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Master of VT Levels Mech

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1) A highly polished metal surface needs to be inspected 7) Black color may be considered as any color that highest
visually.An appropriate task lighting would be in
a) Diffuse Front illumination a) Hue
b) Dark field specular illumination b) Saturation
c) Diffuse rare illumination c) Value
d) Both a & b
8) The output of Radiographic film illuminator screen is
2) A lamp source S is known to provide an illumination of expressed in
600lx@ 1000mm at normal incidence. If a square plate of a) Luminous intensity units
side 500mm is placed with its center under this source,the b) Luminance units
illuminance at corner of plate is c) Iluminance units
a) 2180 lux d) Luminous Flux
b) 4000 lux
c) 2830 lux 9) The Most common area where erosion and cavitations in
d) 1110 lux a boiler feed water pump can be found
a) Near inlet of impeller vane.
3) Visual inspection of the surface of a weld for flaws is b) At Stuffing box
made possible, Bcoz light undergoes c) At journal/Sleeve bearing surfaces of shaft
a) Reflection d) Midway along the shaft.
b) Refraction
c) Diffraction
d) None of the above. 10) A failure at head-to-Shank fillet in a threaded fastener is
indicative of
4) The action of Photoelectric tube is explained by
a) Corpuscular Theory a) Tension failure
b) Huygen’s theory b) Shear Failure
c) Quantum Theory c) Shear break
d) Electromagnetic theory d) External Burst

5) Which of the following is Black body 11) A Bow of a pump shaft is best Checked by
a) Tungsten filament @3000° K a) Placing it on a precise V-block
b) A coiled tungsten filament @3000° K b) Mounting the shaft in the original machining
c) Both a & b centers
d) None of the above c) Preparing new centres and loading it between the
head stock and tailstock of long-bed lathe
6) As the distance of inspection is increased, the resolving d) Any convention manner taking in to account the
power of human eye existing facility.
a) Increases
b) Decreases 12) A loose-fit between stem to disk connections in a Globe
c) Same valve can lead to
d) None of the Above. a) Erratic operation
b) Excessive noise
c) Accelerated wear of seat
d) All the above

May. 3, 11,Siegen-Germany

13) For a New Tubular part, used in Oil field type of 18) A high performance video system has the following
Inspection to be carried out specifications. Calculate the Resolution

a) Out-of-roundness of OD of pipe Monitor-36 Cm; Aspect Ratio-3:4; Line Display-1200

b) Material test certificate Magnification -2:1
c) Dimension & Shape of thread. a) 0.09mm
d) All the above b) 0.18mm
c) 0.3mm
d) 86.8mm

14) The evaluation of test lamp against an un calibrated 19) Compare to Fibrescope, Which is not an advantage of
Light source is called Videoscope

a) Absolute Photometry a) Videoscopes can return an image over a great

b) Substitution photometry length
c) Relative photometry b) The display can be held to reduce eye fatigue
d) Direct photometry c) Permits direct viewving of object through an eye
15) In a Cyclically loaded part, in which orientation ,the d) The electronic form of image allows digital image
surface flaw is most harmful enhancement
a) A flaw oriented parallel to direction of primary e) None of the above
b) A flaw oriented perpendicular to direction of 20) The Number of line pairs/inch that can be seen by a
primary stresses. system in Visual testing refers to system’s
c) A flaw oriented at 20° to the directing of primary
stresses. a) Resolution
d) All the above are equally harmfull. b) Sensitivity
c) Pixel
16) A hand held magnifier has focal length of 0.2m.The d) Reflectivity
magnification is
21) A Non-Linear Stress-Strain behavior within the Elastic
a) 1250 range can be found in
b) 50 a) Grey cast Iron
c) 1.25 b) Sintered metal
d) Need more detail. c) Cold drawn bars, in the as drawn condition
d) All of the above
17) Inspection –Time of a part primarily depends upon
22) Erosive –Wear in a material leads to
a) Increases with increase in magnification of a a) Removal of soft surface coating
magnifier b) Grooving and Channeling
b) Increases with decrease in magnification of a c) Rounding of Corners
magnifier d) All the above
c) Remain same
d) None of the above

May. 3, 11,Siegen-Germany

23) “Red Mud” or “ Cocoa” , these terms associates with 29) Major & Minor load available in
a) Adhesive wear a) Brinell Hardness test
b) Fretting wear b) Vickers Hardness test
c) Ceramics c) Rockwell Hardness test
d) Moulded Material d) Knoop hardness test
e) Poldi Hardness test
24) While in-service, PT was Carried out on a Case hardened
roller surface reveals persistent indications.This is a 30) In SMAW Welding Process an excessive heat input is
pointer to determined during a welding procedure,Which of the
a) Adhesive wear following would result if Heat Input will be reduced?
b) Brittle Fracture
c) Hydrogen induced Crack a) Drop in Current
d) Sub-case Fatigue b) Drop in Voltage
c) Increase in Travel speed
25) A handheld magnifier has a focal length of 5 Cm. The d) Change from weave to Stringer bead Technique
Magnification is e) All the Above
a) 50
b) 500
c) 2 31) Identify the device, that works on the principle that
d) 5 change in resistance of the cell can be detected
a) Photo-emissive cell
26) Magnification Increases,
a) The resolving power, FOV and DOF increases b) CCD
b) The Resolving Power improves, FOV,DOF of field c) Photo-conducive cell
increases d) Photo-voltaic Cell.
c) The resolving power improves, FOV and Depth of
Field decrease.
d) None of the Above. 32) HARDENABILITY is a function of
a) Carbon content
27) Depth of Focus of Borescope varies
b) The ease with which Martensite forms
a) Directly proportional with aperture size
b) Directly proportional with FOV c) Chromium depletion
c) Inversely with Magnification d) None of the above
d) Both of A & B of Above
33) Anodizing of Aluminum will have the non standard
28) For a Concave Fillet Weld, Which Throat Dimensions are effect of
a) Effective & Theoretical a) Dross surface
b) Effective & Actual
c) Actual & Theoretical b) Thinning of surface by 5 to 100 mm
d) All the Above
c) Accumulating of aluminum

d) Dissolving of aluminum

May. 3, 11,Siegen-Germany

38) 7X magnifier used in inspection will give

34) The instrument used to compare the surface a) High magnification, high depth of field,
roughness is
low resolving power
a) Profile gauge
b) High magnification, large field of view,
b) Reflecto meter
high resolving power
c) Surface comparator
c) Low magnification, narrow field of view,

high resolving power

35) Out of the following which is not a basic joining
method of plastics d) Low magnification, large field of view,
a) Solvent bonding low resolving power

b) Heat bonding 39) Out of the films given below, which one is the
fastest film? (Films are in ASA values)
c) Gas welding

d) Flow bonding a) 25 ASA

b) 100 ASA

36) HCL, HNO3, Base, and Fe3cl2Potassium hydroxyl c) 200 ASA

all the chemicals used for
d) 400 ASA
a) Etching
40) In the following Grinding finish, which one will be
b) Pickling high finish?

c) Coating a) 80grit

d) Pre cleaning b) 50grit

37) When procedural sampling methods are ued , what c) 200grit

is the correct term for a sampling process of every d) 400grit
eighth item is inspected?
41) In Brazing, what are the things we will inspect prior
a) Random partial sampling to brazing?

b) Specified partial sampling a) Cleanliness

c) Specific complete sampling b) Fitting between parts

d) Partial sampling c) Gap

May. 3, 11,Siegen-Germany

d) All of the above 46) Cold Tip illumination in to the term used in the
42) Input received by the CCD is stored as
a) which will illuminate the tip without heating
a) Photon
b) Used in fiber optic scope for illumination
b) Electron
c) The illumination is intrinsically safe
c) Pixel
d) The a color temperature of 6000ºC to 7000ºC
d) Digital Image
47) The three important properties of color are
43) The vision in the day light perceived by the cone located
a) Contrast, wave length, hue
in the central source by
b) Purity, hue, Contrast
a) Scotopic
c) Brightness, saturation, Hue
b) Photopic
d) Brightness, temp, hue
c) Near vision
48) In a semiautomatic visual inspection setting, there is a
d) Meospic camera, illumination lighting, background lighting ,
object and the camera , T.V monitor task lighting,
44) While doing visual inspection due to a background lighting are all arranged in an angle position
to each other. The image gives excessive glare on tube.
high sensitivity, the pattern should be
Which method will be suitable way to reduce the glare
a) Scan – Stop technique and looking a specific
of TV Monitors?
a) Reduce the background lighting
b) Continuous scan slowly and for specific and
general discontinuity b) Increase the illuminating lighting

c) Random scans for finding general c) Angulate the background

d) Change the angle of camera, background lighting.
d) Roaster pattern
49) Unwanted loss of material occurs, other than wear is
45) Reduction in numerical ____ unit a) Cavitations
a) Increase in depth field b) Corrosion
b) Increase in Magnetic field c) Erosion
c) Increase in field of view d) Grinding
d) Decrease in the field

May. 3, 11,Siegen-Germany

50) Failure of material in service exposure to stress at 54) The acceptance criteria of a sampling will be found
elevated temperature in due to in
a) Fatigue a) In the specification and procedures

b) Creep b) Decision of managers wide

c) Impact c) Relevant ASME section line with AQL
d) S.C.C
d) Specified partial sampling
51) 7X magnifier used in inspection will give
55) Measurement of Radiant energy related to
a) High magnification, high depth of field, low
a. Radiometry
resolving power
b. Spectro radiometry
b) High magnification, large field of view, high
resolving power
c. Photometry
c) Low magnification, narrow field of view, high
resolving power
d. Calorimetry

d) Low magnification, large field of view, low 56) Technique or science is comparing & studying the
resolving power structure of metal is:

52) Lead acetate action in falling replica is by a) Metallurgy

a) Fluidity b) Metallography

b) Capillary action c) Metalloscopy

c) Viscosity d) Metalholography
d) Oderium
57) The basic two types of Image Sensor are.
53) In composite plates VT check for a) Recluse converter
a) Delamination b) Photo cathode, CRT

b) Void c) Photoconduction

c) Resin risks d) Semi conductor device.

d) Cracks

May. 3, 11,Siegen-Germany

58) How many Duplicate replicas requires in replication 62) Mention a BASIC JOINT of Weld configuration

a) 1 a) Single- V

b) 2 b) Single –U

c) 3 c) Single – J

d) 4 d) All the above

59) Mention the Surface Highlighting Technique for a crack 63) A Convex fillet weld of size 6mm is welded instead of
consistent with Impact damage on the surface of a 3mm.If the convexity is ignored, the unnecessary
Composite material? percentage increase in filler metal consumption is

a) Alcohol Surface Highlighting a) 100

b) High Power Torch b) 200

c) Highlighting with Ink dye or Ink gel c) 300

d) Snubber d) 400

e) None of the above 64) Penetrants are classified by the method used to remove
the excess penetrant from the part. The four methods are
60) The image formation in eye is by iris and retina listed below:
blue this image formed by
a) Method A - Water Washable
a) Receives converted
b) Method B - Post Emulsifiable, Lipophilic
b) Blues
c) Method C - Solvent Removable
c) Photo Cathode
d) Method D - Post Emulsifiable, Hydrophilic
d) CRT exciter
e) All the above are four methods
61) In general, the cause of underbead cracking in steel
weldments is largely due to 65) In a Square Groove Weld Butt Joint

a) Preheating the weldments prior to welding a) Joint & Root Penetration both are equal

b) Use of Shielding gases b) Joint penetration is greater than root penetration

c) Use of High Heat-input c) Root penetration is equal to size of weld

d) All the above d) Both A&C

May. 3, 11,Siegen-Germany

66) Effect of Root opening on Transverse Shrinkage in Butt 70) Out of speed ,frequency and wavelength of light,name
welds the parameter which remains same on reflection

a) Transverse shrinkage increases as root opening increases a) Speed

b) Transverse shrinkage decreases as root opening increases b) Frequency

c) Root opening has no effect on Transverse shrinkage c) Wavelength

d) None of the above d) All the above

67) For Concave Fillet weld the size of weld is 71) In a visual inspection area of greater Luminance is 100
Cd/m2, The Luminance contrast is
a) Equal to Leg
a) 0.25
b) Larger than leg
b) 0.20
c) Smaller than leg
c) 2.50
d) No related to leg
d) 2.0
68) To avoid inspector eye fatigue and to enhance the
probability of detection due to size, the maximum 72) The lighting to be used in Vision acuity test is
recommended luminance ratio between tasks and
adjacent lighter surroundings is a) Fluorescent

a) 3:1 b) Incandescent

b) 1:3 c) Mercury

c) 20:1 d) Sodium vapour

d) 1:20 73) Microscopes are used to increase

69) The vision provides ability to distinguish the depth a) Incident angle
between object is
b) Visual angle
a) Near vision
c) Refractive angle
b) Far vision
d) None of the above
c) Stereoscopic vision
74) The Magnification of a Compound microscope
d) None of the Above
a) M = Mo + Me

b) M = Mo x Me

c) M = Mo x (1 + Me)

May. 3, 11,Siegen-Germany

75) A Wide FOV (Field of view )produces 79) Black colour may be considered as any colour that is
highest in
a) High magnification and shorter DOF
a) Hue
b) High magnification and greater DOF
b) Saturation
c) Low magnification and Greater DOF
c) Value
d) Low magnification and Shorter DOF
d) All the above

80) Visual examination shall be employed where sufficient

76) The action of Photoelectric tube is explained by access available such a way that

a) Corpuscular theory a) The eye of the inspector to be atleast 24” of

the surface examined and at an angle not less
b) Huygen’s Theory
than 30° to surface
c) Quantum Theory
b) The eye of the inspector to be at least 24” of the
d) EMF Theory surface examined and at an angle not less than
30° normal to surface
77) Which f the following would be considered as Superior
Vision acuity c) The eye of the inspector to be withint 24” of the
surface examined and at an angle not less than
a) 20/20 30° to surface

b) 20/100 d) All the above

c) 20/10 81) The NDT personnel employed in Visual Test shall

d) 20/200 a) Undergo annually vision test

78) The output of a radiographic film illuminator screen is b) Be capable of reading standard J-1 letter on
expressed in standard Jaeger test charts for near distance
a) Luminous intensity
c) Be capable of reading standard J-1 letter on
b) Luminance standard Jaeger test charts for Far distance
c) Illuminance
d) All the above
d) Luminous Flux

May. 3, 11,Siegen-Germany

82) Which type of camera would be preferred choice for 87) What term is used to determine acuity measurements
operation within high radiation environment.? with a moving target?

a) CCD a) Reserve vision acuity

b) Saccadic movement
b) Vidicon Tube c) Moving vision acuity
d) Kinetic vision acuity
c) Orthicon Tube
88) Which colours are recommended in particluar for the
d) Metal oxide Semiconductor work areas in which high noise levels and heavy physical
exertion are common?
83) Vision is wholly Scotopic when the luminance of the test
surface is a) Yellow
b) Blue
a) Above 0.034 cd m-2 c) Orange
d) Red
b) Below 3x10-5 cd m-2
89) Which of the following will reduce the glare from a light
c) -2
Between 0.034 cd m and 3x10 cd m -5 -2 source?
a) Reduce the angle between light source and eye
d) None of the above b) Increase the light source
c) Reduce the background light around the glare source
d) Increase the angle between light source and eye
84) Which is not the types of Visual Testing

a) Direct ,Remote, Translusecent 90) Which of the following most closely a grey body by
exhibiting very nearly uniform emissvity?
b) Robotic, Steroscopic
a) Electric arc from TIG gun
c) Microscopic, Telescopic test b) A carbon filament in the visible region
c) Tungsten filament
d) Both B & C d) Xenon short arc search light

85) What is the maximum angle from normal for acrrying out
visual inspection? 91) Which of the following laws state that light flux striking
a) 30 degrees a surface at angles other than normal is
b) 45 degrees distributed over a greater area?
c) 60 degrees
d) 80 degrees a) Lambert cosine law
b) Inverse square law
86) As the human eye becomes older which region of c) Cosine cubed law
wavelength becomes increasingly more absorbed? d) Boyles law

a) Blue
b) Green
c) Yellow
d) Red

May. 3, 11,Siegen-Germany

92) Which of the following equations shows the lambert

cosine law?

a) E = (I cos3°) / a 2
10) VT-1 : Condition of a Component
b) E = I / d2
c) E = (I / d2) cos ° VT-2 : Location of evidence of Leakage
d) E = (I2 / d) cos
VT-3 : Genral Mechanical and Structural

Condition of Supports.

VT-4 : (Eliminated now). Conditions

TIPS Before 1 hour Exam
operability of devices.

1) Aperture increases Depth of focus decreases.

11) Minimum Angle for Typical Visual testing is always greater
2) A Max aperture of 25 mm diameter will produce focal ratio the 30°, that means 31°at a distance of 12” and nocloser
of 4. than 6”
3) The working Length of Borescopes ,The distance from the 12) Classification of Human Factor
Tip to Start of bundle.
Magnification M=
f in mm of unit

10 13) Perception : The Ability of the eye to sense a variety of

Magnification f in inches of unit views is not constant.A inspector can inspect things at once
only. Perception affected by appearance.This appearance
4) Field of Vision (FOV) decreases Magnification increases. will decided by Brain with different opinion.

5) Magnification Increases Working Distance reduces and 14) Resolving Power: The quantitative ability of a person to
Resolving Power Increases. resolve objects is determined in a practical manner from
distance of the object to eye and angle of separation of two
6) Wide FOV gives Reduced Magnification and Increased points that can be resolved by eye .
Depth of Field.
15) For the Average eye,the minimal resolvable angular
7) Accuracy is twice the time of resolution separation of two points on an object is about 1 minute of
arc 1/60th of 1°
8) Additve Colors : Green,Red,Blue
16) This means about 12” (300mm)from test surface, the best
SubtractiveColors :Magentha,Cyan,Yellow resolution to be expected is 0.0035”(0.09mm)At 24”
(600mm) resolution 0.007”(0.18mm)
9) Linear Magnification is proportionally Changes with
Working Distance and inversely proportional to Objective Direct Visual test are best performed at a distance of
May. 3, 11,Siegen-Germany

3) Visual inspection of a component shows signs of

beach marks(Clam Shell appearance) and bright
17) Eye examination for Near and far vision are
white brittle fracture and it is classified as
usually carried out at a distance of 15”@ 6m
a) Fatigue
18) Vision acuity are recommendd to be carried out under-
b) Creep
Incandescent light.

19) A person is said to be truly color blind when he cannot c) Fatigue and cause cannot be determined
distinguish red and green
d) Fatigue and cause can be determined
20) The lens of the eye focuses Each wavelength at different
4) Size of unequal fillet wed leg length is
depth of focus in retina.
a) The sum of two unequal legs ( a + b )

VT SPECIFIC LEVEL-III b) The shortest of two legs

c) The longest leg of the two

1) How do you discriminate CREEP from FATIGUE d) The shortest distance between root to face.

a) Creep cause dull or frosted appearence

5) The Band pass filters used in optical imaging
b) Creep is intergranular and accompanied system to
with discernable elongation & checks
a) Filters wavelength above threshold
c) Fatigue surface appears as bright ,smooth
b) Filters wavelength below threshold
accompanied with beach marks.
c) Pass light around central wavelength
d) The appearance of creep edge indicates the
origin of creep d) Filter noises

2) The best way to evaluate creep fracture is 6) The COLD TIP LIGHT is

a) By measuring elongation a) Light emitted from fluorescent material

b) Replication and Electron microscope b) Light transmitted through a fiber optic cable
analysis system to tip of the borescope .

c) Viewing replica by 5X magnification c) Light emitted from Grey body’

d) By plotting time and temp d) Light emitted from Black body

May. 3, 11,Siegen-Germany

7) The grit which procedures fine surface finish is 11) A Black body is

a) 69 µm a) Absorbs all of the radiant energy that falls upon it

b) 109 µm b) Radiate all of the radiant energy that falls upon it

c) 260 µm c) Is a uniform temperature radiator

d) 525 µm d) Both a & c

8) Which of the Biological effect caused by infrared e) Both b& c

12) Visual inspection is easy to apply ,quick and
a) Hyperthermia relatively inexpensive and requires no special
equipment other than
b) Thermal fatigue
a) Good Eyesight
c) Blue hazard
b) A clean work area
d) UV hazard
c) A good hand held magnifier
9) A fillet weld is a
d) A happy mood
a) Partial penetration weld
e) A 200 ft-cd light.
b) Complete penetration weld
13) Direct visual examination is possible when the
c) T-joint human eye can be placed within
d) K-joint a) 12” of inspection surface

b) 15” of inspection surface

10) Theories used to describe about LIGHT in NDT is c) 24” of inspection surface
a) Corpuscular d) 30” of inspection surface
b) Wave 14) The restriction of the angle between eye and the test
surface for general visual testing should be
c) Electromagnetic
a) less than 60°
d) Quantum
b) more than 60°
e) Both c and d
c) less than 30°

d) more than 60°

May. 3, 11,Siegen-Germany

15) Prolonged exposure to high frequency visible light, 19) The Near Vision acuity can be assessed by
causes a thermal hazard is called as
a) Jaeger chart
a) Hyperthermia
b) Reduced 20/20 snellien
b) Thermal shock
c) Ortho-rater chart
c) Blue Hazard
d) All the above
d) All the above
20) The color vision can be assessed by
16) When a primary color is confused for another
primary color, this error is known as a) Pseudoiso-chromatic chart

a) Discrimination b) Ishihara plates

b) Perception c) Colored caps

c) Color vision d) All the above

d) Sensation 21) The ability of an optical device or system to gather

light is measured by
17) The difference between in Hue and saturation
between an object and its background is known as a) Aperture

a) Chromatic contrast b) F- number

b) Somatic contrast c) Numerical Aperture

c) Photopic contrast d) B and C only

d) All the above e) A & C only

18) The CORNEA provides refractive ability about 22) The 20 /20 Snellen Vision test is usually performed at

a) 70% A distance of 20 Feet (6m)

b) 60% 23) At 6” distance light intensity is 1000; at 12” distance it

will be
c) 45%
a) 500 lux
d) 30%
b) 250 lux

c) 25 ft-Cd

d) B & C

e) None of the above

May. 3, 11,Siegen-Germany

24) The Aspect-ratio of raster Scan is 28) A device uses synchronized pulses of high intensity
light to permit viewing of objects moving with a rapid
a) 2/3 periodic motion is called as
b) 3/2 a) Radioscope
c) 4/3 b) Stroboscope
d) 3/4 c) Bioscope

25) High Performance modern digital screens often have d) Videoscope

scan rates of______ frames /second
29) Polarized filters can be used to control of light
a) 60
a) Intensity
b) 45
b) Glare
c) 80
c) Color
d) 30
d) Heat
e) 200
30) Polarized light is used in which of the following
26) The Subtractive primary colors are technique
a) Cyan.yellow,magenta a) Bifrigence technique
b) Cyan, green,blue b) Moire fringe technic
c) Yellow,violet,magneta c) Magnetostrictive technic
d) All the above d) Both A & B
27) For Photography under bright light the film speed e) None of the above
shall be

a) 100ASA

b) 200 ASA

c) 400 ASA

d) 800 ASA

May. 3, 11,Siegen-Germany

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