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Awareness 101 1

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Awareness 101

Awareness has many sub categories and is the basis of human curiosity,
human perception of understanding, and universal connection as a whole.

The question to ask though is what is Awareness?

Awareness comes in many forms and factors but let’s break awareness down
shall we. Awareness is the form of perception and understanding. It is to
question all and answer all while questioning all the answers you’ve given,
using the universal knowledge of curiosity and questioning to its fullest. The
ability to see through everything at a depth that can’t be naturally reached,
breaking down the equation, formulating how the equation originated,
understanding the thought of how the formula was beginning to become an
equation, the understanding of the existence and creation of the equation all
at the same time. The ability to see everything without limiting your sight by
using the eyes but also using the third eye, mind, instinct, and universal
knowledge that is given naturally to you. The ability to be conscious of
everything and see the strings, and control the strings that control yours, and
others attention, being shapeless and formless never being one thing but one
of everything. Surprisingly this isn’t even 10% of what awareness is.

Sub categories:
Observational awareness:
Observational awareness is the subcategory for awareness for picking up the subtle
actions, movements, phrase of words, knowing which emotion from those actions
and movements, knowing their moral code, principles, limits/capabilities,
personality, weaknesses, and strengths, also the ability to basically slow down time
in hindsight seeing the small details and changes to those details throughout time.
You can observe people's word structures and phrases to help you understand what
they are really saying, which we call reading between the lines, looking at their
posture, the way they walk into the classroom or around in general, seeing who
they talk to and understanding why they talk to them. Feeling the temperature of
the air and seeing how it affects people, seeing what their body language is, what
hand gestures they use, what and why their facial expression change, looking at
where they look at, how much eye contact they use, movements in their body,
seeing how fast they process or react to certain questions, using what they said to
deduct their personality, seeing other people actions toward their actions, simply
seeing everything that is seen by the human eye and noticing the small details to
make a clear deduction from everything, which when doing this you use the
combination of situational awareness, Multiperspectivity awareness and Universal
awareness to connect everything together just connecting them with the things you
seen from observing something or someone.

Situational awareness:
Situational awareness is like observational awareness but is more on the complete
situation of the environment around you. Your environment comes in many forms
in the mind, with this you’d be able to know exactly how to use your environment
to your advantage, understanding where people placement is, what you have or
needed to do, knowing ways you can benefit more or create a situation that gives
you closer to what you need or completely obtaining what you need, calculating
multiple ways to bring a situation to another, or calculating ways and
understanding the layout of the environment around you completely. Using
Multiperspectivity awareness and observational awareness you can access any
situation, and begin to understand the formulation and ways to direct attention to
ways where you want it to be, and you could even could create something to make
something that puts you in a place where you can only be, like to be, or would
want other people to be. Calculating multiple possibilities by combining these, and
finding the right solution to get the most probable possibility to happen in your
control unless you want to dictate other factors so the lowest probability becomes
higher in probability by selection of choice if you were to choose this only because
it's the best choice for you.

Internal awareness:
Internal awareness is the awareness of your own self. To be aware of your body
movements, reactions, facial expressions, body language, eye movements,
emotions, triggers, connecting background to emotions, and understanding yourself
to such a deep level you are aware of even how you think when thinking. With this
it becomes easy to have emotional control, body control, and attention control.
Knowing your attention span and being able to expand it completely, increasing
brain flow so your mind and thoughts flow so naturally and quickly without
stopping or being hindered, knowing how comfortable your body is in certain
situations, understanding your body actions as you are in conversation or when
thinking, to understand your thoughts like your reading them in 3rd person.

Multiperspectivity awareness:
Multiperspectivity awareness is being aware of multiple perspectives at once which
is why this is the most important out of the 3 we discussed already and use this
awareness to heighten those types of awareness to unlimited heights. The more
perspectives you are aware of and can see, the higher your awareness goes. For this
one, and to make it more powerful, you have to completely disregard your moral
compass, personal likes, dislikes, and be open to literally everything. You have to
become one that has no definite shape and can bend and be flexible in all ways or
forms. You will use your parts of awareness to connect everything and anything
and become everything in it. Just like kids in 511 Kinderheim YOU BASICALLY
DON'T EXIST, you only live to be and since you don’t exist you become the
EXISTENCE OF EVERYTHING ELSE and steal the identity of the one you are
becoming. Their personality, their body movements, body language, how they
walk, how they talk, what they do in certain situations, and the people they are
around. This makes you understand a being easily, and the thing is you can take
traits from all and create a new being out of yourself. You don’t see from the eye
view, or be in the other shoes, you are them and they are you, and then you see it
all from a narrator view, being able to watch yourself and others by being
conscious of basically everything. This could be said to be the hardest to master,
frankly is the easiest to start since you only have to give up everything about you to
switch to another being. To expand more on this you’ll literally be able to see from
their eyes, seeing from inside their body, you can even become a dog, it only takes
you understanding the height difference, scanning of the room and everything
around you using your observational and situational awareness being able to
become literally anything, become a car, a animal in a tree, you can even create
another being just so you can watch above, that’s how you connect to the ultimate
perception going above even awareness.

Universal awareness:
Universal awareness, the ability beyond multiperspectivity since it's the perception
that’s connected to awareness. To see beyond what’s imaginable, to be across the
planet and being able to put yourself anywhere and be anywhere. It’s the
perception when getting universal information through meditation or the strong
connection between you and the universe, gaining the power to see beyond what
lies at the surface but not just under it but in it. Able to see what lies ahead, and
perceive the next move, be able to see everything in slow motion and able to
connect to the energy of all throughout the world. Since your awareness came so
far you’ll be even able to perceive the anchors of creation, why, how, and what
does it consist of. You’ll be able to see in a 3rd person view clearly and fly around
as you see fit, you’ll gain information that you can’t even imagine. You’ll see
humans for what they are, and the roots of them, and the power of them.
Connecting yourself to the subconscious state of mind to become conscious and
gain information that was hidden from you all along. To make the subconscious
more conscious you will have to connect to the Alpha, Beta, Theta, Delta, Gamma
brain waves which are altered states of consciousness in which you go deeper into the
conscious and subconscious mind. It is the root of you and your conscious prowess
but it’s also what connects you to all.

Cognitive awareness:
Cognitive awareness is simply the awareness of being aware of your conscious
state and aware of the brain processing. The ability to understand the forms
breaking down when thinking, how fast you are simply thinking, the process of
letters and words, and understanding the exact portion of the brain that connects to
what you feel. This is the power of controlling your brain to an extent but being
completely aware of it. You can easily change how you feel, how you think and
how the process changes in your brain. It is similar to Internal awareness but is
mainly focusing on the brain. You are conscious of how your brain is controlling
your body, how your thinking is influenced, what has changed, what is being
typically influenced, what makes the brain and thought process have you do your
actions. This is you, not your body, but you, the one reading this, the one
processing the things that is being said, the person that is questioning this stuff, and
the one you talk to so you can understand what you're really trying to understand.
YOU. Just by that your brain is being influenced, but by also saying this it makes
you more aware of what is being influenced and your own thought process.

Pinpoint Awareness:
Pinpoint awareness is being consciously aware of time, having frame control or
knowing when to do an action or set multiple actions at the perfect time to achieve
something or change something. Simply using observational awareness and
situational awareness to create the subsequent line of events by doing the right
action in the time needed or controlling spot on to where it leads to the right event.
Being aware of time and when the time that is granted is very useful so you know
when the situation could be taken full advantage of in its situation to create benefits
to multiple probabilities or a certain situation that can be put into your control. This
also allows you to frame your time better so you are way more efficient and
knowing when to stop and slow down, so time can catch up to them so the plans
can go accordingly. This is when patience comes into play, you have to be patient
but fast, but when the time requires you have to calm down and slow down so you
can have the same pace as the story and don’t make unnecessary moves which can
lead to destroying yourself.

Awareness awakening

Now you’re wondering how do I unlock these types of awareness or make them
stronger and much better. Well I’ll tell you how. Experience, asking questions,
opening the mind, curiosity and living experiences.

But there still are many different approaches for raising the different types of
For example:
1. Cognitive

a. First Principles Thinking - This is what most of you refer to when you speak
about "asking questions". This is about testing assumptions being made within
your thought process. Questioning base assumptions to truly get to the heart of
reasoning and logic. When you arrive at the basic building blocks i.e. the First
Principles it enlightens you to question, arrange and rearrange factors to creatively
produce something new and/or possess greater insight than those around you.

b. Experiential Variety - This is what corrupt is referring to. When one can offer
themselves to a multitude of environments they will be exposed to a variety of
external stimuli which will stimulate creative thought and insight (but only if one
already has the readiness to improve their awareness)

c. Structured Information - This is e.g. books, videos and courses (perhaps such as
Hustler's University) where one can be exposed to other's experiences, instruction,
research and advice in a structured form. You are cautioned not to be overly reliant
on this, however, as awareness also means that the answers are within you. Relying
only on external sources of teaching will actually atrophy any awareness or skill
you were developing.

2. Interpersonal a. Listening/Observing - The easiest way to improve one's

interpersonal awareness is to quietly observe. People are transparent and you can
learn almost everything just by quietly listening to what they have to say and
observing what they do. Patterns will emerge which can be used to predict future
actions or even exploit and manipulate.

b. Experiment - This is where you directly alter the variables to see what the results
are. Like a scientist testing their hypothesis, the feedback from your interference
will teach you so much more and allow you to be even more aware in social

c. Introspection/Internal - We are just as human as everyone else. We can use our

own desires, impulses and patterns to learn about others.
Even when understanding this we have to understand experience. Of course, asking
questions is the main way, but sometimes we haven't experienced enough to really
have a clue on potentially what the answer could be. So, we need to experience a
different environment to allow ourselves to actually build answers to our questions.
Does this mean people who are older have more awareness? No. Some people
don't experience drastic environmental changes because they aren't actively trying
to. This means that their awareness is limited because the questions that they have
about their environment have already been answered. Discomfort is growth.

Before we get into the exercise I need to address the importance of flow and being
shapeless at all times.

Now about being in the flow and how to stay or get it.

I will say practice meditation, and always being at a relaxed and free state of mind,
letting your body flow, connecting your body and mind into one like connecting
rain droplets to the sea.

“You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the ocean in a drop”. - rumi This means
that the entire possibility of the world resides inside of you (world as the universe),
and you are capable of creating from that space. Not only is the world abundant,
but each one of us individually is abundant. It’s a powerful realization because in it
we know that we are capable of what we desire and destined for self-actualization.
Now when it comes to this infinite potential, we need to be focused and recognize
what is authentically us. What is our truth, what are our natural strengths, and how
can we go about expressing those in a meaningful way?

Understanding all of this will connect us to this potential and flow state. Connect
with nature since we are a part of nature, the sun, moon, sky, everything that we
see in reality we are a part of, so connect with everything even small things. You
must learn to not be distracted by pain, emotions, and everything external, being
like the wind or oxygen flowing wherever you want or need to be. Don't limit or
restrict yourself in feeling or to one thing, always be existing in the present having
a boundless mind. You have to stay in the present moment, truly connect with the
present at all times and allow your intuition to become you instead of keeping it as
something you react to. I recommend learning the Silva method, which I have the
book in my library, and just appreciating everything in life, and see everything as
is, never truly thinking about the positives and negatives of things that already


Experience is one of the key things when it comes to awareness and improving it,
and knowing how to use it and consistently grow it is so beneficial it’s crazy so I
will tell you an exercise I made when I was 6 and have been doing. To understand
this, it wasn't to increase awareness but simply made out of curiosity, questioning
and desire. I wanted to learn humans better, and adapt to people better because my
situation was a terrible one and it's what I needed to get out of the state I was in.

This exercise granted me better visualization skills, Awareness, Perception, Ability

to adapt and learn, Ability to become others without using my own perception of
them, Ability to think freely. With this you will improve and unlock the advanced
gates of awareness. This will unlock your Multiperspectivity awareness,
Situational awareness, Observational awareness, Cognitive awareness, Universal
awareness, Pinpoint awareness, and Internal awareness.

Honestly practice visualizing situations and put it to many options.

First Exercise for all awareness increase

Like take a person you know or have seen, and construct their personality to detail,
and actions you've seen them do to understand their character, using where do they
live, where do they come from, what is the emotion they are most likely to react to,
what emotion do they react with, by the clothes they wear what could that tell on
their personality, what is their body language. Things like that.

And take another person and add them to the equation and pair them in multiple
situations, but be aware that this is not exactly them unless you master the multiple
faces technique, even still you wouldn't be exact but you could copy them easier.
Reason on why you want to be aware of this is because, this is how you see them
and not how they see themselves or how other people see them, and this is you
playing two characters that you are familiar with.
Now change any of the people and think what would you do in that situation
compared to that one you just made, what body language would you impose, what
would you sound like, what is your facial expression, what's the best way to diffuse
and gain more information while being secretive in the situation. Now you do the
same thing with the other. After you do both you put yourself and both shoes and
what would you do based on what you did in both characters, basically going
against yourself.

Now that you done that you would want to act like both of the characters at the
same time and think of what should you, and what is your interpretation to the
situation by said character like "since im this character what would their thought
process be like and what emotions would flare and what is my weak points".

Do this multiple times but with more speed and accuracy so you can think of
multiple situations at a time, at the same time. Do this with mostly the people in
your classrooms since they are easier to read and you know more about them.

Learn how to read body language, one of my favorite books The dictionary of body
language by Joe Navarro is a good book for this. Learn how to interpret someone
different with the words they speak instead of the first one that goes off in your

Most importantly learn how to watch yourself actively and how that can take effect
on other people, and yourself like how would they make of this thing I said and
what's the different ways of interpreting this, this will take your awareness to the
next level and you'll find it's so easy to control yourself, others, and situations your
put in.

Second exercise for mainly observational and situational awareness

How do I analyze body language and analyze people?

You have to ask questions and give answers to those questions to ask more. Be
aware of the environment, temperature, groups, a person personality, how they
move, act, to who and when, whats the conversation about, what are they doing
and why, what's there body language for a certain topic, from the environment how
are they affected by it, what does their hair look like, how do they dress, what is
their vocal tones to people, how do they sit, how do they ask for things, what do
they look at, do they answer questions indirectly or directly, what are the subtle
movements they make with their face, eyes, hands, feet, legs, can I infer why their
doing this, can I see from their perspective, can I understand their mindset, what
are they saying, what context do they have a tendency to speak on, how do they
speak, how fast do they speak, what happens when they're embarrassed, sad, mad,
happy. It goes on and on.

I basically question everything I can, I question and answer my question to make

more questions
And i'm doing this with not just them but the people they talk to, look at, know and
the people around us
Even sometimes I'll be like how do they smell, how soft is their skin, do they have
make up, what do they do when they're alone, what are they doing on their phone,
what jokes do they laugh at, and is it genuine, stuff like that.
But these are based on what they are doing and how long of a time frame I get to
see them so, many can be left out of the analysis.

You would want to give a reason why to all of them, especially how they speak:
they speak a bit slow and their vocals are low. Why? According to his body
language, eyes, hair it looked like he recently worked up or is a tired person, from
his hair and the roughness of his clothes he probably got up late or he just put stuff
he thinks he likes on without making it look better, first option is better, why? His
vocals are low, and he always talks a bit slow, his hair is messy which he was tired
to make it look better, he sits slouched, he's also dressed comfortably. Basically
giving more details because to me this would go on and on and be super detailed.

Other things how does he walk, you can't just say normally is it confidently, tiredly,
pacing, nervously, observant, uncaring, where is his hands, how much does his
body moves, how does his legs move, what does he do with his fingers (if out),
where is his palms resting or facing, where is his eyes looking, how fast does his
eyes look for, what's his structure and frame. You can get way more out of this,
especially with people you have never met before.
How does he communicate shouldn't just be with body language but also eye
movement, how does he look into someone eye maybe he looks away or glance,
when he's communicating what's his resting position and posture, does he speak
proudly, confidently, softly, interested, how much does he leans forward, what does
his legs move when communicating, does he use a different tone with different
people, does he act differently with different people, what actions are he taking
while talking. And what caused him to say that. Practice this a lot and you’ll be
able to analyze anyone quickly without being slow or wasting time.
Do this multiple times but change the context or person in real time and gradually
you’ll find your analyzation speed to be quick, accurate in understanding and
dissecting people of multiple personalities and backgrounds in which you can use
to get closer to someone without them knowing.

Exercise for Pinpoint awareness

Pinpoint awareness is truly probably one of the difficult to understand and
probably master out of most of them but once you do, you will be damn near
unstoppable. Pinpoint awareness is like setting up the best shot knowing where the
2 targets are going separately but also when they come together you shoot and get a
2 in one. Due to this I will try my best to explain pinpoint accuracy. Pinpoint
accuracy is the basic fact of getting your hit on target with no fail or flaw. This is
what your mind needs to be so firstly, pick a target you know the most, and just
talk to them, talk to them than ask a question that’ll catch them off guard but pass it
off as a joke, next time they are speaking notice how and why you catched them off
guard the first time but this time you’ll see it and know it than when you find it,
you attack it by asking the same question but after ask another question before their
brain can register that was the question you asked before, you’ll see as if they
freeze and their stop processing for a second than coming back on. That's pinpoint
awareness. Now you can use that on anyone, or even change the context using
what it consists of. Another is waiting for a influx of emotion in a group and when
that emotion first come out from pattern recognizing well boom now you say
something that will make that emotion stronger but since its stronger you direct
that emotion to someone else basically by waiting for the emotion to show in tone,
body anything than say something that consists of what was told the first time but
different than say something on that getting someone else into it. You basically
controlled people into doing this indirectly and directly, and waited for an
opportunity to find the best to put them in the situation you want them to be.

Universal and Multiperspectivity awareness exercise

First for this exercise, understand you are not your body but only the soul. You can
be anywhere in the astral realm while your body stays in place kinda like the avatar
state. What I want you to do is become conscious of the things around you, your
wall, tv, bed, bottle, phone, pc ect. Those things aren't just objects but they are you,
your whole room is you. You are EVERYTHING and not limited to your body,
now close your eyes, with your awareness become one of the things in your room
and see from its position, height, width, depth everything. After you completely
and successfully do that, you want to go from that to your room yourself, become
aware of your body position, what's it on, what is it position, where is the object
that you once was. See everything from a narrator perspective able to see a detailed
map of your own room and being the room itself, completely understanding that
your body isn't your limit to where you can go or be, once you do this about a
month straight you won't be the same, everything will become easy to see as if you
had a hawks vision and you could even become the hawk it self, but that isn't the
limit as which this can be expanded upon indefinitely.

Meditation for Awareness

Firstly meditation is a must to grant yourself higher awareness since meditation

brings you closer and puts you into a state of constant consciousness. Knowing the
chakras are essential towards meditation as if done wrong it can damage you
spiritually and the connection towards the universe is essential for you to be able to
use universal awareness but also expand all to greater heights. All different types
of meditations however do things differently in their own way so we listed the
benefits and how to do them for the one you pick and choose yourself.

Types of meditation:
There are many types of meditation, each with their own benefits & purposes.
Some of them are -
1. Mindfulness - Purposes 2 benefits - Improves presence of mind & awareness.
Reduces stress. Helps in focusing & ignoring distractions.

Description & procedure - In this form you can sit in any posture, all you have to
do is clear any thought in your mind and then be fully aware of the current
moment, accepting and paying attention to the sensations without judging,
dwelling on them or thinking about them.

2. Transcendental Meditation - Benefits & purpose - Helps with spiritual strength

and awareness. Charges the chakras to an extent of which is currently limited.

Description & procedure - In this form/type you sit in the meditation posture,
preferably with your feet touching your sacral chakra region to sacral chakra. Now
chant a mantra of a deity or simply ‘om’ for 21 or 54 or 108 times [108 if it's of a

3. Pranayam & Bhramari pranayama - Benefits & purpose - Help with awareness
as well as health. Pranayama improves on breathing respiration. Bhramari
pranayama improves hearing & breathing. Both of these calm the mind &
rejuvenate your body.

Description - Both of these are beginner friendly although they require special
postures. These are a type of yoga and extremely beneficial. Both of these are a
type of breath awareness meditation, just more advanced.

4. Kundalini related - Benefits & purpose - a very advanced & useful type
involving the chakras. Improves physical strength, mental & spiritual health &
increases overall energy levels.
Description - An advanced form of meditation usually taught by a teacher but some
postures can be learned yourself. Its advanced forms deal with chakra activation &
are thus used by spiritual awareness & enlightenment seekers.
The 7 chakras:
So talking about chakras, there are 7 main chakras in the human body.
Starting 1) the muladhara: located at the base of the spine. The first chakra to be
activated. Connects the mind, body, soul to the earth/world.

2)the swadhisthana chakra: located just above the genital organ and below the belly
button. Helps balance ones sexual desires

3)manipura/manipurakha :situated below the navel. Associated with self

confidence, self discipline and wisdom. Also responsible for intuition or the so
called gut feeling.

4)Anahata /heart : situated just beneath the chest where the ribs meet(the end of
sternum I guess). Associated with creativity,mental health.

5)Visuddhi : located at the pit of the throat. Associated with expressing the truth
and sharing your opinions.

6)Ajna : located between eyebrows. Brings peace and stability within oneself.

7)sahasrara/crown : located at top of the head.

How To Open Your 7 Chakras As Explained In a Children's Show

The 7 Chakras - Meaning & Functions
The Ultimate Guide to CHAKRAS | How to Unblock For Full 7 CHAKRA …

These show you all the chakras here, tell you how they function and what it takes
to awaken them.

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