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Psychology 10th Edition Bernstein Test Bank

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Psychology 10th Edition Bernstein Test

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Psychology 10th Edition Bernstein Test Bank

1. On the first day of Introductory Philosophy class, Nora asks her students to provide a definition of the term critical
thinking. Having aced Introductory Psychology last semester, Cassie knows that critical thinking is ____.
a. a specific, testable proposition about something under study
b. the process of assessing claims and making judgments on the basis of well-supported evidence
c. a cognitive response reliant on heuristics that allows a person to draw reasonable conclusions
d. the process of describing the exact operations or methods a scientist will use in a research study
REFERENCES: Thinking Critically About Psychology (or Anything Else)
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

2. If you were reviewing evidence for an insurance investigation, you would not blindly accept someone's claims. You
would look for well-supported evidence. Your text refers to this process as ____.
a. naturalistic observation
b. intelligence
c. parsimonious thought
d. critical thinking
REFERENCES: Thinking Critically About Psychology (or Anything Else)
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

3. Which of the following is NOT one of the fivequestions that provide a strategy for critical thinking?
a. Are there alternative ways of interpreting the evidence?
b. What am I being asked to believe or accept?
c. What is the reputation of the researcher(s)?
d. What evidence is available to support the assertion?
REFERENCES: Thinking Critically About Psychology (or Anything Else)
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

4. Dr. Wisgoski asks fifty drug addicts a series of questions about their childhoods and then collects blood samples from
them. He finds a high correlation between levels of the stress hormone cortisol and the amount of reported childhood
trauma. Dr. Wisgoski concludes that childhood trauma causes high levels of stress during adulthood, which, in turn,
causes drug addiction. Dr. Wisgoski's operational definition of adult stress level is ____.
a. childhood trauma
b. blood cortisol
c. drug addiction
d. self-report
REFERENCES: Thinking Critically About Psychology (or Anything Else)
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

5. The prediction that "bright colors will make people happier" is called a(n) ____.
a. hypothesis
b. law
c. theory
d. explanation

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REFERENCES: Thinking Critically About Psychology (or Anything Else)
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

6. Dr. Zumbahlen is conducting a research study in which she is interested in the effects of aerobic activity on weight loss.
Aerobic activity is defined by thirty minutes of exercise on the treadmill three times a week. This specific way of defining
aerobic activity is referred to as a(n) ____ definition.
a. experimental
b. construct
c. operational
d. empirical
REFERENCES: Thinking Critically About Psychology (or Anything Else)
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

7. Shantae is doing an experiment on how anxious people will feel if they are told that they did not do well on an
intelligence test. She asks her participants to rate how nervous, upset, and anxious they feel on a scale from 1 (not at all)
to 7 (very). Participant's scores on the scale are a(n) ____.
a. operational definition of anxiety
b. independent variable
c. confounding variable
d. empirical definition of anxiety
REFERENCES: Thinking Critically About Psychology (or Anything Else)
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

8. Joe, a psychologist, believes that listening to classical music while studying will increase academic performance. This
is an example of a(n) ____.
a. hypothesis
b. theory
c. experimental design
d. case study
REFERENCES: Thinking Critically About Psychology (or Anything Else)
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

9. Twenty volunteers are shown a movie about a party. After viewing, participants are asked to rate their reactions to the
movie using a scale from 1 to 7. In this example, what would be the data?
a. The participants
b. The movie
c. The party
d. The ratings
REFERENCES: Thinking Critically About Psychology (or Anything Else)
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

10. After the magician pulled a rabbit from her hat, Dora exclaimed, "I'd like to see her do that again!" In other words,
Dora is challenging the ____ of the magician.
a. reliability
b. hypothesis
c. validity
d. data
REFERENCES: Thinking Critically About Psychology (or Anything Else)
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

11. Jason answers a series of vocabulary and reading comprehension questions on a web site. When he finishes, the site
gives him a rating of intelligence. "I don't think that test really measures intelligence," thought Jason. Jason is questioning
the test's ____.
a. consistency
b. validity
c. datum
d. reliability
REFERENCES: Thinking Critically About Psychology (or Anything Else)
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

12. Megan believes she has found a medication that will greatly reduce the symptoms of depression, so she decides to
conduct an experiment to test her ____. She randomly assigns depressed people to one of two groups. One group of
participants takes the medication, while the other group gets only sugar pills. The latter group is receiving a ____.
a. hypothesis; placebo
b. theory; random variable
c. bias; treatment
d. intervening variable; placebo
REFERENCES: Thinking Critically About Psychology (or Anything Else)
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

13. During a lunch discussion on the TV show Lost, your friend Aldo exclaims, “I have a theory about the mysteries of the
island.” Having just come from your Psychology class, you turn to Aldo and say, “you don’t really have a theory. You
have a hunch. I know this because a theory is ____.”
a. the constant recyclingand pruning of explanations of behavior and mental processes
b. an elaborate set of hypotheses
c. a law that has been established through experimentation
d. an integrated set of principles that can be used to explain and predict phenomena
REFERENCES: Thinking Critically About Psychology (or Anything Else)
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

14. Ernest has collected and examined his research data, and now has a set of general principles that he believes accounts
for the acquisition of personality traits. Ernest has formed a(n) ____ of personality.
a. theory
b. operational definition
c. experimental design
d. opinion
REFERENCES: Thinking Critically About Psychology (or Anything Else)
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

15. Dr. Gholson tells his students to maintain caution as they begin to draw conclusions on their own research. He
encourages them to follow the law of parsimony, which means that ____.
a. statistically significant results are not due to chance factors
b. results must be reported with the highest ethical standards
c. all members of a population had an equal chance of being selected for the study
d. the correct explanation tends to be the simplest one
REFERENCES: Thinking Critically About Psychology (or Anything Else)
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

16. Julian and Meghan are discussing several theories they have found that offer explanations for why children become
bullies in schools. Julian is not sure how to sift through all the theories because they all seem equally convincing. Meghan
suggests that they go with the explanation that is the simplest. Meghan’s decision are made based on____.
a. observational methods
b. statistical significance
c. biased sampling
d. the law of parsimony
REFERENCES: Thinking Critically About Psychology (or Anything Else)
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

17. Psychology is based on research questions about many phenomena. When a psychologist asks if she can control for a
phenomenon, she is ready to ____.
a. devise a theory that will predict future phenomena
b. describe the phenomenon empirically
c. explain why the phenomenon occurs and why certain treatments are more effective
d. conduct an experiment testing various treatment methods in a clinical setting
REFERENCES: Thinking Critically About Psychology (or Anything Else)
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

18. The kind of treatment a client is given (e.g., EMDR versus no treatment) and the results of that treatment (the amount
of anxiety reduction observed) are examples of ____, or the specific factors or characteristics that are manipulated and
measured in research.
a. research variables
b. theories
c. confounding variables
d. research topics
REFERENCES: Thinking Critically About Psychology (or Anything Else)
KEYWORDS: Boom’s: Understand

19. ____is the degree to which the data are stable and consistent.
a. Statistical validity
b. Statistical reliability
c. Research variables
d. Inferential statistics
REFERENCES: Thinking Critically About Psychology (or Anything Else)
KEYWORDS: Boom’s: Understand

20. The ____of data is the degree to which they accurately represent the topic being studied.
a. statistical validity
b. statistical reliability
c. research variables
d. inferential statistics
REFERENCES: Thinking Critically About Psychology (or Anything Else)
KEYWORDS: Boom’s: Understand

21. The first evidence for EMDR was based on Francine Shapiro’s own experience with eye movements. If she had not
been able to consistently repeat, or _______, those effects in other people, one would have to question the reliability of
such data. And if her clients’ reports of reduced anxiety were not supported by, say, their overt behavior or the reports of
their close relatives, one would have to doubt the ____of these data.
a. reproduce; effectiveness
b. reiterate; efficacy
c. replicate; validity
d. redo; truthfulness
REFERENCES: Thinking Critically About Psychology (or Anything Else)
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

22. When research does not support a(n) ____, it may need to be ____.
a. hypothesis; rewritten
b. idea, rethought
c. hypothesis; discarded
d. theory; revised
REFERENCES: Thinking Critically About Psychology (or Anything Else)
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

23. A researcher studies how Pakistani students adapt to college by living in multicultural dorms on campus. He uses the
data collected to find trends of adjustment and what factors may help to ease the transition into college. What research
method is being employed?
a. naturalistic observation
b. experiment
c. correlational study
d. introspection
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

24. Cornelius is interested in studying cooperation in children between the ages of two and six. He suspects that
cooperation is greatest in groups of girls as opposed to groups of boys or coed groups. After carrying out his observation,
he decides to examine the results to determine any relationships between gender and cooperation. Cornelius is planning to
carry out a(n) ____.
a. double-blind design
b. random assignment
c. experiment
d. correlational study
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

25. A noted psychologist and environmentalist, Dr. Pigeon, has received a grant to study older persons' bird-feeding
behavior in public parks. Dr. Pigeon has research assistants sit in public parks to unobtrusively collect the data. Dr. Pigeon
has chosen a ____ research method.
a. case study
b. naturalistic observational
c. controlled experimental
d. survey
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

26. A disadvantage most associated with the ____ research method is that people who know they are being studied may
alter their normal behavior.
a. case study
b. survey
c. double-blind
d. naturalistic observational
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

27. A major limitation of naturalistic observation in the study of human behavior is that ____.
a. accurate observations can rarely be made
b. there is no sure way to know the cause of the behavior being studied
c. there is no sure way to account for the influence of context on behavior
d. several observers are required, making it very expensive
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

28. What research topic would lend itself best to naturalistic observation?
a. comparing smokers and nonsmokers on judgments of self-esteem
b. describing play among children in a kindergarten class
c. determining gender attitudes for all Chicagoans
d. understanding the life of someone with a rare brain disorder
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

29. Psychologists are most likely to use case studies instead of other research methods when they wish to study ____.
a. cause-effect relationships between variables
b. phenomena that are new, complex, or rare
c. group behavior and public opinion
d. people without being intrusive
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

30. Dr. Redford has long been interested in dissociative identity disorder. For the past three years, the only participant in
his research has been his client, Sybil. He has studied her case intensively. What research method is Dr. Redford using?
a. case study
b. naturalistic observation
c. survey
d. experimental
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

31. Yasou calls people and asks them a specified list of questions concerning their opinions of how irritating telemarketers
can be. What kind of research is Yasou conducting?
a. naturalistic observation
b. case study
c. survey
d. experiment
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

32. Thanh was in a car accident a year ago in which she suffered some brain damage. Because of the rare nature of her
impairment, Dr. Morello kept very detailed notes concerning the treatments administered, the effects of those treatments,
and other particular aspects of Thanh's condition. He hopes to publish his findings so that if another psychologist
encounters a patient with a condition like Thanh's, that psychologist will have some information to aid him or her in
treating that individual. Which research method is Dr. Morello using?
a. controlled experiment
b. case study
c. naturalistic observation
d. survey
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand
33. Jocelyn is interested in a rare form of phobia. She is particularly interested in the factors associated with the
development of this phobia. The research method that would be most useful for her is ____.
a. a case study
b. field research
c. an experiment
d. naturalistic observation
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

34. Chan-ju and Lucas are researchers studying consumer behavior. Chan-ju goes to a store and watches the shoppers for
several days. She takes very careful notes about what she sees the shoppers doing, but she does not talk to the shoppers or
interact with them in any way. Lucas goes to a store and asks each shopper a series of questions. He makes sure to ask
these questions of each shopper in the store. Chan-ju's study is an example of a(n) ____, and Lucas's study is an example
of a ____.
a. case study; naturalistic observation
b. experiment; case study
c. survey; survey
d. naturalistic observation; survey
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

35. Nina wants to know whether there is a market for a brand new product, the Arctic Blast, which freezes all types of
food within seconds. To find out what percentage of people and what types of people might be interested in such a
product, Nina needs to use ____ as her method of research.
a. a survey
b. naturalistic observation
c. a case study
d. an experiment
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

36. Surveys are able to address the problems associated with ____, which are inherent in case studies.
a. small sample sizes
b. the lack of control groups
c. the lack of experimental groups
d. confounds
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

37. Hilary wants to know whether women are getting paid the same amount of money as men for equal work. She asks
men and women in several business firms for information about their salaries. What research method is Hilary using?
a. survey
b. case study
c. experimental
d. naturalistic observation
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

38. A doctor has completed a three-year research project on patients with dissociative fugue. She has decided the next step
is to run correlational studies on her data. The doctor is doing this to ____.
a. determine if her sampling is representative
b. find trends and relationships among variables
c. find a cause-and-effect relationship
d. eliminate the possibility of experimenter bias
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

39. N.A. has a damaged hippocampus, and psychiatrists visit him weekly for two years. During these visits, they test his
memory and IQ. One of the limitations of this case study is that it ____.
a. may cause N.A. to behave differently because he knows he is being observed
b. is susceptible to confounds and experimenter bias
c. may only contain information the psychiatrists deem important
d. only shows cause and effect, not relationships between variables
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

40. A psychologist is looking for a link between aggressive behavior and television violence. She measures the frequency
of fighting and television-viewing habits of many twelve-year-old children. The psychologist concludes that children who
watch more violent programming also get into fights more often. This is an example of ____.
a. a case study
b. a survey
c. correlational research
d. experimental research
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

41. Randy, a community psychologist, is working with a community AIDS organization on a project to help reduce HIV
transmission. He decides to gather as much information from as many people as possible about their sexual behavior
patterns. Which research method would be the best choice for him to use?
a. naturalistic observation
b. case study
c. survey
d. experiment
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

42. Professor Beamish administers a survey to better understand stealing behaviors that occur in the workplace. Even
though the survey is administered anonymously, employees may still not respond truthfully. According to your text, this
occurs because some people ____.
a. believe the researcher may be tricking them
b. do not like to admit embarrassing things about themselves
c. realize they are part of a control group
d. have not been randomly assigned
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

43. The Harvard Business School is famous for teaching MBA students about business by using the casestudy method. A
Harvard MBA who attempts to apply knowledge from a case study to a new situationshould keep in mind that case studies
may not be ____.
a. representative
b. unique
c. detailed
d. specific
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

44. A researcher is interested in determining whether test performance of students can be improved by providing them
with individual tutoring. The researcher randomly divides fifty first-year college students into two groups. In Group A, the
instructor lectures to them for three hours per week. Group B receives an equal amount of lecturing, but their instructor
also meets with each student for thirty minutes every week. Each group takes the same final exam. The test performance
of students in Group B is about the same as that of students in Group A. This study is an example of a(n) ____.
a. correlational study
b. case study
c. experiment
d. survey
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

45. A psychologist who is interested in determining the effects of a new diet regimen on the stress tolerance level of
severely intellectually impaired patients would most likely choose which research method?
a. naturalistic observation method
b. telephone survey method
c. case study method
d. controlled experiment method
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

46. Giorgi wants to manipulate certain aspects of his study to understand the effect of those changes. Such manipulation is
a foundational part of ____.
a. naturalistic observation
b. surveys
c. case studies
d. experiments
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

47. Dr. V wanted to test her hypothesis that sugar improves memory, so she gave one group of participants candy
sweetened with sugar and another group candy sweetened with NutraSweet. Then she compared the performance of the
two groups on a test of recognition memory. Dr. V's research method is ____.
a. dependent
b. experimental
c. descriptive
d. naturalistic
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

48. Dr. Kermit is interested in studying whether the readers on Reading Rainbow cause higher student reading scores than
the readers on Avocado Alley. To answer his question, Dr. Kermit should use which research method?
a. naturalistic observation
b. case study
c. survey
d. experiment
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

49. Researchers who want to find the best explanation of a phenomenon when they have several rival hypotheses should
a. describe the correlation among the variables involved
b. conduct controlled research using experimental methods
c. conduct research in the real world instead of in a laboratory
d. continue observing the phenomenon of interest until the best explanation becomes clear
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

50. An experimenter who conducts a study under highly controlled conditions often reduces the ____.
a. scientific value of the results
b. extent to which conclusions drawn from the results can be applied to other populations or situations
c. likelihood that the research hypothesis will be confirmed by the results
d. strength of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

51. P.W. Herman wants to know whether consumption of alcoholic beverages affects peoples' bicycling abilities. He
suggeststhat the alcohol itself doesn’t have any negative effects, but that people who drink alcohol expect to have their
riding abilities impaired so they "act drunk." To control for the participants' expectations, P.W. gives half of his sample
vodka and the other half of his sample vodka-flavored water. P.W. is using a(n)____research method, and the vodka-
flavored water is a ____.
a. naturalistic observation; confounding variable
b. survey; confounding variable
c. experimental; placebo
d. experimental; treatment variable
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

52. Dr. Adcock is a community psychologist studying whether a special program instituted for an at-risk group of junior
high school students decreases behavior problems. At-risk students are randomly assigned to either Group A, the special
program, or Group B, a study hall meeting at the same time. In this experiment, Group A is the __________ while Group
B is the __________.
a. independent variable; dependent variable
b. experimental group; control group
c. control group; experimental group
d. dependent variable; independent variable
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

53. Franz is conducting an experiment to study the effects of wearing heavy clothing on weight-lifting performance. He
gives Group A heavy sweatshirts and lets Group B wear whatever they wish. He measures the amount of weight they can
lift after the workout. Group B is the ____ group.
a. experimental
b. control
c. dependent
d. independent
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

54. An experimenter wants to determine if taking a specific amount of the drug Prozac relieves depression. Which
element will be most in need of an operational definition in this study?
a. The dependent variable
b. The independent variable
c. The inferential statistic
d. An experimental confound
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand
55. Quisley's hypothesis is that listening to classical music improves intellectual performance. He randomly divides a
mathematics class into two rooms. In room A, music by Mozart plays softly in the background during a lecture. In room
B, the students listen to a lecture without background music. The independent variable is ____.
a. whether music played during a lecture.
b. mathematical performance.
c. the level of mathematics taught.
d. present only in the control group.
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

56. To investigate the effects of exercise on mathematical problem-solving ability, a researcher assignsparticipants to one
of two groups. One group cycles on an exercise bike for one hour, and the other group performs no exercises. Afterward,
both groups work on a set of math problems and their performances are compared. In this experiment, the group that does
not exercise is the ____.
a. control group
b. dependent variable
c. independent variable
d. intervening group
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

57. Jon believes that exercise is a cause of higher levels of life satisfaction. If Jon plans to study this hypothesis
experimentally, his independent variable would be the ____.
a. amount of exercise his participants receive
b. level of life satisfaction before the exercise
c. level of life satisfaction after the exercise
d. physical health of his participants
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

58. Dr. Noyd conducts an experiment to determine whether talking to a psychiatrist makes depressed people less
depressed. He randomly divides participants who scored highly on a depressive inventory into two groups.Group A
discusses their problems with a psychiatrist while Group B does nothing.He finds that Group A shows significantly more
improvement in their depression than does Group B. In Dr. Noyd's experiment, the experimental group refers to the ____.
a. differences observed whether or not therapy was received
b. individuals who discuss their problems
c. scores on the depressive inventory
d. random assignment
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

59. James reads a magazine ad about a drug that doctors say may help college students perform better on multiple-choice
type tests. Being the inquisitive person that he is, James decides to do an experiment to see if the magazine's claims are
true. He administers the drug to one of his classes, and gives the other class a placebo. James then tests the students in
both groups on material they have recently discussed in class. In this example, the experimental group is the ____.
a. students who received the drug
b. students who received the placebo
c. test performance of the students
d. age of the students
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

60. Dr. Jones is studying the effects of fatigue on aggression. He hypothesizes that the more fatigue a person is
experiencing, the more aggressively the person will behave. Dr. Jones's control group should be composed of
a. nonfatigued
b. fatigued
c. aggressive
d. nonaggressive
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

61. Sima believes that wearing black clothing causes people to behave more aggressively. In her experiment, she
randomly assigns people into two groups. In Group A, participants are given black shirts to wear, while participants in
Group B are given white shirts to wear. Each participant is then asked to play a violent video game for fifteen minutes and
his or her score is computed. In this experiment, each participant's video game score is the ____ variable.
a. dependent
b. random
c. independent
d. confounding
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

62. Dr. Kurtz believes that students who use calculators learn the basics of math better. He designs an experiment in
which Group A is taught a math concept and allowed to use calculators. Group B is taught the same math concept but is
not allowed to use calculators. Then he gives both groups a standardized math test to assess their knowledge of the
concept and compares their scores. In Dr. Kurtz's experiment, the standardized math test score is the ____.
a. dependent variable
b. independent variable
c. confound
d. placebo
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

63. A researcher has one group of children go trick-or-treating wearing masks and a second group of children go trick-or-
treating without masks. The researcher finds that the children who wore masks took more candy than the children who did
not wearmasks. What was the control group in this study?
a. The group who wore masks
b. The group who did not wear masks
c. The act of trick-or-treating
d. The amount of candy taken
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

64. Dr. Kilgore is studying the effects of Prozac on depression. Dr. Kilgore runs a double-blind study on a group of sixty
college students. Thirty students receive Prozac and thirty students receive a placebo. At the beginning and end of the
study, Dr. Kilgore administers the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) to determine the efficacy of the drugs. In this
experiment, the group that receive Prozac is considered the ____ group.
a. independent
b. dependent
c. experimental
d. control
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

65. Zack believes that drinking milk improves memory. He conducts an experiment in which he randomly chooses a
group of participants and randomly divides them into two groups. Group A drinks milk before trying to remember a list of
nonsense syllables. Group B drinks nothing before trying to remember a list of nonsense syllables. The experimental
group in this experiment is ____.
a. the number of nonsense syllables remembered
b. Group A
c. the level of thirst before drinking the milk
d. Group B
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

66. Dr. Jiminez investigates the influence of snacking on the onset of sleep in preschool children. One group of
preschoolers eats a candy bar prior to bedtime, and the other group eats nothing. Time until the onset of sleep is recorded
for each child. In this experiment, eating or not eating the snack is the ____ variable, and the time until the onset of sleep
is the ____ variable.
a. independent; dependent
b. dependent; independent
c. experimental; control
d. control; experimental
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

67. Dr. Hodo is conducting a study in which he examines the effect of two types of therapy on depression in college
students. The type of therapy is the ____ variable.
a. independent
b. control
c. dependent
d. confounding
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

68. Tai is interested in how alcohol consumption affects driving ability. He gives college students two, four, or six beers
and then measures how many obstacles the students "hit" when they are in a driving simulator. The dependent variable is
a. alcohol consumption
b. driving ability
c. the number of drinks
d. the number of obstacles hit
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

69. Dr. Fontenot is studying the effects of fatigue on aggression. He hypothesizes that the more fatigue a person is
experiencing, the more aggressively the person will behave. The level of aggression in Dr. Fontenot's study is the ____
a. independent
b. dependent
c. confounding
d. intervening
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

70. Malcolm administers a survey of people's attitudes about the relationship between exercise and stress level. What is
the independent variable?
a. exercise level
b. stress level
c. survey
d. Malcolm himself
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

71. A researcher shows a violent film to one group of participants and a nonviolent film to another before giving both
groups a test measuring aggressiveness. Which statement is true about this experiment?
a. The participants who are shown the violent film are the control group.
b. The type of film shown is the independent variable.
c. The nonviolent film is likely to produce a placebo effect.
d. The violent film is a confounding variable.
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand
72. Derrill is worried that variables such as age, gender, personality characteristics, and education level might confound
the results of his experiment, which is designed to test the effects of mood on reaction time. Derrill should use ____
assignment to experimental groups to distribute the impact of these ____ variables.
a. random; representative
b. representative; random
c. representative; representative
d. random; random
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

73. To avoid bias and confounds in a controlled experiment, participants should be assigned to either the experimental or
control group ____.
a. on the basis of careful thought
b. randomly
c. on the basis of individual tests
d. according to age variables
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

74. In Dr. Turgrove's experiment, he includes a control group that receives a placebo. This type of research design is
meant to control which confound?
a. participants' expectations
b. experimenter bias
c. sampling bias
d. independent variable
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

75. A participant in an experiment is told that a particular pill should improve her performance on a cognitive task. The
participant is then given the pill, and she performs better than usual on the task. In actuality, the pill did not contain any
ingredients that would affect her performance on the task. The participant's improved performance is most likely due to
a. the double-blind design
b. random variables
c. the placebo effect
d. confirmation bias
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

76. A(n) ____ variable can be any factor, other than the variable being manipulated by the experimenter, in the
experimental situation that might affect the dependent variable.
a. interval
b. correlational
c. independent
d. random
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

77. Brielle is studying the effect that alcohol consumption has on test-taking ability. In her study, a participant's alcohol
tolerance would be ____.
a. the independent variable
b. the dependent variable
c. a confound
d. the experimental group
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

78. A professor wants to examine the effects of diet on learning. He places some laboratory rats on a starvation diet
(Group A) but eliminates only desserts from the diet of a second group (Group B). During the experiment, the professor
discovers that he needs more Group B rats, so he catches some in a local alley. The results of the experiment show that
Group B rats are faster at learning a maze, so the professor concludes that diet is related to learning speed. Which
statement about his conclusion is most accurate?
a. The professor's conclusion is correct because the number of rats in each group are the same.
b. The professor's conclusion is correct because the two groups of rats were on a different diet.
c. The professor's conclusion is incorrect because the type of rat was a confound.
d. The professor’s conclusion is incorrect because the study is correlational.
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Analysis

79. In an experiment to study the effects of marijuana usage on memory, previous experiences with drug usage indicate
a. experimenter bias
b. the independent variable
c. the dependent variable
d. a confound
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

80. Dr. Denton designs an experiment to test the hypothesis that children who are taught alternative ways of responding to
failure will show increased persistence in problem solving. Dr. Denton assigns half of a random sample of third-graders to
a tutor who emphasizes learning from mistakes rather than improving grades. The other half of the sample receive tutoring
without this emphasis on "learning goals." After two months of tutoring, both groups were given a test of persistence. A
possible random variable in this experiment is the ____.
a. amount of time before the persistence test
b. persistence test score
c. level of intelligence of the children
d. time of day the experiment was conducted
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

81. Dr. Dalbey is studying the effects of fatigue on aggression. He hypothesizes that the more fatigue a person is
experiencing, the more aggressively the person will behave. Unbeknownst to Dr. Dalbey, the participants' level of hunger
also had an impact on their aggression. Hunger could thus be a(n) ____ variable.
a. independent
b. dependent
c. confounding
d. intervening
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

82. To minimize the impact of random variables on an experiment's results, researchers commonly use ____.
a. exit surveys
b. random assignment
c. a placebo
d. a control group
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

83. Dr. Ayala conducts an experiment where she gives half her participants a yellow pill containing a drug that keeps
them awake during psychology lectures. She gives the other half of her participants an identical-looking yellow pill that
does not contain the drug. This experimental design controls for ____.
a. experimenter bias
b. random variables
c. a placebo effect
d. confirmation bias
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

84. In research, uncontrollable factors such as the temperature of the room, the mood of the participants, and chance
effects are considered ____ variables.
a. independent
b. random
c. dependent
d. control
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

85. Dr. Bishop is studying the effects of a drug on memory. Half of his participants will receive the drug, while the other
half will receive a placebo. The pills the two groups of participants will take look exactly the same. Dr. Bishop hopes that
the use of a placebo will ____.
a. allow him to have control over the dependent variables
b. show if memory improvement is based on participant expectations
c. create a double-blind design for his research
d. eliminate the chance of random variables confounding his experiment
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

86. The most effective way to eliminate experimenter bias is to ____.

a. use placebos
b. hire ethical research assistants.
c. incorporate random variables
d. use a double-blind design
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

87. Laura conducts a study to determine whether her new "puppet" therapy works better than the traditional "talking"
therapy. After randomly assigning her own patients to either the "puppet" or "talking" group, Laura herself administers the
therapy. This study’s most obvious flaw is ____.
a. random variables
b. experimenter bias
c. the placebo effect
d. participant expectations
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

88. In an experiment, Dr. Fatka watches forty participants play basketball and gives each participant a rating from 1 to 10
to assess the participant's basketball ability. Dr. Fatka randomly divides the forty participants into two groups and
personally teaches one group how to play basketball and the other group how to play football. Finally, Dr. Fatka watches
all forty participants play basketball again and gives each participant a new rating. After looking at the data, Dr. Fatka
concludes that teaching basketball is more effective than teaching football in raising the basketball ratings. This
experiment is flawed because of ____.
a. experimenter bias
b. random sampling
c. double-blind design
d. correlations
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

89. One way to prevent experimenter bias is to be sure that the experimenter and the participants know nothing about who
is receiving the experimental treatment and who is not. This is known as ____.
a. experimenter design
b. the placebo effect
c. a random assignment of variables
d. a double-blind design
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

90. The school psychologist at Happy Elementary School conducts a study where the students of one fourth-grade class
are given five recesses during the day, while students in the other class are allowed the standard two recesses. The
psychologist explains to the teachers that more breaks should lead to better behavior in the classrooms and then has the
teachers observe the children's progress. In this experiment, there is the risk of ____.
a. random sampling
b. experimenter bias
c. participant bias
d. the placebo effect
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

91. Dr. Gillis has decided to use ____ in his research to guard against both experimenter bias and participant expectations.
a. confounds
b. random selection
c. the placebo effect
d. the double-blind design
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

92. If you are interested in determining the effectiveness of a new medication in treating depression, it is most critical that
you use ____.
a. naturalistic observational methods
b. correlational research
c. a double-blind design
d. a stratified sample
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

93. Dr. Abdul wants his research findings to be representative of the students at State U. He makes sure that every student
has an equal chance of being a participant, thereby ensuring that he has engaged in____ sampling.
a. biased
b. operational
c. random
d. representative
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

94. While conducting an experiment on alcohol tolerance, Dr. Guff solicits his participants at the door to Skam's (a local
drinking and social establishment). When he publishes his findings (that people are extremely tolerant to the effects of
alcohol), Dr. Guff's research will likely be criticized because ____.
a. there are too many dependent variables
b. he used a double-blind design
c. the sample is biased
d. there is no placebo
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

95. Marney is studying the relationship between the rate of teen pregnancies in U.S. high school students and the
availability of contraceptives. She selects a sample composed of teens from a local high school. Marney's sample may not
be generalizable because it is not ____.
a. double-blind
b. biased
c. representative
d. dependent
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

96. Which method will result in having a truly random sample of the population of the United States?
a. Randomly select names from every phone book published in the United States.
b. Advertise in every newspaper in the country that you will pay $10/hour to anyone willing to be in a research
c. Select names from the Internal Revenue Service of every person who filed income tax returns last year such
that every income level is equally represented.
d. Obtain names from the U.S. census bureau and randomly select participants.
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

97. When each member of a population has an equal chance of being chosen for a study, the individuals selected
constitute a(n) ____ sample.
a. random
b. stratified
c. independent
d. significant
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

98. A researcher at the university has students in the introductory psychology participant pool fill out a survey about life
satisfaction. This use of the introductory psychology participant pool represents ____ sampling of the human population.
a. random
b. biased
c. representative
d. placebo
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

99. Suzie is a graduate student who is conducting research on the topic of relative happiness. Suzie also teaches an
introductory psychology course. Because her students are readily available, she uses them as participants in her research.
This is an example of ____.
a. dependent error
b. a double-blind design
c. randomizing
d. a convenience sample
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

100. Kumar wants to do research using a survey about attitudes toward smoking. Kumar wants his sampling of
respondents to be as representative as possible of the adult Ohio population. Kumar should ____.
a. randomly pick names from the latest Ohio census
b. take every thousandth name from phone books all over the state
c. survey all passersby in downtown areas of communities all over the state
d. put ads on TV stations around the state asking for volunteers
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

101. Kami starts reading books to his child before she is born. Now that she is two, he begins spending a little time each
day on educational games, hoping that this will increase her intelligence. Kami believes that the most important
determinant of mental development is ____.
a. maturational
b. nature
c. nurture
d. psychodynamic
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

102. Some people believe that a person is born intelligent (or not) and education does little to affect this. This is an
example of the ____ argument.
a. psychodynamic
b. nature
c. nurture
d. humanistic
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand
103. Steve is pushing Little Larry around on the fifth-grade playground when Larry says, "Your parents raised you to be a
rude brat." Steve replies, "Shut up, wimp. It's survival of the fittest on this playground, and I was born to rule." Steve and
Larry are engaged in a debate over ____.
a. nature and nurture
b. authoritarian and authoritative parenting styles
c. stage and continual processes in development
d. assimilation and accommodation
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

104. Dr. Narayan is interested in how much of personality is inherited, so she tests whether the personalities of siblings
are more similar to each other than they are to distant cousins. This research would best be described as ____.
a. behavioral genetics
b. twin analysis
c. genetic engineering
d. psychoanalytic
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

105. One of the most important conclusions to be drawn with regard to the relative roles of heredity and environment is
that ____.
a. these factors are too closely entwined to be separated
b. heredity is generally the more important factor
c. the environment is generally the more important factor
d. both factorsmust be equally important
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

106. Veronica is preparing a lecture for class tomorrow on the topic of behavioral genetics. The content of her lecture will
focus on ____.
a. the biology of inheritance
b. the evolutionary approach to human development
c. the study of how genes affect behavior
d. neuropsychology
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

107. Melanie has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. If the disorder is genetic, who is at greatest risk of developing the
a. Melody, her identical twin
b. Marty, her older brother
c. Marvin, her father
d. Marissa, her mother
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

108. Dr. Essen wants to conduct a study on eating habits. He suspects that there are both environmental and genetic
influences that affect a person's eating behavior. To study this behavioral genetics topic, Dr. Essen will likely conduct a
____ study.
a. marriage
b. double-blind
c. family
d. randomizing
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

109. Dr. Harshaw is planning to research the relationship between behavioral genetics and the effect of impulsivity on
consumer behavior. To complete his research, Dr. Harshaw would likely conduct a ____.
a. representative sampling
b. twin study
c. random variable study
d. personality test
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

110. Dr. Tarantino wants to know the degree to which heredity and environment affect differences among individuals.
Which research approach would he be least likely to consider?
a. gender study
b. adoption study
c. family study
d. twin study
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

111. A researcher wants to know if intelligence is based more prominently on factors of family environment or on
heredity. Her research focuses on identical twins who are raised together in the same home and those who were separated
at birth and raised in different homes by different parents. According to the textbook, this researcher is conducting a(n)
____ study.
a. sibling
b. adoption
c. twin
d. family
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand
112. Dr. Ayhee’s research is focused on exploring how environmental effects, such as stress and disease, can alter the
functions of genes in the human body, even though the DNA itself remains unchanged. This field of study is known as
a. forensic psychology
b. epigenetics
c. inferential studies
d. environmental psychology
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

113. Dr. Zoeworks for a research foundation that focuses on epigenetics. Dr. Zoe’s work most likely examines ____.
a. the environmental triggers that change the sequence of chemicals in the DNA
b. how twin, adoption, and family studies affect the influence of heredity on development
c. the identification of experimental confounds on behavioral genetics research
d. diseases and stress factors that can alter the function of genes
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

114. For his sociology research paper, Sawyer would like to report descriptive statistics from his survey findings. In other
words, the statistics Sawyer plans to report will ____.
a. summarizea data set numerically
b. be statistically significant
c. allow him to make inferences about a data set
d. reveal a cause-effect relationship
REFERENCES: Statistical Analysis of Research Results
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

115. During a thesis meeting, Dr. Volde suggests that Anwen consider using inferential statistics in her upcoming research
project. After the meeting, Anwen meets her friend Jack and confesses that she doesn’t know what Dr. Volde is talking
about. Jack explains that inferential statistics ____.
a. are measures of central tendency and variability.
b. are mathematical procedures used to draw conclusions from data.
c. usually involve correlation coefficients.
d. cannot be statistically significant by definition.
REFERENCES: Statistical Analysis of Research Results
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

116. A researcher wants to know what conclusions she can reasonably draw from the data that she collected in her
experiment. The researcher should use ____ statistics to understand the meaning of her data.
a. inferential
b. quantitative
c. variable
d. descriptive
REFERENCES: Statistical Analysis of Research Results
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

117. Observational methods, case studies, surveys, correlational studies, and experiments generate mountains of
numbers—known as data—that represent research results and provide the basis for drawing conclusions about them.
a. descriptive statistics
b. inferential statistics
c. data
d. statistical significance
REFERENCES: Statistical Analysis of Research Results
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

118. Using your critical thinking skills to evaluate research designs and statistical methods becomes most important when
you think about results that are ____.
a. dramatic or unexpected
b. meaningless or trivial
c. positive and straightforward
d. negative and ambiguous
REFERENCES: Statistical Analysis of Research Results
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

119. One can say that the results of a study are not statistically significant when the results ____.
a. could reasonably be expected to have occurred by chance
b. are extremely unlikely to have occurred by chance
c. are not scientifically valuable
d. are extremely unlikely to have occurred by chance and are not scientifically valuable
REFERENCES: Statistical Analysis of Research Results
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

120. Ellen wants to see if the level of lighting in a room will affect the performance of individuals on an IQ test. One
group in her study is placed in a room with very bright lights and a second group is placed in a room with more normal
lighting. She finds that the individuals in the bright light group have better scores on the test than do the individuals in the
normal light group. The difference between the two groups' scores is statistically significant, which means that the ____.
a. lighting definitely makes a difference
b. difference between the groups is due to chance
c. lighting significantly affects performance
d. difference between the groups is probably not due to chance
REFERENCES: Statistical Analysis of Research Results
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

121. You are reading about an experiment.What feature is necessary to give you confidence that there is a cause-effect
relationship between the independent and dependent variables?
a. random assignment
b. case studies
c. random sampling
d. statistical significance
REFERENCES: Statistical Analysis of Research Results
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

122. Brad’s thesis advisor often tells him that it’s important to strive for results that are statistically significant. He
explains that to have results that are statistically significant means that ____.
a. descriptive statistics were used in this study
b. participants were randomized in his study
c. there was no random selection
d. there is a small chance that the results were caused by random variables
REFERENCES: Statistical Analysis of Research Results
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

123. A researcher tests the influence of environment on cognitive development by taking newborn children away from
their parents and assigning half of them to a rich cognitive environment and half to a deprived cognitive environment. Is
there anything wrong with this experiment, and if so, what?
a. No; there is nothing wrong with this experiment.
b. Yes; there is no control group.
c. Yes; this experimental method violates ethical standards.
d. Yes; this experimental method cannot control for the Hawthorne effect.
REFERENCES: Ethical Guidelines for Psychologists
KEYWORDS: Analysis

124. An experimenter is studying the facial expression of the emotion terror. He plans to point a loaded gun at participants
as they enter the room and photograph them at the same instant. Such an experiment would be ethically ____.
a. unacceptable if the experimenter explained the experiment afterward to the participants
b. acceptable if the experimenter explained the experiment afterward and if the participants were paid
c. acceptable if the participants were paid, regardless of the discomfort they might experience
d. unacceptable if the risks to the participants outweigh the potential benefits of the knowledge gained
REFERENCES: Ethical Guidelines for Psychologists
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Apply

125. It is considered to be acceptable for research participants to be exposed to risk or discomfort ____.
a. when the risk and discomfort is temporary and only occurs during the experiment
b. only when minimal risk and discomfort are outweighed by the benefit to the knowledge base and to human
c. when nonhuman participants are also used as a comparison
d. when participants are paid for their involvement with the study before participating
REFERENCES: Ethical Guidelines for Psychologists
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understand

126. A friend of yours claims that psychology isn't a science. Explain why your friend is wrong by relating the scientific
goals of psychological research to the research methods that psychologists use.
ANSWER: Psychology is a science in the sense that researchers in psychology strive to achieve four goals just like
scientists in other fields, namely: (1) to describe phenomena, (2) to make predictions about phenomena,
(3) to provide control over important variables associated with the phenomena, and thereby (4) to explain
how and why the phenomena occur. To achieve these goals, psychologists, like scientists in other fields,
employ a variety of research methods. To describe and predict aspects of the phenomena under
investigation, psychologists employ (1) naturalistic observation, (2) case studies, and (3) surveys. To
control and explain the phenomena, psychologists use (4) experiments, including quasi-experiments, to
demonstrate cause-effect relationships among specific variables.
DIFFICULTY: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Analyze
NOTES: An acceptable answer may also include reference to the use of hypotheses, theories, operational
definitions, and data, but should include the goals and methods identified above.

127. It has been said that laughter is the best medicine, but can research really substantiate or discredit this assertion?
Imagine that you have been hired to find out if laughter is an effective treatment for the common cold. As you describe
your experimental design, address the following questions: What are your independent and dependent variables? How will
you operationally define your variables? Who will participate in your research, and how will you select them?
ANSWER: In a research study, laughter could be the independent variable, and the dependent variable would be
cold symptoms. The laughter would be operationally defined as auditory chuckles, and we would
measure the duration of the chuckles as well as the frequency. Cold symptoms would be operationally
defined as coughing and sneezing. We would measure the frequency of both. We would randomly select
three doctors from the Midwest. During winter, we would randomly pick twenty-four patients from each
doctor. A third would be assigned to the experimental group, a third to the placebo group, and a third to
the control group. The experimental group would be shown humorous cartoons and sitcoms. The placebo
group would be shown a film of two monkeys playing catch with a plastic carp. The control group would
not be shown anything. The study would last two weeks, and participants would be monitored for the
cold symptoms. If laughter were an effective medicine, we would expect to see a statistically significant
decrease in the frequency of sneezing and coughing in the participants in the experimental group when
compared to the participants in both the placebo and control groups.
REFERENCES: Research Methods in Psychology
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Analyze

128. Select a television or radio commercial that makes a claim (e.g., "Bluebird fabric softener makes your clothes feel
softer"). Put that claim to the test by using the five-question process of critical thinking.
ANSWER: What am I being asked to believe or accept?
Bluebird fabric softener makes clothes feel softer.
What evidence is available to support the assertion?
Test results run by Bluebird. "Unsolicited claims" by users that Bluebird makes their clothing feel softer.
Are there alternative ways of interpreting the evidence?
Bluebird may be attempting to convince potential consumers that their product is superior. Bluebird may
be looking to increase profits.
What additional evidence would help evaluate the alternatives?
Independent testing by unbiased researchers; comparisons of Bluebird to similar products.
What conclusions are most reasonable?
Commercials often make exaggerated claims to influence consumers. Further research would be needed
to support (or refute) Bluebird's claims.
REFERENCES: Thinking Critically About Psychology (or Anything Else)
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Analyze
Psychology 10th Edition Bernstein Test Bank

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