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Alamanat Profile Brochure Final

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We strengthen businesses, government structures and co-operates to
deliver their missions-critical transactions, applications, and services,
we grow our customer base by working with the largest service
providers to some of the largest, most influential enterprise customers
in the Africa and the world

Al-amanat Consulting Ltd

Company Profile 2017 CompanyName

Al-amanat Consulting Ltd was established with the goal
of helping businesses improve operations by developing
their most important assets, their employees and
CompanyName Company Profile 2017










ACL work encompasses CSOs, business firms, family and individual enterprises, private sector as well as government
institutions. The broad nature of ACL makes it an attractive company, offering a variety of projects, challenges and
opportunities for development.
Company Profile 2017 CompanyName

ACL is a full-service consulting and training organization with a long list of satisfied customers from prominent ranks
of financial institutions and customer care service centers. Our track record of improving customer satisfaction,
increasing sales, diminishing training time, reducing turnover, and increasing employee retention is why our
customers keep coming back. AL-AMANAT Consulting Ltd. has been an excellent partner in helping a network of
organizations start, grow and evolve to meet increasing
customer demands.

Et ACL continues to deliver the innovation and scale

required for our multitude of next-generation consumer
and business services, while providing the ease of
management and flexibility necessary to respond to
changing traffic patterns and application demands.
We provide one of the most comprehensive suites of
consulting services, products & training in the fields of
Quality Management, Marketing Management, Human
Resources Management, Financial Management,
leadership and governance & Strategic Management to
the organizations across all the industry verticals


To be a globally reputed consultancy firm in Africa: We ensure success for our clients through enhancing
We believe that organization and focus are the co-operate values and the people’s performance
greatest vehicles for knowledge, understanding, for the delivery of results. We are informed by our
and human advancement that the world has ever desire to help solve our clients’ toughest challenges
known. Now more than ever, the world relies on so they can compete and thrive today and into the
highly-reputed and performing organizations. future.

Our objective is to help you transform your organization so that it responds quickly
to the ever-changing levels of competition, customer expectation and market flux
across the world.
CompanyName Company Profile 2017

ACL also runs several projects as an example and an avenue to share

the best practices. We have therefore set up a base for some of the
best run projects in East Africa.

Making community food
Financial planning structure
Partnership with organizations
sufficient, by mechanized and processes through to to meet increasing customer
crop growing and Modern providing on-site interim demands.
Livestock management. financial expertise.

Our team is committed to client social affairs, helping the people

handling, listening, strategic achieve things in their personal
planning, business analysis and life, local communities and other
team-building qualities that have worthwhile causes. The primary
won the trust of our consulting strength of our consultants is to
employers, internally they have also partner the client organization to

demonstrated creativity, flexibility optimize resources & implement
and strong interpersonal skills. the improvement strategies
The demands of consultancy often successfully. An assignment begins
ACL doesn’t not only help clients/ mean meeting tough targets on with an accurate assessment of
organizations in achieving success time ACL employs the principle of people, processes, performance
but also runs several projects as an mobility and flexibility in meeting and strategies.
example and an avenue to share the clients’ demands as majority of work
best practices. is client based and the company is
always under pressure to deliver.
We are also big on community and
Company Profile 2017 CompanyName

When you need a

CHAMPION to bring in
EXELLENCE, we have a
TEAM to do it....


With the changing environment in the construction provided preconstruction, management services and
industry especially in areas such as technology, budget estimating services to many clients, affording
economics, and education the business owners and them the opportunity to be better financially prepared
management teams are now required to evaluate for their projects. Our construction management
their environment and assess how they can stay on services afford our clients a level of security that their
the cutting edge. ACL’s focus is how we manage our project will produce positive results and meet their
employees and clients in the midst of it. Regardless goals. We welcome the opportunity to provide these
of the type of change, the training element has been services to business owners in and around our region.
a critical ingredient to our employees, we have also The ACL’s teams therefore give thanks to our many
CompanyName Company Profile 2017

clients we have served in the past years and look forward the markets and environments for the respective clients and
to our future opportunities. We are committed to our provides optimum services through the extensive creativity,
guiding values, professionalism and customer satisfaction, innovation and experience. We strengthen businesses,
as the common thread that ties our employees and clients government structures and co-operates to deliver their
together. We are also proud to be actively involved in our missions-critical transactions, applications, and services, we
community through various cooperate social responsibilities grow our customer base by working with the largest service
programs. Our commitment to the construction industry is providers to some of the largest, most influential enterprise
strong, and we embrace our future with enthusiasm. ACL’s customers in the Africa and the world, one thing remains
strategy is geared towards a global coalition by uniting the same: We are constantly focused on understanding our
and focusing a diverse group of stakeholders and clients to customers’ needs, so that we can dig in and solve the hardest
deliver results. We have accumulated the best practices for problems they face—problems that others can’t or won’t
the targeted organizations; our team is knowledgeable of even approach.
Company Profile 2017 CompanyName

ACL is bent on helping various companies as well as
institutions to confidently address technology-related
decisions and ensure their IT systems and operating
models are agile and effective, equipping them to cut
through the noise of fleeting technology trends to
create enduring results.

Other services include manufacturing, designing of

management strategies, business transformation,
human Capital management, data analysis, outsourcing,
industry solutions, supply chain management and
customer relations management.
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The foundation upon which our team is created is based upon the premise that motivated people and long-
standing relationships are the ultimate tools of success and creativity, energy, perseverance and loyalty are just as
important as a platinum resume. We have a team of highly qualified and experienced professionals with proven
problem solving, consulting and analytical skills. Our Team consists of qualified Experts in various fields to provide
world class consulting solutions to our clients.

Board Chair Founder & Board Secretary Board Treasurer

Ibrahim Hussein Nene John Jaoko Daud Maalim

Is a successful businessman who Acts as the link between the board chairs the Finance Committee and
has vast experience having started and the management team, he presents a report of the financial
and managed several companies also works closely with the CEO, condition at the Board meeting
including, GAAMEY Construction. on expansion and fund-raising.

Director of Strategic Relations Executive Director Lead Engineer

Abdi Maalim Steven Owino Said Rajab

Abdi’s role involves working Steven’s primary responsibility is A registered structural engineer
closely with the other board to effectively communicate with responsible for planning and
directors and the ED on project members to ensure they’re overseeing construction and
fundraising. aware of all operations. maintenance of structures and
Company Profile 2017 CompanyName


The necessity of calling in a consultant very

early in the gestation of a project cannot be
overemphasized. Serious errors are known to
occur in delaying such an appointment. The
business and social world’s pace of change is

While providing the ease of management and flexibility

ACL continues to deliver the necessary to respond to changing traffic patterns and
innovation and scale required application demands. We provide one of the most
comprehensive suites of consulting services, products &
for our multitude of next- training in the fields of Quality Management, Marketing

generation consumer and Management, Human Resources Management, Financial

Management, leadership and governance & Strategic
business services. Management to the organizations across all the
industrries and markets.

accelerating at an unprecedented rate and both internal challenge to the traditional approach of management in
and external organizational environments are becoming Africa, we are bent in improving various organizational
complex by the day, it is therefore very important to draw performances, change management, problem solving
together as well as organize the institutions best people, and finding new and better ways of doing things.
best thinking, and best strategies in order to address the
critical challenges we face as a global community. AL-
AMANAT Consulting (ACL), stands as a response and a
CompanyName Company Profile 2017

We provide solutions that change the way people work and organizations do business. In virtually every industry,
from manufacturing to financial services, Information Technology to education, health care to trading, AL-AMANAT
Consulting Ltd. has been helping companies and counties leverage their resources by reducing their operating
costs and increasing their productivity.

Demonstration farms to Establish Agro-processing Media campaign to The Building Construction

teach new techniques and that is a subset of expose the positive socio- professionals foresee the
technologies, showcase manufacturing industry that economic potential, and the construction of safe and
new or improved crops/ processes raw materials government efforts towards long-life houses and roads
species political reforms

AL-AMANAT Consulting
realizes that nations have
become far more cognizant
of the value of their brand.

AL-AMANAT Consulting works closely with

officials from government, nonprofits, and the
business world to make sure the messages a
country is putting out represent what they view
as “the fundamental common purpose” of their
Company Profile 2017 CompanyName

ACL’s strategy is geared towards a global coalition by
uniting and focusing a diverse group of stakeholders
and clients to deliver results.

Partnering the client organizations

in their journey towards excellence
We strengthen businesses, government structures and
co-operates to deliver their missions-critical transactions,
applications, and services, we grow our customer base by
working with the largest service providers to some of the largest,
most influential enterprise customers in the Africa.
We are constantly focused on understanding our customers’
needs, so that we can dig in and solve the hardest problems
they face—problems that others can’t or won’t even approach.
We strive for solutions that give our customers true advantage
over their competition.

To create model farms in There is has a beam of Building and housing ACL provides road and site
Africa by tapping several hope since the electoral construction with surveys including culverts
key opportunities that are committee announced by considerable focus and bridges, design and
within reach in agribusiness. Somali President. in commercial and assessment.
institutional buildings
CompanyName Company Profile 2017

AL-AMANAT Consulting Ltd. has been an excellent for our multitude of next-generation consumer
partner in helping a network of organizations start, grow and business services, while providing the ease of
and evolve to meet increasing customer demands. ACL management and flexibility necessary to respond to
continues to deliver the innovation and scale required changing traffic patterns and application demands.

Developing, reviewing and

1 evaluation of business plans

80 Development of business cases and

2 financial regulation policies
Human resource system innovation
3 and strengthening internal controls.
Study and research on community,
40 4 public policy and international.
Fforging collaboration with private
20 5 sector and the government

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

2 1

Al-amanat Consulting Ltd

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