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In abstrack, the author explains a little abaout social media and popular culture. He also explains the
purpose of this research.

The aim to reaserch of the describer here is to refine and define popular culture by evaluating the
pollowing reaserch objectives:

To determine whether social media has significant imfact of sosial media on popular culture, here the
outhor wants to try to find out the explains to readers about the imfact of social media on popular
culture, whether it is significant or not.

Investigates how the use of social media influence the refinement and definition of popular culture,
the goal here is also to explore how social media itself influence popular culture.

And determining whether popular culture has an imfact on social media use . and the last goal is to
find out whether the opposite happenes whether popular culture has an imfact on sicial media.

Here also explains the teory and methods used in conducting research, namely : studies based on the
theory of selective processes and social influence, it used qualitative research methods to collect
primary data for better insight.


Culture is a set of written or unwritten codes of behavior that must be adhered to in order to become
part of a group or community. Therefore, anyone who claims to be part of a group or community must
behave according to the code of ethics that binds them. These social codes of ethics, rules, beliefs, and
behavior have consolidated over time to form culture, hence the definition above, that culture is the
ideas, heritage, and social interactions of a particular group of people or community.

The culture is a set of ethical codes that exist in every ethnic group or nation where this code of ethics
unites these organizations or groups, and also if someone claims that he is a member of that group
then he must also follow the culture or code of ethics of that group.

Communication has become a means of survival and transmission of culture. It is a tool that is
constantly refining and redefining people's culture. Communication is the act and art of developing
meaning through significantly understood signs, symbols and semiotic conversations; this interaction
can be positive or negative; they can work together or work in differences. For the peaceful
coexistence of members of the same group, culture must be communicated and understood effectively.

communication and culture cannot be separated from the name of a member or group, if culture is a
code of ethics of a group then communication is a way to interact among groups, then to preserve the
culture that exists in a group, communication is needed between each other.

Popular culture and communication are an inseparable pair. Communication is a means of

transmitting culture between people; consequently, he had a significant influence in shaping and
reshaping popular culture.

The role of communication in shaping culture is so significant, in other words, communication is a

means of transmitting the existing culture within a group.

Everything that does not develop or update will gradually die. Over the years, the mass media have
continued to play their role in perfecting and redefining the accepted culture of a given time. The
advent of the internet has completely revolutionized communication. Communication has expanded to
a whole new dimension. This advancement of the internet and communications has dramatically
played its part in refining and redefining popular culture. The Internet has undeniably enhanced and
defined popular culture in many ways and brought it closer to people making it easier and faster to

the community and the internet are evidence in the development of social media which of course
greatly influences culture, which now both have also brought changes to the culture of a group.


study is based on the theory of selective processes and social influence

it uses qualitative research methods to collect primary data for better insight. According to research
findings, social media algorithms will continue to significantly influence popular culture, enhancing
and defining it in both positive and negative ways in the future. Social media has a lot of influence in
shaping and improving popular culture, because culture in society will die if not cared for, especially
in the field of social media, popular culture has been widely applied.

For in-depth interviews, 30 participants were deliberately selected from the target age group. It was
suggested that social media platforms should be regulated, data mining should be taxed, and extensive
research on the influence of popular culture on social media algorithms should be carried out

Theoretical framework

There are two ideas underpinning this investigation: The Selective Process Theory and the Social
Influence Theory. Theories of the selection process can help explain and answer questions about how
social media interactions and contents influence popular culture and how popular culture influences
social media.

Selective exposure is a psychological concept that is often used in media and communication
research. Historically, it refers to the tendency of people to select information that reinforces their
culture while avoiding information that conflicts with it.

This theory is a theory that uses the psychological concept of a third individual to explore or explore a
problem, where he will seek and explore information related to the problem he is currently in, and
choose information that he believes is more correct and also their perspective beliefs and attitudes.
also determines the choice he will choose.

This theory is based on the theory of cognitive dissonance (Cherry, 2022), which states that “when
individuals are confronted with opposing ideas, certain mental defense mechanisms are activated to
bring new ideas and pre-existing beliefs into alignment, resulting in a balance cognitive".
Understanding selective exposure theory requires working knowledge of cognitive equilibrium, which
is a state of balance between an individual's mental representations of the world and their
environment. According to Jean Piaget, when there is a discrepancy, people perceive it as

so this theory not only chooses information that we think is true but also based on evidence that
strengthens our belief in the choices we make.

Literaturre review

Predictions of culture

The Netflix competition shows how people use social media to change their lifestyle. Algorithms
shape today's popular culture. The team working on 107 algorithms for Netflix won the challenge.
They worked on the project for 2000 hours (Bear, 2013). The company seeks to improve its ability to
predict what individuals want and, as a result, personalize their profiles, as this competition
demonstrates. It exemplifies how today's algorithms shape and 'amplify' popular culture. We don't
know how many algorithms were used to organize and sort the cultures because we don't know how

Netflix's competition is an example of the formation and improvement of culture, where people try to
change their lifestyle and culture in order to win this competition, and also the company will give
back to those who won it, the algorithm has a great influence in shaping and improving culture.

The aim of this research paper is to show how social media algorithms impact popular culture.

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