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Pulse Reverse Protocol For Efficient Suppression of Dendritic

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Pulse Reverse Protocol for efficient suppression of dendritic

micro-structures in rechargeable batteries
Asghar Aryanfar a,b,∗, Yara Ghamlouche a, William A. Goddard III c
American University of Beirut, Riad El-Solh 1107, Lebanon
Bahçeşehir University, 4 Çırağan Cad, Beşiktaş, Istanbul 34353, Turkey
California Institute of Technology, 1200 E California Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91125, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The ramified and stochastic evolution of dendritic microstructures has been a major issue on the safety
Received 25 September 2020 and longevity of rechargeable batteries, particularly for the utilization metallic electrodes. We computa-
Revised 8 November 2020
tionally develop pulse-reverse protocols for effective halting of the growing microstructures during ex-
Accepted 10 November 2020
tensive charging periods far beyond inter-ionic collisions. Our framework is based on the competitiveness
Available online xxx
of the dendritic growth during the pulse period versus the dissolution of the (sub)branches during the
Keywords: reverse charge. The detachment of the atoms from the structure preferentially occurs from the meta-
Pulse Reverse Charging stable sites which possess the lowest coordination number and require lowest activation energy for dis-
Dendritic Microstructures solution. We prove that even an infinitesimal pulse-reverse charge is more effective than an extended
Electro-deposition/dissolution pulse-relaxation method for the suppression of the dendritic structures.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction studies also have shown the necessity of stability of solid elec-
trolyte interphase (i.e. SEI) layer for controlling the nucleation and
Metallic anodes are arguably popular materials for their ap- growth of the branched medium [25,26].
plicability in the future rechargeable batteries [1–3]. Specifically, Earlier model of the branched evolution have addressed the
lithium metal possesses the lowest mass density which provides a electric field and space charge as the main driving mechanism
very high energy density. It additionally has the highest electropos- [27] for growth while the other models focused on ionic concentra-
itivity (E 0 = −3.04 V vs SHE) making it suitable for high-power ap- tion causing the diffusion limited aggregation (DLA) [28–30]. Both
plications. (ρ = 0.53 g cm−3 ) [4,5]. However, the quick formation mechanisms are part of the electrochemical potential [31,32], indi-
of microstructures during the charge period leads to a tree-like cating that each could be dominant depending on the localizations
formation of microstructures with high surface to volume ratio of the electric potential or ionic concentration within the medium.
[6] which occupy a large volume, can reach the counter-electrode Nevertheless, their interplay has been rarely explored, especially in
and short the cell. As well, they could dissolve from their thinner continuum scale and realistic time intervals, matching scales of the
necks during the discharge period. Such a formation-dissolution experimental time and space.
cycle is particularly prominent for the metal electrodes due to lack The main cause of dendritic formation is the non-uniformity of
of diffusion into the inner layers, as opposed to depositing in the electrode surface morphology at the atomic scale and the Brow-
surface [7]. Previous studies have investigated various factors on nian nature of ionic motion during electrodeposition. A surface
dendritic formation such as current density [8], electrode surface sharpness provides a large electric field that attracts the ions as
roughness [9,10], impurities [11], solvent and electrolyte chemical a sink. The other contributing factor is the closeness of the asper-
composition [12], electrolyte concentration [13], utilization of pow- ity to the counter electrode, where more deposition accelerate the
der electrodes [14] and adhesive polymers [15], temperature [16], growth rate.
guiding scaffolds [17,18], capillary pressure [19], cathode morphol- Pulse method has recently proven to be an effective mecha-
ogy [20] and mechanics [21,22]. Some of the conventional charac- nism for suppression of the dendrites [33,34]. The concentration
terization techniques used include NMR [23] and MRI [24]. Other of ions in a given region is the results of the cooperative role of
the mass flux into/out of the region, as well consumption of ions

due to reduction reaction. While the reaction process is proba-
Corresponding author at: American University of Beirut, Riad El-Solh 1107,
ble during the interaction with any kind of surface, the influx of
E-mail address: (A. Aryanfar). ions is in fact highly manipulated via the sharp and large elec-
0013-4686/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: A. Aryanfar, Y. Ghamlouche and William A. Goddard III, Pulse-reverse protocol for efficient suppression of
dendritic micro-structures in rechargeable batteries, Electrochimica Acta,
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;November 25, 2020;21:23]

A. Aryanfar, Y. Ghamlouche and William A. Goddard III Electrochimica Acta xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 2. Square pulse-reverse wave.

Fig. 1. The transport elements in the coarse scale of time.

time interval of δt is given by1

−1 δr = 2D+ δt gˆ + μ+ Eδt (1)
tric fields(i.e. |E → V cm | [33]). Therefore during each pulse
period, the ions unfavorably accumulate at the dendrites tips and where D+ is the ionic diffusion coefficient in the electrolyte, and
during the subsequent rest period they favorably diffuse away to gˆ is a normalized vector in a random direction, representing the
lower concentration zones. Such relaxation, which occurs within Brownian dynamics, μ+ is the mobility of cations in electrolyte, E
the double layer (or stern layer [35]), provides a useful mechanism is the local electric field, which is the gradient of electric potential
to achieve uniform morphology. In fact, after the equilibrium, there (E = −∇φ ).
is still ionic exchange between the above regions, with equal rates, The diffusion length represents the average progress of a dif-
due to Brownian motion, which occurs in local and global scales. fusive wave in a given time, obtained directly from the diffusion
Particularly, during higher charge rates, the ionic concentration is equation. [50]
completely exhausted on the electrode surface [36]; Nevertheless, The pulse charging in its simplest form consists of trains of
the continuum-level approach could extend to a larger scale, be- square active period tON , followed by a square rest interval tOF F in
yond the double layer region [37]. terms of current I or voltage V as shown in Fig. 2. The period P is
While the pulse-relaxation method reduces the evolution of the time lapse of a full cycle defined as:
the dendrites in batteries [33,38–40] and during other applications P = tON + tREV + tOF F (2)
[41,42], the pulse-reverse method has specific advantages including
saving the total charge time and retaining charge capacity. A pulse- = tON (1 + fREV + fOF F )
reverse protocol consists of a positive pulse charge followed by a We define the reverse ratio fREV as:
negative charge, with a possible optional resting time [43,44] as
shown in the Fig. 2. This method reduces the concentration po- fREV = = (3)
larization [45] and is particularly used for controlling the thick-
ness and uniformity of deposits [46]. With well chosen param- which is solely true for the intended galvanostatic (i.e. con-
eters, a larger cell’ s specific energy and specific power can be stant current density) charging. In fact fREV shows the fraction
reached with this technique [47,48]. Pulse-reverse is a potentially of the discharge-to-charge amount (i.e. fREV = 0.1 means for ev-
good method to overcome mass transport limitations in batteries ery 10 attached atoms, there is 1 removal). As well we define the
[49]. This technique optimally decreases the possibly-formed con- relaxation-ratio fOF F as:
centration gradients. Therefore, the pulse-reverse has adequate po- tOF F
tentials in terms of health and efficiency [43]. fOF F = (4)
In this paper, we elaborate further in the range of acceptable
reverse-ratio for suppression of stochastically-grown dendrites and Based on the Eqs. (2)–(4), the pulse reverse curve is uniquely
we develop new insight for the effective rest period on the curved characterized.
boundary. Subsequently we carry out experimental investigation to The reverse ratio fREV is characterized based on charge amount
verify our analytical developments on the pulse parameters. We whereas the relaxation-ratio fOF F based on the amount of time.
perform dimensional analysis to set our formulation applicable to The algorithm defined in the Fig. 3 sets to enter the either. Hence,
the large range of electrochemical devices. to enter the discharge phase, i.e. the reverse, a certain amount of
charge needs to be met. This means that after a certain number of
depositions, the program will set the phase to reverse and it will
2. Methodology
discharge the specified charge amount based on the reverse-ratio
fREV . In the ideal case, one can reduce the time to an infinitesimal
The ionic motion is generated either from the variation of the
amount and magnify the current i indefinitely. Therefore, the re-
concentration (∇ C) or the electric potential (∇φ ). Typically, the
verse phase could be explained as a Dirac delta function function
ions in the high-concentrated zones collide and repel more and
gradually move to less populated regions. In the larger scales such  t
displacement can be represented by the diffusion length. On the
QREV = lim i.dt (5)
other hand, ions tend to acquire drift velocity in the electrolyte t→o 0
medium when exposed to electric field. Therefore, as represented
in the Fig. 1, the total displacement of the ions in the given coarse 1
δt = i=1 δti where δtk is the inter-collision time, typically in the range of f s.

ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;November 25, 2020;21:23]

A. Aryanfar, Y. Ghamlouche and William A. Goddard III Electrochimica Acta xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 3. Pulse-reverse pseudo-chart.

where the higher the current i is, the less time is needed to obtain Table 1
Experimental parameters.
the same discharge amount Q.
The electrodeposition-dissolution process for the formation of Parameter f REV i l R T C∞
the dendritic morphologies is described in detail below: Value {0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8} 1 3.175 7.95 298 1
1. Define the values for the time intervals composing the pe- Unit [] mA/cm
mm mm K M
riod P : they are the pulse period tON , rest period tOF F and the re-
verse period tREV which is defined through the reverse-ratio fREV .
The initial values are determined as the relaxation time scale for case, the program ends and the density of the atoms in the space
blocking electrodes, such that: [42] filled is calculated and studied.
ton = to f f = where κ is the scale of the double-layer, l is the 5. Continue step 1 to 4 until all desired number of atoms are
D attached (i.e. deposited).
scale of the domain and D is the diffusivity coefficient of the bulk
Consequently, we define the density of the obtained microstruc-
tures as the filled-to-total fraction of the area as:
2. Determine the displacement of the each ion r in the given nπ r 2
time interval δt, where the pulse period carries the diffusion and ρ= where n is the number of atoms, r is the atomic ra-
hmax l
migration effect, while the rest period only carries the sole dif- dius, hmax is the height of the tallest atom and l is the scale of
fusion effect. τ is the remainder of the total time divided by the the domain. Fig. 5a and b represents the variation of the density ρ
period P and is the measure for determining the time zone, such versus the reverse ratio fREV and the relaxation ratio fOF F .
 3. Experimental
τ ≤ tON Pulse
τ := rem(t, P ) →
τ > tON Relaxation We performed experiments within a manually-fabricated sand-
wich cell [51], which provides the possibility of in-situ observation
3. Keep moving the ions, until (at least) one of them reaches
of growing dendrites from the periphery (Fig. 6a). The cell encom-
the vicinity of dendrite and turns into the atom. If the program
passes two Li0 disc electrodes (D = 1.59 cm) with the distance of
is in the charging phase, the atoms will both diffuse and attach
L = 0.32 cm via a transparent acrylic PMMA separator. The fabri-
to the structure. As long as the atoms are only diffusing, the loop
cated cells were filled with 0.4 cm3 of LiPF6 in a solution with
keeps repeating itself. After each deposited atom, the program goes
stoichiometric compound of EC:EMC≡1:1 in an argon-filled glove-
through a checkpoint. If the charge is divisible by , then the box(H2 O, O2 < 0.5 ppm). Multiple such cells were electrolyzed with
t pulse reverse ratio values fREV given in the Table 1, generated by
program will enter the reverse phase. Since fREV = REV shows the a programmable multichannel cycler. After the passage of 48 mAh
fraction of time the discharge occurs relative to the charging pe- (≈ 173 C) through the cells, 3 images within the periphery of 1200
riod, therefore the term rem(At t , fREV ) == 0 ensures entering into were taken by means of Leica M205FA optical microscope through
the detachment loop once every fREV times the attachment occurs. the acrylic separator. The image processing algorithm is described
In the latter phase, the adjacency matrix Ai, j of all the atoms will as below:
be calculated, which is a measure of the inter-atomic distance and 1. The RGB image is read to the program by 3 values of
Ai, j = 1 represents the two atoms being in the bond distance and 0 {R, G, B} ∈ [0, 255] and has been converted to a grayscale image I
otherwise. The row sum leads to the number of neighbors for each with individual values of range Ii, j ∈ [0, 1].
atom. 2. The grayscale image Ii, j is binarized to Ji, j via the grayness
4. In the reverse loop, the most metastable atom is removed. threshold Ic as below:

Thermodynamically such atom possesses the least coordination 1 Ii, j ≥ Ic
number (i.e. number of attached neighbors). Coordination number Ji, j =
0 Ii, j < Ic
can be achieved by counting the number of atoms, which center-
to-center distance of less than the atomic bond distance (∼ 2a) the threshold value Ic has been chosen to minimize the weighted
where Ai, j = 1. On the other hand, if the charge is not divisible intra-class variance σ 2 defined as:

by fREV , the loop is directed back to calculation of total time again σ 2 = ω0 σ02 + ω1 σ12
unless the total number of atoms attached is reached. In the latter ω0 + ω1 = 1

ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;November 25, 2020;21:23]

A. Aryanfar, Y. Ghamlouche and William A. Goddard III Electrochimica Acta xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 4. Morphologies by the reverse ratio f REV .

Fig. 5. The density investigation versus pulse-reverse parameters. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure, the reader is referred to the web version of this

Fig. 6. Experimental procedure.

where ω0 and ω1 are the total fraction of element divided by the 4. Starting from the electrode surface, the occupied space by
value of Ic and σ02 and σ12 are their respective variances. [52] Such the dendrites has been calculated by the square site percolation
minimization ensures that the resulted paradigm [54].
3. The circular sandwich cell with the radius R has been divided 5. The infinitesimal calculations have been integrated and nor-
2π malized to inter-electrode distance (λ
ˆ i := λi /l ) to get the dendrite
of 3 arcs with the angle of and width incremental length of
3 measure λ̄ as:
δ x, which is supposed to be projected to a 2D plane with the in-
3  +π
cremental width of δ x . From Fig. 6a due to geometry
 we have: x = 1  3 D
ρ= λˆ k (θ ) dθ (6)
D D 4x2 π Dhmax π
−3 2
sin(θ ), → dx = cos(θ )dθ , where cos(θ ) = 1− ; hence: k=1
2 2 D2 3  +π
1  3 λˆ (x )dx
δx = k
δ x =  π Dhmax π
k=1 4x2
4x2 1−
1− 2 D2
where hmax is the height of the tallest peak in the observed den-
where D is diameter of the sandwich cell [53]. drite. The integral Eq. (6) has been obtained by incremental sum

ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;November 25, 2020;21:23]

A. Aryanfar, Y. Ghamlouche and William A. Goddard III Electrochimica Acta xxx (xxxx) xxx

from experimental data. Fig. 6b shows such investigation for the

sample reverse ratios of fREV = {0.2, 0.4}, where the red encir-
clement is the approximated dendrite area, the green rectangle is
the total area, and the dashed line represents the height of the
tallest obtained dendrite in each experiment. The detailed experi-
mental parameters are given in the Table 1.2

4. Results and discussions

During the excessive pulse period, which imposes the ionic flux Fig. 7. The role of extreme reverse-ratio f REV on the possible formation of cavities.
on the dendrite body, the concentration order in the interface re-
gions turns to the following due to manipulation from the electric
Concentration: T ip > Bulk > V oids whereas, during a typical dif-
fusion process, the flow of the ions occurs from high-to-low con-
centrated regions (i.e. J = −D∇ C). Therefore, given enough time for
the relaxation period, the concentration gradient should vanish,
ensuring the equilibrium in ionic kinetics.
Fig. 4 shows that the reverse ratio fREV correlates directly with
the dendritic tendency. Starting from the uniform charging in the
Fig. 4a the average height reduces consecutively through Fig. 4b–d
where atoms leave the highly condensed sites and reattach on the
inner unoccupied regions. This phenomenon is explained by the
fact that the reverse current density at the tips is larger than in
other locations which makes the high spots’ atoms more prone to
detachment [55] due to Arrhenius relationship as [56]:

k = k0 exp − (7)
kB T

Therefore, due to lowest coordination number (i.e. N = 1), such Fig. 8. Density values obtained via both imposing reverse-ratio f REV (red) and the
sites require the lowest activation energy G for dissolution and relaxation ratio f OF F (blue). {Solid, Dashed, Dotted} = {20 0, 40 0, 80 0}atoms. (For in-
terpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to
the preferential detachment of the high-spots with sharp interfaces the web version of this article.)
leads to the melting of the peaks and the residue of smoother sur-
Fig. 5 a reveals that the density of the structures ρ versus the
sequent charge-discharge cycles. Comparing the Fig. 5a and b the
number of atoms increases with the reverse ratio fREV , where each
cooperation of pulse-reverse ( fREV ) and pulse-relaxation ( fOF F ) is
point is the average of the 3 individual runs. The increasing trend
constructive, albeit pulse reverse shows much more efficacy for in-
correlates with the previous studies that the reverse ratio is an ef-
creasing the density. This has collectively been shown in the Fig. 8
fective method for dendritic suppression [49,57]. The experimental
where the relatively much smaller reverse ratio fREV leads to much
values correlated closely with the numerical simulations. The slight
larger density values, even compared to extended relaxation ratio
higher values of the experiments relative to the model can be in-
fOF F . Thus, in order to reach comparable densities to the pulse-
terpreted as the result of the ignoring the void in the dendrites
reverse technique, pulse-relaxation obliges a very long and unnec-
body (i.e. red encirclements) leading to the over-measurement in
essary waiting time [49]. In practice, the partial discharge process
the experimental merit of density.
can be imposed by programming the charger electronics and the
The density results in the Fig. 5b with identical reverse ratio
entire pulse-reverse protocol could be automated to the infinitesi-
fREV are slightly higher in the presence of relaxation ratio f OF F ,
mal (i.e. finite) time intervals, scaling down up to ∼ μs. Needless
which is additionally effective in vanishing the concentration gra-
to mention that, the results obtained are suitable and effective dur-
dients in the over-occupied zones until a certain limit. Neverthe-
ing a single charge period and short-term application, whereas the
less, the density decreases after a peak merging to smaller val-
long term performance parameters such as coulombic efficiency
ues by the reverse-ratio. The dissolution of the atoms is supposed
and cycle stability will be studied in future works. Ultimately, tun-
to cut and shorten the branches in the structure and, in the best
ing the morphology adjusts the distribution of the electric field
cases, completely remove them and flatten-out the interface. How-
and the concentration profile in the favor of uniform growth and
ever, excessive dissolution will lead to the disturbing of the flat
since they are controlled not to reach extreme values, there will
interface where the extra cavities form. Fig. 7 schematically ex-
possibly be less side reactions.
plains such over-dissolution process, where the disruption occurs
again. The green arrows indicate an increase in the REV ratio and
their intersection with the flat interface is at the critical value 5. Conclusion
≈ 0.15.
fOF F In this paper, we have developed a reverse feedback con-
The extended advantage of this the reverse-charing is the facil- trol loop for more effective prevention of formation of dendritic
itation of the accessibility in ions to inner layer during the sub- growth during charge period of battery. The controlling param-
eters is mainly the charge-based reverse ratio fREV accompanied
Note that the current density i and the ionic flux j are correlated with i = zF j,
with time-based relaxation ratio fOF F . The preferential detachment
where z is the valence number of charge carriers and F = 96.5 kC/mol is the Fara- of ions during the reverse charge correlates with the respective
day’s constant, representing the amount of charge per mole. coordination number as well as their location in the microstruc-

ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;November 25, 2020;21:23]

A. Aryanfar, Y. Ghamlouche and William A. Goddard III Electrochimica Acta xxx (xxxx) xxx

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