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Ballast Water Treatment System For Onboard Ship

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White paper

Ballast water management:

An overview of regulations and
ballast water treatment technologies

February 2017
White paper

Table of contents
1. Introduction 3 5. Selecting a ballast water­treatment system  11

5.1. Cost factors 12

2. Ballast water m
­ anagement r­ egulations 3 Table: Water quality by port 12

2.1. The IMO BWM Convention 3 5.2. Ship-specific criteria 13

Ballast water exchange 3
Ballast water treatment 4 5.3. System component considerations 13

2.2. The USCG Final Rule 4

Approved options for ballast water treatment 4 6. Installing a ballast ­water treatment system 13
Table: USCG Final Rule implementation schedule 4
Other compliance alternatives 5 6.1. Differences between newbuild and retrofit installations 13

2.3. Other regulations 5

6.2. Retrofit project management 14

6.3. Phases of a retrofit project 14

3. Ballast water standards and their enforcement 5
Initial phase 14
3.1. IMO and USCG discharge standards 5 Pre-survey and vessel documentation review 14
Differences in measurement 5 Onboard survey 14
Table: International ballast water discharge standards 5 Pre-engineering14
Vessel General Permit (VGP) limits 6 Detailed engineering 14
Class approval  15
3.2. Demonstrating compliance 6 Prefabrication15
Reporting and inspection worldwide 6 Installation15
Reporting and inspection in United States waters 6 Verification of the installation  15

6.4. Approval of installations 15

4. Ballast water treatment systems 6
7. Supplier evaluation checklist 15
4.1. Water quality and b
­ allast water treatment 7
Salinity7 Table: Water quality by port 16
Ultraviolet (UV) transmittance 7
8. Further reading 17
4.2. Pre-treatment alternatives 7

4.3. Main treatment alternatives: chemical disinfection  7

Holding time 8
Total residual oxidants 8
Table: Overview of chemical disinfection technologies 8
Electrochlorination technology in depth 9
Table: Overview of chemical disinfection technologies 9

4.4. Main treatment alternatives: physical disinfection  10

Ultraviolet (UV) technologies in depth 10
Table: Overview of physical disinfection technologies 10

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1. Introduction regional and local levels. The most significant

regulations are those of the International Maritime
Ballast water is essential to commercial shipping. It Organization (IMO) and the United States Coast
compensates for weight loss due to cargo operations Guard (USCG). However, approximately 25 other
or resource consumption, thereby providing stability, nations and regional authorities have also set their
reducing stress on the hull and improving propulsion own requirements.
and manoeuvrability.
2.1. The IMO BWM Convention
Vessels transport three to five billion tonnes of
ballast water worldwide each year. However, the The IMO International Convention for the Control and
water they pump in also contains a variety of Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments,
indigenous organisms, which are later released adopted in 2004 and commonly referred to as the
outside of their natural habitats. On any given day, Ballast Water Management (BWM) Convention, was
this includes up to 10,000 different marine species. ratified by a minimum of 30 member states representing
at least 35% of the world’s merchant shipping gross
While most transported species do not survive when tonnage on 8 September 2016. It enters into force one
the ballast water is discharged, some thrive in their year after this date, on 8 September 2017.
new environment. With no natural predators, they
outcompete, displace or kill native species. In such The BWM Convention applies to all vessels that
cases, they pose serious risks to local ecosystems, carry ballast water and are engaged in international
human health and regional economies. They can voyages. It establishes global ballast water
cause severe and irreversible damage, and attempts management requirements and permits national,
to limit further destruction are often costly. regional and local authorities to apply their own
regulatory framework in their respective territorial
To minimize and ultimately eliminate the transfer of waters. Requirements are defined for both ballast
harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens, various water exchange and ballast water treatment.
international, national and regional maritime bodies
have worked for several years to establish standards Ballast water exchange
for managing ballast water. In response, diverse Ballast water exchange is intended to kill low-salinity
technological solutions have emerged to help ships non-native species originating from coastal regions by
comply with the new requirements. exposing them to high-salinity open-ocean water.
Due to its limited effectiveness and the safety risks it
This document provides an overview of the most poses for the vessel, it is an intermediate solution to
influential ballast water regulations and their be phased out by ballast water treatment.
enforcement. It offers guidance for complying with
these standards, including a detailed survey of As of 8 September 2017, vessels must perform
available ballast water treatment technologies. It also ballast water exchange unless using a type-approved
provides information about selecting a system and treatment system. According to Regulations B-4 and
supplier to match a particular vessel’s needs, and D-1 of the BWM Convention, the procedure must
about what to consider when planning the installation. be performed:

• In open ocean, at least 200 nautical miles from

2. Ballast water ­management the nearest land
­regulations • In waters at least 200 metres in depth
After years of negotiations within the global maritime • With a 95% volumetric exchange of ballast water
community, regulations for ballast water management
are entering into force at the international, national,

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Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.
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Ballast water treatment The USCG Final Rule requires affected vessels to
Regulation B-3 of the BWM Convention requires all have approved ballast water treatment systems by a
vessels – regardless of construction year and ballast specific compliance date (see table). Until this time,
water capacity – to be equipped with a type-approved they must perform ballast water exchange in an area
ballast water treatment system by the date of their 200 nautical miles from any shore prior to discharging
first IOPP renewal survey after 8 September 2017. ballast water.
Until this dry docking, they must comply by means
of ballast water exchange. Approved options for ballast water treatment
Two types of ballast water treatment systems can be
To receive IMO type approval, treatment systems used to comply with the USCG Final Rule:
must meet the discharge criteria concerning viable
organisms and concentrations of indicator microbes • Systems with USCG type approval
established in Regulation D-2 of the BWM Convention The USCG type approval process is stricter and
(see 3.1). The type approval procedure itself is more rigorous than that of IMO. It is defined by
defined in Regulation D-3 and clarified in IMO Title 46 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations
technical guidelines. Part 162 and includes land-based testing according
to the Environmental Technology Verification (ETV)
2.2. The USCG Final Rule protocol of the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (U.S. EPA). Existing systems with IMO type
In March 2012, the USCG published its Standards for approval may fail to meet USCG type approval
Living Organisms in Ship’s Ballast Water Discharged requirements, and will therefore require retesting
in U.S. Waters. Commonly referred to as the USCG or redesign.
Final Rule, the legislation went into effect in June 2012. • Alternate Management Systems
Certain treatment systems with type approval from
The USCG Final Rule applies to nearly all vessels that authorities outside the United States have been
discharge ballast into United States waters. A number of approved as Alternate Management Systems
vessel types are explicitly exempted, however, including: (AMS). These systems may be used for up to five
years after the vessel’s compliance date or
• Crude oil tankers engaged in coastwise service
extended compliance date.
• Vessels operating exclusively within one Captain
of the Port Zone

Vessels that have ballast water tanks but do not

discharge ballast into United States waters are

Table: USCG Final Rule implementation schedule

Ballast capacity Construction date Compliance date
New vessels All On or after On delivery
1 December 2013
Existing vessels (retrofits) < 1500 m3 Before 1 December 2013 First scheduled
dry-docking after
1 January 2016
1500-5000 m3 First scheduled
dry-docking after
1 January 2014
> 5000 m3 First scheduled
dry-docking after
1 January 2016

Alfa Laval is a trademark registered and owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB. 4
Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.
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Other compliance alternatives 3.1. IMO and USCG discharge standards

Although they will not be feasible for most vessels,
the USCG Final Rule provides two additional The international discharge standards for ballast
compliance alternatives: water treatment are defined in Regulation D-2 of the
BWM Convention. They establish limits for discharged
• Exclusive use of ballast water from a public water organisms in two different size classes, as well limits
system in the United States (includes certain tank for three specific indicator microbes (see table).
cleanliness requirements)
• Discharge of all ballast water into an onshore facility The numerical discharge limits defined in the USCG
or another vessel for treatment purposes Final Rule are the same as those in the BWM
Convention. However, the BWM Convention requires
measurement of “viable” organisms, whereas the
2.3. Other regulations USCG Final Rule requires measurement of “living”
Many other countries have adopted their own policies organisms.
to protect against invasive species. Georgia, Lithuania
and the Ukraine, for example, have regulations Differences in measurement
dealing specifically with ballast water exchange in the The distinction between IMO and USCG
Black Sea. measurement requirements is significant. For
example, it has important implications in type
Various regional and local ballast water regulations approval testing.
are also in effect worldwide, for example in individual
U.S. states. The State of California’s Marine Invasive Type approval as defined in the BWM Convention is
Species Program is considered the most stringent. governed in practice by the IMO G8 technical
guidelines, which have been revised to create greater
consistency in land-based testing. The revised G8
3. Ballast water standards guidelines define “viable” organisms as those that can
and their enforcement “successfully generate new individuals in order to
The regulations governing ballast water management reproduce the species.” This can be assessed in a
stipulate limits for the number of organisms and the number of different ways.
concentrations of indicator microbes that can be
discharged in ballast water. Ballast water treatment
systems must show that they meet these limits not
only during type approval, but also throughout their
operating life.

Table: International ballast water discharge standards

Biological constituent minimum dimension Discharge limitation
Greater than or equal to 50 μm* Less than 10 viable organisms per cubic
metre of ballast water
Less than 50 μm and greater than or equal to 10 μm Less than 10 viable organisms per millilitre of ballast water
Indicator microbes <10 μm Specified concentrations
Toxicogenic Vibrio cholerae (O1 and O139) Less than 1 colony-forming unit (CFU) per 100 millilitres
or less than 1 CFU per 1 gram (wet weight)
zooplankton samples
Escherichia coli Less than 250 CFU per 100 millilitres
Intestinal Enterococci Less than 100 CFU per 100 millilitres

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The USCG type approval process, by contrast, Reporting and inspection in United States waters
defines organisms simply as living or dead. At The USCG Final Rule requires ballast water reporting
present, CMFDA/FDA staining is the only approved and recordkeeping via one of two means: the Ballast
method for determining these two states. There is, Water Management Report (BWMR) form or the
however, an ongoing discussion about the most Equivalent Reporting Program.
probable number (MPN) dilution-culture method as
a possible basis for USCG type approval. Already A BWMR form must be submitted in conjunction with
employed and accepted for IMO certification, the arrival in United States waters. This must be done no
MPN method would also account for organisms that later than 6 hours after arrival, or at least 24 hours
are rendered unable to reproduce. before arrival for vessels travelling to the Great Lakes
or the Hudson River from outside the U.S. Exclusive
Vessel General Permit (VGP) limits Economic Zone (EEZ). Signed reports must be
Vessels sailing in United States waters must adhere retained for at least two years. Further information
not only to the ballast water discharge standards and instructions on using the BWMR form can be
of the USCG Final Rule, but also to the specific found at
limitations of the U.S. EPA Vessel General Permit
(VGP). More information on VGP requirements can be To take part in the Equivalent Reporting Program, the
found at applicant vessel must be non-seagoing and operate
solely within the U.S. EEZ or Canadian equivalent.
3.2. Demonstrating compliance Additional requirements, restrictions and information
for this programme are available at http://invasions.
Documentation and inspections of the ballast water
treatment system, as well as sampling of the ballast
water discharge, are necessary to verify compliance. In accordance with VGP legislation, vessels must also
Specific procedures exist for both the BWM perform the following routine procedures for the
Convention and the USCG Final Rule. ballast water treatment system:

Reporting and inspection worldwide • System functionality monitoring to verify operation

According to the BWM Convention, all vessels with according to the manufacturer’s specifications
a gross tonnage of 400 or greater are subject to • Biological organism monitoring for three listed
regular surveys and inspections. To ensure that indicator organisms: total heterotrophic bacteria,
ballast water management is carried out according E. coli and enterococci
to regulated procedures and standards, all ships • Residual biocide and derivative monitoring for
must have on board: active ingredients used in the treatment system

• An approved, ship-specific Ballast Water

and Sediments Management Plan 4. Ballast water treatment systems
• A Ballast Water Record Book There are many ballast water treatment systems on
• A valid international Ballast Water the market that have received type approval to meet
Management Certificate international discharge standards. However, no single
system is suitable for all vessel types, sizes and
Ships are required to enter any accidental non- operating conditions.
compliant discharge into the Ballast Water Record
Book. This information should be signed by the officer It is therefore important to understand the strengths
in charge and immediately reported to the concerned and weaknesses of each technology, so as to choose
Port State Authority. a system whose capabilities match the vessel and its
sailing profile. This section provides an overview of
Port State Control guidelines provide recommendations the different technologies, as well as an in-depth look
for inspections and sampling to verify compliance at the most common alternatives.
with the BWM Convention. These do not, however,
remove the right of port states to carry out more
rigorous testing of ballast water discharge.

Alfa Laval is a trademark registered and owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB. 6
Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.
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4.1. Water quality and ­ballast water Hydrocyclones

treatment Hydrocyclones remove particles by rotating the
ballast water at high velocity, but their efficiency is
Before considering any treatment technology, it is limited by the fact that many microorganisms have
necessary to understand key factors of water quality. about the same density as the water. Hydrocyclones
The water pumped into a vessel’s ballast tanks can must often be installed in parallel to treat higher flows,
vary considerably, and it will affect different ballast creating a high pressure drop across them. As a
water treatment systems in different ways. Specific result, the available pressure from the ballast pump
water characteristics may limit a system’s ability to may be a limitation.
comply in a given situation, for example, or cause it
to consume more power. Coagulation/flocculation
Coagulation/flocculation uses chemicals to trigger the
Three water characteristics are especially important: formation of larger masses, which can then easily be
salinity, temperature and ultraviolet transmittance. filtered from the ballast water. This process is time-
consuming and requires a large tank, and is therefore
Salinity less common than the other separation technologies.
Salinity is the total concentration of salts dissolved
in the water. It can be impacted by temperature, Filtration
climate, season and other factors. For example, most Filtration is the most widely used method of pre-
ports are exposed to river run-off, which means their treatment. It involves passing ballast water through
average salinity levels are generally lower than that fixed screens, generally with a mesh size of less than
of ocean water. 50 μm. Candle, basket and disc filter types are the
most common.
Surface water is warmed by solar radiation, which Different manufacturers have different ways of
decreases with distance from the equator. The manufacturing the filter weave and measuring the
warmest water is located closest to the equator, mesh size. It is therefore impossible to judge the
while the coldest water is found at the poles. performance of a filter by comparing the mesh size
alone. Its performance must be determined through
Ultraviolet (UV) transmittance biological tests. If too many organisms are able to
UV transmittance is the measurement of how much pass the pre-treatment step, the dose provided by
UV light is able to pass through a sample of water. main treatment step may be insufficient to ensure
Dissolved matter in the water causes light intensity to compliance.
decrease exponentially with distance from the source.
While UV transmittance in seawater is generally high, 4.3. Main treatment alternatives:
it tends to be lower in coastal waters. In harbours it
usually ranges from 90% down to 60%, but can chemical disinfection
sometimes fall to 50% or below. Chemical disinfection technologies for main treatment
use active substances that may be added or
4.2. Pre-treatment alternatives produced in situ. These active substances must be
evaluated during system certification.
Most ballast water treatment systems utilize a two-
step process, in which disinfection (main treatment) The effectiveness of the chemical processes themselves
by chemical or physical means is preceded by a ­ varies according to the water characteristics discussed
pre-treatment­step. Pre-treatment removes solid previously (see 4.1), as well as the type of organisms
material, such as suspended particles and larger that are present. During long voyages, there is a risk
microorganisms. of regrowth if all active substances are consumed,
which may result in non-compliance at discharge.
Three technologies are commonly used for pre-
treatment: hydrocyclones, coagulation/flocculation
and filtration.

Alfa Laval is a trademark registered and owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB. 7
Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.
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The use of chemicals can also present physical Total residual oxidants
challenges, such as increased corrosion risk or Total residual oxidants (TRO) are the active
changes in tank coatings. In addition, both holding substances left by ballast water treatment systems
time and total residual oxidants should be that make use of oxidants, such as electrochlorination
considered. systems. TRO levels decrease with holding time as
oxidants are consumed, but must be not greater than
Holding time 0.1 mg/L at discharge according to legislation. If they
Holding time is the necessary interval between exceed this limit prior to deballasting, additional post-
ballasting and deballasting to ensure effective treatment is needed to neutralize the remaining TRO.
treatment, which must be specified during type
approval. Normally around 24 hours, the holding time
of some chemical systems can be as much as five
days. Such systems may be unsuitable for vessels
that ballast and deballast frequently.

Table: Overview of chemical disinfection technologies

Disinfection technology Method Considerations
Chlorination Uses approximately 1-10 ppm (mg/L) of the Creates undesirable by-products, including
chlorine-based germicide sodium hy- chlorinated hydrocarbons and trihalometh-
pochlorite (NaOCl), added to the ballast anes (chloroform), and may therefore
tank to kill organisms and pathogens that require additional post-treatment, depend-
have bypassed the separation step. Prior to ing upon the chlorine concentration and
discharge, it is important to neutralize total holding time in the tank. Requires consum-
residual oxidants (TRO) in the ballast tank, ables as well as special ventilated storage
i.e. any residual sodium hypochlorite that rooms.
may be present. This is usually done
through the use of sodium meta-bisulphite
or sodium thiosulfate.
Electrochlorination Passes seawater through an electrolytic Requires the addition of salt or high-salinity
cell, where direct current produces chlorine water, which must be stored on board, in
and hydrogen gases. The chlorine gas is order to be effective in brackish or fresh
immediately dissolved in the water to water. Low water temperature also impacts
produce the germicides sodium hypochlo- effectiveness. These factors result in
rite (NaOCl) and bromine hypochlorite significant power consumption when
(BrOCl), which neutralize microorganisms. operating in low-salinity or colder water.
Prior to discharge, it is important to Because hydrogen gas is deemed poten-
neutralize total residual oxidants (TRO) in tially hazardous, the equipment needs
the ballast tank, i.e. any residual hypochlo- hydrogen traps, flame arrestors or other
rites that may be present. This is usually methods to safely handle the gas produced.
done through the use of sodium meta- Cleaning of the electrodes requires acid
bisulphite or sodium thiosulfate. wash or other external electrode cleaning
methods. Requires both consumables and
special ventilation.
Ozonation Generates ozone by means of either UV Requires the use of auxiliary equipment,
light or high-voltage electricity (corona such as compressors, dryers and air
discharge). Ballast water passes through a chillers. Has greater disinfection effective-
Venturi throat, which creates a vacuum that ness against bacteria and viruses than
pulls the ozone gas into the water. chlorination, but can also produce harmful
by-products, most notably bromate and
insoluble metal oxides. Requires

Alfa Laval is a trademark registered and owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB. 8
Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.
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Table: Overview of chemical disinfection technologies

Disinfection technology Method Considerations
Peracetic acid and Disinfects through the use of this chemical The chemicals are relatively expensive and
hydrogen peroxide blend with few known harmful by-products. require high mixing concentrations as well
as considerable storage space. Requires
Chlorine dioxide Disinfects quickly when added to ballast Requires safe storage and handling on
water as an aqueous solution in order to board. Rarely used despite its fast-acting
avoid problems with handling gases disinfection capabilities, due to excessive
(accumulations of chlorine dioxide gas are amounts of toxic chlorite that are produced
known to spontaneously detonate). in some circumstances. Requires
Gas super-saturation Depletes the oxygen supply available to A treatment time of several days in the
(combination of chemical marine microorganisms by injecting ballast tanks is needed for the method to
and physical disinfection) nitrogen gas into the ballast water in sealed be effective. A nitrogen generator must also
ballast tanks. This causes asphyxiation or be installed on board, which is a compli-
suffocation of the microorganisms. cated installation with a large footprint.

Electrochlorination technology in depth Electrochlorination systems involve a large footprint

Electrochlorination, or electrolytic chlorination, is the and complex installation, with numerous components,
most common chemical disinfection technology used pipes and safety arrangements. Further physical
in ballast water treatment systems. Electrochlorination considerations include:
systems usually employ pre-treatment filtration and
treat the water once during ballasting. • Ventilation
Electrochlorination generates hydrogen and
The electrochlorination process uses electricity to chlorine gases, which are both explosive and
produce a disinfecting hypochlorite solution from a toxic. Any dangerous gases must be managed
common salt solution, which produces hydrogen gas and classification society requirements for system
as a by-product. The process is sensitive to: ventilation should be observed.
• Chemical storage
• Water salinity Safety measures may also be needed when storing
Low salinity makes it difficult to generate the necessary chemicals, such as separate, explosion-
hypochlorite disinfectant, which results in lower proof compartments with ventilation. Additional
efficiency and greater power consumption. Salt safety equipment and training for the crew may
must be added to compensate, either directly or by also be required.
means of a separate high-salinity water source. If
the system is not fully automatic, this increases the Finally, it is important to note that disinfection
complexity of both installation and operation. by-products (DBPs) can be formed when using
• Water temperature electrochlorination. DBPs result from reactions with
Lower water temperatures exponentially increase organic content in the water, which means more
the amount of energy needed to produce the can be expected where organic content is higher,
hypochlorite disinfectant. Optimal water e.g. in brackish water. Because toxic DBPs can
temperature is above 15°C, with normal low-end bioaccumulate in marine organisms, a number of
temperatures in the range between 10°C and 17°C. studies have raised questions regarding their long-
Water below 10°C significantly reduces the formation term environmental impact.*
of chlorine, which means preheating is needed to
*For one example, see: “Emerging risks from ballast water treatment: The
ensure compliance in colder seawater. run-up to the International Ballast Water Management Convention”,
Chemosphere, 112 (2014), 256-266.

Alfa Laval is a trademark registered and owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB. 9
Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.
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4.4. Main treatment alternatives: Ultraviolet (UV) technologies in depth

physical disinfection Most ballast water treatment systems for physical
disinfection make use of UV light, which has been used
Physical disinfection technologies for main treatment to disinfect drinking water for 100 years. UV systems
are an alternative to chemical disinfection. In contrast have little or no impact on the environment and do not
to chemical disinfection processes, physical disinfection contribute to the corrosion of ballast tanks over time.
processes do not involve active substances or the
resulting residuals. Most are used during both ballasting After filtration during ballasting to remove particles and
and deballasting, without any significant holding time. larger organisms, UV systems direct ballast water into
a disinfection chamber, or “reactor”, where the remaining
As with chemical disinfection technologies, however, organisms are neutralized through exposure to UV light.
there are both benefits and limitations to any physical During deballasting, the water passes through the
disinfection technology. The effectiveness of treatment reactor again to eliminate any regrowth during transit.
is similarly dependent upon the water’s characteristics
(see 4.1) and the type of organisms that are present.

Table: Overview of physical disinfection technologies

Disinfection technology Method Considerations
Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation Uses low-pressure amalgam or mercury Requires large amounts of energy. Low-
lamps or medium-pressure mercury lamps pressure lamps use less power, but have a
surrounded by natural quartz sleeves to larger footprint than medium-pressure
produce UV light that disrupts the DNA of lamps due to a longer lamp length and the
marine organisms, preventing them from need for up to 10 times as many lamps.
Advanced oxidation Combines direct UV treatment with a Has a higher UV optical efficiency than
technology (AOT) using titanium dioxide (TiO2) catalyst and standard UV lamps, due to the use of
UV and titanium dioxide synthetic quartz glass sleeves to generate synthetic quartz sleeves. The drawbacks
radicals that react with microorganisms and are cost and the partial shadowing of the
other organic contaminants. This destroys light by the catalyst.
cell membranes and prevents organism
reproduction or regrowth.
Enhanced UV treatment Uses medium-pressure mercury lamps to Has a higher UV optical efficiency than
produce UV light that passes directly standard UV lamps, due to use of synthetic
through synthetic quartz glass sleeves, quartz sleeves. This increases the biologi-
thus generating radicals that react with cal performance without affecting the
microorganisms and other organic con- power consumption.
taminants. This destroys cell membranes
and prevents organism reproduction or
Deoxygenation Depletes the oxygen supply in ballast water Requires holding time of 1-4 days to
by injecting nitrogen, carbon dioxide or effectively kill the organisms and is there-
other inert gas into the space above fore not suitable for ships with short transit
deaerated water in sealed ballast tanks. times. Significantly reduces tank corrosion
This causes the asphyxiation or suffocation due to the lack of oxygen. Equipment is
of marine organisms. needed to produce the inert gas.
Cavitation Uses high-power ultrasound waves to Is not known or anticipated to pose any
generate cavitation bubbles in the ballast environmental concerns. System capacity
water. The generation and collapse of the is highly energy dependent, and the
bubbles result in intense shear forces and process may have an adverse effect on
high stress that kill organisms by effectively ship coatings, tank coatings and/or ship
breaking their cell walls. structure.

Alfa Laval is a trademark registered and owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB. 10
Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.
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The effectiveness of this process is closely tied to • Water temperature

the configuration of the UV lamps and the quartz Medium-pressure UV lamps offer the widest
sleeves that protect them from the surrounding water. spectrum of operating temperatures. In areas with
Differentiating factors include: near-freezing water temperatures, medium-
pressure lamps will perform while low-pressure
• Low-pressure vs. medium-pressure lamps lamps may cease to function.
Low-pressure UV lamps are the most effective at
converting electricity into UV light and have lower The right choice of lamps and sleeves can mean
operating temperatures that create a somewhat not only better performance, but also fewer and
longer operating life. However, medium-pressure shorter lamps, with less vibration sensitivity and lower
lamps have a broader emission spectrum that maintenance costs as a result. In addition, it is wise
gives them a much higher output per unit of lamp to consider the following factors:
length, as well as a higher intensity that shocks
microorganisms and impairs their ability to self- • Cleaning methods
repair. In water with low UV transmittance, such as Biofouling and accumulated deposits on quartz
the low-clarity water often encountered in ballast lamp sleeves and light- measuring sensors can
water treatment, medium-pressure lamps penetrate lower UV transmittance and impair performance.
further and provide better biological disinfection. While mechanical wipers can be used to remove
• Natural vs. synthetic quartz them, this puts moving components within the
Natural or synthetic quartz can be used in both reactor that may damage the quartz sleeves and
UV lamps and the sleeves that protect them. While will eventually need replacing. Cleaning-In-Place
synthetic quartz is more expensive than natural (CIP) with a mild acid avoids risk to the sleeves
quartz, it emits additional UV light at a shorter and also removes metal ion deposits that wipers
wavelength. This increases UV output by around leave behind.
15% and produces radicals close to the sleeve, • Power management
which enhances biological performance through Power management maintains treatment
photoionization. performance when moving between waters with
varying UV transmittance. The system’s power
Depending on the factors above, biological use is decreased when sailing in clear water, or
disinfection performance can vary greatly from one increased under difficult circumstances where UV
UV system to another. In particular, system limitations transmittance is low. To ensure compliance at all
differ with regard to water quality factors: times, the adjustment should be fully automatic
and immediately responsive to water changes.
• UV transmittance
Many UV systems are tested in clear water with
high UV transmittance, where differences in light
5. Selecting a ballast water­
intensity are less apparent. In natural waters with treatment system
low UV transmittance, these systems may have The selection of a ballast water treatment system
difficulty complying. A system with a verified ability should be based not only on compliance factors, but
to handle UV transmittance values of 50% or lower also on economic considerations. The installation can
will ensure compliant disinfection in most harbours have a large impact on a vessel’s operating costs, as
and ports. well as its total resale value. In addition, it is important
• Water salinity to consider the potential impact on the vessel’s
UV treatment is not directly affected by water existing equipment, operation and sailing profile.
salinity. However, fresh water has lower average
UV transmittance levels that may limit system
performance as described above.

Alfa Laval is a trademark registered and owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB. 11
Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.
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White paper

5.1. Cost factors • Lifecycle costs (LCC)

These costs comprise any additional capital
A number of factors determine a ballast water invested in the system throughout its service life,
treatment system’s impact on a vessel’s total lifetime including for maintenance and repair, as well as for
costs. The following should be weighed carefully: component replacements or upgrades. Depending
on the system design, a lower CAPEX can lead to
• Capital expenditure (CAPEX)
higher lifecycle costs in the long term.
This includes the initial cost of the system itself, as
• Profitability
well as the initial cost for any additional components
This refers to the ability to prevent income loss.
required to ensure safe, compliant operation.
Ballast water treatment systems can impact a
• Operational expenditure (OPEX)
vessel’s revenues due to:
This is the annual cost of all consumables, including
• Fines
spare parts and energy usage. For chemical
If a system is unable to perform in all conditions
disinfection technology, this also includes the
under which a specific vessel sails, non-compliant
chemicals and costs related to their safe management
ballast water exchange can result in fines.
and disposal. In most cases, OPEX will increase over
• Restricted port access
time as system efficiency decreases.
Water quality (see 4.1) varies greatly between
different ports (see table). Because all ballast
water treatment systems have certain technical
limitations, some systems may not be optimal for
specific trade routes, which can impact a vessel’s
ability to compete financially. See the following
table for more information.

Table: Water quality by port

Port UVT(%) Temp(°C) Salinity (PSU)
Istanbul, Turkey 95 6 24
San Pedro, CA, USA 95 2 32
Halifax, NS, Canada 94 -0.8 20
Veracruz, Mexico 94 26 36
Rotterdam, Netherlands 93 5 0.3
Port of Singapore, Singapore 93 27 31.5
Houghton, MI, USA 91 -0.1 0.1
Erie, PA, USA 87 -0.1 0.3
Zeebrugge, Belgium 76 5 26
Gothenburg, Sweden 85 0 20
Charleston, SC, USA 84 10 24
Baltimore, MD, USA 83 11 12
Hong Kong, China 80 17 33
Houston, TX, USA 74 11 20
Hamburg, Germany 69 2 0.1
Antwerp, Belgium 66 5 6.5
Bremerhaven, Germany 60 2 4
Lisbon, Portugal 53 14 35
Southampton, England 51 5 32
Shanghai, China 49 4 1.2

Alfa Laval is a trademark registered and owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB. 12
Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.
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5.2. Ship-specific criteria • Compatibility of active substances

When disinfection involves active substances,
Specific information about the target vessel and its many authorities require verification of compatibility
operation is important for understanding the type of between the chemicals and the materials used in
system that can provide optimal treatment performance the ballast and chemical supply piping. Prior to
at the lowest total cost of ownership. Factors to installing systems with active substances, it is also
consider when selecting a ballast water treatment necessary to check the paints used in the ballast
system include: tanks and the effects on anodes.
• Flow capacity and pump rates
• Vessel type
The requirements for ballast water flow vary
• Optimal ballasting/deballasting rates and
between different types of vessels and determine
ballast cycle times for the vessel
the ballast water pump capacity. The treatment
• Ventilation requirements for the system
system, in turn, should be based on the capacity
• Space required by the system
of the vessel’s pumps.
(footprint and volume)
• Flexibility in placing system components
and the need for structural changes 6. Installing a ballast ­water
• Effects of pressure drop treatment system
• Ex certification requirements
• Power availability and consumption Properly planning the installation of a ballast water
• Health and safety treatment system is as important to securing
• Impact of the system on tank structure/coatings compliance as the selection of the system itself.
• Ease of operation and integration with A system that is not correctly installed may not
existing systems perform as expected and as required by legislation.
• Other planned retrofits
• Additional training needs and crew workload Furthermore, delays that result from a poorly planned
• Certificates installation can add unexpected expenses to the
• System availability and delivery times total cost of the system. It can therefore be useful to
• Availability of consumables, spares, technical examine a supplier’s previous experience with both
support and optimization services newbuild and retrofit projects.

5.3. System component considerations 6.1. Differences between newbuild

and retrofit installations
Considering ballast water management in its entirety,
including the operation of pumps, piping and valves, The engineering and installation of a ballast water
is important in matching the right treatment system treatment system on a newbuild is normally handled
to a vessel. Design factors that require evaluation by the shipyard. The system is engineered into the
include: vessel as a component during the vessel’s design,
with space and power requirements considered
• Need for eductors from the beginning.
As ballast pumps can lose suction when the tank is
almost empty, stripping the ballast tank generally The possibilities for adapting a new vessel are
requires a jet-type pump called an eductor. normally large, which makes the choice of ballast
• Risk of contamination water treatment system less consequential from an
Piping and valves connect the ballast tanks to one installation perspective. The installation time is a
another and to the treatment system, which creates period of months, which leaves room for adjustments
the possibility for cross-contamination. Control over and corrections if anything is done wrong from
the entire piping system, including its valves, is the beginning.
necessary to prevent the cross-contamination of
clean or disinfected water before it enters the tank
or is discharged.

Alfa Laval is a trademark registered and owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB. 13
Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.
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Retrofitting a ballast water treatment system on Initial phase

an existing vessel is typically more complicated. The supplier and owner agree about the scope of
Since ballast water treatment was not considered supply and the execution of the project. The better
during the original construction of most vessels, the specification at this early point, the less risk there
the installation needs to be adapted to existing will be of mistakes later on in the project.
onboard circumstances and systems. The typical
dockyard timeframe for a retrofit is two weeks, and Pre-survey and vessel documentation review
any delay means lost income for the vessel owner. A feasibility study conducted by the ship owner, the
supplier or an engineering company determines how
6.2. Retrofit project management and where to install a ballast water treatment system on
the target vessel, as well as the required characteristics
The complexity of a retrofit installation necessitates of the system. This phase involves the collection and
thorough preparation and cooperation. A typical review of vessel documentation, including:
installation involves numerous partners:
• Information on ballasting operations, such as the
• The ship owner number of pumps used and the frequency of
• The ballast water treatment system supplier ballasting and deballasting
• An engineering company • Ballast pump specifications
• A shipyard • General arrangement drawings
• Piping and instrumentation diagram
The ship owner is ultimately responsible for the vessel • Amount of power available
and ensuring the process is handled in a safe and
correct manner. To facilitate as smooth an installation Onboard survey
as possible, the ship owner should provide full vessel The supplier or an engineering partner conducts a
documentation to all parties involved. survey to identify the best possible location for the
equipment, gather information on ballasting operations
The supplier, engineering company and shipyard and determine if hatches are available for bringing
should work together to adapt the treatment system’s components on board. Ideally this includes a 3D scan
installation to the specific circumstances of the to create a picture of the environment that will serve
vessel in question, as much as is possible within the as the location for the treatment system, offering a
constraints of the system’s Type Approval Certificate. clearer idea of the end result.

6.3. Phases of a retrofit project Pre-engineering

A retrofit installation involves many phases, each Using information collected in previous phases,
with its own challenges and responsibilities for the the supplier or engineering partner evaluates the
partners involved. suggested installation and determines how piping
should be routed, as well as the need for support of
Pre-project the components. Collisions between the proposed
The pre-project phase focuses on the selection of placement of the treatment system and existing
the system. Four main considerations are involved: equipment are identified to avoid later corrections.

• The system Detailed engineering

• Installation complexity (including placement The supplier or engineering partner creates
of additional components on board) manufacturing drawings of all piping, supports and
• Safety (including ventilation, chemical storage foundations and selects suitable material for the piping.
and impact on safety routines)
• Supplier capability (including flexibility and ability
to deliver on time)

Alfa Laval is a trademark registered and owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB. 14
Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.
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Class approval 6.4. Approval of installations

Approval from the classification society requires the
submission of all documentation prior to the start of After installation, a surveyor from the relevant
the installation process. classification society must verify and confirm that the
system is properly installed and functioning correctly
Prefabrication from a class perspective. When this is done, the
The manufacturing drawings are used to prefabricate system receives the necessary supporting
system components, which makes it possible to documentation regarding compliance.
minimize the time for installation on board.
Flag State Administrations do not generally verify
Installation compliance with basic classification requirements. A
Installation can be performed at a shipyard, while recognized classification society must therefore check
sailing or through a combination of the two. and approve the treatment system to ensure
Installations performed at sea can take up to six compliance with national, regional and local ballast
weeks and require certain crew safety considerations. water regulations.
Installation during dry docking, which normally takes
around two weeks, is more common. 7. Supplier evaluation checklist
The checklist on the following page can serve as an
Verification of the installation
aid in evaluating potential suppliers of ballast water
The installation itself must be verified and tested.
treatment systems. The topics covered relate to
Since shipyard time is limited, it is important that all
system strengths and limitations, as well as the
components are installed correctly from the beginning
suppliers’ own capabilities.
to minimize the risk of a delay. Once the supplier has
verified the installation from a technical perspective,
Suppliers should be rated on a scale from 1 to 5,
its functions need to be demonstrated during a
where 5 indicates the strongest performance in
commissioning with an owner representative and
relation to the questions. The higher the overall
class surveyor present.
marks, the stronger the supplier.

Alfa Laval is a trademark registered and owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB. 15
Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.
MDD00608EN 1702
White paper

Key criteria Supplier A Supplier B Supplier C Supplier C

Can the supplier ensure performance
in widely diverse operating conditions?
The system provided should have all relevant type approvals
and should not restrict the vessel’s area of operations
through performance limitations.
Has an authorized third party conducted
type approval tests of the supplier’s equipment?
Third-party testing is transparent and ensures realistic
conditions that prevent system deficiencies from being
Does the supplier have a long track record
of working in the marine industry?
Experienced marine suppliers and systems specifically
developed for marine use can avoid unexpected problems
at sea.
Is the supplier’s system easy to install and operate?
Especially in a retrofit, the system should offer a small
footprint and simple integration. Fully automatic operation
is preferred.
Has the supplier received repeat orders
from customers?
An extensive reference list is valuable, but the most
­important references are those who have made the same
choice multiple times.
Has the supplier successfully installed
a large number of ballast water treatment systems?
Practical experience, especially in retrofit projects, is the
best assurance of a smooth installation and long-term
system performance.
Does the supplier have a track record of meeting
delivery times?
Delays in getting equipment to the shipyard within the
scheduled time slot can mean a great deal of additional
Can the supplier minimize time out of service for
installation and commissioning?
Smart planning and supply solutions can limit downtime at a
capable shipyard to two weeks. Installation while sailing may
also be possible.
Does the supplier have global support capabilities?
A stable global supplier will be able to provide parts and
support wherever the vessel sails and throughout the
system’s lifetime.
Does the supplier have an extensive and flexible
service offering?
Expert maintenance secures lasting compliance. Periodic
inspection and service from the original supplier can
safeguard your investment.

Alfa Laval is a trademark registered and owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB. 16
Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.
MDD00608EN 1702
White paper

8. Further reading
This white paper is only an overview of the key issues
in ballast water management. Greater depth and
additional guidance in selecting a ballast water
treatment system are readily available. Making sense of ballast water management
A guide to international ballast water regulations and compliance alternatives

Alfa Laval has prepared a comprehensive book,

“Making sense of ballast water management”, which
provides more detailed information about all of the
topics covered in this white paper. The book contains
technical facts, knowledge and insights from over a
decade of work with ballast water treatment, as well
as many illustrations, diagrams and reference tables.
In addition, it provides an overview of Alfa Laval’s
own ballast water treatment system, Alfa Laval
PureBallast 3.1.

The book is available for order or download from the

“Knowledge” page on the Alfa Laval PureBallast 3.1
website. Throughout the website, you will find
information and interactive tools for evaluating ballast
water treatment systems and making the right
selection for your vessel.

To obtain your copy of “Making sense of ballast water

management”, visit

Alfa Laval is a trademark registered and owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB. 17
Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.
MDD00608EN 1702

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