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Body Sonics Cellular Healing

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with the 396Hz, 528Hz & 111Hz frequencies

Tuning into the Divine blueprint of the Universe,

You & the Maths of all Existence!

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol


with the 396Hz, 528Hz & 111Hz frequencies





5.! THE 3 MAIN ZOBET (solfeggio) FREQUENCIES! 8

a) ! 396Hz - “Ut”! 8

b)! 528Hz - “Mi”! 9

c) ! 111Hz - “o micros kosmos”! 12


a) ! Striking the forks! 16

b)! Use on the body! 16

c) ! Using just the numbers! 19

d)! Use in the body’s energy field/aura! 20






a) ! Releasing the trauma! 27

b)! Self worth! 32

c) ! Taking back the power! 33

d)! Our word is our wand! 35

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

e) ! The nocebo effect! 36

f)! Birth! 37

g)! The Death Urge! 40

h)! Choice! 42

i)! Suspending our disbelief! 46

j)! Going beyond what we think is possible! 49

k) ! Forgiveness of Self and Others! 50

l)! Making a sincere and humble request ! 51

m) ! Letting go of any expectations! 52

n)! Blasting through blocks! 52


a) ! Already healed! 53

b)! Focus like a laser! 54

c) ! Changing how we see! 55

d) ! Trigger happy! 56

e) ! Grounding with 396Hz! 56

f)! Earthing/Grounding Exercise! 57



a) ! Smiling into the Sound! 62

b)! Humming! 63

c) ! Wow isn’t just a cool word! 64

d)! Finding the scratch! 64

e) ! Other ways the voice can be used! 65


a) ! Relaxing the Outbreath! 66

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

b)! Using the breath and sound to flush through! 67




a) ! Regenerative sleep! 69

b)! REM Sleep! 70












30.! WHAT OTHERS SAY...! 89




Flower of Life 1

The Campfire Process 2

The Forgiveness Process 3

30 day EFT negative belief re-patterning 4-6


The significance of tuning forks in their ability to harmonise the body’s

systems was first discovered by John Beaulieu of Biosonics when he sat in
a soundproof chamber at New York University and found that his nervous
system quickly aligned with the sound of any tuning fork he struck – just like
tuning a piano!

Certain tuning forks can result in a physical shift at a cellular level, and a
recalibration of our mind, body and spirit. Physically, this happens within
the inner ear by stimulation of the cochlea and semi-circular canals. Sound
healing today is increasingly being recognised as a very beneficial and non-
invasive natural therapy that not only has positive benefits, such as deep
relaxation, but it can also help calm your mind, elevate and awaken your
own personal consciousness, increase energy flow, blood circulation etc
and also heal at a cellular level.

Since John Beaulieu’s discovery, a wide variety of tuning forks have

become available to help the body naturally return to a place of balance
and attunement with natural vibrations. It is most important that the body
receives the correct frequencies since some sound healing tools are tuned
to the piano scale and in my opinion it is inadvisable to use those
frequencies since the piano is not based on universal tunings and doesn’t
already exist in nature. If you are keen to work further with other tuning
forks and need guidance, please feel free to email
Congratulations on following your in-tuition
and choosing sound to assist you on your healing journey
back to your Nature-U-All Self, the Heart of the One and who you truly are!

Ashera Hart
Change your Vibe :: Change your Life
Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol


I’ve been passionate about healing with sound since the 1990’s and got on my
path with the solfeggio in 2001 and have since then developed many ways of
giving these amazing rebalancing frequencies to the body, whether it’s through
sound healing audio, the world’s 1st sound healing mobile phone ringtone,
teaching DVD’s, personal tuning fork sessions, sound healing journeys, or
workshops or practitioner trainings to train others about the frequencies for their
own personal evolution or indeed to use the power of their voice to heal. I’ve
developed techniques to create a self-healing system I call Body Sonics and
even a short introductory class can produce amazing results! In fact, the reason
I felt inspired to produce this eBook as a support manual for clients to heal with
their voice, is because of one such introductory class. This work can help free
trauma from the body, repair old injuries/clear energy stagnation/scar tissue/nerve
damage and regenerate the cells and the miracles that are happening are ongoing!
I’ve even had a friend’s father start to regain movement on the left side of his body
after he was paralysed by a stroke.

When I was at a conference teaching in Michigan back in July 2012 and gave a
short intro to Body Sonics during my presentation. I talked the group through a
healing meditation and invited everyone to use their voice to heal any part of the
body that they felt guided to. 48 hours later I had an email from one of the
participants who was very excited because in such a short space of time, a
miracle had happened in his world. The link to the full testimonial of Al is given
in the section in this manual entitled “Harmonising with your voice”.

I am very grateful to Al, because I felt the Universe sent him as a sign of
encouragement to me, to expand this sound healing work, and he also shared
with me the other key things that he felt were important to his healing which had
prepared the way to ensure the healing was complete and more than that,
permanent! So Al, I thank you from the depths of my heart for being an
inspiration and a guiding light to deepen and refine this work to empower others
to heal. Any doubt I might have had that miracles were possible, disappeared

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

after that! Of course, everything is vibration and when we shine our light, love
and healing intention then miracles really do happen!


Since I’ve got on my path working with these frequencies, it’s been an amazing
flow of synchronicities one after the other! I love how the Universe has lined up
experiences for me on my path so that I can speak from real experience rather
than just a conceptual idea. Sound heals! Is that really true? The skeptical
mind wants proof and as it turns out, so did I! When people hear me share about
my own experience of healing with sound, they’re fascinated.

Back in 2011, I was working with my producer and friend Fabio Garces, creating
a range of sound healing audios with different experts and I travelled the 1 hour
drive from my house to his studio to spend the day moving forward with these
projects. On my way to the studio, I stopped by a shop and decided to get an
egg sandwich (which I used to eat, although I’m generally vegan at home, but
sometimes I would eat that kind of food if I’m out and about and needed a boost
of protein. I gave up bread years ago but occasionally socially I’ll eat like that if I
can’t get anything else). Within one hour of arriving at the studio, I suddenly get
really sick. Vomiting, diarrhoea and within an hour or so I couldn’t even keep
water down and my whole physical energy plummetted. Fabio says to me, why
don’t you give sound to your body to clear the problem and I said to him that’s a
great idea, but I don’t know what I’ve got and so it’s going to be impossible to
know which frequency to treat myself with.

For those of you who don’t know, there is a frequency for healing most diseases
including cancer. In fact, cancer has had a cure on this planet since the 1930’s
(Royal Raymond Rife - Rife therapy). I’ve lost 5 family members to cancer (none
of whom were open to my guidance) and I also lost my father to medical
negligence, and whilst I fully acknowledge that the medical world has saved
many lives, it has equally caused a lot of damage and death. This is one of the
reasons why I am passionate about using sound as a great tool, so instead of

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

people trying to heal with toxic, chemical drugs and invasive and sometimes fatal
surgery, they can instead use safe, non-invasive vibrational & holistic healing
therapies, to not just manage symptoms, but to heal permanently!!! This is why
I’ve been on this path and why I remain committed to helping people heal
completely, so they can enjoy a happy, healthy and truly fulfilled life.

So back to me. Fabio and I then got distracted with work and when it came to
the end of the day, I was still ill and I had no energy to drive home. The next day,
I’m still sick, very low energy and can’t move. I decide to use the time to
continue to work with Fabio and at some point during day 2, Fabio says to me,
“why don’t you find out the frequency and you can sort out this problem”. At this
point I still thought it was a good idea but I seemed to be locked in a kind of
disbelief and lack of trust in myself and this work. I didn’t know what disease I
had? I didn’t know what frequency to use? I doubted myself. Once again, we
got distracted and into other things and by the end of Day 2, I still wasn’t well
enough to drive home. Day 3 and I’m hanging in there but not eating, not
drinking and pretty lifeless at this point! For the third time, Fabio says, “let’s find
out the frequency and see if we can heal your body” and this time, even though I
didn’t know what was wrong with me in terms of what bacteria, virus etc might be
causing it, but because I felt so frustrated by my condition and also my lack of
action, I said “OK let’s do it”. I scrolled through the long list of frequencies and
stopped at E.Coli. That made no sense to me because the only thing I could put
my sickness down to was the egg sandwich, because I don’t normally eat that
kind of food, and never normally get sick and the bacteria commonly linked to
egg and food poisoning is salmonella. Still doubting myself, I looked at the long
list of frequencies for E. Coli and just decided to choose the first one that felt
right. Within 5 minutes we had this frequency playing through speakers from
Fabio’s computer. Within 30 minutes, I felt like something died in my stomach
and within 1 hour my diarrhoea and vomiting stopped and within a couple of
hours my whole physical energy returned and so I was able to finally return
home. Through the power of sound, I was healed. Was it a coincidence this
happened? I don’t think so. I really do feel like my higher self lined up that
whole experience so when skeptics challenge me, because they’ve never been

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

educated by their doctor or told by mainstream society that everything is

vibration and that virtually every disease can be cured using sound, as used in
many medical therapies today, then I can speak the truth, from my own
experience to prove it’s real! Let’s bring on the miracles & heal ourselves!


The frequencies of the Zobet (which means “House of the Lord”) which the
solfeggio frequencies are sourced from are based on the divine maths of the
Universe. In “God’s Secret Formula” Dr Peter Plichta talks about the deep
significance of the Prime Number Cross and my discovery of how the
frequencies are embedded within this was further explored by a previous partner
of mine called Jason O’Hara in his book “The Blueprint of Creation” 1 (available
from Amazon & for more info go to Amazon) where he clearly shows in a
diagram (see below) how 9 of the frequencies are embedded within the Prime
Number Cross which you may recognise as the Templar/Maltese; Celtic Cross
and many other crosses found in cultures all over the world.
The Ring of the Lord (Prime Number Cross)

(Courtesy of Jason O’Hara from “The Blueprint of Creation”)

To find the numbers of nine of the Zobet, simply add up the numbers in the 3
inner circles and reduce each number to a single digit from the centre out, i.e.
starting at 1, then above that 2+5 = 7, then above that, 4+9= 13 and 1+3 = 4 and
so you get 174 which is the second frequency in the Zobet after 147. Next is 2,
2+6 = 8, 5+0 = 5 and so you get 285 and so on round the Ring and it reveals a

1 “The Blueprint of Creation” by Jason O’Hara

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

repeating sequence of 9 of the Zobet frequencies – 174, 285, 396, 417, 528,
639, 714, 852 and 963. Note the inner circle is 1-24 and the Fibonacci sequence
(Phi ratio or Golden Mean – the real Da Vinci Code!) which is found everywhere
in nature (including the bones in your body right down to the DNA) has been
found by sacred geometry and maths expert Jain ( to
repeat every 24 numbers, and this ties into the atomic blueprint and the Greek
numerology for Jesus (888 - 8+8+8 = 24). These healing codes are for
humanity’s ascension, to help us to awaken and reconnect to the Divine (Christ
consciousness – see more info below). They also help tune the body back to its
natural harmonious state. They help the body get more grounded and help us
remember we’re part of nature, the cosmos and our creator and ultimately
connected to everything!!! Unity! I call them the system software. Who would
we be if we stripped away all programming, fear, dis-ease, suffering, stress etc?

We’ll be working with three main

frequencies which you will be sent as
audio files if you have not purchased the
tuning forks yet. (more here). The third
one being 111Hz. I have also created a
sound healing audio called The Unity
Codes which is a combination of tuning
forks and gentle ocean waves. It’s the full
spectrum of the 18 Zobet frequencies,
played in ascending pairs with 111Hz
underneath, which can be very useful tool for cell regeneration and it can be
played via headphones directly onto your body. If you are receiving personal
Body Sonics sessions with me, this is included in part of your session package.
You will be sent downloads links for both high quality MP3 format and highest
quality .AIFF format) or to purchase just go to here or here and you will also find
other guided sound healing audio there which combines The Unity Codes with a
guided practice. See at the end of this eBook for more information.

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

The Zobet frequencies are played in pairs that have a difference tone of 111Hz
and this important frequency helps you to harmonise more deeply with your
body, with the earth and your connection to the Divine so that “we are One” is no
longer just a concept but a physical feeling, sensing experience. When we no
longer feel separate or alone or in a place of suffering, I believe we make
different choices, and then can live the life we were destined for! The Unity
Codes sound healing audio is available in three different lengths. Either 20
minutes, 40 minutes or 1 hour. The 20 minute is great for a quick tune in on the
train into work or during your lunch hour & has grounding frequencies at the end
in order to help you get back into your day, ready to go. If you have more time,
then the 40 minute version is perfect for meditating or getting off to sleep or the 1
hour format is great for massage/meditation etc.

111Hz has been used by the Russians for insomnia since the 1940’s. 111Hz
stimulates beta-endorphin release so it may also be helpful for pain relief. The
frequencies take you into a Theta brainwave state which is commonly associated
with light sleep so it’s great for deep relaxation/meditation, boosting your immune
system, accessing in-tuition, enhanced visualisation/dream recall/memory,
problem-solving, creativity, super-learning, transforming limiting beliefs and much
more! 111Hz is also a cell regeneration frequency. 111Hz is also used to help
addiction and depression in therapies such as NET and CES and Pete
Townshend of the Who cured his addiction to heroin using 111Hz back in 1983!

Some people ask me how it compares with binaural beats that are offered so
widely in meditation audio today (the correct medical term for binaural beats is in
fact “dichotic”), and I tell them that these frequencies are “way beyond binaural”
because not only are you getting the benefit of a Theta brainwave state, but you
are also helping yourself to rebalance mentally, tune you into a more loving way
of being, connecting you more deeply spiritually (helping to awaken to your
Divine Self/Solar Divinity), activating your DNA (because they embody the codes
of the Phi ratio that the DNA is comprised of [as shown by research done by
Jean Claude Perez in 2010, go here] and unifying your body back to the whole.
Your body is of course already unified with the whole, but the mind doesn’t know

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

that, and so therefore feeling unity is not a daily feeling and known reality. With
regular daily use, the frequencies can really help you feel more unified inside
your body, so you can more deeply unify and harmonise with everything. The
Unity Codes also feature the 396Hz and 528Hz frequencies as they feature all
the 18 Zobet frequencies using tuning forks.


a) 396Hz - “Ut”
396HZ (or cycles per second) is a miniature version (or harmonic) of the maths
of the earth converted into sound because it’s the measurement of the radius of
the earth at the equator (i.e. from the centre out to the edge), the average of
which is 3,960 miles. The English mile is also an ancient measurement since it is
based on the megalithic mile. In the Greek and Hebrew traditions, they give
numerical values to each letter in the alphabet, just like numerology today, and
this is called gematria (geo-metria – geo = earth, metre = measure or geometry)
and there are various words encoded in the original Torah (Bible) that add up to
396 in Hebrew – e.g. “salvation”, “purification” and interestingly “on the earth”.
So I believe that 396Hz is primarily a grounding and clearing frequency which
with focused intention, can then help us transmute any stress/tension/emotional
imbalance or fear-based/separation consciousness from the past and then shifts
the body from a contracted place to one of openness, softness and receptivity.
Once the past is cleared using breath, sound & movement, this can then help us
get more present in our bodies. When we are more present, we breathe more
deeply into the belly, feel an increase in energy flow throughout the body, have
an ability to sense our body more deeply and how we really feel and then create
the space for us to open to embodying our divine self.

396Hz is also directly linked to the gematria for Lord Jesus Christ which is 3168
since 396 x 2 = 792 x 2 = 1584 x 2 = 3168 which in this context is referring to
Christ consciousness (the Second Coming) and has little to do with Christianity
as it relates to us awakening to our Christ or God self! This is a very useful
vibration to tune into with your voice for deepening yoga practice as taught in

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

UniPhi Yoga. Out with the old vibration of fear, disempowerment & disconnection
and let’s tune in with the new, ancient, future one of Love! (see 528Hz below).

We will use this frequency to work on all the places in your body where you might
be holding contracted energy. When trauma occurs, it’s natural for the body to
go into contraction to protect itself e.g. breaking a bone, the limb contracts to
prevent further movement and further damage. However, this is only designed to
be a temporary protective measure of the body, but due to our Western lifestyles,
we often don’t take the time to clear that contraction and that’s often where
energy flow becomes stagnant and dis-ease or unhealthy conditions start. Using
the voice tuned to this frequency, combined with breath and movement, gives us
a strong container within which to work. We can scan through the body, looking
for contraction or focusing on a specific area, and when we ask the body to allow
its voice to be heard, it gives the body the opportunity to unravel its story without
the story and just through sound. Mitchell Gaynor (who was a prominent holistic
oncologist from the US, who also worked with sound healing) says that when our
past is expressed, witnessed and validated, only then can it be let go of. All we
need to do is create a safe space with either just ourselves or a friend, and then
trust that the body knows exactly what it needs to do to allow itself to be heard.
When we work with a partner who holds an unconditionally-loving space, and
who also mirrors the sound back to us, however it wants to express itself, this
gives the sound journeyer the confidence to keep make whatever sound they
need and also the encouragement to keep going until the clearing is complete.
See more under section 11a) Releasing the trauma.

b) 528Hz - “Mi”
In the Bible, in the Book of Isaiah it refers to “the Key” to the House of David and
the gematria (sacred numerology) of “the Key” in original Aramaic is 528. It is
also the gematria for “the breaking forth of Light” (the first act of creation), “the
dawn” and “the day of his coming”. This last phrase is used to identify the
Second Coming and instead of it being just one human, I believe it to be the
Christ (or Divine Self) within all of us, where “the Key” will be used to unlock and
give access to the throne of David and the present powers that be, will be

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

overthrown, and in its place will be established a kingdom of righteousness on

the earth in the highest and purest sense.

The gematria of 528 also relates to that of Jesus

and Lord Jesus Christ and directly links to the
Golden proportion or Phi ratio that is present in
the measurements of your body e.g. bones in
our fingers, right down to the DNA. So by
taking the power of universal maths and
converting it into sound, we can send a
rebalancing message to our bodies, asking us
to remember that we are part of nature, and the
whole cosmos and are ultimately connected to
love and everything in each moment. Unity!

In Revelations 3:7, it says “These are the

words of him who is holy and true, who holds the
key of David. What he opens no one can shut and what he shuts no one can

There are also 5,280 feet in a mile! 5,280 also relates to 396 and to one of the
measurements of the Earth, since an English cubit equals 1.5 feet therefore
5,280 x 1.5 = 7,920 and the diameter of the Earth is 3,960 x 2 = 7,920!

The 528Hz frequency is also known by some

as the “Mi” or Miracle frequency for repairing
DNA, when in fact the “Mi” in the musical scale
comes from the word Microcosmos (although
the original hymn to St John the Baptist does
have the word MI-ra gesto-rum = miracle in
Latin). It is claims that this frequency can
repair DNA in the laboratory when in fact no
proof has been offered by those who originally

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

made that claim. However, because the Zobet frequencies embody the Phi ratio
due to the Prime Number Cross relationship, and because the Phi ratio is found
within the DNA, these sound healing codes can certainly be great tools to
harmonise the physical body back to its original divine blueprint as evidenced by
the miraculous healings that have occurred with my clients. See more here.

Biochemist Dr. Lorenzen PhD invented clustered water and put the 528Hz
frequency in to bless it. He discovered that clustered water creates six-sided,
crystal-shaped water that forms a healing matrix for healthy DNA. During
ageing/intoxication, these structural water clusters are depleted which affects
virtually all physiological function so clustered water sends a “wake-up” call to
restore normal function. Benefits include: Energises the body; properly hydrates
the cells and organs where other water (e.g. chlorinated/tap water linked to
bladder, rectal & cancer as proved by Dr Morris of the Medical College of
Wisconsin) has a vastly reduced ability to do so; helps waste and toxin removal
from cells; and helps boost absorption of nutrition. Dr. Lorenzen believes this
'528' frequency might also be beneficial in delaying ageing. 528Hz has recently
been used into the local ocean water in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill by Professor
John Hutchison. 528Hz is a wonderful vibration to tune your heart in to the
whole and also awaken your heart to more love and your truly loving self. It can
also be used by combining your voice with your conscious loving intention to
help repair damage and/or injury to any part of the body, by directly applying it to
that area, onto a bone using bone conduction (if it’s a tuning fork) as this is the
fastest way of giving sound to the body, or by using your voice which I consider
to be the most powerful of all! Interestingly, 528 has also been hidden as a
secret message in the movie “Inception” starring Leonardo DiCaprio. Check out
the number of the hotel room and the first 3 digits of the code to “unlock the
safe” (the Key!).

When you use 396Hz and 528Hz together which is only possible with either
tuning forks or working with a partner sounding each frequency, it can create two
different effects. 528 divided by 396 = 1.33333 which is the refractive index of
light into water and the body is about 70% water so I believe that those two

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

combined are bringing light into the water in the body. The ratio of these two
frequencies is also a musical perfect fifth - 2:3 which can be very balancing by
itself. 2:3 also = 0.666 and since 666 is a multiple of 111 and is an important
number in gematria that is “the Spirit of the Sun”, (which at its lowest potential is
the number of the beast - a greedy, dominating, manipulative, unhealthy human),
which can, I believe, also help us bring our full divinity (solar selves) into our
body. 666 is also the atomic structure of carbon (6 protons, 6 neutrons, 6
electrons) more in any of my DVD’s here and carbon is the second biggest
element in the human body after oxygen whose atomic structure is 888 - 8
electrons, 8 neutrons, 8 protons. See more on 111 below.

c) 111Hz - “o micros kosmos”

There are 18 Zobet frequencies & they are played in pairs that have a difference
tone of 111Hz and this important frequency helps us to tune in more deeply.
When you feel more connected to your body, you may tune in with healthier
choices of food to eat, deepening your awareness, so you might perhaps tune in
on deeper breathing or more aligned posture, or become more in touch with your
in-tuition (inner teacher), and due to the Theta brainwave state created, more
able to handle the daily stresses of a modern life etc.

Marke Pawson in his book “The Numbers of Infinity” states that the number code
(gematria) of “o micros kosmos” is 111. The ancients regarded the body as the
microcosm. In David Fideler’s book “Jesus, Sun of God” (note the spelling of
“Sun”), he quotes Clement (of Alexandria, Egypt) saying “man composed of body
& soul” is “a universe in miniature”, an image of “the Celestial Logos” itself, “the
all harmonious, melodious, holy instrument of God” and “a divine mediator
between heaven and earth, between transcendent God and incarnate humanity”.
So each human is a microcosm within the macrocosm, a part of the whole, and
111Hz can help us reconnect to that feeling of unity within, and so therefore we
can feel more connected to everything around us as well. Unifying us back to
the whole!

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

111 also means “the intelligence of the Sun” which relates to your Divine Self or
Solar Self since one of the multiples of that number is the number code for Jesus
(888) and if you are able to feel more connected with yourself, then you can also
connect more deeply with your Divine Self and strengthen your connection to

111 is also the sacred number code (Gematria) of many different meanings, e.g.
The Lord my God, Children of the Living God, The Law of Truth, Breath of Life
etc. This number code is found encoded within the Last Supper painting by Da
Vinci and there are many other multiples of this number with sacred meaning e.g.
222, 333, etc.

111 as a number is three occurrences of 1 and 1 is the number of Unity so you

have Oneness x 3 and 3 symbolises the holy Trinity (Mother, Father, Holy Spirit).
If you divide 111 by 3 you get the prime number of 37. If you recall from the
earlier diagram in point 4, the Zobet frequencies, are found mapped in the Prime
Number Cross and this sacred symbol is found in most cultures across the
planet, although it is given many different names. See “The Holy Grail & Sound”
DVD/video for the full explanation on that. Click here to find out more.

Since 111Hz can also produce an endorphin release in the body, your body’s
natural feel good factor, the weighted 111Hz fork may be helpful for pain relief
direct onto the area affected. You can also play the frequency just from speakers
or headphones (as long as the speakers or headphones have a frequency
response as low as 100Hz), and whilst it may be quite low to hear, the body will
certainly attune with it, whether you are hearing it or not. If you are male, you
can also tune your voice to it and direct that sound into your body. Some women
have quite a large vocal range so may also be able to do that.

As mentioned previously, 111Hz also takes you into a Theta brainwave state
(experienced just before or just after sleep) and it can equally be called a
shamanic/trance-inducing frequency. 111Hz has also been found to be present
in many ancient chambers as the main predominant standing wave (between

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

110-112Hz) e.g New Grange (Ireland), Hypogeum (Malta). It’s amazing that the
ancients were able to build a structure that accurately produced this frequency in
order to access that deeper shamanic altered state, or space of tuning in on
every level. From being in that space of being aligned and attuned, I’m sure that
many insights, in-tuition and wisdom were accessed.

The effect of 111Hz has been studied by

UCLA and Princeton University and it has
been found that it stimulates the parts of
the brain that are involved in speech,
memory and hearing and this region also
relates to personality expression &
moderating social behaviour so it may be
helpful for schizophrenia, bipolar
disorders, ADHD & autism/Aspergers.

The UCLA study also showed a temporary rebalancing of the brain from left to
right-sided dominance and that people regularly exposed to 111Hz would be
“turning on” an area in the brain that bio-behavioural scientists believe relates to
mood, empathy and social behaviour and given that so much of society is
focused on a “me, me, me” culture, 111Hz can be a very helpful tool for humanity
to look at the bigger picture (right brained focus) and see us all as part of one
global family. Moving beyond separation-based consciousness, to one of Unity
and ultimately peace.

Other research in 1994 by the California Institute of Technology reveals that the
main firing frequency of the Purkinje cells in the cerebellum is 111Hz. This part
of the brain relates to motor function and conditions that are affected by damage
to this area include: autism, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, auto-immune disorders,
hypoplasia, spider veins, neuro-degenerative disorders & those caused by
environmental toxins, excessive use of alcohol or lithium. Click here to view the

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

You can liken the ability of the 396Hz frequency to planting a seed in the earth,
getting your body earthed, & when you’ve made that connection to your “earth”,
then it’s time for the plant to grow and open to new things including sunlight with
the 528Hz, so it can bring in new energy to fill the cells. Then the 111Hz brings
the Sun and enables the plant to grow, pushing towards the light as it creates
new life, fully awakening to its divine design and unifying with the whole.


There are different ways of using the frequencies whether it’s using the audio
files or tuning forks. To work with the forks, you simply hold them by the stem so
the fork can vibrate.

They can either be used to guide you in tuning your voice to each frequency or
used for healing directly on the body or in the body’s surrounding energy field/
aura or indeed to encode water or food, or clear the energy in a space and full
instructions are below. Before using the forks, it is important to ensure that you
are centred, grounded and focused in order to ensure the best possible results.
You might like to meditate with deep breathing for a short time (maybe 5, 10 or
20 minutes – whatever feels right) to tune in on a deeper level or do some
physical movement like yoga, dancing, shaking or Qi Gong, so you are more
alert and fully present. You may also find that after using the forks or sounding
using your voice, that you prefer to be in silence off your technology (i.e.
computer, mobile etc) or in a peaceful place in nature due to your heightened
state of sensitivity and peace.

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

a) Striking the forks

This can be done either by striking each fork gently on a hard surface or by
tapping them gently together. One thing that is particularly good to use is a
hockey puck since it is made of rubber and is portable too and this is can be
purchased on eBay. Since the ears are very sensitive, it is important to ensure
that the forks are played about 2-4 inches from the ears. Often with our diets/
lifestyle (e.g. meat, dairy, wheat (gluten-based food), tobacco, processed food
etc) we become less sensitive to the effects of sound, so even though we may
think it is a good idea to play the forks really close to the ear, it is important to
observe a safe distance. If you are a vegetarian or vegan, and are perhaps
more sensitive, then simply trust your body’s feelings or your client’s and do what
feels best starting with 3-4 inches and adjusting as required.

b) Use on the body

The best way of directly applying any tuning fork to the body is via the sternum
which is the flat bone that is in the middle of the rib cage in the upper chest (as
shown below) which is an important place in the body as it’s close to the heart,
thymus (responsible for immune system) and easy to access. By placing the
tuning fork’s stem directly onto the bone, the vibration is carried very effectively
to the whole body via the skeleton. This is called bone conduction.

Bone conduction is the fastest way of

giving frequency to the body (almost
12 times faster than sound travelling
through the air e.g. you speaking to a
friend), & if there’s a place in the body
where energy is maybe blocked or not
moving or there’s a chakra that feels
out of balance, then the tuning fork
can be directly applied to that area.

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

It is, also, recommended that, where possible, the nearest bone to whatever area
is being worked on, be tuned to whatever frequency you’re working with, so that
the healing benefit of the vibration can reach it easily, e.g. if the base chakra
needs treatment then it is a great idea to use the tuning fork on the base of the
spine, or if you’ve got an injured shoulder, then apply the fork or sound directly to
the major bones in that area. If you haven’t purchased the Activate your Light
Body set of tuning forks, don’t worry, you can still place headphones directly onto
the nearest bone to where you’re working, yet your voice is the most potent of
all, because it can carry far more information than just the frequency as will be
revealed throughout this guide!

To get maximum effectiveness of 396Hz as a grounding frequency, note the

difference between placing the 396Hz fork on the body, or using the voice tuned
to that frequency in the body, whilst wearing shoes inside a house, versus doing
it with shoes off and standing on the earth. How often do we take the time to
step onto the earth and ground? For some of us, the only time we do that is
during the annual 2 week holiday! Chances are if you’re spending a lot of time
busy, worrying, stressed or indoors a lot, or on a computer, then the more you
take your shoes off, get grounded and/or get into nature, the lower your stress
levels and build up of electro-magnetic radiation in your body will be! My friend
Jeromy Johnson of recommends at least 30 minutes a day
with our bare feet on the earth. This helps clear out and re-energise us too.

Since the 528Hz frequency is great for helping our hearts tune into more love
and light, it is also great to use in thymus/heart area placing either on the
sternum/chest bone or sounding into that area. The thymus is regarded in many
alternative schools of thought as the “new” heart chakra since it is more
connected to our loving divine self than the physical heart that pumps the blood
around the body. The thymus is also the gland that is responsible for T-cell
production so by working in this area, it can help boost the immune system as
well. Since 528Hz is also good for DNA repair (as are all the frequencies
because they speak to the hydrogen in the water of our bodies and to the water
molecule surrounding the DNA), it can also be used on any old injury or any part

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

of the body that needs repair at a cellular level. As you tune in with that
frequency you are also bringing in more light and love to whatever area you
focus on.

Since 111Hz is a great frequency for rebalancing the brain, the fork can be
directly applied to the skull either at the 3rd eye (very good for activating and
expanding the 3rd eye/yintang meridian point/pineal gland) or on the top of the
skull, or at either side of the brain on any cranial bone you feel guided to. If you
are using the 111Hz audio file or The Unity Codes, you can equally take
headphones and apply them to anywhere on the body (choosing the nearest
bone to that body part), or the fork can also be directly applied to that area to
help release endorphins into that area to encourage it to soften and let go and
return to a place of unity with the rest of the body. It may also help directly
relieve any pain in that area with deep breathing to help shift it.

Since the 111Hz frequency is quite low, it can be difficult for the female voice to
match it, so if this is the case, I would suggest that you simply use The Unity
Codes instead. If you’re a man and you can match the frequency with your
voice, then you can direct it into whatever part of the body you are working on.
Its job is to rebalance, regenerate, stimulate neural pathways and unify, so many
energetic shifts may be experienced whilst listening. Intense itching has been
experienced as the nerves start to re-fire, where numbness and loss of sensation
was before, from say a car accident years ago, finally restoring full nerve function
and also clearing chronic pain e.g. 28 years of suffering as experienced by Liana.
Watch her talk about her experience here.

Listening to The Unity Codes gives you the opportunity of experiencing the
111Hz frequency all the way up through the vibrational pairs of forks, as the
sound moves up through the vibrational levels in your body and surrounding
energy field and you may feel the brain rebalancing too as the forks cross over.
If you have already got a copy of The Unity Codes (in either 20 minute, 40
minute or 1 hour length) which is best listened to on headphones, you can also
lie back, or relax back in a chair that supports your head, close your eyes and

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

deeply relax rather than needing to “do” anything at all. It’s a great way of
relaxing the body after using the other two frequencies, to allow the cells to open,
regenerate & recalibrate, or equally used to help the body relax from the daily
stresses and strains of a modern day life, aiding deep relaxation and promoting
deep restful sleep. See more under Section 12 “The importance of Intention”.

c) Using just the numbers

If you haven’t purchased the forks and you happen to be out and about without
access to the frequencies, you can still use the frequencies by calling upon their
healing intelligence wherever you are. Many years ago when I first started
teaching, this was suggested to me by my mentor Randy Masters, and
experimented in calling their power to me and then shared it with some young
people I gave a talk to in the UK. Years later, I had someone from that talk come
up to me and tell me that even though they thought it sounded like a crazy idea
at the time, they had tried it out as I’d suggested, and found it gave them really
positive results. The clearing/activating statement is ““If it be for the highest will
and good of myself or (state the receiver’s full name) here present, I now call
upon the frequency of 396, (or 111) cycles per second, to resonate in the DNA of
every cell in my (or name of person’s) body/or every atom in this space right now,
clearing/grounding all stress/fear fully into the earth to fully embody the divine
spirit that I am/he/she is”” or if it’s for 528Hz you might say the same at the
beginning and make the rest slightly different e.g. “If it be for the highest will and
good of myself or (state the receiver’s full name) here present, I now ask the
frequency of 528Hz to resonate in the DNA of every cell in my (or name of
person’s) body (or every atom in this space) to fully embody the love that I am/
he/she is and awaken the divine being that I am/he/she is” or if you wanted to go
for something more simple you can just say “Clearing all fear/negativity/stress/
separation” for 396Hz and “Tuning completely into Love and Light” for 528Hz or
“Tuning into Unity/Source/God for 111Hz. Say this three times and then visualise
a waterfall of light flushing through your whole body from the top of your head to
your toes. You can ask for your consciousness to give it a colour too. Trust
whatever colour that comes. Open the channels in your hands and feet, breathe
deeply and imagine that this waterfall is pouring down through your body and

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

energy field as you call upon the frequency clearing and harmonising from head
to toe. “396, 396, 396” or “528, 528, 528” or “111, 111, 111”. If you like, you can
deepen your focus by using your hand to imagine you’re pulling on this waterfall
of coloured light, down through your energy field from head to toe, moving your
hand as you do, saying “396, 396, 396” etc.

This can be particularly helpful if you’re having a stressful day, or someone just
dumped their stress at your door, or you simply need to ground yourself after a
lot of work on the computer, mobile phone etc, or if you need to energise
yourself. This may seem a bit far out to some of you reading this, and what I
said to that group of young people at that talk I gave, was just suspend your
disbelief to give it a chance, and then try it out and see what happens. What
you focus on expands and it’s awesome that focusing in this way, really can
make a difference to your day. If you’d like to share your story please email me

To ensure you have the frequencies with you most of the time, it’s recommended
that you upload them onto your mobile or other device (using iTunes) so you can
tune in whenever and wherever necessary.

d) Use in the body’s energy field/aura

If there is blocked energy in the body or the body is not fully operating as a
whole, when working in the energy field with tuning forks, it is possible to hear
that imbalance. As the tuning fork is struck and as it moves through the
blockage in the aura, the sound will dull or go completely quiet over certain areas
and this can be shifted by moving the tuning forks or voice back and forth or up
and down, in straight lines or spirals etc, or however you feel guided to work. If
you’re using two forks together, e.g. 396 and 528, you can also use figures of 8
or draw a Vesica Pisces with the forks creating two overlapping circles moving
with one fork going one way and one fork the other. This is a technique I offer in
my tuning fork practitioner online training. More here. Once the sound no longer
dulls or goes silent between one area and the next, then you know you have

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

achieved a more harmonious and unified auric field that will also benefit the
physical body too. More under Section 13.

Since 396Hz is a grounding frequency,

particular attention can be given to a hand’s
length below the feet and above the head and
also to the base chakra at a hand’s length
directly below the base of the spine as these
are common areas where blockages occur
which are miasms in the merkaba field. If the
mind is quite busy or stressed, the tuning fork
can also be directly applied to the skull,
although this may be quite powerful and too
much for those who are more sensitive. Allow your body to guide you. It can
also be used on the sternum as with the 528Hz.

Below are some examples of the amazing effects of 111Hz as shown by the EFI
Photon Pro energy field scanning system developed by biophysicist Dr John
Rogerson. He is hugely impressed with the capacity of the Zobet (solfeggio)
frequencies to heal, and after having studied the effects of over 450 therapies
using his energy field system, he says he has never seen such a powerful shift in
both the energy field and the physical body after just a 1 hour tuning fork
session. If you would like to book a personal session with me to feel the
sometimes subtle, yet profound effects of these frequencies that can clear
energy blockages & rebalance on all levels (as previously mentioned), please
email me direct. Energy imaging scans (before and after) are also available
upon request. I am an agent for Dr Rogerson so if you have an interest in
purchasing the system, please click here. To see more effects using other
coloured filters of this energy field imaging system, you can also click here.

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

EFI BIESS Photon Pro Energy Field Scans

Before sound healing After sound healing


It’s a great idea to journal your journey of healing or encourage your client to
document each day’s session to see what worked, what didn’t, what was
profound, etc. In this way, we can reflect on our experiences and deepen our
ability to tune in more completely with our body’s wisdom and guidance, so that
each time we start another healing session, we can refine the way we do it, still
allowing the spontaneity of the body to guide us in the moment, so we can create
the best healing possible. You may also feel inspired to take photographs of
your body, if say, for example, you are wanting to heal a scar or straighten your
spine, as each time you affirm that healing is happening and each time you move
forward, it is very empowering to see that progress is really happening. If you
don’t notice progress, then it’s important to use a journal to see what sabotage
mechanisms might be operating e.g. you are having doubts that healing is
possible, so that you can stop feeding that “negative wolf inside” and return to
focusing on manifesting a positive outcome.

In the journal you might like to note things like: the date, time, intention,
frequency used, how you worked with the sound, what kind of sounds/
movements worked, what happened, how you felt during it, what happened in
the 24 hours after (e.g. scar tissue healing completely) etc. Yes miracles really
are possible. You have the power to create a happy and healthy body!

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol


When we want to heal our bodies, we may feel we don’t remember certain things
in our life, due to perhaps suppressing the memory of a traumatic event, and yet
the body remembers everything, and we can tap into that intelligence anytime
we choose. As long as we can trust the messages that get presented, and act
on them, this then opens up the gateway for healing. It is really important,
however, to ensure that the channels through which the body communicates, are
clear. When these become obstructed through not being very present, so we’re
not able to really feel what’s going on or some kind of toxicity, maybe from an
unhealthy diet, medication, or we’re dehydrated etc, this then compromises the
body’s ability to alert and guide you as needed. For example, if you get a
headache and, instead of taking that as a sign to maybe drink more water or
rest/relax/de-stress, if you instead decide to take a pill to take away the pain,
your body doesn’t get the opportunity to guide you through the pain and maybe
tell you that your body is dehydrated or needs to relax and re-energise. If you
avoided taking the painkillers, then you would know when your body had had
enough water, because the headache would stop.

When we haven’t been listening to the messages from our body, then the body’s
message gets louder in its desire to be heard. Can you hear what it’s wanting to
tell you? Due to many of us being so out of tune or disconnected from our
bodies, it’s often the case that people don’t trust their body wisdom and intuition
(our inner teacher) and therefore miss the gift of why they got sick in the first
place. A good book on this subject is Louise Hay’s “You can heal your life”.
Ultimately, Louise’s book is simply a good road map for how she receives
messages from her body that she can relate to, but it may not work for you.
However, it’s a good starting point and if some of it resonates, then it’s useful,
and if not, then it’s important to listen to your body wisdom and perhaps adapt it
to what works for you. I don’t ask you to believe anything I present in this book.
I instead invite you to try it out for yourself with an open mind and see what

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

What happened just before this physical challenge?

By asking this really important question, it helps us tune in on perhaps the main
reason why our body’s co-created this health challenge with us. It is asking for
us to pay attention to something we’ve just ignored, thought wasn’t important,
figured it would just sort itself out and go away on its own, we really haven’t got
time for, and the list goes on. What was going on in your life just before you got
sick? Did a parent die and you didn’t make the time to grieve, or did you break
up with a partner and need to forgive them but didn’t get round to it, or were you
told that you just had to be brave and forget about the past?

Sometimes, we think we’ve healed on all the levels of a health challenge we’ve
got, and yet we haven’t gone deep enough, asked the right questions or
approached our healing in the most holistic way and so our symptoms persist.
Take Brandon Bays, teacher of “The Journey”. She had a football-sized tumour
in her womb and had done everything she could imagine that would heal it.
However, she hadn’t completely dealt with the emotional aspect of the cancer,
and it was only when she became aware of that and resolved it, that her tumour
started to disappear, and interestingly when she realised that was what she
needed to do, the tumour started to shrink within minutes! Are you ready?

If you’ve tried “everything” and the body still hasn’t healed, it’s good to ask your
body better questions like “what am I not listening to?” or “what do I need to do
differently in my life to manifest complete wellbeing?”. I love this quote from
personal motivational coach Anthony Robbins - “The quality of our questions
determines the quality of our life.” So, if we can tune into the most specific way
of asking our bodies, a bit like a detective conducting a murder mystery, then we
can tune in on the best solution.

When we ask really specific questions to our bodies, it enables the body wisdom
to be activated as long as we choose to trust the messages as they present
themselves. They may not come immediately. They may not come in a direct
way either. They may reveal themselves to us via a friend, or in a dream, or in

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

meditation or through an email someone sent to you, or a sign you see as you’re
travelling around. Having the patience, making the choice to be open to
receiving the message and paying attention to what is communicated, and acting
on the guidance is all that’s required. You’ll know the message is for you, as it
will catch your attention, it will resonate, it will speak to you deeply and guide you
on your healing journey. If you don’t feel you’ve received an answer, keep
asking. Sometimes the body is wanting to absolutely know that you are serious
about healing, before it will trust you enough, especially if you’ve spent a lifetime
or lifetimes of not listening to it, and not looking after it. If that sounds like you,
you’re not alone. Most of us are like that in some way.

What we resist persists. It’s a bit like passing a test, a test of the soul that our
higher self may have created for us. How many amazing stories have you heard
of people making breakthroughs when they are sick? They decided to rise to the
challenge and take the time to listen and make a change in their lives. If we
didn’t pass the test yet, it’s an invitation to keep going, go deeper, get more
conscious, get the lesson and then make the changes required to create full
health & happiness. Not just know it as a concept, but to fully embody & live it.

Journal or meditate on the following: What foods do I need to stop eating to

maximise full health? What personal care products do I need to stop using to
reduce toxicity in my body? What is my body living to tell me? What am I not
listening to? What do I need to do in order to fully heal this health challenge?


So often it’s easy to assume that getting injured or being sick, is not perfect in the
Divine unfolding of our lives. We’re in the midst of this challenging and often
painful experience and we may battle with our bodies, sometimes getting
frustrated because our health isn’t what we want it to be. Our body can only look
after us if we look after our body, and often it’s easier to blame our body than
actually be honest with how we’ve been treating it. Sometimes it’s hard to see
what’s really happening and become like the eagle, rising above the situation &

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

get clarity on what the higher reason on a soul level might be. Sometimes we
can only see it afterwards. With better questions we can find clearer answers.

One of my clients had suffered with chronic fatigue most of her adult life and she
felt quite betrayed by her body because she had limited energy with which to live
her life which affected her daily in so many ways. When she considered this
question, she could see that having lower energy had actually encouraged her to
be more sensitive to her own energy levels and therefore she was more in tune
with her body’s needs. Since she’s more in tune with her own body, she is now
able to bring that level of conscious loving presence into all her healing sessions
with her clients. In this way, she was able to appreciate the divine unfolding of
how this had been a gift in her life.

Journal: If the Universe/Divine/God/Creator is always looking after us (even

though it may not be obvious), what is the gift for you with your health issue?
How is it changing your life? What gifts have/are you received/receiving as a


Our bodies are amazing vehicles that house our spirits and enable us to enjoy a
physical existence on this planet, and yet because we sometimes take them for
granted, it’s really good to give back to them in any way we can. Maybe it’s
taking the time to rest when we need, eating more healthy food, using non-toxic
products, drinking more water, taking some exercise etc. One of the main parts
of our body that gets the least attention is our feet. Our feet help us walk
everywhere and giving thanks to them whenever we can, is a beautiful act of
connecting with this part of your body. Indeed, we can send love and gratitude to
whatever part of our body we feel guided to, and the more we do this kind of
meditation, especially if combined with humming and sending our love with it, the
more we can tune in on how our body is feeling, and as our bodies feels our
sincerity in making this reconnection, it can reveal its wisdom to us. If we have a
certain part of the body that is challenged, then sending love, acceptance and

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

appreciation can be a very powerful thing. Our bodies are always trying to do
their best for us. When we can be in that place of acceptance and gratitude for
what is, that then allows the body to take “its” time (not “our” time or the time we
expect healing to happen), to heal, so instead of just symptoms being no longer
present, the illness has healed at the deepest core level. How would it be if we
could have a mutually beneficial co-creative relationship with our body?

Journal: What part of your body are you most grateful for right now? Choose a
different part of your body to give thanks to every day, so you deepen in your
connection with this amazing creation that does so much for you in every
moment! Ways in which I can create a mutually beneficial relationship with my
body are....


There are many things that may be in the way of us creating complete healing &
these need to also be addressed in combination with any sound healing work.

The main areas are:-

a) Releasing the trauma

When trauma occurs in the body, it may often go into a state of contraction in an
attempt to protect itself. More often than not, this temporary state then becomes
longer-term if no kind of release work is done. In the wild, animals naturally
discharge trauma by shaking, which is a very healthy way of helping the body
clear, so that optimum health can be immediately regained, enabling the animal
to maximise their energy levels, deal with survival etc. In more recent times, the
practice of shaking is now being offered with amazing health benefits. See for more info. I personally have found this practice very
useful for helping me become more present and relaxed in my body. I also
noticed that during a 5 day shaking retreat, the pitch of my speaking voice
dropped. The guitar of my body was definitely re-tuning!

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

A friend of mine called Tyr Throne teaches a highly transformational type of body/
postural therapy called Somalogy and refers to tension/contraction as “holding”
which then translates as “olding”, i.e. it ages us if not addressed.

When the body has an accident or health challenge there is a sequence of

events that happens at the time, or as the condition progresses, that creates
either a contraction/tightness or tension in the body or a shift in energy on all
levels, from healthy to unhealthy. Often the health condition is a sign from your
body that you had a traumatic experience just before you got sick that you
haven’t addressed. A recent client of mine has had chronic fatigue for most of
her adult life, and when I asked her to tune in on what happened in her life just
before she got sick, she realised that she’d been living a really healthy life on a
beautiful island off the coast of Australia and then she went to live in London
where it has high pollution, noise levels, etc and she wasn’t living anywhere near
the same healthy life as she had been and she also started experimenting with
psychedelic drugs. Upon deeper reflection, after her first session with me, she
realised that her soul didn’t want to really be there, and didn’t like the toxicity of
that environment, and so her body manifested a way of shutting down her energy
to communicate that it wasn’t the best choice for her. Since she didn’t listen to
and hear that guidance from her body, her body continued in that holding pattern
for most of her adult life! The body is hugely adaptable and it can deal with quite
a lot of challenges we throw at it, but only up to a point. Then it needs our help
to stop what we’re doing, change our habits and behaviour so then permanent
change can be created.

When we look at the sequence of events where trauma has occurred, for
example, if there’s been a car accident. Janet is driving on a hot, sunny day
enjoying the breeze on her face and looking at the beautiful wispy clouds up in
the sky, her eyes are not really on the road, when suddenly a car smacks into her
from the driver’s side, because she just drove through a red traffic light. As the
car impacts her, she turns her head in shock towards the left, shrinks her body
instinctively as the airbag bursts from the dashboard. Her legs recoil with the

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

impact of the vehicle to protect them from breakage, her breath becomes
shallow, etc and she’s now suffering from whiplash and difficulty in walking in a
comfortable balanced way due to the pain she’s feeling in her legs since the
accident. For her body to unravel the trauma of that accident, if she allows her
body to speak to her and guide her, she may well find that the first place to start
might be working with the breath to open up the memory of the accident, then
shaking her body to release the emotional and mental shock, then presencing
into her legs to unravel the contraction held there at the deepest level which will
also free up the trapped energy, clearing the pain so she can walk perfectly
again, and then unravelling the contraction in her upper body and then lastly her
neck and head thus clearing the whiplash as well.

Another great question to ask our body is “which part of my body needs to let go
first for me to easily and completely unravel the trauma/sickness I’m
feeling ............ (? where).” Our body’s intelligence will then guide us to help us
unravel that story. It’s important during that unfoldment that you stay present as
a witness, and don’t go into “the story” of the accident itself, so you can navigate
how your body needs to move in the present moment. The movements may be
really unusual or very subtle and one thing’s for sure, when we take the time to
get present with ourselves, and the body feels heard then miracles really are
possible! To unlock the trauma/shock, it’s best when combined with breath,
sound and movement to maximise the healing. What’s the way in which my
body wants to breathe, what’s the sound, and what’s the perfect movement right
now and now and now? If in every moment you’re allowing that breath, sound
and movement to change, because you’re more present and are scanning
through your body asking and sensing what it needs, then you can fully free
yourself. When we let go of the need for it to sound or look a certain way, then
the body has full permission to do whatever it needs to release the trauma.

If you watch a child when they fall down and hurt themselves, they naturally cry
out loud with a “wah” or “ow”. These both have a similar energetic clearing effect
as they are both sounds that help to opening the throat that enables the pain,
trauma and upset to immediately leave the body. Then when they’re done

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

crying, more often than not, they dust themselves off, get up, get back into the
moment and go back and play because they’ve just released it all through the
power of their voice. As adults with the creation of a “polite” and often “politically
correct society”, we’ve unfortunately created rules about not expressing our
feelings or making noise, pretty much anywhere, doing anything and therefore
we choose instead to put a brave face on it, swallow it down and so it gets held
and suppressed in the body. When it’s not released from the body, then the
“story”, memory, disharmony and contraction get held in the body, often
manifesting as some kind of health challenge. I don’t use the word “problem” as
that can sometimes indicate the inability to solve it. I’d rather focus on it being a
challenge, one that can be overcome if we give the time to our healing process.

To begin with clearing the trauma, simply giving our bodies that permission to
make sound, not tuned to any specific frequency but simply allowing it to vibrate
those cells in that part of the body can be immensely liberating. 2

i) Stand with feet at hip distance apart or if that’s not possible, then sit in a
comfortable position in a chair with head and spine straight or lie down.
If you’re the kind of person who might fall asleep during this process,
then please stand.
ii) Place one hand on your heart and one on your belly
iii) Close your eyes and breathe deeply into your belly, relaxing your belly
iv) Relax your whole body from head to toe, scanning through your body
breathing through into any tightness and asking the muscles to lengthen,
relax, let go etc.
v) Relax your throat, jaw and mouth completely, opening up the channel in
the throat so the flow of breath is completely free and relaxed & connects
into the belly as fully as possible. You can do neck rolls to open too.
The slower you do it, the more you can feel where other tension is and
then also breathe into that and let it go.

2 Another great therapy for clearing trauma is Somatic Experiencing. More here.

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vi) Shake out any tension through your arms/hands and legs/feet and allow
any sighs or sounds to also be released/expressed exactly as needed.
vii) Get yourself fully present and grounded, and then direct your attention to
the part of the body you’re working on. Now you’re good to start. A good
question to ask our bodies is “When I think about (state which part of the
body or name the illness), the sound my body wants to make is......” and
allow your body to make any kind of sound at all. It’s not about singing,
sounding in tune or being appropriate in any way. It’s all about being
authentic with your body, with how you feel, with whatever sound wants
to express in this moment. From day to day it may change and it’s
important not to expect it to ever be the same. Always approach this
exploration as if it’s the first time you’ve tuned in and sounded. Allow it to
be any sound. If you gave yourself complete permission to make any
sound at all, what would it be? Even though you’re asking the question
“when I think about .... “ it’s not about thinking about it, but instead you’re
using that as an entry point to access your body’s wisdom. You can be
standing, sitting or lying down, holding that part of the body, breathing
deeply, tuning in, and allowing whatever sound wants to express, to be
expressed. If you find it difficult to make the connection to the feeling in
your body you can start with the sound “Ow”, just like a child would make
when it hurt itself and stay with that, as you tune in and then allow the
sound to grow out of that.
viii) Then as you’re sounding, add movement to it by focusing your intention
and completing the statement “and the movement my body wants to
make with this sound is.....”. Again this is engaging the body wisdom.
When you allow yourself to alternate between conscious breath, sound,
and movement, and choose to continually presence into how your body
feels, asking “what sound, what breath, what movement do I need to use
in this moment”, our body can slowly and profoundly unravel its story.
When it feels listened to, then the healing can start! In this way, the body
can speak to you beyond any kind of logical reason, so it can soften,
release, lengthen, stretch, expand and ultimately free itself from any kind
of trauma, dis-ease or energy stagnation held in the cells.

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See more in the section on “The importance of intention” (Section 12) for ways in
which you can clear the contraction/stress in your body in this way.

b) Self worth

Feeling worthy of healing can be a complete block to many people since they
never grew up feeling loved or acknowledged, or worse still, criticised, bullied,
abused etc. When we are children, we rely on external sources of love and
when we leave home we are not taught to then become self-generating in loving
ourselves, and we may suffer our whole lives looking for love outside ourselves
and that never being fulfilled. There is an amazing series of spiritual teachings
that address this and other aspects of becoming whole, and a great deal of it is
available for free online at I have received much wisdom and
clarity from one of the books channelled by Eva Pierrakos who brought through
this work and it’s entitled “The Pathwork of Self-Transformation” and it has been
a great resource to me and it may be very helpful for you too. It’s one of those
books you can hold, ask a question and open at a page that usually has the
perfect answer.

Studies have shown that children who are loved and supported fully by their
parents have a far higher level of self-esteem and are far more empowered and
positive in their relationships in their day-to-day lives. However, the reality is that
for most of us, more often than not, our parents were not taught by their parents
and their parents before that, and all the way down the generational line, how to
truly love themselves, and so were unable to fully love and be there for us.

Of course, we all receive love from others on a daily basis, whether it’s just the
postman delivering your mail or a loving hug from a friend or lover, but it is
important to not be “dependent” on it, or indeed demand or have expectations
from another to give us love in the way we want. Reality is so often a mirror of
our own consciousness and if we don’t feel worthy of love due to inner negative
self-talk/programming, then we will always attract certain life situations that
“prove” that inner reality e.g. “I’m not lovable, I can’t get what I need” e.g.

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attracting someone who doesn’t treat us lovingly or withholds love, and then we
get upset, not understanding why this is happening, when in fact it is just the
Universe reflecting back to us a place in us that needs healing. If we can learn
to be self-generating by loving ourselves, then we will naturally create a far more
positive and loving reality/life because we’re not relying on anyone to “do it for
us” or “make us happy” because the only one who can really do that is you!

Journal: A good way of monitoring what your subconscious might be telling you
is to take a pen and paper and draw a line down the middle and on the left side
write any negative self-talk regarding healing yourself. A good way to start it
would be, “The reason why I don’t feel worthy of healing is....” e.g. “I am not good
enough”, or “I don’t deserve a healthy life” etc and then on the right side write a
statement that describes the opposite e.g. “I am more than good enough”, “I fully
deserve a healthy life”. This will start to uncover any unconscious issues that
may be blocking your ability to give yourself healing. There are various therapies
available to us to shift such negativity detailed in the section below covering
“Belief” and there’s the EFT 30-day practice in the back you can work with too.

c) Taking back the power

For many people when they get sick, it’s often easier to slip into the victim role,
and say to our friends and family, “Oh I caught this really bad cold” (life was
“doing it” to me, when in fact the truth may be that “I’m not taking responsibility
for my health” and it’s far easier to blame something outside ourselves, than
actually admit we may not have been looking after our bodies that well and it’s no
surprise it got sick). Colds and flus I believe are in fact a way of the body
detoxing. I never get colds or flu unless I’ve been eating food I don’t normally
eat, like wheat, dairy or too much cooked food. Indeed, for some, their whole
lives become all about being ill, because it’s a way of them getting sympathy/
energy from others which may stem from a deep core belief they don’t feel they
are really lovable or worthy of having a happy and healthy life, so they play out
the child still seeking for love outside itself, and if they get sick that’s the only way
they can get mummy or daddy’s love. This is a very small payoff in contrast to

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the fact that they could have a happy and healthy life for the whole of their life,
any time they choose, but instead they are in fact choosing to sabotage all
possible successes with healing themselves.

I have a dear friend of mine who is like that and a few years ago, I offered her a 2
hour health coaching session. She had little money at the time, so I gave it to
her for free because I really wanted to see her get well. I thought that by giving
her all the steps to help herself, that she would do what was necessary to get
healthy. She made no changes in her life at all, and therefore nothing changed
in her health because she got the same result. As long as I’ve known her, every
time I saw her she would constantly talk about this health challenge, that health
challenge, how bad her life was, seeking sympathy from others around her all
the time, so much that it became her identity. A few years ago, I saw her post on
Facebook that she’d just had a double mastectomy (removal of both breasts)
and I was so sad to see that she had created that experience in her life because
we are always co-creating our reality, whether we like the results or not. Breasts
are all about the ability of the mother to nurture, the ability of us to mother/
nurture ourselves, and so it seemed to me that she still had not been able to get
to that point of deeply nurturing herself, instead seeking outside herself for love
and not loving herself to make the changes she really needed to create a
different result. If she had gone within and become the mother for herself, she
would never had created cancer in the first place. For those of you who may be
new to this concept, cancer is not something that just happens to the body, it is a
combination of trauma, emotional and physical challenges that when not
addressed, manifest as cancer and when the messages our body is screaming
at us are not heeded, then it can kill you, if you let it.

For some, it’s too scary to imagine that they can fully heal and they feel safer
staying with what they know. That’s why some people who have cancer die from
it, and others choose to rise to the challenge and heal from it.

If we move beyond the idea that life just happens to me, I have nothing to do with
it, to the realisation that I am attracting everything in my life, good or bad, there

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are NO exceptions, then that becomes a place of power and freedom because I
then have the power to uncreate what I have created and so live a far healthier
life if I choose. What do you choose?

Clearing old patterns with the voice - It is also possible that you can shift old
vibrations of limitation held in your cellular memory by simply asking “when I
think about ..... (insert details of the limiting thought e.g. not being able to have a
happy, healthy life).... the sound my body wants to make is....... (making sure you
stay witness to your process and you do not get into the story of it, but simply the
feeling). Then allow your body to make whatever sound it needs in order to
connect with the suppressed emotion behind that thought, so it can be
expressed and released. Then when you feel complete with having expressed it
all, then state “and when I focus on the resolution of this so I am ...... (e.g. fully fit
and able to play squash again).... the sound my body wants to make is.............
directing it straight into the part of the body you want to be completely healthy

d) Our word is our wand

When some people become sick, they may make it part of who they are, and
how they talk about themselves and their health can become a way of keeping
that dis-ease in a holding pattern, so it limits the circumstances or opportunities
for complete healing, because in essence you’re saying this is what I’ve got and
it’s permanent. For example, Sean is introduced to a friend of his friend Derek at
a party and is offered a glass of wine and he says “oh no thanks, I’m suffering
from hepatitis”. Of course it would be unwise for Sean to have a glass of wine in
that situation because it would be a challenge for the liver to process and
hepatitis affects the liver, but what I’m addressing here is the issue of how he’s
claiming that he’s “got” hepatitis, and even more than that, he’s “suffering” from
it. The Universe always wants to prove us right and every time we speak, we
influence our reality. If we are co-creating our reality in every moment, and there
are no exceptions, we have to be very careful about the words we use, if we
want to create full health in our bodies. There’s an old saying “our word is our

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wand” or “argue for your limitations and they’re yours”. If we don’t change our
consciousness in terms of how we relate to our health, then we cannot expect to
get a different result. Your choice of words is ultimately up to you and it’s
important to be ruthlessly honest with yourself to see what words you are
speaking that may be keeping you stuck or holding you back in some way.

Journal: What claims am I making about my health? “I’ve got .....” or “I’m
suffering from .......” or “it’s in my genes so that’s how it is for me” etc. If I turned
that around, what would be life-affirming version of that instead so I can
maximise my healing potential?

e) The nocebo effect

Most of you will be familiar with the placebo effect which is a way of healing the
body through the power of mind over matter. There are many scientific studies
showing how powerful our minds are, and one of my most favourite stories I
heard recently is of a study where a group of patients needed hip replacements.
When they were brought in for the surgical procedure, half the group had the
surgery and the other just had the skin cut, as if they had had the surgery, but no
surgery was actually done and yet each patient in that group fully healed. The
film crew even went back years later to find they were doing really well and
because of the power of placebo effect, in fact they never told them that they had
not received a hip replacement, feeling that if they had been told, the positive
results might have been reversed and the benefits would have been completely

The nocebo effect, however, is the other side of the coin. It’s when the doctor
says to his patient, “you’ve only got 5 weeks to live” or “you’ll never heal that” or
“you’ll be on insulin for the rest of your life”. There will be some patients who will
agree and buy into that limiting thought, complying like a dutiful child in the face
of authority, but equally there will be the rebellious soul who will take on the
challenge and defy the odds, leaving the doctors scratching their heads. So if
you have had such an experience in your life, I invite you to be that rebellious
soul and move through those limitations with your persistent dedication to

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healing yourself. It may not be easy, but health affects everything you do and
creating the space to do what it takes is always going to be worth it. I do believe
we are entering a time of many of us choosing to step up in how we relate to our
bodies, and become our own healers and hopefully empower others to do the

Journal: What limiting thought(s) has(have) your doctor(s) said to you? What
would be the opposite of that (those) thought(s)? Do you believe you co-create
your reality? If not, why not? Does that really work for you? How do you feel
about what your doctor said? Are you open to taking your power back?

f) Birth

How we were born can affect our whole lives, especially if that first experience of
life was unloving, unconscious (bright lights, loud noises, unconscious/rough
handling, medication etc) or traumatic (forceps/Caesarean section) and is never
addressed and resolved. It leaves an immediate negative imprint on our
consciousness which is stored at a cellular, subconscious level. If we had a
traumatic birth, particularly around the time of us taking our first breath (How was
the cord cut? Was it cut too soon? Were you hung upside down and slapped on
your bottom to force you to breathe? Were you forced into life?), we often make
a decision right there at the beginning of our life, that decides “life hurts and I
don’t want to feel that ever again” so as a result we shallow breathe our whole
life. The breath is such a major key about how much life we are literally
breathing in, bringing to ourselves, and allowing into our bodies and our whole
being to nourish and sustain us or not. Shallow breathing into just the upper
chest means that we never get a chance to drop into a deeper, fully relaxed
place, where we are fully present in our bodies and instead we may easily get
stressed or angry or challenged and may instead find life very hard to deal with.
If you watch how a baby breathes, who’s born in a loving and conscious way,
they breathe fully and deeply into their belly and the soul is fully anchored in the

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If we were born in a hospital, say where all the birthing team (doctors & nurses)
had never resolved any birth trauma they might have had (and most medical
professionals may have never even heard of Rebirthing, let alone done any
personal breath therapy themselves). In addition, drugs were probably used for
the pain (and most of us have had that kind of unconscious birth), which means
that our first experience of this life, is stressful and we have subconsciously
imprinted into our cellular memory the conclusion that we’re not lovable, or we’re
doing it wrong because no one’s really loving us, or listening, or there for us and
it’s not safe to be here in a body etc. For many people, this reduces their ability
to be in their body and feel at a core level because they shut down in some way
from that moment on, and so a lot of that capacity to fully experience life is
simply not there. If we are not fully enjoying life, then we are not giving
ourselves what we really need and we feel victims of our circumstances, not
realising that in every moment we have an opportunity to live differently, to shift
the unconscious programming held at that core level, so we can shift from being
a victim to being a co-creator of our life, and as a result, a fully empowered
individual. To look more deeply into the profound healing work of rebirthing, one
of my favourite books I would recommend is Frederick Leboyer’s “Birth without
violence” or any by Leonard Orr on Rebirthing.

Interestingly, the type of birth we had can also impact us in other ways that
affects how we relate with ourselves and our relationship with others, e.g. If you
were induced at birth (i.e. labour was brought on by medical intervention), you
may have issues in your life about being told what to do or if you were born by
Caesarean section (i.e. your mother wasn’t really “there” or she was “too posh to
push” - as they call it), you may find your connection with your mother as more
remote/disconnected because that initial bonding didn’t get a chance to happen.
If you had a mother who had all the drugs she could for the pain, then chances
are she left her body during labour and this can often lead to drug or alcohol
addiction. For more information on this fascinating subject, I would recommend
“Birth & Relationships” by Sondra Ray & Bob Mandel.

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Rebirthing/breath therapy has developed from the Indian breathing practice

called Kriya Yoga and is a great way of re-oxygenating the body using a
connected breathing technique which helps to access that negative imprint and
literally re-write it. Having trained as a rebirther, I’ve been witness to not only
shifts in my friends’ lives but also to shifts in my own where life literally shows up
differently because I’m no longer holding those negative imprints at a
subconscious/cellular level (e.g. “No one is listening/caring about me”) so
therefore I’m no longer broadcasting that, so therefore the Universe proves the
new reality to be true instead of the past. We may not be able to change the
past, but we can certainly change how any trauma associated with it affects us
now and what our reaction or response is, so it loses any emotional charge we
may have about it, and therefore loses its hold over us. I believe that humanity is
constantly evolving and that anything that is unresolved in us has a vibrational
signal that is always broadcasting as our embedded reality blueprint (with no “off”
button), whether we like it or not. I also firmly believe that we are always sending
out a message to the Universe “show me my pain, show me my pain” and then
we magnetise situations to ourselves that produce people or relationships where
someone triggers that pain from the past. We then either have an opportunity to
get conscious about it, choosing to resolve/heal it and thank the other person
who’s actually helping us, or we may instead choose to blame the other person,
seeing instead ourselves as a victim and not giving ourselves a chance to heal
whatever the challenge is. We can go from relationship to relationship always
attracting the same dynamic until we have healed/shifted in ourselves. There are
no mistakes. I do believe the meaning of life is to become whole and fully
awake. and our life is perfectly scripted to give us certain experiences that make
us stronger and ultimately shape who we are.

So what does that have to do with healing the body? If we are to fully and
completely heal, rather than perhaps taking the basic medical route of simply
“managing symptoms” and never really getting to the root of the problem, then
we need to strip out the programming and the pain associated with any trauma
whether it be from birth or during our life so that once it’s cleared, we can make
room for new life and energy to nourish and sustain us. If, however, we choose

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to suppress the pain & trauma from the past and try to be polite/politically
correct, because we want to be loved and accepted in this society, it takes a lot
of energy to suppress our real feelings. As a result, this then reduces the
amount of life force available to us. If, however, we dive into the pain/trauma, so
that we re-experience and subsequently release it, then we no longer need to
create illness in the body, because our body is actually only getting sick because
it’s trying to tell us something, to help us become more conscious of what needs
our attention, so we can fully heal. A good book on the different parts of the body
and what those areas relate to in our life e.g. knees are about direction, is “You
can heal your life” by Louise Hay.

Rebirthing is an amazingly profound practice that can really dramatically shift

your life as long as you are fully staying conscious and remembering to breathe!
Many rebirthers recommend on average 10 sessions with a female rebirther and
10 with a male rebirther in order to clear the mother/father, male/female issues
that most of us have. Addressing deep core issues can also have an amazingly
positive impact on our level of self worth. Other clearing techniques for birth
include Advanced Kinesiology which clears at the cellular level. Byron Katie’s
work on taking responsibility for how we show up in the world is also very useful.
More info in the Bibliography section at the back.

If we are able to fully breathe in and say “yes” to life, then miracles really are

g) The Death Urge

The Death Urge is something that is talked about in Rebirthing/Breath Therapy a

great deal. So many people may have a fear of death or struggle with just living
thinking “what’s the point in living, I can’t get what I want anyway”. It is my belief
that this is the key difference between people who create illness like cancer and
die from it, in comparison to those who create it but heal themselves from it. I
know some of you reading this may find that last statement challenging because
most people do believe that cancer just “happens” to you, because we are not

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fully educated in the mainstream about how to live a healthy life, but I fully
believe that cancer is something created by our souls as a learning opportunity.
From my research as a health coach, I have found it to be a combination of
unresolved emotional issues, unhealthy diet, toxicity, stress, electromagnetic
pollution and poor immunity in the body. Even though that may be challenging
for some of you to read, it can be ultimately very empowering because if
someone knows they created the cancer, then it means that they can also “un-
create” it!

If we are not feeling happy in our lives, then leaving the body (dying) prematurely
may seem like a good way out. Interestingly, there are many in the rebirthing
community who also believe that birth and death are both choices whether they
are done consciously or not and “the death urge” is just how humanity is
currently wired. However, if that is true then surely death can either become a
thing of the past where we become physically immortal or we can consciously
choose to transition out of our body to the next one whenever we choose. So
many old people in fact do know ahead of time when they are going to pass and
it certainly begs the question “Do they know when they’re going to die because
they have already chosen when they’re going to go?” We are strongly
programmed around getting old:- retirement comes around your 60‘s, and old
age comes when you’re about 70 or 80 years old and we will probably die soon
after that (especially if we buy into other limiting thoughts e.g. my mother died
when she was 65 so I probably won’t live longer than that!) if we don’t seek to
shift our programming. Also, we only age because we degenerate, i.e. don’t take
care of our bodies. There are many people who are into raw food who look
amazingly youthful and yet are far older than they appear. In fact, some
research shows that the oldest organ in the body is the liver and that it is only
ever 7 years’ old because all the cells regenerate every 7 years. Certainly over
time we mature and the skin weathers, but we have the capacity to live far longer
than our scheduled 70-80 years and in places like India there are many spiritual
adepts who have been known to live to at least 250 years and in some ancient
texts, people are reported to having lived to the ripe age of 600 or 800 years.
How would our lives be different if we knew we had so many more years ahead

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of us? There is certainly a lot to be said for old people’s homes so strongly
influencing the occupants and because they are no longer living with their family
and community they grew up with, they may become depressed and just choose
to pass because that sense of disconnection is quite psychologically damaging
and there seems no point continuing to carry on. This is obviously in addition to
other factors such as the poor nutrition, meditation and oftentimes mistreatment
or abuse by the staff.

If we have a fear of death, then we often in essence have a fear of life, so we

often don’t fully engage with life for fear that death might be just around the
corner. We play our game at 50% rather than just going all out. If we
experienced so much love, success, and really enjoyed every moment of our life
not fearful of the future, then of course it stands to reason that we would want to
continue living, because it is all just so much fun.

Rebirthing/breath therapy is very helpful in clearing this negative imprint of the

Death Urge. If we can clear such fears, then we can fully embrace life and
create a healthy and happy future for ourselves. For more information on the
death urge, there are many rebirthing books that discuss this subject. Good
authors include Leonard Orr, Sondra Ray, Colin Sissons and Ray Mandel. (See
the Bibliography at the back for some suggestions).

h) Choice

Every moment we are making a choice. We are either choosing life or death. It
is important to become aware of how each choice made from moment to
moment, affects where we finally end up. If, for example, we know that eating
sugar is say bad for our health but we keep doing it, we fail to clean our teeth, we
don’t go to the dentist, we fill ourselves with so many sweets that we finally get
sick (and in fact cancer feeds on sugar), then it stands to reason that at some
point, we will start losing some of our teeth, if not all of them and perhaps create
cancer later on in life after abusing our bodies in such a way. However, at the
first opportunity of making a choice between refined sugar and say fruit, we could

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have chosen fruit. We could have then have chosen to clean our teeth and next
time we crave fruit, we could have either resisted the urge or simply eaten less.
Every choice matters.

When I was being interviewed for a sound healing documentary back in 2007
(“Out of the Silence” by Tessa Shields), I had the honour of hearing an interview
with a Medical QiGong doctor who helped people heal from disease using the
simple power of their voice, using specific Taoist sounds to harmonise the
affected organs in the body. He told the story of one of his patients who had
cancer and his wife had left him just before he had been diagnosed. As he
commenced the healing protocol, he started to get good results with his daily
white blood cell count showing signs of improvement. However, when his wife
found out that he had cancer, she felt guilty and even though she knew she didn’t
want to be with him, she went back to him. Then curiously his blood tests started
to show no improvement and in fact his condition then started to deteriorate. It
didn’t make sense at all, but then the QiGong doctor intuited that his patient had
stopped doing the exercises. When the patient finally admitted that that was the
case, he confessed that it was because he didn’t want his wife to leave him
again and he would rather have her with him and die than be healthy and not
have her in his life. 2 weeks later he died with his wife at his bedside.

What is important here is to become aware of what we are choosing in every

moment. Life or death? What actions are we taking that either produce healing
or not. It is certainly a challenge to quit unhealthy habits but if we are to fully
heal, it requires commitment, focus and self-accountability. Having a good
support network of friends, family, health professionals, psychologist, etc is vital
to ensure that the healing can fully manifest. It isn’t a question of having the
doctor “do it for you” with surgery or drugs, you need to be completely committed
no matter what. When I take on clients who want to heal, I ask them 5

- Do you really want to heal? Many people when faced with a major health
challenge may say they want to heal but may not be prepared to do what it

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takes because it means giving up some of their favourite foods and habits so
it’s important to be honest with where you are at. If you want to get a result with
anything, you need to put 100% action into making it happen!

- Are you teachable? i.e. are you open to new ideas or concepts that may be
beyond your current mindset, even if you haven’t heard about them in the
mainstream media or from your doctor? If healing is going to happen, it may
often require a shift in terms of what we know and trust.

- Are you ready to take FULL responsibility for your health? To bring an
unhealthy body back to complete health, requires that you hold yourself 100%
responsible, so you don’t blame anyone for your illness or any circumstances in
your life, and you choose to step free of the past and become fully self-
empowered in order to heal on all levels.

- Are you prepared to suspend your disbelief/doubts that you have the
power to heal? You can do it. We have been conditioned to believe that we
need to visit our doctor for everything or even a holistic practitioner and of
course for things like detoxing, nutritional therapy, conscious emotional release,
acupuncture etc, we definitely need the support of a qualified health
professional. See more below on “Suspending our disbelief”.

- Are you prepared to suspend your disbelief to give natural treatments a

chance? We are in a major revolution of change in terms of healing the body.
Many people, including many doctors now, have recognised the shortcomings
and failings of the medical world in terms of fully addressing what the body
needs to heal, and not to just treat symptoms or put a band aid on the situation.
We have also been taught to trust our doctor, the drugs (the chemotherapy, the
radiotherapy), the invasive surgery, etc, when in fact basic things like teaching
doctors about how to keep the body healthy with the right food & nutrition is not
even a major part of their training. Instead they are taught to prescribe often
toxic chemical drugs with awful side effects or to do dangerous invasive surgery
that may be unnecessary where safe, natural treatments could have been used

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instead if there is enough time to repair the damage. Obviously our friends,
family etc love us and they want the best treatment for us and it may often be
scary for you and for them to put your trust in something that you’ve never
heard of, it’s not been advertised on the TV, I haven’t heard of a cancer cure etc
(why not you ask? That’s a very good question!) and your doctor has never
heard of the therapy because he wasn’t trained to heal naturally, so it takes a
leap of faith to venture into unchartered waters, but more often than not, natural
treatments work where other medical approaches fail dismally.

- Are you prepared to do whatever it takes to give yourself the best chance
of healing, regardless of what your friends, family, or other people might
say? The healing journey will bring up some challenges along the way and
real healing is only going to take place if the client is determined to really
become healthy and fully healed. It is a journey that needs everything that
you’ve got. Given that your friends, family, partners etc want the best for you
and may be scared that you’ve got “the big C” and don’t want you to die, they
may try to make you wrong for choosing the natural healing route because they
don’t believe it will work. They may believe a lot of the stuff found on the
internet trying to discredit certain therapies you may choose and whilst they
may think they are protecting and having your best interests at heart, they are
only going from what they know. This may become intensely challenging, both
mentally and emotionally, because you may be challenging their mindset of
what they think is really possible. Many people are still stuck in the mindset
that the medical world is the only reliable approach because it’s all they know,
rather than having any further education about other options. They may seek to
put you down or fix you up with a good friend who’s a surgeon who wants to cut
out part of your body because that’s how they’ve always done it, but you may
really not want that and such is your right to choose how you want to heal. It
takes a lot of courage sometimes to stand up and fight for what you want,
against other people’s judgement or beliefs. People don’t like to be proved
wrong. Change can be threatening to those who are holding onto the old way
of doing things, regardless of whether it works or not. Sometimes it is better to
not tell them, so you choose to only surround yourself with supportive friends

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and health professionals who are very experienced in the art of returning the
body to full health so that you can achieve complete healing without any
negative input from your normal circle of friends/family. Let them be amazed
when you go back to them months/years later saying “I’ve healed myself”.

- Are you prepared to let go of contracts that you might be buying into
relating to your family’s genetic imprints? Often we create illness which is
not necessarily related to our family’s generational line, but more to do with the
adopting the same diet and lifestyle from how we grew up. Bruce Lipton’s
“Biology of Belief” work (see lots of videos on YouTube) has shown that we are
not controlled by our DNA and in fact it is the other way around, so even if it’s
true for the doctor who tells you that you’ve got a certain coding in your DNA
that relates to genetic family lineage, we still have the power like a computer
programme to change what’s held in our DNA.

- Are you ready to let go of any negative outcomes your doctor might have
told you? See more info earlier in this section - e) The nocebo effect.

- Are you ready to let go long enough to let the healing happen? If we want
to create real healing in our lives, we need to send out our request to the
Universe like posting a letter and allow some time for the postman to pick it up
from the mailbox and deliver it to its final destination. If we are humble with our
request, with no expectations, then we open up the possibility of receiving the
best possible outcome. Are you ready?

i) Suspending our disbelief

For many, sound may be a new tool that’s just being discovered, and during the
healing process it is really important to suspend any kind of doubt to allow
healing to manifest. When we use sound, whatever focus we have in our minds
at the time of using it, gets amplified too, so moment by moment we need to be
harnessing the power of our mind with a healing intention. Often once the
frequencies start to work their magic, the mind has to surrender as the body

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starts to feel something happening. This is why sound can be such a powerful

It is also important to suspend any disbelief before and during healing and you
can create your own statement to counteract any sabotaging thoughts e.g. “Even
though I think this may not work, I completely suspend my disbelief for the whole
session to give my body a chance to fully heal” or words that feel more relevant
to you. I remember when I was training as a rebirther, I started working with
affirmations but they were not working. On deeper and completely ruthless self-
enquiry, I found that I was attaching to every affirmation “this is a pile of rubbish
and it isn’t going to work anyway, so why bother”. Such was the state of my
mindset at the time! Our minds are very potent and “mind over matter” is more
true than it’s ever been as we all wake up to our full potential and our ability to
manifest instantly.

We’ve all heard the term “mind over matter” and we do need to focus on the
positive outcome we want to create when it comes to applying our
consciousness to achieving a shift in our physical body. Einstein said you can’t
do the same thing over and over again and expect to get a different result. In
order to understand a problem, you need to be several levels away in vibrational
terms, from the problem, in order to solve the challenge. There’s even been
research done on this. See the video at the bottom of this webpage here and
proof that focused practice works here. Richard Bartlett who has pioneered the
healing practice called Matrix Energetics, takes this one step further and invites
us to see “mind as matter”.

Even though we may think we consciously believe that healing is possible, we

may subconsciously be holding a subconscious belief that is sabotaging a fully
healed outcome. e.g. “This isn’t going to work for me, so why bother”. There are
different ways we can clear these sabotaging mechanisms at the subconscious
level, e.g. EFT, Access Consciousness, rebirthing breathing therapy, Theta, NLP
etc and it’s really important to address these fears first. (see Bibliography at the

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back for more info). Once that limiting vibrational imprint has transformed in the
body, then the body can remove another layer that might be impeding progress.

As an example, I recently came across Access Consciousness which is a great

way of clearing vibrational imprints held at a cellular level. The beauty, magic
and potency of the Access Consciousness Clearing Statement is its capacity to
clear this hidden stuff that you may not be consciously aware of that is keeping
you stuck! Try it out whilst holding the space of SUSPENDING COMPLETE
DISBELIEF to allow you to permanently shift. Check out the website first here
so you can get an understanding of what this work is about. The clearing
statement is - “Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys
and Beyonds”. What I really love is the idea of being able to step through a
gateway and leave our past trauma behind. Is it possible? That’s up to you!
Which wolf do you feed?

For many of us, it is common for negativity to be our predominant way of being
because of past conditioning, especially if we haven’t taken the time to evolve. It
can be helpful to take a Native American approach and accept that there are two
voices or wolves in our mind and it’s really down to us which one we choose to
feed. We have to be ruthless in our focus if we want to get the best results.

So weeding out our garden is an ongoing process and is very much about
making the choice in every moment of which wolf do I feed? There is a positive
life-affirming wolf inside each one of us and a negative, apathetic, skeptical wolf
inside us too. Making the commitment to your healing involves being conscious
of what your mind might be saying moment by moment or the consciousness of
any negative vibrational imprints held in your body. By tuning into whatever is
going on below the surface and turning it around to its opposite, you can become
the ultimate change agent and choose a happy, healthy you right now! You have
the power to co-create that reality and you really deserve it!

Journal: Take a pen and paper and draw a line down the middle and put at the
top of the page “I am fully healing my (insert body area) easily and effortlessly” or

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better still “My ..... (insert body area) is already healed”. Write down any
negative beliefs on the left, putting down any internal dialogue that might be
going on in response to that thought, and write it as it expresses itself inwardly. If
it’s positive, write it on the right e.g. “Yes I really want that and am creating that
right now” but maybe another internal voice is saying the opposite, e.g. “It’s not
possible to heal myself, my doctor said it isn’t possible”, so write that down on
the left hand side leaving space on the right to write next to it, what is the
opposite thought/belief. Continue writing until you feel you have fully expressed
any thoughts/beliefs you have. When you are finished, then convert all the
negative self-talk into positive affirmations in the right hand column and underline
them. These can then be written in big letters and put up as little signs/Post-it
notes around your living space e.g. by the bathroom mirror or on the inside of the
front door or on the inside door of your wardrobe, so they are located in a place
where you’ll see them to regularly empower you whenever you look at them.

j) Going beyond what we think is possible

Suspending our disbelief is really vital to opening up the full potential of healing
at the deepest level possible. The other aspect to this is to move beyond any
kind of limitations that this reality here on earth may have placed on you. What
do I mean by that? Well in 1992, Chris Griscom (founder of the Light Institute in
California, USA) wrote a book called “The Ageless Body”. She is clearly a
woman ahead of her time! In that book she talks about our agreements to do
with co-creating our reality. In particular, the ones relating to the time it takes for
a bone fracture to heal. How many weeks would you say? 4? 6? or even 8?
The thing that’s important to note here is that most of us would probably agree
that it can’t happen instantly and in doing that, we therefore create a limitation.
One day Chris was off to a conference and 2 days before it, she broke her
forearm. It was really inconvenient for her because she had to go to that
conference and so she commanded her body to heal the bone in 2 days because
she fully intended to go to the conference. In 2 days it was healed. When I first
start working with a client using Body Sonics, I ask them “how long does it take
to mend a bone?” and then I say what if it could be healed in half that time and I

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see what their response is, and then in half again and in half again to see at what
point does that reality seem completely impossible to them. This then gives me
a very good starting point in terms of how much clearing of doubt or beliefs is
required. Is there a voice of doubt or skepticism that just came into your mind?
Such is the nature of programming we are so used to living with. Now is your
chance to re-write your song. What will you choose now? and now? and what
about now?

I remember years ago having an intense discussion with a friend of mine, saying
you can’t just walk through a gateway and leave all your past behind, your pain,
emotional story, trauma, etc and after 2 hours I stopped myself mid-sentence and
realised how I was limiting my healing. There’s a great saying “Argue for your
limitations and they’re yours”.

Journal: What are your limitations? Are you ready to break free and break
through? Write any other doubts down if you feel inspired. When we change our
mind and take a leap of faith and create the space through our consciousness for
miracles then the Universe can agree!

k) Forgiveness of Self and Others

A great deal of illness can be created from the lack of forgiveness of the self or of
others. How many times have we heard of others we know who have held deep
anger or sadness about their father or mother or both and they have created
cancer in their body? Or their maths teacher who said “you’ll never amount to
anything” created lung problems because the sadness got held in the main lung
points and needs releasing. Our natural harmonious state is love and anything
else simply isn’t the truth of who we are and until we fully address forgiveness,
full healing is not possible. It may be a simple process of giving ourselves a
break for something we did years ago that we feel guilty about, and/or finding a
deeper level of self-love/self-worth that will then fuel everything we need to
achieve a happy and healthy outcome with complete healing. It is interesting
also to note the very nature of the word, for-giving, as by forgiving the past, it

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enables there to be an act of giving that gets activated, whether that giving is to
yourself or to others. That act of giving, or sending love to wherever it’s needed
is also an act of the heart opening to give more love and that may have not been
something that has happened for that person for years!

A miraculous story happened in a hospital in Hawaii where most of the patients

were healed by a doctor that never met them! How could such a miracle
happen? Is that really possible? Well it did happen, and it involved the use of
the ancient Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono. A book was written describing
what happened where it talks about the potent power of the prayer “I”m sorry,
please forgive me, thank you and I love you. I recommend it as vital reading for
all those embarking on a major healing journey. It’s called “Zero Limits” by Joe
Vitale. Joe Vitale has subsequently released a series of audio CD’s that
incorporate this practice combined with a few other techniques called “The
Missing Secret.” I personally have had some major spiritual epiphanies using
this profound and enlightening technique and I wholeheartedly recommend it.
Other experts on forgiving are Dr John De Martini, click here for his website.

Journal: What do you need to forgive yourself for? Who needs your
forgiveness? What do you or they need to hear? Is there an action that needs
to happen to bring that forgiveness into reality? Is it a phone call or a card or gift
that helps acknowledge either yourself or someone else?

l) Making a sincere and humble request

During illness, it’s very possible that we may get frustrated by the length of time
our bodies are taking to heal, and yet there are often many things that need to
align in order to co-create a return to full health. If we demand our body fixes
itself right now, it’s a bit like jumping to the front of the queue and demanding that
you get what you want right now. There is always a gift during the healing
process, with lessons that are offered for our learning and if we try to force the
issue with our ego, this is never going to create the right environment for healing.
Making a sincere and humble request to the Universe is far more likely to be

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received and acted upon than demanding that the Universe has to give you
what you need right now. Making friends with life is always going to feel better

m) Letting go of any expectations

The other important piece is to LET GO, LET GO & LET GOD/GODDESS
(support our healing journey). Let go long enough to let the healing happen. I
liken the healing process to posting a letter. If we see our intentions to heal as a
letter, and when we set our intentions and send them out to the Universe, it’s like
we just went to the mailbox and posted it. If we keep on sending more letters to
the Universe, or keep on focusing on that mailbox fixating our mind on the letter
inside, it’s like we’re holding on so tight to the outcome, that it doesn’t have room
to breathe and manifest. It’s vital for us to trust that our healing prayers will be
answered, because the Universe always has our back, even though it may not
seem like it sometimes. When we can step into that place of surrender and feel
into that vibration of certainty, relief and gratitude that healing has occurred, then
we can truly manifest the best outcome possible.

n) Blasting through blocks

In the Appendices (pages 4-6) I’ve included a 30 day Emotional Freedom

Technique Negative Re-Patterning to work with. If you feel you have any doubts,
fears, negative thoughts or limiting beliefs about whether you can heal, deserve
to heal, are allowed to go beyond what your doctor told you, or simply love
yourself enough to make the healing happen, this is a great tool. You can find
videos on YouTube on the tapping points you’re going to use. You’re going to
estimate how big a power you feel these negative thoughts have on a scale of
1-10 and then at the end of doing the clearing each time, you’re going to score
the feeling again to see if anything’s changed. Sometime it make take a bit of
time before things start to shift but they will shift if you keep going. Perhaps put
a reminder in your phone or on your computer or in your diary so you remember
to stay on track. They say that it takes 30 days to re-write the negative imprints
held in our subconscious, so if you forget to do it one day, you will need to go

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back to the beginning of the 30 days. This is all about making a commitment to
yourself and it will be so worth it when you get clear of any limitations holding
you back. If you’ve got questions, please email me


Since sound with intention is one of the most powerful prayers we have, when it
is combined with visualisation of what your intended outcome is, then it really
maximises the healing opportunity. So whatever your intended outcome for
either yourself or your client, it is a good idea to sit quietly prior to the session
and envision it. It is of course helpful, where the healing is for a client, that you
have the client also visualise their desired outcome as well.

a) Already healed

For most of us, we have been either brought up with and/or taught a negative
mindset which can influence us in every moment if we let it. Every moment we
are setting an intention whether we are aware of it or not. Our minds are very
creative, so it’s important to give them a positive picture to work with as much as

Visualisation: Project yourself into the future and see yourself or your client as
already completely healed. If you/they are completely healed, how is your/their
life different? What are you doing? How are you living? What things are you
doing that you cannot/could not do before? Picture these future events as it they
are happening now in real time, and most importantly, connect with all the
feelings that go with that, e.g. gratitude, relief, excitement, peace, joy, etc. Allow
these feelings, these vibrations to fill your whole body, particularly the body area
you’re working with. By connecting with those feelings, you are actively bringing
that reality to you/the person you’re working with. The more you or your “client”
focuses on this, the more the space is created to fully manifest healing by
bringing that healing into present time. After you have accessed and fully felt
and embodied this vibration, you can then ask the body “When I think about
being fully healed, the sound my body wants to make is.... “ and allow whatever

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sounds that want to come, to be expressed, this then more deeply anchors that
vibrational embodiment of “healed now” that you’ve just co-created. If this is
done before every healing session, then it sets a very positive vibration of
healing potential to maximise each session’s opportunity. It also draws to you or
your client all the tools to assist in achieving a complete healing on every level.
What does “fully healed” sound like to you?

When using tuning forks either for yourself or others, you can amplify the healing
potential at the point you strike the fork or start to sound with your voice. If you
are using them simply for yourself, then this can be done saying a prayer out
loud or internally and if you are giving it to someone else, it may at times be
more appropriate to speak the intention internally i.e. in silence if you feel their
conscious mind might be skeptical or resistant to the healing. This is often more
powerful since sometimes our minds can get in the way and affect the healing

Journal: What is the highest healing intention you can choose in this moment?
and what about now? and now? - has it changed? Allow it to change anytime
you feel intuitively to do that or feel guided to do so. That way, you are always
tuning in and manifesting the highest healing potential.

b) Focus like a laser

Where we place our attention really matters. If our mind is distracted, it is a bit
like aiming for the bullseye with an arrow, if our aim is not focused, it will not
reach its target. In a world that has created so many distractions e.g. TV,
computers, Facebook, mobile phones, magazines, it’s good to notice when you
allow yourself to be taken off course. Diet also has a lot to do with it. If we’re
eating well e.g. eating absorbable protein like chia seeds, spirulina or chlorella,
or other good sources, then we produce the right brain chemicals. For example,
if the body receives enough tryptophan, it then produces serotonin which is our
natural feel good factor and we don’t have cravings for things like sugar (the
most obvious sign you’re not getting enough protein) or tobacco, alcohol, sugar,

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caffeine, marijuana, ecstasy etc which can then go on to create quite a lot of
dysfunctional behaviour if left long-term. If we don’t feel great in our daily lives,
then we simply haven’t got the juice for personal transformation, because we’re
stuck in a vicious cycle of depression and addiction to a lesser or greater degree.
Email me if you’d like to receive via email a very important article on this -

c) Changing how we see

When we change the way we look at things and how we influence our reality, we
are changing our consciousness of what we choose to observe, and then this
changes our old way of looking at a situation and we can then begin to live
differently. Byron Katie talks talks about “who would I be without that thought?”
which I think is a remarkable question, because so often we can make
assumptions about our lives, other people and our situation when in fact it’s
simply “a story” we’re telling ourselves which has no basis, in fact, but the more
we focus on it, the more it becomes “true” for us. When we change our mind, we
change our experience of the so-called physical world and all of its pre-
conditioning will begin to morph and change. In some cultures this process is
called “the way of the Shaman”. Albert Einstein is supposed to have said:
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different
results,” although there is no proof of that. Some also believe he said:
“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the
reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way.
This is not philosophy. This is physics.” when in fact there’s no proof of this
either. Regardless of whether he did or not, they are both very true statements.
We need to change how we approach a physical challenge and shift the
vibrational environment we’re sitting in, in order to shift our reality to get different
results. We have to go outside that linear pattern of habitual thinking and change
our mind, so we then co-create a different outcome. To find out more about
shifting your vibration, check out Abraham channeled through Esther Hicks and
The Vortex CD’s & talks. There are plenty of these talks on YouTube.

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d) Trigger happy

We may think we’re focused, but sometimes we’re not. Keep your mind clear
and if negative thoughts come in, let them be just like clouds in the sky and let
them pass on by, focusing your attention on “the sun” of your most positive
outcome, no matter what’s being presented to you. Obviously there are certain
things that are important to pay attention to, and I’m sure you will know what’s
important and what’s just not worth your time. Just like the exercise some of you
might be familiar with, if you’ve come to a sonic immersion with me. If something
negative gets presented, you can perhaps make a different choice to face it, feel
the energy in your body, if it’s a trigger for you, and say inwardly “thank you” (for
it’s showing you, you’re still triggered by it) and say “That’s not my truth” and
move on. If you lose focus, that’s OK, be kind to yourself and just say “Ah, I’m
noticing I just lost focus, and now I’m going to re-focus my attention on a positive
outcome”. It’s a bit like riding a bike, it needs time, dedication and an
unwavering commitment to produce the desired healing you want to achieve.

e) Grounding with 396Hz

Since 396Hz is all about grounding and clearing fear/stress/contraction/

disconnection, it is important when you are using the 396Hz frequency (either
playing it via headphones or matching your voice to it and then taking that inside
your body) and bringing your awareness into whatever part of the body you
choose (or ask your client to do that) and ask your body to show you where you
are holding tension, contraction, or feeling blocked or where the energy is not
flowing or where you are not fully dropping into your body, so asking your body:-
“Where am I holding tension?” - Is it in your shoulders, neck, jaw,
stomach, legs etc?
“Where can I let go?” - breathe into those tight areas and relax with a sigh
or a sound on the outbreath
“Where can I soften?” - try some gentle movements, or shake or dance
“How can I fully come into my body right now?”

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

“How can I become more present in my body/release/expand/

reconnect?” and encourage yourself (or your client) to fully breathe as you
do that (see section 15 about “The importance of relaxing the outbreath”)
“How does my body want to move whilst I do that?” encourage
yourself (or your client) to fully breathe as you do that
“I choose to ground and unify more deeply with Gaia/Earth,” are you
holding tension in your legs, knees or feet? Are you up in your mind,
thinking too much or been on the computer too long? What is stopping you
from being in your body right now?
“I choose to fully embody here and now, clearing all fear from my
body past and present, in this life and all past lives, in this dimension
and all other dimensions, cancelling any and all contracts of control,
manipulation, disconnection/separation etc”.
“I am a sovereign being of God/Goddess and I choose to take my
power back in every way”, bearing in mind that this is taking full
responsibility for your life and that everything that happens in our lives, we
are in fact attracting, so we can become conscious of what is still needing
to be healed, and as we do that, it will also require us to make certain
changes in our lives in terms of how we communicate with ourselves, our
bodies, other people, how we treat the planet/animals, speaking our truth
and breaking free from all limitations/separation consciousness and fears
we have had in the past! I wish you all the very best with re-membering
your full divine sovereign nature! You deserve it!

As 396Hz is also about clearing fear/stress - it is also really supportive to hold

the thought “There is no-thing to fear, I am an innocent child of the
Divine” (inspired by the Urtext version of the Course in Miracles) all the while
you’re working with that fork.

f) Earthing/Grounding Exercise

Clinton Ober put out a book in 2011 entitled “Earthing” which shared some pretty
profound information about the importance of earthing in our daily lives, and

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whilst they may seem obvious to most of you reading this, how often do we
actually take our shoes off and get our feet on the earth? For many, this may
only happen when they walk on the beach during their 2 week holiday abroad. It
can help reduce pain and stress and, more importantly, inflammation, which
according to him, creates over 85% of all illness. I definitely recommend reading
the book, it’s quite an eye opener! The more we earth, the more we are present
and relaxed in our body and able to feel what’s going on and, how we feel
physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. When we earth, we also help to
energise the base chakra, which when blocked or out of balance, produces
challenges around feeling supported or being financially abundant in our lives, so
it is an important chakra to work with. Let’s create a happy, healthy body!

So how can you earth your body? This exercise can be used whether you are on
the earth or not but to maximise results, getting your bare feet on the earth is
going to always be the best choice.

i) Place your feet at hip distance apart

ii) Place one hand on your heart and one on your belly
iii) Close your eyes and breathe deeply into your belly, relaxing your belly
iv) Relax your whole body from head to toe, scanning through your body
breathing through into any tightness and asking the muscles to lengthen,
relax, let go etc.
v) Relax your throat, jaw and mouth completely, opening up the channel in
the throat so the flow of breath is completely free and relaxed.
vi) Shake out any tension with sound or sighs as you feel to
vii) Open up the channels/chakras in your feet and hands by breathing out
through them and feeling the energy flow as you do
viii) Then smile into your heart connecting with the Divine being that is you
ix) Set your intention that you’re going to send out love from your heart
down through your body and out through your feet
x) Take another nice deep breath smiling into your heart and then send
your love down through your body and out through your feet.

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xi) See your feet growing roots sending those roots down through the soil,
into the earth’s crust, through to the molten magma/lava flow and then
into the central crystal core of the Earth.
xii) Send your love, gratitude and whatever else you’d like to say to this
amazing Mother Gaia who has kept you fed, watered and energised your
whole life.
xiii) When you’re ready, then on the next inhale, breathe up that earth energy
up from the centre of the earth, up through the lava flow, crust and soil to
connect with your roots below your feet
xiv) Then breathe that earth energy up through both feet and legs and you
can direct the flow of this earth energy with both your hands to focus
your mind on connecting with the feeling in your body.
xv) Making this movement slowly helps you really drop into how this feels in
your body.
xvi) Then bring both currents of energy into your hara/power centre and
blend them together as one current of energy.
xvii) Then raise this single merged current up to the heart and tone out with
an “Ah” tuned to the 396Hz frequency.

Journal: “What kind of things stop me being grounded? e.g. being on the
computer too long, talking on my mobile etc. What helps me stay grounded?
e.g. getting my bare feet on the earth for at least 30 minutes a day. Ways I can
incorporate these kind of behaviours more consistently into my daily life are......
e.g. take a walk on the beach for 30 minutes every day.

For 528Hz your intention for a specific part of your body can be:-
“I’m repairing all cell damage at a DNA level right now”
“Bringing light and love into every cell in my body right now”
“It is safe to open my body/cells to receive love in all forms” (This
may seem like an odd thing to say, but many of us don’t feel safe being
in a body, or we self-sabotage our healing by not opening to receive
healing energy so it’s important to affirm it). To make that affirmation

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

more potent, you can also open your arms wide on the inhale as you
say it. Do it and feel the difference!
“Love is the truth of who I am, this is my true nature”
“I open my heart to Divine love”
“I activate my full-codon DNA here and now, irreversibly perfected”
“I am the light of the world”
“I am connected in every moment to the Divine and dearly
loved” (even if I don’t think or feel that I am in this moment. Fake it till
you make it!)

For 111Hz your intention can be:-

“I choose to awaken to my full Divine nature” or
“I choose to awaken & fully embody my Divine self here and now”
“It is safe to open & bring my spirit fully into my body right now”
“I am at One with all, the more I expand, the more I feel connected”
“I am connected to God/Creator/Spirit/Love in every moment”
“I am in balance on every level”
“It is safe to feel all my life force on every level”

with all these affirmations you can either internally say them to yourself, or add a
sound to each (“and the sound that goes with that is...”) or sing them in the
frequency they’re connected with or however it works for you!


I have been truly inspired following the work of Richard Bartlett who has created
a healing modality called Matrix Energetics ( that I
believe is designed to help us all move into the new paradigm of self-
empowerment, and self-healing so we can achieve our full pure potential. He
emphasises the power of asking open-ended questions to the Universe, so it can
answer you in the most specific and direct way to support you in co-creating the
best results. If we’re not sure what questions to ask, asking the question “What
question(s) haven’t I thought of you yet?” can also be a really good way of

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opening to new ideas. When we remain open, we can learn something new
every day. Allow those answers to be received by you in a variety of forms, like
seeing signs on the road, receiving some advice from a friend, or something you
saw on the internet. Trust your in-tuition with what you’re shown, and follow
through on those synchro-mystical happenings in your world! It just might be the
thing that’s going to make a huge difference to you and/or your clients!

It’s also good to frame your questions positively because what you focus on
expands so rather than saying “how can I get rid of this physical problem?”,
instead ask something like “what changes do I need to make so I can create the
best possible conditions in my body to create long-lasting permanent healing?” If
we focus all our worry and fear repeatedly on something, then it will probably
manifest. The Bible even talks about it - “The thing which I have feared has
come upon me”. Never look where you don’t want to go. Don’t go searching for
problems because the Universe just might give those to you, because it thinks
that’s what you want. Richard Bartlett also interestingly said “Don’t go looking
for solutions either, because the solutions contain within them the problems.” He
suggests playing by a different set of rules or go to a different game entirely. A
new game enables us to be free enough to produce congruent, objective
changes in every aspect of our lives. By taking full responsibility for what you
create, this allows you to make up the rules as you go along. Richard Bartlett
says “It is not mind over matter, but mind AS matter. That said, matter has now
been shown to not even exist. Quantum physicist Max Planck who received the
Nobel Peace prize in 1918, said “We have now discovered that there is no such
thing as matter, it is all just different rates of vibration designed by an unseen
intelligence.” Mitchell Gaynor M.D. says “You can look at disease as a form of
disharmony and there’s no organ system in the body that’s not affected by
sound, music & vibration” and sound healing practitioner Eileen McKusick from
her book “Tuning the Human Biofield” says “everything is ultimately vibration,
including the human body, then treating vibration with vibration is logical and
elegant”. I love that! A very useful quote from a great spiritual master called
Osho says “Nowhere to go but in”. So let’s go inside ourselves for our answers,
and take the power back from perhaps only trusting guidance from outside

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ourselves, and instead empower ourselves to become a change agent and a

master vibrational magician so we transform our challenges (rather than
problems), conditions and even reality itself.

Exercise: What do you want to create for yourself? What does the vibration of a
fully healed body feel like? And the sound that goes with that is.........


Another great thing you can do for yourself, or if you are working with a client
and using the tuning forks or the audios for healing, is to match the sound of the
frequency with your voice and then direct that frequency into the body. This then
amplifies the power of any healing taking place, because it brings the vibration
more powerfully into the body because you can combine other aspects into the
equation, like healing intention, colour, breath, movement, symbol etc. When
you are focus the voice like a laser and direct it into a specific part of the body
this maximises the healing potential. As I have more recently said, when I’m
teaching this work, we really do have laser technology under the bonnet (of our
body’s engine) and the more we trust that, the more amazing it will reveal itself!
Scientists have now discovered that we can even re-programme our DNA using
specific words and frequencies. More here.

a) Smiling into the Sound

When we also add love into the mix, the healing becomes even more powerful!
Many of you might have heard of the Taoist Inner Smile meditation as taught by
Mantak Chia, that teaches you to send loving “smile” energy to your organs in
your body. It can be very relaxing. Smiling has been shown by studies done at
Michigan State University as one way of reducing the distress caused by an
upsetting situation or reducing stress that your mind and body feel, similar to
getting good sleep. Psychologists call this the facial feedback hypothesis. Even
forcing a smile when we don’t feel like it, is enough to lift our mood slightly (this is
one example of embodied cognition). Smiling can also be very helpful in

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

generating more positive emotions within you. That’s why we often feel happier
around children because they smile more! On average they smile about 400
times a day, whilst in contrast happy people only smile about 40-50 times a day,
with the average of us only smiling just 20 times. Smiling has also been found to
decrease the stress-induced hormones that can negatively affect our physical
and mental health. More info here. To maximise the healing potential, it’s even
more effective when it back it up with positive thoughts and be authentic when
we do smile. The study also suggests that customer service workers who fake
smiles throughout the day worsen their mood and withdraw from work affecting
productivity, whereas the workers who smile as a result of cultivating positive
thoughts e.g. thoughts of a tropical vacation or a child’s birthday party - improve
their mood and they tend to withdraw less. So smile so that you are not just
using your mouth corner muscles (“social (fake) smiling”), but using your eye
sockets as well, so it’s a genuine smile, because our brain can in fact tell the
difference according to Dr Niedenthal. More info on the study here and more on
how to make your smile an authentic one here. Try it without smiling and then
compare with smiling into the sound and notice the difference!

b) Humming

One of the most potent ways of healing the body is also using a simple hum. By
humming, it keeps the sound inside the body, which then can be directed to any
part of the body you are working on. You can also chew on the hum, keeping
your lips closed but with your jaw moving as wide as possible, just like you’re
chewing on a huge sticky toffee. This has the effect of widening and amplifying
the sound enabling you to also direct that sound into parts of the body where the
energy’s stuck or there’s deep-seated tension/contraction.

Humming also activates the pineal gland which sits in the centre of our heads.
This gland is what many believe to be our connection to the Divine and this
connection can be minimised if our diet contains refined sugar, flour and fats, so
if you eat white flour, sugar or cheap vegetable oil e.g. canola (rapeseed),
especially re-fried, it’s very helpful during healing time, to reduce or completely

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avoid these kind of non-foods. Sodium mono-fluorophosphate (not the healthy

calcium fluoride which is good for your teeth) which is found in commercial
toothpaste, and Evian water, is also most important to avoid as it also calcifies
the pineal.

c) Wow isn’t just a cool word

You can also use sounds like “wow” which is Senegalese for Yes. If you really
slow the sound is down i.e. “wwww...... owwwwww.......wwww”, you can maybe
sense how you are starting with the sound in the centre of your body, and then
expanding it out to all the edges and beyond, and then bringing it back to the
centre. This is a really useful sound for bringing expansion into blocked or tight,
tense places. Experiment with a slow “wow” and then speed it up. Trust
however your body wants to play with it.

d) Finding the scratch

Another great way of bringing harmony to the body through the voice, is to find
“the scratch” in the voice when you’re making sound, which indicates where
there is disharmony or contraction in the body. Once you start tuning into a body
area, and start moving the sound around in that area, you may well find that
there’s a point where you hit a scratchy place, where the sound is not sounding
as a consistent, smooth sound. A bit like when you’re tuning into a radio station
and there’s some interference before you finally get tuned in! This is great news,
because it means you have accessed a deeper layer of the body’s stuck energy

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

and you can chew on the sound, or move from “Ayyyy” to “Eee” or ....
“Ahh....Oooh” combined with intuitively-guided body movement and deep
breathing will enable that to harmonise. Imagine you’re tuning the strings on the
guitar of your body and it may sometimes takes a little time to achieve that
harmony, and will ultimately help deepen your body’s unravelling. Experiment!

When combining shaking or other body movements, as previously mentioned

with any of these sounds, combined with other things covered here, e.g. healing
intention, frequency, breath, movement, colour, sacred symbol, diet & lifestyle
changes etc, you then free up all contraction/stress-based energy and maximise
the healing potential to return the body to a harmonious, unified state of full
health, happiness and peace.

e) Other ways the voice can be used

Since the 396Hz frequency is perfect for harmonising fear/stress in the body, and
the emotion of fear directly relates to the kidneys and bladder (the water
element), you can match the pitch of the frequency of the tuning fork with your
voice and use the Taoist sound of “wooo”, visualising the colour of bright blue or
black and focusing on the qualities of gentleness, alertness and stillness. When
making the sound “wooo”, you round the lips imagining you are blowing out a
candle and also smile inwardly sending your love to your kidneys. The other
parts of the body this sound relates to, i.e. where the kidney meridians run, are
the side of the foot, inner leg and chest. For more information on doing this as a
Taoist practice, please refer to “Taoist Ways to Transform Stress into Vitality and
the Inner Smile: Six Healing Sounds” by Mantak Chia or you can see my version
of this technique by viewing the meditation in my “Activate your DNA Divine
Blueprint” DVD available as a video download. Click here for purchase.

Since the 528Hz frequency directly relates to the heart, a good sound to intone
from the Western tradition would be “Ah” or “Yam” which is also the sound for the
heart in Eastern philosophy. Again you need to match the pitch of the frequency
of the fork/audio with your voice and direct it to wherever you are guided. To

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

read about the amazing healing of Al from the conference in Michigan, using
528Hz, sacred symbol, breath, light and his voice, or from Tristiningsih please
click here and to hear from Geri, who was a Body Sonics class participant whose
experience emphasises the importance of regular practice in order to shift long-
term or chronic issues, click here. There are other sounds that can also be used
for moving energy, clearing energy, activating more light in the body, grounding
etc and these are covered in the Body Sonics practitioner training.

So when we have addressed the main potential blocks to manifesting healing

e.g. self-worth, death urge, belief, forgiveness etc and then combine specific
frequencies and direct them with intention and other aspects like colour, sacred
symbol, etc we can create a very powerful transmission of fully focused, loving
and healing energy.


a) Relaxing the Outbreath

Since we live in a very fear-based/stressful culture there is a great tendency for

us to not breathe properly. This may come from having had a traumatic Western
birth, as previously described in the Birth section. On a subconscious level, we
then often make the decision to not fully breathe after that, because we don’t
want to feel that deeply ever again, because it was traumatic or simply too
intense. This may continue for the rest of our lives, unless we seek out therapies
such as rebirthing, Holotropic breathwork or Kriya Yoga, to resolve these
suppressed memories and the resulting reduced life force in the body.

It may also be that we make a similar choice during our childhood or early life
experience to not breathe properly, and we may sometimes subconsciously hold
our breath which can cause problems, reducing oxygenation to the physical body
which also reduces our ability to truly enjoy life. As previously mentioned, babies
who had a consciously loving birth are seen to be fully breathing all the way
down into the abdominal area, so it is important that when working with these
frequencies that awareness is brought to the breathing. Since the Zobet

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frequencies are helping us to unify, i.e. helping us to let go of past conditioning/

stress/trauma etc, so we can expand to a state of consciousness where we feel
loved and connected to love in every moment, it’s really important that deep
breathing is used during all healing practice, with the exhale being consciously
relaxed. I say to my clients that the inhale is our “Yes” to bringing fresh energy or
life in on the inhale, and the exhale is our “Yes” to letting go of that which we’re
ready to release which no longer serves us, so we are consciously engaged in
using the breath to clear/harmonise unresolved/stuck energy in the body, and so
this helps speed up the healing process. Instead of taking a breath, allow your
body to receive the breath and let the breath breathe you, bringing it fully down
into the abdomen/navel area, relaxing the shoulders, jaw, having the mouth open
wide, with the throat gently open and lips relaxed and feel the difference that
makes! When we stay present with the breath, we can literally be in-spired!

By consciously choosing to relax the outbreath, so that it’s just like a wave
crashing on the shore, not pushing it out in any way, it then allows for the
deepest release. Sometimes when we feel suppressed emotional energy start to
move in the body due to breathing in this way, it may feel too much and so there
is a tendency to control the outbreath. This can lead to a cramping in the hands
or a tightnessin the mouth which is called “tetany”. In order to resolve this, all
that is needed is for the outbreath to return to being fully relaxed and free with
the channels in the hands and the feet open so that the energy that is starting to
move can be released.

b) Using the breath and sound to flush through

When using the breath in such a directed way, it can be quite intense and if
you’re using the voice allowing the body to make sounds, it’s good to often
alternate between allowing the body to make whatever sounds it wants, and
using the breath or a sigh to flush through the area. This helps us drop ever
more deeply into the body, increasing our awareness of what’s going on in the
area we’re working on, and it also helps bring more space into the cells and
promotes a deeper level of energy flow through that part of the body. When we

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get stressed sometimes, we naturally sigh to relieve the build up of tension so it’s
a very natural thing to do and when done consciously where you focusing in on a
specific part of the body, it can deepen the whole healing process. You can also
deepen the healing by choosing to re-pattern any negative imprints held in your
subconscious that may have come to light whilst doing the EFT re-patterning as
covered in the Appendices at the back. Breathing in holding the positive beliefs
and allowing the outbreath to shift those imprints as you let go in the whole body.


Unravelling the story of contraction of our life’s experience needs the conscious,
flowing movement of our body. The body is “living to tell us” (not dying to!) how it
needs to unravel its story and all we need to do is ask one simple question.
“How do I want to move?” or completing the statement “When I think about
healing this part of my body, the way my body wants to move is.....”

As we use the voice tuned to these frequencies, we start to activate the cellular
memory of everything held in this part of the body, and if we can tune in on how
the body needs to open, relax, unravel, let go/release - then we send a very
powerful message to the body, showing we’re listening, taking the time to tune in
to help it heal. The body may guide us to do a very subtle movement, and then
something strong and then another subtle movement. The more we get into a
natural flow of how the body wants to move, trusting its wisdom, the easier the
healing process becomes. What does your body need? Just ask the question
and see where it takes you.

In order to ensure that you are deeply tuned in, it’s best to breathe deeply into
the belly, with eyes partially closed. By having the eyes partially closed, you are
still aware of your surrounding environment, so you move in a grounded and
present way. It is recommended that you do this kind of unravelling with bare
feet on the earth (if possible) as the more grounded/earthed you are, the deeper
you will be in tune with your body and how it wants to move. See more in the
section on “The importance of Intention” - Grounding with 396Hz.

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol


Sometimes it’s more appropriate to use loving touch on your body than actual
physical movement, especially if it’s a small injury that hasn’t fully healed like a
scar. We may sometimes get frustrated with our body because it isn’t doing what
we want it to, and it’s a bit like a challenging two year old child who’s doing
something “wrong” but there’s no value in getting angry with the child who’s
needing our attention, so instead, let’s choose to give our complete loving
presence & acceptance to that child that is needing our love.

Journal: How does this part of your body need to be lovingly touched? If you
were the mother of a child, how would you touch this part of their body? Is there
a difference in how you would touch? If so, what needs to change in you to
become more loving with yourself? What are the healing visualisations and/or
intentions you are holding in your mind as you touch? Does the type of touch
need to change? If so, how? Is there a sound or small movement that goes with
that? What else? Colour, symbol, breath, etc.


a) Regenerative sleep

When the body is healing from an injury or illness, it generally needs more sleep
than normal to regenerate. The body is working harder to detox that area, bring
fresh blood, oxygen and nutrients to repair this part of the body, and so often in
today’s society we push ourselves beyond what is natural, not giving ourselves
the chance to fully bounce back. The body knows exactly how long it needs to

If you’re healing, also make a point of turning off any technology you use e.g. wifi
router, mobile phone, computer, cordless phone etc. You could even consider
unplugging appliances near your bed too e.g. lights. I heard recently of a client
of a friend of mine who had had no menstruation for about 3 months. He
quizzed her about her mobile phone and computer use and she looked at him
questioningly, not understanding the importance. He asked her where she put

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both of those devices when she was sleeping, and whether they were left turned
on. She was sleeping with her mobile phone turned on right next to her, together
with her laptop. Within 2-3 months of her removing these devices from her
bedroom, her menstruation returned. It’s really important to know that the body
regenerates and detoxes at night. It also produces a hormone in the pineal
gland called melatonin. This is very good for dealing with free radicals caused by
the technology we use, but here’s the thing, if we leave our wifi routers, cordless
phones, mobiles, computers and other devices turned on (particularly the
SMART electricity meters that are now being installed that cannot be turned off
unless you assert your rights and refuse installation of one), the body interprets
those signals as daylight and the pineal gland therefore doesn’t produce that vital
hormone, so the body then loses that ability to protect itself. For example, that’s
why cancer doubles within 1 km of a mobile phone mast. However, that being
said, I do believe we are moving beyond any technology being an issue at all.
We are awakening as a species evolving from victim consciousness (“it’s doing it
to me”) to co-creators of our reality, where we are stepping into our Divine
potential, where we are becoming just like the yogi in the cave transmuting his 5
cups of coffee with 2 sugars each!! For now, though, it’s definitely still the case
of “thought + energy = result”, i.e. the thought is “I’m completely safe” and the
energy behind that to create that result, is that I turn off my technology at night!

b) REM Sleep

Due to our bodies being challenged and impacted by the technology we use,
which also includes the devices of our neighbours who live above, below, to the
left and the right and basically anywhere within a 100m radius of our sleeping
space (as is the range of most cordless phones), it does become difficult for the
body to get complete rest which has been evidenced in studies showing that this
only happens when the body goes into REM (rapid eye movement) during sleep
when dreams occur. This is now further compromised with the new wifi routers
having not only the 2.4 GHz router but also the 5 GHz ones too. A simple timer
from your local DIY store can resolve the issue by setting it to turn off when you

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go to sleep and come on when you rise. Your brain and body will be very
grateful for that simple and cheap solution and you’ll feel more rested too.

Suggestion: Maybe you always wake up to an alarm. If you’re in a process of

healing, make a point of not using one and just let your body guide you with how
long it really needs. So often we suppress tiredness, and you may well find that
when you give your body permission to sleep as long as it needs, you will be
sleeping a lot more until you’ve finished playing catch up! Avoid using an alarm if
you can!


Recent studies have shown the value of having a “power nap” or the simple act
of lying down and putting your feet up. Letting the blood drain more easily back
to the heart, helping the body relax all the muscles, going into deeper relaxed
breathing etc so it can come back to a place of centeredness and balance can
be amazingly restorative, even if it’s just for 5 minutes. Getting that stool to put
your feet up, may seem a little bit like granddad but how they used to do it in the
old days is becoming recognised as common sense now, and therefore more
accepted and your body will love you for it too!


The human body is a masterpiece of design. It is always doing its best for us, no
matter what we throw at it, in a bid to keep us as healthy as possible.
Hippocrates, the father of medicine, had this to say about illness:

“Illnesses do not come upon us out of the blue. They are developed from small
daily sins against Nature. When enough sins have accumulated, illnesses will
suddenly appear.”

Having a healthy diet is important because the purer your diet is, the more able
you are to truly sense what is going on in your body. If the fish in the fishtank get
sick, what’s the first thing you do? You change the water, and the same is true

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with our blood. If the quality of your blood is good, then it means your body can
function at peak performance all the time, and if you do get “sick”, then the body
can easily heal itself. Our Western lifestyle challenges our body in so many
ways. If our system is clogged up, has sluggish digestion, blood flow and brain
fog with meat, wheat or gluten (bread, pizza, pasta, pancakes, biscuits, cakes
etc), dairy, alcohol, caffeine & loss of energy due to digesting processed/cooked
foods or the impact of other toxins from processed food (i.e. additives/
preservatives) or the toxicity of personal care products e.g. sodium fluoride (rat
poison) in mainstream brands of toothpaste (and in some kinds of medication) or
sodium lauryl sulphate in your shampoo (a well known cancer-causing
substance) or aspartame (a neuro-toxin which is an artificial sweetener used in
diet products, chewing gum which they are now allowing to be re-named
phenylalanine on labels), or high fructose corn syrup in sweets (and there are
over 50 names for corn which is GMO), mercury toxicity from vaccinations;
genetic damage caused by radiation from mobiles, cordless phones, computers,
wifi; genetic damage from GMO products; and the list goes on, then it makes it
far harder for your body to repair itself.

Recent studies of voiceprint analysis show that all those clients who were eating
GMO food interestingly had the 111Hz frequency missing in their voice
signatures. If GMO food is scrambled genes and it is in a sense scrambling our
genes, then it makes sense that the body over time, would lose its ability to stay
in an expanded, healthy, unified state.

Take the example of Matt, he’s a man who’s wanted to buy a really expensive
sports car he’s been dreaming of his whole life, and he wants to walk into a car
showroom and pay with cash! He’s been saving for years and finally the day
comes and he walks into that showroom to buy the car of his dreams, and the
salesman gives him the rundown on how to look after the car. “Well sir, you’re
going to put distilled water in the radiator, high grade engine oil in the engine,
unleaded fuel in the fuel tank and service it every 10,000 miles, change the tyres,
air filters etc. Matt isn’t going to go home and start shoving pizza down the fuel
cap, and expect to get peak performance from the gorgeous new sports car he

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just bought, and yet that’s what we so often do to our bodies. We may load it up
with processed, toxic, chemical-laden food or products, smoking, drinking, drugs
etc and yet still expect the body to give us full energy during the day, a clear
mind so we can focus and be productive at work, and in the evening too, to feel
really harmonious and loving so we can go out and have fun, or play with our
kids, make love with our partner etc. Our bodies are amazing in terms of how
they adapt to our bad habits, but they can only adapt so much before they simply
can’t manage anymore and then we get sick!

In our society we think we can take a pill for this and a pill for that and it will be a
quick fix, but the reality is that we may not have been born from healthy parents,
and developed healthy habits with food and have only started eating healthily
when we got to say the age of 30, so we have 30 years of toxicity and unhealthy
eating to recover from. That kind of detox doesn’t just happen overnight. It isn’t
just a few juices or one colonic or one liver cleanse that is going to sort that. We
have to take a far more dedicated and focused approach, if we want to get real
results. It can take years to reverse the damage done in our earlier lives. I
recently heard of a friend in Bali who was doing a series of colonics and it was
only on the 27th colonic that she started to get tapeworms out! In China, the
doctors would often only get paid when their patients were well, hence they had
the incentive to keep their patients well as much as possible. In the West, we
tend to only look after the body when we get sick, but then the damage has been
done and the road to recovery takes far longer.

Often we may wonder why our body fails us at a time that’s most inconvenient,
but chances are we haven’t been looking after it and listening to its messages for
quite a while! Due to such high levels of toxicity in our environment that we are
constantly exposed to, and certainly our grandparents weren’t subjected to the
toxicity levels of over 10,000 chemicals that most of the human population are
subjected to in this day and age, combined with free radicals from the technology
we use, in my humble opinion, detox is not something you do once or twice a
year for a few days, it needs to be a daily way of life in order to maintain your
health. I have lived like that since about 1991 and have rarely got sick during

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that time, not getting colds or flus, or headaches, unless I got giardiafrom living in
India or dysentery or malaria in Bali... and my energy levels and mental clarity
have always been great. If you want to get a different result, you have to change
what you’re doing. If you want to have real health, you have to put the time and
a very worthwhile investment into making that happen. I call my approach to
looking after my body, my personal health insurance. Ensuring I can live well
every day, enjoying my life in every way I want to!

Having a non-toxic lifestyle means non-chemical, non-toxic personal care

products e.g. natural shampoos, toothpaste, make up, hand cream, deodorant
etc) and this is vital for complete health. The main issue is not looking at just one
product and the supposedly low levels of carcinogens like sodium lauryl
sulphate, propylene glycol, or parabens present in each product, but the toxic
cocktail combination of all these chemicals from all the products we’ve ever used
bioaccumulating in our bodies.

Detoxing the body safely requires a qualified health professional to guide you
through the process, combined with things like blood analysis, colonic
hydrotherapy, hair analysis (available through me), biofeedback etc and it is an
ongoing process that can take years, yes, years, not just one session, to fully
clear out all the body’s toxicity and challenges. It is vital that detoxing be done
under the guidance of a qualified health professional since toxins may get too
quickly released into the bloodstream, causing toxic shock and sometimes this
has been too much for the body and that can be fatal. Some authors who
advocate a raw food diet have recommended extreme methods, that have sadly
ended in the death of some of their readers, hence why I give this guidance. It’s
not about just guessing what you need either, having a few colonics and drinking
a probiotic drink and thinking that’s going to be enough. The car needs to be
regularly serviced, remember?!!! In addition, to the bio-accumulation of so many
thousands of chemicals in our bodies due to the various plastics and toxic
chemicals we either eat or put on our body, our bodies are now drastically trying
to adapt and are storing these toxins in pockets of fat all around our body, to
keep the blood as clear as possible, so if someone wants to lose weight, they

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

cannot do so in this day and age without first addressing the build up of such
toxins in the body first.

One of my colleagues who also works with these frequencies in the States is
Judy Lynne Cole (find her on Facebook or her website here), and, like me, she
also emphasises the importance of having a pure diet and keeping the blood
pure and has this to say:- “The purer your blood is, the better it can amplify the
conductivity of sound through the cells without undue impedance or resistance”.

Eating an organic, plant-based diet and having a non-toxic lifestyle is vital for
complete health. Organic food is vital for the body so it’s not overloaded with
pesticides. Raw food is vital as the body is alive and it makes sense to put
healthy food into it that is also alive. Cooked food especially food which is
overcooked, takes energy from the body to digest. On an evolutionary level, I do
believe that the reason why raw food is so popular now is because we are
shifting from being Homo Sapiens to Homo Luminous (Alberto Villoido’s
research) which means we need more light in our body and the frequencies are
very good for that as well. There have been kirlian images done by raw food
guru David Wolfe in his book “Eating for Beauty” showing the energy field around
different types of food, e.g. raw food, cooked food, cooked food that has been
blessed/prayed over and microwaved food. Interestingly the microwaved food
had no energy field at all, the cooked food had a little more, the cooked food that
had been blessed had even more but of course the food that had the most
energy was the raw food. If you want to detox and feel energised, then eat raw
food. It doesn’t mean you have to become a super strict raw foodist, but having
a good ratio of raw food, at least 50% in your diet, means your body can enjoy
good energy levels, so you can heal and enjoy a fully active life. Ever seen
those grey faces walking down the street, looking so lifeless with such low
energy, they find it hard to walk, they’ve got osteoporosis (brittle bones) from
eating dairy products their whole life, with aged/wrinkly faces from eating a really
acidic diet and drinking a lot of coffee/alcohol? Well those are the people who
eat tinned, processed, frozen food, ready meals that has no life force in it at all.
Over time, it just acidifies and drains the body because it’s not real food.

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

Judy Lynne Cole also emphasises the vital importance of not eating GMO foods.
We may think that it’s not such a big deal, when in fact, there are some pretty
serious health consequences. When people eat food they are allergic to, like
GMO food, because it’s not something the body likes because it’s working
against nature, and when it’s ingested our histamine levels go up and our
serotonin levels drop and obsessive compulsive behaviour increases. We will
then crave food that we are allergic to, and due to our homocysteine levels going
up, we will have less ability to deal with irritability or anger depending on how
much allergic food was eaten. Judy is a representative for a company that offers
an amazing amino acid supplement called SON Formula (made from fermented
cabbage/sauerkraut) which lowers histamine levels once you remove the
allergen. It’s far more bio-available to the body because most ways of ingesting
amino acids require at least 4 digestive processes. SON Formula only requires
one. In addition, glyphosate (which is Monsanto’s “Roundup” herbicide and
genetic modifier, plant finisher and metal chelator) disables two enzymes in the
body so we can’t absorb certain nutrients from our food. The list includes
molybdenum, copper, zinc, cobalt, manganese [and other rare metals] and the
amino acids tyrosine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, methionine, and
selenomethionine. Judy heard from ranchers about their pigs who cried when
they were fed GMO corn. The animals know! Glyphosate is a very dangerous
chemical for the human body and in research done by Dr Don Huber, 60% of the
farm workers who used it as a plant finisher to strip leaves off sugar cane died
within 6 months from bladder cancer. Interestingly, there are 17-20 plants that
are resistant to Roundup and one of those is Cleavers which can be helpful as a
tisane or tincture for bladder cancer. We can join the dots on that one! If you’d
like to go deeper on this important subject, here’s some peer reviewed studies on

Just so you know, Judy won’t offer tuning fork sessions to any client without them
doing at least 6 weeks of a nutritional protocol FIRST so that the client is fully on
board with their healing process. Many people won’t take care of their health in
that way, but this shows you how vital it is, that we not only, consider the benefits
of sound, but also understand the importance of maintaining our body’s life force

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

(or vibration) and how certain food (which is probably better termed as “non-
food”!) and toxins in our environment directly impact the capacity of the body to
be healthy and tuned in. If we do everything we can to be as pure as we can be,
then the body and our consciousness can be nurtured to the maximum potential.
I have been vegetarian since 1991 and since about 1996 I have been eating a
large quantity of raw food and ensuring that all my personal care products are
non-toxic to myself and my environment. Whilst eating too much raw food
(70-100%) has created too much damp in my body, and I have had to reduce it, I
still advocate that at least 50% raw is necessary for a vital life. I have constant
high energy, clear mental focus, and I just don’t get sick, unless I have eaten
something toxic or got dehydrated. When we understand that most poor health
or dis-ease doesn’t just happen to us, this point of awareness and power can
help us see that if we created it, then we can equally un-create it. Looking after
our health on a daily basis is a very important thing, and it’s far easier to maintain
when we’re looking after ourselves properly, because when our health is gone,
it’s far more difficult to get it back.

So working with sound and having a healthy diet ensures you can achieve the
best results in the fastest time. I recently had a client who came to me to be
mentored with this work and she is a sound healer, and yet she was pretty
overweight and unhealthy. When doing a session with her, she presented with
the highest amount of miasms (energetic blockages) I have ever encountered
with a client. She insisted that she was “healthy” and yet her body and energy
field was saying otherwise. I let her know that if she really wanted to work with
these frequencies effectively, part of her journey would be to address her health,
so that she could become a far better conductor of the sound through her body,
not only for her sake, but for the sake of her clients and her work.

If we fully support the body and give it what it needs, it can give us what we need
to live a fully healthy life, it’s that simple.

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol


In order to shift the cellular vibration of your body to create complete health, it
needs regular attention (like a mother would look after a child) and it may take a
few sessions or more with yourself or your client to achieve your goal. The
important thing is to stay focused and be persistent. It’s a bit like going to the
osteopath to correct a postural mis-alignment. They can give you the adjustment
to sort out the vertebrae, but it’s only by changing the daily habits that are
creating the bad posture in the first place, that real change can happen, e.g. not
sitting at the desk with a straight back because the desk is too high and the feet
aren’t on the floor because the chair isn’t at the right height, and the spine is
working too hard because the neck is pulling forward etc etc. Once you change
the desk height, the feet position, the chair height and do regular sit ups to give
the spine more support from the stomach, then the re-alignments that the
osteopath is doing will be able to have a permanent effect, and so real change is
possible. You’ll save a lot more money on sessions too!

One of my recent clients was a Muslim lady and she prayed 3-5 times a day and
so decided to incorporate her Body Sonics healing sessions with her prayers.
She had a long term problem with both her legs due to falling on an uneven
stone floor back in 2007, knocking herself unconscious. Since then she has had
to live with daily pain, reduced blood circulation, and a vastly reduced ability to
walk long distances (needing a driver to get her everywhere). Due to her
commitment to doing the protocol daily between 3-5 times a day, in just 5 weeks
she was able to stimulate the blood circulation, so that she could walk far longer
distances, and when she excitedly called me from Surabaya (Indonesia), she
told me she could even climb stairs and jump now. Also the pain in both her
legs was gone! Miracles are really possible, but it’s only through giving our body
that regular loving attention, that we not only maximise the healing potential but
we also open up the possibilities of receiving the gift/message of why we got sick
in the first place.

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol


It is my belief that the Zobet frequencies are helping us activate our light body.
When you divide 528 by 396 you get 1.3333 which in physics is “the refractive
index of light into water”. Since a very high percentage of the body is made up
of water (this varies from 45-75%), when the two tuning forks are gently struck
together or the frequencies are played together on your computer, they create a
powerful combined vibration, and it is my belief that they help the body bring
more light into the water of the body, thereby activating the light body.

Since the light body relates directly to the body’s energy field, the two tuning
forks are best played throughout the aura unless your guidance directs you
otherwise! The two forks can also be turned or pivoted together at the same
time, which creates an effect similar to tuning in a radio, and this can be explored
throughout the body’s aura and chakras. A very effective way is to make a figure
of 8, holding one fork in each hand (breathing through the mouth as you do this),
and move them simultaneously in towards the central line of your body and as
you breathe out, move them out to the sides as far as you feel to, starting from
the bottom of the chakras (base, at the base of the spine) and move up through
the others (to the crown chakra at the top of your head) doing figure of 8’s all the
way (3 breaths/figures of 8 per chakra is good) and as you move the forks out to
the tips of the figure of 8 feel your body’s energy can expand and harmonise! By
listening for the places where the forks become dull or silent, you can find the
areas that need harmonising. Ask your body what colour is good to visualise at
the same time to take the experience deeper, and anchor with pink or another
colour after. And as before, remember to relax the exhale, jaw, throat, lips,
abdominal area to allow the energy in your body to move. also recently mentioned “Scientists have also discovered that

not only do we emit light, we have the ability to affect it with our thoughts alone.
In a recent study, participants were placed in a darkened room and ask to
visualise a bright light. When they did this, they were able to increase their

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

levels of bio-photon emissions significantly, showing that our intentions have an

influence on light itself.”

396 and 528Hz seen through an oscilloscope!!!

© Judy Lynne Cole - Healing Partnerships

In conclusion, light appears to be a fundamental part of our being. It’s hard-

coded into our very bodies to function directly with, and through - light. On top of
that, the fact that we can affect light with our intentions alone…. is outstanding. It
would appear those new age hippies are right when they say we are all beings of
light ;-)”. Full article here and more research here and here and here.

You might also like to look at the work of Ahava528 in Israel

( where they are playing the frequencies via crystal bowls to
people whose bodies are completely suspended in the ocean by watsu (water
shiatsu) practitioners and they have a very inspiring video showing this on
YouTube, check out their videos here.


Since 528Hz is the frequency to enable our hearts to tune into love, unity and
God consciousness, because it activates our full divine potential, this is the best
choice for encoding water, although of course 396Hz can be used in certain
situations where you or your client need calming or grounding.

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

It is always best to drink out of glass instead of plastic as this is natural & free of
toxins like pthalates (which are hormone disruptors) and it also holds the
vibration better than plastic, so if you buy bottled water it’s best to buy it in glass.

Biochemist Dr Lorenzen invented clustered water. He discovered six-sided,

crystal-shaped, clustered water forms a healing matrix for healthy DNA. During
ageing/intoxication, these structural water clusters are depleted and this affects
virtually all physiological function. The beauty of clustered water is that it sends
a “wake-up” call to restore normal cellular function so not only are you energising
your water, you are energising, rejuvenating and healing your body too! He
also added the frequency of 528Hz as a blessing. Interestingly Professor John
Hutchison used 528Hz plus other solfeggio frequencies recently for the Gulf of
Mexico oil spill with interesting results. See YouTube for more info.

The best way to energise your water is to take off anything on your feet, stand
with your feet at hip distance apart, completely relaxing your whole body and
ground yourself, placing your awareness on your navel and in your feet. Then
hold one side of the glass with one hand and place the end of the stem of the
tuning fork into the water with the other hand, and hold the other side of the glass
with the other hand. Once the tuning fork has started ringing, or you can use the
audio to tune to the 528Hz frequency and start sounding into the water or food,
close your eyes to start to feel the effect of this powerful frequency as it
harmonises the water or food.

In this way, you create and complete a circuit of energy and because a high
percentage of the body is water (some say up to 99.999% molecularly but
certainly about 70%), encoding water in this way can be pretty profound since
you may well feel the water molecules in your body resonate literally with the
water in the glass! You can also use a similar intention as previously mentioned.
If you are closing your eyes, you can deepen into that frequency transmission
and find your body starting to expand and unify with everything around you. It’s
a wonderful feeling!

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

You can also wave the 528Hz tuning fork over your food. A figure of 8 (the
infinity symbol) will work very well or you can touch the plate directly (particularly
good if it’s made of a natural material e.g. clay/ceramic/glass/wood) as this then
helps conduct the frequency through the food or however else you feel to do it!
Trust your own inner in-tuition to guide the way!

For those of you using your voice instead. You can also direct the sound in a
figure of 8 movement. To watch a video of me guiding you through the process
to energise your water and food, please go here.


The tuning forks can also be used for clearing

space. If you haven’t purchased a set, you can also
use the newly released sound healing audio Sonic
Sanctum available in top quality AIFF or high quality
MP3 formats. This audio is The Unity Codes re-
branded and is comprised of the 12 pairs of tuning
forks (18 frequencies) and gentle ocean waves and
it’s the perfect way of resetting the energetic
blueprint of any space whether it’s at home or work.

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

Since 396Hz represents a good vibration for harmonising/grounding fear/stress,

this is best used first working in a counter-clockwise direction around the space
to clear energy or you can also use your voice. The 528Hz frequency is then
good to use afterwards, either with a fork or the voice, as it represents the love
and light vibration we are starting to align ourselves with deeply with the
planetary shift and the 528Hz tuning fork can then be used in a clockwise
direction round the room/space. Clockwise is a good direction for anchoring a
new vibration in a space. You may, however feel inspired to work with a figure of
8 which is also a great way of creating a more unified space since it is the sign of
infinity. Trust however you are guided. You can also amplify the potency of this
vibrational shift by harmonising your voice with the pitch of the tuning fork. Note
that there are two sounds that emanate from a tuning fork when struck and the
lower one is the one you will need to harmonise your voice with.

If you want to use the frequencies to keep the energy in your house clear and
with a high vibration, then you can increase the effectiveness of this by anchoring
the frequencies into any brickwork or stone around the house because they will
hold the frequency in their crystalline structure. Simply touch the base of the
tuning fork to the brickwork or sing into the bricks sounding the frequency of
528Hz into them, asking them to hold and carry the sound through the whole
structure of the building for you. Then let your house will be transformed into a
temple! You may feel to do this on a regular basis since our homes now are
filled with electro-magnetic radiation from maybe yours and other people’s
houses from wi-fi internet and peripherals (e.g. printers, keyboards, the computer
mouse etc), cordless phones (DECT), microwave ovens, mobile phones, etc.

To find out how often to do this follow your own inner guidance and if you find
that hard to connect with then contact me ( and I will guide
you through a simple process I call “Body Truth” to help get your answers.

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol


Since the Zobet (solfeggio) frequencies are an embodiment of the divine design
of the Universe, and are directly concerned with helping the body return to its
natural divine blueprint, one of the best sacred symbols to use at this time to
amplify the power of this work is the sacred geometric symbol called the Flower
of Life. It is the light template for the Universe found in a wide variety of temples
and cultures all over the planet, and it holds within it all the 5 platonic solids
which are the sacred geometric building blocks that form the basis of all life in
the Universe. Other geometries found within it include Metatron’s Cube and the
Tree of Life.

It is an amazing healing symbol, as it helps awaken you at a cellular level since

most structures within the body have a sacred geometric crystalline nature.
Since we are currently awakening to our truly divine potential, it is useful at this
time to visualise this symbol throughout your body during any kind of healing
practice (self-healing or for others) since it helps increase the harmony and light
vibration of energy in any area of the body that you choose to focus it on.

It is like saying to the body, “Hey, remember you are light/God/Goddess and
connected to All” and so it helps harmonise the old paradigm of holding
negativity and/or fear so the body can shift its vibrational state back home into its
truly nature-u-all divine way of being. You are the light of the world! (A Course in

When you visualise it as not just a 2D circular image, but instead as a sphere, a
3D or 5D spherical version of it, you ground it more deeply into our third
dimensional existence and therefore it has more potency. This symbol can be
used for clearing space and in any situation where there is disharmony (conflict,
an argument, disturbance, fight etc) and you can simply visualise a golden
Flower of Life coming from your heart, out of your mouth activating it with the
spirit of your outbreath, and sending it in the direction of the disturbance across
the space to where it’s needed. Offer it saying “If it be for the highest will and

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

good of these people/this being here present, I now offer the Flower of Life for
healing”. See it reaching the hearts of all those involved and see peace reign
once again!!! You’ll be amazed at how quickly it can dissipate a negative space
into one of awareness, compassion, resolution and peace. Even if you don’t
think it’s possible, experiment and see what magic happens! Would also love to
hear of your success stories! -

The Flower of Life

(Artwork: Morgan Paton –

Also, this symbol can be either visualised internally directly into an area of the
body or used by visualising it in a waterfall of light coming down through the top
of the head, seeing it as big enough to wash through your entire body from top to
toe. It is helpful to see this symbol as having a high vibrational energy (i.e.
seeing it as transparent and sparkly bursting with healing colours, so as to
ensure the healing is the best it can be as mentioned in the section below). It
can also be most helpful at rebalancing things and energising you at a very deep
level. If you have difficulty in visualising its complex structure, you can simply
gaze at it or command it into being and say “Third or Fifth Dimensional Flower of
Life” three times and with your intention as you are calling it in, it can not only
create an energetic benefit for you but also for others. Great to energise your
food and all your drinking water too! Give it a go and see what happens! I offer
it to dogs and cats to help them shift energy from humans when they sometimes

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

may find that difficult and I get dogs running across parks with the owners
wondering what’s going on!

Journal: What happens when I visualise a spherical Flower of Life between my

hands as I’m blessing food? How do I feel in my body whilst I’m doing it? How
do I feel after I’ve finished? Does my water/food taste different than before?


During a healing session it can be helpful to visualise high vibrational colour.

What I mean by that is colour that has a lot of light inside it, as if it is lit from
within, and could almost be called irridescent or luminescent. By seeing the
colour in this way, you uplift the vibration of the area where you are focused. If
say you visualised yellow in your solar plexus, which was already vibrating at
gold, then you would be downgrading the vibration of that chakra, so it’s
important to focus on always lifting your body’s vibrations in every way. Asking
your body to show you what colour is also a good idea and trusting whatever one
that gets presented is perfect for where you are right now. I encourage you to
throw out the idea that you need to have say red in the base chakra when in fact
there are many systems that advocate different colours for the different chakras
and in that moment, you may need a completely different colour, so it’s important
to trust your body’s wisdom with what it reveals to you.

At the end of a healing session, it is a great idea to visualise the colour of bright
fluorescent pink as this helps anchor and maintain the vibrational shift achieved
at that time, whether it be in the body or in a space. The colour pink relates to
the heart and unconditional love and is also the colour that harmonious cells in
the body emit, or that pregnant women radiate (as stated by Fabien Maman in
his book “The Role of Music in the 21st Century”). You may, however, be guided
to use a different colour so use that instead. Trust whatever colour comes. See
that colour(s) lighting up every cell as it moves through your body.

If you visualise all colours as transparent, you are also invoking a unity
consciousness, since you are choosing to see everything as connected, instead

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

of separate. Visualising colour in this way also imparts a higher vibration than
say a colour that is opaque/dense e.g. yellow vs. sparkling gold! If you are not
particularly visual and you feel this takes you away from being present with the
healing process, then it is best not to do it.

Other useful colours are:-

✦ Gold – to activate Christ consciousness

✦ White – to activate universal life force energy
✦ Rainbow – to activate the full spectrum of your rainbow light body

or simply ask your body/higher self for guidance on what is the best choice of
colour in this moment and allow it to vary if that feels appropriate. Your body is
always there to give you its wisdom, all you have to do is ask!


Since you are affecting change at a DNA/cellular level, it is important to ensure

that you drink energised and pure/filtered/spring (ideally) water both before
(ideally at least 500ml/a pint) and after a session so that your body has the best
conditions for assisting any vibrational shift that occurs. It is important to note
that most tap water (even if filtered) has now lost its capacity to hydrate us, due
to a variety of reasons, and so the quality of the water you drink/use for cooking/
bathing is very important as this determines the quality of your blood and your
health. Our bodies are generally quite dehydrated due to our lifestyles/diets/
habits etc so it is recommended that you avoid things that may dehydrate the
body further either before, during or say 12-24 hours after a session. Examples
include:- coffee, meat, wheat, dairy, alcohol, sugar, carbonated/sugared/
artificially-sweetened drinks since the sodium/salt content is very high, etc and if
it has aspartame/sucralose in it, (which is a neuro-toxin that is highly toxic to the
nerves in the body as it accumulates) and avoid anything else you are naturally
guided to avoid. Your body knows! All you have to do is ask and trust the
answer that comes and follow it.

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

So ensure that the water you drink/use/cook with is energised with the 528Hz
frequency (as previously described) in order to maximise the healing opportunity!
It’s also nice to give the same encoded water to your pets, plants and when I was
living in London, I used to love to encode the water for the birds bathing in the
bird bath in my garden! Had quite a lot of visitors!! You can also give this
healing frequency to the water going down your sink or a local stream, river near
where you live or visit. Every little helps!

You can also use crystals in your drinking water or wearing them or having them
in your living space, to support the healing process e.g. fluorite for transmuting
emotional negativity or rose quartz to help tune into more love in your life/
awaken your heart or obsidian/black onyx to get more grounded etc. See what
you feel drawn to and trust whatever intuitive guidance comes.

Since the body detoxes and repairs/regenerates itself at night, it’s also good to
be well hydrated before going to sleep. Drinking water say 2 hours before will
hopefully help avoid any night time visits to the bathroom!

The quality of our blood determines the quality of our life and the purer it is, the
healthier we are, and the healthier we are, the more we can sense how we feel
and therefore the more in tune we can be on all levels. If we are more in tune,
we make more harmonious choices and therefore are more peaceful in the world
and in a world that needs a lot of positive change, during such a potent time of
evolutionary transition, this is a great way to align yourself.


So to recap:-
The vision of complete health you’re holding in your mind is ............
you’re completely focused on ....(the body area you’ve chosen)....
the healing intention you have is......
you’re deeply breathing into your belly (to energise & be present) ....
the frequency you’re tuning to is........

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

the sound (e.g. “Ah” “ooh”, “wow” etc) you’re using is.......
you’re using an authentic loving smile (with your eye sockets)
the colour/light you’re breathing into this part of your body is..........
the movement or loving touch you’re using is.........
and at the end of each healing session, the sacred symbol or geometry I choose
to anchor this vibrational shift is.....

and you’re allowing the sound, breath, colour & movement to change at any time
to allow the unravelling of any health issue so it can be as authentic and in
present time as possible). You’re also eating a healthy organic, diet (ideally
plant-based) & living a non-toxic lifestyle, drinking energised and pure water/
food, keeping a clear sacred healing space at home, getting your bare feet on
the earth as much as possible, breathing fresh air, wearing natural fibres,
minimising the use of metal jewellery, doing regular spiritual practice, breathing
deeply into your belly, turning off your technology as much as possible
(especially at night), getting or giving yourself regular massage/loving touch, and
keeping a strong positive outlook, taking time to slow down & tune into the
messages of your body, so that real permanent change in your health in every
way is manifesting right now!


The 111Hz is a low frequency and it may not sound very loud on your computer,
especially if your computer speakers don’t have a low frequency response. My
suggestion is that you use the frequency on good quality headphones which
hopefully will be able to reproduce it. If you’ve got The Unity Codes you can of
course give that them to your body at any time. My recommendation is to listen
to them at least 2-3 weeks to get the rebalancing benefits and thereafter as you
feel to, although everyone is different, so trust as you feel guided.


Testimonials – The healing benefits of the frequencies are quite wide ranging and
for a glimpse into their potential, I would recommend checking out the videos and

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

written testimonials on my website here and here, together with other YouTube
videos here that cover the healing effects e.g. “Strong Reactions”


Video downloads

If you would like to study more with these frequencies, there are video
downloads available from the website that go into more depth about these
amazing sound healing codes. To find out more, simply click here and there are
currently four video downloads available. “Activate your Divine DNA Blueprint”,
“The King/Queen and the Land are One”, “God’s Secret Sonic Formula”, “The
Holy Grail & Sound” showing the exciting link between the frequencies and the
Holy Grail & most cultures on this planet and the one that is about to be released
is “Exploding the Myths to find the Magic.” The ancients knew of these sonic
codes to help us access deep shamanic states of reality so they could feel more
connected to everything, and from that place of connection, every choice and act
is harmonious and everything rebalances and returns back to its original

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

I also have an extensive YouTube channel ( and

one of the most important videos on that channel details the experience of some
ladies in the US after listening to just the 20 minute version of The Unity Codes.
The link is here and here’s another good link of a man who’s put aside his 20
year collection of sound healing audio to listen to The Unity Codes, why?
because he’s getting great results. Watch here.

The Unity Tone - Mobile phone sound healing ringtone

If you would like to have the frequencies at your

fingertips as a great way of shifting the vibe of
wherever you are by the simple act of your mobile
phone ringing then you can also get a FREE
download of The Unity Tone which is the world’s
first sound healing ringtone.

There are four versions available (MP3 and

iPhone [.m4r]) with different beats depending on

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

your taste including one with no beat at all. To get your free download today,
please go here.

Solfeggio Essences

These are sacred sonic essences

encoded with the specific frequencies of
the solfeggio, creating a set of three
essences with one aura spray. All are
made with a combination of 50% Chalice
Well and White Spring waters and 50%
high grade alcohol to fix the vibration into
the essence. The first being 396Hz ‘On the
Earth’ essence which had the frequency of 396Hz vibrated into it in a 396Hz
crystal bowl and this was made at the base of the MaGog oak tree in
Glastonbury, UK designed to help you ground and harmonise the old paradigm of
fear-based energy in your body & help you get more into your body.

The second was created using a 528Hz tuning fork in a 528Hz crystal bowl and
is called 528Hz “The Key to your Heart”. This was made at the Eggstone by the
Tor in Glastonbury which is regarded by many as the heart chakra for the planet.
This was created to help tune your heart into more love and the truth of your
whole being. 528Hz is also regarded as being good for repairing DNA as are all
the other Zobet frequencies. It’s also wonderful to energise and bless your
drinking water with!

The third essence was made with the full spectrum of the Zobet (solfeggio)
tuning forks in pairs creating the magical difference tone of 111Hz and it’s called
111Hz “Awaken and Unify”. This one was created in the St Mary’s Chapel in
Glastonbury Abbey (where carved into the altar is the Prime Number Cross - see
page 2 of this guide for a picture of what that looks like).

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

The fourth is an aura spray using the 396Hz and 528Hz frequencies together
with the essential oils of organic cedarwood, grapefruit and frankincense. The
combination of these two frequencies helps bring more light into the water in the
body to help you activate your light body. The Cedarwood essential oil was
chosen for purification of magical space, aura cleansing, to dispel any kind of
negative energies and to open spiritual channels. The Grapefruit was chosen to
bring mental clarity, self-confidence, overcoming self doubt, negative emotions
and insecurities e.g. jealousy, bitterness, frustration that might be keeping you
stuck in the past and it’s also a great oil for dispersing, reviving and uplifting your
mood. The Frankincense was chosen to help inspire spiritual insight, help you
overcome any fears or negative feelings, loss, grief and helps to promote self-
discipline, intention, meditation, accessing transcendent awareness, unity and
inner peace.

It is recommended that you use the essences in this order, 7 drops twice a day
under the tongue so that once you have used the first essence (396Hz) and
harmonised any fear-based energy from your body and surrounding biofield/
aura, you can then move onto the next one, 528Hz to tune into deeper levels of
love for yourself and others and your connection to the divine. Once you have
cleared out the old and brought in the “new” (new paradigm - although love isn’t
exactly new!!, then you can tune into deeper levels of unifying within yourself so
that you can then feel connected to everything around you. The 111Hz essence
can also support your continuing awakening of your divine self.

The “Activate your Light Body” spray can be used after taking all three or as a
supportive spray during your whole vibrational journey of awakening!

For more info on Solfeggio Essences, please click here.

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

UniPhi Yoga
This has been pioneered by myself and Andrea
Teja of Nature’s Rhythms Yoga combining yoga
and the voice tuned to the Zobet (solfeggio)
frequencies tuning in with the moon cycle. This
takes your yoga practice to a whole other level of
self-mastery and is taught by Andrea in the UK.
More information here.

The Frequency Shift (previously called Sonic Enchantment)

If you would like to experience the bliss-full feeling of the frequencies in a live
sound healing journey these are currently available in the UK under the original
name of Sonic Enchantment which has since its enception in 2011, has also
travelled to the US, Australia and now Bali, where it has now re-invented itself
and changed its name to the Frequency Shift. For more info, please look for
Sonic Enchantment on Facebook or go to or here.

We journey deep into the ocean with whales and dolphins, playing Zobet crystal
bowls, tuning forks, chimes and sacred vocal invocation and then up into the
cosmos with planetary gongs & monochords, 111Hz gong and space sounds and
then back down to earth with shamanic drums, rattles, nature sounds of the
rainforest, tribal chanting, water drums and a grounding meditation at the end.

It’s a wonderful way to tune into yourself, this planet and our solar system and
relax after a busy day so you can drift off into the sonic blueprint of the Universe!

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

Guided Sound Healing Audio

The following guided sound healing audios are also now available. I have
teamed up with experts in the field of NLP, hypnotherapy, sacred sexuality and
breathing therapy to create a wide range of sound healing audio to benefit most
tastes. So whether you’re wanting to get some fast stress relief (“Stress Relief),
or give your body a massage with the power of your mind (“Energetic Massage”),
or find your own natural breathing rhythm (“Breathing”), or tune into deeper
levels of inner connection to prepare your body for a baby (“Fertility”), or
celebrate your pregnancy, helping create a blissful pregnancy and birth for
yourself and your baby (“Pregnancy”) or get more in tune with your sexual,
sensual nature (“Self Pleasuring”), there is something for everyone!

This combines the Zobet (solfeggio) frequencies using special alchemically-

tuned tuning forks, and either gentle ocean waves or birdsong with a guided
relaxation or meditation for your listening pleasure. Simply lie back in your chair
or bed and/or go into meditation, get into deeper breathing and enjoy!

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

with more coming soon!

To find out more, simply click here and look under that section for specific links to
each audio and there is more information and video interviews on each page.

Please join the mailing list on my website for updates of this exciting work, so we
can stay connected!

I thank you for joining me on this exciting journey into the world of sound, and if
you’d like to either study more on this fascinating subject see below, and you’d
like support around making diet & lifestyle changes or other sessions via Skype,
there’s more under Sessions here and to learn tuning fork courses etc here.

It is my dearest wish that as many people as possible connect with the power of
the Zobet/solfeggio to bring healing and an end to suffering on this planet, so
please tell your friends and family too!

Solfeggio Body Sonics Cellular Healing Protocol

Peace for all beings everywhere

[ Om Shanti Om

For more information and other sound healing products that

harness the healing power of the Zobet (solfeggio) frequencies
to help rebalance, awaken and reconnect us
at the deepest universal & cellular level,
please go to

or to learn more about this fascinating subject of sound

as an amazing tool, especially at this time for humanity
during the shift currently occurring on the planet,
please go to

© Ashera Hart & UniPhi with Sound 2015


1. “The Blueprint of Creation” Jason O’Hara

2. “Numbers of Infinity” - Marke Pawson
3. “Jesus, Sun of God” - David Fideler
4. “You can heal your life” - Louise Hay
5. “The Journey” - Brandon Bays
7. - Tyr Throne
8. “Birth without Violence” - Frederick Leboyer
9. “Birth and Relationships” - Sondra Ray & Ray Mandel
10. “Celebration of Breath”, “Rebirthing made Easy” - Colin Sissons and other
rebirthing books e.g. “Rebirthing in the New Age” - Leonard Orr
11. Byron Katie’s website: (Check out her “Judge your Neighbor/
Turn it Around” process)
12. “The Pathwork of Self Transformation” - Eva Pierrakos
13. EFT - Many good videos on YouTube & see attached 30 day practice
14. Access Consciousness for clearing statement -
15. “The Ageless Body” - Chris Griscom (Light Institute)
16. “Zero Limits” (Len Ihaleakala & Joe Vitale) & “The Missing Secret” (set of 8 CD’s)
- Joe Vitale
17. - Dr John De Martini
18. “Earthing” - Clinton Ober & others
19. “The Face of Emotion: How Botox affects our moods and relationships” - Eric
20. “Taoist Ways to Transform Stress into Vitality and the Inner Smile: Six Healing
Sounds” - Mantak Chia
21. “Eating for Beauty” - David Wolfe

Attached please also find the following:-

Flower of Life
Forgiveness Process
Emotional Freedom Technique - 30 day practice

Unity/Light encoding symbol

My body is a Divine Temple. My whole being expands to Infinity

I am Transparent. I am Pure Love Consciousness floating in Space
How does my body Let Go and Unify when I Know
that I am Pure Love Consciousness floating in Space
and that I am Completely Connected to Everything around Me

Ashera Hart –


The Campfire Process

True forgiveness (for-giving) is seeing that what you perceived as a victim or “they were doing
it to me” in truth they were doing it with you and for you because they were proving you right in
your beliefs about how life is, for example: “No one really cares about me because I’m
unlovable” so they treat you with no respect; or “There is never enough money/love/time for
me because I am unworthy” so the Universe plays that belief back to you so there never is

[ Create a quiet, undisturbed & nurturing sacred space for you (i.e. turn off phones, lock
the door) (light candles and/or incense etc if you can make the time) and create some
space afterwards where you can journal, take a walk or curl up in bed, if you want.

[ Call in your higher self, guides, angels, spiritual teachers, ancestors, star family, animal
guides etc to be with you and ask for this healing to be irreversible and complete.

[ Imagine/visualise your mother/father/lover/friend/bank manager or yourself at any age

or whoever you have an issue with sitting opposite you. The stronger the resistance
you might feel, the bigger the potential to open your heart wider to receive more love!

[ Visualise a campfire between you and see that the flames of the fire will neutralise any
painful emotions you express, that you may have been holding onto from the past

[ Remember that it’s completely safe to fully express yourself and your feelings. Speak
the unspeakable. Also, it’s safe to be seen for who you really are. Take responsibility
for how you really feel and don’t blame them or yourself,

[ Stay present with the process. Observe yourself if you suddenly decide to stop and do
something else/avoid. Be as loving with yourself as possible. Your body is waiting to
release that energy you’ve been suppressing. Are you ready to be free of the past?

[ Choose one or more things you want to say that you’ve always wanted to say and
never have, and seeing that this time they want to hear & they won’t judge you for it.
e.g. “when you did …………………, I felt ……………………..
and the reason I didn’t tell you before is ………………………”

[ Now when you feel complete, allow their soul to respond (not their ego/mind or
personality) maybe with a “I’m sorry” or .......

[ Ask if there’s something they want and then see yourself giving them that. Perhaps
they need to hear you say “I’m sorry for ...” or they want a hug or ?

[ If you can see in this moment that they were doing it with you and for you, then maybe
you’re ready to thank them for teaching you about loving yourself and them more
deeply’. If that feels right then you might like to also then say “I forgive you””

[ Keep breathing deeply and allow whatever feelings to surface, and be felt fully/
transformed knowing that it’s past and your body is completely safe to feel it all.

[ If you can and feel to and if it’s appropriate, say “I love you (their name) “
How does that feel? Stay with the feelings. Breathe through them.

[ If you need to, call a supportive friend for a chat after or ask someone you trust for a
hug. You are loved and supported exactly as you are right now.” See how it is when
you next meet them (if that’s possible). What has changed?

In Love and Truth - Ashera Hart -



Today, (state your name), I invite my Higher Self
To show me the names of those people
I need to forgive
(then sit quietly and allow those names to come to you)

To Forgive:

I have made a mistake in my thinking

To allow you to seemingly “hurt” me
I recognise you are merely doing what I invited
In order to trigger pain from the past so it can be healed
and that in reality
Neither you nor anyone can hurt me
I am perfect now
Always have been
And always will be
You can’t change that
I now recognise that
Life is for-giving
Love to you

Before Bed:-

Think of those people and even others

who you don’t think you hold a grudge about
Picture each one, and if you are able to
send love sincerely from your heart

“I send Love from my heart to you (state person’s name) and

I forgive you, knowing it is impossible for you
to infringe on my perfection”
(this exercise is extremely cleansing – ensure
you have a lot of water to drink afterwards

“A Course on Truth and practical guidance from Babaji “– Roger Lanphear



Choose  up  to  7  negative  beliefs  that  you  want  to  work  with  &  write  them  out  in  their  current  negative  form.  

(e.g.  “I’m  not  worthy  of  healing”,  “I’m  not  lovable”,  “I  can’t  get  the  support  I  need”,  etc)

Secondly,  take  each  negative  belief  statement  &  then  turn  that  into  its  opposite,  positive  and  most  expanded  
version  of  how  you  would  like  it  to  be  instead.    Choose  words  that  really  work  well  for  you.

(e.g.  “I  receive  all  the  in?inite  blessings  of  the  universe”)

Part  A

Tune  into  each  positive  and  negative  statement  and  write  down  your  SUD  score  (out  of  10)  and  record  this  
beside  today’s  date  on  your  record  sheet

3  x  “Even  though...”
Using  your  negative  belief  phrase  do  3  rounds  -­‐  Add  in  the  Karate  Chop  point  on  side  of  hand  while  saying:

“Even  though  (insert  negative  belief  statement  e.g.  “I’m  not  worthy  of  healing”),  I  choose  to  deeply  and  
profoundly  love  and  accept  myself”  x  3

3  x  Negative  Belief  Statement,  10  points

Then  tap  each  point  from  top  of  head  to  side  of  hand  (10  points)  using  the  key  words  of  your  negative  belief  

e.g.  “not  worthy”,  “not  lovable”,  “not  supported”  etc.

Part  B

1  x  Positive  Statement
Read  your  positive  statement(s)  and  create  a  running  movie  in  your  mind,  picture  it,  feel  it,  taste  it,  believe  
that  you  already  have  this  as  your  reality  and  fully  sit  in  that  vibration,  and  then  tap  the  full  positive  
statement  (one  round)  on  all  10  points  from  top  of  head  to  side  of  hand

e.g.  “I  receive  all  in?inite  blessings  of  the  Universe”

Part  C

3  key  words  x  alternative  +/-­‐  short  statements

Take  three  key  words  from  each  of  your  statements  (negative  and  positive)  alternate  tapping  the  three  
words  on  each  point  from  top  of  head  to  side  of  hand  (10  points)  for  3  full  rounds.    With  each  phrase  use  
matching  expression  e.g.    Depressed/slouched  for  negative  statement  and  vibrant/expanded  for  positive

e.g.  “Not  worthy/in?inite  blessings  universe”

“Not  worthy”  would  be  tapped  on  top  of  head,  “inWinite,  blessings,  universe”  would  be  tapped  at  eyebrow  
point,  then  “Not  worthy”  again  at  side  of  eye  &  so  on  alternating  through  phrases  and  points  x  3  full  rounds.

At  the  end  of  each  write  down  your  SUD  score  (out  of  10)  for  both  of  your  positive  and  negative  statements  
on  your  record  sheet



1. Record  your  SUD  (score  out  of  10)  for  both  your  negative  and  positive  statement  
before  you  begin  Part  A.
2. After  you  have  Winished  Part  C  take  another  SUD  score  and  record  this.
3. Repeat  all  steps  for  30  days,  if  you  reach  a  0  for  your  SUD  score  of  the  negative  
statement  before  30  days  you  no  longer  have  to  do  Part  A  or  Part  C  you  ONLY  have  
to  do  Part  B  for  the  remainder  of  your  30  days.    
4. Do  not  cheat!    It’s  not  worth  it,  these  negative  beliefs  have  deep  roots  in  old  
patterned  belief  systems  and  a  full  30  days  for  reprogramming  really  pays  off!
5. You  can  work  with  up  to  7  beliefs  at  one  time

DAY Belief  1 Belief  2 Belief  3 Belief  4 Belief  5 Belief  6 Belief  7

Eg. 10/2    4/7



Negative  Belief Positive  Outcome

eg.  “I  deserve  to  be  punished” “I  receive  all  in?inite  blessings  of  the  

1) Work  with  up  to  7  Negative  Beliefs  at  one  time  (do  not  exceed  7)
2) Do  the  full  tapping  process  once  per  day  for  30  days
3) If  you  miss  more  than  2  consecutive  days  you  need  to  begin  from  day  1  again  for  
maximum  result
4) Once  you  reach  a  SUD  score  of  0  for  the  negative  belief  you  no  longer  need  to  do  
steps  1  and  3  you  only  need  to  do  step  2  once  per  day  until  the  30  day  period  is  
Winished  (so  the  process  becomes  much  shorter  once  reaching  this  stage)  

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