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2015 Enhanced Electrical Model For Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Characterization

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Solar Energy 122 (2015) 700–711

Enhanced electrical model for dye-sensitized solar cell characterization

Moussaab Belarbi a, Boumédiene Benyoucef a, Abdellah Benyoucef a, Tayeb Benouaz a,
Souraya Goumri-Said b,⇑
Research Unit Materials and Renewable Energy, Department of Physics, University of Tlemcen, BP: 119, Tlemcen 13000, Algeria
College of Science, Alfaisal University, P.O. Box 50927, Riyadh, 11533, Saudi Arabia

Received 10 March 2015; received in revised form 16 July 2015; accepted 31 August 2015

Communicated by: Associate Editor H. Upadhyaya


The dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) have aroused in recent decades a growing interest from researchers in photovoltaic area, and
those for their low cost and their performance very respectable (11.2%). The physical and chemical phenomena that take place inside
DSSC cells are complex compared to the conventional one. They are related to disordered and tangled nature of materials that made the
recipe of these DSSC, such as TiO2, electrolyte, and dye. In the present paper, we deliver a detailed theoretical model based on electrical
considerations to study the impact of physical parameter of DSSC cell on the J –V characteristic, performance and photovoltaic
efficiency. The DSSC cell is modeled as a ‘‘pseudo-homogeneous effective medium” consisting of a TiO2 semi-conductor, dye absorber
of light and electrolyte in order to study the transport and electrochemical phenomena. The model is resolved numerically using the
Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (BFGS) approach and allow access to several physical parameters and their impact on the perfor-
mance of the cell. The main target is to control theses parameters to get an optimized DSSC cell for a performing photovoltaic device.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC); TiO2; Electrical model; Parameters impact; J–V characteristics

1. Introduction the best thin-film cells (Han et al., 2004). Most recently, due
to their competitive price/performance ratio, DSSC have
Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) are thin film solar cells gained an important place among solar technologies. Their
based on semiconductor grown between a photo-sensitized efficiency is more than 11.2% (Nazeeruddin et al., 1993,
anode, photo-electrochemical material and an electrolyte 2001; O’Regan and Grätzel, 1991; Han et al., 2004) with
(Nazeeruddin et al., 1993, 2001). They are called also Grätzel costs of production significantly lower compared to the con-
cell due to the name of their co-inventor (with O’Regan) ventional solar cells. However, not only technological prob-
O’Regan and Grätzel (1991). They became attractive due to lems (long-term stability) must be solved, but also physics of
their low cost and simple to make compared to other solar devices of this type of cells is not yet augur well in detail.
cell devices although their conversion efficiency is less than It is important to optimize the performance of DSSC
and joint (theoretical and experimental) efforts were made
and continue to progress nowadays. In theoretical side,
⇑ Corresponding author. quantitative modeling of the photovoltaic response of the
E-mail addresses:, DSSC is an important topic for improving the operation (S. Goumri-Said).
0038-092X/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Belarbi et al. / Solar Energy 122 (2015) 700–711 701

mechanisms and predicting new device performance (Peter,

2007; Topič et al., 2010; Bisquert and Mora-Seró, 2010).
One of the most robust models that were developed
recently, an analytical electrical model has emerged to
explore different mechanisms responsible on DSSC’s mode
of operation. In fact, this classical model is based on dia-
gram conduction phenomena by the introduction of
macroscopic parameters. It studies the variations of these
parameters in order to obtain an overview of optimized
parameters for the development of manufacturing tech-
niques. However, modeling a cell by an electrical circuit
remains a challenging task as we need to connect the Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the DSSC structure showing two conducting
parameters of the model to the microscopic phenomena. electrodes, an electrolyte and a redox couple I  =I 
3 . The interconnected
TiO2 particles (blue gray) are covered with light-absorbing dye molecules
It is therefore necessary to establish a robust model that (small brown dots). The free volume between two electrodes is filled with
allows us to know the internal properties of the cell the electrolyte. TCO/TiO2 interface or the electrolyte/platinum interfaces
(Halme et al., 2010; Onodera et al., 2010; Andrade et al., are colored in green (light and dark) color. (For interpretation of the
2011; Wenger et al., 2011; Gentilini et al., 2012). The main references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
goal of this model was also to see the impact of physical version of this article.)
parameters on the operation mode of DSSC cells
(Gentilini et al., 2012; Nithyanandam and Pitchumani, Fig. 1. The electrodes are constructed on glass substrates
2012; Joshi et al., 2013; Mitroi and Fara, 2013). These and coated with a transparent conducting oxide (TCO)
physical parameters are the thickness and morphology of layer (Perera et al., 2014). The working electrode consists
TiO2 layer, the mobility of electron and recombination rate of titanium dioxide (TiO2) that is sensitized with a dye.
(electron lifetime), spectrum of absorption of the dye, The counter electrode is made with a catalyst material such
materials quality making the transparent conductive oxide as Pt, in order to promote the reduction of the oxidized
(TCO) layers and their thickness effect. The main target of form of the redox couple in the electrolyte. Indeed, the
the numerical simulations is to extract information about two conducting glass substrates were connected via the
the open circuit voltage V oc , the short-circuit current external circuit.
density J sc , the fill factor (FF), and then deduce the power We assume a simplified structure for the porous
conversion efficiency g were deduced and analyzed to judge semi-conductor which is similar to that adopted by
on the quality of DSSC cell. All these issues are showing Ferber et al. (1998). The cell was modeled as an effec-
the need to look for an appropriate modeling for more tive pseudo-homogeneous medium of thickness tTiO2 . The
control, development and optimization of DSSC cells pseudo- homogeneous medium consists of a nano-porous
performance. semi-conductor TiO2, a dye and redox electrolyte, which
In the present work, an electrical model of the dye- are intermingled. Electro-actives particles (electrons e
sensitized solar cell (DSSC) is introduced. The present injected into the nano-porous TiO2 layer after absorption
model is well known as it follows the description of trans- of light by the dye, the reduction and oxidation of the redox
port and the electrochemical phenomena that was pre- electrolyte, and the positively charged cation cat+) are
sented previously by Ferber et al. (1998). This model involved in the process of moving according to different
takes into account the properties of electrons in the semi- effective transport coefficients (Ferber et al., 1998). The con-
conductor and electrolyte (Ferber et al., 1998). Further- tinuity and transport equations are applied to all mobile
more, the performance parameters of the cell are related charge carriers.
directly to the material parameters. Our main contribution
was to introduce the Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno
(BFGS) method in order to improve the model and inves- 2.1. Chemical and electrochemical reactions
tigate the influence of other parameters on the performance
of the cell, such as: transient time, porosity of TiO2, diam- The dye (S) is grafted on the surface of a semi-conductor
eter and thickness of TiO2, effective diffusion, and electron oxide in the form of a monolayer molecular (Fig. 2)
lifetime. The present model aims to be robust and complete (Andrade et al., 2011). It absorbs the solar rays that pro-
to perform prediction of new DSS cells and their perfor- mote in a state electronically excited S  , where it is able
mance in the future. to inject an electron in the TiO2 conduction band. Thus,
the injected electrons pass through the layer then they are
collected by a current collector, which allows directing
2. Mathematical model of DSSC them to an external circuit where their passage produces
electrical energy. The return of the electron in the conduc-
The structure of a DSSC contains two conducting elec- tion band on the oxidized dye S þ is much slower than the
trodes and an electrolyte, a redox couple I  =I 
3 as shown in reduction of S þ by the mediator in solution. The oxidized
702 M. Belarbi et al. / Solar Energy 122 (2015) 700–711

Table 1
Nomenclature used to characterize the analytical model for modelling the
DSSC cell.
Symbols Nomenclature with unit
C 0I  Initial concentration of iodide (M)
C 0I  Initial concentration of tri-iodide (M)
tTiO2 Thickness of TiO2 (lm)
G Generation constant (m3 s1 )
w Recombination rate (m3 s1 )
N CB Effective density of states in the TiO2 conduction band (m3 )
ECB Conduction band energy (J)
ERedox Redox energy (J)
KB Boltzmann constant (J K1 )
T Temperature (K)
j Current density (A m2 )
ninj Electron injection efficiency
Fig. 2. The working principle of a DSSC. Band energy and Quasi-Fermi D Diffusion coefficient (m2 s1 )
energy of the conduction band of the semiconductor SC as well as the E Electric field (V=m)
redox potentials of the dye and of the electrolyte are indicated. Electron q Elementary charge (C)
injection (reactions #1 and #2) combined with electrolyte oxidation p Porosity
(reaction #3) and electron loss (reactions #5 and #6) can take place within nstref Standard reference concentration (m3 )
the whole cell. S Cell Surface (m2 )
V ext External voltage of the cell (V)
a Absorptivity of the molecules dye (m1 )
u AM 1.5 global solar spectrum (m3 s1 )
mediator is reduced to the counter electrode (CE). The se Electron lifetime (s)
k e Electron recombination constant (s1 )
maximum voltage is the difference between the redox
l Coefficient of mobility (m2 /V s)
potential of the mediator and the Quasi-Fermi level of n Symmetry parameter (A s/V m)
the semi-conductor. The positive charge is transferred from e Dielectric constant
the dye (S þ ) to a mediator (iodide I  ) present in the solu-
tion. This mediator, then oxidized in tri-iodide (I 
3 ), diffuses
through the solution. Thus, the cycle of redox reactions is conduction band of the TiO2 layer (Wenger et al., 2009).
looped by transformation of solar energy which is So, the equations of continuity have the form:
absorbed by an electric current. We introduce the nomen-
clature related to different mathematical symbols used in 1 dje ðxÞ
 ¼ GðxÞ  wðxÞ ð7Þ
the following mathematical modeling in Table 1. q dx
The operating cycle can be summarized by the following
chemical reactions (Papageorgiou et al., 1996): where GðxÞ is the generation term, je is the electrical current
density, and wðxÞ is the recombination rate.
S þ ht ! S  The electrons generation term is given by the Beer–Lambert
½Absorption; electron excitation in the dye molecule ð1Þ law, such as:
S  ! S þ þ e Z kmax
½Injection; e injection into the conduction band of the TiO2 layer ð2Þ Ge ðxÞ ¼ ninj aðkÞuðkÞeaðkÞx dk ð8Þ
3 1
Sþ þ I  ! I  þS ½Dye regeneration ð3Þ
2 2 3 The Generation rates are integrated in the wavelength
I þ 2e ! 3I  range from (kmin = 300 nm) to (kmax = 800 nm), where the
3 ðCathodeÞ ðCEÞ ðCathodeÞ
DSSC is active (Topič et al., 2010; Gacemi et al., 2013).
½Charge transfer reaction at the counter electrode ð4Þ ninj is the electron injection efficiency, aðkÞ is the absorptiv-
S þ þ e  ity of the molecules dye (Ferber et al., 1998), uðkÞ is the
ðCBÞ ! S ½Dye regeneration by injected electron
AM 1.5 global solar spectrum, which is reduced by the
ð5Þ reflectance and the absorption of the front TCO glass.
I   x denotes the location within cell, where x ¼ 0 indicates
3 ðAnodeÞ þ 2eðCBÞ ! 3 I ðAnodeÞ
TCO/TiO2 interface at the front electrode (Fig. 2), x ¼ tTiO2
½Recombination of injected e with I 
3 ð6Þ indicates the interface between electrolyte and Pt–TCO.
We assume that only electron from the conduction band
recombines with tri-iodide in the electrolyte and that the
2.2. Equations of continuity
recombination rate is linear in ðne  neq Þ, from where:
The electrical model of the DSSC is based on the conti- ne  neq
w¼ ð9Þ
nuity equation of the electron number density nðxÞ in the se 
M. Belarbi et al. / Solar Energy 122 (2015) 700–711 703

with: 2.4. Boundary conditions

ne is the electron density; se is the electron lifetime; To solve all differential equations, boundary conditions
1 are necessary (Nithyanandam and Pitchumani, 2010):
such as se ¼
k e
 At x ¼ 0, only the electron contributes to the net
k e denotes electron recombination rate constant;
neq is the dark equilibrium density: ð10Þ
je ð0Þ ¼ jext ¼ jcell ; jc ð0Þ ¼ jI  ð0Þ ¼ jI  ð0Þ ð19Þ
Taking into account the stoichiometry of reaction (3)
and (4), the terms of generation and recombination of  At x ¼ tTiO2 (TiO2–Pt interface), the contribution from
tri-iodide and iodide species
3 be affected by the corre- electron current density is zero and the charge carriers
sponding coefficient 2 and 2 . In the other hand, the are only the ionic species
cations are neither generated nor lost.
Following reference Topič et al. (2010), the continuity je ðtTiO2 Þ ¼ 0 ð20Þ
equations of all the three species (iodide, tri-iodide and  Assuming that all the electrons are collected at x ¼ tTiO2 ,
cation) could be linked with continuity equations for the the boundary condition at
electrons and they can be written as:
x ¼ tTiO2 is ¼0 ð21Þ
1 djI  ðxÞ 3 dje ðxÞ dx
¼ ð11Þ
q dx 2q dx
 The metal semi-conductor contact is assumed to be
1 djI 3 ðxÞ 1 dje ðxÞ Ohmic, for which:
¼ ð12Þ
q dx 2q dx E¼0 ð22Þ
1 djc ðxÞ
¼0 ð13Þ  At x ¼ 0, the net current is carried by the electron which
q dx
is governed by Nernst potential coupled with the Butler–
where jI  ; jI  , jc indicates iodide, tri-iodide and cation Volmer equation (Villanueva et al., 2009; Cameron
current densities. et al., 2005) expressed as:
unI  ðtTiO2 Þ  nOC I  ðt TiO2 Þ q 1 n
2.3. Transport equations jcell ¼ jPt 4t OC 3
exp ð1  nÞ E ð0Þ  EOC  V int
nI  ðtTiO2 Þ  nI  ðtTiO2 Þ KbT q F Redox
nI  ðtTiO2 Þ q 1 n
The movement of all four charged species [electron,  OC exp n ðE ð0Þ  EOC
Redox Þ  V int ð23Þ
nI  ðtTiO2 Þ KbT q F
iodide, tri-iodide and cation] could be described by
transport equations: where jPt is the exchange current density at Pt electrode,
1 dne ðxÞ n is the symmetry parameter, nOC I  is the concentrations
j  ðxÞ ¼ le ne ðxÞEðxÞ þ De ð14Þ of iodide in open-circuit, nOC is the concentrations of
q e dx I 3

1 dnI  ðxÞ tri-iodide in open-circuit, and V int is the internal voltage

j  ðxÞ ¼ lI  nI  ðxÞEðxÞ þ DI  ð15Þ of the cell.
q I dx
 The Quasi-Fermi level of electron at x ¼ 0 is expressed
1 dnI 3 ðxÞ by:
jI  ðxÞ ¼ lI  nI 3 ðxÞEðxÞ þ DI 3 ð16Þ
q 3 3 dx
ne ð0Þ
1 dnc ðxÞ EnF ð0Þ ¼ ECB þ K b T  ln ð24Þ
j ðxÞ ¼ lc nc ðxÞEðxÞ  Dc ð17Þ N CB
q c dx
with ne ð0Þ is the density at x ¼ 0; N CB effective density
where De ; DI  ; DI 3 ; Dc represent the diffusion coefficient
of states in the TiO2 conduction band given by
of electron, iodide, tri-iodide and cation respectively, l
denotes the coefficient of mobility, EðxÞ is the electric field m K bT 2
in the x direction, it is related to carrier densities by N CB ¼ 2 e 2 ð25Þ
Poisson’s equation (Ferber et al., 1998), such as:
dEðxÞ q where me is the effective masse, h is the Planck constant,
¼ ½nc ðxÞ  ne ðxÞ  nI  ðxÞ  nI 3 ðxÞ ð18Þ and K b is the Boltzmann constant.
dx ee0
 The redox energy at the open-circuit can be expressed
with nc ; ne ; nI  ; nI 3 represent the carrier densities of as:
cation, iodide, tri-iodide and electron respectively, e is the " OC #
K bT nI  ðtTiO2 Þ
dielectric constant and e0 denotes the permittivity of the ERedox ¼ ERedox 
OC 0
 ln 3
n 2
3 stref
free space. 2 I  ðt TiO2 ÞÞ
704 M. Belarbi et al. / Solar Energy 122 (2015) 700–711

where E0Redox stands for the standard potentiel of the where if is the ideality factor, De is the diffusion coeffi-
I  =I 
3 redox couple and nstref is the standard reference
cient of electron, tTiO2 is the thickness of TiO2, and Le
concentration = 1 mol/l. is the electron diffusion length given by:
Le ¼ D e s e ð34Þ
2.5. Improvement of the model se is the electron lifetime.
 The short-circuit current is given by:
 Due to the conservation of particle numbers, the integral 0 1
of the concentration of the charge carriers is always quLe a @ tTiO2 Le a expðtTiO2 aÞA
J sc ¼ Le a þ tanh þ t

equal to the equilibrium concentration of the species, 1  L2e a2 Le cosh TiO2

such as:
Z tTiO ð35Þ
nc ðxÞdx ¼ nc  p  tTiO2 ð27Þ
0  The voltage at the maximum power point is given by:
0 1
with p is the porosity, tTiO2 is the thickness of TiO2, nc is
K B Tif @ Le ðJ sc  J mp Þ
the density of cations and nc denotes the dark equilib- V mp ¼ ln t
þ 1A ð36Þ
rium density of cation. q qD neq tanh TiO2
e Le
 From the stoichiometry of reaction (3) and (4), it follows
that:  Using Eqs. (15) and (16), a new boundary condition is
Z tTiO     obtained:
2 1 1  
nI 3 ðxÞ þ nI  ðxÞ dx ¼ nI 3 þ nI   p  tTiO2 dP dJ
0 3 3 ¼Jþ V ¼0 ð37Þ
ð28Þ dV J ¼J mp dV
Z tTiO2      
1 1 1 1 dP dV
ne ðxÞ þ nI  ðxÞ dx ¼ ne þ nI   p  tTiO2 ¼V þ J ¼0 ð38Þ
0 2 3 2 3 dV V ¼V mp dJ
 The transient time str is related to the film thickness tTiO2
 The equilibrium concentrations of the species appearing and the diffusion coefficient of electron by:
in Eqs. (28) and (29) which are given by: nI  ¼ C 0I  , t2TiO2
nI 3 ¼ C 0I  , where C 0I  , C 0I  are the initial concentration str ¼ ð39Þ
3 3 .De
of iodide and tri-iodide respectively. In the other hand,
the equilibrium concentration of cations is given by: where . is a numerical factor, which depends on the
nc ¼ ne þ nI  þ nI 3 , the equilibrium concentration of layer thickness and the illumination (Jennings et al.,
electrons, can be found by solving Eq. (14) with the con-
 The electron conductivity of the electron, can be
dition: je ð0Þ ¼ 0
obtained from the generalized Einstein relation, such as:
 The Quasi Fermi level EF n is defined through the elec-
tron density in the conduction band as: @nCB nCB ðcbÞ
re ¼ q2 De ¼ q2 De ¼ C ch De ð40Þ
  @P e K BT
ðECB  EF n Þ
nCB ¼ N CB exp ð30Þ ðcbÞ
K BT with C ch is the chemical capacitance in the conduction
band, nCB is the electron density in the conduction band,
 In the dark, the electron density in the conduction band
P e is the chemical potential of electrons (Bisquert and
is determined by the dark Fermi level EF neq and is given
Vikhrenko, 2004), and De is the diffusion coefficient of
by: electron.
ðECB  EF neq Þ
neq ¼ N CB exp ð31Þ
2.6. Equivalent circuit
 The open-circuit voltage V oc is defined as the difference
between the Quasi-Fermi level EF n and the dark Fermi Fig. 3 shows the equivalent circuit of a DSSC (Belarbi
level EF neq : et al., 2014), Kirchoff’s law shows that:
qV oc ¼ EF n  EF neq ð32Þ  
I int ¼ Sje ð0Þ and I ext ¼ I int ð41Þ
such as: Rext þ Rsh þ Rs
0 1
K B Tif @ Le J sc where S is the cell surface, I int denotes the internal current,
V oc ¼ ln t
þ 1A ð33Þ Rsh is the shunt resistance, Rs represents series resistance
q qDe neq tanh TiO 2
Le due to TCO layers, and Rext is the external load.
M. Belarbi et al. / Solar Energy 122 (2015) 700–711 705

Table 2
Parameters used for modelling the dye-sensitized solar cell.
Parameter Value Reference
S 1 cm Ferber et al. (1998)
tTiO2 10 lm Wang et al. (2005b)
n 0.78 Ferber et al. (1998)
se 23.6 ms Gacemi et al. (2013)
N CB 1  1021 cm3 Bisquert and Mora-Seró (2010)
me 5.6  me Filipi et al. (2012)
Fig. 3. Equivalent circuit used for modeling DSSC. Rsh is the shunt p 0.41 Ni et al. (2006)
resistance due to internal leakages in the cell, Rs represents series resistance aðkÞ 1000 cm1 Andrade et al. (2011)
due to TCO layers, and Rext is the external load. T 298 K /
De 1.10  104 cm2 s1 Wang et al. (2005b)
DI  4.91  106 cm2 s1 Andrade et al. (2011)
The internal voltage of the cell is calculated as follow: DI 3 4.91  106 cm2 s1 Andrade et al. (2011)
C 0I  1.1 M Andrade et al. (2011)
V int ¼ I ext ðRext þ Rs Þ ð42Þ C 0I  0.1 M Andrade et al. (2011)

The external voltage of the cell is calculated as follow: ECB  ERedox 0.93 eV Andrade et al. (2011)
  uðkÞ AM 1.5 Global Ferber et al. (1998)
Rsh le 0.3 cm2/V s Ferber et al. (1998)
V ext ¼ I ext Rext ¼ Rext Sjcell ð43Þ Rs 8.4 X Andrade et al. (2011)
Rext þ Rsh þ Rs
Rsh 10 k X Ferber et al. (1998)
By varying Rext , the characteristic J –V can be obtained. k e 104 Ferber et al. (1998)
e 0.63 Wang et al. (2005b)
jPt 6.81  102 Andrade et al. (2011)
3. Method of resolution ninj 0.90 Andrade et al. (2011)

Using the Eqs. (7), (11)–(18), (33), (35), (36), (39)

and the boundary conditions (19)–(23), (27)–(29), (37),
(38) we will have a system of non-linear equations. The res- 16

olution of this system is done by the discretization using the 14

finite differences method (Herbin, 2014; Dureisseix, 2008;
Current Density (mA / cm 2)

Our Model
Causon and Mingham, 2010) on an appropriate mesh of 12
J. Ferber et al
points which extends over an interval [0, tTiO2 ] (the finite 10
element methods approximates the solution within each
element by using some elementary shape function that
can be constant, linear or higher order). The set of equa- 6
tions are solved using the Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–
Shanno (BFGS) method (Nazareth, 1979; Shanno, 1970;
Dai, 2013), the function BFGS has the following parame- 2

ters: N: number of variables, X: array of initial guesses, 0

fxToler: tolerance for function, Iters: number of iterations, 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

DxToler: array of delta X tolerances, MaxIter: maximum Voltage (V)

number of iterations. The function employs a maximum Fig. 4. J –V characteristics curve of the modeled DSSC calculated with
of 150 iterations, a function tolerance of 1011 and a gradi- parameters from literature (Table 2) and cell area 1 cm2 together with
ent tolerance of 1011. This method is known to be one of results of Ferber et al. model for comparison.
the most robust (Nazareth, 1979; Wang et al., 2005b). For
the calculation of J –V curves, the program is started in the
open-circuit condition. The equations were solved for approximately equal to short-circuit current J sc . When
steady-state conditions; the parameters used for the simula- the voltage increases, the current begins to decrease expo-
tion are summarized in Table 2. nentially reaching the zero value when the voltage is equal
to the open circuit voltage. In addition, in Fig. 4, we com-
4. Results and discussion pare the J –V curves obtained by our model and using
recent simulation reported by Ferber et al. (1998). These
As first step, we proceed with the validation of the plots show a very good agreement with the numerical
improvements amended in the model. For the physical results obtained from Ferber et al. (which presents the
parameters, we used various data extracted from literature foundations of the present model).
as reported in Table 2. We report the characteristic (J –V ) In the following, we will discuss the effect of parameters
in Fig. 4. It shows that the solar cell is a constant on the performance of the cell using our validated model.
current source for low values of voltage with a current Under open circuit condition, the distribution of the
706 M. Belarbi et al. / Solar Energy 122 (2015) 700–711

x 10
open-circuit conditions, the concentration of I  ions
Short-Circuit increases near the front electrode. The iodide ions are
4 Open-Circuit
formed by the recombination process, while tri-iodide ions
are formed in active electrode and afterwards, they diffuse
toward the counter electrode.
ne (cm )

In DSSC technology, it is important to control different
process such as the charge injection from the dye to the
semiconductor (TiO2), losses induced by the charge trans-
port and recombination. In our calculations, the electron
recombination constant impact on the characteristic
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (J –V ) is displayed in Fig. 7. The electron recombination
x (µm) constant k e determines the dark current and therefore influ-
ences the behavior of the open-circuit voltage (Filipi et al.,
Fig. 5. Electron particle density as function of the location within cell (x).
2012). The more constant relaxation of electrons is larger,
the more concentration of electrons in the band of
electron particle density as displayed in Fig. 5 decreases conduction of TiO2 is higher (Ferber et al., 1998). A higher
with increasing x. When photons are generated, they dif- concentration of electrons means a high level of
fuse toward counter electrode and after that they recom- Quasi-Fermi, which gives us a higher voltage. In addition,
bine with iodide ions. At short-circuit condition, the first lower values of k e means less recombination and therefore
few micrometers of TiO2 layer contributes mostly to the higher yields.
external circuit. The concentration of electrons practically We display the influence of electron mobility le on the
equals to zero at the front contact and increases on func- characteristic (J –V ) in Fig. 8a It is obvious to see that
tion with position x (lm) in the cell. higher values of le lead to a shorter transit times str . Con-
Fig. 6a and b shows the concentration of I  ions sequently, less electron loss in the TiO2 electrode inducing
increases with increasing of position x (lm), in the cell. higher efficiencies. For low values of the electron mobility,
However, the I 3 ions decrease with decreasing x (lm). At it results in higher open-circuit voltages. In practice, it is
short-circuit condition, the concentration of iodide ions is often observed that cells with higher open-circuit voltage
the smallest near the front electrode. Furthermore, under have smaller short-circuited currents, that will limit the
conversion efficiency. In the other hand, the in Fig. 8b we
illustrate the dependence of the transient time str on the
19 electron recombination constant. As it can be observed
x 10
a 30 from the curve, the transit time, str , is decreasing when k e
Open-Circuit increases. For a higher value of k e , the transient time is
nearly independent from the recombination constant.
The porosity of the semiconductor layer play an impor-
(cm )

24 tant role on the DSSC cell’s performance and it is impor-

22 tant to control it (Ni et al., 2006). In Fig. 9, we show

that the current density of short-circuit decreases as the

porosity increases. Consequently, the increase of porosity

has a negative impact on the performance of DSSC. This
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
x (µm)

x 10
19 x 10 3
4.5 0.016
b Open-Circuit
Current Density (mA / cm )


(cm )


3 0.006

0.004 k e1=105 (s -1)

k e2=103 (s -1)
k e3=102 (s -1)

2 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
x (µm) Voltage ( V )

Fig. 6. (a, b) Concentration of I  ions increases with increasing of Fig. 7. The impact of the electron recombination constant k e on J –V
position x (lm), in the cell. characterization.
M. Belarbi et al. / Solar Energy 122 (2015) 700–711 707

14 20

Current Density (mA / cm )

Current Density (mA / cm 2)


8 12

4 2 6
µe1=0.0053 (Cm /Vs)

µe2=0.06 (Cm2/Vs) 4
2 d = 0.013 (µm)
Diameter of TiO 2
µe3=6.25 (Cm2/Vs) d = 0.019 (µm)
d = 0.027 (µm)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)
Fig. 8a. The influence of electron mobility le on the characteristic (J –V ). Fig. 10. Impact of TiO2 nanoparticles diameter on J –V characterization.

0.032 14


Current Density (mA / cm 2)

τtr (s)


0.02 4

3 µm
0.018 2 9 µm
Thickness of TiO 2
1 x 10
2 x 10 3 3 x 10 4 4 x 10 5 5 x 10 6 6 x 10 7 7 x 10 8 8 x 10 9 9 x 1010 12 µm

k e (s -1 ) 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Voltage (V)
Fig. 8b. The dependence of the transient time str on the electron
recombination constant. Fig. 11. Impact of TiO2 nanoparticle thickness on J –V characterization.

25 density. The porosity can also be controlled from the

TiO2 thickness; this is why we report in Fig. 11 the (J –V )
Current Density (mA / cm 2)

20 characteristic of the DSSC cell with various TiO2

thicknesses. Obviously, V oc is decreasing slightly with
15 TiO2 thickness increase. These mainly due to the electrons
Porosity are recombined easily with tri-iodide ions and the elec-
p = 0.2
10 p = 0.3
trolyte due to the prolonged electron transport pathway
p = 0.5 by the increase of TiO2 thickness. On the other hand, the
5 J sc increases with the increase of TiO2 thickness. However,
when the TiO2 thickness is larger than 25 lm, (Son et al.,
0 2014) the J sc decreases, as many electrons are lost by the
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
strengthened electron recombination.
Voltage (V)
It is important to know the effect of the electron conduc-
Fig. 9. The impact of porosity (p) on J –V characterization. tivity of the active layer. Fig. 12 shows the evolution of
electron conductivity in the TiO2 electrode. The conductiv-
ity of the semi-conductor film varies with the position in
is a result of a decrease in the effective diffusion coefficient the cell x (lm), up to a maximum of 3.37 (X1 lm1 ) owing
that causes a decrease in the diffusion length, leading to to the electron accumulation. A decrease in conductivity is
fewer electrons extracted. Hence, as the porosity decreases, observed for values of voltages higher than the open-circuit
the current density increases. Furthermore, the porosity is voltage. The importance to control TiO2 film characteris-
also affected by the size and number of TiO2 particles. In tics leads us also to consider the effect of diffusion
Fig. 10, we found that J sc decreases as the diameter of coefficient and electron lifetime. In Fig. 13a, we display
TiO2 particles increases for a porosity p ¼ 0:5. In fact, the dependence of the effective diffusion coefficient on the
more the particle diameter is increased, more the specific TiO2 film thickness. It is obvious from the figure that the
surface area decreased, leading to a decrease in carrier effective diffusion coefficient increases with the increasing
708 M. Belarbi et al. / Solar Energy 122 (2015) 700–711

3.5 0.65


µm -1)

Quasi Fermi Level E

σ e(Ohm


1 Short-Circuit

0 0.4
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

x (µm) x (µm)

Fig. 12. The evolution of electron conductivity in TiO2 electrode with the Fig. 14a. Short-circuit and open-circuit Quasi-Fermi levels behaviors in
position in the cell x (lm). the cell.

x 10 -7 0.8

8 0.7

Effective Diffusion ( m 2 / s)

Quasi Fermi Level E

7 0.65

0.55 t TiO = 3 µm
5 t TiO = 9 µm
0.5 2

t T iO 2 = 12 µm
0.45 t TiO = 14 µm

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
2 Thickness of TiO 2 (µm)
0 5 10 15 20 25
Thickness of TiO 2 (µm)
Fig. 14b. The changes in electron Quasi-Fermi level as function of the
TiO2 film thickness.
Fig. 13a. The dependence of the effective diffusion coefficient on the TiO2
film thickness.

Fig. 14a shows the simulated short-circuit and open-
circuit Quasi-Fermi levels. It may be detected in the figure
Effective Electron Life Time (s)

0.8 that the open-circuit EF is higher than short-circuit. While

the open circuit Quasi-Fermi level is independent of
position, the short-circuit Quasi-Fermi level varies with
position in the cell x (lm). In the short-circuit case, the
0.5 electron Quasi-Fermi level is defined by the equilibrium
between the electron injection and transport to the anode
contact. So the electrons transfer to I  3 is omitted. How-
0.3 ever, at open-circuit the Quasi-Fermi level is generated by
the equilibrium between electron injection to the TiO2
and switch to I 
0 5 10 15 20 25 3 . We complete this finding, by displaying
Thickness of TiO2 (µm) in Fig. 14b the electron Quasi-Fermi level with function
of the TiO2 film thickness. As it is shown in these curves,
Fig. 13b. The dependence of the electron lifetime on the TiO2 film the distribution of the Fermi level varies for different
tTiO2 . For thickness tTiO2 > 14 lm, our results demonstrate
that the Quasi Fermi level is the same. For thickness
of TiO2 film thickness (Nakade et al., 2003). As it is shown tTiO2 o14 lm, there are effects on the electron transport
in Fig. 13b, the electron lifetime is decreasing with the (Peter, 2007).
increase of TiO2 film thickness. In the higher value of Fig. 15 illustrates the variations of V oc , V mp , J sc and J mp
tTiO2 , the electron lifetime is almost independent from the with TiO2 film thickness. The results show that V oc and V mp
film thickness (Bisquert et al., 2009). decrease in a monotonous way with the increasing of film
M. Belarbi et al. / Solar Energy 122 (2015) 700–711 709

Short Circuit Current (mA/cm 2)

1 15

Open Circuit Voltage (V)

a b


0 0
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
Thickness (µm) Thickness (µm)

0.8 15
c d

MPP Current (mA/cm 2)

MPP Voltage (V)




0 0
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
Thickness (µm) Thickness (µm)

Fig. 15. (a, b, c and d) Variations of V oc , V mp , J sc and J mp respectively as function of TiO2 film thickness.

a b c
0.85 8 8

7 7

6 6
Maximum Power (mW / cm 2)


5 5
Efficiency (%)

Fill Factor

0.6 4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0.35 0 0
0 20 40 0 20 40 0 20 40
Thickness (µm) Thickness (µm) Thickness (µm)

Fig. 16. (a, b, and c) The variations of fill factor, efficiency and maximum power respectively as function of TiO2 film thickness.

thickness. In fact, when the light is transmitted by the TiO2 a thicker electrode can absorb more photons and leading
electrode, the intensity decreases gradually (El Tayyan, to higher J sc , and J mp .
2011). Consequently, when the thickness increases, the den- More importantly for DSSC cell characterization.
sity of excessive electrons becomes lower, resulting in a Fig. 16 represents the variations of fill factor, efficiency
decrease in V oc and V mp . On the other hand, the J sc ; J mp and maximum power with TiO2 film thickness. The fill fac-
increase suddenly with increasing thickness, then reach a tor decreases with the increasing of electrode thickness. As
peak and decrease gradually after that. The electron the figure show, it is clearly that the efficiency and the
photo-generation can easily explain the variation of maximum power follow the same variation since the energy
J sc ; J mp with thickness. Any increase of the thickness conversion of DSSC is the ratio between the maximum
of electrode directly increases the internal surface area of output power and the incident illumination power
the semi-conductor, ending in a higher load of dye. Thus, (Meng et al., 2008).
710 M. Belarbi et al. / Solar Energy 122 (2015) 700–711

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