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Ionic and Covalent Compound - 121125

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Chemistry

For Grade 9
January 14-16, 2023
Xandria Louella Joy M. Sabroso

At the end of the lesson, the Grade 9 students will be able to:
1. Define ionic compound and covalent compound
2. Differentiate ionic compound and covalent compound
3. Appreciate the importance of the uses of the compound
A. Topic
Chemical Bonding- Ionic Compound and Covalent Compound
B. References:
Grade 9 Science Learner’s module page 111-124, internet, curriculum guide
C. Materials
Powerpoint presentation, pictures, chalk and board
D. Science Concept:
 Ionic compounds conduct electricity when in solution but not in solid phase.
 Ionic compounds are generally soluble in water and in polar solvents.
 Covalent compounds are non-conductors of electricity in the solid phase and in solution.
They have a lower melting temperature than compounds formed by ionic bonds.
E. Values Integration

Knowledge, Curiosity, Collaboration

F. Skills

Defining, Differentiating, Appreciating


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer

Everybody please stand up, let’s start first

with a prayer.

May I request _____ to lead the prayer.

2. Greetings
Good Morning class. You may take your seats.

How are you today?

That’s great!

3. Checking of Attendance

Let me check your attendance according to your

seat plan

4. Collecting of Assignment

Class, kindly get your assignment and pass it to

the front.

5. Review of the Past Lesson Chemical Bonding namely; Ionic and

Covalent Bond Ma’am!
Class, what lesson did we discussed


Very Good!
Student’s answer may vary
Who can give me his/her own idea about what is
chemical bonding?

Very well-said!
Ionic and covalent bond Ma’am!
What are two most common type of chemical

Good job! Student’s answer may vary

Who has an idea what is an ionic bond?

Student’s answer may vary

Very Good!

How about covalent bond? Who has an idea?

Very well-said!
Student’s answer may vary
Now, who can give me concepts that involves
in an ionic bond?
Good job! Student’s answer may vary

Who has another idea about its concepts?

Very well-said!

How about the concepts that are involved in a Student’s answer may vary

covalent bond?

Very Good! Polar covalent bond and Nonpolar

covalent bond Ma’am!
Now, what are the two types of covalent bond?

Very Good!
Student’s answer may vary
Now, who can differentiate what is a polar and
non-polar covalent bond?

Good job!

None Ma’am!
Do you have any questions regarding our past

If none, then let’s proceed to our next


B. Motivation:

Before we start our lesson, let’s play group activity

first. You will be divided into two groups, wherein you
decode the word(s) that describes the ionic compound
and covalent compound. Use the number given, and
write your answer on the board.

1. 3-15-13-16-15-21-14-4______________________
2. 13-5-20-1-12-19_________________________
3. 9-15-14-9-3 3-15-13-16-15-21-14-4_____________
4. 14-15-14-13-5-20-1-12-19_____________________
5. 22-1-12-5-14-3-5 5-12-5-3-20-18-15-14__________
6. 3-15-22-1-12-5-14-20 13-5-20-1-12-19__________

C. Presentation of the Lesson:

The words that you have decode awhile ago, is

related to our topic for today which is about the
properties of ionic and covalent compound.

D. Activity

Before we proceed into lesson proper, let’s have an

activity first, wherein you will be divided into two
groups. The task is to read the story and answer the
questions that are being asked.

Activity: Salt Love Story

Directions: Read and understand the story and answer

the questions below.

Once upon a time a lonely Sodium (Sodium has

only 1 valence electron) atom was taking a stroll in
a park. Suddenly it crossed paths with the most
attractive Chlorine (Chlorine has 7 valence
electrons) atom it had ever seen. The attraction
between the two atoms was obvious, so they
exchange phone numbers. After several dates for
coffee, walks on the beach, and watch movie. It was
apparent that the atoms had fall in love. Since
Chlorine has 7 valence electrons and Sodium giving
its 1 electron to Chlorine who just needs 1 more
electron to have a full outer shell. “You complete
me!!!” Chorine atom said. Since one atom is
positive and one atom is negative, the opposite
charges cause them to come together in an ionic
And they became a famous power couple known
as Sodium Chloride also known as Table Salt.
Guide Questions:
1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. How many valence electrons does sodium
and chlorine have?
3. What do you think is the type of bond that
occurs among them?

Who has an idea what is an ionic compound?

How about the covalent compound?

What are the examples of an ionic compound?


As a student, what do you think is the importance of

ionic and covalent compound in our daily life?

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

The activity that you have done awhile ago, is

related to our topic for today which is about
properties of ionic and covalent compound.

So, these are our objectives for today’s

lesson. Please read altogether.

At the end of the lesson, the Grade
9 students will be able to:
1. Define ionic compound and
covalent compound
2. Differentiate ionic compound
and covalent compound
3. Appreciate the importance of
the uses of the compound

Before we delve in our topic for today, let me ask you a

question class. In your respective homes, have you
encountered a time wherein you place the salt and sugar
side by side without any labels?

How will you differentiate the one from the other?

As you can see class, many of these compounds look
physically the same like white sugar and salt. It would
be easier to determine these compounds by tasting
them. However, it is not applicable to many compound
because some of these compounds are toxic and

Compounds are formed between the chemical

combinations of two or more elements.

Now, who can define what an element is?

Very Good!

Who can give me an example of element?

Very Good!

There are two common types of compounds based on

their chemical bonding characteristics namely; ionic
compound and covalent compound.

How will distinguish an ionic compound and a covalent


Very well-said!

To distinguish ionic compound and ionic compound by

taking note of the type of elements that is chemically

Ionic compound is formed from the combination of a

metal and a non-metal element. On the other hand, a
covalent bond is formed from the combination of two
non-metal elements or a metalloid and a non-metal

So how will you determine if an element is a metal,

metalloid, or non- metal in the periodic table of

Good job!

To determine if an element is metal, non-metal, or a

metalloid, you can refer to the location of the elements
in the periodic table of elements.
Now let’s take a look at this example of periodic table
of elements.

As you can see it has legend in determining whether an

element is a metal, non-metal, and metalloids wherein
elements that are metal is colored red, non-metals are
colored in blue and lastly we have metalloids which is
yellow in color.

As you notice in the periodic table of elements, most of

the metals are located in the left side except the
hydrogen element and on the right side is the non-
metals, separated by a stair-like pattern of elements
which are the metalloids.

Now, let’s start with ionic bond which is formed with

the combination of metal and non-metal.

Ionic bond are the electrostatic force of attraction that

holds cations, which are positively charged atoms, and
anions, which are negatively charged atoms, together.

One example of ionic bond is table salt, wherein its

chemical formula is NaCl.

So as you notice in the table, sodium is an example of

metal and Chlorine is a non-metal. In forming the ionic
compound there is a transfer of electron wherein mostly
the metal elements loses the electron and becomes the
cation, and the non-metal elements gains electrons, thus
becoming anion.

Based on our example, which is the table salt, what do

you think is the metal element that is involved in it?
Is it a cation or anion?

Very Good!

Why do you think it is a cation?

Good job!

How about the element that is non-metal in sodium


Very well-said!

Why do you think it is called anion?

Very Good!

Take note class, ionic compound can be identified

through classifying, if the combination of both
elements involves a metal and non-metal and there is a
transfer of electrons that is involved.

Let’s proceed to the common ionic compounds and

their uses.

First, example is sodium bicarbonate or what we

normally known as baking soda.

What do you think are the uses of baking soda?

Who has an idea?

Very Good!

It is used in baking and antacid to reduce stomach acid

and it can be used also used in treating indigestion.

Another example of an ionic compound is sodium

hydroxide, which is used as a cleaning agent. And it is
also a component to soap and detergent that we used in
our daily life.

Now, let’s move on to covalent compound, so it is the

substances that are formed from the chemical
combination of two or more non-metals or a metalloid
and non-metal. In covalent bond, there is sharing of
valence electrons unlike the ionic compound where
there should be a transfer of electron.

Furthermore, the force of attraction between the shared

electrons and the positive nuclei of both atoms holds
the atoms together in the molecule.

Who has an idea of what is a molecule?

Very well- said!

A molecule is the smallest particle of a covalent

compound that has the properties of a compound.

Based on our previous example, we have table sugar

which is sucrose, an example of a covalent compound.

Its chemical formula is C12H22O11. As you notice in the

table, we have carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen which are
all non-metals, thus making it a covalent compound.

Another example of a covalent bond is water.

Who has an idea why water is considered as an

example of a covalent bond?

Very well-said!

So as you notice, water is composed of hydrogen and

oxygen which is both non-metals, wherein it shares
electrons in order to form water molecule.

Now let’s proceed to some common covalent

compound and their uses.

First example is carbon dioxide (CO2), is used as n

refrigerant in fire extinguishers

What do you think are the other uses of carbon


Very Good!

Carbon dioxide is an essential gas that is needed plant

and animal processes like in photosynthesis and cellular
respiration which is part of our previous lessons.

However, what do you think is the effect if there is an

excessive amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

Very well-said!
Excessive amount of carbon dioxide can contribute to
global warming.

Lastly, we have water H2O, which is one of the most

important substances.

What do you think is the importance of water into our

daily life?

Good job!

Water is an essential to life processes, because we need

water for our cells, tissues, and organs.

It regulates our body temperature and is essential for

daily and domestic use. And it also plays an important
role in the balance of the ecosystem.


Activity: Differences in Ionic and Covalent


Directions: List down atleast 10 things you can find in

your house that involves ionic compound and covalent
compound. Answer the guide questions provided
below the table.



1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

Guide Questions:

1. How are you able to identify the things that can be

found in your respective homes, which involves ionic
compound and covalent compound?

2. How did you differentiate ionic and covalent


Ionic and Covalent bonding involves transfer

and sharing of electrons, respectively. How will
you relate this idea to the relationship that you
have with your family and friends? When you give
something, do you expect anything in return?


1. Which of the following statement is TRUE about an ionic compound?

a. It is the combination of metal element and metal element, and it involves sharing of
b. It is the combination of non-metal element and metalloid element, and it involves
sharing of electrons.
c. It is the combination of metal element and non-metal element, and it involves
transferring of electrons.
d. It is the combination of non-metal element and non-metal element, and it involves
transferring of electrons.
2. Which of the following statement is TRUE about a covalent compound?
a. It is the combination of metal element and metal element, and it involves sharing of
b. It is the combination of non-metal element and metalloid element, and it involves
transferring of electrons.
c. It is the combination of metal element and non-metal element, and it involves
transferring of electrons.
d. It is the combination of non-metal element and non-metal element, and it involves
sharing of electron.
3. What do you think about metals based on the two statements below?
Statement A. Covalent bonds have high melting point and high boiling point.
Statement B. Covalent bonds involve sharing of electrons.
a. Statement A is correct. c. Both statement A and B are correct.
b. Statement B is correct. d. Neither statement A nor B is correct.
4. It refers to a positively- charged ion.
a. Anion c. Electron
b. Cation d. Proton
5. It is a negatively-charged ion.
a. Anion c. Electron
b. Cation d. Neutron

Study in advance about the properties of ionic compound and covalent compound.

Submitted by: Checked by:

SCIENCE 9 -Teacher MT-1

Noted by:
Head Teacher IV

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