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Efficient Combined Fuzzy Logic and LMS Algorithm For Smart Antenna

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TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control

Vol. 21, No. 5, October 2023, pp. 975~980

ISSN: 1693-6930, DOI: 10.12928/TELKOMNIKA.v21i5.24370  975

Efficient combined fuzzy logic and LMS algorithm for smart


Mohammed Hussein Miry1, Ali Hussien Mary2

Department of Communication Engineering, University of Technology- Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq
Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Al-Khwarizmy College, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: The smart antennas are broadly used in wireless communication. The least
mean square (LMS) algorithm is a procedure that is concerned in controlling
Received Aug 07, 2022 the smart antenna pattern to accommodate specified requirements such as
Revised Jan 02, 2023 steering the beam toward the desired signal, in addition to placing the deep
Accepted Feb 16, 2023 nulls in the direction of unwanted signals. The conventional LMS (C-LMS)
has some drawbacks like slow convergence speed besides high steady state
fluctuation error. To overcome these shortcomings, the present paper adopts
Keywords: an adaptive fuzzy control step size least mean square (FC-LMS) algorithm to
adjust its step size. Computer simulation outcomes illustrate that the given
Fuzzy logic model has fast convergence rate as well as low mean square error steady state.
LMS algorithm
Smart antenna

This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Mohammed Hussein Miry
Department of Communication Engineering, University of Technology- Iraq
Baghdad, Iraq

The smart antenna technique [1]-[3] is an integration of the array of antenna together with the digital
signal processing in order to automatically optimize the radiation pattern in response to environment of the signal.
System design encompasses the scheme of adaptive beamforming that generates the desired weight vector in
order to produce the main beam into direction of user demand with null or attenuation at interfering signal
direction. Least mean square (LMS) algorithm is considered as one of the best prosperously beamforming
algorithms in adaptive antennas, essentially owing to its low computational complexity [4]-[6]. The conventional
least mean square (C-LMS) algorithm exploits a fixed step size in order to amend its weight filter tap as a response
to the altered situation. However, a small step size leads to small fluctuation error steady-state in addition to slow
convergence [7], [8]. On the other hand, opposite effect is obtained at applying a large step size. Consequently,
the step size assignment is usually a trade-off between rapid convergence and low steady-state fluctuations.
Several methods are proposed to offer adaptive step size methodologies for LMS algorithm, their quintessence
idea might involve variable step size least mean square algorithm (VSLMS) and variable step size normalized
least mean square algorithm (VSNLMS) [9], or complex weights’ adjustment for the LMS using a variant
called fractional LMS (FLMS) [10], while Kalman recursive least square-least mean square (KRLMS) has
been proposed in [11]. In this context, the fuzzy control algorithms are used to perform the appropriate input data
vector mapping into a scalar step size assessment [12]-[15]. As a consequence to its richness and flexibility many
different mappings could be accomplished. In this paper, based on fuzzy control and LMS algorithms, a new
integrated algorithm is adopted for smart antennas named (FC-LMS) algorithm.

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Assume a system of a smart antenna array holds an elements number (𝑁), with an identical distance
between every two consequence elements, contains an adaptive beamforming algorithm that work under a
digital signal processor [16] as illustrated in Figure 1. The smart antenna array receives a total signal vector
X(𝑘) as [17]:

X(𝑘) = 𝑠𝑑 (𝑘)𝑎(𝜃𝑑 ) + ∑𝐿𝑖=1 𝑠𝑖 (𝑘)𝑎(𝜃𝑖 ) + 𝑛(𝑘)

= [ 𝑥1 (𝑘), 𝑥2 (𝑘), … , 𝑥𝑁 (𝑘) ]𝑇 (1)

Where 𝑠𝑖 (𝑘) and 𝑠𝑑 (𝑘) identify the interfering and desired signals that arrive at angles of 𝜃𝑖 and 𝜃𝑑 to the array
respectively, while 𝐿 identifies the interfering signals number and 𝑛 represents the array elements white
Gaussian noise, whereas 𝑎(𝜃𝑖 ) and 𝑎(𝜃𝑑 ) represent the steering vectors for interfering and desired signals

Figure 1. Structure of adaptive beamforming algorithm

As illustrated in Figure 1, the individual elements output are combined linearly after scaled by the
correspondent weights, in such a way that the smart antenna array will hold nulls in the interferers directions
and maximum possible gain in the desired signal direction. The system issue implicates the desired signal
estimation from received signal through minimizing the error of the output signal and the reference signal
which is nearly matches the desired signal estimation. On the other hand, the smart antenna array output at 𝑘
th iteration can be obtained by [18]-[21]:

𝑦(𝑘) = W 𝑇 (𝑘) X(𝑘) (2)

Where W(𝑘) is weight vector whose need to adjusted to optimization the radiation pattern and expressed as:

W(𝑘) = [ 𝑤1 (𝑘), 𝑤2 (𝑘), … . . , 𝑤𝑁 (𝑘) ]𝑇 (3)

These weights are calculated utilizing least mean square algorithm depending on minimum squared error
(MSE) principles, then weight coefficients are adjusted according to the equation [22], [23]:

W(𝑘 + 1) = W(𝑘) + 𝜇𝑒 ∗ (𝑘) X(𝑘)𝑇 (4)

Since 𝜇 represents step size and 𝑒(𝑘) is the error signal that utilized in order to adjust the adaptive system using
weight vector optimization as [24], [25]:

𝑒(𝑘) = 𝑑(𝑘) − 𝑦(𝑘) (5)

TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 21, No. 5, October 2023: 975-980
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control  977

While 𝑑(𝑘) represents the reference signal, which is utilized as the desired response from adaptive
processing that associated with elements of antenna array that lead beamformer to place the main beam toward
the identified direction only. In conventional LMS (C-LMS) algorithm, 𝜇 step size is fixed parameter at all
iterations and limited by Horowitz Senne equation [26]:
0<𝜇< (6)

While 𝑁 represents tap weight number of the adaptive filter, whereas 𝑃𝑥 identifies the input power.
However, step size selection process is critical, a small step size gives lower minimum squared error but slower
rate of convergence, and vice versa [27], [28]. Furthermore, larger step size is required to accommodate fast
rate of convergence. In contrast, small step size is required in order to accommodate low steady minimum
squared error. In general, the C-LMS algorithm fails to offer acceptable response in smart antenna array system.

The proposed model incorporates the fuzzy system control with LMS algorithms (FC-LMS) for smart
antenna system as displayed in Figure 2. In this proposed model, the fuzzy control algorithm is used for step
size adjustment in the LMS algorithm at each iteration (𝑖) in order to obtain a new convergence weight that
compose the beam in the desired direction. The proposed model use both squared error 𝑒 2 (𝑘) besides squared
error variation ∆𝑒 2 (𝑘) at the kth iteration as an inputs to the fuzzy control system to get the output 𝜇(𝑘) using
Mamdani minimum inference method and centroid defuzzification process.

Figure 2. Block diagram of FC-LMS algorithm for smart antenna

More specifically, the following steps are performed in the present model:
− Step 1: the vector 𝑥 of (1) is obtained via signal array vector.
− Step 2: initialize the LMS algorithm weight.
− Step 3: estimate the output of the LMS algorithm according to (2).
− Step 4: compute the squared error 𝑒 2 (𝑘) depending on (5) and the squared error variation ∆𝑒 2 (𝑘) relevant to:

∆𝑒 2 (𝑘) = |𝑒 2 (𝑘) − 𝑒 2 (𝑘 − 1)| (7)

− Step 5: the LMS algorithm step size is adjusted using the fuzzy controller which takes these two inputs
[𝑒 2 (𝑘), ∆𝑒 2 (𝑘)] to compute the output 𝜇(𝑘):

𝐹𝐶 − 𝐿𝑀𝑆: (𝜇(𝑘)) = 𝐹𝐿[𝑒 2 (𝑘), ∆𝑒 2 (𝑘)] (8)

− Step 6: update the LMS weights according to (4).

− Step 7: repeat steps 2 to 6 until getting the optimum results.

Efficient combined fuzzy logic and LMS algorithm for smart antenna (Mohammed Hussein Miry)
978  ISSN: 1693-6930

The present fuzzy controller model comes from the human experience in the practical applications and
system experiments. Figure 3(a) and Figure 3(b) shows the membership functions of the proposed FC-LMS
algorithm. In which; three linguistic variables are related for every fuzzy input; named; small (S), medium (M),
and large (L); in addition to five linguistic variables for fuzzy output Figure 3(c) to get more accuracy, very
small (VS), small (S), medium (M), large (L), very large (VL) to construct a set of fuzzy IF-THEN rules that
shown in Table 1.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 3. Membership functions of the proposed fuzzy model (a) squared error fuzzy input, (b) variation
squared error fuzzy input, and (c) step size fuzzy output

Table 1. Predicate rule box for the FLC-LMS

∆𝑒 2 M S M L


Computer simulation has been carried out using Matlab to investigate the effectiveness of the
proposed model for smart antenna. A linear array is considered with these specifications: antenna element
numbers in the array equal 8; spacing of inter element in the array is 0.5 λ. While the desired signal direction
is 0°; and the unwanted signal direction 50° and -30°; and lastly the number of iterations taken is 200.
Figure 4 presents the obtained radiation pattern of the proposed model as compared with C-LMS at
𝜇 = 0.001. From this acquired figure; it can observe that both comparative algorithms direct the main beam
toward the direction of the wanted signal at 0° with null toward the directions of unwanted signals. More
specifically, FC-LMS model sets nulls toward both interferer, in which; -54 dB null depth at 50° toward the
first interferer in addition to -58 dB at -30° toward the second interferer as compared with null depth of -46 dB
at 50° toward the first interferer and -32 dB at -30° toward the second interferer in the conventional algorithm,
which offers a significant improvement when applying the proposed algorithm by about 8 dB and 26 dB in
interference suppression at 50° and -30° respectively.
On the other hand, Figure 5 reveals the MSE curve for each algorithm, which can be clearly
demonstrated that the proposed FC-LMS algorithm can attain faster convergence than the conventional
algorithm. While Figure 6 illustrates the weight magnitude for each algorithm, which observes that the weight
in the proposed algorithm converges to the optimal value more quickly as compared with the C-LMS algorithm.
And finally Figure 7 reveals the desired signal acquisition and tracking for each algorithm, which observed
that the response of the proposed algorithm without fluctuation as compared with the C-LMS algorithm.

1.8 Proposed model (FC-LMS)








0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Figure 4. Radiation patterns for CLMS and Figure 5. Mean square error for CLMS and
proposed algorithm (FC-LMS) proposed algorithm (FC-LMS)

TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 21, No. 5, October 2023: 975-980
TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control  979
0.14 1.5
Desired Signal
0.13 Array Output of Proposed model (FC-LMS)
Proposed model (FC-LMS) 1 Array Output of C-LMS
0.12 C-LMS



0.09 0




0.04 -1.5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Nunmber of Iterations Number of Iteration

Figure 6. Weight magnitude for the proposed Figure 7. Desired signal acquisition and tracking for
algorithm and C-LMS algorithm proposed algorithm and C-LMS algorithm

From Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 7; we can conclude that the adopted scheme drive the main
beam towards the interested signal and efficiently preserve the nulls towards the noninterested signals. It also
reveals better outcomes in terms of depth nulls and side lobes’ levels in undesired directions. In addition to faster
convergence speed as compared to the conventional algorithm.

The current paper presents a new model that integrates the fuzzy control besides least mean square
algorithm to improve the response of smart antenna. In the proposed model, the fuzzy logic controller is
employed to update the step size in the least mean square algorithm for smart antenna. The achieved simulation
results in smart antenna demonstrate that the proposed model attains considerable improvement in terms of
convergence time, inference suppression in addition to low steady-state MSE as compared to C- LMS.

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Mohammed Hussein Miry received his bacholor and master degree in

communication engineering from the University of Technology (UOT), Iraq and PhD from
the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Basra University, Iraq. He is working as an
associative professor in Department of Communication Engineering at University of
Technology-Iraq. His main fields of interests are smart antenna, adaptive filter, digital signal
processing, communication system, and microwave engineering. He can be contacted at

Ali Hussien Mary was born in Baghdad in 1976. He graduated from the
electrical engineering department in University of Baghdad, Iraq, in 1998. He got the MSc
degree in electrical engineering/ computer and control division from University of Baghdad,
Iraq, 2001. He received a PhD degree in control engineering from Gaziantep University,
Turkey, 2017. He published many papers in different journals. Research interests are robust
control, nonlinear systems and robotics control. He can be contacted at email:

TELKOMNIKA Telecommun Comput El Control, Vol. 21, No. 5, October 2023: 975-980

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