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Pathophysiology The Biologic Basis For Disease in Adults and Children 7th Edition Mccance Test Bank

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The document discusses factors that influence fluid balance such as age, gender, obesity, and kidney maturity. It also covers electrolyte imbalances and the forces that govern water movement between compartments.

Factors such as age, gender, obesity, and muscle mass can influence total body water levels. Infants, females, and older adults tend to have less water as a percentage of body weight compared to others.

Electrolyte imbalances discussed include potassium, which can cause muscle weakness, cardiac arrhythmias, and smooth muscle dysfunction if levels are too high or low. Sodium and chloride imbalances can also disrupt fluid balance.

Pathophysiology The Biologic Basis for

Disease in Adults and Children 7th

Edition Mccance Test Bank
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Pathophysiology The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children 7th Edition Mccance Te

Chapter 3: The Cellular Environment: Fluids and Electrolytes, Acids and Bases


1. Infants are most susceptible to significant losses in total body water because of an infant’s:
a. High body surface–to–body size ratio
b. Slow metabolic rate
c. Kidneys are not mature enough to counter fluid losses
d. Inability to communicate adequately when he or she is thirsty
Renal mechanisms that regulate fluid and electrolyte conservation are often not mature
enough to counter the losses; consequently, dehydration may rapidly develop. Infants can be
susceptible to changes in total body water because of their high metabolic rate and the
turnover of body fluids caused by their greater body surface area in proportion to their total
body size. The inability to communicate their thirst is a problem only when they are poorly
cared for.

PTS: 1 REF: Page 104

2. Obesity creates a greater risk for dehydration in people because:

a. Adipose cells contain little water because fat is water repelling.
b. The metabolic rate of obese adults is slower than the rate of lean adults.
c. The rate of urine output of obese adults is higher than the rate of output of lean
d. The thirst receptors of the hypothalamus do not function effectively.
The percentage of total body water (TBW) varies with the amount of body fat and age.
Because fat is water repelling (hydrophobic), very little water is contained in adipose cells.
Individuals with more body fat have proportionately less TBW and tend to be more
susceptible to fluid imbalances that cause dehydration.

PTS: 1 REF: Page 104

3. A patient’s blood gases reveal the following findings: pH, 7.3; bicarbonate (HCO3) 27 mEq/L;
carbon dioxide (CO2), 58 mm Hg. What is the interpretation of these gases?
a. Respiratory alkalosis c. Respiratory acidosis
b. Metabolic acidosis d. Metabolic alkalosis
The values provided in this question characterize only acute uncompensated respiratory

PTS: 1 REF: Pages 129-130

4. Water movement between the intracellular fluid (ICF) compartment and the extracellular fluid
(ECF) compartment is primarily a function of:
a. Osmotic forces c. Antidiuretic hormone
b. Plasma oncotic pressure d. Hydrostatic forces

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The movement of water between the ICF and ECF compartments is primarily a function of
osmotic forces. (Osmosis and other mechanisms of passive transport are discussed in Chapter

PTS: 1 REF: Page 105

5. In addition to osmosis, what force is involved in the movement of water between the plasma
and interstitial fluid spaces?
a. Oncotic pressure c. Net filtration
b. Buffering d. Hydrostatic pressure
Water moves between the plasma and interstitial fluid through the forces of only osmosis and
hydrostatic pressure, which occur across the capillary membrane. Buffers are substances that
can absorb excessive acid or base to minimize pH fluctuations. Net filtration is a term used to
identify fluid movement in relationship to the Starling hypothesis. Oncotic pressure
encourages water to cross the barrier of capillaries to enter the circulatory system.

PTS: 1 REF: Page 105

6. Venous obstruction is a cause of edema because of an increase in which pressure?

a. Capillary hydrostatic c. Capillary oncotic
b. Interstitial hydrostatic d. Interstitial oncotic
Venous obstruction can increase the hydrostatic pressure of fluid in the capillaries enough to
cause fluid to escape into the interstitial spaces. The remaining options are not causes of
edema resulting from venous obstruction.

PTS: 1 REF: Page 106

7. At the arterial end of capillaries, fluid moves from the intravascular space into the interstitial
space because the:
a. Interstitial hydrostatic pressure is higher than the capillary hydrostatic pressure.
b. Capillary hydrostatic pressure is higher than the capillary oncotic pressure.
c. Interstitial oncotic pressure is higher than the interstitial hydrostatic pressure.
d. Capillary oncotic pressure is lower than the interstitial hydrostatic pressure.
At the arterial end of capillaries, fluid moves from the intravascular space into the interstitial
because capillary hydrostatic pressure is higher than the capillary oncotic pressure.

PTS: 1 REF: Page 105

8. Low plasma albumin causes edema as a result of a reduction in which pressure?

a. Capillary hydrostatic c. Plasma oncotic
b. Interstitial hydrostatic d. Interstitial oncotic
Losses or diminished production of plasma albumin is the only option that contributes to a
decrease in plasma oncotic pressure.
PTS: 1 REF: Pages 106-107

9. Secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and the perception of thirst are stimulated by a(n):
a. Decrease in serum sodium c. Increase in glomerular filtration rate
b. Increase in plasma osmolality d. Decrease in osmoreceptor stimulation
Secretion of ADH and the perception of thirst are primary factors in the regulation of water
balance. Thirst is a sensation that stimulates water-drinking behavior. Thirst is experienced
when water loss equals 2% of an individual’s body weight or when osmotic pressure
increases. The other options do not accurately describe how ADH and the perception of thirst
are related.

PTS: 1 REF: Page 109

10. Thirst activates osmoreceptors by an increase in which blood plasma?

a. Antidiuretic hormone c. Hydrostatic pressure
b. Aldosterone d. Osmotic pressure
Thirst is experienced when water loss equals 2% of an individual’s body weight or when
osmotic pressure increases. Dry mouth, hyperosmolality, and plasma volume depletion
activate osmoreceptors (neurons located in the hypothalamus that are stimulated by increased
osmotic pressure). The other options do not accurately identify what increases to activate

PTS: 1 REF: Page 109

11. It is true that natriuretic peptides:

a. Decrease blood pressure and increase sodium and water excretion.
b. Increase blood pressure and decrease sodium and water excretion.
c. Increase heart rate and decrease potassium excretion.
d. Decrease heart rate and increase potassium excretion.
Natriuretic peptides are hormones that include atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) produced by
the myocardial atria, brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) produced by the myocardial ventricles,
and urodilatin within the kidney. Natriuretic peptides decrease blood pressure and increase
sodium and water excretion.

PTS: 1 REF: Page 109

12. When changes in total body water are accompanied by proportional changes in electrolytes,
what type of alteration occurs?
a. Isotonic c. Hypotonic
b. Hypertonic d. Normotonic
Only isotonic alterations occur when proportional changes in electrolytes and water
accompany changes in total body water .
PTS: 1 REF: Pages 109-110

13. Which enzyme is secreted by the juxtaglomerular cells of the kidney when circulating blood
volume is reduced?
a. Angiotensin I c. Aldosterone
b. Angiotensin II d. Renin
When circulating blood volume or blood pressure is reduced, renin, an enzyme secreted by
the juxtaglomerular cells of the kidney, is released in response to sympathetic nerve
stimulation and decreased perfusion of the renal vasculature. The other options are not
released by the situation described in the question.

PTS: 1 REF: Pages 108-109

14. What mechanism can cause hypernatremia?

a. Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
b. Hypersecretion of aldosterone
c. Brief bouts of vomiting or diarrhea
d. Excessive diuretic therapy
Hypernatremia occurs because of (1) inadequate free water intake, (2) inappropriate
administration of hypertonic saline solution (e.g., sodium bicarbonate for treatment of acidosis
during cardiac arrest), (3) high sodium levels as a result of oversecretion of aldosterone (as in
primary hyperaldosteronism), or (4) Cushing syndrome (caused by the excess secretion of
adrenocorticotropic hormone [ACTH], which also causes increased secretion of aldosterone).
The other options do not result in hypernatremia.

PTS: 1 REF: Page 111

15. What causes the clinical manifestations of confusion, convulsions, cerebral hemorrhage, and
coma in hypernatremia?
a. High sodium in the blood vessels pulls water out of the brain cells into the blood
vessels, causing brain cells to shrink.
b. High sodium in the brain cells pulls water out of the blood vessels into the brain
cells, causing them to swell.
c. High sodium in the blood vessels pulls potassium out of the brain cells, which
slows the synapses in the brain.
d. High sodium in the blood vessels draws chloride into the brain cells followed by
water, causing the brain cells to swell.
Hypertonic (hyperosmolar) imbalances result in an extracellular fluid concentration greater
than 0.9% salt solution (e.g., water loss or solute gain); cells shrink in a hypertonic fluid (see
Table 3-7). This shrinking of cells results in the symptoms described in the question. The
other options do not accurately describe the cause of these symptoms as they relate to

PTS: 1 REF: Page 111

16. Vomiting-induced metabolic alkalosis, resulting in the loss of chloride, causes:
a. Retained sodium to bind with the chloride
b. Hydrogen to move into the cell and exchange with potassium to maintain cation
c. Retention of bicarbonate to maintain the anion balance
d. Hypoventilation to compensate for the metabolic alkalosis
When vomiting with the depletion of ECF and chloride (hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis)
causes acid loss, renal compensation is not effective; the volume depletion and loss of
electrolytes (sodium [Na+], potassium [K+], hydrogen [H+], chlorine
[Cl–]) stimulate a paradoxic response by the kidneys. The kidneys increase sodium and
bicarbonate reabsorption with the excretion of hydrogen. Bicarbonate is reabsorbed to
maintain an anionic balance because the ECF chloride concentration is decreased. The other
options do not accurately describe the mechanism that results from vomiting-induced
metabolic alkalosis.

PTS: 1 REF: Page 128

17. The pathophysiologic process of edema is related to which mechanism?

a. Sodium depletion
b. Decreased capillary hydrostatic pressure
c. Increased plasma oncotic pressure
d. Lymphatic obstruction
The pathophysiologic process of edema is related to an increase in the forces favoring fluid
filtration from the capillaries or lymphatic channels into the tissues. The most common
mechanisms are increased capillary hydrostatic pressure, decreased plasma oncotic pressure,
increased capillary membrane permeability and lymphatic obstruction, and sodium retention.

PTS: 1 REF: Page 105

18. Insulin is used to treat hyperkalemia because it:

a. Stimulates sodium to be removed from the cell in exchange for potassium.
b. Binds to potassium to remove it through the kidneys.
c. Transports potassium from the blood to the cell along with glucose.
d. Breaks down the chemical components of potassium, causing it to be no longer
Insulin contributes to the regulation of plasma potassium levels by stimulating the Na+,
potassium–adenosine triphosphatase (K+–ATPase) pump, thereby promoting the movement of
potassium simultaneously into the liver and muscle cells with glucose transport after eating.
The intracellular movement of potassium prevents an acute hyperkalemia related to food
intake. The other options do not accurately describe how insulin is used to treat hyperkalemia.

PTS: 1 REF: Page 114

19. A major determinant of the resting membrane potential necessary for the transmission of
nerve impulses is the ratio between:
a. Intracellular and extracellular Na+ c. Intracellular Na+ and extracellular K+
b. Intracellular and extracellular K+ d. Intracellular K+ and extracellular Na+
The ratio of K+ in the ICF to K+ in the ECF is the major determinant of the resting membrane
potential, which is necessary for the transmission and conduction of nerve impulses, for the
maintenance of normal cardiac rhythms, and for the skeletal and smooth muscle contraction.
This is not true of the other options.

PTS: 1 REF: Page 114

20. During acidosis, the body compensates for the increase in serum hydrogen ions by shifting
hydrogen ions into the cell in exchange for which electrolyte?
a. Oxygen c. Potassium
b. Sodium d. Magnesium
In states of acidosis, hydrogen ions shift into the cells in exchange for intracellular fluid
potassium; hyperkalemia and acidosis therefore often occur together. This is not true of the
other options.

PTS: 1 REF: Page 117 | Pages 126-127

21. Causes of hyperkalemia include:

a. Hyperparathyroidism and malnutrition
b. Vomiting and diarrhea
c. Renal failure and Addison disease
d. Hyperaldosteronism and Cushing disease
Hyperkalemia should be investigated when a history of renal disease, massive trauma, insulin
deficiency, Addison disease, use of potassium salt substitutes, or metabolic acidosis exists.
The other options are not known to be causes of hyperkalemia.

PTS: 1 REF: Page 119

22. In hyperkalemia, what change occurs to the cells’ resting membrane potential?
a. Hypopolarization c. Depolarization
b. Hyperexcitability d. Repolarization
If extracellular potassium concentration increases without a significant change in intracellular
potassium, then the resting membrane potential becomes more positive (i.e., changes from
–90 to –80 mV) and the cell membrane is hypopolarized (i.e., the inside of the cell becomes
less negative or partially depolarized [increase excitability]).

PTS: 1 REF: Pages 117-118

23. The calcium and phosphate balance is influenced by which three substances?
a. Parathyroid hormone, vasopressin, and vitamin D
b. Parathyroid hormone, calcitonin, and vitamin D
c. Thyroid hormone, vasopressin, and vitamin A
d. Thyroid hormone, calcitonin, and vitamin A
Three hormones regulate calcium and phosphate balance: parathyroid hormone (PTH),
vitamin D, and calcitonin. Vasopressin, thyroid hormone, and vitamin A do not influence
calcium and phosphate balance.

PTS: 1 REF: Page 119

24. It is true that Kussmaul respirations indicate:

a. Anxiety is a cause of respiratory acidosis.
b. A compensatory measure is needed to correct metabolic acidosis.
c. Diabetic ketoacidosis is the cause of the metabolic acidosis.
d. More oxygen is necessary to compensate for respiratory acidosis.
Deep, rapid respirations (Kussmaul respirations) are indicative of respiratory compensation
for metabolic acidosis. The other options are not true.

PTS: 1 REF: Page 128

25. Chvostek and Trousseau signs indicate which electrolyte imbalance?

a. Hypokalemia c. Hypocalcemia
b. Hyperkalemia d. Hypercalcemia
Two clinical signs of hypocalcemia are the Chvostek sign and Trousseau sign. These clinical
signs are not indicative of any of the other options.

PTS: 1 REF: Page 120

26. An excessive use of magnesium-containing antacids and aluminum-containing antacids can

result in:
a. Hypomagnesemia c. Hyponatremia
b. Hypophosphatemia d. Hypokalemia
The most common causes of hypophosphatemia are intestinal malabsorption and increased
renal excretion of phosphate. Inadequate absorption is associated with vitamin D deficiency,
the use of magnesium and aluminum-containing antacids (which bind with phosphorus),
long-term alcohol abuse, and malabsorption syndromes. The excessive use of such antacids
will not result in the other options.

PTS: 1 REF: Page 121

27. The most common cause of hypermagnesemia is:

a. Hepatitis c. Trauma to the hypothalamus
b. Renal failure d. Pancreatitis
Renal failure usually causes hypermagnesemia, in which magnesium concentration is greater
than 2.5 mEq/L. Hypermagnesemia is not a result of the other options.
PTS: 1 REF: Page 122

28. Physiologic pH is maintained at approximately 7.4 because bicarbonate (HCO3) and carbonic
acid (H2CO3) exist in a ratio of:
a. 20:1 c. 10:2
b. 1:20 d. 10:5
The relationship between HCO3 and H2CO3 is usually expressed as a ratio. When the pH is
7.4, this ratio is 20:1 (HCO3:H2CO3). The other options do not accurately identify physiologic
pH by the correct ratio of HCO3 and H2CO3.

PTS: 1 REF: Page 124

29. Which arterial pH will initiate the formation of ammonium (NH4) from ammonia (NH3),
referred to as academia, in the tubular lumen of the kidney?
a. 7.25 c. 7.55
b. 7.35 d. 7.65
Pathophysiologic changes in the concentration of hydrogen ion or base in the blood lead to
acid-base imbalances. Acidemia is a state in which the pH of arterial blood is less than 7.35.
NH3 is produced from glutamine in the epithelial cell and diffuses to the tubular lumen, where
it combines with H+ to form NH4.

PTS: 1 REF: Page 126

30. Two thirds of the body’s water is found in its:

a. Interstitial fluid spaces c. Intracellular fluid compartments
b. Vascular system d. Intraocular fluids
Two thirds of the body’s water is in the intracellular fluid (ICF) compartment, and one third is
in the extracellular fluid (ECF) compartment. The two main ECF compartments are the
interstitial fluid and the intravascular fluid, which is the blood plasma. Other ECF
compartments include the lymph and the transcellular fluids, such as the synovial, intestinal,
biliary, hepatic, pancreatic, and cerebrospinal fluids; sweat; urine; and pleural, synovial,
peritoneal, pericardial, and intraocular fluids.

PTS: 1 REF: Pages 103-104

31. It is true that when insulin is administered:

a. The Na+, K+–ATPase pump is turned off.
b. Potassium is moved out of muscle cells.
c. The liver increases its potassium levels.
d. Glucose transport is impaired.
Insulin contributes to the regulation of plasma potassium levels by stimulating the Na+,
K+–ATPase pump, thereby promoting the movement of potassium simultaneously into the
liver and muscle cells with glucose transport after eating. The other options do not accurately
describe the effect of insulin administration.
PTS: 1 REF: Page 114

32. Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure results in edema because of:

a. Losses or diminished production of plasma albumin
b. Inflammation resulting from an immune response
c. Blockage within the lymphatic channel system
d. Sodium and water retention
Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure can result from venous obstruction or sodium and
water retention. The other options do not accurately describe the cause of edema related to
increased capillary hydrostatic pressure.

PTS: 1 REF: Page 106

33. The existence of hyperkalemia is likely to result in which changes to a person’s

electrocardiogram (ECG)?
a. Flattened U waves c. Depressed ST segments
b. Peaked T waves d. Peaked P waves
Observed ECG changes include peaked T waves, prolonged PR interval, and absent P wave
with a widened QRS complex. The other options are not related to hyperkalemia.

PTS: 1 REF: Page 118


34. Which groups are at risk for fluid imbalance? (Select all that apply.)
a. Women
b. Infants
c. Men
d. Obese persons
e. Older adults
ANS: B, D, E
Kidney function, surface area, total body water, and the hydrophobic nature of fat cells all
contribute to the increased risk for fluid imbalance among obese individuals, infants, and
older adults. Gender alone is not a risk factor for fluid imbalance.

PTS: 1 REF: Pages 104-105

35. Dehydration can cause which result? (Select all that apply.)
a. Moist mucous membranes
b. Weak pulses
c. Tachycardia
d. Polyuria
e. Weight loss
ANS: B, C, E
Significant water deficit is demonstrated by symptoms of dehydration that include headache,
thirst, dry skin and mucous membranes, elevated temperature, weight loss, and decreased or
concentrated urine (with the exception of diabetes insipidus). Skin turgor may be normal or
decreased. Symptoms of hypovolemia include tachycardia, weak pulses, and postural

PTS: 1 REF: Page 112

36. Causes of hypocalcemia include: (Select all that apply.)

a. Repeated blood administration
b. Pancreatitis
c. Decreased reabsorption of calcium
d. Hyperparathyroidism
e. Kidney stones
Blood transfusions are a common cause of hypocalcemia because the citrate solution used in
storing whole blood binds with calcium. Pancreatitis causes a release of lipases into soft-tissue
spaces; consequently, the free fatty acids that are formed bind calcium, causing a decrease in
ionized calcium. The other options are not recognized causes of hypocalcemia.

PTS: 1 REF: Page 120

37. The electrolyte imbalance called hyponatremia exhibits which clinical manifestations? (Select
all that apply.)
a. Headache
b. Seizures
c. Paranoia
d. Confusion
e. Lethargy
ANS: A, B, D, E
Behavioral and neurologic changes characteristic of hyponatremia include lethargy, headache,
confusion, apprehension, seizures, and coma. Paranoia is not associated with hyponatremia.

PTS: 1 REF: Page 113

38. The electrolyte imbalance hypercalcemia exhibits which clinical manifestations? (Select all
that apply.)
a. Diarrhea
b. Calcium based kidney stones
c. ECG showing narrow T waves
d. Lethargy
e. Bradycardia
ANS: B, D, E
Fatigue, weakness, lethargy, anorexia, nausea, and constipation are common. Behavioral
changes may occur. Impaired renal function frequently develops, and kidney stones form as
precipitates of calcium salts. A shortened QT segment and depressed widened T waves also
may be observed on the ECG, with bradycardia and varying degrees of heart block.
PTS: 1 REF: Pages 120-121

39. The electrolyte imbalance hypokalemia exhibits which clinical manifestations? (Select all that
a. Paralytic ileus
b. Sinus bradycardia
c. Atrioventricular block
d. Dry mucous membranes
e. Tetany
ANS: A, B, C
A variety of dysrhythmias may occur, including sinus bradycardia, atrioventricular block,
paroxysmal atrial tachycardia, and paralytic ileus. The other options are not related to

PTS: 1 REF: Pages 116-117

40. A third of the body’s fluid is contained in the extracellular interstitial fluid spaces that include:
(Select all that apply.)
a. Urine
b. Intraocular fluids
c. Lymph
d. Blood plasma
e. Sweat
ANS: A, B, C, E
Two thirds of the body’s water is in the intracelluarl fluid (ICF) compartment, and one third is
in the extracellular fluid (ECF) compartments. The two main ECF compartments are the
interstitial fluid and the intravascular fluid, such as the blood plasma. Interstitial ECF
compartments include the lymph and the transcellular fluids, such as the synovial, intestinal,
biliary, hepatic, pancreatic, and cerebrospinal fluids; sweat; urine; and pleural, synovial,
peritoneal, pericardial, and intraocular fluids.

PTS: 1 REF: Pages 103-104

41. An imbalance of potassium can produce which dysfunctions? (Select all that apply.)
a. Weakness skeletal muscles
b. Cardiac dysrhythmias
c. Smooth muscle atony
d. Visual impairment
e. Hearing loss
ANS: A, B, C
Symptoms of hyperkalemia vary, but common characteristics are muscle weakness or
paralysis and dysrhythmias with changes in the ECG. A wide range of metabolic dysfunctions
may result from hypokalemia. Neuromuscular excitability is decreased, causing skeletal
muscle weakness, smooth muscle atony, and cardiac dysrhythmias.

PTS: 1 REF: Pages 116-118

42. Which statements regarding total body water (TBW) are true? (Select all that apply.)
Pathophysiology The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children 7th Edition Mccance Te

a. During childhood, TBW slowly decreases in relationship to body weight.

b. Gender has no influence on TBW until old age.
c. Men tend to have greater TBW as a result of their muscle mass.
d. Estrogen plays a role in female TBW.
e. Older adults experience a decrease in TBW as a result of decreased muscle mass.
ANS: A, C, D, E
During childhood, TBW slowly decreases to 60% to 65% of body weight. At adolescence, the
percentage of TBW approaches adult proportions, and gender differences begin to appear.
Men eventually have a greater percentage of body water as a function of increasing muscle
mass. Women have more body fat and less muscle as a function of estrogens and therefore
have less body water. With increasing age, the percentage of TBW declines further still. The
decrease is caused, in part, by an increased amount of fat and a decreased amount of muscle,
as well as by a reduced ability to regulate sodium and water balance.

PTS: 1 REF: Pages 104-105


Match the electrolytes with the corresponding descriptions. Terms may be used more than
______ A. Sodium
______ B. Chloride
______ C. Potassium
______ D. Magnesium
______ E. Phosphate
43. Regulates osmolality in the extracellular fluid (ECF) space.
44. Is inversely related to HCO3 concentration.
45. Is a major determinant of resting membrane potential.
46. An intracellular metabolic form is adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
47. Changes in hydrogen ion concentration affect this electrolyte.

43. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: Page 105

MSC: Sodium is the most abundant ECF ion and is responsible for the osmotic balance of the ECF
space. Potassium maintains the osmotic balance of the ICF space.
44. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: Page 109
MSC: Chloride levels are inversely related to HCO3 concentration.
45. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Page 114
MSC: The ratio of K+ in the ICF to K+ in the ECF is the major determinant of the resting membrane
potential, which is necessary for the transmission and conduction of nerve impulses, for the
maintenance of normal cardiac rhythms, and for skeletal and smooth muscle contraction. (Membrane
transport and membrane potentials are discussed in Chapter 1.)
46. ANS: E PTS: 1 REF: Page 119
MSC: Phosphate acts as an intracellular and extracellular anion buffer in the regulation of acid-base
balance; it provides energy for muscle contraction in the form of ATP.
47. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: Page 117
MSC: In states of acidosis, hydrogen ions shift into the cells in exchange for ICF potassium;
hyperkalemia and acidosis therefore often occur together.

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