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T-1210 SCOPE T-1222 Noise Reduction

This Article describes methods for conducting acoustic External noise sources such as rain, foreign objects
emission (AE) examination of metallic pressure vessels contacting the vessel, and pressurizing equipment noise
during acceptance pressure testing when specified by a must be below the system examination threshold.
referencing Code Section. When AE examination in
accordance with this Article is specified, the referencing T-1223 Sensors
Code Section shall be consulted for the following specific T-1223.1 Sensor Frequency. Selection of sensor fre-
requirements: quency shall be based on consideration of background
(a) personnel qualification /certification requirements; noise, acoustic attenuation, and vessel configuration. Fre-
(b) requirements /extent of examination and /or vol- quencies in the range of 100 kHz–400 kHz have been
ume(s) to be examined; shown to be effective. (See Nonmandatory Appendix B.)
(c) acceptance /evaluation criteria;
T-1223.2 Sensor Mounting. The location and spacing
(d) standard report requirements;
of the sensors are referenced in T-1243. The sensors shall
(e) content of records and record retention.
be acoustically coupled using couplant specified in the
When this Article is specified by a referencing Code
written procedure. Suitable adhesive systems are those
Section, the AE method described in the Article shall
whose bonding and acoustic coupling effectiveness have
be used together with Article 1, General Requirements.
been demonstrated.
Definitions of terms used in this Article may be found
When examining austenitic stainless steels, titanium,
in Mandatory Appendix III of this Article.
or nickel alloys, the need to restrict chloride /fluoride ion
content, total chlorine /fluorine content, and sulfur content
in the couplant or other materials used on the vessel
surface shall be considered and limits agreed upon
T-1220.1 The principal objectives of AE examination between contracting parties.
are to locate and monitor emission sources caused by The sensor shall be held in place utilizing methods of
surface and internal discontinuities in the vessel wall, attachment, as specified in the written procedure.
welds, and fabricated parts and components. The signal cable and preamplifier must be supported.
T-1220.2 All relevant indications caused by AE T-1223.3 Surface Contact. Sensors shall be mounted
sources shall be evaluated by other methods of nonde- directly on the vessel surface, or on integral waveguides.
structive examination.
T-1224 Location of Acoustic Emission Sources
T-1221 Vessel Stressing T-1224.1 Sources shall be located to the specified
accuracy by multichannel source location, zone location,
Arrangements shall be made to stress the vessel using
or both, as required by the referencing Code Section. All
internal pressure as specified by the referencing Code
hits detected by the instrument shall be recorded and used
Section. The rate of application of pressure shall be speci-
for evaluation.
fied in the examination procedure and the pressurizing
rate shall be sufficient to expedite the examination with T-1224.2 Multichannel source location accuracy shall
minimum extraneous noise. Provisions shall be made for be within a maximum of 2 component wall thicknesses
holding the pressure at designated hold points. or 5% of the sensor spacing distance, whichever is greater.


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T-1225 Procedure Requirements T-1240 APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS

Acoustic emission examination shall be performed in T-1241 Equipment
accordance with a written procedure. Each procedure (See T-1230 and Mandatory Appendix I.)
shall include at least the following information, as appli-
(a) material and configurations to be examined, T-1242 System Calibration
including dimensions and product form;
(See Mandatory Appendix II.)
(b) background noise measurements;
(c) sensor type, frequency, and Manufacturer;
(d) method of sensor attachment T-1243 Pre-Examination Measurements
(e) couplant; T-1243.1 On-Site System Calibration. Prior to each
(f) acoustic emission instrument type and filter fre- vessel test or series of tests, the performance of each
quency; utilized channel of the AE instrument shall be checked
(g) sensor locations; by inserting a simulated AE signal at each main ampli-
(h) method for selection of sensor locations; fier input.
(i) description of system calibration(s); A series of tests is that group of tests using the same
(j) data to be recorded and method of recording; examination system which is conducted at the same site
(k) post-examination vessel cleaning; within a period not exceeding 8 hr or the test duration,
(l) report requirements; and whichever is greater.
(m) qualification /certification of the examiner(s). This device shall input a sinusoidal burst-type signal
of measurable amplitude, duration, and carrier frequency.
As a minimum, on-site system calibration shall be able
to verify system operation for threshold, counts, MARSE,
(a) The AE system consists of sensors, signal pro- and peak amplitude. Calibration values shall be within
cessing, display, and recording equipment (see Appen- the range of values specified in Appendix I.
dix I).
T-1243.2 Attenuation Characterization. An attenu-
(b) Data measurement and recording instrumentation
ation study is performed in order to determine sensor

shall be capable of measuring the following parameters

spacing. This study is performed with the test fluid in
from each AE hit on each channel: counts above system
the vessel using a simulated AE source. For production
examination threshold, peak amplitude, arrival time, and
line testing of identical vessels see Nonmandatory Appen-
Measured Area of the Rectified Signal Envelope
dix B.
(MARSE). Mixing or otherwise combining the acoustic
The typical signal propagation losses shall be deter-
emission signals of different sensors in a common pream-
mined according to the following procedure: select a
plifier is not permitted except to overcome the effects of
representative region of the vessel away from manways,
local shielding. (See Nonmandatory Appendix B.) The
nozzles, etc., mount a sensor, and strike a line out from
data acquisition system shall have sufficient channels to
the sensor at a distance of 10 ft (3 m) if possible. Break
provide the sensor coverage defined in T-1243.4. Ampli-
0.3 mm (2H) leads next to the sensor and then at a 2 ft
tude distribution, by channel, is required for source char-
(0.6 m) interval along this line. The breaks shall be done
acterization. The instrumentation shall be capable of
with the lead at an angle of approximately 30 deg. to the
recording the measured acoustic emission data by hit and
surface and with a 0.1 in. (2.5 mm) lead extension.
channel number.
(c) Time and pressure shall be measured and recorded T-1243.3 Sensor Location. Sensor locations on the
as part of the AE data. The pressure shall be continuously vessel shall be determined by the vessel configuration and
monitored to an accuracy of ±2% of the maximum test the maximum sensor spacing (see T-1243.4). A further
pressure. consideration in locating sensors is the need to detect
(1) Analog type indicating pressure gages used in structural flaws at critical sections, e.g., welds, high stress
testing shall be graduated over a range not less than 11⁄2 areas, geometric discontinuities, nozzles, manways,
times nor more than 4 times the test pressure. repaired regions, support rings, and visible flaws. Addi-
(2) Digital type pressure gages may be used without tional consideration should be given to the possible atten-
range restriction provided the combined error due to cali- uation effects of welds. See Nonmandatory Appendix B.
bration and readability does not exceed 1% of the test Sensor location guidelines for zone location for typical
pressure. vessel types are given in Nonmandatory Appendix A.


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T-1243.4 2004 SECTION V T-1244.3.3

T-1243.4 Sensor Spacing T-1244.2.2 Background Noise During Examina-

T-1243.4.1 Sensor Spacing for Zone Location. tion. In the AE examiner’s analysis of examination
Sensors shall be located such that a lead break at any results, background noise shall be noted and its effects
location in the examination area is detected by at least on test results evaluated. Sources of background noise
one sensor and have a measured amplitude not less than as include:
specified by the referencing Code Section. The maximum (1) liquid splashing into a vessel;
sensor spacing shall be no greater than 11⁄2 times the (2) a pressurizing rate that is too high;
threshold distance. The threshold distance is defined as
(3) pumps, motors, and other mechanical devices;
the distance from a sensor at which a pencil-lead break
on the vessel has a measured amplitude value equal to (4) electromagnetic interference; and
the evaluation threshold. (5) environment (rain, wind, etc.).
T-1243.4.2 Sensor Spacing for Multichannel Leaks from the vessel such as valves, flanges, and
Source Location Algorithms. Sensors shall be located safety relief devices can mask AE signals from the struc-
such that a lead break at any location in the examination ture. Leaks must be eliminated prior to continuing the
area is detected by at least the minimum number of sen-
sors required for the algorithms.
T-1244.3 Vessel Pressurization
T-1243.5 Systems Performance Check. A verifica-
tion of sensor coupling and circuit continuity shall be T-1244.3.1 Rates of pressurization, pressurizing
performed following sensor mounting and system hookup medium, and safety release devices shall be as specified
and again immediately following the test. The peak ampli- by the referencing Code Section. The pressurization
tude response of each sensor to a repeatable simulated should be done at a rate that will expedite the test with
acoustic emission source at a specific distance from each a minimum of extraneous noise.
sensor should be taken prior to and after the test. The
measured peak amplitude should not vary more than 4 T-1244.3.2 Pressurization Sequence. The exami-
dB from the average of all the sensors. Any channel nation shall be done in accordance with the referencing
failing this check should be investigated and replaced or Code Section. Pressure increments shall generally be to
repaired as necessary. If during any check it is determined 50%, 65%, 85%, and 100% of maximum test pressure.
that the testing equipment is not functioning properly, all Hold periods for each increment shall be 10 min and for
of the product that has been tested since the last valid the final hold period shall be at least 30 min. (See Fig.
system performance check shall be re-examined. T-1244.3.2.) Normally, the pressure test will cause local
yielding in regions of high secondary stress. Such local
yielding is accompanied by acoustic emission which does
T-1244 Examination Procedure not necessarily indicate discontinuities. Because of this,
only large amplitude hits and hold period data are consid-
T-1244.1 General Guidelines. The vessel is subjected ered during the first loading of vessels without post-
to programmed increasing stress levels to a predetermined weld heat treatment (stress relief). If the first loading data
maximum while being monitored by sensors that detect indicates a possible discontinuity or is inconclusive, the
acoustic emission caused by growing structural disconti- vessel shall be repressurized from 50% to 100% of the
nuities. test pressure with intermediate load holds at 50%, 65%,
T-1244.2 Background Noise. Extraneous noise must and 85%. Hold periods for the second pressurization shall
be identified, minimized, and recorded. be the same as for the original pressurization.

T-1244.2.1 Background Noise Check Prior to T-1244.3.3 Test Termination. Departure from a
Loading. Acoustic emission monitoring of the vessel linear count or MARSE vs. load relationship should signal
during intended examination conditions is required to caution. If the AE count or MARSE rate increases rapidly
identify and determine the level of spurious signals fol- with load, the vessel shall be unloaded and either the test
lowing the completion of the system performance check terminated or the source of the emission determined and
and prior to stressing the vessel. A recommended moni- the safety of continued testing evaluated. A rapidly (expo-
toring period is 15 min. If background noise is above the nentially) increasing count or MARSE rate may indicate
evaluation threshold, the source of the noise shall be uncontrolled, continuing damage indicative of impending
eliminated or the examination terminated. failure.


Copyright ASME International

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T-1260 CALIBRATION material type, method of fabrication, Manufacturer’s

name, and certificate number;
(See Mandatory Appendix II.)
(b) vessel sketch of Manufacturer’s drawing with
dimensions and sensor locations;
(c) test fluid employed;
T-1280 EVALUATION (d) test fluid temperature;
T-1281 Evaluation Criteria (e) test sequence load rate, hold times, and hold levels;
(f) attenuation characterization and results;
The AE criteria shown in Table T-1281 are set forth as (g) record of system performance verifications;
one basis for assessing the significance of AE indications. (h) correlation of test data with the acceptance criteria;
These criteria are based on a specific set of AE monitoring (i) a sketch or Manufacturer’s drawings showing the
conditions. The criteria to be used shall be as specified location of any zone not meeting the evaluation criteria;
in the referencing Code Section. (j) any unusual effects or observations during or prior
to the test;
(k) date(s) of test(s);
T-1290 DOCUMENTATION (l) name(s) and qualifications of the test operator(s);
T-1291 Written Report and
(m) complete description of AE instrumentation
The report shall include the following: including Manufacturer’s name, model number, sensor
(a) complete identification of the vessel, including type, instrument settings, calibration data, etc.


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Praxair Inc/5903738101, User=Cabriales, Rodolfo
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Copyright ASME International
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TABLE T-1281
Emission During Load Threshold,
Hold Count Rate Number of Hits Large Amplitude Hits MARSE or Amplitude Activity dB

(First Loading) Pres- Not more than EH hits Not applied Not applied Not more than EA hits MARSE or amplitudes Activity does not increase VTH
sure vessels without beyond time TH above a specified do not increase with with increasing load.
full postweld heat amplitude increasing load.

Pressure vessels other Not more than EH hits Less than NT counts Not more than ET hits Not more than EA hits MARSE or amplitudes Activity does not increase VTH
than those covered beyond time TH per sensor for a above a specified above a specified do not increase with with increasing load.

above specified load amplitude amplitude increasing load.


(a) EH , NT , ET , and EA are specified acceptance criteria values specified by the referencing Code Section.
(b) VTH is the specified evaluation threshold.
(c) TH is the specified hold time.

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T-1292 Record (2) total counts vs time and /or pressure; and
(a) A permanent record AE data includes: (3) written reports.
(1) AE hits above threshold vs time and /or pressure (b) The AE data shall be maintained with the records
for zones of interest; of the vessel.


Copyright ASME International

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APPENDIX I — is of differential design, a minimum of 40 dB of common-

INSTRUMENTATION PERFORMANCE mode noise rejection shall be provided. Frequency
REQUIREMENTS response shall not vary more than 3 dB over the operating
frequency and temperature range of the sensors.
I-1210.1 General. Acoustic emission sensors in the
range of 100 kHz–400 kHz shall be temperature-stable I-1250 FILTER
over the range of intended use, and shall not exhibit
Filters shall be of the band pass or high pass type
sensitivity changes greater than 3 dB over this range as
and shall provide a minimum of 24 dB /octave signal
guaranteed by the Manufacturer. Sensors shall be shielded
attenuation. Filters shall be located in preamplifier. Addi-
against radio frequency and electromagnetic noise inter-
tional filters shall be incorporated into the processor.
ference through proper shielding practice and /or differen-
Filters shall insure that the principal processing frequency
tial (anticoincident) element design. Sensors shall have
corresponds to the specified sensor frequency.
a frequency response with variations not exceeding 4 dB
from the peak response.
I-1210.2 Sensor Characteristics. Sensors shall have a I-1260 POWER-SIGNAL CABLE
resonant response between 100 kHz–400 kHz. Minimum The cable providing power to the preamplifier and
sensitivity shall be −80 dB referred to 1 volt /microbar, conducting the amplified signal to the main processor
determined by face-to-face ultrasonic test. shall be shielded against electromagnetic noise. Signal
NOTE: This method measures relative sensitivity of the sensor. Acous- loss shall be less than 1 dB per 100 ft (30 m) of cable
tic emission sensors used in the same test should not vary in peak length. The recommended maximum cable length is 500
sensitivity more than 3 dB from the average. ft (150 m) to avoid excessive signal attenuation.


The signal cable from sensor to preamplifier shall not A stable grounded electrical power supply, meeting
exceed 6 ft (1.8 m) in length and shall be shielded against the specifications of the instrumentation, shall be used.
electromagnetic interference.


I-1230 COUPLANT The gain in the main amplifier shall be linear within
Couplant selection shall provide consistent coupling 3 dB over the temperature range of 40°F—125°F (5°C—
efficiency during a test. Consideration should be given 50°C).
to testing time and the surface temperature of the vessel.
The couplant and method of sensor attachment shall be
specified in the written procedure. I-1290 MAIN PROCESSOR
I-1291 General
The main processor(s) shall have processing circuits
through which sensor data will be processed. It shall be
The preamplifier shall be mounted in the vicinity of capable of processing hits, counts, peak amplitudes, and
the sensor, or in the sensor housing. If the preamplifier MARSE on each channel.



Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Praxair Inc/5903738101, User=Cabriales, Rodolfo
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(a) Threshold. The AE instrument used for examina- II-1220 INSTRUMENT CROSS-
tion shall have a threshold control accurate to within ±1 REFERENCING
dB over its useful range. The performance and threshold definitions vary for
(b) Counts. The AE counter circuit used for examina- different types of AE instrumentation. Parameters such
tion shall detect counts over a set threshold within an as counts, amplitude, energy, etc., vary from Manufac-
accuracy of ±5%. turer to Manufacturer and from model to model by the
(c) Hits. The AE instrument used for examination shall same Manufacturer. This section of appendix describes
be capable of measuring, recording, and displaying a techniques for generating common baseline levels for the
minimum of 20 hits /sec total for all channels for a mini- different types of instrumentation.
mum period of 10 sec and continuously measuring, rec- The procedures are intended for baseline instrument
ording, and displaying a minimum of 10 hits /sec total calibration at 60°F to 80°F (16°C to 27°C). For field use,
for all channels. The system shall display a warning if small portable signal generators and calibration transduc-
there is greater than a 5 sec lag between recording and ers can be carried with the equipment and used for peri-
display during high data rates. odic checking of sensor, preamplifier, and channel
(d) Peak Amplitude. The AE circuit used for examina- sensitivity.
tion shall measure the peak amplitude with an accuracy
of ±2 dB.
II-1221 Sensor Characterization
(e) Energy. The AE circuit used for examination shall
measure MARSE with an accuracy of ±5%. The usable Threshold of acoustic emission detectability is an
dynamic range for energy shall be a minimum of 40 dB. amplitude value. All sensors shall be furnished with docu-
(f) Parametric Voltage. If parametric voltage is mea- mented performance data. Such data shall be traceable
sured by the AE instrument, it should measure to an to NBS standards. A technique for measuring threshold
accuracy of 2% of full scale. of detectability is described in Article XI, Appendix II.

I-1292 Peak Amplitude Detection APPENDIX III — GLOSSARY OF

Comparative calibration must be established per the TERMS FOR ACOUSTIC EMISSION
requirements of Appendix II. Usable dynamic range shall EXAMINATION OF METAL
be a minimum of 60 dB with 1 dB resolution over the PRESSURE VESSELS
frequency band width of 100 kHz to 400 kHz, and the III-1210 SCOPE
temperature range of 40°F—125°F (5°C—50°C). Not
more than 2 dB variation in peak detection accuracy shall This Mandatory Appendix is used for the purpose of
be allowed over the stated temperature range. Amplitude establishing standard terms and definitions of terms relat-
values shall be stated in dB, and must be referenced to ing to metal pressure vessel examination with acoustic
a fixed gain output of the system (sensor or preamplifier). emission.


APPENDIX II — (a) The Standard Terminology for Nondestructive
INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION AND Examinations (ASTM E 1316) has been adopted by the
CROSS-REFERENCING Committee as SE-1316.
(b) SE-1316 defines the terms that are used in conjunc-
tion with this Article.
Acoustic emission system components will be provided (c) For general terms, such as Interpretation, Flaw,
from the Manufacturer with certification of performance Discontinuity, Evaluation, etc., refer to Article 1, Manda-
specifications and tolerances. tory Appendix I.
(d) In addition to those terms listed in SE-1316, the
terms listed in II-1230 are also applicable.
II-1211 Annual Calibration
The instrument shall have an annual comprehensive
calibration following the guidelines provided by the Man- III-1230 REQUIREMENTS
ufacturer using calibration instrumentation meeting the The following Code terms are used in conjunction with
requirements of a recognized national standard. this Article:


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III-1230 2004 SECTION V III-1230

dB scale — a relative logarithmic scale of signal ampli- source producing hits at more than one sensor. Position
tude defined by dB V p 20 log Vin /Vout. The reference of the source is determined by mathematical algorithms
voltage is defined as 1 volt out of the sensor and V is using difference in time of arrival
measured amplitude in volts. simulated AE source — a device which can repeatedly
electronic waveform generator — a device which can induce a transient elastic stress wave into the structure
repeatably induce a transient signal into an acoustic emis-
threshold of detectability — a peak amplitude measure-
sion processor for the purpose of checking, verifying,
ment used for cross calibration of instrumentation from
and calibrating the instrument
measured area of the rectified signal envelope — a different vendors
measurement of the area under the envelope of the recti- zone — the area surrounding a sensor from which AE
fied linear voltage time signal from the sensor sources can be detected
multi-channel source location — a source location zone location — a method of locating the approximate
technique which relies on stress waves from a single source of emission


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Appendix A begins on the next page.


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Copyright ASME International

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Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Praxair Inc/5903738101, User=Cabriales, Rodolfo
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 06/09/2007 09:52:52 MDT


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Praxair Inc/5903738101, User=Cabriales, Rodolfo
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Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Praxair Inc/5903738101, User=Cabriales, Rodolfo
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 06/09/2007 09:52:52 MDT


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Praxair Inc/5903738101, User=Cabriales, Rodolfo
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ACOUSTIC EMISSION Two or more sensors (with preamplifiers) may be
EXAMINATIONS plugged into a single channel to overcome the effects of
local shielding in a region of the vessel. One specific
example of this is the use of several sensors (with pream-
B-10 FREQUENCY SELECTION plifiers around a manway or nozzle).

The frequency band of 100 kHz–200 kHz is the lowest

frequency band that should be considered for general B-30 ATTENUATIVE WELDS
AE pressure vessel examination. Higher frequency bands Some have been shown to be highly attenuative to
may be considered if background noise cannot be elimi- non-surface waves. This situation predominantly affects
nated. If a higher frequency band is used the following multichannel source location algorithms. This situation
items must be considered. can be identified by modifying the attenuation character-
(a) Attenuation characteristics will change. ization procedure to produce a stress wave which does
not contain surface waves traveling across the weld.
(b) Sensor spacings will decrease and more sensors
will be required to adequately cover the evaluation area.
(c) Instrumentation performance requirements B-40 PRODUCTION LINE TESTING OF
described in Appendix I must be adjusted to the higher IDENTICAL VESSELS
frequency band. For situations which involve repeated tests of identical
(d) Instrumentation calibration described in Appendix vessels where there is no change in the essential variables
II must be performed at the higher frequency band. such as material, thickness, product form and type, the
(e) Alternate evaluation /acceptance criteria must be requirement for attenuation characterization on each ves-
obtained from the referencing Code Section. sel is waived.


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Praxair Inc/5903738101, User=Cabriales, Rodolfo
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