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Gerund, Past Simple Present Perfect & Past Passive

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Past Simple/ Present perfect

Past Simple- played/ didn’t play/ When did you play…?

last, yesterday, ago…

Present perfect- I have written you a letter.

I haven’t written you a letter.

When have you written a letter to me?

1. I (never/go) have never gone to Vienna.

2. My grandfather (have) had 5 sisters.

3. He(live) in New York for a year, when he was a student.

4. Oh, no! I (lose) my wallet!

5. (see) Julie today?

6. I (read) 6 six books this week.

7. Amy (live) in Portugal when she was young.

8. She(visit) a lot of different countries.

9. I (go) to the cinema last night.

10. John (never understand) the present perfect.

Passive voice- Past Simple( was/were)

Ex. She sang a song. – P: A song was sung by her.

sing sang sung

A: Somebody hit me. – P: I was hit (by somebody).

A: We stopped the bus. - P: The bus was stopped (by us).

A: A thief stole my car. – P: My car was stolen by a thief.

A: They didn’t let him go.- P: He wasn’t let go.

A: She didn’t win the prize.- P: The prize wasn’t won by her.

A: They didn’t make their beds.- P: Their beds weren’t made.

A: I didn’t tell them.- P: They weren’t told.

A: Did you tell them?- P: Were they told?

A: Did he send the letter?- P: Was the letter sent?

A: When did they buy the car?- P: When was the car bought?

A: Why did your mum paint the house yesterday?- P: Why was the
house painted yesterday?

A: She didn’t pay the desert. – P: The desert wasn’t paid.

A: They watched a horror movie last night.- P: A horror movie was


A: Where did he break his finger?- P: Where was his finger broken?

break broke broken

1. What is the Gerund?
-ing form used as a noun- Глаголска именка

 Gerund as Subject:- Подмет

Going to parties is fun.-

 Gerund as Object:- Предмет

I enjoy reading.

 admit- признава
He admitted having driven too fast. He admitted being drunk. He admitted playing
 avoid- odbegnuva
They avoid going on holiday on Saturdays. I avoid sleeping longer than 10 hours.
 carry on- prodolzi
If we carry on sleeping so badly, we may need help.
 consider- zema vo predvid, razmisluva
Ralph is considering buying a new house. I’m considering buying a new dog.
 delay- odlozuva
I delayed telling Max the news. I delayed going out.
 deny- odrekuva
She denies reading the book.
 dislike/ like
We dislike reading poems. I dislike ironing. I like going to school. I dislike going out on
Sunday. I like riding motorbikes.
 can't/couldn't help
He couldn't help falling in love with her.
 enjoy
I enjoy playing chess. I enjoyed watching Queen’s Gambit.
 finish
They finished working in the garden.
 give up
Susan gives up playing ice-hockey.
 imagine
He imagined driving a new car.
 include
Your responsibility includes taking reservations on the phone.
 involve
The project will involve growing plants.
 justify
I cannot justify paying $100 for this ticket.
 keep (on)
They keep on running.
 mention
Did Alex ever mention playing baseball?
 mind
I don't mind sleeping on the couch.
 miss
They miss playing with their friends.
 practise
She practised playing hockey.
 regret*
Do you regret having mentioned it?
 risk
You risk catching a cold.
 suggest
She suggested flying to Cairo. I suggest having outdoor party.
* After regret the to-infinitive is used when announcing bad news: We regret to
inform you that the flight to Munich has been cancelled.

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