for a definite period of time.
 It shows planned income & expenditures.
 It is used to implement policy of management.
 A budget is a comprehensive formal management plans expressed in quantitative terms, describing
the expected operations of an organization over some future time period.
 Therefore, budget deals with a specific entity, covers a specific future time period and is expressed in
quantitative terms.
& Budget entity - A specific budget must apply to a clearly defined accounting entity. For budgeting purpose
the entity may consist of a small part of a business, a single activity, or a specific project. The concept of a
budget entity applies to individuals as well.
 A budget entity can be as a specific as a single project such as Almeda textile PLC trip by
Accounting 2nd year or it can be a broad activity, such as the budget for an entire manufacturing
firm, or for the Ethiopian government.

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Cost & Management Accounting –II Note Ch-2: Master Budget 2013

& Future time period –Many financial figures are meaningless unless they are couched in some time
references. For example, income statements are annual, quarterly, or monthly. A job offer of Br. 40,000 is
of little value without knowing if the figure represents pay for a month, a year, a lifetime, or some other
time period. We might assume the Br. 40,000 is annual salary. In accounting, however, time reference
should be clearly stated.
 Budgets should express the expected financial consequences of programs and activities planned for
a specific period of time. Annual budget are widespread. In addition to annual budgets, budgets for
many other time periods are prepared. The planning horizon for budgeting may vary from one day
to many years. For example, master budget usually cover 1 month to 1year where as long-range
plan are prepared for 2 to 10 years.
Budgeting is most useful when it is integrated with a company’s strategy. Strategy specifies how an
organization matches its own capabilities with the opportunities in the marketplace to accomplish its
objectives. In developing successful strategies, managers consider questions such as the following:
 What are our objectives?
 How do we create value for our customers while distinguishing ourselves from our competitors?
 Are the markets for our products local, regional, national, or global? What trends affect our
markets? How are we affected by the economy, our industry, and our competitors?
 What organizational and financial structures serve us best?
 What are the risks and opportunities of alternative strategies, and what are our contingency plans if
our preferred plan fails?
A company, such as company “A”, can have a strategy of providing quality products or services at a low
price. Another company, such as company “B”, can have a strategy of providing a unique product or service
that is priced higher than the products or services of competitors. Exhibit 2-1 shows that strategic plans are
expressed through long-run budgets and operating plans are expressed via short-run budgets. The exhibit
shows arrows pointing backward as well as forward. The backward arrows are a way of graphically
indicating that budgets can lead to changes in plans and strategies. Budgets help managers assess strategic
risks and opportunities by providing them with feedback about the likely effects of their strategies and plans.
Sometimes the feedback signals to managers that they need to revise their plans and possibly their strategies.
Exhibit 2-1: Strategy, Planning, & Budgets

Long-Run Planning Long-Run Budgets

(Strategic plan)

Short-Run Planning Short-Run Budgets

(Operating plan)

In planning for profits, managers must consider two time horizons: the short term and the long term.
 Short-term planning –is the process of deciding what objectives to pursue during a short, near-
future period, usually one year, and what to do to achieve those objectives. The typical short-term
budget covers one year and is broken down into monthly or quarterly units.
 Another method frequently used to prepare a short-term budget is the continuous budget.
This kind of budget starts with an annual budget broken down into 12 monthly units. As each
month arrives, it is dropped from the plan and replaced by a new month so that at any given
time, the next 12 months are always shown. Using this technique, a firm always has guidance
for the full following year. When a continuous budget is not used, a firm will have guidance
for only a month or two as it approaches the end of its budgetary period.

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Cost & Management Accounting –II Note Ch-2: Master Budget 2013

 Long-term planning –also known as strategic planning is the process of setting long-term goals and
determining the means to attain them.
 Short-term planning is concerned with operating details for the next accounting period, but
long-term planning addresses broad issues, such as new product development, plant and
equipment replacement, and other matters that require years of advance planning. For
example, short-term planning in the automotive industry would be concerned with which and
how many of the current year’s models to manufacture, while long-range planning would
focus on new model development and major changes, as well as equipment replacements and
 The time frame for long-range planning may extend as far as 20 years in the future, but its
usual range is from 2 to 10 years. An important part of long-term planning is the preparation
of the capital budget, which details plans for the acquisition and replacement of major
portions of property, plant, and equipment.
Quantitative plan –Often budgets contain materials describing the various programs and activities
planned by the company. This chapter focuses primarily in the way that cost and revenue estimates of the
activities are expressed by the budget. All planned projects or activities for the organization are reduced to
the common denominator of money and other quantitative measures, such as units of input or output.


As noted earlier, a budget is a detailed plan expressed in quantitative terms that specifies how resources
will be acquired and used during a specific period of time. The act of preparing a budget is known as
budgeting. The use of budgets to control a firm’s activities is called budgetary control.
Companies realize many benefits from a budgeting program. Among these benefits are the following:
a) Requires periodic planning.
b) Fosters coordination, cooperation, and communication.
c) Provides a framework for performance evaluation.
d) Means of allocating resources.
e) Satisfies legal and contractual requirements.
f) Created an awareness of business costs.
a) Periodic Planning (Formalization of Planning) –The most obvious purpose of a budget is to
quantify a plan of action. The development of a quarterly budget for a Ramhay Hotel, for example,
forces the hotel manager, the reservation manager, and the food and beverage manager to plan for the
staffing and supplies needed to meet anticipated demand for the hotel’s services.
 To sum up, budgets forces managers to think a head to anticipate and prepare for the changing
conditions. The budgeting process makes planning an explicit management responsibility.
b) Coordination, Cooperation and Communication –Planning by individual managers does not ensure
an optimum plan for the entire organization. Therefore, any organization to be effective, each
manager throughout the organization must be aware of the plans made by other managers.
 In a nutshell, a good budget process communicates both from the top down and from the bottom
up. Top management makes clear the goals and objectives of the organization in its budgetary
directives to middle and lower level managers, and also to all employees. Employees and lower
level managers inform top-level managers how they can plan to achieve the objectives.
c) Performance Evaluation or Framework for Judging Performance –Budgets are estimates of future
events, and as such they serve as estimates of acceptable performance. Comparing actual result
against budgeted results helps managers to evaluate the performance of individuals, departments, or
entire companies.
 Budgets are generally a better basis for judging actual results than is past performance. The major
drawback of using historical results for judging current performance is that inefficiencies may be
concealed in the past performance.
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Cost & Management Accounting –II Note Ch-2: Master Budget 2013

d) Means of Allocating Resources –Because we live in a world of limited resources, virtually all
individuals and organizations must ration their resources. The rationing process is easier for some
than for other. Each person and each organization must compare the costs and benefits of each
potential project or activity and choose those that result in the most appropriate resource allocation
 Generally, organizations resources are limited, and budgets provide one means of allocating
resources among competing uses.
e) Legal and Contractual Requirements –Some organizations are required to budget because of legal
requirements. Others commit themselves to budgeting requirement when signing loan agreements or
other operating agreements. For example, a bank may require a firm to submit an annual operating
budget and monthly cash budget throughout the life of a bank loan. Local police department, for
example, would be out of funds if the department decided not to submit a budget this year.
f) Cost Awareness –Accountants and financial managers are concerned daily about the cost implications
of decisions and activities, but many other managers are not. Production managers focus on input,
marketing manager’s focuses on sales, and so forth. It is easy for people to overlook costs and cost-
benefit relationships. At budgeting time, however, all managers with budget responsibility must
convert their plans for projects and activities to costs and benefits. This cost awareness provides a
common ground for communication among the various functional areas of the organization.


Budgets are classified in different ways:
A) Based on capacity
i) Fixed budget –is a budget that remains unchanged wit level of activity.
ii) Flexible budget –it is the budget that will fluctuate with the level of output.
B) Based on time
i) Long-rang budget –a budget that may cover long periods.
ii) Short-rang budget –a budget that covers less than one year.
C) Based on coverage
i) Functional budget –budgets related to the various functions of a business.
 Functional budget includes:
a) Physical budget –budgets of quantity of sales & productions.
b) Profit budget –budgets that ascertains the profit; like sales budget, profit & sales
budget, etc.
c) Cost budget –these provide information on costs like manufacturing cost, selling &
administration costs etc.
d) Financial budgets –these provide information on the financial position of the firm.
e.g.; cash budget, capital expenditure budget etc.
ii) Master budget – is a consolidated summary of the various operation & financial budgets. Or
- It is a set of budgets prepared collectively for all activities of a company.


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Cost & Management Accounting –II Note Ch-2: Master Budget 2013

The master budget is the total budget package for an organization; it is the end product that consists of all
the individual budgets for each part of the organization aggregated into one overall budget for the entire
Advantages of master budget:
 It helps in implementing a strategic plan that efficiently & effectively achieves organization
 It coordinates activities among various segments of an organization.
 It provides means of communicating the plan throughout the organization.
 It provides a standard for evaluating manager’s performance.
2.6.1 Components of Master Budget
The two major components of master budget are the:
1) Operating budget and
2) The financial budget.
1) Operating budget
 It focuses on income statement and its supporting schedules.
 It is also called profit plan. However, such budget may show a budgeted loss, or can be used
to budget expenses in an organization or agency with no sales revenues.

2) Financial budget
 It focuses on the effects that the operating budget and other plans will have on cash.
 The usual master budget for a non-manufacturing company has the following components.
Exhibit 2.2: Components of master budget

Master budget

Operating budget includes: Financial budget includes:

a) Sales budget a) Capital budget

b) Purchase budget b) Cash budget
c) Cost of goods sold budget c) Budgeted balance sheet
d) Operating expense budget d) Budgeted statement of cash flow

In addition to the master budget there are countless forms of special budgets and related reports. For
example, a report might detail goals and objectives for improvements in quality or customer satisfaction
during the budget period.

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Cost & Management Accounting –II Note Ch-2: Master Budget 2013

Exhibit 2-3: Preparation of Master Budget (Non manufacturing Company)


Ending – Purchase
inventory Budget Budget
Cost of Goods
Sold Budget

Operating Expenses

Budgeted Income


Capital Cash Budgeted

Budget Budge Balance Sheet
Exhibit 2-3: above show graphically the follow of process in development of the master budget for a non-
manufacturing firm. The master budget example that follows should clarify the steps required to prepare
the budget package. After studying the entire example, return to Exhibit 2-3 and follow the example
through the flow diagram.

 The operating budget is composed of the income statement elements.
 A manufacturing business budgets both manufacturing and non-manufacturing activities. Below
the various elements of the operating budget of a manufacturing firm have been discussed.
a) Sales Budget: The sales budget is the first budget to be prepared. It is usually the most important
budget because so many other budgets are directly related to sales and are therefore largely derived
from the sales budget. Inventory budgets, purchases budgets, personnel budgets, marketing budgets,
administrative budgets, and other budget areas are all affected significantly by the amount of revenue
that is expected from sales.

 Sales budgets are influenced by a wide variety of factors, including general economic conditions,
pricing decisions, competitor actions, industry conditions, and marketing programs. In an effort to
develop an accurate sales budget, firms employ many experts to assist in sales forecasting.

 The sales budget is usually based on a sales forecast. A sales forecast is a prediction of sales under
a given conditions. The objective in forecasting sales is to estimate the volume of sales for the

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Cost & Management Accounting –II Note Ch-2: Master Budget 2013

period based on all the factors, both internal and external to the business that could potentially
affect the level of sales. The projected level of sales is then combined with estimated of selling
prices to form the sales budget.
 Sales forecasts are usually prepared under the direction of the top sales executive.

Important factors considered by sales forecasters include:

 Past patterns of sales: Past experience combined with detailed past sales by product line,
geographical region, and type of customer can help predict future sales.
 Estimates made by the sales force: A company’s sales force is often the best source of
information about the desires and plans of customers.
 General economic conditions: Predictions for many economic indicators, such as gross
domestic product and industrial production indexes (local and foreign), are published regularly.
Knowledge of how sales relate to these indicators can aid sales forecasting.
 Competitive actions: Sales depend on the strength and actions of competitors. To forecast sales,
a company should consider the likely strategies and reactions of competitors, such as changes in
their prices, products, or services.
 Changes in the firm’s prices: Sales can be increased by decreasing prices and vice versa.
Planned changes in prices should consider effects on customer demand.
 Changes in product mix: Changing the mix of products often can affect not only sales levels
but also overall contribution margin. Identifying the most profitable products and devising
methods to increases sales is a key part of successful management.
 Market research studies: Some companies hire market experts to gather information about
market conditions and customer preferences. Such information is useful to managers making
sales forecasts and product mix decisions.
 Advertising and sales promotion plans: Advertising and other promotional costs affect sales
levels. A sales forecast should be based on anticipated effects of promotional activities.
b) Purchases Budget: After sales are budgeted, prepare the purchases budget. The total merchandise
needed will be the sum of the desired ending inventory plus the amount needed to fulfill budgeted sales
demand. The total need will be partially met by the beginning inventory; the remainder must come
from planned purchases.
 These purchases are computed as follows:
Budgeted Desired Cost of Beginning
Purchases = Ending inventory + Goods Sold - Inventory
c) Budgeted cost of goods sold: For a manufacturing firm cost of goods sold is the production cost of
products that are sold. Consequently, the cost of goods sold budget follows directly from the production
budget. However, a merchandising firm has no production budget. The cost of goods sold budget
comes directly from merchandise inventory and the merchandise purchases budget.
d) Operating Expense Budget: The budgeting of operating expenses depends on various factors. Month –
to – month fluctuation in sales volume and other cost-drivers activities directly influence many
operating expenses. Examples of expenses driven by sales volume include sales commissions and many
delivery expenses. Other expenses are not influenced by sales or other cost-driver activity (such as rent,
insurance, depreciation, and salaries) within appropriate relevant ranges and are regarded as fixed.
e) Budgeted Income Statement: The budgeted income statement is the combination of all of the
preceding budgets. This budget shows the expected revenues and expenses from operations during the
budget period.
 A firm may have budgeted non-operating items such as interest on investments or gain or loss
on the sale of fixed assets. Usually they are relatively small, although in large firms the birr
amounts can be sizable. If non-operating items are expected, they should be included in the
firm’s budgeted income statement. Income taxes are levied on actual, not budgeted, net

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Cost & Management Accounting –II Note Ch-2: Master Budget 2013

income, but the budget plan should include expected taxes; therefore, the last figure in the
budgeted income statement is budgeted after tax net income.
 The second major part of the master budget is the financial budget, which consists of the capital
budget, cash budget, ending balance sheet and the statement of changes in financial position.
Although there are some differences in operating budgets of manufacturing, merchandising and
service firms, very little difference exists among financial budgets of these entities.
a) Capital expenditure budget: Capital budgeting is the planning of investments in major resources like
plant and equipment, and other types of long-term projects, such as employee education programs. The
capital expenditure budget or capital budget describes the capital investment plans for an
organization for the budget period. It contains some of the most critical budgeting decisions of the
b) Cash budget: The cash budget is a statement of planned cash receipts and disbursements. The cash
budget is composed of four major sections:
i) The receipts section: It consists of a listing of all of the cash inflows, except for financing,
expected during the budget period. Generally the major source of receipts will be from sales.
ii) The disbursement section: It consists of all cash payments that are planned for the budget
period. These payments will include inventory purchases, wages and salary payments and so
on. In addition, other cash disbursements such as equipment purchases, dividends, and other
cash withdrawals by owners are listed.
iii) The cash excess or deficiency section: The cash excess or deficiency section is computed as
Cash balance, beginning xxx
Add receipts xxx
Total cash available before financing xxx
Less disbursements xxx
Excess (deficiency) of cash available over disbursements xxx
 If there is a cash deficiency during any budget period, the company will need to borrow
funds. If there is cash excess during any budget period, funds borrowed in previous
periods can be repaid or the idle funds can be placed in short-term or other investments.
iv) The financing section: This section provides a detail account of the borrowing and
repayments projected to take place during the budget period. It also includes a detail of
interest payments that will be due on money borrowed.
c) Budgeted Balance Sheet: The budgeted balance sheet, sometimes called the budgeted statement of
financial position, is derived from the budgeted balance sheet at the beginning of the budget period
and the expected changes in the account balance reflected in the operating budget, capital budget, and
cash budget.
d) Budgeted Statement of Changes in Financial Position: The final element of the master budget
package is the statement of changes in financial position. It has emerged as a useful tool for managers
in the financial planning process. This statement is usually prepared from data in the budgeted income
statement and changes between the estimated balance sheet at the beginning of the budget period and
the budgeted balance sheet at the end of the budget period.


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Cost & Management Accounting –II Note Ch-2: Master Budget 2013

The master budget is a network consisting of many separate but interdependent budgets. This network is
illustrated in Exhibit 2-3. The master budget can be a large document even for a small organization. The
simple example that follows on the next page for Blue Nile Company’s give some indication of the
potential size and complexity of the master budget of a business. The example illustrates a fixed or static
budget prepared for a single expected level of activity. Flexible budgeting that involves various activity
levels will be discussed later in the next unit.
Example 1: Blue Nile Company’s newly hired accountant has persuaded management to prepare a master
budget to aid financial and operating decisions. The planning horizon is only three months, January to
March. Sales in December (2003) were Br. 40, 000. Monthly sales for the first four months of the next
year (2004) are forecasted as follows:
January Br. 50, 000
February 80, 000
March 60, 000
April 50, 000
Normally 60% of sales are on cash and the remainders are credit sales. All credit sales are collected in the
month following the sales. Uncollectible accounts are negligible and are to be ignored.

Because deliveries from suppliers and customer demand are uncertain, at the end of any month Blue Nile
wants to have a basic inventory of Br. 20, 000 plus 80% of the expected cost of goods to be sold in the
following month. The cost of merchandise sold averages 70% of sales. The purchase terms available to the
company are net 30 days. Each month’s purchase are paid as follows:
 50% during the month of purchase and,
 50% during the month following the purchases.
Monthly expenses are:
 Wages and commissions…………………Br. 2, 500 + 15%of sales, paid as incurred.
 Rent expense………………………………………..Br. 2, 000 paid as incurred.
 Insurance expense…………………………………..Br.200 expiration per month.
 Depreciation including truck……………………….Br.500 per month
 Miscellaneous expense…………………………….5% of sales, paid as incurred.
In January, a used truck will be purchased for Br. 3, 000 cash. The company wants a minimum cash balance
of Br. 10, 000 at the end of each month. Blue Nile can borrow cash or repay loans in multiples of Br. 1, 000.
Management plans to borrow cash more than necessary and to repay as promptly as possible. Assume that
the borrowing takes place at the beginning, and repayment at the end of the months in question. Interest is
paid when the related loan is repaid. The interest rate is 18% per annum. The closing balance sheet for the
fiscal year just ended at December 31, 2003, is:

Blue Nile Company

Balance Sheet
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December 31, 2003

Current assets:
Cash Br. 10, 000
Account receivable 16,000
Merchandise inventory 48, 000
Unexpired insurance 1, 800 Br.75, 800
Plant assets:
Equipment, furniture and other Br.37, 000
Accumulated depreciation 12, 800 24, 200
Total assets Br.100, 000
Accounts payable Br.16, 800
Accrued wages and commissions payable 4, 250 Br.21, 050
Owners’ equity 78, 950
Total liabilities and owners’ equity Br.100, 000


1) Using the data given above, prepare the following detailed schedules for the first quarter of the year:
a) Sales budget
b) Cash collection budget
c) Purchase budget
d) Disbursement for purchases
e) Operating expenses budget
f) Disbursement for operating expenses
2) Using the budget data given above and the schedules you have prepared, construct the following pro
forma financial statements
a) Income statement for the first quarter of the year.
b) Cash budget including receipts, payments, and effect of financing
c) Balance sheet at March 31, 2004.

Solutions for preparation of master budget (case of merchandising firm)

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a) Sales budget
December* January February March Jan.-Mar. Total
Cash sales (60%) Br.24, 000 Br.30, 000 Br.48, 000 Br.36, 000 Br.114, 000
Credit sales (40%) 16, 000 20, 000 32, 000 24,000 76, 000
Totals Br.40, 000 Br.50, 000 Br.80, 000 Br.60, 000 Br.190, 000

*December sales are included in the schedule (a) because they affect cash collected in January.

b) Cash collection budget

January February March
Cash sales of the month Br.30, 000 Br.48, 000 Br.36, 000
Credit sales of last month 16, 000 20, 000 32, 000
Total cash collected Br.46, 000 Br.68, 000 Br.68, 000

a) Purchase budget
January February March Jan.-Mar
Required ending inventory Br.64, 800 Br.53, 600 Br.48, 000
Cost of gods sold 35, 000 56, 000 42, 000 Br.133, 000
Total needed Br.99, 800 Br.109, 600 Br.90, 000
Beginning inventory 48, 000 64, 800 53, 600
Purchases budget Br.51, 800 Br.44, 800 Br.36, 400

b) Disbursement for purchases

January February March
50% of last month’s purchase Br.16, 800 Br.25, 900 Br.22, 400
50% of current month’s purchase 25, 900 22, 400 18, 200
Total disbursement for purchase Br.42, 700 Br.48, 300 Br.40, 600

c) Operating expense budget

January February March Jan.-Mar.

Wages and commissions Br.10, 000 Br.14, 500 Br.11, 500 Br.36, 000
Rent expense 2, 000 2, 000 2, 000 6, 000
Insurance expense 200 200 200 600
Depreciation expense 500 500 500 1, 500
Miscellaneous expense 2, 500 4, 000 3, 000 9, 500
Total Br.15, 200 Br.21, 200 Br.17, 200 Br.53, 600

d) Disbursement for operating expenses budget

January February March

Wages and commissions Br.14, 250 Br.14, 500 Br.11, 500

Rent expense 2, 000 2, 000 2, 000
Miscellaneous expense 2, 500 4, 000 3, 000
Total Br.18, 750 Br.20, 500 Br.16, 500


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a) Budget income statement

Blue Nile Company
Budget Income Statement
For the Quarter Ended, March 31, 2004
Sales (schedule 1(a)) Br.190, 000
Cost of goods sold (schedule 1(c)) 133,000
Gross profit 57,000
Operating expenses:
Wages and commissions Br.36, 000
Rent expense 6, 000
Insurance expense 1, 500
Depreciation expense 600
Miscellaneous expense 9, 500 53, 600
Operating income 3, 400
Interest expense* 885
Net income 2, 515
*Interest expense computation
Paid interest = 11, 000´3/12= 495
Accrued amount:
On the first batch borrowing:
8, 000´0.18´3/12= 360
On the second batch borrowing:
1, 000´0.18´2/12= 30
Total interest expense incurred Br.885
b) Cash budget including receipts, payments and effects of financing
January February March
Beginning balance Br.10, 000 Br.10, 550 Br.10, 750
Collections (Schedule1 (b)) 46, 000 68, 000 68, 000
Cash available for the use (x) Br.56, 000 Br.78, 550 Br.78, 750
Cash disbursements for:
Purchases (Schedule 1(d)) 42, 700 48, 300 40, 600
Operating expenses (Schedule1 (f)) 18, 750 20,500 16, 500
Truck purchases 3, 000 - -
Total disbursement (y) Br.64, 450 Br.68, 800 Br.57, 100
Minimum cash balance required 10, 000 10, 000 10, 000
Total cash needed Br.74, 450 Br.78, 800 Br.67, 100
Cash excess (deficiency) Br.(18, 450) Br.( 250) Br.11, 650
Effects of financing
Borrowing 19, 000 1, 000 -
Payment of the principal - - (11, 000)
Payment of interest - - (495)
Net effect of financing (z) Br.19, 000 Br.1, 000 Br.(11, 495)
End cash balance (x+z-y) Br.10, 550 Br.10, 750 Br.10, 155

c) Budgeted balance sheet

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Blue Nile Company

Budgeted Balance Sheet
March 31, 2004
Current assets
Cash Br. 10, 155
Accounts receivable 24, 000
Merchandise inventory 48, 000
Unexpired insurance 1, 200 Br. 83, 355
Plant assets
Equipment, Fixture and others 40, 000
Accumulated depreciation 14, 300 25, 700
Total assets Br. 109, 055


Accounts payable Br.18, 200
Loan payable 9, 000
Interest payable 390
Total liabilities Br.27, 590
Beginning owners’ equity Br.78, 950
Net income 2, 515
Ending capital balance 81, 465
Total equities Br.109, 055

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