RRL-RRS Matrix
RRL-RRS Matrix
RRL-RRS Matrix
Certeza - 95/95
Coquilla - 95/95
Castillo - 75/95
Manalo - 85/95
Molleno - 80/95
Jamboy - 95/95
Ocampo - 95/95 (Graded by the members)
Rosell - 95/95
Fajardo - 95/95
1 2019 Bischof, Accounting for Bischof, J., This paper investigates what we
Jannis; Laux, financial Laux, C., & can learn from the financial crisis
Christian; stability: Leuz, C. (2019). about the link between
Leuz, Lessons from Accounting for accounting and financial stability.
Christian the financial financial The picture that emerges ten years
crisis and future stability: after the crisis is substantially
challenges Lessons from different from the picture that
the financial dominated the accounting debate
crisis and future during and shortly after the crisis.
challenges. Widespread claims about the role
SSRN of fair-value (or mark-to-market)
Electronic accounting in the crisis have
Journal. been debunked. However, we
identify several other core issues
Doi: for the link between accounting
https://doi.org/1 and financial stability. Our analysis
0.2139/ssrn.339 suggests that, going into the
3148 financial crisis, banks’ disclosures
about relevant risk exposures were
relatively sparse. Such disclosures
came later after major
concerns about banks’ exposures
had arisen in markets. Similarly,
banks delayed the recognition
of loan losses. Banks’ incentives
seem to drive this evidence,
suggesting that reporting discretion
and enforcement deserve careful
consideration. In addition, bank
regulation through its
No. Year Author Title Publications Findings
No. Year Author Title Publications Findings
5 2019 Stevens, "Exploring the Stevens, T., This study examined the
Murphy, and Relationship Murphy, M., & relationship between parental
McKnight Between McKnight, K. financial stress and parenting
Parental (2019). behaviors. The study found that
Financial Stress Exploring the financial stress had a negative
and Parenting" Relationship impact on parenting behaviors,
Between including decreased warmth and
Parental increased use of harsh discipline.
Financial Stress This study could be relevant to the
and Parenting. current research in exploring the
Journal of Child impact of financial stress on
and Family parenting and family dynamics.
Studies, 28(4),
6 2019 Garces and "Financial Garces, E., & This study examined the
Bote Literacy, Bote, M. (2019). relationship between financial
Financial Financial literacy, financial behaviors, and
Behaviors, and Literacy, financial well-being among young
Financial Financial adults in the Philippines. The study
Well-Being Behaviors, and found that financial literacy was
Among Young Financial positively related to financial
Adults: Well-Being behaviors, and that financial
Evidence from a Among Young behaviors were positively related to
University in the Adults: financial well-being. This study
Philippines" Evidence from a could be relevant to the current
University in the research in exploring the role of
Philippines. financial literacy in helping parents
Asia Pacific cope with financ challenges.
Journal of
Education, Arts
and Sciences,
6(3), 89-98
9 2022 Kwang Lin Evaluating Wong, Kwang In the age of financialization, retail
Wong, Digital Retail Lin and Loh, investment is a crucial strategy for
Yvonne Investment As A Yvonne Ai-Chi protection of individual assets to
Ai-Chi Loh, Tool To Improve and Hardoon, ensure financial security. This
and David R. Financial David, paper evaluates the potential of
Hardoon Well-Being In Evaluating mass retail investment as a tool to
The Philippines. Digital Retail drive financial inclusion in the
Investment As A context of the Philippines. By
Tool To Improve reviewing the landscape of financial
Financial markets in the Philippines and
Well-Being In consumer behavior, we suggest
The Philippines that retail investment services may
(Jan 11, 2022). be important for the emerging
Available at middle class in the country to
SSRN: improve financial well-being and
https://ssrn.com enhance longer-term financial
/abstract=41179 security. This is an area that shows
97 or promising growth, especially with
http://dx.doi.org/ the rise of digital financial platforms
10.2139/ssrn.41 in Asia. It is imperative that the
17997 proliferation of these services is
accompanied with effective
education and financial literacy. We
analyze key barriers to investment
and propose concomitant
interventions to promote greater
access to and awareness of retail
investment services. Policy
strategies are proposed to increase
consumers’ confidence in retail
10 2021 Cyrus FINANCIAL Casingal, Cyrus This study analyzed the Philippine
Casingal and LITERACY and Inero public school teachers’ financial
Inero Ancho CHALLENGES: Ancho. 2021. literacy
THE CASE OF Financial challenges. The data and results
FILIPINO Literacy were gathered through online
PUBLIC-SCHO Challenges: survey questionnaires and
OL TEACHERS The Case of focused group discussions
Filipino conducted in the school year
Public-School 2019-2020. Twelve participants
Teachers. contributed to the FGD, while a
Jurnal Aplikasi total of 325 teacher respondents
Manajemen, answered the online
Volume 19,
No. Year Author Title Publications Findings
11 2020 Alvin Gino M. Life Challenges Bautista, Alvin Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs)
Bautista and of Overseas Gino & Bautista, have been hailed by the Philippine
Vladimir T. Filipino Workers M & Tamayo, government as “New Heroes”
Tamayo Vladimir. (2020). (Uy-Tioco, 2007) [1]. Having big
Life Challenges houses, farms, cars, jewelry, and
of Overseas other signs of richness are common
Filipino to many Overseas Filipino Workers
Workers. (OFW) who are employed in
OALib. 7. 6854. different parts of the world. Working
10.4236/oalib.1 as an OFW is not always perfect as
106854. what is expected. The truth is that,
they are also facing different
challenges aside from leaving their
families in the Philippines to have a
better future. Communication,
finances, and life and work
environment are only some of those
challenges they encounter. This
research was made to evaluate the
No. Year Author Title Publications Findings
12 2022 Basilio and Insights on Cacnio, F. C., & The study contributes to the
Cacnio inflation Basilio, J. literature on expectations by
expectations in (2022). Insights providing insights on household
the Philippines on inflation expectations from an emerging
from a expectations in market and inflation targeting
household the Philippines country like the Philippines. Using
survey from a the results of the Consumer
No. Year Author Title Publications Findings
14 2021 Chunlei Global Financial Wang C, Wang This present study primarily
Wang, Dake Crisis, Smart D, Abbas J, emphasizes to seek the COVID-19
Wang, Jaffar Lockdown Duan K and adverse impacts posing health
Abbas, Strategies, and Mubeen R challenges and global economic
Kaifeng Duan the COVID-19 (2021) Global crisis. The pandemic (COVID-19)
and Spillover Financial Crisis, continues to hit the global
Impacts: A Smart economies adversely. Pakistan is
Global Lockdown the 5th-most-populous nation, and
Perspective Strategies, and recorded positive cases with the
Implications the COVID-19 third-highest positivity ratio in South
From Southeast Spillover Asia, and 26th-highest deaths toll
Asia Impacts: A of 21,450 and 29th number of most
Global COVID-19 positive cases with
Perspective 933,750 worldwide, as of June 6,
Implications 2021. The first wave appeared at
From Southeast the end of May 2020, and mid of
Asia. Front. June reported its peak, which
No. Year Author Title Publications Findings
16 2022 Samet The source of College of This study investigates the reaction
Gunay, financial Business of stock markets to the Covid-19
Gokberk Can contagion and Administration, pandemic and the Global Financial
spillovers: An American Crisis of 2008 (GFC) and compares
evaluation of University of the their influence in terms of risk
the covid-19 Middle East, exposures. The empirical
pandemic and Egaila, Kuwait investigation is conducted using the
the global modified ICSS test, DCC-GARCH,
financial crisis and Diebold-Yilmaz connectedness
analysis to examine financial
contagion and volatility spillovers.
To further reveal the impact of
these two crises, the statistical
features of tranquil and crisis
periods under different time
intervals are also compared. The
test results show that although the
outbreak’s origin was in China, the
US stock market is the source of
financial contagion and volatility
spillovers during the pandemic, just
as it was during the GFC. The
propagation of shocks is
considerably higher between
No. Year Author Title Publications Findings
17 2020 Eleanor The long-term Volume 67, This study investigates the
Jawan effect of labor December long-term effects of initial labor
Choi,Jaewoo market entry in 2020, 101928 market conditions by comparing
Choi, Hyelim a recession; cohorts who graduated from
Son evidence from The long-term college before, during, and after the
asian financial effects of labor 1997–1998 Asian financial crisis in
crisis market entry in South Korea. They measure the
a recession: overall welfare effect by examining
Evidence from their labor market activities, family
the Asian formation, and household finances.
financial crisis - Using data from 20 waves of the
ScienceDirect Korean Labor and Income Panel
Study, we find a substantial and
persistent reduction in employment,
earnings, marriage, fertility, and
asset building among men who
graduated during the recession. For
women, limited job opportunities at
graduation resulted in an increase
in childbearing. We also find
evidence that family provides a
risk-sharing mechanism for
recession graduates. Our results
suggest that labor market entry in a
large-scale recession has
prolonged effects on a young
worker’s life course even after the
penalties in the labor market have
18 2019 World Bank Bank regulation GLOBAL a decade has passed since the
and supervision FINANCIAL collapse of the U.S. investment
No. Year Author Title Publications Findings
20 2021 Stephen Inang Tatay: Vol-7 Issue-1 This study aims to describe the
Ryan Garcia, The Journey of 2021 lived experiences, challenges and
Winglet Single Moms IJARIIE-ISSN(O coping mechanisms of single moms
Celysse Lim, Amidst )-2395-4396 during the COVID 19 pandemic.
Princess Kim COVID-19 The study shows how a single
Pascua, Pandemic DOI: parent, usually a mother supports
Marco Paolo Stephen Ryan her child while doing it all alone.
Santiago, Garcia, Winglet Solo parents are likely to make
Jhoselle Tus Celysse Lim, twice as much effort as they can to
Princess Kim make enough money for their kids.
Pascua, Marco The working poor is the individuals
Paolo Santiago, who are either partnered or not.
Jhoselle Tus. These people spend 27 weeks or
(2021). Inang more (either employed or actively
Tatay: The seeking work) and yet have an
Journey of income below the poverty level.
Single Moms Parenting, mainly when you have to
Amidst go it alone, is hard work. As social
COVID-19 expectations and family values
Pandemic. alter, single mothers are a
ResearchGate | fast-growing segment of the
Find and share population. There are several
research. problems that single mothers
https://www.res typically face that are unique to
earchgate.net/pr their circumstances in terms of
ofile/Jhoselle-Tu work, finances, child development,
No. Year Author Title Publications Findings
(2021, October,
of Parenting
while Schooling
among Filipino
College Student
Mothers in the
ResearchGate |
Find and share
24 2022 Aina Joyce D. Teachers in The Journal of The study aimed to determine the
Agayon New Normal: Humanities and challenges faced by Filipino
Challenges and Education teachers in the new normal due to
Angel Kem R. Coping Development the COVID-19 outbreak and how
Mechanisms in (JHED), Vol-4, they coped with these difficulties. It
Agayon,Jupet Secondary Issue-1, Jan – used a qualitative inquiry involving
h Pentang Schools Feb 2022 10 teachers from five secondary
Journal of schools in the Philippines who
Humanities and voluntarily participated. Data were
Education DOI: gathered through written narratives
Development https://doi.org/1 from each participant and were
0.22161/jhed.4. analyzed thematically. The findings
1.8 showed that the teachers
encountered challenges in terms of
learning quality transfer, module
distribution and retrieval, students'
difficulties in following instruction,
power disruption, internet
connection, and health risks posed
by the pandemic. Despite these
challenges, the teachers were able
to cope by employing their own
techniques. The study highlights
the need for educators to be
prepared to adapt to any situation
that may arise, as the current
situation is unlikely to improve
anytime soon.
25 2021 Nicole Marie Recurring ISTES This study's goal is to pinpoint the
C. Pascua , Emotions and Organization often occurring feelings and
Coping Monument, behaviors of Filipino parents.
No. Year Author Title Publications Findings
Summarize of RRL/RRS
1-3 Sean
The first paper investigates the link between accounting and financial stability
and identifies several core issues such as banks' disclosures, loan loss recognition,
reporting discretion, and enforcement. The second paper focuses on the importance of
rice in the Philippine economy and suggests ways to insulate the country from global rice
price shocks. The third paper analyzes the impact of inflation on the stock market in the
Philippines and finds a mixed relationship in terms of value and volume traded. Overall,
these papers suggest that there are challenges in maintaining financial stability and price
stability in the Philippines and highlight the need for careful consideration and policy
4-6 Clark
Three studies were conducted in the Philippines regarding financial stress and
coping mechanisms. The first study focused on Filipino college students and found that
financial stress was a significant concern for them, and that they used various coping
mechanisms. The second study examined the relationship between parental financial
stress and parenting behaviors and found that financial stress had a negative impact on
parenting behaviors. The third study explored the relationship between financial literacy,
financial behaviors, and financial well-being among young adults and found that financial
literacy was positively related to financial behaviors, and financial behaviors were
positively related to financial well-being. These studies may be relevant to understanding
coping mechanisms used by parents and the impact of financial stress on parenting and
family dynamics.
7-8, 12 Fel
9-11 Jasmine
17-20 Mhikaela
Three studies of the financial crisis: the first examined cohorts of college graduates in
South Korea before, during, and after the 1997–1998 Asian financial crisis and found a
significant decline in employment, earnings, marriage, and fertility; the second, the
Global Financial Development Report 2019–2020, offers proof of the regulatory
measures taken to avert further financial difficulties and illuminates significant policy
issues.the last; The COVID-19 has had a considerable impact on the stock markets in
the US, Japan, Germany, and Italy, but the GFC had a more widespread impact overall.
It gives a summary of what they know and highlights areas where further evidence is
23-25 Josiah
The 23rd study looked at the financial literacy challenges faced by public school
teachers in the Philippines. Results showed that most teachers struggle financially and
practice informal debt. The study recommends implementing financial literacy programs
in teacher training and future research in other educational levels. The 24th study
explored the challenges faced by Filipino teachers due to COVID-19 and how they
coped. Results showed difficulties with learning quality, module distribution, student
instruction, power/internet outages, and health risks. Despite the challenges, teachers
used their own techniques to cope. The study emphasizes the need for educators to
adapt to unexpected situations, given the pandemic's ongoing impact. Lastly, The 25th
study aimed to identify common feelings and behaviors of Filipino parents raising a child
with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), particularly during grieving situations. The
researcher provided descriptions of various coping mechanisms used by these parents.