Nutrition For Gut Health
Nutrition For Gut Health
Nutrition For Gut Health
The human body is covered with microorganisms, Any changes in the gut that cause a decrease in
including the skin, the lungs and other internal beneficial microorganisms, increase in unwanted
organs and throughout the digestive tract. The microorganisms, or reduction in the diversity of
most populated area is our gut with over 100 trillion microorganisms can have poor effects on our health.
microorganisms found. These microorganisms, which These altered gut microbiotas are often found in those
mostly consist of bacteria, have genes just like our own with inflammatory bowel disease, skin diseases like
cells and this is called the microbiome. Due to the high dermatitis, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular
number of microorganisms in the gut, our bodies may disease, Parkinson’s disease and depression.
be made up more from bacteria than human genes.
The good news is we may be able to improve
The gut microbiome has many functions in our bodies gut health by eating foods that benefit good
from digesting nutrients, regulating how energy is microorganisms and support our immune system.
used, supporting our immune system, and sending Fiber, prebiotics, probiotics, polyphenols and Omega-3
hormonal cues to the brain that control our hunger fatty acids are five types of nutrients that can help to
and mood. Factors that affect the gut start as early keep our gut healthy.
as birth and continue to change due to environment,
stress and medications. UH Outpatient Nutrition Services | 61-2 8-4 194
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Fiber Fiber Foods
Fiber can be classified into two major types. Each kind has gut The recommended fiber intake for adult females and males
benefits. ranges between 22-38 grams (g) per day according to the
Insoluble Fiber Benefits: Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
• Absorbs water, which gives bulk to stool • Beans: Navy, kidney, black, white, pinto and lima
• Can help with constipation • Lentils
• Promotes regular bowel movements • Peas: Green, split, chickpeas, and black-eyed
Soluble Fiber Benefits: • Whole grains: Barley, oats, bulgur, brown rice, buckwheat,
• Not digested in the gut, but forms a gel instead popcorn, 100 percent whole wheat crackers, pasta and
• Slows blood glucose (sugar) and fat absorption unsweetened cereals
• It’s fermented by good bacteria that produce by-products • Vegetables: Avocado, corn, sweet potato, parsnips,
called short-chain fatty acids pumpkin, winter squash, leafy greens and carrots
• These byproducts reinforce the gut lining that protect against • Fruits: Raspberries, blackberries, passionfruit, kiwi, citrus,
harmful microorganisms plums, figs and dates