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Ahmad Daragmeh 2021-Gen X

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Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 32 (2021) 100574

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FinTech payments in the era of COVID-19: Factors influencing

behavioral intentions of ‘‘Generation X’’ in Hungary to use mobile

Ahmad Daragmeh a , Csaba Lentner b , , Judit Sági c
Doctoral School of Economics and Regional Studies, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, H-2100 Páter Károly str.
1., Gödöllő, Hungary
Faculty of Public Governance and International Studies, National University of Public Service, Budapest, H-1083 Ludovika sq. 1., Budapest, Hungary
Faculty of Finance and Accountancy, Budapest Business School – University of Applied Sciences, H-1149 Buzogány str. 10-12., Budapest, Hungary

article info a b s t r a c t

Article history: Organizations, such as the World Health Organization, encouraged consumers to use contactless
Received 11 May 2021 payment methods instead of payment methods such as cash, which can be carriers of the SARS-2
Accepted 26 August 2021 virus. This study aims to evaluate factors that influence Hungarian Generation X’s behavioral intentions
Available online 1 September 2021
to use mobile payment services during the pandemic. We conducted an electronic questionnaire-
JEL classification: based survey among 1120 Generation X individuals. Using structural equation modeling to analyze the
G20 study’s conceptual model, our results confirm that perceived COVID-19 risk, perceived usefulness, and
G41 subjective norms significantly influence Hungarian Generation X’s behavioral intentions to use mobile
G53 payment services. Moreover, perceived usefulness mediates the relationship between perceived ease
I12 of use and behavioral intention to use mobile payment systems. Overall, our results show that the
O33 model of perceived COVID-19 risk, perceived usefulness, subjective norms, and perceived ease of use
Keywords: explains 62.9% of the variance in intention to use mobile payment systems. Our study contributes to
Mobile FinTech payment services the technology acceptance model and highlights its effectiveness in explaining the behavioral intention
COVID-19 to adopt mobile payments during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Structural Equation Modeling © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
Gen X license (

1. Introduction competition and reputation among service providers (Thakor,

2020; Chandler and Krajcsák, 2021). Accordingly, technology and
In the last two decades, the Information and Communica- financial institutions have increased their investment in FinTech
tions Technology (ICT) sector has multiplied and become a land- innovation. Mobile payment service, also known as mobile wallet
mark for countries’ economic development (Toader et al., 2018). or mobile money, is a payment service directly linked to financial
The expansion of the ICT sector has been accompanied by the institutions and FinTech payment services (Kang, 2018). Mobile
widespread use of mobile phones and significant growth in the payment is defined as an electronic payment instrument that uses
electronics market, changing customer expectations, and the a mobile device to transfer funds between the payer and the
availability of funding and support from regulators and govern- payee (Karthikeyan, 2012). Mobile payments have changed the
ments (Horner and Cunnane, 2017). In light of that, ICT paved the way people view mobile usage. It is no longer limited to commu-
way for a paradigm shift in the financial sector (Gai et al., 2018). nication, entertainment and browsing the internet. Direct contact
The FinTech industry has boomed in recent years, enabling and cash are no longer necessary to conduct transactions and
simple, secure, and high-quality online banking services (Kang, exchange value. Mobile payments have reshaped the way cus-
2018). FinTech is a technological financial innovation that of- tomers and merchants transact. It has made transactions simple,
fers new products, applications, and business models that could easy and fast. Moreover, people can now transact anywhere and
influence the provision of financial services and the develop- anytime. The increased trend toward cashless payments has also
ment of the financial industry, and create a market culture of provided commercial banks with detailed data on the behavior of
their customers (Königstorfer and Thalmann, 2020).
∗ Corresponding author. SARS-CoV-2 poses a major threat to human health world-
E-mail addresses: (A. Daragmeh), wide and caused a shock to the global economy (Popkova et al., (C. Lentner), (J. Sági). 2021). According to health experts, the COVID-19 attacks humans’
2214-6350/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
A. Daragmeh, C. Lentner and J. Sági Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 32 (2021) 100574

respiratory system and can cause death in some people with devices had significant levels of financial knowledge, attitudes,
health problems; the risk increases with the age of the affected education and well-being. The same report also showed that
(WHO, 2020). The virus is transmitted primarily through sali- Gen X was among the group with the highest levels of financial
vary droplets or contact with people and surfaces that carry the knowledge (OECD, 2020; Anastasia et al., 2019). This suggests that
pathogen (WHO, 2020). In response to the threat, various mea- Gen X in Hungary can engage with FinTech solutions introduced
sures and laws have been enacted in most countries, including by providers because they are financially enlightened, educated
Hungary, to ensure social distancing and curb the causes of in- and develop high attitudes toward financial products.
fection, such as mandatory wearing of masks in public areas, dis- Several studies have addressed factors that influence con-
tance education, and banning of gatherings. The socio-economic sumers’ intentions regarding mobile payment adoption (Abrahão
consequences of these measures are no less significant than the et al., 2016; de Luna et al., 2019; Kim et al., 2010; Liébana-
health aspect (UNDP, 2020; Urbanovics et al., 2021). Based on a Cabanillas et al., 2020; Nguyen et al., 2016; Shankar and Datta,
report by Statista, the global real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 2018; Singh et al., 2020). However, to our knowledge, there are
reaches a decrease of 3.03 percent in 2020 due to the impact of no studies that have examined factors that may influence Gen
COVID-19 (Statista Research Department, 2020). Meanwhile, at X’s intentions in adopting mobile payments during the COVID-19
International Monetary Fund, digital financial inclusion has been pandemic. The authors point out the current research gap in this
seen as a critical factor in mitigating the socio-economic impact area: ’There is a gap between what we know about Gen X and the
of the crisis (Sahay et al., 2020). To achieve this, Shaikh et al. factors contributing to their payment behavior.
(2017) advocated for promoting financial inclusion by investing This paper aims to contribute to the literature by using the
in technology, adopting innovative customer solutions, and de- extended technology acceptance model to investigate the effects
veloping digital financial products and services for the unbanked of subjective norms (SN), perceived ease of use (PEOU), perceived
and underbanked population. usefulness (PU) and perceived COVID-19 risk (PC19R) on the
The World Health Organization (WHO) has called on con- behavioral intentions (BI) of Gen X in Hungary to adopt mobile
sumers to use digital contactless payment methods in their fi- payments.
nancial activities (Ather et al., 2020; Auer et al., 2020). The call After this introduction, Section 2 describes the background of
responds to health reports that have proven that coronaviruses research on FinTech and Gen X. Section 3 explains how hypothe-
can live on surfaces such as cash and banknotes for 2 to 4 days ses are developed and variables are measured. Section 4 identifies
(Pal and Bhadada, 2020). In Hungary, the government called on the hypotheses to be tested, and Section 5 provides the discussion
banks to triple the limit for contactless card purchases to reduce and implication about the behavioral intentions of Hungarian Gen
the need for physical contact with the pin terminal. The perceived X to use FinTech mobile payment services under the influence
risk of contracting the virus has influenced consumer behaviors of COVID-19. The closing Sections 6 and 7 provide concluding
and views toward payment systems, banking and everyday tasks remarks as well as limitations and future directions.
that require face-to-face transactions (Deloitte, 2020). Against
this backdrop, the FinTech industry in general and the digital pay- 2. Background and hypothesis development
ments sector in particular have experienced remarkable growth
during the pandemic (World Bank and CCAF, 2020; Belgavi, 2020). 2.1. Reality of FinTech industry in Hungary before the pandemic
The current study examined mobile FinTech payments as a
means of reducing COVID-19 risk among Gen X in Hungary. Gen Over the past decade, banks and FinTech companies have
X, individuals born between 1965 and 1980, was selected in invested heavily in digitizing their banking services, leading con-
this study based on several considerations. First, according to sumers to use them instead of traditional banking services such
(Statista, 2020a), the average age of the population in Hungary as ATMs and bank branches (Giatsidis et al., 2019). In 2018,
was 43.3 years in 2020, and it is expected to reach 45.1 years Deloitte Center for Financial Services surveyed 17,100 banking
by 2025, suggesting that Gen X may represent the age of Hun- customers from 17 different countries to measure the current
garian society. Second, medical studies have shown that older level of digital engagement. The results show that customers
adults are more prone to worse disease progression and higher have a high intention for digital banking engagement. However,
mortality rates when infected with the SARS-2 virus. Therefore, ATMs and branches are still the first choice of bank customers to
this generational segment is more likely to take precautions to withdraw cash and do their banking transactions (Deloitte, 2018).
avoid infection (WHO, 2020). Third, within society, Gen X forms The Hungarian payment system is dominated by cash. Ac-
the backbone of the family as they often have children and cording to Magyar Nemzeti Bank, about 80% of payments were
care for the elderly, thus playing a bonding role between other made with cash in 2019 (Hergár, 2019). Meanwhile, the increase
generations (Blue@Work, 2020). This, combined with Gen X’s in the average transaction value per user is noticeable in digi-
tendency to help their parents review their finances as they are tal payments. According to reports, digital payments will reach
considered a financially savvy group (Brannan, 2019). Fourth, an average value of US$869 per user in 2020, compared with
although (Abu Daqar et al., 2020) have argued that Millennials, US$728, US$752, and US$756 in the previous three years (Statista,
people born between 1980 and 2000, and Gen Z, people born 2020b). Moreover, Statista, a company specializing in market
after 2000, are the main drivers of the FinTech industry and they and consumer data, predicted that the total transaction value of
have the highest willingness to use technology in their activities. digital payments in Hungary will reach US$4.225 billion in 2020
However, other studies have found that Gen X can also adopt (Statista, 2020b).
technology (Calvo-Porral and Pesqueira-Sanchez, 2019; Walker, To drive the FinTech industry forward, Hungary should make
2019). This generational segment uses technology in their per- more efforts to promote financial inclusion. Reportedly, about
sonal and professional lives. According to studies, Gen Xers are 74.7% of Hungarians have a bank account (Brusnahan, 2019).
among the most popular users of social media and are also Besides, internet and smartphone penetration rates are consid-
the most connected to their smartphones: They spend 21 h per ered important prerequisites for adopting FinTechs and the main
week on their devices, compared to only 19 h for Millennials factors for financial inclusion (Lewan, 2019). In Hungary, the pen-
(Brannan, 2019). Finally, findings from OCED’s Financial Liter- etration rate of Internet users was 76.87% and that of smartphone
acy Report study in 26 countries around the world, including users was 74.19% in 2020, and they are expected to reach 80.25%
Hungary, showed that respondents who were able to use digital and 85%, respectively, by 2025 (Johnson, 2020; O’Dea, 2020).
A. Daragmeh, C. Lentner and J. Sági Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 32 (2021) 100574

2.2. ‘GEneration X’, the need for FinTech mobile payment services
during the pandemic!

Calvo-Porral and Pesqueira-Sanchez (2019) argue that age is

one of the main factors influencing the level of engagement with
technology. However, studies suggest that Gen X moves toward
digital adoption in a similar pattern to Gen Z and Millennials.
Based on a Pew Research Center survey to measure the level of
technology adoption among different generations in the United
States, the research found a significant growth in technology
adoption with age. More precisely, it reaches about 90% in Gen
X (Amily, 2019). In Europe, the situation is not much different,
as the Global Web Index report shows a significant increase
in smartphone usage among Gen X. The report also states that
the reason for this adaptation is that most Gen X members are
busy professionals, most of them have families and often have
significant purchasing power.
Moreover, such a rigorous lifestyle and the limitation of avail-
able time for Gen X make the use of digital services a useful and
quick tool for conducting their daily professional and business
activities (Mander and Valentine, 2019). However, the level of
financial literacy and knowledge is a critical factor for Gen X in
terms of adopting FinTech services. A study by Anastasia et al.
(2019) found a high level of financial knowledge among Gen
X and Millennials, while it was low among Baby Boomers. The Fig. 1. Research model.
study cites the reason that both Gen X and Millennials grew up
in a relatively similar technological age and most of them are
well educated. As a result, Gen X is able to take steps toward Behavior (TPB) by Fishbein and Ajzen (1991), the Innovation Dif-
adopting digitized financial services. It is the matter of circum- fusion Theory (IDT) by Rogers (1995), and others. In this research,
stances, though, whether the financial literacy (i.e. the knowledge we used TAM to assess Hungarian Gen X’s intentions regarding
of digital services) is then to be turned into financial decisions mobile payment usage. TAM is one of the most commonly used
positively affecting the individual’s wealth (the latter is referred models in technology adoption research. It is also considered
as financial awareness). an appropriate model for evaluating consumer behavior in e-
COVID-19 affected individuals of varying ages around the commerce payments and the FinTech sector in general (Stewart
world. However, the complications of the disease varied between and Jürjens, 2018). In addition, TAM is mostly used to study
different generations. For example, baby boomers, individuals the technology adoption of individual consumers (Ajibade, 2019;
born before 1965, have a higher risk of disease complications. Zhang et al., 2018).
Interestingly, Gen X is considered the generation most likely
While the original TAM ignored SN as a predictor of con-
to adhere to social distancing measures (Stieg, 2020). Gen X
sumers’ technology acceptance intention due to its uncertain
is considered risk averse because they are at an age where
theoretical and psychometric status, it depended on PEOU and
disease complications can be fatal. In addition, Gen X is con-
PU as main antecedents of technology acceptance. However, an
sidered the backbone of the family; they often have children
extension of TAM (TAM2) proposed by Venkatesh and Davis
who need to be cared for and elderly parents who need help
(2000) included SN as a factor that has a direct influence on BI
and support (Blue@Work, 2020). Since direct contact with peo-
and an indirect influence on PU (Rondan-Cataluña et al., 2015;
ple and surfaces contributes to the transmission of infections,
Varannai et al., 2017).
it has become necessary for people to avoid direct contact in
TAM components have been addressed in various research
their business and banking transactions. Social distancing has
types related to the COVID-19 effect on technology system accep-
a significant impact on digital payments, as measured by the
tance. A study by Koch et al. (2020) examined the relationship be-
volumes and values of individual transactions (Alber and Dabour,
2020). Online shopping has increased since the beginning of the tween hedonic, utilitarian, and normative motives and Germans’
pandemic (Runkel, 2020). In addition, a study by MasterCard intentions to adopt online shopping during curfew hours. At the
found that 80 percent of customers use contactless cards for their same time, C.C and Prathap (2020) found that perceived useful-
payments. The same report showed that contactless payments ness mediates the effect of perceived health threat on consumers’
have increased 2.5 times in the Asia Pacific region as people seek intention to continue using mobile-based payments. Moreover,
more secure means for their business transactions (Mastercard, the study by Aji et al. (2020b) showed similar results when
2020). Nonetheless, online payment can help reduce the risk of examining consumers’ intention toward e-wallet. Therefore, we
exposure to viruses and germs. It is also seen as a valuable source expect this study to make a theoretical contribution to the ex-
of data for banks, payment platforms and FinTech companies, tended model TAM by adding PC19R to the variables of TAM2 (SN,
helping them understand consumer buying patterns. PEOU and PU) to investigate whether these variables influence
Generation X’s BI to use mobile payments during the pandemic.
2.3. Hypotheses development for the proposed model The proposed model is shown in Fig. 1.

Researchers have developed several theoretical models to ex- 2.3.1. Perceived usefulness and behavioral intention
amine the factors influencing consumers’ behavioral intentions PU is the extent to which people believe that using a particular
when using technology. These models include the Theory of Rea- system would improve their activity performance (Davis, 1989).
soned Action (TRA) by Hill et al. (1977), the Technology Ac- PU is a direct predictor of users’ intention to adopt a technology
ceptance Model (TAM) by Davis (1989), the Theory of Planned (Al-Maroof and Al-Emran, 2018; Park et al., 2014). In general,
A. Daragmeh, C. Lentner and J. Sági Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 32 (2021) 100574

it can be assumed that consumers are more willing to consider 2017a). Such a positive correlation between PEOU and BI arises
or use digitized services that offer them added value, such as from considering that ease of use is considered beneficial (Davis,
efficiency, less effort, and time savings. For example, consumers 1993). Based on the literature, we hypothesize that the PEOU
have found online shopping to be a useful method as it allows of mobile payments will positively influence Hungarian Gen X’s
them to obtain helpful information and provides a quick shopping behavioral intentions to use mobile payments. They will find it
experience (Liébana-Cabanillas et al., 2020; Vijayasarathy, 2004). useful and beneficial during the pandemic COVID-19. Therefore,
Several studies have expressed that there is a positive correlation we hypothesize the following:
between PU and consumers’ intention to adopt mobile payments
(de Luna et al., 2019; Lara-Rubio et al., 2020; Liébana-Cabanillas Hypothesis 3 (H3). PEOU positively affects BI of gen X to use
et al., 2020; Singh et al., 2020). As described above, Gen X are mobile payments.
often working and responsible individuals who weigh benefits
and costs in their daily decisions. We hypothesize that the PU Hypothesis 4 (H4). PEOU is positively related to PU.
use of mobile payments, which intensified during the COVID-19
era, positively influences the behavioral intention of Hungarian Hypothesis 5 (H5). The relationship between PEOU and BI to use
Gen X to adopt mobile payments. Therefore, we hypothesize the Mobile payments is mediated by PU.
2.3.4. Subjective Norms (SN), perceived usefulness, and behavioral
Hypothesis 1 (H1). PU positively affects gen X’s BI to use Mobile intention
payments. SN is an important behavioral intention in TRA and TPB (Hill
et al., 1977; Fishbein and Ajzen, 1991). It is a construct related
2.3.2. Perceived COVID -19 risk and behavioral intention to social influence (Davis, 1989). SN’s importance in the field
Bauer (1960) was the first to argue that perceived risks (PR) of technology acceptance is that TRA provides a primary theo-
influence consumer behavior in purchase decisions. Several schol- retical basis for TAM theory development (Momani and Jamous,
ars have discussed that PR has a significant impact on a user’s 2017). While the original TAM did not consider SN (Davis, 1989;
intention to use technology (Hu et al., 2019). In terms of digital Malhotra and Galletta, 1999) argued the importance of including
payments, most studies have found that ‘‘privacy and security’’
subjective norms/social factors in TAM, before adding SN to TAM2
are the primary risk concerns that influence consumers’ inten-
the following year. In the context of mobile payments, SN can be
tion to use mobile payments (Abrahão et al., 2016; El Haddad
defined as the extent to which individuals are influenced by their
et al., 2018; Liébana-Cabanillas et al., 2020; Sinha et al., 2019).
social environment (family, friends, experts, celebrities) to view
However, few studies have focused on ‘‘disease risk’’ as a factor
mobile payments as more desirable (Flavian et al., 2020). Such
influencing consumers’ intention to use digital payments. Aji
influence is often described as opinions/views shared with the
et al. (2020a) reported that the outbreak of COVID-19 negatively
individual either face-to-face or through other means of commu-
affected Indonesian and Malaysian consumers’ intention to use
nication such as social media interactions (Al Nawayseh, 2020;
physical money. However, it increased the use of e-wallets in
Oliveira et al., 2016). Schepers and Wetzels (2007) conducted a
their financial activities. In the same context, mobile payment
meta-analysis to investigate the role of SN in TAM. They reported
is considered as a preventive health behavior that reduces the
that a significant influence of SN on PU was found in 91.67% of the
possibility of contracting the virus (C.C and Prathap, 2020).
articles studied, which used in TAM. PU was also found to mediate
Since the use of cash, banknotes and contact-based payment
the relationship between social image and Chinese consumers’
methods could contribute to the spread of COVID-19, the WHO
intention to use a Facial-Recognition Payment system (Zhang and
encourages consumers to use contactless digital payment meth-
Kang, 2019).
ods in their financial activities (Durr, 2020). Based on the current
Xie et al. (2011) argued that during dangerous circumstances
literature and reports from government and healthcare orga-
such as SARS, individuals’ behavior is influenced by the social
nizations, we hypothesize that PC19R will have an impact on
environment. News, safety measures, and concerns from COVID-
BI Hungarian Gen X to use mobile payments for their shop-
ping and banking activities. Therefore, we propose the following 19 often disseminated through traditional media sources, social
hypothesis: media, or other means, lead to serious changes in the way people
in Hungary and the rest of the world perform their usual daily
Hypothesis 2 (H2). PC19R positively affects BI of gen X to use activities. Koch et al. (2020) found that expert opinions and
Mobile payments. media reports directly influenced consumers’ behavioral inten-
tions regarding online clothing purchases during the COVID-19
2.3.3. Perceived ease of use (PEOU), perceived usefulness, and behav- pandemic. In addition, a study by Revathy and Balaji (2020)
ioral intention found that social influence encouraged Indian customers to use
Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are considered e-wallets during the COVID-19 outbreak. It also focused on the
critical predictors that can influence users’ technology acceptance role that family, friends and peers played in raising awareness
intention (Davis, 1989). PEOU refers to freeing the system from about the risk of physical transactions and the priority to avoid
complexity and making it more user-friendly (Olumide, 2016). them during the pandemic. In this study, we hypothesize that
More specifically, PEOU is described as the level of comfort and such communication forms to share information and concerns
confidence users feel when learning and using FinTech services about the current pandemic represent SN that influence individ-
(Hu et al., 2019). Moreover, there is a significant positive relation- uals’ decisions when it comes to conducting their daily business
ship between PEOU and intention to use technological services, transactions. More specifically, we predict that SN will influence
including FinTech mobile payment services (Abrahão et al., 2016; Gen X BI, leading them to use security measures such as mo-
Kim et al., 2010; Nguyen et al., 2016; Shankar and Datta, 2018). bile payments instead of cash. Therefore, we hypothesize the
However, other studies such as Oliveira et al. (2016) failed to following:
significantly influence PEOU on BI to use mobile payments.
Nevertheless, PEOU is significant for the expected usefulness Hypothesis 6 (H6). SN positively affects BI of gen X to use Mobile
of adopting mobile financial services (Kim et al., 2010; Raza et al., payments.

A. Daragmeh, C. Lentner and J. Sági Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 32 (2021) 100574

Hypothesis 7 (H7). SN is positively related to PU. CMV (Richardson et al., 2009). Therefore, the researchers per-
formed two-stage least squares (2SLS) bootstrapping to estimate
Hypothesis 8 (H8). The relationship between SN and BI to use the model’s robustness after the marker variable was included
Mobile payments is mediated by PU. in the model. The results showed that the correlation coefficient
between the unrelated theoretical variable and the model con-
3. Methodology structs was low. Moreover, the results showed that adding the
marker variable to the model resulted in slight changes (1%) in
3.1. Data collection the variance R2 that explained consumers’ behavioral intention.
Thus, the results provide evidence for the absence of CMB.
We conducted an empirical study to test the constructs that
may influence Gen X’s behavioral intention in Hungary to use
mobile payments in light of the circumstances of COVID-19. For 4. Results
this purpose, we developed a questionnaire consisting of five
constructs: SN, PEOU, PU, PC19R, and BI. Similar to Giatsidis Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to test the hy-
et al. (2019) and Hu et al. (2019), we used the five-point Likert pothesis. Partial Least Square (PLS) SEM was used as the parame-
scale from (1, strongly disagree) to (5, strongly agree) to capture ter estimation method. PLS allows the simultaneous evaluation
personal behaviors in a digitized environment. Before sharing the of different variables within a model (Lutfi et al., 2020). It is
questionnaire and sending it to the target group, we conducted a also considered suitable for exploratory research in economic
pilot study with 50 people. The results showed evidence of the and behavioral science fields (Hair et al., 2019). SmartPLS 3.3.2
validity and reliability of the instrument used.
software was used to test the research hypotheses. The data were
Our study conducted a survey with the adult Hungarian pop-
analyzed in 2 stages, starting with the measurement model and
ulation and followed the OECD International Network Financial
followed by the structural model.
Education to ensure representativeness (Sági and Lentner, 2019).
The distribution of the survey and data collection were influenced
by the communication restrictions of COVID-19 and nationwide 4.1. Measurement model
blocking in Hungary. The survey was distributed through various
social networking platforms. A total of 1120 responses were To test the model, a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was
withheld and analyzed as they met the approved criteria and
initiated to determine if the constructs’ measurements were
were the target audience of this research. Microsoft Excel, SPSS
consistent with the hypothesized measurement model (Brown,
and SmartPLS 3.3.2 were used for data collection and analysis.
2007). The scale included tests of reliability and validity of the
The demographic data in Appendix A shows that 53.9% of the re-
spondents were male and 46.1% were female. Fifty-six percent of
Reliability refers to the consistency and stability of the scale
the respondents had a bachelor’s degree, and 22.8% had a master’s
degree or higher. The educational level of the respondents varied. results (Heale and Twycross, 2015). To test item loadings, indica-
The majority of the respondents, 69.2%, are employed, 16.4% are tors with loadings above 0.70 were considered acceptable based
self-employed, and the remaining 14.4% do not have a job. on the item reliability scale (Hair et al., 2019). According to the
data in Table 1, all items were considered acceptable. In addition,
3.2. Common Method Bias (CMB) Cronbach’s alpha and composite reliability (CR) were used to
assess the data’s internal consistency reliability. Constructs with
As the data were collected from the same respondents using CR above 0.70 and Cronbach’s alpha above 0.80 are more likely
an electronic questionnaire survey, possible common method bias to have good internal consistency (Fornell and Larcker, 1981). his
(CMB) may have occurred. CMB is a systematic covariation that also confirms that all constructs have achieved the required level
adds to the true relationships between scale items and biases the of consistency.
tested relationships between constructs (Malhotra et al., 2006). To estimate the validity of our model results (Borsboom et al.,
CMB arises from the possibility that the relationship between 2004), we included the parameters of convergent validity (CV)
constructs is inflated, which can create systematic covariation and discriminant validity (DV). To assess CV, we used the average
across the relationship of scale items (Malhotra et al., 2017). variance extracted (AVE) and considered constructs with values
Therefore, researchers adopted a multi-pronged approach to ad- above 0.50 (Hair et al., 2019). As shown in Table 1, the results
dress the CMB problem. First, the researchers included unrelated indicate that all constructs exceeded the CV scale’s minimum
variables in the survey to ensure that respondents’ attention level. However, we also used the DV to ensure that the constructs’
was secured. Then, the researchers tested the model for com- measures differed from each other and that there was no correla-
mon method bias (CMB) using Harman’s one-factor. Harman’s
tion between the constructs. Fornell and Larcker (1981) suggested
one-factor test indicates whether a single factor is responsible
that the value of AVE of a particular construct should be above its
for most of the data variance. In general, if a single factor ac-
correlation with the other constructs. Table 2 shows that all con-
counts for less than 50% of the variance, there is less potential
structs’ values are higher than the squared inter-scale correlation
for a CMB (Rodríguez-Ardura and Meseguer-Artola, 2020). The
in all constructs, indicating that the DV of all constructs is good.
results showed that the total variance explained by one fac-
tor was 41.69%, which is below the threshold for CMB. Finally, However, Henseler et al. (2014) argue that cross-loading and the
the CFA marker variable technique was also applied to test for Fornell–Larcker approach are inefficient in detecting the lack of
the presence of CMB, a test that can also be effective in cor- discriminant validity; they argue that they have unacceptably
recting method bias and detecting CMV (Lindell and Whitney, low sensitivity. Therefore, they strongly recommend using the
2001). Williams et al. (2010) pointed out numerous advantages heterotrait–monotrait ratio (HTMT) scale to assess discriminant
of the CFA marker test, including the ability to model CMV at validity in variance-based SEM. The threshold is acceptable if it is
the item level, the ability to model random error between the less than 0.90 for the similar constructs and less than 0.85 for the
marker variable, the ability to account for substantive constructs, distinct constructs. Table 3 shows that all HTMT values are below
and the ability to account for congeneric and non-congeneric the threshold.
A. Daragmeh, C. Lentner and J. Sági Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 32 (2021) 100574

Table 1
Results of the measurement model analysis.
Constructs Item loading Cronbach’s Alpha Composite Reliability (CR) Average Variance Extracted (AVE)
Subjective Norm (SN) 0.922 0.941 0.762
SN1 0.849
SN2 0.858
SN3 0.917
SN4 0.894
SN5 0.844
Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU)
PEOU1 0.903
PEOU2 0.869 0.857 0.913 0.777
PEOU3 0.872
Perceived Usefulness (PU)
PU1 0.86
PU2 0.868
PU3 0.862 0.891 0.924 0.754
PU4 0.883
Perceived COVID-19 Risk (PC19R)
C19R1 0.888
C19R2 0.827 0.873 0.913 0.725
C19R3 0.852
C19R4 0.837
Behavioral Intention (BI)
BI1 0.904
BI2 0.902 0.902 0.939 0.836
BI3 0.937

Table 2 Table 4
Discriminant validity — average variance extracted (AVE) values. Variance inflation (VIF) values.
Source: SmartPLS (v.3.3.2). Source: SmartPLS (v.3.3.2).
BI 0.915 BI
PC19R 0.691 0.851 BI1 2.660
PEOU 0.616 0.574 0.881 BI2 2.764
PU 0.739 0.670 0.737 0.868 BI3 3.617
SN 0.516 0.522 0.462 0.487 0.873
C19R1 2.578
Table 3 C19R2 2.080
Discriminant validity — heterotrait–monotrait Ratio (HTMT). C19R3 2.155
Source: SmartPLS (v.3.3.2). C19R4 2.020
BI PEOU1 2.457
PC19R 0.776 PEOU2 2.175
PEOU 0.698 0.658 PEOU3 1.955
PU 0.822 0.758 0.841
SN 0.563 0.579 0.516 0.534 PU
PU1 2.409
PU2 2.499
PU3 2.358
4.2. Structural Equation Model (SEM) PU4 2.574
SEM is a statistical method for examining the relationships SN1 2.543
between constructs based on their covariance matrix (Hu et al., SN2 2.721
2019). After ensuring that the data met the reliability and validity SN3 3.802
SN4 3.412
criteria, the next step was to evaluate the structural model by
SN5 2.399
examining the model’s explanatory power and the t-value of
the path coefficients. For this purpose, we tested the collinearity
between the constructs and all items to eliminate all items with Table 5
Coefficient of determination (R2 ) values.
variance inflation (VIF) above 5 to avoid the problem of collinear-
Source: SmartPLS (v.3.3.2).
ity (Hair et al., 2019). Table 4 shows that all items have VIF values
R square R square adjusted
less than 5. Therefore, all items of the constructs were retained.
BI 0.629 0.623
On the other hand, the coefficient of determination (R2 ) was
PU 0.570 0.567
used to assess the model’s explanatory power. R2 represents the
variance in the endogenous constructs explained by all the asso-
ciated exogenous constructs. Table 5 shows that the exogenous
constructs can interpret 62.9% of the dependent variable’s vari- Table 6 shows that all hypotheses except H3 are supported.
ance (behavioral intention), which can be considered moderate The results show that PEOU has an insignificant positive rela-
explanatory power. tionship with BI (β = 0.077; P > .05). Simultaneously, it has a
A full bootstrapping procedure with 5000 samples was used to significant positive relationship with PU (β = 0.651; P < .05).
obtain the standardized path coefficients’ statistical significance. However, PEOU has an indirect significant positive association
Fig. 2 shows the results of the structural model analysis. with BI via PU (β = 0.275; P < .05). Thus, H4 and H5 are
A. Daragmeh, C. Lentner and J. Sági Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 32 (2021) 100574

Fig. 2. Hypotheses tests results.

supported while H3 is not. SN has a direct significant positive 1120 individuals in the Gen X age group to achieve this objective.
relationship with BI and PU (β = 0.116; P < .05 and β = 0.186; Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the
P < .05, respectively). It also has a significant positive indirect eight hypotheses developed based on the research’s conceptual
relationship with BI via PU (β = 0.078; P < .05). Therefore, model. The study results showed that PU, PC19R and SN are
H6, H7, and H8 are supported. In addition, PU has a significant factors that directly influence BI of Hungarian Gen X to use mobile
positive relationship with BI (β = 0.422; P < .05). Thus, H1 payments. The study also found that perceived ease of use of
is supported. Finally, C19R has a significant positive association mobile payments indirectly influences BI of Hungarian Gen X via
with BI (β = 0.303; P < .05). Therefore, H2 is supported. PU.
Our results show that perceived usefulness has the most sig-
5. Discussion and implications nificant influence on Gen X’s intention to adopt mobile payments.
Social distancing and full and partial blocking led Hungarian con-
The world is making steady progress toward a cashless society, sumers to adopt mobile payments as a useful alternative. More-
aided by the growing proportion of people who have access to the over, mobile payments benefit Gen X by reducing the time, cost,
internet and mobile devices (Liébana-Cabanillas et al., 2020). The and effort required to complete such transactions. Our findings
FinTech industry in developing countries such as Hungary is in its are consistent with Al Nawayseh (2020) study, which reported
early stages. Among FinTech industries, payment services are the that PU is the most important factor influencing the use of Fin-
most widespread in Hungary (KPMG, 2020). The Hungarian online Tech applications by Jordanians BI during the pandemic. Another
market grew by 121% in the first half of 2020, with an estimated study found that PU in Germany’s online shopping was an impor-
3.35 million Hungarian online shoppers during this period (Horák, tant influencing factor during the outbreak, as consumers viewed
2020). This is not surprising considering the impact of the COVID- online shopping as a useful substitute for in-store shopping (Koch
19 crisis on people’s daily lives and behavior. Such an impact et al., 2020).
on consumer buying behavior is attributed to the influence of The results showed that PC19R directly influences the BI of
pandemic news and reports, as well as the sharing of informa- Hungarian Gen X when it comes to using mobile payments, as
tion from the surrounding community such as family, friends, they are afraid of catching and spreading the virus. According to
etc. Therefore, mobile payment was used to conduct financial public health reports, Gen X is one of the generational segments
transactions while reducing the risk of the virus. that fall into a higher risk category for COVID-19 infection and
This empirical study’s objective was to evaluate the factors health complications due to their age and active professional role
influencing Hungarian Gen X’s behavioral intentions to use Fin- in society. In addition, Gen X is often described as the gener-
Tech mobile payment services during the pandemic COVID-19. ational segment of society who are responsible and concerned
We conducted an electronic questionnaire-based survey among about their well-being and that of the people around them, such
A. Daragmeh, C. Lentner and J. Sági Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 32 (2021) 100574

Table 6
Hypotheses results.
Source: SmartPLS (v.3.3.2).
No. Relationship Original sample (O) Sample mean (M) Standard deviation (STDEV) T statistics (|O/STDEV|) P values
H1 PU -> BI 0.422 0.426 0.073 5.795 0.000
H2 PC19R -> BI 0.303 0.303 0.066 4.580 0.000
H3 PEOU -> BI 0.077 0.073 0.064 1.211 0.226
H4 PEOU -> PU 0.651 0.647 0.046 14.230 0.000
H6 SN -> BI 0.116 0.117 0.049 2.385 0.017
H7 SN -> PU 0.186 0.189 0.050 3.721 0.000
H5 PEOU -> PU -> BI 0.275 0.276 0.053 5.184 0.000
H8 SN -> PU -> BI 0.078 0.080 0.023 3.343 0.001

as children and the elderly. Considering that using cash has been influencers, celebrities, health professionals, and others influence
described as a vehicle for the spread of viruses (WHO, 2020; consumers’ views and behaviors through various communication
Daqar and Daragmeh, 2021), it is understandable and logical that channels. The influence of SN on BI was evident in our study, as
Gen X would consider switching to cashless transactions. Overall, most respondents who adopted mobile payments mentioned the
our findings are consistent with other studies and reports that influence of people they considered important to their decisions.
point to the need to replace cash and direct contact payment The influence of SN on BI of consumers during COVID-19 crisis is
methods with contactless digital payments (Aji et al., 2020a; Auer expected as previous studies before COVID have shown that this
et al., 2020; C.C and Prathap, 2020; Durr, 2020). relationship is significant during the crisis (Boomgaarden et al.,
The survey results showed no significant direct impact of 2011; Koch et al., 2020; Mason et al., 2020).
PEOU on BI of Hungarian Gen X mobile payment usage. Such Currently, the future of epidemiological characteristics of
results have also been reported by other studies (Daştan and COVID-19 is still unclear. Nevertheless, we now know that it has
Gürler, 2016; Liébana-Cabanillas et al., 2014; Oliveira et al., 2016). a clear and profound impact on consumer behavior (Mason et al.,
This can be interpreted by the reasonable level of smartphone 2020). It prompts individuals to avoid activities that could jeop-
and internet penetration in Hungary. This implies that Hungarian ardize health and safety. Therefore, our study provides significant
Gen X has no significant difficulties in using mobile payments managerial implications for financial institutions and retailers
and the barriers to adopting such payment methods have been to formulate payment marketing strategies based on expected
removed. This is supported by previous studies that argued that consumer behavior changes.
PEOU has a significant impact on BI and is observed only in Banks, along with FinTech companies and retailers, are sug-
early technology adoption periods. In later periods, users take gested to develop campaigns that increase consumer awareness
such services for granted and the effort required to use them is of the use and potential benefits of FinTech mobile payment
minimal (Liébana-Cabanillas et al., 2020; Venkatesh et al., 2003). services (Sági et al., 2020). Financial inclusion remains essential
Nevertheless, we argue that PEOU has an indirect effect on to improve access to finance and support vulnerable individuals
BI of Hungarian Gen X to use mobile payments via PU. Based and households during the COVID-19 crisis (Ozili, 2020). We also
on our results, PEOU is significantly and directly associated with suggest that mobile payment service providers adopt electronic
PU, a factor that directly influences BI. Previous studies have also payment applications that are easy to use and compatible with
shown that PEOU has a significant relationship with PU (Davis, Gen X technological capabilities. Since the average age of the
1989; Meyliana et al., 2019; Raza et al., 2017b). This simply Hungarian population is in the 40s, making them part of the Gen
suggests that if Gen X feels that it is easy to use mobile payments, X segment, banks and FinTech companies have a responsibility
they will perceive them as useful. Overall, our statistical results to promote financial inclusion in this segment. Therefore, they
suggest that the influence of PEOU on BI is entirely mediated can leverage the high financial literacy of Gen X and the adequate
by perceived usefulness, which can be explained by the lower penetration of the internet and digital devices among Hungarians
effort required to learn and use mobile payments. This may raise to offer financial and banking services through digital channels,
Gen X’s expectations of the potential benefits and performance of which can improve access to financial and banking services for
mobile payments adoption. the financially underserved Hungarian population in general and
SN significantly influences the intention of ‘‘Gen X’’ to adopt Gen X in particular.
mobile payments. The results are consistent with pre-pandemic COVID-19 has led to an exponential increase in social media
(Liébana-Cabanillas et al., 2014; Oliveira et al., 2016), and post- users due to remote work and constraints (Medve, 2020). There-
pandemic studies (Koch et al., 2020; Xie et al., 2011). The result fore, mobile payment providers should target their campaigns
also shows that SN is significantly associated with PU, similar to online social media to increase user numbers. Moreover, the
to previous studies (Aji et al., 2020b; Koenig-Lewis et al., 2015). study results provide decision makers with additional arguments
Sathye et al. (2018) found that PU mediates the influence of SN for FinTech solutions to promote social distancing imposed to
on BI. Following Sathye’s analysis, we argue that if Hungarian control the virus’s spread. The adoption of mobile payments
family members and friends adopt a mobile payment system, by older adult consumers reduces the need to go to stores to
this will add value to the mobile payment system’s spread as buy their supplies, which reduces direct contact with potentially
they will influence others to use it. This is done by sharing infected individuals. It also reduces the need for physical money,
information and views about the risks, costs and benefits of which is seen as an intermediary for transmitting the virus.
using such types of services. More specifically, the pandemic Therefore, policy makers should encourage Gen X to use mobile
and adherence to social distancing forced people to rely more payments as a ‘‘healthy financial tool’’ during the pandemic.
on social media and other forms of communication to exchange The Hungarian government is suggested to promote the efficient
opinions and share information. We believe that family, friends, functioning of the financial market by stimulating competition
A. Daragmeh, C. Lentner and J. Sági Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 32 (2021) 100574

and encouraging financial innovation, and the establishment of Appendix A

the necessary payment systems infrastructure. In addition, it also
recommended to induce policies and regulations that will encour-
age financial institutions to offer new and innovative transaction
tools such as mobile banking, e-Wallets, branchless banking, etc. N %
This study has made a theoretical contribution to understand- Sex
ing the factors influencing mobile payments’ adoption during Male 604 53.9
COVID-19. Our research has confirmed that health threat plays Female 516 46.1
a role in encouraging consumers to adopt mobile payments dur- Total 1120 100%
ing the pandemic. Therefore, we consider adopting mobile pay- Education level
ments during this phase as a health-protective behavior that is a Secondary school 236 21.1
necessity. Bachelor 628 56.1
High studies 256 22..8
Total 1120 100%
6. Conclusion Education level
Employee 775 69.2
The purpose of this empirical study was to examine the fac- Self-employed 184 16.4
tors that influence Hungarian Gen X intention to make digital Unemployed 161 14.4
payments during the COVID-19 pandemic. The direct and indirect Total 1120 100%
effects of subjective norms, perceived ease of use, perceived use-
fulness, and perceived COVID-19 risk were assessed to examine Appendix B
their influence on Gen X’s behavioral intention to use digital
payments. Subjective Norm (SN), Hill et al. (1977)
The study found that all variables had a significant effect on 1. People who are important to me (e.g., family, friends,
BI except PEOU, which had an indirect effect. PU was seen as a celebrities, and experts) think I should use mobile payment.
mediator for the indirect effect of PEOU on BI. In contrast, PU 2. People whose opinions I value are prefer me to use mobile
was also a partial mediator of the effect of SN on BI. Overall, all payment.
of these factors contributed to Hungarian Gen X’s use of digital 3. People who are important to me support me to use mobile
payments during the COVID-19 pandemic. The inclusion of the payment.
4. People who are important to me would recommend me to
physical risk of COVID-19 in the technology acceptance model
use mobile payment.
represents a theoretical contribution to the literature. Finally,
5. People who are important to me influence my decision to
our study provides practical implications for FinTech payment
use mobile payments.
services during crises such as COVID-19.
Given that Hungary’s financial services sector is largely un- Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), Kim et al. (2010)
der foreign control and faces similar challenges raised by the 1. Learning to use the mobile payment is easy for me.
diffusion of FinTech solutions in the context of the pandemic, 2. My interaction with mobile payment procedure would be
our findings may have implications for policy makers in other clear and understandable.
countries where financial inclusion of Gen X is a priority. As 3. It would be easy for me to become skillful at using the
the pandemic continues to reinforce changing payment habits. mobile payment.
We believe that COVID-19 has increased society’s acceptance of
Perceived Usefulness (PU), Davis (1989)
smart payment solutions and influenced Gen X intentions by
1. using mobile payment would enable me to pay more
raising awareness of the risks associated with traditional payment quickly.
methods. 2. using mobile payment make it easier for me to conduct
7. Limitations and future directions 3. using mobile payment would be advantageous rather than
traditional payment methods (cash/contact payments).
4. I would find mobile payment a useful possibility for paying.
Our study focused on the physical risk of becoming infected
when using non-digital means of payment. Future studies should Perceived COVID-19 Risk (PC19R), Aji et al. (2020a)
also consider other risks such as privacy risk, financial risk, and 1. I am worried to get infected by coronavirus when using
security risk. In addition, the study did not examine the mod- physical cash and contacted financial services.
erating influence of Gen X demographic characteristics such as 2. I am not comfortable making payment using physical cash
gender, income, and education level. For further research on mo- and contacted financial services.
bile payment usage, we propose considering these factors along 3. I am afraid to get infected by coronavirus when using
with respondents’ place of residence (i.e., rural/urban), household physical cash and contacted financial services.
type (i.e., single without children/single with children/married 4. I am worried there is a coronavirus droplet in physical cash
and contacted payment methods.
with children/etc.), and employment status. According to the re-
search model proposed by Allada and Dubey, these factors can be Behavioral Intention (BI), Kim et al. (2010)
included as control variables to test the degree of their influence 1. Assuming that I have access to the Mobile payment, I intend
on Gen X behavior patterns (Allada and Dubey, 2014). Finally, to use it.
future research should include longitudinal studies comparing 2. I will always try to use mobile payment in my daily life.
digital payment adoption before, during, and after the COVID-19 3. During the next period I intend to pay for purchases with a
pandemic. mobile phone.
A. Daragmeh, C. Lentner and J. Sági Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 32 (2021) 100574

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