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Task Day 06 - Soal, KJ - Pembahasan - Mr. Idp Pretest PPG Class

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TASK 06 – Mr.


1. The following are some activities in the classroom that are intended to enable
students to create an informative video about how to stay healthy in the pandemic
1.The students watch some videos on how to stay healthy in the pandemic time.
2. The students find information about Covid 19 from trusted websites
3.The students cut pictures of how to wash hands and arrange them in correct
4. The students create a script for the informative video.
Activities that represent the implement of TPACK in project based learning are
shown on number
A. 1 dan 3
B. 2 dan 4
C. 1 dan 2
D. 1 dan 4
E. 3 dan 4

2. Indicator: Students are able to understand the contextual meanings related to the
social functions, text structure, and language elements of oral and written news
items, in the form of several simple news themes.
To assess the attainment of the indicator, the teacher can ask the students to .....
A. compose a news item text
B. find differences and similarities of several news items
C. upload their news item text on their social media
D. answer several questions about news item

3. Emma: Would you like to come over for a meal? I do a wonderful curry.
Juan: I'd love to, what time shall I come?
Based on the dialogue above, the expression used by Juan means...
A. Invite someone
B. Allowing the invitation
C. Decline the invitation
D. Accept the invitation

4. Dear Dr. Post,

It is with great pride that I fully endorse Amy Allen as your next prenatal Nurse for
Redwood Hospital. I worked side by side with Amy for many years and can tell
you that she has a strong sense of dedication and responsibility to her patients. As a
nurse, Amy exudes professionalism that affects her patients and everyone around
her. She is respected and well-liked by the nursing staff here and she has often
been used as a resource by other nurses for difficult cases.

Amy has enough education and experience to be a great prenatal nurse. If you need
any more details, please feel free to call me at 555-222-4221.
Sincerely Yours,

Dr. B. W. Gorder

From this email, we may conclude that ....

A. Dr. Post accepts Dr. Gorder on Amy's recommendation
B. Dr. Gorder offers a good recommendation about Amy
C. Amy's recommendation is accepted by Dr. Gorde
D. Amy is accepted to work for Dr. Post due to Dr. Gorder's letter

5. The basic competence is students are able to analyze the current information
correctly. In the classroom, teacher gives students some tasks and worksheet from
internet, then ask students to solve it. In this case, teacher uses.....
A. Contextual Learning
B. Problem Based Learning
C. Inquiry Based Learning
D. Cooperative learning

6. Us publication Rolling Stone magazine is … launch in China. The magazine, …

should hit shelves early next year, will focus on China’s emerging youth culture as
well as foreign arts and entertainment.
A. to – which
B. will – to which
C. to – where
D. to – it
E. will – where
7. In reality, though, stars are always moving, but because of the tremendous
distance between the stars themselves and of the stars to earth, the changes are
barely perceptible. An example of a rather fast-moving star demonstrates why star-
like Bernard’s star to move a distance in the skies equal to the diameter of the
earth’s moon. When the negligible movement of the star is contrasted with the
movement of the planets, the stars are seemingly unmoving.
According to the passage, the distances between the stars and earth are…
A. Huge
B. Negligible
C. Moderate
D. Perceptible
E. Fixed

8. Kamal is feeling very happy because he win the 100m race.

What is the best idiom to express the situation above?
A. all ears
B. on cloud nine
C. raining cats and dogs
D. feeling blue

9. Robi
I’ve just received a phone call from Andi. He said, Dini’s mother is hospitalized
now. She got an accident two days ago. Her left arm and her left leg were broken.
We will visit her at the hospital after school. Will you join us? Please inform us as
soon as possible.


9. Who got a phone call from her friend?

A. Andi
B. Dini
C. Robi
D. Asti

10 – 11
Gorillas are the largest of all the primates. A male gorilla can be 180
centimeters tall and can weigh 200 kilograms. Gorillas are very strong but
they do not often fight. In fact they are peaceful animals. Gorillas live in small
family groups of about 15. In a group there is one strong, older male, some young
males, and a few females with their babies. They move slowly around a large area
of jungle eating leaves and bushes.
In some ways gorillas are very like humans. When they are happy, they laugh
and wave their arms. When they are angry, they beat their chests. When they are
sad, they cry. But they cry quietly, without any tears.

10. What is the text about?

A. Describe gorilla
B. Describe gorilla generally / in general
C. Describe gorilla specifically
D. Retell about gorilla

11. What is the type of the text?

A. Report
B. Description,
C. Recount
D. Explanation

No 12 - 13
Birthday Boy
Vachel Lindsay

When I was one

It was so much fun.
When I was two
The world was new.
Then I turned quickly
Into a boy of three.
One year more
And I was four.
Now I’m happy to say
I’m a year older today.
And soon you’ll see
Another birthday party for me

12. How old will the boy be?

A. He will be 7
B. He will be 6
C. He will be 5
D. He will be 4

13. Two sequenced lines which have rhyme are ..

A. line 1 and 2
B. line 2 and 3
C. line 3 and 4
D. line 4 and 5

14. You are assigned to work at an underdeveloped school, poor teaching and
learning activities lack of media learning resources, as well as low motivation
student. What efforts are you going to do there to deal with this?
A. I will list the school need and writer it on the news paper
B. I invite the school committee to participate in the procurement of media and
C. I suggest to the education office to prioritize the program for this school
D. I will sacrifice myself trying my best and my mind to find new ways to develop
the school
E. I asked the principal and teachers to improve the school quality

15. Pay attention to the following text!

Schools at present still rely on standardized testing procedures because they have
only one correct response, such as multiple-choice or true-false questions, and
because they are easily administered and scored using objective criteria. ETS, the
largest private educational testing and measurement organization in the world,
states that standardized test povide fair, valid and reliable assessment that produce
meaningful results and can eliminate bias and prevent unfair advantages by testing
the same or similar information under the same testing conditions.

A substantial move in testing is evedent however. Authentic assessments directly

examine student perpormance on worthy intellectual tasks, present the student with
tasks found in the best instructional activities and real life and determine whether
the student can craft polished, thorough and justifable answers, performances or
products. The most common authentic assessment procedures involve the students
performing tasks and the teacher using rubrics to establish scores based on how
well the final demonstrations match the criterion.
The underlined word they in paragraph 1 refers to ....
A. testing procedures
B. criteria
C. Schools
D. questions

16. She was not perfect for sometimes her passion in teaching was too intense. But
one thing we always knew was that she wanted to inculcate a love of words and
language to all of us, and to make us better, caring people. She, of course, was an
English teacher in my 10th grade. During my year with her, the girls began to write
poetry because of her direction and encouragement and at the end of the year we
published a journal of our writing. I would like to give you an example of her
teaching method: One day she wrote on the board, “Eschew Obfuscation”. Then
she spoke about the importance of writing well and intelligently but without losing
sight of our readers. For those of you who might not be familiar with those words,
it means “avoid confusion.’
What is the passage about?
A. My idol teacher.
B. The styles of my idol
C. My ideal teacher.
D. The teaching style of my teacher.

17. A learner is proficiently competent at conversations and class discussions.

What is her/his level of proficiency?
A. Beginner.
B. Intermediate.
C. Advanced
D. Post intermediate

18. Consider the following phenomenon:

“James is a type of student who likes to have physical movements to learn
English”. What learning activity is suitable for such a student?
A. Memorizing a transactional text.
B. Observing a modeled drama.
C. Listening to a recording
D. Simulating situational episodes.

19. A teacher designs an evaluation based on indicators and objective learning that
has been determined in the lesson plan. The evaluation is intended to examine the
weakness of students and their causal factors, so the right type of evaluation is
choosen by the teacher is ….
A. Formative evaluation
B. Summative evaluation
C. Selective evaluation
D. Diagnostic evaluation

20. What elements are to be included in formulating an instructional objective?

A. Target audience, entry behavior, content, and condition.
B. Audience, target behavior, facilities and content.
C. Audience, target behavior, condition and degree.
D. Communicative purpose, text structure, linguistic features and content.

21. If students prefer to make use of sight during the instructional process of
learning English, the recommended instructional aid to employ is ….
A. diorama
B. Ipod
C. potcast
D. headset

22. Consider the following statement:

1)To help a school principal to improve the quality of the school facilities.
2)To provide opportunities for students to reflect their learning and plan further
3)To help a teacher to measure students’ achievement in terms of core and basic
4)To let students think about appropriate learning strategies to improve their
5)To give comprehensive information of students’ achievement to parents.
Which statements characterize ‘assessment as learning’?
A. (2) and (5).
B. (3) and (5).
C. (1) and (3).
D. (2) and (4).

23. Pay attention to the following text!

In the past years the use of television and internet has increased; this situation has
caused many people to change their likes and the way that they enjoy free time.
Because of television and the internet, many people spend less time reading, so the
purpose for this essay is to present reasons why should read just for pleasure? The
first reason that I give you to enjoy reading is that when you read, you can expand
your knowledge and also your culture. There are a lot of good books in which you
can find history, novels, tragedies, comedies, and bariety of other themes. You can
see that people who read may often frequently have a bigger knowledge of life and
also a boigger perspective of their environment.

The second reason to read more often is that through books you can have fun and
even travel in your imagination. Children have not yet lost the ability of getting
into their dreams, and because of this, in their first years the parents read a lot of
tales in which they use their imangination. Adults should try to keep ability. So we
do not forget the importance of the use of the imagination. The imagination also
represents a tool use that could help you to develop your profesional career in a
creative way. In conclusion, I recommend that you enjoy reading more often.
There are excellent reasons for doing it; you just have to want to expand your
and your culture, to improve your imagination and also your vocabulary. I know
that we should evolve with the technology; that is, it is good to know how to
navigate in the internet, but we must also not forget the books. Try to choose good
books at the beginning, and then I ensure you that you never will stop reading.

23. What the benefits of reading based on the text above?

A. By reading, we can search unlimited number of information.
B. By reading, we can expand your knowledge and also culture, through book, we
can have fun and even traveled in our imagination.
C. By reading, we can improve our imagination and logical thinking.
D. By reading, we can get more information and knowledge.
24. “Tourism industries will not give much benefit for local people if, for example,
multinational hotel chains don’t care about the surrounding nature ....”
This sentence shows ... relationship
A. conditional
B. effect-cause
C. contrast
D. cause-effect

25. A student who like to stay alone and tends to have just few but very deep
friends. This student commonly like to be quiet and enjoy working with problem
solving and tasks involving long- term memory. Such student can be categorized as
… learner.
A. a tolerant of ambiguity
B. an intolerant of ambiguity
C. an introvert
D. an extrovert


1. D. 1 dan 4
Kata kunci pada soal : informative video , to stay healthy.
to enable students to create an informative video about how to stay healthy in the pandemic time.

2. D. answer several questions about news item

Kata kunci pada soal :
Students are able to understanding the contextual meanings
3. D. Accept the invitation
Juan: I'd love to, what time shall I come?
Dengan senang hati, jam berapa saya harus datang?

4. B. Dr. Gorder offers a good recommendation about Amy

It is with great pride that I fully endorse Amy Allen as your next prenatal Nurse for Redwood
Endorse = recommend

5. B. Problem Based Learning

Kata kunci pad soal :
to analyze the current information correctly
then ask students to solve it
Pembelajaran berbasis masalah merupakan sebuah pendekatan pembelajaran yang menyajikan
masalah kontekstual sehingga merangsang peserta didik untuk belajar. Dalam kelas yang
menerapkan pembelajaran berbasis masalah, peserta didik bekerja dalamtim untuk memecahkan
masalah dunia nyata (real world).

6. A. to – which
Tobe + to verb (bentuk formal dari future menggantikan will/ tobe going to)
The magazine, … should hit shelves….. (titik-titik membutuhkan relative pronoun pengganti

7. A. Huge
Tertulis di kalimat pertama, but because of the tremendous distance between the stars themselves
and of the stars to earth.

8. B. on cloud nine
Artinya = very happy

9. D. Asti
I’ve just received a phone call from Andi. The sender is ASTI

10. B. Describe gorilla generally / in general

Perhatikan judulnya hanya satu kata GORILLAS

11. A. Report
To presents information about something, as it is.
Generic Structure:
1. General classification
2. Description
12. B. He will be 6
One year more
And I was four.
Now I’m happy to say
I’m a year older today. Bermakna next birthday = 6

13. A. line 1 and 2

When I was one
It was so much fun.
Memiliki bunyi akhiran yang sama

14. D. I will sacrifice myself trying my best and my mind to find new ways to develop the school
Guru harus memiliki integritas.

15. A. testing procedures

Perhatikan Frasa nya, membicarakan option A.
because they have only one correct response, such as multiple-choice or true-false questions, and
because they are easily administered and scored using objective criteria.

16. D. The teaching style of my teacher

Text tersebut tentang metode/ style dari gurunya
I would like to give you an example of her teaching method

17. C. Advanced
Proficient = mahir

18. D. Simulating situational episodes.

Kata kunci pada soal : physical movements,
Cocok dengan aption D

19. D. Diagnostic evaluation

Kata Kunci : to examine the weakness of students

20. C. Audience, target behavior, condition and degree.

Tujuan Pembelajaran: ABCD
PRINSIP tujuan pembelajaran
harus mengandung unsur-unsur yang disebut sebagai ABCD.
❖ A: Audience artinya SIAPA yang menjadi sasaran dari pembelajaran kita.
Audience bisa siapa saja peserta pembelajaran, misalnya: peserta pelatihan,
santri, mahapeserta didik. Dalam hal ini, audience kita adalah peserta didik.
❖ B: Behaviour adalah PERILAKU apa yang kita harapkan dapat ditunjukkan
oleh peserta didik setelah mengikuti pembelajaran. Perilaku ini dirumuskan
dengan kata kerja yang kita tuliskan setelah frase pendahuluan (peserta didik
dapat...). Perilaku menggambarkan ranah dari pembelajaran. Oleh sebab itu
posisinya penting dalam merumuskan tujuan pembelajaran Contoh perilaku
ini adalah: menendang bola (psikomotor), memahami peraturan pertandingan
basket (kognitif), menunjukkan dukungan (afektif).
❖ C: Condition merupakan KONDISI dimana perilaku (behavior) tersebut
ditunjukkan oleh peserta didik. Misalnya, secara berpasangan dengan
temannya, dalam permainan 3 on 3, menghindari rintangan kayu.
❖ D: Degree adalah KRITERIA atau tingkat penampilan seperti apa yang kita
harapkan dari peserta didik. Contohnya: 90% akurat, sebanyak 3 kali, 8 kali
berhasil dari 10 kesempatan melakukan.

21. A. diorama = picture/ gambar atau pemandangan 3 dimensi

Hal ini sesuai denga kata kunci pada soal = prefer to make use of sight
lebih suka memanfaatkan penglihatan

22. D. (2) and (4)

Kata kuncinya : STUDENTS
Assessment of learning : Digunakan oleh sekolah untuk menentukan kelulusan siswa
Assessment for learning : Digunakan oleh guru untuk mengetahui tingkat ketercapaian siswa dan
memperbaiki proses pembelajaran selanjutnya
Assessment as learning : Digunakan oleh SISWA untuk mengetahui kekuatan dan
kelemahannya dalam pemahaman pembelajaran sehingga dapat memilih cara belajar yang paling
cocok untuknya.

23. B. By reading, we can expand your knowledge and also culture, through book, we can have
fun and even traveled in our imagination.
PARAGRAPH 01 : you can expand your knowledge and also your culture
PARAGRAPH 02 : through books you can have fun and even travel in your imagination

24. A. conditional
Ada penggunaan IF

25. C. an introvert
INTROVERT = tetutup

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