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Name The Dragon Warrior Total XP

Dwarf Cosm Aysle Unspent
Axioms: Magic Social Spirit Tech Clearance Level

24 16 18 14 Alpha


Charisma Dexterity Mind Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor DEFENSES

6 8 7 8 11 8 24 15 4 Dodge

Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex 8 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex 8
Melee Weapons Dex +3 11 11

Missile Weapons Dex +2 10
Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex 8

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 8

Intimidation Spirit +2 10
Maneuver Dex +1 9
Taunt Cha +2 8
Trick Mind 7
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value 3
Dodge Dex +1 9
Find Mind +1 8
Reality Spirit +1 9
Stealth Dex +1 9
Item Axiom Notes
Survival Mind +1 8
Caltrops 14 Maneuver Favored
Willpower Spirit +1 9
Healing Potion Magic 13 Heals 1 Wound and 1BD Shock
Rope 8 10 meters

Perk Effect
Dragon Warrior Gain Dragon Armor, Dragon’s Breath
Dragon Warrior +Giant Strength (+2 tests/damage)
Darkvision (Racial) Ignore 4 points of Darkness penalties
Armor Axiom Adds Notes
Dragon Armor Aysle +4 Fatigues (2), Max Dex 8

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
Great Axe (melee weapons) 10 Str +4 (17) — — Hit Stymies, Vulnerable on a miss
Dragon’s Breath (missile weapons) Aysle 16 3 10 meters Small Blast, Fire
Unarmed (unarmed combat) — Str +0 (13) — — —

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
Overview Names
The dwarves of Aysle were nearly exterminated by Artala, Bran, Gudrun, Gunnar, Isode, Juki the Red,
Uthorian’s dark forces. The few who remain carry the Karn of Ungbar, Milla, Tworek, Zisa
bitterness and rage of a dying people, and the martial
prowess to do something about it. The champions of Advancement Track (Optional)
dwarven-kind, the best of the best, wear special armor □ (5 XP) Forsaken
to protect and avenge their people. □ (7 XP) Braided
Dragon Warrior armor is the ultimate expression of □ (1 XP) first aid +1
your people’s magic and ingenuity. Each suit is unique,
painstakingly forged from rare metals, inscribed □ (2 XP) reality +2
with runes, and loaded with advanced weapons and □ (3 XP) intimidation +3
gadgets. The dwarves consider dragons embodiments □ (3 XP) missile weapons +3
of rage and power, so it’s no accident these suits are
stylized with draconic images and symbols. □ (4 XP) melee weapons +4
□ (5 XP) melee weapons +5
You’re a heavy-duty front-line fighter. The extremely
high Toughness insures many foes can’t even deal
Shock damage without a lucky hit or Armor Piercing
effects. The great axe makes short work of most
enemies, and Dragon’s Breath is devastating against
groups of opponents with low dodge defenses. Lean
on intimidation to make a foe Vulnerable if hitting is
difficult, or whenever it’s an Approved Action to gain
powerful Destiny cards.

Moment of Crisis
You’ve likely been a Storm Knight for some time. The
crisis may have come during one of the endless battles
against Uthorian’s horde, a moment where all seemed
lost but you stood fast and held the line against the
onslaught. Or perhaps it was a more personal crisis
when a clan member or loved one was in dire need of
a seemingly impossible rescue.

“Actually, most problems can be solved with a battle
axe. Let me show you how it works.“

The dwarf inside the armor is likely scarred mentally
and physically—though the armor never comes off for
anyone to see. Unkempt hair and rough manners are
common expressions of the sense of defeat and failure
that pervades their shattered culture, leaving most
dwarves grim, fatalistic, and rude.

Where other Storm Knights usually fight for freedom
or ideals, you’re consumed with revenge. Your people
are beyond saving, at least as far as most dwarves are
concerned, but there’s still time for payback.
Name The Elven Warden Total XP

Elf Cosm Aysle Unspent

Axioms: Magic 24 Social 16 Spirit 18 Tech 14 Clearance Level Alpha


Charisma Dexterity Mind Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor

8 10 7 8 7 10 30 8 1 Dodge


Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex 10 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex 10
Melee Weapons Dex +1 11

Missile Weapons Dex +3 13 Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex 10

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 10

Intimidation Spirit 8
Maneuver Dex +1 11
Taunt Cha 8 8
Trick Mind +1 8
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value 3
Dodge Dex +2 12
Find Mind +2 9
Reality Spirit +1 10
Stealth Dex +2 12
Tracking Mind +2 9 Item Axiom Notes
Survival Mind +1 8 Healing Potion Magic 13 Heals 1 Wound and 1BD Shock
Rope 8 10 meters
Quiver 9 20 arrows

Perk Effect
Warden Stealth and tracking are Favored
White Wolf Gain a White Wolf companion
Darkvision (Racial) Ignore 4 points of Darkness penalties
Graceful Dexterity tests count as Favored ARMOR
Magic Affinity (Racial) Below Magic Axiom 12 Fatigue causes Armor Axiom Adds Notes
3 Shock Leather Jerkin 8 +1 Torso, Max Dex 12

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
Long Sword (melee weapons) 9 Str +3 (10) — — —
Composite Bow (missile weapons) 13 13 1 20/40/80 —
Unarmed (unarmed combat) — Str +0 (7) — — —

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
Overview Names
Wardens are Ayslish hunters and guardians who Amavae, Cimbar, Feyurit, Lief, Namys of Glaed,
haunt the woods like ghosts, striking at enemies of the Nuvia, Rose, Tierra, Waldir
elves with stealth and guile. The longbow and green
cloak are signatures of the wardens, as are the white Advancement Track (Optional)
wolves many keep as companions. □ (5 XP) Elven Archer
□ (7 XP) Sniper
You’re a ranged combatant through and through. □ (1 XP) lockpicking +1
The longsword is available in a pinch, but it’s usually □ (2 XP) melee weapons +2
better to hang back and focus on your bow. Drawing □ (3 XP) dodge +3
an arrow is a simple action, so you can target two or
three opponents with a single attack. □ (3 XP) stealth +3
One tactic wardens find useful is to keep your wolf □ (4 XP) missile weapons +4
out of direct combat and have it intimidate instead. □ (5 XP) missile weapons +5
This can make the foe Vulnerable to a follow-up attack
with your bow.
If opponents manage to engage your furry friend, use
Active Defense to protect it or soak damage using
your own Possibilities.
Watch out for Zones with a low Magic Axiom like
Core Earth, the Living Land, and Pan-Pacifica, since
elves suffer three Shock when Fatigue appears.

Moment of Crisis
Though the Wardens protect the forests of Aysle from
dark forces, very few become Storm Knights. Your
crisis likely came after following Lady Ardinay on
her foolish quest to Earth. Facing the old foe in such
a different place stirred something that defending the
woods did not. It’s also possible you abandoned duty
to save a dwarf or human, and in that selfless moment

“In the woods, all creatures are either hunters or prey.
I assure you I am not prey.“

Wood elves are known for being quiet and shy,
especially compared to their mystical cousins. Wardens
wear mostly supple leather or densely woven cloth,
just so long as it moves silently. Green is a favored
color, even when outside the woods.

The Elven Warden is privy to a dark secret kept by
the elite among the High Elves, and has come to Core
Earth out of a misplaced sense of guilt. Perhaps if the
High Lords are defeated all the peoples of Aysle may
finally know peace.
Name The Unstoppable Cop Total XP

Human Cosm Core Earth Unspent
Axioms: Magic Social Spirit Tech Clearance Level Alpha

9 23 10 23


Charisma Dexterity Mind Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor

6 8 8 10 8 8 24 12 4 Dodge

Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex 8 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex +2 10
Melee Weapons Dex +1 9

Missile Weapons Dex 8
Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex +1 9

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 9

Intimidation Spirit +3 13
Maneuver Dex 8
Taunt Cha 6 10
Trick Mind 8
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value
Dodge Dex +1 9
Evidence Analysis Mind +1 9
Find Mind +1 9
First Aid Mind +1 9
Item Axiom Notes
Land Vehicles Dex +1 9
Extra Magazines 22 Five reloads for Glock 9mm
Reality Spirit +2 12
Flares (3) 21 Provides light, may start fires
Streetwise Cha +2 8
Flashlight 20 Provides light
Multi-tool 22 Cutters, pliers, screwdriver in one
Police Badge 22 Local legal authority
PERKS Speedcuffs 22 Restrain a target
Perk Effect
Negation May counter foes spending Possibilities
Situational Awareness Play 1 card straight into Action Pool
Armor Axiom Adds Notes
Ballistic Vest 22 +4 Torso, Fatigues, Max Dex 10

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
Baton (melee weapons) 16 Str +2 (10) — — May be used to grapple
Glock 9mm (fire combat) 22 13 15 10/25/40 —
Unarmed (unarmed combat) — Str +0 (8) — — —

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
Overview Names
Even before the High Lords invaded, Core Earth had Alta, Carmen, Cristian, Dani, Gabriel, Jaide, Lani,
heroes capable of amazing feats. Some consistently Marvel, Paz, Rio, Sal
found trouble battling groups of criminals, mercenaries,
or psychos. You were one of those heroes, and Advancement Track (Optional)
dispatching small armies of bad guys was just part of □ (5 XP) Strong-Willed
your job. □ (7 XP) Hard to Kill
The Possibility Raiders represent a threat on a whole □ (1 XP) lockpicking +1
new scale. Gangs, cartels, and even a corrupt conspiracy
ring didn’t make you back down, so why quit now? Like □ (2 XP) streetwise +2
your (former) partner said once, you’re unstoppable. □ (3 XP) fire combat +3
□ (3 XP) reality +3
You’re no stranger to gunplay and are tough enough □ (4 XP) fire combat +4
to take some serious hits without resorting to soaking □ (5 XP) fire combat +5
damage—which you excel at. If forced into melee
combat, try grappling to restrain opponents rather than
depending on straight damage.
Negation is your secret weapon. Blocking a Stormer’s
ability to boost attacks is nothing to scoff at, and
can quickly turn the momentum of any battle. Use
intimidation to soften up your foes. Stymie subtracts
from their total and Vulnerable adds to yours. Since
Negation requires a contest of reality you can take
advantage of both!

Moment of Crisis
Dozens of incidents may have pushed you from hero to
Storm Knight. It might have been the renegade Stormer
using his powers to build a new drug cartel. Or it could
have been the time you pinned and cuffed a rampaging
raptor—people are still talking about that one.

“Put the weird glowing thing down on the ground and
place your hands on your head.“

It’s important to still wear the uniform, even out of
jurisdiction or in places that have been transformed. It
projects normalcy and authority, and the bulletproof
vest doesn’t hurt either. Not everyone likes or respects
the police, but just seeing the blue and the badge still
snaps most people back to reality. Brusque manners
and an intense gaze reinforce that sense of strength.

The Unstoppable Cop just wants to get things back to
normal. Reality has laws too, and these invaders are
breaking them. Cut through the nonsense, stop the
bad guys, and protect the poor innocents caught in the
Name The Realm Runner Total XP

Race Cosm Unspent

Human Core Earth

Axioms: Magic 9 Social 23 Spirit 10 Tech 23 Clearance Level Alpha



Charisma Dexterity Mind Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor

7 8 8 9 8 8 24 9 1 Dodge


Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex 8 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex +1 9
Melee Weapons Dex +1 9 9

Missile Weapons Dex 8
Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex +1 9

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 9

Intimidation Spirit 9
Maneuver Dex 8
Taunt Cha +1 8 9
Trick Mind +1 9
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value
Dodge Dex +2 10
Evidence Analysis Mind +1 9
Find Mind +1 9
First Aid Mind +1 9
Item Axiom Notes
Land Vehicles Dex +1 9
Extra Magazines 22 Five reloads for Glock 9mm
Persuasion Cha +1 8
Flashlight 20 Provides light
Reality Spirit +3 12
Healing Potion Magic 13 Heals 1 Wound and 1BD Shock
Science Mind +1 9
Multi-tool 18 Cutters, pliers, screwdriver in one

Perk Effect
Prodigy +1 Possibility
Realm Runner +4 to reconnect, avoid first disconnect
each act ARMOR
Armor Axiom Adds Notes
Leather jacket 19 +1 Torso

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
Machete (melee weapons) 16 Str +2 (10) — — Survival tests Favored
Glock 9mm (fire combat) 22 13 15 10/25/40 —
Disruptor Grenade (missile weapons) 26 15 2 10/20/30 Small, Non-lethal, deals +1 Shock

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
Overview Names
Realm Runners are humans from Earth who have a Adison, Aidan, Cody, Daryl, Jamie, Lee, Leslie, Regan,
strong, intuitive grasp of reality. Not just the reality Sean, Terry
of Core Earth, but the invading cosms as well. Such
individuals are supremely adaptable, traveling Advancement Track (Optional)
through the invading realms with relative ease and □ (5 XP) Adaptable
picking up tools and concepts that cause contradictions □ (7 XP) Story Teller
with most others. This phenomenon seems unique to
Core Earth. □ (1 XP) streetwise +1
□ (2 XP) trick +2
Tactics □ (3 XP) dodge +3
You are a jack-of-all-trades: reasonably proficient with
most weapons but a master of none. Then again, any □ (3 XP) trick +3
weapon or item you find in any reality is fair game. □ (4 XP) reality +4
Don’t be afraid to try out and use powerful tools from □ (5 XP) reality +5
other realities, even if they might cause Contradictions.
Disconnections still happen, but not as often and it’s
easy for you to reconnect, even in a Pure Zone.
Use any Approved interaction (trick is strongest) to
Stymie opponents or make them Vulnerable. Success
gains you a Destiny card and helps out the team—or
enhances your own chances for a successful follow-
up attack. Your high reality skill lets you Soak damage
very reliably, so you’re much tougher than you look.

Moment of Crisis
Before the invasion, every day was pretty routine.
Then the world was shattered and a deadly choice
presented itself: run in terror like everyone else or stop
a monster from devouring some innocent. Somehow,
blind luck prevailed, the victim was saved, and a
Storm Knight was born.

“Don’t worry guys, I got this!“

Lean and agile, your trademark look is a hodgepodge
of whatever is effective. Denim, leather, and a
mischievous grin are constants. Everything else from
advanced gadgets to magical totems get haphazardly
piled on during journeys to different realms.

On the surface it seems like you are just fooling around,
and perhaps not taking these dangerous situations
seriously enough. Under that exterior, however, you
are deeply concerned for the individuals caught in the
middle of the Possibility Wars. Saving these people
from immediate danger and keeping their spirits up is
your real priority—having fun while you do it is just
a bonus.
Name The Renegade Priest Total XP

Human Cosm Cyberpapacy Unspent
Axioms: Magic Social Spirit Tech Clearance Level

14 18 16 26 Alpha


Charisma Dexterity Mind Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor

8 7 7 11 7 7 21 9 2 Dodge

Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex +1 8 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex 7
Melee Weapons Dex 7 7

Missile Weapons Dex 7
Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex +1 8

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 8

Intimidation Spirit +1 12
Maneuver Dex 7
Taunt Cha +2 10 11
Trick Mind 7
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value
Computers Mind +1 8
Dodge Dex +2 9
Find Mind +1 8
Faith Spirit +3 14
Item Axiom Notes
Persuasion Cha +1 9
Belleview Cyber Eye 26 Find and tracking are Favored
Reality Spirit +1 12
Belleview Low Light 26 Ignore up to –2 Darkness penalties
Stealth Dex +1 8
Cyberdeck 26 Computer skill is Favored
Streetwise Cha +1 9
HardPlas Arm 26 +1 Strength with that arm
Holy Symbol 5 Catholic cross
Perk Effect
Cyberware Belleview Cyber Eye, Low Light MK
II, HardPlas Arm, Trigon Integrated
Miracles Gain miracles (bless, healing, ward
enemy) Armor Axiom Adds Notes
IriMesh Clothing 24 +2 Looks like normal clothing

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
GWI GodBeam Laser (energy weapons) 26 14 15 100/500/1K Short Burst, AP 1, Integrated into
HardPlas arm
Unarmed (unarmed combat) — Str +0 (8) — — Includes HardPlas arm

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
Overview Names
Not every preacher in the Cyberpapacy has fallen Claude, Damien, Dominique, Francis, Honore, Marc,
under Jean Malraux’s sway. Many still believe in Pascale, Tristan, Xavier
a far more benovelent and forgiving deity. These
“renegades,“ as the Antipope calls them, resisted his Advancement Track (Optional)
totalitarian regime, faced the Inquisition, and now □ (5 XP) Protected
fight on the streets with the resistance. □ (7 XP) Miracles (lightning strike)
Tactics □ (1 XP) trick +1
Your miracles mostly provide support: keeping your □ (2 XP) persuasion +2
allies fighting despite their wounds or boosting their □ (3 XP) reality +3
critical abilities. The high-tech armor that lines your
clothing offers good protection, and your high reality □ (3 XP) taunt +3
skill makes Soaking most Wounds easy. □ (4 XP) faith +4
The integrated GodBeam laser in your arm can be a □ (5 XP) faith +5
nasty surprise when things turn violent, but your true
weapon is your interpersonal skills. Persuasion might
avoid trouble entirely, and intimidation or taunt cause
havoc with weak-willed foes.

Moment of Crisis
Your Moment of Crisis was likely a crisis of faith
and conscience as well. The Cyberpope’s flawed and
ruthless vision brought out the lion inside you, and
triggered the transition from “father“ to Storm Knight.
Or perhaps you simply prayed for divine intervention.
The Almighty works in mysterious ways, and instead
of smiting your foes, He gave you a little extra ability
to fight for righteousness.

“It is not with my eye that I see the world as it truly is,
but with my faith.“

The white collar is a well-known symbol for the
church in both Earth and Magna Verita. The sash
worn around the waist varies in color depending on
the priest’s rank and region. The red one you wear
was awarded for merit and good works.
The cybernetic eye is a Belleview model, a common
enough enhancement in the Cyberpapacy, but also
a potential source of trouble if authorities realize it’s
been disconnected from the GodNet.

Spread the love and forgiveness of God. So many only
experience Jean Malraux’s version of religion—the
truly faithful must counter that poison with humility
and kindness.
Name The Cyberwitch Total XP

Human Cosm Cyberpapacy Unspent
Axioms: Magic Social Spirit Tech Clearance Level

14 18 16 26 Alpha


Charisma Dexterity Mind Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor

7 8 10 9 6 8 24 8 2 Dodge


Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex 8 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex +1 9
Melee Weapons Dex 8 8

Missile Weapons Dex 8
Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex +1 9

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 9

Intimidation Spirit +1 10
Maneuver Dex 8
Taunt Cha 7 9
Trick Mind +1 11
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value
Alteration Mind +3 13
Divination Mind +2 12
Dodge Dex +2 10
Find Mind +1 11
Item Axiom Notes
Persuasion Cha +1 8
Hexxer MK II 26 Half Shock from spell failure, add that
Reality Spirit +1 10 as a bonus to next attempt to cast.
Scholar Mind +1 11 Sunglasses 20 Stylish.
Stealth Dex +1 9

Perk Effect
Cyberware Hexxer Mk II
Spell Caster Gain spells (diminish, enhance,
Armor Axiom Adds Notes
IriMesh Clothing 24 +2 Looks like normal clothing

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
GodMeeter (fire combat) 24 15 25 10 /25/40 —
Unarmed (unarmed combat) — Str +0 (6) — — —

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
Overview Names
Witches come from a variety of backgrounds and Aure, Blaize, Faye, Gaea, Jean, Marion, Nicola, Paige,
belief systems throughout Europe, but some have Sable, Viola
truly managed to harness the latent Magical Axiom
and cast spells far beyond anything Core Earth might Advancement Track (Optional)
have supported. □ (5 XP) Spellcaster (scry)
Such power is a threat to Malraux, who has declared □ (7 XP) Spellcaster (pathfinder)
all practitioners of magic “blasphemous.“ You agree, □ (1 XP) taunt +1
and have decided to use your power to protect the
oppressed and topple the tyrannical Antipope. □ (2 XP) unarmed combat +2
Of course, a little help from all this modern technology □ (3 XP) divination +3
won’t hurt. □ (3 XP) dodge +3
□ (4 XP) alteration +4
Enhance is a powerful and flexible spell. Boosting □ (5 XP) alteration +5
your allies’ Strength increases Toughness and melee
damage, while Dexterity improves both attacks and
defenses. Likewise, diminish is a bane to your foes,
hampering attacks or reducing their resistance to
further spells.
Intimidation and trick are your go-to interactions.
Take advantage of the Cyberpapacy’s high Tech
Axiom by using powerful handguns and armor to
supplement your magic. The Hexxer helps mitigate
the Cyberpapacy’s powerful backlash, and even turns
it into an advantage.

Moment of Crisis
Malraux’s regime oppresses all those who don’t agree
with his dictates. Many resisted, and some came to
harm from his legions of corrupt Church Police. You
stood against them, and somewhere along the way
transformed from a rebel to a hero to a Storm Knight.

“Abracadabra might be the last thing you ever hear,
mon ami.“

You hide in crowds or shadows when you can. If
examined closely your Hexxer is a dead giveaway.
It’s an illegal implant with only one purpose: to defy
Malraux’s ban on sorcery!
Once your disguise or cowl is dropped, however, your
unrestrained power is a true terror to behold.

You fight for personal freedom and lash out at
authoritarianism—especially Malraux’s oppressive
and self-righteous regime.
Name The Edeinos Optant Total XP

Edeinos Cosm Living Land Unspent
Axioms: Magic Social Spirit Tech Clearance Level Alpha

1 7 24 6


Charisma Dexterity Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor

6 8 6 11 9 8 24 11 2 Dodge

Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex 8 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex 8
Melee Weapons Dex +2 10 10

Missile Weapons Dex +1 9 Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex +2 10

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 10

Intimidation Spirit +1 12
Maneuver Dex +1 8
Taunt Cha 6 11
Trick Mind 6
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value
Dodge Dex +1 9
Faith Spirit +3 14
Find Mind +1 7
Reality Spirit +1 12
Item Axiom Notes
Stealth Dex +2 10
Totem 5 Bone carving of Lanala
Survival Mind +1 7

Perk Effect
Miracles Gain miracles (healing, strike, ward
Outsider (Racial) –4 persuasion unless edeinos or jakatts ARMOR
Whip Tail Melee attacks are Favored so long as you Armor Axiom Adds Notes
can use your tail
Hrockt Root Armor 3 +2 Torso, Max Dex 10

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
Bite/Claws (unarmed combat) — Str +2 (11) — — —
Hrockt Shoot Spear (melee weapons) 3 Str +2 (11) 1 10/20/40 Throw with missile weapons

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
Overview Names
The reptilian inhabitants of Takta Ker are fierce and Bloodclaw, Dathil, Longjaw, Moonwalker, Razortooth,
savage warriors. The environment is brutal, filled Riscaran, Stormtail, Wildeye
with carnivorous plants, hostile creatures, and giant
carnivores. The edeinos see no contradiction in Advancement Track (Optional)
bringing death to their foes in the name of Lanala, the □ (5 XP) Stone Skin
goddess of life. Death begets life. Decay seeds the soil □ (7 XP) Protected
which brings forth new growth. Optants are priests
who embody Lanala’s way, known as “Keta Kalles.“ □ (1 XP) tracking +1

Most optants remain loyal to Baruk Kaah, but some □ (2 XP) dodge +2
believe the High Lord has actually abandoned Keta □ (3 XP) stealth +3
Kalles, and Lanala’s faithful must now rise against □ (3 XP) melee weapons +3
□ (4 XP) faith +4
Tactics □ (5 XP) faith +5
Your strong arm and sharp “hrockt shoot“ spear are
enough to dispatch most foes. The strike miracle may
enhance your spear when faced with a particularly
tenacious foe. Intimidation interactions are also
useful for softening up opposition. Your defenses
are mediocre (taunts and tricks are your particular
vulnerabilities), but with a high reality you can Soak
most damage.

Moment of Crisis
Lanala commanded the edeinos to bring life to dead
places in other worlds—or so Baruk Kaah said. In
practice though, the sensations of war felt wrong to
you, an affront to Lanala rather than an exultation
of her. The feeling proved true when
turning against Kaah triggered
your transcendence.

“I almost envy the pain you are about to experience.“

It may seem odd for a priest of life to wear a dinosaur
skull and many bones, but death and decay are
just another part of life. These aren’t dead things—
things of stone and metal that were never touched
by Lanala—they were once alive. Like most edeinos
you are informal, lacking the manners and social
boundaries humans take for granted.

The path to Lanala is through the experience
of sensation—pain, pleasure, and rare
feelings beyond both. Baruk Kaah
and the High Lords are threats to
Lanala, but the most important
thing is to feel.
Name The Primitive Hunter Total XP

Human Cosm Living Land Unspent
Axioms: Magic Social Spirit Tech Clearance Level

1 7 24 6 Alpha


Charisma Dexterity Mind Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor

8 10 5 7 10 10 30 11 1 Dodge


Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex 10 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex 10
Melee Weapons Dex +3 13 13

Missile Weapons Dex +2 12
Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex +1 11

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 11

Intimidation Spirit +1 8
Maneuver Dex +1 11
Taunt Cha 5 7
Trick Mind 5
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value
Dodge Dex +1 11
Faith Spirit +1 8
Find Mind +1 6
Reality Spirit +1 8
Item Axiom Notes
Stealth Dex +1 11
Torch 2 Provides light
Survival Mind +2 7
Totem 5 Bone carving of Lanala
Tracking Mind +1 6
War Paint 4 Red, white, and blue

Perk Effect
Animal Companion Gain a Sabre-Tooth Cat companion
(Sabre-Tooth Cat)
Relentless All-Out Attack, 3 shock for +1BD ARMOR
Armor Axiom Adds Notes
Bone and Hide 3 +1 Torso, Max Dex 12

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
Bone Knife (melee weapons) 5 Str +1 (11) — — Breaks on a Mishap
Hrockt Shoot Spear (melee weapons) 5 Str +2 (12) 2 10/20/40 Throw with missile weapons
Unarmed (unarmed combat) — Str +0 (10) — — —

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
Overview Agenda
Humans transformed to the reality of the Living Wars, politics, and organizations just don’t make
Land don’t become Neanderthals as some rumors sense. There is only fighting the enemy right here and
claim. They remain completely human, but are now now. Consequences are complicated, unknowable
perfectly adapted to the harsh physical environment things best left to gods and wizards.
and a low Social Axiom that makes certain thoughts
contradictory. Confusing memories of their pre- Names
transformation life remain, but most just don’t make Andar, Burly, Honda, Leena, Maka, Merron, Novan,
sense anymore. Rayan, Vanna
These humans also hear the voice of Lanala and
worship her the same way the edeinos do. Worshipers
Advancement Track (Optional)
□ (5 XP) Vengeful
are known as “jakkats,“ followers of the ways of Keta
Kalles. Jakkats worship by savoring every sensation □ (7 XP) Whirlwind
life has to offer. □ (9 XP) Hard to Kill

Tactics □ (4 XP) melee weapons +4

You usually just get close and stab or bludgeon your □ (5 XP) melee weapons +5
foes until they stop moving. You can throw your spear
in the rare case where you don’t wish to get too close
to an opponent. All-Out Attack is usually a good
option, either to trigger the Relentless Perk or to take
advantage of the Law of Savagery when it applies.
Maneuver is your interaction of choice, although
intimidation works well in a pinch.
The Sabre-Tooth Cat companion isn’t a full-sized
tiger, but its claws are deadly. Use its maneuver to set
up your own attacks. Be careful with your friend; if
he’s slain it may be awhile before another comes along.

Moment of Crisis
Before the maelstrom bridges landed, you lived
an ordinary life working a job you loved. After
transforming, some spark of your independence
remained. When the weak and soft people from
your old life were attacked, you acted and became
something more. It’s also possible you transformed as
a direct result of your heroic act, as if Lanala or some
other force knew you needed augmented strength and
deadly skills to take your battle to the High Lords.

“How do you fight wearing all those...things?!“

Jakkats don’t wear much clothing. Leather,
teeth, and bone are preferred, since at one
time those things were alive. You also
like body paints, the colors remind you
of your previous life somehow. Most
humans find you aggressive and
blunt, but very physically striking.
Name The Masked Crusader Total XP

Human Cosm Nile Empire Unspent
Axioms: Magic Social Spirit Tech Clearance Level

13 20 18 20 Alpha


Charisma Dexterity Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor

6 8 8 10 8 8 24 9 1 Dodge


Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex 8 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex +2 10
Melee Weapons Dex 8 8

Missile Weapons Dex 8
Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex +2 10

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 10

Intimidation Spirit +5 15
Maneuver Dex 8
Taunt Cha +1 7 10
Trick Mind 8
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value
Dodge Dex +2 10
Evidence Analysis Mind +1 9
Find Mind +2 10
Land Vehicles Dex +1 9
Item Axiom Notes
Reality Spirit +1 11
Cape and Mask 15 Mysterious!
Streetwise Cha +1 7
Extra Magazines 20 Five reloads for Mauser
Flares 20 Provide light
Handcuffs 19 Restrain a captured foe
Tracking Device 20 Sends a homing signal up to 1km
Perk Effect
Brawler +2 damage unarmed
Super Skill +2 intimidation (included), Favored,
based on device, range 20 meters ARMOR
Armor Axiom Adds Notes
Leather Vest 19 +1 Torso, Max Dex 12

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
Mauser Pistol (fire combat) 20 13 10 10/25/40 —
Unarmed (unarmed combat) — Str +2 (10) — — —

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
Overview Names
A group of mysterious men and women have banded Captain Phantom, Crimson Wraith, Night Terror, Red
together to end Pharaoh Mobius’s reign of tyranny. Specter, The Shroud
These heroes are based in Cairo, but travel across
the globe to fight evil. The masks and mystery Advancement Track (Optional)
surrounding them are to protect their loved ones, or □ (5 XP) Super Attribute (Spirit +1)
to foil Mobius’s secret police. Being a hero is a deadly □ (7 XP) Trademark Weapon (Mauser pistol)
calling, especially in a world ruled by villains. A
few rare crusaders hail from Terra, the home of the □ (2 XP) reality +2
invaders, but most are transformed citizens of Core □ (3 XP) fire combat +3
Earth. □ (3 XP) unarmed combat +3
Tactics □ (4 XP) fire combat +4
You are a crack shot and no stranger to fist fights. □ (6 XP) intimidate +6
However, intimidation is your true weapon. Such a
high value makes a “Player’s Call“ result common,
which at worst eliminates a villain’s next action and at
best might cause a foe to run screaming into the night.
Your good reality skill lets you Soak damage well.
Underneath the mask you’re a decent detective. If
your frightened foes aren’t talking, your streetwise or
evidence analysis may provide any missing clues.

Moment of Crisis
Once you were an ordinary citizen, but the same
event that catalyzed your powers was also the tipping
point for your Moment of Crisis. Perhaps you were
in the right place at the right time to stop Mobius’s
minions from pillaging a tomb near Cairo—a tomb
that contained a burial shroud now worn as a cape.
Or maybe an older hero fell, and you picked up his
mantle to avenge him.

“What do you fear?“

A black mask and ragged cape are required apparel—
unless you’re in your secret identity. Either item may
be the magical source of your frightful power, or
perhaps a gadget on your utility belt broadcasts
some kind of fear-inducing field. You usually speak
in a low, serious voice and keep up a grim facade.
That’s all for a calculated effect though, and
your occasional quip or joke reminds everyone a
human being is under that mask.

Justice is your goal. Whether the petty crimes
of small-time thieves or the sweeping atrocities o f
the High Lords, evil must be fought and the guilty
Name The Eccentric Inventor Total XP

Human Cosm Nile Empire Unspent
Axioms: Magic Social Spirit Tech Clearance Level

13 20 18 20 Alpha


Charisma Dexterity Mind Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor

7 8 12 7 6 8 24 7 1 Dodge


Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex +2 10 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex 8
Melee Weapons Dex 8 8

Missile Weapons Dex 8
Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex 8

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 8

Intimidation Spirit 7
Maneuver Dex 8
Taunt Cha +1 8 7
Trick Mind +1 13
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value
Dodge Dex +2 10
Evidence Analysis Mind +1 13
Find Mind +1 13
First Aid Mind +1 13
Item Axiom Notes
Lock Picking Dex +1 9
Audio Transmitter 20 Small and easy to hide
Scholar Mind +1 13
Backpack 14 Be prepared!
Reality Spirit +2 9
First Aid Kit 20 First aid tests are Favored
Science Mind +3 15
Flashlight 20 Provides light
Lockpicks 10 Small and easily concealed
PERKS Radio Receiver 20 Tuned to tracking device/transmitter
Perk Effect Tool Belt 18 Cutters, pliers, screwdriver, and more
Electro-Ray +2 damage if target wet or +4 if soaked, Tracking Device 18 Sends a homing signal up to 1 km
if energy weapons test is a Mishap device
stops functioning for the scene.
Force Field 5 charges, each charge blocks a Wound
and 2 Shock, device, must be activated as Armor Axiom Adds Notes
a simple action. Leather Coat 19 +1 Torso, Max Dex 12

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
Electro-Ray (energy weapons) 20 15 5 10/25/50 Replenishes 1 ammo per round
Unarmed (unarmed combat) — Str +0 (6) — — —

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
Overview Names
You were brilliant, and perhaps a bit odd, even before Captain Capacitor, Dr. Lightning, Joy Buzzer,
the Possibility Wars. After you transformed to fit the Professor Diode, The Spark
pulpy reality of the Nile Empire anything became
possible. Immutable laws of physics are now mere Advancement Track (Optional)
guidelines. You push this new freedom to its limits, □ (5 XP) Situational Awareness
inventing wondrous electronic devices and then using □ (7 XP) Force Field (5 charges)
them against the Possibility Raiders.
□ (9 XP) Electro-Ray (10 charges)
Tactics □ (3 XP) dodge +3
Your Electro-Ray is effective, but it can run out of □ (3 XP) energy weapons +3
charges if used on too many targets too quickly.
Your trick interaction is especially devastating. Many □ (3 XP) reality +3
opponents are weak against trick, and a “Player’s
Call“ result might eliminate even stronger foes when
the circumstances support it.
While your Force Field is operational you can use
its charges to Soak Wounds. It can block two Shock
even if there’s no Wound, but it’s better to save those
charges. Once the Force Field is depleted, or if an
untimely disconnection disables it, you are extremely
susceptible to damage. If possible, hang on to a Destiny
card like Willpower or Action to help reconnect if you
get into a tight spot.

Moment of Crisis
Faced with an onslaught of invaders in Cairo you
turned to science for a way to fight back, and in a
moment of indescribable inspiration (and crisis) you
reassembled a phone, a lava lamp, and a blow dryer
into a deadly energy projector. Alternatively, you
may have transformed while destroying some of your
older inventions and plans before they could fall into
the hands of Mobius and his hordes.

“Whoa, who could have predicted a sudden polarity
inversion would cause an explosion like that. I mean,
other than me. Because I totally called that.“

Your vulcanized rubber lab coat is for work, but
underneath that you’re always ready for a good
party. Your goggles are fashionable in any situation.
You are highly intelligent and well-schooled. You are
confident, happy, and unapologetically weird.

Knowledge is the only path to true victory, and
sometimes sacrifices must be made toward that end.
Saving people and having fun are on your list of
priorities, but science is always at the top.
Name The Monster Hunter Total XP

Human Cosm Orrorsh Unspent
Axioms: Magic Social Spirit Tech Clearance Level

16 18 16 18 Alpha



Charisma Dexterity Mind Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor

5 9 8 10 8 9 27 10 2 Dodge


Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex 9 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex +3 12
Melee Weapons Dex +1 10 10

Missile Weapons Dex 9
Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex 9

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 9

Intimidation Spirit +2 12
Maneuver Dex +1 10
Taunt Cha 5 10
Trick Mind 8
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value
Dodge Dex +1 10
Evidence Analysis Mind +1 9
Find Mind +1 9
Reality Spirit +1 11
Item Axiom Notes
Scholar Mind +1 9
Caltrops (Silver) 14 Maneuver Favored
Science Mind +2 10
Torches 5 Provide light
Tracking Mind +1 9
Adamant Shells 18 2 shots, Armor Piercing 4
Willpower Spirit +1 11
Holy Water Shells 18 2 shots, +2 damage vs evil creatures
Giant Killer Shells 18 +5 damage vs large or larger creatures
PERKS Slayer’s Gun Shells 18 12 shots, standard 14 damage
Perk Effect
Bullet Smith Gain Slayer’s Gun
Medal (Dragon Slayer) +1BD damage vs Large or larger when
Attack is Approved ARMOR
Armor Axiom Adds Notes
Monster Hide Duster 16 +2 Fatigues, Max Dex 10

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
Silver Dagger (melee weapons) 8 Str +1 (9) — 5/10/15 Throw with missile weapons
Slayer’s Gun (fire combat) 18 14 6 50/100/200 Uses special shells above
Webley Revolver (fire combat) 18 14 6 10/25/40 —

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
Overview Names
You are a Victorian, and your world, Gaea, is caught Ashton, Aubrey, Eli, Harper, Marion, Prester, Tanner,
in the grip of the Gaunt Man’s horrors. You weren’t Thomas, Winter
content to be ruled by terror, and so you fought
back. Against all odds you survived, and the various Advancement Track (Optional)
tricks, gadgets, and special weapons you’ve acquired □ (5 XP) Sniper
over years of battling evil have evened the odds □ (7 XP) Bulletsmith (Explosive Shells)
□ (1 XP) trick +1
When the Gaunt Man gathered his dark forces to travel
through the maelstrom bridges and unleash their fury □ (2 XP) maneuver +2
upon Core Earth, you followed to stalk them, just as □ (3 XP) intimidation +3
you’ve always done. □ (3 XP) melee weapons +3
Tactics □ (4 XP) fire combat +4
The special shells in your Slayer’s Gun gives you power □ (5 XP) fire combat +5
and flexibility against specific foes, even outside of
Orrorsh. Whenever you can, investigate what types of
foes are likely to appear and prepare a custom load of
shells to deal with them. Holy Water shells work well
against gospog, a common enemy employed by all the
High Lords. Even once all your specialized shells are
used, your standard ammunition still packs a punch.
You are highly resistant to fear and intimidation, but
extremely vulnerable to taunt interactions. Victorians
are notoriously haughty and intolerant of insults!

Moment of Crisis
Your crisis came long ago on Gaea. Maybe it was a
werewolf, or perhaps it was a vampire. Whatever
it was, it was a product of the Gaunt Man’s evil.
Tracking it back to its lair was foolhardy, but your
attempt triggered a change in you. As a Storm Knight
you finally had the power to fight back.

“It’s easier to stop fearing a thing once you have the
power to destroy it.“

Battling monsters is a dangerous profession, and you
bear numerous scars attesting to that fact. Only some of
those scars are visible. Victorians prefer modest dress,
even in excruciating heat, and you’re no exception.
Your distinctive coat made of strange leather and the
ornately decorated, oversized Slayer’s Gun you carry
are both giveaways to your profession.

The destruction of evil is an imperative. If left to
fester, monsters only become more vile and powerful.
The High Lords, for all their tricks and facades, are
just more monsters for you to stalk and terminate.
Name The Relic Raider Total XP

Human Cosm Core Earth Unspent
Axioms: Magic Social Spirit Tech Clearance Level

6 23 9 23 Alpha


Charisma Dexterity Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor

6 10 9 8 7 10 30 8 1 Dodge


Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex 10 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex +2 12
Melee Weapons Dex +1 11

Missile Weapons Dex 10 Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex 10

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 10

Intimidation Spirit 8
Maneuver Dex +1 11
Taunt Cha 6 8
Trick Mind +1 10
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value
Dodge Dex +2 12
Evidence Analysis Mind +1 10
Find Mind +2 11
First Aid Mind +1 10
Item Axiom Notes
Reality Spirit +2 10
Backpack 8 For carrying treasures
Stealth Dex +1 11
Extra Magazines 19 Five extra magazines
Scholar Mind +1 10
Grappling Hook 10 For swinging and climbing
Survival Mind +1 10
Climbing Gear 23 Use Dexterity to climb
Mobile Phone 23 Phone and applications
PERKS Rope 8 30 meters
Perk Effect Silencers 23 One for each Glock
Indomitable Testing for Active Defense is Favored Torches 5 Provide light
Tenacious Testing to Soak is Favored
Armor Axiom Adds Notes
Leather Jacket 19 +1 Torso, Max Dex 12

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
Two Glock 9mm (fire combat) 22 13 15 10/25/40 —
Machete (melee weapons) 16 Str +2 (9) — — Survival tests become Favored
Unarmed (unarmed combat) — Str +0 (7) — — —

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
Overview Names
Before the Possibility Wars you were interested in Anishaa, Bhaanu, Dara, Ganjan, Kantha, Maalya,
archeology, but it wasn’t your career. As the world Navya, Padma, Rahel
began to change, the tombs, crypts, and shrines across
the planet changed into sources of danger and power. Advancement Track (Optional)
You changed too, and now you’re quick, clever, and □ (5 XP) Situational Awareness
bold enough to find the relics hidden within such sites. □ (7 XP) Endurance
The rewards of such expeditions are worth the □ (1 XP) faith +1
risk. Some dark places hide information about the
Possibility Raiders or the monsters who serve them. □ (2 XP) scholar +2
Others contain treasures, and the most valuable are □ (3 XP) fire combat +3
artifacts called Eternity Shards—desperately sought □ (3 XP) reality +3
by both the Delphi Council and the High Lords.
□ (4 XP) dodge +4
Tactics □ (5 XP) dodge +5
Your high Dexterity and dodge allow you to take huge
risks and usually escape unscathed. Your defenses in
melee aren’t as good, so keep your distance whenever
possible. Your machete is a weapon of last resort, but
is handy when drawn along with a pistol to gain your
melee weapons defense against nearby foes. The other
option is blazing away with two pistols at a time,
which gives a +2 bonus to hit!
Use maneuver to set up an opponent, especially if it’s
an Approved Action.

Moment of Crisis
When the Night of Screams fell you pitched in to help
when the first wave of devastation hit. As the monsters
came, everyone else died. The moment may have
come when you fought back against the creatures and
defeated one by maneuvering it into a deadly trap. Or
it may have come from carrying a wounded victim to

“It belongs in a museum! Well, perhaps not, but there’s
no way I’m letting you have it!“

You are fashionable, and prefer bright colors and
an eclectic mixture of the modern efficiency and
traditional style. You are daring, earnest, and level-
headed. You secretly enjoy irritating Victorians.

Eternity Shards are important artifacts. Not just
culturally, but for the clues they offer about how reality
functions and the power they contain. Whatever they
are, you need to find them, and keep them out of the
hands of the High Lords.
Name The Electric Samurai Total XP

Human Cosm Pan-Pacifica Unspent
Axioms: Magic Social Spirit Tech Clearance Level

4 24 8 24 Alpha


Charisma Dexterity Mind Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor

6 9 8 8 9 9 27 13 4 Dodge


Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex 9 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex +1 10
Melee Weapons Dex +3 12 12

Missile Weapons Dex 9
Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex 9

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 9

Intimidation Spirit 8
Maneuver Dex +1 10
Taunt Cha 6 8
Trick Mind +1 9
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value
Computers Mind +1 9
Dodge Dex +2 11
Find Mind +1 9
Evidence Analysis Mind +1 9
Item Axiom Notes
Land Vehicles Dex +2 12
Smoke Pellets 24 2 meter radius smoke, Visibility –2
Reality Spirit +1 9
Science Mind +1 9
Stealth Dex +1 11

Perk Effect
Ion Gusoku Gain Ion Gusoku and Katana
Trademark Weapon Reroll 1s on Electric Katana bonus dice
Armor Axiom Adds Notes
Ion Gusoku 24 +4 Fatigues, Max Dex 10

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
Electric Katana (melee weapons) 24 Str +4 (13) — — Armor Piercing 2
SC Kyogo 144 SMG (fire combat) 24 13 45 20/40/80 Short Burst
Unarmed (unarmed combat) — Str +0 (9) — — —

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
Overview Names
The Electric Samurai are a group of modern-day Akimi, Haruka, Izumi, Jun, Kazumi, Maru, Riku,
warriors who follow the ancient code of Bushido, but Shigeri, Tomo
using ultra-modern weapons and armor. The origins
of the movement are muddled, a strange meeting of Advancement Track (Optional)
punk youth culture and the staid descendants of the □ (5 XP) Unflinching
the original samurai. Membership is by invitation □ (7 XP) Ion Gusoku (Lightning Sheath)
only, and invitations are only extended to those who
prove themselves worthy both in and out of battle. □ (1 XP) missile weapons +1

Stormers and other foes may wear the same armor or □ (2 XP) reality +2
wield similar weapons, but they are not true samurai. It □ (3 XP) dodge +3
is the duty of the chosen to challenge such pretenders. □ (3 XP) land vehicles +3

Tactics □ (4 XP) melee weapons +4

Your primary weapon is your electric katana, which □ (5 XP) melee weapons +5
deals amazing damage and pierces armor. There’s
no dishonor in being practical, so your SC Kyogo
144 SMG is useful for evening the odds against large
numbers of weaker opponents. Take advantage of the
submachinegun’s huge ammunition clip and use Long
Bursts often. Most of your interactions are strong, try
to use them when they’re Approved Actions—except
for taunt. Petty insults are frivolous and distasteful.

Moment of Crisis
When the Contagion first appeared you worked as
a bio-engineer, with a specialty in genetic research.
Before anyone understood what was happening a
jiangshi broke containment and began slaughtering
your co-workers. Perhaps it was the years of Kendo
lessons that helped you fight off the creature. Or
maybe it was the calm and methodical way you
rescued the patients and personnel nearby. Either
way, it triggered a change in you, and also drew the
attention of the Electric Samurai movement.

“I wouldn’t soil my blade on a foe such as you.“

The ion gusoku and electric katana are the unmistakable
trademarks of the Electric Samurai. Rigid control and
impeccable manners are ideals you strive for, but have
never quite attained.

The eight virtues of Bushido compel you to battle the
Possibility Raiders and the Contagion—and to protect
the innocent people threatened by both. Follow the
code. Be righteous, heroic, compassionate, polite,
honest, honorable, loyal, and disciplined—even when
it’s inconvenient.
Name The Hardboiled Detective Total XP

Human Cosm Pan-Pacifica Unspent
Axioms: Magic Social Spirit Tech Clearance Level

4 24 8 24 Alpha


Charisma Dexterity Mind Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor

6 10 8 8 8 10 30 9 1 Dodge


Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex 10 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex +2 12
Melee Weapons Dex 10

Missile Weapons Dex 10
Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex +3 13

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 13

Intimidation Spirit +1 9
Maneuver Dex +1 11
Taunt Cha +1 7 8
Trick Mind 8
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value
Dodge Dex +2 12
Evidence Analysis Mind +1 9
Find Mind +1 9
Land Vehicles Dex +1 11
Item Axiom Notes
Lock Picking Dex +1 11
Extra Magazines 22 Five extra Glock magazines
Reality Spirit +1 9
Flashlight 20 Provides light
Streetwise Cha +1 7
Police Badge 22 Local legal authority
Mobile Phone 23 Phone and applications
Speedcuffs 22 Restrain a target
PERKS Stylish Clothing 22 Looking good has no quitting time
Perk Effect Sunglasses 18 Keeps away the glare
Block Strike 1 Shock to melee attack when missed
Brawler +2 unarmed damage
Armor Axiom Adds Notes
Leather Jacket 19 +1 Torso, Max Dex 12

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
Two Glock 9mms (fire combat) 22 13 15 10/25/40 —
Unarmed (unarmed combat) — Str +2 (10) — — —

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
Overview Pan-Pacifica. Good or bad, your job is to discover the
Years on the mean streets of Hong Kong have hardened truth.
you into a lethal weapon. Transcending into a Storm
Knight only heightened your abilities. First and Names
foremost, you investigate crimes. You’ve been trained Bao, Curry, Dee, Eagle, Jin, Li, Ling, Shooter, Whiskey,
to follow leads, question witnesses, and uphold law Zhang
and order. When the bad guys resist arrest, and they
always resist arrest, things get violent and your other Advancement Track (Optional)
skills come into play. □ (5 XP) Double Tap
□ (7 XP) Ki Strike
You are a crack shot, and have the firepower of a small □ (1 XP) persuasion +1
army when blazing away with your two 9mm pistols. □ (2 XP) reality +2
Your high dodge and unarmed combat provide solid □ (3 XP) dodge +3
defenses against opponents at any distance. Maneuver
is your strong interaction, try to use it whenever it’s □ (3 XP) unarmed combat +3
an Approved Action. The Block Strike Perk lets you □ (4 XP) fire combat +4
punish a melee attacker who misses you—so long as □ (5 XP) fire combat +5
you have the Shock to burn. You may use an unarmed
attack even while both pistols are equipped; you just
kick or strike with your elbows.

Moment of Crisis
Something big was going down,
and some corporate type named
“Kanawa“ was at the center of it. You were threatened
with suspension and asked to let it go by your
superiors. Someone even tried to kill you. You stayed
on the case, even after the Contagion began, and your
stubborn pursuit triggered a subtle transformation.
Alternatively, the change may have come when you
defended a group of supposedly infected refugees
from a murderous Kanawa Corporation “Containment

“Whether it’s jiangshi, criminals, or invaders from
another reality, one bullet can still make a difference.“

Others may scoff at your leather jacket, but it’s truly
a timeless fashion accessory. Plus it hides your two
shoulder holsters very well. Your badge is useful in
Hong Kong where you have jurisdiction, but it may
work elsewhere in Pan-Pacifica so long as people
don’t look at it too closely! You are intense, and don’t
tolerate disrespect toward you or your badge.

The Kanawa Corporation is hiding something, a
connection to the other Possibility Raiders or the
Contagion. Whatever is going on, it could shake all of
Name The Resistance Fighter Total XP

The Race (Human) Cosm Tharkold Unspent
Axioms: Magic Social Spirit Tech Clearance Level

12 25 4 25 Alpha


Charisma Dexterity Mind Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor

8 8 8 9 7 8 24 10 3 Dodge


Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex +1 9 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex +1 9
Melee Weapons Dex 8 8

Missile Weapons Dex 8
Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex +1 9

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 9

Intimidation Spirit 9
Maneuver Dex 8
Taunt Cha +1 9 9
Trick Mind +1 9
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value
Dodge Dex +2 10
Find Mind +1 9
Kinesis Spirit +3 12
Land Vehicles Dex +1 9
Item Axiom Notes
Reality Spirit +2 11
Caltrops 14 Maneuver becomes Favored
Survival Mind +1 9
Extra Magazines 22 Five reloads for Thav-9
Willpower Spirit +1 10
Flares 21 Provide light, may start fires

Perk Effect
Bolster Spend Possibility to counter Conflict
Psionic Gain powers (energize, telekinesis, ARMOR
telekinetic barrier)
Armor Axiom Adds Notes
Leather Armor 8 +1 Max Dex 10
Stab Vest 22 +3 Torso, Max Dex 10

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
Pain Gauntlet (unarmed combat) 25 Str +1 (8) ­— 25 with telekinesis Deals +1 Shock
Thav-9 SMG (fire combat) 25 13 60 20/40/80 Short Burst
Unarmed (unarmed combat) — Str +0 (7) — — —

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
Overview Agenda
The Race are humans native to Tharkold. They have The ultimate goal of the resistance is freedom for the
struggled in servitude to the technodemons who have Race, and all people, now and forever. The High Lords
ruled there for centuries. The resistance has been are all obstacles to that goal.
around in various forms since the Race was subjugated,
but the power and reach of the technodemons limited Names
its accomplishments to mere survival—until now. Aren, Caron, Dalia, Ibis, Kellan, Leya, Mani, Sabra,
Tharkold’s ill-fated attack on Core Earth created an Theta, Zoya
opportunity, and now the beleaguered members of
the resistance are seizing the moment and making the Advancement Track (Optional)
most of it. □ (5 XP) Psionic (strangle)
□ (7 XP) Natural Leader
Your Thav-9 is a deadly submachinegun, and its □ (1 XP) persuasion +1
volume of fire makes up for your relative inexperience □ (2 XP) fire combat +2
with it. Psychic power is where you shine. Energize is □ (3 XP) fire combat +3
draining, but the boost to your Dexterity enhances all
your attacks and defenses, and the boost to Strength □ (4 XP) kinesis +4
increases your Toughness and melee damage. The □ (5 XP) kinesis +5
Max Dex on your armor is high enough to allow □ (3 XP) reality +3
you the full benefit of both bonuses. Telekinesis adds
versatility, and lets you use your pain gauntlet to
grapple and attack at range—and use kinesis to attack
and use your Mind instead of Strength for damage.
Your secret weapon is your leadership potential.
Bolster can eliminate harmful effects from a Drama
card (such as Confused, Fatigue or even a Surge) and
swing the tide of battle.

Moment of Crisis
A lifetime of servitude came to an end when you
stood up for a fellow slave and said, “No!“ to the
technodemons. That moment also unlocked the
psionic powers that enabled you both to survive!
Alternatively, the moment may have come once you
arrived on Core Earth, when the lower Tech Axiom
disabled your slave collar and you incited a small

“Cast off your shackles and fight! Fight with your
thoughts, with your guns, or with your bare hands if
you have to.“

Members of the resistance wear armor cobbled
together from anything they can find. Resources are
scarce in Tharkold, and the situation isn’t much better
on Earth. What your outfit lacks in looks it makes up
for in practical protection. You have a forceful bearing
and intense passion that makes people take you
Name The Scrapper Total XP

Race Human
Cosm Tharkold

Axioms: Magic 12 Social 25 Spirit 4 Tech 25 Clearance Level Alpha


Charisma Dexterity Mind Spirit Strength Movement Run Toughness Armor

6 8 6 8 12 8 24 15 3 Dodge

Combat Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value
Energy Weapons Dex 8 Melee Defense

Wound Tracker
Fire Combat Dex +1 9
Melee Weapons Dex +3 11

Missile Weapons Dex +1 9
Unarmed Defense
Unarmed Combat Dex 8

Interaction Skills Attribute Skill Adds Value 8

Intimidation Spirit +2 10
Maneuver Dex 8
Taunt Cha +1 7 8
Trick Mind 6
Other Attribute Skill Adds Value
Dodge Dex +1 9
Find Mind +2 8
Heavy Weapons Dex +1 9
Land Vehicles Dex +1 9
Item Axiom Notes
Lock Picking Dex +1 9
Filter Mask 24 Screens breathable toxins
Reality Spirit +1 9
Flares 21 Provide light, may start fires
Survival Mind +1 7
Radiation Detector 21 +4 find vs radioactive items

Perk Effect
Occultech Digan CyberArm (+2 Strength if used),
Thav Radiation Filter (heal radiation
Whirlwind Ignore first 2 Multi-Target penalties on
melee weapons Armor Axiom Adds Notes
Diffrax Armor 25 +3 Max Dex 8, Fatigues, adds
to dodge vs energy weapons

Weapon Axiom Damage Ammo Range Notes
Impact Hammer (melee weapons) 25 Str +4 (18) — — Stymies on hit, Vulnerable on a miss
Net Launcher (missile weapons) 24 5 1 5/10/15 Small Blast, Grapples
Unarmed (unarmed combat) — Str +0 (14) — — (Includes Digan CyberArm)

Bonus Chart
Die 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 31 36 41 46 +5
Roll 4 6 8 10 12 14 25 30 35 40 45 50
Bonus –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 +1
Overview Names
When the Russians hit the Tharkold maelstrom bridge Anton, Gennadi, Jenya, Lev, Nikita, Sasha, Valya,
with a nuclear weapon, the fallout was devastating Vitya, Yaro
for both sides. Hardy humans now scavenge the vast,
irradiated Blasted Land, searching for useful bits of Advancement Track (Optional)
technodemon machinery to salvage, sell, or use. □ (1 XP) energy weapons +1
You were once a soldier in the Russian army, but □ (5 XP) Occultech (Vav Sensation Suppressor)
the horror of the Battle of Moscow and the crushing □ (2 XP) survival +2
disappointment of the government’s cooperation with
the demons after the battle put an end to those days. □ (7 XP) Relentless
□ (3 XP) find +3
Tactics □ (4 XP) melee weapons +4
Your impact hammer is an extremely powerful weapon,
especially when wielded with your high Strength. □ (5 XP) melee weapons +5
Your best plan is usually to get into the middle of the □ (3 XP) intimidation +3
bad guys and start swinging! Your CyberArm adds
even more Strength to the attack. Your interactions
aren’t very strong compared to your hammer, but are
worth a try when they are Approved Actions. If your
opponents remain out of reach, try to find discarded
firearms or use intimidation on them.

Moment of Crisis
After the Battle of Moscow, desertion was your only
option. The Blasted Land called to you, offering you
a clean death far away from politics and betrayal.
Instead you found people there, desperate ones beset
by the abominations the fallout created. Slaying one of
those beasts may have triggered your transformation
into a Storm Knight, or perhaps it was rescuing that
family without negotiating a price first.

“There is Russian saying: ’revenge is dish best served
cold.’ It is very cold in Russia, mudak.“

You are tall, broad-shouldered, and built like a
tank. Everyone in the Blasted Land wears similar
apparel— made from whatever mismatched clothing
and armor is handy or resilient enough to last. You
pretend to be cynical and sarcastic, but underneath
you are actually optimistic and idealistic. Your impact
hammer is always obvious, an oversized device made
for technodemons. Even at rest it hums with sinister

Friendship and loyalty are at the heart of your
actions—not that you allow anyone to discover
that. You use a pretense of greed to hide your soft

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