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Mineral Deficiencies

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according to Dr. Joel D. Wallach, B.S., D.V.M., N.D.
author of "Dead Doctors Don't Lie!"
To: Vitamin Deficiency
Mineral Deficiency:
A - B - C - E - F - G - I - L - M - N - P - S - T - V - Y - Z
Mineral Function
* Effective against blood flukes
Deficiency Symptoms
*anorexia and nausea
*hyperglycemia (diabetes)
*muscle pain
*muscle weakness
*dry, greyish skin
*pale smooth tongue
Mineral Function
* Ulcers result from lack of bismuth & a bacteria Heliobacter pylori

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Mineral Function
* Aids efficient calcium and magnesium use
* Essential for bone metabolism
* Proper endocrine function
* Reduces calcium loss from bones (Osteoporosis)
Mineral Function
* High protein diets increases demands for calcium
Deficiency Symptoms
* Arthritis
* Back pains (sciatica, disc problems)
* Bell's Palsy
* Bone spurs
* Brittle fingernails
* Calcium deposits
* Cognitive impairment
* Delusions
* Depression
* Eczema
* High blood pressure
* Hyperactivity
* Hypertension
* Insomnia
* Irritability
* Kidney stones
* Limb numbness
* Muscle cramps/spasms/twitches
* Nervousness
* Neuromuscular excitability
* Osteofibrosis (enlargement of bones with scar tissue)
* Osteomalacia (failure to mineralize the protein bone matrix)
* Osteoporosis (& Dowaagers Hump, spontaneous fractures, kyphosis)
* Palpitations
* Paresthesia
* Panic attacks
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* Periodontal disease - receding gums (osteoporosis of facial bones & jaw
* Pica (eating lead paint)
* Rickets
* Retarded growth
* Tetany
* Tooth decay
Mineral Function
* Cancer aid; cesium enters cancer cell and produces alkaline condition

Deficiency Symptoms
* Anxiety
* Aortic cholesterol plaque
* Coronary blood vessel disease
* Depression/Manic depression
* Diabetes (Vanadium also)
* Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde rages
* Elevated blood cholesterol
* Elevated blood triglycerides
* Fatigue
* Hyperactivity
* Hypercholesterolemia
* Hypoglycemia - low blood sugar (Vanadium & Copper also)
* Infertility and deceased sperm count
* Learning disability
* Negative nitrogen balance (body lean mass/protein loss)
* Prediabetes (Vanadium also)
* Peripheral neuropathy
* Retarded growth/short life span
* hypercholesterolemia
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Deficiency Symptoms
* Anemia
* Anorexia
* Emaciation, listless, starved look, pale mucus membranes
* Essential part of Vitamin B 12 (Growth and nerve system function)
Deficiency Symptoms
* Alopecia (hair loss)
* Anemia (common in vegans & high milk users)
* Aneurysms (on wall bulges)
* Aneurysm/cerebral hemmorage
* Arthritis (especially where growth plate are involved)
* Cerebral palsy & hypoplasia (failure to form) of the cerebellum
* Criminal or violent behavior, blind rage, explosive outbursts
* Depression
* Dermatosis
* Diarrhea
* dry brittle hair
* Fatigue
* Fragile bones/arthritis
* Hernias
* High blood cholesterol
* Hypercholesterolemia
* Hypo or Hyper thyroid
* Ptosis (sagging tissue - eye lids, skin, breasts, stomach, etc.)
* Kawasaki disease
* Learning disabilities
* Liver cirrhosis (Number 9 killer in US)
* otosis ("lipping" of epiphyseal plates)
* Ruptured vertebral discs problems
* Reduced glucose tolerance (low blood sugar)
* Respiratory disease
* Swachman's syndrome
* Varicose veins
* White or gray hair
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Essential Fatty Acid
Deficiency Symptoms
* acne
* alopecia
* arthritis
* atrophy of endocrine glands
* diarrhea
* dry brittle hair
* exzema
* endocrine dysfunction
* fatty degeneration of the liver
* gall stones
* growth retardation
* immunologic dysfunction
* impaired wound healing
* infertility
* kidney dysfunction
* positive sweat test (cystic fibrosis, anorexia nervosa, etc.)
* xerosis
Mineral Function
* Doubles the life span of laboratory animals
Mineral Function
* In plant based colloidal form will aid bone strength & no toxicity
Folic Acid
Deficiency Symptoms
*anemia (megaloblastic)
*birth defects (spina bifida, hydroencephalocoele)
*GI upsets/diarrhea
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*geographic tongue
*growth retardation
*memory loss
Mineral Function
* Aid in oxygen utilization
* Enhances immune system function (killer cells, interferon, macro phages and T -
suppressor cells)
* Highly efficient electrical impulse initiator
Deficiency Symptoms
* Arthritis
* Cancer
* Low energy
* Osteoporosis
Mineral Function
* Reduces active joint inflammation
Mineral Function
* Copper needed to utilize iodine
* Needed by body for thyroid function (Thyroxin is thyroid hormone)
Deficiency Symptoms
* Cold intolerance
* Brittle nails
* Bulging eyes
* Constipation
* Depression
* Dry skin & hair
* Elevated blood cholesterol
* Excessive sweating
* Fatigue
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* Frequent bowel movements
* Goiter (throat swelling)
* Hair loss
* Hand tremors
* Heat intolerance
* Heavy periods or less than 28 day cycles
* Hypothyroidism
* Increased appetite
* Irritability
* Inability to concentrate
* Insomnia
* Light periods or longer than 28 day cycles
* Low basal body temperature
* Low sex drive
* Muscle aches and pains
* Muscle cramps
* Muscle weakness
* Nervousness
* Over-active thyroid
* Poor memory
* Puffy face
* Rapid pulse
* Under-active thyroid
* Weight gain
* Weight loss
Deficiency Symptoms
* Anemia
* Angular Stomatitis
* Anorexia
* Brittle nails
* Confusion
* Constipation
* Depression
* Dirt eating (pica)
* Dizziness
* Dysphagia
* Fatigue
* Fragile bones
* GI upset
* Growth Retardation
* Headaches
* Ice eating (pica)
* Heart palpations
* Hemoglobin (oxygen carrier in red blood cells)
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* Irritability
* Listlessness and fatigue
* Memory deficits
* Sore tongue
Deficiency Symptoms
* Deficiency may be involved in chronic fatigue diseases
Deficiency Symptoms
* Depression
* Infertility
* Lithium deficiency aggravated by high sugar consumption
* Manic depression
* Rages and fits
* Reduced growth rate
* Reproductive failure
* Shortened life span
Deficiency Symptoms
* Anxiety
* Asthma
* Anorexia
* Birth defects
* Calcification of small arteries
* Confusion
* Depression
* Growth failures
* Hyperactivity/synophobia
* Hypotension
* Hypothermia
* Insomnia
* Irritability
* Malignant calcification of soft tissue
* Menstrual migraines
* Muscle pains / tremors / weakness
* Nervousness / neuromuscular irrability
* Neuromuscular problems
* Restlessness
* Seizures
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* Tachycardia / palpitations
* Tetany - Convulsions
* Tremors
* Vertigo
Deficiency Symptoms
* Asthma
* Ataxia
* Atheroscleosis
* Chondromalacia
* Chondrodystrophy
* Convulsions
* Dizziness
* Hearing loss
* Hypercholesterolemia
* Hypoglycemia
* Infertility (failure to ovulate or testicle atrophy)
* Loss of sex drive
* Muscle therapy
* Pancreatic atrophy
* Poor cartilage formation problems
* Repetitive Motion Syndromes (like TMJ, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)
* Retarded growth rates
* Shortened long bones
* Still births or spontaneous miscarriages
* Tinnitus
Mineral Function
* Essential as a metalloenzyme of several enzyme systems
Mineral Function
* Doubles life span of laboratory animals
* Enhanced cell growth

Deficiency Symptoms
* Anemia (low hematocrit)
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* Delayed puberty
* Depressed oxidative ability of the liver
* Dermatitis
* High newborn mortality
* Poor growth
* Poor zinc absorption
* Rough/dry hair coat in animals
Deficiency Symptoms
* Anorexia
* Anxiety
* Apprehension
* Bone pain
* Dyspnea
*Eye Floaters
* Fatigue
* Irritability
* Numbness
* Paresthesias
* Pica
* Tremulousnes
* Weakness
* Weight loss
Deficiency Symptoms
* Acne
* Arrhythmia
* Cognitive impairment
* Constipation
* Depression
* ECG changes
* Edema
* Fatigue
* Glucose intolerance
* Growth retardation
* Hypercholesterolemia
* Hyperreflexia
* Hypotension
* Insomnia
* Mental apathy
* Muscular weakness
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* Nervousness
* Palpitations
* Polydipsia
* Proteinuria
* Respiratory distress
* "Salt" retention
* Tachycardia (rapid heart rate)
* Xerosis
Mineral Function
* Doubles life span in laboratory animals
* Enhances normal cell growth
Mineral Function
* Doubles the life span of laboratory animals
* Enhances normal cell proliferation
Animal studies show deficiencies cause:
* Cancer prevention properties
* Hearing loss
* Male pattern baldness
* Poor growth & Poor feeding

Mineral Function
* Effective anti-oxidant
Deficiency Symptoms
* Age spots or liver spots
* ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease)
* Alzheimer's disease (associated high vegetable oil consumption)
* Anemia (red blood cell fragility)
* Cardiomyopathy
* Cataracts
* Cancer risk
* Cystic fibrosis
* Cancer (associated with high vegetable oil intake) (Number 2 killer)
* Fatigue
* Growth retardation
* Heart palpitations (irregular heart beat)
* High infant mortality
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* Impaired immunity
* Infertility
* Keshan Disease (myocardial fibrosis)
* Liver cirrhosis
* Low birth weight
* Multiple Sclerosis
* Muscular dystrophy
* Myalgia
* Pancreatitis
* Pancreatic atrophy and fibrosis
* Parkinson's disease (associated lead poisoning)
* Scoliosis
* Sterility in males
* Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
* Sickle cell anemia
Mineral Function
* Increases collagen in growing bone by 100%
Deficiency Symptoms
* Brittle fingernails
* Dry brittle hair
* Poor calcium utilization arterial wall strength problems
* Poor skin quality

Mineral Function
* Anti-bacterial
* Anti-fungal
* Anti-viral
* Kills over 650 diseases causing organisms
* Systemic disinfectant and immune support
* Subdues inflammation and promotes healing
Deficiency Symptoms
* abdominal cramps
* anorexia
* ataxia
* confusion
* crying jags
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* depression
* dermatosis
* dizziness
* fatigue
* flatulence
* hallucinations
* headaches
* hypotension
* illusions
* infections
* lethargy
* memory loss
* muscular weakness
* nausea & vomiting
* seizures
* taste loss
* weight loss
Mineral Function
* Essential trace element
* Strontium can replace calcium in many organisms including man

Mineral Function
* Important mineral used in several amino acids within the body
* Involved in functions of hemoglobin, insulin hormone, adrenal hormones, enzymes, and antibodies
Deficiency Symptoms
* Degeneration of cartilage, ligaments and tendons
* Lupus
* Several collagen diseases
* Sickle cell anemia
Mineral Function
* Doubles the life span of laboratory animals
* Enhances growth of normal cells
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Mineral Function
* Aids in glucose (blood sugar) oxidation and transport
* Anti-cancer properties
* Decreases cholesterol production
* Enhances insulin effectiveness (aids with blood sugar problems)
* Increases effectiveness of heart muscle contraction
Deficiency Symptoms
* Cardiovascular disease
* Diabetes
* Elevated cholesterol and triglycerides
* Hypoglycemia
* Increased infant mortality
* Infertility
* Obesity
* Slow growth
Mineral Function
* Doubles life span of laboratory animals
* Enhances normal cell growth
Deficiency associated congenital birth defects:
* Brain defects
* Cleft lip and cleft palate
* Clubbed limbs
* Down's syndrome
* Heart and lung defects
* Hiatal hernia and umbilical hernia
* Small or absent eyes
* Spina Bifida
* Webbed toes or fingers
* Urogenital defects
Deficiency Symptons
* Acne
* Acrodermatitis enteropathica
* Alopecia (hair loss)
* Anemia
* Anorexia and or Bulimia
* Apathy
* Birth defects (see above)
* Bad body odors ("smelly tennis shoe" syndrome)
* Brittle nails
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* Depression
* Diarrhea
* Enlarged prostate
* Eczema
* Fatigue
* "Frizzy" hair
* High infant mortality
* Hypercholesterolemia
* Hypogewusia (loss of sense of taste)
* Infertility
* Impaired wound healing
* Impotence
* Irritability
* Lethargy
* Loss of sense of smell
* Malabsorption
* Memory Loss
* Paranoia
* Pica (eating hair, wool, etc.)
* Poor growth (short stature)
* Sexual immaturity (remain in prepuberty state)
* Small and or poor ovary and testes function
* Sterility
* Weaken immune function
* White spots on nails
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copyright Kingmaker2005 and Dr. Joel Wallach;
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