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Aysa y Usay Arili: Introduction To The Philosophy of The Human Person Second Quarterly Assessment Score

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y San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person Score: ____
Second Quarterly Assessment
S.Y. 2017-2018

Name: _________________________ Date: ____________

Grade & Strand :_________________

Applied wisdom is the highest form of learning. -LGB

Direction: Select the letter that best describes the given concept or answer what is required.

______1. It is your power or right to act, speak, or think what you want without restraint or limitation.
a. authority b. freedom c. responsibility d. stewardship
______2. What kind of free will is being displayed by the line: “What Juan/Juana wants, Juan/Juana gets.”?
a. accessible b. impossible c. permissible d. responsible
______3. What kind of free will is displayed by the line: “Your right ends when the right of another begins.”?
a. accessible b. impossible c. permissible d. responsible
______4. “Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial.” What do you need to practice then?
a. courage b. discernment c. exploration d. vulnerability
______5. A person who easily submits to desires and urges unmindful of the consequences is said to be _____.
a. disciplined b. friendly c. happy go lucky d. vulnerable
______6. A person who weighs choices and considers the would-be consequences is said to be a ______ one.
a. careless b. discerning c. kill joy d. strict
______7. The ability to exercise one’s freedom in any manner is called the freedom of ________.
a. behavior b. belief c. choice d. values
______8. The end target of discernment is to make a choice between _______ and _______.
a. bad, bad b. good, bad c. good, good d. good, not so good
______9. Generate a wisdom about the universal principle that “everything bounces back to you.”
a. If you are careful of not getting caught, you can escape some consequences.
b. Just try to do good to cancel the consequences of the bad things done.
c. Say sorry and ask for forgiveness to create a space for future misbehavior and sins.
d. What you sow is what you reap.
_____10. “Love is a more powerful tool for change than fear.” Rationalize this line.
a. Fear can easily bring immediate changes.
b. Fear can bring results but only on short term.
c. Love can make you well liked and not feared.
d. Love may not bring immediate results but the effects are more lasting.


_____11. Life is all about love and nothing else but love. Where can we generate this insight?
a. God is good. b. God is life c. God is love d. God is such a kill joy.
_____12. Left brainers are inclined to do what they NEED to do. What do they usually demonstrate?
a. character b. free will c. necessity d. morality
_____13. Right brainers are inclined to do what they WANT to do. What do they usually demonstrate?
a. character b. free will c. good time d. necessity
_____14. The middle ground between being objective (rules) and subjective (considerations) is called ________.
a. back up b. intersubjectivity c. objectivity d. subjectivity
_____15. It requires accepting differences and not to impose on others.
a. acceptability b. intersubjectivity c. objectivity d. subjectivity
_____16. When you say “I trust you” what is its deeper connotation?
a. Aim for perfection c. I will not control you
b. I do not expect you to make mistakes. d. Zero error policy
_____17. The trade secret of a good leader/teacher/preacher is demonstrated by the word ________.
a. conflict b. control c. fear d. influence
_____18. The principle that suggest to treat a person like a child like you are his/her own father.
a. adoption b. maternalism c. paternalism d. personalism
_____19. Where can we observe these line “what is legal may not be necessary moral”?
a. drug pushing b. human trafficking c. legal gambling d. womanizing
_____20. What trait is exemplified by St. Augustine’s “No human being should become an end to himself”?
a. pagbabalik loob b. pakikisama c. pananagutan d. panglalamang
_____21. What is the deepest sense of loving people?
a. choosing some b. setting a standard c. judging mistakes d. unconditional acceptance
_____22. Generate an insight from the phrase “accepting others is not to impose on others”
a. love if and only if b. love to be loved c. love to control d. love without expecting
_____23. What would be the best approach to PWDS or persons with disabilities?
a. accept them with conditions c. let them live normal lives
b. joke about them d. Separate them from the society
_____24. What pulls someone to a group or community?
a. acceptance b. cooperation c. judgment d. latest style
_____25. What pushes someone away from the group or community?
a. acceptance b. cooperation c. judgment d. weaknesses
_____26. The way we deal with others is but a symptom on how we deal with __________.
a. our enemies b. our friends c. our God d. ourselves
_____27. He’s the philosopher who claimed that “Man is a social animal.”
a. Aristotle b. Aquinas c. Machiavelli d. Plato
_____28. On the other hand, he believes that society should be ruled by a powerful person.
a. Aristotle b. Aquinas c. Machiavelli d. Plato
_____29. Create one positive trait of a great leader.
a. control others not yourself c. control and control everyone
b. control yourself not others d. control using threats
_____30. These are the things that affect us and are under our power to act on it.
a. area of control c. area of influence
b. area of concern d. area of triangle


_____31. These are the things that affect us but we have no power to act on them.
a. area of Control c. area of Influence
b. area of Concern d. area of Triangle
_____32. Helen was just promoted in her job. But some of her co workers are out to destroy her.
a. bahala na mentality c. pakikisama mentality
b. crab mentality d. ningas cogon mentality
_____33. These lines “hanggang umpisa lang “ resembles this negative Filipino culture.
a. manana habit c. crab mentality
b. pakikisama d. ningas cogon mentality
_____34. Many are trooping to lotto outlets because of the huge prize at hand.
a. bayanihan c. jackpot mentality
b. pakikisama d. crab mentality
_____35. A kind of debt that is hard to pay accdg to the Filipino culture.
a. debt of money c. debt of gifts
b. debt of a property d. debt of gratitude
_____36. Amor propio or individuals highly emotional reaction to protect his honor and dignity is shown by
a. bayanihan b. gossip c. pakipot d. tuliro
_____37. There are no bad people but what propel others to do the bad things?
a. addiction b. brokenness c. poverty d. terrorism
_____38. Pain Alleviation is commonly manifested nowadays by most people’s addiction to what?
a. drugs b. gambling c. pornography d. social attention
_____39. The belief on the existence of heaven and hell and even purgatory in the next life.
a. Buddhism b. Christianity c. Hinduism d. Islam
_____40. The belief that the present life is only a preparation to the next realm of existence.
a. Buddhism b. Christianity c. Hinduism d. Islam

_____41. The belief in the rebirth and reincarnation of souls and death is regarded as a natural process.
a. Buddhism b. Christianity c. Hinduism d. Islam
_____42. The belief that death is inevitable for a person who thinks of worldly concerns and pleasures.
a. Buddhism b. Christianity c. Hinduism d. Islam
_____43. What should be written in one’s epitaph?
a. dedication b. goodbyes c. greetings d. one’s life lesson
_____44. It is a speech of praise and honor for a departed beloved usually given at his/her wake.
a. appraisal b. echos c. eulogy d. honoring
_____45. When a person dies, it is when praise of his, her goodness become overwhelming. Why?
a. for the sake of oneness c. overflow of sadness
b. one’s value is often realized when gone d. traditional practice
_____46. “A well meditated life is a life worth living. “Generate an insight.
a. Believe in the concept of destiny, fantasy and forever.
b. Enjoy life and don’t mind the consequences.
c. Don’t pass through this life without discovering your purpose.
d. Explore to enjoy
_____47. Dream as if you live forever. Live as if you will die today. What wisdom can we generate from this?
a. Keep on dreaming for one day these dreams may become a reality.
b. Live and laugh because there is what we call a “forever”
c. We become more loving each time we face the reality of death.
d. Enjoy life because you don’t know when will your life end.
_____48. Filipinos have many indigenous traditions that regard death and dying. Identify one ritual.
a. atang b. crying ladies c. eulogy d. incense
_____49. Play, ran, laugh but not sin. What is this statement teaching us to do?
a. Accept everything that life offers c. Enjoy life by doing the right things
b. Enjoy life at all cost d. Explore all things unmindful of consequences
_____50. God has given man the beautiful gift of freedom. Think deeply of that one thing not given to man.
a. acceptance b. best things c. choices d. knowledge of everything

“ The end goal of education is to make us good human beings.”

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:

Lawrence G. Bandong Arnel B. De Guzman Janice T. Datuin

SHS Teacher SHS Coordinator Principal

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