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The Challenges of Elect 2

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Electrical installation is dangerous because it involves electricity. To be an

effective electrician, one must follow the rules and regulation of the Philippines Electrical

Code for safety. EIM students are facing different kinds of challenges while studying.

Some problems are really difficult to handle. Some students can solve the challenges but

others cannot. Building wire is one of the purposes of students about installing electricity

or any activities related to this (Normel S. Nabatilan). The challenges can be quite

daunting if one is not prepared for the problem solving as well the anticipatory approach

to Electrical Installation and Maintenance. As with anything in life one must study and

learn in order to lay down a foundation in which to build upon the knowledge one learns

so that he or she can expand and create a solid understanding of the intricacies of

Electrical Engineering. As with learning in the classroom, there are also practicalities of

experience. One must implement what they have learned in the classroom and put forth

that knowledge and skills as they continue to build upon the foundation. All in all,

classroom challenges as well as field experience and problem solving along with the

anticipatory approach, can and will aid prepare the students for the things to come.

Electrical Panel Upgrades, electrical problem with each large redesigning project, there

is the likelihood all the time for the expensive and unpleasant errors, particularly

assuming that you have shared electrical work with somehow who didn’t have experience
on the information to ensure the undertaking was done accurately. Electrical errors during

renovating project or during establishment administrations can be very perilous,

representing a critical fire risk to your home and taking steps to set you back a ton of time

and bother to figure out. Our authorized and proficient circuit repairment at Nathan have

been in business starting around 1978 and in that time we are the quality technical Dubai.

Electrical issues that surfaces during establishment are absolute least complex to fix

however can likewise bt the riskiest assuming they neglected. Here is the short rundown

of the absolute normal electrical establishment we are experience while returning and

fixing another person’s work. Electricity is used in many ways such as lighting, cooling,

heating and it issue to power or drive electrical equipment and it is well-known fact that

electricity is essential to everyday life, without it life will be boring both at home and the

work place.

Electricity passes more through some materials than others, some substances such as

metals generally offer very low resistance to the electric current and such materials are

called “conductors”. Another conductor which is usually overlooked is the surface or

subsurface of the earth. While insulator materials offer high resistance to the flow of

electric current among the examples are rubber, dry wood, plastic and clothing.

Electricity normally travels in closed circuits through a conductor, but sometimes a

persons body which is an efficient conductor of electricity mistakenly becomes part of the

electric circuit. This can lead to an electrical shock.

Electric shocks occur when a persons body completes the current path having both wires

of an electric circuit, one wire of an energized the ground and a metal part that
accidentally becomes energized due to a break in its insulation or another conductor that

is carrying a current. Circuit protection is very important in any electrical installation as it

to prevent fire hazards. Circuit limit or stop the passage of current automatically in the

event of an overload, ground fault, or short circuit in the wiring system. Grounding in an

electrical system means intentionally providing allow-resistance path that connects to the

earth. This prevents the accumulation of voltages that could cause an electrical accident

in an installation. Grounding normally a secondary protective measure to protect

against electric shock and it does not complete not completely guarantee the person from

a shock or be injured or killed by an electrical current.

The ultimate goal of vocational technical education training is for the acquisition of

knowledge, attitude and practical skills for sustainable development. The training of

vocational technical education students is based on the production of goods and services

that are not only relevant to themselves but to the society stated that the acquisition of

life-long practical skills calls for effective and efficient teaching strategies, appropriate

evaluation methods and utilization of standard teaching materials; tools ,machines, and

equipment to ensure the production of desired students with practical skills. Other

requirements include training manuals and availability of qualified teachers with

experiences. However, such categories of staff are also in high demand in the labor

market, but could be suitably motivated for part time teaching in technical colleges.

"Posted that one of the philosophies of occupational education is pragmatism which

stresses practical skill acquisition at vocational technical college level of education.

This study is anchored in three different theory these are namely: Humanistic

learning theory, constructive learning theory, and connectivist theory.

The humanistic learning theory was developed by Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, and

James F.T. Bugental in the early 1900’s. Humanism was a response to the common

educational theories at the time, which were behaviorism and physcoanalysis. Abraham

Maslow is considered the father of the movement, with Carl Rogers and James F.T.

Bugental adding to the psychology later down the line.

Maslow and the humanists believed that behaviorism and other psychology theories had a

negative perception of learners—for example operant conditioning in behaviorism

psychology suggested that students only acted in a good or bad manner because of the

reward or punishment and could be trained based on that desire for a reward. Maslow and

humanistic psychology suggests that students are inherently good and will make good

decisions when all their needs are met. Humanistic psychology focuses on the idea that

learners bring out the best in themselves, and that humans are driven by their feelings

more than rewards and punishments. Maslow believed this and wrote many articles to try

and demonstrate it.

This belief that humans are driven by feelings causes educators who understand

humanistic psychology to focus on the underlying human, emotional issues when they

see bad behavior, not to just punish the bad behavior. The humanistic learning theory

developed further and harnesses the idea that if students are upset, sad, or distressed,

they’re less likely to be able to focus on learning. This encourages teachers to create a
classroom environment that helps students feel comfortable and safe so they can focus on

their learning. Emotions are at the center of humanism psychology.

The theory of constructivist learning is vital to understanding how students learn. The

idea that students actively construct knowledge is central to constructivism. Students add

(or build) their new experiences on top of their current foundation of understanding. As

stated by Woolfolk (1993) “learning is active mental work, not passive reception of

teaching”. As an educator, it is important to understand the theory of constructivist

learning. Each student that enters your classroom has a unique perspective on life that has

been created by their unique experiences. This will impact their learning. If the basis of

the constructivist theory states that students construct new knowledge on what they have

already had, the entry point of their learning journey is of utmost importance. Learning

theories are as valuable as credentials to educators; it is important to understand what will

affect the learning journey of your student. As an educator, it is important to understand

the theory of constructivist learning. Each student that enters your classroom has a unique

perspective on life that has been created by their unique experiences. This will impact

their learning. If the basis of the constructivist theory states that students construct new

knowledge on what they have already had, the entry point of their learning journey is of

utmost importance. Learning theories are as valuable as credentials to educators; it is

important to understand what will affect the learning journey of your student.

The earliest learning theory, Behaviorism, resonates this thinking. This school of thought

requires that learning manifest as overt changes in behavior that can be observed and

measured. The latter is proof that learning has occurred. Its absence, then, by definition,

is proof that learning has not occurred. Prediction and control of behavior were its goal
(Watson, 1913). The behaviorist school of learning sees the mind as a black box (Ally,

2008). The transistor was invented in 1947.

The cognitivist recognizes the human who is the learner and models the learner with a set

of memory called short term memory and long term memory. Sensations are stored in

short term memory first and if processed efficiently they get transferred to long term

memory. This was based on the model of the computer (Smith, 2001). The first computer

memory was developed in 1942 and Cognitivism gained popularity in the 1950s. It is

now known that memory is not located in one specific area in the brain. Enter

constructivist theory of learning. The constructivist theory of learning does not owe its

roots to the development of the computer. It states that learning is contextual and that the

learner actively constructs knowledge by interpreting and processing what is received.

John Dewey, one of the early authors of the constructivist theory of learning, wrote “If

you have doubts about how learning happens, engage in sustained inquiry: study, ponder,

consider alternative possibilities and arrive at your belief grounded in evidence”. If the

constructivist theory of learning has roots in sustained inquiry and grounded in evidence,

would it not be a sound platform on which to base a hardware architecture for learning? If

we can arrive at theories of learning based on the architecture of the computer, would the

reverse not be possible?

The connectivist theory of learning is about the information explosion and the resulting

change of that information that requires the learner to continually update his or her

learning (Siemens, 2004). It is about the internet and the networked world. I would

venture to say that the behaviorist theory of learning is an early attempt at defining the

what of learning, following digital logic. The congitivist theory defines the who of
learning, it is a recognition that learning happens in humans as differentiated from the

computer or a machine. The constructivist theory is about the how of learning, how

learning occurs and how it manifests itself in the human being. Finally the connectionist

theory is about where this learning is located and waiting to be discovered by another

learner. Among these, it is only the constructivist theory that uncategorically states that

the occurrence of learning is by the learner, for the learner and in the learner. The

constructivist theory of learning is also the only one that does not owe its roots or its

presence to the computer or hardware architecture. On the other hand, it would appear

that hardware architecture could derive its specifications from it.

Jean Piaget, another pioneer of the constructivist theory of learning, like some of his

predecessors in college at that time, studied Biology, Psychology, Philosophy and

combined them into what he called Genetic Epistemology. He used experimentation to

derive results. He articulated mechanisms by which individuals interact with new

information, called assimilation and accommodation (Piaget, 1989). Sure enough, there is

research work in machine learning that utilizes the concept of assimilation and

accommodation (Kuo, 2010).

The brain processes with 100000 times less energy than the computers, “the net is doing

the work in the brain” (Boahen, 2007). In the same video, Boahen goes on to explain how

they duplicated the retina on a chip and talks about putting “Africa” in the computer.

Perhaps by Africa, he is referring to systems thinking (Chase, 1997). I wonder how the

concepts of assimilation and accomodation would work in the functioning of the retina or

how the retina impacts assimilation and accomodation. After all, the perception of color
is known to be highly subjective. This would mean that different instances of the same

hardware produces results that vary considerably.


Safety in any operation works best if the person or people in charge take a leading

role in managing safety and health. Many business enterprises have proven that good

safety management leads to increased productivity, and the same works for farms. By

having a good safety management program, you can avoid not only farm injuries, but also

other incidents that are costly, time consuming, stressful and inconvenient. This makes

good economic sense. In the performance of the EIM students’ they’ve learn a lot about

the electrical safety in workplace. Training, with regard to the proper interaction and for

foreseeable inappropriate interaction with the electrical system, must be completed. The

intent of the training is to ensure that all affected personnel are able to understand when

and how hazardous situations can arise and how to best reduce the risk associated with

those situations. Typically, training for individuals interacting with electrical systems will

include technical information regarding hazards, hazardous situations, or both as well as

information related to potential failure modes that could affect risk. This type of training

generally will be provided by a trainer who has an in-depth understanding of electrical

system design, as well as experience in the field of adult education. Less technical

training content could be appropriate in situations in which only awareness of electrical

hazards is needed to ensure that unqualified personnel do not interact with the electrical

system. The electrical system must be analysed in order to determine the appropriate
PPE. Once the appropriate PPE has been determined, personnel must maintain and use it

as required in order to ensure that residual risk remains at the desired level. PPE is the

last line of defense. In 2003, ConocoPhillips Marine conducted a study demonstrating a

large difference in the ratio of serious accidents and near misses. This study was built on

the original work of H.W. Heinrich back in 1931. The Conoco study found that for every

single fatality there are at least 300,000 at-risk behaviors, defined as activities that are not

consistent with safety programs, training and components on machinery. These behaviors

may include bypassing safety components on machinery or eliminating a safety step in

the production process that slows down the operator. With effective machine

safeguarding and training, at-risk behaviors and near misses can be diminished. This also

reduces the chance of the fatality occurring, since there is a lower frequency of at-risk

behaviors. Electricity flows more easily through some materials than others. Some

substances such as metals generally offer very little resistance to the flow of electric

current and are called “conductors.” A common but perhaps overlooked conductor is the

surface or subsurface of the earth. Glass, plastic, porcelain, clay, pottery, dry wood, and

similar substances generally slow or stop the flow of electricity. They are called

“insulators.” Even air, normally an insulator, can become a conductor, as occurs during

an arc or lightning stroke.

Pure water is a poor conductor. But small amounts of impurities in water like salt, acid,

solvents, or other materials can turn water itself and substances that generally act as

insulators into conductors or better conductors? Dry wood, for example, generally slows

or stops the flow of electricity. But when saturated with water, wood turns into a

conductor. The same is true of human skin. Dry skin has a fairly high resistance to
electric current. But when skin is moist or wet, it acts as a conductor. This means that

anyone working with electricity in a damp or wet environment needs to exercise extra

caution to prevent electrical hazards. Electricity travels in closed circuits, normally

through a conductor. But sometimes a person’s body an efficient conductor of electricity

mistakenly becomes part of the 6 electric circuit. This can cause an electrical shock.

Shocks occur when a person’s body completes the current path with: • both wires of an

electric circuit; • one wire of an energized circuit and the ground; • a metal part that

accidentally becomes energized due, for example, to a break in its insulation; or • another

“conductor” that i s carrying a current. When a person receives a shock, electricity flows

between parts of the body or through the body to a ground or the earth. An electric shock

can result in anything from a slight tingling sensation to immediate cardiac arrest. The

sever ity depends on the following: • the amount of current flowing through the body, the

current’s path through the body, the length of time the body remains in the circuit, and the

current’s frequency . (W.B. Kouwenhoven, “Human Safety and Electric Shock,”

Electrical Safety Practices,Monograph, 112, Instrument Society of America, p. 93.

November 1968).Burns are the most common shock-related injury. An electrical accident

can result in an electrical burn, arc burn, thermal contact burn, or a combination of burns.

Electrical burns are among the most serious burns and require immediate medical

attention. They occur when electric current flows through issues or bone, generating heat

that causes tissue damage. Arc or flash burns result from high temperatures caused by an

electric arc or explosion near the body. These burns should be treated promptly. Thermal

contact burns are caused when the skin touches hot surfaces of overheated electric

conductors, conduits, or other energized equipment. Thermal burns also can be caused
when clothing catches on fire, as may occur when an electric arc is produced. In addition

to shock and burn hazards, electricity poses other dangers. For example, arcs that result

from short circuits can cause injury or start a fire. Extremely high-energy arcs can

damage equipment, causing fragmented metal to fly in all directions. Even low-energy

arcs can cause violent explosions in atmospheres that contain flammable gases, vapours,

or combustible dusts. When a person receives an electrical shock, sometimes the

electrical stimulation causes the muscles to contract. This “freezing” effect makes the

person unable to pull free of the circuit. It is extremely dangerous because it increases the

length of exposure to electricity and because the current causes blisters, which reduce the

body’s resistance and increases the current. 9 The longer the exposure, the greater the risk

of serious injury. Longer exposures at even relatively low voltages can be just as

dangerous as short exposures at higher voltages. Low voltage does not imply low hazard.

In addition to muscle contractions that cause “freezing,” electrical shocks also can cause

involuntary muscle reactions. These reactions can result in a wide range of other injuries

from collisions or falls, including bruises, bone fractures, and even death. If a person is

“frozen” to a live electrical contact, shut off the current immediately. If this is not

possible, use boards, poles, or sticks made of wood or any other no conducting materials

and safely push or pull the person away from the contact. It’s important to act quickly, but

remember to protect yourself as well from electrocution or shock. A severe shock can

cause considerably more damage than meets the eye. A victim may suffer internal

hemorrhages and destruction of tissues, nerves, and muscles that aren’t readily visible.

Renal damage also can occur. If you or a co-worker receives a shock, seek emergency

medical help immediately.(Occupational Safety and Health Administration John L.

Henshaw, AssistantSecretary, 2002).Electricity is widely recognized as a serious

workplace hazard, exposing employees to electric shock, burns, fires, and explosions.

According to the bureau of Labor Statistics, 250 employees were killed by contact with

electric current in 2006. Other employees have been killed or injured in fires and

explosions caused by electricity. It is well known that the human body will conduct

electricity. If direct body contact is made with an electrically energized part while a

similar contact is made simultaneously with another conductive surface that is maintained

at a different electrical potential, a current will flow, entering the body at one contact

point, traversing the body, and then exiting at the other contact point, usually the ground.

Each year many employees suffer pain, injuries, and death from such electric shocks.

Current through the body, even at levels as low as 3 mill amperes, can also cause injuries

of an indirect or secondary injuries in which involuntary muscular reaction from the

electric shock can cause bruises, bone fractures and even death resulting from collisions

or falls. Burns suffered in electrical accidents can be very serious. These burns may be of

three basic types: electrical burns, arc burns, and thermal contact burns. Electrical burns

are the result of the electric current flowing in the tissues, and may be either skin deep or

may affect deeper layers (such as muscles and bones) or both. Tissue damage is caused

by the heat generated from the current flow; if the energy delivered by the electric shock

is high, the body cannot dissipate the heat, and the tissue is burned. Typically, such

electrical burns are slow to heal. Arc burns are the result of high temperatures produced

by electric arcs or by explosions close to the body. Finally, thermal contact burns are

those normally experienced from the skin contacting hot surfaces of overheated electric

conductors, conduits, or other energized equipment. In some circumstances, all three

types of burns may be produced simultaneously. If the current involved is great enough,

electric arcs can start a fire. Fires can also be created by overheating equipment or by

conductors carrying too much current. Extremely high energy arcs can damage

equipment, causing fragmented metal to fly in all directions. In atmospheres that contain

explosive gases or vapors or combustible dusts, even low-energy arcs can cause violent


According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, between 1992 and 2006,an average of

283 employees died per year from contact with electric current. This downward trend

(See page 18) is due, in major part, to 30 years of highly protective OSHA regulation in

the area of electrical installation, based on theNEC and NFPA 70E standards. The final

standard carries forward most of the existing requirements for electrical installations,

with the new and revised requirements intended as fine tuning, introducing new

technology along with other improvements in safety. By complying with the final

standard, employers will prevent unsafe electrical conditions from occurring. While the

number of deaths and injuries associated with electrical hazards has declined, contact

with electric current still poses a significant risk to employees in the workplace, as

evidenced by the numbers of deaths and serious injuries still occurring due to contact

with electric current. This final rule will help further reduce the number of deaths and

injuries associated with electrical hazards by providing additional requirements for

installation safety and by recognizing alternative means of compliance. Each year many

employees suffer electric shocks while using portable electric tools and equipment. The

nature of the injuries ranges from minor burns to electrocution. Electric shocks produced

by alternating currents (ac) at power line frequency passing through the body of an
average adult from hand to foot for1 second can cause various effects, starting from a

condition of being barely perceptible at 1 mill ampere to loss of voluntary muscular

control for currents from 9 to 25 mill amperes. The passage of still higher currents, from

75 mill amperes to 4 amperes, can produce ventricular fibrillation of the heart; and,

finally, immediate cardiac arrest at over 4 amperes. These injuries occur when employees

contact electrically energized parts. Typically, the frame of a tool becomes accidentally

energized because of an electrical fault (known as aground fault) that provides a

conductive path to the tool casing. For instance, with grounded electric supply system,

when the employee contacts the tool casing, the fault current takes a path through the

employee to an electrically grounded object. The amount of current that flows through an

employee depends, primarily, upon the resistance of the fault path within the tool, the

resistance of the path through the employee's body, and the resistance of the paths, both

line side and ground side, from the employee back to the electric power supply. Moisture

in the atmosphere can contribute to the electrical fault by enhancing both the conductive

path within the tool and the external ground path back to the electric power supply. Dry

skin can have a resistance range of anywhere from about 500to 500,000 ohms and wet

skin can have a resistance range of about 200 to20,000, depending on several factors,

such as the physical characteristics and mass of the employee. More current will flow if

the employee is perspiring or becomes wet because of environmental conditions. If the

current is high enough, the employee will suffer a ground-fault electrocution.

( Sunderland Place, NWWashington, November 14, 2006). People can never be too

young to start learning to use electricity safely. He makes an estimation that 53,000

electrical fires occur in homes each year. Most of these can be avoided by taking simple
safety precautions. Electricity is a powerful and versatile energy but can be dangerous if

it is not used properly. Most of the accidents that occur are due either to carelessness or to

a lack of awareness of some basic rules that should be observed when using

electricity(Networks, n.d). The use of electricity is something taken for granted, but using

it safely is very important. By understanding how electricity works and where it is found,

we can each do our part in preventing electrical dangers no matter where we are

(MacKinnon, 2010). Hazard can be defined as any potential or actual threat to the

wellbeing of people, equipment, machinery or environment. Hazard can also be seen as

something that can be identified as measured of potential source of danger such as naked

electricity wires, electricity gadgets which are not switched off, unsafe acts, unprotected

installation, over load socket outlet and many others (Cadick, Capelli-Schellpferffer and

Neitzel 2006). The electric shock may likely occur when the body becomes part of an

electric circuit and there are three ways or path that may lead to electric shocks such as: A

person may have contact with both conductors in a circuit; A person may provide a way

between an ungrounded conductor and the ground.; A person may provide a way between

the ground and a conducting material that is in contact with an ungrounded conductor.

Taylor, Easter and Hegney (2004) observed that, the degree of shock an individual may

receive is dependent on several factors, including skin resistance. Skin resistance is

greatly reduced when the skin is wet or moist, and so the degree of shock will be greater.

Other factors include the: The amount of current that is conducted through the body; the

path of the current through the body; the duration of time a person is subjected to the

current and status of the individual. The effect of electric shocks ranges from stop of the

heart or the breathing muscles, or both, burns, bleeding, neurological damage and
ventricular fibrillation. Electricity always follows the shortest circuit path of least

resistance. If a human body creates a path to follow, electricity will flow to the ground or

complete a circuit through the body. Electricity plays important role to mankind and

national development, it is usually referred to as bad master when used wrongly.

Electricity is no respecter of persons; it will injure or kill a custodian, manager, rich, poor,

president, or office worker just as fast as it will injure or kill an electrician. The is no

record of electric hazards causality by gender that is to say if male do become victim of

electrical hazards such shock, electrocution and other hazards than there female

counterpart in their household? It is also not certain who among the male and female are

more educated on electrical hazards and safety but observations shows many female do

not want to touch electrical equipment and appliances. Although electrical accident has

been causing serious looses such as economic and social, for instance injuries, losses of

lives and valuable properties among electrical energy users. It is quite unfortunate that

this electricity which is essential to lives constitute a major hazard to man and property.

Whenever you work with power tools or on electrical circuits there is a risk, especially

electric shock. Anyone can be exposed to these hazards at home or at work. Electricity

can be dangerous and should be approached with caution; any forms of energy, when not

properly controlled or harnessed can result in serious danger to those who use it (Kolak,

2007). In view of the relevance of electricity to man, effort should be made to educate

everyone on the use of electricity to meet human needs because electrical hazard pose a

significant risk of death and injuries to individuals. Therefore, attention to safety is the

necessary first step in any environmental set up. More than one third of electrical

fatalities, death and injuries, losses of valuable properties are due to electricity (OSHA,
2009). According to Jar nick (2008) fires that occur in the home, market, offices and

other places as a result of electricity are initiated as a result of improper and careless use

of electrical equipment and improper protection of installation. Due to the danger

electricity poses to the existence of biological lives, efforts are made to assess the level of

electrical hazards and safety measures awareness among electricity users.



The main purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the hazards and risks

in the students’ performance. The study considers the student’s personal information such

as their name, gender, and age. The researcher limits the study to 50 EIM students only

here in Vans Private Technical School Inc. School year 2022-2023, each of the students is

given a questionnaire to answer. The respondents are selected from students in EIM to

prevent bias and get objective perception.


The study is to expect to be beneficial of the following:

Students- The result of this study will be a great help to the students for them to know

the hazards and risks to improve their skills.

Teacher- The result of this study will be a great advantage to the teachers, it enable them

to help the students determine hazards and risks in doing their performances.

Research- The result of the study will be a great opportunity to the researchers for them

to be knowledgeable enough about hazards and risks. Thus, this is considered that this
study would contribute useful information to mitigate the problem of students in

performing installation.


The goal of this study is to determine the challenges in electrical installation and

maintenance in the performance of EIM students in Vans Private technical school.

Specifically, it strives to answer the following questions:

1.What is the profile of the students when analyzed by:

1.1 Gender;

1.2 Age;

1.3 Grade level?

2. What are the knowledge, skill and attitude in students’ performance when analyzed in:

2.1 Behavior;

2.2 Construct;

2.3 Connect;

2.4 Cognitive?

Extent- to which a student, teacher or institution has short or long-term educational


Confidence- as a state of being certain either that a hypothesis or prediction is correct or

that a chosen course of action is the best or most effective.

Electrical- operated by electricity and providing electricity

Electrician- is a specializing in electrical wiring of building, stationary machines, and

related equipment.

Hazards- are an agent which has the potential to cause harm.

Installation- a ceremony in which someone is put in an official or important job and

something that’s is put together and made ready for use.

Maintenance- maintaining a electrical tools

Performance- in terms of student achievement using a variety of measure, both status

and growth related

Risk- is a risk to a person of death, shock or. Other injury caused directly or indirectly by



This chapter provides the research methodology of the study. This the subject of the

study, specifically, the research locale, respondent of the study (that includes the sample

and ) research instruments, general procedure (research procedure and data collection

procedure) and the descriptive of how the data will be analyzed.


The respondents of the study are the selected 50 grade 11-12 in TVL-simple random.

Students evaluators are informed through a rights to confidentiality and anonymity. Their

written consent is and acknowledges, indicating their willingness to take part of the



Modified survey questionnaires will be used in conducting the. The questionnaires

composed of 10 items which the respondents the frequency of the use of Facebook

through the scale of 1 as and 5 as strongly agree.

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