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CE6 The Crimson Void (DCC)

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The Crimson Void

Daniel J. Bishop

The Crimson Void Using This Material
CE 6: The Crimson Void describes a unique goddess
(Kala Môr), Her cult, temple grounds, as well as the
A setting element to help create a rich campaign envi- priests and other beings associated with the location.
ronment for DCC games of all levels. The easiest way to use this material is to allow PC cler-
ics of Kala Môr attached to this temple. Kala Môr may
By Daniel J. Bishop • Cover Design by Jacob Black- also be used as a template for creating unique deities of
mon • Cartography by Paratime Design (Tim Hartin) the judge’s own devising. Other characters may oppose
• Editing by Perry Fehr • Interior Art by Jacob Black- the temple, come to it for aid, attempt to prevent a
mon • Layout by Mark Gedak sacrifice, or need to leap into the Crimson Void them-
selves. Robbing the temple of its riches would be a
Playtesters: Morgan Clayton, Heather Bishop, and crowning achievement for any thief. A Neutral deity
Bailey Armstrong was chosen to allow the judge to easily use Kala Môr as
both aid and adversary to any group as he chooses.
Any role-playing game session can take a left turn at Kala Môr
Albuquerque, leaving the poor Game Master wondering Lady of the Dark Reaches of the Upper Air, Mistress of
what to do next. This is even more true for the dedicat- Dark Clouds, Protectress Over the Crimson Void, Angel of
ed Dungeon Crawl Classics judge, who discovers that Blood and Darkness
patron quests, divine disapproval, and the requests of Minor Power
gods to pay back divine favor can make the game take
incredible new turns with the roll of a few dice. Alignment: Neutral.
Portfolio: Darkness, the Upper Air, Mountaintops, the
Add to this the advice urging players to “Quest For It” Balance, Protection, Secrecy.
when they want something unusual for their characters, Symbol: A black circle shot through with crimson
and you have a potent stew for gaming, but also a situ- threads.
ation in which the judge may want strong DCC ele-
ments with a minimum of preparation required. Clerical Raiment: Dark robes, dark masks, and hooded
cloaks that are fashioned to appear like a bird’s draped
The Campaign Element (CE) series attempts to address wings. Aspirants have blue “feathers” on their “wings”,
these specific areas. Now, when your wizard is looking lesser priests have green, priests have silver, and the
for a spell, your cleric is sent on a mission from her de- Lady or Lord Protector of the Temple has crimson.
ity, or your thief simply wants to find a location where Clerics of Kala Môr have no restrictions to the armor
stealth and a cunning mind are paramount, you will they can wear, but armor is seldom worn at the Temple
have an answer at your fingertips. Weave these cam- except by the Temple Guards (which are lay persons
paign elements into your world, mesh them into other rather than clergy). Clerics are expected to conceal
modules and areas of your own creation, and watch the their civilian identities from each other; a complex
“Appendix N” vibe of your games grow. series of pass codes and gestures is used to indicate
proper rank in the Temple. One result of this is that
In addition, for various reasons sometimes only a few each member of the Temple has two names: his or her
players were available for a night’s gaming. Each Cam- civilian name, and a Temple Name, usually based off
paign Element is short enough to be played through by of a bird, such as Fledgling Sparrow or Brother Falcon.
most groups in only a single session. That doesn’t mean Nor do they allow anyone outside the Temple to know
that the value of the area is limited to a single session – of their status in the priesthood – the grocer, the mag-
each adventure includes notes on “squeezing it dry”… istrate, or the tanner may be clerics of Kala Môr for all
effectively getting the maximum re-use from your any knows!
Organization: The Hidden Temple of the Peaks is said
to be the greatest of Kala Môr’s temples. Some of the
goddesses most devoted worshipers seek it throughout Places of Worship: Simple services to Kala Môr can be
their lifetimes, but if it has ever been found, those who performed at any high place, whether open to the sky,
have done so remain silent. within a building, or even within a cave. Important
services, such as marriages or blessing the dead, must
An aspirant comes masked and robed to the Temple, occur in a dedicated space made holy by a sacrifice worth
where he or she is tried by mysterious means, and either not less than 50 gp – this holy place may be a shrine, an
given a Temple Name and admitted into worship, or altar, or even a simple frame for sky burials, but there
uncovered and cast out. Aspirant priests are sometimes must be an actual structure as well as a sacrifice. Major
called “fledglings”. Some of these already have power services and rituals must always occur within a temple,
granted from great Kala Môr; these are called “high and that temple must be built in some high place of
fledglings”. In game terms, if a 0-level character chooses significance to the cult.
to become a cleric at level 1, the character is a high
What is a “Minor Power”?
The author ranks supernatural Powers (including
Ascending the hierarchy is a result of both political ma-
all deities and similar beings) in his campaign as
neuvering and merit, both complicated by the ease with
Greater, Major, Minor, Lesser, or Least. These
which any member of the church can assume the role of
rankings can be used to help settle disputes of
any other member. Clergy, whether lesser clergy or full
precedence between Powers with shared portfo-
clergy members, are called “Brother” or “Sister”. Each
lios, and it can be used to indicate the relative
place of worship has a Lord or Lady Protector, who is
strength of their magic when clerics (or wizards
simply called “Lord” or “Lady”.
using those Powers as patrons) vie one against
Wandering clerics, unattached to any temple, are known
as “stray ravens” and are addressed as “Uncle” or “Aunt”.
When a Power is called upon in a spell duel,
either through the use of divine magic or by
the invoke patron spell, the spell check related
to the lower-ranked Power is reduced by one
step on the dice chain per reduced rank. Thus,
a cleric calling upon a Minor Power to defend
against a Greater Power would be rolling 1d14
for spell checks (two steps in rank indicate two
steps in the dice chain). Against a wizard invok-
ing a Least Power, though, the cleric would roll
normally and the wizard would roll 1d14 on his
invoke patron spell check.

If the casting relates to one Power’s portfolio,

but not to the other’s, assume that the portfolio
increases the Power’s rank by one step for these
purposes. Thus, a Minor god of lightning is at
no disadvantage when hurling thunderbolts at a
Major god of agriculture.

At the judge’s discretion, a Least Power cannot

fuel 5th level spells, and a Lesser Power can only
fuel 5th level spells directly related to his or her

Details of Power: Kala Môr is envisioned as a dark listed as both an ally and a foe because, as god of myster-
woman wrapped in a billowing black hooded cloak, ies, his clerics may aid those of Kala Môr in keeping the
allowing only Her eyes, bright as crimson stars, to be Crimson Void hidden, but as solves of riddles, the same
seen. Her skin, where it is depicted on hands or arms, clerics may well wish to investigate that which is best
is the deep blue of the night sky, and Her hair, in the left alone, or may seek to uncover the identities of Kala
rare instances when it is depicted as billowing out from Môr’s priests.
beneath Her hood, is thick and red, seemingly with a life
of its own. Holy Days: The Day of the Advent marks the coming
of Kala Môr, but it also marks the opening of the Crim-
It is said that Kala Môr sprang into being when the son Void. It is celebrated on the winter solstice with a
Crimson Void opened into the Lands We Know, Her wailing midnight service that laments the opening of the
body created from the flocks that roosted near at hand. Crimson Void, followed by a human sacrifice of three
She now watches over the Crimson Void, containing virgin maidens, who are cast into the Crimson Void to
That Which Lies Beyond by both warding against it, keep what lies within it satisfied for another year. Finally,
and satiating its hunger. It is prophesied that, someday, there is a jubilant celebration of Kala Môr’s victory in
sacrifices will no longer contain the Void, and Kala Môr containing the Crimson Void.
Herself will enter it to do battle with That Which Lies
Beyond. On that day will Kala Môr be lost, for either The nights of the spring and autumn equinoxes are
the Void will be closed forever, with the goddess trapped known as Wraith Nights, for from sunset to sunrise,
within it, or Kala Môr’s dark body will be the final sacri- crimson wraiths are released from the Void to roam the
fice before That Which Lies Beyond emerges to devour Hidden Temple of the Peaks. These wraiths may slay all
the Lands We Know. they discover, as a further sacrifice to keep the Thing in
the Void from emerging. On this night, temple guards
Associations: The judge must determine which deities remain outside the portico (Area 1), but do not oth-
Kala Môr would be associated with in the judge’s own erwise patrol the temple. A cunning thief or party of
campaign. Keeping in mind the secrecy of Her cult, adventurers willing to brave the crimson wraiths could
Kala Môr may be distrusted even by those who would rob the temple at this time.
normally be considered allies. Certainly, the priesthood
of Kala Môr is not given to trust others with their secrets The Quiet Night is the night of the summer solstice,
– and why would they? Trusting the wrong people when the Crimson Void is least active. The temple is
might allow That Which Lies Beyond the Crimson Void alive on those nights with common worshipers social-
into our world… izing with the masked clergy. It is expected that any
who would wish to enter the temple bring a tribute to
Of course, whatever Powers wrought the advent of Kala its priests, but this is the easiest time for PCs to scout
Môr remain hidden from the knowledge of mortal men. the temple without arousing suspicion. Areas 4 and 5,
If the gods know, they do not speak of it. Lawful gods as well as the secret areas (8 and 9) are off-limits. Some-
have strong reasons to keep That Which Lies Beyond times unmasked priests attend as common worshipers,
trapped within the Crimson Void, but even those Cha- so it is not easy to determine who is, or who is not, a
otic gods who wish all to dissolve into Chaos hope for a cleric of Kala Môr at this event.
Disorder in which They can reign.
What is Sacred: The precincts of the Hidden Temple
Allies: Those gods in the Dungeon Crawl Classics core of the Peaks is sacred, as are the persons and identities
rules that are most likely to be allied to Kala Môr are of clerics of Kala Môr. A cleric of Kala Môr must treat
Daenthar, the Mountain Lord; Amun Tor, the god of knowledge of her own affiliation as sacred, even to other
mysteries; and Malotoch the crow god. clerics of the goddess. The flesh of birds is also sacred to
Kala Môr, and her clerics are forbidden its consumption.
Foes: Kala Môr and Her priests are most likely to come
into conflict with Justicia, goddess of justice and mercy; What is a Sin: Trespassing upon the temple. Revealing
Amun Tor, the god of mysteries; the Hidden Lord, god the identity of a cleric of Kala Môr. Revealing that you
of secrets; and Cadistat the chaos titan. Amun Tor is are a cleric of Kala Môr. Using magic to harm a bird or
bird-like creatures. Eating the flesh of birds or bird-like game. Enforcing the secrecy of Her clerics may
creatures. Aiding the agents of That Which Lurks within also make Kala Môr’s secrecy about Herself seem
the Crimson Void, or working towards is release (directly more acceptable.
or indirectly).

Omens: Clerics of Kala Môr read omens in the flights of

Details of Clerics
Disguise Self: Clerics of Kala Môr have the ability to
birds. Witnessing a hawk or eagle dive upon its prey is
disguise themselves as does a Neutral thief of the same
a good omen. Having a bird land upon one is a par-
level. This ability includes both physical disguise and
ticular omen of Kala Môr’s favor. Finding a dead bird is
enough knowledge of dialect, accent, and body language
an omen of disfavor, as is having a bird defecate upon
to both pretend to be another, and to conceal one’s true
oneself. Being attacked by a bird is a very bad omen, and
the less natural the attack seems, the more it shows the
disfavor of Kala Môr.
Secret Signs: Clerics of Kala Môr know secret signs and
phrases that they use to identify their allegiance and rank
Kala Môr as a Patron: Some wizards and elves are able
within the temple hierarchy. However, because it is a sin
to call upon the patronage of Mistress of Dark Clouds.
to reveal one’s true identity as a cleric of Kala Môr, this
See Appendix A for details.
ability is only used when in disguise or masked in cleri-
cal raiment. Because various secret signs are known at all
Kala Môr and the Crimson Void levels of the hierarchy, while others are known only to a
It may not be immediately obvious that Kala few, a cleric of Kala Môr may attempt a disguise check
Môr Herself comes from the Crimson Void, but (DC 10 to 20) to pretend to belong to a different temple
it is a truth hidden from even the highest of Her rank.
clerics. The nature of Her relationship with the
Thing trapped in the Crimson Void is a mystery Spells of His God
– is She daughter? Mother? Wife? All of these? • Level 1 (Roll 1d10): (1) Animal summoning1,2, (2)
The power of these two is entwined. What raises Darkness, (3) Detect magic, (4) Feather fall1, (5) Food
one, diminishes the other, and vice versa. Should of the gods, (6) Holy sanctuary, (7) Protection from
the Dweller ever escape the Void, it is He that evil, (8) Second sight, (9) Ward portal1, or (10) Word
would command the obedience of a priesthood, of command.
and Kala Môr diminish to a mere demi-patron… • Level 2 (Roll 1d7): (1) Banish, (2) Binding, (3)
or less? Curse, (4) Divine symbol, (5) Levitate1, (6) Neutralize
poison or disease, or (7) Restore vitality.
The priests of Kala Môr believe that their deity • Level 3 (Roll 1d6): (1) Bolt from the blue, (2) Exor-
guards the Crimson Void, and She does, because cise, (3) Fly1, (4) Remove curse, (5) Spiritual weapon,
She must. Were the Crimson Void to open, or (6) True name.
Kala Môr would have to face the Thing She has • Level 4 (Roll 1d4): (1) Affliction of the gods, (2)
trapped behind Her. If the Crimson Void were Cause earthquake, (3) Sanctify/desecrate, or (4) Vermin
somehow closed (and it is generally believed blight3.
among the clerics that Kala Môr would wish • Level 5 (Roll 1d3): (1) Righteous fire, (2) Weather
this, although She does not), either She would be control, or (3) Whirling doom.
pulled into it as it closed, or She would lose the
source of Her power and become something akin 1 Treat these spells as the wizard spells of the same name. The
to mortals. cleric does not suffer corruption or patron taint, but gains
disapproval as normal on a failed spell check. The cleric has a
Clever players may wonder why Kala Môr is not -2 penalty to all spell checks on these spells.
2 When this spell is cast successfully, it is always treated as one
a Lawful deity. Now, as Judge, you know. The
step lower on the spell chart, to a minimum of 12-13. The
author strongly encourages you to not answer animal(s) summoned are always birds of some form.
player questions directly, but allow them to 3 This spell creates swarms of avian creatures instead of ver-
Quest For It to answer their questions within the min. The spell effects are otherwise identical.

Turn Unholy: Clerics of Kala Môr are able to use this healing touch 1/day; Act 1d20; SV Fort +1, Ref +0, Will
ability to Turn birds and part-bird creatures. These +2; AL N.
creatures are not harmed, but are instead either driven
away or (on a result of “K”) controlled by the cleric for The aspirant is robed and masked, and is typically armed
a number of rounds equal to her cleric level. They are with a wayfarer’s staff. It is impossible to distinguish
able to Turn creatures from the Crimson Void, and these a fledgling from a high fledgling merely by looking at
are turned as normal (being considered unholy to Kala their raiment, so PCs cannot easily determine who has
Môr). This is in addition to Turning creatures as a stan- magical abilities and who does not. A high fledgling can
dard Neutral cleric. typically cast a harmful spell with an avian manifestation
three times each day, at a target up to 30’ away, doing
1d8 damage (Ref DC 10 for half ). A high fledgling can
Standard Temple NPCs also touch a character to heal 1d4 damage once each day;
Common worshiper: Init +0; Atk makeshift weapon
the aspirant can use this ability to heal himself if needed.
+0 melee (1d3); AC 10; HD 1d4; hp 3 each; MV 30’;
Act 1d20; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +0; AL N.
Aspirants of both degree have pledged themselves to
Kala Môr, but require morale checks like any other crea-
Common worshipers are normal men and women
ture. Pretending by a fledgling is only a DC 5 Disguise
who enter the temple to offer sacrifices, petition aid, or
check; passing oneself off as a high fledgling is DC 10.
simply to pray. To them, the Thing in the Crimson Void
is a being whose influence is felt in their daily lives; the
Lesser clergy member: Init +1; Atk dagger +1 melee
source of all their woes. Although they may attack as
(1d4) or harmful spell (1d8, Ref DC 10 half ); AC 10;
a mob, real resistance breaks their spirit, and they flee
HD 2d8+4; hp 13 each; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP harmful
from powerful foes. If ever the Thing escapes the void,
spell 3/day, healing touch 3/day, +4 to saves vs. mind-
they flee shrieking from the temple, certain that the end
affecting; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +4; AL N.
of the world is nigh. Masquerading as a common wor-
shiper requires no check at all.
Full clergy member: Init +1; Atk dagger +1 melee (1d4)
or harmful spell (1d12, Ref DC 13 half ); AC 10; HD
Temple guard: Init +2; Atk spear +3 melee (1d8+1);
2d8+4; hp 13 each; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP harmful spell
AC 15; HD 1d8+2; hp 6 each; MV 25’; Act 1d20; SP
3/day, healing touch 3/day, +4 to saves vs. mind-affect-
+4 bonus to saves vs. mind-affecting; SV Fort +2, Ref
ing; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +4; AL N.
+0, Will +4; AL N. Chainmail and spear.
Clergy members can cast harmful spells as can high
Temple guards are masked, wear chainmail, and are
fledglings (although full clergy members’ spells do more
armed with spears. They have been trained to resist
damage and have a higher save DC). A lesser clergy
mind-affecting magic and illusions, and have a +4 bonus
member can heal 1d6 damage with a healing touch, and
to saving throws against these effects. Having experience
a full clergy member can heal 1d8+1. Their training
with the creatures of the Crimson Void, and knowing
allows them a bonus to resist illusions and other mind-
the danger of the Thing, they cannot usually be bribed
affecting magic. Passing oneself off as a clergy member is
(DC 20) and face any mortal threat without needing the
DC 10 for a lesser clergy member, and DC 15 for a full
check morale. Successfully masquerading as a temple
clergy member.
guard requires a DC 5 Disguise check whenever the ruse
may be penetrated.
Stray raven (lesser): Init +0; Atk dagger +3 melee
(1d4+1) or harmful spell (1d8, Ref DC 10 half ); AC 13;
Aspirant (Fledgling): Init +0; Atk staff +0 melee (1d4);
HD 3d8; hp 13 each; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP harmful
AC 10; HD 1d4; hp 3 each; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SV Fort
spell 3/day; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +4; AL N.
+0, Ref +0, Will +1; AL N.
Stray raven (greater): Init +1; Atk dagger +5 melee
Aspirant (High Fledgling): Init +0; Atk staff +0 melee
(1d4+1) or harmful spell (1d12, Ref DC 15 half ); AC
(1d4) or harmful spell (1d8, Ref DC 10 half ); AC 10;
13; HD 5d8; hp 22 each; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP harm-
HD 1d8+3; hp 8 each; MV 30’; SP harmful spell 3/day,
ful spell 3/day, healing touch 1/day; SV Fort +3, Ref +2,
Will +6; AL N. 13 Sparrowhawk 28 Woodpecker
14 Plover 29 Humming-
Stray ravens are wandering priests of Kala Môr. The
healing touch of a lesser raven heals 1 Hit Die; that of a
greater raven heals 1d3 Hit Dice. Not being in regular 15 Gull 30 Quail
contact with the Crimson Void, they have no special
training to resist mind-influencing effects, and thus may Creatures of the Crimson Void
offer a “crack” in the armor of the temple which PCs (or Although the Dweller cannot escape the Crimson Void,
enemies) may exploit. Passing oneself off as a stray raven so long as the priests of Kala Môr remain vigilant, it can
is a DC 10 task. send creatures into the world beyond. Crimson void
wraiths may be encountered within the temple itself
Lady Protector Osprey of the Hidden Temple of the on Wraith Nights (see Holy Days on page 4), but the
Peaks: Init +2; Atk staff +2 melee (1d4) or spell (see remainder of these creatures may manifest themselves
below); AC 12; HD 4d8; hp 9; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP anywhere within 50 miles of the Hidden Temple, as
spells, +4 bonus to saves vs. mind-influencing effects; SV noted in their descriptions. The faithful of Kala Môr
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +5; AL N. know that the goddess keeps these creatures in check;
Spells (+6 to spell check): Level 1: Darkness, feather others may believe that they are sent by the witch-cult of
fall1l, food of the gods, protection from evil, second sight, the mountains!
and ward portal1. Level 2: Banish, curse, divine symbol,
and restore vitality. So long as the Dweller is contained, no creature of the
1 As the wizard spells of the same name; -2 penalty to all spell Crimson Void can travel more than 50 miles form the
checks on these spells. Hidden Temple. This may allow parties to escape even
the most implacable of trackers…although, if they re-
The Lady Protector is the wife of an ordinary cordwainer turn, they may discover that the creature has been wait-
in the city or town by which the Hidden Temple is ing for them all along.
located. She understands all too well the dangers of the
Crimson Void, and will do all in her power to contain it, Crimson demon (Type I demon of the Crimson Void):
dying if necessary. Init +1; Atk hook +2 melee (1d6+2); AC 17; HD 3d12;
MV 30’ or swim 20’; Act 2d20; SP hook, demon traits,
Table of Names death throes; SV Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +0; AL C.
The following table is supplied to aid the harried judge
in quickly determining names for priests and aspirants The crimson demon appears as a bipedal fish-like hu-
found in the temple. manoid, covered with thick heavy scales that exude a
clear red slime. Instead of hands, it has two great hooks.
On a critical hit, in addition to any other effect, the de-
D30 Name D30 Name
mon hooks its target, automatically hitting on the next
1 Ibis 16 Heron round (roll the attack roll anyway; a fumble or addition-
2 Swallow 17 Crane al critical effect may still occur). When a crimson demon
3 Cormorant 18 Martin is slain, it disappears, leaving a puddle of translucent red
4 Blackbird 19 Parakeet slime behind. This slime can continue to attack for 1d5
5 Blue Jay 20 Pigeon rounds before it, too, disappears.
6 Crow 21 Grosbeak
Translucent red slime: Init -4; Atk lash +0 melee (1d3);
7 Duck 22 Vulture
AC 10; HD 5d6; MV 10’ or swim 20’; Act 2d20; SV
8 Goose 23 Stork Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +0; AL C.
9 Swan 24 Warbler
10 Killdeer 25 Weaver Type I demons cannot manifest unless summoned.
11 Golden Eagle 26 Duck Scarlet succubi (see below) teach Chaotic magicians in
12 Peregrine 27 Oriole the vicinity of the Hidden Temple the secrets needed to
summon crimson demons. In addition, they hide scarlet
amulets (see sidebar) in places where others may discover Vermillion Rat (Type I demon of the Crimson Void):
them as “treasure”. Crimson demons are the least of all Init +1; Atk bite +4 melee (2d4+2); AC 13; HD 3d12;
the demons of the Crimson Void, used as guardians or MV 20’ or climb 10’ or swim 10’; Act 1d20; SP disease,
soldiers. pustules, demon traits, death throes; SV Fort +4, Ref +4,
Will +0; AL C.
Scarlet Amulets A vermillion rat is about three feet long, with six legs
Curiously carved red crystals encased with an
and dagger-like incisors. Its deep red body is covered
unknown red metal (similar to silver in its prop-
with horrid pustules seeping crimson ichor. Characters
erties), and often found mounted as a brooch
making a successful melee attack against the creature
or strung upon a thin red metal chain, a scarlet
with a weapon must make a Reflex save (DC 10) or be
amulet gives its wearer the ability to summon de-
sprayed by the ichor. Polearms allow a +1d on the dice
mons of the Crimson Void in exchange for spell-
chain bonus; unarmed attacks allow no save. Anyone
burn. Any Chaotic character wearing the amulet
sprayed by the ichor or bit by the vermillion rat must
automatically understands how it works. Merely
make a Fort save (DC 12) or succumb to a wasting sick-
touching the amulet burns a Lawful character for
ness called the crimson death.
1d3 damage, and actually wearing it causes 1d7
damage each round.
The character’s skin turns reddish 2d4 hours after con-
tact. After 1d3 days, the character suffers 1 point of
Characters of any class can spellburn to power
Strength and Stamina damage per day for 1d3 days, and
the amulet. The amount of spellburn required
then 1d3 points of Strength and Stamina damage per
depends upon who is using the amulet, and what
day thereafter, until cured or death results. Pustules ap-
type of demon is desired.
pear once the ability damage increases to 1d3, and these
pustules can spread the disease. Once the character takes
The demon appears immediately, and will do one
damage, she is allowed a second Fort save (DC 15) when
task for the character (which can take no more
pustules appear, and a third Fort save (DC 20) 1d3 days
than 1 hour per level of the summoner) before
later. If any of these saves succeeds, the disease ebbs.
departing. A departing demon is transported 1d8
Pustules take 1d6 hours to disappear, and the reddish
miles in a random direction, but is not returned
coloration takes 1d3 days to fade.
to the Crimson Void. Once freed of its obliga-
tion to service, the demon will work to spread
When a vermillion rat is slain, its body collapses into
animosity towards the followers of Kala Môr in
an oily red ichor that, if not sealed away from the air,
whatever way it can. These amulets are useless if
evaporates in 1d3 x 10 minutes. The ichor also carries
the bearer is more than 50 miles from the Hid-
the crimson death.
den Temple.
Vermillion rats do prefer not to kill their victims out-
Demon Cleric Wizard Elf Others right, but rather use them to spread the crimson death.
Summoned The demon will usually flee after 1d3 successful bite
Type I (crimson 2 1 1 3 attacks.
demon or
vermillion rat) Scarlet Bones (Type II demon of the Crimson Void):
Type II 3 2 2 5 Init +4; Atk hooked spear +8 melee (1d10+4); AC 18;
(scarlet bones) HD 6d12; MV 30’; Act 2d20; SP spells, demon traits,
Type III 4 3 3 7 death throes; SV Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6; AL C.
(void wolf )
Type IV 6 5 4 9 This demon appears to be an 8-foot-tall skeleton made
(scarlet succubus) of red metal and armed with a great hooked red metal
spear, with which it can reach targets up to 10 feet away.
Type V 8 7 5 12
Normal animals will not come within 30’ of the scar-
(void stalker)
let bones willingly, and become savagely feral if forced
within 10’. The demon can cast detect good and paraly- 500 lbs. are lost automatically. Each creature within
sis with a +6 bonus to the spell check. range may roll a DC 10 Strength check to resist the
drag – the character who struck the final blow must also
When a scarlet bones is destroyed, it shatters, metal frag- succeed in a DC 15 Strength check to retain his weapon.
ments doing 1d6 damage to all within 30’ (Reflex DC Anything pulled into the Crimson Void is lost…unless
15 for half ). The fragments which do not hit creatures the Judge desires to run an adventure where the Void is
fade into crimson smoke with the touch of sunlight; entered to recover the fallen!
creatures that are struck take 1d6 additional damage
each day (Will DC 12 for half ) as the fragments worm A masterless void wolf seeks out 1d3+1 victims per day
their way towards their victim’s heart. These fragments until slain. Each week, the number of victims a void wolf
can be removed by clerical healing (3 HD), or a success- requires increases by 1.
ful banish, exorcise, or remove curse spell cast for that
purpose. Scarlet Succubus (Type IV demon of the Crimson
Void): Init +6; Atk flaming whip +12 melee (1d4 plus
Scarlet bones can occasionally escape the Crimson Void 1d8 fire); AC 18; HD 10d12; MV 30’ or fly 50’; Act
on their own, and are sent to assassinate members of 2d20; SP flaming whip, spell use, demon traits, death
the Hidden Temple, or other friends of Kala Môr (this throes; SV Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +12; AL C.
is part of the reason for Kala Môr’s insistence that Her
priests hide their identities). PCs that have performed In her natural form, a scarlet succubus appears as a
some great service for Kala Môr may have a demon sent red-skinned demoness with bat-like wings and cloven
to dispatch them! hooves. She may also take the form of an alluring hu-
manoid female, but her hair and skin are always scarlet-
Summoned scarlet bones who are released into the hued.
world, though a scarlet amulet or otherwise, value their
freedom from the Crimson Void. They seek some hidden
place, preferably far underground, that they can rule.

Void Wolf (Type III demon of the Crimson Void): Init

+4; Atk bite +10 melee (1d6+6 plus paralysis plus XP
loss); AC 15; HD 8d12; MV 40’; Act 2d20; SP howl,
bite causes paralysis and XP loss, spell use, demon traits,
death throes; SV Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +10; AL C.

A void wolf stands as high as a man, its coat darker than

night, with streaks of red that appear like distant strands
of throbbing malevolence within the void. A void wolf ’s
howl causes 1d3 rounds of paralysis to all who hear it
(Will DC 10 negates), and its bite causes 1d5 rounds of
paralysis (Will DC 15 negates). A character paralyzed by
the void wolf ’s bite loses 1d5 XP each round of paralysis
(Fort DC 10 each round negates). This lost XP cannot
cause the character to lose a level, but it must be “made
up” in order to gain the next level.

A void wolf can cast the following spells (+8 to the spell
check): chill touch, darkness, and ray of enfeeblement.

When a void wolf is slain, it implodes, creating a vortex

that attempts to suck all creatures within 30’ into the
Crimson Void. Unattended objects weighing less than
A scarlet succubus carries a whip – flames run along its Succubi are demons of temptation, and the scarlet suc-
length when it is used, causing an additional 1d8 dam- cubus is no different, save that she tempts primarily with
age on a successful strike (already included in the stat- knowledge. A scarlet succubus is able to teach mortals
block). On a critical hit, in addition to any other effect, the wizard spells demon summoning and planar step,
the whip wraps itself around the target unless a DC 15 but she attempts to seduce her pupil into using these to
Reflex save succeeds, trapping the target until a DC 15 the benefit of the Dweller in the Crimson Void. They
Strength check can be made (requiring an Action Die also attempt to ferret out the identities of the clerics of
for each attempt). Trapped characters suffer fire damage Kala Môr, who may then be targeted by scarlet bones,
automatically each round. other demons, or mortals in the service of the Dweller.

A scarlet succubus can cast the following spells (+8 to Void Stalker (Type V demon of the Crimson Void):
spell check): charm person, scorching ray, and sleep. Init +6; Atk bite +18 melee (1d8+4 plus blood drain) or
gore +12 melee (2d8+4) or trample +10 melee (4d8+4);
When a scarlet succubus is slain, she lets out a piercing AC 24; HD 16d12; MV 20’ or leap 10’; Act 2d20; SP
wail, and her body collapses into red dust. The being stalk, blood drain, breath weapon, consume, demon
who struck the final blow must succeed in a DC 20 Will traits, death throes; SV Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +12; AL
save or permanently lose 1d4 hit points, representing a C.
permanent longing for death implanted in his mind. Her
whip remains, but has no special powers without the The horrible void stalker looks like a cross between a
succubus to wield it. rhinoceros and a toad, plated with thick black iron,
streaked red with rust. Once it has scented the psychic

spoor of its prey, it pursues it ceaselessly, as it requires Whisperer of the Void: Init +4; Atk incorporal claw +4
neither sustenance nor sleep upon the material plane. melee (1d8 cold); AC 14; HD 4d12; MV 30’; Act 1d20;
SP oracle, immune to cold and non-magical weapons,
A void stalker that bites an opponent may latch on with cannot be slain; SV Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +12; AL C.
sharp iron teeth, automatically draining blood from its
opponent (1d4 Stamina damage each round; each point The Whisperer of the Void appears like a goblinoid made
heals the void stalker 1d6 hp damage). The victim may of reddish smoke, whose body terminates in eight crab-
escape with a DC 20 Strength check (using an Action like legs and whose hands are claws made of freezing
Die). vapors. It can speak prophesies and reveal hidden truths
– although it doesn’t know the secrets of Kala Môr or the
Any victim slain by a void stalker is devoured by the identities of Her clerics, so long as they hide them well.
creature over a period of 1d5 rounds, during which the It uses this knowledge to create strife and suspicion of
void stalker does nothing else. The body of a devoured the Hidden Temple. It cannot lie, but it can speak many
creature is lost, even if the void stalker is slain and at- half-truths and veiled truths.
tempts are made to cut it open.
There is only one Whisperer of the Void. It cannot be
The void stalker may also breathe cold in a 10’ diameter slain so long as the Crimson Void intersects the mate-
cloud, causing damage equal to its current hit points to rial plane. If reduced to 0 hit points, it is drawn back
all within (Fort DC 22 for half ). When slain, it exudes into the Crimson Void, only to reappear 3d30 days later
an aura of piercing cold, doing 3d6 damage to all within somewhere within 50 miles of the Hidden Temple.
30’ (Fort DC 20 half ) as it is drawn back into the Crim-
son Void over a period of 1d3 rounds.

A void stalker summoned by a scarlet amulet automati-

cally targets its summoner once it has completed its
initial task. If it consumes its summoner, it will then
target an associate of the summoner on a 1 in 3 chance.
Thereafter, there is a 1 in 5 chance that the next creature
it chooses to stalk is an associate of the previous crea-
ture – in this way, an entire party of adventurers may be

Crimson Void Wraith: Init +2; Atk incorporal touch +2

melee (1d4 cold); AC 10; HD 2d12; MV fly 40’; Act
1d20; SP un-dead traits, immune to non-magical weap-
ons; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +6; AL C.

On Wraith Nights, the nights of the spring and autumn

equinoxes, crimson wraiths are released from the Void
from sunset to sunrise, and roam the Hidden Temple,
slaying all they discover. The crimson wraiths are the
ghosts of those slain by the creatures of the Crimson
Void, and the spirits of those lost to its depths. Fully 2 in
3 are female. They appear as still-living beings, dressed
like monks in cowled scarlet robes, but they are non-cor-
poreal and radiate a chilling cold. When slain, or when
sunrise occurs following a Wraith Night, they simply
fade away.

Encounter Areas they require a DC 30 Strength check to force. Up to
three characters can contribute to this check.
1. Portico: The mountain trail leads up to a great temple,
150 feet wide, the shallowly slanted roof supported by mas- Examination of the eastern wall discovers niches carved
sive pillars. The sky above the temple is home to thousands on either side of the doors, allowing one to climb to
of birds, great and small, for the dead are left staked to the the roof (DC 5). The roof is set with many hundreds of
roof as a carrion sacrifice. Brazen double doors lead into the iron spikes, upon which bodies may be impaled, hold-
temple, each door 5 feet wide and 10 feet high, carved with ing them in place for the gathered flocks. Unauthorized
the images of many birds. On either side of the temple en- characters travelling this way need to go just over 300
trance, at the ends of the great pillars, are enormous statues feet to reach Area 9, and can climb down with a DC
of a hooded woman whose face is concealed behind a bird 10 check. A character can travel at half speed without a
mask. To the north, the figure wears the face of a huge eagle, check, or at full speed with a DC 5 Reflex save to avoid
and to the south that of a vulture. slipping on the slanted roof. A character who slips (or
otherwise falls up here) has a 1 in 5 chance of impaling
The way into the Hidden Temple is fronted by a wide himself upon a spike (Atk +6, 1d6 damage). Every round
flat area, upon which 6 temple guards are usually on spent on the roof has a 1 in 6 chance of attracting a bird
duty here; this number is doubled on Wraith Nights. swarm, and this chance increases by 1 in 6 per 2 ad-
During the day, the great doors are usually open and ditional characters beyond the first, and 1 in 6 per bird
unlocked. swarm currently attacking.

Temple guard: Init +2; Atk spear +3 melee (1d8+1); Bird swarm: Init +5; Atk swarming peck or claws +1
AC 15; HD 1d8+2; hp 6 each; MV 25’; Act 1d20; SP melee (1 plus blindness); AC 11; HD 4d8; hp 16 each;
+4 bonus to saves vs. mind-affecting; SV Fort +2, Ref MV fly 50’; Act special; SP attack all targets within 20’ x
+0, Will +4; AL N. Chainmail and spear. See page 6. 20’ space, half damage from non-area attacks, blindness
The doors pull outward. If locked (Open Locks DC 15), (DC 5 Reflex save or blinded for 1d4 rounds; DC 5 Fort
save or permanently blinded in one eye); SV Fort +0, region, 90 feet across and as wide as the room, with four
Ref +10, Will -2; AL N. stairways leading 20 feet downward into it. The central 50
feet of this region is a great circular void surrounded by a lip
A bird swarm may be of any type of birds the Judge of scarlet stone. And, although the Void seems to swallow all
desires. Any creature hit must make a save or be blinded light, you somehow know that it is the source of the crimson
for 1d4 rounds; at the end of this time, another save light which illuminates this place. Save where passages or
must be made, or the creature is permanently blinded in doors exist, the walls and high vaulted ceiling of this vast
one eye. space are painted with countless birds of all types, their eyes
seemingly fixed upon the empty Void.
2. Entry Hall: Beyond the doors is a dim chamber some
30 feet wide and 20 feet deep. Two tall statues of a hooded This is where most public worship is conducted, and
woman flank the doorway. In neither statue is any face rites are performed to contain the Dweller in the Void
visible, save two eyes that seem to glimmer in the dim light. and the creatures thereof.
There is a passage to the north and south. In the center of
the eastern wall, a slot can be seen at about eye height for 4. Priest’s Quarters: This door is typically locked (Open
a human. The slot is about a foot wide and 6 inches high, Locks DC 5), but a key is held by all lesser clergy mem-
and seems to slant steeply downward to the east. Common bers and above.
runes above the slot read “donations”.
This chamber is some 30 feet square, and raised to a height
Two temple guards are in this area, one at the end of of 20 feet, with additional alcoves in each of the corners.
each hallway, except on Wraith Nights. Within are comfortable furnishings carved with a bird
motif, some marked with the black circle of Kala Môr, shot
Temple guard: Init +2; Atk spear +3 melee (1d8+1); through with crimson threads. In addition to comfortable
AC 15; HD 1d8+2; hp 6 each; MV 25’; Act 1d20; SP sitting chairs and tables, there are a few couches suitable
+4 bonus to saves vs. mind-affecting; SV Fort +2, Ref for either sitting or sleeping. The eastern alcoves hold shelves
+0, Will +4; AL N. Chainmail and spear. See page 6. with various books and wooden scroll cases. The western
alcoves hold several locked iron boxes. There is a wooden box
The chamber is 20’ high, and the statues 15’ high. The beneath a slit in the west wall. The slit is about a foot wide
statues’ glimmering eyes are natural – narrow shafts by half a foot tall.
above allow light to shine through the statues’ hollow
heads and out through their eyes. On dark nights or This chamber is a resting place for the priests of Kala
overcast days, the light is not present, and it can seem to Môr, and the repository of Her treasures. Donations are
flicker when birds fly overhead. sent via the slot from Area 2 into the wooden box – it
typically contains 5d12 cp and 3d6–3 sp, with a 25%
The secret doors operate on central pivots; opening them chance of also containing 2d6 gp from wealthier patrons.
requires that the ceiling stones which appear to protrude These funds are transferred to the iron boxes whenever
slightly be depressed, allowing the door to move. The the full clergy members have the time and inclination.
doors can be barred from the western side (1 in 3 chance
for each door at any given time) with bronze bars laid Only full clergy members and the Lady Protector have
there for that purpose. In this event, a DC 20 Strength keys to the iron boxes (Open Locks DC 15). There are
check is needed to bend the bar and allow the door to 10 iron boxes in each of the western alcoves. Each con-
move. Only full clergy members are made aware of these tains 30d100 cp, 3d100 sp, and 5d30 gp. There is a 20%
doors. chance that any given box will also contain 4d4 gem-
stones worth 2d20 gp each. If the PCs are attempting
The slot allows donations to be dropped down just over to recover a particular item, such as a magic item, there
30’ into Area 4 via a chute. is an equal chance that it is in any given box. The iron
boxes are all made of 1-inch-thick metal, and are very
3. Great Hall of Worship: The stairs go downward 30 hard to break. Note that this is thick enough to foil most
feet, and then enter into a great open space 150 feet across attempts at detecting magic. There is a 1 in 6 chance
and 100 feet wide. In the center of this space is a sunken that any box has a poison pin trap (DC 15 to find and
remove; giant wasp venom, 3d6 damage, Fort DC 16 for aspirants, as well as 2d4 for lesser clergy and 1d4-1 for
reduction to 1d6 damage). full clergy members. 1d6 wooden discs painted with the
crimson-streaked Void that Kala Môr uses as Her holy
The shelves contain mostly religious books and scrolls, symbol can also be found here.
although there are philosophical treatises on the planes
of existence here, as well as local histories. Some of this 6. The Crimson Void: Going down the stairs towards the
material might be of use to a wizard researching demon Void makes the hair on your neck stand on end. Here you
summoning, planar step, or similar spells. can see what was invisible from above – the Void is not
empty, but is inhabited by writhing streaks of crimson light.
The only magical scroll here is an ancient scroll of the You cannot tell what they are, save that they are somehow
following clerical spells: Animal summoning, Ward portal alive. And, once you touch the floor of the lower section, you
(x2), and Word of command. All of these are cast as a cler- can also feel the regard of the Thing in the Void. You can feel
ic of Kala Môr, using the reader’s own spell check. Each that it is aware of you; that it seeks to know your measure;
spell that is read disappears from the scroll, whether the to exploit you or to destroy you. Four 15-foot-high statues
spell check succeeds or not. This ancient scroll is signed face the Void, each of a robed woman with bird’s wings.
by “Lord Protector Sparrowhawk”, and is over 100 years Her face cannot be seen. To the west is a blood-stained altar
old. Before the text of the spells is written: “Whosoever of red-veined black stone, polished like glass.
shall use this scroll, unless he or she be of the Faithful of the
Angel of Blood and Darkness, let that one beware. Let that a. Altar: This is the public altar of Kala Môr, and
one be clothed in feathers to peck at the Temple roof year where the sacrifices on the Day of the Advent
after year, until repentant of folly.” (the winter solstice) are consecrated before being
thrown into the Void. The blood of the previous
Anyone who uses this scroll, unless dedicated to Kala year’s sacrifice remains upon the altar until the
Môr, must roll a DC 16 Will save each time a spell is evening before the next winter solstice, when the
cast from it. Failure transforms the reader into a bird altar is scrubbed clean. Part of the consecration
(1d5) (1) flamingo, (2) chicken, (3) vulture, (4) wren, involves blood-letting, and the Lady Protector
or (5) wood duck. Transformed characters are allowed a drinks the blood of each sacrifice from a ritual
new save annually. cup (otherwise kept in Area 7).

A small wooden box on one of the shelves contains Kala Môr pays close attention to her altar here.
1d12+2 applications of a thick, greenish-white paste If a creature aligned to Law or Chaos touches it,
known as dianis, as well as a small brush for application. that creature receives a shock doing 1d6 dam-
Direct skin contact with dianis causes lethargy and com- age. If touched by a Lawful or Chaotic cleric,
pliance – those affected have a –2d penalty on the dice or a Neutral cleric of an unallied god, the cleric
chain to all rolls for a period of 2d6 x 30 minutes and an takes 2d6 damage. If touched by the cleric of an
additional –4 penalty to Will saves. The drugged victim opposed deity, the cleric takes 3d6 damage and
views all things as though they were part of a dream, and must succeed in a Will save (DC equal to damage
the victim merely a dispassionate observer. A Fort save done) or die.
(DC 15) reduces the penalty to –1d, with no additional
Will save penalty, and reduces the duration of effect to b. The Crimson Void: Anything that enters the
2d6 minutes. Crimson Void is held, and cannot be withdrawn.
Once within the Void, it is invisible from outside,
When preparing for the Day of Advent, sacrifices are although a hand (for instance) the Void can still
kept drugged in this chamber until needed at the altar. be felt. The Crimson Void is a gateway to another
plane of existence, and anything which begins
5. Vestry: The chamber beyond this door is 30 feet wide the journey must pass fully into the other plane
and 20 feet deep. Robes hang from the walls, and there are before it can be withdrawn. In most cases, this
various types of bird masks hanging from pegs or on shelves. means that the thing is forever lost, but magic or
careful planning may allow PCs to enter the Void,
There are many robes here for aspirants and fledglings retrieve a character or object, and leave again.
Lawful characters approaching the Void feel 7. Upper Shrine: Access to this area is restricted by
physically ill when within 10’, and must succeed portcullises sectioning off the northern and southern
in a DC 10 Will save to come closer. Chaotic passages. These portcullises can be lifted, or their bars
characters feel strangely attracted, and those who bent, with a DC 25 Strength check. Otherwise, the port-
come within 5’ must succeed in a DC 10 Will cullises can be raised from Areas 7a and 7b, below. The
save or leap into the Void! Such a being may be secret door can be opened simply by pushing from Area
encountered again as a crimson void wraith (see 8; it can be opened within Area 7 as described below.
page 11).
This area is a rounded chamber, with a 20 foot tall statue of
The Crimson Void itself is an abyss of scarlet and a robed woman to the west, clearly an image of the goddess
inky darkness, in which there is no up or down, Kala Môr, depicted with the actual head of a mountain
and were beings fall forever unless they should vulture beneath her hood. The statue radiates a sense of
chance to encounter “islands” in the Void. These watchfulness and power. The walls curve up to a half-
“islands” have their own gravity, and may have domed ceiling 25 feet overhead. Walls, floor, and ceiling are
creatures dwelling around, upon, or within them. adorned with a pattern of ebon and scarlet tiles. Laid upon
The Judge is encouraged to develop these areas as the statue’s hands are a golden cup and a bronze dagger.
she desires!
The statue is a conduit to the might of Kala Môr. Clerics
If the cleric of a deity not allied with Kala Môr can cast spells in this chamber at +1d on the dice chain
manages to cast a exorcise spell with a spell check (+2d if they are clerics of Kala Môr; -1d if they are clerics
of 36+ on the Crimson Void, the Void will close, of opposed deities). Destruction or desecration of this
and all within (including the Dweller) will be cut statue would weaken the power of the goddess on this
off from this plane forever. Kala Môr will lose plane – all of Her clerics suffer a -2d on the dice chain
much of Her power, becoming the rough equiva- penalty to all spell checks until the conduit is somehow
lent of a 10th level cleric with an 18 Personality, restored. In addition, roll 1d7 and add the Luck modi-
who need not worship another to empower Her fiers of all involved: (1 or less) the Dweller is immedi-
spells. Rather than suffer disapproval, a mortal ately released from the Crimson Void, slaying all within
Kala Môr loses the power to cast any spell with a the Temple, (2-3) the Dweller is released in 3d30 days,
natural “1” on the spell check result, for a period (4-5) Kala Môr and the Dweller are locked in combat
of 1 full week. All spells are otherwise cast as a for 3d30 days, during which time no cleric of Kala Môr
cleric of Kala Môr. can cast spells, but the Dweller is prevented from leaving
the Crimson Void, (6-7) no additional effect, or (8 or
Kala Môr (Mortal): Init +3; Atk staff +8 melee higher) the Crimson Void is closed forever, and neither
(1d4+1); AC 13; HD 10d8+10; hp 67; MV 30’; the Thing in the Void nor Kala Môr is no reachable on
Act 2d20; SP spells; SV Fort +7, Ref +6, Will this plane thereafter.
+11; AL N. Staff.
Spells: Level 1: Animal summoning, darkness, de- The cup and dagger are ritual items used for the annual
tect magic, feather fall, food of the gods, holy sanctu- sacrifices on the Day of Advent. The cup may be sold for
ary, protection from evil, second sight, ward portal, 50 gp, but woe to the seller if his theft is traced! The dag-
and word of command. ger has no intrinsic value. The Temple would pay 300 gp
Level 2: banish, binding, curse, divine symbol, levi- to obtain both if they were stolen.
tate, neutralize poison or disease, and restore vitality.
Level 3: Bolt from the blue, exorcise, fly, remove Examination of the tiles on the east wall can discover a
curse, spiritual weapon, and true name. tile out of place (red where it should be black). This can
Level 4: Affliction of the gods, cause earthquake, be pressed, causing the secret door to swing silently into
sanctify/desecrate, and vermin blight. this room on oiled hinges.
Level 5: Righteous fire, weather control, and whirl-
ing doom. a. North Statue: This 15-foot-tall statue depicts
Kala Môr as a robed woman wearing the mask
of a kestrel. Two small levers are set into the
east wall behind the statue. The northern lever This altar allows anyone in contact with it to establish
operates a winch mechanism, opening or closing direct contact with the divine power of Kala Môr. The
the portcullis to the north of Area 7; it is down character must succeed in a DC 12 spell check when
when the portcullis is down. The southern level coming in contact with the altar. A character that fails
floods the small chamber with a poisonous gas this check takes 1d3 damage per point by which the
(Fort DC 14 or be paralyzed for 1d3 minutes check was failed, as the power of the goddess attempts to
and take 1d3 Agility damage; 1d3 temporary consume him. If the spell check succeeds, the character
Agility damage on a successful save). Temporary may cast spells with a +2d bonus on the dice chain (max
Agility damage heals in 1d5 minutes; normal 1d30) so long as he maintains contact with the altar. If
Agility damage heals normally. The southern the character is a cleric of Kala Môr, or has Kala Môr as
lever is normally in the “up” position. a patron, there is no penalty for doing so. Otherwise, the
character must make a DC 15 Will save or permanently
b. South Statue: This statue appears identical lose 1 point of Luck for each spell cast.
to that in Area 7a, but the lever functions are
reversed. The north lever (normally “up”) releases
poison gas, while the south lever (“down” when
Who is in the Temple?
The Hidden Temple is a dynamic location that can
the portcullis is down) operates the southern
be visited many times over the course of a cam-
paign. The number of clergy and worshippers in
the Temple changes frequently. As a general guide,
8. Secret Way: The secret passages around the periph-
the Judge can use the following:
ery of the Temple are not only narrow, but they rise to
a height of just under 20’, accentuating their tightness.
Service on the Day of Advent: Lady Protector
From Area 8, the secret doors to Areas 7 and 9 may be
(100%), Greater Stray Ravens (20% chance of
opened by pushing upon them. The secret door to Area
1d3), Lesser Stray Ravens (40% chance of 2d6),
9 is one-way only; once it has been allowed to shut, the
Full Clergy Members (2d4), Lesser Clergy Mem-
Temple cannot be accessed without breaking the door
bers (3d3), High Fledglings (3d6), Fledglings
down (Strength DC 30). A character could attempt to
(4d6), Temple Guards (3d12), Common Worship-
climb the wall (DC 10) and ascend the roof; see Area 1
pers (4d12).
for details.
Otherwise on the Day of Advent: Lady Protector
(90%), Greater Stray Ravens (15% chance of 1d3),
The secret doors to Area 2 can be barred from this side
Lesser Stray Ravens (30% chance of 2d6), Full
(1 in 3 chance for each door at any given time) with
Clergy Members (2d3), Lesser Clergy Members
bronze bars laid there for that purpose. These doors can
(2d3), High Fledglings (3d6), Fledglings (4d6),
easily be opened from this side by pulling on a bronze
Temple Guards (3d12), Common Worshippers
ring set near the brackets for barring the door.
Other Day, Service Occurring: Lady Protector
9. Hidden Altar of Kala Môr: As you push open the secret
(60%), Greater Stray Ravens (10% chance of 1d3),
door, you can see a small porch beyond, hanging over a sheer
Lesser Stray Ravens (20% chance of 1d7), Full
drop. The porch has a ceiling, 20 feet high, held aloft by
Clergy Members (1d4+2), Lesser Clergy Members
two great pillars. Between the pillars, and a little closer to
(2d3), High Fledglings (2d6), Fledglings (3d6),
the door, is a black stone altar shot through with crimson
Temple Guards (2d12), Common Worshippers
streaks. The altar radiates power, which you can sense even
from where you stand.
Other Day, No Service Occurring: Lady Protec-
tor (30%), Greater Stray Ravens (5% chance of
To the north and south, out of easy sight, are two
1), Lesser Stray Ravens (15% chance of 1d3), Full
15-foot-tall statues of Kala Môr, Her face hidden within
Clergy Members (1d4), Lesser Clergy Members
Her hood, facing each other with the palms of their
(1d5+1), High Fledglings (1d6), Fledglings (2d6),
hands upraised. If a character steps out of the secret door
Temple Guards (1d12), Common Worshippers
without first speaking the name of the goddess aloud,
each statue shoots an electric arc (Atk +8, 3d6 damage).
Wraith Night: 5d6 Crimson Void Wraiths. A Void Temptation: A PC wizard is looking for
a place to empower some spell, and a scarlet suc-
These numbers do not include the Temple Guards cubus tempts her to violate the hidden altar of
noted in the descriptions of Area 1 and Area 2. Kala Môr (Area 9).

Null and Void: A cursed magic item can only be

Squeezing it Dry “destroyed” by sending it into the Crimson Void.
This Campaign Element offers a template for expanding
On a Wraith Night. Or perhaps that doesn’t re-
deity information, as well as a temple that would be at
ally destroy it at all, but allows it to be used by
home in many works of Appendix N fiction. The Temple
the Dweller in the Crimson Void.
acts as an interactive location that changes with each
visit, as the number of inhabitants changes.
Thwarting a Sacrifice: Someone close to the
PCs is kidnapped before the Day of Advent, and
You will get the most use out of this product if you allow
they fear their friend is a sacrifice. Complications
PC clerics of Kala Môr in your campaign. Even if you do
may include the PCs requiring spell support
not, the Hidden Temple can be used as either friend or
from the Hidden Temple, or even having a Stray
foe, as needed. Moreover, the creatures from the Crim-
Raven secretly amid the group. The PC’s friend
son Void allow a wide range of challenges for characters
may not even be scheduled as a sacrifice to the
of different levels.
Crimson Void – it is entirely possible that agents
of the Thing in the Void have captured her in
The Crimson Void offers all of these challenges, and
order to encourage the PCs to compromise the
Robbery: Whether the PCs are looking for the
The Thing Escapes!: Going up against a god can
treasury, to steal the ceremonial cup and knife
be the capstone adventure of any adventurer’s
(for ransom or for its inherent value), or require
career. In Dungeon Crawl Classics, it might be a
a dose of diaini for their own purposes, the Judge
level 0 funnel.
is supplied with enough information about the
Hidden Temple to determine whether or not
their plans succeed.

Pressed Into Service: The Lady Protector may

require some escaped denizen from the Crim-
son Void to be hunted down. If someone has
learned her identity, she may wish to have that
person assassinated. PC wizards and elves who
accept spellburn from the Thing in the Void may
discover that they have been pressed into service
as well – to assassinate some Stray Raven, for
instance, or to expose the identity of a cleric of
the Temple.

Spell Knowledge: The clerics of Kala Môr share

certain spells with wizards, and they might
have information required by a PC among their
historical scrolls. The final piece of knowledge
required to learn a spell might require contem-
plating the Crimson Void itself – what would the
Temple demand in exchange for such a privilege?

Appendix A: Kala Môr as a Patron
The ceremony to bond a creature to Kala Môr must be performed within the Hidden Temple of the Peaks. When casting
invoke patron, the caster may select any result equal to the spell check or lower.

Invoke Patron check results:

12-13 Kala Môr’s concentration is taken up with the Dweller in the Crimson Void, which seeks to escape its bonds. The
goddess grants one of the following, as desired by the caster: (1) the ability to Turn the unholy, once, as a cleric
of Kala Môr of the same level as the caster, (2) the restoration of one spell that has been lost for the day, or (3) a
surge of healing that restores all but 1d4 hit points damage taken by the caster (but does not affect Ability score
damage or other forms of injury).
14-17 Kala Môr heals the caster, or one creature selected by the caster, of all non-permanent injuries and conditions
such as paralysis, poison, broken bones, or disease. If the caster selects another creature, that creature must be
within 10’ per caster level, or the benefit is lost.
18-19 The goddess sends one bird swarm per caster level, to aid the caster in a single battle. Bird swarm: Init +5; Atk
swarming peck or claws +1 melee (1 plus blindness); AC 11; HD 4d8; hp 16 each; MV fly 50’; Act special; SP at-
tack all targets within 20’ x 20’ space, half damage from non-area attacks, blindness (DC 5 Reflex save or blinded
for 1d4 rounds; DC 5 Fort save or permanently blinded in one eye); SV Fort +0, Ref +10, Will -2; AL N.
20-23 The goddess sends one bird swarm per caster level, as 18-19, above, but each swarm can fly carrying a single
human-sized creature, and will bear the caster and his allies up to 10 minutes per caster level. Each swarm can be
sent into battle, but a swarm that fights disperses as soon as the battle is over. These are swarms of larger birds,
and each swarm has HD 5d8, 22 hp, and deals 1d6 damage on a successful attack.
24-27 An enormous bird appears, snatching up the caster and bearing her directly to wherever she desires, within 100
miles of her current location. If she has companions, up to 2d6 lesser birds appear to carry them as well (but no
more than 1 per companion). These birds have AC 20. The enormous bird has 50 hp, and the lesser birds have
35 hp. They do not fight. If reduced to 0 hp, they simply disappear in a whirl of feathers, leaving anyone they are
bearing to fall. However, anyone being carried can attempt to grab two feathers, one in each hand, if they drop
whatever they are holding and succeed in a DC 10 Reflex save. Success means that the character wafts gently to
the ground without being hurt (except, possibly, by whatever slew the birds they were riding!).
28-29 The goddess grants the caster the power to transform 3d6 creatures visible to the caster and within 300’, into
birds. The caster selects who is transformed. Enemies are transformed into starlings (AC 17, hit points equal to
their HD or level, MV 5’ or fly 80’, no effective attacks), while allies are transformed into eagles (AC 15, hit
points do not change, MV 5’ or fly 60’, can attack with beak or claw at normal bonus for 1d3 rounds, can see
twice as far in daylight). Each transformation lasts 1 Turn per caster level. The caster can reserve unused transfor-
mations for 1 Turn per caster level. A DC 25 Will save can be made by the unwilling to resist transformation.
30-31 A cloud of small birds flocks around the caster to a distance of 500’, confusing enemies and interfering with their
attacks without inconveniencing the caster and her allies in any way. Enemies have their line of sight reduced
to 20’ and make all attacks at a –1d shift on the dice chain for both attack roll and damage. Enemies with more
than one Action Die automatically lose 1 Action Die due to confusion. The caster and her allies gain a +4 bonus
to AC. The cloud remains in place until the current battle is over. Area affect attacks clear these effects for 1d3
rounds in their zone of attack.
32+ The caster obtains a moment of direct contact with Kala Môr. All wounds, ability damage (including permanent
damage), diseases, and poisons are healed. All lost spells are restored. The caster gains 3d10 bonus hit points;
these cannot be restored once lost, and are always taken first. In addition, the caster may ask the goddess three
questions, and the judge will answer them from the perspective of Kala Môr. Kala Môr has a wealth of knowledge
– she knows all that is seen by Her birds – but She may have Her own agenda.

Patron Taint: Kala Môr
The caster who ties himself to Kala Môr discovers himself becoming more secretive and birdlike as time goes on. In addition,
he is required to go on quests to further the agenda of his patron. The Thing in the Crimson Void sends creatures to destroy
him. Moreover, the Dweller attempts to undo the connection with Kala Môr. When Patron taint is indicated, roll 1d5 and
consult the following table. Once all taints from results “1-4” have been gained at all levels, there is no need to roll any fur-
ther. However, for each roll of “5”, roll 1d4 and remove the most recent patron taint of that level, if any. This represents the
Dweller in the Crimson Void’s attempt to sever the connection between caster and patron.

Roll Result
1 Avian: Roll 1d4: (1) Hollow Bones: The caster’s bones become hollow, reducing her weight by ¼. In addition,
Stamina is reduced by 1, and bones are broken from falling damage on a natural roll of 5 or 6. (2) Feathers: The
caster’s hair is replaced by feathers of roughly the same length and degree of coverage. Thus, forearms may be cov-
ered with a soft down, while heads (and possibly beards) become longer feathers. (3) Bird Speech: The caster can
now understand the speech of birds, and respond in kind. This doesn’t increase the bird’s intelligence, however. (4)
Wings: Large feathered wings grow from the caster’s back, granting a flying speed of 40’ (50’ if the caster also has
hollow bones). Ignore duplicate rolls. If the caster has each of these patron taint levels, further rolls of this taint are
2 Secretive: Each time this patron taint is rolled, the caster becomes loathe to reveal details about himself. When
it is first rolled, he will not reveal his true name. When it is rolled a second time, he seeks to conceal any details
about his past. When rolled a third time, he seeks to conceal his plans for the future. Note that the caster can
invent false names, false history, and make misleading statements that lead others to do what he wishes them to do
without penalty. The caster loses 1 point of Luck whenever he violates his secrecy, as determined by the judge. A
caster with all levels of secrecy ignores future rolls of this taint.
3 Against the Crimson Void: Kala Môr communicates a task the caster must complete, targeting a servant of the
Dweller in the Crimson Void. The first time this is rolled, the servant has HD equal to the caster’s level minus 1
and is within 1d3 miles. The second time, the servant has HD equal to the caster’s level, and allies equal to the
caster’s level +1d3 in HD, and is within 2d5 miles. The third time, the servant has HD equal to the caster’s level
+1d3, and allies equal to twice the caster’s level in HD, and is up to 3d7 miles away. Once all quests have been
completed, ignore future rolls of this taint. It is possible to have to “redo” one or more quests as a result of the
Dweller severing connections between the caster and Kala Môr.
4 Crimson Trial: The Dweller in the Crimson Void sends a creature to destroy the caster. The creature appears 1d4-
1 miles away from the caster in a random direction. If the result is greater than “0”, the creature must then begin
to move towards the caster, stalking her from afar. A result of “0” means the creature shows up 2d12 feet from
the caster. The creatures faced by the caster are, in order of taint results: Vermillion Rat, Crimson Demon, Scarlet
Bones, and Void Wolf. Once all creatures have been faced, ignore further rolls on this taint, unless the effects are
“rolled back” by the Dweller.

Patron Spells: Kala Môr

Kala Môr grants access to three cleric spells, as follows. These spells are cast at a –2 to the spell check, and a natural “1” re-
sults in patron taint + (1d6, modified by Luck): (1 or less) major corruption, (2-3) minor corruption, (4+) generic misfire.

Level 1: Second sight

Level 2: Protection from evil
Level 3: Restore vitality

Spellburn: Kala Môr
When a caster bonded to Kala Môr uses spellburn, roll 1d4 and consult the table below, or build off the suggestions to create
an event unique to your home campaign.

Roll Spellburn Result

1 Feed the Birds: A swarm of small birds whirls around the caster. The effects of the hundreds or thousands of pecks
is represented by Strength, Stamina, or Agility loss.
2 Kala Môr draws on the caster’s energy to prevent a creature from escaping the Crimson Void, expressed as
Strength, Agility, or Stamina loss. Feedback grants an extra +1d5 to the spell check result, and the manifestation of
the spell is altered to reflect Void energy – being transformed to (1d3): (1) night black, (2) crimson, or (3) night
black shot through with crimson.
3 The Thing in the Crimson Void intercepts the request. The caster may have 5 points of spellburn for free, but
one patron taint is “rolled back” as though the caster had gotten a result of “5” on a patron taint roll. If the caster
spends more than 5 points, roll a new spellburn result off the table for the Thing in the Crimson Void (page xx).
4 The raw energy of the goddess infuses the caster, powering her spell by causing the normal Strength, Stamina, or
Agility loss, but also healing up to 1 hp damage for each point of spellburn utilized.

Appendix B: The Thing in the Crimson

Void as a Demi-Patron
The Dungeon Crawl Classics core rulebook describes patrons on pages 320-321. Not all supernatural beings willing
to lend the PCs aid need be as powerful as this, though. Demi-patrons, first described in CE 5: Silent Nightfall, are
supernatural beings able to lend some assistance to the beings they sponsor, but are less powerful than full patrons. A
demi-patron may, or may not, require a patron bond spell in order to enter into a relationship with a caster. Like-
wise, it may, or may not, cause patron taint. For other examples of demi-patrons, see CE 5: Silent Nightfall.

The Dweller conceals its true nature. Its goals are to escape the Crimson Void and to oppose Kala Môr. Those cast-
ers who take the Thing in the Crimson Void as a patron may invoke the Dweller within 100 miles of the Crimson
Void. Any may call upon the Dweller for spellburn within 50 miles of the Crimson Void. The Thing in the Crimson
Void offers no spells.

Invoke Patron check results:

12-13 The Thing in the Crimson Void is not able to help at this time.
14-17 A lash of Crimson Void energy appears in the caster’s hand. This lash can reach targets up to 20’ away. A success-
ful attack does 2d6 damage and drops the target to the bottom of the initiative count for the rest of the combat
unless the target succeeds in a DC 15 Fort save. The lash remains in existence for 2d6 + Caster Level rounds.
18-19 Suffused with dark energy, the caster can make all foes within 30’ suffer 1d5 damage, but he suffers the same
damage himself. This ability uses an Action Die, and can be used three times. If not used by midnight, unused
dark energy is lost.
20-23 The Thing in the Crimson Void sends a Type I demon to aid the caster. Roll 1d5: (1-3) vermillion rat or (4-5)
crimson demon. It remains in service for 13 hours, or until slain.
24-27 The Thing in the Crimson Void sends one or more demons to aid the caster. Roll 1d7: (1-3) 1d3 vermillion rats,
(4-5) 1d2 crimson demons, or (6-7) a scarlet bones. The demons remain in service for 24 hours, or until slain.

28-29 A demon is sent to aid the caster. Roll 1d5: (1-3) Void wolf, or (4-5) scarlet succubus. The demon serves for a
number of days equal to the caster level of its summoner, and is then freed upon the material plane.
30-31 As 28-29, above, but the demon summoned is a Void stalker. Further, when released, it will turn upon the caster
unless the caster succeeds in a Luck check.
32+ The Whisperer of the Void is summoned. It will aid in one battle, perform one task, or answer 1d3 + Caster Level
questions, as the caster desires, before being drawn back into the Crimson Void. Roll 1d30 for every full day a
task requires; if the result is equal to or less than the number of days the Whisperer has spent on the task, it will
seek to pervert its instructions and return to the Void.

Patron Taint: The Thing in the Crimson Void

A caster may gain patron taint from the Dweller in two ways. First, a caster who has used patron bond to forge a link with
the Thing in the Crimson Void is subject to normal patron taint rules. Second, any caster who calls upon the Thing in the
Crimson Void may become subject to patron taint (see the spellburn table, below). When patron taint is indicated, roll 1d6
and consult the following table. When all taints have been gained at all levels, there is no reason to roll further.

Roll Result
1 Crimson Taint: The first time this is rolled, the character’s hair turns red. The second time this is rolled, the char-
acter’s skin takes on a reddish tinge and his hair turns bright crimson. The third time this is rolled, the character’s
skin turns crimson. Ignore further rolls of this taint.
2 Void Taint: This taint can affect the character three times, affecting (roll 1d3): (1) eyes, (2) blood, or (3) body.
When eyes are affected, the character’s eyes become completely black, as though they were one giant pupil, and the
character gains the ability to see in complete darkness up to 60’. When the blood is affected, the character’s blood
becomes a thick black fluid. The character takes half damage from any blood-draining attack (and most creatures
will break off such an attack once this blood is sampled), and no damage from any form of continued bleeding. If
the body is affected, the character becomes a hollow shell with only a void within. Magical healing no longer aids
the character. The void is revealed when the character opens her mouth, or is wounded. Once all three effects have
occurred, ignore further rolls of this taint.
3 Blood Requirement: The caster now has a requirement to cast spells. When this is first rolled, the character must
consume some small portion of fresh blood each time a spell is cast. When this taint is rolled for the second time,
the caster must provide the blood (1 hp damage) himself. When this taint is rolled a third time, the caster must
consume 1d3 hp of his own blood each time a spell is cast. Ignore further rolls of this taint.
4 Demonic Servitors: The Dweller in the Void rewards the caster with up to three demonic servitors. Each time this
is rolled, roll 1d7, modified by the caster’s Luck. (0-3) vermillion rat, (4-5) crimson demon, (6-7) scarlet bones,
(8+) scarlet succubus. These demonic servitors obey orders, and are loyal to the caster (so long as it doesn’t conflict
with their stronger loyalty to the Thing in the Crimson Void). After the caster has gained a third demonic servitor,
ignore future rolls of this taint. If a demonic servitor is slain, the caster may make a Luck check. If it succeeds, roll
1d3 for each HD the servitor had; a replacement arrives in that many days.
5 Assassination: The Dweller has identified a servant of Kala Môr and demands that the caster assassinate her. The
first time this is rolled, the servant is 1d3 levels or Hit Dice below the caster. The second time, 1d3 levels or Hit
Dice above, and the third time 2d5 levels or Hit Dice above the caster. The caster is unable to heal wounds natu-
rally until the target is slain. After three servants are slain, ignore future rolls of this taint.
6 Weakening the Bonds: The caster weakens the bonds of the Thing in the Crimson Void ever so slightly. This can
happen three times; ignore rolls of this taint beyond that. Each time this is rolled, the caster gains a +1 bonus to
rolls on the spellburn chart for the Thing in the Crimson Void.

Spellburn: The Thing in the Crimson Void
Bonded casters can call upon the Dweller for spellburn within 100 miles of the Crimson Void. Any caster can call upon the
Dweller within 50 miles. Roll 1d7 and consult the table below, or build off the suggestions to create an event unique to your
home campaign. The table goes up to 10 because of the “Weakening the Bonds” patron taint, above.

Roll Spellburn Result

1 Contact! The Thing in the Crimson Void immediately takes possession of the caster’s body, and is able to control
it for 1d4 turns per point of spellburn granted. All spellburn damage is immediately healed. The spell check is
not completed (unless the Thing choses to complete it). The Thing follows its own agenda, as determined by the
judge. It has access to the character’s abilities, including spells, but casts each spell with an additional bonus equal
to the spellburn used by the caster, and it gains a +20 bonus to Will saves.
2 Void energy courses through the caster’s body, manifesting as Strength, Agility, or Stamina damage, but the caster
is ill-prepared to handle the force. The spell check only gains a +1 bonus per 2 full points of spellburn used.
Worse, the caster must succeed in a DC 10 Will save or pass out for 1d5 rounds.
3 Void energy courses through the caster’s body, manifesting as Strength, Agility, or Stamina damage. The caster
must succeed in a DC 10 Will save or suffer a –1d penalty to his Action Dice for 1d3 rounds.
4 The Dweller grants the spellburn, which can be taken from any ability score except Luck. In addition, the caster
must make a roll for patron taint.
5 The Thing in the Crimson Void grants up to 5 points of spellburn at no cost. However, the caster must sacrifice
one or more Lawful creatures to the Thing before the next new moon, or suffer twice the normal spellburn dam-
age. The creatures’ total Hit Dice/levels must equal or exceed the spellburn granted.
6 Void energy courses through the caster’s body, manifesting as Strength, Agility, or Stamina damage.
7 Void energy courses through the caster’s body, manifesting as Strength, Agility, or Stamina damage. The caster may
attempt a DC 10 Will save to take only half normal spellburn damage, but if the save result is a natural “1”, she
instead takes 1d3 additional points of ability damage that gains no bonus to the spell check.
8 Contact! Immediately following the spell check, the Thing in the Crimson Void gains control of the caster’s body
for a number of rounds equal to the spellburn granted. The Thing can use this time to further Its own agenda in
any way the judge deems fit. However, half the caster’s spellburn from this spell is healed by Dweller at the end of
this period.
9 Dark power fuels the caster’s spell. Each point of spellburn grants a +2, rather than a +1, bonus to the spell check.
10 The Dweller grants up to 10 points of spellburn without attribute loss. However, for every three points of spell-
burn (or portion thereof ), the caster gains one roll on the patron taint table. If the caster already has all patron
taints at all levels, these 10 points of spellburn are free of cost.

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Author Daniel J. Bishop
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