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Bernpyle FALL 2020

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A Grizzly Revelation at
Badger Burrow
is an independent production by ManaRampMatt
and is not affiliated with Losing Games. It is published
under the Mausritter Third Party License.
Mausritter is copyright Losing Games.

A Grizzly Revelation at Badger Burrow is a

Homebrew adventure compatible with Mausritter.

Please enjoy this and have many a great adventure.

Cheers! Table of Contents:
In this adventure you and some friends will play as
Section Page
courageous mice adventurers, exploring an ancient
Note to the GM 1
and mysterious dungeon to find treasure and answers, Setting & History 1
looking to bring them back to the safety of their Hooks 2
mouse settlements. Rumors 2
This book provides an overview of the setting and a
potential adventure plot for GMs. However, it does 2
1. Burrow entrance
make the assumption that you know what 3
2. War room
Mausritter is, and have a basic idea of how to 3
3. Path to Pangolia
interact with this TTRPG. 3
4. Guard tower
5. Pangolia
Thanks to Mausritter’s creator, Isaac Williams for 3
6. Path to the God’s Realm
creating such a great game and fostering such a fun 3
7. Exit to the hillside 4
community on the Discord Server. Big shout out to all
8. Temple of the Pangolin 4
those on the Discord who have been so welcoming and
9. Path to the Den 4
have continued to inspire creativity for this amazing
10. Path to Porcupasia 4
11. Guard tower 4
12. Porcupasia 4
This adventure utilizes the Mausritter rules book as
13. Path to the God’s Realm 4
well as elements of other community homebrew and 14. Exit to the hillside 5
OSR materials. The idea was inspired by Necrotic
15. Monastery of the Porcupine 5
Gnome’s, The Hole in the Oak, and some aspects of that
16. Path to the Den 5
adventure have been cloned. A Grizzly Revelation at 17. Sanctum of Suetonius 6
Badger Burrow also uses items and rules from Tales 18. Hollow pine and Raven’s nest 7
from Moonshore, a setting created by @paige and @lux 19. Wolverine lair 7
from the Discord. This book also draws from the 20. The God’s Realm 7
Thistle Kingom zine by Christopher Käck and the 21. Abandoned gold mine & Grizzly Den 7
format design from The Lake of the Pirat King created 22. Secret door 7
by Cameron Donnelly & Richard Davis for Dice Jam. 23. Secret door 7
“Badger Burrow” also references ManaRampMatt’s 24. Muskrat cave 7
other supplement Mauspanzer and Songvogel. 25. Underground river 7
Creatures 8
Written by ManaRampMatt. Illustrated by
ManaRampMatt .
Items 10
Outcomes 10
A Grizzly Revelation at Badger Burrow is set
in the fonts Ludlow Strong Ale, Luminari, Adhesive Nr.
Seven and Saxon Abbey.
Note to the GM:
This adventure and setting is aimed to inspire your
History: Ten generations ago a wise badger named
player mice to explore an underground complex of Berosus burrowed a hole into the base of a great, lone
caves. There is much treasure and action to be had in oak on the hillside. Berosus dug a vast network of
the burrows. These burrows are home to two warring caverns deep into the mountain and resided therein
factions of shrews, each worshiping an animal they for many years. After his death, the first new occupant
think to be divine. These shrews wish to convert or of the burrow was a star faced mole named Suetonius.
eradicate the opposite faction. There is a mole wizard This mole was also a wizard and used the burrows as
in the burrows as well. He wants peace and can point his new home base. Within a year, the Earl of Bernpyle,
you in the right direction. Other creatures lurk the a rat named Razmataz, commissioned an exploration
caverns and magical items are hidden throughout. At party to traverse the tunnels looking for a shaft that
the end of the caves is a Grizzly Bear who is the would connect out to the other side of the mountains,
mistaken "god" but is actually a peaceful beast. For thus expanding trade in the region. The party was
those who are interested in the History, feel free to successful in charting a course through the Spine
read that section but this setting can be run without discovering a human gold mine on the far side.
all that info dump. However, this mine was also den to a mighty beast.
Under the leadership of Ozmataz the
Buckshank, a noble rat and younger sister of the Earl,
a force of two warbands, a porcupine and a pangolin
went into the burrows to battle the beast. Ozmataz
wielded the Ursine Hammer, a magical weapon she
hoped would vanquish the beast. Sadly, the war party
was never seen or heard from again. With the loss of
his forces, the rat Earldom fell, and the region was left
Some years later a large migration of shrews
moved into the burrow and studied under Suetonius.
These shrews grew strong and learned and wished to
explore deeper into the caverns. Two parties were
formed, one to explore the northern tunnels and the
other to explore to the south.
After a week of exploration both parties
returned with great jubilation. They met in the large

Set just half a day’s travel to the southeast of the
forum near the oak entrance to discuss what they
found. The northern group shared first. They told of
how they met a god who took the form of a pangolin
and blessed them with its scales to be tools for them if
Earldom of Bernpyle lies the Great Spine, a near
they worshiped it alone. In shock, the southern
impassable mountain range that towers miles into
exploratory team lashed out, crying "heretics!" and
the clouds. This range separates the wooded
reciting a similar account but instead of the pangolin,
grasslands of the Earldom and the low marshland due
a porcupine goddess bestowed the shrews with spears
east. On one of the cliffsides of these stark mountains
made from her divine quills. This altercation quickly
sit a lone oak tree with a hollow opening near the base
erupted, and war broke out.
of its roots. This opening is the beginning of a maze of
In the dust, few remained on both sides. The
tunnels that burrow deep into the hillside. These
survivors each went their own way and established the
tunnels were once the home to a wise badger and were
settlements of Pangolia in the north and Porcupasia
vacated after his death. Just above the oak sits a pine
to the south. Here they erected temples to their deities
tree on a hillside that butts up to the shear cliffs. This
and to this day, warbands meet daily in the forum to
tree also is home to denizens of the wood. It is said
skirmish over the true faith.
that the tunnels reach the far side of the mountains
Since then a quirky Raven moved to the pine on
and dump into some kind of manmade cavern. These
the hill and a wolverine stalks the area above ground.
burrows are now home to a vast number of shrews, a
wise old wizard mole, a great beast and legend says,
the gods. 1
Why might your mice be traveling into the Badger’s
Badger Burrows is located one watch southeast of the
Burrow? Earldom of Bernpyle. From Bernpyle to the foothills,
in which the loan oak is located, is a vast grassland
d6 Hooks with little to no trees. While venturing to the burrow
You have heard of a great Treasure that lies entrance, player mice may have several encounters.
1 deep in the mountain. Use the encounter rules from the Mausritter rule
A party of Explorers has gone missing. You book and this table to generate excitement on the way
2 are the rescuers hired to find them. to the burrow.
You are sent by the Earl to be diplomats
3 from the mice to the shrews. d6 Encounters
You are seeking wisdom from Suetonius. His 2d4 honey bees swarm around as you go
4 teaching is coveted. 1 through some wildflowers.
The Earl has asked you to survey a route to d6 Locust frenzy near you in search of food,
5 the adjacent valley. 2 they may try a bite at you.
A Faerie Princess has lost a magic item and 2d4 Mice are armed and traveling through
6 will pay well. (Needle Wand, 1500 pips) 3 the grasslands in your direction.
You are dive bombed by a hungry and angry
4 Shrike.
A large Raven swoops in asking for shiny
5 things in exchange for being your guide.
You stumble across a very large and very
6 powerful Wolverine out hunting.

1. The Burrow Entrance

Set in the roots of a large oak tree, the entrance to this
vast burrow system is well guarded by natural
camouflage. Once you cross the threshold you enter a
very large room known as the War Room. Before the
mice get there you should roll up an encounter or let

If your mice ask around town, they may just here a
them explore. Very perceptive mice may notice one or
two secret doors (22/23) near the entrance. Others will
find bones, 2d4 Porcupine Pikes and/or 2d4 Pangolin
couple things about the mysterious burrows. Scale Shields.

d4 Rumors d6 Encounter
An ancient wise mole sage, who knows all
1 things, resided there. (almost true) 1-3
All quiet

d5 Beetles
A large badger like creature roams the
hillside. (true)
There is a vast treasure to be had deep in the
mountain. (true)
The tunnels were dug by foxes that still run
4 free. (false)
Use the Mausritter rules book for checking the
Reaction of these possible encounters.

2. War Room 5. Pangolia
This large forum was once the main living quarters to The shrew settlement of Pangolia is made up of 500
Berosus the Badger and is the former school ground shrews. These shrews are quite primitive in their
of Suetonius the Wise. Now this forum is home the society. Living in mainly mud huts and having only
daily skirmishes between the Pangolian Shrews and one large granary, an armory and a shop this simple
the Porcupasian Shrews. When your mice reach this settlement has stood the tests of time. Use the
chamber use this table to roll up what they see. Mausritter rules book for checking the Reaction of
the Pangolian shrews. At the granary, d8 Rations can
d6 Happenings purchase for 5 pips a piece. The shop is where supplies
The room is empty. such as bed mats, torches and rope can be purchased.
1-2 The shop in Pangolia also has d6 Pangolin Potions for
d4 Pangolian Shrews patrolling.
3 sale. The armory is guarded by d16 Pangolian Guards
on patrol. To the north of town is a tunnel that leads
d4 Porcupasian Shrews patrolling.
4 to the surface (7), to the south of town is a path that
leads to several other corridors (9), and to the far east
d6 Pangolians fighting d6 Porcupasians.
5 of town is Path to the God’s Realm (6). There are
Pangolian Warband vs Porcupasian shrews milling all around, if the mice interact they
6 Warband. may hear things like: “I hear the wolverine got two
Porcos yesterday!” or “Have you been to the Temple
At the far end of the War Room is the door to the yet this week?” or “I think the mayor is amassing a
Sanctum of Suetonius (17). To the left is the Path to massive warband for tomorrow’s battle.”
Pangolia (3) and to the right is the Path to Porcupasia
(10). Depending on what the mice see, shrews will enter
the War Room from their native paths.

3. Path to Pangolia
The route to the settlement of Pangolia is dark
narrow and damp. It is a long trek that could take as
much as an hour to traverse. Use a d6 to roll for an
encounter every three turns. There is a 1-in-6 chance
of an encounter, a 2 will give a clue of what your mice
6. Path to the God’s Realm
On this long passage east of Pangolia, mice can expect
might expect to find. to encounter d4 pilgrims every three turns in addition
to the possible encounter along the way.
d6 Encounter
All quiet
1-3 d4 Encounters
d5 Beetles
d5 Beetles 1
d8 Shrew Pilgrims and d3 Shrew Clergy
Centipede 2
4. Guard Tower (Pangolia) 4
d3 Porcupasian Assassins

Half way to Pangolia the path takes a turn. It is at

this turn that a guard tower was erected by the
Shrews. Adventurers will see d24 Pangolian Guards on
watch. These guards have not seen many mice so use 7. Path to the Hillside
the Mausritter rules book for checking the Reaction A narrow tunnel that reaches the surface after several
of these watchmen on the wall. turns. Whilst traversing this path you should roll a
Remember, player mice should not always jump to random encounter similar to the encounters on the
combat, but should try to use other means from time Path to Pangolia. At the surface there is a 1-in-6
to time to further their own agenda. chance of the Wolverine waiting for you.

8. Temple of the Pangolin 12. Porcupasia
Half way between Pangolia and the God’s Realm is the The shrew settlement of Porcupasia is made up of 500
ornate Temple of the Pangolin. Here there are many shrews. These shrews are quite primitive in their
pilgrims and d20 priests and clergy. For the most part, society. Living in mainly mud huts and having only
passers by are ignored as this is a very religious site. If one large granary, an armory and a shop this simple
your mouse party is risky and mischievous there is settlement has stood the tests of time. Use the
d100 x 5 pips to be pillaged, but be warned there is also Mausritter rules book for checking the Reaction of
at least three Warbands back in town. From the the Porcupasian shrews. At the granary, d6 Rations
Temple the path continues for about an hour until can purchase for 10 pips a piece. The shop is where
you reach the God’s Realm (20) where d3 priest guard supplies such as bed mats, torches and rope can be
the entrance. purchased. The shop in Pangolia also has d6
Porcupasian Potions for sale. The armory is guarded
by d14 Porcupasian Guards on patrol. To the south of
9. Path to the Den town is a tunnel that leads to the surface (14), to the
This long tunnel come to an abrupt end where shrews north of town is a path that leads to several other
built a wall to keep intruders out of Pangolia. On the corridors (16), and to the far east of town is Path to
other side of this wall is a four way crossroads. To the the God’s Realm (13). There are shrews milling all
west is the Sanctum of Suetonius, the east is the around, if the mice interact they may hear things like:
Wolverine Den and to the south is a wall off tunnel to “I hear the wolverine got two Pangos yesterday!” or
Porcupasia. Encounters should occurs per usual. “Have you been to Church yet this week?” or “I think
the mayor is amassing a three warbands for
d6 Encounter tomorrow’s raid.”
All quiet
d5 Beetles
10. Path to Porcupasia
The route to the settlement of Porcupasia is dark
narrow and damp. It is a long trek that can take as
13. Path to the God’s Realm
On this long passage east of Porcupasia, mice can
much as an hour to traverse. Use a d6 to roll for an expect to encounter d4 pilgrims every three turns in
encounter every three turns. There is a 1-in-6 chance addition to the possible encounter along the way.
of an encounter, a 2 will give a clue of what your mice
might expect to find. d4 Encounters
d5 Beetles
d6 Encounter 1
All quiet d8 Shrew Pilgrims and d3 Shrew Clergy
1-3 2
d5 Beetles Centipede
4-5 3
Centipede d3 Pangolian Assassins
6 4
11. Guard Tower (Porcupasia)
Half way to Porcupasia the path takes a turn. It is at 14. Path to the Hillside
this turn that a guard tower was erected by the A narrow tunnel that reaches the surface after several
Shrews. Adventurers will see d24 Porcupasian Guards turns. Whilst traversing this path you should roll a
on watch. These guards have not seen many mice so random encounter similar to the encounters on the
use the Mausritter rules book for checking the Path to Porcupasia. At the surface there is a 1-in-6
Reaction of these watchmen on the wall. chance of the Wolverine waiting for you.

17. Sanctum of Suetonius
15. Church of the Porcupine As one of the first residents of the burrow, the star-
Half way between Porcupasia and the God’s Realm is faced mole, Suetonius is well acquainted with the
the elaborate Church of the Porcupine. Here there are landscape of these tunnels. Suetonius was once a
many pilgrims and d20 priests and clergy. For the teacher of many young wizards but has become a
most part, passers by are ignored as this is a very reclusive hermit as of late. He knows very much about
religious site. If your mouse party is risky and these caves and will freely give his knowledge to all who
mischievous there is d100 x 5 pips to be pillaged, but be would ask. Suetonius is great friends with the Raven
warned there is also at least three Warbands back in that lives in the hollow pine on the surface. This
town. From the Church the path continues for about raven’s nest is accessible from the sanctum. He knows
an hour until you reach the God’s Realm (20) where d3 about the wolverine and has crossed her several times.
priest guard the entrance. If asked about the God’s Realm, Suetonius tells the
legend of the Ursine Hammer (many generations ago a
Rat Earl learned of a passage to the valley through the
abandoned badger tunnels. His scouting party
brought news of a great beast near the end, but also
told of unimaginable wealth. A warband was raised
and with the help of pangolin and porcupine they
stormed the den never to be heard from again.) In
addition to this, Suetonius knows the full history and
setting of Badger Burrow. He believes that the shrew
civil war can be solved if someone could prove that the
two gods are actually relics of a previous war and that
the beast is the true god.

16. Path to the Den In his Sanctum, Suetonius has many great mysteries.
• several staffs he received from the Order of the
This long tunnel come to an abrupt end where shrews Green Mice (see Thistle Kingdom)
build a wall to keep intruders out of Porcupasia. On • several spell stones and a potion laboratory.
the other side of this wall is a four way crossroads. To Suetonius is willing to share his treasures with
the west is the Sanctum of Suetonius, the east is the any who ask. G( Ms should choose Spells from either
Wolverine Den and to the north is a wall off tunnel to the Handbook or from the Homebrew list from Tales
Pangolia. Encounters should occurs per usual. from Moonshore.)
• Roll 2d6 to see what potions Suetonius has
d6 Encounter available.
All quiet
1-3 d4 Potions
2d4 Pangolin Potions
d5 Beetles 1
d3 Pangolin Potions
Centipede 2
2d4 Porcupine Potions
d3 Porcupine Potions
d12 Paw Mutation (Permanent)
18. Hollow Pine & Raven Nest 1-6 No mutation.
Sitting atop the hill just above the lone oak and right
Green and Scaly.
off the cliff wall, sits a massively tall hollow ponderosa 7
pine. This pine reaches into the clouds some 200 feet. Bald, Clawed. (1d4 claw attack)
Over the years Wo/od Weevils have hollowed out the
majority of this great evergreen. These weevils still 9
Doubles in size.
roam and defend the hollow trunk. Many years ago,
the mighty wizard Suetonius dug a tunnel from his Bird-like talon. (1d4 talon attack)
sanctum in the burrows to the hollow core of the tree. 11
Oozes a violet slime.
It was from there that the mystic mole battled the 12
weevils back and used there bore holes in the bark to
store several magic items. As he went higher and d6 Raven’s Treasure
higher he found a large opening at the top of the tree. A silver thimble. (200 pips) (as a helmet +1
It was in this opening that Suetonius found a treasure 1 Def.)
trove of shinny trinkets and jewels. This horde A brass chain necklace. (100 pips) (14 inches of
belonged to a lone, quirky and massive Raven. This 2 chain.)
raven was kind and wished to show off her wealth. She A spell stone of an unknown spell. (GM
is happy to let you look but be weary if you wish to 3 choose a spell at random.)
take. A Grounding Stake. (Can re-orient gravity
4 locally to treat that plane as the ground.)
When traversing up the hollow trunk, mice can A Genus Mus Box. (See items section or Tales
attempt to reach into the bore holes in the walls to see 5 from Moonshore.)
what they may find. The player mice might be able to A platinum Needle Wand. Prized possession
grab hold of something: roll 1d20 and consult the item 6 of the Faerie Princess. (2500 pips)
table. (Each item can only be grabbed once.) Because
Suetonius stashed some of his magic in these holes
there is also a chance of hands that reach into the
holes being mutated: roll 1d12 and consult the
mutation table.

At the Raven’s nest there is a 3-in-6 chance the raven

is home. If she is, player mice can interact in anyway. If
she is out players can investigate her treasures at
their own risk.

d20 Items Grabbed

Nothing to be had.
A brass statue of a rat and ant. (50 pips)
A serrated dagger.
A Scale Cone.
A Magic Missile spell stone.
An angry Wood Weevil.
2d4 swarming Wood Weevils.
A mummified rat skull.
An emerald. (500 pips)
A bag of rock salt. (10 pips)
An old piece of flannel fabric.

19. Wolverine Lair 22/23. Secret Door
Sealed off long ago by Suetonius, the lair of the These ancient tunnels have been sealed off my moss
Wolverine is home to the monstrous predator. and rumble. Mice that are diligent searchers will find
Though the entrance is sealed, rubble can be removed one or both of these doors. These doors lead to small
to gain access to the den. The opening is too small for corridors that lead to the Muskrat Cave (24).
the wolverine to enter but a mouse could get in and
out. This den is large and has an opening to the
surface on the cliffside. There is a 2-in-6 chance the 24. Muskrat Cave
Wolverine is home. I scouted, mice will find 2d10 shrew Secluded and cut off from the rest of the burrow is the
skeletons, 2d8 Porcupine Pikes and 2d6 Pangolin Scale home of a muskrat. This denizen is rarely home (1-in-6
Shields as well as d30 pips. chance) as he is out fishing and collecting junk.
Players can find 2d24 pips as well as 2d6 rations in the
cave. If the muskrat is home, all he wants to do is tell
20. God’s Realm terrible jokes.
Both the Pangolian and Porcupasian tunnels lead to
the God’s Realm. However, what you venture out into
varies from side to side. This back wall of a massive 25. Underground River
manmade cave is pitch black. When entering from This subterranean river flows from within the
Pangolia, you stumble upon the skeletal carcass of a mountain out into the plains. This secret stream is
large pangolin with many scales still intact. known only to the muskrat who makes its banks his
Generations ago, shrews believed, in the dim light, home. If mice seek to travel upstream, they descend
that a god stirred and gave them these pangolin scales into the Vein of the Earth.
as tools. Little did the shrews know it wasn’t a deified
pangolin stirring. From the Porcupasian tunnels you
would enter a dark area occupied by the remains of a
massive porcupine with many quills still attached. The
story is much the same as the Pangolian brothers and
sisters hence the heresy war started. Player mice will
find many Pangolin Scale Shields and Porcupine Pikes
as well as 2d100 pips worth of offerings. If they look
with intent they will also find the Ursine Hammer.
When exploring the God’s Realm, players need only
venture out 18 inches to see both of the “godly” bodies.

21. Abandoned Mine and

Grizzly’s Den
From the God’s Realm player can venture further out
into the cavern. This cavern is actually a man made
gold mine full of 5d100 x 10 pips. But gold is not all
that resides in the mine. This mine is home to the
largest of all creatures, a Grizzly Bear. This bear and
its movement is what was mistaken to be the “gods”
where in reality, the attacking rat forces, porcupine
and pangolin became a meal for this bear years ago.
About an hour into the cave, mice will see light as this
shaft opens to the valley on the opposite side of the

creatures: Centipede
9hp, STR 13, DEX 12, WIL 10, Armor 1
Attacks: d8 bite or d6 claws
Honey Bee
3hp, STR 8, DEX 15, WIL 15, Armor 1 Dark Vision, when in full light takes disadvantage
Attacks: d12 sting (once) or, on all rolls. Walks on walls.
d10 suffocate (when acting as a swarm) Source: Nightcrawlers, Tales from Moonshore
Wants: to gather pollen from the flowers

4hp, STR 10, DEX 15, WIL 15, Armor 1
Attacks: d8 kick or,
d10 suffocate (when acting as a swarm) Wood Weevil
Wants: to eat anything and everything! 6hp, STR 6, DEX 18, WIL 10
Attacks: d6 bite or d6 claws
Source: Nightcrawlers, Tales from Moonshore

10hp, STR 7, DEX 16, WIL 13
Attacks: d8 talons or d6 beak Suetonius the Wise, Star-Faced Mole
Source: Songvogel (ManaRampMatt) 15hp, STR 10, DEX 10, WIL 19
Attacks: d6 staff or d6 claws
Knows: Magic Missile, Fireball and Lightning Bolt
Wants: to share wisdom and knowledge with all

15hp, STR 10, DEX 13, WIL 17
Attacks: d8 talons or d6 beak
Critical Damage: d12 throw and fall
Wants: to collect lots of shinny things

4hp, STR 12, DEX 10, WIL 10, Armor 1
Attacks: d6 horns
Source: Extra Mausritter Creatures (Steven Andersen)

Pangolian Shrew
2hp, STR 5, DEX 10, WIL 10
Wolverine Weapon: Pangolin Scale Shield (+1 Def), heavy
Warband Scale Attacks: d4 shield bash or d6 shield slice
15hp, STR 15, DEX 12, WIL 10 Warband: 6hp, STR 12, DEX 10, WIL 10
Attacks: d10 claws or d12 bite Guard: 3hp, STR 5, DEX 10, WIL 11
Critical Damage: Hold in mouth and thrash (d4 to Assassin: 1hp, STR 3, DEX 17, WIL 17
STR each turn) Wants: to worship the pangolin god
Wants: to eat shrews and mice

Grizzly Bear Porcupasian Shrew

Warband Scale
2hp, STR 5, DEX 10, WIL 10
30hp, STR 30, DEX 10, WIL 15, Armor 2
Weapon: Porcupine Pike, heavy (These 6" spears are
Attacks: d16 claw or d24 crush
durable and have a 3-in-6 chance of becoming stuck
Does not attack unless attacked
in their opponent, if this occurs, wounded creature
Wants: to give shelter to smaller creatures
take d4 damage until pike is removed (must succeed
Source: Mausritter Creatures Plus+ (@jake)
a STR check))
Attacks: d10 stab
Warband: 6hp, STR 12, DEX 10, WIL 10
Guard: 3hp, STR 5, DEX 10, WIL 11
Assassin: 1hp, STR 3, DEX 17, WIL 17
Wants: to spread news of the porcupine goddess

Ursine Hammer
Magical Warhammer.
Indestructible Weapon (Usage for spell)
Damage: d12+1
Hammer head is forged out of an
obsidian spell stone, home to a
spirit. Instead of dealing melee
damage, once per watch the wielder
can cast Fireball. Power and
recharge rules apply.
Must have a STR of 12+ to wield.

Porcupine Pike
Damage: d10
These 6" spears are durable and
have a 3-in-6 chance of becoming
stuck in their opponent, if this
occurs, wounded creature take d4
damage until pike is removed
(must succeed a STR check).

Pangolin Scale

Damage: d4/d6
These shields are heavy and
take two paws. They not only • If the players seek to solve the war between the
serve as defense (+1 Def) but also shrews and made it to the God’s Realm, the
as weapons. d4 for a shield bash
shrews will listen and come together to
and the razor sharp edges do d6 worship the grizzly bear.
slashing damage. • If united, the players can seek to raise several
warbands to defeat the wolverine.
• Suetonius can set up a school again to train
Porcupine Potion great shrew wizards.
Magical Elixor • With the burrows being mapped and the
One time use vile of a magical grizzly not being a threat, players can gain
cocktail. Drinker's fur will turn 5000 pips from the Earl of Bernpyle.
hard and quill like for 2d6 • The grizzly bear will serve as a guardian over
turns. Melee combatants take the shrews and the mice in the burrows.
d4 damage when they attack. • If the Needle Wand was acquired, the Faerie
Princess will want it. She’ll pay or hunt you
Pangolin Potion down.
Magical Elixor • If players are hostile to the shrews, raven or
One time use vile of a magical grizzly; chances are they are dead.
cocktail. Drinker's fur will turn
hard and scale like for 2d6 turns.
Drinker gets +1 Def extra until end
of effect. 10
Foraging whilst in
Human Settlements. By @ManaRampMatt, @isaac and @lux

W hilst out and about in a human settlement your mice may be inclined to
go foraging to look for rations. As it is widely known, mice need food and so
do humans, thus a settlement is a great place to find proper nourishment.
the Mausritter Handbook lays out rules for foraging and this supplement
expands on those rules.
When in a human settlement, player mice should roll 1d6 and consult this

Salt is to keep Sugar is good

This bar gives those grave slugs for making mice
a +1 boost to and snail hyper.
all stats (STR, monsters away, Chili powder,
DEX, WIL) for also could be rub it all over
one watch. useful for other your fur before
With each use, things like fighting a cat. If
mark one seasoning and he bites you,
usage. This preserving. your flavor will
bar takes up Pepper, can help bite back! Also
two inventory keep something deters a bite
slots. from sniffing you during a fight.
out. Remember to
wash it off.

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