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Introduction To Radiologic and Imaging Sciences and Patient Care 6th Edition Adler Test Bank

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Introduction to Radiologic and Imaging

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Adler Test Bank
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Introduction to Radiologic and Imaging Sciences and Patient Care 6th Edition Adler Test Bank

Chapter 02: Professional Organizations

Adler: Introduction to Radiologic and Imaging Sciences and Patient Care, 6th Edition


1. The process whereby an organization seeks recognition from its peer groups through
demonstrated compliance with developed standards is termed
a. licensure.
b. registration.
c. accreditation.
d. self-analysis.
Accreditation is a voluntary peer-review process. Accredited programs have satisfactorily
demonstrated compliance with educational standards developed by and for the profession.
These standards are set by the organizations that sponsor the accrediting agency.

REF: p. 16

2. Professional certification of medical imaging practitioners, such as radiographers, is offered

by the American
a. Society of Radiologic Technologists.
b. College of Radiology.
c. Board of Radiology.
d. Registry of Radiologic Technologists.
Professional certification is a process through which an agency grants recognition to an
individual on demonstration, usually by examination, of specialized professional skills. For
radiography, the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) is a nationally
recognized certification agency.

REF: pp. 17-18

3. Many organizations are involved with medical imaging that make up this great profession.
A common goal of all of these organizations is to
a. ensure the highest quality of care within the profession.
b. improve the standard of care within medical imaging.
c. foster positive public relations and communication with the general public and
governmental agencies.
d. accomplish all of the above.
Professional societies represent the interests of various groups to the public and to
governmental bodies. Additionally, they foster educational opportunities in an effort to
improve patient care standards and quality.

REF: p. 19

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4. A radiographer looking to relocate to another state for similar employment is advised to
check into that state’s __________ requirements to ensure qualified employability.
a. professional membership
b. licensure
c. registry
d. accreditation
Most, but not all, states and territories require a license. The licensure laws in effect vary
tremendously from one state to another and can vary from year to year within a state as a
result of new legislation.

REF: p. 18

5. All of the following are true of the American Healthcare Radiology Administrators (AHRA)
organization EXCEPT it
a. certifies radiographers.
b. publishes the journal Radiology Management.
c. offers a certification examination for radiology administrators.
d. plays a key role with the manpower needs of the medical imaging profession.
The AHRA provides a broad range of services for its members, including the journal
Radiology Management. It offers the Certified Radiology Administrator (CRA) examination
for radiology administrators. The AHRA has strong cooperative ties with other professional
associations and has spearheaded the Summit on Manpower, a consortium of radiology and
health care organizations concerned with labor shortages in radiology.

REF: p. 19

6. The organization that sponsors an international meeting in Chicago, Illinois each year in late
November is the
a. International Society of Radiographers and Radiologic Technologists (ISRRT).
b. Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).
c. American College of Radiology (ACR).
d. Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT).
The RSNA conducts the world’s largest radiology meeting with more than 55,000
registrants in Chicago each November.

REF: pp. 21-22

7. When you consider the many organizations that make up the medical imaging profession, it
is accurate to conclude that
a. almost all of the agencies focus on the financial and political strength of the
b. all agencies are accountable to the American College of Radiology.
c. the collective group of agencies are responsible for the accreditation, certification,
and representation of the medical imaging profession.
d. the various groups operate independently with minimal cooperation and
A major part of the fabric of a profession is its organizations, especially the accrediting
agencies for educational programs, the certification bodies for individuals, and the
professional societies that represent the interests of the profession to the public and

REF: p. 18

8. The oldest radiologic society in the medical imaging profession is the

a. American Medical Society.
b. International Society of Radiographers and Radiologic Technologists.
c. American Roentgen Ray Society.
d. Radiological Society of the Americas.
The ARRS is the oldest U.S. radiologic society. Founded in 1900 in St Louis, the society
had approximately 7000 members by the early 1990s.

REF: p. 21

9. Accredited programs in radiologic technology are recognized by the Joint Review

Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT). Programs seeking this
recognition necessarily must comply with the JRCERT
a. Standards or Essentials.
b. rules and regulations.
c. registry requirements.
d. internal policies for operation and conduct.
The sponsoring organizations of the JRCs approve a document known as either the
Essentials and Guidelines or the Standards, which details the minimum requirements for
how an accredited program must operate.

REF: p. 16

10. The organization that is principally responsible for the general welfare of the profession of
radiologic technology, through its efforts in continuing education, practice standards, and
socioeconomics is the
a. Association of Educators in Imaging and Radiologic Sciences (AEIRS).
b. American Healthcare Radiology Administrators (AHRA).
c. Society for Computer Applications in Radiology (SCAR).
d. American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT).
The goals of the ASRT are to advance the professions of radiologic technology and imaging
specialties, maintain high standards of education, enhance the quality of patient care, and
further the welfare and socioeconomics of radiologic technologists.
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The Project Gutenberg eBook of Bob, the cabin-boy
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Title: Bob, the cabin-boy

Author: Anonymous

Release date: July 25, 2023 [eBook #71271]

Language: English

Original publication: United States: The Methodist Episcopal Church

Sunday School Union

Credits: hekula03, Donald Cummings, and the Online Distributed

Proofreading Team at (This book was
produced from images made available by the HathiTrust
Digital Library.)




Bob’s father was dead. He died when Bob was so young that the child
did not know as he had ever seen him. Don’t you pity little Bob? Would
not you feel very sorry if your father should be taken away and you
never see him again?
But Bob had a mother. Yes, that was she on her last sick bed; all the
long years since his father had died she had worked hard to get enough to
live on with her little boy through heat and cold, and wet and dry, till at
last she was worked out, and she lay down to die.
She had been a good mother to Bob; she had read the Bible to him,
and told him all about God, and the good place up in the skies where his
papa had gone, and where she was going, and where he too would go if
he were good. And Bob loved his mother very dearly, and he loved the
Bible and he loved God. A very good boy was little Bob; but O it was a
sad, sad day to him when his mother died.
He sat by her side all the time she was sick, and read to her from the
Bible, and talked with her till he felt as if his little heart was ready to
break. “Mother, O mother, take me with you, will you not? What will
become of your little Bob when you are gone? I shall have no place to
live in. I would so much rather die and go to the good place with you.”
“Yes, my child,” the mother would say, “it grieves me to the heart to
leave you here, and I cannot tell where you will go; but the good Lord
will take care of you, and it will not be long ere you will come to be with
me. Be a very good boy. Always be ready to do a kind act to all that
come in your way, and you will find friends. Come and kiss me, my
boy;” and then the poor child would lay his head on the bedside and sob
himself to sleep.
The poor woman had a few friends, but they were as poor as herself,
and had little mouths in their own houses to feed. But one that lived near
by said that he would take poor Bob and care for him till he could find
some one else to take him, and so the poor woman died with a smile on
her face.
Spring came. The leaves were on the trees, and the grass was green on
the hill-sides and in the graveyard; but it had not grown much on the new
made grave, when a place was found for Bob as cabin-boy on board of a
ship. It was not such a place as his mother would have wished for her
boy, but it was the best that could be done then, and the poor man felt as
if he could keep him no longer. And so he went, and though his little
heart was ready to burst with grief, he would say to himself, “I must do
good and I will get friends, and it is only a little while till I go to be with
my mother.”
Sailors are a hard set of men. They were so on the ship where Bob
was. They would swear, and drink, and fight, and at first they made fun
of poor Bob; but he was so active, and so ready to learn, and so willing
to do any little thing for them, that he soon got their goodwill, though on
the whole he led a hard life of it.
The captain was a proud, cold, hard man, and the sailors did not like
him. After a while he was taken sick, and they would none of them mind
him. They took the care of the ship into their own hands, and if the poor
sick man crept out on deck they took no notice of a word he said. Then
he would swear and rave away at them, and this made him so much
worse that at last he was too sick to come out at all, and none of them
went in to see him, so then he lay very ill and quite alone.
Little Bob saw all this, but he hardly knew what to do. The captain had
always been cross to him, and now he feared he would be worse than
ever. But he felt very sorry for him, and his mother’s words came to his
mind, “Be kind to all,” and he said to himself, “I can but try it anyhow.”
So he went very softly to the captain’s door and tapped with his little
fingers. “Who’s there?” asked the captain in a very gruff voice. “It’s little
Bob, sir. Can I do anything for you?”
“Go to your work you little rascal,” was the angry reply, “and don’t
come here to plague me.”
Little Bob stole away more softly than he came, but there was no
anger in his heart toward the bad man. There was pity there, and he made
up his mind that he would go again the next day. So the brave little
fellow went and tapped again at the door. “Who’s there?” was the reply.
“Can’t I do something for you to-day, sir?” asked the little boy.
“No, no; go away,” said the hard-hearted man. But Bob took notice
that his voice was not so harsh as it was the day before, and he called
him no harsh names, and he said to himself, “He will let me in by and by
if I keep on.”
He was so sure of this that he could not wait till the next day, but he
went again toward night. All the day the captain had thought over the
kind act of little Bob, the only one of them all that had come near him;
and his hard heart had begun to melt, and he made up his mind that if he
came again he would let him come in.
So he was glad to hear that little tap at his door. “Come in,” said he,
and Bob came in softly on tiptoe, and said very gently, “Please, sir, can I
make your bed for you, and get you a cup of tea? I’ll do it very nicely
and very quickly, sir.”
“Well, Bob, you may do it if you like.” His little heart beat almost
wild with joy. The bed was soon made, and away he ran and soon came
back with a little tray on which was a plate of toast, and a cup of tea, and
some crackers, and it was so nice that the captain seemed to like it very
Now Bob always carried his little Bible that his mother had given him
in his pocket, and as he stood there by the bedside the captain saw it.
“What book is that?” said he.
“It is a book my mother gave me, sir,” said Bob, “the nicest book you
ever saw.”
“Can you read it, Bob?”
“O yes, sir; my mother taught me, and I should like to read it to you if
you please, sir.”
“Well, yes, I don’t care if you do. The truth is I’m tired of lying here
alone with nothing to do. Take away this tray now, I have done, and then
you may read.”
Bob took away the tray, and then sat down on a box by the bedside
and took out his Bible. He found one of the places where it tells about
Jesus, how he went about doing good, how kind he was to the poor, and
the sick, and the lame, and the blind, and how he healed them and
forgave their sins. He read on a long time, and the poor man drank in
every word, and when the boy stopped he asked him to come again the
next day.
After this he was with the captain almost all the time. He took the best
care of him that he could; he brought him food and clean clothes, and
kept the room in order, and, in short, made a very good little nurse. Still
he was more of a teacher than a nurse, and for long hours they would sit
and talk of Jesus and the Bible, and how to be good. Little Bob told him
about his mother, and all that she had taught him, and all that he had
learned at the Sunday-school. It was a good thing that Bob had learned
so much; it was a good thing that he did not forget what he had learned,
for he was now able to tell almost all that the captain wanted to know.
At last some of the crew began to wonder what made Bob visit the
cross captain so much, and one came and put his ear to the door from day
to day and heard some of the things that were said. Then he went and
told the others, and then they asked Bob about him, and he told them that
a great change had come over the captain, and that he was now very kind
and good. So one by one they got leave through Bob to come and see
him, and they begged his pardon and he begged theirs, and they were all
friends again.
But the captain did not get well. He seemed to grow worse and worse
each day, and he told Bob that he did not think he should live long.
“O then,” said Bob, “you’ll see my mother, won’t you? and will you
tell her that her Bob is trying to be a good boy and meet her in heaven?”
“Ah, Bob,” was the reply, while the tears rolled down the poor man’s
face, “if I am ever so happy as to get to heaven I shall try to see your
mother, to thank her for myself for the good that you have done me
through her teaching. Pray for me, Bob, that I may get there.”
Bob’s little Bible now was the great comfort of the captain, and he
read it for himself when he was able. One night he asked Bob to leave it
with him that he might read it when he was awake in the night, and Bob
did so. Early the next day he went as he always did and tapped at the
door. There was no reply, and he tapped again. Still no reply, and then he
walked in. There was the captain on his knees, with the Bible lying open
on a chair before him. Bob spoke, but there was no reply. He came close
up, but the captain did not stir. He put his hands on him, and then he
knew that the captain was dead. He died on his knees praying over the
Bible. We trust that through what he learned of Bob he sought and found
the Saviour and went to heaven.
Happy Bob! How well he was paid for doing good! Go, little reader,
and do good also. Do good at all times to all you meet, and the Lord will
bless you.


Transcriber’s Notes:
Punctuation and spelling inaccuracies were silently corrected.
Archaic and variable spelling has been preserved.

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