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Inner Allies: The Unexpected Way Your Human Nature Awakens You
Inner Allies: The Unexpected Way Your Human Nature Awakens You
Inner Allies: The Unexpected Way Your Human Nature Awakens You
Ebook234 pages3 hours

Inner Allies: The Unexpected Way Your Human Nature Awakens You

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About this ebook

Many spiritual traditions tell us to awaken our "true nature" by getting past our human psyche or stop listening to our biology. But what if their views are incomplete or even misleading?

What if your human psyche and body are not obstacles, but can grant you direct access to your immortal being, instead?

This book helps you recognize the underlying evolutionary forces that are the key to awakening. I call these forces The Inner Allies.

You will:

- Discover how your human psyche itself is meant to be a tool for self-discovery

- Explore how sensory body awareness is the "hidden" pathway to your deeper, immortal being

- Learn how awakening is based on the expansion of body awareness, and how you sense yourself is the key you seek.

This book is not about "Seven Steps To Awakening" or spiritual transformations. It is simply an invitation to a proven approach based on my inner awakenings, neuroscience research, ancient wisdom teachings, and the experiences of a friend I helped awaken using this blueprint.

This is the first book in a six-book series on the Inner Allies Blueprint. See the descriptions inside, and download the free accompanying materials for a better reading and study experience. Go to

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Release dateAug 15, 2023
Inner Allies: The Unexpected Way Your Human Nature Awakens You

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    Book preview

    Inner Allies - W. Andersen




    BOOK 1


    Inner Allies Academy Inner Allies Academy


    To Nynne

    You encouraged me to explore the depths of how we are human beings and share the treasures I found. You are the reason this book exists. Thank You.

    — W. Andersen


    The core of Self-discovery

    1. Practical information

    Part I

    2. Is This Approach For You?

    3. A New Approach

    4. The Blueprint

    5. Nynne

    6. Sensory Self-Inquiry

    Part II

    7. Foundations 1-4

    8. Foundation 1

    9. Foundation 2

    10. Foundation 3

    11. Foundation 4A

    12. Foundation 4B


    Appendix 0

    Appendix 1

    Appendix 2

    Appendix 3

    Appendix 4

    About the Author

    Also by W. Andersen


    Sense how you move when you walk. How you speak, as you talk. Explore how your body acts; and allow the forces that make it all possible to reveal themselves to you.

    When you do, allow them to form you in their image. This is Nature’s gift to you, and your path to self-discovery.

    — W. Andersen

    Earlier today, while I was writing the outline for this initial chapter, I spilled a cup of tea on my hand and mouse. I immediately sensed the burning heat on my skin. My attention was drawn inwards, and without conscious thoughts, my hands sprang into concentrated, deliberate action. Then I watched as my body performed several coordinated tasks at once.

    I did not need my mind to tell me what to do, because my body knew already what was needed. So, I pushed the mouse and keyboard away from the danger, grabbed the nearest usable object (a t-shirt), and dried the table and the mouse pad. Next, I rushed to the kitchen and put my hand in a bowl of icy water.

    As I stood by the sink and looked out the window, I tried to retrace the steps and remember what I did to fix the situation. How I had decided to do what I did.

    But I could not. I was not able to describe exactly how I had decided on which actions to take. All I remembered was the sensation of intense concentration, and my attention was drawn inwards away from my thoughts, and the five-sense world.

    This shows how my actions were not based on rational thinking or logical reasoning but on intuitive sensing and spontaneous knowing.

    An inner knowing took over, an active knowing that made me able to act and resolve the situation without using my conscious mind. This inner dialogue happened in a split second, and yet what happened was a systematic assessment of the situation. In less than a second, my deeper being had figured out what was needed. Then my body sprang into action.

    How lucky I was, because I had been grappling with how to start this book, and there it was. Now I could use a day-to-day experience to show you, my dear reader, how our deeper intelligence is very active all the time. It so happens that day-to-day experiences are the best examples because they are where we spend our time.

    I smiled at how this intelligence, the silent knowing that operates differently from our minds, had fixed the situation. I knew what was needed based on a deep understanding of this moment. This understanding was not rooted in analysis or evaluation but in direct perception and awareness.

    It did not rely on any external factors or conditions but solely on my inner alignment with reality beyond what my mind could perceive.

    The actions were determined from beyond my mind. However, I will demonstrate that these promptings occur because of the intelligences already present within you. I call them the Inner Allies, and as the title suggests, they are an integral part of our being. As you will discover in this book, they are much more than just a linguistic concept. They are a genuine, functional aspect of our nature, of your nature.

    In this book, I will illustrate that your deeper being is accessible as a sensed reality at this very moment. You will explore what your deeper being truly is and how this aspect of you is accessible within yourself as you are. The reason you are unsure of what you truly are is that you currently lack the ability to sense what your nature is. This blueprint is designed to assist you in sensing your true nature.

    However, there are no shortcuts and no magical formulas to follow. Nature operates according to hidden laws and forces, just as awakening and the evolution of our psyche and spirit do.

    We are here in nature to grow, not to escape, and what facilitates your growth is a group of genuine intelligences that have been described across millennia in various ways.

    This book marks the beginning of a new paradigm known as the Inner Allies Blueprint.

    This blueprint has one objective: to show you how to embody a deeper reality of your being. You achieve this by becoming conscious of these intelligences, these Inner Allies, and understanding how they function, shaping your sense of self and the world around you in every moment of your day.

    When you align yourself with the deeper ways these forces operate, your sense of self undergoes a shift because these forces will transform you in ways that you must experience directly to understand. Then you will encounter what spiritual teachings have referred to as awakening, yet awakening is not the end; it is just the beginning.

    When the sense of self shifts, what occurs is an expansion of our sensory abilities. We experience something that words cannot fully capture, but it is a very tangible sense of wholeness, inner balance, and serenity.

    We feel as though we have transitioned into a more expansive body and mind as if we have finally returned home to ourselves. Throughout this book, I will demonstrate that this is precisely what happens because awakening is a natural part of our human existence, not some supernatural event. Awakening is a characteristic of being human. It transpires because we are human beings, not in spite of it.

    So how is it a human feature and not a supernatural event? Does this mean that we are mortals? Awakening is a deep form of tacit learning or implicit knowledge, an ability to sense yourself, as you are, beyond your mind, and even beyond time and space.

    Tacit learning is the process of acquiring skills or knowledge that happens outside of our mind, while implicit knowledge is the kind of knowledge that we have but cannot express in words. Almost all of what your body is capable of doing you have taught yourself via tacit learning - like talking or walking.

    Your mind will tell you that when you think about life, this is how you experience life, but this is not so. At the approximate age of one, you taught yourself to walk. You spend months perfecting all the intricate steps needed from training your muscles and balancing yourself against gravity, etc. But do you remember how you learned to walk? Do you today think about every movement your body makes when you walk?

    You walk without thinking because you have developed a tacit and implicit knowledge of how to do it. You do not need your mind to tell you how to walk, because your body knows how to walk, and your mind does not.

    As a body, you sense movements, corrections, and a flow of intelligent self-awareness as you walk, and you sense this directly. These processes put together make you able to walk. This is the same with awakening.

    So, without getting too far ahead, because there is a lot of ground to cover in this book, here are the three main points I want to present to you at this early stage:

    The first point is that awakening is not something that happens in your mind but in your body. Awakening is an expansion of your ability to sense yourself. It happens because you are human, and not despite it.

    The second point is that your body is a formless dimension that exists beyond what your mind perceives. You sense this body at this moment, and yet you cannot explain what it is.

    The third point is that your body has innate intelligences that will guide you to awaken if you learn how to listen to them. I call them the Inner Allies, and they are the core of your being, as you will explore in Foundation 3. They are the forces that make you able to experience, that is, sensing, feeling, and thinking. You will start this exploration in Foundation 4.

    These three points will help you realize that awakening is not a supernatural phenomenon, but a natural capacity of your being that you access through tacit learning and implicit knowledge.

    Awakening is not some supernatural thing that happens to you - it is the sensing of your deeper being as it already is. This sensing is not based on your five senses. It is based on your formless dimension that is able to perceive reality beyond what your mind comprehends.

    This sensing is important. It allows you to access a higher level of consciousness and awareness that has the capacity to transform your life. It is your mind that does not understand reality, not you. You do understand, but not with your mind.

    Awakening happens because of a certain maturing of your inner being. Just as you do not understand how you become sexually mature with your mind, you just do. Then you allow your body to lead the way to a new kind of approach to life, as you go from being a child to becoming an adolescent.

    Sexual experiences are something you do. You have them because sexuality is a capacity you now own, a capacity that you now are. You have matured into it, and now you have access to it.

    The same is true for awakening. It is a capacity of your being, but not your mind, and the good news is that you use the capacity every moment of the day. You have this capacity because awakening is your natural state of being, a state that you have forgotten due to your identification with your mind. You access it by letting go of your mind and tuning into your formless felt body, which is the gateway to your deeper being.

    This paradigm will show you how to use these immortal forces I call the Inner Allies. The Inner Allies are the aspects of your being that enable you to experience, and at the same time to know what you experience.

    When you were a small child, you could name a rose, a rose. Yet, your awareness still knew what you experienced, what you sensed. This capacity to know what I call Inner Knowing. This knowing is not a feature of your mind but of your deeper being. In fact, you are that which knows and how you apply this knowing is what I call the Inner Allies.

    Right now, these forces serve your mind, which belongs to biology. I will show you how to get them to serve your inner being as well. Not to the detriment of your human existence, but as the foundation for it. This inner being is your formless body that exists in you prior to your mind. It is the body you are sensing at this moment. It is not a matter of maybe you can sense it, because the awareness of your body is a bodily sense.

    Understanding happens simultaneously on two levels in your being. One is at the human level, or the mind, which is what we normally associate with understanding. This is what we focus on when we attend school or go to work. You are expected to know the answers to a lot of questions and to answer them in oral or written language.

    This level of understanding is based on explicit knowledge, and it is the kind of knowledge that we can express in words, symbols, or rules. It is based on rational thinking, which is the process of using logic and reason to analyze and evaluate information. This level of understanding is useful for solving problems, communicating ideas, and acquiring knowledge.

    There exists a deeper understanding, one that does not use language, but sense impressions, feelings, and resonance. This is not a foreign concept. It is a way of knowing that you use when you learn to walk, speak, and ride a bike, and yet we have not yet understood the magnitude of this kind of intelligence. I hope that this book series will help to change this because tacit learning is the key to how we transform ourselves.

    Almost every skill we are able to do with our body is a form of tacit learning. Like kicking a ball, writing, speaking, and walking. You cannot explain how you do these things and yet we never forget them.

    Tacit learning involves a mix of direct experience, the use of our body, and a practice that is not based on explicit rules or principles. All tacit learning activities are related to doing things from an inner memory.

    These factors make tacit learning more efficient and durable than explicit learning because they create stronger neural connections in your brain that are resistant to forgetting or interference.

    However, these factors also make tacit learning difficult to share or teach to others because they depend on your situation and preferences that may not apply or be understandable to others.

    For example, when you learn how to ride a bike, you develop a tacit knowledge of how to balance, pedal, steer, and brake. You cannot ride a bike by thinking about these actions, you just do them. This makes tacit learning efficient and durable, but also difficult to share or teach to others. This is how strong and resilient your deeper being is.

    In the same manner, awakening is usually talked about as a realization we cannot put into words or explain. An experience we have to embody. We have to experience awakening, to sense it directly, rather than talk about it.

    I will show in this book that what we call awakening is a form of tacit knowledge. Awakening is an ability to sense our deeper being that enables you to experience life and yourself from beyond your mind.

    Awakening is similar to tacit learning in several ways. First, it is not something we can be taught or are able to learn by following a set of instructions or doctrines. It is a personal and direct experience that transcends the limitations of the rational mind and verbal language.

    Second, it is not something that can be explained or understood by using concepts or logic. It is a sensory and intuitive experience that reveals the oneness and interconnectedness of all existence.

    Third, it is not something that can be achieved by effort or willpower. It is a natural and spontaneous state of being that arises when we let go of our attachments and identifications with our mind as well as identification with our physical body.

    Therefore, awakening is a form of tacit learning that requires that we allow ourselves to engage in sensing what it is that senses (us). This is a body awareness skill that we develop by sensing our formless body beyond our mind, and by aligning ourselves with the flow of life as it unfolds in this moment.

    Sense the formless aspects of your body that lie beyond your mind, and align yourself with the flow of life. Pay attention to how you sense your body. Be open to the present moment and embrace what you experience, as your senses already do.

    In science, body awareness is called proprioception, and it is defined as the awareness we have of the relative position and movement of our body parts. It is what makes you able to locate and scratch your knee without looking at it.

    Awakening makes us aware of our formless body beyond the body we see in the mirror, as well as our embodied oneness with our surroundings and other beings.

    Being aware is being conscious of your body’s responses to what you experience. You cannot think yourself into awareness; you have to sense and experience what is already present. This is the only way to be present.

    You cannot be conscious of the sensory phenomena you experience with your body awareness. You use your outer five senses for that. With your body awareness, you are being led to be aware that you are aware.

    When you combine the understanding you get from your mind with the self-awareness of your deeper being, you become able to sense in daily life how you are doing what you are doing. This is the direct path to introspection and also how you can expand your sensory experience of life.

    What you experience, you understand, and what you understand, you experience. You cannot separate the two. Your mind may tell you that it does separate the two, but this is because it invents words to describe reality. If your mind were able to sense reality, it would know that it cannot separate experiencing from the awareness of the experience.

    You sense reality, and in your sensory experience, you cannot separate experiencing from understanding. If you could, you would not be able to sense anything. Sensing is a form of knowing, and this knowing stems from your deepest being. Your being is reading these words at this moment, not your mind. Your mind may tell you that it is doing the reading, but then again it will also tell you that it is the part of you that is doing the walking as you walk, and not your body.

    You sense a rose, because you see it, and you touch it and smell it. You think: "What a beautiful rose!" because you have learned its name and its symbolism. But this is not what you sense. This is what your mind tells you as you sense.

    The forces that bring understanding are called the Inner Allies. In this Blueprint they are what create what you call your life experience. They are, therefore, at the same time also how you understand reality.


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