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torm Knights adventuring in the thrilling

Nile Empire have many new options for
Experience Points (XP).

The new Perks below include more options for pulp
powers, miracles, new arcane traditions, and Perks
supporting the over-the-top heroes and villains of
the Nile Empire.
If a Perk lists Beta Clearance as a prerequisite
it may only be taken once the Storm Knight has
achieved that clearance level (50+ XPs) or greater.
When a Perk boosts an attribute, it counts exactly
the same as if the gain were purchased by XPs. If
the Perk is lost, so is the attribute gain. The standard
ceiling for a race's attribute remains unchanged
unless the Perk specifically increases it.

Cosm: Nile Empire
There are many Core Earth religions found within
the Nile Empire, but all are oppressed save Mobius’
personal “Cult of Amaat.”

amaaTiST Hem-NeTjer
• Prereq: Miracles, at least two adds in faith.
The priest may not have Perks from a different
The priest is particularly in tune with the Ennead,
and the gods and goddesses grant him additional
boons beyond those who are less devoted. The
invoker gets access to the Amaatist Hem-Netjer
miracle list on page 47 and may select two of
those miracles plus prophecy.

• Prereq: Must have died and been resurrected
by recall spirit (see page 47). If Perk selected at
character creation, the hero suffers an Injury.
This Perk is unusual in that it is granted when,
and only when, the character died, was properly
mummified, and then had his spirit returned to
his body through the invocation of recall spirit. The
character is no longer affected by poison, breathing,
eating, Fatigue, or other functions required by the
living. He is still affected by Shock, however.

Cosm: Any • Prereq: At least one add in find, science, and
The pulp heroes of the realm are capable of heroic
The hero has a heightened awareness when a
feats—many of which aren’t exclusive to the Nile
trap is present, and how it is triggered. All tests
made by the hero or nearby allies to avoid a trap or
aerial acroBaT complete steps of a deathtrap are Favored.

• Prereq: At least two adds in air vehicles
The character is exceptionally adept at • Prereq: At least two adds in land vehicles
maneuvering in the air, either close to the ground
Driving backwards at high speeds, dodging in
in slow flight, or while rocketing through the sky
and out of oncoming traffic, and generally being a
in a dog fight with fighters. Air vehicles tests are
badass driver is all in a day's work for this character.
Favored, and can be used instead of maneuver as
an interaction attack, however this usage doesn’t Land vehicles tests for stunts, completing steps of a
count as an Approved Action. chase, and making an Active Defense while driving
are Favored.
• Prereq: Mind 10+ SOCIAL PERKS
Cosm: Any
Not only is the hero incredibly smart, but she
knows how to use her brains in creative ways. The action comes fast and furious in the Nile
As a simple action, the character may spend a Empire, so more subtle social interactions are
Possibility to draw a Destiny card then take a Mind easy to gloss over. But a true hero is part of the
test. On a success, she may immediately draw community, and has more than just clenched fists
another Destiny card and put it into any player's as tools for solving a problem.
hand. On a Good Success she may draw two cards,
and select one to put into any player's hand. On an FamouS
Outstanding Success she may instead draw three • Prereq: Charisma 8+
cards, and select one. Storied heroes may gain a reputation of being
honorable, true, and gracious. There’s just
leTHal SHoT something about them that makes people gosh
• Prereq: Beta Clearance, Sniper, fire combat 15+, darn like them. Persuasion tests are Favored as long
missile weapons 15+, or energy weapons 15+ as the character is open about his identity, and
The character is one of the best shots in the once per act, the character may search the Destiny
world. If the sharpshooter fires an aimed ranged deck or discard pile for a Connection card and add
weapon and hits with a Vital Blow, he may spend a it to his hand.
Possibility to reroll any or all bonus dice. He must
take the new results. SPELLCRAFT PERKS
juST FleSH WouND
Cosm: Nile Empire
• Prereq: Beta Clearance Magic is woven into the very fabric of the Nile
Empire. It’s a powerful tool for both heroes and
The hero has been around the block a few times,
villains. Mobius himself is known as not just a
and even when it seems she has suffered Wounds,
master of science but also of magic.
often they turned out to be merely a glancing blow.
Once, immediately after a combat ends, the hero There are multiple schools of unique study within
can spend a Possibility to recover 1 Wound. the Empire, and each jealously guards its secrets

from the others. Engineers and Mathematicians Although separate arcane traditions, Mathematics
aren’t traditional spellcasters at all, although and Engineering have a common origin—astrology.
they do learn and cast spells in the same way as a Some mathematicians and engineers are able to
standard mage. translate the concepts of the other discipline into
terms they can understand. However, their jack-of-
aSTrologer all-trades nature prevents them from specializing
• Prereq: Nile Mathematician, knowledge of in either field.
contemplation or portent, and at least one add in The spellcaster gains access to the Mathematics or
scholar. Engineering spell lists, whichever one she doesn’t
Astrology is the ancient tradition of deciphering already have (see page 33), and can select two
the motions and placement of the planets amongst spells. Additionally, the hero may select Perks that
the stars. The discoveries of ancient astrologers led have Spellcaster as a prerequisite, unless the Perk
to the advancement of the Mathematics tradition. provides access to new spells.
The astrologer is trained to ascertain the influence The generalist may not select any other Perks that
of different planets, which represent the members have Nile Engineer or Nile Mathematician as a
of the Ennead, the Amaatist pantheon. prerequisite.
Each morning as the sun rises, the character may giFTeD NumerologiST
consult his astrological charts to divine upcoming • Prereq: Nile Mathematician, at least three adds
events and make a scholar test. Depending on the in divination.
Success Level, the casting of divination based spells
on the Mathematics list (and only those spells) are The spellcaster is uniquely talented in the study of
altered until the next sunrise. numbers, and can divine subtleties in the stars and
equations others cannot.
• Mishap: Divination tests to cast Mathematics
spells are Very Stymied and Possibilities spent The mathematician gains two spells from the
on divination tests do not have a minimum Mathematics list on page 33 and may reroll
result of 10. any result of 4 or 7 while casting a spell on the
Mathematics list.
• Failure: Divination tests to cast Mathematics
spells are Stymied. maSTer aSTrologer
• Standard: Divination tests to cast Mathematics • Prereq: Astrologer, at least five adds in
spells are Favored. divination, and at least three adds in scholar.
• Good: No matter what the result of casting a The astrologer has discovered secrets in the skies
Mathematics spell is, the astrologer may reroll even experts in his field are unaware of. Not only
the divination test (either to succeed or get a can he now study the future, but he can actively
better success) even on a Mishap. The second alter the future of powerful people and interrogate
test stands. This effect lasts until the next reality itself.
sunrise. The astrologer learns the possibility rend and
• Outstanding: As Good but the astrologer is possibility shadows spells, which are described in the
Up when rerolling the divination test. Magic chapter of Torg Eternity. Possibility rend and
The scholar test may only be attempted once per possibility shadows are contradictory for characters
day. from the Nile Empire. The spell was discovered in
a place of power on Terra where the Magic Axiom
aSTrological geNeraliST was locally 15.
• Prereq: Nile Engineer or Nile Mathematician. Possibility rend and possibility shadows are not
Cannot have any other Perk with Nile Engineer considered Mathematics spells as far as the
or Nile Mathematician as a prereq. Astrologer Perk is concerned.

maSTer maSoN pulp Sorcerer
• Prereq: Nile Engineer and at least three adds in • Prereq: Spellcaster. The character cannot have
two of alteration, apporation, or divination. the Nile Mathematician or Nile Engineer Perks.
Master masons are considered the most highly Some sorcerers have pierced the veil of the
qualified of the Engineers, and are held in high physical world and into the ethereal realm of
regard by their peers. illusion and spirits. The sorcerer gains access to the
Pulp Sorcery spell list on page 33, and may select
The engineer may select two additional spells two spells.
from the Engineering List on page 33, and tests
to cast the neutralize traps spell are Favored. Although some neophyte sorcerers are capable
of subtlety, as they advance further they are
Nile eNgiNeer incapable of this, and spellcasters with this
Perk must yell the names of their spells
• Prereq: At least one add in alteration,
while casting them. Loudly. Very, very
apportation, or divination. The character
loudly. Illusions are a noteable exception.
cannot have any other Spellcraft Perk
Supreme Sorcery
that grants access to another spell list.
Engineers have discovered the inner • Prereq: Beta Clearance, Pulp
workings of the universe’s structure Sorcerer, and at least 5 adds in alteration,
and have applied those lessons in the apportation, conjuration, or divination.
construction of huge monuments
and grand buildings. The engineer The pulp sorcerer has studied the
gains access to the Engineering ancient tomes of arcana and has
spell list on page 33, and may reached the pinnacle of his craft. The
select three of those spells. sorcerer may spend one Possibility
to know any single spell from either
New Spells: This Perk may be the Nile Empire Sorcerer (see Torg
taken more than once. Each time Eternity) or Pulp Sorcerer lists (see
after the first, the character learns an page 33) for the remainder of the
additional spell from the Engineering scene. He must still meet the Skill
list. requirement.

Nile maTHemaTiciaN Trap maker

• Prereq: At least one add in • Prereq: Nile Engineer and
divination. The character cannot knowledge of magical trap or mechanical
have any other Spellcraft Perk that trap.
grants access to another spell list.
Some engineers are intuitively able to
Mathematicians have studied the complete the necessary calculations to
ancient arts of mathematics, allowing create traps with spells much quicker
them to (more or less) accurately predict than normal. However, these spells
the future as well as utilize the harmony are not nearly as long lasting as those
of numbers and physics to create other cast meticulously.
effects. The mathematician gains access to
the Mathematics spell list on page 33 and The engineer may cast magical trap and
may choose three spells from that list. mechanical trap in one action, but the
traps created only have a Duration of
New Spells: This Perk may be taken more Concentration.
than once. Each time after the first, the
character gains an additional spell from the
Mathematics list. FATIMA SIFR

ne of the defining characteristics of
the Nile Empire is the existence of
pulp powers—extraordinary or even
supernatural abilities not associated directly with
magic, miracles, or technology. Something about

the Law of Heroism allowed pulp powers to spring
into existence. Some people with pulp powers are
heroes and use their gifts wisely and for the good
of society. Many don’t.

Pulp powers come in a variety of forms. Many
pulp powers are an inherent quality of the hero or
villain. Weird science gadgets and mystical artifacts
found in the desert or tombs are physical devices
that can activate pulp powers, which allows even
more people to tap into these powers. Some pulp
sorcerers have discovered that powers can also
be cast as rituals. To the trained eye, there is a
distinct difference between rituals sourced from
pulp powers and those based on arcane magic,
even though in some cases they are similar (e.g. the
Flight pulp power and the fly magic spell).
Pulp powers are Perks and are purchased as
described in the Perks chapter of Torg Eternity.
The actual trappings of the power are left up to the
player, whether the powers are inherent, gadgets,
mystical artifacts, or pulp sorcery rituals. To make
a pulp power stronger or increase its utility, the
character can select one or more Enhancements by
choosing Limitations as described in Torg Eternity.
Some Limitations are particularly suited for
gadgets, mystical artifacts, or pulp sorcery rituals.
No matter the trapping, pulp powers are supported
by the Nile Empire’s Law of Heroism. If outside the
Nile Empire, the use of pulp powers causes a one-
case contradiction (though some rumors state pulp
powers can be used without contradiction within
Wonders found in the Living Land).

Pulp powers inherent to the character usually
have some sort of event that granted these powers.
Perhaps the character was exposed to some strange
chemical, or was part of a medical experiment gone
wrong, or had been bombarded by cosmic rays.

Pulp heroes and villains generally don’t have a
whole slew of powers—usually it’s limited to one
or two things they do really well. LIMITATIONS
Pulp powers are fairly unique from other Perks
GADGETS AND MYSTICAL and abilities in the fact that Enhancements can be
ARTIFACTS selected which increase the power level or utility
of the power. This can be done either by choosing
Gadgets and mystical artifacts are objects imbued
Limitations or as a new Perk selection by spending
with a pulp power, either through weird science or
XP. However, clever players can “game” the
by some ancient magical means.
system by selecting Limitations that aren’t very
To create a gadget, a character purchases a Perk to limiting and substantially increasing the power
select a pulp power, exactly as he would if it was an level of their hero.
inherent power. He just has to state what kind of
The Game Master gets the final call over
gadget the pulp power is based in, like electro-ray
approving Limitations for a power. The whole
being a gun, or force field being in a belt.
point of Limitations is they must actually be limiting
By purchasing a Perk the character is assumed in play, and they must trigger frequently. By selecting
to have enough eternium to power the gadget. a Limitation, the player is telling the GM to put
If he purchases a Perk to create a gadget later in a spotlight on this flaw. Tagging a Limitation is
the campaign, it’s assumed he’s acquired another not the Game Master being nasty, but the player
minor amount of eternium, enough to power the accepting these restrictions in order to have greater
new gadget. A mystical artifact is created in the power.
same manner, but is instead powered by an ancient
For example, if a pulp power is contained in
a gadget, it should only gain a Limitation for
Gadgets and mystical artifacts are very suitable for possibly being “lost” temporarily if it’s reasonable
several Limitations due to their nature as physical the character could actually lose possession of it
objects that can temporarily break, stop working, with some frequency, like weapons or hand held
or be removed from the hero’s possession. Gadgets tools. Items like armor, belts, or bracelets, which
and mystical artifacts purchased as Perks cannot can be worn and not “disarmed” like weapons,
generally be used by other people, except for should not be granted a Limitation just because
specific exceptions (see page 50). For some reason they’re a gadget.
they’re only attuned to the character, or only the
If the player will be upset he’s losing a power or
hero knows how to get the device to function.
his life becoming complicated due to a Limitation,
The origins of these artifacts are mysterious, and the player shouldn’t choose a Limitation and
much of the time they’re not associated with any should accept the lower (but still useful) power
ancient civilization, Egyptian or otherwise, that level. The cost of having really great pulp powers
actually existed on Earth. is occasionally (and at the most inopportune times)
they just don’t work or something bad happens.
Recently pulp sorcerers have begun to appear in NEW LIMITATIONS
the Nile Empire and on Terra, manifesting pulp In addition to those listed in the Perks chapter of
powers as elaborate rituals with bombastic names Torg Eternity, here are some new Limitations.
which are almost always enunciated as part of
the casting. Some of these pulp sorcerers have major limiTaTioNS
also learned the arcane arts that originated with • A Mishap when using or activating this power
the traditions of antiquity. Those aspects of pulp occurs on a roll of 1–4. This may trigger an
sorcery are described in the Magic chapter. effect from another Limitation, or some other
effect at the GM's discretion.*

• Activating the power is a lengthy process and Limitations marked by an asterisk can only be
is not completed until the end of the opposing taken if the power requires a skill test to use or
side’s next turn. activate.
• After activating the power, the character


becomes Very Stymied.
• After activating the power, the character
becomes Very Vulnerable.
• While the power is active, the character is aDreNaliNe
Stymied.  Prereq: Strength 8+
• While the power is active, the character is
Adrenaline enables the hero to manipulate their
adrenaline levels, effectively “pumping them up”
• Must spend one Possibility to activate the
for a brief period. Adrenaline may be activated once
per act, and it lasts for 30 seconds. Upon activation,
• On a Mishap, activating the power causes one
the character does not take any Shock as long as
Wound which cannot be soaked. *
the power is active. When the power deactivates
• Skill tests when activating the power have a
for any reason, the character suffers Fatigue.
Hard (-4) penalty.*
• The power comes from a gadget affixed to a Enhancements:
vehicle or an immobile mount. • Ignores Pain: The character recovers 1BD of
• The power has a Weakness to a condition Shock and ignores Wound penalties for one
(heat, cold, water, etc.). When and while the minute.
character is exposed to that condition, he
• Longer: The duration increases to one minute.
becomes Very Vulnerable and Very Stymied.
• Stronger: The character gets a +1 bonus to
miNor limiTaTioNS Strength and Toughness while Adrenaline is
• A Malfunction when using or activating this active.
power can occur on a roll of 1–2.*
• Activating the power cannot be part of a BeaSTmaSTer
multi-action.*  Prereq: Charisma 8+.
• After activating the power, the character
The beastmaster gains a dangerous animal
becomes Fatigued.
companion, such as a wolf, panther, or bear, which
• After activating the power, the character
fights alongside the hero during combat. The hero
becomes Stymied.
selects a strong animal (e.g. ape), a fast animal (e.g.
• After activating the power, the character
panther), or a pair of small animals (e.g. ferrets or
becomes Vulnerable.
• It isn’t possible to activate the power quietly.
Anyone in earshot will hear the power activate. The animal is as intelligent as the most well-
• A ranged power has a range of Touch and can trained dog, so it can follow basic commands,
only affect those in melee. such as attacking a foe it’s pointed at, protecting a
• Activating the power inflicts one or two Shock person or area, or going to or waiting at a familiar
(depending on if the power would be activated place the character has marked for it.
frequently or not). The player controls the animal. The Game Master
• The power is subject to a Vulnerability to a should only take over if the pet becomes confused,
condition (heat, cold, water, etc.). When and abused, or is off on its own.
while the character is exposed to that condition,
The animal companion does not have Possibilities
she is Vulnerable and Stymied.
of its own, but the character can spend his
• Skill tests when activating the power have a
Possibilities (and Destiny cards) for the creature
Challenging (-2) penalty.
even if they are separated.

If the animal is Defeated, it should be considered • Synchronized: Apply any bonus from a
incapacitated instead of slain. It returns at the Combined Action to damage as well as the
start of the next act. If it’s truly and undeniably attack itself.
killed, the character must spend several nights in
an appropriate environment to bond with a new paNTHer
companion. The companion may also return by Attributes: Charisma 7, Dexterity 10, Mind 5,
playing the Inevitable Return Cosm card. Spirit 8, Strength 7
Skills: Dodge 12, find 7, intimidation 9, maneuver
Enhancements: 11, stealth 13, survival 7, unarmed combat 11.
• Attribute: An animal increases one attribute Move: 12; Tough: 7; Shock: 8; Wounds: 2
by +1. Perks: —
• Prowess: An animal gains the benefit of any Possibilities: Never
one Prowess Perk it qualifies for. Special Abilities:
• Bite/Claws: Strength +2/9
• Telepathic: The hero can communicate with
his animal companions telepathically. cHameleoN
• Menagerie: Gain a new companion. The  Prereq: Charisma 8+.
animal must be different than the current This power allows the hero to completely change
companion. her appearance, to look and sound like any general
person, but not enough to look like a specific one
ape (e.g. a common guard, but not the Lieutenant). It
Attributes: Charisma 7, Dexterity 7, Mind 5, Spirit also allows her clothing to change appearance, but
8, Strength 13 only in a cosmetic sense. Clothes might look like
Skills: Find 8, intimidation 10, survival 7, unarmed body armor but won’t provide any protection.
combat 9 When the character interacts with someone
Move: 7; Tough: 13; Shock: 8; Wounds: 2 who may be familiar with the person (if the hero
Perks: — chose the Doppleganger Enhancement) or position
Possibilities: Never being imitated, the character makes a persuasion or
Special Abilities: — similar test against the target’s evidence analysis or
FerreTS Mind. If the person has reason to be suspicious, the
Rather than a single creature, this represents test becomes a contest. The effect depends on the
a business of several (two to four) ferrets. The success level:
Wounds are used collectively for the group, with • Failure: The target penetrates the disguise
each Wound defeating an individual ferret but not and reacts accordingly. This may or may not
its companions. involve alerting other people around him.
Attributes: Charisma 9, Dexterity 10, Mind 5, • Standard: The target is completely
Spirit 9, Strength 3 unsuspecting.
Skills: Dodge 12, find 10, maneuver 11, stealth 13, • Good: Not only is the target unsuspecting,
survival 8, trick 10, unarmed combat 11. but any of his companions lose any suspicions
Move: 10; Tough: 3; Shock: 9; Wounds: 3 as well.
Perks: — • Outstanding: As Good and any additional
Possibilities: Never tests to fool others are Favored.
Special Abilities: Enhancements:
• Bite: Strength +1/4
• Get Them Off!: Ferrets get into all sorts of • Doppleganger: The hero may attempt to look
cracks and crannies and can attack the target's like a specific individual who she has seen close
lowest Armor without making a Called Shot. up.
• Size: Attacks against ferrets take a -6 penalty. • Favored: Persuasion tests to fool others are
Favored while this power is active.

• Tricky: The character can use persuasion misses, that attack is reflected back at the attacker
instead of trick when making an interaction using his action total, with a bonus to the total
attack while this power is active. This does not equal to the Active Defense bonus. Destiny cards
count as an Approved Action. may modify this total as normal, but additional
Possibilities cannot be spent to improve the result.
Dazzle Enhancements:
 Prereq: At last one add in energy weapons.
• Control: The character may reflect an attack
This power creates flashes of bright light that against any target within range of the attack,
can temporarily blind a target within 10 meters. not just the one who attacked her.
The hero makes an attack with Dexterity or energy
weapons against the target’s dodge or Dexterity. • Mirrored: The character can also deflect
Unless the target has an ability to 'see' without light ranged energy attacks such as rays, lightning
(such as radar or sonar), they are affected as listed bolts, and lasers.
below, even if they are otherwise able to ignore • Power: Max base damage of an incoming
darkness penalties (e.g an elf's Darkvision). attack that may be reflected increases to 18.
The effect depends on success level: • Precision: Once per attack, take 2 Shock to
• Standard: The target is dazed and is treated add +2 to the reflected attack total.
as if in Dim light (-2 to attacks) until the end of
their next turn. Fear
• Good: The target is dazzled and treated as if  Prereq: Spirit 8+.
in the Dark (-4 to attacks) until the end of their This power inflicts the target’s worst fears upon
next turn. them. The visions and panic may be illusionary
• Outstanding: The target is blinded and but the effects are real. Villains with this power can
treated as if in Pitch Black (-6 to attacks) until literally scare a person to death.
the end of their next turn. The character makes a Fear attack with Spirit or
Enhancements: willpower against the target’s Spirit or willpower.
The power has a range of 10 meters. A success
• Duration: The duration of any successful use causes 10 non-lethal damage, ignoring armor. This
of Dazzle increases to 2 rounds. power cannot be targeted at multiple people.
• Medium Blast Radius: Dazzle targets
everyone in a Medium Blast Radius. It can no • Good: +1BD damage
longer be Multi-Targeted. • Outstanding: +2 BD damage.
• Vulnerable: The target also becomes Enhancements:
Vulnerable with a Good Success, or Very • Aura: The hero gains the Fear Special Ability:
Vulnerable with an Outstanding Success. when a character first encounters the hero in an
act, he must make a willpower or Spirit test or be
DeFlecT Very Stymied.
 Prereq: Dexterity 8+. • Control: Multiple targets can be affected
This power intercepts thrown objects, arrows, or using the Multi-Targeting rules as normal.
bullets. While making an Active Defense, the hero • Lethal: The damage becomes lethal.
gets a +2 bonus to dodge against any ranged attacks • Power: The target becomes Stymied on a Good
involving projectiles. The trappings of this power Success, or Very Stymied on an Outstanding
could be a strong wind, bulletproof shielding, or Success.
even just luck. • Range: The power's range increases to 50
When a deflecting hero takes an Active Defense, meters.
if a ranged attack with a base damage of 14 or less

gaDgeTeer gizmo has three 'charges'. Each round the gizmo is
 Prereq: Wealthy or Beta Clearance activated (either continuously or through separate
activations) expends one charge. On a Good Success
Some people like to play with new toys. Weird
the gizmo gets four charges, or gets five charges on
scientists just can't settle on inventing just one
an Outstanding Success.
gadget—there's always something new and shiny
that pops into their head. Alternatively, the hero If the gizmo is activated for the first time outside
may have a weird scientist friend or colleague who of round play, it lasts up to 10 minutes on a success,
gives them gadgets to "test". 30 minutes on a Good Success, and one hour on an
Outstanding Success. At the end of the duration, or
The hero chooses two gadgets. The gadgets can be
if a combat or Dramatic Skill Resolution begins, the
based on a pulp power which uses a hand to operate
gizmo's charges are immediately depleted.
and once activated, lasts for up to 30 seconds before
it becomes inert, or be a minor gadget detailed in The eternium splinter also depletes at the end of
the Gear section or other supplements (e.g rocket the scene, even if it has charges remaining.
pack or ray-gun). Enhancements:
At the beginning of each adventure, • Favored: The science test to create a gizmo
the Gadgeteer must replace both of his is Favored.
gadgets with different ones. • Robust: The gizmo will no longer
Enhancements: Malfunction.
• Supplier: At the beginning of each
• All the Gadgets!: The Gadgeteer gets
adventure, if the hero does not have a
three gadgets instead of two.
gizmo kit or three eternium splinters,
• Robust: The gadgets' Malfunction he acquires a kit and refreshes up to
ranges are reduced to 1. three splinters for free.
• Replenishment: The Gadgeteer may
spend a Possibility to power a minor
 Prereq: None.
gadget's burnt out eternium splinter
until the end of the scene. Invisibility allows the hero to
become blurry and partially
gizmoS transparent to visible light at
 Prereq: Weird Scientist will by taking a simple action.
She can still be seen normally
Ad hoc devices that weird
by infrared and ultraviolet
scientists construct on the fly
means. While this power
that replicate a single pulp
is active, she is treated
power are called gizmos. These
by targets trying to find
one shot gadgets are assembled in
or attack her as if she
the same manner as described in the
was in Dark light
Weird Scientist Perk but also require an
(a penalty of –4).
eternium splinter to function.
However, if she
Once per act, the hero may construct a attacks, that
gizmo by taking a Hard (DN 14) science
test. The difficulty increases to Heroic (DN
18) if the hero doesn't use a gizmo kit.
On a success the hero creates a gizmo
that replicates a single pulp power
with no Enhancements, and has
a Malfunction range of 1-2. The

penalty is reduced to Dim light (–2) until the end manner, including fog, gas, or just plain darkness.
of her next turn. The hero and anyone within the obscured area is
Enhancements: treated as being in Dim Light (–2 penalty). This
penalty applies to attacks into, within, or out of the
• Power: The hero becomes fully transparent to obscured area.
visible light, and now is treated as if she is in
Pitch Black darkness (for a penalty of –6). The Enhancements:
penalty still reduces to Dim (–2) if she attacks. • Power: The Darkness penalty increases to
• Favored: Stealth tests and physical attacks Dark (–4).
against a Flat Footed opponent are Favored • Control: The hero (and only the hero) is not
while this power is active. subject to the Darkness penalty caused by this
power, but is subject to Darkness penalties
miND reaDiNg caused by other effects.
 Prereq: None. • Cloak: The area increases to 5 meters in
This power allows the hero to extract information radius.
from a person’s mind by touching a target. The • Disorientation: Maneuver attacks by the hero
target is fully aware an attempt to read his mind against targets who are subject to Darkness
is being made. The character makes a willpower or penalties within the obscured area are Favored.
Spirit test against the target’s willpower or Spirit.
The amount of information acquired depends on poWer upgraDe
the Success Level.  Prereq: Beta Clearance, at least one pulp
• Standard: The character detects surface power.
thoughts and emotions. The heroine has enhanced one of her pulp
• Good: The hero can detect and scan important powers, either by training, accident, improving a
memories, but these are usually vague. Exactly gadget, or a pulp sorcery ritual. She may select two
what constitutes an "important" memory is up Enhancements for one of her current pulp powers
to the GM, but should usually be interpreted in without requiring additional Limitations, or may
context of what is most dramatic with respect remove the equivalent of two Major Limitations, or
to the current adventure. While the birthday one of each option.
of a child is certainly important to a person,
their smartphone password likely has more ray
relevance to the situation.  Prereq: None.
• Outstanding: Important memories can be
The hero can fire a powerful blast of energy at a
extracted clearly.
target. It has a maximum range of 10/25/50 meters
Enhancements: and causes 13 damage. The ray contains five shots,
and regenerates one shot each round. Attacking
• Ranged: The hero can extract information with a Ray uses energy weapons unless otherwise
from a target up to 50 meters away. specified.
• Subtle: The target is unaware of the mind
reading attempt on a success (though he is Select a type of Ray from the list below.
aware of the attempt if it fails).
• Communication: The hero may communicate BlaST-ray
telepathically with a single target within 50 The hero fires a blast of concussive force.
meters. • Knockback: On a Good or Outstanding
hit against a target in melee combat, the
target is pushed out of melee combat. This
 Prereq: None.
knockback cannot push someone into a
While activated, an area three meters in radius dangerous position (such as into a pit full of
surrounding the hero becomes obscured in some snakes or off a cliff) unless they’re Defeated.

elecTro-ray is put out. The target can extinguish a fire by
dropping and rolling and making a successful
This ray is a powerful bolt of electricity.
willpower or Spirit test as an action.
• Dangerous When Wet: Increase the damage • Damage: The damage is increased to 15. This
by +2 in light rain or if the target is standing in does not apply to Mind-Ray or Sonic-Ray.
a puddle, and +4 in heavy rain or if the target is • Frozen Feet: Cold-Ray also makes the target
in water up to his ankles or higher. Vulnerable on a Good or Outstanding hit.
• Lethal: Mind-Ray increases to 13 lethal
HeaT-ray damage.
Heat-ray is a powerful beam of intense heat. • Painful: Electro-Ray becomes Painful, and a
• Fire: The hero can also shoot a blast of fire target taking any damage suffers 1 extra Shock.
that does 2 less damage but attacks the target’s • Rapid Fire: The character may use the Short
lowest Armor. Burst option when using his Ray.
• Range: The range increases to 20/50/100.
miND-ray • Shots: The power now holds 10 shots.
The hero can slam another person’s mind with • Small Blast Radius: The ray affects everyone
his own using mental energy. He attacks using in a Small Blast Radius.
willpower or Spirit against the target target’s own • Sonic Devastator: Sonic-Ray gains AP 4.
willpower or Spirit. The damage is 10, ignores all
armor, and is non-lethal. regeNeraTioN
 Prereq: Strength 10+.
Targets with the Mindless special ability are
immune to this power. The character is blessed with incredibly fast
healing. He can shake off punches quickly and, in
• Headache: On a Good or Outstanding hit, the some cases, Wounds can visibly close.
target also becomes Vulnerable.

Cold-Ray is a blast of cold that freezes the target, EXAMPLE LIMITATIONS
possibly even temporarily locking his feet to the Some players may have difficulty coming up
ground or within ice. with appropriate Limitations. Here are some
• Cold Feet: On an Outstanding hit against a examples:
target on the ground, the target is immobilized • A hero who has a power he generates
until the end of its next turn. The target can using his own lifeforce, and becomes Stymied
otherwise act as normal. and Vulnerable when he activates the power
(two Minor Limitations).
SoNic-ray • A hero who gets injured becomes super
Sonic-Ray is a powerfully loud scream. If any strong (Major Limitation).
Wounds are inflicted, the target is also deafened
for one round. Sonic-Ray does 11 damage, with • A hero has a belt which can create a
Armor Piercing 2. force field or create an area of darkness, but not
both at the same time (one Minor Limitation).
• Ringing Ears: On a Good hit, the target
becomes Stymied. On an Outstanding hit, the • A villain with a Mind-Ray rifle, which
target becomes Stymied and Vulnerable. can be disarmed and cannot be used in melee
(two Minor Limitations).
Ray Enhancements:
• A hero with an electric ball-and-chain
• BBQ: On a Good or Outstanding hit with (Electro-Ray), which can be disarmed, and
Heat-Ray, the target is set on fire and takes must be used in melee (two Minor Limitations).
8 +1BD fire damage each round until the fire

Most weird science is powerful, but not always reliable.

This power is always active and the hero heals one the war the Rocket Rangers continued to operate
Shock per round at the end of his turn. under the control of the American government, but
Enhancements: some Rangers realized the threat Doctor Mobius
presented and joined the Mystery Men on their
• Dead Hard: The character must already way to Earth.
have selected the Fast Healing Enhancement.
If the hero gets an Outstanding Success when Members of the Rocket Rangers utilize rocket
attempting a Defeat test, the hero isn’t KO’ed propelled suits, powered with an ingot of eternium.
and keeps fighting as normal. Once fully upgraded a ranger can fly faster than
• Fast Healing: The character heals one Wound prop-driven fighters, smash through airplanes, and
per scene. even crash into the ground without major damage.
The base model Mk 1 Rocket Ranger battlesuit
rockeT raNger BaTTleSuiT is piloted with the air vehicles skill and has the
 Prereq: At least one add in air vehicles, following properties:
Charisma 8+ • The Flight pulp power, however the ranger
The Rocket Rangers are an elite group of soldiers, can fly at 20 meters per round or 160 meters
many of whom fought for the United States in per round (Value 11) if “rushing.”.
Terra’s Great War. They were chosen for their • Armor +4: Reduces Collision damage by -4.
leadership as opposed to their physical prowess, Max Dex 8, Fatigue +2, Weakness to Cold (see
and proved to be a critical weapon against the forces page 21).
of Germany and her allies, including Mexico. After

• Since the battlesuit is powered by eternium, • Reinforced Power Gauntlets: The battlesuit
it does not have a Tech Axiom, but is a becomes stronger and the pilot gets a +2 bonus
contradiction anywhere pulp powers would to Strength tests and unarmed combat damage.
Unfortunately, despite the tendency of the  Prereq: None.
battlesuit to overheat, it is still susceptible to seizing
up when exposed to extreme cold. This power makes the target dozy and may put
them to sleep. The character undertakes a willpower
This Perk can be taken multiple times, and each or Spirit contest against a single target within 10
time the hero chooses one of the following options. meters. On a success the target becomes drowsy
For each option, the Mk number increments by one. and Vulnerable. A Good Success causes the target
• Advanced Actuators: The armor increases to to become lethargic—they become Flat Footed. An
Full Body coverage. Outstanding Success KO's the target if they are
• Cooling Vents: These vents open up when shaken they can wake up by succeeding at an easy
the suit begins to overheat. The battlesuit now (DN 8) Strength test.
only causes Fatigue +1. Enhancements:
• Crash Cushioning: Collision damage is now
reduced by a total of –8 and increases Torpedo • Control: The character can put multiple
Mode damage by +2. targets to sleep by using the Multi-Targeting
• Torpedo Mode: The battlesuit’s helmet and rule.
actuators lock, turning the ranger herself into • Deeper Slumber: The target also becomes
a projectile. The Rocket Ranger is unable to Stymied on a Standard or Good Success. On an
fire weapons or make attacks, but the suit’s top Outstanding Success, a KO’ed target requires a
speed increases to 700 kph: Speed Value 16, Hard (DN 14) first aid test to be revived.
Very Fast, with a Maneuver Rating of –2. The
pilot may ram or collide in this mode! However,
Super SeNSe
 Prereq: None.
he may only ram Large or Very Large targets,
and takes the -2 MR penalty when doing so The character has at least one sense enhanced
due to poor maneuverability. Switching into or beyond normal human capability. The hero chooses
out of torpedo mode requires an action, but the two Enhancements for free.
character may move and even rush during that Enhancements:
• Dark-Sight: The character can see in fog,
• Internal Gyroscopes: The battlesuit is now
darkness, or similar concealment. The character
equipped with internal gyroscopes that increase
cannot detect color though. The hero can “see”
the maneuverability of the suit when in attack
via sound waves (echolocation), radio waves
mode. The Max Dex of the battlesuit increases
(radar), or some other mystical method. The
by one. This enhancement may be purchased
hero ignores four points of Darkness penalties.
more than once.
• Eagle-Vison: The character has incredible
• Omni-Directional Rangefinder: This sensor
vision. She can see things from out to one
allows the pilot to be aware of his surroundings
kilometer as if she was looking at it from only
with a 360 degree field of view, and alerts him
two feet away, and can view small objects as if
to incoming danger by directional tones. Offset
magnified 10 times. Find tests involving distant
up to 4 points of Range penalties.
objects are Favored.
• Radar: This upgrade allows the Rocket
• Hyper-Awareness: The character is difficult
Ranger to detect enemies when in complete
to sneak up on. Defending against a stealth test
darkness or when obscured by clouds or fog.
is always a contest, and the hero’s find test is
The Rocket Ranger ignores up to 4 points of
Darkness penalties.

• Sixth Sense: The character receives Enhancements:
premonitions of things about to occur in the • Boomerang: The shield automatically returns
next few seconds. The hero is never considered to the hero when thrown.
to be Flat Footed or surprised when attacked. • Control: The hero may spend 2 Shock to
This does not apply to any of her allies. provide the defense bonus to an adjacent ally.
• Super-Hearing: The character has an increased This is a free action but must be done before the
ability to hear otherwise barely audible sounds, attack roll is made.
even in the presence of background noise. The • Ricochet: The shield can ricochet off
character can hear normal conversations as surfaces or even people, and can hit multiple
far away as 500 meters by succeeding at a find targets (using the Multi-Targeting rules as
test. She can discern the nature of someone she usual). It also can bounce off of surfaces
hears by making an evidence analysis test. such that it ignores cover unless the GM
• Super-Scent: The character has an increased rules otherwise (such as no suitable surface).
sense of smell and taste, and tracking tests are
Favored when using her sense of smell. Find uNcaNNy DoDge
tests to detect poisons have a +4 bonus.  Prereq: Dexterity 10+.
• X-Ray Vision: The hero can see through one
layer of solid object as if it wasn’t there, such Despite not wearing armor, quick and agile pulp
as seeing into a closed safe. If it’s dark inside a heroes and villains regularly escape serious injury
closed object, the hero can see as if that space from bullets, electro-blasts, heat-rays, and shark
was illuminated. bites, instead only getting their costume or uniform
TougH aS NailS The hero may suffer 2 Shock to attempt to Soak
 Prereq: Strength 10+, Dexterity 7- damage, rather than spending a Possibility. Use
The character is not particularly agile, but is reality for the attempt as usual.
incredibly resilient, and shrugs off blows that Uncanny Dodge is always active, but only if the
would stagger a horse. The character gains a +4 hero has no Armor bonus to Toughness from any
Armor bonus to Toughness which counts as Full source other than a mask.
Body Armor with a Max Dex 8.
• Favored: The hero’s attempts to do an Active
• Built Like a Brick Outhouse: The Armor Defense are Favored.
bonus is +5. • Dumb Luck: An Outstanding Success gives
• Poison Resistant: The character can make a back the initial 2 Shock suffered in order to
Strength test every 3 rounds to end poison, and soak damage.
those tests are Favored. • Nimble: The hero’s dodge, melee weapons, and
• Stalwart: The brute’s Shock limit increases by unarmed combat defenses gain a +1 bonus.

uNBreakaBle SHielD WallWalkiNg

 Prereq: None  Prereq: None.
Weird science or magic created this nearly The character can walk up walls and on ceilings as
indestructible shield. The shield the size of a fast as she can walk. She must always have at least
Small Shield, but instead grants a +3 bonus to melee one hand and both feet connected to the wall.
weapons and dodge defenses, as well as Toughness While on a wall or ceiling, the character's defenses
when the hero makes an Active Defense. It is light against physical attacks from targets below her
enough to be thrown at a single target with a Range gain a +1 bonus and maneuver tests are Favored.
of 5/10/15. The shield causes Strength +2 damage
when thrown or when used to shield bash.

• Power: The hero can also run up walls or on OTHER GADGETS
the ceiling as fast as her run speed.
• Look Ma, No Hands: The hero doesn’t need Characters can also acquire gadgets in other
to use one hand to stabilize herself on the wall ways, often by “liberating” them from their
or ceiling, and can take actions for the rest of previous owners, or by acquiring them through
the round which require the use of two hands. the black market (see page 50).
• Wall Scramble: The character may move Gadgets acquired by selecting a Perk normally
through enemies and out of close combat do not function in the hands of another person.
without becoming Vulnerable while there’s a However, a reality-rated character can make a
wall nearby. Perk-based gadget function for them for one
round by a spending a Possibility. Any skill
WeirD ScieNTiST test or additional cost must be done normally.
 Prereq: At least two adds in science. Weaker gadgets are powered by eternium
This Perk is intended for creative players who like splinters and can function for anyone.
to narratively come up with unique and interesting The use of gadgets is contradictory outside
ways to solve problems. the Nile Empire, unless in strange areas like
Weird scientists often have a compulsion to create the Wonders of the Living Land.
new inventions, which may or may not work, and Gadgets cause One Case contradictions for
then abandon them to create something new. natives of the Nile Empire when used outside
Once per scene, the hero can use locally available the realm or a Four Case contradiction for
parts and tools (GM’s call) to create a device to aid those who are not from this reality.
in overcoming a particular obstacle (e.g. picking There is no equivalent for mystical artifacts.
an unpickable lock, hang gliding off a cliff, or If one is acquired, it will only function for
making an improvised weapon). These devices someone if they spend a Perk to attune it to
really shouldn’t function with the materials and themselves.
tools available, but they really do work. Most of the
time. Briefly. Once.
The nature of the device doesn't need to make bonus to a single skill or attribute test involving the
pure scientific sense, but should be different than problem. On an Outstanding Success that bonus is
recent uses of this Perk. No spamming! +4 instead.
The time it takes to construct the device is up to On a Mishap something particularly dramatic or
the GM, but usually takes at least 10 minutes to amusing occurs.
several hours. The player must come up with an
interesting description of the device.
• Favored: The hero’s science tests to create a
When it comes time to use the device, the Storm
device are Favored.
Knight rolls a science test. The test is only rolled
• Quick: If the device's construction is relatively
when it is dramatically appropriate, any roll prior
simple (GM's call) such as tin foil, chewing
to when the device is really needed doesn’t apply.
gum, and a paperclip, the hero can sacrifice his
If the weird scientist doesn't have a gizmo kit, the
action to construct the device in a single round.
test is Hard (DN 14). The test is related to this pulp
He can still move as normal to assemble the
power, and so it does create a contradiction.
device. The device is completed at the end of
On a success the device functions and can be used the hero's turn.
to overcome the hero’s problem, though this may
require additional skill tests (e.g. lockpicking or air
vehicles). On a Good Success the hero grants a +2


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