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Exam 4-Day 4

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Exam 4 (d) 0.

59 grams
(e) 2.5 grams
Encircle the correct answer. 7.For every 100 pounds of iron ore there are 27.8
pounds of magnetite, Fe3O4. What is the weight
percent iron in this ore?
1. Some metals are found in the uncombined free (a) 72.3%
state while other metals are found in the (b) 20.1%
combined state. What is a deciding factor? (c) 27.8%
(a) Metals with negative reduction potentials can (d) 16.7%
occur in the free state while metals with positive (e) 23.1%
reduction potentials occur in the combined state. 8. A reaction sequence for the reduction of one of
(b) The active metals can occur in the free state the iron ores is as follows:
while the less active metals occur in the combined 2 C(coke) + O2 →2 CO
Fe2O3 + 3 CO → 2 Fe + 3 CO2
(c) Metals with positive reduction potentials can
Calculate the amount of coke necessary to
occur in the free state while metals with negative
produce 800 g of Fe.
reduction potentials can occur in the combined
(a) 114 g
(b) 1030 g
(d) There is no way we can predict which metals
(c) 258 g
will be free or combined.
(d) 172 g
(e) none of the above
(e) 544 g
2.Soluble metal compounds tend to be found in
9.What is the charge on the copper ion in the
the _____, whereas insoluble metal compounds
mineral azurite, Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2?
tend to be found in the _____ .
(a) 2+
(a) oceans; earth's crust
(b) 1+
(b) earth's crust; oceans
(c) 0
(c) salt beds; oceans
(d) 1-
(d) oceans; salt beds
(e) 2-
(e) rivers; oceans
10.How many coulombs of electricity are required
3.In the process known as 'roasting,' a(n) _____
to produce one metric ton (1000 kg) of
is chemically converted to a(n) _____.
magnesium? There are 96,500 coulombs in one
(a) sulfide; oxide
(b) carbonate; oxide
MgCl2 → Mg(l) + Cl2
(c) hydroxide; oxide
(a) 4.0 x 109 coulombs
(d) oxide; sulfate
(b) 2.0 x 109 coulombs
(e) phosphate; phosphide
(c) 7.9 x 109 coulombs
4.Which metal can be found as the free element?
(d) 1.2 x 1012 coulombs
(a) Na
(e) 5.3 x 108 coulombs
(b) Mn
11. Which of the following is NOT true for the
(c) Fe
(d) Cr Group 1A elements?
(a) Most of them are soft, silvery corrosive metals.
(e) Pt
(b) Their atomic radii increases with increasing
5.The Hall-Heroult process is used in the
molecular weight.
production of:
(c) They are named the alkaline earth metals.
(a) Mg
(d) They are excellent conductors of heat and
(b) Fe
(c) Al
(e) They exhibit a +1 oxidation state in
(d) Au
(e) Cu
12. Which element group is the most reactive of
6.How much magnesium can be obtained from
all the metallic elements?
one pound of seawater if the concentration
(a) alkali metals
of Mg2+ is 0.13 weight percent? Assume 100%
(b) alkaline earth metals
(c) coinage metals
(a) 1.7 grams
(d) transition metals
(b) 1.3 grams
(e) Group 2B metals
(c) 0.35 grams
13. In a surprisingly large number of their (b) [Ar] 4s2 3d2
properties beryllium resembles aluminum, and (c) [Ar] 3d5
boron resembles silicon. Such a relationship is (d) [Ar] 3d4
called: (e) [Ar] 4d1 3d3
(a) amphoterism 21. The nitrate of which of the following cations
(b) an allotropic relationship would exhibit paramagnetism to the GREATEST
(c) a diagonal relationship extent?
(d) the periodic law (a) Co3+
(e) an isoelectronic series (b) Cr3+
14. Which of the following properties of the (c) Fe3+
alkaline earth metals decreases with increasing (d) Mn3+
atomic weight? (e) V3+
(a) ionic radii 22. Some element groups of the periodic table are
(b) ionization energy more likely to contain elements that are gases
(c) atomic radii than other groups. Which of the following groups
(d) activity contains the greatest number of gaseous
(e) atomic number elements?
15. Of the following oxides, the most basic is: (a) IA
(a) MgO. (b) IIA
(b) Na2O. (c) IVA
(c) P2O3. (d) VIA
(d) BeO. (e) VIII (or 0)
(e) SO2. 23. Which of the following is NOT true for the
16. A 300 g sample of CaCO3 was heated until halogens?
10.0 L of CO2 was collected at 50.0oC and 742 (a) They are nonmetals.
torr. What percentage of the (b) They show the -1 oxidation number in most of
CaCO3 had decomposed? their compounds.
(a) 6.84% (c) The electronic configuration of their outermost
(b) 9.10% electrons is ns2 np6.
(c) 12.3% (d) Their compounds with metals are generally
(d) 15.8% ionic in nature.
(e) 20.6% (e) Elemental halogens exist as diatomic
17. What mass of lithium nitride could be formed molecules.
from 104 g of lithium and excess nitrogen gas? 24. Which of the following substances is the
(a) 35 g strongest reducing agent?
(b) 60 g (a) Cl2
(c) 105 g (b) Cl-
(d) 140 g (c) Br2
(e) 174 g (d) Br-
18. The most abundant metal in the earth's crust (e) I2
is: 25. Chlorine gas is prepared commercially by:
(a) Cu (a) electrolysis of carbon tetrachloride.
(b) Fe (b) oxidation of chloride ion with F2(g).
(c) Na (c) electrolysis of NaCl(aq).
(d) Al (d) oxidation of chloride ion with Br2(aq).
(e) Ca (e) electrolysis of AlCl3(aq).
19. Which element has the electron configuration 26. Which one of the following does not correctly
[Ar] 3d7 4s2? describe one or all of the hydrogen halides, HX?
(a) Fe (a) Their aqueous solutions are acidic.
(b) Co (b) HF has the lowest of the H-X bond energies.
(c) Cr (c) HI is the largest.
(d) Ti (d) HCl has the lowest boiling point.
(e) Zn (e) HF exhibits hydrogen bonding.
20. What is the electron configuration of 27. Of the oxyacids listed below, which one
Mn3+ ion? possesses the greatest acid strength in water?
(a) [Ar] 4s2 3d10 (a) HClO4
(b) H2CO3 34. What maximum mass of sulfuric acid can be
(c) H3BO3 produced from the sulfur contained in 100
(d) HClO kilograms of iron pyrite that is 75.0% FeS2?
(e) HBrO (a) 84.4 kg
28. Draw the correct Lewis formula for chlorous (b) 123 kg
acid. The structure contains ___ single bonds, (c) 136 kg
___ double bonds and ___ lone pairs of electrons. (d) 144 kg
(a) 2, 1, 5 (e) 168 kg
(b) 3, 0, 7 35. In which one of the following is the oxidation
(c) 1, 2, 4 state of nitrogen given incorrectly?
(d) 2, 1, 5 (a) N2O3, +3
(e) none of these (b) N2H4, +2
29. Which of the following has a pyramidal (c) HNO3, +5
structure (molecular geometry)? (d) NaNO2, +3
(a) CBr4 (e) H2N2O2, +1
(b) PF3 36. Which of the following does not correctly
(c) BF3 describe ammonia?
(d) OF2 (a) pyramidal molecule
(e) BrCl (b) polar molecule
30. Which statement about the Group VIA (c) extremely soluble in water
elements is false? (d) forms basic aqueous solutions
(a) All have an outer electronic configuration of (e) none of these
ns2 np4. 37. Which compound gives photochemical smog
(b) The electronegativity of Group VIA elements a brownish color?
decreases as one goes down the group. (a) NO
(c) Most are found in sulfide deposits. (b) HNO2
(d) Oxygen has the highest boiling point and (c) NO2
melting point. (d) N2O4
(e) Polonium has the smallest first ionization (e) N2O3
energy. 38. What is the major mineral present in
31. Which statement about the Group VIA phosphate rock?
hydrides is false? (a) Ca3(PO4)2
(a) H 2S, H2Se and H2Te are all gases at room (b) Na2HPO4
temperature and atmospheric pressure. (c) Ca10(PO4)6F2
(b) All are colorless. (d) NaH2PO4
(c) All except H 2O are toxic. (e) Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2
(d) H2Po has the lowest boiling point. 39. The ______ sphere is enclosed in brackets in
(e) All are covalent compounds. formulas for complex species, and it includes the
32. Which acid listed on the right cannot be central metal ion plus the coordinated groups.
obtained by adding water to the substance on the (a) ligand
left? (b) donor
(a) H2S2O7 - sulfuric acid (c) oxidation
(b) SeO2 - selenous acid (d) coordination
(c) SO3 - sulfuric acid (e) chelating
(d) SO2 - sulfurous acid 40. In coordination chemistry, the donor atom of
(e) TeO2 - tellurous acid a ligand is
33. Which of the following statements about (a) a Lewis acid.
sulfuric acid is false? (b) the counter ion
(a) It is a strong acid. (c) the central metal atom.
(b) One mole of sulfuric acid reacts completely (d) the atom in the ligand that shares an electron
with two moles of potassium hydroxide. pair with the metal.
(c) The sulfur atom is sp2 hybridized. (e) the atom in the ligand that accepts a share in
(d) It is often present in acid rain. an electron pair from the metal.
(e) During the dilution of sulfuric acid, the correct 41. Consider the coordination compound,
method is to add sulfuric acid to water. Na2[Pt(CN)4]. The Lewis acid is
(a) [Pt(CN)4]2-
(b) Na+ (d) +2
(c) Pt (e) +3
(d) Pt2+ 47. (Valance Bond Theory) Magnetic
(e) CN- measurements indicate that [Co(OH2)6]2+ has 3
42. Consider the coordination compound, unpaired electrons. Therefore, the hybridization
K2[Cu(CN)4]. A coordinate covalent bond exists of the metal's orbitals in [Co(OH2)6]2+ is:
between (a) sp3
(a) K+ and CN- (b) sp2d
(b) Cu2+ and CN- (c) dsp2
(c) K+ and [Cu(CN)4]2- (d) sp3d2
(d) C and N in CN- (e) d2sp3
(e) K+ and Cu2+ 48. Which one of the following complexes can
42. Given the list of ligands and their exhibit geometrical isomerism?
corresponding names, choose the pair that (a) [Pt(NH3)2Cl2] (square planar)
(b) [Zn(NH3)2Cl2] (tetrahedral)
(c) [Cu(NH3)4]2+ (square planar)
(a) OH- hydroxo
(d) [Co(NH3)5Cl]2+ (octahedral)
(b) CN cyanide
(e) [Cu(CN)2]- (linear)
(c) Cl- chloro
49. A molecule that cannot be superimposed on
(d) H2O aqua its mirror image is said to exhibit which of the
(e) NH3 ammine following?
43. Select the correct IUPAC name for: (a) geometrical isomerism
[FeF4(OH2)2]- (b) optical isomerism
(a) diaquatetrafluoroiron(III) ion (c) linkage isomerism
(b) diaquatetrafluoroferrate(III) ion (d) reactive isomerism
(c) diaquatetrafluoroiron(I) ion (e) coordination isomerism
(d) diaquatetrafluoroferrate(I) ion 50. In which one of the following species does the
(e) none of these transition metal ion have d 3 electronic
44. Select the correct IUPAC name for: configuration?
[Co(NH3)6]2+ (a) [Cr(NH3)6]3+
(a) hexammoniacobaltate(II) ion (b) [Co(OH2)6]2+
(b) hexaamminecobaltate(II) ion (c) [CoF6]3-
(c) hexammoniacobalt(II) ion (d) [Fe(CN)6]3-
(d) hexaamminecobalt(II) ion (e) [Ni(OH 2)6]2+
(e) hexammoniacobalt ion 51. (Valence Bond Theory) The coordination
45. Which name-formula combination is NOT complex, [Cu(OH2)6]2+ has one unpaired electron.
correct? Which of the following statements are true?
(1) The complex is octahedral.
(2) The complex is an outer orbital complex.
tetraammineaquaiodo (3) The complex is d2sp3 hybridized.
(a) [Co(NH3)4(OH2)I]SO4
cobalt(III) sulfate (4) The complex is diamagnetic.
potassium diamine (5) The coordination number is 6.
(b) K[Cr(NH3)2Cl4]
tetrachlorochromate(III) (a) 1, 4
(c) [Mn(CN)5]2- pentacyanomanganate(II) ion (b) 1, 2, 5
(c) 2, 3, 5
(d) [Ni(CO)4] tetracarbonylnickel(0)
(d) 2, 3
calcium tetrachloro (e) 4, 5
(e) Ca[PtCl4]
platinate(II) 52. (Crystal Field Theory) Which one of the
46. What is the oxidation number of the central following statements is FALSE?
metal atom in the coordination compound (a) In an octahedral crystal field, the d electrons
[Pt(NH3)3Cl]Cl? on a metal ion occupy the eg set of orbitals before
(a) -1 they occupy the t2g set of orbitals.
(b) 0 (b) Diamagnetic metal ions cannot have an odd
(c) +1 number of electrons.
(c) Low spin complexes can be paramagnetic. (b) Δ oct for [Cr(NH3)6]3+ is calculated directly from
(d) In high spin octahedral complexes, Δ oct is the energy of yellow light.
less than the electron pairing energy, and is (c) Δoct for [Cr(OH2)6]3+ is less than Δoct for
relatively very small. [Cr(NH3)6]3+.
(e) Low spin complexes contain strong field (d) A solution of [Cr(OH2)6]Cl3 transmits light with
ligands. an approximate wavelength range of 4000 - 4200
53. (Crystal Field Theory) When the valence d angstroms.
orbitals of the central metal ion are split in energy (e) The two complexes absorb their
in an octahedral ligand field, which orbitals are complementary colors.
raised least in energy? 57. (Crystal Field Theory) Strong field ligands
(a) dxy and dx2-y2 such as CN-
(b) dxy, dxz and dyz (a) usually produce high spin complexes and
(c) dxz and dyz small crystal field splittings.
(d) dxz, dyz and dz2 (b) usually produce low spin complexes and small
(e) dx2-y2 and dz2 crystal field splittings.
54. (Crystal Field Theory) How many unpaired (c) usually produce low spin complexes and high
electrons are there in a strong field iron(II) crystal field splittings.
octahedral complex? (d) usually produce high spin complexes and high
(a) 0 crystal field splittings.
(b) 1 (e) cannot form low spin complexes.
(c) 2 58. Red light has wavelength 690 nm. What is the
(d) 4 frequency of the red light?
(e) 6 a) 2.1 × 1011 Hz
55. (Crystal Field Theory) Consider the complex b) 4.2 × 105 Hz
ion [Mn(OH 2)6]2+ with 5 unpaired electrons. Which c) 2.3 × 10-15 Hz
response includes all the following statements d) 4.3 × 1014 Hz
that are true, and no false statements? 59. Which one answer has the electromagnetic
I. It is diamagnetic. radiation correctly ordered from lowest energy to
II. It is a low spin complex. highest energy?
III. The metal ion is a d5 ion. a) ultraviolet, red, infrared, green
IV. The ligands are weak field ligands. b) radio waves, infrared, orange, violet
V. It is octahedral. c) X-rays, microwaves, yellow, blue
(a) I, II d) green, red, X-rays, ultraviolet
(b) III, IV, V 60. Which one of the following sets of quantum
(c) I, IV numbers for an electron is impossible?
(d) II, V
(e) III, IV
56. (Crystal Field Theory) Consider the violet-
colored compound, [Cr(OH2)6]Cl3 and the yellow
compound, [Cr(NH3)6]Cl3. Which of the following
statements is false?
61. Which one of the following electron
configurations is paramagnetic?
A) 1s2 2s2 2p6
B) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2
C) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p4
D) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10
62. Which one of the following molecules or ions
has a central atom that does not have an octet
of valence electrons around it?
a) H2O
b) PCl3
c) NO3 –
d) Br3 –
(a) Both chromium metal ions are paramagnetic 63. Which one of the following structures is not
with 3 unpaired electrons. isoelectronic with the others in the list?
A) CO2
B) O3
C) N2O
D) NO2 +
64. Which one of the following molecules is not a
polar molecule?
A) NH3
B) BrF3
C) H2O
D) CO2
65. Given the following resonance structures of
benzene, what is the C-C bond order?

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