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A Student’s workbook for

For Schools and Colleges

Compiled by:

Mugoya Mwondha David

King’s College Budo – Computer Department

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“A Student’s workbook for COMPUTER STUDIES For Schools and Colleges”

has been compiled to assist learners prepare for Computer Studies and Subsidiary
ICT Practical examinations. This workbook contains a series of exercises targeting
particular package skills that have been collected and moderated by a number of
seasoned teachers. Some exercises are a true reflection of students’ practice yet others
a teacher’s original expression.

Users of this workbook should remember that each instruction requires one to
demonstrate a skill asked for. For example, double underline the first paragraph. In
this case, a user has to demonstrate knowledge of double underlining. It is important
that each instruction is attempted before moving on. A user who skips an instruction
means he / she is dropping marks along the way.

I therefore give confidence to users of this workbook to always consult where

possible from instructors, teachers, fellow students so as to complete each instruction

I am pretty confident that this workbook shall enable computer users accustom to
necessary computer literacy skills. For any query, advice or contribution, kindly refer

Mugoya Mwondha David,

King’s College Budo – Computer Department,

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I am grateful to the following persons for their remarkable contribution during the
period of compiling this workbook.

a) The Headmaster, staff and students of King’s College, Budo for your upbeat
encouragement towards the production of this work.

b) The Principal and the entire staff of Alliance High School (Boys and Girls) –
Nairobi Kenya for the time given to me during the period of putting together this

c) Mr. Kizito G., Mrs. Ssenkubuge S.S., Mr. Kakuru R.D, and the entire ‘crew’ of
the Computer Department of King’s College, Budo for your tremendour help

d) Colleagues in the profession including: Matovu D. K., Kiiza V., Aliga S.,
Walimbwa B., Murangira B., Sister Nawangi P, Bro. Kiggundu F., Nakiyingi R.,
Kalema G.J., Maganda M., Omoro P., Sekkide M., Owek Moses Hendrick among

e) Head of Department – ICT; King’s College, Budo, Mt. St. Marys College,
Namagunga, Uganda Martys S.S. Namugongo, Our Lady of Good Counsel -
Gayaza, Seroma Christian High School – Mukono, Kisubi Mapeera, Merryland
High Schol – Entebbe, Mbarara High School,

f) Staff, Aptech Computer Education – Uganda (Entebbe Road) for your


g) Long John, Hackers for Charities (U.S.A) for your encouraging discussions in the
field of Software Engineering and hardware architecture.

h) Sebaduka Ronald (Southampton University – UK) for online correspondence and

patches that have made this book a reality.

i) Ms. Nalubwama Daniellah and Sandra N. Mwondha for their spiritual and moral
support accorded during the time of putting together this book.

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PREFACE ................................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................................................................ ii
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO USERS ............................................................... iv
MYTHS ABOUT COMPUTER PRACTICAL EXAMS............................................ v
APPLICATION EXPECTATION............................................................................. vi
WORD PROCESSING .............................................................................................. 1
SPREADSHEETS .................................................................................................... 56
PRESENTATIONS ................................................................................................ 109
DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS........................................................... 138
WEBPAGE PUBLISHING .................................................................................... 180
DESKTOP PUBLISHING ..................................................................................... 187
APPENDIX ............................................................................................................ 191
Principles of a good PowerPoint presentation......................................................... 199
Table 1.1: Data types used in Ms. Access............................................................... 199
Table 1.2: Field property explanations ................................................................... 201
Table 1.3: Some input masks used in a table object ................................................ 202
Table 1.4: Criterion used in a query ....................................................................... 203
What is a query criterion? ................................................................................................ 203
Introduction to query criteria ........................................................................................... 203
Criteria for Text, Memo, and Hyperlink fields ................................................................ 204
Criteria for Number, Currency, and AutoNumber fields................................................ 206
Criteria for Date/Time fields............................................................................................. 208
APPLICATIONS FOR COMPUTER PRACTICAL .............................................. 215
Examples of electronic word processors ................................................................. 215
Examples of spreadsheet packages ......................................................................... 217
Examples of Presentations applications .................................................................. 220
Examples of Database Management applications ................................................... 221
Website authoring applications .............................................................................. 224

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To understand and memorize the following package exercises, remember these

golden instructions:

a) Use a correct application e.g. word-processing exercises, use any word processing
application e.g. Ms. Word.

b) Avoid using self-help wizard for any application.

c) Save your work after every five minutes.

d) Attempt instructions in sequence i.e. from the first to the last but not last to first or
any other orders you would prefer.

e) Eject your storage medium after successfully completing a day’s work. Do not
eject midway saving because this can damage your drive and storage device.

f) While using a CD – ROM Recordable, consider using a Window’s writing wizard

or a professional CD writing software like Nero with multisession writing to
enable you add other files on a CD-R.

g) Do not move your storage device to various machines, stick to one machine and
remember to virus scan and update the antivirus program.

h) Do not share your storage device with other users.

i) Avoid using old storage devices, you will be disappointed!

j) Do not save shortcuts.

k) IF IN DOUBT, ASK. Do not copy a friend’s work.

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Many candidates have expressed fears and false belief about computer studies
practical exams. Some of which include:

a) When one uses office 2007 and above, the work looks professional and fetches
more marks than lower versions.

b) Examination time is not enough to enable a candidate complete the paper.

c) When you save your work on a flash disc, it will show that you are modern.

d) When you save a shortcut, that file will open on another computer.

e) A Compact disc Recordable can be used only once. One can’t write onto it another

f) Ms. Power point fetches more marks if you use many effects.

g) Database and spreadsheets are difficult. No one can obtain total marks if he / she
attempted them.

h) Word processing and presentations are obvious applications.

i) A difficult instruction will attract a free mark.

j) Older versions of office cannot open in newer versions.

k) Computer practical does not require notes and practice, it is inborn.

l) A slow candidate can never finish the exam.

All these and more are wrong. Learn better practices that will enable you pass this
paper very well. These false beliefs do not exist in this paper. The only SECRET is,

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a) Use correct application software.

b) Demonstrate knowledge of a word processing application.
c) Attempt all instructions.


a) Use correct application software.

b) Nest a formula from the given set of data. Do not use a calculator and then feed in
the results.
c) If asked, populate a correct type of graph. This graph should have a title, legend, x
and y axes labels.
d) Format the spreadsheet as asked.
e) Follow instructions as given by the teacher.


a) Use correct application software.

b) Each slide must have a title.
c) Use relevant color themes.
d) Use minimal effects and animation.
e) Use clips that are relevant to the topic being discussed.
f) For automated presentations, use realistic timings 3-5 seconds
g) For manual slides, link your action buttons to relevant slides if asked.
h) Where a header is required, print your presentation in handouts.
i) Follow other instructions as given.

Database management:

a) Use correct application software.

b) Use correct data types to avoid wrong query, forms and reports in future.
c) Save each database object in your database.
d) Each table should have a primary key.
e) Insert a foreign key if more than one table is used to form a table relationship.
f) Format your data type with appropriate mask symbols e.g. @ for text, # for digit
entry, e.t.c. if necessary.
g) Practice how to insert footer and header in your form and report respectively.
h) For a query, use the appropriate criteria.
i) Generate a correct formula to return a required response in the query, form and
report where necessary.
j) If a form is required, use it to enter data into a table where applicable.
k) Attempt all the instructions as given.

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Web publishing:

a) Use a correct application.

b) Create number of pages as required.
c) Link the pages.
d) Use shared boarders and navigation buttons.
e) Apply relevant color themes.
f) Use graphics that are relevant to the topic and should be placed at strategic places
in your site.
g) Save your graphics and other imported assets in your website preparation folder.
h) Publish your site after working.
i) Follow any instruction given.

At the end of the exercise, ask yourself, HAVE I ATTEMPTED THE


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By the end of the topical exercises, learners will be able to:

Edit a document using:

 Copy (Ctrl+C)
 Cut (Ctrl+X)
 Paste (Ctrl+V)
 Footer and header
 Find and replace (Ctrl+F)
 Spell checks (F12)

Format a document using:

 Page numbering.
 Bullets and numbering.
 Drop cap.
 Underline (Ctrl+U)
 Uppercase (SHIFT+F3)
 Strike through, highlight text, e.t.c.
 Superscripts (Ctrl+SHIFT++)
 Subscripts (Ctrl+=)
 Outline, emboss (Ctrl+D)
 Working with tables. (Inserting, Deleting, Splitting And Merging Rows And
Columns, Colour Fills).
 Mail merge.
 Change font size – increase font size (Ctrl+>); decrease font size (Ctrl+<);
increase by one (Ctrl+[); decrease by one (Ctrl+]), change font colour, e.t.c.
 Work with Table of Contents, List of Figures, Index and List of Tables.
 Insert blank pages in a word document as specified.
 Work with Watermarks, Page Colour, Page Boarders, Indents, Line Spacing,
 Footnotes and Captions.
 Working with Objects, Grouping, Positions, Bring To Front / Back, Text Wrap,
 Working with Columns.
 Working with Word Art and Clip Art.
 Page Setup (margin, orientation, size, e.t.c).
 Page Breaks (Ctrl+ENTER).
 Text Alignment (left (Ctrl+L), right (Ctrl+R), justify (Ctrl+J), e.t.c.)
 Use of Tab stops to format a form e.g. Admission form.
 Sort text, Insert Date and Time,

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1. Key in the following text as it appears using a word processing application of your
choice and save it as ‘internet’.

“Internet”, “World Wide Web”, and “web page” are no longer the buzzwords now.
They are now a reality. The internet is the world’s largest computer network and is
referred to as the network of networks. One of the subsets of the internet is the World
Wide Web. The World Wide Web contains a number of web servers scattered across
the world. The web servers contain the information that a user from anywhere in the
world can access. The information is available I the form of web pages.

A network is a group of computers connected to each other. The internet is a network

of networks. The transmission control protocol / internet protocol (TCP/IP) provides
the bindings that connect the computers over the world.

The World Wide Web (WWW) is a subset of the internet. It was initially started as a
government research project at the CERN laboratories in Switzerland. Today, it
provides information to the users worldwide. The WWW is based on three
mechanisms that are used to make resources that is:

 Protocols
 Addresses and

a) Copy your work below your text and apply the following instructions on it.

b) Format the text into three columns.

c) Drop cap the first characters in each paragraph to allow dropping to 3 lines with 0
distance from text.

d) Change the drop capped characters to font colour red.

e) Change text alignment to justify.

f) At the top of the top, insert a heading, “the internet”, well centred in font size 18
double underlined.

g) Insert a footer to include your name and index number.

h) Print two copies of your work.

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2. Using a word processing application program of your choice, key in the following
text as it appears and save it as ‘leader’.

Are you a manager or a leader? Your boss needs to know

It's funny but as I prepare to move to the next phase of my career I find myself
evaluating people that work for me more than ever. Clearly every organisation has a
need for managers and leaders but recognizing each and using them effectively is
truly a skill. How do you know the difference? My friend Vineet Nayar wrote it
better than I ever could:

Counting Value vs Creating Value. You're probably counting value, not adding it, if
you're managing people. Only managers count value; some even reduce value by
disabling those who add value. If a diamond cutter is asked to report every 15
minutes how many stones he has cut, by distracting him, his boss is subtracting value.

By contrast, leaders focus on creating value, saying: "I'd like you to handle A while I
deal with B." He or she generates value over and above that which the team creates,
and is as much a value-creator as his or her followers are. Leading by example and
leading by enabling people are the hallmarks of action-based leadership.

Circles of Influence vs Circles of Power. Just as managers have subordinates and

leaders have followers, managers create circles of power while leaders create circles
of influence.

The quickest way to figure out which of the two you're doing is to count the number
of people outside your reporting hierarchy who come to you for advice. The more
that do, the more likely it is that you are perceived to be a leader.

Leading People vs Managing Work. Management consists of controlling a group or a

set of entities to accomplish a goal. Leadership refers to an individual's ability to
influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute toward organizational success.
Influence and inspiration separate leaders from managers, not power and control.

In India, M.K. Gandhi inspired millions of people to fight for their rights, and he
walked shoulder to shoulder with them so India could achieve independence in 1947.
His vision became everyone's dream and ensured that the country's push for
independence was unstoppable. The world needs leaders like him who can think
beyond problems, have a vision, and inspire people to convert challenges into
opportunities, a step at a time.

I encouraged my colleague to put this theory to the test by inviting his team-mates for
chats. When they stop discussing the tasks at hand — and talk about vision, purpose,
and aspirations instead, that's when you will know you have become a leader.

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(a) Copy and paste this work to page two of your document.

(b) Centre, change text to upper case, underlines the heading.

(c) Drop cap each first letter in each paragraph.

(d) Adjust line spacing to 1.5 and justify the alignment.

(e) Insert header, your name and footer your index number.

(f) Add a watermark ‘leadership’ font size 72, colour = red transparent and font face
= Courier New.

(g) Adjust font face for all your text to Times New Roman.

(h) Insert a relevant clip art in your work. It should have 3cm height and 3.52 widths.

(i) Save your work as ‘leadership’ and print two copies of your work.

3. Using a suitable word processing application program of your choice, key in the
following data and save your document as ‘tomatoes’.

Tomato growing

Growing your own tomatoes is simple – just a couple of plants will reward you with
plenty of sweet-tasting tomatoes in the summer. There are all kinds of tomatoes to try
– from the tiniest cherry types that are favourites with children, through to full-
flavored giant beefsteak tomatoes. And tomatoes come in all kinds of colours too –
red, of course, but also green and orange, even purple tomatoes or striped tomatoes.
Tomato plants can be cordon varieties that need staking and tying in, bush varieties,
and there are even tomato plants designed to grow in hanging baskets.

Tomatoes generally come in two different types: cordon (or indeterminate) tomatoes
grow tall (can reach up 2m/6ft) and require staking; bush (or determinate) tomatoes
are bushy, and don’t require staking.

Tomatoes are very easy to grow from seed. Start them off indoors, using a propagator
or place the pots in a plastic bag and keep on the windowsill. You can sow seed from
late March to early April if you will be growing the plants outdoors. If you are
planning on growing your tomatoes in a greenhouse, you can start sowing seed
earlier, from late February; sow from mid-January to early February (heated
greenhouse) or late February to mid-March (unheated greenhouse).

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a) Change document margin stops to 1.5 top, bottom, left and right. Choose paper
size A4 with a portrait orientation.
b) Copy your work to page two of your document and take out the following
c) Centre the heading, bold, underline and should appear in uppercase (capital
d) Change text alignment to justify for the rest of the text.
e) Set your work in font size 13.5, Times New Roman font face.
f) Adjust your title to font colour Green and font size 18.5.
g) Bold and underline the world tomatoes wherever it appears.
h) Set your work to 1.5 line spacing.
i) Insert a watermark ‘Tomatoes’ containing a red transparent colour and print your
work on page two of your document.

4. Using a word processing program of your choice, key in the following text and
save it as ‘receipt’.


P.O. BOX 6000
Mobile: 0777-707070

S.No:……… RECEIPT Date: ………

Received with thanks from: ………………………………………………………


The sum of: ……………………………………………………………………….


Being payment for: ………………………………………………………………

Cash / Cheque Balance: ………………


a) Bold the first three lines on your receipt.

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b) Change the mobile and e-mail contacts to italics, bold and font size 10.
c) Insert a caption, ‘Receipt’.
d) Insert header your name and footer your class.

5. Using a word processing application of your choice, key in the following data as it
is and save it as ‘menu’.


A menu is a list of items that are sold in a hotel or restaurant bearing a unit price for
each. Hotels today provide lots of foodstuff to visitors. All the options are later
transformed into a list of items sold their. Some big hotels give free drinks to visitors
on arrival as a tool of welcome and public relations.

Each hotel has its format of a menu card. Some hotels even include items that they do
not even prepare and if asked, the obvious answer is ‘it is finished’. To sum it up all,
a menu helps the visitor to choose the best possible choice of items he / she needs to
consume. Below is an extract of a menu designed by ‘KamuKamu Restaurant,’

kamukamu restaurant limited

p.o. box 568
Item Price
Soft drinks:
Mineral water 800
Soda 1,000
Pineapple juice 1,000
Jackfruit juice 1,000
Water melon juice 1,000
African food:
Katogo 2,500
Mulokoni 5,000
Matooke + chicken 10,000
Food mix + chicken 10,000
Matooke + beef 10,000
Take – away:
Chicken + chips 12,000
Sausage + chips 12,000
Liver + chips 12,000


(a). Copy your work to page two of your document.

(b). On page two, change case for the main heading to uppercase, bold and underline.

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(c). Justify the content, centre the heading before the table and the table itself.
(d). Insert a caption ‘Menu’ to appear at the bottom of the table.
(e). Insert footer ‘your name and index number’.
(f). Drop cap the first letter in each paragraph of your work.
(g). Change your work to 1.5 line spacing.
(h). Insert a watermark inside your work carrying a word ‘Kamukamu’.
(i). Print a copy of your work.

6. Using a word processing application of your choice typeset the following text as it
appear and save it as ‘escape key’.

The Esc key has long been the “get me outta here” panacea for many things:
canceling a dialog box, getting rid of a button-less splash screen, closing a menu that
you clicked open. (Esc is, after all, short for "escape.") But those are only the obvious
things. Here’s a handful of less-than-obvious but just-as-handy solutions the Esc key

Take a shortcut back to your original application

You press Command-Tab to switch to another application, pressing Tab several times
(or just holding it down) because you’re moving to a program that’s far away on the
Application Switcher’s bar. You get halfway across the line of program icons and
realize—whoops!—you forgot to copy the material that you wanted to bring with
you. Use the awkward Command-Shift-Tab to move backwards? Use the more
convenient Command-tilde (~), still pressing the key repeatedly? No! While the
Command key is still down, press Esc to return to the program you were working in
before the premature press of Command-Tab.

Erase and get out of the Spotlight menu

If you want to erase what you’ve typed in the Spotlight menu's search field, you don’t
have to tediously delete it a character at a time: press Esc to instantly wipe the field
clean so you can start again. The Spotlight menu often stores what you last typed in it
unless you erase it so that you can make a second choice from the results list. If your
search was fruitless—or mistaken—it’s a good idea to erase the contents of the field
before you close the menu so you can start fresh on a new search. Press Esc twice:
once to erase the field, and a second time to close it.

Hide your browser cursor

For a relatively tiny thing, the mouse cursor can be an annoying distraction when it
happens to be in the wrong spot on your screen while you’re viewing a Web page.
It’s like a fly landing on your TV screen. Whether you’re in Apple’s
Safari or Mozilla Firefox, press Esc and the cursor disappears instantly, cooperatively
reappearing as soon as you move the mouse.

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(a). Copy and paste this work on page three of your document.

(b). Insert a heading, The Escape Key.

(c). Covert your work into three columns with a 5.15 long and width of 1.27 cm.

(d). Drop cap the first letters in each paragraph.

(e). Insert a clip art in the middle of your work.

(f). Insert footer, your name and header your class.

(g). Add a water mark to contain a work, ‘Escape Key’.

(h). Add a page boarder around your work, save your work as ‘revised escape key’.

7. Using a suitable word processing application of your choice, key in the following
data as it appears and save as ‘taught_lessons’.

Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sun Max

Kasode Andrew 80 40 20 45 67 87
Katongole David 120 34 56 78 90 100
Musolini Philip 56 34 34 56 90 100
Nantume Agnes 100 56 54 78 100 90
Idyeghe Amos 80 32 34 56 78 14
Waguma Joseph 40 13 45 67 89 200
Mawalo Moses 40 23 43 32 65 98
Murangira Bruce 40 100 200 123 231 100
Mausu Ivan 200 34 56 78 98 200
Rwabu Verna 40 136 213 222 150 180
Total minutes


a) Typeset the above table as it appears.

b) Bold all the columnar headings.

c) Copy this table to page four of your document and on this page, carry out the
following instructions.

d) Determine the number of minutes taught each day.

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e) Determine the maximum amount of minutes taught by each teacher.

f) Centre all the work in your table.

g) Sort your work in the table in ascending order in respect to name of teacher.

h) Insert a caption at the top of your table as, “Daily returns”.

i) Centre your table on an A5 landscape paper size – with margin dimensions as: top
= 2.13 cm, bottom = 1.5 cm, left and right = 1.5 cm.

j) Insert a water mark in your work containing a word ‘teaching_minutes’.

8. Using Microsoft word, type the passage below as it is and answers the questions
that follow.

“UNESCO hails Uganda”

The Director General of the United Nations Educational, scientific and cultural
Organization (UNESCO), KIOCHIRO Matsuura, has commended Uganda’s efforts
in emphasizing science Education. Matsuura, who is here for a two-day visit, said on
his arrival at Entebbe Airport yesterday that the UN agency was “enjoying a strong
bilateral relationship with Uganda.

“We appreciate Uganda’s efforts in embracing science and cultural education as part
of national development. This being my first official visit here, I hope strengthen the
ties between Uganda and UNESCO”, Matsuura said.

He emphasized that Uganda’s cultural and scientific education statistics which stand
as shown in the table below were encouraging by world standards. These statistics
were carried out in the year 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004 for both cultural and science
Cultural education:
Males (%) 70, 50, 28, 40, and 80
Females (%) 60,30,96,48 and 78
Science education:
Males (%) 30,78,90,20 and 60
Females (%) 56,89,76,59 and 90

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Males Females
Year % Year %

Cultural education

Year % Year %

Science Education

a) Set the font size to 13 and double space the document.

b) Copy the document and paste it on the next page.

c) Carry out the following instructions on page two where you have copied your

d) Set the title “UNESCO” hails Uganda to font size 14 and bolded.

e) Set the margins to(1.5cm) and (1.3 right cm) then bottom and top (1.2 cm)

f) Set the document body text to’ Arial Narrow”

g) Insert the header as “Diploma” and in italics

h) Set the whole document to justified and font color, red

i) Number pages in uppercase alphabet i.e. A,B, e.t.c.

j) Save your work in your folder and name it ‘diplomats’.

k) If the statistics given in percentages correspond to the years shown, enter the
percentages in the table appropriately.

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9. Using a word processing application program of your choice, key in the following
letter as it is and save it as ‘the_budonian”. Remember, all your work should be in
one-line spacing.

{Today’s data goes here}


Dear Sir,

RE: Advertisement in The Budonian Magazine 2013

I would like to thank you very much for advertising in last year’s edition of The
Budonian Magazine. I was particularly impressed by the prompt payment. In the
same spirit, I would like to invite you to advertise in yet another edition of The
Budonian Magazine.

The advertising rates are as follows:-

a) Back cover page 3,000,000/=

b) Front cover page (inside) 2,000,000/=
c) Back cover page (inside) 2,000,000/=
d) First page 1,500,000/=
e) Last page 1,500,000/=
f) Other pages 1,500,000/=
g) Logo only 100,000/=

We appreciate your recognition of your corporate social responsibility and look

forward to this continued relationship with you.

Yours faithfully,
Patrick Bakka Male


a) Format the line containing the words: Dear Sir,

b) Bold the line beginning with: RE: Advertisement ….
c) Number format should be inserted using bullets and numbering in the format of a).
d) Change the table boarder to colour white.
e) Resize the table such that the work autofits.

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f) Provide a space of four lines by entering to allow the headmaster sign the letter.
g) The words The Budonia should be bold and italicized wherever they appear. After
this, save and minimize the document.
h) Open a new document saved as ‘data_source’ to contain the following contacts in
table format.
i) Exit the ‘data_source’ file.

Title Name Address

The Managing Director Biyinzika Farmers Kampala
The Chief Executive Officer Case Hospital Kampala
The Managing Director Hotel Africana Kampala
The Chief Executive Officer Hared Petroleum Jinja
The Managing Director Statewide Insurance Company Kampala
The Managing Director NSSF Kampala
The Managing Director CTM Kampala
The Chairman City Tyres Kampala
Mr. Idro Taban, The Managing Director K.K. Transporters Ltd Kampala
Mr. Lotigo, The Managing Director Rupani Enterprises Kampala
The Managing Director Stanbic Bank Kampala
The Governor Bank of Uganda Kampala
The Managing Director Seb Constructions Limited Kampala
The Managing Director Viva General Merchandise Ltd Kampala
The Managing Director Gukiina Enterprises Ltd Kampala
The Managing Director Mega Industries Ltd. Kampala
The Managing Director Seroma Christian High School Kampala
The Managing Director CTK Limited Kampala
The Managing Director Jubilee Insurance Company Kampala

j) Maximize “the_budonian” main document.

k) Using the mail – merge facility, merge the two documents such that the addresses
are automatically added in the main document.
l) Edit individual letters such that you have 19 letters in total.
m) Save your work in (i) above with file name ‘editied_letters_2013’.
n) Exit all your documents.

10. Using a word processing application program of your choice typeset the following
text as it is and save it as ‘examinations’.

Preparing for Your Examinations

Everyone feels nervous about taking exams. Here are some tips to help you make the
most of your revision time and keep those nerves under control. It’s important to
remember that an examination is a test of learning, not memory. Examiners want to
see evidence that you have drawn on your knowledge to develop a reasoned
argument, rather than replicate course notes and textbook facts. Revision should be a

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process of consolidating understanding rather than cramming as much information as

possible before the morning of the exam. You note the following for good results.

 Stay positive.
 Eat properly.
 Get enough sleep and exercise.
 Take regular breaks.
 Draw up a revision timetable early and allocate study time in proportion to how
much the exam counts towards the final grade.
 Take time off work if you can.
 Find out exactly what is required for the exam – talk to your lecturer or tutor, refer
to the unit outline.
 Check equipment needed, e.g. special pencils, calculator, or texts/notes for open
book exams.
 Form a study group.
 Ask your lecturer if past exam papers are available.


a) Copy and paste this work to page two of your document.

b) Carry out the following instructions on page two of your document.

c) Centre the heading and change its case to upper.

d) Increase font size for the heading to 18.5.

e) Insert a water mark containing words ‘EXAMINATIONS’. It should be vertical

with font size 72.

f) Insert a paragraph boarder of 2 ¼ width, black colour around your text on page

g) Insert a footer ‘your name’ and header ‘your index number’.

h) Change your work to 2 line spacing.

i) Change the font type to Times New Roman for all your work on page two of your
11. Using a word processing application of your choice typeset the following text as it
appears and save as ‘word-processor’.

A computer is a device that simplifies work. It is a fast machine, it stores data and can
be used to perform many other functions. A desktop computer comes with a system

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unit, monitor, keyboard and mouse. All these work together to help a user perform a

Today, computers can be used at home, schools, libraries, banks and many other
places. A student can use a computer to store his work, create a time table, and
communicate with other students from different campuses, e.t.c.


a) Copy and paste this work to page three of your document.

b) On page three; insert a heading, ‘Personal Computer’ and apply a text highlight of
a yellow colour.

c) Bold, underline and change the heading to upper case.

d) Drop cap the first letter of each paragraph.

e) Insert page numbers in the form of A, B…

f) Insert a header, your name and footer your class.

g) Print a copy of your work.

12. Using a word processing application of your choice typeset the following text as it

A word processor is a powerful application used to create, edit, format, save and print
professional documents. In an office, a word processor can be used to typeset letters,
correspondences, timetables, minutes, and typesetting of examinations. The most
common word processor is Ms. Word which comes as an add - on for Microsoft
Office suit.

Ms. Word window has many parts that include:

 Title bar.  Status bar.

 Menu bar.  Rulers.
 Tool bar.  Task pane.
 Workspace.  View buttons.
 Scroll bar.


a) Copy and paste your work on page 2 of your document.

b) Insert a heading, ‘word processors’.

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c) Centre, double underline, bold and set your heading in title case.

d) Change the heading font colour to red with a blue highlight marker.

e) Drop cap the first letter in paragraph one.

f) Format the bulleted outline into two columns.

g) Add your name as footer and your class as header.

h) Insert a page number at the top of each page in the format of (i).

i) Save your work as ‘word_processors’ and print a copy.

13. Using word processing application software of your choice typeset the following
text as it appears and save as ‘abacus’. Hint: Use a table of 1 by 1 with a border
line width of 3 pts.

The abacus

The abacus is a device, usually of wood (plastic, in recent times), having a frame
that holds rods with freely-sliding beads mounted on them. Traditionally the
Chinese abacus has 2 beads in the top section over the horizontal bar and 5 beads
in the lower section, for each "column". The upper row beads could each represent
one hand. The lower columns could represent the 10 fingers.

The earliest counting devices known to man were his own hands and fingers. If
that wasn't enough, things in nature were used like shells, twigs, pebbles, stones,
and so forth. It is a good idea to think about the history of arithmetic,
mathematics, writing and recorded information. Man's invention of the computer
resulted from man's need to quantify, to count and to do mathematic calculations.


a) Copy your work and paste it on page four of your document.

b) Format heading to upper case, bold, underline and font size 16.

c) Justify align the content.

d) Underline the word ‘abacus’ wherever it appears in your work.

e) Set your work in Times New Roman font face.

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f) Insert a header your name and footer your class.

g) Print pages 1 and 4 of your work.

h) Copy your work on page four to a new document and save as ‘abacus_new’. Do
not print this work.

14. Using a suitable word processing application of your choice, typeset the following
as it appears as save as ‘classification’.


Computers are put in different classes depending on many factors. This can be by
processing speed, size, number of users, method of access, e.t.c. today, many people
prefer to categorize computers depending on size, from the biggest to the smallest,
they are: -

i) Supercomputers.
ii) Mainframe computers.
iii) Mini computers.
iv) Micro computers.

Micro computers are common at every work place and at home. At home, one can
interact with the following:

Type of computer Purpose at a home

Desk top computer To play music and well animated videos.
Pocket computer To play music and send sms.
Mobile phone To send sms and call friends
Laptop computer To use the internet, facebook activities daily, sms, e.t.c.


a) Underline, bold and italicize the word computer everywhere it appears.

b) Change the heading to appear in font size 16 and the rest of your work in font size

c) Apply a double underline on your heading.

d) Replace the word sms with SMS in your entire document.

e) Spell check your work.

f) Bold and centre all columnar headings in your table.

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g) Set your work to appear in Arial Narrow font style.

h) Save your work and print two copies.

15. Using a suitable word processor of your choice typeset the following work the
way it appears and save as ‘textbooks’.

A textbook is a very important source of material for reference. In class, a teacher

gives an exercise and reference made to a textbook. A teacher prepares for a lesson
after reading through a number of references. Today, textbooks are very expensive to
find and read. This is partly because, many parents cannot afford or we students have
inadequate reading skills.

Schools maintain a library where selected titles are kept for students to borrow and
read. In my school, students can complete their assignments, exercises in good time
because the library is equipped with necessary books.

We students have little respect for material. Some tear away pages; others drop the
books on the floor carelessly. A small fraction of students have gone ahead to steal
school books at the end, we suffer dangers of having inadequate reference material.


a) Copy this work and paste on page six of your document.

b) On each blank page, insert a water mark ‘This space is blank’ with a gray diagonal

c) Underline the work textbooks wherever it appears in the document.

d) Insert a heading ‘textbooks’.

e) Change the heading font colour to red.

f) Centre, bold, under the heading.

g) Bold the word student wherever it appears in the document.

h) Set your work to appear in three columns.

i) Print the two documents.

j) Save as ‘textbook2’ and exit the application.

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16. Using a word processing application of your choice typeset the following text as it
appears and save as your name.

Water is a chemical substance with the chemical formula H2O. Its molecule contains
one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms connected by covalent bonds. Water is a liquid
at ambient conditions, but it often co-exist on earth with its solid state, ice, and
gaseous state (water vapor or steam). Water also exists in a liquid crystal state near
hydrophilic surface.
Water covers 70.9% of the earth’s surface, and is vital for all known forms of life. On
earth, it is found mostly in oceans and other large water bodies, with 1.6% of water
below ground in aquifers and 0.001% in the air as vapor, clouds (formed of solid and
liquid water particles suspended in air), and precipitation. Oceans hold 97% of
surface water, glaciers and polar ice caps 2.4%, and other land surface water such as
rivers, lakes and ponds 0.6%. A very small amount of the earth’s water is contained
within biological bodies and manufactured products.
Water on earth moves continually through a cycle of evaporation or transpiration
(evapotranspiration), precipitation, and runoff, usually reaching the sea. Over head
evaporation and transpiration contribute to the precipitation over land.


a) Copy this work and paste onto page three of your document and take out the
following instructions.

b) Convert your table into text and format the paragraphs to stand after one clear
typing line.

c) Drop cap every first letter in each paragraph of your work by three lines.

d) Insert a heading ‘water’ centre, bold and double underscore.

e) Change the heading to upper case.

f) Insert header, your name and footer your class.

g) Insert page number in the format of ‘page x of y’.

h) Print two copies of your work.

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17. Using a word processing program, key in the document below as it appears and
save as ‘energy crises’

Deepening energy crises

M ost Kampala residents have shifted from using electricity to charcoal,

previously regarded as a cheap source of energy for the poor. But the
charcoal prices have doubled within less than a year.

“The country is already neck – deep in the firewood crises”, says Ditch. “Now,
people are paying for not taking action”.

However, Ditch says the energy crisis is localized meaning that some areas
have been hit by the scarcity, while others have in abundance.

To cope with the crises, some people especially low income earners now buy
cooked food from the evening roadside markets.

Adapted from the New Vision Monday, December 22 2008

(i) Insert the following table after the second paragraph of the text above.
Sources of fuel in Uganda Innovations
 Firewood Improved
 Charcoal stoves
 Kerosene Hydro
 Gas

(ii) Copy and paste the last two paragraph onto the second page of this file and do
the following on the copied text:

a) Insert a title ‘effects of the crises’ and make it italic, underline and font type Arial

b) Change the font size of the body to size 14.

c) Change the left indention of the last paragraph to 0.5” (inches).

d) Change the table borders to red. Fill the columnar cells with a Red shading.

e) Insert your name and class as footer of your document.

f) Save your work as ‘illustrations’.

g) Print out your document.

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18. Using a word processor of your choice, type the following document exactly as it
is and save as ‘computer virus article’

A man who admitted infecting thousands of computers across the world with fast –
spreading viruses has been jailed for two years. Simon Vallor, 22, created a virus at
his home in Llandudno, North Wales, and released them on the internet.

The ‘mass – mailer’ viruses were sent as e-mails that would corrupt data on the
computer’s hard drive when they were opened. In addition, the viruses were
automatically sent to everyone on the computer’s address book.

On Tuesday, the 22 year old DJ and web designer was sentenced at London‘s
Southwark Crown Court to two years for each of three offences, to run
concurrently. Valor admitted three charges of writing and releasing computer
viruses onto the internet on or before 14 February last year. Vellor did not react as
the sentence was announced and was led down the cells. Judge Geoffrey Rivlin QC
said the jail term was a deterrent to others and reflected the serious nature of the

“People who commit such offences are not just computer buffs or nerds sitting
alone in their bedrooms obsessed with their computers”

“They also happened to be criminals who are difficult to detect, as they well

“His sentence reflects the severity of his crime and it’s reassuring to computer
users in the UK Courts are treating cybercriminals on a par with more traditional

Vellor is thought to have seized up 27,000 computers and caused mayhem in 42

countries with viruses dubbed Gokar, admirer of the Rede si. Judge Rivlin said
Goka was probably the least destructive virus but the most disruptive, with
messages sent to then of thousands in 40 countries Vallor told police he had not
intended to do any harm.


a) The first page of your work is paper size letter and page two is paper size A4. Do
not change the page margins for this page.

b) Copy your work from page 1 to page 2 of your document.

c) Format the page bottom, left, top and right margins are all at 0.4”.
d) The font is Arial Narrow 12.

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e) Spacing is 12 points after paragraph and 0pts before paragraph. Line spacing is
f) The three paragraphs that begin with quotation marks are bold and indented by
one inch from both left and right margins.
g) Add a title “BBC NEWS: Computer Virus Author Jailed” in font style impact,
centered bold and font size 20 pts.
h) Change the heading font face colour to red.
i) Justify the entire document and should fit on one page.
j) Add your name as footer.
k) Print a copy of your work.
l) Save as ‘finished_work’.
19. The entrepreneurship club of your school is going to participate in an exhibition at
Lugogo shortly this year. The club has been asked to show a simple marketing
flow chart. You have been asked to typeset the following as it appears.

Marketing is a very important aspect in the process of production of goods and

services. A good entrepreneur studies the market pattern and then decides on the
marketing technique to employ. He / she carefully chooses a channel of distribution
also called a marketing flow chart that theoretically illustrate how goods move from
this production warehouse to the final consumer.

A good marketing flow chart includes the following:

i. Wholesalers.
ii. Retailers.
iii. Agents.
iv. Distributors.


Wholesaler Large scale



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a) Insert a heading KamuKamu Enterprises Ltd.

b) Add a caption to appear at the bottom of your marketing flow chart to read
‘Marketing Flow Chart’.

c) Group your work and centre.

d) Print two copies of your work.

e) Save your work as KamuKamu and exit the application.

20. The Pastor of the school chapel requests you to typeset the following reading from
the book of Ecclesiastes 3:1-10 King James Version

Ecclesiastes 3:1-10
King James Version
To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: 2A
time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is
planted; 3A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build
up; 4A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; 5A
time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and
a time to refrain from embracing; 6A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep,
and a time to cast away; 7A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence,
and a time to speak; 8A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of
peace. 9What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboureth? 10I have seen
the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it.


a) Typeset the above text as it appears.

b) Format this work in two columns.

c) Change the heading to upper case, font size 13.5, font colour green.

d) Present your work on an A4 paper size, margin dimensions as 2cm top, bottom,
left and right respectively.

e) Apply a page boarder around your work.

f) Your work should fit in the page boarder appropriately.

g) Print a copy of your work and exit the application.

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21. Typeset the following table as it appears and save as “Mukono Restaurant Ltd”.

Item Price Discount


Soda 1,000/=
Matunda 1,000/=
Safi 600/= No discount
Yoghurt 1,200/=
Hima water 1,000/=


Matooke + Meat 4,500/=

Food mix 6,000/=
Kalo + dry fish 10,000/= 25% upon payment
Irish + chicken 55,000/=
Local dishes 16,500/=


a) Insert a heading “Mukono Restaurant Ltd”.

b) Centre the heading, double underling, bold and apply a text boarder.

c) Choose the best table boarder lines for the table above.

d) Bold all item headings in your table.

e) Double space the work.

f) Set your work on an A5 paper size.

g) Centre the table on your page.

h) Insert a caption: “Mukono Restaurant Menu 200x”

i) Print one copy of your work and exit the application.

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22. The following table was prepared by the Director of Studies of Daysprings
College pertaining extra lessons covered by 10 teachers.

Name of teacher Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sun Max

Kasode Andrew 80 40 20 45 67 87
Katongole David 120 34 56 78 90 100
Musolini Philip 56 34 34 56 90 100
Nantume Agnes 100 56 54 78 100 90
Idyeghe Amos 80 32 34 56 78 14
Waguma Joseph 40 13 45 67 89 200
Mawalo Moses 40 23 43 32 65 98
Murangira Bruce 40 100 200 123 231 100
Mausu Ivan 200 34 56 78 98 200
Rwabu Verna 40 136 213 222 150 180
Total minutes


a) Typeset the above table as it appears.

b) Bold all the columnar headings.

c) Copy this table to page four of your document.

d) Determine the number of minutes taught each day.

e) Centre all the work in your table.

f) Sort your work in the table in ascending order in respect to name of teacher.

g) Insert a heading at the top of your table as, “Daily returns”

h) In the column for Max. Determine the maximum number of minutes taught by
each teacher respectively. Print your work.

23. Typeset the following text as it appears using a word processing application of
your choice and save as ‘internet’.

Taxes hindering internet penetration

The sale of internet and non- internet enabled phone devices is curtailed by exercise
duty and value added tax levy, a leading handset vendor said last week. Huawei
Technologies, a Chinese firm that has so far sold 30,000 Android powered handsets
that enable mobile phone users to access internet, explained that the figure would be
higher even for basic handsets if there was no tax levied.

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While this has boosted internet penetration, the figure is still too small compared to
Kenya where close to 20,000 handset devices have been sold through the different

Kenya scrapped VAT on mobile phones about two years ago.

“The problem is brought about by VAT and import duty” said Steven Zhang, the
Huawei Technologies Terminal Sales Director.

Adopted from: NEW VISION Tuesday, September 27, 2011


a) Copy the work to page two of your document and carry out the following

b) Insert page number in the format of: Page 1 as A and Page 2 as ii.

c) Insert line numbers on your work that is on page A.

d) Indent each paragraph to 0.5 cm to the right.

e) Centre, bold, change to upper case the heading.

f) Bold the last line of your work on both pages A and ii.

g) Insert a header your name and footer your class.

h) Print a copy of your work and exit the application.

24. Using a suitable word processing application of your choice typeset the following
text as it appears and save as ‘calculations’.

A business needs to report and communicate its performance, level of profit margin
obtained and other important aspects to shareholders. An accountant prepares what is
called ‘financial ratios’ that assists a stakeholder to interpret a set of accounts well.
These ratios are generated using already tested formulae which include:
A. Cost of Sales = Opening Stock + Net Purchases – Closing Stock.

B. Net Purchases = Purchases – Returns Outwards.

C. Net Sales = Sales – Returns Inwards.

D. Gross Profit = Net Sales – Cost of Sales

E. Margin = x 100

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F. Mark up = x 100

G. Net Profit = Gross Profit – Expenses for the year.

A shareholder will then interpret an income statement with ease for example; at a
glance he will ascertain the number of times stock was replaced by the business for a
given financial period under review.


a) Insert a heading ‘Business Calculations’.

b) Set the line spacing between the formulas to 1.5.

c) Set your work on paper size A4, with margin settings of 0.4” (inches) for top,
bottom, left and right.
d) Ensure that you use an equation editor for all the formulae.

e) Change the bullets to a) format.

f) Print two copies of your work and then save.

g) Change to upper case the title.

h) Find and replace shareholder with member.

i) Print a copy of your work and save as ‘financial ratios’.

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25. Using a suitable word processor of your choice, set the margins to 1cm top,
bottom, left and right respectively. Set your work space tab stop at 9 cm and 18
cm; choose a correct dot leader to the right of the document. Save your document
as ‘Admission Letter’


TEL: 0777-777-777

Admission Letter:

Name: .............................................................. Age: ..................................................

Sex: ........................................................... Home District: ..........................................

Father’s Name: .............................................Occupation:.............................................

Number of Childdren: ............................... Your Position: ..........................................

District of Birth: ........................................ Nationality: ............................................

Relative in School: ........................................ Address: ...............................................

Name of Mother: ........................................Occupation:.............................................

Mother’s Contact: ........................................ Nationality: .............................................

Health Record:

Alignment: ................................................ When detected: ..........................................

Pocket Money:

Personal Doctor:............................................. Contact: ...............................................

Amount paid: ........................................... Withdraw times: .........................................

I declare that this information provided is correct to the best of my knowledge.

Signature and date


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a) Set your paper size to A4 with margin dimensions of 1 cm for bottom, top, right
and left respectively.

b) Set the tab stops at: 11cm and 17cm, Right with dot leader style.

c) Bold; apply font size 21pts to your 3 line heading. Remember to change font color
to red.

d) Provide a free line between ‘Admission letter’ and the text above.

e) Apply an outline format on ‘Admission Letter’ and activate all caps check box in
your form.

f) Insert an empty box of 3 x 4 cm where the passport photograph will be put. It

should be at the top right hand corner of your form.

g) Apply a 2 ¼ paragraph shadow boarder around your work.

h) Set this work in one – half line spacing.

i) Apply page boarder around this work.

j) Print a copy of your work and exit the application.

26. The school bursar has asked you to typeset the following fees demand note to be
sent to parents and save the document as ‘demand_note’.

st. john’s s.s. wakitaka

p.o. box 597,

Date: 12-04-2011

The Parent / Guardian of

<<Name>>, <<Class>>

Dear Sir / Madam,

Re: fees damand note

Your <<Sex>> <<Name>>, <<Class>> has an outstanding fees balance of Shs.

<<Fees>>. Therefore, the school has decided to send him / her home to collect the
said sum.
The school administration is finding it exceedingly difficult to run the normally.
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Your co-operation in this matter will be appreciated with great urgency. For any
question, do not hesistate to call the school bursar for clarification.

‘Knowledge is power’
Yours truly,

Nakabago Faith N.
Headteacher SJW.

The school bursar has also provided you with the following list of defaulters.
Generate it in a different document and save as ‘fees_source’

Name Sex Class Fees

Namulinda Leah Daughter S.1 120,000
Kiirya Peter Son S.2 450,000
Oboyoi James Son S.1 123,000
Nassali Hajirah Daughter S.4 250,000
Ojambo Moses Son S.3 130,000
Kayemba Robert Son S.6 1,000,000
Lwanga Charles Son S.5 750,000


a) Set your work on an A5 portrait paper size with margins set as 10mm for top,
bottom, left and right respectively.

b) Correct all the grammatical mistakes in the document.

c) Change the school address to title case and centre align it.

d) Insert today’s day and allow a provision for automatic updating.

e) Change the sentence that begins with Re: to upper case, bold and double under

f) Merge the two documents such that the names of students, class and fees are
entered into the main document.

g) Merge to printer and create two copies for each student.

h) Print a copy of your work on an A5 paper size.

i) Create fresh document to create envelopes (Italiano size) that will carry these fees
demand notes. Save your work as ‘letters’.

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j) Print envelopes for carrying these demand notes and exit the application.

27. Using a word processor of your choice, key in the following text as it appears and
save as ‘ram_for_microprocessors’

The main type of memory and the most familiar to users is random access memory
(RAM). RAM is the same as main memory. A computer can both write data into
RAM and read data from RAM. Every time a user turns on his or her computer, a
set of operating instructions is copied from the hard disk into RAM. These
instructions, which help control basic computer functions, remain in RAM until
the computer is turned off.

Most RAM is volatile, which means that it requires a steady flow of electricity to
maintain its contents. As soon as the power is turned off, whatever data was in
RAM disappears. The contents of RAM are necessary for the computer to process
data. The results of the processing are kept temporarily in RAM until they are
needed again or until they are saved onto the hard disk or other storage device.

Today the storage capacity of RAM is measured in megabytes (MB). PCs

(microcomputers) typically have between 128 and 512 MB of RAM, which means
they can hold between 128 and 512 million bytes of data (a standard A4 page of
text typically holds about 2,000 bytes or characters of text).


a) Save your work.

b) Copy and paste this work on page four of your work.

c) Insert a heading, ‘Main Memory’ well centred, double underlined in font colour

d) Drop cap each word that begins a paragraph.

e) Format your work to fit in two columns.

f) Save your work as ‘Ram_formatted’.

g) Print two copies of your work and exit the application.

28. Using a suitable word processing program of your choice typeset the following
text as it appears.

In computing, a keyboard is a typewriter-style keyboard, which uses an arrangement

of buttons or keys, to act as mechanical levers or electronic switches. Following the
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decline of punch cards and paper tape, interaction via teletype-style keyboards
became the main input device for computers.

Despite the development of alternative input devices, such as the mouse, touch
screen, pen devices, character recognition and voice recognition, the keyboard
remains the most commonly used and most versatile device used for direct (human)
input into computers.

A keyboard typically has characters engraved or printed on the keys and each press of
a key typically corresponds to a single written symbol. However, to produce some
symbols requires pressing and holding several keys simultaneously or in sequence.
While most keyboard keys produce letters, numbers or signs (characters), other keys
or simultaneous key presses can produce actions or computer commands.



a) Copy and paste on page three of your document.

b) Insert a heading ‘Keyboard’, font colour green with a yellow highlight, in title

c) Format your work into three columns such that each paragraph stands out in each

d) Underline the source and change to font color light blue.

e) Add footer, your name; footer your class.

f) Add page number in the format of page 1 of 3. It should be automatic.

g) Print a copy of your.

h) Save as ‘keyboard’ and exit the program.

29. Typeset the text below using any word processing application program.

How to conserve power for your pc

Ever run of battery power in the middle of a meeting? Has the urgent beep of your
mobile PC’s battery alarm made you the centre of attention during an executive
presentation? Even with recent advancement in battery cell technology and in
software that makes efficient use of power, you can do only so much work on a single
charge. The trick is to get the most out of the power that is available. Chances are,
you already have ways to make sure your mobile P.C has power no matter where you
are. May be you always carry the power cord or an extra battery for times when AC
Downloaded by Home Tution service (

power isn’t available. Those strategies work, but do you know to get the most out of
the battery you’ll be using during your next five – hour flight?

a) Break the text into two paragraphs, the second beginning with “Chances…”

b) Make the heading appear in title case, bold. Double underline and font size 17.

c) Make your text appear in dark blue and in Vedana font style.

d) Make all necessary spell checks in your document.

e) Underline the word ‘power’ wherever it appears and change it to colour red.

f) Save your file as ‘your name’ in a folder earlier named ‘conserve power’.

g) Print a copy of your work.

30. Using a suitable word processing application of your choice, typeset the following
sweeping rosta for Senior One North for week one.

Day 10:00 a.m 1:00 pm 5:00 pm

Mukiibi V. Nagudi G. Kiirya U.
Mon Waiswa J. Kabale P. Walusa H.
Outa C. Ongelle G. Buyinza A.
Kato john Mukiibi V. Nsuuba H.
Tue Luwede C. Waiswa J. Matovu D.
Kibuye D. Outa C. Maganda M.
Kibumba P. Kato john Mukiibi V.
Wed Asiimwe E. Luwede C. Waiswa J.
Nandudu P. Kibuye D. Outa C.
Nsuuba H. Naiga S. Kato john
Thur Matovu D. Mawalo M. Luwede C.
Maganda M. Mukwaya S. Kibuye D.
Naiga S. Kibumba P. Nagudi G.
Fri Mawalo M. Asiimwe E. Kabale P.
Mukwaya S. Nandudu P. Ongelle G.
Nagudi G. Kiirya U. Kibumba P.
Sat Kabale P. Walusa H. Asiimwe E.
Ongelle G. Buyinza A. Nandudu P.
Kiirya U. Nsuuba H. Naiga S.
Sun Walusa H. Matovu D. Mawalo M.
Buyinza A. Maganda M. Mukwaya S.

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a) Using the copy and paste facility, populate the table above. Remember each
student has to sweep four times a week.

b) Centre all the names in the table above.

c) Insert a heading, senior one north sweeping rosta for week one 2011. Break the
heading in three lines well centred.

d) Change the heading to upper case and in font outline.

e) Using the cell alignment facility, centre the days of the week.

f) Double click each column to enable the names to appear on each typing line

g) Centre the days of the week both vertically and horizontally. Change the text
direction of all the days.

h) Bold all the days of the week and change to font colour blue with a red highlight.

i) Print three copies of your work.

31. Using a word processing application of your choice typeset the following text as it
is and save as ‘digital_divide”. Carry out the instructions below.

Across Africa, new information technologies are rapidly changing the lives of a small
but growing number of people. In rural Togo a farmer gets real-time information on
market prices in the capital, Lomé, through a cellular phone. In Accra, Ghana,
entrepreneurs who in the past were not able to get a dial tone on their land-line
telephones can now connect immediately using Internet telephony, technology that
allows phone calls to be made through the Internet. And in Niger, the Bankilare
Community Information Centre downloads audio programmes from the African
Learning Channel and rebroadcasts them on local radio.

So far, these are some of the few, fortunate Africans. For most people even making a
telephone call is still a remote possibility in an era when most of the world is now
communicating almost instantly across cities, regions and the globe using wireless
and satellite technologies to send high-speed electronic messages.

Africa has the fewest telephone lines, radios, television sets, computers and Internet
users of any part of the world. These tools, used to package and transmit information
and knowledge, are broadly referred to as information and communications
technologies (ICTs). The gap between those with access to ICTs and those without is
generally referred to as the "digital divide." It is most extreme in Africa, where in
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2001, out of 800 million people, only 1 in 4 had a radio, 1 in 13 a television set, 1 in
40 a telephone and 1 out of 130 a computer. The divide widens in Africa's
countryside, where a lack of roads, telephone lines and electricity separates the rural
majority from their urban counterparts.

Bridging the digital divide

"The digital gap brings with it a danger of isolating certain peoples, those in Africa in
particular," says Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade. "It is paradoxical and ironic
that the continent which invented writing . . . [is] excluded from universal
knowledge." In December, President Wade will be popularizing his "digital
solidarity" programme at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) to be
held in Geneva, Switzerland. Under the programme, technologically advanced
nations would commit to assisting poorer ones. A country can express solidarity, for
example, by signing onto a digital charter committing itself to "a specified, quantified
action for the benefit of countries where the rate [of Internet access] is lower than a
given level," explains President Wade. A digital solidarity fund should be set up to
pay for ICT projects in poor countries, he says, financed by "raising large amounts of
money collected painlessly because the contributions are so small." Levies of one US
cent could be charged on every international call or one dollar on the purchase of
each personal computer or software package.

"The digital gap brings with it a danger of isolating certain peoples, those in Africa in


a) Set your margins to 2cm left, right, top and bottom. Use paper size A4.


c) Centre the heading, double underline, in upper case and font colour blue.

d) Expand the heading by 2pts, with a words only underline.

e) Insert line numbers on your document in allowing a 5 line count.

f) Replace the word personal computer to PC wherever it appears in the document.

g) Justify align the document.

h) Insert an automatic hyphenation in your document.

i) Change the page color to Olive Green, Accent 3.

j) Insert header your name and footer your class and stream.

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k) Put a boarder around the second last paragraph with a shadow and 3pts of

l) Print a copy of your work.

32. Using a word processing application of your choice typeset the following text and
save as ‘certification of appreciation’.


P.O. BOX 7121


Certification of Appreciation

This certificate is being awarded to

For his / her meritorious performance as a club

This certificate is therefore a token of appreciation for the tremendous effort to the

“Gakyali Mabaga”

Club patron Headmaster


h) Set your certificate in font colour navy blue.

i) Ensure that your work is in double line spacing.

j) Make the following changes in respect to your title:

i) Change the first line to Stencil Bold font style. Font 38, navy blue colour.
ii) Change the second line to font size 30, and the third to font 28 pts.

k) Between the last heading and certificate of merit, allow a provision for a graphic
that will work like your school badge.

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l) Underline the heading ‘certificate of merit’ and apply a double strike through.

m) Change the boarder colour to red.

n) Make sure that your work fit well on one page of your document.
o) The certificates are to be presented to the following members. Create a data source
saved as ‘datasource’.

Name Post
Nanokha Daniel Chairperson
Oboyoi Moses Vice chairperson
Mbabazi Phiona Treasurer
Sempala Harriet Secretary
Senkumba Pafra Member
Masaba Swabulin Member
Kibuye Davis Member

p) Using the mass documentation facility, merge the above fields to the certificate.
Change the colour of merged fields in a red colour on your main document.

q) Merge to document the certificate such that each member has a complete
document for printing.

r) Print copies of your certificate and exit the application.

33. Key in the following text as it appears and save as ‘triangle’.

A triangle is one of the basic shapes of geometry: a polygon with three corners or
vertices and three sides or edges which are line segments. A triangle with vertices A,
B, and C is denoted ∆ ABC.

In Euclidean geometry any three non-collinear points determine a unique triangle and
a unique plane (i.e. a two-dimensional Euclidean space).
Triangles can be classified according to the relative lengths of their sides:

In an equilateral triangle all sides have the same length. An equilateral triangle is also
a regular polygon with all angles measuring 60°.

In an isosceles triangle, two sides are equal in length. An isosceles triangle also has
two angles of the same measure; namely, the angles opposite to the two sides of the
same length; this fact is the content of the Isosceles triangle theorem. Some
mathematicians define an isosceles triangle to have exactly two equal sides, whereas
others define an isosceles triangle as one with at least two equal sides. The latter
definition would make all equilateral triangles isosceles triangles. The 45-45-90 Right
Triangle, which appears in the Tetrakis square tiling, is isosceles.
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In a scalene triangle, all sides are unequal. The three angles are also all different in
measure. Some (but not all) scalene triangles are also right triangles.

a) Insert a word art heading ‘Triangle’.

b) Bold the word triangle wherever it appears.

c) Add footer your name and header your class and stream.

d) Copy and paste your work on page two of the document.

e) Format the text to appear in two columns.

f) Add a shadow paragraph boarder around your work on page two. It should be in a
red colour.

g) Change the font colour of the text in blue.

34. Using a word processing application, key in the following text as it appears and
save as ‘compact disc’.

The Compact Disc (also known as a CD) is an optical disc used to store digital data.
It was originally developed to store and playback sound recordings exclusively, but
later expanded to encompass data storage (CD-ROM), write-once audio and data
storage (CD-R), rewritable media (CD-RW), Video Compact Discs (VCD), Super
Video Compact Discs (SVCD), PhotoCD, PictureCD, CD-i, and Enhanced CD.
Audio CDs and audio CD players have been commercially available since October

Standard CDs have a diameter of 120 millimetres (4.7 in) and can hold up to 80
minutes of uncompressed audio or 700 MB (700 × 220 bytes) of data. The Mini CD
has various diameters ranging from 60 to 80 millimetres (2.4 to 3.1 in); they are
sometimes used for CD singles, storing up to 24 minutes of audio or delivering
device drivers.

CD-ROMs and CD-Rs remain widely used technologies in the computer industry.
The CD and its extensions are successful: in 2004, worldwide sales of CD audio, CD-
ROM, and CD-R reached about 30 billion discs. By 2007, 200 billion CDs had been
sold worldwide. Compact Discs are increasingly being replaced or supplemented by
other forms of digital distribution and storage, such as downloading and flash drives,
with audio CD sales dropping nearly 50% from their peak in 2000.


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a) Replace the word ‘millimeters’ with an abbreviation ‘mm’ wherever it appears in

the entire document.

b) Insert a heading, compact disc in upper case, font colour green and double

c) Double strike through your heading.

d) Copy and paste the work on page four of your document.

e) On page four, double space the work.

f) Indent each paragraph to 2 cm inside on the left of the document.

g) Print a copy of your work and exit the application.

35. Using a word processing application of your choice, key in the following text as it
appears and save the document as ‘advert’.


Businessmen need to make their products known to customers. In doing so, each
business man chooses a suitable medium is selected. To select a medium to advertise,
a businessman studies a number of factors that includes cheapness of the medium.

Today, many schools have made serious and beautiful signposts to advertise. The
select catching words included on the signpost to augment product superiority, for
example; ‘A four star institution’. Some use modern equipment to make modern
billboards that are placed in appropriate areas in the city centre.

In the countryside, schools still prefer using wood to design a sign post. A signpost
looks like the specimen below:

P.O. BOX 20,

‘Knowledge is power’

“Day and boarding with day care facility”


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a) Bold, change to upper case the heading.

b) Fill your signpost with a red colour.

c) Add a figure caption: A simple sign post.

d) Save as advert2.

e) Insert a header your name and footer your stream.

f) Group your object

g) Let your signpost be centred squarely on your page.

h) Print a copy of the merged document and exit the application.

36. Typeset the following text as it appears and save as ‘Graduation budget’.


Item Quantity Unit cost Amount

Matooke 40 20,000
Meat 20 8,000
Fish 05 10,000
Rice 23 2,000
Sub total ?

Soda 400 1,000
Mineral water 300 600
Local brew 700 300
Sub total ?

Public 01 250,000
Local artistes 08 500,000
Sub total ?

Miscellaneous - 1,000,000

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a) Copy and paste this table on page two of your document. Ensure that all the
instructions below are carried out on page two of the document.
b) Determine the amount due to each item in the budget.

c) Bold, font blue all sub-total. (Hint: the subtotal is arrived at after adding the sum
above for each category.

d) Insert a caption: “proposed graduation budget’.

e) Change the heading to title case.

f) Copy and paste to page three of your document and carryout the following

g) Convert the table into text, separating text by tabs.

h) Save your work, print a copy and exit the application.

37. Using a word processing application of your choice, key in the following text as it
appears and save as ‘kiribaki’.

Name Class House

Kakaire Robert B Kob
Nakabago Faith B Kob
Mwondha David G Giraffe
Muwabe Moses G Elephant
Mawalo Mike O kob
Anziku Draku G Giraffe
Timbiti Paul B Elephant
Butono Paul G Giraffe
Mukama Patrick O Kob
Lukwago Robert B Giraffe
Karuhanga Alex G Elephant
Bazalaki Richard O Kob
Migereko Denis O Elephant
Lwanga Charles B Elephant
Kyamba Baker B Giraffe
Lukuman Arajab B Giraffe
Yusuf Kirya B Elephant
Zirintusa Andrew G Kob
Kiiza Arajab G Elephant
Okiring Amos O Giraffe
Wamanga Moses B Elephant

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a) Copy the table above and paste to page 2 and page 3 of your document.
b) In page 1 sort the names in ascending order.
c) Sort the class in descending order on page 2.
d) Sort the houses in descending order on page 3.
e) Insert a heading in Page 1 as “Kiribaki Secondary School Class list for term one”.
Copy and paste to the rest of the tables in page 2 and 3 respectively.
f) Centre all the work on page 2.
g) Insert two rows in page 2 and add records of your choice and sort your work
h) Insert page numbers for page 1 as (i), page 2 as A and page 3 as 1.
i) On page A, add a table boarder with a shadow and a 3pt thickness.
j) Print a copy of your work.

38. Typeset the following text as it appears and save as “property masters’.
Property masters

An association of persons who deal in buying and selling of houses, vehicles, plots of
land and getting for people maids. These persons are of great importance to landlords,
tenants and the entire public. They dispense a number of services alongside. These

Section Purpose
Land i) Buy land from persons.
ii) Sales to people at a discount.
iii) Helps in land leasing and fencing.
iv) Enable money settlement in good time.
Vehicles  Buy new and used vehicles.
 Sales to people at a discount.
 Helps in vehicle card transfers.
 Enable money settlement in good time.
Plots  Buys plots of land.
 Sells to people at a discount.
 Construct houses for sale.
 Enable the buyer to acquire property without
 They help the buyer at land leasing and boundary
Maids 1. Train maids in acceptable home standards.
2. Settles disputes between maids and employers.
3. Bargains on behalf of the tenants.
4. Operate as caretakers of maids.
Consultation  Carries out general property consultations.

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a) Set your work on a A4 paper size.

b) Copy and paste this table on page two of your work.
c) Centre, bold and underline the heading.
d) Apply an outline format to the heading.
e) Set the table in 1.5 line spacing.
f) Change the page margins to 0.9” for top, bottom, left and right.
g) Centre the text both vertically and horizontally in each cell for the section column
h) Change the headings to font size 20, style Tahoma.
i) Centre the section headings both vertically and horizontally between cells.
j) Insert a caption to each table: ‘Property master’ for table on page 1 and ‘Copied’
for table two on Page 2 of your document.
k) Insert your name as header and your class as footer.
l) Print a copy of your work and exit the application.

39. Using a word processing application of your choice, key in the following data as
it appears and save it as sitting_arrangement.

The Senior Four Government of 2014 has proposed to hold this years’ function at
Millennium Gardens. The manager has proposed the following garden layout.


Flower Garden





(a). Copy the work to page one of your new document and carry out the following.
(b). ill colour in the regions provided as:

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 Flower Garden = Yellow

 Swimming pool (Girls) = Light Green
 Resting shed = Orange Accent.
 Swimming pool (Boys) = Dark Blue
 Water Shed = Red.
 The cells on the extreme right should have a pattern style of DK Grid.

(c). Replace the letters in the table with the following text:

 A = Parking.
 B = Reception.
 C = Dining Hall.
 D = Washroom.
 F = Tiled Walk-way
 E = Bathrooms.

(d). Insert a table caption, Table 1: Gardens Layout.

(e). Insert header your name and footer your class and house.
(f). Change font style to Times New Roman, size 13.5 for all your work.
(g). Save your work as Gardens. You must have two documents.

40. Using a word processing application of your choice typeset the following object as
it is and save as twinkle.

Upper Stage
Right hand side

Budo TC Nabbingo Kitemu TC Kiyembe

Kampala – Masaka Road

Left hand side STARTS (BLUE
100 m

School Parking


a) Change page margin dimensions to 0.7 cm top, 1.3 cm, 1.5 left and right.
b) Group your objects.
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c) Copy your work to page two of your document.

d) Insert the heading on page two as “road map to twinkle stars nursery school”.
e) Convert your heading to upper case, size 16.5 and typeface ‘Times New Roman’.
f) Make three copies of your work on page two of your document.
g) Save your work as ‘complete’.
h) Print two copies of your work.

41. Using a word processing application of your choice, key in the following table as
it is and save it as kawuku.


 2 tents 20 manila charts  300 plates.

Flowers, lights, arches,

decoration materials.
 300 chairs 

red carpet and other

2 reams of paper 300 meat pies.
Music system 1 roll of flip  300 cakes.
Stick pads drinks
Public address
1 pkt of markers 20 crates of soda 3 cartons of wine
Masking tape
projector and Rent Connectivity costs
screen Fuel and travel costs

42. Using a word processing application of your choice, key in the following text as it
appears and save it as divorce and carry out the instructions below.

"And then there are those people who are just very ineffective communicators and
maybe they need help communicating. And I don't know if a mediator, this neutral
person whose goal is to get an agreement, is the right person there."

Mr Stutman is also keen to stress that, as with any situation, the parties should feel
comfortable that their lawyer is competent.

"That doesn't mean you throw the baby out with the bathwater," he says.
"I think that there are many people who could probably do well with this kind of a
process, and if someone has figured out a way to harness cloud technology to buffer
the discussion in some way or guide the discussion, I think that's wonderful.

"I am not threatened by it. I don't think any practicing lawyer would be threatened by
it, or should be threatened by it, because I don't think it is meant to take the place of
what lawyers do."

The law has traditionally been slow to embrace new technology, meaning there is
huge potential for start-ups in the profession. Silicon Valley seems to agree -
Wevorce is backed by influential seed accelerator Y Combinator.
Downloaded by Home Tution service (

The Stanford Centre for Legal Informatics (CodeX), a joint venture between the
university's law school and computer science department, is another factor to
consider, and is behind some of the most successful start-ups aiming to capitalise
on the gap.

Wevorce recently expanded from being available in only a select group of US cities,
to being available across the country. The company has already fielded requests from
other countries.

For Ms Crosby, the most important indicator of success is their clients.

"We've worked with over a hundred families, and kept all but one out of court, which
we are really proud of, because it really allows the families to get back to parenting
and not stuck in this difficult transition."

"I remember being asked by one of the lawyers: If you are stranded on a desert
island which parent would you choose to live with?"
Michelle Crosby was just nine years old when she had to stand in a court room and
tell a judge which parent she wanted to live with, a heart-breaking choice for a small
girl to have to make in the most adult of environments.

Divorce is considered to be the second most stressful life event most of us will ever
go through. For children especially, it can seem like the end of the world.
"I had a clear insight that this is a very broken space. And that moment became the
catalyst for me knowing that I wanted to go to law school and I wanted to fix it," she
"I wanted to make sure that there are no other kids that get put in that position."

It takes two

She became a lawyer, working with families in the same situation she had found
herself in.
Thirteen years on, she decided the time had come to go it alone and to try to make the
process more collaborative and less painful.

After studying mediation training at Harvard, Ms Crosby put her ideas into practice
working with families in Boise, Idaho.

"I self-funded it for a few years and watched quite a few families through it. I realised
we had something, and then we started to realise that we had identified archetypes,"
she says.
"Even though lawyers were typically treating each case as unique, I could clearly see
the patterns."

The final piece of the puzzle was the technology.

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"In this day and age, where most of us live with iPhones and iPads, there is no reason
why we can't be using these existing technologies to help [families] through this
"So many of the conflicts that happen with families are caused by lawyer
miscommunication, or something getting stuck on someone's desk or in a court

Digital divide

The result was It is a software service that is accessible from

anywhere that has an internet connection - so your smartphone, tablet or laptop -
because it is held in the cloud.

The six-step programme guides families through decisions relating to finances,

property, and most importantly, the children.
Couples are screened to make sure this is right for them - where there has been
domestic violence or abuse, for example, this would not be appropriate.
The next step is the creation of an amicable divorce roadmap, working with a legal
architect - an attorney qualified to deal with family mediation - and other experts if
need be.

"If they don't have a lot of complicated assets [and] they seem to be fairly amicable,
they may only need three in-person meetings and they can do most of it online," says
Ms Crosby.

"If they have a really large, complicated financial estate, they may need more
meetings and it may take a little bit more time."
Because the aim is to keep parties out of the courts, and because of the efficiencies
the technology offers, the company says fees range from $3,000 to $15,000, a
considerable saving.

Couples are also provided with customised educational materials - videos, games or
text - that work through different situations, including the realities of co-parenting.
"For example, if one child asks you whether they can get their ears pierced, is that
something that you both need to decide together, or is it something that you are okay
with one parent deciding?

"The court may not really care, but you as a co-parent are definitely going to care
about it. Because the number one source of conflict comes from someone making a
decision that someone else thought they had the ability to weigh in on."

The other role of the technology is as a virtual case manager.

"Most attorneys have boxes and boxes of paper, and it requires three touches by the
attorney, the paralegal and the assistant," says Ms Crosby.

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"This technology allows everyone to be seeing where the case is, where it is stuck,
what are the remaining steps that need to be done."

Legal advice

Michael Stutman is a partner at global law firm Mishcon de Reya. He is head of their
New York office's family practice, has written a book on divorce and is the current
president of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, New York Chapter.

"People when they are in the midst of this stuff are disabled in many ways," he says.
"They are like deer looking at headlights. And they do need people to help them
become aware of the options that are available to them."

But this type of approach, like any type of mediation, isn't for everyone according to
Mr Stutman.

"There is a whole class of people that are not suitable to this. Areas where there is
abuse at any level, whether it is physical abuse, whether it is viciousness in terms of
language, whether it is economic bullying, whether it is [emotional abuse], the victim
of that poor behaviour should probably not be placed in a circumstance where they
can continue to be victimised."

"And then there are those people who are just very ineffective communicators and
maybe they need help communicating. And I don't know if a mediator, this neutral
person whose goal is to get an agreement, is the right person there."

Mr Stutman is also keen to stress that, as with any situation, the parties should feel
comfortable that their lawyer is competent.

"That doesn't mean you throw the baby out with the bathwater," he says.
"I think that there are many people who could probably do well with this kind of a
process, and if someone has figured out a way to harness cloud technology to buffer
the discussion in some way or guide the discussion, I think that's wonderful.
"I am not threatened by it. I don't think any practicing lawyer would be threatened by
it, or should be threatened by it, because I don't think it is meant to take the place of
what lawyers do."

The law has traditionally been slow to embrace new technology, meaning there is
huge potential for start-ups in the profession. Silicon Valley seems to agree -
Wevorce is backed by influential seed accelerator Y Combinator.

The Stanford Centre for Legal Informatics (CodeX), a joint venture between the
university's law school and computer science department, is another factor to
consider, and is behind some of the most successful start-ups aiming to capitalise on
the gap.
Downloaded by Home Tution service (

Wevorce recently expanded from being available in only a select group of US cities,
to being available across the country. The company has already fielded requests from
other countries.

For Ms Crosby, the most important indicator of success is their clients.

"We've worked with over a hundred families, and kept all but one out of court, which
we are really proud of, because it really allows the families to get back to parenting
and not stuck in this difficult transition."

Ten most stressful events in life

 death of a partner
 divorce
 separation from a partner
 imprisonment
 death of a close family member
 personal illness or injury
 marriage
 dismissal from work
 change of job
 retirement

Source: Holmes and Rahe, The social readjustment rating scale, 1967


a) Copy the file saved as ‘divorce’ onto your desktop.

b) Create a folder with folder name ‘your name’ and ‘index number’.
c) Change page set up to A4 with margin stops at: Top and Botton = 2 cm, Left and
Right = 1.5 cm.
d) Change font style for all your work to Arial Narrow, font size = 12.
e) Page break from the following headings: It takes two, Digital divide, Legal advice,
Ten most stressful events in life and they should appear as a sub headings.
f) Change the sub headings above to heading 2, adjust the font size to 12 and face =
Arial Narrow.
g) Insert a page break such that the first page of this document is blank.
h) Insert a heading for the text at ‘The start-up trying to make divorce less painful’
i) On the second page type a title, ‘table of contents’. On this page, insert a table of
content for you work. It should have the ability to update automatically.
j) Insert footer in this work ‘your name’.
k) Insert page numbers in the format of: first page = empty, second page = (i), third
page = 1 and it should continue to the rest of the work.
l) Justify align all your work in this document.
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m) Insert a header, your index number.

n) Insert a water mark in you work ‘Stressful things’. It should be in font size 72,
colour = red and transparent.
o) Convert the summary into a table. Number the points in order of A,B,C, e.t.c..
Draw a line to separate the numbering from the points. Auto fit the second column
that the longest point appropriately fits in.
p) Find the word ‘Laptop’, in your work and add a footnote ‘An example of a
personal computer by classification and sits on the laps of the user’.
q) Add a page boarder on the first page of the document only. Choose a style of your
choice. It should be read in colour.
r) Italicize the source; change it to font size 11.5, font colour red and font style
Times New Roman.
s) Apply a line numbering for content under the sub heading Legal Advice. Make
sure that the line numbers do not appear in the rest of the document.
t) Save your work as ‘Divorce’ in your folder.

43. Using a suitable word processing application of your choice, key in the following
work and save it as ‘flow_chart’.

Organizational chart

An organizational chart shows the flow of responsibilities among workers in a

given organization. At a glance, one is able to accurately tell how authority flows
and which offices are used for reporting purposes. Delegation is simple because,
workers know that in absence of the office bearer, they can refer to any other
person in a lower office.
An organizational chart of a small organization can be drawn to represent the


Sales Department Purchases Department Accounts Department


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Sometimes, the organizational chart may prove difficult to interpret if all office
bearers do not understand the operation of teamwork. Many office bearers can
even delegate upwards which is not true if the officer in the above office has less
self esteem.

a) Change page size to A4, landscape, margin sizes: top = 2 cm, bottom = 1.5cm
left and right = 1.75cm.

b) Copy the work to page three of your document.

c) Centre the heading, font size = 16.5, colour = Green, with a double underline.

d) Add a caption below your grouped objects to read ‘Katunzi Enterprises Ltd –
Organ gram’.

e) Bold the word delegate wherever it appears.

f) Shape width should be 15.2 cm.

g) Change line spacing to 1.5.

h) Insert footer your name, header your index number all centered and font size of

i) Insert page number as (i) on page one, (a) on page two and 1 on page three.

j) Print a copy of your work on page 1 and 3 respectively.

44. Using a suitable word processing application of your choice, key in the following
document and save it as ‘exams’.

Exam tips from students

For down-to-earth, hands-on revision help, read these top 10 tips from students
who have been through what you’re going through now.

Create a revision timetable and stick to it! Schedule sensible work slots and
breaks, making sure you have one weekend day when you don't do revision or
think about exams - you'll come back to it refreshed.

Tell your family about your revision time: Your parents won't hassle you if they
find you 'not working', provided you are following your agreed timetable. Parents
only worry and hassle you when they're not sure what you're doing, or if you do
not seem to have a plan. Ask your family for help if you need it. It may help make
them feel useful to you!
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Organize your time well to help fulfill your potential: Keep bullet points on crib
cards highlighting main subject theories and use these for quick revision and for
reading during 'dead' times - for example, when you’re waiting for a bus.
Revise in a way that works for you: Some people revise well by listening, so you
could try ‘talking’ your revision and recording it onto your iPod or onto tapes.
Mnemonics (such as initials that spell a word) can help your memory. You can
listen to these recordings while lying in bed, travelling in a car, or walking to the
shops - taking the guilt out of being out and about rather than in front of your

Check your exam details: Know where your exams are and when they start, how
long they are, what equipment you are allowed to take in (for example calculators)
and what you are not allowed to take in (mobiles, notes, etc).

Prepare items needed for the exam the evening before: Make sure you have the
correct equipment needed for your exam (calculators, rulers, etc).
Your exam invigilator should remind you of what you are and aren’t allowed
before the exam starts. Taking unauthorized equipment in can get you disqualified
from the exam.

Remember to eat and sleep! Ensure you eat and sleep properly. Now is not the
time to diet or stay up all night. Have an early night before each exam.

Look after yourself: During the exam period a good routine and healthy eating are
really important. Be sure to cut down on your weekend/evening job; most
employers know that you need to commit time to the exams and revision, but
often try to get you to do extra hours anyway!

On the morning of the exam: Have a good breakfast, stay calm and allow plenty of
time to get to the exam. Remember that you can only do your best and even if you
don't do as well as you'd hoped, your parents still love you just as much!


a) Adjust page margin stops to: Top 1.5 cm, Bottom 1.3 cm, left 1.5 cm and right
1.5 cm. use an A4 paper size with a portrait paper orientation.

b) Copy your work and paste it on page three of your document.

c) Centre the heading; apply an uppercase format, bold, underline and font size 20
and 13.5 for the rest of the work.

d) Convert your work into two columns starting from the second paragraph.

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e) Drop cap every first letter in each paragraph; allow a drop to three lines.
Change the drop caps to font color Red.

f) Apply a red page boarder around your work only on page three.

g) Apply page numbers at the bottom in the format of ‘Page x of y’ in your


h) Insert a water mark ‘Examinations, 2013’ in a faint red pigment.

i) Insert footer, your name and index number.

j) Print your work. (Remember to print only pages 1 of 3 and 3 of 3 respectively.

k) Save your work as ‘examinations’.

45. Type the following article which appeared in the Sunday Monitor of June 12
2011, (Use font Tahoma 11)
Daily Monitor Roving Eye Article:

The handwritten letter in the computer age

For those fortunate enough to have access to a computer both at work and at home, its
screen, keyboard and printer have had a massive effect on handwritten letters and
So, if you now generally use a computer to write personal letters to family and
friends, what effect does this have when you do choose to write by hand to them?
Let’s consider, in very simple fashion, such a personal handwritten letter and its
variables (underlined below) and take a sample of one – my wife!
The most obvious variable is overall number. My wife tells me that in the early
1990s, she would regularly handwrite four or five letters per week, but that in 2011,
this had fallen to a mere one or two every few months, because of her increased
computer usage.
The next variable is length. Some of her 1990 handwritten letters would be as much
as 10 pages long. Whereas today, with the coming of the computer age, and having
grown used to typing on a keyboard, she can now only manage one or possibly two
handwritten pages before her hand starts to ache. This aching has two effects. Firstly,
the letter is brought to a hasty conclusion, hence its short length. Secondly the quality
of handwriting greatly deteriorates – a clear script at the start and more of a scrawl by
the letter’s end.
Moving to the quality of content, she feels that handwritten letters require more
careful forethought, as without the benefit of computer aids such as spellchecking,

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deleting, inserting, cutting and pasting etc., there has to be more consideration about
the letter’s content and composition before putting pen to paper.
Then there is the type of paper to use. Interestingly, my mother-in-law (who lives in
the UK) recently complained that it was becoming increasingly difficult to buy a
small (A5) writing pad, whereas reams of A4 computer printer paper are found in
abundance. How does the situation compare in Uganda?
A sample of one is not a statistical survey. But readers who have computer access at
work and home might wish to go through the variables for personal handwritten
letters underlined above to see if the effect of the new technology is the same or
different than my wife’s experience.


a) Add 10pt paragraph spacing before and after each paragraph and single line
b) Insert a drop cap to the first paragraph.

c) Add a footnote to the word article in the first line with the description, “This
article was Posted by Kevin O’Connor on Sunday, June 12 2011”

d) Set all margins to 1.1 inches.

e) Format the page background color to RGB(240,240,150)

f) Add a footer of your name and index number.

g) Print your work.

h) Save it as “hand written better than computerized.doc”

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46. Key in the following using a word processing application of your choice and save it as


B P.O. BOX 7121 B
mobile: 0772-350408

Dealers in: fresh eggs, fertilizers, chicken meat, poultry feeds,

Poultry consultancy and veterinary services.

S. No: 562 Date:




The following products were supplied to you on credit:

No: Item Description Condition

01. Eggs 30 crates of eggs supplied on the

Good and Delivered

02. Chicken meat 45 dressed broilers, 2 ½ kilograms
03. Fertilizers 60 trucks, half weight, delivered
between 01/03/2102 and
04. Crates Empty crates of eggs supplied to
your school.
05. medication Treatment of 06 puppies at your
school on the 12/06/2013

The above items were delivered to you under the following conditions:

a) All goods are delivered to you as per order.

b) Goods attract a 10% trade discount and 5% cash discount.
c) This invoice is prepared in your favour on demand.
d) Errors and omissions expected.

Prepared by: Authorised by:

………………………………. ……………………………..
This invoice is prepared in triplicate.

a) Insert your name as footer and index number as header.
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47. The Patron Music Dance and Drama has identified you as part of the organizing
committee. He has asked you to design the following form as it appears and save it as


DATE: _________________________


HOUSE: ________________________

COMMENTS: ________________________________________________________



ACTIVITY TO PRESENT: _____________________________________________



OTHER COMMENTS: _________________________________________________



OBSERVATIONS: ____________________________________________________



SIGNATURE: _______________________________

Gakyali Mabaga
a) Set paper size to A4, Portrait with margin stops at 1cm for all margins.

b) Set tab stops at 8cm and 17cm.

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c) Apply a paragraph boarder of 6pts. Choose a border line style of your choice.
Boarder colour is red.

d) All the text on this form should have an RBG contrast of Red = 255, Blue = 0
and Green = 0.

e) Allow your paragraphs to be 4pts away from the text.

f) Line spacing is 1.5.

g) Make sure that your form fits on this paper size.

h) Insert your name as footer and class as header.

48. Type the following document as it is in a word processor of your choice and Save
a Teaching with ICT.doc in your folder:

Teaching and Learning with ICT

Why ICT?

Why should schools and teachers work towards increasing the use of ICT in
education? There are two main reasons. Firstly, consider the potential of ICT to
change the nature of work and leisure over the next twenty years. Today’s learners
need to develop the skills which will enable them (and society as a whole) to benefit
from new opportunities offered by ICT. Secondly, there is a growing body of
academic research which demonstrates how ICT enhances the quality of teaching and
learning in schools, and thus contributes to the raising of standards of achievement in

General benefits of ICT in Education

● Greater efficiency throughout the school (Greene et al, 2002)

● Communication channels are increased through email, discussion groups and chat
● Regular use of ICT across different curriculum subjects can have a beneficial
motivational influence on students’ learning (Cox 1997)



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a) Line spacing is 1 and paragraph spacing is zero

b) The font style is Arial 22 for Title, Arial 12 for subheadings and Impact 22 for
the sentence in the box at the bottom and Arial 10 for the rest of the words.

c) The graphics are having the following fill colors: The Lightening symbol has
a red fill while the sun has a yellow fill.

d) The color of the title and subheadings is RGB (234,34,134)

e) Add a paragragh boarder of 6pt around your work.

f) Make a word count and add an endnote reference to the Title with the words,

“This Document contains [word count] words and [character count] characters”,
where [word count] is the number of words in your document while [character
count] is the number of characters (spaces inclusive) in your document.

g) Put your name and index number in the header.

h) Print your work.

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By the end of this topic, learners will be able to:

 Load a spreadsheet application e.g. Ms. Excel.

 Insert and delete rows and columns in a spreadsheet application.
 Copy and paste data into various locations on a worksheet.
 Rename worksheets.
 Work with various data types in a spreadsheet.
 Sort data (ascending and descending).
 Work with data validation.
 Insert a comment.
 Work with duplicate data.
 Work with row width and column height.
 Write a valid formular, function.
 Use Functions like:

 Sum (Add the numbers in a range of cells, e.g. adding total marks for a
 Average (Returns the arithmetic mean of arguments, names, arrays; e.g.
finding the average score of a student in a number of tests).
 Product (Multiplies all numbers in a range of cells e.g. getting the total cost
by multiplying unit cost and number of items.)
 Difference (Calculates the difference between values. In office 2007, the
IMSUB function is used e.g. determining the rainfall or temperature range.)
 Max (returns the highest value in a range of cells), also Large (Returns the K-
th largest value in a range of cells, e.g. determing rainfall or temperature
 Min (Returns the lowest value in a range of cells), also Small (Returns the K-
th smallest value in a range of cells).
 Rank (Returns the position of a value relative to the values in the list e.g.
position students basing on Average Mark).
 Var (Estimates the variance basing on the sample).
 STDEV (Estimates the standard deviation basing on the sample. It is a square
root of variance).
 IF statement or What – if analysis ( It is a logical, conditional statement that
is used to compared variables in a range of cells relative to its position and
returns a logical equivalent).
 VLookup (Looks for a value in the leftmost column of a table, and then
returns a value in the same row from a column you specify. By default, the
table must be sorted in an ascending order)
 Lookup (Looks up a value either from a one - column range or from an array.
Provided for backward compatibility).
 Count (Counts the number of cells in a range that contains the argument).

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 Work with charts:

 Insert a chart / graph asked for;

 Insert an appropriate chart / graph title.
 Where possible, inserting the X and Y axes labels.
 Manipulate the graph / chart legend (Key).
 Move a chart without copying into another worksheet as an object.
 Print a chart in zoom size of a small size.
 Insert pivotTables and Charts

o Freeze panes, hide and un-hide columns and rows in spreadsheet.

o Work with footers and headers.
o Insert header and footer.
o Page numbering.
o Format cells to:

 Number (General, number, currency, accounting, data, time, percentage,

fraction, scientific, text, special, custom).
 Alignment (text alignment: Horizontal, vertical, indent and justify distributed;
text control: Wrap text, Shrink to fit, Merge Cells; Right-to-left text directions:
context, Left-to-Right, Right – to – left; text orientation in degrees).
 Font (Font Name, font style, font size, underline style, text colour, font effect
e.g. Strikethough, Superscript, Subscript).
 Border (Line Style, Presets, Border, Border colour).
 Fill (Background color, Pattern Color, Pattern Style).
 Protection (Locked and Hidden).

o Custom formats e.g. Shs, Ugx, e.t.c.

o Print selection.
o Page setup (page margins, page orientation, page size)
o Printing repeating titles or columns.
o Center work both horizontally and vertically.
o Protecting and sharing a workbook / worksheet.

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1. Use the following data collected from Honest Hill Primary School to create a
spreadsheet saved as “enrolment’.

Class Boys Girls

P. 1 23 12
P. 2 12 34
P. 3 100 56
P. 4 34 36
P. 6 100 124
P. 7 56 16


a) Insert a row between P.4 and P.6 to hold enrolment for P.5. Boys 45 and Girls 78

b) Add a line boarder to make your work appear professional.

c) Sort your work in ascending order basing on the number of girls.

d) Centre columnar headings.

e) Insert a header, your name and footer your class.

f) Insert a new work such that your workbook has four worksheets.

g) Copy your work from sheet1 and paste it in worksheet4.

h) Add a row after P.7 to accommodate total, hence determine the total enrolment for
boys and girls respectively.

i) Using data series to include totals for both girls and boys, create a pie chart to
reflect this data. Remember to apply a title just below your work.

j) Rename worksheet one “All”, and worksheet4 “Copied.

k) Print a copy of your work and exit the application.

2. The following records were extracted from the books of one leading supermarket
in Mukono Town. Use it to attempt instructions following and save as

Item Quantity Unit price Total sales

Fruits 34 500
Ice cream 12 600
Toilet paper 67 800
Wheat flour 100 2,800
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Item Quantity Unit price Total sales

Cosmetics 45 5,000
Stationery 34 450
Sugar 23 4,500
Cowboy 12 4,000
Toilet soap 23 1,200


a) Enter the above table in a suitable spreadsheet program of your choice and save as

b) Apply a line boarder around your work.

c) Copy and paste in sheet two of your workbook.

d) Determine the total sales for each commodity.

e) Use the data series for item and total sales to create a column graph. Remember to
insert a chart heading ‘Mukono Town Shoppers Total Sales’.

f) Place your legend at the bottom of the graph.

g) In cell D12, insert the minimum total sale for the supermarket.

h) Rename the tab sheets to, Original and Pasted respectively.

i) Insert a header your name and footer today’s date.

j) Change the tab colour for original to red and pasted to yellow.

k) Print a copy of your work and exit the application.

3. BK Limited maintains a payroll for workers for the month of January, 2000.
Beginning from cell A1, enter the following data in a spreadsheet program of your
choice. Save your spreadsheet as ‘payroll’.

Name of worker Basic pay Transport Medical PAYE

Naiga Sandra 350,000
Bazalaki Richard 456,000
Butono Paul 340,000
Isabirye Moses 235,000
Adong Molly 156,000
Aliba Brenda 456,000
Wadhaga Nelson 345,000

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a) Insert new columns for Housing, Total Allowances, after Medical.

b) Given that transport = 10%; medical = 5%; PAYE = 20% and housing = 7.5% all
of Basic pay. Using this information, determine transport, medical, PAYE and
housing allowances for each worker respectively.

c) Calculate the total allowances for each worker.

d) Insert a new column after PAYE for Net Income.

e) Determine the Net Income received by each worker given that Basic Pay - Total
Allowances = Net Income.

f) Sort names of workers in ascending order.

g) Align columnar headings from Basic pay to housing to 900.

h) Format your figures to allow ,000 separators.

i) Apply line boarders on your work.

j) Print your work and exit the application.

4. Uganda National Waters and Sewerage Corporation provide service usage of ten

Customer name Old metre reading New metre reading

Kato Jackson 2333 4000
Kadoli Isaac 1000 3444
Mutasa David 8901 10980
Katongole Anthony 3456 6000
Matovu Emmanuel 9803 12090
Nambuya Immaculate 234 456
Ssemakula Moses 908 1000
Waiswa Patrick 132 536
Ojambo Moses 120 9000
Mpiiya Ivan 890 1098


a) Using a suitable spreadsheet program of your choice, enter the above beginning
from cell A1 and save as ‘water’.

b) Insert two columns for: Units Used, Amount to pay.

c) Determine the total units used by each customer given that new – old gives the
total used consumed by each customer.
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d) Given that each litre is sold for shs. 100, determine the amount in shillings that
each customer has to pay.

e) Format your work to allow for separators and zero decimal places.

f) In the column for amount to pay, include a prefix of “Shs”.

g) Insert a row on top of your table for a heading “Water Usage for July”.

h) Merge and centre the heading.

i) Apply a line boarder around your work, excluding the heading.

j) Centre the table both vertically and horizontally.

k) Align the columnar headings to 450

l) Print your work and exit the application.

5. Type in the following spreadsheet, and format it to look like the sample below.
Save your spreadsheet at ‘sales_representatives’.

Sales rep. Product 1 Product 2 Product 3 Sales rep total

Nanokha Dan 44300 213000 986000
Mbabazi Fiona 19200 485000 567000
Kalanzi Joel 32500 456000 781000
Mpiiya Ezekiel 34400 211000 198000
Nsimbi John 35000 390000 400000
Mpologoma Andrew 23500 186000 984000
Nasali Hajirah 12200 200000 500000


a) Type all text and values shown in the spreadsheet below.

b) Format all numbers as a currency.

c) Center the spreadsheet heading 'Sales for the Month' across the spreadsheet.

d) Format all text as displayed in the sample below.

e) Create formulas to display a total for each sales rep.

f) Create formulas to display a total for each product.

g) Create a formula to calculate the total sales for all sales rep's for the month.

h) Word wrap the heading Sales Rep. Total.

i) Format your work to show separators.

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j) Insert a header your name and footer the page number.

k) Centre your work both vertically and horizontally.

l) Print a copy of your work.

6. Type in the following spreadsheet, and format it to look like the sample below.
Save your work as ‘fruits’.

Fruit item January February March April Year to date

Apples 358 456 680 765
Bananas 435 254 213 365
Pears 345 482 326 310
Grapes 398 428 482 567
Kiwifruit 234 368 367 387



a) Type in all text and numbers shown in the spreadsheet below.

b) Format all numbers as a currency.

c) Center the spreadsheet heading 'Sales and Produce Department' across the

d) Format all text as displayed in the sample above..

e) Create formulas to display a total for each fruit.

f) Create formulas to display a total for each month.

g) Create a formula to calculate the total sales for all fruit items for the year to date.

h) Insert a row between Bananas and Pears for Lemon: 234, 345, 456, 567. Allow
your spreadsheet to update automatically.

i) Add a line boarder to make your work look attractive.

j) Create a bar graph using all columns for fruit name and months above. Remember
to insert an appropriate title, x axis and y axis respectively. Position your legend at
the bottom of your graph.

k) Make sure that all labels appear on your graph.

l) Change the font size for labels on your graph to 8 pts and font colour green.

m) Align all columnar headings to 45o

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n) Centre your work horizontally and vertically and print one copy.

7. Type in the following spreadsheet, and format it to look like the sample below.
Save your work as ‘statinonery_order”.

Unit price

Stabile boss highlighters 2 1,500
Blue track 1 2,890
Push pines (pkt) 1 1,390
Chrome letter clips 5 590
Stephens Whiteboard Markers (Blue) 2 2,390
Stephens Whiteboard Markers (Green) 2 2,390
Stephens Whiteboard Markers (Black) 2 2,390
Stephens Whiteboard Markers (Ream) 10 2,390
Order total


a) Type in all text and numbers shown in the spreadsheet below.

b) Format all numbers with appropriate formats.

c) Center the spreadsheet heading 'Mike's Stationery Order' across the spreadsheet.

d) Format all text as displayed in the sample below, including the rotated text labels.

e) Create formulas to display a total for each stationery item ordered.

f) Create a formula to calculate the total for the stationery order.

g) Centre your work vertically and horizontally.

h) Insert header your name and footer your class.

i) Print three copies of your work.

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8. Type in the following spreadsheet, and format it to look like the sample below.
Save your work as ‘sales_represe’.

Sales Rep. Week 1 km Week 2 km Week 3 km Week 4 km

Nambuya Immaculate 150 234 456 234
Nasali Hajirah 219 908 123 543
Zirintusa Andrew 300 100 543 654
Daudi Mwondha 890 456 654 765
Ojambo Moses 1000 789 765 887
Zeede Recheal 348 123 987 765
Musene Patrick 456 456 1000 123


a) Type in all text and values shown in the spreadsheet below.

b) Format all numbers with appropriate formats).
c) Center the spreadsheet heading 'Travel Expenses for the Month of May' across the
read sheet.
d) Add two columns labeled Total Distance moved and Amount Reimbursed.
e) Create formulas to display a total for each Sales Rep.
f) Create formulas to calculate the amount due to each Sales Rep, on the basis that
each Rep. is reimbursed 6,000 per kilometer traveled.
g) Apply all borders and shading, feel free to experiment with your own colour
h) Insert header, your name and footer your class and stream.
i) Print three copies of your work and exit the application.

9. Type in the following spreadsheet, and format it to look like the sample below.

Daniel’s Hotel
Lunch items Units sold Unit price Sales
Sandwiches 2,300 1,000
Meat pies 1,100 500
Macaroni and other salads 3,650 2,500
Filled rolls 560 500
Soup 348 1,000
Dessert 288 1,000
Tea 890 1,200
Coffee 974 1,700
Cold drinks 599 600


a) Format all numbers with appropriate formats.

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b) Format all text as displayed in the table above.

c) Create formulas to display a total for each item in Daniel’s Hotel.

d) Create a formula to calculate the total sales for the Lunch Bar.

e) Determine the average sales for the period.

f) Add a red line boarder around your work.

g) Insert header, your name and footer your class and stream.

h) Centre your work both vertically and horizontally.

i) Print a copy of your work.

10. Type in the following spreadsheet, and format it to look like the sample below.
Save as ‘weekly income schedule’.

Weekly Income Schedule

Date Expenditure Refund Total Exp Income Profit
06 – May 423,980 62,000 550,000
13 – May 598,120 67,000 780,000
20 – May 410,000 45,000 659,900
27 – May 499,450 33,750 653,980
03 – May 370,000 28,120 589,120
10 – May 440,800 56,750 659,800
17 – May 530,000 51,750 659,000
24 – May 490,550 96,750 663,600



a) Type in all text and numbers shown in the spreadsheet.

b) Format all numbers with appropriate separators.
c) Center the spreadsheet heading "Weekly Income Schedule" across the
d) Format all text as displayed in the sample.
e) Create formulas to display a total for each item in the Lunch Bar.
f) Create formulas to calculate the Total Exp (Total Expenditure).
g) Create formulas to calculate the profit.
h) Create formulas to calculate the totals for each column.
i) Below the column for totals, create another row with a row heading, ‘Minimum’,
hence; determine the minimum income and profit respectively.

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j) Apply all borders and shading (colour), feel free to experiment with your own
colour schemes.
k) Copy and paste your work on worksheet3.
l) Change the tab names for sheet1 = Original and sheet3 = Also.
m) Print a copy of your work.

11. Create a spreadsheet using the following information. You have been tasked with
creating a spreadsheet to generate and stationery order for the month of March.
Save as ‘stationery’.

Description Quantity Cost per item

Note Pad 202 2,850
Highlighter Pen 280 2,950
Ball Point Pen Blue (pkt) 520 2,500
Ball Point Pen Red (pkt) 340 2,500
Ball Point Pen Green (pkt) 250 2,500
Exercise Book 1B 35 4,950
Cello-tape 75 2,950
Manila Folders 100 2,950
A4 Refill Pad 90 5,950
Writing Pad 86 3,950
Pencil Sharpeners 110 950
Crayons (pkt) 80 3,850
Pencils 603 100
Colour Pencils (pkt) 50 2,950
Felt Pens (pkt) 40 3,950
Staples (pkt) 75 3,500
Stapler 30 9,950
Hole Punch 25 14,950
Ring Binder 45 10,950


a) Apply appropriate number formats to your numbers.

b) Center your spreadsheet horizontally on the page

c) Give your spreadsheet an appropriate title and center it across your spreadsheet.

d) Select the best page orientation for your spreadsheet.

e) Adjust the column width and row height to suit the layout you have selected.

f) Insert two columns i.e. Total and V.A.T respectively.

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g) Create a formula to calculate totals for each stationery item.

h) Create a formula to calculate the order total for the month.

i) Create a formula to calculate the V.A.T component of the order. Note all prices
include V.A.T., and the value of V.A.T is 12.5%.

j) Create a formula to calculate the net total (pre V.A.T total) of the order for the

k) Setup a header for this spreadsheet as ‘stationery’.

l) Setup a page number for this spreadsheet and place it in the footer, well centred
and bold.

m) Print a copy of your work.

12. You have been asked to prepare a spreadsheet using the results of a survey on the
types of fizzy drinks people prefer. 3000 people were asked what their favorite
fizzy drink is, and what their next preference would be if their favorite was not

Drink 1st Preference 2nd Preference

Pepsi 342 403
Coca Cola 359 367
7Up 238 290
Lift 215 190
Mountain Dew 321 311
Fanta 103 80
Ginger Beer 180 380
Leed Lemonade 217 120
Lemonade 215 105
L&P 425 414
Vanilla Coke 203 67
Don't Knows 182 273


a) Enter the raw data above and save as ‘fruits’.

b) Apply appropriate number formats to your numbers.

c) Center your spreadsheet horizontally on the page

d) Give your spreadsheet an appropriate title and center it across your spreadsheet.

e) Select the best page orientation for your spreadsheet.

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f) Adjust the column width and row height to suit the layout you have selected.

g) Create formula's to calculate the percentage of the total number of people

surveyed that preferred a specific fizzy drink as their first preference.

h) Create formula's to calculate the percentage of the total number of people

surveyed that preferred a specific fizzy drink as their second preference.

i) Setup an appropriate header for this spreadsheet.

j) Setup a page number for this spreadsheet and place it in the footer.

k) Change the paper size to A4.

l) Print your work.

13. Create a spreadsheet using the following information. You have been asked to
prepare a spreadsheet to show the profit and loss figure for the last financial year.
The profit and loss should be shown as ‘Shillings’ and as a percentage.

Month Income Expenditure

March 125,900 141,000
April 116,300 149,900
May 153,300 137,000
June 177,400 144,000
July 163,100 153,000
August 165,800 149,000
September 178,100 136,900
October 182,100 142,000
November 223,300 161,100
December 253,700 157,700
January 165,000 142,300
February 162,300 159,800

a) Enter the raw data above and save as ‘profit and loss’.

b) Apply appropriate number separators on your data.

c) Center your spreadsheet horizontally and vertically on the page.

d) Give your spreadsheet an appropriate title and center it across your spreadsheet.

e) Select the best page orientation for your spreadsheet.

f) Adjust the column width and row height to suit the layout you have selected.

g) Create formulas to calculate the profit / loss as a currency for each month.

h) Create formulas to calculate the profit / loss as a percentage for each month.
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i) Create formulas to calculate the Annual Totals for the Income, expenditure, and
profit / loss.

j) Create a formula to calculate the profit / loss for the whole year.

k) Setup an appropriate header for this spreadsheet.

l) Setup a page number for this spreadsheet and place it in the footer.

m) Print two copies of your work.

14. Create a spreadsheet using the following information. You have been asked to
construct a spreadsheet for Mike's Mail Order Company.

Item Price Delivery Ordered

Charge This
Bath Towels 6,905 500 319
Bathroom Radio 24,905 800 150
Bathroom Scales 99,950 1,000 63
BBQ 199,905 2,000 38
Beach Towels 9,950 500 412
Board Games 39,950 800 95
Book Ends 29,950 1,000 241
Book Shelf 49,950 1,500 168
Camera 69,950 1,000 112
Card Games 14,950 500 243
Carving Fork 17,950 500 177
Clothes Hanger 4,950 500 588
Computer Games 89.95 500 126
Cooking Timer 21,950 500 169
Cordless Telephone 119,950 1,000 87
Curtain Rails 129,950 1,000 94
Curtains 124,950 800 317
Digital Camera 999,950 1,000 349
Digital Clock 99,950 1,000 476
Double Sheets 49,950 500 355
Electric Blender 299,950 2,000 122
Electric Knife 149,950 1,000 52
Electric Mixer 399,950 2,000 12
Fan Cooker 199,950 2,000 49
Fire Extinguishers 249,950 2,000 79
Hand Towels 79,500 500 513
King Sheets 69,950 500 299
Kitchen Scales 89,950 1,500 83
Kitchen Utensils 29,950 1,000 197
Downloaded by Home Tution service (

a) Enter the raw data above and save as ‘mail order’.

b) Apply appropriate number formats to your numbers.

c) Center your spreadsheet horizontally on the page

d) Give your spreadsheet an appropriate title and center it across your spreadsheet.

e) Select the best page orientation for your spreadsheet.

f) Adjust the column width and row height to suit the layout you have selected.

g) Create formulas to calculate delivered cost for each item.

h) Create formulas to calculate the Monthly Income for each Item, the Monthly
Income from the delivery of each Item, and the total Monthly Income for each

i) Create formulas to calculate totals for each column in your spreadsheet.

j) Set the layout of your spreadsheet to display the header or column labels at the top
of each page when printed.

k) Setup an appropriate header for this spreadsheet as your name.

l) Setup a page number for this spreadsheet and place it in the footer. Print your

15. The following information was provided by the Director of Studies of Mukwana
Primary School for term two, 2003.

Name of student Eng Scie S.S.T MTC

Busulwa Brian 56 100 34 67
Masaba Swabulin 45 67 89 100
Balinda David 56 78 90 34
Lughada Isaac 32 43 54 65
Mudoma Emmanuel 45 67 98 80
Mpiiya David 98 87 76 65
Nsimbi Raymond 12 34 65 78
Mbabazi Phiona 45 76 90 12
Sharuk Ryan 34 56 19 19
Ssempala Harriet 34 55 78 90
Nagawa Florence 100 23 45 67
Afusa Nabirye 34 65 76 77
Nagudi Gidah 33 56 23 80

Downloaded by Home Tution service (


a) Enter the above data in suitable spreadsheet program of your choice and save as

b) Apply line boarder, align the subject names to 900

c) Sort all names in ascending order.

d) Create three columns for ‘total’, ‘average’ and ‘minimum’ score.

e) Using the newly created columns, use relevant formula to generate total, average
and minimum score for each student.

f) Using a column for total mark, create a new column heading for position. Use this
column to position all students.

g) Using the columns for name of student and total mark, create a bar chart to
represent this data. Print all your work.

16. The following records were provided by Pacific Computers sales for two days.

Item Monday Tuesday Unit Price
Keyboard 15 05 20,000
Mice 45 06 15,000
Hard drive 46 05 100,000
Ipod 78 04 23,000
Flash drives 87 03 50,000
Extension adapter 65 04 25,000
Mother board 43 02 130,000
X550 terminal 01 03 900,000
19” monitors 12 01 300,000
Foam cleaner 00 02 50,000
Printer 12 03 300,000


a) Using a suitable spreadsheet program of your choice, enter the above data and
save as ‘pacific’.

b) Format numbers to appear in the format provided above.

c) Insert a new column and name it total sales and determine the amount obtained
given that Monday + Tuesday as a product of Unit Price.

d) Insert separator formats in the column for unit price and total price respectively.

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e) Using the column for item and total sales, represent this data series on a line
graph. Remember to use appropriate title. Place your legend at the bottom of your

f) Send your chart to appear as an object in sheet three of your workbook.

g) Rename sheet1 to ‘data’ and sheet3 to ‘chart’.

h) Insert a row between X550 and Motherboard for Celeron D Processor for Monday
and Tuesday as 23, 02 respectively. Make sure that your worksheet updates

i) Centre your chart horizontally and vertically.

j) Adjust column width such that the column headings appear on a single line of

k) Save your work as ‘pacificrevised’, print your work and exit the application.

17. Mulefu Original Designers have a number of design garments for sale. This data is
represented in a spreadsheet program as below.

Garment name Quantity Unit price Total price

Suit (male) 30 300,000
Shoes (pairs) 40 23,000
Shirts 100 10,000
Shorts 34 6,000
Underwear 54 15,000
Sleeveless 32 6,000
Ties 200 7,000
Coats 32 60,000
T – shirts 44 20,000
Blouse 21 10,000
Legging 45 20,000
Caribbean wear 65 30,000

Good stock


a) Save your work as ‘mulefu’.

b) Determine total price for each item in stock.

c) Create a new column with a columnar heading, ‘stock status’.

Downloaded by Home Tution service (

d) It is a company tradition that stock should maintained in two ways. Quantity less
than 45 units should be re-ordered and equal or above 45 is a ‘good stock’. Create
a function that will return stock status that is ‘good stock’ and ‘re-order stock’

e) Insert a row on top of your table to hold the heading ‘Original designers’. Merge
and centre the heading, bold with font size 24.

f) Save font style to Arial Narrow.

g) Attach footer, your name and header, your class.

h) Determine the number of items that have good stock or need to re-order. (Hint:
Use the Countif function).

i) Insert a header, original designer.

j) Using the column for garment name and total sales, create a pie chart to represent
the data above. It should slightly below the table above.

k) Print two copies of your work, save and exit the application.

18. The Director of Studies of Hiltop Primary School provides the following records
for the Term Two, 2000. Use it to enter the data into a suitable spreadsheet
program of your choice and save as ‘hiltop’.

Name of student Eng Scie Mtc S.S.T

Nalubwama Nulait 34 56 98 90
Kitimbo Musa 45 90 67 90
Tibukuza Ronald 60 56 45 87
Ingirebisa Joseph 59 32 67 67
Kadoli Moses 23 76 34 45
Simiat John 45 90 23 76
Lukwago Kerich 23 89 67 34
Igambi Musa 90 56 87 23
Kirunda Isaac 56 40 34 98
Ssebaduka Remmy 78 39 55 80
Musinguzi Frank 89 80 20 45
Mubiika Andrew 47 23 67 34
Balaba Andrew 45 89 61 33


a) Insert a column a column after each subject and name it Grade.

b) Using the IF command, grade each subject given that:

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75-100 70-74 65-69 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 0-34

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

c) Insert three columns labeled Aggregates, Division and Remarks.

d) Using grades only, calculate the total aggregates obtained by each student.

e) Divisions are ranked in the following way:

Div 1 Div 2 Div 3 Div 4

Agg. 4 – 12 Agg. 13 - 24 Agg. 25 - 36 Less than 4 subjects

To obtain Division 1, a student MUST pass English with less than C6 and MTC less
than P8. If a student scores F9 in English, a student scores Division Three. Determine
the Division for each student.

f) Apply line boarders around your work. Set columnar headings to 450.
g) At the bottom of your spreadsheet, insert the following table

Grade Number



Using the Countif function, determine the number of students that belong to each
category of division.
h) Centre your work both vertically and horizontally.
i) Print your work and exit the application.

19. One bus transport company has ten buses graded as below.

Bus category Capacity Luggage capacity

A 52 234
B 52 123
C 60 678
D 54 435
E 52 231
F 28 345
G 28 678
H 50 900
I 64 234
J 54 123
K 35 212

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a) Enter the above data on spreadsheet program of your choice and save as

b) Apply boarder formats as it appears in the data above.

c) Assuming all buses travel to Kampala from Jinja with the same capacity. Each
passenger pays Shs. 4,000 and each luggage for shs. 2,000 each. Create a column
with a heading labeled total fare received. Hence determine the fare obtained for
each category of bus.

d) In column E, insert a columnar heading, ‘comment’.

e) In column E, use a formula that will return the following condition. If luggage
capacity if less than 300, ‘below capacity’ and above or equal to 300, ‘Optimum

f) Create a chart a doughnut using column A and D respectively.

g) Insert a header, your name and footer your class.

h) Centre your work horizontally and vertically.

i) Copy your work and save it in sheet4 of your workbook.

j) Print your work, save and exit the application.

20. Your school has hired plastic chairs from Home and Away Functional Services to
prepare for your last meal at school after the last UNEB paper. The company
provides the following details to you. Use it to create a suitable spreadsheet
program of your choice and save as ‘homeandaway’.

Item Quantity Unit Price

Plastic chairs 400 500
Food (plates) 450 7,000
Snacks 450 450
Drinks (Pepsi Cola) 900 800
Bogoya (pcs) 1,800 200
Salads (packets) 200 400
Plastic table 400 1,000
Tent 05 150,000
Decoration - 300,000
Video coverage 02 500,000
Still photos 02 200,000
Music system 01 400,000
Master of ceremonies 04 100,000
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Item Quantity Unit Price

Transport (trucks) 03 50,000
Cake (200 kgs) 01 1,000,000
Miscellaneous expenses - 200,000


a) Apply boarder lines around your work.

b) Format your currency to accommodate separators.
c) Sort the items in descending order.
d) Add a column with a heading ‘Amount’.
e) Determine the amount paid by your school in respect to each item.
f) Determine the total amount paid altogether.
g) Insert a column after that of Amount and label it ‘percentage’.
h) Determine the percentage amount for each item. Make sure that it totals to 100.
i) Copy your spreadsheet and paste it in sheet6 of your workbook.
j) Rename your worksheet tabs as: sheet1 ‘homeandaway’ and sheet6 ‘copy’
k) Create a 3D pie chart to represent the percentage amount and the items.
l) Insert page numbers in sheet named percentage.
m) Print your work and exit the application.

21. The Games Master of Kasana High School maintains table standings for the
football league played in 2009. Enter the following information in a suitable
spreadsheet program of your choice and save as ‘football’.

House P W D L F A Gd Ppts
Kabelega 5 2 3 0 12 2
Rwenzori 5 3 2 0 12 6
Elgon 5 2 3 0 3 1
Victoria 5 0 0 0 1 29
Kyoga 5 3 0 2 14 8
Nile 5 4 1 0 21 4
Ssezibwa 5 5 0 0 18 9
Kidepo 5 1 3 1 6 10
Churchill 5 5 0 0 23 8
Kilimanjaro 5 4 0 1 13 7
Semulki 5 3 1 1 10 13


a) Copy this work and paste into sheet2 and perform the following instructions.

b) Apply boarder lines around your work.

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c) Determine the Gd which is given by F – A.

d) Calculate the number of points accumulated by a team given that each W =

3pts; L=0 pts; D=1pt.

e) Using the data series for House and Gpts, represent this data onto a line graph
to indicate performance for each house. Insert it as a object in sheet4.

f) Sort your data in ascending order basing on ‘House’.

g) Create a column labeled Posn: in column J.

h) Using the Rank function, determine the position of each house and insert your
answer in column J basing on total points accumulated by each house.

i) Insert a header, ‘interhouse’.

j) Align columnar headings to 300.

k) Print three copies of this work and exit the application.

22. Eastern Motor Club provides the following records to use. Present the data below
in a spreadsheet program of your choice and save as ‘motorclub’.

Stage 1 Stage 2
Rally driver Time flag off Time arrived Time flag off Time arrived
Lumala 8:00 10:01 10:30 2:00
Susan M 8:05 10:13 10:31 2:01
Sula Kato 8:10 10:15 10:32 2:01
Chippa A. 8:15 10:16 10:33 2:04
Binasali 8:20 10:17 10:34 2:30
Emma Kato 8:25 10:19 10:35 3:00
Karim Hirji 8:30 10:20 10:36 3:12
Rwakataka 8:35 10:21 10:37 3:13
Amin Dada 8:40 10:35 10:38 3:14


a) Merge cells A1 and A2.

b) Format the time to A.M/P.M.

c) Insert a column for total time used in column F2.

d) In this column, determine the total time spent by each rally drive to complete
the two stages.

e) Using data series in column F and A respectively, create a line graph to

represent this data.
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f) On your chart, apply a relevant title and labels for x and y axes respectively.
Adjust your legend to fit at the bottom of your graph.

g) Copy your work from sheet1 and paste into sheet2.

h) Rename the sheet tabs: for sheet1 as ‘Original’ and sheet2 as ‘Duplicate’.

i) Centre your work on duplicate sheet both vertically and horizontally.

j) Print a copy of your work and exit the application.

23. Using a suitable spreadsheets application of your choice, enter the following data
in a works sheet and save as your name.

Year Cattle Sheep Goats Pigs

‘000 ‘000 ‘000 ‘000
1991 5,121 820 4,950 1,210
1992 5,209 845 5,070 1,228
1993 5,370 871 5,227 1,266
1994 5,106 897 5,383 1,304
1995 5,233 924 5,545 1,343
1996 5,301 951 5,684 1,383
1997 5,460 980 5,826 1,425


a) Copy your data and paste it in sheet2 of your worksheet.

b) On sheet2, format your data to include a separator and zero decimal places.

c) Apply boarder on your range of selected data.

d) Determine total number of livestock for each year.

e) Determine minimum, maximum and average livestock per category above.

f) On sheet2, insert a row in row1 to hold the heading, ‘livestock numbers: 1992
– 1997’. Merge and centre the heading.

g) Using relevant range of data series, represent data for 1996 on a pie chart.
Remember to insert it as an object in sheet3, include a suitable title and legend.

h) Insert a header, your name; footer, your index number.

i) Print a copy of your work.

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24. The following table shows details of electricity meter readings for ten different
customers of UMEME (U) Limited at the beginning and end of the months of
September, October and November respectively. Save your work as

Customer’s name Meter reading as at Meter reading as at Meter reading as at

1st Sept. 1st Oct. 1st Nov.
Tegule Arnold 35839 36852 36990
Musifata Alex 13538 14011 15673
Okima Whyclif 20153 20542 20933
Ssentongo David 28603 29256 30189
Otunga Peterson 32568 33410 34667
Luumu Oliver 42398 43630 44802
JJJ Enterprises 15644 15644 15644
Nantume Justine 22893 39955 50993

Additional information:

The cost of one unit of electricity is shs. 250, and each customer pays a constant
service fee of shs. 5,000, regardless of the number of units of electricity consumed.


a) Enter the above table on a worksheet 1 as it is (remember to wrap the columnar


b) Copy the data on sheet 1 and paste it onto sheet 4.

c) Rename sheet 4 as ‘finalbill’.

d) Insert a blank row above the table on sheet 4 and enter the label, Unit cost in cell
A1 with corresponding values 250 in B1 and the label, Service fee in D1 with a
corresponding value of Shs. 5,000 in cell E2.
e) Use columns F and G to calculate the electricity bill for September, October and
November respectively.

f) Use column H and I to compute the electricity bill for September and October.
Assign all columns suitable headings.

g) Format all currencies to have a symbol UGX, before all the values.

h) Re- arrange the data to have customers’ name in ascending order.

i) Insert a centred footer, your name and print sheet 4 on paper size A4 landscape
and save your work.

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25. A farmer’s income and expenditure is shown in the spreadsheet below

1 Rates
2 Increase 3%
3 Decrease 2.5%
6 Income: Maize sales 2,000
7 Wheat sales 25,000
8 Millet sales 12,500
10 Total income 39,500
11 Exp.
12 Fertilizers 16,000
13 Labour 10,000
14 Transport 8,000
16 Total expenditure 34,000
18 Profit: 23,500

If the expenditure is decreased by 2.5% and income goes up by 3%.


a) Calculate the figures in cells E10 and E16 to find the total income and
expenditure in each case.

b) Calculate the figures in Cell E18 to find the profit.

c) Calculate the new expenditure in Cells F12, F13 and F14 respectively.

d) Calculate the new income in cell F6, F7 and F8.

e) Calculate the new profit in Cell G18.

f) Save your work as ‘profit for the year’.

g) Print your work and exit the application.

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26. Using a spreadsheet program you know, enter the following information and
answer the questions that follow and save as ‘exports’.

Export totals in ‘000 tons

Commodity Quantity % export Unit cost Amount
Coffee 2,000 2,000
Vanilla 5,000 1,800
Pineapple 2,400 22,000
Crafts 1,500 41,000
Flowers 3,000 38,000
Fish 2,500 1,200
Beef 2,000 3,400
Skin 1,000 1,100
Corn 5,000 800
Beans 9,000 2,200
Total ? ? ?


a) Determine the total quantity of exports for the year 2008.

b) Calculate the percentage export for each commodity.
c) Determine the total percentage.
d) Calculate the amount obtained from export sales for the period.
e) Determine the total income received for the period.
f) Add line boards around your work.
g) Using the columns for item and % export, create a pie-chart to represent this
information and should be saved as an object to sheet4 of your workbook. Print
your work separately.

27. The following information was volunteered by a group of ten family heads for the
month ended 31st December 2010.

Name Net income Medical Housing Feeding Savings

35% 10% 25% 30%
Lubwama 1,000,000
Nanokha 2,000,000
Oboyio 1,800,000
Aleba 800,000
Mbabazi 450,000
Sempala 2,000,000
Masaba 800,000
Naituni 300,000
Kibuye 1,000,00
akankwatsa 3,000,000

Downloaded by Home Tution service (


a) Beginning from cell A1, key in this data into a suitable spreadsheet program of
your choice and save as ‘family’.

b) Complete the spreadsheet using percentages given for each column


c) Apply line boarders to make your work look professional.

d) Insert a row between Masaba and Sempala for Nabweteme and insert

e) Allow the rest of the columns to automatically calculate the required amounts.

f) Format your data to hold the mask for ‘Shs”. in each column before the amount
in each case.

g) Using the columns for savings and name, create a pie – chart of your choice to
represent the above data. Let your chart rest in sheet3 of your workbook. Add
footer your name and header your class in each sheet.

h) Insert an automatic date in each sheet where your work is stored.

i) Print your work and exit the application.

28. Using a spreadsheet application of your choice, key in the following data as it
appears from cell A1 and save a ‘sales_eats’.

Item Quantity Rate Amount

Ice cream 129 500
Soda 345 800
Buns 234 200
Popcorn 567 100
Bagiya 453 100
Pancake 678 200
Cassava chips 799 150
Lollipops 123 200
Chewing gum 376 100
Books 900 150


a) Insert a heading ‘Canteen Sales for two weeks’.

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b) Insert a row between buns and Popcorns for Mineral Water with recorded at Qty:
340 each 800.

c) Format the amount to accommodate the currency format with a zero digit place.
Format to hold a prefix of “Shs.”

d) Determine the amount received for each item respectively.

e) Insert a fresh row after that of books labeled “Total” to determine the total amount

f) Insert a column after amount labeled “% Sales income”. In this column, determine
the percentage representing each item. Total the percentage as well.

g) In cell D14, determine the maximum amount received.

h) Using the columns for items and Amount, create a bar chart and insert as an object
in sheet 3 of your workbook.

i) Insert header in sheet 3 of your work as your name and footer as your class.

j) Insert page numbers in your spreadsheet program in the format of page 1 of …

k) Insert today’s date. Ensure that this date is automatically updating.

l) Using the columns for item and amount, populate a line graph to represent this
data. Remember to insert correct heading, x and y axes labels respectively. Insert
your legend to the right of the graph. Print a copy of your work and exit the

29. Key in the following data in a spreadsheet program of your choice and save as
‘roll call’.

Name Mon Tue Wed Thur Frid

Waiswa P P P P A
Kato P A P P A
Mulondo A A A P P
Mugweri P P P P A
Naiga P P A A A
Nalubwama P P P A A
Lwanga P P A P P
Kibumba P A P A A
Lukyamuzi P A P P A
Kasadha P P A A A
Walugembe A A P P P
Zirintusa P P A A A
Downloaded by Home Tution service (

Note: P = Present and A = Absent


a) Rename sheet1 as ‘Attendance’ and change the tab colour to Red.

b) Insert a grid beginning form cell A17 to sort the data above.

Status Mon Tue Wed Thur Frid


c) Using the count function, populate the table above.

d) Generate a column graph to represent this data as an object is sheet4 of your


e) Insert a row between Kasadha and Walugembe for Ikendi with P, A, A, A, P

for the attendance.

f) Make sure that your summary table and graph automatically updates.

g) After Friday on your summary, insert a column with a heading Total

performance. Word wrap the columnar heading. Hence, determine the total
performance for each status.

h) Insert other three columns for Maximum, Minimum and Average. Using a
suitable formulae, generate the required values in each category i.e. P and A

i) Insert header, your name and class respectively.

j) Sort the work in respect to name in ascending order.

k) At the bottom of summary table, add a row for total to determine the total
number of students expected every day.

l) Centre the work on worksheet 1 both vertically and horizontally.

m) Print a copy of your work and exit the application.

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30. The following grades were generated by the Director of Studies of one Primary
school for term two, 2000.

Name Mtc Eng Sst Scie Agric. Agg. Div

Waiswa M. 1 3 2 7 1
Kirya U. 1 2 3 6 2
Kabongo I. 6 4 3 2 1
Tibagerwa P. 8 9 5 6 1
Kakaire R. 1 9 5 4 1
Acero J. 2 3 2 4 2
Kirabo D. 6 3 2 3 3
Semakula C. 2 3 1 3 2
Kyegombe J. 1 6 2 4 3
Mukwaya S. 2 8 2 2 4
Kirabira M. 3 3 3 3 3
Timbiti P. 4 4 4 4 2
Kaballe P. 3 9 4 6 1
Kyotalalya I. 2 6 6 7 2
Balisanyuka G. 1 9 1 1 3


a) In the column for Agg., determine the total of the best done four subjects.

b) Given that a pupil with an aggregate less than 5, obtains Division 1, less than
Agg. 13, Division 2, less than Agg. 24, Division 3, and the rest Division 3. To
obtain division one, a pupil should have passed MTC with a 6 and below, ENG
less than 7. For division 2, a pupil should have passed MTC and ENG. A pupil
who fails ENG goes to Division 3 even if the Agg. Total is below 13.

Determine the Division allocation for each pupil.

c) Copy your work to sheet 3 of your workbook.

d) Generate a table as below to extract a summary of results for this particular


Division No:

e) Generate a formula that will be used to filter the results for the summary table

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f) Rename sheet1 as ‘Raw Data’ and sheet2 as ‘Copied Data’

g) Change the tab colour as: Raw Data = Green and Copied Data = Yellow.

h) Save your work as ‘results’.

i) Print a copy of your work and exit the application.

31. The following records relate to the sales of a restaurant for the period of June,

Item Unit cost Quantity

Matooke + meat 4,000 21
Matooke + chicken 5,000 20
Sausage 500 40
Pineapple juice 500 60
Soda 800 10
Beer 2,500 08
All foods 8,000 18
Breakfast 2,000 40
Katogo 1,000 61
Yoghurt 1,000 10
snacks 8,000 42


a) Beginning from cell A1, enter the above data in a suitable spreadsheet program
of your choice.

b) Format quantity to ‘00’, general style.

c) Format unit cost to hold a prefix of ‘Shs”.

d) Insert a column after quantity for sales. Hence, determine sales for each item.

e) Create another column for percentage sales. Determine percentage sales of

each item as a ratio of the total sales.

f) Create a pie-chart using data series for item and percentage sales. Insert it as an
object in sheet4 o your workbook.

g) Provide a centred header as your name and class as a left aligned footer.

h) Save your work as ‘sales_june_2000’ and provide a printout of your relevant


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32. Music Uganda provides data concerning show performance of local artistes for the
month of December, 2010.

Name of artistes No. of albums No. of shows

H.E. Bobi Wine 14 16
Dr. Jose Chamelion 18 08
Big Size Bebe Cool 10 10
Eddy Kenzo 07 11
Sweet Kid 02 10
Big Eye de Professor 01 02
Goodlyfe Crew 08 09
Kiwoko Boys 04 01


a) Beginning from cell A1, enter the above data in a suitable spreadsheet program
of your choice.

b) Format column B and C to hold ‘00” general format.

c) Given that on each show, 100 copies are sold. In column D, determine the
number of Music Compact Discs solde.

d) Apply a border line to make your work look professional.

e) Align columnar headings to 450

f) Sort your data A-Z basing on No. of Cds sold.

g) Add header your name and footer your class.

h) Using data series for Name of artistes and No. of Cds sold; prepare a bar graph
to represent this data.

i) Print your work and exit the application.

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33. Beginning from cell A1 and Sheet1 of your spreadsheet program of your choice,
key in the following and save as ‘results’.


Katongole Denis 80 45 56 89
Musisi Peter 80 26 41 42
Mapeera Simon 56 98 52 36
Kiyaga Humphrey 80 89 32 56
Mpabulungi Mark 45 56 65 74
Wamimbi Ambrose 12 32 85 58
Masembe Nike 78 65 41 69
Opio Victor 35 56 23 36
Auma Justine 62 36 23 52
Nambozo Lillian 45 22 14 42
Mulembe Kevin 44 56 15 89
Mpande Herbert 36 78 68 36
Mugole Harriet 58 56 94 45
Namugele David 45 52 100 21
Kiiza Donald 65 43 23 36



a) In the column for total, determine the total score for each student.

b) In column G, determine the average score for each student in two decimal places.

c) Determine the position for each student using the average mark in column H.

d) In row 18, 19 and 20; determine the minimum, maximum and modal mark for
each subject.

e) Apply a good boarder format around your work to make it look professional.

f) Using labels in cell range A1:A16 and details in E1:E16, create a column graph to
represent this data. Set your chart as an object to sheet3 of your spreadsheet.

g) Insert header your name and footer your class.

h) Print one copy of your work

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34. Using a spreadsheet application of your choice, key in the following data and save
as ‘importer’.

1 US Dollar ($) 2,515
2 Pound Sterling (₤) 4,050
3 Euro (€) 3,900
4 Kenya Shillings 30
6 Uganda US Pound Euro Kenya
(Shs.) ($) (₤) (€) (Shs.)
7 Importer’s Name
8 Kayizi 12,000,000
9 Nassali 8,000,000
10 Mulongo 30,000,000
11 Lwamusayi 80,000,000
12 Opio 53,000,000
13 Adeke 8,000,000
14 Adikini 6,000,000
15 Akampurira 56,000,000
16 Luyima 6,000,000
17 Lutwama 8,000,000
18 Musagala 9,000,000
19 Chepteok 10,000,000
20 Rwakasisi 23,000,000
21 Waiswa 25,000,000
22 Kyazze 9,000,000
23 Naava 20,000,000


a) Copy your work to sheet2 of the workbook and then carry out the instructions

b) The Exchange Rates are given by one Forex Bureau in cells A1:B4 against
Ugandan Shillings. Using the rates above, determine the amount of money
each importer will have in ($), (₤),(€) and Kenya Shillings.

c) From Cell B8 to F28, insert separators into your work.

d) Allow two decimal places for all your currency.

e) Apply an all boarder on your work.

f) In cell A25, insert the following labels downwards: Highest, Lowest, Total and
Average; hence, determine the value for each category and auto fill up to
column F.
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g) Using data range for A7:A23 and D7:D23, create a 3D Pie-Chart and set it as
an object in sheet3 of your work.

h) Rename sheet1 to ‘Original’, sheet2 to ‘Copied’ and sheet3 to ‘Pie-Chart’.

i) Change tab colours for Original to Black, Copied to Yellow and Pie-Chart to

35. Using a suitable spreadsheet application program of your choice, key in the
following data as it is and save as canteen_monthly_sales.

2 Unit Price Quantity
Item Gross Price 18% Net Price
(Ugx) Sold
3 Chappu 500 1,000
4 Daso 800 800
5 Golillos 500 25,000
6 Chips 3,000 500
7 Sausage 1,000 9,000
8 Kikomando 1,200 670
9 Quencher 4,000 150
10 Rwenzori 1,200 20,000
11 Bagiya 1,000 1,000
12 Rolex 1,500 680
13 Irish potatoes 2,500 450
14 Pancakes 200 40,000
15 Sumbi 350 35,750


a) Copy and paste your work in sheet2 of your spreadsheets and carry out the
following instructions.

b) Text wrap labels in Row 2. Centre the work both horizontally and vertically in
the cells affected.

c) From cell B3:C13, apply ‘000 separator and zero decimal place.

d) Format the rest of your work to currency format with a ‘none’ currency symbol.

e) In column D, determine Gross Price for each items sold provided that is a
product of Unit Price (Ugx) and Quantity Sold.

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f) Making E2 an absolute location in your formula, determine the amount remitted

to Uganda Revenue Authority in respect to VAT which is a product of VAT
and Gross Price.

g) Beginning from cell A17 downwards, enter labels for: Total, Average, Highest
and Lowest. Hence calculate values for cells B17:F20.

h) Using details in cells A2:A15 and F2:F15, create an Exploded Pie Chart in 3D
to represent this data. Set your chart as an object in sheet3 of your work.

i) Rename sheet1 to ‘Original’, sheet2 to ‘Copy’ and sheet3 to ‘3D Pie-Chart’.

36. The following were mock results for one secondary school in Nakasozi Sub
county 2011 (see page 2).

a) Using a suitable spreadsheet software program of your choice, key in this data
beginning from cell A1.

b) Copy the labels from cell A1 to cell Q1 and past in cell V1 of your work sheet.

c) Add two labels in cells AM1 and AN1 for Agg and Div respectively.

d) In cell W2, write a formula that will return possible grade obtained by each
student in English Language given that 75 – 100, 1; 70 – 74, 2; 65 – 69, 3; 60 –
64, 4; 55 – 59, 5; 45 – 54, 6; 40 – 44, 7; 35 – 39, 8 and 0 – 34, 9 respectively.
Note that each candidate that did not sit for ENG, MTC, PHY, CHEM, BIOL,
HIST and GEOG shall be graded as missed with letter X.

e) Auto fill for all the candidates so that they are all graded.

f) Auto fill to grade all compulsory subjects.

g) Adjust your formula to return an empty cell for a candidate that did not offer an
optional subject. No candidate dodged an optional subject.

h) In column AM, determine the best done eight subjects for each of the
candidates respectively.

i) In column AN1, determine the Division for each candidate given the following

Div 1, Aggregate less than 33 with a credit in English Language and must have
passed MTC.
Div 2, aggregate less than 46 with both a pass in Eng and MTC respectively.
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Div 3, aggregate less than 59 or a candidate with 9 in Eng language.

Div 4, aggregate less than 69
Div 9, from aggregate 69 to aggregate 72.
Div 7, a candidate who did not sit for more than seven subjects including all
the compulsory subjects.

j) Using the countif function, determine the grade distribution in cell V30 in the
table format below:

Grade 1 2 3 4 9 7 Total

k) Using the summary above, prepare a bar chart to represent performance of

candidates, remember to use an appropriate title, x and y axes labels.

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Abuneri Michael 25 67 24 57 33 35 23 26
Ageyurwoth O. 70 60 67 89 89 67 65 70 43
Aketch Moureen 46 20 22 11 14 44 56 34 34 13
Akite Lydia 51 15 80 19 19 43 64 40 26
Akoth Sarah 48 16 26 14 21 60 62 41 44 33
Alim Simon Peter 59 60 70 50 63 69 69 42 60 34
Among Mercy 60 24 27 19 21 51 48 30 51 25
Awori Margret 57 31 32 21 29 60 54 32 41 44
Bangi Taphas 47 17 19 14 14 41 41 20 29 25
Bujjo Godfrey 52 45 35 15 22 33 57 50
Kaggwa Godfrey 42 54 52 56 37 68 69 56 45 53 48
Kaggwa James 50 51 48 23 32 59 58 49 50
Kalungi Moses 49 63 50 42 22 48 50 32 36 45
Kasawuli N E 62 64 55 52 39 58 53 48 54
Kauma Joanita 39 6.5 23 16 29 54 41 33 39 41
Khanakwa Brenda 42 13 20 11 19 62 43 30 25 28
Kisaakye N. 58 74 73 33 69 79 80 56 58 67
Kitone Marvin 61 38 39 26 43 62 55 32 28
Kizza Phillipe 44 36 40 33 26 57 71 45 30
Koul Much 35 15 20 16 20 42 51 18 19 51
Kusasira Charity 50 11 19 13 18 39 22 30 4 42
Kwizera Omega 20 25 38 28 37 49 60 34 43 56
Kosimire Jemima 39 6 14 11 6 28 20 17 25 11


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37. The following results were presented by the Directorate of Studies of Nakasozi
Community High School for grading. Using any suitable application of your choice,
key in the following results beginning from cell A1, and save as nakasozi.


NAME 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1
Abuneri Michael 90 25 55 67 24 57 33 90
Ageyurwoth Olivia 70 60 67 89 89 67 65 55
Aketch Moureen 46 20 22 11 14 44 56 34
Akite Lydia 51 15 80 19 19 43 64 67
Akoth Sarah Produce 48 16 26 14 21 60 62 41
Alim Simon Peter 59 60 70 50 63 69 69 67
Among Mercy 60 24 27 19 21 51 48 30
Awori Margret 57 31 32 21 29 60 54 32
Bangi Taphas 47 17 19 14 14 41 41 20
Bujjo Godfrey 52 45 35 15 22 33 57 50
Kaggwa Godfrey 42 54 52 56 37 68 69 34
Kaggwa James 50 51 48 23 32 59 58 23
Kalungi Moses 49 63 50 42 22 48 50 45
Kasawuli N Erasmus 62 64 55 52 39 58 53 67
Kauma Joanita 39 6.5 23 16 29 54 41 33
Khanakwa Brenda 42 13 20 11 19 62 43 30
Kisaakye Nicholas 58 74 73 33 69 79 80 56
Kitone Marvin 61 38 39 26 43 62 55 78
Kizza Phillipe 44 36 40 33 26 57 71 45
Koul Much Ngweny 35 15 20 16 20 42 51 18
Kusasira Charity 50 11 19 13 18 39 22 30
Kwizera Omega Namara 20 25 38 28 37 49 60 34
Kyosimire Jemima 39 63 14 11 6 28 20 90


a) Select your data in the range of A1 to H2 and paste in cell K1.

b) In cell L3, write a formula that will return possible grade obtained by each student in
Principle Mathematics given that 75 – 100, 1; 70 – 74, 2; 65 – 69, 3; 60 – 64, 4; 55 –
59, 5; 45 – 54, 6; 40 – 44, 7; 35 – 39, 8 and 0 – 34, 9 respectively.

c) Insert two columns after each principle subject for Average Grade and Score
respectively. Hence, determine the average grade for each candidate in the principle
subject above.

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d) Using the weights relative to the average grade for each candidate, attach a weight to
each candidate’s performance given that:

1 – 2.5 = A
2.6 – 3.5 = B
3.6 – 4.5 = C
4.6 – 5.5 = D
5.6 – 7.0 = E
7.1 – 8.0 = O
8.1 – 9.0 = F

However, a candidate that scores grade 9 in one of the subjects and a credit and below, is
awarded grade O.

e) Add a column after CTS for Total Points, hence determine the total points obtained by
each student given that:


It is held that each candidate that scores credit 6 and below, scores Grade O and F for a
grade between 7 – 9.


(a). Grading per paper:


(b). Score per principle:


(c). Adding TOTAL POINTS obtained by each candidate:


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NAME 1 2 Score 1 2 Score 1 2 Score 1 1
Abuneri Michael 1 9 O 4 3 B 9 4 O 9 1 8
Ageyurwoth Olivia 2 3 A 3 1 A 1 3 A 3 4 20
Aketch Moureen 6 9 O 9 9 F 9 7 F 4 9 2
Akite Lydia 5 9 O 1 9 O 9 7 F 3 3 4
Akoth Sarah Produce 6 9 O 9 9 F 9 3 O 3 7 3
Alim Simon Peter 4 3 B 2 5 B 3 3 B 3 3 17
Among Mercy 3 9 O 9 9 F 9 5 O 6 9 2
Awori Margret 4 9 O 9 9 F 9 3 O 5 9 3
Bangi Taphas 6 9 O 9 9 F 9 7 F 7 9 1
Bujjo Godfrey 5 6 E 8 9 F 9 9 F 4 5 4
Kaggwa Godfrey 7 5 D 5 4 C 8 3 E 3 9 10
Kaggwa James 5 5 E 6 9 O 9 4 O 4 9 5
Kalungi Moses 6 3 C 5 7 E 9 6 O 5 6 4
Kasawuli N Erasmus 3 3 B 4 5 C 8 4 E 5 3 13
Kauma Joanita 8 9 F 9 9 F 9 5 O 7 9 1
Khanakwa Brenda 7 9 F 9 9 F 9 3 O 7 9 1
Kisaakye Nicholas 4 2 B 2 9 O 3 1 A 1 4 14
Kitone Marvin 3 8 D 8 9 F 7 3 D 4 1 8
Kizza Phillipe 7 8 D 7 9 F 9 4 O 2 6 5
Koul Much Ngweny 8 9 F 9 9 F 9 7 F 5 9 1
Kusasira Charity 5 9 O 9 9 F 9 8 F 9 9 1
Kwizera Omega Namara 9 9 F 8 9 F 8 6 O 3 9 2
Kyosimire Jemima 8 3 E 9 9 F 9 9 F 9 1 3

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38. The accountant of BAKOWU ENTERPRISES manages a manual spreadsheet to

prepare monthly payroll for the company. You have been asked to generate an
electronic spreadsheet for the organization starting from cell A2.

Abwala Charles A
Acayo Grace S
Adongo Juliet K
Aimo Ann Dorcus S
Ajyep John Stephen K
Akello Dinah S
Akello Molly A
Akoth Faith M
Akurut Leah A
Apolot Proscovia M
Aranit Christine Judith A
Asero Moureen M
Asiimwe Rogers P
Atim Flavia P
Atim Gloria S
Atim Irene P
Ayebazibwe Sadah T
Chanroma Teopista T
Isoke Moses P
Kaladi Harriet K
Kyarikunda Venesia T
Mangeni Martin Fredrick S
Mudondo Suzan P
Mugenyi Ronald M
Mungurieki Wilberforce S
Muzaki Roshimin P
Nabunya Hadijja M
Nabuwembo Hajara P
Naigaga Damalie T
Nairuba Harriet S

Additional information:

a) Create columnar headings for: BASIC PAY, HOUSING, MEDICAL,

DEDUCTIONS, NET PAY, from cell C2 to cell N2.

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b) It is given that a member from the A = 1,000,000; S = 900,000; K= 100,000; M=

400,000; P = 200,000 AND T=300,000 respectively. Determine the Basic Pay for each


c) It is given that housing = 10%; Medical = 13%; Transport = 3.5% and insurance = 12%
all of Basic Pay. Determine the allowances received by each work respectively.

d) Determine Gross Pay for each worker. Hint =SUM(C3:G3) and auto fill.

e) It is also given that NSSF = 5%; EOP = 10% and CS 2% all of Gross pay. Determine
the amounts due to each respectively.

f) Pay As You Earn is given as below:

Amount range Tax

0 – 250,000 0
250,001 – 450,000 Excess of 250,000 – 120,000 x 3%
450,001 – 800,000 Excess of 250,000 – 120,000 + 10,000 x15%
800,001 – 1,200,000 Excess of 250,000 – 120,000 + 55000 x 20%
1,200,001 onwards Excess of 250,000 - 120,000 + 60,000 x 25%


g) Determine the amount of NSSF for all the workers.

h) Determine the amount of PAYE for all the workers.

i) Create a columnar heading that is merged and centred from cells D1:G1 for

j) Create a columnar heading that is merged and centred from cells I1:L1 for

k) Wrap text the columnar heading TOTAL DEDUCTIONS. Centre both horizontally and
vertically all columnar headings. Change the column width to 87 pixels and column
height to 47 pixels

l) Determine Net Pay for each worker respectively.

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m) Save your work and exit the application.

39. The Director of Studies of M.M. Wanyange Primary School provides you with the
following raw marks for 2012 mock examinations. Beginning from cell A3, enter the
data in a suitable spreadsheet program of your choice and save as ‘results’.


Achelam Emmanuel - 52 76 84
Ajuna Allan 64 59 74 83
Akello Jane 49 18 70 76
Ampairwe Kevin 90 78 56 57
Angom Martha 45 67 67 90
Ayado Grace 47 33 56 71
Balyogera Linda N 49 18 55 53
Biar Manyok Deng A 40 31 59 65
Bukirwa Annet - - 64 73
Buwule Ivan Paul 58 40 70 75
Buyi Fredrick 90 27 90 80
Chacha John 90 40 82 88
Chemonges David Isaiah 53 43 73 65
Dragua Brenda Phacy 90 67 70 79
Gahizi Edison 50 42 66 57
Gimbo Sharon 60 19 51 43
Gimei Benson 46 31 71 71
Hashaga Ian - 15 41 44
Iguna Proscovia 48 26 57 65
Inobyo Godfrey 55 28 59 58
Kadoli Moses 89 90 67 78
Kato Ambrose 12 35 12 32
Katongole David 89 12 56 90
Kejaji Marion 23 45 90 90
Mulunguna Joseph 90 90 12 90
Nalunkuma Toffin - 23 45 90
Namusoke Lillian 67 89 78 56


a) Insert a new column after each subject and insert a columnar heading ‘GRADE”.
b) Using the following grading scale, generate a function that will return appropriate
grade for each score.

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75 – 100 = 1
70 – 74 = 2
65 – 69 = 3
60 – 64 = 4
55 – 59 = 5
45 – 54 = 6
40 – 44 = 7
35 – 39 = 8
0 – 34 = 9


c) Add two column headings for AGG and DIV

d) In the column for AGG, determine the total aggregate obtained by each candidate.

e) In the column for DIV, use the AGG and other conditions to obtain DIV for each

i. DIV 1 = AGG less than 13 and less than 7 in both mathematics and English.
ii. DIV 2 = AGG less than 25 and less than 9 in both mathematics and English.
iii. DIV 3 = AGG less than 33 or 9 in English.
iv. DIV 4 = AGG between 33 and 36 respectively.
v. DIV 9 = At least sat for one subject.
vi. DIV U = Did not sit for any subject.


f) Delete the AGG for each candidate that scored AGG 9 and U respectively.

g) Add a column for General Comment after DIV and assign as follows:

DIV 1 = Good performance.

DIV 2 = Fairly good performance.
DIV 3 = Can do better if given opportunity at “O” Level School.
DIV 4 = Advised to join polytechnic for skill training.
DIV 9 = Did not seat for all the subjects. Results not graded.
DIV U = Did not appear for examinations. Results not graded at all.

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=LOOKUP(K2,{1,2,3,4,9,"U"},{"Good performance.","Fairly good

performance.","Can do better if given opportunity at “O” Level School.","Advised to
join polytechnic for skill training.","Did not seat for all the subjects. Results not
graded.","Did not appear for examinations. Results not graded at all."})

h) Delete rows 1 and 2 and save your work.

i) Generate the following result slip using a word processor of your choice.

m.m wanyange primary school

p.o. box 949

mock result slip, 2012


Social studies

General comment:

j) Centre the three line heading, bold, change to upper case, font size 20.

k) Centre Mock result slip, 2012, bold, underline and font size 14.

l) Apply a white or no colour boarder around your two tables.

m) Complete the tables by merging file ‘results’ with and your work document.

n) Create a result slip for each candidate by editing the document.

o) Save your work as ‘result_slips_2012’.

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40. The following records were provided by MUNENE ENTERPRISES for two month
(August to September) concerning electricity units consumed. Starting from cell A5,
create a payment chart for the above company taking into consideration the following
additional information.

Units Total
NAME Aug. Sept. (shs) VAT
Used Amount
Shs. 524 18%
Acam Angel 4141 4222
Akatuhurira B Henry 95670 95827
Alituha Mahlon 293 293
Ampairwe Kenneth 55369 55672
Asiimwe Innocent Ricky 5056 5237
Atujuna Hosanna 57509 57681
Baraka Alexis 40428 40479
Bbossa Sharleem Priscilla 6539 6539
Bunjo Makabugo Ezekiel 28815 28856
Dhikusooka Allan Clive 95397 95588
Gonahasa Fred 10181 10245
Jaggwe Raymond 32704 32792
Jebet Ashleigh 27602 27779
Kafuko Jesophat 22648 22721
Kajubi Phillip 58336 58355
Kakeeto Keneth 10247 10247
Kansiime Colline Steven 5682 5704
Kawooya Njuki Alvin 33268 33394
Kibalama Muwanguzi M 14035 14214
Kikomeko Makula Teddy 90041 90126
Kirabo Eddie Patrick 34145 34232
Kiwanuka Cedric 4486 4487
Kunihira Elizabeth N 47336 47339
Kuteesa Jemimah 22542 22612
Kyazze Lule Warren 51033 51157
Lubega Joram Jethro M 49129 49299
Lutaaya Solomon 29260 29342
Maar John Philip Odoi 49342 49363
Mbawonye Elizabeth 43284 43318
Mbaziira Arnold 23591 23627
Minge Simon Ivan 16472 16541
Mucunguzi Moses G 15895 15971


a) Merge and centre both horizontally and vertically all the label headings from cell
A5 to cell D2. Format paint cell D2 and format paste cell G5:G6 respectively.
b) Custom number cell E6 to contain a mask for “Shs.” #,###.

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c) Apply a currency format for all cells D2:G38.

d) In column D, determine the amount of units consumed by each staff member i.e.

e) Determine the gross bill of each customer given that:

 Units above 14.5, each customer pays a flat fee of shs. 4,589 plus the basic unit cost
of shs. 524 and the excess of 14.5 units respectively.

 For the units that are below 14.5, each customer pays a flat rate of shs. 3,248 plus
100 shillings multiplied by the number of units consumed.



f) In the column for VAT, determine Value Added Tax (18%) as a product of Gross
Amount. Hint: =E7*$F$6

g) Determine the total amount paid by each customer given that Amount (Shs) + VAT
gives Total Amount.

h) In cell E39 and F39, determine the sum of money in each category.

i) Using field names for Amount (Shs) and VAT with Totals in Cells E39:F39, create
a bar chart to represent this information.

j) Save your work as UMEME and exit your application.

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Units (shs) VAT Total
NAME Aug. Sept.
Used Amount
Shs. 524 18%
Acam Angel 4141 4222 81 340,015 61,203 401,217
Akatuhurira B Henry 95670 95827 157 728,603 131,148 859,751
Alituha Mahlon 293 293 - - - -
Ampairwe Kenneth 55369 55672 303 1,475,101 265,518 1,740,619
Asiimwe Innocent Ricky 5056 5237 181 851,315 153,237 1,004,551
Atujuna Hosanna 57509 57681 172 805,298 144,954 950,251
Baraka Alexis 40428 40479 51 186,625 33,592 220,217
Bbossa Sharleem Priscilla 6539 6539 - - - -
Bunjo Makabugo Ezekiel 28815 28856 41 135,495 24,389 159,884
Dhikusooka Allan Clive 95397 95588 191 902,445 162,440 1,064,885
Gonahasa Fred 10181 10245 64 253,094 45,557 298,650
Jaggwe Raymond 32704 32792 88 375,806 67,645 443,450
Jebet Ashleigh 27602 27779 177 830,863 149,555 980,418
Kafuko Jesophat 22648 22721 73 299,111 53,840 352,950
Kajubi Phillip 58336 58355 19 23,009 4,142 27,150
Kakeeto Keneth 10247 10247 - - - -
Kansiime Colline Steven 5682 5704 22 38,348 6,903 45,250
Kawooya Njuki Alvin 33268 33394 126 570,100 102,618 672,717
Kibalama Muwanguzi Mark 14035 14214 179 841,089 151,396 992,484
Kikomeko Makula Teddy 90041 90126 85 360,467 64,884 425,350
Kirabo Eddie Patrick 34145 34232 87 370,693 66,725 437,417
Kiwanuka Cedric 4486 4487 1 3,348 603 3,951
Kunihira Elizabeth N 47336 47339 3 10,044 1,808 11,852
Kuteesa Jemimah 22542 22612 70 283,772 51,079 334,850
Kyazze Lule Warren 51033 51157 124 559,874 100,777 660,651
Lubega Joram Jethro M 49129 49299 170 795,072 143,113 938,184
Lutaaya Solomon 29260 29342 82 345,128 62,123 407,250
Maar John Philip Odoi 49342 49363 21 33,235 5,982 39,217
Mbawonye Elizabeth 43284 43318 34 99,704 17,947 117,650
Mbaziira Arnold 23591 23627 36 109,930 19,787 129,717
Minge Simon Ivan 16472 16541 69 278,659 50,159 328,817
Mucunguzi Moses Godfrey 15895 15971 76 314,450 56,601 371,050

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41. Mulembe Construction Company pays workers after preparing a manual payroll. You
have been to prepare a payroll this time using an electronic spreadsheet program of
your choice and save your work as mulembe_payroll.

Worker’s Name Basic Pay

Lutwaama Ivan 800,000
Naiga Sandra 950,000
Katongole Simon 200,000
Matovu Asuman 300,000
Wante Peter 100,000
Atim Proscovia 560,000
Asio Ivanovo 450,000
Namugele Shifa 480,000
Nassali Hajira 800,000
Ojambo Moses 782,000
Walusimbi Sadam 963,000
Kasaija David 742,000
Namuli Prosy 980,000
Ddumba Sentamu 320,000
Mustafa Ahmed 890,000
Kakande Yasin 1,000,000


a) Copy your work to sheet2 of your workbook.

b) Add label names from cells A3 onwards for: Housing, Transport, Medical,
Insurance, NSSF, PAYE, Total Allowances and Total Deducations.

c) The rate of basic pay are as follows: Housing - 10%, Transport - 5%, Medical -
20%, Insurance - 10%, NSSF - 5%. Hence determine the amounts for each worker.

d) PA YE is calculated from the following schedule:

Tax Range Tax

0 – 250,000 0
250,001 – 450,000 Excess of 250,000 – 120,000 x 3%
450,001 – 800,000 Excess of 250,000 – 120,000 + 10,000 x15%
800,001 – 1,200,000 Excess of 250,000 – 120,000 + 55000 x 20%
1,200,001 onwards Excess of 250,000 - 120,000 + 60,000 * 25%

Hence determine PAYE for each worker.

e) Determine Total Allowances summation of Housing, Transport, Medical and

Insurance; and Total Deductions which is a NSSF + PAYE for each worker.

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f) Using data ranges for Worker’s Name and Total Pay, create a 3D Clustered column
to represent this data. Remember to insert a good chart title, X and Y axes labels.
Insert your chart as an object in sheet4.

g) Rename all worksheet tabs as sheet1 to ‘Collected’, sheet2 to ‘Final’ and sheet4 to
pie chart.

h) Insert your name as header, index number as footer.

i) Print a copy of all your work in the workbook.

42. Using a suitable spreadsheet program of your choice, key in the following data and
save your work as ‘enrolment’.

Name Sex Class Fees Uniform House House Teacher

Senyonga Titus M 1A
Waligo Andrew M 1C
Namukasa Eve F 1C
Namugenyi Patience F 3B
Mulindwa Peterson M 3B
Mulembe Rebecca F 1A
Kakuba Paul M 4A
Mulefu Isaac M 2C
Wateta Pauline F 2B
Ekaju Stephen M 2C
Kitabo Milly F 2B
Mutebi Kamurari M 2B
Bbosa Sheline F 1A


a) Fees paid is based on class. For Senior 1 = 1,000,000, Senior two = 879,0000 and
Senior three = 790,000. Using the IF function; generate fees paid by each student.

b) Uniform is given on the basis of class. All streams of Senior 1 = Maroon (B) + White
(T), Senior 2 = Navy Blue (B) + White (T), Senior 3 = Grey (B) + White (T) and
Senior 4 = Black (B) + White (T). Determine the uniform to be used by each class.

c) Houses are allocated to students basing on the following arrangement:

 1A, 2A, 3A provided that the student is a Male, he is allocated ‘Australia’ and for a
Female, she is allocated ‘Sabaganzi’
 1B, 2B, 3B provided that the student is a Male, he is allocated ‘South Africa’ and
for a Female, she is allocated ‘Gaster’.
 1C, 2C, 3C provided that the student is a Male, he is allocated ‘Nigeria’ and for a
Female, she is allocated ‘Grace’.
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Using a suitable function, determine the houses allocated to the students above.

d) The House Teachers are assigned as below:

Grace = Mrs. Irene Odongkara.

Sebaganzi = Mrs. Faith Kabira
Gaster = Mrs. Sandra Waligo
South Africa = Mr. Musota Stephen
Nigeria = Mr. Wadega David
Australia = Mr. Katongole Eric

Using a suitable function, assign the above House Teachers to their respective

e) In cell B16, enter the following details downwards 1A, 1C, 2B, 2C, 3B. In cell C16
downwards, count the number of students that are in each stream.

f) Using details in (e) above, create a bar graph to represent this data. (Remember to add
graph title, x and y axes labels). Set your graph as an object in sheet3.

g) Insert header your name and footer your index number in your work.

h) Print a copy of your work.

43. Kampala Examinations Board (KEB) has asked you to use a spreadsheet application of
your choice to work on the data below beginning in cell A1 of sheet1 of your workbook
saved as ‘examinations’.


Muto Ivan 40 80 90 100
Naiga Sandra 60 50 20 40
Saiga Anthony 70 40 30 20
Kibumba Denis 80 15 20 40
Rukundo Joseph 90 90 80 40
Nalubale Vivian 10 100 100 100
Kintu Stephen 20 90 80 75
Walimbwa Paul 40 60 70 90


(a) Copy your work to sheet2 of your workbook.

(b) Insert a new column after each subject with a label name ‘Grade’ in each.

(c) Given that:

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75 – 100 = 1
70 – 74 = 2
65 – 69 = 3
60 – 64 = 4
55 – 59 = 5
45 – 54 = 6
40 – 44 = 7
35 – 39 = 8
0 – 34 = 9, hence; determine the grade scored by each student in each subject.

(d) After the column for SCIE, add two columns for Aggregate and Division
(e) Determine the aggregate by summing up all grades obtained by each candidate.
(f) Given that:

Aggregate 4 – 12 = 1, if a candidate passes MTC and ENG with a score less than or
equal to Grade 6.
Aggregate 13 – 22 = 2, if a candidate passes ENG with less than or equal to Grade 8.
Aggregate 24 – 32 = 3,
Aggregate 33 – 36 = 4, hence; determine divisions for each student using appropriate

(g) Apply a good line boarder around your work.

(h) In cell A13, enter the following labels downwards: Minimum, Maximum and
Average. Hence, determine the values for each basing on each subject ignoring
subject grades.

(i) Using columns for Name and Aggregate, insert a 3D pie – chart to represent this set
of data as an object in sheet3.

(j) Rename your work sheets as “Original”, “Copied” and “Pie-chart”.

(k) Print all your work in your workbook and exit the application.

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By the end of the topical exercises, learners will be able to:

(a). Load a presentations application.

(b). Identify features of a presentations application.
(c). Identify the different slide layouts in a presentation application.
(d). Typeset content on the slide that is appropriate.
(e). Insert relevant clip and word art.
(f). Work with text direction.
(g). Delete and paste content on a slide.
(h). Work with objects like autoshaples, charts, tables, e.t.c.
(i). Apply animations.
(j). Use simple backgrounds.
(k). Use slide transition.
(l). Add footer and header.
(m). Add slide numbers.
(n). Insert action buttons for manually running presentations.
(o). Print work in handout mode.
(p). Rehearse timings.
(q). Slide notes.
(r). Work with transitions (transition speed, transition type, e.t.c)
(s). Setup show.
(t). Work with slide master, handouts and slide notes formats.

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1. A leading Social Activist Group KK INTERNATIONAL is to present a theme for

discussion ‘Corruption in Uganda’ due to take place shortly to Members of
Parliament. You have been asked to prepare a manually running presentation with
the following details:

Slide one: Introductory Slide

Corruption refers to obtaining wealth, resources, and gains through using

unrealistic methods without involving a gun.

Slide two: Forms of Corruption in Uganda

Corruption in Uganda takes many ways that include; taking and accepting bribes,
overcharging customers, abusing of office property, taking a lot of money in form
of allowances, signing contracts that are dubious, and falsifying receipts and other
business documents.

Slide three: Ways of regulation corruption

The government has to ensure that all corrupt officers are severely punished, that
they refund the wealth obtained through improper ways, sensitize the general
public about the dangers of corruption, including corruption as a topic to be taught
in schools that individuals obtain knowledge, publicizing names of all corrupt
people, setting up a commission of inquiry into corruption.

Slide four: Conclusion

Corruption is a dangerous aspect that MUST be dealt with carefully. The

government SHOULD take keen interest at regulating dangers of corruption
before it becomes a scourge.

a) Apply action buttons to link slides manually to each other.

b) Insert relevant graphics.

c) Apply appropriate simple background.

d) Insert footer ‘your name’ header ‘your index number’.

e) Ensure that each point appears in an ordered list.

f) Use minimal animation.

g) Set all headings to font size 45 and the content font size 28.

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h) Print a copy or your work as in a handout mode.

i) Save your work as ‘corruption’ and exit the application.

2. Uganda Manufacturers Association is planning a workshop to sensitize Nationals

about the theme, ‘Environmental Pollution’, later this year. You have been
appointed to design a four manually running presentation for the function to
include the following and save your work as ‘Environmental Pollution’.

Slide one: Definition of terms

Environmental pollution is the contamination of air, water and land by man –

made waste.

Slide two: Types of Pollution

Types of pollution include ocean pollution and noise pollution. Water pollution
includes surface runoff, leakage into groundwater, liquid spills, wastewater
discharge and littering.

Slide three: Dangers of Pollution

If toxins are spilled on the ground or if an underground storage tank leaks, soil can
become contaminated.
Slide four: Measures to control effects of Pollution

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was established in 1970 to put a limit on

the amount of pollution in the air.


a) Prepare a presentation using the data given above, save your work as your

b) Add relevant graphics to enhance your work.

c) Add footer your name and header your class and stream.

d) Insert slide numbers.

e) Use a simple but attractive background and it must be uniform.

f) Print a copy of your presentation using a handout mode of four slides per sheet.

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3. The Ministry of Education and Sports is to embark on sensitizing students on a

number of scholarly issues. This year’s theme is ‘Strikes in Secondary’. You
have been approached to create a presentation to include the following slides.

Slide one: Introductory Slide (include Ministry of Education and Sports as your
title and your name on this slide)
Slide two: Causes of Strikes in Schools
Slide three: Solutions to Strikes in Schools
Slide four: Conclusion Slide


a) Generate content for each slide. Ensure that your presentation is attractive to
your audience.

b) Use relevant minimal graphics.

c) Apply simple appropriate background.

d) Use minimal animation.

e) Insert your name as footer, slide numbers and today’s date but make it fixed.

f) Automate your presentation until one presses ESC.

g) Print your presentation as slides.

h) Save your work as ‘strikes’.

4. The computer club of your school has asked you to design a manual slide for use
while addressing senior one and five students. Design four slides that include the
following topics.

Slide one: Introductory Heading (computer club)

Slide two: Executive Committee
Slide three: Activities of the Club
Slide four: Conclusion


a) On the first slide, include the motto of the club “IT for Everyone” and name of
the presenter (write your name).

b) Include names of all executive members in a table of 7 rows by 2 columns to

include Name and Post respectively

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c) Mention activities that have been carried out last year and what the club
intends to cover this year.

d) Include relevant graphics.

e) Apply a simple background design.

f) Insert action buttons on each slide that links a slide to the required direction
both for back and next.

g) Insert footer, ‘Computer Club, 200x’ and a header, ‘enroll now’. Include the
correct year for 200x.

h) Print a copy of your presentation in handout mode.

i) Save your work as ‘computer club’ and exit the application.

5. News, E-commerce, Research Education, e.t.c.… are some of the benefits of

internet. Prepare four slides to include the following information.


i) Slide I – representing an introduction of the topic.

ii) Slide II – representing services offered by the internet.
iii) Slide III – representing benefits of the internet.
iv) Slide IV – representing the disadvantages of the internet.
(b). Use minimal graphics and design.

(c). Link one slide to another.

(d). Include your name as header and ‘internet’ as footer.

(e). Save your presentation as ‘training’.

(f). Print your work in handout mode of four per page.

6. Computer viruses are some of the biggest nightmares all over the world faces. As
a computer student, you have volunteered to educate computer users this threat.

Create six slides which you are going to use during the presentation. Each slide
should have:

a) The relevant message needed to convey the required information.

b) Your name, index number and slide number as footer at the right hand of each

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c) It should run after a single click of a mouse.

d) Use minimal and relevant effects to make the presentations entertaining.

e) Use relevant clips which are to be placed at the right hand top of the slide.

f) Be able to convey the appropriate message to the users.

i) Slide I should include the title and definition of viruses, your name and school.

ii) Slide II should include symptoms of computer viruses.

iii) Slide III should include damage made by viruses in a computer and its

iv) Slide IV should include the ways through which viruses enter a computer.

v) Slide V should include the precautions of preventing viruses from entering the

vi) Slide VII should include cure of computer viruses when they have also entered the
computer, give examples of cures you are familiar with.

vii) Save your presentation as computer_virus 2009.

viii) Print your slides as hand out notes on three pages.

7. The health prefect has appointed you as a health educator in your PIASY group
and you are required to talk about “ABSTINENCE – the way of preventing
STDs”. You are therefore required to:

a) Design 5 slides as follows:

i) Title slide: Should have the topic, your name and date of presentation.

ii) Slide 2: Introduction to the topic and definition of abstinence.

iii) Slide 3: Four principles that adolescents can use to abstain.

iv) Slide 4: Six Consequences of early sex.

v) Slide 5: Conclusion.

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b) Include slide numbers on all slides excluding the title slide.

c) Save your presentation as ‘abstain’.

d) Use uniform themes, text entry animations and suitable transitions.

e) Printout a handout having all the slides fitting on one page, which you will issue
out to your PIASY group members during the meeting as your give a talk.

8. As a Community Health Educator you are required to make a presentation on the

topic ‘malaria’.

a) Prepare three slides for the community.

i) Slide one – should contain the introduction.

ii) Slide two – should contain the body.
iii) Slide three – the conclusion.

b) Use minimal effects on your slides to make the presentation entertaining.

c) The slides should be able to convey the appropriate message to the community.

d) The presentation should run automatically.

e) Include your name and class as header on your presentation.

f) Insert footer ‘Malaria’.

g) Save your presentation as malaria 2003.

h) Print your presentation and ensure that all the work fits on one page.

9. Ministry of Transport and Telecommunication is to conduct a sensitization

program to all road users basing on the theme ‘Road Accidents in Uganda’. You
have been approached by the spokesperson to the Ministry to design a manually
running presentation. Save your work as ‘transport’.

Slide One: Road Accidents

Slide Two: Causes of accidents
Slide Three: Solutions and conclusion


a) Using a suitable software program of your choice, prepare a presentation for

the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunication and save as ‘accidents’.

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b) Use appropriate graphics.

c) Add header, ‘your name’ and footer ‘your class and stream.’

d) Use minimal effects and simple background.

e) Print a copy of your work using a handout mode.

10. The entrepreneurship club of your school is to have a talk show on the visitation
day this term. You have been asked to generate a manually running presentation
saved as ‘entrepreneurship’ with the following content.

Slide one: Title Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is all about creating and nurturing new businesses. It covers risks
businesses undertake to raise fortune.

Slide two: Who is an entrepreneur?

Is a person who starts a business and sees it growing in size over time. A good
entrepreneur should be:

 Hardworking
 Creative.
 Risk taker.
 With visionary mission.
 Persistent.
 Rewards him/herself with profit.
Slide three: Functions of an entrepreneur

An entrepreneur carries out the following functions:

 He raises capital for the business.

 He employs workers who carry out the business vision and mission.
 He pays workers promptly.
 He looks for market.
 He promotes the venture shamelessly.
 He bridges the gap between the customers and the business.
Slide four: Advantages of entrepreneurship

 It creates employment opportunities to people in the community.

 Provides a source of government revenue.
 Creates a beautiful environment where man can stay happily.

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 Creates a variety of products needed by customers.

 Increases the awareness of how products are to be used.
 Develops infrastructure in different communities.

a) Insert action buttons that link slides in the sequence of next, next to last and to
first respectively.

b) Use a uniform theme for all the slides.

c) Add two relevant graphics at the top right hand side of your slide.

d) Carefully, insert relevant animation pattern to your text and graphics.

e) Ensure that your slide transition is visible enable but not too strong.

f) Insert slide numbers, and change the presentation to fit on a16:9 on screen show.

g) Print your presentation fitting on one A4 standard paper size.

11. You are campaigning for the post of class captain in your class. Prepare an
automatically running presentation that you are to cast before the class members
and save as ‘campaign’.

Slide one: Self introduction

On this slide, mention your full name, religion, house, and three clubs that you
belong to. (Should not exceed 30 words)

Slide two: Present Situation

Mention what the present class captain has done, what areas were a challenge to him
and how students were responding to his orders / commands.

Slide three: Class cleaning

Show how you will effectively organize the cleaning exercise on a daily routing.
How and when will the class be swept and mopped. Talk about the sitting
arrangement after cleaning.

Slide four: Lesson Attendance

Mention how you are to ensure that all teachers do not miss the lessons, and how best
you are to encourage your fellow students to attend regularly.

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Slide five: Debates

On this slide, show how you are to organizing debates in class. Shows whether you
are in position to organize inter class debate and other activities.


a) Use different colour schemes for each slide.

b) Ensure that the font size of the titles for each slide stand at 32pts.

c) On each slide, insert a relevant graphic at an appropriate position.

d) Insert a header ‘Campaign’ and footer your name.

e) Number your slides starting at slide 10.

f) Change your slide to resolution of 1024 x 768 (Slowest, Highest Fedility).

g) Print your presentation in a handout mode and exit the application.

12. The Prep Master of your school provides the following data concerning prep
attendance for three days. He has asked you a computer studies student to prepare
an automatically running presentation you are to save as ‘preps’

Slide one: Prep assessment for three days

The prep department of your school has collected the following information
concerning prep attendance per class. Read it and carefully advise yourself on how
best you will attend preps regularly.

Slide two: table of facts

Class Out of Attendance

Senior One 230 200
Senior Two 200 69
Senior Three 234 189
Senior Four 400 60
Senior Five 800 700
Senior Six 230 200

Slide three: Graphical Representation

On this slide, insert a graph representing the data on slide two above using a column
graph. Remember to insert a good heading, x – axis, y – axis and a legend.

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a) Use a green slide background.

b) Replace on slide one ‘your school’ with the real name of your school.

c) Add a name of the prep masters / mistresses at your school on slide one. In the
form of Presented by: Mr./Ms./Mrs. x

d) Insert slide numbers, footer your name and header ‘PREP”.

e) Ensure that the text animations stand at 3 sec. and slide transition at 1sec.

f) Change the slide resolution to 800 x 600.

g) Print one copy of slide 3 in slide mode and slide 1 and 2 in hand out mode.

13. A new hotel “Care and Care” is to open shortly in your village. You have been
recruited to create an automatically running presentation for its advertisement.
Save it as ‘CareNcare’.

Slide one: Care and Care Hotel

Include the full name of the hotel, its physical address, telephone number and
direction. (It may not be the correct address, telephone number and direction, imagine

Slide two: Why Care and Care Hotel?

Care and Care hotel has the following features:

 Spacious rooms.
 Swimming pool for all age ranges.
 On time meals and snacks.
 Pool table
 Cinema facilities.
 Garden for after parties.
 Gym and sauna facilities

Slide three: Daily Menu

Include a table of 3 x 7 showing a menu list with: item, price and discount. Populate
the table using your own items.

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Slide four: Transport

Include the mode of transport that a person can access to reach the care and care
hotel. Mention about 6 modes of transport.


a) Use relevant graphics to make the advert appealing.

b) You are free to alternate the text animation to make the advert appealing.

c) Insert necessary slide transition schemes of your choice.

d) Insert footer ‘Care and Care Hotel’.

e) Set your work to fit on the screen size 4:3 on screen show.

f) Print a copy of your work and exit the application.

14. You father has asked you to prepare an automated family presentation containing
four slides, and save as ‘family’.

Slide one: introduction slide

On this slide, include the full names of your father and mother, physical address, tribe
of your father and mother, religion of affiliation.

Slide two: Family member

On this slide, include 10 close family members giving their full names and position in
the family.

The information must appear in a table of necessary number of columns and rows
respectively. Apply a good colour theme on your table to make it appear professional.

Slide three: family activities:

On this slide, include 5 ordered activities that your family carries out e.g. health

Slide four: conclusion

On this slide, include a short conclusion statement about your family and a few pieces
of advice to other members in the community.


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a) Include relevant clips on this presentation.

b) Use different background themes for each slide.

c) Use minimal animations and transition effects.

d) Allow your presentation to loop until one presses Esc.

e) Insert header “Family’ and footer, your name.

f) Rehearse your timings to 4 seconds for text and 1 second for slide transition.

g) Print a copy of your work.

15. The debating club of your school is conducting an inter class competition. You
have been asked to generate a presentation that will be used to cast important
information to the audience. Include the following content.

Slide one:

On this slide, include the motion that is “Science has brought major changes in lives
that have made life meaningful”. Include the date of the debate (insert today’s date)
and the venue as the school’s main hall.

Slide two: Organisation of the debate

On this slide, include the name of the chairperson, secretary, time keeper and chief
whip centred.

Include a table of 2 x 2 to include the names of proposers and proposers. Remember

to right align proposers’ names.

Slide three: floor participation

The floor speakers will be allowed to pose points of information, order, clarification,
e.t.c. each speaker will be allowed 3 minutes.

Slide four: conclusion:

On this slide, you are to indicate three advantages of participating in the interclass
competition. After the last advantage, indicate your name for the person who has
designed the presentation.


a) Insert three relevant graphics in your presentation.

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b) Add slide numbers on your presentation beginning from number 21.

c) Ensure that your presentation is automated to loop until Esc.

d) Include text animation and slide transition to enhance presentation appearance.

e) Include your name as footer.

f) Set your slide to A4 paper size and ready for printing.

g) Print two copies of presentation in handout mode.

h) Save your work as ‘debate’.

16. Ministry of Health is to conduct a sensitization to masses about Jiggers. You are a
social worker with the Ministry of Health, design a manually running presentation
that you will use to educate the masses to include the following aspects:

Slide one: Introduction slide

Write your name and post you are carrying in the Ministry of Health.

Slide two: Causes of Jiggers

On this slide, include all possible causes of Jiggers in most communities in Uganda.

Slide three: dangers of Jiggers

On this slide, write 5 dangers of Jiggers to people in various communities.

Slide four: Preventive measures

On this slide, write down 6 bulleted methods people have to ensure to prevent Jiggers
and its effects

Slide five: Conclusion:

On this slide, include your position about malaria and how the community has to
respond to the call.


a) Insert relevant graphics and background slide background colour.

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b) Add suitable but minimal effects in your presentation.

c) Add action buttons that are well linked.

d) Add slide numbers at the bottom of each slide.

e) Add today’s date but make it fixed.

f) Prepare your presentation on a landscape handout print out.

g) Print out one copy of your work.

h) Save your work as ‘jiggers’ and exit the application.

17. The games master of your school has organized inter house competitions. He has
decided to use a presentation to make students aware of the upcoming event. You
have been requested to design an automatically running slide that will include the

Slide one: Introduction

Once again, the sports and games department is informing students and the entire
school that this year’s sports activities are as follows:

Slide two: Activities


 Junior category
 Intermediate category
 Senior category


 Junior category
 Intermediate category
 Senior category
Slide three: Rules

i) Junior games are set for students below the age of 14 with body weight of less
than 32 kgs
ii) Intermediate games are open to junior members and students below the age of 16
and body weight of less than 40 kgs.
iii) Senior games are open to all members.

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iv) Rules and regulations for each game will be in force.

v) School rules will be in force
Slide four: Conclusion

All house teachers and captains are encouraged to prepare their teams for a colourful
event this year.


a) Work on slide 2 should appear in two columns.

b) Insert three graphics in your presentation.

c) Use a uniform colour scheme, animation and transition.

d) Allow the presentation to run until Esc.

e) Insert slide numbers at appropriate place on each slide.

f) Add footer, your name and header your class.

g) Save your work as your name.

h) Print a copy of your presentation.

18. The Managing Director of Wairaka F.M. has asked you to prepare an
automatically running presentation to be used at the radio station reception area
for visitors’ view to include the following information and save as ‘wairakafm’.

Slide one: introduction

This slide is to have the name of the Radio station “Wairaka F.M”, P.O. box 866
JINJA – Uganda PLOT 10 Daudi Street, Wairaka

Slide two: Programmes

Include a table of 2 x 6 to hold programs that the radio relays to the people.

Program Presenter
Morning breeze MC Zonto
Music as you work DJ Shiru, Afande Kelekele
Youth attention Tuff B, Sharon O
Welcome back Uncle Kine, Juliana Kanyomozi
Talk show Andrew Mwenda, Mzeei Owana

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Slide three: Advantages of Wairaka F.M

 It has a wide listener ship.
 It has competent and popular presenters.
 Has a feedback mechanism that allows listeners to call producers for orders
 Plays commercials at peaks hours for half a price.
 A variety of music albums ranging from oldies to classical memories.
 Conveniently located along the Jinja – Iganga Highway.
Slide four: conclusion

With Wairaka F.M, you will not miss out any minute of entertainment and
amusement. Stay tuned.


a) Insert relevant graphics and background themes.

b) All the slide headings should stand at font size 32 and the rest of your work at size
26 respectively.

c) Insert an automatic date in the format of Day e.g, Saturday, Month and day of the
month e.g. March 12, and year e.g. 2009.

d) Use minimal effects on your presentation.

e) Ensure that the timings are 4 seconds for text and graphics animation and 1 second
for slide transition.
f) Change the slide size for on-screen show of 16:10 and orientation of landscape.

g) Let the slide speed be medium, insert your name as footer and “Wairaka F.M” as

h) Print a copy of your presentation and exit the application.

19. Pacific computers deals in computer related accessories. You are the sales person
of the enterprise and you are required to create a presentation that you will use to
market items in your shop saved as ‘pacific_computers’.

Slide one: Hardware

On this slide, include a list of 10 hardware accessories the Pacific Computer deals in.
consider generating them in a table of 2 x 5.

Slide two: Software

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On this slide, include a list of 6 popular software programs that you will be

Slide three: Repair and Maintenance

On this slide, include range of repair and maintenance activities you are capable of
handling in the workshop section of Pacific Computers.

Slide four: conclusion slide

On this slide, include that Pacific Computers has other services that can be of help
but outside the computer arena and these include:

 Book printing.
 Sorting and binding.
 Calendar, magazines, fliers, brochures, etc
 Large format printing and item customizing.

a) Include well animated graphics that are relevant.

b) Add footer, pacific computers in upper case and a slide number.

c) Include uniform slide colour themes.

d) Add Action Buttons in your presentation that is well linked in a convenient way.

e) On each graphic, add a reflection variation from the bottom.

f) Insert a fixed date in your presentation.

g) Print a copy of your presentation in hand out mode.

20. The school’s Careers Master of Y.Y. Okot - Kitgum is organizing a career’s day
for Senior One. You have been identified as a good computer studies student who
can create a good presentation for use. The following details are important to note:

Slide one: Introduction

On this slide, include the name of the school; name the title ‘Careers Day’. Include
the name of your careers master at the bottom.

Slide two: What is a career?

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On this slide, define the term career; mention any five different careers one can
choose from.

Slide three: Choosing a good Career

On this slide, mention 5 factors that determine choice of career.

Slide four: Benefits of a good job

On this slide, mention any 6 advantages of getting a good job as a result of choosing
a good career.

Slide five: Conclusion

On this slide, include a summary of statement that you will include on related to
career guidance.

a) Insert graphics that are related to the topic.

b) Remember to add a reflection to each graphic.

c) Use different colour themes for each slide.

d) Ensure that your text is well animated with fewer slide transition effects.

e) Prepare your presentation for a 4:3 on screen play.

f) Let your slide number begin from 10.

g) Insert the file name as footer and slide 1 topic as header.

h) Save your work as ‘careersmaster’

i) Print a copy of your work and exit the application.

21. You are working as Computer Training Volunteer with a new NGO in your
community. You are to handle the topic “COMPUTER CLASSIFICATION BY
SIZE’. Prepare a manually running presentation you will use to deliver the lesson.
Consider the following and save as ‘ngo’.

i) Super computers
ii) Mainframe computers
iii) Mini computers
iv) Micro computers

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a) Make sure that each sub heading appears on its own slide.

b) Generate at – least four characteristics for each type of computer (i) to (iii).

c) Describe micro computers and give five examples of personal computers. This
should be included on slide five.

d) Insert a new slide, slide 6 to hold a conclusion. Write a brief conclusion for your
topic of discussion.

e) Insert a slide (slide one), on it write the heading: Computer classification by size.
Add the name of the presenter (your name)

f) Insert footer ‘COMPUTER CLASSIFICATION’ and header your NAME.

g) Print a copy of your work in handout mode.

22. National Environmental Management Agency (NEMA) is to conduct a
sensitization program entitled ‘Environmental Degradation’. You have been
requested to create an automatically running presentation for use in their campaign
saved as ‘nema_0x’ and carry out the following instructions.


a) Create on slide, containing the definition of the term environmental degradation,

you name for presenter.

b) Insert three slides to hold titles for: causes of environmental degradation, dangers
and solutions to environmental degradation.

c) On slide four, include a conclusion from the NEMA with a line pointing out a
piece of advice to people in your community.

d) Insert well animated text and graphics.

e) Ensure that your slide background is consistent.

f) Change the font size to 34 for all the headings in your presentation in font style
Verdana and font colour Green.

g) Insert your name as footer. Add a fixed date in the format of dd/mm/yy.

h) Format your presentation to slide sizes for overhead.

i) Print a copy of your presentation.

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23. You are member of the senior four COMPUTER STUDIES class and carrying out
revision. You prefer using a projector to discuss the topic ‘COMPUTER
GENERATIONS’ to your friends. Remember to include the following and save as


a) Create a slide (slide one) to contain a title slide for ‘Senior Four Revision”.
Indicate the name of the presenter.

b) Create one slide (slide two) to contain the heading, computer generations. On this
slide, define the term computer generations; mention the number of generations
that you are to discuss. Beneath, add a statement:

‘Computer Generations will be discussed in the following slides’, have a nice


c) Insert four slides (3 – 6). Ensure that each slide accommodates a generation class
e.g. first generation.

d) On each slide 3 - 6, mention any four characteristics of a particular generation.

e) Insert relevant graphics on your presentation.

f) Write your name as footer and header, ‘computer generations’.

g) Organize your presentation for slide sized for custom and a 10 x 9 inches slide

h) Ensure that your presentation is manually navigated with help of Action buttons
that are correctly hyperlinked.

i) Print a copy of your presentation in handout mode and exit the application.

24. The System’s Analysist of Kato Enterprises is planning a workers’ workshop

shortly this month. He has requested you to prepare a presentation entitled
‘Computer viruses’ with the following sub – heading.


a) Insert one slide (Slide one) to contain a title: Computer viruses. On this slide,
define the term computer virus; write your name as a presenter. Lay out your text
to create better slide usage. You are free to vary the font sizes.

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b) Insert a slide (Slide two) to contain a title: causes of computer viruses. On this
slide, list five possible causes of computer viruses in a computer lab. This list
must be ordered.

c) On slide three, provide a title: dangers of computer viruses to include 6 ordered

dangers of computer virus to a user.

d) On slide four, mention the ways you can ensure to reduce dangers of computer

e) Create a slide, with a title, conclusion: on this slide, include a conclusion

emphasizing the dangers of computer viruses to users.

f) Insert one slide (slide 6) where you are to write your name, class and stream all in
upper case.
g) Insert relevant graphics.

h) Use today’s date on each slide.

i) Insert slide numbers starting from 3.

j) Re – arrange slide such that slide 6 comes first.

k) Make your slide manually navigated after a click.

l) Save your work as ‘viruses’.

m) Print a copy of your work and exit the application.

25. Today, there is rampant child sacrifice in your community. One Human Rights
Organization is to conduct a sensitization workshop for members in your
community looking at the following aspects:


a) Using a suitable presentation software of your choice, create a manually running

presentation and save as ‘sacrifice’

b) Create a slide (slide one): on it insert a heading, child sacrifice in Uganda. Write
your name for the presenter and remember to vary the font sizes and colours for
your text on this slide.

c) On slide two: create a title: causes of child sacrifice. On this slide, list 6 reasons
for rampant child sacrifice in Uganda.

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d) Insert one slide (slide three). On it note the heading: dangers of child sacrifices.
List 5 dangers of child sacrifices to people in Uganda

e) Insert a new slide (slide four). On this slide, indicate solutions to child sacrifice.
List 5 solutions the government of Uganda has taken to reduce the dangers of
child sacrifice.
f) Slide five: Conclusion, on this slide; indicate a short conclusion of your

g) Write the words Previous and Next on appropriate slides. Link them to work as
action links for your presentation.

h) Print a copy of your work and exit the application.

26. Ministry of Tourism and Industry is to carry out mass advertisement. One of the
methods is to use presentations for this purpose. The Ministry is conducting a
competition and you interested at applying. The Ministry has set out the following
to be included in the presentation:


a) Insert a new slide with a title: Tourism in Uganda. On this slide, define the term
tourism. Write your name at the bottom for the presenter.

b) Add another new slide; on this add a title, animal scenery. Insert a two column
slide where you are to write a list of animals in Uganda that form the animal

c) Insert a slide with title: Water bodies – on this slide include beautiful water bodies
that are worth visiting by tourist in Uganda. This slide should have a layout
similar to that of slide two.

d) Insert two slides to contain a title accommodation. Write an ordered list of 15

hotels where tourists can reside. Ensure that you write 7 on slide four and 8 on
slide five. At the end of slide 4 write a word “continued…”

e) Insert relevant graphics and text animation.

f) Apart from slide four and five, write a word next at the bottom of each slide
correctly hyperlinked.

g) On slide four, hyperlink the work “continued…’ to the required destination.

h) Save your presentation as ‘tourism’ print on copy in hand out mode and exit the

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27. The examination’s master of your school is preparing a talk “Preparing for
examinations’. He is to have four slides of his presentation ready for senior one
students. You have volunteered to create a presentation to include:


a) Insert four blank slides for your presentation and save as ‘exams’

b) On slide one, include the title: “Examinations’ Department” on this slide, include
the name of the examinations teacher in your school.

c) Slide two should include a title: How to Prepare for an Exam, also remember to
include the tips for successfully making yourself ready for an examination in your

d) On slide three to include a title: Causes of bad performance. On this slide include
5 points that explain why students fail examinations.

e) Slide four to include a conclusion. On behalf of the examinations master, write a

conclusion mentioning the fact that exams are part of life and are here to stay.

f) Re-arrange the slide such that slide three comes just after slide one.

g) Insert good graphics and text animations.

h) Ensure that your presentation has a simple transition scheme and effect. The
presentation should be manually running.

i) Use your school uniform colours for the slide background.

j) Include your name as footer and name of your examinations master as header.

k) Save your work as ‘seniorone’.

l) Print a copy of your work and exit the application.

28. Ministry of Education and Sports is carrying out an awareness program to all
parents concerning computer studies training at “O” Level. As a computer studies
student, create a presentation that the Ministry will use for this purpose.


a) Create a new slide (slide one) with title: Computer Training. On this slide, indicate
your name as presenter.

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b) Insert a new slide (slide two) with a title: Reasons for studying computer. On this
slide include 5 reasons for taking computer studies at “O” Level.

c) Insert a slide, (slide three) with a title, topics covered. On this slide, mention any
seven topics that are taught in computer studies in paper 1. Write text at the
bottom ‘continued…’

d) Duplicate slide three and replace the content for topics taught in paper 2. Erase the
word ‘continued…’ from this slide.

e) On slide five, note a title: conclusion. On this slide, encourage parents accept
paying fees for computer training for their children while still in “O” Level.

f) Insert relevant graphics and text animations.

g) Use minimal effects in your presentation.

h) Save your work as your name.

i) Insert your name as header and class as footer.

j) Make your presentation run automatically loop until Esc.

29. The School Champlain has organized the following lyrics for use during the
worship and praise. You are member of the Chapel Choir and responsible for
casting the hymn on the wall. Key in the hymn as it appears below and save as

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,

With the cross of Jesus going on before.
Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
Forward into battle see His banners go!


Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,

With the cross of Jesus going on before.
At the sign of triumph Satan’s host doth flee;
On then, Christian soldiers, on to victory!
Hell’s foundations quiver at the shout of praise;
Brothers lift your voices, loud your anthems raise.


Like a mighty army moves the church of God;

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Brothers, we are treading where the saints have trod.

We are not divided, all one body we,
One in hope and doctrine, one in charity.


What the saints established that I hold for true.

What the saints believèd, that I believe too.
Long as earth endureth, men the faith will hold,
Kingdoms, nations, empires, in destruction rolled.

Crowns and thrones may perish, kingdoms rise and wane,

But the church of Jesus constant will remain.
Gates of hell can never gainst that church prevail;
We have Christ’s own promise, and that cannot fail.


Onward then, ye people, join our happy throng,

Blend with ours your voices in the triumph song.
Glory, laud and honor unto Christ the King,
This through countless ages men and angels sing.


a) Insert the heading ‘onward Christian soldiers’ and save as ‘hymn’

b) Each stanza should appear on its own slide ending with the word Refrain.

c) Use correct font sizes for different stanzas to make sure that the lyrics fit
appropriately well.

d) Centre all your work in the presentation and show the word refrain in italics.

e) Ensure that the slide is manually running.

f) Add slide numbers starting at 12 and add necessary animations.

g) Add a word ‘forward’ on each slide apart from the last. This word should be
hyperlinked correctly and print all your work.

30. PIMA a child rights initiative is planning a sensitization program of the mass later
this year. You have been requested to create a manually running presentation
saved as ‘sacrifice’ and take out the following instructions.

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Slide One: Include the title “CHILD SACRIFICE’, include your name as
Slide Two: Include causes of child sacrifice in Uganda.
Slide Three: Include dangers of child sacrifice in Uganda.
Slide Four: Include ways of reducing child sacrifice in Uganda.
Slide Five: Include a conclusion to your work.

a) Use minimal animations.

b) Add relevant graphics in your presentation.

c) Add action buttons at the bottom right that are linked appropriately.

d) Include slide numbers (well centered).

e) Insert header, your name and index number.

f) Include an appropriate presentation background.

g) Your presentation should run after a single click.

h) Print a copy of your work and exit the application.

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By the end of the topical exercises, learner will be able to:

(a). Create a database.

(b). Identify database objects (Table, Form, Query, Report, e.t.c.)
(c). Work with table structure.
(d). Define appropriate default data types (AutoNumber, Text, Memo, Number,
Data / Time, Currency, Yes /No, OLE object, Hyperlink, Attachments, Lookup
(e). Work with field properties (Field Side, Format, Input Mask, Caption, Default
Value, Validation Rule, Validation Text, Required, Allow Zero Length,
Indexed, Unicode Compression, IME Mode, IME Sentence Mode, Smart Tags)
(f). Write field descrption / comments.
(g). Work with Primary Key (also Foreign Key, Super Key, Surrogate Key,
Candidate Key, e.t.c.)
(h). Work with Form Normalisation according to Codd and J. Date.
(i). Nest a select query.
(j). Working with query criterion basing on: text and memo, data and time, number
and currency.
(k). Performing calculations in a query.
(l). Working with forms.
(m). Enter data into a table using a form.
(n). Calculations using a form.
(o). Add new field objects onto a form e.g. combo box.
(p). Add background colour onto a form.
(q). Work with simple reports.
(r). Adding new fields on a report.
(s). Format background colours.
(t). Printing database objects.
(u). Add header and footer on Forms and Reports.

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1. Using the given field names, data types, field sizes and formats, create a database
having a file name computer_class and carry out the following instructions:

Field Name Data Type Field sizes Format

StudentId AutoNumber - “KCB/”000
Surname Text 40 -
First_Name Text 25 -
Sex Text (Use LookUp) 1 -
Date_of_Birth Date/Time - YYYY-DD - MM
Contact Text 12 @@@@-@@@-@@@
District Text (Use LookUp) 26 -
Activity Text (Use LookUp) 15 -

(a). Create a table saved using the table name given.

(b). Remember to include relevant field description to each field name.
Table 1: Basis Information
Surname First_Name Sex Date_of_Birth Contact District Hobby
Katongole Alvin M 1980-21-01 0772-480-895 Jinja Swimming
Mugomba Isaac M 1975-31-12 0782-480-895 Kampala Cricket
Sekide Mustafa M 1964-12-05 0782-560-895 Kampala Hockey
Muwangala Justus M 1989-30-01 0701-565-562 Jinja Football
Naiga Sandra F 1987-29-07 0701-895-895 Kampala Cricket
Nsubuga Anfield F 1999-04-12 0782-562-894 Mbarara Swimming
Nakalembe Joyceline F 1980-09-10 0752-569-965 Mukono Hockey
Namayiga Harriet F 1970-20-04 0788-589-874 Jinja Football
Muwanguzi Daniel M 1987-31-03 0792-120-897 Kampala Cricket
Lawok Emmanuel M 1976-20-07 0789-123-564 Mukono Cricket
Kataike Robinah F 1989-10-10 0772-468-894 Mbarara Hockey
Musoke Trevor M 1980-29-09 0786-895-741 Jinja Swimming

(c). Enter the details in the table above in your database.

(d). Using all field names, create a query to return students:

Note: Save each query using a query name of your choice.

 Who are Female.

 Whose Telephone number begin with ‘078’.`
 Whose hobby is either Swimming or Cricket.
 Who come from Jinja.
 Who come from other districts apart from Mbarara.
 Whose Surname begin with letters ‘k-m’.
 Whose First_Name end with letters ‘a-l’.
 Who come from Kampala and hobby is Cricket, Hockey and Swimming.
 Whose Surname begin with letter K, Telephone Number begin with ‘077’
and hobby is wither Swimming, Hockey, Cricket

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2. The Manager Nalumulesa Soap Works provides a list of product distributors. You
are required to create a database saved as ‘namulesa’ and carry out the following

DistributorID Name Quantity taken (boxes) Weekly returns (boxes)

NSW-001 Yeko 2,000
NSW-002 Ziwa 1,000
NSW-003 Waiswa 3,000
NSW-004 Mukulu 4,000
NSW-005 Mpiiya 6,000
NSW-006 Nsimbi 7,000
NSW-007 Mafabi 10,000
NSW-008 Muloki 8,000
NSW-009 Waako 2,000
NSW-010 Wagubi 3,000
NSW-011 Longido 4,000
NSW-012 Kerekere 1,000
NSW-013 senkubuge 1,900


a) Create a table saved as ‘namulesa’.

b) Insert a primary key using a suitable field name.

c) Format your DistributorID using auto number datatype.

d) Format your values to allow for thousands.

e) Create a query to return records of distributors whose name has letter ‘e’ in its
formation. Save as ‘lettere’.

f) Design a new query saved as ‘returns’ to calculate the weekly boxes returned as
expected to be 3% of the total quantity taken.

g) Design a report to return fields for DistributorID, Name, Quantity Taken, Weekly
Returns and Sales. Create a formula to determine sales given that each box
contains 50 bars of soap and each sold at shs. 3,500. Save as ‘sales’.

h) Add a prefix ‘Shs’ in the field for sales. Save your work.

i) Right align your value in the sales field.

j) Insert footer in your report as your name and today’s date.

k) Print your work and exit the application.

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3. The Chairman Electoral Commission of Hilton High School provides results of

Library prefect elections for 2008. Create a database named ‘results_2008’.

CandidateID Name Other name No. of votes %

HHS/001 Kibuye Davis 400
HHS/002 Asiimwe Gloria 100
HHS/003 Akankwatsa Phiona 80
HHS/004 Balinda Ronald 20
HHS/005 Matovu Peterson 10
HHS/006 Bakibinga Isaac 04
HHS/007 Naiga Sandra 02
HHS/008 Leek Melik 01
HHS/009 Nakimuli Sarah 200
HHS/010 Mwamkonda Patra 160
HHS/011 Kamoga Davis 399
HHS/012 Senkubumba Pafra 392
HHS/013 oboyoi Moses 350


a) Create a table named ‘elections’.

b) Insert a primary key in a relevant field.

c) Format the CandidateID to auto number data type.

d) Determine the percentage votes obtained by each candidate in a query provided

that the total number of votes case were 2.300. Save as ‘results’.

e) Create a form to show multiple records in a datasheet with each record in a row
from the query designed above. Save as ‘results’. Print your work and exit th

4. Uganda poultry farmers association provides a record of egg production of

member farms for the year 2010. Create a database and save as ‘eggs’.

Farmer ID Name of Farm Quantity (crates) Quantity exported

UPFA/001 Wairaka Poultry Farm 1,250
UPFA/002 Hilton Mixed Farm 8,180
UPFA/003 Hilltop Poultry Farm 7,190
UPFA/004 Seta Farmers 8,200
UPFA/005 Kipamba Farmers 9,400
UPFA/006 Katende Mixed Farmers 7,500

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Farmer ID Name of Farm Quantity (crates) Quantity exported

UPFA/007 Walukuba Poultry Farm 2,600
UPFA/008 Katwe Farmers 4,700
UPFA/009 Excel Mixed Farm 1,000
UPFA/010 B.K. Poultry Farm 8,400
UPFA/011 Amidu Farmers 9,000
UPFA/012 Kobs Poultry Farm 8,000
UPFA/013 Plannet Farmers 9,000
UPFA/014 Makindye Poultry Farm 10,000
UPFA/015 Goodlyfe Poultry Farm 9,000


a) Create a table saved as ‘eggs’.

b) Create a form to enter the data above in the table and save it as ‘eggs’.

c) Design a query named ‘eggs’, to return items whose quantity of crates produced
are between 2,000 and 8,000. On this query, determine the quantity exported
which is 72% of the total quantity of eggs.

d) Design a form to return multiple records from the query and save as
‘multiple_eggs’. Adjust the borders for the records to auto fit.

e) Print your work and exit the application.

5. The database manager of Hiltop dairy farm provides the following data relating to
farm animals. From the data below, create a database with a file name

AnimalID Animal name water consumption milk prod. per week

(lts) (lts)
HDF/001 Sandra 23 54
HDF/002 Immaculate 45 32
HDF/003 Diana 67 36
HDF/004 Africa 65 11
HDF/005 Uganda 43 34
HDF/006 Moreen 43 54
HDF/007 Amina 21 33
HDF/008 Agnes 12 12
HDF/009 Deborah 32 34
HDF/010 Lilian 42 54

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a) Create a table with a file name ‘hiltopdf’.

b) Insert a primary key using a relevant field name.

c) Generate a form in design view for use while entering data into the table. Save it
as ‘hiltopdf’.

d) Create a new field on your form for amount and label it Gross Amount and save it
as ‘hiltopdf’.

e) Given that each litre is sold at shs. 800; create a formular that will return total milk
sales expected from each animal.

f) Enable the ,000 (separators) to be returned on your form.

g) Create a query to return animals whose average milk letdown per week is greater
than 32 litres. Save it as ‘letdown’.

h) Create a query to return animals whose names begin with letter A. Save at

i) Print all your work.

6. The following data was provided by the class teacher of Primary Seven of
Mukono Junior School. Create a database and name it mukonjschool.

StudID Student Name MTC ENG SCIE SST Total

MJS/001 Naiga S. 78 56 78 100
MJS/002 Nanokha D. 09 23 45 65
MJS/003 Ssempa L. 03 45 67 89
MJS/004 Oboyoi D. 08 34 43 87
MJS/005 Gidudu I. 45 32 23 67
MJS/006 Nabubolo A. 43 54 21 54
MJS/007 Mwanja A. 56 65 34 54
MJS/008 Rukundo A. 76 43 32 43
MJS/009 Kamau D. 54 21 23 32
MJS/010 Mulefu D. 32 12 43 12
MJS/011 Nagudi G. 12 34 54 10


a) Design a table with a file name ‘primaryseven’.

b) Format the table to hold the data as it appears.

c) Insert a primary key in a relevant field.

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d) Create a query to return all the field names. Create a field name for Average. Use
your query to determine the total score and average for each student.

e) Sort the total mark in ascending order.

f) Print all your work.

7. The house teacher of Kob House provides the following records to you. Create a
database with a file name Kob.

MemberId Name Adm. Year Hobby

KHM/001 Kiirya Umar 2007 Football
KHM/002 Nandudu Agnes 1999 Netball
KHM/003 Wambete Joshua 2010 Handball
KHM/004 Kibuye Davis 2009 Handball
KHM/005 Nabukera Cathy 2008 Football
KHM/006 Matovu Dickson 2009 Football
KHM/007 Bakibinga Reagan 2005 Handball
KHM/008 Kajumbula Henry 2000 Netball
KHM/009 Sembajje Ashraf 2008 Football
KHM/010 Kayambe Isaac 2006 Netball
KHM/011 Yeeko Augustus 2009 Netball
KHM/012 Mukoba Ausi 2004 Football
KHM/013 Bumali Umar 2002 Football
KHM/014 Zziwa Sylivester 2001 Football
KHM/015 Kakungulu Ismail 2000 Netball


a) Design a table called Kobs.

b) Insert a primary key into your table using a relevant field.

c) Using all field names, design a dynaset to return a list of all students whose hobby
is football and where admitted in Kobs house between 2000 and 2008 respectively
and save as query1.

d) Design another query to return a list of all students whose hobby is handball and
save as handball.

e) Create a query to return names of students whose names have letter ‘u’ in its
formation and save as ‘letteru’.

f) Print all your work.

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8. The table below gives information on some students in a certain secondary school
about their registration numbers, names, class, age and names of houses where
they reside. Create a database names ‘registration’ to hold the following database


001 Lule S. S.2 15 Muteesa
002 Kizza V. S.2 14 Simba
003 Omeda A. S.4 16 Simba
004 Sempebwa S. S.3 16 Muteesa
005 Kibuuka D. S.2 13 Muteesa
006 Amit J. S.3 15 Lumumba
007 Semuli M. S.5 17 Simba
008 Sendi J S.1 12 Lumumba
009 Kasanya D S.1 11 Muteesa
010 Onen L S.4 16 Simba


a) Create a table called ‘personal details’ with fields: Reg No. Names, Class, Age
and House having appropriate data types.
b) Insert a primary key in the appropriate field name.
c) Enter the data above in the table created using a form.
d) Create a query for Muteesa and Simba house members. Save as houses. Save the
form as ‘registration’.
e) Create a report that shows the following fields: Name, Class and House. Save the
report as ‘registration’.
f) Print one copy of your database objects created above.

9. The table below is a record of employees in a school canteen.

Surname First name Sex Date of birth Tel. numbers

Nandaula Margret F 02/16/1967 079-488-888
Okello Joel M 12/17/1970 090-500-555
Nyaika Ronnie M 07/28/1980 040-400-767
Waibale Anthony M 10/03/1979 090-333-212
Jamila Liza F 02/25/1985 099-233-345
Saidi Juma M 11/12/1977 011-333-466
Zaweede Zubeda F 14/12/1977 088-4444-666


a) Create a database saved as ‘canteen’.

b) Create a table of the data above and save as ‘staff record’.

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c) The first field on your table design holds the field name EmployeeID. Format the
data type to auto random number for this field and adjust your table accordingly.

d) Design a form for using to enter data into the database table, and name it ‘entry
data form’. Therefore, use it to populate the table above. The form should display:

 All field options as they appear in the table except the Sex field which should be a
combo box to display “sex”.
 Fill the form background with a yellow colour.

e) Create a query for workers who are above 30 years and save as ‘old’.

f) Create a query to filter names of workers whose names end with letter ‘a’ and save
as ‘lettera’.

g) Print the report in ascending order basing on the first name.

10. The table below shows details of employee designation for Karlistard College.

EmpNo Surname Sex Title D.O.B Salary

Aduwo F Deputy 17-06-36 620,000
Holowo M Teacher 06-08-77 510,000
Yayaya M Teacher 05-06-70 600,000
Watonya F Secretary 20-07-36 275,000
Komakech M Director 15-06-63 1,000,000
Oundo M Cashier 17-07-66 500,000
Mutebi M Driver 14-04-68 256,000
Aliyo F Teacher 16-06-63 275,000
Nasuuna F Librarian 20-08-70 310,000
Ndaual M Driver 07-11-74 200,000


EmpNo represent Employee Number, which should be automatically generated as a

random auto number.

a) You are required to design a suitable database to manage the above information,
save the database as Karlistard.

b) Insert a primary in an appropriate field name.

c) Create a table using design view which include a lookup for M and F, and save it
as employee table.

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d) Create a form called ‘employee form’ and enter the above records. Remember to
use the combo box appropriately.

e) Create a query displaying all fields in the above table to filter employees whose
title begins with letter D. and save as ‘employee name’.

f) Create a query for employees whose title end in the format ‘er’ and save as

g) Print the query and its output.

h) Create another query to display names of all employees whose salary scale is more
than shs. 300,000 and save the query as ‘salary scale’.

i) Print your table and query.

j) The academic retirement age is 55 years. Populate a query to filter employees

whose ages are above 55 and save as ‘retirement’.

k) Print your query.

l) Create a report using the employee table and save as ‘employees’.

m) On your report add today’s data as footer and provide a page number.

n) Print your report and exit the application.

11. The table below gives the information about employee members of ‘kamukamu

Emp.No Name Sex District D.O.B Paid

C001 Kainza M. M Iganga 23/11/88 25,000
C002 Aine J. F Kampala 03/07/79 70,000
C003 Agero M. F Jinja 12/02/90 32,000
C004 Fayi K. F Jinja 28/12/75 25,000
C005 Namono P. F Ibanda 18/11/91 20,000
C006 Mansa W. M Kamuli 20/07/90 84,000
C007 Muhire T. M Igala 03/04/80 40,000
C008 Opio X. M Oyam 17/05/90 24,000
C009 Sempa A. F Kabala 09/08/79 15,000
C010 Nakita O. F Semuto 24/12/80 38,000

a) You are required to design a suitable database to manage the above information.
Name your database ‘employee_database’, and your table as, ‘employee_table’.

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b) Design a form to be used to populate the above table.

c) On your form, create a new label ‘Housing’, which is 30% of the Amount paid.
Hence, calculate for each worker the amount due for housing, save as ‘entry’.

d) Create a query to filter employees who come from a District that has letter ‘i’
within the district name and save as ‘district’.

e) Insert a new field name into your query for medication, which is assumed to be
25% of the amount paid. Run a query showing all the other field names and save
as ‘medication’.

f) Create a report showing employee name, sex, district, amount paid, medication
and save ‘complete_report.

g) Print a copy of each of your work respectively.

12. Bright Future Primary School provides a database of students to your.

StudentId Name Sex MTC ENG SCIE SST

BFPS/001 Musubika E F 80 90 15 100
BFPS/002 Asiimwe L F 90 90 45 89
BFPS/003 Zirintusa A M 100 56 98 100
BFPS/004 Mukembo M M 100 100 58 97
BFPS/005 Nalubwama A F 89 89 56 41
BFPS/006 Naiga S F 100 100 15 98
BFPS/007 Walusimbi S M 58 98 65 64
BFPS/008 Galiwango I F 78 98 56 45
BFPS/009 Kayemba F F 89 98 89 100
BFPS/010 Musita M M 100 56 89 74
BFPS/011 Ikendi D M 56 89 74 51
BFPS/012 Mawalo M M 56 89 74 51
BFPS/013 Nsubuga K F 100 56 98 45
BFPS/014 Waiswa C M 56 98 98 100
BFPS/015 Mulengani V M 96 56 100 56


a) Using a suitable software program of your choice, create a database and name it
b) Design a table named ‘future’ and insert a primary key.

c) Design a form named ‘future’ that should be used to enter the above data into a

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d) On you form, create a provision for total, and hence, determine a formula that
will return a total mark for each student.

e) Create a query named ‘futureG’ and return records for all the girls in the class.

f) Create a query ‘futureM’ to return records for all the boys in the class.

g) Print a copy of your work.

13. The following tables were provided by the sales person of YY Computers. Create
a database named YY to store the following records.

Table 1: Hardware Components

HardwareID Item Make D.O.M

YYC-001 Data projector Hp 12/04/2010
YYC-002 Dell – System unit Dell 24/12/2009
YYC-003 Smart board Hp 25/07/2010
YYC-004 HP LaserJet Printer Dell 18/09/2011
YYC-005 Cartridge Hp 19/10/2010
YYC-006 TFT monitor Accer 05/12/2010
YYC-007 USB adapters Lightware 30/09/2011
YYC-008 USB cables Hp 17/07/2009
YYC-009 Memory cards Concord 18/05/2010
YYC-010 Printing Screen Dell 19/04/2011
YYC-011 32 Port Switch d-link 10/01/2012

Note: D.O.M = Date of Manufacture

Table 2: Specification and Price

HardwareID Price (Shs) Quantity sold

YYC-001 2,500,000 01
YYC-002 1,200,000 05
YYC-003 6,000,000 20
YYC-004 500,000 400
YYC-005 180,000 450
YYC-006 200,000 03
YYC-007 20,000 40
YYC-008 15,000 100
YYC-009 30,000 34
YYC-010 100,000 200
YYC-011 150,000 300

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a) Create two tables with the table names to be used as file names.

b) Insert a primary key in the field HardwareID.

c) Create a table relationship between the two tables using the HardwareID.

d) Create a query using all the fields from the two tables and add one field for
Amount (shs). In this column determine the amount of money received from the
sales. Save the query as ‘sales’.

e) Design a query that will return products that were manufactured during the year
2010 and save as ‘man_2010’.

f) Design a report to show items from the query using the following field names:
HardwareId, Item, Price, Quantity and Amount.

g) Print a copy of all your work.

14. Applesport supermarket operates a point on sale database for commodities in

store. Create a database for use to manage the supermarket and save as

CommodityID Item Stock - In Issue

APM-001 Chocolates 40,000 38,000
APM-002 Ice – cream
APM-003 Dry cells 23,000 22,800
APM-004 Geisha 2,000 2000
APM-005 Toothbrush 70,000 60,000
APM-006 Mango juice 100 99
APM-007 Exercise books 20,000 19,000
APM-008 Magic markers 1,000 1,000
APM-009 Shoe polish 200 190
APM-010 Bread
APM-011 Blue band 20,000 19,000
APM-012 Royco 12,000 12,000
APM-013 Fan
APM-014 Sweets (pkts) 340 380
APM-015 Math sets
APM-016 Tinned fish
APM-017 Packed chicken 200 180
APM-018 Towels 100 98
APM-018 Soap (in bars) 600 500
APM-019 Bulbs 1,000 980

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a) Create a table saved as ‘apple_market’.

b) Insert a primary key in an appropriate field.
c) Design a form that you will use to populate the table saved as ‘apple_form’.
d) On your table add two labels for “Balance” and “Waste”.
e) Create a formular that will return the Balance is obtained by deducting Issue from
Stock In.
f) For waste, it is given by getting 10% of the balance.
g) Save the form as ‘apple_form’.
h) Insert a header, Applesport Supermarket.
i) Generate a query that will retun items that did not have any value posted for Stock
In., and save as ‘apple_empty’.
j) Create a query that will return items whose names begin with letters T and M and
save the query as ‘TnM’.
k) Print all your work and exit the application.

15. Amos and Moureen stationers maintain a manual database and you have been
asked to convert the records into an electronic database save as ‘amos and

ItemId Item name Store In charge

AMS/001 Exercise books A
AMS/002 Black books C
AMS/003 Manila A
AMS/004 Art bond C
AMS/005 A4 bond paper C
AMS/006 New print A
AMS/007 Johnson A
AMS/008 Sets A
AMS/009 Office glue A
AMS/010 Printing plates C
AMS/011 Boxes of chalk A
AMS/012 Duplicating paper A
AMS/013 Art pencils A
AMS/014 HB pencils C
AMS/015 Pens – Bic C


a) Design a table with a file name ‘amos-moureen’. Insert a primary key in an

appropriate field.
b) Create a query using all the field names. It is given that the in charge for store A is
Alex and for C is Christine. Generate a function that will return all the in charge
persons and sort the records in ascending order. Save the query as ‘in_charge’.

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c) Using the field names for ItemId, Item name and store, create a query that will
return only items that are found in store A.

d) Create a report to accommodate all items in query saved as ‘in_charge’ and save
the report as ‘in_charge’. Print a copy or your work.

16. Music Uganda monitors local artistes by recording the albums so far produced and
launched. Create a database to manage the album info for the organization saved
as ‘music_uganda’.

MusicianId Name No. of Albums

MUM-001 Dr. Jose Chamillion 15
MUM-002 Bob wine 14
MUM-003 Bebe cool 10
MUM-004 Kenzo 07
MUM-005 Dr. hilderman 03
MUM-006 King micheal 08
MUM-007 Red banton 03
MUM-008 Haruna mubiru 05
MUM-009 Mesach semakula 10
MUM-010 Abdu mulasi 07
MUM-011 Mukabya 17
MUM-012 Big eye 02
MUM-013 Stecia mayanja 09
MUM-014 Nandujja 10
MUM-015 Madox sematimba 11
MUM-016 Chris evans 03
MUM-017 Aziz azion 07
MUM-018 General megadee 05
MUM-019 Papa cidy 02
MUM-020 Weasel and radio 08
MUM-021 Kanyomozi 11


a) Create a table with a file name ‘musicians’.

b) Design a form that you will use to populate the above table. Save the form as

c) Using all the fields, design a report to output the information above. On your
report, create a text box that will hold amount. It is given that each album was
estimated to sale about 2,000 copies. Let your report indicate the number of copies
each artiste had.

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d) Assuming that each copy was taken at a cost of shs. 3,000; on your report, create a
text box that will return this. Remember to use a formula.

e) Insert a date on your report in the footer position, centred,

f) Change the report setup to A4 paper size.

g) Save the report as ‘musicians’.

h) Design a query to populate a list of musicians whose names begin with letter A –
D and save as ‘a_d musicians’.

i) Print all your work and exit the application.

17. The caterer of Katono Primary School maintains the following stock records for
term one. Create a database saved as ‘Katono’ to store the following records.

Table 1: Stock In

Itemid Item Quantity

KPS/001 Books (dozens) 200
KPS/002 Chalk (boxes) 120
KPS/003 Maize flour (bags) 80
KPS/004 Sugar (bags) 12
KPS/005 Salt (cartons) 07
KPS/006 Cooking oil (jerrycans) 09
KPS/007 Onions (kgs) 100
KPS/008 Dusters (pcs) 38
KPS/009 Brooms (pcs) 500
KPS/010 Soap (bars) 36
KPS/011 Plates (pcs) 2,000
KPS/012 Forks (pcs) 3,000

The caterer also provides you with table two for other information related to the

Table 2: Item Issues

Itemid Quantity
KPS/001 180
KPS/002 100
KPS/003 20
KPS/004 03
KPS/005 01
KPS/006 03

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Itemid Quantity
KPS/007 40
KPS/008 29
KPS/009 479
KPS/010 21
KPS/011 1,940
KPS/012 2,904


a) Create two tables and save using the title names for file names.

b) Insert a primary key for each table.

c) Remember to relate the two tables using a primary key and a foreign key for your

d) Create a table relationship between the two tables using appropriate field names,

e) Using all the field names for both tables, create a query saved as ‘katono’. On this
query add a field name; Balance to return the balance of amount is stock after
deducting Issues from Stock In.

f) Design a report to hold all records from the query. On your report, add a text box
that you have to name “Loss”. The loss is estimated to be 3% of the Balance

g) On your report, insert a date and time.

h) Set your report to fit on paper size A4.

i) Change the report background colour to Red.

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18. Nuvilla Private Academy maintains a list o f staff and other information. Create a
database to manage these records saved as ‘staff’.

Table 1: Staff List

StaffID Name Other Sex
NPA/001 Musubika Grace F
NPA/002 Mutumba Paul M
NPA/003 Kyotalya Ivan M
NPA/004 Mwondha David M
NPA/005 Balisanyuka George M
NPA/006 Nassali Hajirah F
NPA/007 Rwabu Verna F
NPA/008 Nkonte Jenel M
NPA/009 Misera Agnes F
NPA/010 Mbabazi Phiona F
NPA/011 Sempala Harriet F
NPA/012 Oboyoi Moses M
NPA/013 Kasubi Anthony M
NPA/014 Katimbo Godon M
NPA/015 Mausu Rwalf M
NPA/016 Kibumba Peter M
NPA/017 Kirabira Fred M

Table 2: Contacts
StaffID Telephone District
NPA/001 0772-404040 Kamuli
NPA/002 0702-345432 Jinja
NPA/003 0752-987609 Jinja
NPA/004 0782-474245 Kamuli
NPA/005 0782-956469 Jinja
NPA/006 0772-350408 Kamuli
NPA/007 0792-545454 Kampala
NPA/008 0413-889732 Kamuli
NPA/009 0392-992233 Kamuli
NPA/010 0701-238746 Kamuli
NPA/011 0332-768989 Kampala
NPA/012 0752-987654 Kamwenge
NPA/013 0712-987652 Kamuli
NPA/014 0777-654723 Kamuli
NPA/015 0447-987654 Kamwenge
NPA/016 0772-909090 Iganga
NPA/017 0751-090909 Mbale

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a) Design the two tables and save using the table titles. Use a data type of auto
number and add and incremental numbering. Format your field to contain

b) In the two tables, format all text to appear in title case. Show your input mask

c) Insert a primary key into the two tables.

d) Create a table relationship for the two tables above.

e) Generate a dynaset that will return records for all staff members whose telephone
numbers begin with 07 and come from districts that begin with letter K and save
as ‘staff’.

f) Create a query that will return only male staff members and save as ‘male’.

g) Design another query that will return only female staff members and save as

h) Create a query that will return all names of staff who do not come from Kamuli
and save as ‘other districts’.

i) Design a report that will return a list of all staff members with all the records
provided and save as ‘staff’ and print all your work.

19. The Manager Jobiah Hotel maintains a record for the hotel. Create a database to
hold the following information saved as ‘jobiahhotel’.

ItemId Name of item Quantity in store Category

JBM/001 Saucepan 20 A
JBM/002 Forks 1,000 B
JBM/003 Plates 1,000 A
JBM/004 Tea ports 350 A
JBM/005 Kettles 30 B
JBM/006 Cups 2,000 B
JBM/007 Spoons 4,0000 C
JBM/008 Tables 500 A
JBM/009 Plastic chairs 700 B
JBM/010 Tents 10 A
JBM/011 Shelves 23 A
JBM/012 Empty bottles 300 C
JBM/013 Dust bins 04 C

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JBM/014 Face towels 100 B

JBM/015 Water tanks 08 A
JBM/016 Television set 07 C
JBM/017 Television stands 04 B
JBM/018 Counters 03 A
JBM/019 Stoves 21 C


a) Design a table to hold the above field names and save as ‘jobiah’. On your table
collect a field data type that allows for lookup facility on the form for A, B and C

b) Insert a primary key in an appropriate field.

c) Create a table that you will use to enter the above data into a table and save as

d) Design a query to accommodate all the field names above. On the query, add a
field for ‘Comment’. In this field, generate a function that will return the
following comments: A = Good Stock; B = Average Stock and C = Replacement
Needed. Save this query as ‘jobiah’.

e) The hotel has a policy that every year, 3% of the items present is added the
following year. Create a query using all field names that will return this and save
as ‘nextyear’.

f) Generate a report using records in query saved as ‘nextyear’ and on your report,
add a textbox labeled Depreciation. It is in the interest of Jobiah Hotel that 5% of
quantity in stock is disposed of. Formulate a logical expression to cater for this.

g) Print all your work and exit the application.

20. St. Denis Kijjaguzo operates a canteen and sales a wide range of commodities.
Organize the following tables into a database for easy monitoring and save as

CommodityId Commodity name Quantity Sold Rate

SDK-001 Sumbi (pcs) 200 200
SDK-002 Coca cola (btts) 400 800
SDK-003 Sprite (btts) 180 800
SDK-004 Buns (pcs) 500 250
SDK-005 Bagiya (pkts) 200 100
SDK-006 Doughnut (btts) 790 200
SDK-007 Yogurt (btts) 159 700

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CommodityId Commodity name Quantity Sold Rate

SDK-008 Handkerchief (pcs) 09 1,000
SDK-009 Pens (pcs) 700 200
SDK-010 Pencils (pcs) 123 50
SDK-011 Books (pcs) 1,000 250
SDK-012 Sets (pcs) 78 2,500
SDK-013 Fried chips (pcs) 200 500
SDK-014 Fried chicken (pcs) 800 2,000
SDK-015 Packed water (btts) 145 800
SDK-016 Pancakes 8,000 200
SDK-017 Shoe polish (tins) 04 700
SDK-018 Foolscaps (papers) 34 100
SDK-019 Katogo (plate) 2,000 1,000
SDK-020 Milk tea (cup) 6,000 200


a) Create a table saved as ‘kijjaguzo’ to hold the above data.

b) Input a mask that will return all items names in capital letters.

c) Format the quantity sold and rate to hold commas.

d) Insert a primary key in a relevant field.

e) Design a query that will return all the field names in the table. Add four field
names for: Amount, Margin, Expenses and Profit respectively. Amount is
obtained as a product of Quantity Sold and Rate; Margin is 20% of the amount
obtained and Expenses are 10% of the amount obtained. Profit is Margin –
Expenses. Save your query as ‘profit’.

f) Using the field names for CommodityID, Item Name and Quantity Sold, create a
query to filter items sold whose quantity sold is less than 250. Save your query as

g) Print your work and exit the application.

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21. Uganda Super League Ltd runs the Uganda first division football. Create a
database to manage the table standings for one season saved as ‘ugandasleague’.

TeamId Team name P W D L F A GDF PTS

USL-001 KCC 12 8 2 2 30 12
USL-002 BIDCO 12 9 1 2 25 11
USL-003 Police 10 6 4 0 15 8
USL-004 Villa 12 7 4 1 40 21
USL-005 Express 14 10 4 0 23 19
USL-006 Victors 10 7 2 1 17 32
USL-007 Simba 09 9 0 0 26 27
USL-008 Bunamwaya 10 7 1 2 18 19
USL-009 Masaka LC 12 2 5 5 20 32
USL-010 Firemasters 15 2 3 10 12 36
USL-011 URA 10 10 0 0 36 5
USL-012 Maroons 13 1 1 11 7 41


a) Create a table that to hold the above fixture and save as ‘uslltd’.

b) Insert a primary key in an appropriate field.

c) Design a query that will return a dynaset saved as ‘pts’ using all the field names.
In this query, create a formula that will show the number of points each team has
given that each W=3, D=1 and L=0.

d) Design query saved as ‘pts’ to return the Goal difference of each team. Given that
F-A = goal difference. Insert this field before PTS and save as ‘complete’.
Remember to sort your records in descending order using the field name of PTS.

e) Create a report that uses records from the query saved as ‘complete’ to return all
the items stored therein.

f) Insert footer your name and date of printing.

g) Print a copy of all your work in this database and exit the application.

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22. Mummy’s electrical enterprises records sales in an exercise book. The manager
asks you to prepare an electronic database for use saved as ‘mummys_ltd’.

ApplianceID Appliance Name Quantity Make

MEE-001 Sockets 400 England
MEE-002 Flat iron 700 Germany
MEE-003 CCTV set 20 England
MEE-004 Micro Oven 30 China
MEE-005 Cockers 56 Germany
MEE-006 Juice blender 100 England
MEE-007 Television set 23 England
MEE-008 Radio 34 China
MEE-009 Fan 67 China
MEE-010 Deep fryer 200 England
MEE-011 Bed room fan 300 Germany
MEE-012 Air conditioner 20 China
MEE-013 Electronic toys 450 England
MEE-012 Ipods 400 China
MEE-013 Walk talkies 34 China


a) Create a table you will save as ‘mummy_e_enterprises.

b) Format your table such that the ID is an auto number, make it to allow look up for
China, Germany and England.

c) Insert a primary key in a relevant field.

d) Design a form that will have the facility of look up for model.

e) Use this form to enter the data above in the table.

f) Using all field names, design a query that will return items that have a model
name England and save the query as ‘england’.

g) Create another query using all the field names for items with model name of
China and save as ‘china’.

h) Create another query using all the field names for items that do not have a model
name ‘Germany’ and save as ‘not_germany’.

i) Create a report containing all field names from the table. On it add a field name
for Price Range. It is assumed that England = Expensive, German = Cheaper and
China = Cheapest. Generate a function that will return this argument.

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j) Print a copy of all your work and exit the application.

23. Muto hardware shop sales a large assortment of building and roofing items Muto
manages two stores A and B. Create a database to hold these tables below saved
as ‘muto_hardware’.

Store A: Basic Information

HardwareId Item Quantity A
MHS-001 Iron sheets (pcs) 4,000
MHS-002 Tiles (pcs) 10,000
MHS-003 Nails – 6” (kgs) 400
MHS-004 Nails – 4” (kgs) 200
MHS-005 Nails – 3” (kgs) 500
MHS-006 Bricks (pcs) 3,000
MHS-007 Glasses 3mm (pcs) 10,000
MHS-008 Tape measure (pcs) 30,000
MHS-009 Iron bars (pcs) 50,000
MHS-010 Cement (bags) 10,000
MHS-011 Sand (trips) 3,000
MHS-012 Paint (tins) 10,000
MHS-013 Timber (pcs) 78,000
MHS-014 Spades (pcs) 400
MHS-015 Hoes (pcs) 300
MHS-016 Chisel (pcs) 240
MHS-017 Trowel (pcs) 450

Store B: Other information

HardwareId Quantity B
MHS-001 3,000
MHS-002 5,000
MHS-003 300
3MHS-004 150
MHS-005 400
MHS-006 2,000
MHS-007 7,000
MHS-008 20,000
MHS-009 40,000
MHS-010 9,000
MHS-011 2,000
MHS-012 9,000
MHS-013 50,000
MHS-014 300
MHS-015 700
MHS-016 300
MHS-017 1,000

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Table 3: Unit Cost

HardwareId Cost (shs)
MHS-001 70,000
MHS-002 15,000
MHS-003 6,000
MHS-004 5,000
MHS-005 4,000
MHS-006 250
MHS-007 10,000
MHS-008 4,000
MHS-009 18,000
MHS-010 30,000
MHS-011 90,000
MHS-012 60,000
MHS-013 8,000
MHS-014 5,000
MHS-015 3,000
MHS-016 2,000
MHS-017 2,000


a) Create three tables to hold the data above. Save each table using the table title for
each. Remember to have the auto number data type for the HardwareID

b) Insert a primary key in the field HardwareID.

c) Create a table relationship amount the three tables using the HardwareID field

d) Generate a query that will return all fields apart from Hardware ID for table two
and three.

e) Using your field, add a new field for ‘Total Income’ to determine the total income
received from the two stores altogether given that (Quantity A + Quantity B)*Cost
= Total Amount and save as ‘total_amount’.

f) Generate a report to hold all records from the query above and save it as

g) Print a copy of your work and exit the application.

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24. Nkabi tours and travel maintains a list of hotels that tourist can be choose from.
Design a database to hold the following records for the organization.

HotelID Hotel name District

NTT/001 Triangle Jinja
NTT/002 King fisher Jinja
NTT/003 Imperial Kampala
NTT/004 Tourist Kampala
NTT/005 Mum – hotels Iganga
NTT/006 Zamo Jinja
NTT/007 Oasis Mbale
NTT/008 Daniels Jinja
NTT/009 Paranoma Jinja
NTT/010 Serena Kampala
NTT/011 Hilton Mbale
NTT/012 Mwana Jinja
NTT/013 Obama Mbale
NTT/014 Africana Kampala
NTT/015 Sesse – Hotels Kalangala
NTT/016 Belleview Jinja
NTT/017 Crystal palace Jinja
NTT/018 Fireball Kampala
NTT/019 mushroom Mbale

a) Design a table to hold the above data and save as ‘hotels’.

b) Use the auto number data type for the HotelID in the format of “NTT/000”.

c) Insert a primary key in a relevant field name.

d) Enter an input mask in your table to return all the text in title case.

e) Remember to create a look up facility for Districts in your table.

f) Create a table that will have the look up menu for the districts in the table.

g) Design a query that will return hotels that are in Kampala and Mbale districts.

h) Design a report that will return all fields from the table. Add one field name on
your report for “Description”. For Jinja = New water bodies, Kampala = City
Centre, Mbale = The Masaba Land and Sesse = Island Scenery. Generate a
function that will return this.

i) Print a copy of your work and exit the application.

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25. Pick Hill Primary School manages a manual payroll to regulate salary payment to
workers. Design an electronic database named ‘pick_hill’ and carry out the
following instructions.

WorkerId Name of employee Other name Gross pay (shs)

PHP-001 Idude David 1,000,000
PHP-002 Lwanga Charles 650,000
PHP-003 Senkubuge John 400,000
PHP-004 Ochegele Vincent 500,000
PHP-005 Lugadha Isaac 350,000
PHP-006 Balanda Ronald 800,000
PHP-007 Kibuye Davis 1,000,000
PHP-008 Oboyoi Moses 780,000
PHP-009 Sempala Harriet 560,000
PHP-010 Asiimwe Gloria 1,000,000
PHP-012 Masaba Swabulin 300,000
PHP-013 Namugaya Proscovia 600,000
PHP-014 Nalugya Imelda 500,000
PHP-015 Nambuya Immaculate 700,000
PHP-016 Kainembabazi Christine 450,000


a) Create a table saved as ‘payroll’.

b) Insert a primary key in an appropriate field.

c) Create a format in your table to return names in title case.

d) Apply suitable formats to return seperators in shillings.

e) Create a form with all the field names in the table and add the following field
names on your query: Housing = 30%, food = 10%, medical = 20%; tax which is
in ranges i.e. above 500,000 = 20% and those below, 18% on the gross pay. .

Add these fields on your form. Generate a working formula to enable the school
have this as a complete record and save as ‘payroll’. Resize the form to make sure
that the data fits,

f) Change the header ‘computer studies’ in upper case and in font colour red.

g) Change the colour of the header section to white.

h) Using the records form the form, design a query to return workers whose savings
is above 200,000 and save as ‘savings’.

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i) Print a copy of work and exit the application.

26. Lake Victoria Fisheries deals in fish products and provides the following records.
Create a database saved as ‘fish’ and carry out the instructions below.

FishID Fish name Quantity harvested (kgs) Quantity Sold (kgs)

LVF-001 Tilapia 10,000 10,000
LVF-002 Nile perch 7,000 7,000
LVF-003 Dug fish 5,000 4,000
LVF-004 Cat fish 4,500 3,000
LVF-005 Octopus 9,000 9,000
LVF-006 Mud fish 10,000 10,000
LVF-007 Mukene 20,000 20,000
LVF-008 Salmon 10,000 9,000
LVF-009 Dagger fish 30,000 27,000
LVF-010 Semutundu 50,000 49,000
LVF-011 Emaale 7,000 7,000
LVF-012 Kasulubana 20,000 20,000
LVF-013 Snake fish 3,000 2,900


a) Create a table that you will save as ‘fish’.

b) Insert a primary key in the field name of FishID.

c) Format the FishID to be automatically incremental in the format of “LVF-00”.

d) Create a query to return fish quantities that were below 10,000.

e) Design a report using all field names in the table and save as ‘fish’.

f) On the report add fields for: Quantity Unsold, create a formula to return records
for the quantity unsold.
g) Ensure that all the records are on one report.

h) Print a copy of your work.

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27. Uganda Beaches Association maintains a record of beaches and activities that are
carried out there. Create a database saved as ‘beaches’.

BeachID Name of beach Activity

UBA-001 Lido Music shows
UBA-002 Katikati Music shows
UBA-003 One love Music shows, swimming.
UBA-004 Lutembe Swimming
UBA-005 Sesse Swimming and fishing
UBA-006 Botanical Music shows, swimming
UBA-007 King fisher Swimming
UBA-008 Source of the Nile Swimming
UBA-009 Wairaka B.M.U Swimming
UBA-010 Bufulibi Swimming and fishing
UBA-011 Ntinkalu Fishing, boat racing
UBA-012 Masese Fishing, boat racing
UBA-013 Panaroma Bird watching, swimming
UBA-014 Buwenda Swimming
UBA-015 Mada Boat rafting


a) Create a table and save as ‘beaches’.

b) Insert a primary key basing on the field name BeachId.

c) In your table, select a suitable data type that will have a drop down menu for
music shows; music shows, swimming; swimming; fishing, boat racing; birad
watching, swimming; boat rafting, e.t.c.…

d) Design a form that will be used to enter the above data into a table and save as

e) Create a query that will generate a dynaset for beaches where music shows and
swimming are carried out and save as ‘beaches’.

f) Design a new query that will return activities whose first letter is B or F and save
as ‘beachbnf’.

g) Print your work and exit the application.

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28. Uganda Bus Owners Association operates a database to manage bus loading and
off loading, routes assigned. Create a database saved as transport_means.

BusID Company Name Passenger Capacity No. of buses

UBOA-001 Gataway 62 10
UBOA-002 Gaga 32 04
UBOA-003 Horizon 32 08
UBOA-004 Hero 28 10
UBOA-005 Otada 54 03
UBOA-006 Bukadde Magezi 62 05
UBOA-007 Eastern Coach 62 08
UBOA-008 Airforce One 32 09
UBOA-009 Kiira Coach 28 02
UBOA-010 Tugezyeku 54 10
UBOA-011 United Coaches 32 04
UBOA-012 Arrow Boys 28 09
UBOA-013 Soroti Coaches 62 06
UBOA-014 Ambi Coaches 28 07
UBOA-015 Akamba 62 10


a) Create a table saved as ‘coaches’.

b) Format the field for No. o f buses to accommodate the two figure output.

c) Insert a primary key in a relevant field name.

d) Create a form that will display all the record on one form that shows multiple
items. Insert one field name fare collection. The Association has a fixed charge
per passenger of shs. 15,000 form Mbale stage. Create a function that will return a
product of passenger capacity, No of buses and charge per passenger. Save the
form as ‘buses’.

e) Using all the field names form the table, create a query for companies that have
less than 07 buses and save as ‘buses’.

f) Print your work and exit the application.

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29. St. Florence S.S. maintains a database to manage fees collection. Create a
database called ‘fees payment’ to hold the following records.

Table 1: Fees paid

StudentID Name Other name class Fee paid (shs)

SFS-001 Basemaza Victor S.1 40,000
SFS-002 Sabano Agnes S.1 80,000
SFS-003 Malewa Immaculate S.1 300,000
SFS-004 Luyimbazi Jackline S.5 120,000
SFS-005 Mbazi Fredrick S.6 450,000
SFS-006 Mpiiya Jackson S.4 500,000
SFS-007 Nsimbi Jackson S.3 23,000
SFS-008 Waiswa Peter S.4 45,000
SFS-009 Kato Duncan S.3 200,000
SFS-010 Mulengani Valdes S.2 321,000
SFS-011 Ojiambo Moses S.1 23,000
SFS-012 Mudhe Isaac S.3 450,000
SFS-013 Mukwaya Stephen S.2 345,000
SFS-014 Basule Robert S.4 234,000
SFS-015 Naluwailo Henry S.4 900,000
SFS-016 kyampa Baker S.6 345,000

Table 2: Fees balance

StudentID Section Fees balance

SFS-001 D 100,000
SFS-002 D 29,000
SFS-003 B 34,000
SFS-004 D 78,000
SFS-005 B 23,000
SFS-006 B 12,000
SFS-007 D 34,000
SFS-008 D 43,000
SFS-009 B 100,000
SFS-010 B 23,000
SFS-011 D 20,000
SFS-012 B 299,000
SFS-013 B 100,000
SFS-014 B 100,000
SFS-015 B 500,000
SFS-016 B 23,000

(i). Key: B = Boarding Section; D = Day Section

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(ii). B = 200,000
(iii). D = 60,000


a) Create two tables and use the table names as a file name to each.

b) Format the StudentID to incremental auto number and amounts to support seperators.

c) Create a table relationship among the tables. Remember to insert a foreign key.

d) Using all the field names in table one and only stream from table two, create a two field
names for: Section Fees and New Balance on the query saved as ‘balance’. Create a
function that will return Section fees per student.
e) Given that New Balance = (Section Fees + Balance) – Fees paid. Generate a function to
return the new balance on your query saved as ‘balance’.

f) Using records in the query named ‘balance’ create two new queries for ‘sectionb’ and
‘sectiond’ to return students in boarding section and day section respectively.

g) Print all your work and exit the application.

30. Water Mission Uganda supplies safe and clean water to household in Kampala suburbs.
The organization prepared the following water usage meant to develop bills for
customers. Create a database saved as ‘water’ to hold the following information.

CustomerID Customer Name Old Reading New Reading

WMU/001 Kidoma A. 2345 9870
WMU/002 Luyima P. 6543 7986
WMU/003 Walwasa A. 0876 1000
WMU/004 Mulwana H. 4530 8907
WMU/005 Kulika U. 0234 7000
WMU/006 Kirya M. 0987 1409
WMU/007 Mulamba Q. 0123 1908
WMU/008 Kawesa J. 0789 1998
WMU/009 Wafula C. 0345 9870
WMU/010 Katirima F. 0456 5099
WMU/011 Kawase B. 0567 8090
WMU/012 Mukwana M. 0678 9870
WMU/013 Apio H. 0789 1009
WMU/014 Kabito Z. 0890 1098
WMU/015 Pulusi O. 0910 2989
WMU/016 Oundo H. 0023 0987
WMU/017 Bameka B. 0432 1000
WMU/018 Bakileka S. 8800 3000
WMU/019 Zirintusa A. 9001 4908

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a) Create a table with a file name ‘metre’.

b) Format the metre readings to output as it is.

c) Create a multiple item form to return all the fields. Add two columns for: Litres
used, Amount Paid. Given that each litre is sold at shs. 2. Generate a function
that will return this. Save the form as ‘bill’.

d) Create a query form the table using all the fields above to return consumers
whose new metre reading is above 1000.

e) Print all your work and exit the application.

31. The Program manager of Maranatha Radio 104.7 F.M maintains a database of
play list. Create a database saved as ‘play_list’ to record the following.

TrackID Name of track Track time

MRF-001 Baby Love 3:42
MRF-002 Strong Thing 4:10
MRF-003 Beat them bad 5:09
MRF-004 Best I ever had 4:19
MRF-005 Best love song 3:22
MRF-006 Better life 3:20
MRF-007 Black culture 3:47
MRF-008 Slow love 4:07
MRF-009 Meet he halfway 4:44
MRF-010 Bloody city 4:34
MRF-011 Blue magic 3:10
MRF-012 Born to be winner 4:59
MRF-013 Kanya Mpisa 5:45
MRF-014 Gukyabaza 4:27
MRF-015 Tsumani 3:48
MRF-016 Champion dance king 3:32
MRF-017 How we do it 3:39
MRF-018 Nkwagala Nyo 4:00
MRF-019 Minzani 4:08
MRF-020 Omukiza Gwo 3:33
MRF-021 Nafunye Omwana 3:40


a) Create a table and save it as ‘playlist’.

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b) Format your table to hold the track time.

c) Create a query to return all tracks whose names have letter ‘i’ and save as ‘letter’.

d) Select all tracks whose track length is between 3:10 and 4:00 minutes. Save your
query as ‘tracklength’.

e) Print your work.

32. A teachers maintains a record of assignment marks obtained by Senior One

students for term one. Create a database to hold this information saved as

StudentID Name Other name BOT EOT

CS/R/001 Kalulu Richard 80 100
CS/R/002 Kaduli Sandra 56 76
CS/R/003 Wante Stephen 78 87
CS/R/004 Kimera Richardson 90 98
CS/R/005 Mutaka Nathan 91 83
CS/R/006 Kalembe Aida 93 91
CS/R/007 Nanono Sarah 76 93
CS/R/008 Wahab Arafat 87 90
CS/R/009 Kadoli Amphrey 78 78
CS/R/010 Musobya Paul 98 89
CS/R/011 Kizito Geoffrey 100 80
CS/R/012 Asiimwe Esther 65 100
CS/R/013 Nsereko Kerich 76 76
CS/R/014 Lukwago Amos 56 87
CS/R/015 Omakada Moses 87 98
CS/R/016 Walugembe Samson 96 90
CS/R/017 Magumba Hakimu 99 87
CS/R/018 Ebokorait Patrick 93 98
CS/R/019 Bamutya Jamali 87 90
CS/R/020 Kasumba Karen 90 100
CS/R/021 Lubowa Kyemba 92 76


a) Create a table with a file name ‘results’.

b) Create an auto number using the studentid. Remember to format for incremental
values by 1.

c) In your table, format all names to begin with capital letter.

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d) Create a form for use to enter the above information into a table saved as ‘results’.

e) Create a query saved as ‘results’. In your query, add three field names: 30%, 70%,
TOTAL (100). Remember to convert your values for BOT to 30% and EOT to
70%. Determine the total obtained by each student after conversion.

f) In your query, do not display the BOT and EOT fields. Run the query and save.

g) Design a report using all records from your query saved as ‘results’. Add footer,
today’s date, your name and page number.

h) Adjust your header to read: End of Term one Results, Senior One.

i) Save your report as ‘converted results’.

j) Print all your work.

33. Nakasozi Supermarket maintains a Point of sale system. You are required to create
an independent database that will be included in the system for use. Create a
database saved as ‘supermarket’ and carry out the following instructions.

CommodityID Commodity Quantity Unit Price (Shs)

HSM-001 Rolex 65 700
HSM-002 Lolipos 78 200
HSM-003 Europa 98 200
HSM-004 Sumbi 34 500
HSM-005 Coca cola 65 800
HSM-006 Sprite 78 800
HSM-007 Mirinda 98 800
HSM-008 Pepsi cola 76 800
HSM-009 Quencher 56 1,200
HSM-010 Pikey 54 200
HSM-011 Buns 31 200
HSM-012 Irish 23 1,000
HSM-013 Bic 45 350
HSM-014 Nice clear 54 250
HSM-015 2HB pencils 32 100


a) Create a table saved as ‘supermarket_Hilton’.

b) Insert a primary key in a relevant field.

c) Create a form saved as ‘supermarket’.

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d) Add a command print this record on your form.

e) Using field names for commodity name, quantity and unit price, add a new field
name for amount. Determine the amount paid for each item and save the query as

34. Kigunga Landing Site runs a manual database to store records related to
fishmongers that operate from this area. Using a suitable database program of your
choice, create an electronic database saved as ‘fishermen’ and carry out the
following instructions:

Table 1: Basic Information

FishermanId Name Sex DOB Contact District

KLS-001 Mukombozi alex M 12-12-1980 0772-110110 Wakiso
KLS-002 Kakoma David M 10-02-1978 0777-777777 Soroti
KLS-003 Galama Didas M 01-11-1980 0391-999999 Soroti
KLS-004 Butono Ronald M 04-04-1990 0781-258258 Jinja
KLS-005 Magemeso Peter M 15-10-1989 0421-369369 Jinja
KLS-006 Opeto James M 01-01-1992 0202-547547 Wakiso
KLS-007 Namuga Becky F 06-06-1982 0782-896698 Jinja
KLS-008 Okello Richard M 07-07-1978 0784-565652 Soroti
KLS-009 Kalokore Deus M 09-01-1972 0772-340859 Jinja
KLS-010 Mwoso Patrick M 10-10-1990 0412-369963 Soroti
KLS-011 Apio Sandra F 12-12-1975 0552-587125 Jinja
KLS-012 Alinda Nancy F 10-11-1994 0788-369852 Jinja
KLS-013 Kabanda Isaac M 03-01-1990 0787-236521 Wakiso
KLS-014 Kisakye Vivian F 15-10-1972 0772-555821 Wakiso
KLS-015 Ndagire Mariam F 11-11-1991 0324-258102 Wakiso
KLS-016 Mulokole Michael M 23-12-1987 0800-896658 Soroti
KLS-017 Wamala Emmanuel M 25-12-1990 0336-025552 Jinja
KLS-018 Kamurasi Zeus M 26-04-1995 0772-896562 Jinja
KLS-019 Kisenyi Moses M 29-10-1962 0778-225125 Jinja
KLS-020 Nakagolo Annet F 10-10-1990 0202-888213 Wakiso


a) Create a table saved as ‘mongers’.

b) Insert a primary key.

c) Design a form that you will use to enter the above data into a table. It should
have a red background with buttons for last record, next record, previous
record and last record.

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d) Design a query that will return fish mongers who are above the age of 30 and
are Male. Save this query as ’30 and Male’.

e) Create another query that will return a list of fish mongers whose name begins
with letter K. Save it as ‘letterk.

f) Create a report to show results from the query saved as ’30 and Male’.

g) Print your work.

35. Using a suitable database program of your choice, design a database saved as
‘kilembe’ and carry out the following instructions:

Table 1: Worker Information

WorkerId First Name Last Name Sex Worker Number
KLL-001 Denis Luyima M DEA-001
KLL-002 Richard Bazalaki M DEA-002
KLL-003 Stella Amooti F DEA-003
KLL-004 Sheilah Bagonzana F DEA-004
KLL-005 Patrico Byakatonda M DEA-005
KLL-006 Leticia Mulela F DEA-006
KLL-007 Ronald Mudebo M DEA-007
KLL-008 Peter Kasawo M DEA-008
KLL-009 Andrew Mulenga M DEA-009
KLL-010 Amos Kadoma M DEA-010

Table 2: Department
Worker Number Department Shift
DEA-001 Security Night
DEA-002 Accounts Day
DEA-003 Security Day
DEA-004 Security Day
DEA-005 Dining Night
DEA-006 Security Night
DEA-007 Security Day
DEA-008 Accounts Day
DEA-009 Dining Day
DEA-010 Security Day

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Table 3: Others
Worker Number Contact Religion
DEA-001 0778-560-560 Protestant
DEA-002 0412-412-412 Advent
DEA-003 0781-456-456 Protestant
DEA-004 0792-350-408 Born Again
DEA-005 0772-899-589 Protestant
DEA-006 0412-785-895 Advent
DEA-007 0772-888-999 Protestant
DEA-008 0781-999-410 Protestant
DEA-009 0772-963-369 Catholic
DEA-010 0772-888-784 Advent


a) Using table names create three tables and save them.

b) Insert a primary key in relevant fields.
c) Create necessary table relationships in your database.
d) Design a form having necessary control buttons and save it as ‘kilembe’. Remember
to use form background colour of your choice. Insert footer, your name and today’s
e) Create a query with file name ‘077 or 078’, using all field names from the tables
apart from the repeating fields to return contacts that begin with 077 or 078.
f) Using data from your query, design a report such that all the records are on one page
of the report. Save this as ‘report_one’.
g) Print all the database objects in our work.

36. Using a suitable program, create a database saved as ‘farm’ and carry out the
following instructions.

Table 1: Basic Information

AnimalId Animal name Sex Ear Tag
FFM-0001 Mufulusi M MH001
FFM-0002 Katimbo F MH003
FFM-0003 Seganyi M MH006
FFM-0004 Lubalato M MH009
FFM-0005 Lumansi M MH011
FFM-0006 Kerekere M MH013
FFM-0007 Pikipiki F MH016
FFM-0008 Maiso F MH019
FFM-0009 Niga M MH021
FFM-0010 Rambo M MH023
FFM-0011 Kipepewo M MH025
FFM-0012 Bada F MH027
FFM-0013 Bamusakata F MH029
FFM-0014 Lubakyoya F MH030
FFM-0015 Mulimba F MH031

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Table 2: Other Information

Ear Tag Date of birth Weight (Kg) Location

MH001 10-Jan-10 120 A
MH003 13-Jun-08 230 B
MH006 19-Mar-13 250 A
MH009 26-May-12 400 B
MH011 30-Dec-12 123 A
MH013 21-Apr-09 200 B
MH016 10-Nov-07 250 B
MH019 28-Feb-09 300 A
MH021 31-Jan-13 85 B
MH023 11-Aug-12 230 A
MH025 25-Dec-09 450 A
MH027 01-Oct-13 37 A
MH029 15-Sep-09 300 B
MH030 23-Oct-11 450 B
MH031 25-Nov-13 35 A


a) Create two tables and save each using the table name given on top of each table.

b) Insert a primary key in an appropriate field for each table.

c) Create a one-to-many table relationship.

d) Design a form saved as ‘Data Entry Form’ that you will use to enter the above
data in this database.

e) Create a query using all field names from the two tables saved as ‘3years’ to
return a list of all animals that were born 3 years ago.

f) Create another query using all the field names from the two tables to return
animals that are Female and a greater than 200 kg and are location B. save the
query as ‘greaterthan200kg’.

g) Create a query using all the field names from the two tables to return animal
names that begin with letters A-K. Save this query as ‘atokletters’.
h) Create a report using data from the two tables and save it as ‘all’.

i) Print all the work in your database and exit the application.

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37. The database manager of Budo Satellite Beach provides you with the following
two tables:

Table 1: Bio – Data

Emp_Id First Name Last Name Date of Birth Districk

Ivan Barasa 14-10-1980 Busia
David Mauso 16-01-1974 Mbale
Simon Kisitu 01-01-1990 Kampala
Peter Settabi 12-12-1964 Kampala
Isaac Mutoro 14-10-1993 Kampala
Moses Magemeso 21-04-1978 Busia
Stephen Lutaalo 10-06-1980 Mbale

Table 2: Other Information

Emp_Id Job Type Date of Hire Basic Pay

Waiter 20-10-2010 150,000
Waiter 20-10-2012 150,000
Gardener 21-10-2012 300,000
Manager 16-10-2012 600,000
Waiter 21-10-2012 150,000
Cook 31-12-2012 75,000
Cook 31-12-2012 75,000


(a) Create a database and save it as ‘satellite_beach’.

(b) Create the two tables and save each using a given table name.

(c) In the field name for Emp_Id, use an autonumber with custom format of “BSB-
“001. It should automatically leave a seed of 10.

(d) Using relevant field names, insert a primary key in each table.

(e) Design a form that you will use to populate the two tables at once. You can use a
form background colour of your choice. Save the form as ‘entry’.
(f) Using all fields that are not similar from the two tables, design a query that will
return workers whose basic pay is 150,000 and come from Busia or Kampala.
Save the query as ‘Busia-kampala’.

(g) Design a query to return all the fields. And on it, add a new field name for NSSF.
It is given that NSSF is 5% of basic pay + 20,000 paid by the company.

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(h) Using all field names that are not similar, design a query from the two tables to
return workers who were born between 01-01-1980 and 01-01-1990. Save your
query as ‘births’.

(i) From your query saved as ‘births’, design a report saved as ‘report-births’.

(j) Print all your objects used.

38. Gawamu retailers maintain a database of items sold. Create a database and save it
as ‘gawamu’ then carry out the following data.

Table 1: Item Info

ItemId Item Name Item Number

GRL/2013/001 Blue – band ILO-020
GRL/2013/002 Bread ILO-021
GRL/2013/003 Bagiya ILO-022
GRL/2013/004 Maize flour ILO-023
GRL/2013/005 Bushera flour ILO-024
GRL/2013/006 Doughnut ILO-025
GRL/2013/007 Sweets ILO-026
GRL/2013/008 Printing paper ILO-027
GRL/2013/009 Writing pen ILO-028
GRL/2013/010 Art books ILO-029
GRL/2013/011 Wheat flour ILO-030

Table 2: Quantity-Price

Item Number Quantity Unit Price

ILO-020 50 4,800
ILO-021 89 3,800
ILO-022 65 500
ILO-023 47 1,500
ILO-024 41 800
ILO-025 23 500
ILO-026 2,000 100
ILO-027 12 19,000
ILO-028 35 500
ILO-029 89 1,000
ILO-030 56 4,800

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Table 3: Location

Item Number Location

ILO-020 Lower store
ILO-021 Upper canteen
ILO-022 Lower store
ILO-023 Upper canteen
ILO-024 Upper canteen
ILO-025 Upper canteen
ILO-026 Lower store
ILO-027 Upper canteen
ILO-028 Lower store
ILO-029 Lower store
ILO-030 Lower store


a) Design the two tables and use the table names to represent file names.

b) Insert a primary key in each table using relevant fields.

c) Design a form that you will use to enter the above data in your three tables at
once. You are free to add control buttons and background colour and save it as
‘records’. Insert a label for Total Price and on this form, determine total price
for each commodity.

d) On your form, insert a header – your name and footer page number.

e) On your form, insert a title, ‘Gawamu Retailers Ltd’.

f) Design a query using all field names to return items that are located in the
lower store whose quantity is above 50 and item name begin with letters
between A and M. save the query as ‘all_query’.

g) Design a report from your query and save it as ‘report2013’.

h) Print all your work in this database0

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1. You have been awarded a contract of designing a site made up of four pages for
HILTON FM, your school’s radio station. The following information is to be
included on the website.

Page one: Index Page

a) Should be a homepage with a shared banner with the page name Hiltonhome and
title Hilton FM website and the station motto “At Hilton we Share”.

b) A marquee with words ‘Welcome to HILTON FM Online’ slightly after the page
banner and it should not be shared.

c) Provision for active links to other pages of the site.

d) Not more than 100 words on your home page.

Page two: Program Lineup

e) Add a table and think of your own programs with the times at which they are on
air e.g. News, Sports Update, Hilton Top 20 count down, e.t.c.
Page three: Photo Gallery

f) Add about 8 well organized photos from the clip art collection to represent how
this page will be used.
Page four: Contact us

g) Add on this page in a bulleted format:

 Telephone contact (office)

 Telephone contact (studio line
 Location of the Radio Station.
 Postal Address of the Station.
 The phrase, “Click here to give us your feedback”, which a visitor to the website
can follow to send an e-mail.
N.B: Assign an imaginary corresponding numbers and addresses to the above.

h) Insert your name in the right bottom corner of each page.

2. Using any available web publishing software, design a two page website for your
former primary school:
(i). the first page in the index or Home page, it should include the following:

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 The name of the school and a school logo. (The logo may not necessarily be the
correct logo of your former school)
 Any introduction information.
 Addresses of the school (does not have to be the actual address)
 A facility for visitors to send an e-mail to the school.
 Well linking navigation bar.
(ii). The second page should contain a bulleted list of the departments in the school,
and a table showing at least four teachers indicating the classes and the respective
subjects they do teach.

 The two pages must be linked together.

 Save your website as Name_primary School.
 Print out the home page and the linked pages.

3. Using any available web publishing software, design a web

page for a hotel, make sure your home page is impressive but not too slow to

You are expected to include:

i) A page title.
ii) Appropriate graphics.
iii) Between 150 – 200 words.
iv) Proper layout
v) Creativity
vi) Save your work as hweb.

4. Using web publishing software of your choice, prepare a website for the school’s
computer club and save all your assets in a folder called ‘computer club’. On your
website include the following:

Page 1: title of the page should be Home or Index.

i) Insert a shared border containing the word “Computer Club”.

ii) With less more than 200 words, write a brief literature about the club on your
home page.
iii) Use relevant graphics situated will on your page.
Page 2: title name should be members

i) Insert a table of 8 x 2, populate a list of numbered 8 members and their posts.

ii) Below the table, write the format of recruiting members for the club.
Page 3: Activities page:

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i) Mention 5 activities of the club.

ii) Insert 2 relevant graphics.
iii) Add 3 activities that will be carried out with other schools

a) Insert a well linked navigation buttons into your site.

b) Add a mail link at the bottom of page 1

c) Use good colour theme to enhance the appearance of the site.

d) Add an altenating marquee “IT for Every One”.

e) Print a copy of your site.

5. An NGO, “BUKHASA ORPHANAGE” is looking for a webmaster. You have

been recruited to carry out the task. In a folder named ‘Bukhasa’, save all your
assets. Include the following details.

Page 1: Index Page

Include a brief introduction about the NGO like, founding body, location, physical
address, number of orphans, services given to orphans.

Page 2: Menu

Generate a table of 5 x 4 to include the menu for orphans. Use the following layout
and populate it according to your wish. Include the literature below:

Bukhasa Orphanage provides a well balanced diet to all orphans. This includes
morning tea, breakfast, lunch, dinner and super. Each meal is equally nutritive to the
young and energetic orphans. A menu is prepared to cater for better service delivery
every week. The menu is display below

Menu for week one, January 2010

Morning Breakfast Lunch Dinner Super


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Page 3: Schools attended

On this page, generate a list of 10 first schools were the orphans attend school.
Include a full address of the school (the address many not necessarily be the correct
one). Also include the fees paid at each school and a list of terminal requirements.


a) Make sure that the site is self linking.

b) Use relevant graphics on each page.

c) Add an e-mail link to all pages with a word ‘Click here to donate’.

d) Remember to provide a scrolling marquee containing a word “Life for Orphans

made Brighter’.

e) Print a copy of your work and exit the application.

6. Using a suitable website authoring application of your choice, prepare a website

containing your personal information on two pages saved as ‘personal’.


a) On page one (Home) of your project, include four lines describing yourself. Also
include your age, order in family, classes attended so far, hobbies, e.t.c. generate a
list of 3 sisters and 2 brothers on this page. Give the name of your father and
mother in their correct order.

b) On page two, include a title: Clubs and Activities. Include a list of all clubs you
belong and where each club is located. Also mention activities that you perform
for each club. Remember to present this information in a table of 8 x 3 with these

Club Location of club Activities you carry out

c) Include a well positioned banner with a title “MY PROFILE”. This banner should
be shared in all the two pages of you work.

d) Add a marquee that keeps on alternating from right to left and forth.

e) Add a beautiful background colour theme.

f) Ensure that the two pages are well linked.

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g) Add a button for Next on page one and back on page two well hyperlinked. The
buttons should be at the bottom of a page.

h) Include today’s date as the last date of updating.

i) Slightly after the marquee, insert today’s time and date.

j) Add relevant graphics on each page.

k) Print a copy of your work.

7. The Ministry of Health is to carry out mass immunization in Uganda. The

Ministry is to conduct a competition for selecting the best site. You have been
asked to participate in the competition and provided the following details.


a) Your site should have three pages well linked.

b) On the home page include the meaning of immunization. Mention three bulleted
reasons for immunizing children below the age of 5 years. Include the six killer
diseases that children have to be immunized against. Bullet the diseases.
c) Page two: program; on this page, include the program of immunization in Uganda.
Uganda is divided into five sections: North, East, West, Central and South. Under
these headings, mention two districts from each region to work as a co-rdinating
centre. Remember to bullet the districts respectively.

d) On page three: Contact us, on this page, write down a list of 10 individuals that
have to be contacted for details. Give the details in a table of 10 x 2 in the form of:

Name contact

You are free to write the physical address, telephone number and time of contact.

e) Add a banner ‘Ministry of Health – Uganda’ that will be shared on the two pages.

f) Your banner should have yellow text and a black background.

g) Add a marquee, ‘Kick polio out of Uganda’. It should be is a red colour.

h) Insert three relevant graphics in your work.

i) Add a search facility of other Ministry Links in Uganda.

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j) Include a page transition.

k) Add a background music piece, the Uganda anthem.

l) Choose a uniform, good background theme for the two pages.

m) Add the current time after the marquee on the extreme right with: Time in Jinja:
your date goes here. Print your work.

8. Design a three page website for your village tourism potential. Save as ‘tourism’


a) Insert shared page banner ‘village tourism potential’.

b) Create a marquee “new potentials unveiled’.

c) Add a green banner background with a white text.

d) Insert relevant graphics.

e) Add well positioned navigation buttons.

f) The site should download easily (quickly).

g) One page one: Home, include the definition for tourism; describe the nature of
tourism items that are located in your home village. Ensure that you describe each
item to enable readers to understand the tourism scenery well.

h) One page two: Facilities, include a list of hotels, restaurants that are in your
village that can offer lunch, accommodation, breakfast and other hotel facilities.

i) On page three: Contact us, include addresses of 5 prominent village members and
imagine their telephone numbers.

j) Print out each page of your site and exit the application.

9. Environmental degradation is a common problem in your village. Design a

website that will be used to sensitize your community about the topic. Save your
site as ‘environment’.

Page one: Home, on this page include the definition of environmental degradation.
Mention at least five causes of environmental degradation in your community.

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Page two: Solutions, on this page, include 6 solutions to environmental degradation

in your country.

Page three: Contact us, write down a list of 8 members that can be contacted. Write
the contact in a table.


a) Insert banner ‘Environmental Degradation’.

b) Insert a marquee that scrolls containing text ‘Environment our concern’.

c) Add graphics that are relevant.

d) Ensure that the navigation buttons are well hyperlinked.

e) Apply a uniform background scheme.

f) Add a hit counter on your site.

g) Print your work.

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By the end of the topical exercises, learners will be able to:

(a). Choose a correct publication type.

(b). View Boundaries and Guides.
(c). View Baseline Guides.
(d). Work with Header and Footer.
(e). Insert New Page (Ctrl+Shift+N)
(f). Duplicate Page (Ctrl+Shift+U)
(g). Work with Page Numbers.
(h). Insert Date and Time.
(i). Work with Publication Layers and Text Boxes.
(j). Work with Objects and Drawings.
(k). Work with formats (Font, Character Spacing, Paragraphs, Bullets and
Numbering, Horizontal Rules, Drop Caps, Background, Format
Publication, Page Options, Apply Master Page, e.t.c)
(l). Work with spelling (Spellings and Spelling Options).
(m). Set measurement units for a publication (In Inches, Centimetres, Picas,
Points, Pixels).
(n). Page Setup (Work with blank page sizes, Page – Width, Height, Margin
Guides – top, bottom, left, right; advances settings, e.t.c.).
(o). Work with vertical and horizontal guides.
(p). Work with layers.
(q). Inserting Clip and Word Art in a publication.
(r). Group of objects.
(s). Inserting crop marks in your publication.
(t). Work with colour fill and font text colour changes.
(u). Save your publication.

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1. The Business Manager ‘Mwena Construction Ltd” has contacted you to design for
him a business card and he provides your with the following details:

Name: Muto Calvin

Contact: P.O. Box 855, Moyo
Mobile: 0772-350 408


a) Using a publication program of your choice, prepare a page that will contain 10
business cards on paper size A4.
b) Your business card primary layer should carry a 6 x 4 cm dimension.
c) All text should appear in font face Times New Roman.
d) Use a black background colour for the business card.
e) All your text should bear a white font colour.
f) In each business card, centre the content.
g) Insert on relevant graphic onto the business cards.
h) Print one copy and save your work as ‘muto’.

2. The Managing Director of Kabusu Retailers has asked you to design for him a
business card having a dimension of 4 x 6 cms. You asked to include the

Kantono Lydia
P.O. box 855 – Entebbe
Mobile: 0772-350408

Dealers in grocery and assorted items


a) Insert an appropriate graphic at the centre of the business card.

b) Use a yellow background.
c) Set your publication size to A4.
d) Ensure that you have 10 business cards, ensure that after each card, allow 0.5 cm.
e) Set your left guide line to 2 cm and the second guide at 11 cm.
f) Save your work as ‘businesscard’.

3. Using a Desktop Publishing Program of your choice, design the following Cash
Receipt and make four copies on your publication page. Set the guides to the
following positions: 2cm, 10.7cm, 11cm and 19.7cm (all vertical) and 1.5cm,
11.5cm, 12cm and 22cm horizontal. (12 marks)

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P.O. BOX 7000
Dealers in electronics and electricity equipment
Item Quantity Unit Price Amount (shs)

(a) Font size should be 12 for the three line heading and the rest of the work in
font size 10.

(b) Font colour is black.

(c) Font face (style) is Arial Narrow.

(d) Insert header your name and footer your index number.

4. You are preparing for a thanks giving ceremony of your class next Sunday. Using
a suitable desktop publishing application of your choice, design a program for day
including the following instructions:


a) Change ruler measurements to centimeters.

b) Adjust top, left, right and bottom margin stops to 1.5 cms.

c) Using a master layer of 12.5 cm height and 9.2 cm width, generate a program
for your function. Remember to include the school name, address and the title
‘Senior Six thanks giving ceremony 2013’ in capital letters.

d) Use colours of your choice.

e) Add a clip art as a watermark in this layer.

f) Include a congratulatory message at foot of your program.

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g) Include your name footer and index number as header.

h) Apply a boarder around each layer.

i) Make four copies of your work to fit on an a4 portrait paper. The top two
copies should touch the top margin and bottom two copies should touch the
bottom margin.

j) Allow space for trimming your final product.

5. Using a desktop publication program of your choice, design a pledge form for a
couple that is about to wed it should have the following:

I ………………………………………. pledge to contribute shs ……………….

towards the wedding ceremony of Jackson and Mary to take place on the 23/06/2013
at Christ Cathedral Namirembe, Kampala at 10:30 a.m. Your help towards the
success of this function is highly appreciated.


a) You are provided with the text below that you are to typeset inside a text layer of
4.2 cm height and 13 cm width. After this, have another text box adjacent to the
first layer of dimensions: 4.2 cm height and 4 cm width to contain the following :

Amount: ……………………
Contact: ……………………
Date collected: …………………...

b) Provide a dotted line in between the two layers to enable one to cut off the pledge

c) Font face is Freestyle Script, size = 14, colour pink, centered and bold.

d) Add a textbox boarder of style: wave line, style = boarder art and weight 13.

e) The boarder colour is pink.

f) After every 0.5 cm, insert another pledge card until when you have six (6) pledge
cards on the publication page.

g) Print a copy of your work using a separation mode of gray scale.

h) Save your work as ‘pledge_card’.

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6. Muhanguzi Publishers (U) Ltd intends to prepare a flier you will save as ‘fliers’
having paper dimensions of 14cm x 9.5 cm to hold the advert. The advert is
organized in the following way.


Authors of Modern Europe made easy (Notes and solutions)

P.O. Box 31519 Kampala – Uganda Tel: +256 772-336142

History of Modern African Nationalism and New States

+256 702 – 320082, 039-964584,

Second Term Holiday Seminars

At Sharing Hall – Nsambya (Kampala)

Monday 26-08-2013 History 3 (Europe)

Tuesday 27-08-2013 Economics 1,2
Wednesday 28-08-2013 Geography 1,2,3
History 1,2,6
Thursday 29-08-2013
Entrepreneurship Ed. 1,2,3
Friday 30-08-2013

Entry Fee: 4,000 /= per day per student.

Time: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm per day.
Venue: Sharing Hall Nsambya
Dates: 26th to 30th August, 2013

Note: Relevant books and handouts will be on sale at affordable prices

For further information, please contact the following telephone numbers:

0702-320082, 0705-267676, 0702-991444, 0717-692193, 0703-200749


a) Change margin stops to 0.5 cm for top, bottom, left and right.
b) Use recommended font sizes for your project.
c) Add cell shadings for your work as presented to your.
d) Ensure that you have four (4) fliers on your A4 paper size, try to fit them
appropriately well.
e) Save your work as ‘publication’.

7. AHS a new company is to launch its product “Alliance Hot Softdrink”. You have
been asked to design a flier to contain the following:


(a) Flier dimensions should be 8cm x 15cm.

(b) Use a pink background.

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(c) Use relevant pictures from the office collection.

(d) The drink is packed in a 300ml plastic bottle, price will be shs. 1,000. Include a
date of product launch.

(e) Use varying font sizes for your flier.

(f) Include a full address of the company (this is your own imagination).

(g) You should have four fliers on an A4 paper size.

8. The Mess Master of your school has asked you to design a meal card for the
month of February saved as mealcard.


TERM 1, 2014


Name: ………………………………

Month: ………………………………
1 11 21
2 12 22
3 13 23
4 14 24
5 15 25
6 16 26
7 17 27
8 18 28
9 19 29
10 20 30
Invalid Without School Stamp.


(a). Use an A4 paper size with publication margins set to 1cm top, bottom,
left and right.
(b). Set your master layer to 10 cm height and 6 width. It should have a
white line colour.
(c). Move the vertical guides to 1cm, 7cm, 7.5cm, 13.5cm, 14cm and 20 cm.
(d). Slide the horizontal guides to 1cm, 11cm, 11.4 cm, 21.4cm, 22cm and
28.7 cm.
(e). Make sure that you have seven (7) cards on your publication page.
(f). Set font face to Arial Narrow, size 12.
(g). Provide a double underline for the word meal card.
(h). Print one copy of your work.

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9. Using a DTP application of your choice, design the following publication and save
it as bankslip.





P.O. BOX 7121 – KAMPALA (U)

0 5 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 1

DATE: …………………………………….


Student’s Name: …………………………………


Class: …………………. Term: ………………..

Notes Shs
Bank Charge 2,500/=

Amount in word: ………………………………....


Paid in by: ………………………………………...

Teller’s Stamp and Signature: ………………….

N.B: Payments can be made at any Branch


(a). Set your blank publication to hold margin settings of 1cm top, bottom,
left and right.
(b). Choose paper size A4, landscape page orientation.
(c). Use Arial Narrow font face, size 11.
(d). The bankslip should have a dimension of 19.5 cm height and 6.5 width.

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(e). Use a white master layer line colour.

(f). Allow a space interval of 0.5 cm after each bank slip. Make sure that you
have four bank slips in total.
(g). They should be in the order of:

i. To be retained by the bank.

ii. To be retained by the school.
iii. To be retained by the parent.
iv. To be retained by the student.

Note: Replace the wording for each bank slip slice.

(h). Insert footer your name and header your class and stream.
(i). Print a copy of your work.

10. BARIHA bottling company is a new business consortium about to start operations
in Uganda. It bottles purified water is quantities of 300 ml, 1,500 ml. The
company has decided to launch a design competition in schools. Your school has
accepted to participate and you have been selected for the competition.


a) Using a DTP application of your choice, take out the following.

b) Set your publication page rulers to centimeters.

c) Set the grid guides as: top horizontal at 1 cm, bottom horizontal at 28.5 cm; left
vertical at cm and right vertical at 19 cm.

d) Insert a layer of dimension: 5cm height and 17 cm width.

e) Inside this layer, insert the following sub layers for your work:

 At the edge of the left hand side of your work insert a layer having 5cm
height and 0.2 width. Copy this layer to the extreme left of your working

 At the edge of the first layer, insert three layers with dimensions; height 4.5
cm and width 4 cm.

 The fifth layer should be 4.6 height and 4 cm width.

f) In the second layer, insert a picture logo of your choice. Let it carry 4.2 width
and 3.5 height. Add a word art containing the word BARIHA. It should be 4cm

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width and 1 cm height. The word art should rest 3.8 cm from the top edge of
the paper.

g) Below it, insert the word, ‘Purified Drinking Water’. It should be in font size
10, style = Times New Roman, colour = Red and Effect = Embossed.

h) Group all the content in the second sub layer. Copy and paste it in the fourth

i) In the third layer insert the following details in font size = 8, face = Times New
Roman and text alignment = centre.

Bariha water is processed using state of the art, water filtration and purification
systems that include passing through micro filters and UV treatment ensuring that
every batch of Bariha Drinking Water conforms to the quality control measures
set for drinking water.

Bottled By:

P.O. BOX 7121—Nsangi

j) In the fifth layer, insert the word ‘Product of Uganda’. Below it, add the
following table. It should be 3.327 cm width and 2.545 cm height. Text should
take font size 6, style Times New Roman.

Parameters in mg/l
Chrolides 4.3 Sodium 9.5
Fluoride N/A Sulphaates 7.2
Iron N/A pH 7.0
Nitrates N/A TDS 51.1

k) Below this table, leave space of 1.5 cm height and 1.213 cm width where a bar
code will be inserted later.

l) Insert a small layer to contain the following: 300 ml leave a space after this by
entering. Then write “Store in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight”. It
should be well centered.

m) Draw lines appropriately to make the label attractive.

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n) Group all your work in the first label. Copy and paste such that you have five
labels on the publication page. Remember to leave space in between each label
of 0.5 height.

o) Drag the vertical guides at the beginning and end of each label.

p) Save your work as ‘Bariha_prurified_water’.

11. Using a suitable desktop publishing application of your choice, use the
instructions below to design a business card.

a) Convert the horizontal and vertical rulers to count in centimeters.

b) Set the publication page to 1.8 cm top and bottom, 2 cm left and right.

c) Set your work grid guides at the edges of your set margin stops for the

d) Set another grid guide at 9 cm point mark, the third grid line should be set at 12
cm and the last at ruler mark 20.

e) Allow 2 cm below each business card and set a grid guide at that point for each
business card.

f) Insert a Text box layer in the top left corner of your publication page having
dimensions of: 4cm height and 8 cm width.

g) Fills two colours effects i.e. colour 1 = orange and colour 2 = red.

h) Colour transparencies should be maintained at 0% from and to.

i) Select a shading style of diagonal down with a variant sample of the bottom
left sample.In another layer, type in A+ FUNERAL SERVICES in font size 18
colour black.

j) Below this insert another text box layer containing: Dealers in: Dealers in:
Grave tiles, organizing vigils, tents, preachers, ambulance, coffins, transport,
MCs, e.t.c.

k) The words ‘Dealers in:’ should be font effect bold and apply and underline. All
this should be in font colour black.

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l) Below this, insert another layer containing the word ‘Contacts’. This should be
in font colour red, size 8 well centered and underlined.

m) Add contact for two important persons: Mr. Mpiima Godfrey mobile 0777-777
777 and Grave director Galiwango Simon Mobile 7000-777 776.

n) Ensure that the two are located at the bottom of the card. One on the left and
other on the right. You are advised to use two separate text box layers for this.
Maintain font size to 8 and colour to black.

o) Group your work.

p) Copy and paste in the remaining 9 spaces set on your publication page.

q) Insert a header your name and footer your index number. Remember to insert a
page number at the bottom of your page. It should be centred.

12. The Patron of Wild Life Club of your school has asked you to design a certificate
template for club activities. He has asked you to include the following:

a) Set the paper size to A4 and orientation to portrait.

b) Set your grid guides to 1 cm for top, bottom, left and right.

c) Supply a green colour for your boarder region around your work.

d) Insert a clip art of your choice to serve as the school badge.

e) Leave space for name of beneficiary (member to receive the certificate), post
or role, and year.

f) Provide signatory spaces to include the Patron on the left and Head teacher on
the right hand side of the certificate.

g) At the bottom, typeset the club motto.

h) You have been serving in this club as the Chairperson for the current year.
Insert these details onto your certificate.

i) Your name, post and year should appear in a Red text colour.

j) Write the name of the Patron and the Headteacher in the spaces provided.

k) Print a copy of your work.

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13. The Parish Priest of your village church is organizing a thanks giving ceremony
and has identified you as one for a task of designing an invitation card for all
vistors. He provides you with the following details for use.

a) It should have relevant message to Christians.

b) Should have two cards on every A4 paper size.

c) Choose appealing font faces for your work.

d) Insert on clip art to represent the church.

e) Add two contacts for: Chairman organizing committee and the Treasurer of
you village church.

f) Remember to make your card attractive.

g) Print two copies of your work.

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Principles of a good PowerPoint presentation

1. Should have a title slide, content slide and conclusion slide.

2. Each slide has to address a specific topic only.

3. Each point in a slide has to begin with a bullet.

4. Points need to be short and straight forward.

5. Should have minimal animation for both text and graphics.

6. Always use simple background themes and colours.

7. Should have relevant graphics to either the title or content in the slide.

8. Do not use many graphics on an individual slide.

9. Always rehearse the timings.

10. A presentation should have a required number of slides.

Table 1.1: Data types used in Ms. Access

Data type Stores Size

Text Alphanumeric characters Up to 255 characters.
Use for text, or text and numbers
that are not used in calculations
(for example, a product ID).
Memo Alphanumeric characters (longer Up to 1 gigabyte of
than 255 characters in length) or characters, or 2 gigabytes of
text with rich text formatting. storage (2 bytes per
Use for text greater than 255 character), of which you
characters in length, or for text can display 65,535
that uses rich text formatting. characters in a control.
Notes, lengthy descriptions, and
paragraphs with formatting such
as bold or italics are good
examples of where you would
use a Memo field.
Number Numeric values (integers or 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes, or 16
fractional values). bytes when used for

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Data type Stores Size

Use for storing numbers to be replication ID.
used in calculations, except for
monetary values (use the
Currency for data type for
monetary values).
Date/Time Dates and times. 8 bytes.
Use for storing date/time values.
Note that each value stored
includes both a date component
and a time component.
Currency Monetary values. 8 bytes.
Use for storing monetary values
AutoNumber A unique numeric value that 4 bytes or 16 bytes when
Office Access 2007 used for replication ID.
automatically inserts when a
record is added.
Use for generating unique values
that can be used as a primary
key. Note that AutoNumber
fields can be incremented
sequentially, by a specified
increment, or chosen randomly.
Yes/No Boolean values. 1 bit (8 bits = 1 byte).
Use for True/False fields that can
hold one of two possible values:
Yes/No or True/False, for
OLE Object OLE objects or other binary data. Up to 1 gigabyte.
Use for storing OLE objects from
other Microsoft Windows
Attachment Pictures, Images, Binary files, For compressed
Office files. attachments, 2 gigabytes.
This is the preferred data type for For uncompressed
storing digital images and any attachments, approximately
type of binary file. 700k, depending on the
degree to which the
attachment can be
Hyperlink Hyperlinks. Up to 1 gigabyte of

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Data type Stores Size

Use for storing hyperlinks to characters, or 2 gigabytes of
provide single-click access to storage (2 bytes per
Web pages through a URL character), of which you
(Uniform Resource Locator) or can display 65,535
files through a name in UNC characters in a control.
(universal naming convention)
format. You can also link to
Access objects stored in a
Lookup Not actually a data type; instead, Table or query based: The
Wizard this invokes the Lookup Wizard. size of the bound column.
Use to start the Lookup Wizard Value based: The size of the
so you can create a field that uses Text field used to store the
a combo box to look up a value value.
in another table, query or list of

Table 1.2: Field property explanations

Field Property To
Field Size Set the maximum size for data stored as a Text, Number, or
AutoNumber data type.
Format Customize the way the field appears when displayed or
Decimal Places Specify the number of decimal places to use when
displaying numbers.
New Values Set whether an AutoNumber field is incremented or
assigned a random value.
Input Mask Display editing characters to guide data entry.
Caption Set the text displayed by default in labels for forms,
reports, and queries.
Default Value Automatically assign a default value to a field when new
records are added.
Validation Rule Supply an expression that must be true whenever you add
or change the value in this field.
Validation Text Enter text that appears when a value violates the Validation
Rule expression.
Required Require that data be entered in a field.

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Field Property To
Allow Zero Length Allow entry (by setting to Yes) of a zero-length string ("")
in a Text or Memo field.
Indexed Speed up access to data in this field by creating and using
an index.
Unicode Compress text stored in this field when a large amount of
Compression text is stored (> 4,096 characters)
IME Mode Control conversion of characters in an Asian version of
IME Sentence Mode Control conversion of characters in an Asian version of
Smart Tags Attach a smart tag to this field.
Append Only Allow versioning (by setting to Yes) of a Memo field.
Text Format Choose Rich Text to store text as HTML and allow rich
formatting. Choose Plain Text to store only text.
Text Align Specify the default alignment of text within a control.
Precision Specify the total number of digits allowed, including those
both to the right and the left of the decimal point.
Scale Specify the maximum number of digits that can be stored
to the right of the decimal separator.

Table 1.3: Some input masks used in a table object

This input mask Type of value Notes

(000) 000-0000 (206) 555-0248 In this case, users must enter an area
code because that section of the mask
uses the 0 placeholder.
(999) 000-0000! (206) 555-0248 In this case, the area code section uses
( ) 555-0248 the 9 placeholder, so area codes are
optional. Also, the exclamation point
(!) causes the mask to fill in from left
to right.
(000) AAA-AAAA (206) 555-TELE Allows you to substitute the last four
digits of a U.S. style phone number
with letters. Note the use of the 0
placeholder in the area code section,
which makes the area code mandatory.
#999 -20 Any positive or negative number, no

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This input mask Type of value Notes

2000 more than four characters, and with no
thousands separator or decimal places.
>L????L?000L0 GREENGR339M3 A combination of mandatory (L) and
MAY R 452B7 optional (?) letters and mandatory
numbers (0). The greater-than sign
forces users to enter all letters in
uppercase. To use an input mask of
this type, you must set the data type
for the table field to Text or Memo.
00000-9999 98115- A mandatory zip code and an optional
98115-3007 plus-four section.
>L<?????????????? Maria A first or last name with the first letter
Pierre automatically capitalized.
ISBN 0- ISBN 1-55615- A book number with the literal text,
&&&&&&&&&-0 507-7 mandatory first and last digits, and
any combination of letters and
characters between those digits.
>LL00000-0000 DB51392-0493 A combination of mandatory letters
and characters, all uppercase. Use this
type of input mask, for example, to
help users enter part numbers or other
forms of inventory correctly.

Table 1.4: Criterion used in a query

What is a query criterion?

Is a rule that identifies the records that you want to include in the query result (result
set, query result or dynaset).

Introduction to query criteria

A criterion is similar to a formula — it is a string that may consist of field references,
operators, and constants. Query criteria are also referred to as expressions in
Microsoft Office Access 2007.
The following tables show some sample criteria and explains how they work.

Criteria Description
>25 and <50 This criterion applies to a Number field, such as Price or
UnitsInStock. It includes only those records where the
Price or UnitsInStock field contains a value greater

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than 25 and less than 50.

DateDiff ("yyyy", This criterion applies to a Date/Time field, such as
[BirthDate], Date()) > BirthDate. Only records where the number of years
30 between a person's birthdate and today's date is
or greater than 30 are included in the query result.
< DateAdd("yyyy", -
30, Date())
Is Null This criterion can be applied to any type of field to show
records where the field value is null.

Criteria for Text, Memo, and Hyperlink fields

The following examples are for the CountryRegion field in a query that is based on a
table that stores contacts information. The criterion is specified in the Criteria row of
the field in the design grid.

Include records
that... Use this criterion Query result
Exactly match a "China" Returns records where the
value, such as CountryRegion field is set to China.
Do not match a Not "Mexico" Returns records where the
value, such as CountryRegion field is set to a
Mexico country/region other than Mexico.
Begin with the Like U* Returns records for all
specified string, countries/regions whose names
such as U start with "U", such as UK, USA,
and so on.
Do not begin Not Like U* Returns records for all
with the countries/regions whose names
specified string, start with a character other than
such as U "U".

Contain the Like "*Korea*" Returns records for all

specified string, countries/regions that contain the
such as Korea string "Korea".
Do not contain Not Like "*Korea*" Returns records for all
the specified countries/regions that do not
string, such as contain the string "Korea".
End with the Like "*ina" Returns records for all

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Include records
that... Use this criterion Query result
specified string, countries/regions whose names end
such as "ina" in "ina", such as China and
Do not end with Not Like "*ina" Returns records for all
the specified countries/regions that do not end in
string, such as "ina", such as China and Argentina.
Contain null (or Is Null Returns records where there is no
missing) values value in the field.
Do not contain Is Not Null Returns records where the value is
null values not missing in the field.
Contain zero- "" (a pair of quotes) Returns records where the field is
length strings set to a blank (but not null) value.
For example, records of sales made
to another department might
contain a blank value in the
CountryRegion field.
Do not contain Not "" Returns records where the
zero-length CountryRegion field has a
strings nonblank value.
Contains null "" Or Is Null Returns records where there is
values or zero- either no value in the field, or the
length strings field is set to a blank value.

Is not empty or Is Not Null And Not "" Returns records where the
blank CountryRegion field has a
nonblank, non-null value.
Follow a value, >= "Mexico" Returns records of all
such as Mexico, countries/regions, beginning with
when sorted in Mexico and continuing through the
alphabetical end of the alphabet.
Fall within a Like "[A-D]*" Returns records for
specific range, countries/regions whose names
such as A start with the letters "A" through
through D "D".

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Include records
that... Use this criterion Query result

Match one of "USA" Or "UK" Returns records for USA and UK.
two values, such
as USA or UK
Contain one of In("France", "China", Returns records for all
the values in a "Germany", "Japan") countries/regions specified in the
list of values list.
Contain certain Right([CountryRegion], Returns records for all
characters at a 1) = "y" countries/regions where the last
specific position letter is "y".
in the field
Satisfy length Len([CountryRegion]) > Returns records for
requirements 10 countries/regions whose name is
more than 10 characters long.
Match a specific Like "Chi??" Returns records for
pattern countries/regions, such as China
and Chile, whose names are five
characters long and the first three
characters are "Chi".
NOTE: The characters ? and _,
when used in an expression,
represent a single character —
these are also called wildcard
characters. The character _ cannot
be used in the same expression with
the ? character, nor can it be used
in an expression with the *
wildcard character. You may use
the wildcard character _ in an
expression that also contains the %
wildcard character.

Criteria for Number, Currency, and AutoNumber fields

The following examples are for the UnitPrice field in a query that is based on a table
that stores products information. The criterion is specified in the Criteria row of the
field in the query design grid.

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To include
records that... Use this criterion Query Result
Exactly match a 100 Returns records where the unit price of the
value, such as product is $100.
Do not match a Not 1000 Returns records where the unit price of the
value, such as product is not $1000.
Contain a value < 100 Returns records where the unit price is less
smaller than a <= 100 than $100 (<100). The second expression
value, such as (<=100) displays records where the unit
100 price is less than or equal to $100.
Contain a value >99.99 Returns records where the unit price is
larger than a >=99.99 greater than $99.99 (>99.99). The second
value, such as expression displays records where the unit
99.99 price is greater than or equal to $99.99.
Contain one of 20 or 25 Returns records where the unit price is
the two values, either $20 or $25.
such as 20 or 25
Contain a value >49.99 and <99.99 Returns records where the unit price is
that falls with a -or- between (but not including) $49.99 and
range of values Between 50 and $99.99.
Contain a value <50 or >100 Returns records where the unit price is not
that falls outside between $50 and $100.
a range
Contain one of In(20, 25, 30) Returns records where the unit price is
many specific either $20, $25, or $30.
Contain a value Like "*4.99" Returns records where the unit price ends
that ends with with "4.99", such as $4.99, $14.99, $24.99,
the specified and so on.
Contain null Is Null Returns records where no value is entered
null (or in the UnitPrice field.
missing) values
Contain non- Is Not Null Returns records where the value is not
null values missing in the UnitPrice field.

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Criteria for Date/Time fields

The following examples are for the OrderDate field in a query based on a table that
stores Orders information. The criterion is specified in the Criteria row of the field in
the query design grid.

To include
records that
... Use this criterion Query result
Exactly #2/2/2006# Returns records
match a of transactions
value, such that took place
as 2/2/2006 on Feb 2, 2006.
Remember to
surround date
values with the
# character so
that Access can
between date
values and text
Do not match Not #2/2/2006# Returns records
a value, such of transactions
as 2/2/2006 that took place
on a day other
than Feb 3,
Contain < #2/2/2006# Returns records
values that of transactions
fall before a that took place
certain date, before Feb 2,
such as 2006.
2/2/2006 To view
transactions that
took place on or
before this date,
use the <=
operator instead
of the <

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Contain > #2/2/2006# Returns records

values that of transactions
fall after a that took place
certain date, after Feb 2,
such as 2006.
2/2/2006 To view
transactions that
took place on or
after this date,
use the >=
operator instead
of the >
Contain >#2/2/2006# and <#2/4/2006# Returns records
values that where the
fall within a transactions
date range took place
between Feb 2,
2006 and Feb 4,
You can also
use the
operator to filter
for a range of
values. For
#2/2/2006# and
#2/4/2006# is
the same as
<#2/4/2006# .
Contain <#2/2/2006# or >#2/4/2006# Returns records
values that where the
fall outside a transactions
range took place
before Feb 2,
2006 or after
Feb 4, 2006.

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Contain one #2/2/2006# or #2/3/2006# Returns records

of two of transactions
values, such that took place
as 2/2/2006 on either Feb 2,
or 2/3/2006 2006 or Feb 3,
Contain one In (#2/1/2006#, #3/1/2006#, #4/1/2006#) Returns records
of many where the
values transactions
took place on
Feb 1, 2006,
March 1, 2006,
or April 1,
Contain a DatePart("m", [SalesDate]) = 12 Returns records
date that falls where the
in a specific transactions
month took place in
(irrespective December of
of year), such any year.
as December
Contain a DatePart("q", [SalesDate]) = 1 Returns records
date that falls where the
in a specific transactions
quarter took place in
(irrespective the first quarter
of year), such of any year.
as the first
Contain Date() Returns records
today's date of transactions
that took place
on the current
day. If today's
date is
2/2/2006, you
see records
where the
OrderDate field
is set to Feb 2,

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Contain Date()-1 Returns records

yesterday's of transactions
date that took place
the day before
the current day.
If today's date is
2/2/2006, you
see records for
Feb 1, 2006.
Contain Date() + 1 Returns records
tomorrow's of transactions
date that took place
the day after the
current day. If
today's date is
2/2/2006, you
see records for
Feb 3, 2006.
Contain dates DatePart("ww", [SalesDate]) = DatePart("ww", Returns records
that fall Date()) and Year( [SalesDate]) = Year(Date()) of transactions
during the that took place
current week during the
current week. A
week starts on
Sunday and
ends on
Contain dates Year([SalesDate])* 53 + DatePart("ww", Returns records
that fell [SalesDate]) = Year(Date())* 53 + of transactions
during the DatePart("ww", Date()) - 1 that took place
previous during the last
week week. A week
starts on Sunday
and ends on
Contain dates Year([SalesDate])* 53+DatePart("ww", Returns records
that fall [SalesDate]) = Year(Date())* of transactions
during the 53+DatePart("ww", Date()) + 1 that will take
following place next
week week. A week
starts on Sunday
and ends on

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Contain a Between Date() and Date()-6 Returns records

date that fell of transactions
during the that took place
last 7 days during the last 7
days. If today's
date is
2/2/2006, you
see records for
the period Jan
24, 2006
through Feb 2,
Contain a Year([SalesDate]) = Year(Now()) And Returns records
date that Month([SalesDate]) = Month(Now()) for the current
belongs to month. If
the current today's date is
month 2/2/2006, you
see records for
Feb 2006.
Contain a Year([SalesDate])* 12 + DatePart("m", Returns records
date that [SalesDate]) = Year(Date())* 12 + for the previous
belongs to DatePart("m", Date()) - 1 month. If
the previous today's date is
month 2/2/2006, you
see records for
Jan 2006.
Contain a Year([SalesDate])* 12 + DatePart("m", Returns records
date that [SalesDate]) = Year(Date())* 12 + for the next
belongs to DatePart("m", Date()) + 1 month. If
the next today's date is
month 2/2/2006, you
see records for
Mar 2006.
Contain a Between Date( ) And DateAdd("M", -1, Date( A month's
date that fell )) worth of sales
during the records. If
last 30 or 31 today's date is
days 2/2/2006, you
see records for
the period Jan 2,
2006. to Feb 2,

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Contain a Year([SalesDate]) = Year(Now()) And Returns records

date that DatePart("q", Date()) = DatePart("q", Now()) for the current
belongs to quarter. If
the current today's date is
quarter 2/2/2006, you
see records for
the first quarter
of 2006.
Contain a Year([SalesDate])*4+DatePart("q",[SalesDate]) Returns records
date that = Year(Date())*4+DatePart("q",Date())- 1 for the previous
belongs to quarter. If
the previous today's date is
quarter 2/2/2006, you
see records for
the last quarter
of 2005.
Contain a Year([SalesDate])*4+DatePart("q",[SalesDate]) Returns records
date that = Year(Date())*4+DatePart("q",Date())+1 for the next
belongs to quarter. If
the next today's date is
quarter 2/2/2006, you
see records for
the second
quarter of 2006.
Contain a Year([SalesDate]) = Year(Date()) Returns records
date that falls for the current
during the year. If today's
current year date is
2/2/2006, you
see records for
the year 2006.
Contain a Year([SalesDate]) = Year(Date()) - 1 Returns records
date that of transactions
belongs to that took place
the previous during the
year previous year. If
today's date is
2/2/2006, you
see records for
the year 2005.

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Contain a Year([SalesDate]) = Year(Date()) + 1 Returns records

date that of transactions
belongs to with next year's
next year date. If today's
date is
2/2/2006, you
see records for
the year 2007.
Contain a Year([SalesDate]) = Year(Date()) and Returns records
date that falls Month([SalesDate]) <= Month(Date()) and of transactions
between Jan Day([SalesDate]) <= Day (Date()) with dates that
1 and today fall between Jan
(year to date 1 of the current
records) year and today.
If today's date is
2/2/2006, you
see records for
the period Jan 1,
2006 to to
Contain a < Date() Returns records
date that of transactions
occurred in that took place
the past before today.
Contain a > Date() Returns records
date that of transactions
occurrs in the that will take
future place after
Filter for null Is Null Returns records
(or missing) where the date
values of transaction is
Filter for Is Not Null Returns records
non-null where the date
values of transaction is

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Examples of electronic word processors

Free / open source software (FOSS):

1. AbiWord
2. Bean
3. Document.Editor
4. EZ Word
5. Feng Office Community Edition
6. GNU TeXmacs
7. Groff
8. JWPce is a Japanese word processor, designed primarily for the English speaker
who is reading or writing in Japanese.
9. KWord
10. LyX
11. Writer
12. Ted
13. TextEdit (Bundled with Mac OS X)
14. LibreOffice Writer (fork of OpenOffice)
15. WordPad
16. Suite Office - WordGraph
Proprietary software / Commercial software:

1. Applix Word - Linux

2. Atlantis Word Processor - Windows
3. Altsoft Xml2PDF - Windows
4. Final Draft Screenplay / Teleplay word processor
5. FrameMaker
6. Gobe Productive Word Processor
7. Han / Gul (a.k.a. HWP)
8. InCopy
9. IntelliTalk
10. iStudio Publisher - Mac
11. Kingsoft Writer - Windows and Linux
12. Lotus Word Pro
13. Mariner Write - Mac
14. Mathematical - technical and scientific word processing
15. Mellel - Mac
16. Microsoft Word - Windows and Mac
17. Microsoft Works Word Processor
18. Microsoft Write - Mac (a stripped-down version of Word)

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19. Nisus Writer - Mac

20. Polaris Document Master - Android and Windows Mobile
21. Pages - Mac
22. PolyEdit
23. Ragtime (an all-in-one desktop publishing software) - Mac, Windows
24. Oracle Open Office Writer
25. QuickSilver formerly Interleaf
26. Scientific Word & Workplace - technical and scientific word processing
producing latex documents
27. Scrivener
28. TextMaker
29. ThinkFree Office Write
30. WordFile4ME
31. WordPad included with all versions of Windows since 95.
32. WordPerfect
33. Xiosis Scribe - Windows
34. Xoom Office
35. Word Pro

1. Atlantis Nova
2. Baraha Free Indian Language Software
3. IBM Lotus Symphony
4. Jarte
5. Kingsoft Office Personal Edition
6. Madhyam
7. Qjot
8. TED Notepad
9. SSuite Office - WordGraph
10. Softmaker / Textmaker
11. PolyEdit Lite
12. Rough Draft
Online word processors

1. Adobe Buzzword
2. EtherPad, real time word processor
3. Google Docs - free online service
4. Nevrocode Docs
5. Microsoft Office Web Apps - free online service
6. ThinkFree Office Write
7. Verbosus - Free LaTeX and Octave Editor
8. WriteOnline
9. ZCubes – free online service
10. Zoho Writer

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Examples of spreadsheet packages


1. 3D-Calc multi-dimensional spreadsheet for Atari ST

2. Lotus 1-2-3
3. Lotus Improv
4. Lotus Symphony
5. Multiplan
6. Perfect Calc - CP/M-80 and CP/M-86 Part of the Perfect Office suite, included
with early Kaypro 8-bit computers
7. PlanPerfect. This was a companion to WordPerfect.
8. qubecalc the original 3d spreadsheet ms-dos
9. shared public spreadsheets - Works records system
10. SuperCalc - CP/M-80 Included with early Osborne computers
11. VisiCalc
12. Vu-Calc spreadsheet for Sinclair and Timex-Sinclair computers
13. Wingz Multi Dimensional Spreadsheet from Informix ( 1988 )

Cloud and On-line Spreadsheets

1. EditGrid - Free for both personal and commercial use.

2. Expresso spreadsheet - Free edition.
3. Google Docs - Free.
4. Office Web Apps - Free.
5. Sheetster
6. Simple Spreadsheet - Free and open source.
7. Smartsheet - Free trial.
8. Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware includes a spreadsheet since 2004 and migrated to
jQuery.sheet in 2010. - Free and open source.
9. wikiCalc (now called SocialCalc) - Free, download application for online use.
10. ZCubes - Calci - Free.
11. Zoho Office Suite - Free for personal use.

Spreadsheets that are parts of suites

1. Gnumeric - for Windows and Linux. Started as the Linux Gnome desktop
spreadsheet. Reasonably light-weight but has very advanced features.
2. Kingsoft Office Spreadsheets Free 2012 - For MS Windows. It can handle
Microsoft Excel .xls and .xlsx files, and also produce other file formats such as .et,
.txt, .csv, .pdf, and .dbf. [4]

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3. KSpread - following the fork of the Calligra Suite from KOffice in mid-2010,
superseded by KCells in KOffice and Tables in the Calligra Suite.
4. LibreOffice Calc - developed for Windows, Linux, Bsd and Mac operating
systems by The Document Foundation. TDF was formed in mid-2010 by several
large organisations such as Google, RedHat, Canonical (Ubuntu) and Novell along
with the OOo Community (developed by Sun) and various forks,
notably Go-oo. Go-oo had been the "OpenOffice" used in Ubuntu and elsewhere.
LibreOffice started as StarOffice in the late 1990s, became OpenOffice under Sun
and then LibreOffice in mid-2010. TDF works with external organisations such as
NeoOffice and Apache Foundation to help drive all 3 products forwards.
5. NeoOffice - for Mac. Started as an port to Macs but by using the
Mac-specific Aqua user interface instead of the more widely used X11 windowing
server it aimed to be far more stable than the normal ports of other suites.
6. Calc - for Windows, Linux and Mac. Started as StarOffice. Sun
changed the name to and developed a community of developers
(and others) between the late 1990s and mid-2010. Oracle gave it to the Apache
Foundation in 2011. IBM contributed their fork of OOo, IBM Lotus Symphony, to
Apache a few weeks later.
7. Siag - for Linux, OpenBSD and Mac OS X. A a simple old spreadsheet, part of
Siag Office.
8. Tables - for Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X and Haiku. Part of the
extensive Calligra Suite. Possibly still mainly for Linux but ports have been
developed for other Operating Systems.

Standalone spreadsheets

1. Bean Sheet
2. GNU Oleo

List of online spreadsheets

1. EditGri – access, collaborate and share spreadsheets online, with API support
2. Google Spreadsheets – as part of Google Docs & Spreadsheets
3. iRows – closed since 31 December 2006
4. JotSpot Tracker – acquired by Google Inc.
5. Spreader - Free service that converts OpenOffice Excel spreadsheets into web
.NET applications.
6. Smartsheet - Online spreadsheet for project management, interactive Gantt, file
sharing, integrated with Google Apps
7. ThinkFree Online Calc – as part of the ThinkFree Office online office suite, using

Spreadsheets that are parts of suites

1. Ability Office Spreadsheet - for MS Windows.

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2. Apple iWork Numbers, included with Apple's iWork '08 suite exclusively for Mac
OS X v10.4 or higher.
3. AppleWorks - for MS Windows and Macintosh. This is a further development of
the historical Claris Works Office suite.
4. WordPerfect Office Quattro Pro - for MS Windows. Was one of the big three
spreadsheets (the others being Lotus 123 and Excel).
5. EasyOffice EasySpreadsheet - for MS Windows. No longer has freeware, this
suite aimed to be more user friendly than competitors.
6. Framework - for MS Windows. Historical office suite still available and
supported. It includes a spreadsheet.
7. IBM Lotus Symphony - freeware for MS Windows, Mac OS X and GNU/Linux.
8. Kingsoft Office Spreadsheets 2012 - For MS Windows. Both free and paid
versions are available. It can handle Microsoft Excel .xls and .xlsx files, and also
produce other file formats such as .et, .txt, .csv, .pdf, and .dbf. It supports multiple
tabs, VBA macro and PDF converting.
9. Lotus SmartSuite Lotus 123 - for MS Windows. Widely considered to be
responsible for the explosion of popularity of spreadsheets during the 80's and
early 90's.
10. MarinerPak Mariner Calc - for Apple Macintosh. Full featured and light weight.
11. Microsoft Office Excel - for MS Windows and Macintosh. The proprietary
spreadsheet leader.
12. Microsoft Works Spreadsheet - for MS Windows (previously DOS and
Machintosh). Only allows one sheet at a time.
13. PlanMaker - for MS Windows, Linux, Windows Mobile, and Windows CE; part
of SoftMaker Office
14. Quattro Pro - part of WordPerfect Office
15. StarOffice Calc - Cross-platform. StarOffice was originally developed by the
German company Star Division which was purchased by Sun in 1998. The code
was made open source and became Sun continues developing the
commercial version which periodically integrates the open source code with their
own and third party code to make new low price versions.
16. Xoom Office Spreadsheet - for MS Windows.

Stand alone spreadsheets

1. As Easy As - from Trius, Inc. Windows version currently available as freeware

2. Mariner Calc for Macintosh.
3. Abykus (shareware for Windows)
Multi-Dimensional spreadsheets

1. numberGo Publisher
2. Quantrix Modeler
3. Lotus Improv
4. Javelin

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Examples of Presentations applications

1. Adobe Persuasion
2. Apple Keynote
3. Beamer (LaTeX)
4. Corel Presentations
5. Digitalsoft Keypoint
6. Google Docs
7. Harvard Graphics (obsolete)
8. IBM Lotus Freelance Graphics
9. IBM Lotus Symphony
10. IPE Presentations
11. Kingsoft Presentation
12. KPresenter
13. Lotus Freelance Graphics (obsolete)
14. Microsoft PowerPoint
15. Office Web Apps
16. Impress (open source)
17. Prezi
18. S5 Web-Based Presentation Format
19. Slide Effect
20. SlideRocket
21. SlideShare
22. SoftMaker Presentations
23. Worship presentation program
24. Zoho

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Examples of Database Management applications

2. Adabas D
3. Adaptive Server Enterprise
4. Advantage Database Server
5. Alpha Five
6. Altibase
7. Applications-By-Forms
8. Architecture of Btrieve
9. Automatic Storage Management
10. Bento (database)
11. Borland Database Engine
12. Btrieve
13. Butler SQL
14. C-treeACE
15. Calpont
17. User:Alexkachanov/Transactions
18. ConceptBase
19. Cornerstone (software)
20. Database Marketing Agency
21. Database Programmer's Toolkit
22. Datablitz
25. Db for dummies
26. DBase
27. DBASE Mac
28. Dbfree
29. DevInfo
30. DyBASE
31. FileMaker
32. FilePro
33. Flash Recovery Area
34. FoxPro
35. FrontBase
36. Gemstone (database)
37. Helix (database)
38. IBM Business System 12
39. IBM DB2 Express-C
40. IBM Informix
41. IBM Informix Dynamic Server

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42. IBM InfoSphere

43. IBM Lotus Approach
44. IBM Lotus Domino
45. IBM Lotus Notes
46. IBM System R
48. Illustra
49. InfiniDB
50. InfinityDB
51. Integrated Data Store
52. InterBase
53. InterSystems Caché
55. Jet Propulsion Laboratory Display Information System
57. Lexst Database Cluster
58. Linter SQL RDBMS
59. MaxDB
60. Micro DBMS
61. Microsoft Access
62. Microsoft Jet Database Engine
63. Mimer SQL
64. Model 204
65. MSDE
66. MSQL
67. Multics Relational Data Store
68. NexusDB
69. Nomad software
70. NonStop SQL
71. Objectivity/DB
72. OneTick
73. OpenBase
74. OpenEdge Database
75. OpenInsight
76. Oracle Database
77. Oracle interMedia
78. Paradox (database)
79. Polyhedra DBMS
80. PrimeBase
81. R:Base
82. RDM Embedded
83. Relational Interface System
84. Rocket U2
86. Sav Zigzag

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87. ScimoreDB
88. Sones GraphDB
89. Soup (Apple)
90. Spatial Query Server
91. SQL Anywhere
92. SQL Server Express
93. StepSqlite
94. Sybase IQ
95. TeraText
96. TimesTen
97. Unisys DMSII

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Website authoring applications

Text editors: Plain text editors may be used to produce webpages. The following are
some commonly used text editors:

1. AkelPad
2. Crimson Editor
3. FAR Manager (+Colorer plugin)
4. gedit
5. jEdit
6. Kate
7. Metapad
8. nano
9. NEdit
10. Notepad
11. WordPad
12. SciTE
13. TextEdit
14. TextMate
15. TED Notepad
16. UltraEdit

Source code editors: Source code editors evolved from basic text editors, but include
additional tools specifically designed toward handling code.

1. ActiveState Komodo
2. Alleycode HTML Editor
3. Aptana
4. Arachnophilia
5. BBEdit
6. BlueFish
7. Coda
8. E Text Editor
9. Eclipse with the Web Tools Platform
10. EditPlus
11. Emacs
12. EmEditor
13. Geany
14. HTML-Kit
15. HomeSite
16. Notepad++
17. NetBeans IDE
18. NoteTab

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19. PHPEdit
20. PhpStorm IDE
21. Programmer's Notepad
22. PSPad
23. RJ TextEd
24. Scintilla
25. Smultron
26. skEdit
27. TED Notepad
28. TextMate
29. TextPad
30. TextWrangler
31. TopStyle
32. UltraEdit
33. WebStorm IDE
34. vi
35. Vim

Discontinued editors

Editors that have been discontinued, but may be in common use

1. Adobe GoLive – Now discontinued. Replaced by Adobe Dreamweaver.

2. AOLpress – Now discontinued.
3. Adobe PageMill – Now discontinued. Replaced by Adobe Dreamweaver.
4. Macromedia HomeSite - Replaced by Adobe Dreamweaver
5. Microsoft FrontPage – Now discontinued. Replaced by Microsoft Expression Web
and Microsoft SharePoint Designer
6. Netscape Composer - Mozilla Composer – Not updated or supported. Replaced by
Nvu then KompoZer, or SeaMonkey Composer
7. Nvu - Developer Daniel Glazman is working on replacement called BlueGriffon,
not directly derived from Nvu but still based on Mozilla technology. The
KompoZer project maintains Nvu codebase and fixes bugs until a successor to
Nvu is released.
8. HotDog – essentially discontinued with no updates since 2003.
9. HoTMetaL – Replaced by XMeTaL, a commercial XML editor.
10. Claris Home Page - replaced by iWeb (part of iLife for Mac.)

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