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Very Short Answer Type Questions

1. log,A" = 18. If 2logx + 2logy =k and xy=1, then k=

19. If log 198.9 = 2.2987, then the characteristic of
2. Expandlogs
log 198.9= andmantissaof log 198.9 =

log,a, 20. When 0 < a<1 and m <n, then which is greater,
3. Can we write logx, as
b log,b logm (or) log.i?

4. Express 0.001 = (0.1) in the logarithmic form. 21. Given logox= y. If the characteristic of y is 10,
then the number of digits to the left the decimal
5. (5)2log,2= point inx is
6. logs2 + log;20 - log,8 = 22. Find thevalue of logl6.
The value of 3+logıo(10)2 1s 23. log,x x log_y X logz
log, 5
24. If the characteristics of the logarithm of two
8. log,ab = (log,a) x (og,b). State True or False.
numbers abcd-abef and a-bcdabefare x and y respec-
9. I og:o2 = 0.3010, then log,o 2000 = tively,then x- y =
10. Evaluate 3 - log1o100. 25. I og2=0.3010, log3 =0.477 1 and log7 =0.8451,
11. Given 3 = log,x + 4log,8. Then the value of then nd the values of log 210.
*= 26. Given, antilog(2.375) = x. Characteristic of logx is
12. If log:02=0.3010,then logı5=
13. If x = log,3 andy= log;8, then log;24 in terms of 27. If log(21.73) = 1.3371, then nd the values of
x, y is equal to. log(2.173).
14. If logi625 = k log5, then k =
28. If antilog (0.2156) = 1.643, then nd the values of
15. If5log3 + logx = 5log6, then x= antilog (1.2156).

29. Without using the logarithm tables nd the value

16. I ogx = loga) then k= of 3log,27.
17. If a > 1 and m > n, then which is greater, log," 30. Find thevalueoflogo.
(or) log?

Short AnswerTypeQuestions
31. Prove that log5040 = 4log2 + 2log3 + log5 | 36. Prove that log, [log, {log, (625)}] = 1.
+ log7. 37. If log02 =0.3010, then nd the number of digits
32. Find the value of log,- (0.0625). in (16)10
38. I og2 = 0.3010, 1log3 = 0.4771 and log7 = 0.8451,
33. Express the following as a single logarithm. then nd the value of log75.
log*logy+logz. 39. Ifx* + y= 83**y, thenprovethatl
34. If +ỷ= 25xy, then prove that 2log(x + y) = = logx + logy.
3log3 + logx + logy. 40. Prove that

35. If t =2, then prove that log,(z + *) + 35 114

2log197+2log tlog48 +2log
log,(z- x) = 2.
41. Solve for x:
43. Using thetables nd the value of (32).
logx + log5=2 +log64
44. Using the tables nd the value of Vo.12.
42. Ifx -yo=, thenprovethat
45. Given log3 = 0.4771, then the number of digits in
log,(- y)+log,(2+ -x) + logtt 31000 is
*y) =6.

Essay Type Questions

46. If log,2x -1 + logz-1* +1 =2, ndx. 49. If log,x- log,a = 9(logs) and x = 9y, nd y.
47. If a=b/s =5 =an =el9, ndlog,abcde.
50. ?
48. Arrange the following in ascending order.

A=log,6561 B=logg625
C=logg243 D=log5256

Level 1

1. log,4 X logxy =- 5. log_ xy =?

(a) logay (b) log,a (a) 2(logx + logy - logz)

(c) log,a (d) log (b) logx + logy - logz

2. If logx = 123.242, then the characteristic of logx (c
is log z

(a) 0.242 (b) 122 logx+logy

log z
(c) 123 (d) 124
6. Ifx-= 3xy(*-y),thenlog(*- )°=
3. Pick up the false statement.
(a) 0 (b) 1

(A) Logarithms are de ned only for positive real (c) Unde ned (d) None of these
7. log(a + b)- log(a+b) -log(a - ab+ b) =
(B) log,Nis always unique.
(a) - 3
(C) The log form of 2 =8 is 3 = logg2. (b) 0

(D)log1 =0 (c) log 1

(a) B (b) C (a) Both (b) and (c)

(c) D (d) A 8. Which is greatest among the following:

(a) log,20 (b) log,35

4. log 169)- 2log 13 + 2log3 =?
()logs70 (d logs68

(a) 1 (b) 0 9. log(a+ b) + logla – b) - log(a - ) =

(a) 0 (b) 1

(c)log 3 (c) (a- b) (d) + 2

10. Ifx+ y= 4xyl* + y).Thenlog(r +y)'= (a) 11 (b) 121

(a) logx + logy + log(x +y) - log? (c) 0 (d) 1

(b)log(a) - logy + log(x + ) + log7 log,729 +log,216

(c) logx + logy + log(x - ) + log7 4+log,16-2log,64
(d) logx + logy + log(x t) + log7 (a) 9 (b) 4

11. Ir g *_log49 then the relation between x and y. (0

logy log7

(a) x=y 20. If logn yM = klogxy, then the value of kis

(b) x= y
(a) (b) mn
(c) (d) :
(d) x=
12. log(o) – log(2x -3) = 1, then x =? 21. I og,r=2, then log,logy) =
(a) -2 (b) 4
(a) (6)
() 4
() 9
() 30 20
22. Ifp = log216 and q = log,25 then p =

13. If 2log(* + 4) = log 16, then x=? (a) 3 (b) 25

(a) 0, -8 (b) -8 (c) 15 (d) Cannot be determined

23. 2(l6-log,1024) =
(c) -2 (d) 0
(a)116 (b) 32
14. The value of x when log, 343 = 3, is
(d) 64 (d) 8
(a) 7 (b) 8
24. 23log 2 +32log, 2 =
(c) 3 (d) 27
(a) 8 (b) 4
15. logı63- log,y4 log, 17 = .
(c) 9 (d) 2

); 25. loga+b(ad+ b')- log+t(a - ab+ b²) =

(a) loga+t{a- b) (b) 2
(c) a+ b (d) 1

26. 4log25 =
16. log, [logs {log2 (logs81)}] =
(a) 1
(a) 25 (b) 5

(c) 16 (d) 4
(b) 0
1 1
(c) log3 27. + ?
logxy * logxy Y
(d) Unde ned
(a) 1 (b) 2
17. logı13 · log,1331 =
(c) 0 (d)
(a) 3 (b) 11
logxy* X logxyY
() 121 (d) 9
28. Ify = log,-s(a- 6x +9), then nd y.
V14641 (a) 4 (b) 8
18. logı21|
(c) 2 (d) 32
Level 2|

29. If log02 = 0.3010, then the number of digits in 38. If loga " =3 then alogh-loga =
1612 is
(a) 6 (b) 9
(a) 14 (b) 15 (c) 3 (d) Cannot be determined

(c) 13 (d) 16 39. If log {x – 5) + logs(* + 2) = log,8, then *

30. Ifloge,p?=1chen log:- (a) -3 (b) 6

(a) 16 (b) 2 (c) 6, -3 (d) 3, -6

(c) 32 (d) 1 40. I ogx + ) = logx + logy, then x =

31. log,log,log,125 = )
(a) 4 (b) 8
(c) 1 (d)
(c) -1 (d) 1

32. If logx Y O8a) then thevalueof p is 41. If 2l0g5.slog?=glogr,thenlog, V=


(a) log,* (b) loga (b)

(c) log,* (d) logaY

(c) (d) 3

33.log 42. If3og *+ogs= 54, nd logx.

(a) 3 (b) 2
(a) loga23 - log z25 + logy
(c) 4 (d) Cannot be determined
(6) loga2 + logy - log z2 43. If logox - log10y = 1 and x + y = 11, then x
()log 3- logy+log25 =

(d) None of these (a) 10 (b) 1

(c) 11 (d) 2
34. If logl4 - Slogs2(*+ 3)] = 0, ndx.
44. If log3 X log,7 x log,8 = x, then nd the value
(a) 32 (b) 8

(c) 3 (d) 5

(a) 3 (b) 7
35. Ifx= log, log,log,256,then2log,2 =
(c) 8 (d) 1
(a) 4 (b) 8
45. Thevalueof log,-la-)- log,-t(a +ab+b2)
(c) 2 (d) 1
is (a> b)
36. Iflog 13_) = 2log, 13– log, 5 – x then
(a) 0 (b) 1

(3) 3 (c) Unde ned

(a) a=23/2 (b) x= 23/2 46. Iflog;2 = x,thenthevalueof 10 is

(c) a= 22/3 (d) = 22/3
1+x 2+3x
37. If log81 - log3 = loga,then 4,8 =
(2) 16
a)- (b)
(1) 4 2-3x 3x+1
(C (d)
(3) 2 (4) 8 2+3x 3x+2
Level 2

29. If log02 = 0.3010, then the number of digits in 38. Ifaoga" =3 then2logb-oga
1612 is
(a) 6 (b) 9
(a) 14 (b) 15 (c) 3 (d) Cannot be determined

(c) 13 (a) 16 39. If logs(x - 5) + logs(* + 2) = logg8, then x

30. If logsap' = 1f,then log: (a) -3 (b) 6

) 16 (b) 2 (c) 6, -3 (d) 3, -6

) 32 (d) 40. If log(xt) =logx+ logy,thenx=,

31. log, log, log,125 = (a)

(a) 4 (b) 8

())-1 (d) 1
(c)1 (0)
32. If log,xy= , thenthevalueof p is 41. If2log5.
glog?=glog,thenlogs =

(a) logy* (b) log,a (0)

() logg* (a) logaY 1

(a) 3

33.o - 42. If 3log*+ og3 =54, ndlogx.

(a) 3 (b) 2
(a) log23 - logz2/5 + logy (c) 4 (d) Cannot be determined
(b) log2 + logy -logz5/2 43. If log0% - logoY = 1 and x + y= 11, then x
(c) log 23 - logy + logz25
(d) None of these (a) 10 (b) 1

(c) 11 (a) 2
34. Iflogl[4 - 5logs2*+ 3)] = 0, nd x.
44. If log493 X logg7 x log,8 = *, then nd the value
(a) 32 (b) 8
(c) 3 (d) 5 of 3
35. Ifx = log, log,1log,256,then 2log,2= () 3 (b) 7
(c) 8 (d) 1
(a) 4 (b) 8
45. Thevalue of log,la-)- log,- (a + ab + b²)
(c) 2 (d) 1
- (a>b)
(a) 0 (b) 1
36. I ogaA-2log, 13- log, 5 - xthen
(3) 3 (c) Unde ned

(a) a' = 212 (b) x= 23/2 46. If log: 2 =x, then the value of log,72 is
(c) a=22/3 (d) = 22/3
37. I og81 log3 = loga, then 4g"= (a)
(b) 3r 1-3x
(1) 4 (2) 16 2- 3xx+1
(©) (4)
(3) 2 (4) 8 2+3x 3x+2
(a) oo (b) 0
(c) 1 (d) Cannot be determined

51. Ifx +- 3xy = 0andx > y,then nd thevalue

(a)-2 (b) –1
oflogsy- ).
() 0 (d) 2

48. If x = 1, (*> ), then nd the value of (b) 4

logr-p (r + ».
(a) -2 (b) 2
() (d) 2
() –1 (d) 1

49. If 3g: + 5log«= 8, then nd thevalueof x. 52. I og3 =0.4771, then nd the number of digits in
(a) 3 (b) 5 3100

() 4 (d) 8 (a) 47 (b) 48

50. log,1 · log:2 log,3 log;4 log,5 . logao0199 (c) 49 (d) 50

Level 3

53. I ogsx– logsy=logs4 + log;2 and x - y=7, then 1

58. The value of
x= 1+ logab C 1+logac b 1+ logbc a

(a) 1 (b) 8 equals

(a) 2 (b) 0
() 7 (d) 6
(c) 1 (d) log abc
54. If log: -1+a-14x+49 =4, ther X=
1 1

(a) 24 (b) -10 59. If+y=,then

log(z+x)) log(z-)
(c) 24, -10 (d) 10
(a) 4 (b)3
55. If lo8P log4 = og=k andpạr =100,then k (c) 2 (d)

4 8
60. If log2 = 0.301, then nd the number of digits in
(a) 14 (6)
(a) 307 ) 308

(c) 309 (d) 310

(d) 2
61. Ifx-y=1, (x> ), then ndthevalueof log- y)
56. If log2 = 0.3010, and log3 = 0.4771 then log 150 (x+ ).
(a) 2 (b) 2

(a) 2.1761 (b) 2.8751 (c) -1 (d)

(c) 2.5762 (d) 2.6126 62. Ifx² +y²-3xy = 0 and x > y, then nd the value
57. If log02 = 0.3010 and log03 = 0.4771, then the oflogslx- ).
value of log10 (a) (b)4

(a) 0.4592. (b) 0.5492.

(C) (d)2
(c) 0.4529, (d) 0.5429. 2
2.14 Chapter2

63. If 2log:9+25l0g.> =gog, then x = 1

66. Ifx=log,27 and y = log,27, then -+*=

(a) 9 (b) 8
(c) 3 (d) 2
(a (b)
3 9
64. I og,= mand logx = n, then loga)
(c) 3 (d) 1

M mn 67. If logx + 2log6* + 3log16* = 9, then x

(a) (b)
(a) 6 (b) 36
(c) (d)
m-n (c) 216 (d) None of these

log, 6 -=
(a) log,6 (b) log5

() logıo6 (d) logı030

Very Short Answer TypeQuestions
1. nlogA 16. -1
2. loggx + 2log3Y 3log,z 17. logam
3. No 18. (

4. logo.1(0.001) =3 19. 2; 0.2987

5. 4 20. logan
6. 1 21. 11
7. 5
22. 3
8. False 23. 1

9. 3.3010 24. 3
10. 1
25. 2.3222
11. 1512 26. 2
12. 0.6990 27. 0.3371
13. x + y 28. 16.43
14. 1/2 29. 27
15. 32 30. 2

Short Answer Type Questions

32. 4 38. 1.8751

33. log 41. x= 1280

43. 13.45
36. 1
44. 0.04158
37. 13
45. 478

Essay Type Questions

46. 2 49. 3
ah(n+ 1)
47. 25 50. log nn+1)
48. ABCD b 2
2.16 Chapter 2


Level 1
1. (b) 2. () 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (c) 7. (d) 8. (a) 9. () 10. (d)
11. (d) 12. (1) 13. (d) 14. (4) 15. (b) 16. () 17. (a) 18. (c) 19. (c) 20. (a)

21. (c) 22. (b) 23. (c) 24. (b) 25. (4) 26. (6) 27. (d) 28. (c)

Level 2

29. (b) 30. (d) 31. (c) 32. (c) 33. (4) 34. (d) 35. (c) 36. (a) 37. (d) 38. (a)

39. (6) 40. (b) 41. (a) 42. (a) 43. (a) 44. (4) 45. (b) 46. (b) 47. (a) 48. (c)

49. (b) 50. (b) 51. () 52. (b)


53. (b) 54. (c) 55. () 56. (a) 57. (a) 58. (a) 59. () 60. (c) 61. (c) 62. (c)
63. (b) 64. () 65. (c) 66. (d) 67. (c)

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