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Ambient Air Quality and Noise Assessment in Eleme Communities, Rivers State, Nigeria

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Ambient Air Quality and Noise Assessment in Eleme Communities, Rivers State,

Gift Kiisi Nkin *

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Abuja, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja Nigeria.

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(02), 894–906

Publication history: Received on 30 June 2023; revised on 18 August 2023; accepted on 21 August 2023

Article DOI:

Problems caused by ambient air pollution on human and the environment can be averted by steadily and strictly
monitoring of the concentrations of outdoor pollutants. Human activities have triggered changes in the earths
atmosphere. In this research, 7(Seven) selected Eleme communities, 4(four) zones in each community and 28(Twenty
eight) sampling points in all locations were assessed for the concentrations of CO, SO 2 , NO2 , NO, CO2 , SPM, O2 , noise
level and as well Meteorological parameters using methods recommended by ASTM for air pollutants measurement and
meteorological parameters. Findings of this research showed that, measured level of CO (1.00 - 43.00 ppm) at Akpajo,
Aleto and Onne zone "B" exceeded the stipulated limit by NAAQS. Measured level of SO 2 (0.00 - 1.30 ppm) at zone "B"
and "D" in all locations were above permissible limit except in Alode and Ogale in which the concentrations of SO 2 were
0.00 ppm through out the zones. NO2 (0.00 - 3.10 ppm) and NO (0.00 - 1.05 ppm) concentrations in zone "B" in all the
sampling locations exceeded the permissible limit by NAAQS except in Alode and Ogale. Aleto and Ogale zone "D" were
also above limits. SPM(0.01 - 4.83 ppm) Levels in all locations and zones exceeded the limit given by W.H.O except in
Ogale residential area. Noise Level (40.20 - 102 dBA) at Alesa, Aleto, Akpajo and Ebubu zone "B" were as well above
limits. In order to address the risk connected with the identified pollutants in the study area, more endeavour should
be conveyed to the use of renewable energy and as well, cleaner air initiatives should be embarked upon.

Keywords: Ambient Air; Pollution; Assessment; Eleme communities; Rivers Sate; Nigeria

1. Introduction
Activities and processes which include urbanization, population explosion industrialization and as well as intensive
agricultural activities and bush burning have caused colossal damage to our environment [1,2,3]. Increase in population
of human beings is closely associated with increase in industrialization and urbanization thereby resulting to the
destruction of natural habitat and pollution of the biosphere more and more. Air pollution may be defined as any
atmospheric condition in which certain substances are present in such concentrations that they can produce
undesirable effects on Man and his environment [2]. These substances include gases which are Sulphur Oxides, Nitrogen
Oxides, Carbon Monoxide, Hydrocarbons and as well, particulate matter which are Smoke, Dust, Fumes, Aerosols among
others. Moreover, radioactive materials and many others are also considered as air pollutants. Most of these substances
are naturally present in low concentrations in the atmosphere and are usually considered to be harmless[3]. considering
the sources of these pollutants, quite a number of them enters the atmosphere as a result of anthropogenic activities(
human activities). On the basis of physical states, there are two major groups of air pollutants which are simply gaseous
and particulates.

Corresponding author: Nkin, Gift Kiisi
Copyright © 2023 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Liscense 4.0.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(02), 894–906

1.1. Gaseous Pollutants

Common gaseous air pollutants are also included in the category of pollutants referred to as "criteria" air pollutants
based on their primary concerns and effects. Criteria pollutants as they are referred to by the United State
Environmental Protection Agency (U.S EPA) simply means that, their concentrations in the atmosphere are useful
indicators of all-encompassing air quality [4, 10]. The common gaseous criteria air pollutants of primary concern in
urban areas include; oxides of Sulphur, oxides of Nitrogen and Carbon monoxide.

1.2. Oxides of Sulphur

A mixture of SO2 and SO3 is simply represented as SOX. Sources of oxides of sulphur are from both natural and
anthropogenic which include; volcanic activity, smelting of sulphur ores in metallurgical operations, combustion of any
sulphur containing materials in coal-fired power stations, refinery operation and vehicular emission [5]. Atmospheric
sulphur dioxide absorbed solar energy in the range of 300-400nm and this led to the production of electronically excited
states of SO2 [5]. SO2 can undergo oxidation reaction to form SO3. SO3 in the presence of water vapour is converted to
H2SO4 which its aerosol droplets can result to acid rain. Low concentrations of oxides of sulphur most especially, sulphur
dioxide is capable of causing respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema among others

1.3. Oxides of Nitrogen

Mixture of gases composing of nitrogen and oxygen are referred to as oxides of nitrogen [5]. The two most toxicological
of its compounds are nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide(NO2) [5]. Other gases belonging to this category are
nitrogen pent-oxide (NO5) and nitrogen oxide(N2O). They are represented jointly as NOX. NO2 is formed by photolytic
reactions in the atmosphere. Oxide of nitrogen may also be formed by natural or artificial fixation of nitrogen from the
atmosphere or from nitrogen compounds present in organic matter [5]. NOX can mostly be produced by the combustion
of coal, oil, natural gas and other organic matter. In other words, NO X is introduced into the atmosphere from
incineration of coal based power plant, automobile exhausts among others. Animal toxicity for rat by inhalation
LC50(mortality) is 88ppm for 4 hours [6]. The most common reaction of nitrogen oxides is primary photochemical
reactions which can result to the formation of NO from NO2 through dissociation. The NO that is formed may be oxidized
by O3 (Ozone) thus resulting to cyclic chain reactions. Oxides of nitrogen contributed to global climate change, acid rain,
photochemical smogs, ozone layer depletion and health issues [7]. Nitrogen dioxide is capable of decreasing lung
function and make respiratory problems such as asthma worse. Long term exposure to low concentrations of nitrogen
dioxide can cause problems such as coughing, wheezing among others[7].

1.4. Carbon Monoxide

Basically, there are two sources of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere, the human activity which is commonly referred
to as anthropogenic and the natural processes. The anthropogenic sources of carbon monoxide include activities such
as Agricultural burning , industrial operations such as petroleum refining, paper production, electric and blast furnaces
in iron and steel industry, coal mining and automobile exhausts[2,3,8]. The natural processes include volcanic eruption,
natural gas and marsh gas emission, seed germination, electrical discharges in the atmosphere during storms among
others. Carbon monoxide caused problems in cases of locally high concentrations because of its toxicity. The overall
concentrations of atmospheric carbon monoxide is about 0.1ppm corresponding to a burden in the earths atmosphere
of approximately 500million metric tonnes with an average residence time ranging from 36 to 110days [2,3,8]. Because
of carbon monoxide emissions from the internal combustion engines, highest level of this toxic gas tend to occur in
congested urban areas at times when the maximum number of people are exposed, such as during rush hours[2,8]. At
such times, carbon monoxide levels in the atmosphere may become as high as 50-100ppm [3, 8]. The level of
atmospheric carbon monoxide in urban areas shows a positive correlation with the density of vehicular traffic and a
negative correlation with wind speed[2, 3,8]. Carbon Monoxide even in its low concentrations can perilously reduce
hemoglobin ability to transport oxygen. Common symptoms of Carbon monoxide exposure include, rapid breathing,
confusion, headache, nausea,weakness, dizziness and exhaustion[8].

1.5. Suspended Particulate Matter

Suspended particulate matter frequently abbreviated as SPM are basically aerosols i.e finely divided liquids or solids
particles dispersed through the air from industrial activities, combustion processes or natural sources such as volcanic
eruption, salt spray and as well wind and dust storms [9]. Particulate matter appears as fume, smoke, dust and mist
suspended in the atmosphere. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency(U.S .EPA, 1999),
suspended particulate matter decreased lung function, increased respiratory symptoms such as coughing, irritation of
the airways or difficult breathing [10].

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(02), 894–906

2. Material and methods

2.1. Apparatus used

RISEPRO Decibel noise meter, BT-meter Hand-held Anemometer, Thermopro-Tp60S Digital Hygrometer
Outdoor/indoor wireless Thermometer for Temperature and Humidity Gauge, Testo Multi Gas Analyzer and Moudi-

2.2. Study Area

Eleme is one of the twenty three Local Government Areas in Rivers State, Nigeria[11]. It is a coastal area between
Longitude 706᾽10” E and Latitude 4047᾽57” N [12]. Eleme is a famous town characterized with many industries
including Indorama, a fertilizer manufacturing company, Hamilton Technologies Nig LTD, Eleme petroleum Refinery,
Dangote cement, a sea port, Federal Lighter Terminal, Eleme Petrochemicals Limited among others[11, 12]. The popular
East-West road passes through the length and width of Eleme, and as a matter of fact, serious vehicular traffic is
frequently experienced [13]. Eleme covers an area of 138KM 2 and according to 2006 census, its population was
190,884[13]. The occupation of most Eleme people is subsistence Agriculture and the following crops are grown, yam,
oil palm fruit, bitter leaf, banana and plantain, sugar cane, cassava, vegetables among others[14].

Figure 1 Map of the Study Area Showing Sampling Locations and Zones

2.3. Methods
Testo multi gas analyzer was used to detect gaseous air pollutants and to monitor air quality at strategic locations within
the study area. Standard instruments for meteorological parameters detection were also used.

2.3.1. Measurement of Air Pollutants, Oxygen and Carbon dioxide using Testo Multi Gas Analyzer
Standard multi gas emission analyzer from Testo Inc., precisely Testo 350 and 340 (2010 model) were used to measure
CO, CO2, SO2, NO, NO2 and O2. It is anchored on ASTM D6522 requirements and capable of collecting and storing

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(02), 894–906

information autonomously for up to 49 hours. Its primary features include LCD display and a menu driven user
interface. CO was detected by means of an electro-chemical sensor that produces a signal linearly proportional to the
pollutants concentration. Continuous monitoring of CO was done by non-dispersive infrared photometry which
indicates that the process of detection was anchored on the absorption of infrared light by CO. SO 2 was continuously
monitored via pulsed fluorescence. In this process air was drown via a sample chamber where it was irradiated with
pulses of UV light. As a result, SO2 in the sample became excited and migrated to a higher energy level and on returning
to the ground state, light was emitted and the amount of photon measured was proportional to the concentration of SO 2.
Other parameters of interest such as CO2, NO, NO2 and O2 were detected based on automated configured processes of
Testo 350 multi gas analyzer for 1hour time exposure. Moudi-Impactor was used in measuring suspended particulate
matter (SPM) by In-Situ method.

2.3.2. Measurement of Meteorological Parameters and Noise Levels

Meteorological parameters such as Temperature, Humidity, Wind speed, and as well, Wind direction were all detected
and measured. Thermopro TP60S Digital indoor/outdoor Temperature and Humidity Gauge was used to measure the
temperature and Humidity of the respective areas in degree Celsius (℃) and percentage (%) respectively. It was hand-
held a distance in an open space from the source. The average readings were taken over a period of 20-30 minutes
records. RISEPRO decibel noise meter was actually used to measure the level of noise at the respective points in decibels.
The probe of RISEPRO noise meter was faced to the source of noise and average measurement was taken over the period
of 1 hour. Wind speed and direction was measured using BT-Meter Hand-held Anemometer). Measurement was taken
on hourly basis in meter per seconds (M/S).

2.4. Sampling
Reconnaissance survey was first of all carried out to study the terrain and to identify the various sampling locations. As
a result, the following sampling locations were identified; Alesa, Aleto, Alode, Akpajo, Ebubu, Ogale and Onne. In each of
these locations , four(4) zones labeled A,B,C and D were sampled. Zone (A) represents residential area, zone (B)
represents traffic junction, zone (C) is for incineration/farmland and zone (D) represents industrial area. In all, twenty
eight(28) points were sampled. Sampling of the twenty eight points was carried out within the period of four Months,
from February to May, 2023. Parameters of ambient air and air pollutants measurements were anchored on ASTM
(2001) requirements. All meters and equipment were painstakingly re-calibrated before each usage to comply with
quality assurance. Automated GPS installed on android was used to obtain the sampling point coordinates.

Table 1 Locations, Zones and Sampling Points in Eleme Communities

Locations Zones Sampling points Global Positioning System(GPS) in dec

degs micro
A Alesa residential area, behind mordern primary 4.789293N , 7.116927E
ALESA B Refinery junction 4.781208N , 7.121637E
C Refuge dump site at Alesa, by refinery road 4.773197N , 7.150241E
D N.N.P.C surrounding 4.772393N , 7.103808E
A Aleto residential area, behind state primary 4.796136N , 7.108180E
ALETO school
B Indorama toll gate on east-west road 4.803259N , 7.103471E
C Dump site at Aleto farm road 4.800962N , 7.107844E
D Indorama surroundings 4.810451N , 7.105360E
A Alode residential area 4.779506N , 7.130722E
B Alode junction 4.779181N , 7.131058E
C Alode farm road 4.779070N , 7.130147E
D Back of PortHarcourt refinery surroundings 4.778072N , 7.120078E
through Alode

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(02), 894–906

A Akpajo residential area 4.816035N , 7.084435E

B Akpajo junction 4.817146N , 7.094646E
C Dump site at Akpajo market road 4.823128N , 7.087716E
D Eleme petrochemical surrounding through 4.803148N , 7.102360E
A Ebubu residential area 4.779005N , 7.147843E
B Trailer park junction 4.757407N , 7.154617E
C Ebubu farm road dump site 4.773197N , 7.150241E
D Hamilton technologies environs 4.758586N , 7.157942E
A Ogale residential area, behind polaris bank 4.788895N , 7.124329E
B Ogale junction from Nchia market road 4.793147N , 7.117263E
C Ogale farm road, dump site 4.787916N , 7.125674E
D Within pipeline facilities, Ogale 4.786589N , 7.129712E
A Onne residential area by Alejor road 4.734599N , 7.154954E
B Onne, F.O.T junction 4.719702N , 7.158486E
C NPA road dump site 4.739095N , 7.154954E
D Industral zone Onne, by Notore 4.732593N , 7.131395E

2.5. Air Quality Index (AQI) and National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS)
Air Quality Index is a tool for reporting ambient air quality. It indicates that, the lower the air quality index value, the
better the air quality. Public health risk rises as the air quality index values increases [15]. Each of the pollutants indices
were calculated using the arithmetic expression,

AQI pollutants = Data reading of pollutants/ standard value x100

National Ambient Air Quality Standards pronounced limits on atmospheric concentration of the six criteria air
pollutants [16].

2.6. Statistical Concept used for Data Interpretations

Descriptive Statistical methods such as Standard deviation, Mean, ANOVA, Bar Charts were adopted for interpretation
of the results.

3. Results
The results are presented in bar charts, which shows measured and statistically evaluated values/level of
meteorological parameters and air pollutants in relation to standard permissible limits, sampling locations and zones.

4. Discussion

4.1. For Meteorological Parameters and Noise Levels

Ambient Temperature at all the locations in zone (A) which represented residential zones extent between 28.10 ℃ to
29.76 ℃ with the lowest value recorded at Ogale residential area and the highest value recorded at Aleto residential
area respectively. For zone (B) which represented major traffic junction, temperature range was between 32.10 ℃ to
34.60 ℃ with the highest value recorded at Indorama toll-gate on East-West road Aleto and the lowest value was
recorded at Alode junction. For zone (C) which represented incineration/ farmland, temperature here was between the
range of 32.00 ℃ to 35.30 ℃ with the highest value recorded at incineration/ Dump-site at Aleto farm road while the
lowest value was recorded at farm road Ogale. For zone (D) which represented industrial zones/ areas, temperature

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(02), 894–906

range was between 30.60 ℃ to 33.20 ℃ with the highest value recorded near NNPC facilities at Alesa while the lowest
value was recorded within pipeline facilities at Ogale. However, the highest temperature value among all the zones was
noticed at incineration/ dump-site at Aleto farm road, which could be attributed to frequent incineration of refuge at
the dump-site and as well, constant bush burning practices by peasant farmers. Relative Humidity at all the locations in
zone (A) which connote residential zones was between the range of 66.50% to 68.82% with the lowest value recorded
at Ogale residential area, and the highest value recorded at Aleto residential area. For zone (B) which signifies major
traffic junctions, relative humidity value range between 51.12% to 58.40% with the lowest value recorded at Indorama
toll-gate, Aleto while the highest value was recorded at Alode junction. For zone (C) which connote
incineration/farmland areas, relative humidity range was between 50.20% to 57.60% with the lowest value recorded
at Aleto farm road and the highest value recorded at dump-site at Akpajo market road. For zone (D) which represented
Industrial zones, relative humidity value range was between 54.10% to 59.45% with the lowest value recorded at NNPC
surroundings while the highest value was recorded at Ogale pipeline facilities. The noise level at all the locations in zone
(A) was within the range 52.00 dBA to 65.30 dBA with the lowest level at Ogale residential zone or area and the highest
level at Akpajo residential area. At major traffic junctions, the lowest noise level was recorded at Ogale market junction
while the highest noise level was recorded at Akpajo round about. The lowest and highest level was within the range
65.30 dBA to 102.00 dBA respectively. It was observed that, the acceptable standard limit of 90 dBA of noise level given
by NAAQS was exceeded at Akpajo round about which could be attributed to loud sounds from heavy- duty trucks, audio
CD sellers at the junction and as well, noise generated by passers-by and traders selling along the road due to frequent
traffic congestion. At incineration/farmland in all the locations in zone (C), noise level was within the range of 40.20
dBA to 50.70 dBA with the lowest level recorded at Ogale farm road while the highest level was recorded at NPA road
dump site. It was observed that the noise level at the locations in zone (C) was the lowest compared to all other zones.
This could be attributed to the zones been located at the outskirts of the communities which are somewhat quiet due to
absence of human being and vehicular movement. For zone (D), noise level was between the range of 58.30 dBA to 67.50
dBA with the lowest level recorded at Indorama surroundings and the highest level recorded at Hamilton Technologies
surroundings. Wind speed and direction at all the locations in zone (A) was within the range of 0.55 m/s to 1.70 m/s
with the lowest value recorded at Aleto (0.55 m/s) and the highest value recorded at Onne (1.70 m/s) respectively.
South-West (S.W) wind direction was measured in all the location at zone (A) except in Ebubu which North-West
direction was measured. Wind speed at all the locations in zone (B) was within the range of 1.20 to 1.80 m/s with the
lowest value recorded at Alesa and the highest recorded at Aleto. For wind direction, South-West direction was
measured in all the locations in zone (B). The correlation between wind speed and the concentration of air pollutants
suggest that, wind speed above 2.0 m/s is capable of diluting or reducing the level of air pollutants in any location. Based
on this note, the range of values obtained for wind speed in this research work, was clear that, the level of air pollutants
was higher since the values of wind speed was less than 2.0 m/s as stipulated. In zone (C) wind speed at all locations
was recorded within the range of 0.55 to 1.90 m/s with the lowest value recorded at Ogale and the highest value at Onne
respectively. For the direction of wind, South-West was measured in all the locations in zone (C). In zone (D), wind speed
at all the location was recorded within the range of 0.65 to 1.70 m/s with the lowest value recorded at Aleto and the
highest recorded at Onne. For wind direction, South-West was measured in all the locations in zone (D).

Figure 2 Variations in Temperature of the Sampling Locations and Zones

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(02), 894–906

Figure 3 Variation in Relative Humidity of the Sampling Locations/Zones

Figure 4 Variation in Noise Level of the Sampling Locations/ Zones

Figure 5 Variation in Wind Speed of the Sampling Locations/ Zones

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(02), 894–906

For Sampled Carbon Monoxide, Sulphur dioxide, Nitrogen dioxide, Nitric oxide, Carbon dioxide, Suspended particulate
matter and Oxygen.

4.2. Carbon Monoxide (CO)

For sampled carbon monoxide levels throughout the locations in zone (A), was within the range of 1.00 ppm to 18.10
ppm. The highest concentration was recorded as 18.10 ppm at Akpajo residential area while the lowest concentration
was recorded as 1.00 ppm at Alode, Ebubu and Ogale residential areas. The high concentration of CO recorded at Akpajo
residential area could be attributed to incessant use of gasoline generator by the residents. Therefore, it is imperative
for the populace of Akpajo residential area to reduced the use of gasoline generator. For zone (B) which connote major
traffic junctions, sampled concentration of CO was within the range of 12.20 ppm to 43.00 ppm with the lowest
concentration recorded at Alode junction as 12.20 ppm and the highest concentration recorded at Akpajo round about
as 43.00 ppm. For zone (C), concentration of sampled carbon monoxide was within the range of 2.00 ppm to 9.30 ppm
with the lowest concentration recorded as 2.00 ppm at Alode farm road and the highest concentration recorded as 9.30
ppm at Alesa refuge dump site. For zone (D), concentration of sampled CO was within the range of 2.10 ppm to 18.40
ppm with the lowest concentration recorded as 2.10 ppm at Ogale pipeline and the highest recorded as 18.40 ppm at
Alesa refinery surrounding. It was observed that, the concentration of CO at Akpajo round about(43.0 ppm) was the
highest compared to all sampling locations and zones and could be attributed to heavy traffic due to the presence of
numerous vehicles as at the time of sampling. From statistical one way ANOVA, there was significant difference(P<0.05)
of the concentration of CO from all the sampling locations and zones considered. Comparing the concentration of CO at
all the sampling locations and zones with the United State National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) at 1(one)
hour exposure limit, it was noted that, the concentration recorded at Akpajo round about(43.00 ppm), Indorama toll-
gate on East- West road(42.20 ppm) and Onne, F.O.T junction(41.80 ppm) exceeded the stipulated 35 ppm
recommended. The major reasons for high CO concentrations at the aforementioned sampling locations was due to
heavy traffic congestion. The common outdoor sources of CO include, motor vehicles or machinery that burn fossil
fuels[17]. CO is harmful due to the fact that, its capable of binding to hemoglobin in the blood, thereby reducing the
ability of blood to transport oxygen to the body organs and tissues[18]. Effects of exposure to CO are headaches,
dizziness, fatigue, confusion among others[18].

Figure 6 Variation in the Concentration of CO in Sampling Locations and Zones compared with Standard Permissible

4.3. Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)

For sampled Sulphur dioxide level in all the locations in zone (A), were below detection limit recorded as 0.00 ppm. For
zone (B), SO2 concentration was within the range of 0.10 ppm to 1.30 ppm with the highest concentration recorded at
Akpajo junction. For zone (C), SO2 level was below detection limit, recorded as 0.00 ppm in all locations. For zone (D),
sampled concentration of SO2 was within the range of 0.10 ppm to 1.30 ppm with the lowest level recorded at Hamilton
Technologies and Indorama surroundings while the highest level was recorded as 1.30 ppm at Eleme petrochemical
company. In all locations and zones, it was observed that, Akpajo industrial zones and major traffic junctions have the
highest level of sulphur dioxide which was recorded as 1.30 ppm in both zones. The major sources of SO 2 in the
atmosphere include, burning of fossil fuels by power plants, industrial processes such as metal processing, petroleum

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(02), 894–906

refining among others[19]. Comparing the concentration of SO2 recorded at all the sampling locations and zones with
the United State NAAQS at 1 hour exposure limit, showed that, the sampled concentrations recorded at refinery junction,
Alesa industrial area, Indorama toll-gate on East-West road, Aleto industrial zone, Akpajo round about, Eleme
petrochemical company surroundings, Trailer park junction, Hamilton Technologies surroundings, Onne F.O.T junction
and Onne industrial area were above the 75 ppb (0.075 ppm) recommended by the NAAQS. SO2 irritates mucous
membranes of the nose, lungs, eyes and throat among other effects on human[20].

Figure 7 Variation in the Concentration of SO2 in Sampling Locations and Zones Compared with Standard Permissible

4.4. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Nitric Oxide (NO)

For sampled Nitrogen dioxide and Nitric Oxide concentrations in all the locations in zone (A), were below detection
limit. For zone (B), Sampled level of of NO2 was within the range of 0.80 ppm to 3.10 ppm with the lowest level recorded
at Alesa (90.80 ppm) and the highest level was recorded at Akpajo (3.10 ppm) while for NO, sampled concentrations
range from 0.10 ppm to 1.05 ppm and the lowest level was recorded at Alode while the highest level was recorded at
Ebubu respectively. For zone (C), sampled NO2 in all locations were below detection limit and sampled NO
concentrations was within the range of 0.00 ppm to 0.10 ppm. For zone (D), Sampled NO 2 was within the range of 0.00
ppm to 1.00 ppm while that of NO was within the range of 0.10 ppm to 0.60 ppm with the lowest level recorded as 0.10
ppm at Ebubu and the highest level recorded as 0.60 ppm at Alesa respectively. In all sampling locations and zones,
Akpajo major traffic junction has the highest level of NO 2 (3.10 ppm) while that of NO was recorded at Trailer park
junction as (1.05 ppm). It was observed that, oxides of nitrogen were mostly recorded at major traffic junctions and
industrial zones,

Figure 8 Variation in the Concentration of NO2 in Sampling Locations and Zones Compared with Standard Permissible

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(02), 894–906

Figure 9 Variation in the Concentration of NO in Sampling locations and Zones Compared with Standard Permissible

Which is also in accordance with the publication of the International Programme on Chemical Safety, which states that,
the main sources of oxides of Nitrogen are vehicular and industrial combustion of fossil fuels[21]. For NO 2 there was
significant difference at (P<0.05) between major traffic junctions and other zones. Comparing the concentrations of NO2
in all the sampling locations and zones with the stipulated recommendation of the U.S NAAQS for the averaging time of
1 hour exposure of (100 ppb) which is equal to ( 0.1 ppm), it was noted that the following zones exceeded the limit,
Refinery junction(0.80 ppm), Indorama toll-gate on East-West road (1.00 ppm), Indorama surroundings (1.00 ppm),
Akpajo round-about (3.10 ppm), Trailer park junction (1.10 ppm) and Onne junction (2.00 ppm). this observation was
linked to the characteristic of traffic congestion at the aforementioned locations and zones as a result of poor road
network and infrastructure. Major sources for the emission of NO x include, the exhaust gases of trucks and cars and as
well, industrial electrical power generation plants[22]. with reference to AQI rating, the air quality for NO 2 in the
following locations and zones were the best (Green); All the zones in Ogale, Alode, Alesa residential area and farmlands,
Aleto residential area and farmlands, Akpajo farmland and industrial areas, Ebubu residential area and farmlands area
and Onne residential area and farmland. Air quality of all major traffic junctions and some industrial zones at ALESA,
ALETO, AKPAJO, EBUBU and ONNE were poor(red).

4.5. Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM)

SPM concentrations in all locations in zone (A) was between the range of 0.01ppm to 0.35 ppm with the lowest level
recorded at Ogale residential area and the highest level at Alesa residential zone. For zone (B), SPM level was within the
range of 0.1ppm to 0.65 ppm with the lowest value recorded at Ogale while the highest value recorded at Akpajo
junction. For all the locations in zone (C), SPM concentrations was within the range of 0.25 ppm to 4.83 ppm with the
lowest level recorded at Alode incineration site and the highest level recorded at Alesa incineration/ farmland. For all
the locations in zone (D), SPM concentrations was within the range of 0.20 ppm to 0.40 ppm with the lowest level
recorded at Ogale area and the highest level at Alesa industrial area. Comparing the concentrations of SPM in all the
locations and zones with the permissible limits stipulated by the W.H.O and U.S. EPA, it was observed that,
concentrations recorded in all locations and zones exceeded the permissible limits except in Ogale residential area that
was within the W.H.O range in which, reasons for lower SPM concentration could be attributed to reduced or non-
industrial activities in the area. Among all the locations and zones, Alesa Incineration/farmland has the highest
concentration of SPM. This could be linked to the following factors; more industrial activities and processes in the area,
incessant used of power plants by industries located within the area, constant incineration of refuge and most
importantly, illegal oil refining popularly called KPOFIRE within the area and neighbouring communities. Significant
SPM concentrations were also recorded at Akpajo, Ebubu, Onne and Ogale incineration/farmlands and traffic junctions
which could be linked to constant burning of refuge at dump sites and road traffic congestion in these areas.

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(02), 894–906

Figure 10 Variation in the Concentration of SPM in Sampling Locations and Zones Compared with Standard
Permissible Limit

4.6. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Sampled CO2 level in all the locations in zone (A) was within the range of 6.00 ppm to 6.83 ppm with the lowest level
recorded at Ogale and the highest level was recorded at Akpajo residential area respectively. For zone (B), recorded
concentrations of CO2 was within the range of 7.20 ppm to 9.34 ppm. For zone (C), CO2 level was within the range of
6.30 ppm to 8.90 ppm with the lowest concentration recorded at Ebubu farm road dump site and the highest level
recorded at Aleto farm road dump site. For zone (D), CO2 level was recorded within the range of 6.40 ppm to 7.10 ppm
with the lowest level at Aleto Indorama surroundings and the highest level at Hamilton Technologies surroundings.
Considering all the locations and zones, the level of CO 2 recorded at Akpajo round - about, precisely, 9.34 ppm was the
highest. No significant difference at (P>0.05) was observed. The high concentration of CO 2 recorded at Akpajo round-
about could be linked to the use and combustion of fossil fuels by motor vehicles(medium, heavy trucks and buses) and
as well, deforestation trends with urban development of Akpajo community.

Figure 11 Variation in the Concentration of CO2 in Sampling Locations and Zones

4.7. Oxygen (O2)

Measured oxygen level in all the locations in zone (A) which connote residential areas, was within the range of 65.10
ppm to 67.70 ppm with the lowest value measured at Akpajo residential area and the highest level measured at Ogale
residential area. For zone (B), measured oxygen level was between the range of 56.40 ppm to 65.30 ppm with the lowest

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(02), 894–906

level measured at Akpajo junction and the highest level measured at Ogale market road junction. For all the locations in
zone (C), oxygen level was between the range of 63.20 ppm to 65.80 ppm with the lowest level measured at Aleto
incineration site and the highest level measured at Ogale farmland. For locations in zone (D), it was within the range of
64.30 ppm to 65.90 ppm with the lowest level measured at Aleto, by chipping company, close to Indorama and the
highest level measured at Onne by Notore. It was observed that, the concentration of oxygen decreases at zone (C) which
connote incineration areas and it could be liked to oxygen consumption due to incessant burning of dumped materials.




Figure 12 Variation in the Concentration of Oxygen in Sampling Locations and Zones

5. Conclusion
Anthropogenic sources are the major origins of air pollutants. Significant contributors of air pollution are from
industrial processes, transportation, agricultural activities and as well as residential electricity generation and heating
processes. The research showed that, measured concentrations of CO, NO, NO 2 and SPM in all sampling areas were
higher than the stipulated limits given by the regulatory bodies, although there was no significant difference except in
NO2 and NO only in major traffic junction and SPM at all the sampling zones. Based on the yardstick of Air Quality Index
(AQI), the outdoor air can be classified as poor for SPM, varied between good, poor and very poor on CO and very good
on NO and NO2 except in major traffic junctions where they are classified as poor and very poor. In order to tackle the
risk associated with the identified pollutants in the study area, more effort should be channeled to the use of renewable
energy and as well, cleaner air initiatives should be embarked upon. Considering the four zones covered by the research(
A,B,C and D), residential areas were the least source of sampled pollutants.

Compliance with ethical standards

My profound gratitude goes to my entire family, my father, Elder. Sunday Saronee Nwaagor, my late mother, Mrs.
Beatrice Barinem Nwaagor, my beloved siblings, most especially Eng. Bariyiradum Lincoln Nkin, my lovely wife, Mrs.
Doris Gift Nkin, my amiable daughter, Miss. Christabel Eedee Nkin, my son Mr. Williams Gbarabari Nkin for their
support, words of encouragement and prayers.

Disclosure of conflict of interest

No conflict of interest to be disclosed.

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(02), 894–906

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