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Algebra 1 by Glencoe (Z-Lib - Org) Pages 445 - 472, 480 - 491

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Scientific Notation

• Express numbers in scientific notation and standard notation.

• Find products and quotients of numbers expressed in scientific notation.

Vocabulary is scientific notation important in astronomy?

• scientific notation Astronomers often work
with very large numbers,
such as the masses of planets.
Planet Mass (kilograms)
The mass of each planet in
our solar system is given in Mercury 3.30  1023
the table. Notice that each Venus 4.87  1024
value is written as the Earth 5.97  1024
product of a number and a Mars 6.42  1023
power of 10. These values are Jupiter 1.90  1027
Saturn 5.69  1026
written in scientific notation.
Uranus 8.68  1025
Neptune 1.02  1026
Pluto 1.27  1022

Source: NASA

SCIENTIFIC NOTATION When dealing with very large or very small numbers,
keeping track of place value can be difficult. For this reason, numbers such as these
are often expressed in scientific notation .

Scientific Notation
• Words A number is expressed in scientific notation when it is written as a
product of a factor and a power of 10. The factor must be greater
than or equal to 1 and less than 10.
• Symbols A number in scientific notation is written as a  10n, where 1  a  10
and n is an integer.

Study Tip The following examples show one way of expressing a number that is written
in scientific notation in its decimal or standard notation. Look for a relationship
Reading Math between the power of 10 and the position of the decimal point in the standard
Standard notation is the notation of the number.
way in which you are
used to seeing a number 6.59  104  6.59  10,000 4.81  106  4.81  6
written, where the decimal 10
point determines the place  4.81  0.000001
value for each digit of the
number.  65,900  0.00000481
The decimal point moved The decimal point moved
4 places to the right. 6 places to the left.

These examples suggest the following rule for expressing a number written in
scientific notation in standard notation.
Lesson 8-3 Scientific Notation 425
Scientific to Standard Notation
Use these steps to express a number of the form a  10n in standard notation.
1. Determine whether n  0 or n  0.
2. If n  0, move the decimal point in a to the right n places.
If n  0, move the decimal point in a to the left n places.
3. Add zeros, decimal point, and/or commas as needed to indicate place value.

Example 1 Scientific to Standard Notation

Express each number in standard notation.
a. 2.45  108
2.45  108  245,000,000 n  8; move decimal point 8 places to the right.

b. 3  105
3  105  0.00003 n  5; move decimal point 5 places to the left.

To express a number in scientific notation, reverse the process used above.

Standard to Scientific Notation

Use these steps to express a number in scientific notation.
1. Move the decimal point so that it is to the right of the first nonzero digit.
The result is a decimal number a.
2. Observe the number of places n and the direction in which you moved the
decimal point.
3. If the decimal point moved to the left, write as a  10n.
If the decimal point moved to the right, write as a  10n.

Example 2 Standard to Scientific Notation

Express each number in scientific notation.
a. 30,500,000
Study Tip 30,500,000 → 3.0500000  10n Move decimal point 7 places to the left.

Scientific Notation 30,500,000  3.05  107 a  3.05 and n  7

Notice that when a
number is in scientific
b. 0.000781
notation, no more than
one digit is to the left of 0.000781 → 00007.81  10n Move decimal point 4 places to the right.
the decimal point.
0.000781  7.81  104 a  7.81 and n  4

You will often see large numbers in the media written using a combination of a
number and a word, such as 3.2 million. To write this number in standard notation,
rewrite the word million as 106. The exponent 6 indicates that the decimal point
should be moved 6 places to the right.

3.2 million  3,200,000

426 Chapter 8 Polynomials
Example 3 Use Scientific Notation
The graph shows chocolate and
candy sales during a recent USA TODAY Snapshots®
holiday season.
Log on for: a. Express the sales of candy A sweet holiday season billion
Chocolate and candy ring
canes, chocolates, and all up holiday sales.
• Updated data candy in standard notation.
• More activities on
scientific notation Candy canes: $120 million  $120,000,000
usa_today Chocolates:
$300 million  $300,000,000
All candy: $300
$1.45 billion  $1,450,000,000
TEACHING TIP b. Write each of these sales
figures in scientific notation.
Candy canes: canes Chocolates All candy
$120,000,000  $1.2  108 Source: Nielson Marketing research By Marcy E. Mullins, USA TODAY

$300,000,000  $3.0  108
All candy: $1,450,000,000  $1.45  109


You can use scientific notation to simplify computation with very large and/or
very small numbers.

Example 4 Multiplication with Scientific Notation

Evaluate (5  108)(2.9  102). Express the result in scientific and standard
(5  108)(2.9  102)
 (5  2.9)(108  102) Commutative and Associative Properties

 14.5  106 Product of Powers

 (1.45  101)  106 14.5  1.45  101

 1.45  (101  106) Associative Property

 1.45  105 or 0.0000145 Product of Powers

Example 5 Division with Scientific Notation

1.2789  109
Evaluate 5 . Express the result in scientific and standard notation.
5.22  10
1.2789  109 1.2789 109

5.22  105 
5.22 10   Associative Property

 0.245  104 Quotient of Powers

 (2.45  101)  104 0.245  2.45  101

 2.45  (101  104) Associative Property
 2.45  103 or 2450 Product of Powers Lesson 8-3 Scientific Notation 427

Concept Check 1. Explain how you know to use a positive or a negative exponent when writing a
number in scientific notation.
2. State whether 65.2  103 is in scientific notation. Explain your reasoning.
3. OPEN ENDED Give an example of a large number written using a decimal
number and a word. Write this number in standard and then in scientific

Guided Practice Express each number in standard notation.

GUIDED PRACTICE KEY 4. 2  108 5. 4.59  103
6. 7.183  1014 7. 3.6  105

Express each number in scientific notation.

8. 56,700,000 9. 0.00567
10. 0.00000000004 11. 3,002,000,000,000,000

Evaluate. Express each result in scientific and standard notation.

12. (5.3  102)(4.1  105) 13. (2  105)(9.4  103)
1.5  10 2 1.25  10 4
14.  15.  6
2.5  1012 2.5  10

Application CREDIT CARDS For Exercises 16 and 17, use the following information.
During the year 2000, 1.65 billion credit cards were in use in the United
States. During that same year, $1.54 trillion was charged to these cards.
(Hint: 1 trillion  1  1012 ) Source: U.S. Department of Commerce
16. Express each of these values in standard and then in scientific notation.
17. Find the average amount charged per credit card.

Practice and Apply

Homework Help Express each number in standard notation.
Examples 18. 5  106 19. 6.1  109
18–29 1 20. 7.9  104 21. 8  107
30–43 2
22. 1.243  107 23. 2.99  101
44–55 3, 4
56–59 5 24. 4.782  1013 25. 6.89  100

Extra Practice PHYSICS Express the number in each statement in standard notation.
See page 837.
26. There are 2  1011 stars in the Andromeda Galaxy.
27. The center of the moon is 2.389  105 miles away from the center of Earth.
28. The mass of a proton is 1.67265  1027 kilograms.
29. The mass of an electron is 9.1095  1031 kilograms.

Express each number in scientific notation.

30. 50,400,000,000 31. 34,402,000
32. 0.000002 33. 0.00090465
34. 25.8 35. 380.7
36. 622  106 37. 87.3  1011
38. 0.5  104 39. 0.0081  103
40. 94  107 41. 0.001  1012
428 Chapter 8 Polynomials
42. STARS In the 1930s, the Indian physicist Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar and
others predicted the existence of neutron stars. These stars can have a density
of 10 billion tons per teaspoonful. Express this density in scientific notation.
The distances of the
planets from the Sun can 43. PHYSICAL SCIENCE The unit of measure for counting molecules
be written in scientific is a mole. One mole of a substance is the amount that contains about
notation. Visit 602,214,299,000,000,000,000,000 molecules. Write this number in scientific notation.
webquest to continue
work on your WebQuest Evaluate. Express each result in scientific and standard notation.
44. (8.9  104)(4  103) 45. (3  106)(5.7  102)
46. (5  102)(8.6  103) 47. (1.2  105)(1.2  103)
48. (3.5  107)(6.1  108) 49. (2.8  102)(9.1  106)
7.2  10
9 7.2  103 3.162  10 4
50. 4 51. 7 52. 
4.8  10 1.8  10 5.1  102

1.035  102 2.795  108 4.65  101

53.  54.  55. 
4.5  103 4.3  104 5  105

56. HAIR GROWTH The usual growth rate of human hair is 3.3  104 meter per
day. If an individual hair grew for 10 years, how long would it be in meters?
(Assume 365 days in a year.)

57. NATIONAL DEBT In April 2001, the national debt was about $5.745 trillion, and
the estimated U.S. population was 283.9 million. About how much was each
U.S. citizen’s share of the national debt at that time?

Online Research Data Update What is the current U.S. population and
amount of national debt? Visit to learn more.

58. BASEBALL The table below lists the greatest yearly salary for a major league
baseball player for selected years.

Baseball Salary Milestones

Year Player Yearly Salary
1979 Nolan Ryan $1 million
1982 George Foster $2.04 million
1990 Jose Canseco $4.7 million
1992 Ryne Sandberg $7.1 million
1996 Ken Griffey, Jr. $8.5 million
1997 Pedro Martinez $12.5 million
2000 Alex Rodriguez $25.2 million

Baseball Source: USA TODAY

The contract Alex About how many times as great was the yearly salary of Alex Rodriguez in 2000
Rodriguez signed with as that of George Foster in 1982?
the Texas Rangers on
December 11, 2000,
guarantees him 59. ASTRONOMY The Sun burns about 4.4  106 tons of hydrogen per second.
$25.2 million a year How much hydrogen does the Sun burn in one year? (Hint: First, find the
for 10 seasons. number of seconds in a year and write this number in scientific notation.)
Source: Associated Press
60. CRITICAL THINKING Determine whether each statement is sometimes, always, or
never true. Explain your reasoning.
a. If 1  a  10 and n and p are integers, then (a  10n)p  ap  10np.
b. The expression ap  10np in part a is in scientific notation. Lesson 8-3 Scientific Notation 429
61. WRITING IN MATH Answer the question that was posed at the beginning of
the lesson.
Why is scientific notation important in astronomy?
Include the following in your answer:
• the mass of each of the planets in standard notation, and
• an explanation of how scientific notation makes presenting and computing
with large numbers easier.

Standardized 62. Which of the following is equivalent to 360  104?

Test Practice A 3.6  103 B 3.6  102 C 3.6  102 D 3.6  103

63. SHORT RESPONSE There are an average of 25 billion red blood cells in the
human body and about 270 million hemoglobin molecules in each red blood
cell. Find the average number of hemoglobin molecules in the human body.

Graphing SCIENTIFIC NOTATION You can use a graphing calculator to solve problems
Calculator involving scientific notation. First, put your calculator in scientific mode. To enter
4.5  109, enter 4.5  10 9.
64. (4.5  109)(1.74  102) 65. (7.1  1011)(1.2  105)
66. (4.095  105) (3.15  108) 67. (6  104) (5.5  107)

Maintain Your Skills

Mixed Review Simplify. Assume no denominator is equal to zero. (Lesson 8-2)
4 7 2
49a b c 4n3p5 (8n )7 2
68.  4 3 69. 
2 70. 2 3
7ab c n (3n )

Determine whether each expression is a monomial. Write yes or no. (Lesson 8-1)
6 v2
71. 3a 4b 72.  73. 
n 3

Solve each inequality. Then check your solution and graph it on a number line.
(Lesson 6-1)
74. m  3  17 75. 9 d  9 76. x  11

Getting Ready for PREREQUISITE SKILL Evaluate each expression when a  5, b  2, and c  3.
the Next Lesson (To review evaluating expressions, see Lesson 1-2.)
77. 5b2 78. c2  9 79. b3 3ac
80. a2 2a  1 81. 2b4  5b3  b 82. 3.2c3 0.5c2  5.2c

P ractice Quiz 1 Lessons 8-1 through 8-3

Simplify. (Lesson 8-1)
1. n3(n4)(n) 2. 4ad(3a3d) 3. (2w3z4)3(4wz3)2

Simplify. Assume that no denominator is equal to zero. (Lesson 8-2)

25p10 3 2 4x0y2
5. 4 
3 6. 3
5 2
15p 7np (3y z )

Evaluate. Express each result in scientific and standard notation. (Lesson 8-3)
9.2  10 3 3.6  10 7
7. (6.4  103)(7  102) 8. (4  102)(15  106) 9. 5 10.  2
2.3  10 1.2  10

430 Chapter 8 Polynomials

A Preview of Lesson 8-4

Polynomials Polynomial Models

Algebra tiles can be used to model Polynomials are modeled using

x x
polynomials. A polynomial is a monomial three types of tiles.
or the sum of monomials. The diagram at
the right shows the models.

Each tile has an opposite. 1 x x


Use algebra tiles to model each polynomial.

• 4x
To model this polynomial, you will need 4 green x x x x
x tiles.

• 2x2  3
2 2
To model this polynomial, you will need 2 blue x x
x2 tiles and 3 red 1 tiles. 1 1 1

• x2  3x  2
To model this polynomial, you will need 1 red x x x x
x2 tile, 3 green x tiles, and 2 yellow 1 tiles. 1 1

Model and Analyze

Use algebra tiles to model each polynomial. Then draw a diagram of
your model.
1. 2x2 2. 5x  4 3. 3x2  x 4. x2 4x 3

Write an algebraic expression for each model.

5. 6.
2 2 2
x x x x x x
1 1 1 1

7. 8.
x x x x x x
1 1 1 1

9. MAKE A CONJECTURE Write a sentence or two explaining why algebra tiles are
sometimes called area tiles.

Investigating Slope-Intercept Form 431

Algebra Activity Polynomials 431

• Find the degree of a polynomial.

• Arrange the terms of a polynomial in ascending or descending order.

Vocabulary are polynomials useful in modeling data?

• polynomial The number of hours H spent per person per
• binomial year playing video games from 1992 through Video
• trinomial 1997 is shown in the table. These data can be Game
• degree of a monomial modeled by the equation Usage
• degree of a polynomial 1
H  (t4  9t3  26t2  18t  76), Year
Hours spent
4 per person
where t is the number of years since 1992. 1992 19
The expression t4  9t3  26t2  18t  76 1993 19
is an example of a polynomial. 1994 22
1995 24
1996 26
1997 36
Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Study Tip DEGREE OF A POLYNOMIAL A polynomial is a monomial or a sum of

monomials. Some polynomials have special names. A binomial is the sum of two
Common monomials, and a trinomial is the sum of three monomials. Polynomials with more
Before deciding if an
than three terms have no special names.
expression is a polynomial,
write each term of the
Monomial Binomial Trinomial
expression so that there
are no variables in the 7 3  4y xyz
denominator. Then look 13n 2a  3c p 2  5p  4
for negative exponents.
Recall that the exponents
5z 3 6x 2  3xy a 2  2ab  b 2
of a monomial must be 4ab 3c 2 7pqr  pq 2 3v 2  2w  ab 3
nonnegative integers.

Example 1 Identify Polynomials

State whether each expression is a polynomial. If it is a polynomial, identify it
as a monomial, binomial, or trinomial.

Monomial, Binomial,
Expression Polynomial?
or Trinomial?
Yes, 2x  3yz  2x  (3yz). The
a. 2x  3yz binomial
expression is the sum of two monomials.
Study Tip b. 8n3  5n2
No. 5n2  2 , which is not a monomial. none of these
Like Terms c. 8 Yes. 8 is a real number. monomial
Be sure to combine any
Yes. The expression simplifies to
like terms before deciding
if a polynomial is a
d. 4a 2  5a  a  9 4a 2  6a  9, so it is the sum of three trinomial
monomial, binomial, or monomials.

432 Chapter 8 Polynomials

Polynomials can be used to express geometric relationships.

Example 2 Write a Polynomial

GEOMETRY Write a polynomial to represent the area
of the shaded region.

Words The area of the shaded region is the area of r

the rectangle minus the area of the circle.
Variables area of shaded region  A
width of rectangle  2r
rectangle area  b(2r)
circle area  r2
area of shaded region  rectangle area  circle area
Equation A  b(2r)  r2
A  2br  r2
The polynomial representing the area of the shaded region is 2br  r2.

TEACHING TIP The degree of a monomial is the sum of the Monomial Degree
exponents of all its variables.
8y 4 4
The degree of a polynomial is the greatest degree
3a 1
of any term in the polynomial. To find the degree of
a polynomial, you must find the degree of each term. 2xy 2z 3 1  2  3 or 6
7 0

Example 3 Degree of a Polynomial

Study Tip Find the degree of each polynomial.
Degrees of 1 and 0 Degree of Degree of
• Since a  a1, the Polynomial Terms
Each Term Polynomial
monomial 3a can be
rewritten as 3a1. Thus a. 5mn 2 5mn 2 1, 2 3
3a has degree 1. b. 4x 2y 2  3x 2  5 4x 2y 2, 3x 2, 5 4, 2, 0 4
• Since x0  1, the
monomial 7 can be
c. 3a  7ab  2a 2b  16 3a, 7ab, 2a 2b, 16 1, 2, 3, 0 3
rewritten as 7x 0. Thus
7 has degree 0.

WRITE POLYNOMIALS IN ORDER The terms of a polynomial are usually

arranged so that the powers of one variable are in ascending (increasing) order or
descending (decreasing) order.

Example 4 Arrange Polynomials in Ascending Order

Arrange the terms of each polynomial so that the powers of x are in ascending
a. 7x2  2x4  11
7x2  2x4  11  7x2  2x4  11x0 x0  1
 11  7x2  2x4 Compare powers of x: 0  2  4.

b. 2xy3  y2  5x3  3x2y

2xy3  y2  5x3  3x2y
 2x1y3  y2  5x3  3x2y1 x  x1
 y2  2xy3  3x2y  5x3 Compare powers of x: 0  1  2  3. Lesson 8-4 Polynomials 433

Example 5 Arrange Polynomials in Descending Order
Arrange the terms of each polynomial so that the powers of x are in descending
a. 6x2  5  8x  2x3
6x2  5  8x  2x3  6x2  5x0  8x1  2x3 x0  1 and x  x1
 2x3  6x2  8x  5 3210

b. 3a3x2  a4  4ax5  9a2x

3a3x2  a4  4ax5  9a2x  3a3x2  a4x0  4a1x5  9a2x1 a  a1, x0  1, and x  x1
 4ax5  3a3x2  9a2x  a4 5210

Concept Check 1. OPEN ENDED Give an example of a monomial of degree zero.

2. Explain why a polynomial cannot contain a variable raised to a negative power.
3. Determine whether each statement is true or false. If false, give a counterexample.
a. All binomials are polynomials.
b. All polynomials are monomials.
c. All monomials are polynomials.

Guided Practice State whether each expression is a polynomial. If the expression is a polynomial,
identify it as a monomial, a binomial, or a trinomial.
GUIDED PRACTICE KEY 4. 5x  3xy  2x 5.  6. 9a2  7a  5
Find the degree of each polynomial.
7. 1 8. 3x  2 9. 2x2y3  6x4

Arrange the terms of each polynomial so that the powers of x are in

ascending order.
10. 6x 3  12  5x 11. 7a2x 3  4x 2  2ax 5  2a

Arrange the terms of each polynomial so that the powers of x are in

descending order.
12. 2c5  9cx2  3x 13. y 3  x 3  3x 2y  3xy 2

Application 14. GEOMETRY Write a polynomial to represent

the area of the shaded region.

Practice and Apply

Homework Help State whether each expression is a polynomial. If the expression is a polynomial,
For See identify it as a monomial, a binomial, or a trinomial.
Exercises Examples 2
15–20 1 15. 14 16.   p3
21–24 2 1 2
25–36 3 17. 7b  3.2c  8b 18. x  x  2
37–52 4, 5
19. 6gh2  4g2h  g 20. 4  2a  2
434 Chapter 8 Polynomials
Extra Practice GEOMETRY Write a polynomial to represent the area of each shaded region.
See page 838.
21. 22. x x
x x
h b
x x
x x
b a

23. 24.
x y

Find the degree of each polynomial.

25. 5x3 26. 9y 27. 4ab
28. 13 29. c4  7c 2 30. 6n3  n2p2
31. 15  8ag 32. 3a2b3c4  18a5c 33. 2x3  4y  7xy
34. 3z5  2x2y3z  4x2z 35. 7  d5  b2c2d3  b6 36. 11r2t4  2s4t5  24

Arrange the terms of each polynomial so that the powers of x are in

ascending order.
37. 2x  3x2  1 38. 9x3  7  3x5
39. c2x3  c3x2  8c 40. x3  4a  5a2x6
41. 4  3ax5  2ax2  5a7 42. 10x3y2  3x9y  5y4  2x2
43. 3xy2  4x3  x2y  6y 44. 8a5x  2ax4  5  a2x2

Arrange the terms of each polynomial so that the powers of x are in

descending order.
45. 5  x5  3x3 46. 2x  1  6x2
47. 4a3x2  5a  2a2x 3 48. b2  x2  2xb
49. c2  cx3  5c3x2  11x 50. 9x2  3  4ax3  2a2x
51. 8x  9x2y  7y2  2x4 52. 4x3y  3xy4  x2y3  y4

53. MONEY Write a polynomial to represent the value of q quarters, d dimes,

and n nickels.

54. MULTIPLE BIRTHS The number of quadruplet births Q in the United States
from 1989 to 1998 can be modeled by Q  0.5t3  11.7t2  21.5t  218.6,
where t represents the number of years since 1989. For what values of t does
this model no longer give realistic data? Explain your reasoning.
Multiple Births
From 1980 to 1997, the
number of triplet and PACKAGING For Exercises 55 and 56, use the following
higher births rose 404% r
(from 1377 to 6737 births). A convenience store sells milkshakes in cups with semispherical
This steep climb in multiple lids. The volume of a cylinder is the product of , the square of
births coincides with the
the radius r, and the height h. The volume of a sphere is the h
increased use of fertility 4
drugs. product of , , and the cube of the radius.
3 r
Source: National Center for 55. Write a polynomial that represents the volume of the container.
Health and Statistics
56. If the height of the container is 6 inches and the radius is 2 inches,
find the volume of the container. Lesson 8-4 Polynomials 435
57. CRITICAL THINKING Tell whether the following statement is true or false.
Explain your reasoning.
The degree of a binomial can never be zero.

58. WRITING IN MATH Answer the question that was posed at the beginning of
the lesson.
How are polynomials useful in modeling data?
Include the following in your answer:
• a discussion of the accuracy of the equation by evaluating the polynomial for
t  {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, and
• an example of how and why someone might use this equation.

Standardized 59. If x  1, then 3x3  2x2  x  1 

Test Practice A 5. B 1. C 1. D 2.

60. QUANTITATIVE COMPARISON Compare the quantity in Column A and the

quantity in Column B. Then determine whether:
A the quantity in Column A is greater,
B the quantity in Column B is greater,
C the two quantities are equal, or
D the relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Column A Column B

the degree of 5x 2y 3 the degree of 3x 3y 2

Maintain Your Skills

Mixed Review Express each number in scientific notation. (Lesson 8-3)
61. 12,300,000 62. 0.00345 63. 12 106 64. 0.77 1010

Simplify. Assume that no denominator is equal to zero. (Lesson 8-2)

5n5 4x3y2 2 (y)5m8
65. a0b2c1 66. 
8 n

3z  68. 3 

Determine whether each relation is a function. (Lesson 4-6)

69. y 70. x y
2 2
0 1
3 4
O x 5 2

71. PROBABILITY A card is selected at random from a standard deck of 52 cards.

What is the probability of selecting a black card? (Lesson 2-6)

Getting Ready for PREREQUISITE SKILL Simplify each expression. If not possible, write simplified.
the Next Lesson (To review evaluating expressions, see Lesson 1-5.)
72. 3n  5n 73. 9a2  3a  2a2 74. 12x2  8x  6
75. 3a  5b  4a  7b 76. 4x  3y  6  7x  8  10y
436 Chapter 8 Polynomials
A Preview of Lesson 8-5

Adding and Subtracting Polynomials

Monomials such as 5x and 3x are called like Polynomial Models
terms because they have the same variable to
the same power. When you use algebra tiles, Like terms are represented x x x
you can recognize like terms because the by tiles that have the same
individual tiles have the same size and shape. shape and size.
like terms

A zero pair may be formed

by pairing one tile with its
opposite. You can remove x x O
or add zero pairs without
changing the polynomial.

Activity 1 Use algebra tiles to find (3x2  2x  1)  (x2  4x  3).

Model each polynomial.

2 2 2
x x x x x
3x2  2x  1 →
3x  2x  1

x x x x x
x2  4x  3 → 1 1 1

x2  4x  3

Combine like terms and remove zero pairs.

x x

2 2
x x x x x x
1 1 1

4x 2  2x  2

Write the polynomial for the tiles that remain.

(3x2  2x  1)  (x2  4x  3)  4x2  2x  2

Algebra Activity Adding and Subtracting Polynomials 437

Algebra Activity

Activity 2 Use algebra tiles to find (5x  4)  (2x  3).

Model the polynomial 5x  4.

x x x x x
1 1 1 1

5x  4

To subtract 2x  3, you

must remove 2 red x tiles
and 3 yellow 1 tiles. You can
remove the yellow 1 tiles,
x x x x x x x x x
but there are no red x tiles.
1 1 1 1
Add 2 zero pairs of x tiles.
Then remove the 2 red
7x  1
x tiles.

Write the polynomial for the tiles that remain.

(5x  4)  (2x  3)  7x  1

Recall that you can subtract a number by adding its additive inverse or opposite.
Similarly, you can subtract a polynomial by adding its opposite.

Activity 3 Use algebra tiles and the additive inverse, or opposite, to find
(5x  4)  (2x  3).
To find the difference of 5x  4
5x  4
and 2x  3, add 5x  4 and the
opposite of 2x  3.
5x  4 → x x x x x
1 1 1 1

The opposite of → x x
2x  3 is 2x  3. 1 1 1

2x  3

Write the polynomial for the tiles that remain.

(5x  4)  (2x  3)  7x  1 Notice that this is the same answer as in Activity 2.

Model and Analyze

Use algebra tiles to find each sum or difference.
1. (5x2  3x  4)  (2x2  4x  1) 2. (2x2  5)  (3x2  2x  6) 3. (4x2  x)  (5x  2)
4. (3x2  4x  2)  (x2  5x  5) 5. (x2  7x)  (2x2  3x) 6. (8x  4)  (6x2  x  3)
7. Find (2x2  3x  1)  (2x  3) using each method from Activity 2 and Activity 3. Illustrate with
drawings and explain in writing how zero pairs are used in each case.

438 Chapter 8 Polynomials

Adding and Subtracting
• Add polynomials.
• Subtract polynomials.

can adding polynomials

help you model sales?
From 1996 to 1999, the amount of sales
(in billions of dollars) of video games V
and traditional toys R in the United States
can be modeled by the following equations,
where t is the number of years since 1996.
Source: Toy Industry Fact Book

V  0.05t3  0.05t2  1.4t  3.6

R  0.5t3  1.9t2  3t  19
The total toy sales T is the sum of the video
game sales V and traditional toy sales R.

ADD POLYNOMIALS To add polynomials, you can group like terms

horizontally or write them in column form, aligning like terms.

Example 1 Add Polynomials

Find (3x2  4x  8)  (2x  7x2  5).

Method 1 Horizontal
Group like terms together.
Study Tip (3x2  4x  8)  (2x  7x2  5)

Adding Columns  [3x2  (7x2)]  (4x  2x)  [8  (5)] Associative and Commutative Properties
When adding like terms in  4x2  2x  3 Add like terms.
column form, remember
that you are adding
Method 2 Vertical
integers. Rewrite each
monomial to eliminate Align the like terms in columns and add.
subtractions. For
example, you could
3x2  4x  8 Notice that terms are in descending order
with like terms aligned.
rewrite 3x2  4x  8 () 7x2  2x  5
as 3x2  (4x)  8.
4x2  2x  3

SUBTRACT POLYNOMIALS Recall that Polynomial Additive Inverse

you can subtract a rational number by adding
5m  3n 5m  3n
its opposite or additive inverse. Similarly, you
can subtract a polynomial by adding its additive 2y2  6y  11 2y2  6y  11
inverse. 7a  9b  4 7a  9b  4
To find the additive inverse of a polynomial,
replace each term with its additive inverse or
opposite. Lesson 8-5 Adding and Subtracting Polynomials 439
Example 2 Subtract Polynomials
Find (3n2  13n3  5n)  (7n  4n3).

Method 1 Horizontal
Subtract 7n  4n3 by adding its additive inverse.
Study Tip (3n2  13n3  5n)  (7n  4n3)
 (3n2  13n3  5n)  (7n  4n3) The additive inverse of 7n  4n3 is 7n  4n3.
Inverse of a
Polynomial  3n2  [13n3  (4n3)]  [5n  (7n)] Group like terms.
When finding the
additive inverse of a  3n2  9n3  2n Add like terms.
polynomial, remember
to find the additive Method 2 Vertical
inverse of every term.
Align like terms in columns and subtract by adding the additive inverse.
3n2  13n3  5n 3n2  13n3  5n
() 4n3  7n Add the opposite. () 4n3  7n
3n2  9n3  2n

Thus, (3n2  13n3  5n)  (7n  4n3)  3n2  9n3  2n or, arranged in descending
order, 9n3  3n2  2n.

When polynomials are used to model real-world data, their sums and differences
can have real-world meaning too.

Example 3 Subtract Polynomials

EDUCATION The total number of public school teachers T consists of two
groups, elementary E and secondary S. From 1985 through 1998, the number
(in thousands) of secondary teachers and total teachers in the United States
could be modeled by the following equations, where n is the number of years
since 1985.
S  11n  942
T  44n  2216

a. Find an equation that models the number of elementary teachers E for this
time period.
The educational You can find a model for E by subtracting the polynomial for S from the
requirements for a polynomial for T.
teaching license vary
by state. In 1999, the Total 44n  2216 44n  2216
average public K–12  Secondary () 11n  942 Add the opposite. () 11n  942
teacher salary was
$40,582. Elementary 33n  1274

Online Research An equation is E  33n  1274.

For information about
a career as a teacher, b. Use the equation to predict the number of elementary teachers in the
visit: year 2010. The year 2010 is 2010  1985 or 25 years after the year 1985.
If this trend continues, the number of elementary teachers in 2010 would
be 33(25)  1274 thousand or about 2,099,000.

440 Chapter 8 Polynomials

Concept Check 1. Explain why 5xy2 and 3x2y are not like terms.
2. OPEN ENDED Write two polynomials whose difference is 2x2  x  3.
3. FIND THE ERROR Esteban and Kendra are finding (5a  6b)  (2a  5b).

Esteban Kendra
(5a – 6b) – (2a + 5b) (5a – 6b) – (2a + 5b)
= (–5a + 6b) + (–2a – 5b) = (5a – 6b) + (–2a – 5b)
= –7a + b = 3a – 11b

Who is correct? Explain your reasoning.

Guided Practice Find each sum or difference.

4. (4p2  5p)  (2p2  p) 5. (5y2  3y  8)  (4y2  9)
6. (8cd  3d  4c)  (6  2cd) 7. (6a2  7a  9)  (5a2  a  10)
8. (g3  2g2  5g  6)  (g2  2g) 9. (3ax2  5x  3a)  (6a  8a2x  4x)

Application POPULATION For Exercises 10 and 11, use the following information.
From 1990 through 1999, the female population F and the male population M of the
GUIDED PRACTICE KEY United States (in thousands) is modeled by the following equations, where n is the
number of years since 1990. Source: U.S. Census Bureau
F  1247n  126,971 M  1252n  120,741
10. Find an equation that models the total population T in thousands of the United
States for this time period.
11. If this trend continues, what will the population of the United States be in 2010?

Practice and Apply

Homework Help Find each sum or difference.
For See
Exercises Examples 12. (6n2  4)  (2n2  9) 13. (9z  3z2)  (4z  7z2)
12–31 1, 2 14. (3  a2  2a)  (a2  8a  5) 15. (3n2  8  2n)  (5n  13  n2)
32, 33 3
16. (x  5)  (2y  4x  2) 17. (2b3  4b  b2)  (9b2  3b3)
Extra Practice 18. (11  4d2)  (3  6d2) 19. (4g3  5g)  (2g3  4g)
See page 838. 20. (4y3  y  10)  (4y3  3y2  7) 21. (4x  5xy  3y)  (3y  6x  8xy)
22. (3x2  8x  4)  (5x2  4) 23. (5ab2  3ab)  (2ab2  4  8ab)
24. (x3  7x  4x2  2)  (2x2  9x  4) 25. (5x2  3a2  5x)  (2x2  5ax  7x)
26. (3a  2b  7c)  (6b  4a  9c)  (7c  3a  2b)
27. (5x2  3)  (x2  x  11)  (2x2  5x  7)
28. (3y2  8)  (5y  9)  (y2  6y  4)
29. (9x3  3x  13)  (6x2  5x)  (2x3  x2  8x  4)

GEOMETRY The measures of two sides of a triangle are given. If P is the

perimeter, find the measure of the third side.
30. P  7x  3y 31. P  10x2  5x  16
4x 2  3
2x  3y
x  2y
10x  7 Lesson 8-5 Adding and Subtracting Polynomials 441

MOVIES For Exercises 32 and 33, use the following information.
From 1990 to 1999, the number of indoor movie screens I and total movie screens T
in the U.S. could be modeled by the following equations, where n is the number of
years since 1990.
I  161.6n2  20n  23,326 T  160.3n2  26n  24,226
32. Find an equation that models the number of outdoor movie screens D in the
U.S. for this time period.
33. If this trend continues, how many outdoor movie screens will there be in the
year 2010?

NUMBER TRICK For Exercises 34 and 35, use the following information.
Think of a two-digit number whose ones digit is greater than its tens digit. Multiply
the difference of the two digits by 9 and add the result to your original number.
Movies Repeat this process for several other such numbers.
In 1998, attendance 34. What observation can you make about your results?
at movie theaters was
at its highest point in 35. Justify that your observation holds for all such two-digit numbers by letting
40 years with 1.48 billion x equal the tens digit and y equal the ones digit of the original number.
tickets sold for a record (Hint: The original number is then represented by 10x  y.)
$6.95 billion in gross
Source: The National Association POSTAL SERVICE For Exercises 36–40, use the
of Theatre Owners length
information below and in the figure at the right.
The U.S. Postal Service restricts the sizes of boxes height
shipped by parcel post. The sum of the length and
the girth of the box must not exceed 108 inches. girth  2(width)  2(height)

Suppose you want to make an open box using a 60-by-40 inch piece of cardboard by
cutting squares out of each corner and folding up the flaps. The lid will be made
from another piece of cardboard. You do not know how big the squares should be,
so for now call the length of the side of each square x.
60 in.
x x
x fold x
fold fold 40 in.
x fold x
x x

36. Write a polynomial to represent the length of the box formed.

37. Write a polynomial to represent the width of the box formed.
38. Write a polynomial to represent the girth of the box formed.
39. Write and solve an inequality to find the least possible value of x you could use
in designing this box so it meets postal regulations.
40. What is the greatest integral value of x you could use to design this box if it
does not have to meet regulations?

CRITICAL THINKING For Exercises 41–43, suppose x is an integer.

41. Write an expression for the next integer greater than x.
42. Show that the sum of two consecutive integers, x and the next integer after x, is
always odd. (Hint: A number is considered even if it is divisible by 2.)
43. What is the least number of consecutive integers that must be added together to
always arrive at an even integer?
442 Chapter 8 Polynomials
44. WRITING IN MATH Answer the question that was posed at the beginning of
the lesson.
How can adding polynomials help you model sales?
Include the following in your answer:
• an equation that models total toy sales, and
• an example of how and why someone might use this equation.

Standardized 45. The perimeter of the rectangle shown at the right

Test Practice is 16a  2b. Which of the following expressions
5a  b
represents the length of the rectangle?
A 3a  2b B 10a  2b
C 2a  3b D 6a  4b

46. If a2  2ab  b2  36 and a2  3ab  b2  22, find ab.

A 6 B 8 C 12 D 14

Maintain Your Skills

Mixed Review Find the degree of each polynomial. (Lesson 8-4)
47. 15t3y2 48. 24 49. m2  n3 50. 4x2y3z  5x3z

Express each number in standard notation. (Lesson 8-3)

51. 8  106 52. 2.9  105 53. 5  104 54. 4.8  107

KEYBOARDING For Exercises 55–59, use the table below that shows the
keyboarding speeds and experience of 12 students. (Lesson 5-2)

4 7 8 1 6 3 5 2 9 6 7 10
33 45 46 20 40 30 38 22 52 44 42 55
Speed (wpm)

55. Make a scatter plot of these data.

56. Draw a best-fit line for the data.
57. Find the equation of the line.
58. Use the equation to predict the keyboarding speed of a student after a 12-week
59. Can this equation be used to predict the speed for any number of weeks of
experience? Explain.

State the domain and range of each relation. (Lesson 4-3)

60. {(2, 5), (0, 2), (6, 3)} 61. {(4, 2), (1, 3), (5, 0), (4, 1)}

62. MODEL TRAINS One of the most popular sizes of model trains is called the
HO. Every dimension of the HO model measures  times that of a real engine.
The HO model of a modern diesel locomotive is about 8 inches long. About how
many feet long is the real locomotive? (Lesson 3-6)

Getting Ready for PREREQUISITE SKILL Simplify. (To review the Distributive Property, see Lesson 1-7.)
the Next Lesson 63. 6(3x  8) 64. 2(b  9) 65. 7(5p  4q)
66. 9(3a  5b  c) 67. 8(x2  3x  4) 68. 3(2a2  5a  7)
Lesson 8-5 Adding and Subtracting Polynomials 443
Multiplying a Polynomial
by a Monomial
• Find the product of a monomial and a polynomial.
• Solve equations involving polynomials.

is finding the product of a monomial and a polynomial

related to finding the area of a rectangle?
The algebra tiles shown are grouped together to form x 1 1 1
a rectangle with a width of 2x and a length of x  3.
Notice that the rectangle consists of 2 blue x2 tiles x x x x x
and 6 green x tiles. The area of the rectangle is the
sum of these algebra tiles or 2x2  6x.
x x x x x


Property can be used to multiply a polynomial by a monomial.

Study Tip Example 1 Multiply a Polynomial by a Monomial

Look Back Find 2x2(3x2  7x  10).
To review the Distributive
Method 1 Horizontal
Property, see Lesson 1-5.
2x2(3x2  7x  10)
 2x2(3x2)  (2x2)(7x)  (2x2)(10) Distributive Property
 6x4  (14x3)  (20x2) Multiply.

 6x4  14x3  20x2 Simplify.

Method 2 Vertical
3x2  7x←  10

() 2x2 Distributive Property

6x4  14x3  20x2 Multiply.

When expressions contain like terms, simplify by combining the like terms.

Example 2 Simplify Expressions

Simplify 4(3d2  5d)  d(d2  7d  12).
4(3d2  5d)  d(d2  7d  12)
 4(3d2)  4(5d)  (d)(d2)  (d)(7d)  (d)(12) Distributive Property
 12d2  20d  (d3)  (7d2)  (12d) Product of Powers

 12d2  20d  d3  7d2  12d Simplify.

Commutative and
 d3  (12d2  7d2)  (20d  12d) Associative Properties
 d3  19d2  8d Combine like terms.

444 Chapter 8 Polynomials

Example 3 Use Polynomial Models
PHONE SERVICE Greg pays a fee of $20 a month for local calls. Long-distance
rates are 6¢ per minute for in-state calls and 5¢ per minute for out-of-state calls.
Suppose Greg makes 300 minutes of long-distance phone calls in January and
m of those minutes are for in-state calls.
a. Find an expression for Greg’s phone bill for January.
Words The bill is the sum of the monthly fee, in-state charges, and the
out-of-state charges.
Variables If m  number of minutes of in-state calls, then 300  m  number
of minutes of out-of-state calls. Let B  phone bill for the month of
service in-state 6¢ per out-of-state 5¢ per
bill = fee  minutes  minute  minutes  minute

Equation B  20  m  0.06  (300  m)  0.05
 20  0.06m  300(0.05)  m(0.05) Distributive Property
 20  0.06m  15  0.05m Simplify.

Phone Service  35  0.01m Simplify.

About 98% of long-distance
An expression for Greg’s phone bill for January is 35  0.01m, where m is the
companies service their
calls using the network of
number of minutes of in-state calls.
one of three companies. b. Evaluate the expression to find the cost if Greg had 37 minutes of in-state
Since the quality of phone calls in January.
service is basically the
same, a company’s rates 35  0.01m  35  0.01(37) m  37
are the primary factor in
choosing a long-distance
 35  0.37 Multiply.
provider.  $35.37 Add.
Source: Chamberland Enterprises
Greg’s bill was $35.37.


equations contain polynomials that must be added, subtracted, or multiplied before
the equation can be solved.

Example 4 Polynomials on Both Sides

Solve y(y  12)  y(y  2)  25  2y(y  5)  15.
y(y  12)  y(y  2)  25  2y(y  5)  15 Original equation
y2  12y  y2  2y  25  2y2  10y  15 Distributive Property
2y2  10y  25  2y2  10y  15 Combine like terms.
10y  25  10y  15 Subtract 2y2 from each side.
20y  25  15 Subtract 10y from each side.
20y  40 Subtract 25 from each side.
y2 Divide each side by 20.

The solution is 2.
CHECK y(y  12)  y(y  2)  25  2y(y  5) 15 Original equation
2(2  12)  2(2  2)  25  2(2)(2  5)  15 y  2
2(10)  2(4)  25  4(7)  15 Simplify.
20  8  25  28  15 Multiply.
13  13  Add and subtract. Lesson 8-6 Multiplying a Polynomial by a Monomial 445

Concept Check 1. State the property used in each step to multiply 2x(4x2  3x  5).
2x(4x2  3x  5)  2x(4x2)  2x(3x)  2x(5) ?
 8x1  2  6x1  1  10x ?
 8x3  6x2  10x Simplify.
2. Compare and contrast the procedure used to multiply a trinomial by a binomial
using the vertical method with the procedure used to multiply a three-digit
number by a two-digit number.
3. OPEN ENDED Write a monomial and a trinomial involving a single variable.
Then find their product.

Guided Practice Find each product.

GUIDED PRACTICE KEY 4. 3y(5y  2) 5. 9b2(2b3  3b2  b  8)
6. 2x(4a4  3ax  6x2) 7. 4xy(5x2 12xy  7y2)

8. t(5t  9)  2t 9. 5n(4n3  6n2  2n  3)  4(n2  7n)

Solve each equation.

10. 2(w  1)  w  7  4w 11. x(x  2)  3x  x(x  4)  5

Application SAVINGS For Exercises 12–14, use the following information.

Kenzie’s grandmother left her $10,000 for college. Kenzie puts some of the money
into a savings account earning 4% per year, and with the rest, she buys a certificate
of deposit (CD) earning 7% per year.
12. If Kenzie puts x dollars into the savings account, write an expression to represent
the amount of the CD.
13. Write an equation for the total amount of money T Kenzie will have saved for
college after one year.
14. If Kenzie puts $3000 in savings, how much money will she have after one year?

Practice and Apply

Homework Help Find each product.
For See 15. r(5r  r2) 16. w(2w3  9w2) 17. 4x(8  3x)
Exercises Examples
15–28 1 18. 5y(2y2  7y) 19. 7ag(g3  2ag) 20. 3np(n2  2p)
29–38 2
21. 2b2(3b2  4b  9) 22. 6x3(5  3x  11x2)
39–48 4
49–54, 3 23. 8x2y(5x  2y2  3) 24. cd2(3d  2c2d  4c)
3 2
25. hk2(20k2  5h  8) 26. a2b(6a3  4ab  9b2)
4 3
Extra Practice 27. 5a3b(2b  5ab  b2  a3) 28. 4p2q2(2p2  q2  9p3  3q)
See page 838.

29. d(2d  4)  15d 30. x(4x2  2x)  5x3
31. 3w(6w  4)  2(w2  3w  5) 32. 5n(2n3  n2  8)  n(4  n)
33. 10(4m3  3m  2)  2m(3m2  7m  1)
34. 4y(y2  8y  6)  3(2y3  5y2  2)
35. 3c2(2c  7)  4c(3c2  c  5)  2(c2  4)
36. 4x2(x  2)  3x(5x2  2x  6)  5(3x2  4x)
446 Chapter 8 Polynomials
GEOMETRY Find the area of each shaded region in simplest form.
37. 4x 38. 5p

3x 6

3x  2 2x 2p  1 3p  4

Solve each equation.

39. 2(4x  7)  5(2x  9)  5 40. 2(5a  12)  6(2a  3)  2
41. 4(3p  9)  5  3(12p  5) 42. 7(8w  3)  13  2(6w  7)
43. d(d  1)  4d  d(d  8) 44. c(c  3)  c(c  4)  9c  16
45. y(y  12)  8y  14  y(y  4) 46. k(k  7)  10  2k  k(k  6)
47. 2n(n  4)  18  n(n  5)  n(n  2)  7
48. 3g(g  4)  2g(g  7)  g(g  6)  28

SAVINGS For Exercises 49 and 50, use the following information.

Marta has $6000 to invest. She puts x dollars of this money into a savings account
that earns 3% per year, and with the rest, she buys a certificate of deposit that earns
6% per year.
49. Write an equation for the total amount of money T Marta will have after
one year.
50. Suppose at the end of one year, Marta has a total of $6315. How much money did
Marta invest in each account?

51. GARDENING A gardener plants corn in a

Class Trip garden with a length-to-width ratio of 5:4.
Inside the Lincoln Memorial Next year, he plans to increase the garden’s
is a 19-foot marble statue area by increasing its length by 12 feet.
of the United States’ 16th Write an expression for this new area.
president. The statue is
flanked on either side by
the inscriptions of Lincoln’s 5x
Second Inaugural Address
and Gettysburg Address. 4x

52. CLASS TRIP Mr. Smith’s American History class will take taxis from their hotel
in Washington, D.C., to the Lincoln Memorial. The fare is $2.75 for the first mile
and $1.25 for each additional mile. If the distance is m miles and t taxis are
needed, write an expression for the cost to transport the group.

NUMBER THEORY For Exercises 53 and 54, let x be an odd integer.

53. Write an expression for the next odd integer.
54. Find the product of x and the next odd integer.

CRITICAL THINKING For Exercises 55–57, use the following information.

An even number can be represented by 2x, where x is any integer.
55. Show that the product of two even integers is always even.
56. Write a representation for an odd integer.
57. Show that the product of an even and an odd integer is always even. Lesson 8-6 Multiplying a Polynomial by a Monomial 447
VOLUNTEERING For Exercises 58 and 59, use the following information.
Laura is making baskets of apples and oranges for homeless shelters. She wants to
place a total of 10 pieces of fruit in each basket. Apples cost 25¢ each, and oranges
cost 20¢ each.
58. If a represents the number of apples Laura uses, write a polynomial model in
simplest form for the total amount of money T Laura will spend on the fruit
for each basket.
59. If Laura uses 4 apples in each basket, find the total cost for fruit.

SALES For Exercises 60 and 61, use the following information.

A store advertises that all sports equipment is 30% off the retail price. In addition,
the store asks customers to select and pop a balloon to receive a coupon for an
additional n percent off the already marked down price of one of their purchases.
60. Write an expression for the cost of a pair of inline skates with retail price p after
Volunteering receiving both discounts.
Approximately one third 61. Use this expression to calculate the cost, not including sales tax, of a $200 pair
of young people in grades of inline skates for an additional 10 percent off.
7–12 suggested that
“working for the good
of my community and
62. SPORTS You may have noticed that when runners race around a curved track,
country” and “helping their starting points are staggered. This is so each contestant runs the same
others or volunteering” distance to the finish line.
were important future
Source: Primedia/Roper National
Youth Opinion Survey

x  2.5


If the radius of the inside lane is x and each lane is 2.5 feet wide, how
far apart should the officials start the runners in the two inside lanes?
(Hint: Circumference of a circle: C  2r, where r is the radius of the circle)

63. WRITING IN MATH Answer the question that was posed at the beginning of
the lesson.
How is finding the product of a monomial and a polynomial related to
finding the area of a rectangle?
Include the following in your answer:
• the product of 2x and x  3 derived algebraically, and
• a representation of another product of a monomial and a polynomial using
algebra tiles and multiplication.

Standardized 64. Simplify [(3x2  2x  4)  (x2  5x  2)](x  2).

Test Practice A 2x3  7x2  8x  4 B 2x3  3x2  8x  12
C 4x3  11x2  8x  4 D 4x3  11x2  8x  4

65. A plumber charges $70 for the first thirty minutes of each house call plus $4 for
each additional minute that she works. The plumber charges Ke-Min $122 for
her time. What amount of time, in minutes, did the plumber work?
A 43 B 48 C 58 D 64
448 Chapter 8 Polynomials
Maintain Your Skills
Mixed Review Find each sum or difference. (Lesson 8-5)
66. (4x2  5x)  (7x2  x) 67. (3y2  5y  6)  (7y2  9)
68. (5b  7ab  8a)  (5ab  4a) 69. (6p3  3p2  7)  (p3  6p2  2p)

State whether each expression is a polynomial. If the expression is a polynomial,

identify it as a monomial, a binomial, or a trinomial. (Lesson 8-4)
7 n2
70. 4x2  10ab  6 71. 4c  ab  c 72.   y2 73. 
y 3

Define a variable, write an inequality, and solve each problem. Then check your
solution. (Lesson 6-3)
74. Six increased by ten times a number is less than nine times the number.
75. Nine times a number increased by four is no less than seven decreased by
thirteen times the number.

Write an equation of the line that passes through each pair of points. (Lesson 5-4)
76. (3, 8), (1, 4) 77. (4, 5), (2, 7) 78. (3, 1), (3, 2)

79. EXPENSES Kristen spent one fifth of her money on gasoline to fill up her car.
Then she spent half of what was left for a haircut. She bought lunch for $7.
When she got home, she had $13 left. How much money did Kristen have
originally? (Lesson 3-4)

For Exercises 80 and 81, use each set of data to make a stem-and-leaf plot.
(Lesson 2-5)
80. 49 51 55 62 47 32 56 57 48 47 33 68 53 45 30
81. 21 18 34 30 20 15 14 10 22 21 18 43 44 20 18

Getting Ready for PREREQUISITE SKILL Simplify. (To review products of polynomials, see Lesson 8-1.)
the Next Lesson 82. (a)(a) 83. 2x(3x2)
84. 3y2(8y2) 85. 4y(3y)  4y(6)
86. 5n(2n2)  (5n)(8n)  (5n)(4) 87. 3p2(6p2)  3p2(8p)  3p2(12)

P ractice Quiz 2 Lessons 8-4 through 8-6

Find the degree of each polynomial. (Lesson 8-4)
1. 5x4 2. 9n3p4 3. 7a2  2ab2 4. 6  8x2y2  5y3

Arrange the terms of each polynomial so that the powers of x are in ascending order. (Lesson 8-4)
5. 4x2  9x  12  5x3 6. 2xy4  x3y5  5x5y  13x2

Find each sum or difference. (Lesson 8-5)

7. (7n2  4n  10)  (3n2  8) 8. (3g3  5g)  (2g3  5g2  3g  1)

Find each product. (Lesson 8-6)

9. 5a2(3a3b  2a2b2  6ab3) 10. 7x2y(5x2  3xy  y)

Lesson 8-6 Multiplying a Polynomial by a Monomial 449

A Preview of Lesson 8-7

Multiplying Polynomials
You can use algebra tiles to find the product of two binomials.

Activity 1 Use algebra tiles to find (x  2)(x  5).

The rectangle will have a width of x  2 and a length of x  5. Use algebra tiles to mark
off the dimensions on a product mat. Then complete the rectangle with algebra tiles.

x 1 1 1 1 1 x5

x x x x x x x
1 x 1 1 1 1 1
1 x 1 1 1 1 1

The rectangle consists of 1 blue x2 tile, 7 green x tiles, and 10 yellow 1 tiles. The area
of the rectangle is x2  7x  10. Therefore, (x  2)(x  5)  x2  7x  10.

Activity 2 Use algebra tiles to find (x  1)(x  4).

The rectangle will have a width of x  1 and a length of x  4. Use algebra
tiles to mark off the dimensions on a product mat. Then begin to make the
rectangle with algebra tiles.

x 1 1 1 1 x4

x x x x x x
1 x

Determine whether to use 4 yellow 1 tiles or

4 red 1 tiles to complete the rectangle.
Remember that the numbers at the top and
side give the dimensions of the tile needed. x x x x x
The area of each tile is the product of 1 and x1
1 or 1. This is represented by a yellow 1 tile. x 1 1 1 1
Fill in the space with 4 yellow 1 tiles to
complete the rectangle.
The rectangle consists of 1 blue x2 tile, 5 red
x tiles, and 4 yellow 1 tiles. The area of the rectangle is
x2  5x  4. Therefore, (x  1)(x  4)  x2  5x  4.

450 Chapter 8 Polynomials

Activity 3 Use algebra tiles to find (x  3)(2x  1).

The rectangle will have a width of x  3 and a length of 2x  1. Mark off the
dimensions on a product mat. Then begin to make the rectangle with algebra tiles.

x x 1 2x  1

2 2
x x x x

1 x
1 x
1 x

Determine what color x tiles and what 2x  1

color 1 tiles to use to complete the
rectangle. The area of each x tile is the 2 2
product of x and 1. This is represented x x x
by a red x tile. The area of the 1 tile is
represented by the product of 1 and 1 x x 1
or 1. This is represented by a red 1 tile. x x 1
Complete the rectangle with 3 red x tiles x x 1
and 3 red 1 tiles.

Rearrange the tiles to simplify the

polynomial you have formed. Notice 2 2
that a zero pair is formed by one positive x x x x
and one negative x tile.
1 1
There are 2 blue x2 tiles, 5 red x tiles,
x x x x x
and 3 red 1 tiles left. In simplest form,
(x  3)(2x  1)  2x2  5x  3.

Model and Analyze

Use algebra tiles to find each product.
1. (x  2)(x  3) 2. (x  1)(x  3) 3. (x  1)(x  2)
4. (x  1)(2x  1) 5. (x  2)(2x  3) 6. (x  3)(2x  4)

7. You can also use the Distributive Property to find

the product of two binomials. The figure at the x
x x x x
right shows the model for (x  3)(x  4) separated
into four parts. Write a sentence or two explaining
how this model shows the use of the Distributive x 1 1 1 1
Property. x 1 1 1 1
x 1 1 1 1

Algebra Activity Multiplying Polynomials 451

Multiplying Polynomials

• Multiply two binomials by using the FOIL method.

• Multiply two polynomials by using the Distributive Property.

Vocabulary is multiplying binomials similar

• FOIL method
to multiplying two-digit numbers?
To compute 24  36, we multiply each digit in 24 by each digit in 36, paying
close attention to the place value of each digit.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Multiply by the ones. Multiply by the tens. Add like place values.

24 24 24
 36  36  36
144 144 144
720  720
6  24  6(20  4) 864
 120  24 or 144 30  24  30(20  4)
 600  120 or 720

You can multiply two binomials in a similar way.

MULTIPLY BINOMIALS To multiply two binomials, apply the Distributive

Property twice as you do when multiplying two-digit numbers.

Example 1 The Distributive Property

Study Tip Find (x  3)(x  2).
Method 1 Vertical
Look Back
To review the Distributive Multiply by 2. Multiply by x. Add like terms.
Property, see Lesson 1-7.
x3 x3 x3
() x  2 () x  2 () x  2
2x  6 2x  6 2x  6
x2  3x x2  3x
2(x  3)  2x  6 x2  5x  6
x(x  3)  x2  3x

Method 2 Horizontal
(x  3)(x  2)  x(x  2)  3(x  2) Distributive Property

 x(x)  x(2)  3(x)  3(2) Distributive Property

 x2  2x  3x  6 Multiply.

 x2  5x  6 Combine like terms.

An alternative method for finding the product of two binomials can be shown
using algebra tiles.
452 Chapter 8 Polynomials
Example 3 Apply the Sum of a Square
GENETICS The Punnett square shows the
possible gene combinations of a cross between
two pea plants. Each plant passes along one Tt
dominant gene T for tallness and one
T t
recessive gene t for shortness.
More About . . .
Show how combinations can be modeled by TT Tt
the square of a binomial. Then determine T
pure tall hybrid tall
what percent of the offspring will be pure
tall, hybrid tall, and pure short. Tt
Each parent has half the genes necessary for
t Tt tt
tallness and half the genes necessary for
shortness. The makeup of each parent can hybrid tall pure short
be modeled by 0.5T  0.5t. Their offspring
can be modeled by the product of 0.5T  0.5t
Geneticist and 0.5T  0.5t or (0.5T  0.5t)2.
Laboratory geneticists work If we expand this product, we can determine the possible heights of the offspring.
in medicine to find cures
for disease, in agriculture
(a  b)2  a2  2ab  b2 Square of a Sum
to breed new crops and (0.5T  0.5t)2  (0.5T)2  2(0.5T)(0.5t)  (0.5t)2 a  0.5T and b  0.5t
livestock, and in police
 0.25T2  0.5Tt  0.25t2 Simplify.
work to identify criminals.
 0.25TT  0.5Tt  0.25tt T2  TT and t2  tt
Online Research
Thus, 25% of the offspring are TT or pure tall, 50% are Tt or hybrid tall, and 25%
For information about
are tt or pure short.
a career as a
geneticist, visit: PRODUCT OF A SUM AND A DIFFERENCE You can use the diagram
careers below to find the pattern for the product of a sum and a difference of the same two
terms, (a  b)(a  b). Recall that a  b can be rewritten as a  (b).

a  (b ) zero pair

a b

a a
 ab  ab  b
b ab b

 b 2

 a2  (b2)
 a2  b2
The resulting product, a2  b2, has a special name. It is called a difference of
squares . Notice that this product has no middle term.

Product of a Sum and a Difference

• Words The product of a  b and a  b is the square of a minus the square of b.
• Symbols (a  b)(a  b)  (a  b)(a  b)
 a2  b2
Ed: page is
• Example (x approx.
9)(x  9)  x2  92
short  x2  81

460 Chapter 8 Polynomials

Example 4 Product of a Sum and a Difference
Find each product.
a. (3n  2)(3n  2)
(a  b)(a  b)  a2  b2 Product of a Sum and a Difference
(3n  2)(3n  2)  (3n)2  22 a  3n and b  2
 9n2 4 Simplify.

b. (11v  8w2)(11v  8w2)

(a  b)(a  b)  a2  b2 Product of a Sum and a Difference
(11v  8w2)(11v  8w2)  (11v)2  (8w2)2 a  11v and b  8w2
 121v2  64w4 Simplify.

The following list summarizes the special products you have studied.

Special Products
• Square of a Sum (a  b)2  a2  2ab  b2
• Square of a Difference (a  b)2  a2  2ab  b2
• Product of a Sum and a Difference (a  b)(a  b)  a2  b2

Concept Check 1. Compare and contrast the pattern for the square of a sum with the pattern for
the square of a difference.
2. Explain how the square of a difference and the difference of squares differ.
3. Draw a diagram to show how you would use algebra tiles to model the product
of x  3 and x  3, or (x  3)2.
4. OPEN ENDED Write two binomials whose product is a difference of squares.

Guided Practice Find each product.

GUIDED PRACTICE KEY 5. (a  6)2 6. (4n  3)(4n  3)
7. (8x  5)(8x  5) 8. (3a  7b)(3a  7b)
9. (x2  6y)2 10. (9  p)2

Application GENETICS For Exercises 11 and 12, use the

following information.
In hamsters, golden coloring G is dominant over
cinnamon coloring g. Suppose a purebred cinnamon
male is mated with a purebred golden female.
11. Write an expression for the genetic makeup of Golden
the hamster pups.
12. What is the probability that the pups will have
cinnamon coloring? Explain your reasoning.


Lesson 8-8 Special Products 461

Practice and Apply
Homework Help Find each product.
13. (y  4)2 14. (k  8)(k  8) 15. (a  5)(a  5)
13–38 1, 2, 4 16. (n  12)2 17. (b  7)(b  7) 18. (c  2)(c  2)
39, 40 3
19. (2g  5)2 20. (9x  3)2 21. (7  4y)2
Extra Practice 22. (4  6h)2 23. (11r  8)(11r  8) 24. (12p 3)(12p  3)
See page 839. 25. (a  5b)2 26. (m  7n)2 27. (2x  9y)2
28. (3n  10p)2 29. (5w  14)(5w  14) 30. (4d  13)(4d  13)
31. (x3  4y)2 32. (3a2  b2)2 33. (8a2  9b3)(8a2  9b3)
2 2
35. x  6 36. x  10
2 4
34. (5x4  y)(5x4  y)
3 5
37. (2n  1)(2n  1)(n  5) 38. (p  3)(p  4)(p  3)(p  4)

GENETICS For Exercises 39 and 40, use the following information.

Pam has brown eyes and Bob has blue eyes. Brown genes B are dominant over blue
genes b. A person with genes BB or Bb has brown eyes. Someone with genes bb has
blue eyes. Suppose Pam’s genes for eye color are Bb.
39. Write an expression for the possible eye coloring of Pam and Bob’s children.
40. What is the probability that a child of Pam and Bob would have blue eyes?

MAGIC TRICK For Exercises 41–44, use the following information.

Julie says that she can perform a magic trick with numbers. She asks you to pick a
whole number, any whole number. Square that number. Then, add twice your
original number. Next add 1. Take the square root of the result. Finally, subtract your
original number. Then Julie exclaims with authority, “Your answer is 1!”
41. Pick a whole number and follow Julie’s directions. Is your result 1?
42. Let a represent the whole number you chose. Then, find a polynomial
representation for the first three steps of Julie’s directions.
43. The polynomial you wrote in Exercise 42 is the square of what binomial sum?
44. Take the square root of the perfect square you wrote in Exercise 43, then subtract
a, your original number. What is the result?

ARCHITECTURE For Exercises 45 and 46,

use the following information.
A diagram of a portion of the Gwennap Pit
is shown at the right. Suppose the radius
of the stage is s meters.
45. Use the information at the left to find
binomial representations for the radii
of the second and third seating levels.
46. Find the area of the shaded region
The historical Gwennap Pit,
an outdoor amphitheater
representing the third seating level.
in southern England,
consists of a circular stage 47. GEOMETRY The area of the shaded a
surrounded by circular region models the difference of two
levels used for seating. squares, a2  b2. Show that the area of
Each seating level is about the shaded region is also equal to
1 meter wide.
(a  b)(a  b). (Hint: Divide the shaded b
Source: Christian Guide to Britain
region into two trapezoids as shown.)

462 Chapter 8 Polynomials

48. WRITING IN MATH Answer the question that was posed at the beginning
of the lesson.
When is the product of two binomials also a binomial?
Include the following in your answer:
• an example of two binomials whose product is a binomial, and
• an example of two binomials whose product is not a binomial.

Standardized 49. If a2  b2  40 and ab  12, find the value of (a  b)2.

Test Practice A 1 B 121 C 16 D 28

50. If x  y  10 and x  y  20, find the value of x2  y2.

A 400 B 200 C 100 D 30

Extending 51. Does a pattern exist for the cube of a sum, (a  b)3?
the Lesson a. Investigate this question by finding the product of (a  b)(a  b)(a  b).
b. Use the pattern you discovered in part a to find (x  2)3.
c. Draw a diagram of a geometric model for the cube of a sum.

Maintain Your Skills

Mixed Review Find each product. (Lesson 8-7)
52. (x  2)(x  7) 53. (c  9)(c  3) 54. (4y  1)(5y  6)
55. (3n  5)(8n  5) 56. (x  2)(3x2  5x  4) 57. (2k  5)(2k2  8k  7)

Solve. (Lesson 8-6)

58. 6(x  2)  4  5(3x  4) 59. 3(3a  8)  2a  4(2a  1)
60. p(p  2)  3p  p(p  3) 61. y(y  4)  2y  y(y  12)  7

Use elimination to solve each system of equations. (Lessons 7-3 and 7-4)
3 1
62. x  y  5 63. 2x  y  10 64. 2x  4  3y
4 5
3 1 5x  3y  3 3y  x  11
x  y  5
4 5

Write the slope-intercept form of an equation that passes through the given point
and is perpendicular to the graph of each equation. (Lesson 5-6)
65. 5x  5y  35, (3, 2) 66. 2x  5y  3, (2, 7) 67. 5x  y  2, (0, 6)

Find the nth term of each arithmetic sequence described. (Lesson 4-7)
68. a1  3, d  4, n  18 69. 5, 1, 7, 13, … for n  12

70. PHYSICAL FITNESS Mitchell likes to exercise regularly. He likes to warm up by

walking two miles. Then he runs five miles. Finally, he cools down by walking
for another mile. Identify the graph that best represents Mitchell’s heart rate as
a function of time. (Lesson 1-8)
a. b. c.

Heart Heart Heart

Rate Rate Rate

Time Time Time Lesson 8-8 Special Products 463

Vocabulary and Concept Check
binomial (p. 432) monomial (p. 410) Product of Powers (p. 411)
constant (p. 410) negative exponent (p. 419) Quotient of Powers (p. 417)
degree of a monomial (p. 433) polynomial (p. 432) scientific notation (p. 425)
degree of a polynomial (p. 433) Power of a Power (p. 411) trinomial (p. 432)
difference of squares (p. 460) Power of a Product (p. 412) zero exponent (p. 419)
FOIL method (p. 453) Power of a Quotient (p. 418)

Choose a term from the vocabulary list that best matches each example.
1. 43  3 2. (n3)5  n15
4x2y x
3. 3  2 4. 4x2
8xy 2y
5. x2  3x  1 6. 20  1
7. x4  3x3  2x2  1 8. (x  3)(x  4)  x2  4x  3x  12
9. x2  2 10. (a3 b)(2ab2)  2a4 b 3

8-1 Multiplying Monomials

See pages Concept Summary Examples
410–415. 2c
• A monomial is a number, a variable, or a product 6x2, 5, 
of a number and one or more variables.
• To multiply two powers that have the same base, add exponents. a2  a3  a5
• To find the power of a power, multiply exponents. (a2)3  a6
• The power of a product is the product of the powers. (ab2)3  a3b6

Examples 1 Simplify (2ab2)(3a2b3).

(2ab2)(3a2b3)  (2  3)(a  a2)(b2  b3) Commutative Property
 6a3b5 Product of Powers

2 Simplify (2x2y3)3.
(2x2y3)3  23(x2)3(y3)3 Power of a Product
 8x6y9 Power of a Power

Exercises Simplify. See Examples 2, 3, and 5 on pages 411 and 412.

11. y3  y3 y 12. (3ab)(4a2b3) 13. (4a2x)(5a3x4)
14. (4a2b)3 15. (3xy)2(4x)3 16. (2c2d)4(3c2)3
17. (m2n4)2 18. (5a2)3  7(a6) 19. [(32)2]3

464 Chapter 8 Polynomials

Chapter 8 Study Guide and Review

8-2 Dividing Monomials

See pages Concept Summary Examples
• To divide two powers that have the same base, subtract 3  a2
the exponents.
2 a2
• To find the power of a quotient, find the power of the ba  2
numerator and the power of the denominator.
• Any nonzero number raised to the zero power is 1. (3a3b 2)0  1
• For any nonzero number a and any integer n, a3  3
1 1
an  n and n  an.
a a

Example Simplify 22 . Assume that x and y are not equal to zero.
8x y
2x6y 2 x6 y
8x y    
8 x2 y2
 Group the powers with the same base.

  (x6  2)(y1  2)
Quotient of Powers


Exercises Simplify. Assume that no denominator is equal to zero.

See Examples 1–4 on pages 417–420.
(3y)0 2 3
21.  4d 
22. x2y0z3

27b2 3
(3a bc ) 2 2 16a3b2x4y
23.  3 24. 2 25. 
14b 3 4
18a b c 48a bxy
4 3

5 8 1 2 5xy2
(a) b (4a ) 0
26. 5 2 27.  4 2 28. 
2 6
ab (2a ) 35x y

8-3 Scientific Notation

See pages Concept Summary
• A number is expressed in scientific notation when it is written as a product of
a factor and a power of 10. The factor must be greater than or equal to 1 and
less than 10.
a  10n, where 1  a 10 and n is an integer.

Examples 1 Express 5.2  107 in standard notation.

5.2  107  52,000,000 n  7; move decimal point 7 places to the right.

2 Express 0.0021 in scientific notation.

0.0021 → 0002.1  10n Move decimal point 3 places to the right.

0.0021  2.1  103 a  2.1 and n  3

Chapter 8 Study Guide and Review 465

Chapter 8 Study Guide and Review

3 Evaluate (2  102)(5.2  106). Express the result in scientific and

standard notation.
(2  102)(5.2  106)  (2  5.2)(102  106) Associative Property
 10.4  108 Product of Powers
 (1.04  101)  108 10.4 = 1.04  101
 1.04  (101  108) Associative Property
 1.04  109 or 1,040,000,000 Product of Powers

Exercises Express each number in standard notation. See Example 1 on page 426.

29. 2.4  105 30. 3.14  104 31. 4.88  109

Express each number in scientific notation. See Example 2 on page 426.

32. 0.00000187 33. 796  103 34. 0.0343  102

Evaluate. Express each result in scientific and standard notation.

See Examples 3 and 4 on page 427.
8.4  106
35. (2  105)(3  106) 36.  9 37. (3  102)(5.6  108)
1.4  10

8-4 Polynomials
See pages Concept Summary
• A polynomial is a monomial or a sum of monomials.
• A binomial is the sum of two monomials, and a trinomial is the sum of
three monomials.
• The degree of a monomial is the sum of the exponents of all its variables.
• The degree of the polynomial is the greatest degree of any term. To find
the degree of a polynomial, you must find the degree of each term.

Examples 1 Find the degree of 2xy3  x2y.

Polynomial Terms Degree of Each Term Degree of Polynomial
2xy3  x2y 2xy3, x2y 4, 3 4

2 Arrange the terms of 4x2  9x3  2  x so that the powers of x are in

descending order.
4x2  9x3  2  x  4x2  9x3  2x0  x1 x0  1 and x  x1
 9x3  4x2  x  2 3

Exercises Find the degree of each polynomial. See Example 3 on page 433.
38. n  2p2 39. 29n2 17n2t2 40. 4xy  9x3z2  17rs3
41. 6x5y  2y4  4  8y2 42. 3ab3  5a2b2  4ab 43. 19m3n4  21m5n

Arrange the terms of each polynomial so that the powers of x are in descending
order. See Example 5 on page 433.
44. 3x4  x  x2  5 45. 2x2y3  27  4x4  xy  5x3y2

466 Chapter 8 Polynomials

Chapter 8 Study Guide and Review

8-5 Adding and Subtracting Polynomials

See pages Concept Summary
• To add polynomials, group like terms horizontally or write them in column
form, aligning like terms vertically.
• Subtract a polynomial by adding its additive inverse. To find the additive
inverse of a polynomial, replace each term with its additive inverse.

Example Find (7r2  9r)  (12r2  4).

(7r2  9r)  (12r2  4)  7r2  9r  (12r2  4) The additive inverse of 12r2  4 is 12r2  4.
 (7r2  12r2)  9r  4 Group like terms.
 5r  9r  4
2 Add like terms.

Exercises Find each sum or difference. See Examples 1 and 2 on pages 439 and 440.
46. (2x2  5x  7)  (3x3  2)
x2 47. (x2  6xy  7y2)  (3x2  xy  y2)
48. (7z2  4)  (3z2  2z  6) 49. (13m4 7m  10)  (8m4  3m  9)
50. (11m2n2  4mn  6)  (5m2n2  6mn  17)
51. (5p2  3p  49)  (2p2  5p  24)

8-6 Multiplying a Polynomial by a Monomial

See pages Concept Summary
• The Distributive Property can be used to multiply a polynomial by
a monomial.
Examples 1 Simplify x2(x  2)  3(x3  4x2).
x2(x  2)  3(x3  4x2)  x2(x)  x2(2)  3(x3)  3(4x2) Distributive Property
 x3  2x2  3x3  12x2 Multiply.
 4x  14x
3 2 Combine like terms.

2 Solve x(x  10)  x(x  2)  3  2x(x  1)  7.

x(x  10)  x(x  2)  3  2x(x  1)  7 Original equation
x2  10x  x2  2x  3  2x2  2x  7 Distributive Property
2x2  8x  3  2x2  2x  7 Combine like terms.
8x  3  2x  7 Subtract 2x2 from each side.
10x  3  7 Subtract 2x from each side.
10x  10 Subtract 3 from each side.
x1 Divide each side by 10.

Exercises Simplify. See Example 2 on page 444.

52. b(4b  1)  10b 53. x(3x  5)  7(x2  2x  9)
54. 8y(11y  2y  13)  9(3y  7y  2) 55. 2x(x  y2  5)  5y2(3x  2)
2 3

Solve each equation. See Example 4 on page 445.

56. m(2m  5)  m  2m(m  6)  16 57. 2(3w  w2)  6  2w(w  4)  10

Chapter 8 Study Guide and Review 467

• Extra Practice, see pages 837–839.
• Mixed Problem Solving, see page 860.

8-7 Multiplying Polynomials

See pages Concept Summary
• The FOIL method is the sum of the products of the first terms F, the outer
terms O, the inner terms I, and the last terms L.
• The Distributive Property can be used to multiply any two polynomials.
Examples 1 Find (3x  2)(x  2).
(3x  2)(x  2)  (3x)(x)  (3x)(2)  (2)(x)  (2)(2) FOIL Method
 3x2  6x  2x  4 Multiply.

O  3x  4x  4
2 Combine like terms.

2 Find (2y  5)(4y2  3y  7).

(2y  5)(4y2  3y  7)
 2y(4y2  3y  7)  5(4y2  3y  7) Distributive Property
 8y3  6y2  14y  20y2  15y  35 Distributive Property
 8y3  14y2  29y  35 Combine like terms.

Exercises Find each product. See Examples 1, 2, and 4 on pages 452–454.

58. (r  3)(r  7) 59. (4a  3)(a  4) 60. (3x  0.25)(6x  0.5)
61. (5r  7s)(4r  3s) 62. (2k  1)(k2  7k  9) 63. (4p  3)(3p2  p  2)

8-8 Special Products

See pages Concept Summary
• Square of a Sum: (a  b)2  a2  2ab  b2
• Square of a Difference: (a  b)2  a2  2ab  b2
• Product of a Sum and a Difference: (a  b)(a  b)  (a  b)(a  b)  a2  b2
Examples 1 Find (r  5)2.
(a  b)2  a2  2ab  b2 Square of a Difference
(r  5)  r  2(r)(5)  5 a = r and b = 5
2 2 2

 r2  10r  25 Simplify.

2 Find (2c  9)(2c  9).

(a  b)(a  b)  a2  b2 Product of a Sum and a Difference
(2c  9)(2c  9)  2c  9
2 2 a = 2c and b = 9
 4c  81 Simplify.

Exercises Find each product. See Examples 1, 2, and 4 on pages 459 and 461.
64. (x  6)(x  6) 65. (4x  7)2 66. (8x  5)2
67. (5x  3y)(5x  3y) 68. (6a  5b)2 69. (3m  4n)2

468 Chapter 8 Polynomials

Vocabulary and Concepts
1. Explain why (42)(43) 165.
2. Write  using a negative exponent.
3. Define and give an example of a monomial.

Skills and Applications

Simplify. Assume that no denominator is equal to zero.
6. m
4. (a2b4)(a3b5) 5. (12abc)(4a2b4) 7. (3a)4(a5b)2
mn 4 9a2bc2 2
48a bc 5
8. (5a2)(6b3)2 9. 32 10.  11. 3
mn 63a4bc 2 2
(3ab c )
Express each number in scientific notation.
12. 46,300 13. 0.003892 14. 284  103 15. 52.8  109

Evaluate. Express each result in scientific notation and standard notation.

14.72  10 4
16. (3  103)(2  104) 17.  3 18. (15  107)(3.1  104)
3.2  10
19. SPACE EXPLORATION A space probe that is 2.85  109 miles away from
Earth sends radio signals to NASA. If the radio signals travel at the speed
of light (1.86  105 miles per second), how long will it take the signals to
reach NASA?

Find the degree of each polynomial. Then arrange the terms so that the
powers of y are in descending order.
20. 2y2  8y4  9y 21. 5xy  7  2y4  x2y3

Find each sum or difference.

22. (5a  3a2  7a3)  (2a  8a2  4) 23. (x3  3x2y  4xy2  y3)  (7x3  x2y  9xy2  y3)

24. GEOMETRY The measures of two sides of a triangle are

given. If the perimeter is represented by 11x2  29x  10,
find the measure of the third side. x 2  7x  9

Simplify. 5x 2  13x  24

25. (h  5)2 26. (4x  y)(4x  y)

27. 3x2y3(2x  xy2) 28. (2a2b  b2)2
29. (4m  3n)(2m  5n) 30. (2c  5)(3c2  4c  2)

Solve each equation.

31. 2x(x  3)  2(x2  7)  2 32. 3a(a2  5)  11  a(3a2  4)

33. STANDARDIZED TEST PRACTICE If x2  2xy  y2  8, find 3(x  y)2.

A 2 B 4
C 24 D cannot be determined Chapter 8 Practice Test 469

5. Which equation represents the line that
Part 1 Multiple Choice passes through the point at (1, 4) and has
a slope of 2? (Lesson 5-5)
Record your answers on the answer sheet
provided by your teacher or on a sheet of A y  2x  2 B y  2x  2
C y  2x  6 D y  2x  7
1. A basketball team scored the following points
6. Mr. Puram is planning an addition to the
during the first five games of the season:
school library. The budget is $7500. Each
70, 65, 75, 70, 80. During the sixth game,
bookcase costs $125, and each set of table and
they scored only 30 points. Which of these
chairs costs $550. If he buys 4 sets of tables and
measures changed the most as a result of the
chairs, which inequality shows the number of
sixth game? (Lessons 2-2 and 2-5)
bookcases b he can buy? (Lesson 6-6)
A mean
A 4(550)  125b  7500
B median
B 125b  7500
C mode
C 4(550  125)b  7500
D They all changed the same amount.
D 4(125)  550b  7500

2. A machine produces metal bottle caps. The

number of caps it produces is proportional to 7. Sophia and Allie went shopping and spent
the number of minutes the machine operates. $122 altogether. Sophia spent $25 less than
The machine produces 2100 caps in 60 minutes. twice as much as Allie. How much did Allie
How many minutes would it take the machine spend? (Lesson 7-2)
to produce 5600 caps? (Lesson 2-6) A $39 B $49 C $53 D $73
A 35 B 58.3 C 93.3 D 160
8. The product of 2x3 and 4x4 is (Lesson 8-1)
3. The odometer on Juliana’s car read 20,542 miles
A 8x12. B 6x12. C 6x7. D 8x7.
when she started a trip. After 4 hours of driving,
the odometer read 20,750 miles. Which
equation can be used to find r, her average 9. If 0.00037 is expressed as 3.7  10n, what is
rate of speed for the 4 hours? (Lesson 3-1) the value of n? (Lesson 8-3)
A r  20,750  20,542 A 5 B 4 C 4 D 5
B r  4(20,750  20,542)
20,750 10. When x2  2x  1 is subtracted from
C r   3x2  4x  5, the result will be (Lesson 8-5)
20,750  20,542
D r   A 2x2  2x  4. B 2x2  6x  4.
C 3x2  6x  6. D 4x2  6x  6.
4. Which equation best y
describes the graph?
(Lesson 5-4)

y  x  1
Test-Taking Tip
5 x Question 5 When you write an equation, check
B y  5x  1 O
that the given values make a true statement. For
y  x  5 example, in Question 5, substitute the values of the
5 coordinates (1, 4) into your equation to check.
D y  5x  5
470 Chapter 8 Polynomials
Aligned and
verified by

6(x  1)
Part 2 Short Response/Grid In 18. 4x  10  20   3

Record your answers on the answer sheet (Lesson 6-3)

provided by your teacher or on a sheet of
paper. 19. the x value in the x value in
the solution of the solution of
11. Find the 15th term in the arithmetic sequence x  3y  2 and 3x  8y  6 and
20, 11, 2, 7, … . (Lesson 4-7) x  3y  0 x  8y  2
(Lesson 7-3)
12. Write a function that includes all of the
ordered pairs in the table. (Lesson 4-8) 20. 2b3c2 10b4
x 3 1 1 3 4 4bc 20b c1

y 12 4 4 12 16 (Lesson 8-2)

13. Find the y-intercept of the line represented 21. 5.01  102 50.1  104
by 3x  2y  8  0. (Lesson 5-4) (Lesson 8-3)

14. Graph the solution of the linear inequality 22. the degree of the degree of
3x  y  2. (Lesson 6-6) x2  5  6x  13x3 10  y  2y2  4y3
15. Let P  3x2  2x  1 and Q  x2  2x  2. (Lesson 8-4)
Find P  Q. (Lesson 8-5)
23. m2  n2  10 and mn  6
16. Find (x2  1)(x  3). (Lesson 8-7) (m  n)2 (m  n)2
(Lesson 8-8)
Part 3 Quantitative Comparison
Compare the quantity in Column A and the Part 4 Open Ended
quantity in Column B. Then determine
whether: Record your answers on a sheet of paper.
Show your work.
A the quantity in Column A is greater,
24. Use the rectangular prism below to solve
B the quantity in Column B is greater,
the following problems. (Lessons 8-1 and 8-7)
C the two quantities are equal, or
D the relationship cannot be determined
from the information given.

Column A Column B m1

3m  3

17. y a. Write a polynomial expression that

B represents the surface area of the top of
the prism.
b. Write a polynomial expression that
represents the surface area of the front of
O x the prism.
c. Write a polynomial expression that
the domain of the range of represents the volume of the prism.
point A point B
d. If m  2 centimeters, then what is the
(Lesson 4-3) volume of the prism? Chapter 8 Standardized Test Practice 471

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