Contract of Bailment
Contract of Bailment
Contract of Bailment
Bailment means any kind of handing over
Section 148 defines bailment as the delivery of
goods by one person to another for some purpose, upon a contract, that they shall, when the purpose is accomplished, be returned or otherwise disposed of according to the directions of the person delivering
The person delivering the goods is called the bailor
Requisites of Bailment
1. Contract: the agreement between the bailor and
Requisites of Bailment
3. For some purpose: the delivery of goods from bailor to
Bailment can be categorised in two
ways; they are
Bailment for reward/ Gratuitous bailment
Consideration No consideration is passed between the Bailor and the Bailee Benefit It is for the exclusive benefit of Bailor and Bailee
The Bailor is liable to the Bailee for the loss due to defects in the goods whether he is aware of the defects or not
The Bailor must repay to the Bailee only the extraordinary expenses which, the Bailee has already incurred for the purpose of bailment
Effect of death
without charge
Duties of Bailor
To disclose known faults
According to section 150, it is the first and foremost
duty of the bailor to disclose the known faults about the goods bailed to the bailee If the goods are bailed for hire the duty of the bailor is greater
Duties of Bailor
To bear extraordinary expenses of the bailment
The bailee is bound to bear ordinary and reasonable
expenses of the bailment but for any extraordinary expenses the bailor is responsible In case of gratuitous bailment the bailor must repay all the necessary expenses incurred by him for the
Duties of Bailor
To indemnify bailee for loss in case of premature
termination of gratuitous bailment
According to section 159, if the contract of bailment is terminated before the time specified and because of which the bailee suffering losses more than the benefit he has derived from that, the bailor shall have
Duties of Bailor
To receive back the goods
If the bailor refuses to receive back the goods
after the termination of time specified he is
Duties of Bailor
To indemnify the bailee
According to section 164, if the bailee is suffering
losses because of the title of the goods i.e. where the title of the bailor to the goods is defective, the bailor has to pay the compensation for the losses incurred by the bailee