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DGMS Form J To U

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[FORM – J]
[See Rule 76 (1)

* (Return of Reportable accident)

Name of Mine………………….
Mineral worked………………(Quarter ending)
[Return of reportable accident]

Sl. Date of Date of Time of Classification Name of injured

No. entry accident accident By place By cause Brief worker
of description of
accident case of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Sl. No. Nature of Natur Parts of Date of Duration of Initials of Remarks

from employm e of body return of enforced attending
Register in ent injury injured injured absence (in medical
Form B person to days) practitioner
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Introduction :

Col (5) : Specify as indicated in Annexure – 1 Col (6): Specify as indicated in Annexure – II, Col. (7) :
Give brief description of the circumstances attending the accident.
Col. (11) : Specify whether simple wound laceration abrasion of fracture (only toes, fingers and thumb etc)
Col. (14) : mention the days intervening the days of occurrence and day of rejoining and not including
either the date of occurrence or rejoining.
Col. (16) : In case if an injury proves “Serious” or “Fatal” or when injured person proceeds on leave or
leaves his employment. Particulars should be entered in this column.
[Note : Copies of entries person injured in preceding quarter(s) and who continued to absent in the quarter
should also be submitted separately]

1. Substituted by GSR 1786 dated 17.10.1970

2. Substituted by GSR 316 dated 26.4.1986
3. Inserted, ibid.

Classification of Accident
By place of work (Column – 5)
1. Below ground :

1.1. Development face

1.2. Other Development area
1.3. Longwall face
1.4. Other Depillaring /stopping area
1.5. Tramming roadway
1.6. Other rope haulage roadways
1.7. Shafts and sinking shaft (including inclined shafts)
1.8. Inclines and Winzes
1.9. Other (Specify)

2. Opencast Workings :

2.1. Bottom Bench

2.2. Top of the Quarry
2.3. Other benches
2.4. Rope Haulage roadway
2.5. Other Transportation roadways
2.6. Other (Specify)

3. Aboveground (Excluding Opencast Workings) :

3.1. Aerial Ropeway –site

3.2. Rope Haulage Roadways
3.3. Other transportation Roadways
3.4. Railway line belonging to the mine
3.5. Site of ore handling plants (including screening plants Dressing Plants, Crushing Plants, etc)
3.6. Workshop, Power-house and other engine rooms
3.7. Depot
3.8. Other (Specify)


Classification of accidents by cause (Column 6)

1.Ground movements :

1.2 Fall of roof

1.3 Fall of sides (other than overhang)
1.3 Fall of overhang
1.4 Rock Burst of Bump
1.5 Air Blast
1.6 Premature collapse of workings/pillars
1.7 Subsidence
1.8 Landside
1.9 Collapse of shaft

2. Transportation Machinery (Winding in shaft)

3. Transportation Machinery (other than winding in shaft):
3.1 Aerial Ropeway
3.2 Rope Haulage
3.3 Other Rail Transportation
3.4 Mechanical conveyors
3.5 Dumpers and other heavy earth movers
3.6 Other wheeled trackless means of transportation (Trucks, lorries, etc.)

4. Machinery -other than Transportation Machinery :

4.1 Drills
4.2 Coal cutting Machinery
4.3 Coal Loading Machinery
4.4 Haulage Engine
4.5 Winding Engine
4.6Shovels, Draglines, Excavators etc.
4.7 Ore handling Plants (including crushing and screening plants)
4.8 Pumps
4.9 Other (specify)

5. Explosive
6. Electricity
7. Dust Gas and other combustible material :

7.1 Occurrence of gas

7.2 Influx of gas
7.3 Suffocation by gases
7.4 Explosion or ignition of gas/ dust etc.
7.5 Outbreak of fire or spontaneous heating
7.6 Others (Specify)

8. Falls (other than falls of ground) :

8.1 Falls of persons from heights or into depths

8.2 Falls of persons on the same level
8.3 Falls of objects other than falls of ground
8.4 Other falls (Specify)

9. Other Cause :

9.1 Irruption of water

9.2 Flying pieces
9.3 Extremity caught in between objects
9.4 Unclassified (Specify)
[See Rule 76 (2)]
Return of Minor Accidents

Name of Mine……………..
Mineral worked…………(Quarter ending on…)

Sl. Date of Date of Time of Classification

No. entry accident accident By place of By cause Brief description Name of
accident of case of accident injured worker
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Sl. No. from Nature of Nature Parts of body Date of return of Initial of attending Remarks
Register in employment of injury injured injured person to medical practitioner
Form B work
9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Introduction :

Col (5) : Specify as indicated in Annexure – 1 to Form J. Col (6): Specify as indicated in Annexure – II
to From J. Col. (7) : Give brief description of the circumstances attending the accident.
Col. (11) : Specify whether simple wound laceration abrasion of fracture
Col. (15) : In case if an injury proves “reportable” “Serious” or “Fatal” or when injured person proceeds on
leave or leaves his employment. Particulars should be entered in this column.
1. Substituted by GSR 316 dated 26.4.1986

(See Rule 54)

Information regarding leave with Wages
Name and Serial Nature of Actual number Days of leave Days of Arrears Total Remarks
surname number employment of days worked with wages leave to of leave number of if any
of from whether below during the enjoyed during which he is carried days of
employee Register ground or above preceding year the preceding entitled over leave with
in Form ground year from the wages
“B” previous
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Designation: Owner/agent/manager
Mine :
Owner :
Dated ………………………….

* Inserted vide Notification No. GSR 1786, dated 30.9.1970


(See rule 29D (1)}

Notice of initial/ periodical medical examination under rule 29B

No………….. Date………………….

Sri/Srimati………………. Nature of employment**……………… Serial number from B Register**

son/daughter or/wife* of …………. Is hereby notified that he/she* should present himself/herself* for
an initial/periodical* medical examination, under rule 29B of the Mines Ru les 1955, before…..(give
name of the examining authority) at ……..(give exact description of place) on *** ………… (give
date) at …….. (give time).

Shri/Shrimati*…………. May note that if he/she* fails, without reasonable cause, to submit
himself/herself* for the medical examination aforesaid he/she shall not be eligible for
appointment/continuance in employment to the mine from………………

Shri/Shrimati*……………. May further note that he/she* should bring with him/her* three unattested
photographs of himself/herself* and the previous medical certificates in Form O, if any, issued to
him/her* under rule 29 F.

Signature of manager
*Delete whatever is not applicable
** Necessary only in case of a person already employed in the mine.
*** In respect of the initial medical examination of a person already employed in a mine and in respect
of every periodical medical examination atleast twenty days prior notice is to be given. In respect of
the initial medical examination of a person seeking employed at a mine the period of notice may be

Note – A copy of the notice shall be sent to the examining authority concerned. In the case of
periodical medical examination, the copy of medical certificate in Form O shall also be sent.
1. Inserted by GSR 1786 dated 17.10.1970
2. Inserted by GSR 557(E) dated 16.11.1978
1{FORM – N}

{See rule 29D (S)}

Second and final notice of initial/periodical medical examination under rule 29 B

No……… Date………….

Shri/Shrimati*…………… Nature of employment………… Serial number from Form B

Register……… Son/daughter/wife of ………. Failed to present himself/herself* for an
initial/periodical* medical examination on…… in respect of which he/she/had been given a notice on

He/She* is hereby again notified that he/she* should present himself/herself* for an
initial/periodical* medical examination, under rule 29B of the Mines Rules, 1955, before……….(give
name of the examining authority) at ……(give date)** …………….(give time)

Shri/Shrimati*…………, may note that if he/she* fails to submit himself/herself* for the medical
examination aforesaid, he/she* shall not be employed/retained in employment in the mine from………

Shri/Shrimati*………….., may further note that he/she* should bring with him/her* three
unmounted photographs of himself/herself* and he previous medical certificate in Form O, if any,
issued to him/her* under rule 29F.

Signature of Manager

(a) Delete whatever is not applicable.

** In respect of the initial medical examination of a person already employed in a mine and in respect
of every periodical medical examination, the second notice is to be given at lest ten days previously.

1 Inserted vide Notification No. GSR 656, dated 5.6.1980.

(FORM – O)
(See rule 29F (2) and 29L)

Report of medical examination under rule 29B

(To be issued in triplicate)**
Certificate No…………..

Certified that Shri/Shrimati* employed as ………. In ………mine, Form B No. has been
examined for an initial/periodical medical examination. He/she* appears to be………… years of age. The
findings of the examining authority are given in the attached sheet. It is considered that

(a)* is medically fit for any employment in mines.

(b)* is suffering from…………. and is medically unfit for
(b) any employment in mine; or
(c) any employment below ground; or
(d) any employment or work……….

©* is suffering from………… is should get this disability* cured/controlled and should be again examined
within a period of ………..months. He/She will appear for re -examination with the result of test
of………… and the opinion of …………Specialist from………… He/She may be permitted/not*
permitted to carry on his duties during this period.

Space for affixing Passport

Size Photograph of the
Candidate. Signature of the examining authority
Place : Name and designation in Block letters
Date :
* Delete whatever is not applicable.
** One copy of the certificate shall be handed over to the person concerned and another copy
shall be sent to the manager of the mine concerned by registered post; and the third copy shall
be retained by the examining authority,

Report of the examining authority

(to be filled in for every medical examination whether initial or periodical or re -examination or after
cure/control of disability).

Annexure to Certificate No…………as result of medical examination on …….

Identification Mark……………..
Left thumb impression of
The candidate
1. General development- Good/Fair/Poor
4Eyes :
(i)Visual acuity-Distant vision (with or without glasses).
Right eye……..Left eye…………..
(ii) any organic disease of eyes
(iii)night blindness
(iv)Colour blindness

(* to be tested in special cases)

1. Inserted vide notification No.GSR 656 dated 5.6.1980
(e) Ears :
(f) Hearing : right ear………….Left ear ……………..
(g) Any organic diseases.

6.Respiratory system.
Chest measurement :

(i)after full inspiration …………cms.

(ii)After full expiration…………..cms.

7. Circulatory system:

Blood Pressure

8. Abdomen :
9. Nervous system:
History of fits or epilepsy
Mental health.
10.Locomotory system
11. Skin.
12. Hydrocele.
13. Hernia.
14. Any other abnormality
15. Urine :
16. Skiagram of chest.
17. Any other test considered necessary by the examining authority.
18. Any opinion of specialist considered necessary.

Signature of the examining authority

(FORM – P)

(See rule 29F (i) and 29L)

Medical Standard of fitness for Persons Employed

1. The pers on should be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to
interfere with his efficient employment in a mine.
2. Skeletal nervous system : The limbs should be well formed and developed, and the function of all the
limbs should be within normal limits. Any deformity should be recorded. There should be no
deformity or paralysis which may interfere with his efficient employment in a mine.
3. Skin :- There should be no evidence of extensive and chronic skin disease or ulceration. In case of
infective type of skin disease, the candidate could be made fit after he has undergone a treatment. All
occupational skin diseases should be noted.
4. (a) Eye vision should be not less than the following standard:

(1) Better eye 6/12

(2) Worse eye 6/18
(b) There should be no night blindness for persons employed below ground and for persons
employed in open cast working in shifts other than in mornings shifts.
(c) A person having only one eye which functions normally should not be employed below
ground, For employment on surface the vision of such a person in the other eye should be 6/18
with or without glasses.
5. Hearing should be good, Any progressive disease affecting hearing/or occupational deafness should be

6. Speech must be without serious impediment. Unless this is also accompanied by generalised partial
paralysis this should not be a reason for declaring unfit.

7. (a) Respiratory system should be sound and free from any chronic bronchial or laryngeal disease.
This however alone should not be reason to make unfit.
(b) [A full sized pestero-anterior chest radiograph (large) enough to include thoratic inlet and
both costophrenic angles obtained by an X-ray machine of atleast 300 mA Milli-Ampere)
strength shall be evaluated in the manner specified by the Chief Inspector and Lung function
tests (spirometry) to record forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in one
second (FEVI) shall be made. There should not be any evidence of active pulmonary disease
if] there are evidences of active pulmonary tuberculosis, he may be permitted to work if his
sputum is negative on repeated examination and on production of a certificate that he is taking
treatment from a qualified medical practioner/hospital

8. Circulatory system – There should be no evidence of any heart or vascular disease which may interfere
with his efficient employment in a mine.

9. In case the candidate has hernia he may be declared fit after he has been successfully operated for the
10. Hydrocele if present should not be large enough to impede the normal activities off the candidate. In
such cases he may be declared fit after being successfully operated.
11. The medical examination should include examination of urine and of other system for evidence of
disease. Mere presence of albumen and sugar in the urine without any gross organic disease producing
signs and symptoms should not be considered as a disability.

1. Inserted vide notification No. GSR 656 dated 5.6.1980

2. Substituted by GSR 707(E) dated 21.7.1989
(FORM – P-I)

(See rule 29F(1) and 29L)

Medical standard of fitness for persons to be employed in mines.

1. The person should be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to
interfere with his efficient employment in a mine. Due allowance in the standard should be made for the
age of a candidate.

2. Locomotor system – The limbs should be well formed and developed and the function of all the limbs
should be within normal limits. Any deformity should be recorded. There should be no deformity or
paralysis which may interfere with his efficient employment in a mine. Any deformity noted should be

3. Skin – There should be no evidence of extensive and chronic skin disease or ulceration.

4. (a) Distant vision eye with or without glasses should be not less than the following standard.
For workers employed on For workers employed
Surface and in opencast below ground
1. Better eye 6/12 6/6
2. Worse eye 6/18 6/9
(b) Night blindness should be tested in special cases only in underground workers where the examining
authority considers it necessary.

(c) A person having only one eye which functions normally should not be employed belowground. For
employment on surface the vision of such a person in the other eye should be 6/12 with or without glasses.
A person will be considered uni-ocular when there is physical loss of one eye or when there in functional
loss of vision of one eye.

(d) Colour blindness will be tested only in special cases where the job requires good colour dis crimination.
Only low grade colour perceptions will be tested with Edridge Green’s lantern.

(e) There should not be squint where binocular vision is essential.

(f) There should not be any organic disease of the eye which is likely to affect the distant vision within a
period of five years.

5. Hearing should be good. Any progressive disease effecting hearing should be recorded. The candidate
should be able to hear conversational voice from a distance of 3 metres.

6. Speech must be without serious impediments.

7. (a) Respiratory system should be sound and free from any chronic laryngeal bronchial pulmonary
disease. Tuberculosis of lungs if not active should not be a disqualification.

(b) 2 [A full sized pestero-anterior chest radiograph (large) enough to include thoratic inlet and both
costophrenic angles obtained by an X-ray machine of atleast 300 mA Milli-Ampere) strength shall be
evaluated in the manner specified by the Chief Inspector and Lung function tests (spirometry) to record
forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in one second (FEVI) shall be made. There
should not be any evidence of active pulmonary disease if] there are evidences of active pulmonary
tuberculosis, he may be permitted to work if his sputum is negative on repeated examination and on
production of a certificate that he is taking treatment from a qualified medical practioner/hospital
1. Substituted by GSR 707(E) dated 21.7.1989
2. Substituted, ibid
8.Circulatory system :- There should be no evidence of cardiac or vascular disease which may interfere
with his efficient employment in a mine.

9. There should not be any evidence of disease of abdominal organs which is likely to affect his efficient
discharge of duty in a mine.

10. In case the candidate has hernia, he may be declared fit after he has been successfully operated for the

11. Hydrocele if present should not be large enough to impede the normal activities of the person. If it is
large enough he may be declared fit after being successfully operated.

12. The nervous system should be sound. Persons with history of epilepsy or any other type of organic or
historical fits should not be declared fit for employment in a mine.

13. The medical examination should include examination of urine. Mere presence of albumen and sugar in
the urine without any gross organic disease producing signs and symptoms should not be a disability.

14. Skiagram of the chest should also he obtained. If it is necessary the medical officer may direct the
candidate to obtain the result of special tests or/and the opinion of a specialist from recognised

(FORM – Q)

(See rule 29J(2) 9 (a))

Notice of medical re-examination by Appellate Medical Board

No……….. Date………………..


SHRI/Shrimati*………..Nature of employment……………serial number from Form B Register…………

son/daughter/wife* of ………….., who has appealed for a re-examination against the findings of a medical
examination under rule 29B of Mines Rules, 1955 that he/she is unfit for :

a. * Any employment in mines.

b. * Any employment below………. Ground.

c. * Any employment on work………..(Specify in detail) is hereby notified that he/she should

present himself/herself* for a medical re -examination by the Appellate Medical Board at
………. (give exact description of place) on**………….(give date) at ……….(Give

Shri/Shrimati*…….may note that if he/she* fails without reasonable cause, to submit

himself/herself* for the medical re -examination aforesaid he/she* shall not be retained in
employment in the mine.

Signature of manager


*Delete whatever is not applicable

**15 days, prior notice is to be given to a medical re-examination by the Appellate Medical Board.
(FORM – R)

(See rule 29J(2) (b) )

Second and final notice of medical re-examination by Appellate

Medical Board

No………….. Date……………19


SHRI/Shrimati*………..Nature of employment……………serial number from Form B Register…………

son/daughter/wife* of ………….., failed to present himself/herself* for medical re-examination on …
respect of which he/she* had been given a notice on …………

He/She* is hereby again notified that he/she* should present himself/herself* for a medical re -examination
by the Appellate Medical Board at ……..(give exact description of place) on**……….(give date) at
…………(give time).

Shri/Shrimati*…..may note that if he/she* fails to submit himself/herself* for the medical re -examination
aforesaid, he/she* shall not be retained in employment in the mine.

Signature of Manager
……………….. mine.

* Delete whatever is not applicable.

**15 days’ prior notice is to be given of medical re-examination by the Appellate Medical Board.

(FORM – S)

(See rule 29L)

Report of medical re-examination by Appellate Medical Board

(To be issued in triplicate)**

We do hereby certify that we have examined Shri/Shrimati* ……….. Nature of

employment…….., Serial Number from Form B Register………….. of ….. mine, who has been
declared medically unfit for.

5. * any employment in mine.

6. * any employment belowground.
7. * any employment in work……….

(Specify in details)

as a result of a medical examination under rule 29B. Our Report is given overleaf.
We consider that –

1. He/She* is medically fit for any employment in mine.

2. He/She* is suffering from……….. and is medically unfit for

(a) * any employment in mine.

(b) * any employment belowground.
(c) * any employment in work……….
(Specify in details)

3. He/She is suffering from…..and should get this disability/cured/controlled* and should be again
examined within a period of ……………months. He will appear for re -examination within a period
of…………months. He will appear for re-examination with the result of test of………* and opinion of
………specialist from…………He may be permitted/not permitted* to carry on his duties during this

Signature of members of
Appellate Medical Board
2………….. 3……………
* Delete whichever is not applicable
**One copy of the certificate shall be handed over to the person concerned and another copy shall be sent to the manager of the mine
concerned by registered post, and the third copy shall be retained by the Convener of the Appellate Medical Board.


Annexure to certificate No………….as result of Medical examination identification mark :

On……………. Left thumb impression

Of the candidate

1. General development. Good/Fair/Poor

2. Height……….cms. 3. Weight……….kg.
4. (i) Eyes………visual acuity Distant vision(with or without glasses)
(ii) any organic disease of eyes.
*(iii) night blindness Right eye………Left eye………….
*(iv) Colour blindness……….(v) Squint…………………..

(* to be tested in special cases)

5. Ears :

(i) Hearing………(ii) any organic disease

6. Respiratory system :

Chest measurement
8. after full inspiration …….cms (ii) after full expiration……

7. Circulatory system :
Blood pressure…………. Pulse…………..
8. Abdomen :
9. Nervous system :
History of fits or epilepsy…..Paralysis……..Mental health………
10. Locomotion system :
11. Skin :
12. Hernia :
13.Hydrocele :
14.Any other abnormality :
Urine: Reaction…….. Albumin……… Sugar………..
15.Skiagram of chest :
16.Any other test considered necessary by the examining authority.
17.Any opinion of specialist considered necessary.

Place : Signature of the Appellate Medical Board

(FORM – T)

(See rule 29-P(i))

Annual Return for the year ending on the 31st December

1. Name of mines………………
2. Postal address of Mines……………
3. Date of opening ………………..
4. Date of closing (if closed)………….
5. Situation of Mine (District/State)…………..
6. Name of Owner………..Postal address of owner…………
7. Number of persons required to be medically examined……….
9. Number of persons medically examined……………
10. Number of persons declared medically unfit…………
11. Categorisation of the persons declared unfit………….

Certified that the information given above is correct to the best of my knowledge.
Date……………… Signature……………..
(No. S. 650/2/1/72-M.L.)
(FORM – U)

(See rule 29R and S)

Name of Mine………Owner…………Manager……………..Place/installation inspected…………………..

Inspected by ………………on ……………Accompanied by………………
Observations Remedial Action taken Date on Remarks
Measures for remedial which action if any
Suggested measures taken
Signature of Workmen’s Signature of Manager
Inspector with date

Signature of mine official

Accompanying the work-
Men’s Inspector

1. Inserted by GSR 316 dated 26.4.1986

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