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Brown and Yellow The Philippines Presentation

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T 981-1985 IC

Basic Facts about Notable and Background and

the Third Famous writers in works of the
Republic the Third writers
Welcome to the Third Republic
The Third Republic of the
Philippines was inaugurated on July BASIC FACTS Writers wrote openly of their
criticism against the government.
4, 1946. It marked the culmination
The supplications of the people
of the peaceful campaign for
were coached in fiery, colorful,
Philippine Independence—the two
violent, profane and insulting
landmarks of which were the
enactment of the Jones Law in 1916

Many Filipino songs dealt with

Poems during this period of the themes that were really true-to-
Third Republic were romantic and life like those of grief, poverty,
revolutionary. aspirations for freedom, love of

God, of country and of

1982 1984
Before 1981 Consolidation towards Stability The Boycott Movement
Period of the New Society

1981 1983 1985

Martial Rule was at last lifted Authoritarianism Beleaguered A Continuing Crisis of
ilipino Writers
F Welcome to the Third Republic
venido Noriega
ien Jr.
He was born on July 19, 1952 at
Cauayan City.
The second child of Bienvenido
Noriega and Socorro Munoz of
Cauayan, Isabela and
Cabatuan, Isabela.

died of cancer in 1994

venido Noriega
ien Jr.
He finished his secondary education at St.
Anthony School, Singalong, Malate Noriega was Executive Vice
(Salutatorian, 1968), and his tertiary education
President at a large bank in
at the University of the Philippines (BA
Makati, Philippines. He worked
Economics, cum laude and class valedictorian
, 1971 and M.A. Economics, 1973). He for the Philippine government
continued his postgraduate studies at Harvard for more than twenty years and
University (Master in Public Administration, taught part-time at U.P. Diliman
1979; straight "A" student) and at Columbia and U.P. Manila, Ateneo, La
University (Executive Program in Business Salle, Assumption, and U.E.
Administration, 1983). At the University of the
Philippines, Harvard University and
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he took
up courses such as Modern Drama,
Shakespeare, Comedy and Film Theory.
iterary Works

Ramona Reyes ng Forbes Park (1976)

Bayan-Bayanan (1982)
iterary Works

Ang Mga Propesyonal (1978)

Batang Pro (1983) Bongbong at Kris (1986)
ardo B. Maran
Edg an
He was born on November 7,
1946 at Bauan, Batangas.
A poet, essayist, fictionist,
playwright, writer of children’s
stories, and translator.

A native of Bauan, Batangas, he

grew up in Baguio City where
Died on May 8, 2019 he had his elementary and high
school education at St. Louis
College. He later went to the
University of the Philippines to
study for his degree in Foreign
ardo B. Maran
Edg an
He represented the Philippines In 1985, he was the Philippine fellow
at the 1963 New York Herald at the Iowa International Writing
Tribune World Youth Forum at program. He also became the
the age of 16. At the age of 18, National fellow for the poetry of the
he joined Kabataang Makabayan University of the Philippines creative
and became a student activist writing center in 1988. He became a
He became a professor at the panelist at the Ubud Writers Festival
University of the Philippines from in Bali in 2007. And he also served
1970-1972 where he taught as a foreign information officer of the
political science and joined the Philippine Embassy in London. He
underground movement when returned to the Philippines in the late
martial law was declared by 2006 and had been a freelance
Marcos. writer.
iterary Works

Passage: Poems, 1983-2006

Agon: Poems (1983) Alab: Mga Tula (1983)
iterary Works

Ang Salot, ang Lumba- Lumba, Halimaw sa Bundok

at ang hiwaga sa laot (2002) (2010)
hiela S. Corone
Professor at the Graduate
S l
School of Journalism, Columbia
University. Also concurrently Coronel began her journalism
director of the Stabile Center
career during the twilight of
for Investigative Journalism.
From 2014 to 2020, dean of
the dictatorship of Ferdinand
academic affairs of the School Marcos. After the People
of Journalism. Prior to coming Power Revolution that ousted
to New York in 2006, Marcos, she worked as a
executive director and co- political reporter for The
founder of the Philippine Manila Times and The Manila
Center for Investigative Chronicle, and in 1989,
Journalism in Manila. reported became the first executive
on corruption and governance
director of the PCIJ, one of the
and written books on Philippine
earliest nonprofit investigative
politics, freedom of information
and investigative reporting. centers to be formed globally.
hiela S. Corone
S l
a PANORAMA staff stalwart,
reporting on the state of the In early 1999, Coronel received the
media during these times McLuhan Prize from the Canadian
said: it was a year of Embassy in Manila for her work as an
ferment, and change, of old investigative journalist. In 2001, she was
named the Philippines' Best Print
problems made more
Journalist. After winning the Best
oppressive by the new
Investigative Journalism Award four times
throbbing beat of the times.”
in last 12 years, in 2001 she was included
For journalists, it was a year in the Hall of Fame list of Jaime V. Ongpin
loaded with libel charges, Awards for Investigative Journalism. In
lawsuits and seditious trials 2003, Coronel received the Magsaysay
which they gallantly bore as Award for Journalism, Literature and
harassment suits. Creative Communication Arts.
iterary Works

Memory of Dances (2002)

EDSA 2: A Nation in Revolt: The Rulemakers (2004)
A Photographic Journal (2001)
iterary Works

Betrayals of the public

Pork and other perks (1998) trust (2000)
amiana Eugenio
Eugenio was a BSE degree
holder and a cum laude
She was born on September graduate from the University
21, 1941 at San Miguel, Bulacan
of the Philippines. She
obtained her M.A. degree in
English Literature and
folklore. She was a professor
at the Department of English
Died on October 10, 2014 and Comparative Literature
for the College of Arts in
Diliman: Vol. III, The Legends,
Philippine Folk Literature,
University of the Philippines
amiana Eugenio
was a Filipino female author
and professor who was known
as the Mother of Philippine
Folklore, a title she received

in 1986. Apart from teaching

at the University of the
Philippines, she has several
publications in the field of
Philippine folklore, among
them a series of seven books
which she compiled and
iterary Works

Philippine Proverb Lore (1975) Awit and Korido (1965) An Anthology (1981)
iterary Works

The Myths (1994) The Legends (2002)

oncio P. Deriad
Le a
He went to school at the Davao City
He was born on January 13, High School and graduated in 1955. He
1938 in the town of Barotac earned his BA English degree at the
Viejo, in the province of Iloilo Ateneo de Davao University where he
graduated cum laude in 1959. He later
received his MA in English from Xavier
University in 1970 and went on to
receive his PhD in English and Literature
Died on 2019
with a specialization in creative writing
from Silliman University in 1981 where
he later on served as professor and
chairperson of the English Department.
oncio P. Deriad
Le a
Filipino writer and professor
His published works include, for he has
emeritus of creative writing and
garnered other prestigious awards such
literature at the University of the as the Gawad Pambansang Alagad ni
Philippines in the Visayas in Balagtas, Asiaweek, Gawad CCP,
Iloilo.The award-winning Graphic, Focus, Yuhum (Iloilo), and Blue
fictionist, playwright and poet Knight Award from Ateneo de Davao for
Leoncio P. Deriada received his Outstanding Achievement in Literature.
A recipient of the Metrobank
Ph.D. in English from Silliman
Foundation’s Search for Outstanding
University in Dumaguete City in
Teachers in 2002, Dr. Deriada heads the
1981. He is also known for his Sentro ng Wikang Filipino at the U.P.
work in reviving writing in Visayas. He is also an associate of the
Kinaray-a and for his papers on U.P. Institute of Creative Writing.
the Visayan languages and
other regional literature.
iterary Works

The Road to Mawab and The Week of the Whales

Night Mares (1988)
Other Stories (1984) (1994)
iterary Works

Baul (1999)
Patubas (1995)
nardo A. Macar
ey aig
He was born in Santa Cruz, Macaraig, called Taling by his family and
Manila, Philippines on Mac by his friends, was a product of the
November 5, 1927 Philippine public school system from his
elementary to his university years: Santa
Ana Elementary School, Araullo High
School, Arellano High School (where he
graduated in 1946), and the University of
His Parents are Catalino
the Philippines (U.P.), where he
Macaraig and Ignacia Tiacho
graduated in 1952 with a Bachelor of Arts
Macaraig. His only sibling was
a younger sister, Gloria, born in (A.B.) and a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.)
1932. While at U.P., Macaraig was a member
of Upsilon Sigma Phi, the oldest Greek-
letter fraternity in Asia.
nardo A. Macar
ey aig
He was also a member of the U.P.
Macaraig also received awards from his alma
Vanguards, the university’s Reserve maters in later years. Among these awards were
Officer Training Corps Unit and the the Most Distinguished Alumnus Award
pioneer of the ROTC in the Philippines. (Sunburst Order – Golden Class) of the
He was into athletics as a member of Arellano (Manila North) High School in 1977
and the Upsilonian Noble and Outstanding
the U.P. varsity weight-lifting team and
(UNO) Award, the highest recognition
the U.P. Law swimming team. After he
conferred on Upsilonians. On December 18,
obtained his law degree and passed the 1955, he married Araceli (Celi) Villareal Andaya
Philippine bar exams in 1952, Macaraig (Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, University of
left for the United States and earned a the Philippines (U.P.), 1952; Master of Science,
Master of Laws degree (LL.M.) in 1954 Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,
1954), a native of Mambusao, Capiz. Their six
from the University of Michigan Law
children are Marissa, Miriam, Mel, Monina,
School, where he specialized in Mynardo and Muriel—all graduates of U.P.,
International Law and Public holders of law or masters degrees, and noted in
Administration. their respective fields.
iterary Works

The Emperor's New Underwear

irgilio S. Almari
V o
He was born on March 9, 1944
in San Miguel, Bulacan He is a National Artist of the Philippines.
He formerly served as the chairman of
the Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino (KWF),
the government agency mandated to
promote and standardize the use of the
He is a visual artist, author, Filipino language. On January 5, 2017,
poet, critic, translator, editor, Almario was also elected as the chairman
teacher, and cultural of the National Commission for Culture
and the Arts (NCCA).
irgilio S. Almari
V o
Almario sought his education at
the City of Manila and
completed his degree in A.B.
Political Science at the
University of the Philippines
He only took his M.A. in Filipino in 1974

at the University of the Philippines

His life as a poet started when
he took master's units in
education at the University of
the East where he became
associated with Rogelio G.
Mangahas and Lamberto E.
Antonio. He did not finish the
iterary Works

Ang Makata sa Panahon ng Makina Paradise of the Animals: Pitong Bundok ng Haraya
(1972) For Peace in the World (2003)
iterary Works

Isang Mayang Uhaw (1993)

Si Pagong at Si Matsing (2012)
arlos P. Romulo
He was born on January 14,
1899 in Camiling tarlac His multifaceted career spanned 50 years
of public service as an educator, soldier,
university president, journalist, and
diplomat. He was the first Asian president
of the United Nations General Assembly,
Died on December 15, 1985 then Philippine Ambassador to
in Manila Washington, D.C., and later minister of
foreign affairs. He was the only Asian to
win America’s coveted Pulitzer Prize in
Journalism for a series of articles
predicting the outbreak of World War II.
arlos P. Romulo
Camiling Central Elementary
School during his basic
education, manila high school
for secondary, after he
complete high school he He later received a degree from
completed his studies at the the University of Notre Dame in
University of the Philippines at South Bend, Indiana, in 1935.
Manila in 1918, he moved to
New York City to attend
Columbia University,
graduating in 1921.
iterary Works

I Walked with Heroes (1961) Last man off Bataan (1943) Mr. United Nations (1983)
iterary Works

The Magsaysay story (1956)

Crusade in Asia: Philippine Victory
ylvia L. Mayuga
She was born on 1943
in Manila

She was also a journalist, poet,

and documentary filmmaker at
Passed away on Dec. 31, 2019 various times in her life
at the age of 77
ylvia L. Mayuga
She studied at St. Scholastica’s
College and has a B.A. in She is best known as a member of
English from St. Therese Women Writers in Media Now
College in Manila and earned a
(WOMEN), a group of women
degree of M.A. in Comparative
Journalism from Colombia
writers who wrote about pressing
University in New York where issues of the country during
she graduated magna cum Ferdinand Marcos’ Martial Law.
iterary Works

Spy In My Own Country (1981) Earth, Fire, And Air (1992) Between the Centuries (2004)
iterary Works

Virtual Nation: Insights into

Huling Ptyk: The Art and Life of Contemporary Philippine (2013)
Nonoy Marcelo (2005)
fredo N. Salang
Al a
He was born on Alfredo "Freddie" Navarro
September 13, 1948, in Salanga was a Filipino literary
critic, columnist, journalist,
novelist, poet, fictionist, editor,
and multi-awarded writer. He
Died on October 15, 1988 was nicknamed "Daddy Giant".

He was married to Alicia

Loyola with whom he has
three children.
fredo N. Salang
Al a
In 1969, Salanga obtained a
Bachelor of Arts degree from the
Ateneo de Manila University. He He had been a member of the
was a former secretary-general of following associations: the
the Writers Union of the
International PEN, Philippine
Philippines, a former director of the
Philippine Board on Books for
Chapter, the Philippine's National
Young People, a former director of Press Club, the Association for
the Pinaglabanan Galleries, a Philippines-China Understanding,
former trustee of the Philippine the Philippine-British Society, and
Literary Arts Council (PLAC), and a the Art Association of the
former Director-General of the
People's Movement for Press
Freedom Task Force for the
People's Right to Know.
fredo N. Salang
Al a
He wrote social and political Alfredo Navarro Salanga, a
commentary for a weekly news consistent writer of Philippines
magazine upon his return. Panorama Magazine in his column
After Martial Law was imposed, “Post-Prandal Reflections” aptly
Salanga put out a mimeographed
said it: “darkness in the mind and
newsletter which caused his arrest
in 1973. Upon his release, he soul is how some forgotten poet
returned to Mindanao and set up puts it. Its suddenness was so
the Department of Communication profound that we couldn’t but
of Ateneo de Davao. He also react to it in any other way.”
worked with a number of social

development foundations and

edited the San Pedro Express. His opinion column won an
award in Panorama magazine,
Catholic Mass Media Award.
iterary Works

The Aglipay Question: Literary The Birthing of Hannibal Valdez The Farmer/The Farmer's Son
and Historical Studies (1982) (1984) (1984)
iterary Works

Commentaries Meditations Versus: Philippine Protest Poetry, Writings in Protest, 1972-1985

Messages A Parable 1983-1986
Cycles and Confessions (1985) (1986) (1993)
ylvia M. Ventura
She was born on
Year 1929 University of the Philippines
Emeritus Professor of English
and former UP Press Director,
Mendez Ventura received her
Died on August 25, 2016, Her A.B. (English) from Barnard
cremated remains are in College and her M.A.
Resurrection 1 Chapel,
(English) from Columbia
Arlington Memorial Chapels in
Quezon City, She was 87. University.
ylvia M. Ventura
Paz Policarpio Mendez, Mendez
Ventura’s mother, She was a
Mauro Mendez, Mendez Ventura’s pioneering suffragist, and former
father, He was a Philippine Professor of English at the
Ambassador to Japan (1962-1964)
University of the Philippines,
and Philippine Secretary of Foreign
Affairs (1964-1965). University of Santo Tomas and
Centro Escolar University, where
she also served as College of
Education Dean and English
Department Chair.
iterary Works

José Rizal (Great Lives Series) (1992)

iterary Works

Benigno Aquino (Great Lives Series) (1995)

iterary Works

Carlos P. Rómulo (Great Lives Series) The Termite Queen and Other Classic
Philippine Earth Tales (A Treasury of
Supremo: The Story of Andrés
Philippine Folk Tales) (1997) Bonifacio (2001)
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