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Evapotranspiration and Crop Coefficient of Sorghum

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ASW0010.1177/11786221231184206Air, Soil and Water ResearchNegash et al.

Evapotranspiration and Crop Coefficient of Sorghum Air, Soil and Water Research
Volume 16: 1–7

(Sorghum bicolor L.) at Melkassa Farmland, Semi-Arid © The Author(s) 2023

Article reuse guidelines:

Area of Ethiopia

DOI: 10.1177/11786221231184206

Tatek Wondimu Negash , Gobena Dirirsa Bayisa,

Abera Tesfaye Tefera , Ketema Tezera Bizuneh, Aynalem Gurms Dinku,
Tigist Worku Awulachew and Gebeyehu Ashemi Bikela
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), Melkassa Agricultural Research Center (MARC), Adama, Ethiopia

ABSTRACT: Sorghum has an enormous role in the economy of sorghum-growing nations. Supplying a precise amount of water to a crop based
on crop needs is the main agenda in implementing water-saving agriculture. Non-weighing type lysimeters were used to determine actual crop
evapotranspiration and crop coefficient of sorghum at the experimental farm of Melkassa Agricultural Research Center situated in the semi-arid
area of Ethiopia. Soil-water balance approaches were applied to obtain actual crop evapotranspiration, while the Penman-Monteith technique
was used to determine reference evapotranspiration. Growth stages-wise crop coefficient was computed as a ratio of actual crop evapotranspi-
ration to reference evapotranspiration. The total seasonal sorghum actual crop evapotranspiration during the 2017 and 2018 experimental years
was 358.6 and 377.54 mm, respectively. The 2 years average sorghum actual crop evapotranspiration was 368.07 mm. The mean locally devel-
oped actual crop coefficient values of 0.55, 1.15, and 0.59 were observed for the initial, mid, and end-season, respectively. The FAO-adjusted
crop coefficient values for mid and end-season were 1.01 and 0.52, respectively. The developed Kc values considerably differed from the FAO-
adjusted Kc values. So, the determination of actual crop evapotranspiration and crop coefficient for crop growth at local climate conditions is
vital for decision-making concerning water management in the area where irrigation is practiced.

Keywords: Crop evapotranspiration, crop coefficient, reference evapotranspiration, soil-water balance, non-weighing lysimeter

RECEIVED: March 20, 2023. ACCEPTED: June 1, 2023. CORRESPONDING AUTHOR: Tatek Wondimu Negash, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural
Research (EIAR), Melkassa Agricultural Research Center (MARC), P.O. Box 436, Adama,
Type:Original Research Article Ethiopia. Email:

Introduction lysimeter can measure long-term ETa (weekly, decade, and

Sorghum is an important cereal crop grown worldwide. Over monthly) using water balance techniques which can be used in
half of the world’s sorghum is growing in semi-arid regions (A. irrigation system management and planning (Allen et  al.,
Srinivas et al., 2014). It is the main source of food for above 1998). Nevertheless, to bring the measured ETa for irrigation
750 million people who live in the semi-arid area of Africa, planning crop coefficient (Kc) is often required. Kc represents
Asia, and Latin America (Food Security Department, 2004). crop-specific water use which changes during the growing sea-
In Africa, sorghum is the second most important cereal crop son with crop physiological changes.
(Omoro, 2013), which supports 300 million people who live in Jensen (1968), was introduced the original Kc methodology
sub-Saharan Africa (Mekbib, 2007). In Ethiopia, it ranks third of ETa estimation, and further improved by numerous scholars
after Teff and Maize in terms of production (Solomon et al., (Allen et al., 1998; Doorenbos & Pruitt, 1977). Kc is a ratio of
2021) which accounts for 14.96% of the total area allocated to actual crop evapotranspiration and reference evapotranspira-
grains (Central Statistical Agency, 2018). However, the increas- tion. Various methods are available to compute reference evap-
ing need for the crop is challenged by the lack of knowledge of otranspiration (ETo). In 1948, Penman introduced the original
crop water requirements. Thus, information such as actual crop ETo equation and modified it by various researchers (Allen
evapotranspiration (ETa) and crop coefficient (Kc) is impor- et al, 1998; Doorenbos & Pruitt, 1977; Hargreaves & Samani,
tant to better satisfy the water need of the crop. Therefore, a 1985; Watson & Burnett, 1995). The modified FAO-56
detailed investigation of ETa under various climate conditions, Penman-Monteith approach is the only standard method that
irrigation methods, and agronomic practice is very important gives satisfactory ETo results under various climate conditions
to precisely manage irrigation water, particularly where water is (Allen, 2015).
a scarce resource. Typically, the water requirement of the crops is computed
ETa is a key parameter in irrigated agricultural and hydro- according to the FAO-56 (Allen et  al., 1998) by connecting
logical studies. Determination of irrigation demand depends ETo and Kc. The standard Kc values for different crops
on the actual crop evapotranspiration. ETa can be measured obtained by measuring actual crop evapotranspiration (ETa)
directly with lysimeters (weighing and non-weighing type) and mainly with lysimeters and then relating it with ETo are
the Eddy covariance method. Weighing-type lysimeters can reported by Doorenbos and Pruitt (1977) and Allen et  al.
provide crop actual evapotranspiration values for short time (1998) and updated by Pereira et  al. (2021). However, those
intervals but it has high installation and operation cost (B. reported Kc values have been considerably different from the
Srinivas & Tiwari, 2018). Whilst a non-weighing type site-specific Kc values. Other researchers have reported on

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2 Air, Soil and Water Research 

Figure 1.  Map of study site.

sorghum crop coefficient (Kc) values (Bashir et  al., 2008; 13.8°C to 28.7°C. The average annual rainfall of the area over
Howell et  al., 2006; Lima et  al., 2021; Piccinni et  al., 2009; the same periods (1977–2018) was 825 mm, concentrated in
Shenkut et al., 2013; Tyagi et al., 2000). Nevertheless, depend- July, August, and September. The annual mean relative humid-
ing on local weather conditions, soil texture, and duration of ity and solar radiation ranges from 46.17% to 75.33%, and
the crop, the sorghum Kc values obtained from the above stud- 19.14 to 22.02 MJ m2 day−1, respectively during the period 1977
ies significantly vary from place to place. Hence, all the above to 2018. The long-term (1977–2018) mean annual reference
studies suggested the strong need for local calibration of Kc evapotranspiration (ETo), and wind speed of the area were 3.8
under local climate conditions since the climate and their to 5.42 and 0.3 to 2.71 m s−1, respectively. The weather param-
interaction with crops differ in their spatial or temporal scale. eters for each month during the 2017 and 2018 sorghum grow-
Therefore, a lysimeter (non-weighing type) experiment was ing periods are given in Table 1. The soil texture class of the
conducted to develop actual crop evapotranspiration and crop study site is clay loam. The Filed Capacity (FC) and Permanent
coefficient values for sorghum at Melkassa in a semi-arid area Welting Point (PWP) of the soil are 0.346 and 0.176 m3 m−3,
of Ethiopia. Water-balance approaches were employed for this respectively with a bulk density of 1.13 g cm−3.
The experimental setup
Materials and methods
To increase the accuracy of the data collected from the experi-
Study area
mental site two non-weighing type lysimeters having different
The study was carried out at Melkassa Agricultural Research internal planting areas of 2 m2 (2 m × 1 m) and 4 m2 (2 m × 2 m)
Center (MARC), a semi-arid part of Ethiopia. Geographically, with the same total depth of 2.6 m located near the metrologi-
the site is situated at 8°24´N latitude and 39°21´E longitude cal station of the research center were used to identify actual
with an elevation of 1550 m a.m.s.l (Figure 1). The climate of crop evapotranspiration and crop coefficient for sorghum. Each
the area is characterized as semi-arid with erratic and uneven lysimeter has contained access chambers and connected under-
distribution of rainfall patterns. The mean minimum and max- ground steel pipes to drain excess water to the collector cham-
imum temperature over the period 1977 to 2018 ranged from ber. To prevent the entry of surface runoff inside the lysimeter
Negash et al. 3

Table 1.  Selected Weather Parameters During the 2017 and 2018 Sorghum Growing Periods.

Month Tmean (°C) RH mean (%) Ave. u2 (m s−1) Ave. Rs (MJ m2 day−1) Eff. rainfall (mm) Ave. ETo (mm day−1)


 July 21.98 68.90 2.88 17.2 201.12 4.48

 August 21.47 72.10 2.36 17.3 146.32 4.26

 September 21.80 69.57 1.82 18.6 91.04 4.42

 October 21.37 55.06 2.36 20.9 7.20 5.29

 Average 21.66 66.41 2.4 18.5 – 4.61

 Total 445.68  


 July 21.6 69.0 2.9 21.63 142.1 4.60

 August 21.3 71.0 2.2 21.23 150.9 4.30

 September 21.5 71.0 2.2 21.55 44.8 4.34

 October 21.6 50.0 2.5 21.64 – 5.61

 Average 21.5 65.25 2.45 21.51 – 4.71

 Tota1 337.8  

during rainy days, the rim of the lysimeters protruded 10 cm the soil particle size distribution. The soil bulk density of the
above the soil surface. To monitor the soil moisture level inside experiment field was determined by taking undisturbed soil
the lysimeters access tubes were installed at the center of each samples using the core method. The soil water content at Filed
lysimeter up to an effective root depth of 100 cm. Then, both Capacity (FC) and Permanent Welting Point (PWP) was
lysimeter’s results were used to compute the sorghum crop determined by the pressure plate apparatus technique, while
coefficient (Kc). the total available soil water (TASW) was obtained by sub-
tracting PWP from FC. The irrigation water was applied when
Crop management 55% of the total available soil water was depleted in the main
rooting layer. A known volume of irrigation was applied using
Sorghum variety of Teshale was sown in mid-July inside and a watering can inside and outside the lysimeter by converting
outside of the lysimeter to keep a similar environment. Before the 55% depletion into the volume of water. Irrigation water
sowing, the two lysimeters were made to have similar moisture was terminated following the maturity sign of the crop. The
content. The row and plant spacings were 75 and 15 cm respec- applied irrigation water in each lysimeter was used to compute
tively. Planting and all other field management such as ferti- the actual crop evapotranspiration (ETa). The amount of
lizer, weeds, and pest control were uniformly applied inside and applied irrigation water was computed from the following rela-
outside of the two lysimeters area. Fertilized rates of 100 kg ha−1 tionship (equation (1); Brouwer et al., 1985):
for diammonium phosphate (DAP) and 50 kg ha−1 for urea
were applied to the plot but urea was applied in a split. Seedling V = A*D (1)
density was controlled by 20 plants per m2. The crop was har-
vested in end-October during the two consecutive experimen- Where: V is the amount of water to be added (m3); A is the
tal seasons (2017 and 2018). surface area of lysimeter (m2); and D is the depth of application
Soil moisture monitoring and irrigation application
Soil moisture contents were monitored from inside the lysim- Crop evapotranspiration and reference
eter at an interval of 15 to 100 cm depth before and after every
irrigation. A CPN503 neutron moisture meter was used to The daily actual crop evapotranspiration was computed using the
monitor soil moisture content at the lower depth (15–100 cm) soil water balance approach (equation (2); Jensen et al., 1990).
in the lysimeter. Soil moisture content in the top 0 to 15 cm soil
layer was monitored by the gravimetric (oven method). The  I + P − D + ∆S 
ETa =   (2)
Bouyoucos hydrometer method was employed to determine  ∆t 
4 Air, Soil and Water Research 

Where: ETa is actual daily crop evapotranspiration (mm), I is conditions and plant height using the following (equation (5);
applied irrigation water (mm), P is effective rainfall (mm), D Allen et al., 1998):
is drainage water (mm), is the change in soil moisture storage
(mm), and Δt is the time interval between two consecutive Kc mid − FAO = Kc mid ( Tab )
measurements in days. The drainage water (D) was measured (5)
in the underground room from drain tubes that were con- + 0.04 ( U 2 − 2 ) − 0.004 ( RHmin − 45 ) 
nected to the lysimeters with the help of a graduated cylinder. *( h / 3)0.3
Change in soil moisture storage (ΔS) is the difference in mois- Where, Kc mid − FAO is the FAO-adjusted Kc for the mid-sea-
ture content of each consecutive day and it was computed by son, Kc mid ( Tab ) is the tabulated Kc for the mid-season
deducting the moisture content obtained today from the pre- gained from Table 12 of FAO-56, U 2 is the average wind
vious day. The net applied irrigation water to the crop depends speed a 2 m height during the mid-season (m s−1), RHmin is the
on the magnitude of moisture deficit in the soil, leaching average relative humidity during mid-season (%), and h is the
requirement, and expectancy of rainfall. When no rainfall is average plant height during the mid-season stage (m). Some
likely to be received and the soil is not saline, the net quantity approach was employed to compute Kc-end-FAO. The compari-
of irrigation water to be applied is equal to the moisture deficit son was done between locally measured Kc and FAO-adjusted
in the soil, that is, the quantity required to fill the root zone to Kc values.
field capacity. The moisture deficit (d) in the effective root
zone was computed using the following (equation (3); Mishra Results and discussion
& Ahmed, 1990).
Weather characteristics
Weather parameters such as; mean air temperature, relative
( Fci − Pwi ) *ASi*Di
d= ∑ 100
(3) humidity (RH %), wind speed (u2), solar radiation, rainfall, and
i =1 ETo for the 2017 and 2018 study seasons are presented in
Table 1. These weather variables were similar to some extent in
Where: Fci  = field capacity of the ith layer on oven dry weight both growing seasons except for some differences in rainfall
basis; Pwi  = actual soil moisture contents of the ith layer on distribution. For instance, the average temperature was 21.66°C
oven dry weight basis; ASi = apparent specific gravity of the in 2017 and 21.5°C in the 2018 sorghum growing season. The
ith layer; Di = depth of ith layer; and n = number of layers in mean value of relative humidity (RH%), wind speed, solar radi-
the root zone ation, and ETo are also comparable in both growing periods
The FAO Penman-Monteith method was applied to calcu- Table 1. Total accumulated effective rainfall amounts of
late daily reference evapotranspiration (ETo) using the cropw- 445.68 mm in 2017 and 337.8 mm in 2018 were observed.
pat8.0 model. Weather data such as daily air temperature Higher rainfall amounts were observed in July (201.12 mm),
(minimum and maximum), sunshine hours, wind speed at 2 m and September (91.04 mm) in 2017, while 150.9 mm of rainfall
height, and relative humidity were used as model input to cal- amount was received in August 2018 (Table 1). The total
culate daily ETo. amount of rainfall recorded in 2018 was less than 24.2% of the
rainfall amount recorded in 2017. Average ETo values over the
Crop coefficient (Kc) sorghum growing season were 4.61 mm day−1 in 2017 and
4.71 mm day−1 in 2018 (Table 1).
The actual sorghum crop coefficient values for each growth
stage of the crop were computed from the following relation-
ship (equation (4)). Sorghum actual crop evapotranspiration
ETa Sorghum Teshale variety could take about 92 days to mature
Kc = (4) under Melkassa climate conditions as presented in Table 2. At
the study site, the division of sorghum growing stages was
Where Kc is the actual crop coefficient (dimensionless); ETa is depending on the occurrence of plant leaves numbers. The ini-
the actual crop evapotranspiration (mm day−1); and ETo is the tial stage (Kcini) is when the plant develops up to three leaves,
reference evapotranspiration (mm day−1). the crop development stage (Kcdev) from three leaf numbers to
Sorghum crop coefficient values developed under a standard heading, the mid-season stage (Kcmid) from heading to black
climate condition (RHmin = 45% and u2 = 2 m s−1) are listed in layer formation, and the late-season stage (Kclate) from black
FAO-56 Table 12, as 0.3, 1.10, and 0.55 for the initial, mid, and layer formation to harvest. The seasonal sorghum crop evapo-
end-season. These values must be adjusted with local weather transpiration (ETa) during the 2017 and 2018 experimental
conditions, where RHmin and wind speed differ from 45% and years were 358.6 and 377.54 mm, respectively with an average
2 m s−1, respectively. The typical Kc values (>0.45) for the mid- of 368.07 mm (Table 2). The average sorghum daily actual crop
season and end-season stages were adjusted with climate evapotranspiration ranged between 2.27 to 5.41 mm day−1 in
Negash et al. 5




ETa, ETo (mm day-1)


2 ETo, mm day-1




ETa, mm day-1
0 20 40 60 80 100
Day After Sowing (DAS)




ETa, ETo (mm day-1)





2 ETo, mm day-1
ETa, mm day-1



0 20 40 60 80 100

Day After Sowing (DAS)

Figure 2.  Actual crop evapotranspiration (ETa) as a function of days after

Table 2.  Water Balance Components (cm) During Sorghum Growth Stages Observed at the Experimental Site in the Semi-Arid Area, Ethiopia.

sowing for sorghum during (a) 2017 and (b) 2018.



Note. P = effective rainfall; I = irrigation; D = drainage; ΔS = change in soil moisture storage; ETa = actual crop evapotranspiration; No Irri = number of irrigation.

2017 and 1.96 to 5.17 mm day−1 in 2018 (Figure 2). The maxi-



mum average daily crop evapotranspiration was observed at 64


DAS in 2017 and 68 DAS (mid-season) in 2018. The pattern

of average daily ETa for each sorghum growing season observed




in the study area was comparable to the trend described in

FAO-56. This trend generally shows a gradual increase in ETa



from the initial, reaching the peak at the midseason and started
decline toward the end of the season. The variation in ETa is



due to the combined effects of crop development, changes in

the evaporative demand of the atmosphere, and differences in

energy absorption characteristics. The increase in ETa from the




initial to crop development stages can be explained by changes


in evaporative demand and rapid crop growth. The decline in

ETa toward the end-season stage was due to senescence and




less physiological activities of the leaves because of aging (Allen

et  al., 1998). The sorghum seasonal ETa of this study was



highly comparable to the study reported by Widiyono et  al.


(2021) in east Nusa Tenggara province Indonesia, with a sor-

ghum ETa value of 371 mm.




Sorghum crop coefficient (Kc)




The computed daily actual crop coefficient values expressed as

a function of the day after sowing (DAS) for the sorghum



growing seasons of 2017 and 2018 are presented in Figure 3.

The result indicates a gradual increase in Kc values from the



initial, reaching a peak at the mid-season and starting to decline


toward the end of the season. This result was alike to the trend
described in FAO-56. The seasonal Kc values during the initial




(0.56), midseason (1.13), and end season (0.57) were recorded


in 2017, while Kc values of 0.55, 1.16, and 0.61 for initial, mid,

and end-season, respectively were obtained in 2018 (Table 3).



The average sorghum seasonal Kc values over the two experi-

mental years were 0.55, 1.15, and 0.59 for the initial, mid, and


end-season, respectively (Table 3). The evolution of Kc values



reflected the effects of crop growth, development, and physiol-


ogy on ETa. As the crop develops and shades the ground to the
6 Air, Soil and Water Research 

1.4 considerably different from FAO-adjusted crop coefficient val-

1.2 ues for these sorghum growth stages and other publications.
The average Kc-mid-local of 1.15 developed from this study
Crop Coefficient, Kc

was higher than with a Kc-mid-FAO-adjusted value of 1.01 (Table 4).
The average locally developed Kc-mid-local for this study was
lower than the sorghum Kc-mid values of 1.24 and 1.18 obtained
Kc, 2017
Kc, 2018
by Tyagi et al. (2000) and Shenkut et al. (2013), respectively.
Sorghum average locally measured Kc values (Kc-mid-local) were
0 20 40 60 80 100 higher than the Kc-mid values of 0.99, 1.0, 1.05, and 1.1 reported
Day After Sowing (DAS) by Lima et  al. (2021), Piccinni et  al. (2009), Howell et  al.
Figure 3.  Crop coefficient (Kc) values as a function of days after sowing (2006), and Allen et al. (1998), respectively. However, a similar
for 2017, and 2018 sorghum growing seasons. sorghum Kc-mid-local value of 1.15 was obtained by Bashir et al.
(2008) in Sudan, Gezira, using a satellite-based energy balance
Table 3. Locally Developed Kc Values for Sorghum at Melkassa model.
During 2017 and 2018. Two years’ average locally measured Kc-end-local value of 0.59
was higher than with a Kc-end-FAO-adjusted value of 0.52 (Table 4).
Locally developed Kc
It exceeded that of the Kc-end-FAO-adjusted value by 11.86%. The
Trail Kc-ini-Local Kc-mid-Local Kc-end-Local average locally developed Kc-end-local values of sorghum were
year greater than the Kc values of; (Kc-mid = 0.4 and 0.48) reported
Year I 0.56 1.13 0.57 by Howell et al. (2006) and Bashir et al. (2008), respectively.
(2017) The average Kc-ini-local value of (0.55) measured in this study
Year II 0.54 1.16 0.61 was equal to that of the Kc-ini values of 0.55 reported by Bashir
(2018) et  al. (2008). However, the average Kc-ini-local value obtained
Average 0.55 1.15 0.59 from this study was higher than the Kc values developed by
Kc Tyagi et al. (2000) and Lima et al. (2021). In general, this vari-
ation of Kc values between the locally developed, the FAO
adjusted and other studies could be attributable to the differ-
Table 4. Locally Obtained and FAO-adjusted Kc Values for Sorghum ence in local climatic conditions, growing window, soil texture,
at Melkassa During 2017 and 2018.
and management practice.
Trail Kc-mid-(Local) (Kc-mid(adj)) Kc-end-(Local) (Kc-end(adj))
Implication for irrigation and crop management
Year I 1.13 (1.02) 0.55 (0.48)
(2017) Determining actual crop evapotranspiration and developing
regionally based Kc-value helps to provide reference informa-
Year II 1.16 (1.00) 0.61 (0.55)
(2018) tion for irrigation water management for sorghum in semi-arid
areas of Africa in particular the semi-arid part of Ethiopia. It is
Average 1.15 (1.01) 0.59 (0.52)
key to optimizing irrigation events, determining the timing
and quantity of irrigation events, providing real-time irriga-
Note. Kc-mid-Local and Kc-end-Local are the locally obtained Kc values for mid and tion recommendations, and for irrigation scheduling, plan-
end-season, respectively; (Kc-mid(adj)) and Kc-end(adj) is the FAO adjusted Kc values
for mid and end-season, respectively where RHmin differ from 45% and wind ning, and development. Moreover, it provides precise water
speed differ from 2 m s−1.
application to crops in areas where irrigation practices take
place. Consequently, it can help private consultants and grow-
effective full cover and reaches full size, the amount of water ers to avoid water overuse and to more precisely meet the crop
abstraction increases which in turn increased the ETa. The water demand to produce greater yields, crop quality, and
maximum Kc value of 1.13 and 1.16 was obtained during the enhanced water use efficiency.
mid-season of 2017 and 2018, respectively when ETa reached
its highest demand. The Kc-mid value recorded in 2017 was Conclusions
lower than the Kc-mid value recorded in 2018. Sorghum has an enormous role in the economy of sorghum-
growing states. However, under-estimation of its actual crop
evapotranspiration can cause yield penalty attributable to water
Comparison with FAO adjusted and other studies
stress, whilst over-estimation can result in excessive applied
Table 4 showed a locally obtained and FAO-adjusted Kc value water, consequently reducing available water for other pur-
for mid, and end-season growth stages. It can be observed that poses. Kc is a significant parameter influencing the estimation
the two seasons’ average locally developed Kc-values were of ETa of any crop, and knowledge of stagewise Kc of sorghum
Negash et al. 7

is vital. The study provided knowledge base information on References

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Mishra, R. D., & Ahmed, M. (1990). Manual on irrigation agronomy. Oxford and IBH
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ment, 96(12), 1698–1704.
Shenkut, A., Tesfaye, K., & Abegaz, F. (2013). Determination of water requirement
Declaration of Conflicting Interests and crop coefficient for sorghum (sorghum bicolor L.) at Melkassa, Ethiopia. Sci-
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Funding Srinivas, A., Rao, V. G., & Jyothi, V. (2014). Yield gap analysis of sorghum through
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weighing lysimeter. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sci-
Availability of Data and Materials ences, 7(09), 2580–2589.
All data are available on the paper itself. Tyagi, N. K., Sharma, D. K., & Luthra, S. K. (2000). Determination of evapotranspira-
tion and crop coefficients of rice and sunflower with lysimeter. Agricultural Water
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Tatek Wondimu Negash Widiyono, W., Nugroho, S., Sudiana, I. M., & Sulistyowati, D. D. (2021). Water stress
and water requirement of sorghum: Case study of dry areas in East Nusa Tenggara.
Abera Tesfaye Tefera Proceeding, May.

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