Pneumonia NCP
Pneumonia NCP
Pneumonia NCP
>Increasing the
>Use humidified humidity will decrease
oxygen at bedside the viscosity of
> Pharmacological
> Document response therapy is used to
to drug therapy and prevent and control
development of symptoms, reduce
adverse side effects severity of
medication exacerbations, and
improve health status
2. Dependent
>Administer IV fluid
therapy as ordered - Fluids are required to
replace losses,
including insensible
losses, and aid in
mobilization of
> Administer
analgesics as ordered >To improve cough
when pain is inhibiting
medications as > to relax smooth
ordered respiratory musculature,
airway edema, and
3. Collaborative mobilize secretions
>Collaborate to
nutritionist in diet for >To promote proper
age of patient nutrition appropriate for
the patient
b. Health Teachings
>Teach patient slower >It allows patient to
and deeper participate in
respirations and use of maintaining health
the pursed-lip status and improve
technique ventilation.
2. Dependent
>Administer IV fluid > Fluids are required to
therapy as ordered replace losses,
including insensible
losses, and aid in
mobilization of
3. Collaborative
>Collaborate to >PCAP may cause
nutritionist in diet for malnutrition which can
age of patient affect breathing pattern.
Good nutrition can
strengthen the
functionality of
respiratory muscles
>Practice and
emphasize constant
and proper hand >Hand washing
hygiene prevents the spread of
pathogens from patient
> Encourage early to nurse and vice versa
ambulation, deep
breathing, coughing, > for mobilization of
position changes respiratory secretions
and prevention of
>Monitor vital signs infections
closely, especially
during initiation of > During this period,
therapy potentially fatal
complications, such as
hypotension or shock,
>Investigate sudden may develop
change in condition,
such as increasing > Delayed recovery or
chest pain, extra heart increase in severity of
sounds, altered symptoms
sensorium, recurring suggests resistance to
fever, changes in antibiotics or secondary
sputum characteristics infection
>Monitor effectiveness
of antimicrobial
> Signs of improvement
b. Health Teachings in condition should
>Encourage adequate occur within 24 to
rest balanced with 48 hours
moderate activity
> Facilitates healing
>Promote adequate process and enhances
nutritional intake and natural resistance
diet for age
> Facilitates healing
>Advice parents to process and enhances
limit visitors natural resistance
>Antibiotics act to
inhibit the growth of
bacteria and destruction
of bacteria. These
drugs are used to
combat most of the
Combinations of drugs
can be used when
the pneumonia is a
>Administer oxygen as result of mixed
ordered organisms.
>Respiratory support
may be needed during
the acute phase of
infection to prevent
>Administer IV fluid as additional physiological
ordered stress