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The air conditioner system. Brief review of its main characteristics. Part I

Article · February 2020

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3 authors, including:

Yamile Diaz Torres Dries Haeseldonckx

universidad de cienfuegos, cuba KU Leuven


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Presentation date: September, 2019
Date of acceptance: November 2019
Publication date: January, 2020



Yamile Díaz Torres1

Mario A Álvarez Guerra-Plasencia1
Dries Haeseldonckx2
Universidad de Cienfuegos “Carlos Rafael Rodríguez”. Cuba.
Mechanical Engineering Technology TC, Group T Leuven Campus. Bélgica.

Suggested citation (APA, seventh edition)

Díaz Torres, Y., Álvarez Guerra-Plasencia, M. A., & Haeseldonckx, D. (2020). The air conditioning systems. Brief review
of their main characteristic. Part I. Universidad y Sociedad, 12(1), 53-63.

This research is a compilation of the fundamental aspects of the different systems of air conditioning that are used in
practice. They constitute an approach for the engineers in the design process of these systems for buildings. Information
related to the classification of the same, the advantages and disadvantages, as well as systems recommended for spe-
cific applications, are focused throughout the article. Finally, studies that improve the efficiency of the same from the
design phase are summarized

HVAC, configuration, design, air conditioner systems.

La presente investigación es una recopilación de los aspectos fundamentales de los distintos sistemas de aire acon-
dicionado que en la práctica se emplean. Los mismos constituyen un acercamiento para los ingenieros en el proceso
de diseño de estos sistemas para las edificaciones. Información relacionada con la clasificación de los mismos, las
ventajas y desventajas, así como sistemas recomendados para aplicaciones específicas, se abordan a lo largo del
artículo. Finalmente se resumen estudios que mejoran la eficiencia de los mismos desde la fase de diseño

Palabras clave:
HVAC, diseño, configuraciones, sistemas de aire acondicionado.

UNIVERSIDAD Y SOCIEDAD | Have Scientific of the University of Cienfuegos | ISSN: 2218-3620 Volume 12 | Number 1 | January-February, 2019

UNIVERSIDAD Y SOCIEDAD | Revista Científica de la Universidad de Cienfuegos | ISSN: 2218-3620

INTRODUCTION collective systems. Unitary systems are those in which

each element is an independent heat or cold generator.
With the continuous raising of the standard of living, the
The installations or individual systems are those in which
air conditioning of buildings has become a necessity; in
the production of cold or heat is independent for each
many cases to ensure that their living conditions meet the
user. Finally, collective facilities are those in which the pro-
comfort requirements of its occupants, which results in
duction of cold or heat serve to a group of users in the
greater satisfaction of them and, in other cases, as the
same building.
building’s fundamental equipment to meet the intrinsic
function of the same. Another classification is according to thermal energy
transfer medium. The unitary and individual installations
The air conditioning installations are today one of the most
are almost always formed by autonomous equipment’s, in
important facilities of a building, for several reasons: In
which the cold production takes place in the same machi-
the aspect of investment due to the high economic value
ne. These types of systems are also called direct expan-
of the same, which can constitute between 10 and 20% of
sion systems. In this case, when the components of the
the amount of the building in centralized facilities in new
same equipment are located in the same unit, they are
buildings. In the aspect of exploitation for the amount of
called compact systems. When the condenser and / or
energy consumption that probably constitutes the most
the compressor are located outside, while the evaporator
important of the energy costs of the building, greater than
in an indoor unit, they are called split systems. The collec-
the energy expenditure in lighting and other electrical
tive facilities have a common cold and / or heat production
consumption of the building. In the aspect of maintenan-
plant and one or several heat-carrier fluid distribution net-
ce and conservation for the dedication they demand, the
works to the air-conditioned premises. Another denomina-
cost of its components and the needs of specialized per-
tion is centralized systems. When the heat-carrying fluid
sonnel in these tasks. Finally, in the functional aspect, due
is air, the air conditioning system is called All- Air; when
to the high incidence of the lack of this service in a given
it is water, All-Water and finally mixed Air-Water systems.
moment in the activity of the building and its users. For a
Others sophisticated configurations are: the solar cooling
correct design, it is necessary to know all the potentialities
systems, Independent control of temperature and humi-
of each existing equipment in the market.
dity system (ICTHS) and Dedicate Outdoor Air Systems
Knowing that the air conditioning installations in a building (DOAS).
require special attention in order to get the most out of
The choice of the air conditioning system in each case,
them, rationalizing their costs to the maximum, both from
will be optimal for the resolution of a specific problem. It
the aspect of the initial investment, and subsequently,
must be carefully reviewed, always taking into conside-
their energy consumption and maintenance and conser-
ration those differential factors that make, in each case,
vation costs. The objective of this article is to provide a
one application of another. Normally the factors that make
synthesized review of each system according to its dis-
the difference before the decision to choose one type or
tribution and issuance. In addition, considering that one
another of installation are the following: Criteria of interior
of the biggest problems of indoor climate control is the
zoning in the building; zoning by use; zoning by schedu-
emission of greenhouse gases and the consumption of
le; zoning by geographical orientation; size of the defined
electricity, systems that use renewable energy sources
zones; needs for the supply of external air for ventilation
will be addressed, in order to contribute to the diffusion of
and conservation of the quality of the indoor environment;
this knowledge.
acoustic comfort criteria; importance of the sound level
DEVELOPMENT inside the occupied premises; variability of thermal loads;
possibilities of heat recovery; the relationship “quality / pri-
The air conditioning consists of creating conditions of ce, the architectural constraints as the spaces available to
temperature, humidity and cleanliness of the air suitable locate the air conditioning facilities among others.
for comfort within the inhabited spaces. To achieve this
goal, HVAC systems are used. There is a great variety of Below are some specifications of the following HVAC sys-
designs and equipment for air conditioning, which, to- tems: all air, all water, air-water, direct expansion and other
gether with the fact that several systems share common sophisticated systems are showed.
characteristics, makes the task of establishing a classifi- All Air systems, the systems are often used in the buildings
cation with net differences between them complex that require individual control of multiple zones, or places
In a general way HVAC systems can be classified ac- where accurate and precise control of space environmen-
cording to their emission form into unitary, individual and tal is required. Single-supply air system can be adapted

Volumen 12 | Número 1 | Enero- Febrero, 2020

UNIVERSIDAD Y SOCIEDAD | Revista Científica de la Universidad de Cienfuegos | ISSN: 2218-3620

to provide all-air air conditioning to many zones by adop- used for existing building when space is limited. The de-
ting different schemes: Single Duct, Constant Volume sign operation and maintenance of chilled water plants
System (CVS), Single Duct, and Variable Volume System has a very large impact on building energy use and ener-
(VAV). Dual Duct, CVS and VAV. Single duct normally con- gy operating cost.
sumes less energy than dual duct system. But just can
Table 1. Performance and cooling capacities of various
provide cooling or heating, no both (simultaneously) as
commercial chillers.
the dual duct. The VAV is designed with a volume control
damper, controlled by the zone thermostat, in each zone. Chiller type Cooling capacities COP
This damper acts as a throttle to allow more or less cool Absorption 10 to 20 500 kW 0.5-1.1
air into the zone. The VAV system adjusts for varying coo-
Adsorption 19 to 1 000 kW 0.5-0.65
ling loads in different zones by individually throttling the
supply air volume to each zone. VAV is more efficient than Centrifugal 280 to over 14 MW 6.1
constant volume systems. VAV systems usually reduce the Reciprocating 7 to 1600 kW 2.81
amount of total air delivered to the space during part-load Screw 100 to 4400 kW 2.84
conditions to achieve energy efficiency. However, when Scroll 528 to 1,056 kW 3.02
the space loads change, this can result in loss of indoor Source: Kohlenbach & Jakob (2014).
humidity control, even though indoor space temperatures
remain at acceptable levels. The chillers in the plant can be connected in series or in
parallel. Multiple chiller systems are more common than
The advantages are: effective room air distribution and single chiller systems. Chillers with different capacities
ventilation under widely varying load conditions; Major guarantee high energy efficiency at partial loads. If the sys-
equipment is centrally located in dedicated service spa- tem is properly designed then energy required to operate
ce, which allows maintenance to take place in unoccu- a second chiller can be conserved. A study conducted
pied areas, can be remotely located, well away from con- by Yu & Chan (2007) four design options were analyzed
ditioned space. It helps to reduce noise levels in occupied to decide the optimal number and size of chillers opera-
spaces; present great opportunities for energy conserva- ting with maximum system performance. Result estimated
tion such as heat recovery wheels; heat recovery systems that electricity savings of 10.1% could be achieved with
can also be easily integrated into main air-conditioning six chillers of three different sizes instead of four equally
units the greatest potential for use of outside air for ¨free¨ sized chillers. Conventionally, a centrifugal chiller is more
cooling. Generally, all air systems are used in IT data cen- efficient at full or nearly full load, while rotary screw type
ter, hospitals, clean rooms etc. where precise control of chillers usually have the best efficiency at partial load. In
space humidity is required. The main disadvantage are: contrast, reciprocating chillers performance varies and
Additional requirement add to building envelopment for the exact unit specifications should be verified.
duct space and higher installation and operation costs,
use significant amount of energy to move air (approxi- All-variable speed chillers (VSC) plant can operate mu-
mately 40 % energy use is fan energy); providing ready cho more efficiently at part load that conventional cons-
maintenance accessibility to terminal devices requires tant speed plant. Qureshi & Tassou (1996), established
close coordination between mechanical, architectural, that has been applied successfully to perform capacity
and structural designers modulation for chillers compressor. The use of VSC and/or
variable flow, primary –only pumping was a viable means
In all water systems, or hydronic systems, selecting chi- to eliminate an important drop in systems performance at
llers is a critical step. The chiller plant is usually consisted part load operation while accommodating the low delta T
of chillers, cooling towers, condensing water pumps, chi- syndrome of chilled water circuits.
lled water distribution pumps, chilled water storage tanks,
and distribution pipes. Chillers are available in different Chillers could be condensed by water or air. Spite that wa-
ranges in terms of cooling capacity depending on a speci- ter cooled systems have a great efficiency than air cooled,
fic compressor type and coefficient of performance (COP) air cooled chillers are dominant. The main causes of the
as see in table 1, and it is a key component that decides lack of proliferation of water cooled spite the efficiency
the system configuration of the primary system. Many de- are: the progressive insufficient water supply, air cooled
sign options of chilled water system are implemented to is easy for maintenance, less corrosion, les incrustations
achieve desired chilled water temperature. Each option and there nor risk of freezing issues. Water cooled chillers
depends on flow, required temperature, and system con- need special requirement regarding water treatment regi-
figuration and operation strategy. All water systems are mens, beside the additional cost. Water must be of good

Volumen 12 | Número 1 | Enero- Febrero, 2020

UNIVERSIDAD Y SOCIEDAD | Revista Científica de la Universidad de Cienfuegos | ISSN: 2218-3620

quality and treated further to avoid scaling, corrosion, fou- to perimeter zones. Initial cost of these systems could be
ling and biological growth. The risk of bacteria must be high compared to all air systems.
prevented by proven chemical or physical controls.
Air-Water combination is suitable for buildings with large
Chillers also allowed the possibility of implement the ther- exposures. Since there is no latent load on cooling coil,
mal energy storage (TES). It could be a key for a better troubles due to condensation do not occur. It prevents
power generation management. Their design allowed the marshy or damp regions in the conditioned space. This
reduction of the installed capacity with a consequent re- configuration needs very less apace as compared to all
duction of fixed costs; reduced peak demand and energy air systems for same capacity, it is more suitable for indi-
consumption in times of increased cost of electricity also vidual room/ zone control, simultaneous cooling and hea-
possible to decrease the electricity bill. Other advanta- ting with 4-pipe. As a disadvantage the initial cost of these
ges associated with TES are: more efficient and elective systems could be high compared to all air systems. Control
system operation, improved indoor air quality and increa- of space humidity is limited, Separate ventilation system
se flexibility of operation. Henze, et al. (2008), reported must be used to supply fresh air, which adds to cost. Also
25% savings of the operation cost, when introducing in a control of ventilation air is not precise. Condensate may
chilled water TES system into a colossal air-conditioning cause problems of dampness in ceiling or walls if conden-
system for a pharmaceutical industry, Gang, et al. (2016), sate drain fails. Require higher maintenance compared to
using the uncertainty-based design optimization method all-air systems. As systems are complicated with greater
investigated the performance of a District cooling sys- extent of controls, normally air-water systems are costlier
tems integrate with ice storage. The results revealed that than all water systems and Constant supply of fresh air
the annual operation cost had a probability of 80 % to be has to be supplied to all zones, no matter whether spaces
lower than a system without TES. are occupied are not. Because control is only for cooling/
heating coil through room thermostat
As an important advantage in the all water systems the
thermal distribution system required significantly less In the Direct expansion (DX) systems or unitary refrige-
space compared to the all-air systems, those systems are rant-based systems usually are best for low cost and very
suitable on existing building with limited space. Individual low load intermittent applications; they are simple and
room control and simultaneous cooling and heating are inexpensive room control and lower initial cost compared
also possible. They are well suited for retrofit applications to central systems. For example: Windows units are pri-
due to their distribution efficiency. But maintenance de- mary found in residential applications, and they not have
mands can be high and maintenance must be performed ducted air distribution.
on terminals within occupied spaces. Condensate drain
The appearance and noise of these units limit their appli-
pans and a drain system are required; in addition, they
cation. Rooftop units are primarily applied in low-rise buil-
must be cleaned periodically. Ventilation is not centrally
dings with flat roofs. For better air distribution in the con-
provided or controlled and is often accomplished by ope-
ditioned space the conditioned air should be ducted from
ning windows or via an outdoor air inlet at each terminal
the rooftop unit to multiple outlets instead of introducing
unit; thus, providing for acceptable indoor air quality can
the total airflow rate at one position. The split system, ser-
be a serious concern. Relative humidity in spaces may
ving such small facilities, usually conveys the conditioned
be high in summer, particularly if modulating chilled-water
air through ducts to the spaces served by the conditioner
valves are used to control room temperature.
is a ductless product were designed as quieter, more effi-
In case of Air –Water system their use the best features cient alternatives to window units. Multi-split was desig-
of all air and all water. Most of the energy is carried in the ned mainly for small to medium commercial applications
water. Often the air quantities distributed are only enough where the installation of ductwork was either too expen-
for ventilation. Therefore, the total shaft and ceiling space sive, or aesthetically unacceptable. The heat pump (HP)
required is small. In addition, the air is usually carried at offer one of the most practicable solutions to the green-
high velocities. Air-water systems are typically categori- house effect offering energy efficient and environmentally
zed in three types, such as induction system with two or friendly heating and cooling in applications ranging from
four pipe systems, fan-coil systems, and radiant panels. In domestic and commercial buildings to process industries.
such systems, it is possible to provide simultaneous coo-
An important improvement of DX systems it can found
ling and control on individual zone in an economic way
multi-and variable-speed drives, novel compressor, fan,
through thermostats. However, the overall operation and
motor, and heat exchanger designs, electronic expansion
control are complicated due to handling both primary air
valves, and advanced controls. Other attractive improve
and secondary water. In general, such systems are limited

Volumen 12 | Número 1 | Enero- Febrero, 2020

UNIVERSIDAD Y SOCIEDAD | Revista Científica de la Universidad de Cienfuegos | ISSN: 2218-3620

is the Variable refrigerant flow (VRF) air conditioning sys- more expensive, and the multi-split VRF was 111% more
tems due to better energy performance than traditional expensive.
systems. VFR provides a better occupant’s thermal com-
Santamouris (2016), reported that Split systems present
port, energy savings, flexible operation, ease of installa-
the highest share of the market with a total sale close to
tion, low noise, zone control, and comfort using all-electric
74.5 billon US$. VFR systems present a significant growth
as well, reaching a total market value close to 9.7 billon
The main energy saving of VRF systems was due to: the US$. A less share was observed for the PTAC, Indoor pac-
used of variable speed air cooled compressor, the reduc- kaged and windows air conditioning systems. Unitary sys-
tion of fan energy and the ductwork for space cooling or tems are less flexible in terms of air flow rate, condenser
heating zones, the capability of heating and cooling at the and evaporator sizes. Power consumption per kW could
same time for different zones without required for reheat, be higher compared to central systems, see table 2. The
the ability of providing heat recovery between zones at the efficiency parameters in the case of this systems is de-
same time, the used of refrigerant instead of water lead to fined as energy efficiency ratio (EER), in British thermal
required less energy to transfer the fluids heat and for last unit per Watt-hours (Btu/(Wh)), and defined by equation
using outside air systems with energy recovery. EER = 3.412 COP. Cooling SEER to EER estimated using
de-rating estimates from Table 2 of the authors Cutler, et
VRF systems achieved ranging from 10% to 60% of ener-
al. (2013).
gy savings depending on climate and the type of system
displaced, among other factors. Studies relate to the sa- Table 2. Current performance of residential cooling
ving potential it found in Amarnath & Blatt (2008). The technologies.
multi-split VRF system has high energy efficiency under
part load condition, due to the modulation of the com- Air conditioning type Measured Unit
pressor speed to adapt the load changing. In addition, Residential air conditioning 10.8 EER
duct losses in the multi-split VRF systems can be almost Residential Air Source Heat 14
eliminated due to the in-space location of the indoor units SEER
estimated to be 10% up to 20% of total airflow in a ducted Residential Ground Source Heat 14.2
system. Compared to conventional air conditionings are EER
its high respond to fluctuations in space load conditions. Residential Gas Heat Pumps 0.6 COP
These systems are suitable for cases when have different
zones with different space conditioning requirements. Commercial Roof Top Air condi- 11.2 EER
The main disadvantages of VRF system is its high initial Split 14.9 SEER
cost and the ventilation issue which they cannot provide Source: Cutler, et al. (2013).
any fresh air to the indoors during the conditioning proces-
ses. To overcome this drawback, an additional ventilation The drawbacks of unitary systems are that there are relati-
system is required which incremental the total cost. The vely few options with respect to sizing the evaporator, con-
design of VRF systems is more complicated and requires denser, fans, compressor, and controls. Since each unit
additional work compared to designing a conventional DX must be capable of meeting the peak load of the space
system. Long refrigerant runs and large numbers of con- it serves, the installed capacity and connected electrical
nections could result in refrigerant leakage that could be load are usually larger than with a central system. Other
significant, causing safety issues and repair difficulties. problem probe by different authors is the quality of indoor
environment. Ai, et al. (2016), referred that a deficiency of
Total costs of VRF systems are likely to be about 5% to room air conditioner was the lack or very little outdoor air.
20% higher than chilled water systems of similar capa- In studies conducted in residential building, Park, Jee &
city. About 30% to 50% more than equivalent capacity Jeong (2014), showed that the ventilation rates were less
single package ducted system and more than twice as than the minimum requirement recommended by ventila-
much as packaged terminal units. Study conducted by tion standards, ASHRAE Standard 62.1, 2013 of 7.5 l/s/p.
Cassidy & Sweet (2000), compared the whole-life costs of Those associated with low ventilation rates and excessive
four common air-conditioning systems used in a modern CO2 concentrations (>1000 ppm) reported by Beko, et al.
new-build. The result showed that, a system with four-pipe (2010). Other studies (Sundell, et al., 2011) showed the
fan-coil units was 53% more expensive than the chilled strong correlations between insufficient ventilation and the
ceilings option, the variable air volume system was 74% prevalence of illnesses and sick building syndrome, besi-
de insufficient ventilations in bedrooms was responsible

Volumen 12 | Número 1 | Enero- Febrero, 2020

UNIVERSIDAD Y SOCIEDAD | Revista Científica de la Universidad de Cienfuegos | ISSN: 2218-3620

for a poor sleep quality and reduction of physical and phy- strong solution concentration and generator temperature
siological performance of persons. have the greatest impact on total annual cost can run at
a lower temperature. Absence of moving/rotating parts
Technologies based renewable energy resources are also
makes them more reliable, low maintenance cost. They
penetrating in the HVAC sector. The main reasons are
do not suffer problem of crystallization and corrosion. It is
environmental issues due to CO2 emissions, and ozone
not so sensitive to the fluctuation in heat source tempera-
depleting mediums in conventional systems i.e. CFCs,
ture. A small amount of intrinsic electricity consumption is
and HCFCs, due the probability of working fluids escaped
due to the absence of a pump. An adsorption system is
through leakages from cooling equipment during normal
simpler to design than an absorption system. Because of
operation (filling or empting) or after accidents (dama-
fewer individual parts, the cost of production is comparati-
ges) gather in significant quantities at high levels of the
vely lower. Their disadvantages are: The COP and cooling
capacities of adsorption systems are still low compared
Even the production of CFCs and HCFCs as R-11, R-12, to absorption. This is due to porous adsorbent materials
R-113, R114 and R-115 was stopped since 1995 but are are bad conductors of heat, and the fixed bed operation
still being used widely in existing residential and small also leads to poor heat and mass transfer. Leakages and
commercial air conditioning units and heat pumps. Other adsorbent deterioration require high vacuum tightness of
refrigerant as R-22 is the most common chiller refrige- the container and careful design of external hydraulic cir-
rants. Dominates in small systems using positive displa- cuits due to cyclic temperature variation in the hydraulic
cement (scroll, reciprocating piston, and screw) compres- circuits. Few suppliers in the market with high cost of com-
sors, actually R410A is the primary replacement selected mercially available machines are bulky and expensive.
for R-22. This substitute offers practically zero ODP. But
The sensible and latent loads can be controlled separa-
it increased the GWP by 16 % and lowers the attainable
tely. Better humidity control, more efficient latent load re-
efficiency by 6 %. According (Calm, 2008) R-123 is the
moval and provide better indoor air quality by controlling
most efficient refrigerant for water chillers. However, the
the growth of harmful fungi and bacteria. Operate at near
need for low GWP option with improved system efficiency
atmospheric pressure; the maintenance and construction
still impulse to several investigations.
are simplified and does not utilize condensation to achie-
Other reason was the high energy demand in building ve dehumidification and No Chlorofluorocarbons based
sector and increasing energy prices. In this case the sorp- refrigerant. The electrical energy requirement can be less
tion technology coupled with renewable sources as solar than 25% that of conventional refrigeration systems but
energy is proving relatively efficient alternatives in terms few suppliers in the marked and specially the liquid desic-
of energy saving. Sorption technology can be classified cant systems. The AHU are bulky, the initial investment is
either as closed sorption systems or open sorption sys- higher and is difficult the mounting on existing building.
tems. In closed sorption technology, here are two basic Require pre-cooling and/or post cooling equipment. In hot
methods: absorption refrigeration and adsorption refri- and humid regions, the effectiveness of desiccant dehu-
geration. For open sorption cycles, the basic method is midification would be limited, in this case require higher
desiccant technology. Sorption-based cooling devices regenerating temperature in the order of 90oC or a heavier
are particularly attractive if the power supply is insufficient desiccant dehumidifier, to realize an efficient dehumidi-
or costly, or if thermal energy is easily available, e.g. from fication and cooling. Compared the desiccant systems
solar heat collectors. A summary of the advantages and drive by solar energy with a conventional AHU the energy
disadvantages of each technology are present below: consumption is normally higher due the increment of com-
ponents necessary for the process (dehumidifying wheel,
Its ability to operate with low temperature and use any type
air collectors, and evaporative cooling devices)
of heat source; Low operating and conservations costs
than the rest of thermally-driven air-conditioning systems; The intrinsic qualities of solar energy make it a beneficial
Low noise and vibrations. Simple construction, reliability, utility, especially for countries located in regions with op-
long lifetime, with fewer replacement parts are generally timal access to the sun’s rays as tropical zones and as
bulky, complex and expensive in terms of initial inves- refers before the combine of solar energy whit HVAC tech-
tment. Also some cycles required wet heat-rejection coo- nology it’s called solar cooling technology. It can be clas-
ling due heat rejection from absorption systems are about sified into three categories: solar electrical cooling, solar
1.75- 2.5 times the cooling capacity. In general this system thermal cooling, and solar combined power and coo-
requires advanced knowledge for maintenance high cut ling, as illustrated in Figure 1. Solar cooling technology it
off input temperature for aqua-ammonia absorption chiller, been reviewed by several authors Nkweta & Sandercock

Volumen 12 | Número 1 | Enero- Febrero, 2020

UNIVERSIDAD Y SOCIEDAD | Revista Científica de la Universidad de Cienfuegos | ISSN: 2218-3620

(2016); Eicker, et al. (2015), and their works are focused on the technologies performance including its technical,
environmental and economic aspects.

Figure 1. Energy conversion options for solar cooling.

According the International Energy Agency until 2009, with less fossil fuel consumption and lower CO2 emissions
269 solar-assisted cooling systems have been installed open an important opportunity for these systems.
all over the world: 113 large-scale and 156 small-scale.
The typical HVAC configuration has evolved in the last
The 92% of these installations are located in Europe.
decades in order to achieve better comfort and energy
Absorption systems represent 82% of the whole installa-
efficient, example: the humidity control in the space is an
tions and 90% of the small-scale installations, secondly
important task for the HVAC in tropical climate countries.
by adsorption systems (11% of the whole installations and
If high relative humidity supply air is supplied will lead to
10% of the small ones), the rest by desiccant systems that
fungus growth in air-tight buildings and affect the health of
are only used in large installations.
the occupants. In a conventional AC systems the cooling
Solar cooling makes use of hot water produced by so- and the dehumidifying process are in the same unit and at
lar thermal collectors and or electricity generated from the same time, this lead to low evaporating temperature,
photovoltaic panels. In solar thermal cooling applications a poor COP value for the chiller, and higher energy con-
it can combine the advantages of the sorption cooling sumption. Moreover, the fan coil units may become the
cycles were the working fluids has less environmental im- hot bed of many kinds of mildew due to the existence of
pact than the refrigerants used by the VCC systems and condensing water, which will deteriorate indoor air quality.
at the same time the impact derived from the reduce the
The Independent control of temperature and humidity sys-
electricity used and carbon dioxide produced from the
tem (ICTHS), see figure 2, can realize the independent
control of temperature and humidity, and resolve the pro-
In other approach, the growing development of photovol- blems above. For sensible load handling unit, the most ty-
taic (PV) solar systems, the continuous cost reductions in pical choice is the radiant cooling system. There two main
PV technology and the continuous improve of COP, make configurations on the application of the radiant cooling
an attractive solution the use of those systems for drive technique: fist the radiant floor cooling is quite suitable
the VCC cooling systems. The major drawbacks of solar for large space buildings, which feature high-intensity so-
cooling systems are: the complexity of the systems, low lar radiation and high-temperature internal wall surfaces.
efficiency of the main components, high installations cost, In typical building, the maximum cooling capacity of the
the lack of awareness. Those factors determined the lack radiant floor is only 30-40 W/m2. The second is the chi-
of proliferation of these but the attractiveness for a future lled ceiling, is suitable for standard facilities and under

Volumen 12 | Número 1 | Enero- Febrero, 2020

UNIVERSIDAD Y SOCIEDAD | Revista Científica de la Universidad de Cienfuegos | ISSN: 2218-3620

favorable conditions the panels can remove 101 W/m2 As an ICTHS practical applications it can found the
and the free hanging design can remove 196 W/m2. Dedicate Outdoor Air Systems (DOAS), is a better cooling
concept and it is applied in order to achieve a better per-
formance. The reason why DOAS is called ‘‘new concept’’
AC system is that the techniques used in DOAS have
widely been applied but are subtly combined to show its
broad prospect.
Is quite impossible that all-air can attain its functions espe-
cially air ventilation in an energy efficient manner. DOAS
is an air-conditioning systems that consist of two parallel
systems: a dedicated outdoor air ventilation systems for
delivering outdoor air ventilation that handles both the la-
tent and sensible loads of conditioning the ventilation air
and a parallel air terminal unit to handle the (mostly sensi-
ble heat) loads generated by indoor/process sources and
those that pass through the building enclosure. Typical
DOAS, shown in figure 3:

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of ICTHS.

For dehumidification system the common choice is mul-
tiple, but there are three frequently used types of dehu-
midification equipment: low- temperature condensation
dehumidifiers, solid desiccants, and liquid desiccants
above which the most popular in the last years is liquid
desiccant. More dehumidification effectiveness at a tem-
perature higher than the air’s dew point to avoid reheating
in the system, as well as the possibility of desiccant re-
generation at more low temperature than solid desiccant
systems. Figure 3. Schematic diagram of typical DOAS.

Today’s, the practice to the increment of humidity due the DOAS consist of the following parts: Cold source: could
weather, is to reduce the set-point temperature and then be PTACs, small packaged or split DX units, radiant
re-condition the air after passing the cooling coil to the chilled ceilings, passive chilled beams, or VRF equipment;
proper temperature, which results in a plenty of energy Outdoor air processor: To ensure that indoor terminal de-
wastefulness. Regarding Huang & Niu (2016), the ICTHS vices run in dry condition, outdoor air heat load, total la-
is the best development in the indoor environmental con- tent heat load and partial sensible heat load are removed
trol area for the last 25 years, also refers that it high prob- by outdoor air processor; Sensible heat removing terminal
ability in become in the best HVAC configurations in the devices: could be include cooling ceiling, fan coil units
future. Besides, the energy potential of for HVAC config- and unitary air conditioner. In the Li & Zhan (2007), study
urations: a constant volume all air systems, an all-air whit confirm that its can save until 18 % of primary energy if
total heat recovery ventilator, a chilled-ceiling with a con- use cooling ceiling in the DOAS configurations. Total heat
ventional AHU and finally a chilled ceiling with solid des- exchanger: its can use an AHU compose by desiccant
iccant cooling. The result shows that the benefits of the wheel and heat recovery wheel for dehumidified outdoor
individuals’ techniques chilled ceiling and dehumidifica- air. Finally, an automatic control system: is necessary for
tion by desiccant lead to among all configurations; it can DOAS. The controlled parameters mainly include the out-
save 44 % of primary energy, in comparison with constant let water temperature and the cold water flux of outdoor air
volume all air, achieve much thermal comfort and finally processor, cold water flux and inlet water temperature of
be driven by low-grade thermal energy suitable for the sensible heat removing terminal devices, indoor dry-bulb
use of renewable source. temperature and dew-point temperature.

Volumen 12 | Número 1 | Enero- Febrero, 2020

UNIVERSIDAD Y SOCIEDAD | Revista Científica de la Universidad de Cienfuegos | ISSN: 2218-3620

DOAS is an all air system without return air, and it elimina- the strategy was a CO2-sensor based demand controlled
tes inter crossing infection existing in all air system with re- displacement ventilation (DCDV-CO2). During daytime
turn air. The advantages of DOAS among to a conventional operation, DCDV-CO2 allows the reduction of the requi-
all-air are: less noise, lower draft, better thermal comfort red ventilation air volume by 65–75% when compared
and good potential for reductions of the first and operating to Constant air volume. During the daytime the reduc-
cost. More benefits likes enhanced indoor environmental tion of the total heating energy demand was up to 21%.
quality, increased degree of freedom in the selection of Concurrently, the amount of unrecovered heat in the ex-
local units. The energy saving exhibits by DOAS it can haust ventilation air was reduced by 54% followed by
found in several investigations. When the effectiveness the lower average airflow rate by 50%. Other innovative
of total heat exchanger is 65%, DOAS using cooling coil techniques developed are combined CC/DV with cooling
as sensible heat removing terminal devices can save the jackets that are either passively cooled by phase change
electric energy by 42%, compared with conventional VAV materials, actively cooled by connecting the cooled jacket
systems. During part-load conditions, with local unit(s) to external cooling system, personalized ventilators and
running under reduced capacity mode to fulfill the redu- personalized evaporative cooler.
ced sensible loads, the DOAS unit continues to supply air
Selection of a HVAC system configuration is typically de-
at a low enough dew point to maintain acceptable indoor
cided in the early stage of the design process when the
humidity levels. This humidity control benefit is potentially
maximum opportunities for energy efficiency occur. All the
available for almost all DOAS system configurations.
technologies have certain technical and economic bene-
Other important evolution of these advanced configura- fits. Few are better than other for specific application and
tions of HVAC systems that provide an efficient configu- many alternatives can be used for cooling proposes.
ration is the chilled ceiling displacement ventilation (CC/
An important point of view is to considering installing an
DV). It is a room air distribution strategy; provide high in-
air-conditioning system centralized or individual, but it’s
door air quality by introducing 100 % fresh supply close to
necessary to considerer that centralized systems include
the floor level displacing warm air into exhaust and crea-
a distribution system in the building such as pipes, ducts,
ting a clean environment zone. Coupling the displacement
tanks, pumps, fans, or exchangers. The efficiency of the
ventilation and chilled ceiling allows larger load handling
overall system depends on the efficiency of all its com-
capacity and a higher thermal comfort level by reducing
ponents, for example an efficient chiller can become an
vertical temperature difference and draft. Other advanta-
inefficient air conditioner system if parts are poorly con-
ge are the operate temperature of chilled ceiling around
nected and badly calibrated. In individual systems, the
17◦C–19◦C compared with conventional air-conditioning
efficiency often depends alone on the efficiency in the
system, which show a great potential on energy and in-
cooling source only.
vestment saving. Besides, the stratified could achieve a
higher indoor thermal comfort level as well as air quality Operating cost has also an influence in selection proce-
with relatively low energy consumption. dure, for example the energy consumption for a typical
air handling units can achieve up to 20 000 W and a typi-
Kanaan, Ghaddar & Ghali (2010), reported that CC/DV
cal desiccant cooling systems can consume up to 55 000
systems consumed 53 % less cooling energy than con-
W of electrical. Electrical and economic comparison of
ventional systems but it did not offer energy savings with
four different cooling systems its show in figure 4. Perez-
mixed conventional systems. In order to improve this re-
Lombard, et al. (2011), established a set of low-level re-
cords Chakroun, Ghaddar & Ghali (2011), developed a
quirements in the selection of efficient components: equi-
model to predict the indoor quality in a typical office in
pment minimum efficiencies, fluid distribution systems,
Kuwait conditioned by CC/DV and compared with 100 %
HVAC control ventilation, heat recovery and free-cooling.
fresh air system and with mixed conventional system. The
energy consumption was founded to be substantially less
when mixing was present. A mixing fraction of 60% fresh
air resulted in 37% less measured energy consumption
of the system when compared with 100%. The energy
consumption analyzed of mixed air system was less by
15–20% from the conventional system.
It can reach better energy efficient if combine DV with de-
mand control. A real study case in two Norwegian schools
was published in, Wachenfeldt, Mysen & Schild (2007);

Volumen 12 | Número 1 | Enero- Febrero, 2020

UNIVERSIDAD Y SOCIEDAD | Revista Científica de la Universidad de Cienfuegos | ISSN: 2218-3620

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Volumen 12 | Número 1 | Enero- Febrero, 2020


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