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Fifi and Siya

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Fifi and Siya’s Love Story

(Part 1)


Simphiwe Molaba
Chapter 1

I woke up on Monday Morning trying to figure out what to wear for Work.
I opted for a black two piece dress suit, and my black Christian Louboutin heels
I did a quick 360 turnaround and I must say I look damn hot and headed out the door, quickly

remembering to put my alarm code on.

As I got in the car (white Audi, A4 sedan) I made mental note to get breakfast on my way to work.
You can't start your day of with out the most important meal of the day. So says my mother. I quickly
popped into a Engen (Woolworths food) garage and grabbed Muslie and yogurt. Then got back into my
car and headed to work.
Once I got to work I parked my car at my designated Parking and took a lift to the fist floor. When the lift
opened the first person I saw was our receptionist Anna. She is not only the most efficient person I
know, but also the most caring. I greeted her with a smile and had a two minute conversation about the
Her: so Fifi, how was your weekend
Me: pretty dull, and yours ? 😓

She smiled and said, maybe it's time you got a boyfriend, a pretty girl like you shouldn't have to spend
her weekends alone. 😳

I just smiled as she told me about her weekend that she spent with her husband and daughter.
I left Anna and headed to my office. First things first, I put my laptop on and went to the kitchen to get a
spoon so I could eat breakfast. While in the kitchen I bumped into Sizwe, our company's in house lawyer
and to me a friend and colleague. Most of the girls here are infatuated by his charms and good looks. But
me all I see is my friend, well my gorgeous friend lol. Sizwe is 31, light skin, tall ,well built and a serial
Him: mmm look at you, looking all sorts of sophisticated
Me: Haai man Sizwe, it's too early for your nonsense today, lol
Him: Nxa, wapapa hle
I just laughed, you guys will come too see that Sizwe is a natural flirt
Me: so, how was your weekend
Him: wouldn't you like to know 😃just kidding I was mostly out clubbing and met a new chick, her name
is Luyanda.
Me: and,what happened to Phindile ?
Him, chuckels, she became to clingy for my liking.
Me: mmm you know Sizwe one of these days you will need to settle down bro, u not getting any younger.
Him: shame look who's talking, miss overly independent
Me: hey, it's not my fault that most men are threatened by women like me
Him: no man, you are just too picky.
Me: anyway got to run, I've got a meeting with one our directors today and still need to print out my
presentation for one of my clients
Him: cool, see you at lunch
Me: sharp
As I headed back to my office,I thought about what Sizwe said. Maybe I am just to picky.
You know I've been single for over a year and still can't seem to find a nice decent man. Any way, I don't
have time to think about it, I had too much on my plate.
When I got to my desk, I found a note from our Anna, informing me that the company director Mr
Jonathan Gray would like to see me in his office ASAP.
I automatically thought something might be wrong, I mean I know I had a progress report meeting
with him at 11:00, but it was only 9 And he was already looking for me.
I quickly grabbed my notepad and headed for Mr Grays office.
Knock knock
Him (Mr Gray), come in Refiloe
Me: Hi Mr Gray, Anne says you would like to see me
Him: yes, please take a seat,
Him, I know this is short notice, but I need your assistance with something. I've got a potential client
coming in at 10:00am, he might be one of our biggest clients we sign this year I’m going to need you
to sit in the meeting, since I'm going to be in the UK, from next couple of weeks. You might need to
handle his portfolio while I'm away. Are you up for it?
Wow, I couldn't believe that Mr Gray, would choose me out of everyone to assist him in securing a
client 😄

Me: yes of course, I'd be happy to assist.

Him: good, here's, what you need to know about him. You have approximately an hour to familiarize
yourself with who and what Mr Ndhlovu does.
I took the company brochure and headed to my office.
Once I got to my office I typed Ndhlovu corporations inc into the search engine and started my
research. I specifically went into the "our teams" tab to take a look at this so called Mr Ndhlovu, I
mean if he's meeting with my Boss then he must be quite a big deal. mr Gray only deals with the "top
dogs" as people would say.
The moment I laid eyes on Siyabonga Chad Ndhlovu, I could believe my eyes, Not only was Mr
Ndhlovu the Founder and CEO of Ndhlovu corporations, he was one of the most good looking men
I'd ever seen. I chuckled a bit and thought, na, he can't look like that in real life. Im sure it's an old
picture or the lighting is really good., anyway I quickly exited that tab and started reading up about
his company.
At 10:00am on the dot my office line rang, it was Anne, informing me that Mr Ndhlovu had arrived, I
thought well, it's now or never.
I took my laptop and notepad and headed for the boardroom.
When I arrived, Mr Gray was shacking Mr Ndhlovu's hand, I walked towards them and made a short
prayer for not to make a fool of myself. As I got closer, Mr Ndhlovu turned towards me and our eyes
met. I swear for that moment it felt like there was only the two of us in that room, he looked
absolutely breathtaking. He truly did look as good looking as he did in his company profile. His
caramel brown skin looked like it had been kissed by the sun and he had bright white teeth and dark
brown eyes. He wore a dark navy blue form fitted cut suit, a white shirt with silver cufflinks, navy tie
and black formal shoes. I thought to myself get your act together Fifi, this is an opportunity for you to
finally prove yourself, I reluctantly removed my eyes from his gaze as I greeted Mr Gray again.
Him: (mr g) oh, hi Rifiloe, I would like you to meet, Siyabonga Ndhlovu. Mr Ndhlovu this is Rifiloe
mokoena , she will be my second hand in assisting you with your portfolio
I held out my hand to shake mr Ndhlovu's hand, and tried my best not to stare into his dreamy eyes.
I think I felt some sort of a spark when his hands met with mine, it felt like there was some sort of
electricity pulling between us, I wish I could explain it 😉

Me: Mr Ndhlovu, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Him: the pleasure is all mine miss or is it Mrs Mokoena
Me: just Miss Mokena will do,

If there is one thing you all should know about me is that I don't mix business with pleasure. I'm not
much of a dater, my ex-boyfriend and I broke up because I was too committed to my job. I've always
believed that I don't need a man to take care of me. I work hard so that I can provide for myself. But
that doesn't mean I don't feel lonely sometimes. Some of my friends say I'll never find a man
because I'm too picky, but I just believe that somewhere out there is a man who will understand me.
Anyway, let’s get back to the story.
We all sat at the boardroom table, and Anne walked in to offer us something to drink.
I opted for a rooibos, while Mr Gray and Mr Ndhlovu both opted for a cappuccino.
Once we all had something to drink we started our meeting.
So all in all Mr Ndhlovu had over R 200 000 000.00 that he need us to manage for him.
He owned 4 properties, 3 in South Africa and 1 in the USA, 5 cars, 1 private jet and 1 boat.
(Look, we are used to dealing with wealthy people in my line of work, but this was at another level)
So we concluded our meeting and Mr Gray informed Mr Ndhlovu that I would be in touch sometime
during the week to set up an appointment.
We stood up shook hands again, and Mr NDHLOVU left.
Me: well, that went well,
Him: (mr gray), yes, it sure did. Come we've only got a few days to come up with killer presentation.
Him: I'm trusting you with this client Refiloe, please don't screw it up. Let me know if you need my
Me: thank you sir, I'll do my best
Him: good, that’s what I like to hear.
I walked away to my office with a huge grin on my lips and started working on Mr Ndhlovu’s
After a while of drowning myself in work, I started feeling hungry.
I was so busy working on this presentation that I had forgotten to eat my breakfast, so I figured I
would go out and get myself something to eat. I took my car keys and purse and left.
Me: Anne, I'm quickly going to go get lunch, please take messages for me, I should see back in an
Her: sure Fifi, no problem.
I drove to one of my favourite restaurants and ordered a chicken Cesar salad to go.
I was busy on my phone responding to emails while waiting and when I looked up and saw MR
Ndhlovu. I swear my heart skipped a beat. He was sitting and at a table with four other male figures,
Damn, you could tell that these guys weren't just ordinary business men, these were the kind of men
that would make woman from wet, just by looking at them. 😁

He spotted me from across the room and smiled. I smiled back and continued on my phone. I wasn't
going to walk over to him and make a fool of myself in front of all those guys.
When I looked up again he was walking towards me. My Heart started racing, my palms started
sweating. All I could think was get yourself together Fifi. .
Him: Miss Mokoena, we meet again,
Me: Mr Ndhlovu, how Are you?
Him: good thanks. Would you like to join us for lunch?
Me: oh no thank you, I'm just grabbing a takeaway, I'll eat at the office.
Him: mmm, I see, maybe next time,
Me: maybe (blushing)
Him: so have you set up an appointment with my PA for the end of the week?
Me: no, not as yet, I'll give her a call once I get back to the office.
Him: good
Him: you know it's unfair, you know so much about me, and yet I only know a few details about you.
Me; (blushing like an idiot) well, what would you like to know?
Him: mmm, I'm pretty sure if I told you, you would run out of here.
Me: (smiling) well, then I guess you will never know 😜

Him: (chuckles) oh Miss Mokoena, if I want to know something, I always find a way.
I just stood there like an idiot not knowing what to say. I mean if someone says that what am I
supposed to say in return?
Thank the goodness my order arrived.
Me: it was nice seeing you again Mr Ndhlovu
Him: always a pleasure.
I held out my hand to shake his, and he leaned in to kiss my hand instead. And walked away.
To say I was blushing was an understatement.
I got in my car and drove back to the office with the biggest grin on my face.
The rest of the day was really dull in comparison to the morning.
I left at 4:00pm and hedged to the gym. Needed to work off some steam, and try get this man out my
mind. Even if it was just for an hour.
Both Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty much uneventful, I spent most of my day working Mr
Ndhlovus Portfolio.
I had to work late on Wednesday, because I had a meeting with Mr Ndhlovu on Thursday at his
offices at 09:00am. His PA advised that it would have to be an early appointment, since Mr Ndhlovu
would be returning to CT
On Thursday I woke up, nervous as hell, hoping my presentation for Mr Ndholvu would go well.
I really hoped I wouldn’t screw up, or say something dumb.
Anyway I woke up, had a shower and wore black pantsuit, with black studded heels, and a baby blue
I wanted to look, sophisticated but also feminine.
Since I had some time on my hands I decided to give my mom a call, I hadn’t spoken to her in over a
Her: Fifi
Me: Hi ma, how are you,
Her; ke hantle hle ngwanaka wena?
Me; im fine ma, just miss you guys.
Her; le runa re ya hohopola. O tlo tlaneneg haye?
Me; eish, ha ke tsebe mme, work is keeping me really busy so, maybe next month
Her: oho. Wena he, o dula u le busy.
Me; I know ma, oh, and I wont be able to come home for easter holidays.
Her; hobaneng jwale fifi? Watseba ntate wahao o tlo kwata jwang. He was planning on going to
church with you.
Me; I know hle ma, but he, ke tlabe ke le CT,
Her; ok fifi. Ke yah o rata ne nana
Me; me too ma, give my love Papa.
Her: will do
Once I had spoken to my mom, I left my key under the mat for my Helper, (ausi mavis) and left for
Mr Ndhlovus offices.
While in the car I noticed my heart started beating at a not so steady pace, my palms started
sweating and I felt like I had some sort of butterflies in my stomach.
I laughed at myself and thought’’ you really are an idiot’’ this guy is probably married or in a
relationship, and anyway, GOLDEN RULE NO 1. Never, ever mix business with pleasure.
I put on my radio, and listened to Metro. I knew that between Glen and Unathi, one of them would
make me forget about my stupid girl crush. Even if it was just for a moment.
Upon arrival at Ndhlovu Corporations Inc. I was shown to Mr Ndhlovu’s office/boardroom.
I must say was very impressed, his office/boardroom in one was the size some peoples flats.
It had a boardroom table that could fit 6 people. A 4 seater couch and Desk whre he worked off.
Everything was mainly white. Very sterile, except for this one painting of some sort of map. I didn’t
really understand the painting, but at lease it brought some colour into the office.
I set up my presentation and waited for Mr Ndhlovu. I waited, and waited and waited, and then
sensed him, before he even said anything. I just knew he was behind me standing at the door. I
could smell his cologne and those damn butterflies started roaming around in my stomach.
Í knew he was staring at me from the door, but I refused to turnaround. I just carried on pretending
that I was typing something on my laptop.
He must have given up, cause then he finally walked in.
Him; Miss Mokoena, my apologies for keeping you waiting. My last meeting ran over.
Me; No problem, I was just catching up on some work.
Thought he would take a seat opposite me, but NO, he sat right next to me. I made a silent prayer
asking God, to help me not passout
Him: have you been offered something to drink?
ME; Yes thank you’ve already had a cup of coffee.
Him; good. Shall we begin?
Me; yes, of course.
An hour later, I was done with my presentation. I had answered all his questions. And had emailed
him some documents that he would need to sign. Everything was full steam ahead. I was finally able
to relax.
Him; Well, now that that’s over, how about you tell me something more about yourself
Me; Well, im not really nearly as interesting as you.
Him: don’t underestimate yourself. Im sure there is more than meets the eye, when it comes to you.
Me; (Sigh) ok so, What would you like to know?
Him; everything
Me; there is no time for me to tell you everything. But in a nutshell, I’m 25, Have BCOM through Wits
University, I live alone in fourways, I’m the only child and my life is my career.
Him; so, there’s no boyfriend in the picture?
Me; No, not at the moment. I’ve been single for just over a year
Him; why would a woman like you be single for so long?
Me; I don’t know. My friends say I’m too picky
Him; well are you?
Me: I don’t think so. I just know what I want. And most men don’t measure up.
Him; what about me? Would I measure up?
I looked at him blankly. There was no way I was going to answer him.
This meeting had just become too personal. I had to get out of here ASAP, but I also didn’t want to
seem rude.
Him: so you’re just going to sit there smiling and not answer my question?
Me: I prefer not to answer that question
Him; ok, I’ll take that as a yes
Me: I didn’t say that
Him; you don’t have to. I can tell by how you’re blushing
Me: okay, I’ve got to get going
Him; but you haven’t asked me about my life
Me; I know everything I need to know about you
Him; what exactly do you think you know, except for the finances of course.
Me; Well, your 34 this year, you have a Business degree from UJ, you have Son by the name of
Olwetho, and you are a mama’s boy of note
He laughed
Him; and how do you know all of the
ME: google
Him; so google, told you I’m a mama’s boy
Me: No; I read one of the articles they wrote about you at jozi magazine, and you spoke a lot about
your mother. I could just tell from there that you were a mams boy.
Him; Well, your right about everything, except for the fact that you missed the part where I’m single
I looked at him again, and started blushing.
Me; so why are you single
Him; well, it’s difficult finding someone who loves you for you and not for your money.
Me; I can only imagine. So what happen with the mother of your child? If you don’t mind me asking?
Him; she wanted to settle down and build a family. And I wanted to build an empire. So she moved
Me; I see
I was kind of disappointed by his answer, because that meant that they didn’t fight or hate each
other. It just meant they grew apart and wanted different things.
Me; I should really get going, I’m sure you’ve got far more important things to do, than chit chat all
Him; I’m not complaining, it’s actually quite interesting speaking with you.
Me; well in that case, tell me about your son
When he told me about his son, you could see his eyes light up. You could tell that he loved him
dearly I smiled. He told me how he was good at soccer, and how he spoke to him every day. We
spoke some more about life and hobbies and our parents. It felt like we were old friends catching
I was even ok with him sitting next to me. I didn’t feel as nervous as I did when I first arrived.
When I looked at the time it was 12; 00, I had been here for over 3 hours.
I stood up and started packing my stuff. I needed to get back to the office. I had a million things to
do, for Mr Ndhlovu and my other clients.
Being the gentleman that he is, he also stood and helped me with my stuff.
When I turned to look at him to say goodbye. He was standing next to me with a smile on his face.
He took my hand in his and looked me in the eyes, I immediately looked away, and I knew that if I
looked at him I would get lost in the moment. He moved closer then he lifted my chin up with his
finger, I didn’t realise how close our faces were until that very moment. I held my breath, because I
knew what he wanted to do and I knew I also wanted it. I could smell his cologne, and his minty
freshness from his mouth. The intensity of that moment was killing me. He leaned in closer, and was
about to kiss me, until someone barged into his office.
Shit. It was his PA
We bothed looked at her, and she left.
I immediately came back to my senses. What the hell was I thinking? I needed to get out of here.
I tried releasing my had from his, but he held on tighter
Me; I’ve got to go, I’m sorry, this is a mistake, I should have never allowed that to happen.
Him: Why are you fighting this?
Me; I’m not fighting anything.
Him; we both know you are.
Me; please let go of my hand
Him; only of you promise to have lunch with me
Me: I can’t, I’ve got too much to do today
Him; then well have dinner. I’m not taking no for an answer
ME; aren’t you supposed be going to CT
Him; yes, but I can postpone it to later, or even tomorrow
Me; that won’t be necessary. I’ll meet you for quick drinks . Let’s say 4pm
Him; that’s perfect. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable
Me; Its fine, you didn’t, I should really get going,
Him; ok, I’ll walk you out
He let go of my hand and walked with me to reception.
I looked straight ahead, I didn’t want to have to look at his PA. I was beyond embarrassed.
When we got to reception, I held out my hand to shake his, but he kissed it instead.
I just laughed, this man doesn’t know when to stop.
Him; you’ll let me know where we’ll be meeting?
Me; yes, ill sms you you. But I also need to set up another appointment with your PA. I think Sizwe,
might need to be there in order to assist with opening of the trust for your Son.
Him; ill hear from you then
Me; Ok, Bye
Him; Bye
He kissed my cheek, the turned around and walked away.
His receptionist was looking at me like she had seen a ghost. I just smiled, and walked out of there.
I left his office, feeling very confused, I didn't understand why I was behaving the way I was. I’m
usually pretty good with keeping things professional and keeping most men at arm’s length. But this
guy. There was just something about him.
When I got to the office, I greeted Anne, and went straight to my office.
I laid my head on the table and let out a huge sigh.
When I looked up my boss was standing at my door, with a quizzical look on his face
Me: oh, hi, sorry, I didn't see you come in
Him: no worries, how did your presentation go?
Me: I think it went well, all that's left now is for him to send me the contracts and we can begin. Then
I need to set up an appointment with Mr Ndhlovu and Sizwe, so that they can set up a trust for his
Him: that's good to hear. Make sure you are in that meeting, I need you to handle everything
Me: will do
Him: are you ok? You seem a bit off
Me: yes, I'm fine, just got a bit of a headache
Him ok: take the rest of the day off
Me; thank you, but I’ve got far too much to do
Him; suit yourself
He left me to my own misery or should I say dreaded excitement. I wanted to tell him I was meeting
Siya for drinks at 4pm, but I was too scared he’d take it the wrong way.
While I was busy contemplating on whether I should have told MR Gray or not, Sizwe walked into
my office with a huge bouquet of pink and white roses, I looked at him quizzically as he put them on
my desk.
Me; and now?
Him; they are for you, a delivery guy just dropped them off. So are you going to open the card?
Me: no
Him; why
Me; because I know who they’re from
Him; do tell
Me; close the door
Sizwe being the mamgobis that he is rushed to close the door 
Me; they’re from Siyabonga
Him; who’s Siyabonga
Me; a client
Him; wait, do you meant Siyabonga, as in Mr Ndhlovu
Me; yep, that’s the one
Him; no
Me; yes
Him; so vela, you to have something going on
Me; no.
Him; you like him don’t you?
I just looked at him.
Him; oh my gosh,
Me; you can’t say anything to anyone
Him; I won’t need to. That smile of yours does all the talking
I just laughed at him, because I think somehow Sizwe was right.
Him; so you know as your friend, I say go ahead and have fun. Plus you haven’t had some loving in
a long ass time. But as you lawyer, I have to tell you to be careful. If you pursue this you might have
to give him up as a client. It would be considered a conflict of interest if you remained his Advisor
then started dating him.
I sighed, I knew Sizwe was right, but is it such a bad thing to want both?
After Sizwe left, I dived headfirst into my work. I needed a distraction from the whole Siyabonga
Luckily I manged to get quite a lot done, until I was distracted by my office line ringing.
Me: Rifiloe hello
Him: Rifiloe, Hi, it's Siyabonga
Me: Hi, what’s up?
Him: you haven’t sent me a location for drinks
Me: Shit, sorry, I totally forgot. Aahmm, what about Southern Sun, at Hyde park? They’ve got a
lovely rooftop bar, and it’s also very private
Him; so you don’t want to be seen with me
Me; that’s not what I meant, I just thought it would be better if we didn’t give people the wrong
Him; and what kind of impression would that be?
Me; that there is more to us than just our professional relationship
Him; I see. You do know I don’t plan on just having a “professional” relationship with you right
Me; (clears throat) well, in life you can’t always have what you want
Him; Im not the type of guy who takes no for an answer.
Me; we will just have to see about that.
Him; indeed.
Me; ive got to go, ill see you at 4
Him; ok, don’t miss me too much
I just hung up. I wasn’t going to answer that. Plus I couldn't understand what this man wanted from
me. I mean, a man of his calibre must have woman throwing themselves at him, and yet he wants to
be "friends" with me? haai, some things just don't make sense
As I was busy thinking about this, Sizwe, walked into my office
By the time I looked at my watch it was already 15:30pm,
Shit, I was going to be late, I packed my laptop and left for Hyde Park
Luckily traffic wasn’t too bad, I made it just in time.
When I spotted Siya, he was seated at the corner. I walked towards him, he stood up. He gave me a
hug and pulled out my chair for me.
I must say, he was making it difficult, to remain friends.
Him; thank you for joining
Me; it’s a pleasure
Him; you look nervous
Me; I am a bit, I’m not sure if this such a good idea
Him; relax, it’s just drinks. What can I order you?
Me; a glass of Anthonij Rupert optima?
Him; Sure. I didn’t think you’d be the red wine kinda girl
Me; it helps calm the nervous
Him; in that case, we’ll order a bottle
Me; Are you trying to get me drunk?
Him; would that be wrong of me?
Me; most certainly would
Him; ok, a glass it is
He called the waiter and ordered our drinks.
Me; Oh, I also wanted to say thank you for the flowers, they’re beautiful
Him; Im glad you liked them
Me; did you pick them, or did you get your PA to pick them?
Him; I picked them, I just told her to make sure they were delivered before our date today.
Me; Date?
Him; Yes. Date
Me; I’m just going to keep quite
He laughed at me, and we sat chatting away, as if we had known each other for years.
We moved from having drinks, to ordering dinner, then ordering more drinks.
I had even forgotten to that he was a client. I felt more like we were on a date.
After much laughter and butterflies, it was time I headed home.
It was already 9pm, and I had work tomorrow.
Me; Thank you for Dinner.
Him; it’s my pleasure. Hopefully it will be the first of many
ME; we’ll see.
I stood up, and he stood too. He paid the bill and walked me to my car.
I got to my car and opened the boot to put my handbag in, then turned around to shake his hand.
As I held out my hand, he laughed at me
Him; you can’t be serious?
Me; What?
Him; I think we’re way past the formalities
Me; Really. Ok, so what do you suggest?
Him; I’ll take a hug,
Me; I guess that won’t hurt
He came close, and gave me a hug. You could tell that he worked out, his biceps were strong and
he smelled delicious. We broke our hug and he kissed me on my cheek.
HIM; call me and let me know that you arrived home safely
Me; Ok
I didn’t know what to else to say. It’s not like he was asking me. Instead he was telling me.
I don’t usually respond well, to being told what to do, but in his case, I found it kind of sexy ;)

Friday is normally a very chilled day at the office. It's a day where we don't see clients but rather
catch up on admin and prepare for the following week.
After taking shower I wore my black ripped jeans, a white Nike golf shirt, black leather jacket and my
White Nike wedge sneakers. And decided to leave my hair down for the day.
On my way to make breakfast I got an sms from Siya, wishing me a good day. I replied with a smiley
face and wished him the same.
I went to work in a pretty good mood. I was even listening to Nicki Minaj, because I was also feeling
myself mos ;)

When I got to the office, I went to Sizwes office. I wanted us to go for drinks after work. He was on
the phone, so I told him to come see me when he’s done.
When I got to my desk I started on the admin. I dreaded every minute of it. But hey, it had to get
done. Luckily Sizwe came to save me.
Him; Sweety mama
Me; Hey . I wanted to know if you wanted to do drinks after work today
Him; ok, as long as you don’t mind some of my friends joining us?
Me; which friends?
Him; abo Themba, no Xolile
Me; ok, as long as your there.
Him; ok, im in
Me; so where are we going? Please don’t say news cafe
Him; mxm, hana wena o miss princess. Well van dag, you are coming wherever I’m taking you.
Finish an klaar
I gave up. All I was looking for was a good time anyway, and I know as long as Sizwe is there.
Things will be moja

The rest of the day was pretty boring, but at least I had something to look forward to.
At around 4:30pm , Sizwe and I left. We decided to take his car and leave mine at the office. I made
him promise he would take me home. There was no way I was sleeping at his crib. Never!
When we were driving, I already knew he was taking me to chaf-pozi. I didn’t mind though, because
it had been a while since I had braai vleis. By the time we arrived it was already 6pm. Traffic on a
Friday on the M1 south is a real bitch. I couldn’t believe we sat for 2 hours. None the less I was
We sat at a table, and his friends started to arrive. I already knew them, so I was kind of ok being the
only girl.
The music was pumping, the drinks were coming one after the other and most importantly I was
enjoying myself. The best thing about going out with only guys is that they really protective of you.
And knowing Siya, I could get drunk as I wanted and he would keep an eye on me.
While I was busy grooving my butt off, Siya called. At this stage I was not drunk, but I was alos not
sober. I walled outside to the parking, because I could hear him
Me; Siya
Him hi, how are you
Me; im good, and you?
Him; im good. Where are you?
Me; at Chaf-Poszi with some friends
Him; oh. How you getting home?
Me; Sizwe is dropping me off
Him; and you trust this Sizwe guy
He banna, and now whats with the interrogation
Me; yes, I trust Sizwe with my life.
Him; I see
Me; you sound jealous
Him; maybe I am
Me; well, shame, cause you can’t fetch me since you’re in CT
Him; don’t count you lucky stars just yet.
Me; what’s that supposed to mean?
Him; nothing
Me; ok. So ill speak to you later
Him; ok. Behave
Me; yes daddy
I hung up immediately. I mean who does he thinks he is telling me to behave. I always behave. Plus
it’s not like I get too drunk.
I walked back to where the guys were and carried on having fun. Sizwe had lost a bet and he was
made to drink 5 drinking shooters, one after the other. So much for my transport guy being sober.
Anyway I just figured I might have to uber home. As the night went on, the drunker Sizwe got, and
the more I drank water. Then my song came on and I was about to stand up to dance when I saw
Siya and his friends walking in. I immediately sat my ass down, and thanked my luck Stars I wasn’t
too Drunk.

Siya walked straight past me. Didn’t even have the decency to say hello they sat at a table right

behind us and immediately ordered drinks. I on the other hand had just become as sober as a
Sizwe looked at quizzically then came to sit next to me. he put his arm around my neck in a playful
way. But deep down I wanted him to get that dam arm away from me, cause I knew Siya was
Sizwe; and now. Why do you look like you’ve just seen a ghost
ME; you’re an idiot sometimes you know.
Sizwe; what did I do?
Me; nothing. Siya just walked in. he’s sitting right behind us. Don’t look
Sizwe; OHH ok, now I see. So why don’t you go and say HI
Me; no, are you mad. He walked right past me and didn’t even look my way. Theres no way I’m
going to embarrass my self .
Sizw; Well, if your both going to ignore each other. Mina anagaz
I gave Sizwe a bottle of water. I needed him sober, since he was going to be my ride home.
Me; Sizwe
Him; Yaah.
Me; I need to go to the ladies. Please come with me
Him; Hai hai Rifiloe. Just go to the bathroom and come back. Why you acting like Miss Princess
now. You do know im not one of your girlfriends right
I looked at him and pouted. I know that usually get me what I want.
Him: nxa, lets go. Mara wena you abuse me. Straight
I smiled and stood up. There was no way I was gonna walk past Siya’s table alone.
As we walked past Siyas table, I held on to Sizwes hand so I wouldn’t get lost in the crowd.
Luckily when we got to the ladies there wasn’t a long cue, so Sizwe stood outside waiting for me.
I did my business, then went to freshen up a bit. I put on some deodorant, used my mouth wash and
tied my hair up.
When I was done Sizwe was still waiting for me.
See why I love him so much. He’s like the big brother I never had.
We walked back hand in hand to our table. When we arrived some of Sizwes other friends from
Mamelodi had arrived and taken our seats. I gave them all a hug because I knew them and ended
up sitting on Sizwes lap. The drinks started flowing again, and I knew that I was still in for a hell of a
night. I stuck to my water, because I didn’t really feel like drinking. Plus I was enjoying the
conversation with these guys. They were having a debate about who makes more money between
lawyers and doctors. I just laughed because they were being ridiculous.
When I looked at the corner of my eye, I saw Siya headed to our table. I looked away and continued
listening to the male testosterone talking at our table.
When he arrived he greeted everyone. I had to move off of Sizwe’s lap, because he stood to greet
Siya. Nxa.
Then Siya looked at me. I just smiled at him
Him; Can I have a word with you?
Me; I’m listening
Him; not here
Me; where
Him; outside
Me; Ok.
I gave Sizwe my handbag, and I walked out with Siya. When we were outside. He led me to a
secluded area. Im guessing he didn’t want people to hear us. I started getting nervous.
Me; and now? Why did we have to come all the way out here to talk?
Him; because, I needed talk to you privately
Me; ok. Were here, what’s up?
Him; I’m taking you home
Me; nope. Sizwe can take me home
Him; you expect me to let you get into a car with Sizwe. In case you hadn’t noticed. He is drunk
Me; then ill drive. In case you hadn’t noticed, I haven’t been drinking as much
Him; Are you always this stubborn
Me; yes. Especially when I’m pissed
Him; Well pissed or not im taking you home.
Me; are you always this bossy
Him; yes. Especially when I know I’m right.
Me; well I guess we’ve got a problem, because I’m not leaving here without Sizwe
Him; what is it with you and this Sizwe guy
Me; he’s my China.
He laughed at me. Like really laughed.
Him; Those martinis are getting to your head. Look the way I see it you’ve got TWO options. 1 you
go say goodbye to your friends and you come with me willingly. Or 2 I haul you over my shoulder
and take you to my car and we leave without saying goodbye
Me; you wouldn’t dare
Him; try me
I tried taking one step back but my back was against a wall. Shit. He looked at me and gave me one
of those mischievous smiles. Then held out his hand.
Him; Im guessing your going with option 1
Me;; Nxa. Lets go
When we arrived back inside Siya, walked to his table to fetch his keys. I took my bag from Sizwe
then pulled him to the side
Me; Bro, I'm heading home
Him; how you getting home?
Me; Siaya’s taking me
Him; are you sure about this
Me; yaah, I’ll be fine. But I need you to do me a favor
Him; anything
Me; I need you to let Themba drive you home. You’ve had way too much to drink.
Him; don’t worry about me. I’m a big boy. Plus you know with Themba being here there is no way he
would let me drive anyway
Me; OK. ill see you on Monday
I gave him a hug, then went to say goodbye to all the others.
Siya was eyeing me like a hawk, as I gave them all hugs. When I was finally done, I walked to Siyas
table, to tell him I was ready to go.
He got up, said goodbye to his friends and we left hand in hand.
When we got to his car, he opened for me, and I got in. then he went around and got in.
He started the car, but he didn’t reverse. Instead he just looked at me
Me; what?
Him; you’re going to be a handful aren’t you?
Me; well if you’re the kind of guy who isn’t used to being challenged, then yes. I’m going to be a hell
of a handful
Him; (chuckles) well, I’m up for the challenge
Me; we’ll see
Him; so, tell me about you and Sizwe
Me; what about us
Him; you were sitting on his lap
Me; well, I had nowhere else to sit. So I sat on Sizwe
Him; I See
Me; your Jealous
Him; Maybe I am
Me; I think it’s kind of sexy
Him; do you now
Me; yah, just little
I leaned in closer and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then moved back to my seat;
Me; you don’t need to be Jealous. Sizwe is like the brother I never had. We’ve never had anything
between us, and we never will.
Him; Good to know. i thought for a second there, i would have to break hisknees
Me; Shame on you.
Him; Now that thats over, how about another kiss
Me; in your dreams buddy
He laughed and we drove away. We spoke a lot on our way home. He was charming, funny and
made me wish I could take this further, but in reality, we couldn’t. It just wouldn’t be right

When we got to my place. Siya parked outside my garage and walked me to my door. I suddenly felt
a bit sad. I didn’t want him to go. I just wanted to pretend that everything was ok, and that we were
living in a Cinderella world where we could be together without any consequences.
Me; thank you for bringing me home
Him; it’s my pleasure
Me; do you want to come in?
Him; you don’t want me to go?
Me; no. not really
Him; ok, I’ll stay for a bit.
I smiled and we walked in. I showed him around then we went to the kitchen. I needed some Coffee.
Me; would you like a cup?
Him; sure. But you sit. I’ll make
Me; ok.
I sat on the counter while he boiled the water. It was so weird, I had only known this man for about a
week and I already felt so comfortable about him. I wanted him as much as he wanted me. But the
fear of taking that risk was stopping me. But what if he was the one and I was pushing him away.
Mhhm some things are truly unfair.
When he was done making coffee, we moved to the lounge and sat next to each other.
We drank our coffee, while we chatted. I took out one of my albums and he went through my
childhood photos of me. He kept laughing at all my poses. Then he got up and took our cups to the
kitchen. When he sat down again I leaned my head on his shoulder and let out a sigh.
Him; a penny for your thoughts
Me; don’t worry about it
Him; that bad ha
Me; I just don’t know what to do
Him; regarding us?
Me; yes
Him; well, why don’t you stop thinking about it and just decide to do follow your heart
Me; but if I did that then, what about my career
Him; we can cross that bridge when we get to it
I didn’t answer him, I just didn’t know what to do.
He shifted and faced me. I looked into his eyes and I saw a man I wanted to spend the rest of my life
with. He leaned in closer, and put his lips on mine
We stayed like that for a while, I think he was trying to see if I wanted to take it further. I couldn’t take
it any longer so I kissed him. I kissed him like I had been longing to from the moment I laid eyes on
him. He kissed me back with as much intensity and need. We kissed for so long, neither of us
wanted to break it because we knew that reality would kick in, and we weren’t ready for that.
When we finally broke the kissed, we were both panting for air.
Then reality started sneaking back in and i stood up. I needed to put some distance between us. I
shouldn’t have let him come in. what the fuck was I thinking. I could lose my job for this, not to
mention my reputation would be tainted.
Siya looked at me and he knew exactly what I was thinking
Him; don’t
Me; don’t want
Him; don’t try making this wrong
Me; it is wrong
Him; how
Me; Siya, I could lose everything
Him; I would never let it come to that
Me; you can’t control everything. This is my life were talking about
Him; I know that, but it doesn’t make me love you any less
Me; your putting me in an impossible situation
Him; Rifiloe, there is absolutely nothing impossible about this. I’m sure we could find a solution, if
you just for once let your guard down and let me in.
Me; I want to, I really do. But I just cant
Him; stop making excuses
He walked to where I was standing. He put his arms around me from behind, and kissed my neck.
Him; Just let me in. I promise you, I will take care of everything. Just stop fighting it.
Me; I need time
Him; I can give you that
Me; Thank you.

Siya stayed for a while longer. Then left to go home. To be totally honest I didn’t want him to go, but
it was too early for us to be having sleepovers. I still wasn’t sure what to do, so I didn’t want to
confuse him anymore than I already had.
Him; So will I see you tomorrow?
Me; I don’t think so. Siya, I need to take a step back, and think about things.
Him; ok, but just bear in mind, that I love you
Me; I will
He gave me a kiss on the cheek, then left.
I got back inside and went straight to bed. I needed sleep.
I woke up on Saturday morning at around 11; 00am.
I opened my windows and went to make breakfast. I was famished. I think it was because of all the
alcohol. But I’m grateful I didn’t wake up with a hangover.
I didn’t have any plans for the day, so I figured I’d catch up on some work. Anyway it’s not like I
could go anywhere since I had left my car at the office the previous day.
After breakfast I went to take a bath. I was also thinking I should call Siya. I kinnda missed him, so I
took my phone with me and I figured I’d call him while I was in the bath. I poured some bath oils and
got in. I’m telling you, nothing feels as good as hot water, especially when you can take your time.
I sat there thinking about the whole situation with Siya. He really seemed like my knight in shining
Armor. He made me feel like I could truly trust him. But at the same time he was the forbidden fruit
that I had to stay away from. I don’t know, but maybe if I spent more time with him, I could finally
come to a decision. But first things first. Let me call him
His phone rang about 5 times, I was about to put down when someone, a female answered.
Her; hello
I looked at the screen of my phone to make sure that I had dialled the right number
Her; is anybody there
Me; yes, sorry, hi, can I speak to Siya please
Her; you mean Siyabonga
Me; yes.
Her; he’s busy
Me; okay. Will you tell him I called?
Her; I’m not his PA. If he wants to call you he will. Wait are you the bitch that kept him out all night?
Don’t you know Siyabonga has a child ye.
Me; okay im really confused now, who am I speaking to?
Her; the mother of his child that’s who, and do yourself a favour, stay away from Siyabonga. He can
never truly make you happy, His loyalty will always be with me and his son. Unless you are ok with
always being second.
I immediately hung up. Didn’t Siya say that she lives in Cape Town? What is she doing here? Gosh,
she is so damn rude, I hope she’s not staying with him, what if she wants him back?
As all these thoughts went through my head I became more and more angry. What if he never broke
up with her? What if it was all a lie? Dammit man, I knew I should never have trusted a man again.
Not after what happened with my ex. Nxa
I got out the bath, and I was spitting fire. I needed to get dressed and go for a jog. That was the only
way I would be able to calm down.
As I was putting on my running gear, Siya phoned. I just ignored him and carried on getting dressed.
When I was done, I took my house keys and I left. I hadn’t been jogging in a while, so I started with
brisk walking for about 5km, then jogged back for the rest of the 5km .
When I got home, I had 5 missed calls from Siya and an sms. I didn’t read it because I wanted to
have a shower first. So I went upstairs and showered. When I was done I put on my shorts and a
bikini top. I wanted to go sit outside by my pool, put some music on and do some work. As I about to
go outside, my doorbell rang. I just knew it was Siya. I put my laptop down, and went to open for
I opened for him and he came in. you know even though I was angry at him. I was glad to see him.
Plus he looked so damn good. He greeted me and I and I greeted back. He sat down and I sat
opposite him
Him; why aren’t you taking my calls
Me; I was out
Him; Babe, its not what you think
Me; so now you know what I think
Him; Rifiloe Please
Me; What?
Him; I can feel how distant you are. Look, Linda wasn’t supposed to answer my phone, I don’t know
what she was thinking.
Me; isn’t she supposed to be in CT
Him; Yes, she arrived last night
ME; is she staying with you?
Him; babe
Me; Answer me
Him; Yes, but only because she had nowhere else to go. By the time she arrived it was too late to go
looking for a hotel, so she stayed in my guest house.
Me; did she bring your son with?
Him; no, he’s spending the weekend with my mother
Me; you should have told me
Him; I know, but I only found out when I got home last night. I was going to tell you this morning, but
then you called before I had had a chance to call you.
I kind of felt bad, because he looked like he was telling the truth, and here I was assuming the
He stood, sat next to me and pulled me up so I could sit on his lap facing him
Him; babe, I’m really sorry.
Me; its cool. I think I over reacted a little
Him; just a little ha?you know I could smell the jealousy all the way from Sandton
I hit him playfully on the leg
Me; would you like something to drink?
Me; no, I’d prefer a kiss first
I learned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Him; you can’t be serious
Me; what. You said a kiss mos. So I gave you a kiss
Him; I wanted one on the lips.
Me; well sorry for you. You should have been clearer.
He moved his hands and started tickling me. I jumped off him and tried running away, unfortunately
for me he was too fast. He grabbed me pulled me closer to him.
Him; you’ve got 2 more seconds, to give me my kiss or else I start tickling you again
Me; Siya don’t
Him; 1
I kissed him before he could even get to 2. There was no way I was going to endure being tickled,
plus I had missed his lips far too much. I broke of our kiss, because he had his hand all over my
tummy, plus remember I was wearing a bikini top. So, because I don’t want things to go any further.
It’s better if we behave ;)

Him; So are we going for a swim?

Me; did you bring shorts
Him; no,
Me; you could use one of my bikinis
Him; nxa, your insane shame
Me; so your just gonna watch me?
Him; no, I’ll go to the mall quickly.
Me; ok. But take my house keys with you.
Him; is there anything you need.
Me; nope
Him; have you had lunch?
Me; not yet. I can make a salad for you if you want
Him; cha, ngeke. Ngifuna inyama mina
Me; Ok, buy meat and you can use the gas braai
Him; that sounds more like it. Come here
I laughed and went to give him a kiss.Then he left to go to the mall, and I went to the kitchen to
make pap, gravy, chackalaka and Greek Salad.
By the time Siya came back, I was done with my pots. He had so many plastic bags with him, it
looked like he had bought the whole mall. He put the bags on the counter. And I started going
through them.
He bought, 2swimming shorts.2 plain T-Shirts, An electric toothbrush, face wash, body wash, body
cream, Slippers, Pyjamas, boxer shorts. I opened the other packet, and there was enough meat to
feed a nation, plus whine and beers for him. Brother even bought me 4 different kinds of chocolates.
Me; Siya. And Now
Him; What?
Me; what’s with all the stuff
Him; Well I figured if we’re spending so much time together, I might as well keep some stuff here.
Me; and the chocolates? Are you trying to make me fat
Him; Id still love you even if you were fat
I just smiled at him. I thought it was actually quite cute. I took his things upstairs and placed them in
the spare room. Then came down to help him with the meat. Luckily he had bought meat that had
already been marinated. So all we had to was put it on the braai.
Siya went upstairs to change, then came to join me by the pool. We sat with our feet in, then
eventually got in. We didn’t really swim. We just kept chatting and Siya kept splashing me with
water. Which isn’t very funny because I knew it would take me forever to dry my hair. He finally
stopped when I told him I was going to get out .So he pulled me to him and started kissing me. I
don’t know about you, but there’s something very sexy about kissing in water. He lifted me up and I
put my legs around his waist. I wanted to be with him so bad. He was really doing a good job at
breaking down the walls that I had put up around my heart.
When we stopped kissing me, he looked me in the eyes as if I there was no one else in this world
but me.
Him; so do you still want to get out
Me; no, but I think we need to start braaing the meat. It’s getting late
Him; ok, one more kiss and I’ll get started.
I gave him a kiss and we got out the pool. I went to put on some music while he was busy with meat,
and I went set up the dining room table. I dimmed the lights and lit my vanilla candles.
When Siya came in the dining room, he looked around and smiled, and gave me a kiss on the
We sat down, had dinner, and then I went to put the dishes in the washer.
Siya was still sitting in the dining room. I was feeling a little naughty so I took the phone out his hand
and sat on his lap. He looked at me and knew just what I wanted. We started making out, slowly and
tenderly, but with a sense of urgency. He picked me up to take me upstairs, but then my damn
doorbell rang.
Him; do you wanna get that
Me; no
Him; babe, it could be urgent.
Me; mcm
He put me down and I went to my door. I was so annoyed, I even forgot to look to see who it was. I
just unlocked the door and opened it. Oh my gosh, It was my mother standing there with a suit case.

I think I nearly peed in my pants when I saw my mother standing at my door.

I didn’t know whether to smile or cry. I mean how I was going to explain a half-naked man in my
house at this time.
Me; ma
Her; Refiloe. O tlo emma fela? Help me with my bags
Me; ahhm, ok
I took my mother’s bag as we walked in side. The first thing I did when we got inside was put out my
candles, while my mother went to sit in the lounge.
Meanwhile there was no sign of Siya.
I thought maybe he must have seen my mom and left through the garage.
Me; So Ma, what brings you to JHB
Her; Ive got a church conference tomorrow in Soweto. So I thought I would kill 2 birds with one
Me; I see
Her; why do you seem disappointed.
Me; Haw ma. You know I love having you here. You should have called me, I would have fetched
you from the bus stop.
Her; I tried calling nana, but your phone was off
Me; Sorry, I’m sure the battery died. I’ve been a bit too preoccupied to check.
Her; that’s ok, plus I wanted to speak to you about something important.
Me; ok, ke eng mma
Her; It’s about lehlohonolo
Me; Ma please, we’ve been through this before. Lehlohono left me. That’s that.
Her; Rifiloe for once in your life will you just keep quiet and let me finish.
I was about to argue with her, when I heard Siya coming down the stairs shouting “baby who was at
the door’’
I looked at my mother and she looked like she was about to faint. Thank the lord Siya had put on a
He came to a complete halt, when he realized I wasn’t alone.
Him; (clears throat) Ohh, sanibonani Ma. Xolo, I didn’t realize you had guests.
I looked at him and my mother looked at me, as if she was expecting an explanation.
Me; aahh Ma, this is Siyabonga Ndhlovu. Siya this is my mother Matshidiso Mokoens
Siya went to my mother and shook her hand. My Mother just looked at him and didn’t bother to say
anything. I think she was mentally putting 1+1 together. Luckily Siya interrupted our thoughts
Him; Rifiloe, I should get going
Me; Ohkay, Ill walk you out.
I stood up to walk Siya out, when my mother spoke up
Her; Moshenyana, where do you think you are going?
Him; ahm, ma it’s gotten late. I was actually about to leave right before you arrived.
Her; If you were leaving then why aren’t you wearing shoes? And where are your car Keys? Or vela
were you going to walk home with no shoes on?
Him; cha ma
Her; So sit down and come have some tea with me. Rifiloe, go put on the kettle, I bought some
scones, in the blue Tupperware
I stood up reluctantly, because I just knew that my mother was going to Grill Siya like crazy.
Her; so tell me something here young man. Do you make it a habit sleeping with people daughters
without marrying them first?
I dropped the plate I had in my hand. I just couldn’t believe my mother would ask Siya such a
Him; cha ma
Her; So why haven’t you sent your uncles to her home.
Him; The thing is ma, Rifiloe and I haven’t known each other for that long. So we haven’t really
planned that far ahead as yet.
Her; so then why are you here at this time of night?
Him; well Ma; I was actually going to be going home. I was just helping Rifiloe with tidying up before
I left.
Her; Let me tell you something. Rifiloe, is not the kind of girl who you just taste and pass. If you are
going to be walking around her house at this time. The decent thing would be for you to marry her
Him; Yes ma
I was finished making tea, so I went to the lounge and placed the tray on my Coffee Table.
Her; so what do you do for a living
Him; I’m a business man
Her; I hope for your sake your doing well. And wena Rifiloe, how can you have a man at your house
at this time. and have you told him about Lehlohonolo ?
Me; Mama please. Siya and I haven’t even been dating for that long. We're still trying to get to know
each other
Her; Well mamela he meiskind. There will not be any other man that you will bring into my house,
are we clear. i cant have people coming and going like its in hillbrow
Me; yes ma.
We sat there with my mother going on and on about how sex before marriage is wrong, blah blah
blah. Siya on the other hand was busy joining in the conversation as if he were John the Baptist.
About an hour later my mother asked Siya to take her bags upstairs. She was tired and needed a
bath. Siya did as he was told and I went to the kitchen to wash the cups we had used for tea.
When Siya returned he was dressed in the clothes that he arrived in. He bid my mother goodbye and
came to join me in the kitchen. Luckily my mom had gone upstairs. So I was able to finally let out a
Him; Wow
Me; Yep
Him; So I guess I won’t be seeing you tomorrow
Me; I don’t think so. I might have to take her to church
Him; well at least I got to meet her. I think im kind of glad that she arrived when she did. I think were
caught up in the moment. I want to take this slow with you. I love you and I want to get to know you
first, before we get to that
Me; your probraly right.
Him; and who is this Lehlohonolo guy?
ME; Ill explain later
Him; should i be worried
Me; No. but there are things you have to know
Him; Ok, now give me a kiss before magogo comes back.
I laughed at him and gave him a kiss goodbye and he left.
I washed the cups, packed them away, then I went upstairs to charge my phone.
My mother was finished bathing and had her bible in her hands. She called me into her room.
I went on to the bed and cuddled with the same way I used to as a child.
Her; Fifi, you know I love you right?
Me; yes ma. I love you too
Her; but I worry about you
Me; I know ma.
Her; So how long have you known this Siyabonga boy for?
Me; about a week
Her; and already he’s spending nights with you
Me; Ma, he wasn’t going to spend the night. He just came over and we lost track of time
Her; Rifiloe, mamela. When I met your father, we dated for only 3 months before he married me. I
was 20 at the time. He didn’t make excuses. He knew he had found a wife when he met me,
because I was different. You must do the same. If this Siya boy loves you, then he must Marry you.
Even before you sleep with him. I know you young people think I’m crazy, but I'm telling you now.
Giving a man your body, is giving him a part of your soul.
Me; yes ma.
I drifted asleep with my mom playing with my hair and her reading her bible to me. I thought a lot
about what she said. Maybe I was moving a bit too quick with Siya.
When we woke up on Sunday morning, I was cuddled with my mommy .I went downstairs to make
breakfast while my mother went to get ready for Church.
When she was done eating, I went to bath and I accompanied her to church. I hadn’t spoken to Siya
because I had fallen asleep, and this morning my mom and I were rushing because I didn’t want her
to be late.
When we finally arrived at church, the sermon hadn’t started. So my mother being who she is went
around introducing me to her friends, then the pastors, then the pastor’s wife. My feet were starting
to hurt, because I was in hills mos, so i excused myself and went to sit down. As I was about to sit
down, someone tapped my shoulder. As I turned around I nearly died on the spot.
It was my ex Lehlohonolo
Him; Hey, I thought it was you
Me; Hlokes. What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in Saudi?
Him; I came back about a week ago. Didn’t your mom tell you?
Me; ahhm, no
Him; well, you’re looking good
Me; thank you
Him; so can we maybe meet up for lunch after church.
Me; I’m sorry I can’t. I’ve got plans
Him; How about during the week. We need to talk
Me; Hlokes, I can’t. and we have nothing to talk about
Him; Look, Rifiloe, I know you and i werent on agood note on a good note when i left. But im hoping
we can look past that and move on.
Me; Hlokes, that’s all in the past now. Ive moved on from all that. You should too.
Him; what do you mean moved on? Maybe you may have forgotten. you and i are technically
married, since I didnt take back my lobola.
I just looked at him and wished we weren’t in church, because I would have slapped the shit out of
Me; what do you mean you didn’t Take back your money. I specifically told my parents to give it back
to you.
Him; Well, nna I didn’t want it back. And I still don’t. You’re my wife and that’s final.

There is nothing more annoying than a man who wants to control every aspect of your life.
Here I was again with Hlokes thinking he can come and go as he pleases in my life and I would be
ok with it
I stood up and walked away. There was no way I was going to stay here and listen to his nonsense
I quickly rushed outside and called a cab. Luckily the guy arrived within 10mins. I was about to get
into the car when Hlokes blocked my way.
HIM: where u going?
Me: none of your business
Him: look, Rifiloe I'm sorry. I shouldn't have spoken to you the way I did. Its just the thought of you
with another man kills me.
ME: Please move out my way. I need to go.
Him: not before we've spoken
Me: there is nothing to talk about. Now please move, I'd like to go home.
Him; Rifiloe, please, I know I messed up. All I’m asking for is a chance to make things right.
Me; You had plenty chances and you messed them all up.
Him; but im trying to make things right
Me; after a year? You must think I’m an idiot
Him; Please baby, just hear me out
Me; Hlokes. Im not hearing anything out. All I want is for you to get the hell out of my way so I can
He moved out my but held the door when I tried closing it.
Him: Just know I won’t be giving up on you. I've done that before. I'm not willing to do it again.
He closed my door before I could answer him nxa. I asked the driver to drop me off at my offices. I
wanted to fetch my car.
Once arrived at my offices he dropped me off and I paid him then he left.
I really missed Siya, but my conscience wouldn't let me call him. How was I going to explain to him
that my ex is back and is claiming that I’m his wife?
I got in my car and drove home. I needed a bottle of wine.
When I got home Siya called.
Me: Siya
Him: Hi Babe. I just thought I'd take a chance by calling you. I thought you would be at church
ME: I just dropped my mom off and came back home
Him: are u OK. U sound a bit off
Me: im fine,
HIM: Rifiloe
Me; Siya
Him; what’s going on?
Me; Nothing. I just need to sort out a few things.
Him; Ok, let me know if you need anything
Jim; Babe. Talk to me
Me; Well, maybe you could do something for me
Him; anything
Me; come over
Him; I’m on my way
Siya didn’t even wait for me to say goodbye. He just hung up. That’s why I think I’m falling in love
with him. He just makes me feel so loved. But now Hlokes was back and I just don’t know how I’m
meant to handle him being back.
When he left me over a year ago I was devastated. Hlokes had been my first love and when he told
me that he wanted to marry me I was beyond ecstatic, I didn’t even think twice about giving him my
virginity. He was that guy who was loved by everybody. He was the first guy in our community to
become a doctor. I felt at the time that I was really lucky to have him. But then things changed right
after he paid Lobola. He started treating me like I was beneath him. Like he was doing me a favour
by marrying me. The last straw was when he told me 3 days after paying Lobola that we were
moving to Saudi Arabia because he wanted to practice medicine there. I told him that I didn’t want to
move, my career was finally flourishing and there was no way I was just going to up and leave. So
he told me that if I don’t come with him, He will find somebody who will. I told him to go ahead, and
he did. He left me and never looked back. I was left to pick up all the puzzles. SO I firstly had my
father report he matter to his parents. They all told me it was my own doing. So I told my father to
pay back the Lobola so that I could move on with my life. And now here I was, finally ready to love
again, and now my past was about to mess that up for me.
As I was busy thinking about my situation, Siya arrived. I let him in and didn’t even need to say
anything. He just took me in his arms and said “I’m here”.
I’d never felt so connected to anybody like I did at that moment. He just had a way of making things
seem so less complicated.
When we finally broke our hug, we went to sit in the lounge.
Him; so are you going to tell me what’s bugging you?
Me; I’m not sure I’m ready to tell you
Him; why?
Me; because I don’t know how you’ll take it
Him; I’m sure it’s not as bad as you think it is
Me; What if it is
Him; Then we’ll face it together
Me; you say that now, but I’m not sure you’ll feel that way once you know.
Him; Try me
Me; Can I offer you something to drink
Him; No, not till you tell me what’s going on
Me; Siya, please just drop it. I’m not ready. I just need to figure it out first
Him; Ok, I just hope it doesn’t involve another man. I’m a patient man, but I don’t like to share.
When he said that I nearly died. It felt like he was looking into my soul and could see what was
I stood up and went to pour him some Juice, then came back and lay my head on his lap.
We stayed there watching TV and chatting about useless things. I had already forgotten about the
Hlokes saga. Siya, just had a way of making forget about my worries and just be in the moment.
At around 1, I stared feeling hungry and I’m sure Siya was also hungry.
Me; babe
Him; yes.
Me; do you want do order something to eat
Him; sure. What do you want to eat?
Me; I think, Pizza
Him; ok. Pizza sounds great.
I went to the kitchen ordered 3 boxes, because Siya couldn’t decide on what he wanted. So we just
got one of everything. Then I went upstairs to change, I needed to get into something more
comfortable, than my Sunday dress. SO I just wore my Leggings and a T Shirt and my slippers,
when I came down stairs
Siya had a huge grin on his face, and i didnt understand why. I looked at him quizzically.
Him; come here
Me; Why
Him; Just come sit on my lap
I sat on his lap, wondering what’s going on
Me; what’s got you so happy
Him; You
Me; Me? What did I do?
Him; It’s not what you did, it’s what you said
ME; what did I Say?
Him; you called me Babe
Me; I did not
Him; you did. You know what that means right?
ME; Nothing. Jus must have been a slip of the tongue
Him; Nope. I think you said that because deep down, you’ve finally admitted that there’s more to us
than just “friendship”. I think your falling for me.
Me; Maybe
Him; Maybe. Please, you were all over me the other night. You and I both know you don’t kiss your
friends the way you kissed me.
Me; Maybe I need a bit of a reminder of what you’re talking about. I can’t quite seem to remember
how your lips feel on mine
Him; Well, I’m sure I can do something about that.
He put his lips on mine, and there was no doubt that this was the man for me. He was so tender and
loving. His needs matched my very own. He carried on kissing me. Slowly and tenderly. Like he was
not rushing anywhere. I wanted to be with him so badly, but I just knew that the timing wasn’t right.
We finally broke the kiss, when my intercom rang.
Me; I should go get that
Him; mmhh
I stood up and went to go open for the delivery guy. Only to find my mother and lehlohonolo standing
at my gate.
My heart started racing, I should have told Siya when he arrived. What the hell was my mother
thinking, the least she could’ve done was call me to let me know she was coming with that idiot.
Lehlohonolo isn’t really a calm kind of guy. I just knew that he seeing Siya was going to cause
I opened the garage instead of the gate because I didn’t want to walk outside.
I quickly went to Siya. I needed to try and explain before they walked in
Me; babe
Him; hmm,
Me; I need to explain something to you
He wasn’t really paying attention to me. His attention was on the soccer match that he was watching.
I moved around looking for the remote so I could switch it off. I needed him to concentrate.
Too late though, cause my mother and Hlokes walked in.
Siya could sense my anxiety, so he looked up and saw my mother and Hlokes.
He stood up. Greeted my mother, then tried shaking Hlokes hand, but obviously that moron pulled
his hand away.
Hlokes; Rifiloe, who is this man and what is he doing here
Me; Ma; why did you bring him here?
Her; He said he needed to talk to you.
Siya; babe, what’s going on?
Me; Siya, I can explain
Hlokes; Let me do the honours.
Me; Lehlohonolo, just shut up. What the hell do you think you’re doing here?
Him; Do I need an excused to see my wife
Siya; Wife
Me; Babe I can explain. It’s not what it looks like
Hlokes; There’s nothing to explain to him. You and I are married and that’s that.
Me; Lehlohonolo, for the love of God, just shut up.
Siya; Rifiloe. I’m waiting
Me; Siya, babe, I was going to tell you. I just thought I had more time to try figure out what i was
going to do.
Siya; so you’re married.
Me; no, well yes but not really
Siya; I’m lost
Me; can we go speak upstairs
Hlokes; no. This man should be leaving.
Me; No, you should be the one leaving. Ma, please get him out of here
Her; Rifiloe. I can’t. Lehlohonolo is you husband. There’s nothing I can do about that
Me; you’ve got to be kidding me. You were busy going on and on about Siya marrying me and now
all of a sudden Hlokes is my Husband. Are you trying to whore me out the highest bidder?
My mother slapped me across the face so fast, I saw stars
Her; If there’s one thing you need to remember, it’s that I am your mother. You will not speak to me
the way you just did. Are we clear?
I stood there. Shocked, embarrassed, angry and every other emotion that I didn’t quite understand.
Siya looked at me and then my mother. Then he took his Keys and phone.
Him; are you ok?
I just nodded.
Him; I’ve got to go
Me; Please don’t. It’s not what you think
Him; It looks pretty clear from where I’m standing.
Me; Siya, Please. I can explain.
Him; there’s no need.
Siya walked away from me and left. I wanted to run after him, but my mother stood in my way.
Me; I’m sure your happy now
Her; Rifiloe. You can’t move on before you’ve at least tried working things out with Lehlohonolo first
Me; how many times must I say this. There is nothing to work out. I want this man out of my house.
Out of my Life. I have been ok without him for over a year now.
Him; I’m not going anywhere
Me; what do you want from me? Ye. You left me. Not the other way around. Now that I find
happiness again you want to ruin it. Just go back to wherever you came from and leave me the hell
Him; Fifi, Im sorry. I know i hurt you. That wasn’t my intention. I just want us to have the life we
planned together. I know I messed up, but I promise you I never stopped loving you. Not even for a
The intercom rang, and I went to it. I thought maybe Siya had come back. Unfortunately it was the
delivery guy. I paid him then walked back inside with the Pizza. I didn’t even bother opening them. I
had totally lost my appetite. I just took a bottle of wine from the fridge and walked upstairs to my
I wasn’t going to entertain my back stabbing mother and that man whore. I was done fighting. I just
wanted to Siya
When i got to my room, I tried calling Siya a million times. I left voice messages and texts but
nothing. I finally gave up and succumbed to my tears. I couldn't believe that i was losing him this
way. The only thing I could do now, was drink myself to sleep and Hope for a better tomorrow.
I woke up on Monday morning with a moorse headache. My mouth was dry as hell. Not to mention
the bags under my eyes. I looked and felt like a walking Zombie.
I got out of bed and the first thing I did was check my phone to see if Siya called. Nothing.
I think my heart broke once more. I just needed him to let me explain.
Anyway, no use me crying my eyes out. I had to get ready for work. I took a quick shower, and got
I wasn’t really feeling very joyous, so I stuck to my Black pant suit, white shirt and black hills.
I left my hair down, hoping it will somehow distract people from looking at the bugs underneath my
eyes. Once I was ready, I took my stuff and went down stairs.
I found my mother in my kitchen cooking up a storm. To be totally honest I had hoped she would
have left with Hlokes, but as fate would have it, she was still here. I wished I could ask her when she
was leaving, but I felt bad.
Me; Morning
Her; Morning Nana
Me; I’ll see you later
Her; aren’t you going to have breakfast?
Me; No thank you, I’ll just grab and apple for the road.
Her; you can’t start your day off without breakfast.
Me; Ma, Im not hungry. Ill get something later
Her; Ok. But avoiding me isn’t going to change anything
Me; Im not, I just don’t want to be late for work. I’ve got a 9:00am meeting
Her; Ok
Me; Oh, and ausy Mavis is coming in today. Please ask her to change my sheets. I spilled some
wine on them last night. And tell her take all that Pizza home with her. I’ve also put up a list of things
that I’ll need for CT,
Her; mhhm
Me; Bye
I left her there pouting and headed to work. I may be feeling like shit, but there aint no way I aint
making my coins.
When I arrived at work Anne was at reception speaking on the phone. I waved at her then went
straight to my desk. I immediately dug my head into my work. I needed to be on top of things for my
By the time it was 13; 00pm, I had met with 3 three clients, and had written a lot of business. I went
to Sizwe to give him my files before submitting them to our admin team.
Me; china
Him; Hey sweet cheeks
Me; I’ve been so busy today, I didn’t even get a chance to see you. What time did you get home on
Him; Tjo, Dude. I didn’t even go to my crib. I ended up sleeping at Themba’s place. I only got home
Me; no ways.
Him; serious, man, I’m exhausted. I’m even thinking of giving up alcohol.
Me; Haai, You give up alcohol. This I’ve got to see
Him; I’m telling you day is one day. So what about you?
Me; ohh no, I don’t even want to talk about it
Him; that bad?
Me; started out great, but ended on a bad note
Him; shame
Me; mxm. Anyway, I need you to go through the these files for me.
Him; sure put them there. Oh and when am I seeing your boyfriend?
Me; Boyfriend?
Him; yes, don’t tell me you’ve broken up already
Me; we haven’t even started, and already he’s run for the hills
Him; haai, mara wena
Me; let’s not go there.
Him; yaah, but I need to see him regarding the trust for his son
Me; shit, I totally forgot. Don’t you want to phone his office and set it up?
Him; Nope, never. He’s your client. You set it up
Me; mxm sharp
I went back to my office. I hadn’t thought about Siya the whole day, and now here he was back in
head. But none the less. Business is business. I had to make that appointment.
I called his PA
Her; Ndhlovu Corporation’s good afternoon
Me; Andrea, Hi Its Rifiloe Mokoena Speaking, how are you?
Her; Miss Mokoena, I’m good, how are you?
Me; Good thanks. I need to set up an appointment with Siya, I mean Mr Ndhlovu, Please check for
me when he has availability.
Her; Ahhm Please hold on, while I check
Me; sure
Her; He’s got an opening tomorrow at 9;00am
Me; that soon. Anything later in the week?
Her; No mam, He’s In Durban from Wednesday to Friday Morning. Then He flies to CT for the
Me; I see. Ok, I’ll take the opening for tomorrow.
Her; great, we’ll see you tomorrow.
Me; thank you
I put the phone down, and sighed. I knew I would have to see Siya, but I didn’t think it would be so
soon. I thought I would at least have time to speak him. Anyway, we’ll just have to see what
happens. I carried on working for the rest of the day, then left at 4pm, to go to the gym. I needed to
let off some steam, and what better way to do that than to work out.
After gym, I went straight home. I was so exhausted, I needed a bath and a nice glass of wine.
When I arrived home my mother was watching 7de laan. I greeted her and went to my room.
I really needed her to go back home now. I want my house back to myself. So I called my dad. He
would be able to help me.
Him; Nana
Me; Hi daddy
Him; you don’t love me anymore ne. You don’t even Phone me to see how your old man is doing.
Me; I’m sorry daddy, I’ve been so busy with work
Him; its ok. So tell me how’s your mother?
Me; well that’s kind of why I’m calling
Him; I’m listening
Me; Daddy please come and fetch her
Him; Rifiloe.
Me; Daddy.
Him; what happened?
Me; She’s over stayed her welcome
Him; haai man, that you mother. How can you say such things?
Me; daddy, did you know she’s been scheming with Hlokes behind my back
Him; nxa, I just knew she was up to something when she left here with him
Me; so daddy why didn’t you warn me
Him; Nana, I wasn’t sure, I just thought maybe it wasn’t what I though.
Me; well, it’s worse. Far worse.
Him; ok, I’ll speak to her. She should be on the first bus back to QwaQwa tomorrow
Me; Thanks daddy
Him; Ok, but I need you to do me a favour
Me; anything
Him; I need you to come home soon. We need to call a family meeting between us and
Lehlohonolo’s family
Me; but why do I have to be there. I asked you guys to give them back their money over a year ago.
If you had, I wouldn’t be in this mess
Him; Rifiloe. O Se ke wa lebala hore o bua le mang
Me; I’m sorry daddy
Him; and what mess are you referring to?
Me; forget I said anything
My dad put the phone down and didn’t bother to even say goodbye. I didn’t care thought, because if
they had done as I asked, I wouldn’t have to see lehlohonolo again.
I went to take a bath, then went downstairs to have dinner, my mother was still watching TV.
Her; Rifiloe
Me; ma
Her; Your father called. He needs me to come home tomorrow.
Me; Ok. Do you want me to get someone to drive you?
Her; No, no worries. Lehlohonolo will be taking me
I didn’t bother answering her. Nxa. I dished up for both of us, then went to sit with her in the lounge.
We ate in silence while she watched generations.
After dinner we both went to bed. I think we weren’t in the mood argue, so we just avoided the issue.
Tuesday morning, I woke up with my stomach in knots. I just knew it was because I would be seeing
Siya. Plus our meeting is in 2 hours. Shit I was nervous.
I got up and went to take a bath, then looked at what to wear. I didn’t want anything sexy, I needed
to look as professional as possible
I settled on a navy mini dress suit, with my navy Pumps.
When I went downstairs, Hlokes was helping my mother with her bags. Mxm
Me; Dumelang
Him; Hi babe. How are you
Me; Good.
Me; ma, can I speak to you for a moment
We went to the kitchen and I gave her money for the road.
Her; Rifiloe, I don’t need money
Me; It’s just something for the road
Her; Ok. Thank you
Me; Have a safe trip. And call me when you get home
Her; I will. Aren’t you going to say anything to Lehlohonolo?
Me; No, I’m running late for a meeting. Please don’t forget to leave the key for Ausy mavis.
Her; Ok
I kissed my mom’s cheeks, and left. I wasn’t going to say anything to Hlokes. He must just stay away
from me.
When I got in the car I dialled Sizwe.
Me; Si
Him; Sweetie
Me; I’m not going to come into the office. I’m running late. Let’s rather meet at Siyas offices.
Him; Ok, I’ll meet you there
Me; don’t forget to bring the documents he needs to sign’
Him; Sharp
Luckily traffic wasn’t too bad, because I arrived at Siyas offices at exactly 08:50am. Meaning I had
enough time to settle down and before the meeting started. Andrea showed me through to Siya’s
office. Luckily he wasn’t there yet so I sat down and started working from my laptop. I was beginning
to get worried, because Sizwe was going to be late.
I felt Siya’s presence behind me before I even saw him. I closed my eyes, counted to 5 then,
continued typing. I wasn’t going to be the first one to say anything.
He walked in and went to his desk to put down his laptop. I just continued with what I was doing.
Finally he came to sit where I was sitting. But this time he sat opposite me.
Him; how are you
Me; good you?
Him; Good. Is Sizwe coming?
Me; Yes he should be here any minute.
Just as I said that Sizwe walked in. He apologised for being late and they shook hands and our
meeting commenced.
Sizwe did most of the talking when coming to setting up the trust, I mainly stepped in when it came
to the financials.
Siya signed all the paperwork, and an hour and a half later we were done. Siya had avoided eye
contact with me throughout the meeting.
I stood up first to pack up all the all the documents, and my laptop, and so did Sizwe.
We said our goodbyes and left.

When Sizwe and I left Siya’s offices we went straight to the office. There was no time to ponder
about my personal life. I had way too much work that needed to be done, before my girlfriends and I
leave for CT on Friday.
Wednesday and Thursday were pretty much the same. Work, Gym, Home. Nothing more. I hadn’t
heard anything from Siya, so I figured we were done. Hlokes on the other hand was phoning me left
right and centre. I wasn’t even interested in hearing what he had to say though. All I needed was to
be away from JHB. And what better way to mend my broken heart, than for me to turn up with my
On Friday I worked half day because I was flying to CT.
I was beyond excited, I hadn't seen them in so long, and was looking forward to letting my hair
At noon I left the office to go the salon. I needed my hair &nails done. I also needed to wax.
When I got home after the trip to the salon, I took a quick shower and changed into black leggings, a
Gucci top, Nike jacket and my Nike airmaxes . I'm not really a fan of flying, so I like to be
My phone beeped at 16:00 it was a message from Thandeka confirming they were on their way to
pick me up
I quickly switched off all the lights in the house, locked up and went to wait for them at the security
boom gates.
When my girls arrived you could tell, that this was going to be a good weekend.
Cleo screamed when she saw me, and thandeka had the music pumping.
Thandeka had her rented a Hyundai H1, because as woman, we tend to have quite a lot of luggage.
Take me for instance. I knew that we would be coming back on Monday, but I had fully packed both
my Louis Vuitton suitcase and my luggage bag.
When the car stopped, The girls got out to give me hugs and help with my luggage.
Nwabisa was busy dancing to the music while thandeka kept telling us to hurry up or we'll miss our
flight. Lol
I got in and off we went to OR Tambo.
Along the way the girls had opened a bottle of Moët and I joined them. You guys know by now that
I’m a lover of liquor 
We made a toast
Me: here's to a great stress free, children free, husband free weekend
The girls all laughed and said cheers.
Both Nwabisa and Thandeka were both married and had children, Cleo on the other hand has been
engaged for the past 3 years.
Nwabisa: so my friend, namanje you haven’t found a man?
Me: I just knew that would be the first question you ask me.
Me: and to answer your question, no chommy, nothing so far.
Cle: so friend you mean to tell me, that le now, o sale busy ka self-service?
We all just burst out , Cleo was that one friend you cannot take anywhere. She literally has no filter
Thandi: Haai, man Nina, leave Fifi, alone, ska worry wena my friend. You will find someone soon.
Me: I just kept smiling nje, I didn't want to tell them about Siya, since it was clear he didn’t want
anything to do with me.
When we arrived at u the airport we returned the rented car, took our luggage and headed for the
departure terminal.
✈️ ✈️ ✈️ ✈️ ✈️ ✈️ ✈️

A two hours or so later, we arrived in the mother city. I don't know if it's just me, but every time I
arrive in Cape Town the first thing I do after checking in, is go to the beach.
I think it's because I'm my whole life is based in Jhb, so when I'm here, I feel like I'm really on
We left the airport and headed to the beach house that Cleo had rented for our stay.
When we arrived at the beach house, I was the first one to run upstairs to choose a room, I wanted
to make sure I got a beautiful view of the beach.
The girls chased after me once they realized what I was doing, but sorry for them I had already
called dibs on the main bedroom.
After selecting our rooms we all changed into our shorts and head to the beach, I just wanted to feel
the sand between my toes have the waters up to my knees.
We watched the sundown together, on the beach, then headed back to the house. To get ready for
dinner. I wasn’t really in the mood to dress up, so I settled on a boobtube maxi dress, sandals and
no makeup. When I got downstairs the girls were ready and we left.
Cleo took us to some restaurant at waterfront. She kept going on and on about how much she loved
the steak from there. The first thing I did when we arrived was order a bottle of wine. Knowing my
friends, I would need more than just a bottle.
When dinner arrived, Thandeka said grace, then we dug in. I must say, Cleo was right the steak was
delish. We were all having a good time, until I told them about Hlokes being back. Cleo chocked on
her food, while Thandeka and Nwabisa shook their heads. Mind you these girls know Hlokes very
well. We all went to Varsity together, so they know the shit I went through with him.
I was busy giving them a rundown of what happened with my mom and Hlokes, when my phone
rang. I didn’t bother looking at who it was, because I just figured it was Hlokes, so I let it go to
voicemail. When it rang again for the second time, I looked at the caller. Shucks, it wasn’t Hlokes, It
was Siya.
I stood up and went to the balcony of the restaurant, to answer.
Me; Hello
Him; Hi
Me; mmm, what can I do for you?
Him; how are you enjoying CT?
Me; Fine… wait, how did you know?
Him; I have my ways
Me; Okay, that’s just creepy
Him; Well, someone’s got to make sure you’re taken care of.
Me; Siya, what can I do for you
Him; Nothing, I just wanted to hear your voice
Me; Ok, well I’ve got to go
Him; When can I see you?
Me; I’m not sure that’s such a good Idea
Him; Why?
Me; because Siya, you made it clear we were done. So why would I want to see you?
Him; who said anything about being done? I most certainly didn’t?
Me; Siya, I’ve got to go
Him; ok, I’ll see you tomorrow night then
He put down the phone before I could even answer him. I just shook my head and went back to my
friends. We finished dinner then headed back to the beach house. I was quite down after speaking to
Siya, and the girls all wanted to go to sleep, I tried getting some shut eye, but nada. I kept rehashing
the conversation I had with Siya in my head. After tossing and turning, I decided to go cuddle up with
Cleo. I knew that crazy one would be able to get my mind off of Siya.
When I got to Cleo’s room her door was closed. I knocked and she didn’t answer. I knocked again
and she told me to go away. I took that as an invitation to come in.
HER; what do you want
ME; a cuddle buddy
HER: you really need to get yourself a man
ME; move over
HER: mxm
She didn’t even ask me why, she just moved over and switched on her lamp. I got into bed with her
and she hugged me.
HER; so are you going to tell me who he is?
ME; No
HER; so there is someone
ME; something like that
HER; what has he done
ME: it’s more like what has Hlokes done
HER: I’m lost
ME: it’s a long story. Just shut up and cuddle me while I fall asleep
Cloe didn’t push the issue any further. She just switched off her lamp, and let me be.
In the morning we were woken up by Thandeka jumping on the bed, telling us to wake up. I through
my pillow at her but she dodged it. I looked at the time and it was only 6; 00am. I wanted to murder
her. I was really looking forward to sleeping in today.
ME; go away
Her; NO ways, we didn’t leave JHB jut to sleep in CT. Get up we’re going for a jog on the beach
Cleo; nnooooo
Thandeka just opened the curtains and pretended not to hear our moan. She walked out the room
and told us to be ready in 5. Mxm
Me; I guess we have no choice
Cleo; Nxa,
We got up. I went to my room to get ready. When Cleo and I went downstairs, Nwabisa and
Thandeka were stretching. Some people just have all the energy in the world. I mean who wakes up
that early just to go jogging on the beach? Haai ma. To be honest the only reason I go to the gym is
because I come from a very thickim family. So I have to make sure I exercise to keep my size 32
body the way it is, Otherwise I would blow up like a balloon. Thandeka on the other hand is one of
those people who work out because they enjoy it. Like really she is a Gym maniac. Thus why she’s
making us go jogging in the wee hours of the mornings
Me; what are you guys so happy about?
Thandeka; haw Mzala, the trees are green, the sun is shining, the birds are singing
Me; what trees? Were on the beach
Her; come, lets go, plus you need to work off all that wine you like to drink
Cleo and Nwabisa laughed. They all knew how much I hated being woken up.
We left for a jog and I must say Thandeka was right. It felt so good to be out on the beach working
off the carbs from my wine.
When we got back to the house we made breakfast and decided to go to Table Mountain for the
We spent most of the on table mountain. We rode on the cable car, had lunch, took tons of selfies
and just enjoyed each other’s company.
By the time we got back to the house it was already 5pm. We only had about 3 hours before we had
to leave for the club. I ordered Pizza for us, because I didn’t want to be drinking on an empty
stomach. After dinner, we all went upstairs to get ready. Thank goodness that we all had in-suit
bathrooms, because we all know how long girls take ahen it comes to getting ready.
I had a quick shower, I decided to wear my sissy boy off the shoulder denim jumpsuit, with my Luis
Vuitton nightfall hilled sandal. I blow dried my hair, to get some volume, and applied a bit of makeup.
Nothing too extreme.
I was the last one to head down stairs. Thandeka was already screaming for me to come down.
Shoo, my girls were looking Hot shame. We all had denim on, as if we had planned it. I couldn’t stop
complementing them. It’s no wonder their husbands, wifed em up 
At 21; 30 our driver arrived.
When we got to the club it was packed. (Thank God for air-conditioning) there was even a line
Luckily for us Cleo works for the media company that was hosting the event at the club. When we
arrived we were shown to our table. The VIP lounge was upstairs which was nice could you could
see everything from up here, without having to be with the crowd down stairs. I noticed when we got
to our table, that there was a Table next to ours that was reserved
We sat down and immediately ordered drinks. When our drinks arrived we made a toast and took
pictures. Then the DJ started playing my song, we all stood up and started. The more drinks we had
the more stress free I became, the more fun I had
About an hour later we were seated and just chatting, while the DJ had switched from hip -hop to
House music. I was busy singing along to DJ Zinhle, While Cleo was twerking for us, lol, we all just
laughed. I was finally at the border of Drunk vs Sober, and I was truly enjoying myself.
The Dj changed from House to R&B, The last time I checked Cleo was dancing with me and had her
hands around my waist from the back, while we were slow dancing and goofing around.
So you guys can only imagine the fright I got when I saw Siya sitting at our Table with Thandeka and
I noticed that the table next to us had been occupied, by the same guys I saw at Chaf-Phozi
I swallowed as Cleo and I went back to our table.
I was going to sit next to Thandeka , but she moved over and made me sit next to Siya.
Him; Hi
Me; Hi
Him; You look good
Me; Thank you
Him; Can we talk
Me; I thought that’s what we’re doing?
Him; I mean privately
Me; Siya, I don’t want to fight.
Him; who said anything about fighting?
He stood up and held out his hand. I just looked at him. I wasn’t going to be told what to do when he
was the one that walked away from me.
Him; don’t make me pick you up
Me; You wouldn’t
Him; we both know I would
Me; Siya
Him; Rifiloe
Me; Stop it
Him; Stop what
Me; bossing me around
He just stood there waiting for me to stand up. Like he hadn’t heard what I just said, Nxa. I stood up
and we walked towards the other end of the club. I thought we were going outside, but he led me to
an office instead.
Me; you don’t fight fair
Him; Nothings ever fair when it comes to love.
I sat on the couch and he sat next me.
Him; I’ve missed you
Me; what do you want me to say?
Him; Nothing
Me; Siya. Why am I here?
Him; because I want us to work through things,
Me; so you walk out on me, not speak to me, and basically ignore me at your offices. And then you
expect me to be all jolly because now, a week later you want to patch things up?
Him; its not like that
Me; yes it is. You and Hlokes are the same. The minute you don’t get your way you run for the hills.
And then expect me to sit around waiting for you.
Him; Rifiloe, I know your upset. You have every right to be, but please refrain from comparing me to
your ex.
Me; I tried. Ok. I tried so hard to explain to you, but you shut me out completely. What happens the
next time we argue? Are you going to shut me out again? Because if that’s how you’re going to deal
with things, then we might as well quit while we’re ahead.
Him; God I missed your smart mouth
Me; don’t make me laugh when I’m mad at you
Him; I could put your mouth to better use. That frown doesn’t suit you
I know I was mad at him, but at that moment I didn’t care. I wanted him and he wanted me. Isnt that
all that mattered. He leaned in closer
Me; Siya don’t
Him; why
Me; because
Him; that’s not a reason
Me; we haven’t spoken about us and I have told you about this thing with Hlokes
Him; I don’t care
ME; But
Him; Shhh
I swallowed and looked at his lips. I knew I wasn’t going to protest if he kissed me.
He put his lips on mine, and that’s all I needed. He kissed me with so much intensity, I couldn’t
breathe. It felt like he was trying to make up for lost time. Neither one of us wanted to stop, but our
lungs needed air.
When I pulled back he pulled me in for more. And when he pulled back I pulled him in for more. It’s
like we were too afraid to let go.
When we finally stopped I knew there was no way I would be able to live without him.

Siya and I may have made up, but I still had my concerns.
It felt like we were just getting to know each other and already we were facing challenges. I just hope
that moving forward we could enjoy the time we have together.
Me: so now that we've made up. Do you want to talk about what happened?
Him : can we rather do that at my place? This isn't really the place to be having this conversation
Me: ok, promise you'll drive me back to the beach house one we're Done talking.
Him:or you could stay over
Me: no ways. I came to CT for a girls weekend, not to shack up with you
Him: but I've missed you
Me: well that's your problem not mine. Your the one who didn't want to pick up my calls
Him: I know babe. I just needed time, but we can talk about all that at my place. And since its 02:30
am technically it's already morning.
Me: you've got a point there
Him: so can we go
Me:yeah, but my flight leaves at 15:00pm, so I need to be back at the beach house no later than
Him: I can work with that
I went to fetch my clutch, said goodbye to the girls Thandeka being the mother bear that she is
looked concerned. I gave her a hug and told her I'd be back by the time we leave for the airport.
Siya and I left hand in hand. It's strange how I walked in the club with my girls and now I was walking
out with my man.
When we got to Siya's car he opened the door for me, then went around and in the other side.
Him: thanks for agreeing to come
Me: doing thank me just yet. We've still got a lot yo talk about.
Him: I'm sure we can work it out
Me: I hope so
We driven in silence. I was deep in thought. I didn't even realize when we drove into his house.
Wow, his house was amazing. It was very modern, but also very homey. It has 5 bedrooms, 7
bathrooms, 2 lounges, 2 dining rooms, a kitchen and 2 cottages.
Me: this is a beautiful home
Him:thanks babe, but I don't usually get to enjoy it. Too busy travelling
Me: who stays here
Him: my houses keeper. But she's away for the weekend
Me: so it's just us here
Him: yes. Come let me show you around
He firstly showed me around the gound floor, then we went upstairs to where the bedrooms were.
I liked pretty much everything, until we walked to the third floor. Which he refers to as olwethos
space. it's basically an upstairs cottage, that linda uses when they visit Siya. I dint exactly
understand that since she also lives in CT. But I decided not to say anything to him because we had
enough to deal with.
I didn't feel like adding more to our plate. So I just figured I would leave it for now, but i was definitely
going to deal with it.
We went back downstairs to the lounge on the first floor.
We sat down facing each other.
Him: can I offer you something to drink?
Me: no thank you.
Him: ok, so let a start from the beginning. What happened between you and this hlokes guy.
Me: he's my ex
Him: so what happened?
Me: in a nutshell he paid Loyola then we broke up 3 days after that. Then he left with some chick.
And now he's back
Him: ok, so legally your not married
Me: no
Him: and what happened to his lobola
Me: I was under the impression that my parents had given the money back to his family. But
apparently they rejected then money and insisted that the wait for him to come back from Saudi
Him: I see. So what now
Me: there's a meeting between the two families in a couple of weeks. Hopefully we can give them
their money back and i can move on with my life.
Him: do your parents still have the money
Me: I think so. If not then I'll pay it myself
Him: do you still have feelings for him
Me: no, I've been over him for a while now
Him: so why didn't you tell me about him
Me: babe, we had just started dating. I only found out about the lobola issue a few hours before you.
Him: so basically I overreacted
Me: I guess so
Him: so can we move on from this
Me: yes, I'm so over it
Him: ok, now let's get you to bed
Me: what time is it?
Him: 4am
Me: I'm too tired to walk up those stairs
Him: so how are you going to get up stairs
Me: your going to carry me
Him; haai, u ya tefa man
Me: please babe. My feet are sore. Walking in these heels all night is no joke
Him: ok, come
He lifted me and walked up the stairs. I didn't know why he was complaining. He carried me up as if I
didn't weigh anything at all.
When we got to his room he threw me on the bed.
Him: so now that I carried you up a ton of stairs. What do I get.
Me: how about a kiss
I stood up and out my arms a round his neck and then kissed his lips.
Him: you shouldn't do that
Me: do what?
Him: kiss me like that. Especially since your in my bedroom
Me: well, what if I want to
Him: I can't stop you. But I also won't be able to take responsibility for what happens after
Me: in that case. I need your help with something
Him: anything
Me; unzip my jumpsuit. I'd like to take a shower
Him:(clears throat) with pleasure
He unzipped my jumpsuits, slowly.
Him :There you go.All done
I took, off my jumpsuit slowly. Siya couldn't keep his eyes off me.
Me: You see anything you like
Him: yes
Me: what exactly do you like
Him : everything
Me: well you're not done yet. I need help taking off my bar
Siya looked like he wa about to faint. By none the less he stood up and unclipped my bra and thew
on the floor.
Then started planting kisses on the back of my neck, then from one shoulder, then to the other.
I turned around. And he carried on kissing me from the top of my neck all the way to my belly button.
Then came all the way up again. Siya was teasing me. I went from being in charge to being
Me: babe
Him : hmmm
Me: the shower
Him: what about it
Me: where is it
Him: on your left
He stopped kissing me and looked into my eyes. I'd seen a lot of things in Siya, but right now at this
very moment all I could see was the love we have for each other
Me: I need one last favour
Him: anything
Me: I need you to wash my back
He didn't even answe me. He just got undressed and followed me into the shower. When we were
both in He put the way the water on.
Him. So where were we
Me: I think you were kissin me right here. On my nipple
Him: yes of course. Shall I continue
Me: please
Siya immediately complied. I had to lean back so I could have something to lean onto. Siya just kept
working his tounge all over my upper body. Then out of no where stopped. I opened my eyes.
Me: what's wrong
Him: nothing.
Me: so why did u stop
Him: because I wanted to take those off
He went onto his knees, and slowly started taking my thong off. His mouth moved from my belly
button to my thighs.
Then anticipation was killing him. I had had his mouth all over me, but now i wanted to feel his mouth
down there.
Siya knew that and that's why he kept teasing, kissing and even slightly biting my inner thighs. Then
finally he lifted my one leg over his shoulder. And stated kissing, then licking my p***y . He went on
and on until I couldn't take it anymore
Me: babe
Me: if you don't stop, I think I'm going to explode all over you
He didn't stop, he just carried on as if I hadn't said anything. Instead he started licking me a bit
harder, and faster. And that's all I needed to throw me over the edge. I came so hard I started
trembling and had to hold onto his shoulders.
When I finally came back to earth Siya, was back on his feet with his mouth on my neck. He started
kissing me, and I got a taste of me.
Me: let's get out of here
He held my hand and we went on his bed. He carried on kissing me until I became wet again. Then
took out a condom from night strand and asked me to put utnon for him. I obviously complied. Once
it was on, I lay down and he but put one of my legs over his shoulder. He started by putting in the tip
first. Then slowly put in the rest of him. He stilled for a moment to make sure I was adjusting. Then
he really started moving. He started slow and then picked up the pase. I knew then that ut wasnt
going to be long before I explded again. This time though we came together, calling out each other's
Reality kept in when I couldn't breathe anymore, because Siya had collapsed on top of me

Me: babe, your killing me. you're too heavy

He moved off me, and went to throw away the condom, Then came back to bed. I lay In his arms,
and drifted off to sleep as the happiest woman in the world
When I woke up on Sunday with Siya fast asleep next to me. I was so pressed, so I put on Siyas
robe and went to the bathroom, to freshen up.
When I was done, Siya was still asleep. I looked at the time and it was 10:30am, at least I still had
time to get ready
Me: Siya wake up
Him: mhmm
Me: Siya
Him; babe come back to bed
Me: no can do, I'm going to take a bath. I was hoping you could
I didn't even get to finish my sentence. Siya pulled the belt of the robe off and pulled onto the bed
with him playfully
Me: babe
Him: what
Me: if we don't get up Now I'm going to miss my flight
Him: that's kind of what I'm hoping for
Him: I want you to stay another day
Me:but babe that will mean i have to book another flight and you know that will be nearly impossible
since it's the end of the Easter weekend
Him: we can use my jet
Me: I don't know
Him: I was hoping you could meet olwetho
I looked at him shocked
Me: but babe isn't it too soon for that
Him: I don't think so. You are one of the most important people in my life, and if I'm going to be
spending my life with you, then you two should get to know each other
Me: wait... what do you mean by the rest of your life?
Him: look babe, I love you and want to be with you. I’m at a stage where I need to settle down. I can't
be a bachelor all my life.
I looked at Siya and didn't answer him. I mean isn't it too soon to know that. We've literally known
each other for less than a month, and already he speaking about the future. Siya interrupted my
Him: I know you must think I'm nuts, but we'll take things slowly but eventually I'm hoping if God
permits, I'll make you Mrs Ndhlovu
I smiled at him
Me: ok, but promise me we will take things really slowly. I think we both need to get to know each
other better.
Him: I promise
Me: in that case, I’d love to meet your son. But first I need to fetch my stuff from the beach house
Him : there's no need. I asked my driver to fetch them
Me: without asking me
Him: I didn't think you would mind
Me: I wanted to say goodbye to my girls
Him: but you'll see them in JHB
Me: Siya
Him :babe
Me: you can't do that
Him: do what?
Me: do things without asking me
Him: I just wanted to make things easier for you. We had a long night and I wanted to make sure you
didn’t have to worry about all the logistics
Me: I know you meant well. I'm just not used to having someone else in my life who makes decisions
for me
Him: I get it
Me: good, now pass me my phone so I can call them
I called Nwabisa’s phone and she answered on the first ring
Her: Mzala
Me: hey, Zalas, have you left yet?
Her: no, not yet. But in hear you’re staying in Cape Town for another day
Me; yes, but I miss you guys. So much for a girls weekend
Her: Mzala, listen. You've finally found yourself a man who you want to be with, don’t feel bad for
wanting to be with him. We still have many girls’ weekends to come. But for now all you need to do
is concentrate on your relationship.
Me: I guess you’re right. Tell the rest of the girls I love them. I’ll see you guys soon.
Her; Sharp Zalas
Me; Sharp
We hung up and I looked at Siya.
Me; so I guess, I’m staying.
Him; Thak you
Me; So what time is Olwetho coming?
Him; At around 15:00pm
Me; Ok, so what do we do till then?
Him; I could think of a couple of things
Me; such as?
He moved closer, and started kissing me. We mad love again.
Him; I don’t know if I’m ever going to get enough of you
Me; you better not.
Him; (chuckels) come, let’s get us breakfast. I think we’ve worked up an appetite.
Me; I need to get dressed first. Him, just use my robe
We went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Well actually he made breakfast while I sat on the counter

Him; so babe, I was thinking
Me; I’m listening
Him; I’ve got hectic couple of weeks coming up work wise. I’ll be in Dubai this coming week. Then I
have to be in Paris. Is there any way you could come with me for a week or something?
Me; I’d love to. But I’ve got work
Him; yaah, but that means I won’t be seeing you for over a month
Me; Get Andrea to send me your schedule, and I’ll come visit you on one of the weekends.
Him; But babe, just a weekend
Me; Yes, that’s the best I can do for now
Him; It’s better than nothing I guess
He carried on cooking with the cutest pout on his lips. I just smiled. What did he think I was going to?
Drop everything just for him. I had a feeling I was going to be a big baby at times. Lord help me
Me; you look cute when you pout
He didn’t answer, he just smiled and continued pouting.
When breakfast was ready, we went to eat in lounge. I must say, Siya is quite a good cook.
We sat eating, and watching the news. We were interrupted by the intercom. He went to answer
then came back.
Him; Its Linda and Olwetho
Me; Didn’t you say he was coming at 3
Him; That’s what we discussed, I guess she decided to bring him earlier
Me; Did you tell her I was here
Him; not in so many words
Me; what do you mean
Him; Well firstly, it’s none of her business. And secondly, the driver was supposed to fetch him
Me; ahhm I should go get dressed
Him; Ok, I’ll come up now.
I went upstairs, and decided to have a quick shower first, before meeting Olwetho.
I was really annoyed though, that Siya hadn’t told Linda about me meeting their son. I mean the last
time I spoke to Linda, she was so damn rude. It would have been nice to prepare myself before
actually meeting her.
When I was done, I took a deep breath in and out, then went downstairs.
On my way down I could hear Siya and Linda arguing. I couldn’t really make out what they were
saying. But I could tell Siya was annoyed.
When I came closer, Siya spotted me and they stopped talking. I thought that was odd, but didn’t
take it seriously. I just figured they were discussing something about Olwetho.
Him; Hi babe
Me; Hi.
Him; Linda this is Rifiloe, Babe this is Linda. Olwetho’s, other
I held out my hand to shake hers and she just looked at me.
Her; So you seriously expect me to be ok with you introducing this thing to my son
I looked at her and felt like slapping her. But then looked at her and thought, she’s actually not worth
Him; Linda please. I’m not in the mood to argue with you.
Her; well, maybe you should have told me about this before asking me to bring my son here.
Me; Okay... I’m going to go upstairs. Call me when the adults arrive
Olwetho looked at me and smiled
Him; I’m coming with you aunty
I held out my hand and we left. I must say, He is a spitting image of Siya. You can tell his very
clever. Plus the glasses just make him even cuter.
Instead of going upstairs, Olwetho pulled me into the kitchen
Me; I thought we were going upstairs
Him; Can we get a snack first?
ME; ok, but im not sure where everything stays
Him; Come, I’ll show you. But first, you must tell me who you are
Me; Ok. What did your dad say?
Him; He said I’m going to meet his lady friend.
Me; Ok, my name is Rifiloe. But you can call me fifi
Him; My dad will say I have to call you aunty. Is that ok
Me; yes. That’s fine boy.
Him; ok. Let me show you where all the sweets stay
He held my hand and took me to the pantry. He took out sweets, chips, juice and some fruit from the
fruit bowl.
Him; this is everything aunty. Let’s go upstairs
Me; Ok. What would you like to do?
Him; can we watch a movie?
Me; yes. Come
We went upstairs. And we put on the jungle book. We sat on the couch and he sat next to me
When Siya finally came up, we were halfway through the movie. He sat on the couch opposite us
and looked at me with a smile. I could tell that he had something on his mind. But I didn’t want to say
anything in front of Olwetho.
By the time the movie finished. Olwetho was fast asleep. Siya took him to the bedroom then came
back to sit with me. He put his head on my lap and looked at me.
Me; what’s wrong
Him; Linda is just annoying me
Me; what’s going on with you too
Him; don’t worry yourself about it. She just needs time to come around
Me; I don’t get why its so difficult though. I mean you guys haven’t been together for years now
Him; it’s a little complicated. But don’t worry, ill take care of it
Me; Ok. Want some snacks.
Him; you can be my snack
ME; Siya. Olwetho’s in the other room
Him; its not like he’ll hear us
Me; No ways. Not happening
Him; Well in that case. I’ll have some grapes.
We stayed there watching TV. I wanted to ask Siya more about Linda, because I felt like there was a
lot that I didn’t know. But he just seemed a bit irritated and I didn’t want to make things worse
Olwetho eventually woke up, and we all went to have dinner at wimpy. Siya wanted something more
Juj, But Olwetho was adamant he wanted Wimpy.
After dinner, we went to take Olwetho home. I must say, Linda had a beautiful home. It wasn’t as big
as Siyas but it was nice, and you could see it was in a good neighbourhood.
Siya walked in and I stayed in the car.. I wasn’t really in the mood to see Linda.
When Siya came back we headed back to his house. He was really quite most of the way. I didn’t
bother asking, cause I knew he would tell me not to worry.
When we got home, I went to take a shower, while Siya, took a call in his study.
When Siya came up. I was already in my PJ’s. He also took a shower and we went to bed.
When I woke up, Siya wasn’t in bed with me. I went to the bathroom, then went downstairs to look
for him. Im telling you I looked everywhere and he was nowhere to be found. I went back to the
bedroom and tried calling him. He answered on the 3rd ring
Him; Babe
Me; Hey, where are you
Him; I went to the gym. You were sleeping so peacefully I didn’t want to wake you. I’m on my way
Me; Ok, see you now.
I immediately felt better, and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.
By the time I finished, Siya was back, but something didn’t seem right. His forehead had a cut and
was blooding. I walked up to him
Me; babe what happened’
Him; Its nothing
Me; Siya
Him; Rifiloe, its nothing. I was just doing some boxing at the gym and I hit my head on something.
It’s really nothing
Me; Ok. Where’s your first aid kit?
Him; In the bathroom cabinet
Me; Ok, sit down, ill go fetch it
I went to fetch the first aid kit, then went to sort Siya out.
Me; sit still, I’m going to need to disinfect this first, before covering it.
I disinfected his wound and went to put everything away. When I came back Siya was dishing up
Him; thanks for breakfast
Me; pleasure. Siya I
Him; babe please. You’re leaving today, I don’t want you worried about anything. I’m fine. It’s just a
little cut
I sighed and walked over to him and gave him a kiss.
Me; Promise me you won’t be doing any more of this boxing thing.
Him; but babe, how am I supposed to stay in shape
Me; Run, Cardio, hell even weights. But no more boxing
Him; Ok, I’ll try. I promise
We had breakfast, then I went to take a shower. I could hear my phone ringing off the hook. So I got
out and went to answer it. When I looked at the caller ID, It was Hlokes. I didn’t want to answer, but
something in me told me to.
Me; Hlokes
Him; fifi
Me; what can I do for you
Him; help me
Me; where are you
Him; Mhmm
ME; Hlokes, whats going on
Him; Help me. Please
His phone went dead. I started sweating. Something wasn’t right.
When I turned around Siya was looking at me.

I looked at Siya, and he looked at me. I knew he had overheard everything

Him; so what did he want
Me; I’m not sure, but something doesn’t seem right
Him; why do you say
Me; He sounded off. Like something was wrong. He asked me to help him
Him; I’m sure he just wanted to get your attention
Me; I don’t know. It’s just something doesn’t really seem right
Him; you should finish up, or you’ll be late for your flight
Me; your right.
Siya walked out, and I carried on getting dressed. I tried Hlokes again, but his phone just kept on
ringing. I was really starting to get worried. I know Hlokes and I weren’t on the best terms. But that
didn’t mean I wished him bad.
I finished up, then went downstairs to Siya. I could tell he was a bit annoyed about the whole Hlokes
thing. I wanted to make things right before I left, because I didn’t know when I’d be seeing him
I went to his study and he was busy on the phone. I went over onto his side of the desk and sat on
his lap, and put my arms around him. I just wanted to feel close to him.
He told whoever he was speaking to that he would call him back.
Him; babe
Me; mmmhm
Him; whats wrong
Me; nothing
Him; you sure
Me; yes. Just felt like being in your arms.
We sat like that for a while, Until Siya broke the silence
Him; we should get going, or else you’re going to be late
Me; can’t you move my flight to a bit later
Him; no love. I need them to refuel and service the jet, before I leave for Dubai on Wednesday.
Me; ok, I guess I don’t have much of a choice
Him; so you’ll come to see me in Dubai?
Me; I’m not sure. I’ll let you know
Him; ok. Let’s get going
I got in the car and Siya followed. I was glad he was driving me instead of getting his driver to.
When we got to the airport, I started feeling a bit sad. I was leaving Siya here, and then he was
going to Dubai for two weeks, then Paris. How was I going to manage being without him for that
When we got to his Jet, he walked me in and sat next to me.
Me; don’t leave
Him; babe, you know I have to
Me; I know, but. Nevermind
He lifted my chin. So I could look at him
Him; I’ll be back before you know it
Me; I guess your right
Him; but I need you to do me a favour
Me; anything
Him; behave
Me; I’m confused, why would you ask me that
Him; just saying
Me; Just kiss me and stop talking nonsense
He laughed, and kissed me. His pilot interrupted us. It was time.
Him; I should go
Me; ok. Ill see you soon
Him; I hope so.
Me; remember to get Andrea to send me your schedule for Dubai and Paris.
Him; Will do
He kissed me again, then left. I buckled up and we left for JHB.
I tried napping, all the way back to JHB, but sleep had deserted me. To be honest was really starting
to get worried about Hlokes.
When I arrived home, it felt different. I used to feel so content with everything, but now that I was
with Siya, it felt weird being alone. My house felt somewhat empty without him.
I tried calling Hlokes again, but his phone just rang.
I decided to leave it, and called Siya instead. He answered almost immediately
Him; babe
Me; hi
Him; how was your flight
Me; not as bad as I thought it would be
Him; glad your home safely. Can I call you back? I’m on another call with the people from Dubai
Me; ok. Speak to you later
Him; love u
Me; love you too
He put the phone down and I went to upstairs to unpack, I still felt a little uneasy with the whole
Hlokes thing. But hey, I guess Siya was right. He probably just wanted to get attention.
I unpacked, and decided to make something to eat. My fridge was empty. I think ausi mavis must
have cleaned it out. So I just had fruit. I didn’t feel like going out to get anything.
While I was sitting in the lounge watching TV, my intercom rang. I went to see who it was, and it was
the cops.
I opened for them and went to meet them halfway. They greeted me and asked that we talk inside.
I started getting worried. What if something was wrong with Siya.
I offered the police officer something to drink, but they declined my offer. I lead them to the dining
room and sat down.
Him; Ms Mokoena. This is sergeant Khumalo, and I am Constable ledwabo. We need to speak to
you regarding lehlohonolo Motloung
Me; what about him
Him; when was the last time you spoke to him
Me; about a week ago. He was here to pick up my mother.
Him; I believe you are his wife
Me; not exactly
Him; please elaborate, because he listed you as your next of kin
Me; he and I were married traditionally, not legally. But we separated soon afterwards.
Him; so technically you are his wife
Me; what does it matter
Him; because he was found barely conscious this morning. It looked like a hijacking, but nothing was
ME; is he ok
Him; he’s in a coma.
Me; what hospital is he in?
Him; he was in Cape Town when this happened. But his been transferred to Morningside
Me; Please excuse me, I need to go and see him
Him; no problem. Just tell me one thing. Do you know who might have done this?
I looked at the officers blankly. Of course I have no idea who did this. Why was he in Cape Town
Then suddenly It hit me. No no no no ways Siya was involved. Never.
Me; no, I have no clue.
Him; well, if you happen to remember anything, please give either of us a call
Me; Will do
They gave me their cards and left. I stood there shocked.
What was happening? Why was Hlokes even in Cape Town? Things aren’t adding up.
I didn’t really have time to ponder on my thoughts. I had to get to the hospital.
I took my bag and headed to my car.
I put my phone on Bluetooth, because I needed to make a few calls.
I was about to dial, my mom when Siya called
Me; Babe
Him; Hi babe. I was just returning your call
Me; oh, I just wanted to let you know I got home safely
Him; I’m glad. Where are you, you sound like you’re driving?
Me; I’m just getting something to eat
Him; ok love. Ill speak to you tonight
Me; ok
Him; love u
Me; me too.
I hung up and instantly felt guilty for not telling him I was on my way to see Hlokes. But how was I
supposed to tell him, when deep inside I suspected that he might have something to with what
When I arrived at Morningside Hospital I was shown to Hlokes room.
When I walked in, tears started rolling down my cheeks. He looked like he had been beaten to an
inch of his life. His face was so swollen. He had stitches everywhere. I couldn’t count how many
machines were all around him. My heart really broke for him.
I know Hlokes and I weren’t on the best terms, but I would never wish things like these on him.
I sat on a chair next him, and held his hand. I wish I could stop the tears from falling, but they just
kept coming. I must have fallen asleep with my hands crossed on the side of his bed. Because I was
woken up, by Lehlohonolo’s mother.
Her; Rifiloe
Me; Dumela Ma
Her; dumela Ausy. I didn’t realise you would be here
Me; I just came to check up on him. I should get going
Her; No. don’t leave on my account. You’re his wife. It’s your duty to stick by him. I’m sure he would
be happy to see you here
I didn’t answer her. I didn’t want to seem disrespectful, because she knew that Hlokes and I weren’t
Me; Ma, I should get going. I’ve got work tomorrow. It was nice seeing you again
Her; ok, but we have a few things we need to discuss regarding Lehlohonolo’s affairs.
ME; Ma, I don’t mean to be rude, but
Her; Rifiloe. I know you and he have had your problems, but at the end of the day he still loved you.
I stood up, gave Hlokes Mother a hug, and left.
I didn’t want to have her playing with my emotions. I may care about him, but it doesn’t mean I’m in
love with him. We’ve been through too much to even bother trying again.
When I got in the car I had 5 missed calls from Siya. I decided not to call him back. I wasn’t sure
what to think, regarding him and Hlokes. I felt guilty for thinking Siya had something to do with this
Hlokes thing. But at the same time I was wondering whether this could really be a coincidence.
When I got home, I put my phone on silence and charge it, while i soaked in the bath. I wanted relax
and get ready for tomorrow.
By the time I got out the bath the water was freezing cold, I got dressed and went straight to bed.
I woke up on Tuesday and got ready for work. I wasn’t really in the mood to get dressed up, so I just
went with a grey pencil skirt, white shirt and place sandal heels. I tied my hair in a bun, then headed
to downstairs. When I looked at my phone I had 10 missed calls from Siya, and 5 from my mom.
I called neither and headed to work.
Work was pretty boring because Sizwe had taken the rest of the week off, because of the holidays. .
I had a couple of meetings. Then went to HR, to let them know I would only be back the following
Monday. I didn’t have any meetings for the rest of the week and the office was basically dead. So
why bother coming in.
I went to the gym first before going to see Hlokes. I needed to burn off some steam.
When I was done, I had a shower at the gym, then changed into clean clothes and went to the
When I arrived Hlokes was still on life support. I know I only saw him the previous day, but I was
hoping there would be some sort of difference. I sat next to him and decided to read the latest news
to him.
I had read somewhere that patients who are in a coma, can sometimes hear you.
After reading to him. I said a prayer for him. I was about to leave when his mother walked in.
Me; Dumela Ma
Her; Fifi, ho jwang
Me; Good ma, and you
Her; Good. Im glad I caught you. We have a lot to discuss. Would you prefer we go to your house, or
to my hotel. Your parents should be here soon
I looked at her shocked.
Me; I wasn’t aware my parents were on their way here;
Her; they said they tried calling you, but you didn’t answer
Me; oh, I think my phone is still on silence. I’ve been busy to even look at it
Her; I guess I’ll meet you at your house then
Me; ahhm, ok
I left and went straight home. When I arrived, I decided to cook dinner. If I was going to have guests
the least I could do was cater for them. Thank goodness ausy mavis had done the shopping.
I decided to make a beef stew, pumpkin, Greek salad and pap.
When I was done, I took a quick shower and changed into a skit and put on a doek then went to sit
in the lounge
I decided to call Siya back. I think I had gathered enough courage by now.
His phone went straight to voicemail. I left a message for him asking him to call me back.
A while later my parents and Hloke’s parents arrived. I greeted everyone, but hugged my dad. I
didn’t realise how much I missed him.
We all went inside. I led them to the lounge and offered everyone something to drink. Then went to
sit next to my dad.
My father started with a prayer. Then my Lehlohonolos father went straight to the point.
Him; Makoti, We have some news that we want to discuss with you
Me; Ke mamatse ntate
Him; did you know that Lehlohonolo had left you in charge of all his affairs should anything happen
to him?
ME; sorry, natete. Im lost
Him; He left a will with his lawyer. Basically you have the final say when it comes to his life
Me; I’m confused. Why would he do that? Him and I haven’t been together for over a year
Him; We don’t know. But these documents were signed only 3 months ago
Me; tjo, I had no clue
Him; Well. Now we have to decide on what to do. Do we keep him on life support or do we take him
off. He left you in charge so the decision is yours.

I looked at my parents, then at his parents. I don’t get why Hlokes would do this 3 months ago. He
and I weren’t even talking at the time. Something wasn’t adding up
Me; Im not sure I can take such a decision
Him; In the eyes of the law, you are the only one who can decide what to do. We tried speaking to
his lawyers. But they were adamant that he wanted things this way
Me; so what do you suggest happens
Him; My wife and I have decided that due to the costs it takes to keep him. We will keep him alive
until the medical aid funds run out. Then we will have to turn off the machines. If there is not
anything else
I looked at him with confusion in my eyes. There was no way I was going to let them switch off those
machines. I may not be in love with him. I refuse to let anybody kill him
Me; No
They all looked at me
Me; there is no way I’m letting anybody kill him off. Not until we are certain that there is no more
money and that there is nothing else doctors can do for him
Him; we understand this might be difficult for me
Me; it’s not about that. It’s just about not giving up on him.
Him; I understand makoti
Me; I’m going to need a copy of his will. I need to see exactly what’s going on before I make any
My mother tried protesting, but I was certain there was more to be done.
After much debating. We all decided to Let Sizwe look at the Will and then take it from there.
After we were done with the meeting, I dished up for everyone and we had dinner mostly in silence.
Until Lehlohonols mother spoke up
Her; did you know about the money
I carried on eating, because I assumed she was speaking to her husband.
When I looked up I saw she was looking at me.
Me; sorry ma, I didn’t realise you were speaking to me
Her; So Did you know?
Me; about what
Her; his financial situation
Me; no
Her; He’s left a lot of money to you
Me; no I didn’t know. But none the less. I don’t want that money. We can use that to keep him on life
support should we need to.
Everybody just kept on eating in silence.
Once we were done. Lehlohonolo parents left. While I went upstairs to get the bedroom ready for my
When I was done I went to kiss my dad goodnight, and went to my room. I needed space to try deal
with everything.
I went through Hlokes will over and over again. Some of the things in there didn’t make sense. Like
how he had so much money to his name.
I know doctors have money, but the math here didn’t add up. I finally gave up and decided to call
Siya. I hadn’t spoken to him properly since I arrived back in JHB. Luckily he picked up on the 4th
Him; Hello
Me; Babe
Him; what’s up
Me; I miss u
Him; could have fooled me
Me; Siya, please. I know I’ve been hard to reach. It’s just that I have a lot to deal with
Him; ok
Me; Siya please
Him; Rifiloe. I’m actually in the middle of something. So if you’ve got nothing better to say.
Me; siya, please
He put the phone down, and didn’t even say goodbye. I know I probably deserved it. But what does
he want me to do? I’m stuck in between a rock and a hard place.
I tried calling him back but he didn’t answer. I finally gave up and tried to go to sleep.
I was woken up on Wednesday by the smell of bacon. I just knew my mother was cooking
I got up and took a shower, then went down stairs.
When I arrived my parents looked like they were getting ready to leave.
We had breakfast together and stayed off the Hlokes issue. I was grateful, because I didn’t really
want to discuss it. When we were done, my parents left.
I went back to my room and tried calling Siya again. Luckily he answered
Him; Rifiloe
Me; Siya
Him; what can I do for you
Me; Andrea still hasn’t sent me your schedule
Him; I told her not to
Me; why
Him; I figured I’d give you time to sort out whatever your busy with
Me; Siya. It’s just that I needed
He cut me off
Him; Rifiloe. I know you were with him
I immediately froze
Me; babe. I just needed to figure out what was going on
Him; you mean you wanted to know if I had anything to do with it
Me; no
Him; Don’t fucking lie to me. Maybe it’s a good thing I’m 9 hours away from you right now. Because
I’m not sure I would be able to control my temper
Me; whats that supposed to mean
Him; exactly what it says
Me; Siya
Him; stop ok, just stop with the Siya bullshit Rifiloe. You’ve been spending hours on end with your
ex, that you think I beat to a pulp, and you expect me to be ok with it. Huh
Me; how did you know I was spending time with him
Him; what does it matter
Me; Siya. Are you having me followed?
Him; yes
Me; why the hell would you do that
Him; it’s for your own protection
Me; I’m lost. Why wouldn’t you tell me?
Him; Well it’s not really up for discussion.
Me; Siya. What’s going on? And don’t tell me nothing.
Him; why don’t you ask your husband
He put the phone down.
I just stared into space. Wondering what the hell was happening.
Why did Siya have people following me? Who beat up Hlokes?
The only way I was going to get answers would be for me to get to Dubai.
I packed a bag, and decided to phone Siya again. this time my blood was boiling
Him; What
Me; don’t speak to me like that
Him; Rifiloe. Im busy what do you want?
Me; well, no matter how busy you are, make sure your free by the time I get there. Im sick of fighting
with you. Your going to tell me what the hell is going on. Or else you and I are done.
Him; Don’t come to Dubai. The timing isn’t right
Before I could even answer him, I heard a woman speaking in the background. Her voice sounded
Me; who is that
Him; no one
Me; Siya
Him; Rifiloe
Me; Its Linda isn’t it?
Him; Rifiloe
Me; oh my god Siya. How could you do this?
Him; stop overreacting. Its not what you think
Me; You son of a bitch. I don’t call you back for one fucking day and your back to sleeping with your
Him; Whooow. Rifiloe. Im not sleeping with her.
Me; fuck you Siya. Im done. Im not doing this anymore. both you and lehlohonolo can go to hell.
Him; Rifiloe. your on thin ice as it is. Don't make things worse
I hung up before he could say anything else.
this damn square between me, Siya, Hlokes and Linda was starting to piss me off. Something was
going on and i needed to find out what it was.

I was so pissed at Siya. Why was Linda with him, and where was Olwetho?
I had so many questions that I needed answers to. But the people with those answers were either
half dead or halfway across the world.
I took my bag, went upstairs to change into something more presentable. If my plan was going to
work, I needed to at least look presentable.
After I did a quick 360 in front of the mirror. I took my hand bag and headed for my car.
While I was driving to my destination. I kept looking at my review mirrors to see if anybody was
following me. Luckily I couldn’t find anything
The minute I walked through Ndhlovu corporations. I walked past reception and went straight to
Andrea’s office. The receptionist didn’t even ask me anything. I think it’s because she knew who I
When I arrived at Andrea’s office she looked surprised to see me. She stood up to greet me
Her; Miss Mokone. Hi. I’m sorry we weren’t expecting you
Me; Its fine. Please sit.
She sat down again with a weird look on her face
Me; Is Siya’s office open
Her; ahhm yes mam, but
I cut her off
Me; Thank you. That’s all I needed.
I walked out her office before she could say anything else. I knew I didn’t have long before Siya
called so I hurried up the stairs.
When I got to his office. I went straight to his desk and started looking through the draws, I didn’t
bother putting everything back in place. I just threw it on the floor. but I couldn’t find anything... If
Siya wanted to see crazy, I was going to fucking show him. I started throwing all those papers on the
floor. One by one off his desk. To be honest, I didn’t know what I was looking for, but it felt good
trashing his office
Then I went to his book shelf, again, one by one the books went flying of the shelf. but still nothing. I
was about to go to his filing cabinet, when Andrea walked in with security.
I looked at her
Her; mam, I’m going to have to ask you to leave
Me; I’m not going anywhere, until I’m done with what I’m doing
Her; please. I’m not allowed to have anybody here
Me; Andrea. Do yourself a favour and walk away, especially if you still value your job
I don’t think she expected me to say that because she looked a bit nervous.
She was about to say something when Siya’s office phone rang. I sat down on his chair and
Me; Siya
Him; What the hell do you think you’re doing?
Me; before I answer you. Tell Andrea to take her and her lap dogs out of here
Him; don’t speak about my staff like that
Him; where is she
I looked at her and made a hand signal, for her to come closer. I handed her the phone. Siya spoke
to her. Then she left with the security. I picked up the phone and continued my call with Siya
Me; so love. Where were we
Him; Rifiloe. Do yourself a favour and walk out my office
Me; nope. Not till I find what I’m looking for
Him; and what exactly are you looking for
Me; Ill let you know when I find it
Him; Rifiloe
Me; Siya
Him; don’t
Me; if you won’t tell me what’s going on, then I will continue looking. Even if I sleep here tonight ill
Him; babe, what’s happening to us. You know I thought when I met you, that you were this humble
girl who wouldn’t give me a hard time. But boy was I wrong. You challenge me every chance you
Me; well then tell me you don’t want me and I’ll walk out of here and never look back
Him; you know I love you
Me; Then what are you hiding from me. And why is Linda with you
Him; Rifiloe. Some things are better left unsaid
Me; you know this is going to tear us apart
Him; just let it go. Please, I’m begging you
Me; I cant.
Him; Refiloe.
I hung up. Looked through some files. Then decided to go home
On my way home, I decided to go by the hospital first.
When I arrived Hlokes wasn’t in his room. I quickly turned around and rushed to the reception.
When I asked where he was, no one could answer me. They just kept pulling me from Pillar to post.
I started getting nervous. What was happening?
Eventually, some doctor with a surname I can’t pronounce, showed me documents that he had been
discharged. I didn’t understand how since he was supposedly brain dead.
I drove home totally defeated. Everything I thought I knew, was all a lie, and no one was willing to tell
me the truth about what was happening.
When I got home I literally broke down. My life was being turned upside down, and worst of all there
was nothing I could do about it.
While I was busy wallowing in self-pity. I heard something moving around upstairs.
I stilled and tried of thinking of what to do. I took my phone and locked myself into the bathroom.
I called Siya, and he picked up on 1st ring
Him; Rifiloe
Me; There’s someone in my house
Him; Rifiloe, I can’t hear you. Why are you whispering?
Me; Because there’s someone in my fucking house
Him; Where are you
Me; in the bathroom
Him; Rifiloe, Listen to me carefully
Me; I’m listening
Him; You need to get into the pantry and Lock the door. Move right to the back of the pantry and
move the removable shelf. You’ll see at the bottom, where the shelf used to be. There is an
underground trap door. Use the password 359789 to open and to close. Stay there, until one of my
guys open it.
I didn’t move or say a word.
I hear everything he said, but I didn’t understand how he basically just gave me a floor plan of my
Him; Rifiloe I need you to respond. So I know you heard me
I eventually came back to earth
Me; Ok. I’ll try
Him; don’t make a sound.
Me; ok
I immediately hung up. I tried listening to hear if I could hear any footsteps upstairs. But nothing.
So I opened the bathroom door, and ran to the kitchen pantry and locked the door.
I tried seeing I could see any changes. Because when I bought the house, the agent said nothing
about a trap door.
I could see anything different, so I moved the shelf at the back and did exactly what Siya instructed
me to do. Hold and behold, there was a little handle that had numbers on it. I put in the password
Siya gave me. And it opened like an underground sliding door.

I stood at the top of the trap door. Not knowing whether I could trust Siya or not. But for now I didn’t
really have much of a choice.
So stepped onto the first step, then the next on. I closed the door with the same code I used to go in.
Once the door closed. The lights went on. I saw that the stairs went further, but I was too scared to
carry on. I just sat on the stair I was on. And waited.
My hands were shaking so much. I didn’t know what I had let myself into with this Siya drama.
5 minutes later, Siya called
Me; Si
Him; you did good babe.
Me; what’s going on
Him; don’t worry about it. Just wait for my people to arrive. Ill handle everything else
Me; Siya. Who are you?
Him; the same guy you fell in love with. There’s just more to me than meets the eye. I was just
hoping you wouldn’t come into contact with that side so quickly.
Me; do you have Hlokes
Him; I can’t discuss him with you. Not over the phone anyway
Me; but
Him; Rifiloe. Please. Let me just get you out of there. We’ll have enough time to discuss everything
Me; ok. So when will your people get here
Him; they’re already there. The guys who were in the house got away though
Me; oh. What where they looking for
Him; Im not sure yet, but I’ll find out soon enough. Anyway my guys are coming into the pantry now.
for the love of God, please don’t give them a hard time Just do what they say
Me; I can’t promise you anything
Him ;( sighs) Rifiloe, these guys aren’t like me. They won’t have time to argue with you. Just for
once, do as you’re told.
As he was speaking I heard someone putting in the password. I suddenly started feeling nervous.
My stomach started turning. I was asking myself all kinds of questions
When the doors opened there was a man the size of a beast. He had tattoos all over his face. His
muscles were the size of fucking mountains, and the other part of his face looked like it had been
I looked at him, then put my phone back on my ear.
Me; Siya, you can’t be serious
Him; I see you’ve just met Nails
Me; im not getting out of here with him
Him; you promised you would give them a hard time
Me; I did no such thing.
Him; (sighs) Give nails the phone
I gave the horrid looking man my phone.
Nails; Boss
Him; make sure she gets the hell out of there. Those guys might be on their way back. I don’t want
her getting caught up in the cross fire. Make sure she doesn't get hurt
Him; Understood.
He hung up, and gave me my phone back
Him; Mam, please come with me
Me; where are we going
Him; Its better if you don’t know
Me; no. I’m not going anywhere. Especially not with you
Him; I’m not going to as you again
Me; who the hell do you think you are speaking to me like that
He didn’t answer me. He took a step towards me. I tried taking one back. But he was too fast.
He scooped me like a little child. He put me over his shoulder and started walking.
I tried to wiggle myself out of his grip but he was too strong.
Me; ok, ok, ok. I’ll walk. Just put me down
Him; don’t try anything stupid
Me; I promise. Just put me down
He put me down. When I looked around there were about 20 men dressed in black moving in and
around as if my house was a crime scene
Some were going through my kitchen, others were upstairs.
My house looked like it was being ripped into two.
I looked at Nails
Me; whats going on
Him; You’ll have to speak to ghost about that
Me; who the hell is ghost
Him; come, we need to get you out of here
Me; can I at least change into something more comfortable.
Him; There’s no time. You can change on the plane
Me; Plane? What plane? I’m not going on a plane.
I picked up my handbag from the kitchen counter and took out my phone to call Siya, But Nails,
grabbed my phone from my hand
Him; Listen, you’re wasting my time. My instructions are to make sure you get on that plane
Me; I don’t care who gives you your orders. But I’m not getting on no plane
He took out a syringe out of his back pack and injected me on my arm.
Me; what the fuck was that for
Him; you’ll find out soon enough
A moment later, I started feeling drowsy. I just felt like closing my eyes. I tried fighting it, but my eyes
just wanted to give up
Me; you drugged me you basted
He scooped me up and walked towards the door. The last thing I remember was him putting me in
the back of some car.
When I woke up I was on a Jet. It wasn’t Siyas though, because it was a little bigger. I looked around
and saw Nails sitting opposite me. He had an iPad in his hand.
I sat up, My head was killing me. I felt like my poor head weighed a ton.
I went to the bathroom and immediately started throwing up until I had nothing left to throw up.
When I was done, I opened the bathroom cabinet and used the mouthwash.
Nails knocked on the door to make sure that I was ok. I told him to give me a moment.
When I was done, I walked out to where Nails was. He gave me a bag with some clothes that
consisted of Jeans, T-shirt, Hoodie, a pair of socks and a pair of white all stars
I didn’t know how he knew my size but everything fitted perfectly.
When I was done getting dressed. I put the clothes that I had taken off in the plastic bag, and went to
sit with nails. I needed to ask him some questions
Me: where are we going?
Him; Your joining Ghost in Cuba
Me; Cuba?
Me; and who the hell is Ghost. Why don’t you people have normal names?
He looked at me and laughed.
Him; Your feisty. Never thought that about you
Me; you don’t even know me.
Him; I know a lot about you, more than you think
Me; what exactly do you think you know about me? And who the hell are you
Him; don’t worry, you’ll have all the answers you need when we land in about 5 hours.
Me; Can I speak to Siya first
Him; no, not yet. Can I get you something to eat?
Me; please
He got up and came back with a chicken lasagna and bottle of wine
Me; can I rather have a bottle of water instead?
Him; Sure
He handed me the water and I dug into my food which was amazing.
Once I was done, I started feeling better. Nails was not the talkative type. He only really spoke when
spoken to. I wanted to ask him what happened to his face, but thought better to mind my own
business. So Instead, I went to take another nap, I was still kind of tired, I think it was because of
that damn injection.
I was woken up by Nails telling me I had to get strapped in because we were about to land.
I felt like slapping him, I was enjoying my sleep and to be woken up by his tatted face isn’t really
I got up, and went to sit where Nails was. I strapped myself in.
30min later we had landed. There were 4 black USSV Rhino GX’s waiting for us when we got out the
plane. I had never seen such huge ass SUV’s in my life. I had only seen these in American movies.
Nails opened the backseat door for me to get in, stepped in the back of the while Nails sat in the
front men with bullet proof vests, and millions of tattoos.
I said a little prayer while I whisked away to some unknown destination. I couldn’t even look outside
side because the windows were tinted so darkly. Plus it looked like the wee hours of the morning.
We drove for about 2 hours, before we finally stopped. I let out a sigh of relief because I was starting
to get light headed.
Nails exited the front and came to open for me. I took his hand to step down and we walked into
what seems like a very lavish home.
He walked me upstairs into what looked like a main bedroom.
Him; stay here.
Me; where are you going. You can’t leave me here.
Him; your safe now. My mission is complete.
Me; what mission? Where is Siya
The moment I said that, I felt him. I could smell his cologne, and feel his presence
Nails looked at me, and then turned to leave. He said something to Siya, then closed the door
behind him.
I didn’t turn around. I didn’t want to see Siya standing behind me.
I didn’t want to see this side of him. I wanted to remember his as the Man I fell in love with. The man
that I made love to like my life depended on it.
I wanted him to be the Siya I know. Not the man who basically killed Hlokes.
Not the man who came halfway across the world with his Ex
and most definitely not the man who’s had people following me.

Siya turned came closer to me. He put his arms around me from behind. I just closed my eyes,
because my heart was conflicted. I didn’t turn around. I just sat there with tears rolling down my
He turned me around, and made me face him. He lifted my face so I could look at him. He took out a
handkerchief and wiped away my tears.
At that moment everything seemed so right, but also so bad. He leaned in and kissed me.
I didn’t respond. I just stayed still. Eventually though. I gave in. There was a force that pushed me
towards him. A force that made it impossible for me not to respond.
I put my arms around his neck and started kissing him back.
When I realized what I was doing,I pulled away hastily. Why is it that I can’t resist this man ye.
I took a few steps away from where he was standing. I needed some distance
Him; Rifiloe
Me; don’t
Him; don’t push me away. It’s still me. The same Siya who loves you.
Me; No. you’re the man who lied to me. The man who almost killed Hlokes. How can you speak to
me about love, when you didn’t love me enough to tell me the truth?
Him; It’s not like that babe. I couldn’t tell you. Not just yet
ME; what do you mean? You were pissed at me for not telling you about Hlokes. And yet you had a
whole other life and you weren’t going to tell me, and now I’m half way across with you and your still
not telling me exactly what’s happening
He sighed and was about to say something, until someone knocked on the door.
He answered for them to come.
Him; Boss, you need to come and see this
Siya; I’ll be there in a moment
Him; its rather urgent
Siya; I said I’ll be there in a moment
The guy walked out and closed the door behind him.
Me; your not going anywhere until you’ve answered my questions
Him; Rifiloe, I love you. I really do, but now’s not the time. Ill explain everything to you. I just need
you to trust me
I felt my anger starting to rise. Who does he think he is?
Me; Trust you? Are you serious? How the hell can I trust you, when you’ve lied to me about so many
Him; I can’t do this now.
He started walking away from me. There was a liquor cabinet close to where I was standing.
I picked up a glass from there and threw it towards him. Unfortunately it didn’t hit him. It just hit the
wall he was walking towards
He turned around and looked at me. You could see he had a bit of anger in his eyes. But mostly he
Him; I’ll get someone to clean that up. There’s clothes and other things you might need in the walk in
the closet. Let me know if you need anything else.
Then he walked out. Not looking back.
I sat down on the bed, and stared into space. I was getting angrier with Siya. But at the same time I
hoped he would stay with me. I just wanted him here to tell me it would all be ok. And that I was had
misinterpreted things.
I was interrupted by a knock on the door. A lady walked in and greeted me in Zulu.
She told me her name was Thembi and she was here to clean up the glass. I showed her where it
was. She cleaned it then left.
I decided to take a bath because only God knew when Siya would be back.
I went to the walk in closet, and couldn’t believe my eyes. There were so many clothes there. from
formal ware, to casual and even evening. There was even PJs, matching underwear and Lingerie. I
won’t even mention the shoes. And somehow everything was my size.
I don’t know what Siya was thinking getting me so much stuff. It’s not like I was planning on living
Anyway, I took out a pair of PJ’s, slippers, and underwear and put them on the bed. Then stripped
the clothes I had on, and put them in the basket, then went to the in suit bathroom.
I filled the tub with hot water and tons of bubble bath. I wanted to soak myself in the bath, and just try
release some of the stress from today.
While I was busy in the bath Siya knocked on the door. I told him to come in since my body was
covered with bubbles.
Him; How are you settling in
Me; fine
Him; I’m going out for a couple of hours. I should be back by morning
Me; your leaving me here, on my first night?
Him; I need to take care of something.
Me; just go. It’s not like I could make you stay
Him; If you need anything, Thembi will be downstairs
Me; I’m fine. I just need answers
Him; I’ll give you those soon. Just give me time. That’s all I ask
I kept quiet.
Him; there’s enough security here to make sure your safe. But please don’t try anything stupid.
I didn’t bother answering him. I just carried on with what I was doing.
He walked out, and left me to bath.
Once I was done, I felt so much better physically, but emotionally I was DRAINED.
I got dressed then tied my hair up and went to sleep.
When I woke up I got the fright of my life. Siya was fast asleep next to me.
I quickly jumped out of the bed and put on a gown. He woke up a looked at me with a startled look
on his face.
Me; What the hell are you doing
Him; I was trying to get some sleep
Me; and you couldn’t do that anywhere else
Him; this is my bedroom. Where else do you expect me to sleep?
Me; and why am I sleeping in YOUR bedroom? You mean to tell me that there is no other rooms in
this fucking mansion that you could put me in?
Him; Rifiloe. I literally just fell asleep. Do we have to do this now? Just come back to sleep. We can
discuss this later.
Me; you must be drunk, if you think I’m getting in that bed again
Him; suit yourself. Just please don’t throw anything at me while I sleep.
He smiled at me, then went back to sleep. I looked at him and thought of strangling him. But
unfortunately me small hands wouldn’t fit around his neck mxm.
Instead I went to take a bath. I needed to do something with myself, before I did something I would
regret. When I finished bathing, I went to the bedroom with just a towel wrapped around me.
Siya was on the phone. Nxa, so much for sleeping
I could feel his eyes piercing into my body. I moved to the walk I closet to choose what to wear.
I decided on just a track suit pants and top, and a pair of all stars. It not like I was planning on going
anywhere. I tied my hair up in a high pony tail and didn’t bother with any make up.
When I got back to the room, Siya wasn’t there. I guessed he was in the bathroom because I could
hear the water in the shower. I made the bed, and put away my PJ’s. Siya had left his Laptop on the
bed, so I decided to use it to log into my work emails. I wanted to check if there was anything that
needed my immediate attention.
I sat on the bed, going through emails. When I noticed a so called email that I had sent to my boss.
When I looked at it, my pulse quickened. It basically said that I was going away for a couple of
weeks, to try and bring in a client who is based overseas. I automatically knew that Siya had
something to do with this.
I closed the laptop and waited for this psycho to get out the shower.
A while later, he came out with just a towel wrapped around him.
I must be honest ne. He caught me off guard. He was still dripping water from the shower, and his
eight pack just made think of the first time we made love in the shower.
I looked away before he noticed.
Me; so how long am I supposed to stay here for? Because I saw the email you sent to my boss
Him; as long as it takes to find out who was in your house. And why?
Me; but that could take ages
Him; Then you’ll have to stay for ages
Me; what about my Job and my family. Surely people will start noticing that I’m not around
Him; I’ve already handled your work. All you have to do is let your parents know you’re away for a
Me; what about ausy Mavis
Him; sorted
Me; My friends
Him; Sorted
Me; so how long have you been planning this.
Him; Not long. The minute you called to tell me about someone being in your house. I put my team
into action
Me; I see. So are we going to talk about the big ass elephant in the room?
Him; can we have breakfast first? I’m famished
Me; sure
He went to get dressed while I continued on his laptop. When he was done, we went upstairs to the
dining room. I got a better view of the house. I think it looked even better in the day. Especially since
we were having breakfast on the patio.
The sun was out and this side of the house was basically on the beach. There was also lots of
guards, with guns.
Siya sat at the head of the tab, while l sat next to him. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I saw
the food laid out on the table.
We dished up and mainly ate in silence. I was tired of asking questions I wasn’t going to get answers
to. So better to keep quite.
I was halfway through my breakfast when I saw Linda walking like a fucking supermodel towards the
table. I immediately lost my appetite.
In all honestly she looked beautiful. She had her hair tied up and had a full set of make up on.
She gave Siya a kiss on the cheek, and sat on the other side of him. All the while ignoring me.
Siya looked at her, then at me and shook his head. I rolled y eyes at him and he smiled.
I decided I was done eating, and stood up to take my plate to the kitchen
Him; babe, leave that. The maid will get it
Me; I’m sure the maid has a name, plus I prefer to clean up after myself
Her; Nxa, You see Siya, this is what happens when you get involved with hood rats from God knows
where. They’re not used to this life style. Haai le rata ho jola jola man.
Me; Says the woman who has to depend on her ex for money. At least if you were boasting about a
lifestyle you provided for yourself. Not money you get because you opened your legs to a rich man.
Her; Siya. You’re going to let this twit speak to me like that?
Him; Linda. Just stop with the drama. Don’t start things you can’t finish.
I walked away and took my plate to the kitchen.
I bumped into nails as I was a walking out.
Him; mam
Me; Hi Nails. Please call me Rifiloe
Him; I’m not sure Ghost would approve
Me; Ghost?
Him; I should get going. It was nice seeing you again.
He walked away leaving me confused. Who is this Ghost guy?
I decided to go change into shorts and go sit on the beach. I wanted to distance myself from this
Linda bitch before I strangled her.
I wore one of the one piece costumes in the closet, and put on shorts over to bottom. I didn’t feel
comfortable walking around almost naked in front of all the men here.
As I walked out the room, Siya walked in
Him; You going for a swim
Me; Yes
Him; I’ve got a meeting in town. I’ll see you when I get back
Me; ok, but im going to need your laptop or an Ipad
Him; I need my laptop. But ill get one of the guard to bring you my Ipad
Me; Thanks
I tried walking past him. But he held my hand
Him; I don’t like the way things are between us
Me; what do you want me to say
Him; say you trust me
Me; I don’t want to lie to you
Him; do you at least still love me
I felt my eyes watering. I wanted to tell him I didn’t and that I don’t ever want to be with him, but that
would be a total Lie. So I told him the truth
Me; Yes, but
Him; no buts. That’s all I needed to hear.
He kissed me on the forehead and let go of my hand. I walked to the beach with Siya in My mind. I
took a seat on one of the beach chairs. And looked around me, all I could see for miles on end was
the beach. But no other properties. I think this must be a private beach, because there was no one
else on here except for me and the guards watching over me.
About an hour late I was flipping through the magazine that I had taken with me, when I realized
someone was standing behind me.
I turned around thinking it was one of the guards, but nope, it was Hlokes standing there with an
IPad in his hand
Him; I hear someone ordered an IPad

I stood up to make sure no wasn't going mad. I moved closer to him and touched his face. My eyes
were telling me he was here but my brain refused to believe me.
I stood on my toes and put my arms around his neck. I hugged him as tightly as I could. He winced
Him: careful the ribs
Me: I don't care. I'm just happy you’re alive
He hugged me back and just let me be. After a while i broke the hug and held him at arm’s length.
He was still bruised quite badly, and the stitches were still intact.
He sat on the beach chair opposite me, and smiled
Me: you shouldn't be here. If Siya saw you he would go ballistic
Him; let me handle him
Me: so are you going to tell me what's going on.
Him: Its not my place. Ghost will tell you when the time is right
Me: So where are you staying
Him: a floor up from you
Me: im lost
Him: in the same house as you. Just one floor above you
Me; now I'm really lost. How can you be staying in Siyas house. When he tried to kill you
Him: who said anything about him trying to kill me? Rifiloe sometimes wena you have an overactive
I looked at him with so much confusion. How was he here? How did he know Siya and why was he
staying here
Him: I know you must have a million questions going through your mind., but right now all I can say
is he didn't try to kill me. He should be so lucky
Me; so your keeping secrets from me too. Mxm I should have known.
I stood up and wanted to walk towards the house, but froze when I saw Siya heading towards us. He
looked like He was ready to kill someone. I looked at hlokes and he was standing behind me just as
Hlokes: fifi, you better go back into the house
Me: your insane. He'll kill you
Him: stay out of this if you know what's good for you
Siya got closer, and I could see his eye's were bloodshot red.
I walked towards him to try and stop him from getting closer.
I put my arms on his chest trying to stop him, but he was stronger
Me: Siya stop
Him: stay out of this
Me: babe please I’m begging you.
Him: Rifiloe, move
Siya looked like he was about to kill Hlokes.
Hlokes: Rifiloe, get away from him
Me: wena just shut up man. Or better yet go to the house
Siya: I fucking told you to stay away from her
Hlokes: it's not your decision to make
Siya: the hell it's not. It's about time I taught you a fucking lesson
By this time hlokes was coming towards Siya
I don't know what he thinks he was going to do since he was still hurt so badly.
Me: Hlokes don't take another step
Meanwhile Siya is pushing against me trying to get to hlokes.
Me: can we just all calm down, and try behaving like adults.
He banna, ,haai I was just talking to myself here, no one was listening to me. I saw the guards were
all gathered around, but none of them were intervening.
Me: nails. Do something
He looked at me and then at Siya but didn't move. Nxa fucking coward
Siya carried on trying to get to Hlokes, while Hlokes tried getting to Siya
All in it was a big mess. And I knew the only way for me to stop them would be for me to pretend that
I was hurt
So the, moment Siya tried throwing a punch, I tripled on, my own feet and fell down, crying in agony.
They both stopped and looked at me :)

I covered my eyes with my hand and prayed real tears would come out. Because I was actually
laughing on the inside
Siya sat down next to me and gently removed my hands from my face. Luckily my tears were
Him: I'm so sorry babe.
Me: (sniffing) I don't think I can walk. I think I might've strained my ankle
Him; I'll carry you
Hlokes tried coming closer, but I shook my head at him
Siya scooped me up. And carried me into the house. Some of the guards followed while the others
attended to Hlokes. I looked at him and he was smiling. I think he knew I was Lying. I just gave him a
don't you dare look, and continued with my charade. Plus I was enjoying the attention I was getting
from Siya
When we arrived inside, Siya put me on the bed, and went to get an ice pack from the fridge. I just
sat there smiling at how well my plan worked
When Siya came back, he put my ankle on his lamp and put the ice pack on my ankle.
You could tell he was still angry but his eyes were returning to their normal color
Me: thank you. That feels better
Him: I'm sorry I hurt you
Me: forget about it. Just promise me you'll leave him alone
Him: Rifiloe, you need to stay out of this
Me: promise me
Him: I can only promise I won't hurt him, unless he provokes me
Me: ok, I guess that's better than nothing
I held out my hand at him
Him: and now
Me: you have shake on it
He laughed and gave me his hand to shake.
Me: so are you ready to tell me about what's happening
Him: not yet. But I promise you I'll tell you everything when the time is right. And don't go asking
Hlokes because he will probably feed you lies
Me: haai, I give up shame.
Him: thank God, I think I'll finally be able to breathe
Me: mxm I'm still mad at you
Him: I know. But just give ,me the benefit of doubt
Me: I don't know info can do that. So much has happened
Him: I know
I looked at Him and for the first time, since this whole thing started, I started to relax
Then Someone knocked on the door
Me; go away
Him; Come in
The person behind the door, obviously listened to him instead of me, because they came in. mxm
Him; Ghost. They've landed
Siya; get the guys ready.
The guy walked away and closed the door behind him.
Me; so you’re the so called ghost
Him; don’t start
Me; I was just asking
Him; let me go see what’s going on. I’ll be back now
Me; but my ankle still hurts
Him; give me 2 minutes, I’ll be back now. I promise
Me; go
He gave me the ice pack, and left me. I took the ice pack back to the kitchen. There was no use in
me keeping it mos.
I ran into Hlokes in the kitchen.
Him; better so soon
Me; shut up. You should actually be thanking me.
Him; whatever you say
Me; it’s weird seeing you here
Him; I never wanted things to turn out the way they did.
Me; I wish I knew what you were talking about
Him I should go
He walked out and went to join, Siya and the rest of them.
There was an older looking lady in the kitchen, who introduced herself as Martha. She was busy
making lunch for everybody, so I asked if i could help.
Her; I don’t think Ghost would approve
Me; I don’t care. It’s better than sitting around and doing nothing. So what are you making?
Her; Chicken ala king, with balsamic rice, and some steamed vegetables
Me; Ok, so how can I help?
Her; you can steam the vegetables
Me; that’s it? You don’t trust me with the chicken
She smiled at me
Her; only if you’re sure you can manage
Me; I am.
Her; ok, Let me get you an apron
She gave me an apron, and we cooked together. It was nice having someone to talk to. It made it
easier for me to forget about the Siya and Hlokes Saga
Mam Martha, had a small music system in the kitchen. She says it’s because she likes cooking to
music. I smiled when she put on Caiphus Semenya’s Ziph’inkomo. That song reminded me of my
mom and dad. They used to listen to it a lot while I was growing up.
A while later Siya walked in while mam Martha and I were dancing and singing along to Angelina. He
smiled at me. I pulled him closer, and started dancing around him. He smiled and wrapped his arms
around me, and gave me a kiss. I gave him a smack playfully.
Me; not in front of mam Martha
Him; I don’t think she minds
I looked at mam Martha and she was busy with pots. I looked back at Siya and kissed on the cheek.
Me; your disturbing us
Him; what are you making
Me; we’ve just finished making chicken ala king. I was going to help mam Martha with the oxtail stew
for tonight
Him; can I steal you for a bit
Me; I don’t know, you should ask mam Martha
He smiled because he knew, she didn’t really have a choice.
Him; mam Martha, can I borrow this young lady for a while
She smiled at us and nodded
I held Siya’s hand as he walked me towards the bedroom. I saw Hlokes staring at us from upstairs. I
kind of felt bad, but there was nothing I could do about it
I waved at him to say hi, but he just turned around and walked into his room
When we got to our room. I sat on the bed, and waited.
Siya sat next to me and took my hands in his
Me; what’s wrong?
Him; we found the guys that were at your place
Me; who was it?
Him; I don’t know how to put this
Me; your scaring me
Him; I don’t mean to. It’s just that I can’t tell you this without telling you everything else. And I’m not
at liberty to disclose anything else. Not till I’ve got clearance
Me; clearance from who
Him; (sigh) I’ve already said too much. But at the same time you might have information that I need.
Me; I’m getting more and more confused
Him; get dressed. I think it’s better I show you
Me; ok,
I went to the closet, and took out a pair of jeans, a pair of all stars and a hoodie.
I didn’t know where we were going, so I wanted to be comfortable.
Him; I’ll wait for you downstairs.
Siya left while I got dressed. I was starting to get worried, because I could see that whatever was
eating him up inside, was serious. And somehow it involved me.
When I went down stairs Siya wasn’t there, So I went up to the
office level, where all the guys stay.
As I approached I could hear Siya and Hlokes arguing. I stood by the door so I could hear what they
were saying
Hlokes; It’s not the right time. She’s going to flip
Siya; we don’t have a choice
Hlokes; you should let me handle this. Plus you don’t have clearance yet
Siya; doesn’t matter. I’m not keeping this from her. Plus she might know more that we think. Oh and
The last time I let you handle things you nearly got us killed
Hlokes; are you ever going to let that go
Siya; No. because here we are again. In a shit storm, all because of you
Hlokes; fuck you man. You know I didn’t want this to happen.
Siya; well, it’s happening. And it’s up to me to make sure no one else gets hurt because of your
I knocked on the door, and they both kept quite
Me; I’m ready
Hlokes looked like he wanted to say something but he just kept quiet.
Siya; Let the guys know we’re ready to go
Hlokes; Sure
Siya took my hand and we walked downstairs, then took the lift to the basement parking.
When we got downstairs, the cars were waiting, I got in and he sat next to me.
Unfortunately it wasn’t just the two of us, so I couldn’t ask him any questions.
I put my head on his shoulder and let out a sigh. It’s weird how easily I fell in love with Siya, I thought
he was just a savvy business man with good looks. But I was wrong.
Turns out he’s some kind of monster, and instead of running away from him. I was running closer,
and somehow I’m falling deeper in love with him, but at the same time, I felt like I was betraying
A while later we pulled up at some industrial park. When the cars pulled in I looked at Siya confused.
He just looked in my eyes and didn’t say anything
We got out, and the guards walked in front and some at the back of us.
When we got inside one of the warehouses at the back, of the industrial park, the guards opened the
door. I immediately tightened my grip on Siya, plus my hands were shacking, because I didn’t know
what to expect.
There were more guards inside. About 5 of them. Siya walked with me to the middle of the
I saw at a close distance away there was someone tied to a chair. I couldn’t see his face though,
because it was covered with a brown bag
I held Siya’s hand tighter. I was getting more and more scared by the minute.
I could see this poor person was blooding. I whispered in Siya’s ear
Me; siya, what’s going on
Him; give me a moment
He told the guards to put on the rest of the lights.
The minute the lights came back, I saw who was in the chair. I didn't need to see his face. because i
saw the watch i had gotten him for his birthday.
I screamed my lungs out. I took my hand out of Siya’s hand. I ran towards him. I had to get him out
of there. What was Siya thinking?

I didn’t make it very far, because the guards stopped me.

Siya came towards me and tried hugging me. I slapped him across the face.
He didn’t move, so I slapped him again, then I started kicking him.
The guards tried to stop me, but he told them to back off.
Me; how could you
Him; I’m sorry
Me; I hate you Siya, I hate you. You’re a fucking monster
I got down on my knees, in front of him. I tried making out a sentence, but tears wouldn’t let me
Me; Siya, Please Im begging you. Let Sizwe go.
Him; Babe, I cant.
Me; (sniffing) Pease, I’ll do anything you want me to. Just let him go
Him; No. I can’t
He pulled me up. I pushed him away
Me; How could you? He’s my friend
Siya was about to answer me when I heard Sizwe, calling out my name. You could tell he was in so
much anguish
I turned around and tried walking towards him, but the flipping guards were in the way.
Me; Move
They didn’t move
Me; Siya, Please. Just let me see him
Him; Let her through
They all moved. I ran to Sizwe. I took of the bag off his face.
He was blooding from his mouth and his nose
I knelt down in front of him. He could barely open his eyes. I took of my hoodie, and wiped his face
with it. I just wanted get all that blood off him.
Me; Sizwe, Sizwe, open your eyes.
Him; fifi, you’re here
I turned around, and Siya was standing behind me
Me; Get me some water.
No one moved. I turned my attention to Sizwe.
Me; I’m going to get you out of here. I’m so sorry
I stood up and went to Siya
Me; give me the keys to the cuffs
Him; I cant
Me; you can’t or you wont
Him; Rifiloe. Sizwe isn’t who you think he is
Me; what’s that supposed to mean
Him; Ill explain when we get out of here
Him Gents. Make sure he’s still alive when Bullet gets here.
Them; Sure boss
Siya took my hand and I snatched it away
Me; I’m not leaving him here. And who’s Bullet
Him: please don’t make me carry you.
Me; Siya, please, I’m begging you. I need to know what’s happening. he's my friend. I cant let you do
Him; let’s go home, and I’ll explain everything
The ride home was a silent one. Tears just kept running my cheek, especially when I looked at the
bloodstained hoodie
When we got home, I didn’t want for anybody to open the door for me. I just opened it myself and
walked towards the lift.
Siya got in with me and didn’t say anything
When we got to the house, I went straight to the bedroom.
I took a quick shower, and threw the clothes that I had worn to the warehouse in the trash.
Siya came in when I had just finished getting dressed.
Him; ok, I’m ready to tell you everything
I looked at him. He came closer and I took a step backwards
Him; we’ll have to talk in my office, because Hlokes has to be there
I walked passed him, and went to his office
Hlokes was already sitting there waiting for us. He stood up when he saw me come in.
He opened his arms to give me a hug, and I slapped him
Me; you stay the fuck away from me
He didn’t say anything, but you could see he was hurt
Siya came, and we all took our seats.
Siya; I guess its time, we told you the truth.
Me; just get on with it
Him; please just know even though I may have lied about things.
I never once lied about the way I feel about you
Me; can you just get on with it
Him; Ok. Here it goes.
So Hlokes and I have known each other for about 2 years. He was recruited into the same black ops
agency that I worked for.
Me; Black ops?
Him; we were a team of misfits who didn’t fit into the police force. So the lieutenant and the minister
of safety came up with a plan. To have us work as undercover gang operatives.
Me; so you’re not a gangster
Him; No, not in so many words. But I live a life of a gangster. I have to be able to fit in with them, so
that I can get the information I want
Me; what about your company
Him; when the lieutenant told me about the plan to start this group, I made a deal with them. I would
work undercover, on the condition that I get to build a legit business on the side.
Me; that doesn’t make sense
Him; Rifiloe, I knew that if I agreed to this undercover job, I would have to give up a lot of my morals.
Me building Ndhlovu communications was so I wouldn’t lose myself in being a gangster. It helps
remind me of who I really am
Me; so how does Hlokes fit into this
Him; we recruited Hlokes about 2 years ago. He didn’t want to at first because he planned on getting
married. But then we offered him enough money, and he agreed
I looked at Hlokes. Is that when you left for Saudi. He just nodded
Me; so why did you pretend to not know each other when you saw each other at my house
Him; because 3 months before that, Hlokes had decided he wanted to go home, so he could fix
things with you, and tell you everything. I told him he couldn’t, because we needed him here.
There was a gang that was hunting us down. And we didn’t need any distractions. But Hlokes being
the hard kop he is, decided to go rouge. He left without telling us where he was going. That
immediately put everyone in danger, especially you.
So I was given the mission of tracking him down. Which is how I came to meet you
I looked at him, then at Hlokes
Me; so when you and I met Siya. You were on a mission
Him; babe,
Me; answer me
Him; yes. But
Me; so you were using me to get to Hlokes
Him; in the beginning, but then I fell for you
I had to take a moment, to breath. I was trying really hard not to cry
Me; so where does Sizwe fit in in all this
Him; we found out recently that Sizwe, works for the Gang that’s been tracking us down.
Me; what, that’s impossible. I’ve known him for a while now.
Him; Sizwe was planted at the company you work for, to try and find out about Hlokes aka Bullet.
And what better way to do that than to become friends with his wife, because no one knows who we
really are, but they had somehow found out Hloke’s real identity. So it was only a matter of time
before they found me
Me; Hlokes
He looked at me.
Me; so when you left for Saudi, did you really leave with another woman
Him; Rifiloe, please try to understand
Me; Just answer me
Him; Yes
Me; I see
Me; so who tried killing Hlokes
Siya; It was Sizwe and his team
I stood up and went to the window. I needed fresh air. Hlokes got t up and left me and Siya alone
Me; so it was all a lie
Him; no, not all of it
Me; what else do I need to know.
Him; I can't reveal anything else at this point.
Siya stood up to take a step towards me.
Me; please don’t, come near me
Him; Rifiloe, my feelings for you were never a lie. I swear on my own life. I loved you the moment I
lied eyes on you. I knew it was wrong to pursue you, but I couldn’t help myself.
Me; Siya, sometimes love isn’t enough.
Him; don’t say that Rifiloe. We can work through this. I know it’s a lot to digest, but all I ask is for you
to give me time to earn your trust.
Me; I’m sorry Siya. But I can’t. It’s all too much to take in.
Him; what are you saying
Me; It’s over.
Him; No, I won’t let you throw away what we have, because of this.
Me; we’ve never had anything. It was all lies. From the moment you met me. All of it it’s all lies.
Him; baby please. We can find a way through this. Id give up everything. Just don’t tell me it’s over
I looked at the man I thought I loved. Who looked more like Judas now. I wish I could forgive and
forget. But this was just all too much.
Me; I need to go home
Him; You can’t just yet. We’re still trying to get information out of Sizwe. He’s been a hard one to
crack, but I know in time, he’ll give in
Me; I don’t care. You can’t keep me here against my will
Him; I have to protect you Refiloe.
Me; That’s not your decision to make.
I decided to leave him there. I couldn’t bare to look at him any longer. I needed to get my cell phone,
and get the hell out of this place.
When I got out, Hlokes was coming up the stairs
I tried walking past him, but he held my hand.
Him; we need to talk
Me; There’s nothing to say
Him; Fine, then you listen I’ll talk.
Me; what’s to talk about. You left me for money, then came back and led those bastards to me.
Him; Rifiloe, I thought I was doing it for us. I wanted to give you the life you deserved.
Me; Lies, you left because of your greed. And if you were supposedly doing it for us you wouldn’t
have left with that whore. Now let go of my hand
He let go and I walked to my room and locked the door. I needed to let everything out, and I didn’t
want to have anybody comfort me.

I sat in my room for hours. I cried until I had no more tears left. I felt like Siya was dead, as though I
was mourning him.
Then finally I drifted off to sleep. I thought I would be able to escape my nightmare of a life in my
dreams, but unfortunately it also chases me there.
I was woken up by the loud banging on the door. I ignored it, and tried going back to sleep. Luckily
the person in the other side wasn't persistent, because they left. And I was able to sleep again.
In the morning I woke up feeling a bit better than the day before. So I got up bathed and changed
into gym clothes I found in the closet. I wasn't in the mood to see Siya or Hlokes, but I also didn't
want to keep myself locked up, and it’s not like I could avoid them forever.
I lived in the same house as them mos.
I took Siya’s iPod, and left to go for a run on the beach. Nothing better than the sea breeze to make
you feel better.
As I was walking out I saw Linda, Siya and Hlokes having breakfast on the veranda. I kept the
headphones in my ear and walked passed them.
I jogged around the beach for about an hour and a half It was kind of weird though, because the
guards were there too.
When I got back from my jog, I went to the kitchen to get a bottle of water.
Luckily mam Martha was busy washing the dishes, so I had someone to talk to.
Her: can I make you something to eat
Me: no thanks ma, I'll just grab some fruits
Her: you know you can't live off fruit alone, plus you didn't have lunch or dinner yesterday
Me: ok, you carry on with what you’re doing, ill, make myself an omelette
I made my omelettes while talking to mam Martha. She made the place feel homely. You could tell
she was fond of all the guys who lived here.
Siya walked in while I was eating. I was really enjoying my omelette and didn't want Him to disturb
He greeted mam Martha, then came to sit on the counter with me. I ignored him and carried on
Him: did you sleep well
me: yes thanks
Him: lucky you. I on the other hand slept on the couch
me: your point being
Him: can I come back to our bed please. I don't think I could take another night on the couch
me: no stress, Ill swap with you
Him: that's not what I meant. Our bed is big enough for the both of us
me: you mean your bed, and I don’t mind staying on the couch
Him: forget I said anything
He walked off looking defeated. Mxm I don't know what he expected me to say.
I spent most of the day in my bedroom, working on some of my clients’ portfolios. I needed to keep
myself busy, and up to date with what was happening with my client’s monies. I could see that Siya’s
portfolio was doing well. So I emailed him his latest figures.
I was going through my emails when I saw one from Sizwe.
I had to convince myself not to cry.
I knew he sent this before Siyas people got a hold of him. I opened the attachment and it was the
final trust documents that Siya needed to sign.
I smiled a bit, when I saw the smiley faces he had in the subject line of his e-mail. I wondered if deep
Down he really saw me as a friend, or if he only saw me as an someone who could give him
information on where to find bullet.
Siya walked in while I was busy with working
Him: what are you busy with
Me: work
Him: I was hoping we could talk
Me: what are we doing now
Him: please Rifiloe
Me: ok. I’m listening
Him: walk with me
Me: where to
Him: the beach
Me: give me 5 mins
Him: ok
He walked out while I finished off with what I was doing.
I decided to change into shorts and a bikini top. It was too hot to be walking around with tracksuits
When I came downstairs Siya was waiting for me. He took my hand in his, and I didn't protest. On
our way out, Linda came in with a million shopping bags.
I didn't bother saying anything to her. I just held Siyas hand and we kept walking
When we got to the beach we sat down
Him: I want to fix things with you
Me: Siya
Him: let me finish
Him: Rifiloe, I know I hurt you. I know that. But I just didn't want us to land up where we are now. I
know that’s not an excuse. But when I was given this task to find bullet, I thought it would be easy.
All I had to do was track you down, and you would tell me where he was. Then I'd find him and drag
him back to Cuba. It was supposed to be that simple. But then I met you, and I knew that there was
no way I could live without you. I wanted you to myself, even though I knew you had unfinished
business with Hlokes. It was selfish I know, but baby I knew that my life would be incomplete without
you. I just need you to forgive me
I looked at Siya and I knew he was telling me the truth. But I still had so many doubts
I still had so many questions that he couldn't give answers too
ME; Siya, I love you with all my heart. Despite everything we’ve been through, I still love you. Don’t
get me wrong. But I need more than love. I need to trust you. I need to know that you'll put me first. I
need to know that you'll never hurt me. And in all honesty, we both know you can't give some of
those things. How can I ask to be put first, when your still bound to your ex?, how do I trust you,
when all you've done is lie to me, And how do I know I won't get hurt, when you’re a leader of some
ops group.
I need stability in my life Siya, and I'm just not sure you can give that to me
Him: I hear you. So where to from here
Me: I need you to give me time. I need to be able to deal with everything I need to somehow mourn
the death of the Siya I thought I knew. I need to try moving on with my life. I need you to step back,
and let me go.
Him you can’t ask me to do that
Me; You have to. Siya, I deserve a chance at a normal life. With a man who is normal, and have
children who will have a normal childhood. I don’t want to walk around watching my back, because
the man I love has a price on his head. That just wouldn’t be to fair.
You know, I’ve heard you tell me how much you love me and want to spend your life with me. But
I’m yet to hear you say that you’re willing to give up this ops group.
Him; Rifiloe, I wish I could give all this up, if I could I would, I vow on my life. But that would mean I
have to go back on the vow, I made to protect and honour my country.
When Siya said that my heart broke. I knew he loved his job, but I hoped he would give it up for us.
He wiped away a tear from my eye. You could tell he wanted to protest, but he knew I was right
There was no way we would be able to have a normal life together. There’s just too much working
against us.
He moved in closer and held me in his arms.
Him; so I guess this is really the end
Me; I guess so
He sighed
ME; so when will I be able to go home
Him; should be in a couple of days, Sizwe has been participating. So Bullet has left with some of the
other guys to take out his gang. Once that’s done, you should be able to return home
Me; so what happens to Sizwe once you’ve got all the info you need?
Him; you know I can’t discuss that with you
Me; sorry. So when do you go home ?
Him; my head quarters are here, so I’ll be in between SA and Cuba
Me; What about Olwetho and Linda
Him; Linda will return to CT, and Olwetho will move back from my mom’s.
Me; why wasn’t he here in the first place
Him; because we didn’t want him missing school. Plus he wasn’t really under any threat. The people
looking for me don’t know about him, we’ve been able to keep him under the radar
Me; that’s good, but I’m sure he misses you
Him; yaah, I miss him too. But what can I do. You know when I first met Linda, I told her I didn’t want
children, because I knew that the life I live, I wouldn’t be able to be the farther my children would
need. But Linda being her, decided to lie about taking contraceptives. So the person who suffers
now, is Olwetho
Me; that’s a pity. But you should also try harder
He; Your probably right, but it’s not always that black and white.
We sat on the beach talking for hours on end. It felt good not to fight for a change. I felt like I was
getting to know more about ghost. But I still longed for my Siya
By the time we went back inside, it was already getting late. I had dinner with him and Linda, and
some of the guards, then went to my room.
Siya knocked on my door about an hour later. I went to open for him and stood at the door. I didn’t
want him to come in, because I was wearing bum shorts pyjama bottoms.
Me; what’s up
Him; can I take a shower
Me; why not use the one upstairs.
Him; the waters cold
Me; I need to put on a gown first.
He laughed at me.
Him; Babe, I’ve seen you naked before. What’s changed?
Me; that was before we broke up
Him; Fine, ill close my eyes. Promise I won’t look
Me; promise
Him; yes, pinky promise
I opened for him, and he pretended to close his eyes. When I turned around he had opened them. I
hit him with a pillow and he laughed.
Me; you promised
Him; I couldn’t resist
I hit him again, and he pulled me closer
Me; Siya don’t
Him; why
Me; because, we’ve broken up
He didn’t listen to me, but instead he started kissing my neck. I tried backing away, but it just felt too
Me; mhhhm Siya, stop
Him; do you really want me to
Me; yes…. Mmm no
Him; which one is it?
Me; don’t stop
He carried on kissing my neck, while his hands were playing with my nipples.
I wanted so badly to tell him to stop, but at the same time, I wanted to be with him 
He turned me around and started kissing my lips. I kissed him back, while unbuttoning his shirt. We
carried on kissing until we both couldn’t take it any longer.
Siya made love to me that night, like it was the last we would be making love. When we were done, I
fell asleep in his arms. I was so tired, I didn’t have time to ponder on what we had just done.
The moment I opened my eyes the next morning, my heart was filled with regret. Why the hell had I
slept with him again. What the fuck happened to my self-respect.
The moment I tried getting out of bed, Siya opened his eyes.
Him; where you going?
Me; I need to take a shower
Him; I know what you’re thinking
Me; so you’re a mind reader now
Him; no, but I can see the regret in your eyes
Me; I don’t know what I was thinking
Him; Its ok Rifiloe, I promise, Ill behave going forward. I don’t want you regretting anything else.
Me; thx.
Him; plus there’s nothing wrong with a bit of break up sex
I hit him with the pillow, then went to take a shower. When I was done, Siya went to take a shower,
then we went to have breakfast
We found Linda already there. I greeted her then dished up for myself. Siya asked me to dish up for
him and bring it up to his office.
I gave him a look, but decided not to say anything. For some reason I didn’t want Linda to know that
we had broken up. I guess it was just my ego
I dished up for him, and took his breakfast to his office, then came back and sat with Linda.
I just felt like irritating her.
Her; so tell me something
Me; what
Her; what love potion did you feed him. Phela ive heard about you sotho girls
I smiled at her. She might be in the mood for a fight. But there was no why I would be participation
Me; no need for a love potion dear. All he needed was a woman who was interested in him and not
his money. But hey, I give you props for falling pregnant. Cause at least you still have access to him.
But it must hurt seeing him with another woman, when you though having a baby by him would keep
him interested.
You could see she was irritated, cause she stood up and took her food and left
Siya, came in when she just left
Him; what was that about
Me; no clue
Him; ok, Well I’ve got good news
Me; I’m listening
Him; Bullet and the team have completed their mission. Luckily not too many injuries. So you should
be able to go home in a day or two
Me; oh
Him; I thought you’d be more excited than that
Me; I am, it’s just … nothing. Thanks for letting me know.
Siya looked at me with a puzzled look on his face. I got up and went to change into my gym clothes,
so I could go for a run to clear my head.
I wanted to ask him about sizwe, but I knew he wasn’t going to say anything, so I just let him be.
The following day Hlokes (bullet) and the team came back from their mission. I was actually glad to
see him. I had decided to forgive, and try to forget. Even though that would be harder. Plus I didn’t
want to have him as an enemy.
I was in my room when siya came in
Him; you should start packing. You leave first thing tomorrow morning
Me; I didn’t bring anything remember
Him; what about all the stuff in the closet
Me; that’s not my stuff.
Him; I bought it all for you
Me; Siya, I can’t take all of those things
Him; Rifiloe, are you trying to wound me. I mean I know we’re not together, but please take that
Me; Its really no use arguing with you
Him; I’m glad you’ve noticed.
Me; but do you really expect me to be finished packing by the time I go. There’s too much stuff to
Him; I’ll get Thembi to come and help you
Me; Thank you
Siya left, and moments later Thembi came help me pack. I decided to give her some of the clothes,
because some of them where just to much
While we were packing, I found a little box. I opened it and found the most beautiful ring ever. It was
a mixture of white and rose gold. I looked at it, then went upstairs to Siya.
I could hear him shouting all the way down the passage. I froze a bit when I got to his office door. I
was about to turn around and go back downstairs, when his door opened. Nails and another guard,
came out looking a bit off. I decided to walk in, because I was already there
Me; I hope I’m not disturbing you
Him; what can I do for you
Me; I…. Never mind, I’ll just leave it downstairs
Him; suit yourself
I walked out feeling just as down as the guards who left a few minutes from me.
I took the ring and placed it in one of his draws, then carried on packing.
By the time we were done, it was way after midnight. I thanked Thembi and went to bed.
To be honest my heart was a bit saw, because I knew, that with me going home, it would really be
over between Siya and I. I wouldn’t get to see him in the morning. I would be able to look into his
eyes anymore, and I would never be able to feel his touch again.
I tried sleeping but sleep had deserted. I decided to go to get some water from the fridge. Siya was
on the couch in lounge. I felt bad having him sleep there, so I went to wake him.
Him; Rifiloe, whats wrong
Me; come to bed
He didn’t wait for me to say anything further. He just got up and went to our bedroom
I continued to the kitchen and had my water. When I got back Siya was fast asleep.
I spent most of the night watching him sleep. He seemed so peaceful. There were no traces of
ghost, when he slept. There was just Siya.
I must have fallen asleep, because I was woken up by Siya telling me to get ready for my flight
I got up and took a shower, then got ready to go to the airport.
When I was done, Nails and Hlokes took my bags to the cars. When I was about to leave, I noticed
Siya was still in his Pyjamas
Me; aren’t you coming
Him; where
Me; oh, I thought you were coming back to SA with me
Him; Rifiloe, you need to decide what you want. You can’t have things both ways. You asked me to
let you go, but now when I try you want me to fly all the way back to SA with you. You’re not being
fair. One minute you don’t want me in the same bed with you and then last night you tell me to come
to bed with you. What is it that you really want ye
Me; ok, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to …… never mind.
I took the last of my bag. And headed to the basement parking. I was about to step in the car, when
Siya came down.
Him; so you were going to leave without saying goodbye
Me; I didn’t want to disturb you.
Him; Your being silly now
Me; Ok Bye Siya
He gave me a hug.
Him; bye Rifiloe
He help me get in the car. Then walked off. I knew this was going to be hard. But I didn’t expect it to
be this bad. But anyway I had taken a decision and I had to stick to it.
It was time i got back to my normal life.

I slept through most of my flight. Thank goodness nails wasn't the talkative type.
When we finally touched down in S.A. nails dropped me off at home with all my luggage. Then left.
In sent Siya an sms thanking him, and letting him know that I arrived home safely.
I thought I would be home happy to be home, but instead I just felt empty
I went upstairs to up try getting through unpacking my bags. I ended up leaving it because it all
reminded me of siya.
I took my phone to check if Siya had responded, but nothing.
A week later I was back at work. To be honest the place felt weird without sizwe. But hey life had to
go on. I still hadn't heard anything from Siya, so I guessed the hopes of being friends wasn't going
be an option.
As I was sitting at my desk, I received an sms from my father,informing me that the meeting between
my family and hlokes family would be held on the coming weekend.
To be honest I had totally forgotten about the whole lobola issue. I decided to call Hlokes, since we
were on speaking terms.
Him: fifi
Me: hey, o jwang
Him: ke Sharp, wena
Me: Sharp. I just got an sms that our families are meeting this weekend.
Him: oh, amm ya, my mom called last night
Me: so, we need to come up with story regarding your so called quick recovery, and why we wen
Him: in just told them you found a good doctor overseas who was able to help me.
Me: ok, sound convincing, since no just told my parents that I was overseas
Him: perfect
Me: so we agree that you'll take your money back
Him: I didn't say that
Me: bathong, Hlokes. You can't be serious
Him: Rifiloe, can we talk about this ka weekend
Me: please don't try any of your tricks
Him: can we drive down together
Me: what's wrong with your car
Him: nothing, I just figured it would be Moe fun to go together. There's no harm in that is there
Me: I guess not
Him: so I'll see you on Friday
Me: sharp
I hung up, and continued working. I hoped Hlokes wouldn't protest about taking his money back. If I
was going to move on, i wanted all traces of my past erased
The week went by quite quickly. I was starting to get used to being in my house. The first few nights
were a bit hard because, I kept on replaying the night when I was taken to Cuba. But now, I felt like I
was getting back to being myself.
On Friday I took the day off. Hlokes had arrived on Thursday from Cuba and we were leaving at
around 11 to head to qwaqwa.
At around 10:00 I called hlokes
Him: hey
Me: tell me your not still sleeping
Him" mfeto, jet lag is no joke
Me: ok, so what time are we leaving
Him: can we make it 12
Me: fine. You better be ready when I get there
Him: yes mam
I went upstairs to finish packing. Then at 11:30, I drove to Hlokes hotel.
By the time I got there, Hlokes was ready.
I opened the boot for him and gave him the keys
Him: haw, fifi I thought you were driving
Me; wahlanya, your driving. Km not your taxi driver
Him:haai, ok get in
I got in and we drove home. We chatted a lot on the way, and talked about old times. Hlokes was
being his charming self, but kept to the boundaries. I wanted to ask him about Siya, but thought it
would be inappropriate.
By the time we reached qwaqwa, it was 15:30. I was so excited to be home. It had been a long time.
I told Hlokes to drop me off at home, and he could take the car to his home. Which is only a few
houses down.
She we arrived at my home, I opened the gate and he drove in. I knew it was still early for my
parents to be home from work, but at least, I knew where the keys stay.
When I tried opening the door, I noticed that the door wasn't locked. I went in thinking that maybe my
mom or dad was home.
Hlokes came in after me with my bags. Then went to fetvh ghe gifts i had bought for my mom.. I
called out for my mom but no one answered. I guess they forgot to lock the door when they left this
morning. Hlokes put my bags in my room, while I opend the windows. When I was done Hlokes was
getting eady to leave.
I asked him to first help me bring the presents I bought for my mom. I wanted to put them in her
When I opened my mother's bedroom, I saw something that didn't seem right.
It was just red. Everything was red.
There were red spots everywhere.
There was blood everywhere
I looked at the bed, and my parents lay there, motionless
My mother's hands were tied behind he back, she had a bullet hole through her head.
My father lay next to her with a bullet through the heart
I tried moving, but my body wouldn't participate
I wanted to touch them, and make sure I wasn't dreaming, but my legs, wouldn't move
Hlokes dropped the stuff he had in his hands, and tried to get me out of there.
I wanted to scream but my voice wouldn't let me.
I tried crying but my tears wouldn't come
Hlokes picked me up and put me in the lounge.
I sat there with my hands around my legs. I kept rocking back and forth. I wanted to move. I really
did, but i couldn't.
When Hlokes got back, he tried talking but i couldn't hear what he was say. He tried shaking me, but
i didn't respond. I just looked at him.
A few minutes later the house was filled with the police.
I saw some guys walking into my parents room with some sort of strchers. When the came out, they
had covered them with a white looking sheet.
Hlokes hadn't left my side the whole time.
Him: rifiloe, you can't stay here. I need to get you out here
Me: no
Him:Rifiloe this place is a crime scene. You can't be here
Me:please tell me I'm dreaming
Him:I wish I could. I'd do anything to erase what you just saw
I could finally feel my tears approaching . It started all coming together. My parents are gone, and
they were taken in the most gruesome way. Why would anyone decide to do this
I finally let it out. I couldn't hold it anymore. It was as thought someone had taken out my heart and
ripped Into two
My screams could probably be heard all the way up our street. I wanted the pain out. All of it. I
wanted it to be gone.
Hlokes held me the whole time. He looked mortified. I think he didn't know what to do. He held me
through my screams. He kept telling me it was going to be ok.
The last thing I remember was Hlokes getting something out of his bag. He gave me water to drink. I
drank it all, then slowly drifted to sleep in his arms. At least with me being asleep, the darkness of
the world couldn't get to me.

When I woke up some time later, I was as my aunt's house. I could here people talking. I didn't
bother waking up. What was the point when all anyone could say was I'm sorry.
I lay in bed crying silently. When ever I would close my eyes, all I could see my mom and dad lieing
in a pool of blood.
Hlokes walked in a while later. I pretended to be asleep.
He sat on the bed.
Him: I know your awake
Me: what do you want
Him: I just wanted to make sure your ok
Me: I'm fine
Him: I'm so sorry rifiloe, I wish I could take the pain your feeling and carry it on your behalf. I you
shouldn't have seen what you saw. It wasn't right
Me: do you know who did this
Him: no, but were trying to find out
Me: have the police said anything
Him: no, not as yet, but the case is most probably going to be handed over to our team. Siya is
working on it
Me: do you think this has anything to do with Sizwes gang
Him: we don't know for sure. But we're trying to find out, because we were under the impression that
we had eliminated all of them
I started crying again. I wanted to hate Hlokes, because if this had anything to do with Sizwe, then it
would be on him that those thugs came after me. And when they couldn't find me, they went after my
Him: I know you blame me. Your right to. I'll understand if you don't ever want anything to do with me
Me: what's the use? Theres nothing you couldve done. Blaming you It's not going to change
anything. Its not going tk bring them back
Him: I promise you I'll find who did this, and I'll make them pay
Me: I know you will
I sat crying in Hlokes arms. I knew that even though I wasn't in love with him. He would move
heaven and earth to find who did this. And that alone gave me comfort.
Me: Hlokes
Him: yes
Me : promise me one thing
Him: anything
Me:when you find who ever did this. I'll be the one put a bullet through their head
He didn't answer me
Me: you have to promise
Him: rifiloe you know I can't do that
Me: please, I need you to promise
Him: I'll see what I can do
Me; thank you.
My aunt walked in while I was sitting with Hlokes.
I got up to give her a hug. We bothe cried together. She reminded me so much of my dad. She had
his eyes, and his smile
Her; Manana, the people from church have arrived for a prayer session, you should join us
Me: do I have to. I'm not sure I'm ready to face people today
Her: ok. I'll handle it. You get yourself some rest
Me: thanks rakgadi
She left to join the people from church, and i sat with hlokes. We didn't really talk much.He just held
me and let me cry.
I must've drifted off to sleep because i was woken up by my phone ringing, and Hlokes was gone.
When I checked the caller ID, it was Siya
Me: hi
Him: hey, how you holding up
Me: fine
Him: I heard about happened. I'm so sorry
Me: thanks
Him; is there anything I can do for you
Me: find the bastards who did this
Him: I will fifi. I won't rest till I find them. I promise
Him: I'll try being there soon. It's a bit difficult because, I'm short staffed without bullet, but I'm sure
nails will manage
Me: Siya, I'm not your responsibility. I can manage just fine without you. Rather take care of
Him; I know you can manage. I just feel so helpless being th I far away from you
Me: I've got to go
Him: I'll speak to you tomorrow
Me: sharp
I hung up. I don't know why I was being so cold towards him. I knew it wasn't his fault that he wasn't
here. But somehow, I wished he was. But at the same time I was just irritated by the thought if him.
I tried going back to sleep, but unfortunately insomnia had kicked in. When i looked at the time it was
02:00 am. I thought of calling Hlokes and asking him for some of those sleeping poll he gave me
earlier. But decided not to.
I missed hearing my mom's voice, so dialled her number, son I could hear her voicemail. The minute
she spoke, I felt my heart getting heavy. I couldn't I would never hear her voice again. That I wouldn't
sit next to my dàd and sing along to Hugh masekela,
My mom always used to say, pray when your feeling heavy, so i Got down on my knees and started
speaking to God.
Me: Lord, I know I'm not perfect, I know that I'm a sinner before your eyes, but i need you now more
than I've ever needed you. My heart is heavy, I am filled with anger, hatred and worst of all hate. I
need you to help me get through this. I never thought I would be an orphan at such a young age, but
i know that it was your will. I know I've neglected my faith, but i need you Lord. I need you in my life, I
need you take away the pain. Please, just help me. Help me. Amen
I immediately felt a bit better, and managed to drift off to sleep.
The following morning I woke up and decided to make breakfast for my aunt and uncle. I didn't want
to be in bed again the whole day. My mother would've told me sitting in bed wasn't going to change
I wanted to honour my parents, because they had brought me up to be strong.
When my aunt can to the kitchen , she looked just as bad as I did. You could tell she'd been crying,
becaus her eyes were just as swollen as mine. I gave her a hug and went to finish if breakfast. My
uncle came to join us. I gave him a hug, because I hadn't seen him the night before. When we brok
the hug, he grabbed an Apple and left. He was already late for work, so he didn't have time to eat.
Me: so rakgadi what's the plan for today
Her: bo Ntate moholo will be arriving today, so we can start the preparations for the funeral.
Me: have the police said anything?
Her: no, but they confirmed that they won't be handling the case. Apparently it's being handled by
another department
Me; I see. So will I be able to clean up the house
Her;not yet, its still considered a crime scene
Me: ok, but i don't Want anybody else cleaning moms room, except for me or you
Her: are you sure your up to it
Me: yes, I don't expect anybody else to do it. They were my parents.
My aunt looked at me with so much worry in her eyes.
Her; you know you will always have me in your life. I know I can never replace my brother and his
wife, but if you need anything, you can always count on me
Me; thank you.
Her: you should go bath. Batho ba baholo will be here soon
I went to bath, and decided to call Hlokes, I had a feeling I would need my car to run errands
Him:fifi, I'm just driving in
Me: oh, o.k.. I'll see you now
I hung up and went to take a bath.
When I came out Hlokes was having tea with my aunt.
Her: rifiloe, you can't wear jeans during your mourning process your in laws will be here soon. And
cover your head
Me; but rakgadi I didnt bring skirts. I had just bought one dress with me.
Her: well you better go shopping before Ntate a fihla, plus wa tsiba hore o strict jwang. He will have
your head the moment he arrives
Me: ok. Hlokes will you take me
Her: and remember not to call your husband by his name in front of them
I wanted to protest, but couldn't because the rest of my family didn't know about hlokes and I being
I went to take my bag, and we went to wait for Hlokes in the car. When he got in, he drive me to
Him: are you going to find what your looking for here or should we go somewhere else.
Me: I should be able to find something here
Him: I'm sorry about everything rifiloe. I'm sorry we have to pretend to be together. I know how hard
that must be, since your in love with somone else
Me: it's fine, can we just get through the funeral, then we can deal with everything else afterwards
Him: sure
We went shopping together, Hlokes was laughing at me because he knew I hated long dresses. I
bought afew, then decided to buy groceries for my aunt's house. Knowing the size of my family, we
would be needing lots of food
By the time hlokes and i got yo my aunt's house, my family elders had arrived. I asked Hlokes to
take men to his house so I could change into a dress. He also needed to put on a jacket. I didn't
want my grandfather scolding me infront of my entire family.
I quickly changed then Hlokes took me to my aunts.
When I arrived I greeted everybody. You could tell they all looked as heart broken as I was. I sat on
my grandfathers lap as he hugged me
The room in was sleeping in had been turned into the main mourning room. The bed had been taken
out, and mirrors were covered. And only a mattress remained.
We had a family meeting to discuss the funeral. We decided that we were going to have the funeral
at my parents house despite it being where they took their last breath. We also decided to have a
closed casket because my mother had been shot in the head.
Once the meeting was over, some of the family that lived close by left, while the others remained
The following day we were given clearance by the cops to use the house, My aunt went with me to
clean my parents bedroom.
When I walked in, I stood at then door for a moment. Then we walked in. The tears just started
pouring, but none then less I continued with what I was doing.
We decided to get our male relatives to Burn the furniture and the bedding because the blood
wouldn't come out. We a were able to wipe the walls, but got my cousin's to paint them because you
could still see some of the blood.
By the time we were all finished all traces of blood was gone. Now all that was left was for the
pastor's from church to come bless the house, and we would be able to continue with the funeral.
As the week went on, the more family arrived. My friends had sent flowers , and called me every day
to make sure I was ok. My aunt and I had been the ones going up and down doing the arrangements
for Saturday. Now that it was Friday, all that was needed was for the cows to be slaughtered.
The tent was up, the catering team had arrived, and the decor people were busy setting up. I wanted
everything to be perfect, because this would be the final thing I would get to do for My parents.
Siya and some of his guards arrived on Friday. Don't get me wrong, I was happy to see him ne, but
there was something about him, that kind of annoyed me. Like I don't know why, since I hadn't seen
him for over a month. Haai
Anyway i concentrated on making sure the decor and catering people were doing everything I
wanted. While Siya and Hlokes were helping my uncle's slaughter.
It was kind of strange seeing Siya, the savvy business man/gangster/ special ops leader,
slaughtering a cow. He looked so in his element.
Once we slaughtered my mom and dad were bought home. They would stay with us, till tomorrow,
when we would lay them to rest.
Later Hlokes, came to tell me that they were leaving. As tired as I was, I decided to walk them out.
Siya and his team were apparently staying at a guest house down the road from my house.
Saturday arrived and everything was in order. Hlokes arrived with Siya and the team. I must say they
all dapper in their suits. I greeted them, and helped fix Hlokes tie, It wasn't sitting right. You could
see Siya was annoyed, but there was nothing I could do.
The ceremony was beautiful. The community had come out in numbers to support us. I satbin the
front row, with both my mom and dads family. The church choir really lifted my spirits, especially
when they sang my moms song. We all reflected on the life my parents portrayed. I didn't think I was
going to speak, but i decided to. Thankfully I didn't breakdown
After we were back from the graveyard. Lunch was serves. Then People started leaving. The decor
was taken down, and the caterers had left. The only people left were a few family members, and
some friends
Some my cousins were sitting in the tent, organising the after tears. I decided to join them. I needed
a bottle of wine. Then later Siya nd Hlokes came to join us. My older cousin and Hlokes went to buy
alcohol at a near by liquour store, but They were annoying me because they kept calling hlokes
Sbari in front of siya. Mxm
When Hlokes left Siya sent me an sms, asking to talk to me.I wanted to say no, but i kind of missed
chatting to him. I told him I'd meet him in his Car. He got up and went to his car, then I followed a
while later
I sat in front and closed the door. Somehow my mood towards him immediately changed
Him: how you holding up
Me: I'm getting there. Some days are better than others
Him: you know I'm here if u Need anything
Me;that's if I would be able to get hold of you
Him; what's that supposed to mean
Me: nothing
Him: your shutting me out
Me: I wasn't aware I was supported to let you in
He sighed
Him: so this is the way things will be between us
Me: how did you expect things to be
Him: I thought we could be friends
Me: are we done here
He didn't answer. I was about to open the door, but he locked it
Me: Siya, open the door
Him: we're not done here
Me: I am
Him: so let me talk
Me: I'm listening
Him: I need you to come back to Cuba
Me: not happening
Him: it's for your own safety. We don't know who is behind what happened to your parents. I need to
know your safe, and i cant keep you safe all the way from cuba
Me: I can't talk about this now, Hlokes and my cousin will be back soon
Him: are you sleeping with him
Me: excuse me
Him: you guys seem close. I want to know if your back together
Me: not that its any of your business, but no, I'm not sleeping with Hlokes
Him: good
Me: can you unlock the door now
Him; fine, but this conversation isn't over
I unlocked the door and walked back to the tent annoyed at Siya. He hadnt returned my mesaages
for over a month, and now he wanted to play the super hero. I didnt want or need his pity. I am
determined to get through this alone

When hlokes and my cousin returned, We put the alcohol a plastic bath, and all chilled. It kind of felt
good to unwind after the stress I've had been through. Plus i missed my wine.
Pity my wine didn't miss me because, i had only had a few sips of my wine, when i started feeling
nauseous. I ran to the bathroom and dispelled all the food and wine from today.
I thought it must've been the beef stew, even though I had only had a little bit of it.
When i went back outside I didn't bother having anymore alcohol. I just sat with my cousin's and
enjoyed their company.
Siya was looking at me with a questionable look on his face. I just ignored him
Later that day, Siya and his team were getting ready to go back to jhb . I know I was cold towards
Siya earlier, but a part of me didn't want Him to go. so i sent him a message reading "Are you really
going " 😢

He simply responded with just a yes

I looked down at my phone and tears threatened my eyes.
I don't know why I was acting this way. It's not like we were together anymore.
He had probably moved on already
The guards came to give me a hug and said their goodbyes. I thanked them for coming and gave
them ginger beer and biscuits for the road.
Siya came to say goodbye. He gave me a hug, I tried letting go, but he held me trighter
Him: please think about Cuba
Me: I've already.....
Him: don't make me drag you there
I immediately broke the hug.
Me: don't you dare
Him: you know I will. Plus bullet agrees with me
I looked at him. This man was insane yaz
Me: a minute ago you said I was sleeping with him, and now the two of you are discussing me.
Him; bullet can only keep you safe here for so long. We need you in Cuba, where I have enough
protection. It's difficult splitting the team between S.A and Cuba
Him: most of my men are already watching over you. I can't spare anymore
Me: I haven't noticed any of them
Him: you wouldn't notice, it's their job to be discreet. But once your back in jhb, it will be harder
Me: I'll take my chances
Him: ill be in jhb for a week or two. We can discuss this then
Me; fine
He gave me a kiss on the cheek., then left
😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢

I stayed in qwaqwa for another week. I needed to make sure all my parents affairs were in order,
before returning to jhb. We also had to perform my cleansing ceremony . So all in all we had a busy
week. I was exhausted.
The family decided to have one of my cousin's look after my parents house.
On the day that I left to go to jhb. I took, a few of my mother's belongings with me. I needed
something that would keep me closer to her. I also asked Hlokes to take me the graveyard. He drove
me there and waited in the car.
I wanted to say goodbye because I wasn't sure, when I'd be coming home again. I looked at both
their tombstones and smiled. At least they were together during life and during death. And now they
rested next to each other.
I put fresh flowers on both their stones then left for jhb.
We drove back to jhb mostly in silence. I wasn't exactly good company. I was thinking how strange it
was that I was now an orphan. I called my mom's cell phone to hear her voicemail. It all still seemed
so surreal, but hearing her voice made things easier.
When we arrived in jhb. Hlokes drove me straight to my house
Me: how are you going to get to your hotel
Him: didn't Siya tell you
Me: tell me what
Him: I'll be staying with you for a while
Me: like hell your are
Him: look, I'm just following orders. Plus you're the one who decided not go to Cuba. So the only
option is that i stay with you.
I was so tired I didn't bother arguing with him. I just opened the house and went to take a bath. I
wanted to relax and enjoy lieing in my bed
While I was In the bath, I could hear my phone ringing. I just let it go to voicemail because I didn't
feel like getting out yet.
I only got out the bath when the water was cold. I dried myself off, lotioned, then got dressed. I
wasn't planning on going anywhere So i stuck to my leggings and a tshit
When I got the lounge Hlokes was sitting there with a pen and paper
Me: what you doing
Him: making a shopping list. It I'm going to be staying here, the least you can do is make sure I'm
Fed. And knowing you, I'll be living off salad.
Me: who said your staying
Him: ghost
Me: this is my house Hlokes. You guys can't just do as You please
Him: take it up with the big boss. He's on his way here anyway
Me: mxm, you better add my wine that list of hours.
He laughed and took my car keys
Me: and while your at it, please take my car to the car wash
Him: mxm, you know I not your errand boy right
Me; pretty please
He didn't answer, He just walked out.
Siya arrived moments after Hlokes left. He looked so yummy. He had on that navy suit he had worn
the day we met.
Him: hi
Me: hi
Him: how you doing
Me: I'm good thanx
Him: good. I came to discuss your living arrangements
Me: Siya I just arrived, can't we do this tomorrow
Him: not really, the sooner the better
I looked at him and pouted. I really wasn't in the mood. I just wanted to relax
Me; can I offer you something to drink
Him: please
Me: ok, I've got juice, water, tea or would you like something stronger
Him: I'll take the something stronger
Me: bad day ha?
Him; you ha e no idea
Me: ok, some Hennessey coming right up. You go sit in the lounge
I poured him a class of Hennessey, neat. And went to sit with him. He finished it with one gulp.
Me: I hope I'm not the one stressing you out
Him: your part of it.
Me; so what can I do to make it better
He smiled.
Him: you don't want to know
I laughed
Me: well in that case, you can suffer in silence
Him: I've missed your smart mouth
Me: is that all, you've missed
Him; (chuckles) no, but i don't think you want to know what else I've missed.
I wanted to answer him, but then his phone rang. He answered it and I knew it was Linda. Mxm my
mood immidietly dampened. Luckily Hlokes arrived carrying shopping bags, so I went to help him.
While unpacking I saw the wine, I immediately stopped and opened the bottle. Hlokes looked at me
and shook his head.
I ignored him and went to sit in the lounge. Thank God Siya was done with his call
Him: where were we
Me: nowhere, I was about to go upstairs
Him: with the whole bottle of wine
Me : yes, it helps me De stress
Him: if you say so. But rather sit here
I sat next to him, and we chatted about dmall things. I had a few sips of the wine, and stated feeling
I ran upstair, and out came all the food from today. I didn't understand what was happening, I've
never had a problem with my wine. But lately, I couldn't keep it down.
I brushed my teeth, then went back downstairs
I took the Bottle and placed in the fridge
Siya looked at me quizzicaly
Me: what
Him: you should quit while your ahead
Me: Siya, just stop.
Him: it's the second time
Me: so your keeping tabs
Him: no, just concerned
Me: Dont be, it's probably because I had some on an empty stomach
Him: mhmm
Hlokes came to join us
Hlokes: so have u guys discussed Cuba
Siya: madam here is giving me a hard time
Me; I don't want to go. Ive got a job you know. Plus my whole life is here. I can't keep running to
Cuba every time something happens
Siya: rifiloe you don't have to work. You know I'll always take care of you
Me: that's not happening. I can take care of myself
Hlokes: but rifiloe, it's not like you need the money from your work mos. Your house and car are paid
up. Plus your parents left you enough money.
Me: I don't even want to know how you know all of that. But still I have clients, that depend on me to
make sure their portfolios are taken care of. I can't just up and leave
Siya: you can work from Cuba
Me: what about if I need to see them
Siya; we can fly you down
Me :that's absurd
Hlokes : I don't know why we're even running this past you. I told you ghost, that this one is as
stubborn as they come. But you insisted on being Mr nice guy. Let's just sedate her and get her ass
to Cuba
Me: you know I'm right here right
Hlokes: yes. I'm aware.
Me: can I atleas have time to think about it
Hlokes; no
Siya: yes
Hlokes: ghost your letting her make u soft
Me: shut up wena man Hlokes
Siya laughed.
Him: you've got 24 hrs. Otherwise Hlokes drags u out of here sedated
Me: mxm
Him: I'm serious rifiloe. I'm only doing you a favour by giving you time to get things in order.
Me: I get it ok, I just need to process the thought. Just give me time. Is that too much to ask for
him: fine. But only 24hrs, i can't have my people think your making me soft.
I just smiled and gave them both a kiss on the cheek.

left Siya and Hlokes downstairs. They were debating whether to cook or get takeaways. I wasn't
really in the mood for food, so I went to take a nap Instead.
I fell asleep immediately when my head hit the pillow. I don't know why, but I was really tired.
Siya came upstairs a while later to wake me up, I was really enjoying my nap so much I didn't want
to wake up.
He sat on the bed
Him; you need to eat
Me: mhmm
Him: rifiloe man, vuka
Me; no man Siya. go away
He moved his hands and was about to tickle me,
Me: Siya, don't you
I didn't even get to finish my sentence. He was already tickling me. I jolted of my bed. Mxm
Him: at least I got to see you smile. You've been so sad lately
Me: I'll be fine, with time I'll be able to move no
Him: you'll let me know if you need anything
Me: yep
Him; can I get a hug
Me: sure
I moved in closer and gave him a hug, then quickly moved away from him
Him: and now
Me: did you change your cologne
Him: no
Me: oh
Him: why.
Me: it just smells, I don't know, but kind of off
Him: you used to love it mos
Me: that was then. Can we go eat now, I'm hungry
Him: sure
We went downstairs and Hlokes had finished dishing up
Hlokes: what took you so long? I was starting to think you guys were getting it on.
I punched him playfully on the shoulder
Siya: haai, mfeto, it's a dry season apakum. Madam won’t even give me a hug. Apparently I smell
Hlokes laughed
Me: this is just too awkward. Can we talk about something else please? Or Better yet can we eat.
Cause something smells good
We all sat down and started eating
Hlokes had made chicken stew with pap. I think I told you guys that I’m not really a pap person ne.
But lately I loved it. Even while I was in qwaqwa, I had pap almost everyday
Me: Hlokes did you make enough for the guards outside
Him: yaah, I've already given them their food
Me: I wonder what my neighbours are going to think about the guards
Siya: it's none of their business
I finished my food before Siya and Hlokes
Both Hlokes and Siya looked at me quizzically
Me; what, I was hungry
Siya: are you ok
Me: mhmm
Hlokes: do you want some more
Me: please
Hlokes went to make more food for me. While Siya carried on eating
When Hlokes came back, I continued eating. For some reason the food tasted amazing.
When we finished eating, I took the dishes and placed them in the dishwasher then, went to sit in the
lounge. Siya came to sit with me, while Hlokes went upstairs to shower.
Him: are u ok
me: Siya man, I’m fine. I just want to lie down and watch TV
Him; you want a foot massage
Me; only if you promise not to tickle me
Him; I promise
Me; Ok.
I took off my slippers, and put my feet in his lap
Him; so how long do you plan on torturing me
Me; I’m lost
Him; this break up of yours
Me; Siya you promised
Him; I know, but I can’t go on like this
Me; Siya, I’m just trying to absorb everything. Im sure one
His phone rang and interrupted me. I really didn’t want him to answer, but he did. When I heard that
it was Linda, I just got up and went to my room. mxm
How does just answer his phone when we are in the middle of a conversation. I changed into my
Pajamas and got into bed.
Siya just doesn’t get it. How am I supposed to be with him, when we can’t even have a discussion
without being interrupted?
By the time he came upstairs, I was beyond pissed
Him; Hey, you left in the middle of our conversation
ME; are you serious right now
Him; Haw, Rifiloe, are you mad because Linda called
Me; no
Him; Then why are you acting up
Me; forget it.
Him; Rifiloe, please, just talk to me
ME; How can I, when every time I try, we get interrupted.
Him; but, Rifiloe, come on, you know I need to be available 24/7. What if something was wrong?
Me; you don’t get do you.
Him; make me understand
Me; I can’t be with you, because I know I’ll always come second in your life.
Him; why would you think that Rifiloe. I’m here mos. I’ve put everything on hold to be here with you.
How can you think that’s second?
ME; I didn’t ask you to be here
Him; you didn’t need to. I wanted to. Ok. I’m here.
ME; but, we were in the middle of a conversation, and you decide to answer Linda. I needed you to
just put me first in that one moment.
Him; Rifiloe, I’m supposed to be in Cape Town now with my son. I dropped him, so I could be here
with you. If that’s not putting you first, then I don’t know what is. Fuck sakes, If it’s not Linda down
my throat it’s you. Either way, I can’t please none of you
ME; you should go
Him; I’m not going anywhere, not till we’ve resolved this.
Me; Siya, I don’t have the energy to fight ok. You don’t get it. You never will.
Him; you can’t keep doing this Rifiloe. The moment this get tough, you want to run for the fucking
hills. How is this relationship going to work, if you’re always pushing me away?
ME; what relationship Siya. There was never a relationship. It’s always, been me, you Hlokes and
Linda. Which is what I wanted you to understand. You can expect me to be ok with you, putting me
on hold, to speak to her. You could have called her back when we were done
Him; What if something was wrong. She's the mother of my child Rifiloe
ME; so what, I have to fall pregnant in order for you to pay attention to me
Him; God no. the last thing I need is you also having a child. The two of you are already driving me
crazy as it is. If there was another child in the occasion, I’m sure I would be admitted into a loony
Me; Siya, Please go
Him; Fine. I give up Rifiloe, Okay. I give up
He walked out and slammed my door. Nxa,
I sat in my room wondering what just happened. I didn’t understand why he couldn’t just understand
where i was coming from.
I went to the bathroom to wash my face. Then got back into bed
I tried so hard to fall sleep, but I kept rehashing my fight with Siya. How could he be so mean? All I
wanted was to tell him how I felt.
And how can he blame me, for not being with Olwetho. I didn’t ask him to drop everything.
I tried falling asleep, but couldn’t. So I decided to call him. Hopefully he was calmer
His phone rang and went to voicemail. I tried him again and he answered
Him; Rifiloe, not now
Me; is that how you answer your phone
Him; my flight is about to take off
Me; so we have an argument and you run to Linda
Him; No, Rifiloe. Olwetho needs me.
I just put the phone down. I know he needs to be with his son. But why does it feel like we will just
never get to be together. I don't know why i was being so possessive. its not like we are together

I was so annoyed with Siya, I couldn’t sleep.

I went downstairs to get a bottle of water. I watched TV till nearly
3; 00am and ended up falling asleep on the couch.
Hlokes woke me up the following morning. Only wearing his boxer
Him; why did you sleep on the couch
Me; don’t ask, and for God’s sake put on some clothes
Him; someone’s in a good mood
Me; don’t start.
Him; Fine. You make breakfast while I go put on some clothes. We can’t have you staring at my abs all
I laughed. Hlokes had a way of making me smile lately.
I went upstairs and freshened up, then went down to make breakfast. I was in the mood for something
greasy. So I made bacon, eggs, sausage and mushrooms.
I dished up and went to give the guards their food. Then went to eat.
Hlokes came downstairs dressed in jeans and a T-shirt
Him: since when do you make such greasy food.
Me; since today.
HIm; so I hear you chased ghost out of JHB.
ME; I did not.
Him; I heard you two arguing. Can I give you a piece of advice?
ME; I’m sure you’re going to tell me anyway
Him; Siya is a good guy. He loves you. Even I can see that. But he also loves Linda. He may not be in love
with her, but she gave him a son. That means, no matter how many tantrums you throw, he will always
have a soft spot for her
ME; so what do you suggest I do
Him; accept her into your heart.
Me; Never
Him; in that case, you and him won’t make it very far.
Me; we’re not together anyway, so what difference does it make
Him; Stop fooling yourself. You want to be with him.
Me; but Hlokes, ill never come first in his life. Ill always come second. How can I be ok with that
Him; Rifiloe, when you fall for a guy with a child, you have to know you won’t always come first. There
are times where his Son and the mother of his so need to comefirst
Me; haai. I don’t know. This is all too much
Him; I was a fool for what I did to you, and it’s not easy seeing you with someone else. But I can see that
you guys love each other. You just need to try harder. And you need to stop being so damn stubborn
Me; mxm. Well, for now his in CT and I’m here so we’ll see what happens
I stood up and washed the dishes.
I really felt like going to church, so I went upstairs to take a shower
When I came down, Hlokes was watching TV
Him; and where do you think you’re going, all dressed up
Me; I’m going to church
Him; and you didn’t think you needed to tell me
Me; no,
Him; well you’re not going anywhere without your security detail
Me; Well go get dressed, so we can go
Him; I’m not Ghost ne, so don’t talk to me like that
Me; sorry. I’m just really moody lately
Him; Let me go change. I’ll be back in 5
Hlokes went upstairs while I waited down stairs. I really felt bad. He’s really been so good to me lately, I
don’t know what was wrong with me.
He came down, and we left for church
When we arrived, Hlokes and the guards sat scattered around me.
I think Hlokes knew I wanted my space. And I was grateful
I really enjoyed the service. The pastor spoke about letting go.
I knew that this was a message from God straight to me.
After the service, I received a call from Thandeka.
Her; mzala, uphi
Me; Im on my way home from church
Her; ok, the girls and I wanted to come see you
Me; Ill be home in an hour.
Her; Cool. Ill bring food
Me; No man don’t be silly. Ill provide
Her; you sure your up to it
Me; Yep
Her; ok, Well see you soon
Me; Sharp
When we arrived home, I went upstairs to change. Then came downstairs
Me; Hlokes
Him; Mhmm
Me; can you drive me to the shops please. I feel like braai vleis and the girls are coming over
Him; by girls you mean abo Nwabisa
Me; Yes
Him; tjo, I’ll make sure I’m scarce. I’m not in the mood to deal with Cleo
Me; just behave, I’ll make sure she behaves
Him; Give me a list of things, and I’ll get it
Me; sharp
I made a list, and gave it to him and he left
I could hear Hlokes phone ringing in the kitchen, I think he must’ve left it behind.
I wasn’t sure whether to pick it up or not, but I saw it was Siya, so I answered.
Me; HI
Him; Hi, Where’s bullet
Me; He’s gone to the shops
Him; tell him to call me when he gets back
Me; Will do
Him; Sharp ke
Me; Siya wait
Him; Whats up
Me; can we talk
Him; Not now. Im in the middle of something
Me; haai, ok, Sharp ke
Him; bye
He put the phone down. I really got annoyed again. He just did the same thing again. I need to talk to
him, and he’s too busy for me. Then nna, I’m the one who’s wrong
Luckily bo Thandeka arrived before I could think of calling him back. My mood instantly lightened. I
didn’t realise how much I had missed them, thill that moment I saw them.
I ran up to them, and we had a group Hug. My emotions were all over the place, so I started crying
Thandeka; Oh mzala. Askies man
Me; I’m fine, just being dramatic
Cleo; come. Let’s go sit
We moved to the lounge.
Nwabisa; So mzala, how are you holding up
Me; I’m ok, just trying to move on
Thandeka; You know if you need anything, all you have to do is ask
Me; I’m good babes. You being here is all I need
They all smiled. Shame you could see the concern in their eyes
Me; stop looking so worried man, guy’s I’m fine
Cleo; So what’s with all the guards outside. Feel like I just walked into Isibaya
Me; oh, that’s Siyas guys. They just here to make sure I’m good. Since we still don’t know who killed my
Nwabisa; its good to see him taking care of you
While we were taking Hlokes walked in with the shopping.
He came and greeted the ladies, then went to unpack the shopping
Cleo; mzala. And now
Me; What
Thandeka; don’t what us. What’s he doing here?
Me; oh Hlokes. He’s staying here for a while
Nwabisa; What’s a while
Me; Not sure yet
Cleo; Nxa, I can’t believe your back with Him
ME; Whooow. Who said anything about being back together? He’s in charge of Siyas security team
Cleo; but Hlokes is a doctor mos
Me; I know, it’s a long story
Thandeka; Haai mzala, ustrong shame.
Me; lets top talking about him. Let’s rather go make the salads.
We stood up and went to make the salads. I decided to make pap. While Hlokes was busy braaing the
When we were all done, The ladies and I had lunch by the poolside. While Hlokes had lunch in his room .
I just had the pap and Boerewors I wasn’t in the mood for red meat and the salads
Cleo; mzala, whats with you eating pap? You usually a salad freak
ME; No clue. Just been enjoying pap lately. And every time I try eating red meat it comes back
Thandeka; have you done a pregnancy test
I laughed at her. Like really laughed
Me; no I don’t need one
Nwabisa; Ok, so when was the last time you had your monthly’s
I looked at them, and my smile disappeared. Shit, I hadn’t noticed i missed my periods, while I was in
Thandeka; mzala, o sharp? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost
ME; I missed my cycle
Cleo; oh my gosh
Me; shit
Nwabisa; finish eating and we will go buy the pregnancy test at the chemist
ME; no, I’m sure I’m just overreacting
Thandeka; it’s always good to make sure
Me; you guys don’t get it. I can’t be pregnant
Nwabisa came to sit with me
Nwabisa; mzala, its fine. We can do the test when you’re ready
We all sat in silence mainly. I didn’t know what to think. How could I be pregnant?
A while later the girls left. I immediately went to my room. I needed to look at my calendar, and make
sure I wasn’t going crazy
I counted and counted and counted. Nothing changed. I had definitely missed my period.
I sat on my bed shacking. How was I supposed to have a child by Siya. He hardly has time for Olwetho.
How was he going to make time for our child. If there was one. The only solution would be to ge a test,
then get rid of this thing in my tummy, before anybody notices

I sat in my room for hours, trying to understand why I was so careless. How was I going to deal with
everything? Why the hell did I not use protection? Now I’m stuck with a child that Siya probably won’t
even want.
He did say he didn’t want a child mos. How the hell was I going to face him? I knew that I didn’t have
a choice. I refuse to bring a child into a relationship that is basically non-existent. Plus Siya has
people hunting him from all over the world. I couldn’t put my child under such danger. It wouldn’t be
Tjo, I really missed my mom in situations like these. I know she would’ve had a solution.
She would’ve whipped my ass first though, but then she would have come up with a solution.
I sat there trying to come up with a solution. But nothing came to mind. I decided to go to bed.
Hopefully I would wake up tomorrow, and my life would somehow make sense again.
I drifted into a heavy sleep. I could hear my phone ringing but I just ignored it. I wanted to sleep and
forget about everything.
I woke up on Monday morning feeling like shit. I just wanted to sleep some more, but couldn’t
because it was my first day back at work. I went to bath and got ready for work.
I didn’t want anybody suspecting anything, so I made sure I looked like my normal self.
When I got downstairs, Hlokes was in the kitchen eating. I took a fork and stole a sausage from his
Him; you look smart
Me; yaah, got to get to work
Him; your putting in your resignation today
Me; maybe
Him; Rifiloe, you promised
Me; I said I would speak to my boss and see if we could come up with a solution
Him; better make sure it’s done ASAP. Your 24hrs was up a while ago
Me; I know ok.
Him; Let me grab your keys, and I’ll take you to work
Me; Thanks
We drove to work, mainly listening to the radio.
I wanted to ask Hlokes if he could take me to the chemist, but I knew he would ask all sorts of
Me; Hlokes
Him; Mmm
Me; can we pop past the chemist
Him; what’s wrong? You not feeling good
Me; No, I’m fine, I just need some feminine products
Him; I can go get them for you
Me; No, I would prefer to do it myself
Him; Ok, We can stop by there now
Me; Thanks.
He dropped me off at the chemist and waited for me outside.
I walked in and bought my sanitary towels, some cotton wool and 5 pregnancy test.
I needed to make sure that I really was pregnant, before making any decisions
I quickly paid, then put the packet in my hand bag. I got in the car and we drove to work.
When I got to the office, I started to feel more at ease. At least I wouldn’t have Hlokes all around. He
was sitting in the parking lot with the rest of the guards
I was so happy to see anna, She looke well. We caught up a bit, then went to my office.
It was weird walking past Sizwe’s office, especially with the new lawyer that they hired.
Siya called at around 10:00am
Me; hi
Him; Hi, just returning your call
Me; its fine, I’m sorted
Him; so why were you at the chemist
ME; does Hlokes report everything mara
Him; Yes,
Me; I just needed some things
Him; Things like what
Me; Siya, some things are private
Him; I hope you’re not keeping anything from me
Me; I’ve got to go
Him; Let me know what’s going to happen with your boss. I need you in Cuba, as in yesterday
Me; I’ll call you later
Him; sharp
I continued working, till it was time for me to meet with my boss. So I went up to his office.
He was on a call but he signalled for me to come in
I sat down and waited for him to finish with his conversation. Then finally he put down
Him; sorry to keep you waiting Rifiloe. How you holding up
Me; Im fine, just need to discuss something with you
Him; im listening
Me; I know ive taken a lot of time off lately. Ive just been dealing with quite a lot of personal
problems. But it looks like ill need more time off
Him; ok, How much time are we talking about
Me; I’m not sure, maybe a couple of weeks.
Him; Ok, but we’ll ned you to move over your clients to one of our other consultants. You can mainly
just guide the consultant with what to do. And they can handle it on your behalf.
Me; that sounds like a plan
Him; Good. The last thing I want is to lose you. Your one of our best financial advisors. Your clients
wouldn’t take well to you leaving
Me; Thank you
Him; so when will you be leaving
me; tomorrow
Him; that’s fine. Just email me your client list, then we can communicate via email
ME; Thank you
I walked out feeling relieved. At least I still had a job, whenever I came back. And at least it will get
Siya off my back.
I did what my boss asked me to do, then decided to go home.
I was anxious, I wanted to get the pregnancy tests out the way.
When I got to the car, Hlokes was on the phone with Siya.
I just got in and he drove me home. I was glad he was busy with Siya, because I wasn’t really in the
mood for chitchat .
I rushed upstairs, the moment I opened the door. I couldn’t wait anymore, I needed to know.
I made sure I locked my door. Didn’t want Hlokes barging in, while I was looking at the pregnancy
I peed on every 5 of those stick. I wanted to make sure that the results were correct. There’s no time
for mistakes here.
Yho, waiting for those 3 minutes, was the longest wait ever. When I went to check the results. All 5
of them came out as positive. Shit
I didn’t know what to think. I was so angry, or maybe scared I don’t know which. But I just knew that
keeping this baby wasn’t really an option. I needed to see a doctor asap
I took the tests, and threw them in a plastic packet. Then hid them in one of my draws.
Then went to sit on my bed with my laptop. I wanted to see if I could find a doctor who could perform
and abortion, at his offices and not at an abortion clinic. I didn’t want Hlokes getting suspicious. It’s a
miracle he hasn’t notice I’m pregnant as it is
I searched and found a couple of doctors who were in my areas and could assist.
I decided to phone the one closest to me. Luckily he had an opening for the following day. So I took
it. I wanted to make sure this was done before I left for CUBA.
After booking my appointment, I went downstairs to chill. I didn’t want to be alone, because I knew, I
would keep thinking about this pregnancy saga. And I really didn’t want to
Hlokes was sitting in the lounge, watching soccer.
Me; what do you feel like for supper
Him; Your cooking
Me; Yaah
Him; what about fish
Me; Ok, Ill get started
Him; are you ok? You seem a bit off
Me; im not feeling so well, but not to worry, I’ve got an appointment with my doctor tomorrow
Him; Haw, how can you go see another doctor, when you’ve got me
Me; He’s a gyne. Im getting my pap smear done
Him; Oh, ok Ill take you
Me; cool
I went to the kitchen and started on dinner. I really hoped I was convincing with Hlokes, because if
Siya found out, I’m sure he would kill me.

I cooked dinner, then sat in the lounge with Hlokes. We didn’t really talk much. I just pretended to be
concentrating on watching TV. I wasn’t really good company. So after eating. I bid him goodnight.
I went to my room, and sat in the bath, contemplating about my little invader in my tummy. For the
first time since finding out I was pregnant, I smiled. I put my hand on my tummy and a tear escaped
my eye.
I always thought I would be married, with my perfect husband, and our beautiful home, before I had
a baby. I thought we would both look at the test together and be excited about this chapter in our life.
But instead here I was alone, Pregnant, with no parents, no husband, not even a boyfriend.
What was I going to say to my baby if I kept him or her? That I fell pregnant by a man who can’t stay
in one place for a long period of time. A man who has another child by another woman.
I sighed. What have I gotten myself into?
I sat in the bath for over an hour, then got out when the water got cold. I put on my pyjamas, then got
into bed. I looked at my phone contemplating on whether to call Siya or not? Maybe if I spoke to him,
I could get a sense of what to do
I dialed him and prayed he would pick up. I was about to put drop the call, when Linda answered
Her; Hello
Me; Hi. ammm Can I speak to Siya
Her; Sorry He’s busy
Me; ok, please tell him to call me
Her; I’m not his PA nana. If he wants to speak to you he can call you
ME; Linda, just give him the phone. Its really important. I need to tell him something
Her; He’s putting his son to bed. Nothing else is as important as that right
Me; (sighed) your right. Forget I said anything
I put the phone down. I really thought I would be able to tell him. But as always, he wasn’t available.
I fell asleep with my hands around my tummy. I know I said I didn’t want to keep this baby, but at the
same time, I didn’t know if I could go ahead with this abortion. How would I be able to live with
myself? I was really getting used to sleeping with a heavy heart. and tonight was no different.
When I woke up on Tuesday feeling as nauseous as hell. I hadn’t even eaten anything, but felt like
throwing up. I went downstairs and found Hlokes making breakfast. I immediately felt worse. The
smell of those eggs made me want to throw up even more.
I just swallowed, then took a bottle of water from the fridge and went back to bed. I wasn’t in the
mood for food, and really didn’t want to be in the kitchen. Thankfully Hlokes was multitasking
between the stove and his phone call, he didn’t notice me pinching my nose.
When I got to my room, I drank the water, and checked to see if I had a missed call from Siya.
Nothing. So I went to take a bath. When I came out, I was still undecided with what to do.
So I decided to go see the doctor. Maybe ask a few questions and then take a decision from there.
Because right now I wasn’t sure I would be able to go through with it. It just seems a bit too hasty.
But at the same time i knew that i didn't have much time, because CUBA was calling my name.
When I went downstairs Hlokes and the guards had finished eating. I took their plates and put them
in the dishwasher.
Then had some yogurt
Hlokes; You OK
Me; Yep
Him; aren’t you going to have a proper breakfast
Me; Naa. I’m not in the mood for anything heavy.
Him; what times your appointment
Me; 11
Him; So, have you spoken to Ghost about Cuba.
Me; No, not yet. I tried him last night, but he wasn’t available
Him; try him again. Because I just received our flight plan, and it looks like we might leave on Friday
Me; that sounds fine.
Him; wow, that was easy. I thought you would be putting up a fight
Me; I don’t have the energy to fight. I’ll start packing, as soon as I get back from my appointment
Him; you sure you’re ok
Me; Hlokes man. I’m fine
Him; just making sure
I spent most of the morning watching TV. I tried calling Siya again, but this time his phone went
straight to voicemail. I left a message asking him to call me back.
The more 11; 00am approached, the sicker I felt. I really wanted to speak to Siya, but his phone was
off. I just wanted to hear his voice. I knew that if I could at least speak to him, I would be able to
make a decision.
None the less, 10:30am arrived and it was time to go.
I went upstairs to fetch my bag, then came back down. I tried Siya one last time. And his phone was
still off.
Hlokes was already waiting for me in the car, so I just closed the door, and got in the car.
I gave Hlokes the gps coordinates, and we drove to the Dr rooms.
When we arrived outside, I sat in the car for a bit. Hlokes looked at me. He took my hand in his.
Him; I know you’re pregnant
i looked at him stunned
ME; How long have you known
Him; long enough
Me; Have you told Siya
Him; No, it’s not my place to
I let out a sigh of relief
Him; you don’t have to go through with this
Me; But Hlokes
Him; Listen Rifiloe. Ghost may not be the ideal father to Olwetho, or even the best partner to you,
but I’m telling you know, if he finds out, He’ll never forgive you.
Me; I haven’t decided yet, I just want to see what my options are. Then take it from there. Promise
me you won’t tell him
Him; I promise. But you have to promise you won’t go through with the termination today. Rather
gather the information you need first. Then make a decision from there.
Me; Ok, I can live with that.
He kissed my hand, and I got out the car.
I was so anxious while sitting the reception area.
I was really grateful that Hlokes didn’t tell Siya. I know it must’ve been hard to keep something like
this from him.
I waited a while, before the receptionist called my name.
I walked behind her anxiously.
She opened the door, and told me to take a seat, that the doctor would be with me shortly, then she
I sat down with my stomach in a knot, I kept reminding myself to breath.
Finally I heard someone turning the door knob. I took a deep breath and got up to greet the doctor.
Unfortunately for me it wasn’t the Doctor at the door. Instead it was Siya. looking like he was ready
to kill.

I stood in the doctor’s room with shock written all over my face, because the last person I expected
to be here was Siya.
Siya walked in and locked the door behind him. He moved closer to me, and I took a step back, I
tried taking another one but a desk was in my way.
Siya carried on walking towards. I tried going behind the desk, but he grabbed my hand.
I looked into his eyes and all I saw was hatred. I wanted to speak but I was trembling
He didn’t move, he just held onto my wrist. I tried loosening his grip, but he just tightened it.
I thought he would let go, but he didn’t. Instead he kept on squeezing
ME; Siya, Ouch, Your Hurting ME
He didn’t move, he didn’t speak, and he just kept staring at me. I swear I felt like my wrist was going
to fall off.
Me; Si, Sttttoooop, your hurting me. Please
He looked at my wrist, then back at me. My eyes had already started watering.
He finally let go, and took a step back. My wrist was throbbing, and had turned Red.
I started rubbing it. I wanted to speak but didn’t know what to say.
I tried stepping aside, so I could move away from him, but he blocked my way
Him; where do you think you’re going?
Me; ……………………….
Him; I’m talking to you
ME; Siya, Please move
Him; Sit down
I looked at his forehead and you could see little spots of sweat. The veins on his neck, were the
enlarged to the maximum.
Me; Siya, please
Him; Sit down
ME; Si
He lifted his hand to hit me, but stopped mid-air.
Yoh, the tears started flowing like Victoria Falls, but my anger started taking over. Never had I
imagined in a million years, that Siya would want to lay a hand on me.
Me; do it. Hit me. If it will make you feel like you are a man, then do it.
Him; Sit down
Me; give me the damn key for the door
Him; Rifiloe, do you ever, do as your told?
Me; no, I don’t and you know that. So why are you acting all surprised now?
Him; your attitude is really starting to annoy me. I’ve tried so hard not to be this person towards you,
but you just keep on pushing. And now, I think I’ve finally had enough
Me; so what are you doing here. Why don’t you go running to Linda like you always do?
Him; so is that why you wanted to kill our child. Because you’re threatened by Linda? Was it some
sort of payback for me leaving?
Me; no, I wanted to get rid of this child because I knew it would tie me to you forever. You’re a bad
enough father to Olwetho as it is, what make you think you could do any better with my child.
This time his hand didn’t stop mid-air. Instead it landed right across my face.
He hit me with such force, I nearly fell over. I immediately went silent. My face was tingling and I
swear I saw stars
Him; so that’s what it takes for you to shut up, huh. I have to raise my hand at you in order for you to
show me an ounce of respect Rifiloe. You think I enjoy fighting with you. Fuck man
I didn’t answer him. Instead I sat down.
Him; so now you’ve gone mute . A minute ago you were rambling on . Fuck, Fuck,
I tried so hard, not to cry, but my eyes wouldn’t co-operate
Him; im going to ask you questions, and you better tell me the truth
Me; …………………………..
Him Rifiloe
ME; (sniff)
Him; stop with dam waterworks ok. They don’t mean anything anymore. You wanted to murder our
child. And now you’re sitting here crying like you’re a victim
Me; what do you want me to do Siya. Where were you when I needed you?
Him; Rifiloe, I was working. You know how hectic things are at the moment. You should’ve waited for
Me; fuck you Siya. Ok….. You’re the one who told me you don’t want to have a child with me. What
did you expect me to do? Ha, Sit around and wait for you to have time for me….. Siya I asked you to
give me time, Hell I begged you to let me go, but no, instead here you are again, forcing yourself into
my life
Him; forcing myself? In case you haven’t noticed you are having my baby. Which means we are
forced to be in each other’s lives, and there is nothing you can do about it
Me; yes there is
Him; if you ever, and I mean ever think of harming my baby again, I will personally kill you. I swear
Rifiloe. I’ll do it myself.
ME; mcm, you said you have questions.
Him; what are you doing here? And do yourself a favour and tell me the truth
Me; you already know why I’m here. Why are you asking me?
Him; I want to hear the words from your mouth. I want to hear you tell me you’ve become a murderer
ME; stop with the dramatics ok
Him; I’m waiting
Him; answer me
Me; Siya, can we please talk about this at my place
Him; I’m not going to repeat myself
Me; I came to see Dr Richardson
Him; Why
Me; I needed to confirm my suspicions
Him; suspicions about what
Me; about me being pregnant
Him; what else
Me; Siya, I wanted to tell…………..
He came close to my chair, and leaned in
Him; Think very carefully about the next words out your mouth, because if it’s not the truth, I will
personally fuck you up.
Me; I wanted to see what options I had, Should I decided to terminate
Him; not should. You made this appointment purposely to kill my baby
Me; in the beginning maybe. But I started having doubts. I swear Siya
Him; and you didn’t think you should’ve told me
Me; I tried calling you, but you were busy. So I knew that I would have to make the this decision
Him; do you know how much I want to beat the shit out of you right now
Me; that’s not going to change anything. Maybe if you had bothered answering my calls instead of
sulking like a five year old. We could have discussed this like adults, instead of you huffing and
puffing like a fucking wolf
I really have no idea what I thought I was doing by answering him back like that, but I refuse to let
him intimidate me
Him; Rifiloe, I’m warning you
Me; what, are you going to do? Hit me again. Because if you are, you might as well let me go
through with the abortion, because id definitely lose the baby
He took a step towards me, I jumped out my chair, and went behind the desk.
Him; say one more fucking word
ME; Siya, just stop ok, Stop trying to scare me
He took out his phone, and dialled someone
Siya; Gordon. Get the Jet ready for CUBA, I’m on my way
Him; Sir, we are still refuelling. It might be quite a long wait
Siya; How Long
Him; about 4 hours
Siya; Let me know the minute it’s fuelled
Him; Yes sir
He looked at me
Him; Take your bag we’re leaving
Me; but I need to see the doctor. Siya,
Him; did I ask you? Lalela lana wena, ungangidini yezwa. We’re leaving and that’s final
I just sighed, and took my bag. I wasn’t going to aggravate this crazy man any further. I figured I’d
just ignore him, and have a conversation with him once he’s calmed down.
He unlocked the door, and walked out. While I followed behind him.
He gave the receptionist the key, and walked to the parking bay.
When we got to the parking he was parked next to Hlokes. I walked around to the car Hlokes was in
and got in. Siya came around and opened my door
Him; get out
Me; siya, can we not do this right now.
Him; don’t make me drag you out
I looked at Hlokes,
Me; Hlokes, do something
Him; Rifiloe, just go to his car, we can talk about this when we get to your house
Me; mxm
I got out the car, and went to Siya’s car and sat at the back.
He got in and the driver took off.
We sat in silence on the ride home. I had so many things going through my mind, but I didn’t know
how to express them. All I could do was look out the window, and cry silently.

The ride home was beyond excruciating. I tried so hard not to cry, but the tears just kept coming.
Siya, couldn’t even look at me.
When we got to my house, I got out and went straight to my room. I wasn’t looking for pity from Siya,
but I also expected him to treat me as an equal, and not someone who he can just smack around,
when he feels like things aren’t going his way.
I immediately locked my door. I didn’t want Siya coming up here, and biting my head off. I had had
enough of that for one day. I just needed to breathe, without him in my face.
I went to the bathroom to wash my face, then went to lie down. I was so tired I ended up falling
asleep in my tears.
I was woken up by a knock on the door. I didn’t want to open, so I tried ignoring it, because I knew it
was Siya.
He kept persisting. So I eventually got up and went to open.
I didn’t say anything to him, I just opened and went back to my bed
Him; I thought you were packing
Me; where am I going
Him; don’t start
Me; How am I starting,
Him; we leave for Cuba in an hour. Make sure you’re packed
Me; but I thought I was leaving on Friday
Him; I’m not risking you killing my baby while I’m not here. We leave today
Me; Do I even get a say in the matter
Him; No
I was so exhausted, I didn’t have the energy to fight him.
Me; I didn’t unpack the things you had bought for me on my last trip there. Please ask the guards to
come help me carry them. They’re in the spare bedroom
He didn’t answer, he just walked back downstairs.
I let out a sigh of relief. I hadn’t realised that I was holding my breath.
I decided to go have a bath before we left, because the flight to CUBA is long,
When was done bathing I wore my black tracksuit set with my sneakers. I voided the mirror, because
I didn’t want to see the bruise, I just wanted to forget this day ever happened.
When I arrived downstairs, my bags were being loaded. I went to the kitchen to make myself
something to eat. I was so hungry, because I hadn’t had anything to eat since I had some yoghurt in
the morning.
Luckily there was some leftover Greek salad from lunch. So I ate that, and had a bottle of water.
Siya walked in while I was eating.
Him; you ready
Me; I just need to wash this plate, then we can go
Him; leave it, Hlokes will handle it
Me; isn’t he coming with us
Him; He comes down on Friday.
I took my plate, and placed it in the sink. Then took my handbag and went to the car.
Hlokes drove in as I was walking out. I hadn’t realised he wasn’t around.
He came out the car, and came to me
Him; you ok
Me; did you tell him about the baby
Him: I swear on my life Rifiloe, I didn’t utter a word
Me; cool, so I’ll see you on Saturday
Him; what did he do to you
Me; what do you think he did
Him; tell me he didn’t lay a hand on you
Me; what’s the use Hlokes. What are you going to do about it? It’s done. Just leave it
Him; Fine, but ill definitely have a word with him
Me; I should go
Him; come here
He leaned in and gave me a hug, as Siya, was walking out the house.
I hugged him back, then went to the car. Siya got in and the driver left.
The awkward drive to the airport was annoying as hell. Thankfully Siya’s phone rang.
I rolled my eyes when I heard that it was Linda. That woman had a tendency of phoning when I was
around. But funnily enough he always took her calls, but me on the other hand I have to call him a
million times, before he answers. Mxm
I put my headphones on, and listened to the music on my phone. I didn’t feel like listening to him
talking to her. I know I was made at him, but I still felt as jealous as hell over him.
When we got to the airport, we boarded his jet. I really hoped that Siya wouldn’t sit next to me. I
didn’t feel like sitting next to him for over 10 hours without us talking.
As luck would have it. He sat right next to me. Yho, I was getting annoyed but told myself to calm
down, and try to ignore him. I put my safety belt on, then took out my headsets from my bag and
plugged them into my laptop, I wasn’t going to entertain his mood. I was just going to watch movies
and try to calm myself down.
We had taken off, and I was nearly halfway through my movie, when Siya tapped me on the
shoulder. I took out my headphones and looked at him
Him; we need to talk
Me; I’m listening
Him; we need to get you to a doctor, as soon as we land in Cuba. I want to make sure that the baby
is ok
Me; can I have a couple of days. I just need to recuperate.
Him; I’d prefer we go straight away
Me; do I even have a say in the matter. Or were you just informing me
Him; don’t raise your voice at me
Me; Oh, but you can raise your hand me
Him; does everything have to turn into an argument with you
Me; forget I said anything.
Him; look Rifiloe, I know I was wrong for hitting you. I do………… I was just so angry.
Me; so every time you get angry, you’re going to hit me? Or better threaten to kill me. And I’m
supposed to be okay with that?
Him; No, I’ll never put a hand on you again. I don’t know what I was thinking. I just got so mad, I
wasn’t thinking straight
ME; Siya, I’m not one of your employees who look at you and see ghost. I look at you and I see
Siya. I see the man I fell in love with, The man I thought loved me too. Not this Gangster/special ops
guy, not a man who abuses me. If you’re mad at me, Fine be mad. Hell, break the fucking windows,
or kick something. But don’t you dare ever lay a hand at me again.
Him; your right….. I’m sorry babe, I promise you it won’t happen again. Now can we move on? I cant
take this constant fighting. I just want my girl back.
Me; No, we cannot just move on. I’m going to ask you again, for the millionth time. I need you to give
me space to breath. Please, just let me be.
Him; but Rifiloe, your carrying my child
Me; Siya, I now that ok. But I still need my space. You and I both know that I’m basically going to be
a single mother. You’re not going to be around. Look at Olwetho, you see him once, maybe twice a
month if he’s lucky. What about my child. What does he get? A day month or worse.
Him; Rifiloe, I wouldn’t do that to you, or our child. All I’ve want, since I laid eyes on you, was to
make you happy. To make you my wife. I plan to stick with that plan
Me; Siya, marriage is not an option for us. It never will be
Him why not?
Me; Siya, you have a target on your head. How am I supposed to be married to a man who isn’t
willing to give up his Job, to be with me?
Him; Rifiloe I can’t
Me; Then you and I have nothing further to talk about
I put on my headphones, and continued watching my movie. I understood he was sorry, and wanted
us to work things out. But he wasn’t willing to make the sacrifices required. So how was I supposed
to believe him?
Once my movie was finished, I decided to take a nap. I was exhausted, and we still had 7 hours left
of this miserable flight.
I slept all throughout the 7 hours. Siya woke me up, when it was time to land.
When we landed, we went straight to the house. I was glad he actually listened to me, I was so tired,
and didn’t want to go to the doctor.
When we arrived at the house, Siya led me to the main bedroom.
Me; So if I’m staying here, where you will be sleeping ?
Him; Linda is in SA, so I’ll use the room she was using
Me; Ok… I need a bath
Him; you sit down, I’ll go run it for you
Me; I’m sure …………………… never mind, that would be nice.
I wanted to tell Siya that I could run my own bath. But felt bad, because he seemed like he was
trying. So I let him run the bath, while I changed into the one of his robes. Then sat on the bed. My
feet were swollen from being in sneakers the whole flight.
Him; you want a foot massage
Me; I’m good, I just want to take a bath, and put my feet up
Him; Ok, I’ll go see how far dinner is
Me; You mean brunch.
Him; (chuckles) yes. Jetlag is no joke.
For the first time in forever, I actually smiled at him. He looked so much like my Siya at this moment.
I soaked myself in the bath for over an hour. I was feeling so drained. I put my hand on my tummy
and smiled
Me; so your rally in my tummy ha. I’m sorry daddy was shouting earlier. He was just upset at
mommy. I really hope, I can be a good mother to you. I’m not so sure your daddy will be the best
father, but all we’ll have to do is wait.
I smiled at myself. It’s weird speaking to something that not even visible yet.
Siya knocked on the bathroom door. I told him to come in, because the bubbles were covering my
Him; You still at it
Me; yep, I was just about to come out
Him; do you want your food in your room or will you join me on the veranda?
Me; I’ll sit on the veranda. It’s too hot in hear
Him; cool, you should come out before your food gets cold
Me; I’ll be there in a sec.
Siya left and I got out the bath. I was feeling so rejuvenated. I went to my suitcases and took out a
pair of shorts, a top and sandals. Cuba was so hot, I was really not looking forward to going through
my pregnancy here.
I put cream on my face, ten gathered the courage to look in the mirror. Luckily the bruise wasn’t as
bad as I thought it would be. But it was definitely visible
When I got the veranda, Siya was already eating. I looked at the food and immediately felt
nauseous. So I grabbed an apple instead.
Him; aren’t you going to eat anything else
Me; I don’t think I can stomach anything else
Him; but babe, you’re going to starve my baby
Me; the only babe in this equation is the one in my tummy. Either than that I’m Rifiloe
Him; (sigh) this is going to be a long 9 months
Me; mcm
Him; so when do you think we can go see a doctor your highness
Me; maybe tomorrow
Him; can’t we go today. I’d really like to see him
Me; Him?
Him; yes, I’m sure it’s a boy
ME; and if it’s a girl
Him; we send her back. I can’t have anybody else making me soft
Me; well I think that would do you some good.
Him; you already make me soft
Me; after yesterday, I’m not so sure
Him; please can we not go there.
Me; fine... I’ll let you make the appointment for today on one condition
Him; Anything
Me; a foot rub, and popcorn
Him; popcorn
Me; yep. I’m craving some
Him; ok, but first have something to eat
Me; No ways I’m eating that stew.
Him; I’ll make you something else
Me; you mean mam Martha will make me something else
Him; No, I’ll make it. Promise
Me; fine, phutu and amasi
Him; yho, I don’t think we have amasi. How about chicken stew, or may be even beef fillet
Me; nope, I want amasi
Him; ill see what I can do
Me; Thanx
We sat talking about the baby. You could really see that Siya was excited. I tried being as exited, but
deep down I still had my concerns.
Siya went to look if we had amasi, while I carried on eating my apple.
He came back looking defeated
Him; babe, mam Martha says two don’t have amasi
Me; the names Rifiloe. And it’s fine, I’ll have popcorn instead
Him; can’t I convince you to eat anything else
Me; Siya, I’ll find myself something
Him; fine… Our appointment is at 2pm
Mr; ok, I’m going to lie down for a while
Him; my mom says if you sleep too much, you will have problems during delivery
Me; You’ve already told your mom
Him; Yes, told her on our way here. She says we should get married before the baby arrives.
Me; Ok, conversation over. Im going to take a nap
Him; cool, ill wake you up
I stood up and went to my room. I wasn’t going to be discussing marriage with Siya. That shit aint
happening anytime soon.
My nap was amazing, so much so that I wanted to kill Siya, when he woke me up
Me; go away
Him; our appointments in 30 mins, you need to get up
Me; can’t we reschedule
Him; not happening, get up
Me; mxm, you suck you know that
Him; stop moaning and put on your shoes.
I got up and went to brush my teeth, and my hair then put on my slops, and off we went.
Siya kept going on and on about the baby. I was so nauseous, I wanted to tell him to shut the fuck
When we got to the doctor’s office, we were shown to his rooms.
The doctor came in and I instantly smiled. He was cute old Cuban doctor. He looked like he was in
his sixty’s. He introduced himself as Dr Ernesto Rodrigues. Thank goodness he speaks English
We fist did a urine test to make sure I was indeed pregnant. Then He asked me to change into a
gown and lie down and put my legs up. I was a bit uncomfortable with Siya being there, but I couldn’t
throw him out. He looked so excited.
I changed in private, then went to sit on the table.
The doctor opted for a transvaginal Ultrasound, since I was under 3 months.
Siya laughed when the doctor put the condom over the ultrasound machine. I wanted to hit him
Me; behave
Him; sorry babe,
The minute I saw that little dot on the monitor, my heart smiled. I could believe that there was
actually a human inside of me.
The doctor was taking us through a lot of things, but I wasn’t really paying attention. I was just busy
looking at my little bloop. I heard the doctor say something, and turned to look at him
Me; Sorry, I don’t think I just caught what you said
Him; If you look at the screen, you will notice that there are two foetuses
Me; two
Him; yes
Me; oh my gosh.
Siya was too shocked to even say anything. I don’t blame him. We were expecting a baby and not

I Looked at Siya, and he looked like he had won the lottery. The doctor finished with the exam, then I
went to change, and came back to sit with them.
The Doctor confirmed that I was 6 weeks along. We did a million test. Then left.
I hadn’t said much to the doctor, because Siya was the one asking all the questions.
I was quite all the way back home. I wasn’t upset, I was just scared. How was I going to be able to
care for 2 new babies, without my mother being there? I knew she would’ve been so happy. She
would have been the best grandmother alive.
Siya looked at me
Him; you look a bit off, are you ok
Me; what do you think?
Him; I was just asking
Me; don’t ask me stupid things
Him; Look, I know your nervous, but there’s nothing to be nervous about.
Me; easy for you to say, it’s not like you’re going to be the one looking after two small babies, while
their father is out trying to save the flipping universe
Him; can we not do this right now. This should be a happy time. We can come up with some sort of
Me; mxm, compromise???? You need to priorities not fucking compromise
Siya didn’t answer me, We drove the rest of the way home mostly in silence, for the rest of the way
home. I know I shouldn’t be so moody, but I just can’t help myself.
When I got home, I went straight to the kitchen, I was so hungry I could eat a horse, while Siya went
upstairs to work.
Mam Martha, was busy cooking. I gave her a hug,
Her; You look well
Me; thank you ma
Her; I heard about what happened to your parents. I’m so sorry
Me; thank you ma..
Her; I hear we’re going to be having a little one running around soon
Me; (sigh) little ones
Her; I’m lost
Me; there’s two of the
Her; oh my goodness. Congratulations. That’s such a blessing
Me; thanks ma
Her; Sit down, I’ll make you something to eat
Me; No ma, don’t worry, I’ll make it
Her; You need to take things easy. You can’t be standing for long period of times, especially with
twins. The beginning of your pregnancy is always the most delicate. So sit down, and ill make you
something. What would you like?
Me; can I have plane bread with milk
Her; you need to eat more than that, your babies need nutrition. How about a chicken mayo and Avo
Me; ma, can I have a chicken and avo salad instead.
Her; its better than plain bread.
I smiled, she was just as stubborn as I was.
Siya walked in while I was eating my salad. I hadn’t realised how hungry I was until I looked at that
salad. It was absolutely delicious.
Him; finally
Me; what
Him; your actually eating
Me; mhmmm
Him; (chuckles) you need to swallow or you’ll choke on your food
ME; shut up
Him; mam Martha, can I please get one of those
Her; Sure
He sat next to me watching me eat…
Me; Go away
Him; not a chance. I want to make sure you finish that salad
Me; mxm
We sat together eating. I finished my salad and went to get myself a bottle of water. Then came to sit
next to him again. I looked at his salad and it looked really good.
Him; you wanna share
Me; yep
I took his fork, and started eating. (no judging)
Him; (chuckels) so much for sharing
Me; Mhmmm
I ended up finishing his salad… thankfully Siya being the gentleman he is didn’t complain, he just
Him; we have a few things we need to discuss
Me; can we do that later. I want to go take a nap.
Him; you just took a nap before we went to the doctor
Me; so
Him; ok, you win. Can I tuck you in?
Me; nope, save that for your babies
Him; Thembi is busy unpacking your stuff. But you can use my room
Me; me sleep in Linda’s room…….. Never
Him; it’s not her room. She just used it when she was here
Me; still probably smells like her
Him; your overreacting
Me; whatever
Him; come on… I’ll give you a foot rub
Me; tempting
Him; ill add popcorn
Me; don’t you have to work
Him; not today. I want to spend time with you
Me; spend time with me, or make sure I don’t kill your precious babies
Him; I can never win with you can I?
Me; who knows.
Him; do you have to always do that? Rifiloe, I’m trying here. You said I don’t have time for you. I try
making time, and now you’re pushing me away
Me; isn’t it a little too late for that
Him; haai, I give up
Me; good. I don’t need you faffing around me
Him; don’t do this, because if I were to do the same you would go ballistic
Me; whatever Siya
Him; mxm
He stood up and walked away. I hadn’t noticed that mam Martha wasn’t in the kitchen anymore.
So now he wants to make time for me because I’m pregnant with his babies. But before then he
wasn’t willing. Nxa, he can go to hell
I ended up feeling bad… I know he’s trying, I just can’t seem to get over everything.
I hated that he loved his job more than me, and worse he lifted his hand at me. How do you get over
things like that anyway… I just need him to really give me time. Maybe then I could truly forget, but
for time being a part of me still hated him.
Siya spent the rest of the day in his office, while I watched movies in the lounge.
When he came down for dinner, he seemed a bit distant.
I was used to him sitting next to me, but this time he sat opposite me 
I didn’t dare say anything, because I knew he would tell me to stop confusing him blah blah blah
Mam Martha had made mince lasagna, with a beetroot salad on the side.
I wasn’t sure I could stomach the lasagna, so I only had a little bit of it, and had lots of the salad.
Siya looked at my plate and shook his head.
Him; you cant live off of salad Rifiloe. You need to eat for the sake of my babies
Me; Siya, just shoosh ok. Im fine, and I’m eating mos. Can you just relax
He was about to answer me, but his phone rang. I rolled my eyes.
He answered and it was Linda.. mxm. I stood up and went around to where he was sitting.
I grabbed the phone out of his hand and dropped his call
Him; Rifiloe
ME; we were in the middle of a conversation. Linda can fucking wait
Him; give me my phone back
Me; No
Him; what do you want from me?
I didn’t answer him, I just threw his phone against the wall. Unfortunately it didn’t break, the screen
just cracked.
Siya, stood up
Him; are you crazy
Me; clearly I’m crazy. I’m fucking having your children. Only a person with a mental disorder would
get pregnant by an inconsiderate jerk like you.
I picked up the phone before he did, and ran towards my bedroom, with Siya coming after me.
When I got to my bedroom I went to the bathroom, and there his phone in the toilet and tried flushing
it away.
When Siya came in he looked so pissed.
I didn’t care though, I was sick of him not respecting me when it comes to this Linda bitch.
Him; so are you going to take the phone out the toilet or do i?
Me; I could care less really
Him; Your driving me crazy.
Me; shame
He laughed… not because he was happy, but the more annoyed kind of laugh
Him; so what are you going to do about my phone
Me; Nothing
Him; so you expect me to put my hand in the toilet
Me; there’s gloves in the cabinet if you want
Him; what is it with you and Linda? Can’t you two just get along?
Me; the problem is not Linda. The problem is you.
Him; how am I the problem
Me; you don’t fucking listen… I told you I can’t stand it when we’re in the middle of a conversation
and what do you do? the exact flipping opposite
Him; Yho, Rifiloe, you are draining me. Your constant nagging is annoying as fuck.. Linda is the
mother of my child. There is nothing that’s going to change about that. So get over it already.
My eyes instantly watered… How could Siya be so sweet at times, and then so damn mean

In that moment I realised that no matter what, I would always come second.
Siya and Linda were practically inseparable, and weather or not I liked it, she was going to be a part
of my life.
I took the gloves from the cupboard, then took his phone out the toilet.
Him; what do you expect me to do with that now
Me; how about you shove it up your ass, and get the hell out my room
Him; fine
He took his phone and walked out.
I spent the rest of the evening in bed mostly thinking about my life.
I knew I had a really rough road ahead of me. I had been so consumed with everything, I had
forgotten to be me.
I hadn’t worn make up in ages, I had bags under my eyes. I wasn’t working out, so basically I looked
a complete mess.
So I told myself ENOUGH.
Enough of putting Siya first, enough of wanting his attention. Enough of crying, fuck, enough of
nagging. Now I was going to choose to be happy.
Despite the circumstances, I refuse to let myself be miserable. I’m sure if my mother was alive she
would have slapped me across the face ages ago.
So first things first, I needed a good night’s sleep.
I slept like a new born baby for the first time in ages. I felt so much lighter now that I had let go.
The following morning I woke up refreshed, I got up, made my bed and went to take a shower. I
changed into my gym gear, then went to have breakfast.
When I arrived Siya was on one of his spare phones.
I decided to have a large portion of fruit salad. I may not have an apitite for heagy foods, but i
planned on eating as much of what i can stomach. And so far fruits seemed to be one if thr things i
could stomach
I was halfway through my salad, when Siya finished his telephone conversation.
Him; morning
Me; hi
Him; how did you sleep
Me; like a baby
Him; lucky you
I didn’t respond. I just carried on eating my breakfast.
Him; I need to speak to you about something
Me; I’m listening
Him; promise you won’t freak out
Me; ok
Him; Linda and Olwetho are coming with Hlokes and the rest of the crew today. Olwetho is on
holidays, and he wanted to see me.
I took a breath in and out, then had a sip of my juice
Me; that's nice, I’m sure it will be nice to see Olwetho again
Siya looked at me like I was an alien. I’m sure he was expecting a fight.
Me; what
Him; you sure you don’t mind
Me; I didn’t realise I had an option in the matter, but none the less I don’t mind. It’s not like I own this
Him; Okaay, but there’s one other problem
Me; what
Him; I won’t have a place to sleep,
Me; you can sleep in your room
Him; as in the same room as you
Me; yes
Him; does that mean you and I
I cut him off
Me; No, you and I are a long way from being together. But since the bed is king size, I'm sure we
won't get in each other's way. As long as you don't try anything we should be good.
Him: you know that's cruel right
Me: well it's either that or the couch
Him: I'll take your offer
Me: good, are we done here, I'd like to go work out
Him: tell me your joking
Me: I'm dead serious
Him: a woman in your condition shouldn't be exercising.
Me: Siya I'm pregnant not sick.
Him: promises you'll take it easy
Me: promise
Him: is there any way I could convince you n it to exercise during your pregnancy
Me: Siya, I need to exercise so I don't gain too much weight. I don't want to be walking around here
looking like a whale
Him: there's no one here you need to impress but Me. And I'd still love you if you were the size of a
Me: I'm not looking to impress you or anyone else. I just want to make sure i dont gain too much
Him: fine. But I'll , be keeping an eye on you
Me : I don't expect anything less. Now excuse me whole I go work up a sweat
I left him there looking displeased.
I enjoyed my workout quite a lot.. there's honestly no better feeling than working out after a stressful,
time. It just relieves your stress. I did however take it easy, I didn't want to trip on something and hurt
When I was done, I went to take a shower, then changed into a floral maxi dress.
I really felt like pampering myself, but didn't know how to go about it since I was in a foreign country.
So I did my make up, put on my sandals, and went to Siyas office.
I wanted to ask him what my options were, maybe I could go to a mall or something.
When I got to his office, his door wasn't closed, so I knocked and walked in.
Him: you look nice
Me: thank you
Him: where you off to?
Me: I was actually hoping to go out. I want to get my hair and nails done. And also a couple of other
Him: how long will you be
Me: quite a while
Him: you'll have to take at least 3 body guards with you.
Me: cool
Him: how much do you need
Me: dont worry, I'll use my card
Him: I'd prefer you didn't, I don't want anybody tracing you to Cuba. I'd rather give you the money in
Me: sounds reasonable, but i don't know how much I'll need
Him: 5000 pesos should be enough, but if you need more I'll send another guard
Me: ok
He got up and went to the safe and gave me the money. I wasn't a fan of taking money from people,
but in this case i didn't have a choice
Me: thank you.
Him: please don't give the guards a hard time
Me: bye Siya
Him: don't I get a kiss goodbye
Me: keep dreaming buddy
He laughed
I wasn't comfortable walking around with so much money, but felt better because I knew the guards
would be around
Lucky for me Nails was one of the guards. I hadn't really had time to speak to him since I got back.
I gave him a hug. He seemed a little surprised but none the less he hugged me back.
I heard Siya clearing his voice, so I broke the hug. He looked at nails disapprovingly,then at me.
I just looked at him, it's not like I was doing anything wrong, I was just trying to be nice
Him: rifiloe can no have a word
Me: but we were about to leave
Him: it will only take a sec,
Me: fine
He took my hand and walked me to our bedroom. I just knew I was in trouble
Him: Rifiloe, don't do that
Me: do what
Him: flirt with the guards
Me: flirt? I wasn't flirting, I was just being nice
Him: well don't be. I can't have you being like that towards them. I don't want them getting ideas
Me (chuckels) you seem jealous
Him: I'm not,
Me: whatever you say. Can I go now
Him: fine, but no more hugging the guard's.
Me: fine
I left Siya in the bedroom and went to the basement garage where nails and the other guards were
Nails opened the door for me, and got into the drivers seat while the two other guards were in
another car behind us.
We drive for about an hour and a half before we got into the city. I was so fascinated with how
colourful the buildings were, but mostly how clean their inner city was
I felt a bit wierd because people were staring at our cars. I was really glad the Windows were tinted.
When we got to the mall, nails walked me to a very modern looking salon.
I was a bit nervous having someone who doesnt speak English do my hair, but luckily nails was able
to translate.
While I was doing my hair, the nail technician started with my nails. Luckily she spoke a bit of
English, so we were able to communicate. I asked her to also do my toes, because the weather was
so hot, I'd be wearing lots of sandals. So my toenails had to look as good as my finger nails.
I walked out the salon 3 hours later, feeling like a new woman. I had also gotten a wax, so I was
groomed to the tee.
I didn't feel like going home yet, so I walked around the mall.
I didn't buy much, because I had everything I needed at the house. So I just bought a few snacks,
and drinks.
When we were getting ready to go I saw a small little baby boutique. I known it was to early to start
buying clothes but i couldn't resist. They had the cutest things. Problem was I didn't know the
genders, so I bought a few of everything.
I loved the little shoes and the clothes they had
By the time we left I had spent most of my money that siya had given me.
Nails and the other guards carried my bags, while we walked back to the car.
When I got home, I immediately flopped onto the bed. I was exhausted from all that walking, and my
feet were swollen as a result.
Siya walked in while I was going through everything I had bought. He saw the baby stuff and smiled
Him: what do we have here
Me: I couldn't resist, look how cute everything is
Him: those shoes are adorable babe. I can't believe they make such small sizes
Me: I know hey, I can't wait to go back
Him: but, isn't it a bit early to be shopping? We don't even know the sex of the babies.
Me: yaah, but i just couldn't resist. Everything just looked so cute.
Him:I'm glad your warming up to being a mom
Me: yaah but now I need a good bath. My feet are killing me
Him: give me an hour to finish off whaf i was busy with,then I'll give you a mean foot massage
Me; that sounds amazing. I'll go bath in the interim
Him:ok, do you want me to run your bath
Me: no man, you go work, ill, manage
Him: ok,
He left and went to work, while i packed the baby clothes away.
When Siya came back down, I was still in the bath. I was enjoying it so much, I didn't want to get out.
He knocked on the door and I told him to come in
Him: your still in the bath
Me: the waters so soothing I'm not sure I want to come out
Him: you'll get sick babe, you should come out
Me: what's with you and the babe thing Mara
Him: it's my name for you, and i don't plan on Chang it
Me: haai, just hand me my towel please
He handed me my towel and went to the room. I followed and went to the closet to go get dressed.
It was already getting late, so I wore my leggings and a top.
Then went to the bedroom.
Siya was sitting in the bed watching tv when i came from the closet.
He shifted when he saw me, so I could put my feet on his lap.
Him: you seem a bit more calm toady, What's going on?
Me: what do you mean
Him: your been fighting me toothnand nail for as long as I can remember but today you seem
Me: can I tell, you the truth
Him: yes
Me: I think I''ve finally come to terms with the fact that you will always put Linda first.
Him: but
Me: let me finish. Don't get me wrong, I love you, I really Do, but i need to also love myself. I wanted
you to commit to me so bad, I lost ,myself in the process. But what you said resonated with me. Your
always going to put her first, she's the mother of your heir, and I get that. So ill, just accept that and
move on. For now I'm going to enjoy my pregnancy. maybe in the future, once I'm back in S.A. I
might find a man that respects me as much as you do with Linda
Him: are you trying to hurt me
Me: no, I'm just telling you the truth
Him: what if I want to be that man
Me: I don't think you are ready for that. And I'm not mad at you about it. I'm just also not willing to be
put second for the rest of my life. I'm going to be a mother in a few months. And I need to get my
priorities in order.
Him: if I worked at being the man you need would you take me back?
Me: maybe with time, but for now can we just be friends.
Him: well, that's better than you cutting me off completely
Me: I guess I'm a sucker for punishment
He tickled my foot and I pulled it away.
For the first time since Siya and I went downhill, I felt my heart at peace. I think it was because I had
no expectations from him. Instead I planned on enjoying Cuba and getting ready to bring my babies
into the world.
If him and i were meant to be together then we would surely find our way to each other.
Siya and I stayed together for most of the evening. We even ended up having our dinner in our
I was enjoying spending time with him, I fell asleep when he went back to his office. I didn’t mind
though, because I knew that he had to work.
I woke up the following morning in Siya’s arms. So much for him keeping to his side of the bed
I moved his hand slowly, I needed to pee so badly. I went to the bathroom and took a shower, then
went to get dressed. It was very unlike Siya to still be sleeping at this time. Even on a Saturday.
So I went to wake him up
Me; Si, wake up
Him; mhmm
Me; since when do you sleep in
Him; shhh Rifiloe man, or better yet come back to bed
Me; no man, im hungry
Him; just for 5 minutes
Me; Fine
I got back to bed and he cuddled me
Me; so do you cuddle like this with all your friends
Him; (chuckels) only the ones I’m in love with
Me; mcm,
Him; don’t act like you don’t like it.
Me; but now I want to eat Si
Him; fine, you go ill meet you downstairs.
Me; cool
I got up and went to the kitchen. I had totally forgotten that Hlokes and the team had arrived during
the wee hours of the morning. So it was a present surprise to see him having breakfast on the
He stood up and I gave him a hug.
Him; you look good
Me; thank you... How was your flight?
Him; excruciating
Me; why
Him; Linda spoke all the way here. I didn’t get any sleep whatsoever
Me;(chuckels) askies shame
Him; you not bothered with her being around
Me; I’m not ecstatic, but what can I do /
Him; Haai, rather you than I
Me; so did you bring amasi for me
Him; yes,
Me; thank God, I’ve been craving it
Him; so you and the big man getting along
Me; only just… We’ll have to wait and see how long it lasts
Him; as long as your happy
Me; thanks
You know even though Hlokes and I had had our differences, I really liked having him around. He
had proved to be a good friend despite our past, and I valued that.
Him; so how’s the baby doing
Me; you mean babies
Him; noooo, how many
Me; two
Him; damn
Me; tell me about it
Him; I’m sure, Ghost must be excited
Me; I guess so.
Hlokes and I were in the middle of breakfast when Linda and Olwetho came to join us.
I took a breath and carried on eating.
Linda didn’t bother greeting me, but Olwetho ran to give me a hug.
He sat on my lap
Him; aunty daddy says I’m going to be a big brother soon
Me; are you exited
Him; yes, I can’t wait to play with him
Me; well, there’s two,
Him; wow, Mommy did you hear that. Aunty is having two babies.
Linda just looked at me then at Olwetho
Her; yes nana
Siya came to join us, Olwetho ran to him, and gave him a hug, then came back to sit on my lap.
Olwetho; daddy, aunty says I’m going to have two baby brothers or sisters
Siya; really
Olwetho; yes daddy, but where are they
Siya; in auntys tummy
Olwetho; but how did the babies get there
Hlokes choked on his food, while Siya looked at me and smiled
Siya; ask aunty, I’m sure she knows more than daddy
Olwetho; aunty, how did the baby get in your tummy
Me; ahmm ahmm God put them in my tummy nana
Him; but how
Me; While I was sleeping, God came down, and put them in my tummy
Him; oh, like when the tooth fairy puts my money under my pillow
Me; yes, just like that
Siya and Hlokes laughed, While Linda looked annoyed.
I dished up for Olwetho,
Siya; babe what about me
Me; askies my love. What would you like?
Him; bacon and eggs please
Me; and mushrooms
Him; sounds great.
I dished up for him, I don’t know why we were acting like a couple, but I wasn’t complaining.
We had breakfast, then I went to change. It was so hot, there was no way I was going to survive in
jeans. So I put on shorts and a bikini top, and went back outside.
Olwetho was waiting for me on the veranda, we were going to play on the beach.
Siya; so I’m not invited
Me; I thought you were going to be working
Him; but I also want to play
Olwetho; hurry daddy, I want to go play
Siya; ok, I’ll go change
Me; please ask mam Martha to make a picnic basket for us
Siya; ok, anything specific things
Me; fruits
Him; sharp
I took Olwethos hand, and saw Linda just sitting there. I kind of felt bad, for excluding her,
Me; aren’t you joining us?
Her; not today, I’ve got a couple of things I need to do today
Me; ok, we’ll see you later
Me; please ask Siya to bring out the sunscreen with him
Her; sure
Olwetho was getting impatient, so we left.
Siya took his time, but finally came to join us. Olwetho and I were trying to build a sand castle, but
we were failing miserably. I stopped trying to build when I saw the Picnic basket.
Him; what are you guys building?
Olwetho; a sand castle daddy, please come help
Him: ok nana, give me two seconds
I went through the basked, and settled on a banana.
It was nice seeing Siya spending time with Siya. He looked so carefree and happy for a change.
We stayed on the beach for a few hours, playing in the water, then trying to build the castle.
By the time we went back inside, I was so tired. So Olwetho and I went to take a nap in my room.
We didn’t even have lunch, we slept through most of the day.
When Siya woke me up, it was already time for dinner. Olwetho was sleeping so peacefully next to
me. I didn’t want to wake him, but Siya wasn’t having it
Him; he must sleep in his room
me; no man Siya, you’re going to wake him, let him sleep with us
Him; not happening. I want to cuddle you. Plus Olwetho kicks like no other. I don’t want him kicking
you in the stomach
Me; your exaggerating
Him; babe, please man.
Me; fine, but if you wake him and he keeps you up all night, don’t say I didn’t warn you
Siya picked Olwetho up, and took him to Linda’s room. Mean time I went to freshen up for supper.
When I got upstairs, Hlokes and Linda were nowhere to be found. I found Siya on the veranda, the
whole veranda was covered in candles, and the table was set for jut the two of us
Me; where is everyone
Him; out
Me; what’s with the candles
Him; come sit
Me; okay
I was going to sit next to him, but he pulled me onto his lap.
Him; I wanted to do something special for you
Me; why
Him; I know the past couple of weeks have been stressful for you, and I didn’t do any better, instead
I made things worse. Babe I’m so sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking. From lying about Hlokes
and what I do, to hitting you. I don’t know what the hell the hell came over me. But I realized last
night that I was really losing you, and that scared the shit out of me.
Me; but Si, you can’t have both me and Linda.
Him; I know, I just don’t know what I’m supposed to do.
Me; put her in her place. I know she’s Olwetho’s mom, and I respect that. But she still thinks she is
the woman in your life, and that’s because you haven’t put your foot down
Him; so whats your suggestion
Me; it’s not my place to say. I was never in a relationship with her, you were. So it’s up to you how
you handle her.
Him; ill sort it out Rifiloe, I promise. I just need you to give me a bit of time
Me; Ive been giving you time. Words won’t change anything, but your actions will.
Him; I know…. So am I forgiven?
Me; forgiven yes, but you and I have a very long way to go
Him; so technically we’re back together
Me; not really, I just need to see how you deal with things
Him; so is there any chance of me getting a kiss
Me; maybe if you play your cards right
Him; I can deal with that, but first let’s eat.
Me; please, I’m starving
I moved off his lap and he stood to dish up for us.
I laughed when I saw that he had made, pap and amasi for me (lol)
We had dinner under the stars together, everything seemed so perfect. But I knew that we still had
so many things we had to work through. Bu for now, he was here with me and that’s all that matters.
was glad that Siya and I were mending our relationship/Friendship, because we were going to be
having children together, but I still had so many worries. Like this job of his that he can’t seem to let
go of. And it’s not like Siya needed the money. He made a good enough living off his business, but
something was keeping him in Cuba and I wanted to know what it, but for now, I’ll just keep quiet
and try enjoying the time we have together.
When we were done with dinner, we went to our room. I wasn’t tired because Olwetho and I had
slept for most of the late afternoon, so we decided to watch a movie in our room.
I changed into my pj’s while Siya took a shower, Then we lay in bed.
Him; so what do you want to watch
Me; a chick flick
Him; no ways
Me; yes ways... You can’t expect me to watch a chick flick
Me; why not
Him; cause I’m guaranteed to fall asleep
Me; fine
We ended up watching some scary movie. But I didn’t make it through the movie. I fell asleep
halfway through. I think it was because I was in his arms.
When I woke up on Sunday morning and Siya wasn’t in bed. I could smell his body wash, so I knew
he had just gotten up. I looked around our room for him but he wasn't there so I guessed he was in
his office.
I got up and made the bed, then went to take a shower. I wasn’t really feeling well. So I just put on
my tracksuits pants and a top. I wore my slippers because my feet were a bit swollen. I wanted to go
have breakfast with Siya,then discuss a few things with him
When I got upstairs, Siya was having breakfast with Linda. One of them had probably shared a joke,
because they were laughing. They looked so comfortable with one another. He was sitting next to
her, and she wad showing him something on her phone. Id lie if I said a part of me wasn’t jealous, i
hated seeing ghem together, but I pushed my jealousy aside.
I decided to have my breakfast in my room. I didn’t want to feel like I was intruding. So I went to the
kitchen, and made myself toast with butter and a glass of milk and went to eat in my room.
When Siya came to check on me, I was finishing off my toast.
Him; morning
Me; Hi
Him; why are you having your breakfast up here
Me; I wasn’t feeling well, so I decided to rather have breakfast here
Him; are you ok?
Me; I’m fine, just a little nauseous
Him; can I get you anything
Me; no, I’m fine Siya.
Him; you sure? You look a bit off
Me: its your imagination, im fine
Him: ok, i’ll be upstairs if you need me, I've got piles of work to get through
Me; go, I’m going to chill here for a while. Plus I’d like to check my emails. I’m sure there are a few
things that need my attention
Him; ok, you sure your ok
Me: 100%
Him: ok, I'll see you later
Me: Sharp
Siya left while, I opened my laptop and started working.
I hadn't realised how many emails I had.
Most of them were from work. I was glad it wasn't anything urgent. Most of them were just informing
me about my clients portfolio.
There was one e-mail that I hadn't opened. It looked like it was sent a few days ago. But i didn't
recognize the e-mail address, so I left it as unread and continued with the others.
While I was working I started getting hungry so i went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Olwetho
was with mam Martha baking a cake. He stopped when he saw me, and came to give me a hug. He
had chocolate all over his hands
Him: aunty look, I'm helping granny make a cake for daddy
Me: it looks delicious, I'm sure daddy will enjoy it
Him: but we must not tell him, it's a surprise
Me: I promise
Him: do you want to taste
Me: please
He gave one of his fingers and I licked it
Me: mhmm it's delicious
Him: I know, but granny says I mustnt have too much because it will, make my tummy sore
Me: granny is right, we don't want you getting sick
Him: ok aunty
He went back to his bowl, while I made myself a sandwich
Mam Martha looked like she was enjoying having olwetho's company
I finished making my sandwich, and ate it in the kitchen with a glass of milk.
When I was done, I gave olwetho a kiss and walked back upstairs.
I noticed Linda walking down as I was walking up. She had on a red bikini that was hardly therè. I
won't lie and say she didn't look good, she really did, but i personally would put on some shorts over
my bikini bottoms, especially with the guards walking around the house. It just seems a bit
innapropriate, but that's just my opinion.
I greeted her cause there was no way of avoiding her, and she actually greeted me back.
Her: so how's the hormones treating you
Me: fine thank you, not as bad as I thought
Her: lucky you. When I was pregnant with olwetho my hormones were all over the place
Me: sorry to hear that,
Her: it's cool, plus Siya was never really there so, I think that made it worse, but anyway you'll
understand once it starts happening to you
Me: what do you mean?
Her: well, Siya seems very hands on with you at the moment But don't be fooled, one of these days
he'll get busy, and won't even have a minute to spear. So you'll be the one left picking up the pieces
of your puzzle just like with Me.
Me: I should go, I've got
She cut me off
Her: or maybe you thought you would be the one who he gives up his job for? Let Me tell you
something about Siya.
His job always comes first, then Me and olwetho and then you. So next time you want Him order him
to come and discuss his priorities with Me, make sure your 100% sure of where you stand because I
ain't going anywhere.
Me: linda whathe yo go or stay makes no difference in my life, but what i want to know is what do
you have over him?
Her: your quite clever, but also so stupid. Maybe you should ask him and see if he'll tell you th truth
I didn't know why she was saying this, but it kind of pissed me off. If she did indeed have so thing
over him, what was it. Or was she just trying to annoy me?
I walked back to my room with these questions in my mind. I wanted to ask Siya but his office door
was closed, and I didint want to bother him, so I went to my room and continued with my work.
When I was done going through my work emails, I opened that e-mail that I had left as unread. It
didn't have a message, it just had an attachment of a video
I double clicked to play the video and I immediately wished I hadn't. Whoever sent this was beyond
My hands started snacking and my heart racing.
I saw my mom was begging for her life, while my dad begged that they hurt him instead of her, but
the person holding the gun was laughing. He enjoyed torturing them. He kept teasing them with the
gun, while the guy holding the camerer told him to get it over and done with.
I screamed when I saw the gun going off. I wanted to pause the video but i was shacking, I didn't
want to see this, I didn't want to see my worst nightmare as a reality.
I saw my mom lying on the bed, I think she had just taken her last breath becuase her body was
shacking like someone having fits. My dad was screaming, he tried moving but his hands were tied.
He swore at them asking why they didn't kill him instead. They laughed at him and told him he was
next. He looked directly at them and told them to kill him, becuase he wouldn't be able to live without
her. They laughed at him, and then pulled the trigger.
I tried so hard not to breakdown for the sake of my babies, I really did, but i couldn't hold in the
screams escaping my heart. I felt like it was the only way to release the pain i felt in the inside.
Siya ran in with Hlokes behind him. They looked at me for answers but I couldn't speak. I fell into
siyas arms sobbing.
Just when I thought that things were going right, reality had a way of slapping me in the face and
reminding me of what had happened.

Siya held me as I cried. He kept asking me what was wrong but i couldn't form words together. I kept
pointing at the laptop, till he finally got the hint.
He picked it up and played the video. He didn't watch all of it, just the begging then stopped it. He
looked at hlokes and they had an unspoken conversion.
Hlokes picked up the laptop and and left, while Siya stayed with me. He led me to our bed and I
cried in his arms.
Him: babe, I need you to try calming down a bit. For the sake of the babies
I tried answering him but I couldn't, I just kept hearing my mother's voice, begging for her life.
Hlokes came back and gave Siya a syringe. Siya didn't even ask me, he just injected my arm. I
wanted to protest but didn't bother. I started drifting off, in Siyas arms. I was grateful that even for a
moment I would be able to escape this nightmare
When I woke up Siya wasn't next to me. I looked at the time and it was 3: 00am. I went to the
bathroom, then went to the kitchen, I was so hungry. While walking to the kitchen I could see Siyas
office light on, so knew he was working.
I found leftover dinner in the fridge so I warmed it and ate up.
Siya walked in while I was eating.
Him: your up
Me: hmm
Him: I'm sorry you had to see that
Me: it's not your fault
Him: the team's working aroud the clock to find them. I'm certain that we should have a lead in a day
or two
Me: thank you
Him: come, you should rest
Me: i just woke up
Him: you can never rest enough
Me: will you stay with me
Him: yes, I need some shut eye aswell
He held my hand and we went to our bedroom. He changed into shorts and came to lay with Me.
Me: I wanna cuddle
Him: come closer
I moved closer, and he held me.
Him: how you feeling
Me: better
Him: i think we should go to the doctor tomorrow. Just to make sure the babies are ok
Me: ok
Siya fell asleep before me. He looked so exhausted. Sleep had deserted me so I put on the tv and
watched a movie.
Nearing the end of my movie Siyas phone rang, I wondered who it was so early in the morning. I
picked it up and saw that it was Linda.
Me: hello
Her: can I speak to Siya
Me: he's sleeping
Her: wake him up
Me: is it an emergency
Her: what's it to you
Me: well in that case it can wait
Her: don't make me walk to your room
Me: I dare you
She hung up, I deleted the call history and I went to lock our door. Then got back into bed.
As promised Linda knocked on the door. I ignored her. She knocked again loudly.
Siya opened his eyes, I pretended I was fast asleep.
He went to open the door.
Him: Linda
Her: where's that two piece tramp of yours
Him: it's too early for your shit Linda, what do you want
Her: I called to speak to you and she told me you were sleeping, what if it was an emergency
Him: well is it an emergency
Her:not really
Him: well Then we can talk later
Her: Siya
Him: Linda did you even look at the time, it's 5:am , I've been up most of the night. I just want to get
some sleep do you mind
Her: since when do you speak to me like that
Siya didn't answer, he just closed the door and came back to bed. I didn't move, I just stayed in the
same position and pretended to be asleep. Siya looked at his phones I presume to look at his call
history. Then he came back to bed.
We both ended up drifting back to sleep.
When We woke up again someone was knocking on our door. I put on my gown, and went to go see
who it was.
It was nails
Him: sorry to disturb mam, but bullet asked me to come and wake ghost. There's something he
needs to see asap
Me: ok, he'll be up in a minute
Him: thank you.
I closed the door and went to wake Siya up.
Hjm: Babe not now
Me: it's urgent
Him: mhmm
Me: Siya, vuka
Him: maybe I need a kiss first
Me: not happening. I haven't even brushed my teeth yet
Him; I don't care
Me; Siya, Hlokes Sent nails to wake you, I'm sure its urgent. You can get a kiss later
Him: fine
He reluctantly got up. Shame he looked so tired.
He went to the bathroom to freshen up, while I made the bed
When he was done he gave me a kiss in the cheek and went upstairs
I took a shower then went to make something to eat, I hadn't realised that we had slept through the
morning, because when i checked my phonebit was 11:00am, and the hunger bug had bitten me.
When I got to the kitchen mam Martha and olwetho were baking again
Me: anothe cake for daddy?
Olewetho: auuunntyy.
Me: hi boy
Him: we making cake for you, not daddy
Me: for me? What did I do to deserve a cake from you
Him: daddy said you were not feeling well, so i made you came to make you feel better
Me: thank you boy,now i can't wait to taste it
He went back to mam Martha, while I made something to eat. I ended up having a toasted sandwich
with juice then went back to my bedroom.
Siya was on the bed when I got back. He looked a bit worried
Me: is everything ok
Him: yes babe, it looks like we might be able to trace who sent you the video. My IT team is working
on it.
Me: is that all
Hjm: no,but I can't say anything else at this point
Me: ok, I guess ill have to wait and see
Him: thank you for understanding
I nodded and went to sit next to him
Me: lie down properly, I want to cuddle
Him: (chuckles) I'm thinking of getting you those cuddle teddybears that are human size
Me: why
Him: because I have a feeling things are going to get busy. And I won't be around to cuddle you
Me: I dont want a teddybear, I want you
Him: and if I can't be here ?
Me: ill have to find myself someone else to cuddle me. Maybe one of the guards
Siya pushed me out of his embrace playfully. I giggled
Me: don't be jealous
Him: can you blame me
I laughed At Him
Me: you know I jocking
Him; you better be
Me::you look so cute when you pout.
Him: mxm
Me: want me to kiss it better
He nodded. So I moved closer to him and sat on his lap,
Me: so where should I start ?
He pointed at his nose so I kissed him there.
Me: and next
He pointed to his cheeks, so i kissed both his cheeks
Me; and lastly
He pointed to his lips, so i moved closer, and put my lips on his. We didn't move, we just breathed
the same air. I eventually stated kissing him. Slowly, gently. He responded with the intensity. We
went from a simple kiss to an intense and lustful kiss. I don't know if it was my horemonse or what
but i couldn't help myself. He just had a way of making me feel complete.
When I pulled back he pulled me in. We both couldn't get enough of eachother. Not that I was
complaining, because I had totally missed him.
We interrupted by knock on the door. It was a little knock, so we knew it was Olwetho
I moved off of Siyas lap, who wasn't very pleased, and I went to open for Olwetho.
Him: aunty why did you take so long
Me: sorry boy, I was in the bathroom
Him: your cakes ready, come and have some
Me: ok, let's go
He held my hand and we left siya looking displeased and walked to the kitchen. Olwtho had such a
big grin on his face., you could tell he was excited baout showing me the cake.
When we got to the kitchen he had told me to close my eyes. So I did.
He led me to the counter and said for me to open my eyes
Him: tada
Me; ohho it's so cute boy, i love it
Him: I made it specially for you
Me: thank you
Him: you must cut it and make a wish
Me: but it's not my birthday
Him: I know aunty, but it will make you feel better
Me: ok
I took the knife a and cut the cake, making a wish
Him: what did you wish for
Me : I can't tell you, if I do it won't come true
Him: ok, please can I have piece
Me: sure
I cut a piece for me and him,and went to pour us a glass of milk. We ate our cake in the kitchen,
Olwetho was telling me about how he missed his friends from school.
Siya walked in while Olwetho and I were chatting. He picked up a fork and ate from my plate.
Olwetho looked at him
Him: daddy no, that's for aunty not you
Siya: so what about me boy
Him: you had your cake yesterday
Siya; but i want autys cake today
I burst out laughing because of the way that sentience came out.
Siya laughed, while Olwetho looked at us confused
Me: it's a pity daddy isn't getting auntys cake anytime soon
Him: a man can dream
Me: mhmm
Siya carried on eating from my plate, while Olwetho finished off his cake.
Olwetho: aunty please can you come play with me on the beach. Mommy says I can't go alone, and I
really want to go and play
Siya: not today boy, aunty needs to rest
Olwetho: but daddy aunty said she's better
Siya: I know boy but maybe tomorrow
Me: I'm sure daddy wouldn't mind playing with you
Olwetho: daddy's always busy aunty, he won't want to come.
I looked at Siya,
Siya : come boy, I'll go play with you
Olwetho: really daddy?
Siya: yes, go up and fetch your ball, so we can play soccer
Olwetho jumped out of his chair. He was so excited. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and ran to
fetch his ball.
Me: you need to make more of an effort with him
Him: I know babe, I've just
I cut him off
Me: no excuses, just do it
Him: I will
Me: good, now I'm going to lie down while you two go play
Him: can I have a kiss before you go
Me: come here
He came closer and I gave him a baby kiss
Him: that wasn't really what I had in mind
Me: wells what did you have in mind
Him: something more like this
He leaned in again and stated kissing me, like he did in our bedroom.
I sensed someone watching us but i didn't stop, instead I deepened the kiss even more.
Her: you two have no shame
We broke our kiss. Siya rolled his eyes and giggled
Her: what if Olwetho had walked in
Siya: so what?
Hrr: mxm
Olwetho ran in with his Ball
Him: daddy I'm ready
Siya; ok boy, let's go
Siya kissed my cheek and they walked out.
I stood up and went to take a bottle if water from the fridge.
I could feel Linda's eyes piercing me
Her: you really think he loves you
Me: I don't see how its any of your business
He: well knowing you its only a matter if time before he comes running back to me
Me: what's that supposed to mean
Her:ask your boyfriend
She walked out and left me wondering what the he'll she was going on about.
I went back to my room and watched a bit of tv. I wasn't able to conserntrate on what I was watching
because of what Linda said. It felt like she knew something that I didn't and I didn't like that.
When Siya came back from playing with Olwetho, he took a shower and went upstairs to his office. I
wanted to speak to him but i wasn't sure how to raise it.
I didn't want to seem like I was accusing him of something, especially since we're finally getting
along again. But deep Down I knew I would need to ask him because my mind would not rest until I
knew what Linda was on about.
Siya spent the rest if the day in his office. He didn't even come down for dinner. I knew I had to
speak to him but now didn't seem like the right time. I could tell something was up because even
Hlokes didn't come out the office.
After dinner I went to my to take a bath, i didnt want to wait up for Siya because i could tell he was
going to have along night.
After bathing I went to the closet to get changed into my pyjamas. Cuba was so hot, at times I
wished I could sleep without clothes on, but didn't want to tempt myself or Siya. 😉

So I put on my undrrware and opted for one if Siyas t-shirts.

I drifted off to sleep while watching tv...
When I woke up Siya was not in bed. I wasn't sure he even came to bed, but his side did look a bit
messed up.
I took a quick shower and wore one of my maxi dresses with sandals, and went to have breakfast.
I immediately knew something was happening. There were guards all over the house. Most of the
time they kept to their level and only the ones on duty would be patrolling the house, but today there
were guards everywhere, even on the beach.
When I got to the veranda Hlokes was already having breakfast
Me: morning
Him: hi sleeping beauty
Me: what's going on
Hiam: long story. I'm sure ghost will explain
Me: where is he
Him: office. He's on a conference call with the director general
Me: how long will that take
Him: not too long, we've been up all night
Me: I hope everything's ok
Hom: have breakfast I'm sure ghost will explain when he's done.
As we were having breakfast Linda and Olwetho came to join us.
Her; bullets what's with the guards
Him: ill explain later, but right now I need to go
Olwetho: uncle Hlokes, please can I come upstairs with you, I want to see daddy
Him; not now boy daddy's in the middle of something. You'll seen him just now, I promise
Olwetho nodded, you could tell he was upset.
Me: how about wè go and watch a movie instead.?
Him: I can't, mommy said I must go do some of my school work
Me: ok, you go, we can play later
He had his breakfast then Linda took him to their room.
I decided to go back to my room. It felt strange having all these guards all over the place.
Siya arrived as I was changing the tv channel
Him: morning babe
Me: morning
Him: have you already had breakfast?
Me: yes, i was about to change into my gym gear, I want to go work off some of this fat
Him: your not fat.
Me: you look exhausted
Hjm: it's Been a long night
Me: what's going on
Him: we found a lead regarding your parents murder
Me : that's good news right
Him: yes, but this whole thing is bigger than it looks
Me: how
Him: I can't say just yet, I'm waiting on some more information
Me: is that why we've got a million guards here?
Hjm: yes, and I need you to do me a favour
Me: I'm listening
Him: I need you to stay in our room for a while
Me: what's a while
Him: I've got people arriving soon. Those arent the kind of people I want seeing you
Me: im lost
Him: I can't explain, but promise me
Me: ok But what if I need something from the kitchen
Him: use the in-house phone one your closet, and one if the guards will bring down whateveryou
Me: does this apply to me only
Him: no, bullet is busy briefing Linda as we speak
Me: ok
Him: babe, I'm serious the ground floor is off limits today. Until I tell you its ok
Me: I promise
Him: I've got something for you
Me: what is it
Him: wait here
I sat in the bed and waited for him to come back.
When he came back he had a huge brown teddybear the size of a human adult. I laughed
Him: what do you think
Me: it's cute, but now I'm worried
Him: why
Me: because this means something's defiantly going on
Him: I need you to know that I love you
Me: Siya what's going on
He was about to explain, but then no heard the sound of a helicopter coming from outside. I looks at
Siya questionally,
Him: I've got to go
Me: where to
Him: upstairs
Me: who is that landing here
Him: the guys I was telling you about
Me: I'm getting nervous
Him: don't be, just remember to stay in your room until I tell you otherwise
Me; ok
Him: I've got something else for you, but I'll only give that to you layer
Me: ok
Him: don't look so worried. I've got everything under control
Me: ok
Siya leaned in and put his arms around me and gave me a kiss. I kissed him back.
Him: I love you
Me: I love you too
I don't know why I said that, but something in me wanted him to know that despite everything that's
happened i still loved him.
He kissed me once more then left, closing the door behind him.
I went to the door and locked it. I don't know why but i was feeling a bit off.
I decided to put on my jean shorts and one of Siyas t-shirts.
I looked at the teddybear on my bed and smiled. I was actually glad that's Siya had got it for me.
I put on the tv and cuddled with my cuddle buddy.
A while later I called one of the guards and asked for popcorn, chocolate and juice. I made sure i
used the in-house phone in our closet. I didn't want Siya going all ape shit on me.
Sometime later one of the guards knocked on the door. I opened and luckily it was nails. He had
bought more than what I had asked for. I looked at him
Him: bosses orders
Me: but this is not just snacks, this is lunch, and dinner and snacks.
Him: let me know if you need anything else
He walked out and I locked the door behind him.
I sat down and went through what he had brought. Gosh there was fruits , popcorn, chips,
chocolates, and even spaghetti Bolognese, with 4 bottles of water and a juice. That's when I knew I
was going to be stuck here for a while
I started with the spaghetti cause i didn't want it getting cold. Then I ate the popcorn, and then the
I didn't realise how much I had eaten, until I started feeling uncomfortable. I had a bottle of water,
then tried getting some sleep. I fell asleep almost immediately. Plus my cuddle buddy was so nice
and soft
I was woken up by someone trying to open my door. I stilled, then heard Siya calling ou my name. I
had forgotten that I had locked my door
I stood up and went to open for him
Him: why did you lock the door
Me: I don't know, I guess I was just nervous
Him: looks like you had a little party without me
Me: well i had nothing else to do, so i just stuffed myself with food
Him: at least your appetite is improving
Me: can I go downstairs now. I want to clear out all this stuff
Him: not yet. I'll get nails to come and fetch everything. You stay put.
Me: I thought you were done
Hjm: not yet I just wanted to make sure that you were ok
Me; I'm fine. As you can see my cuddle buddy is keeping me all, cuddled up
Him; I'm jealous
Me: well hurry up and finish what your doing, and you can come and cuddle me
Him: I wish babe, but it looks like we're in for another long night
Me: pitty
Him: I said I had something for you
Me: what is it
He went to his side no the closet, and came back with a small, velvet box. I remembered the box
from the last time I was in Cuba.
Him: I wanted to give this to you the last time you were here, But we broke up and I never got a
chance to give it to you
Me: why you giving it to me now. It's not like we're back together
Him: because I've never stopped loving you. And i know you love me too. And no title is going to
change that. So weather you call yourself my girlfriend or just my friend,it doesn't matter. To me your
the woman I fell in love with over a year ago, and I still love to this day
Me: siya your scaring me. Why you telling me all this now
Him: becuase I never want you to forget that. The last time you were in cuba i wanted you to marry
me for my own selfish reasons, but now I want to make you a promise.
He got down on one knee and opened the box. I saw the same beautiful white and rose gold ring.
Him: Rifiloe Mokoena, I love you more than words can say. I've loved you from the moment I met
you, and I still lover you now. I know I haven't been the perfect lover, but with this ring I promise to
chnage that. I promise to make you smile every day. I promise to leave all of this behind. And I
promise to be the best father to our children. Take this ring as a symbol of my promise, and my
everlasting love.
I couldn't believe my eyes. I looked at Siya and his eyes told me he was serious.
Me: Siya are you serious
Him: dead serious. I want to give you the normal life you deserve. I want us to be together without
the fear of my job getting in the way. I want to complete this mission, and then have Hlokes take
I smiled at him.
Me: I accept your promise
He smiled and put the ring on the ring finger ain my right hand.
He got up and gave me a hug...
We broke the hug and I gave him a kiss.
I had so many things that I wanted to ask him. But right now all that mattered was that siya and I
were going to work on our relationship. He was willing to leave the task force for me and that alone
proved his love for me.
We broke I kiss and he wiped the tear from my eye
Him: I'm glad to see you crying happy tears for a change
Me: thank you
Him: don't. It's about time I got my shit together
I hugged him again. I didn't want to let go, but i knew I had to
Him: now tht thats done, I should go back to work.
Me: what time do you think you'll be done
Him: not sure, I've got one of our ministers arriving soon
Me: Siya what exactly is going on? Why would a south Africa minister fly all the way to Cuba?
Him: babe, you know I can't tell you. But I promise you once its all over, I'll walk away
Me: fine
Him: smile. I'll see you later
Me: ok, promise me you'll be safe
Him;babe, I'm not going anywhere, I'm just upstairs
Me: I know, I just get a bit nervous because I don't know what's going on
him: Don be. It will all be over soon
He lifted my hand and kissed the ring on my finger, then left.
I stood there thinking about what had just happened. I couldn't believe that siya was really giving this
all up.
I looked at my promise ring, and smiled, At least now I could start concentrating on building a future
with Siya. He had truly made me the happiest woman alive.

(Not for readers under the age of 18)
😜 😜 😜 😜

I kept staring at my promise ring. It all just seemed too surreal.

I thought about what he said, all the promises he made. I really prayed that he would stick to them.
I stayed in my room for the rest of the day. I was really starting to get agitated. I longed for fresh air,
plus I was so bored. I was sick of watching tv.
By the time Dinners was bought to my room, I was feeling like a prisoner. I didn't touch my food
becuase I had eaten junk throughout the day. I made mental note to make sure I work off all the junk
I had eaten. Even though I was pregnant, I didn't plan on graining too much weight.
I looked at the time and it was already 21:00pm it was clear Siya wasn't coming to bed anytime
soon. So I called the guards and asked them to come and take the plates.
I wanted to clean up the room before I went to bed.
When i was done I went to take a nice long bubble bath. I stayed in the bath for over an hour. I was
trying to stay awake till Siya came to bed, but so far it looked like that wasn't going to happen.
I eventually came out the bath, and went to lotion myself. I put obe of Siyas t-shirts. And my
underwear, then I went to bed.
Siya came to our room just as I was dozing off. He sat on the bed next to me.
Him: babe
Me: mhmm
Him: I need to talk to you
Me: Cant we talk tomorrow. Come to bed
He put on the light
Him: this can't wait till tomorrow.
I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I looked at Siya and knew something was wrong
Me: what's going on
He came and sat next to me. I pushed the teddybear aside and sat in squat position on Siyas lap. I
wanted to look at him properly
Me: talk to me
Him: I have to go on a mission
Me: what do you meam
Himz: we've located the people who killed your parents, and they've looking form me for years. So
they found out about you. And they used your parents to draw me out
Me: but then why would you go. Why not send the team like you normally do?
Him: because this one is personal. I have to be there
Me: but Siya, if these people are as dangerous as you say, why would you risk your life to get rid of
them ?
Him: sooner or later I'm going to have to get rid if these people. So I'd rather get it done now, so we
can move on with our lives,
I swallowed hard. I knew that one day Siya would have to be in the line of danger, but i didn't expect
it to be so soon
Me: I don't want you to go
Him: I don't have a choice babe. But look at it this way, once I'm back, you and I can move back to
south Africa, and we won't have to look over our shoulders. We will finally be together without any
strings attached.
Me: i hear you. I'm just worried that's all
Him: don't be, Ive got the best ops team in the world. Illcome home to you. I promise
Me: how long do you have before you leave
Him: I've already said goodbye to Olwetho, so I've got about an hour
Me: an HOUR
Him : yes, Some of the gusys have already left.
I looked at Siya, and he wiped away a tear for my eye
Him : don't t cry, I'll be back, I promise
Me: how long will you be away
Him: I'm not sure, maybe a week, or more, we can't be certain. There's a lot that goes into missiions
like these. So we have to get settled and make sure every things in order, before we strike
Me: where exactly are you traveling to
Him: can't say
I didn't respond, I just put my lips on his. He kissed me back. Slowly., like he had no where to go.
Like it was just the two of us left in this world. I could feel his manhood growing underneath me, as
our tongues collided.
I wanted to feel more of him. So I started unbuttening his shirt. He pulled back
Him: are you sure about this
Me: Sshhh
Him: I want to make sure
Me: Siya, just shut up and make love to me
Siya looked at me with such lust in his eyes. He didn't need Me to say anything else.
He took of his shirt, while i took off mine.
He looked at my breasts and smiled.
Me: what
Him: they look quite full
Me: they're as sensitive as he'll, make sure your gentle
Him: always.
He put his lips on my nipple, and I bit my tounge. I closed my eyes when I felt his tounge playing with
my nipple. I arched my back, and my head fell back. His tounge had no mercy, it was as though he
wanted to make sure I missed him when he was gone.
I couldn't take it anymore, I knew if he didn't stop I wouldn't be able to stop myself from screaming
out in pleasure
I moved his head gently away from my nipples. He smiled.
I leaned in closer and started kissing his lips. We changed positions. Siya took off his pants then
pulled off my panties
He keeled in front of me and spread my legs.
I knew what he was going to, I wasn't sure I would be able to handle it.
He didn't even prepare me for it. I thought he would maybe kiss my thighs first and then there, but
nope, he went strait for my p***y, I let out a loud moan of pleasure. I had to to hold on to the sheets,
because I felt like I was go i going to fall off the bed from pleasure.
Siya had no mercy, his tounge wasn't gentle, but he also wasn't rought. He kept kissing, and licking
and slightly biting until I couldn't take anymore.
I tried moving him becuase I knew i was close but he refused to move. He kept going on and on until
I reached on of the most intense organisms of my life.
Siya didn't stop though, he carried on. This time much more gentle. I pulled him up, and he started
kissing me again.. I started feeling sad. Something was different. its like Siya was trying to send me
a message. I kissed him through my tears. I wanted him inside me, but he pulled back. Imlooked at
him puzzled
Him: I want you on top
We changed positions again, and I sat on top of him. I didn him him enter me at first. I wanted to
look at him.
His eyes had changed, they had a hint of fear in them. A tear escaped my eye.
I slowly lifted myself so i could let him enter me., while i was on top
I moved down slowly, not removing my eyes from him.
When I could feel that he was all the way in, I sat still, I needed my body to adjust to having him
inside me.
Siya didn't move, he kept his eyes in mine. I started moving slowly, he let out a moan. I rocked back
and forth slowly, I wanted to prolong this, but i knew that time wasn't on our side. Siyas hands were
on my back. I started increasing my pace. He kept his hands on my back, I increases my pace some
more, and this time I closed my eyes. I stopped rocking and started moving up and down instead.
We went on until I felt my insides tightening again.
I moved faster and faster, until we both cried out in moans of pleasure.
😙 😙 😙 😙 😙 😙 😙 😙

I collapsed on Siyas chest.

We stayed like that for a while. I was still on Top afraid to get up, because I knew reality would start
ceeping in.
Eventually though reality did start creeping in. My heart was so heavy I wanted to burst into tears.
Siya could sense my fears, cause he put his arms around me
His phone rang, I felt like throwing it out the window, because I knew that it was that call that would
take him away from me
him: bullet
Hlokes: dude, where are you we've got to go
Him : give me 30min
Hlokes: we're cutting it too short
Him: relax,I'll, be there now
Siya put down the phone and I held onto him
Babe, I need to get going
Me: no
Him fifi please, I need you to be strong. It's just a couple of days. I don't like leaving you like this
Me: (sigh) I'm going to miss you
Him: ill back before you know it
Me: promise
Him: promise
Me; let's get you freshened up
Him: take a shower with me
Me: ok
We walked to the shower and got in.
He washed every inch of me and i did the same.
When we got out we were both rejuvenated.
Siya got dressed in all black while I just wore fresh panties and his gown.
When He was done, he looked at me
Him: no stressing while I'm away. I don't want you stressing out my babies
Md: yes sir
Him: I'm leaving my phones. You won't be able to contact me. If you need anything, we've left nails
in charge.
Me: I'll be fine
Him: there's an in-house doctor coming to check up on you and the babies tomorrow. Please make
sure he takes the scans of the babies. I want to see how much they've grown
Me: ok
Him: don't leave the house,under no circumstances
Me: ok babe I get it
Him: come, I need to show you something
We walked to his side of the closet. He moved some of his pants out the way. He showed me a
keypad that looked like a safe
Him: this is what we call a panic room
Him: if for any reason you hear gun shots or you feel like something is going to happen, you come
straight here.
The password is your birthday.
Me; will I need this
Him: no, but just Incase
Me: but how long would I need to stay in here
Him: not long. The minute you put in the password, it sends an SOS signal to my associates. Which
means help would be here within 24hrs
Me: is this the only one in the house
Him: no, there's one in every bedroom
Me ok
Him: this is only for servere circumstances
Me: ok
He held my hand and we walked out the closet.
Him: walk me to the cars
Me: with pleasure
We walked in silence towards the underground parking.
When we arrived his team was waiting for him, there were about 10 of those huge ass cars. They
were all black
Hlokes came out from one of the cars
Him: about time
Siya: shut up bullet
Him; we should get going. We're already behind schedule
Siya: cool
Siya took my hand and kissed my ring. Then he kissed my tummy
Him: remember, no stressing
Me: just go babe, I'll be fine
Him : one more kiss for the road
Me: sure
He leaned in closer and gave me a kiss.. I forgot for a second that his guys were waiting, but Hlokes
quickly bought us back to reality
Him: you two seriously need to get a room
Siya laughed
Me: shut up Hlokes.
Hlokes rolled his eyes when Siya gave me another kiss
Me: babe, you should go
Him: cool. Ill see you soon
Me: Sharp
Him: behave yourself while I'm away. And please try not to kill don't Linda while im away
I laughed.
Me: I'll try not to
Him: I serious babe, stay out of eachothers way
Me: fine, I'll do my part
Him: that s all i ask
I blew him one last kiss as, Hlokes opened the car door for him
Me: and you Hlokes, don't i get a hug goodbye from you
Him: he'll no, you two were in that room for over two hours. I bet you were bonking like rabbits and
now you want to hug me. Never
I laughed at him.
Me: fine, suit yourself
Him: come here, you know I'm jocking
I went to him and gave him a hug
Me: take care of him for me
Him: don't worry, he's a big boy.
Me: I know, but you know i worry
Him : that'd because you've only seen the soft side of him. Right now he's transitioning into ghost.
Nothing and no one can touch a ghost. Remember that
Me: I'll try
I gave him a kiss on the cheek, and he got in the car
The cars drove out one by one. I stood there till the very last one had left.
I prayed to God asking him to bring Siya back home alive and well because there was no way I
could live my life without him.

Nails walked me back upstairs. I tried hard not to cry, but a part of me felt lost and empty. I took off
Siya's gown and put on the shirt he had taken off and cuddled with my teddy bear that he had
bought for me.
I tossed and turned the whole night. I couldn't fall asleep.
I kept wondering where Siya was and when he was coming home. To make things worse I couldn't
phone him.
My body eventually gave in, and I was able to fall asleep.
The following morning woke up a bit off. I had started getting used to waking up next to Siya. I
looked at his side of the bed, and it looked really empty without him.
I decided to get up, I wasn’t hungry, but needed to take my pills, and the last thing I want is Siya
getting reports that I’m not eating. I need him to fully focus on what he’s doing and not about me or
the babies.
I took a quick shower then went downstairs to get breakfast. I sat on the veranda looking out at the
sea and daydreaming about how far Siya and I had come. It felt like just yesterday when we met. I
looked at my ring and smiled. I couldn’t wait to build a family with Siya. I wondered how our children
would look. I hoped we would have a girl and a boy.
I was so deep in thought, I didn’t notice Linda sitting on the other side of the table.
Me; oh Hi, I didn’t see you there
Her; mhmm
I carried on eating
Her; have you heard anything from Siya
Me; no not yet
Her; Will you let me know when he calls. I just want to make sure he’s ok
Me; sure… Wheres Olwetho
Her; He’s in the kitchen with Martha
Me; cool..
I stood up because I had finished eating. Linda saw my ring
Her; was that from Siya ?
Me; Linda I’m not in the mood today
Her; I just want to know
ME; Yes.
Her; when did he give it to you
Me; yesterday, why?
Her; Just wondering
I walked away. I didn’t want her asking me anymore questions. I don’t get why she was so interested
in what was going on between me and Siya. Like, it’s really none of her business.
I went up the Siyas office, I wanted to speak to nails and see if everything was still ok.
Nails was on the phone when I arrived. He held up his hand signalling for me to give him a sec. I sat
down. It was weird seeing someone else in Siya’s chair. He wrapped up his call.
Me; Hope I’m not disturbing
Him; not at all
Me; I just came to see if everything is still ok
Him; all is still well. The team landed at their destination about an hour ago.
Me; is there any way I could speak to Siya
Him; unfortunately not. He’s undercover for the rest of the mission. If we called it might leave him
Me; I see, But how do you know he’s ok
Him; come, let me show you
He stood up and I followed. He led me to a door that led to a second office.
I hadn’t ever been in here, so I was a bit surprised. Didn’t even know there was a second office
Him; so this is where we run our operation out of. This is the IT team that arrived yesterday
I greeted everyone, I was a bit shocked because I didn’t even know the IT team was here
Him; if you look at this monitor
He pointed to one of the big screens on the wall
Him; each green dot represents a team member. The orange dot is for Bullet and the Yellow is for
Me; how recent is this input
Him; Current. Each team member has a tracking device in their arm. This helps us track their every
Me; oh, so technically they can never get lost
Him; No, We’ve also got men on the ground, so all in all, Ghost and the team are safe
Me; that’s good to know. Thank you
Him; Your welcome
Me; I should let you get back to work. Please let me know should there be any developments
Him; Will do.
I walked out the office feeling better than when I walked in. At least I knew that there dozens of
people dedicated to bring Siya home safely.
I went to change into my gym gear. I wanted to fit in a good workout before my doctor arrives.
I spent about an hour and a half in the gym. Then went upstairs to take a shower.
By the time I was out the shower, the doctor had arrived. Nails took him to Hlokes room to get set
up. While I finished getting ready.
When I got to Hlokes room, the doctor was ready for me.
I greeted him and sat on the bed. We first went through my results from the blood work we did last
week. Thankfully everything was ok. So we did another ultrasound to see how my nunus were doing.
When I saw them on the monitor my heard smiled. It had only been about a week since I last saw
them, and they looked like they head grown a bit, especially since I could hear their heartbeats.
I really wished Siya could be here, I know how excited he would be, but luckily the doctor had a 3D
machine so we were able to get scans and videos of the babies.
I was about to get up when Olwetho walked in.
Him; aunty, uncle nails said you were up here looking at my baby bothers
Me; brothers?
Him; Yes, daddy said the babies will be boys
Me; Im not too sure about that, but you can take a look and see
He stepped in and looked at the monitor. I shed a tear when I saw the smile on his face.
Him; they look so small
Me; they are, aren’t they
Him; I can’t wait till I get to play with them
Me; I’m sure you’ll make a great big brother
The doctor stayed for a while longer to go through some of the questions I had. Then he packed up
and left. I took the scans and video and uploaded them on Siya’s laptop.
By the time dinner came along, I was exhausted. I really felt like one of Siya’s foot massage.
It’s funny how you don’t appreciate something till it’s gone.
I planned on having dinner in my room, so I went upstairs to dish up.
When I was on my way back to my room, Nails gave me his phone.
Siya was on the line. I took his phone and walked to my room.
Me; Hi
Him; Babe
Me; how are you
Him; Fine. How you
Me; missing you
Him; I’m glad to hear it. How was the doctor’s appointment?
Me; Fine, wish you were there. They’ve grown so much
Him; I’m glad everything’s ok
Me; I’ve kept the scan and the video for you. You’ll see them when you get back
Him; Thanks
I wanted to tell him about Olwetho, but heard commotion in the background, then heard gunshots.
Him; babe, I’ve got to go
Me; Siya wait, what’s going on
Him; I can’t talk. I love you.
I wanted to tell him I loved him too but the phone went dead. I stared at the phone, trying to register
what just happened.
I ran to Siya’s office.
Nails wasn’t in the front office, so I went to the second one.
I found him there. He was shouting out orders to the IT Team.
He stilled when he saw me
Me; what’s going on
Him; you should go downstairs, I’ll come give you an update shortly
Me; I’m not going anywhere.
I looked at the monitor he had shown me earlier and it was blank.
Me; what happened to their trackers
Him; we’re trying to find out
Me; what do you mean? You said they couldn’t get lost. How are you going to make sure they’re ok,
if you can’t even locate their whereabouts?
Him; the team is doing everything they can to find out what happened
Me; what about the men on the ground
Him: we can’t get hold of them
I looked at him in disbelief. How the hell could this be happening?
Me; so what happens now?
Him; The IT team is working on it. We need to be patient
Me; PATIENT, are you kidding me. Siya is out there in the middle of a flipping war and you can’t
locate him. How am I supposed to be patient?
Him; I know this is hard for you, but I need you to go back downstairs so I can concentrate on trying
to figure out what’s going on. I promise ill come give you an update as soon as I have news.
I looked at him
Me; nails, find him, Please
Him; I will.
I walked out his office with tears in my eyes. What if this was the last time I got to speak to Siya. I got
to room and changed into the same shirt I slept in the night before. I didn’t bother touching the food.
How was I going to eat not knowing what was going on. I felt so helpless at that moment, I wanted to
help but couldn’t. I made another silent prayer asking God to help protect him. I didn’t want to even
think of the possibility of life without him. He had to come home for the sake of our babies.

I paced my room trying to keep calm. It had been about two hours since Siya called.
I tried giving Nails the space he needed but I was starting to get impatient. I put on Siya’s Gown and
was about to walk to the office, when mam Martha knocked.
I opened for her. She had a plate in her hand
Her; I came to check how you’re doing
Me; I’m trying
Her; I came to make sure you eat.
Me; ma, I can’t really stomach anything
Her; you missed lunch, I can’t have you missing supper as well. You need to eat for the sake of your
Me; Thank you
Her; You need to keep up your strength Rifiloe
Me; I’ll try
Her; let me know if you need anything. And make sure your get some rest
Me; I will ma
Her; Good. Now let me leave you to rest
She walked out and I sat back down. I really wanted to go see Nails, but decided to eat first.
I ate most of my dinner, but didn’t finish it. I took the plate to the kitchen then went to Siya’s office. I
couldn’t wait any longer.
When I arrived Nails was screaming at someone over the phone.
I Sat down and waited for him to finish his conversation. When he was done he looked at me
Me; and
Him; its not looking good
Me; Tell me
Him; the team’s gone dark
Me; what do you mean
Him; Their trackers have basically been destroyed. There’s no way of knowing if they’re ok or not
Me; what do you mean destroyed
Him; we’ve got a team on the way to the last known location. I should have answers in a few hours
Me; a few hours?
Him; mam, we’re doing everything in our power to find them
I sat playing with my hands. I couldn’t believe this. I was losing Siya again, but this time I want in
My tears started flowing. Nails looked at me
Him; Mam, We’ll find them. I promise
Me; ill be in my room. Just let me know when you hear anything
Him; will do
I went back to my room and tried getting some sleep. I woke up a couple of times during the night to
get feedback, but still there was nothing. I was really starting to lose hope.
I woke up the following morning feeling defeated. I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked like
one of the characters from the walking dead. My eyes we bloodshot red from crying.
I took a shower, then went to have breakfast. Linda was already having breakfast. I sat opposite her
and didn’t bother greeting. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with her today
Her; so you don’t greet anymore
Me; Linda not today
Her; heard anything from Siya
Me; yes
Her; and
Me; Speak to nails
Her; I’m asking you
Me; Linda back the fuck off. If you’re so fucking concerned, go and speak to nails. Otherwise leave
me the hell alone
I stood up and went to the kitchen. Here was no way I was going to be able to have a conversation
with that woman. She just had a tendency of annoying me.
I made myself cereal and ate in the kitchen.
Nails came running into the kitchen.
Him; you need to see this
Me; what’s happening
Him; come
We ran up the stairs. Into the second office
I stood still the minute I saw Sizwe on one of the screens
Me; nails whats going on
Him; ill explain later, but Sizwe wants to talk to you
Me; I thought he was in custody
Him; we can talk about that later. For now, Just hear him out, he might be connected to Ghosts
disappearance. Try keeping him engaged as long as possible. We want to try trackinghis signal
Me; Ok
I walked in further and sat on one of the chairs.
Sizwe; Fifi, it’s good to see you
Me; Hi
Him; I guess you must have a lot of questions
Me; just one
Him; what is it
Me; Do you have Siya
Him; you mean ghost. The basterd who nearly killed me
Me; sizwe, please, Im begging you. Don’t do this
Him; Im sorry fifi, it’s either him or me, and in this case I chose me
Me; Tell me something
Him; What
Me; was any part of our friendship real
Him; some of it yes
Me; so what do you plan on doing to Siya
Him; I’m not doing anything to him. The people I work for are the ones who want him. I’m just looking
to get paid
Me; How did you even escape? I thought Siya had you in custody
Him; that’s why I decided to make contact. Your boyfriend isn’t as clever as he would like you to
think. He was foolish enough to let me go. After you begged him. And now look he’s been captured
Me; so you made contact to gloat
Him; No, I wanted to give him a chance of making it out alive.
Me; How
Him; I’m only doing this because of what he did for me, after that he’s on his own
Me; I’m listening
Him; I’m mailing you the GPS coordinates of where he’s located. You have exactly 1 hour before
they move him again. Make sure you delete my email after taking down the coordinates. I don’t want
this coming back to bite me
ME; how do I know its not a trap
Him; you don’t. But it might be the only chance you get to see him again
Me; Ill get his team onto it
Him; Bye
I looked at nails. He was already on my laptop. I stood and went to stand next to him
As promised Sizwe sent us the coordinates. All I could do now was wait.
I went back to my room, and prayed that Sizwe was telling the truth. The last thing we need is a
I dont think i could take anymore of this uncertainty. All I wanted was my Siya back home safely.
I stayed in my room thinking about what Sizwe had said.
I knew that there was a chance he might be lying, but somehow a part of me believed him.
I wondered why Siya truly let him go. Did he do it for me? I had all these questions but no one to
answer them. So I put on Siya’s shirt and tried getting some sleep. There was nothing else I could
do for him but pray. It was now all in God's hands.
I was woken up by a knock on the door. I looked at the time and it was 2am. I opened the door, and
it was nails. He gave me the phone he had in his hand. I looked at him and answered.
Me: hello
Him: fifi
Me: oh thank God hlokes. Are you guys ok?
Him: I'm fine
Me: where's Siya
Him: we're on our way back
Me: can I speak to him
Him: not yet. We'll see you soon
Me: how long will it take for you I get here
Him: 24 hrs
Me: ok. Get Siya to call me when he gets a moment
Him: ......
Me: Hlokes, tell me he's ok
Him: I've got to go. I'll see you soon
He hung up and in looked at nails, he looked a bit off.
Me: nails, what's going on?
Him: we'll know as soon as the team is back
Me: you guys are keeping something from me
Him: I'm sure bullet will explain when he arrives.
Me: why can't t you tell me
Him : because I haven't been told anything as yet
Me: have you spoken to Siya
Him: no not yet. Excuse me mam. I should get back to the office
Nails walked off with his head faced down. I knew in my heart something was wrong. Why wouldn't
Hlokes let me speak to Siya? Why did he avoid my questions?
My heart told me Siya was gone, but I refused to believe it. There's no way God would take him from
me now.
Siya was probably busy and wasn't able to speak to me.
I had to believe in a few hours he would be back and we could move on with our lives like he
I convinced myself to get some more sleep since I had a lot to do before Siya arrived. I wanted to
make sure everything was perfect. But first I had to get some more sleep.
I cuddled my cuddle bear and fell asleep instantly. I think my mind and body were both exhausted
from the constant worrying.
I woke up the following morning at around 10:00am, with a few ideas of what to do to welcome Siya
home but before that I had to get myself freshened up.
I took a quick shower, then got dressed in a pair of jeggings and a top. I didn’t bother with shoes. I
just stuck to my slippers, and tired my hair in a ponytail
When I was done getting ready, I went downstairs to have breakfast. I knew I had to eat up so I
could get through all the things I wanted to do.
I arrived in the kitchen and made myself a green smoothie, I needed something healthy in m y
system. When I was done I had a glass of water, then went upstairs to Siya’s office. I needed a pen
and paper to write down all the things I needed.
I got upstairs and nails had his head on the table. I figured he was tired. I don't think he's gotten any
sleep since Siya and the gang left.
So I decided not to wake him, instead I went back to my room to use Siya’s laptop since mine was in
his office.
I booted up the laptop and put in the password.
Then started making my list. I wanted to make sure everything was ready for him
I needed some vanilla and lavender candles, I wanted to light these in our room. I also needed some
massage oils, bath salts. I also made a list of things I needed to make him his favorite meal.
When I was done with the list, I emailed it to nails, and asked him to get one of the guards to assist
me in getting those things since I wasn't allowed to leave the premises.
He responded almost immediately.
A while later Nails brought me the things I requested. I asked him to take the food to the kitchen. I
had already asked mam Martha to cook because she refused to let me stand for long periods of
By the time everything was done I was pleased with myself. I went to take a bath because I had
been on my feet for so long, but at least our room was looking good.
The flowers that I had ordered were delivered, I put on fresh sheets on the bed put the candles in
position. I didn’t light them though because I wanted to light them right before Siya’s arrival.
I got out the bath and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. I had been so busy I had forgotten
to eat, and I was hungry.
Mam Martha was busy making the stew, so I made myself a sandwich
Her; I was starting to get worried
Me; I hadn’t noticed the time ma,
Her; Well at least you’re eating
Me; How’s the stew coming along
Her; well, I’ve just finished baking the steamed bread
Me; Thank you ma
Her; it’s always a pleasure.
Me; I’m going to go take a nap. I want to be up when they arrive
Her; Go, I’ll make sure everything else is in order
Me; thank you
I left mam Martha and went to take a nap. I ended up having more than a nap. I think since I had
gotten to Cuba I had become lazy. All I did was eat and sleep, so my body was quite surprised with
all the work I had done today.
I was woken by a knock on the door. I looked at the time it was 2am. Shit I slept through dinner.
I quickly went to open, and saw Hlokes at the door. I gave him a hug
Me; Hlokes
Him; Hi Fifi
Me; you look exhausted
Him; been worse
Me; where’s Siya
Him; Can I come in
Me; Hlokes you’re scaring me
He opened the door wider and walked in.
Him; there’s no easy way to say this
Me; Hlokes just tell me
Him; Ghost was hit. He was rushed to the hospital the moment we landed
I looked at him blankly.
Me; what do you mean hit
Him; he was shot through the chest.
Me; How bad
Him; Its touch and go at the moment
Me; take me to him
Him; Rifiloe, I don’t
I cut him off
Me; that wasn’t a request. I need to see him, and you are going to take me
Him; Ok, Get ready, I’ll be downstairs
I felt bad, Hlokes had just come back from a mission, he looked exhausted, But there was no way I
wasn’t going to see Siya.
I put on my matching tracksuit top and pants, with my sneakers then left.
When I got to the basement, some of the team was still driving in. They looked so down.
Hlokes opened the door for me and I got in. The drive to the hospital was excruciating. I had so
many questions but didn’t have the courage to ask. I wasn’t sure I wanted the answers.
When we arrived at the hospital, Hlokes walked me to Siya’s suit. I was glad to see guards around
his suit.
When I walked in Siya was lying on the bed helplessly. I didn’t want to cry but I couldn’t help myself.
He had wires all over his body. The machines surrounding him were all beeping. I looked at Hlokes.
His face reflected my pain.
Me; what happened
Him; Ill explain later
I didn’t want to argue, I took a chair and sat next to Siya’s Bed. I took his hand in mine
Me; babe, you said you were coming home. You didn’t say you would come to the hospital. I need
you to come out of this. I can’t lose you Siya. I refuse to lose you. What am I going to say to our
children? They will need their father. Siya you need to wake up baby please.
I cried for hours by his bedside. I couldn’t believe how helpless he looked. I even ended up dozing
off in a sitting position. There was no way I was leaving him. I left him once before, This time we said
we would make it work, and I planned on sticking to that.

I stayed with Siya throughout the morning. It was now 10:00am when Hlokes came to wake me
Him; Fifi, you should go home and get some rest
Me; I’m not leaving him
Him; Linda and Olwetho are on their way to see him. You should give them some time with him.
Me; I don’t want to leave him Hlokes. What if something happens while I’m away?
Him; nothing will happen. We’ve got the best doctors monitoring him, they’ll let us know if there are
any developments.
Me; give me 2 minutes
Him; Ill be outside
Me; ok
Hlokes left to wait with Guards
Me; babe, I don’t want to leave you, but Olwetho also needs time with you, so I’m going to go home
to freshen up. I’ll be back soon. Please continue fighting. I love you Siya, more than anything in this
world. Just always remember that.
I gave him a kiss on the hand and walked away.
As we were walking out the hospital, Linda and Olwetho arrived.
Olwetho ran to give me a hug
Him; aunty
Me; hi baby
Him; Is daddy still sore
Me; Yes boy, he’s still sleeping, But im sure he will wake up soon
Him; Ok.
Me; Give aunty a hug. I’ll see you later
I picked him a hug and kissed him on the cheek. Then put him down.
I didn’t say anything to Linda. You could already see she was annoyed with me speaking to Olwetho,
and I didn’t want to argue with her. I didn’t have the strength.
The ride home was tense. I think we all didn’t know what to say.
When we got home, I went to take a shower. I wanted to get back to the hospital as soon as
I went upstairs to get something to eat. Mam Martha was in the Kitchen.
She stood up when she saw me, she hugged me. For the first time since finding out about Siya, I felt
true comfort.
Her; How you doing
Me; I’m fine ma, I just want to eat and go back to the hospital
Her; you haven’t eaten. Sit. I’ll make you something
Me; thank you ma
She got up and made me a full breakfast. While waiting I sent Hlokes a message telling him I’d be
ready to leave in the 30 min
Hlokes came down while I was eating.
Him; Hi
Me; Hi
Him; I thought you would rest before we got back
Me; I’m fine, I want to go back as soon as I’m done
Him; Rifiloe, you need to think about the babies. You haven’t slept. Just take a moment
Me; Hlokes, I’m going with or without you.
Him; Your so damn stubborn
Me; oh, and I can we drive by the mall on our way to the hospital? I need to get a few things for Siya
Him; what kind of things
Me; I Want to fill up his room with flowers, and I want a small speaker for Siya’s Ipod.
Him; What are you going to do with a speaker
Me; I want to play music for him. I read somewhere that when someone’s in a Coma, it helps to play
them some music. It apparently enhances the brain activity
Him; ok, finish up so we can go
Me; I’m done
Him; you don’t get to go anywhere unless you finish your food
Me; your so damn bossy
Him; If Ghost wakes up and you haven’t been eating, He’ll bury me alive.
Me; fine, just give me 2 mins
Him; I’ll be in the car
I gobbled up the rest of my food. Then ran to brush my teeth.
When I got to the underground parking, Hlokes was already waiting.
We drove to the mall to get the speaker and some snacks. I also went to order the flowers at the
florist. They promised to deliver by the end of the day.
When we got to the hospital, Olwetho and Linda had just left. My heart broke at the thought of
Olwetho growing up without Siya.
When I got to Siya’s suite, the doctors were just leaving.
They gave me an update. I was happy to hear that his vital signs were improving. The doctor was
happy that there was no internal blooding, but he wanted to keep him in an induced coma because
of the swelling in his brain. Apparently Siya hit his head quite hard when he fell from the force of the
bullet. None the less the doctors we happy with his progress even though everything was still touch
and go.
I spent the day with Siya. I read to him, prayed for him and played gospel music.
Hlokes had gone home, he said to call him when I was ready to come home.
The flowers arrived at around 4pm, they instantly brightened up his room.
I knew it was getting late, but for some reason I didn’t want to leave him. But I also needed to get
some sleep.
So at 8pm I asked Hlokes to come fetch me.
When Hlokes arrived he checked on Siya, then we went home
On the way I could tell he had something on his mind.
Me; Out with it
Him; You know me to well
Me; I’ve known you since I was 15 years old. So tell me what’s bothering you
Him; Ghosts mother arrives tomorrow
Me; Oh
Him; Linda called her
Me; so why do you seem so worried
Him; because I know how much she adores Linda. I’m just worried about how she will react towards
Me; I see
We sat the rest of the way in silence. I couldn’t believe I’d be meeting Siya’s mother in such
circumstances. I really hoped she would keep an open mind. The last thing I needed was both her
and Linda on my case.

I got home and went to have dinner. I was a bit worried about Siya’s mother coming. I didn’t know
where she would be sleeping. I sat in the kitchen instead of the veranda or dining room. I didn’t want
to bump into Linda.
Thankfully mam Martha was having her dinner in the kitchen so I sat with her and Thembi.
I dished up for myself and went to join them.
Mam Martha; how’s ghost doing
Me; he’s getting there slowly.
Linda walked in as we were eating.
Her; mam Martha, my mother in law arrives tomorrow. This is a list of the food she eats, Please
make sure it’s all available
Mam Martha; will do
Her; and Thembi, please prepare Bullets room for her arrival. Make sure the sheets are changed
and that there are fresh towels in her closet
Thembi; sure
I didn’t even look up at her, I just carried on eating. It was clear she wanted to piss me off by calling
Siya’s mother her mother in law, o I wasn’t going to play into her silly games. All I cared about was
Siya, The rest had to wait.
Linda left us and we continued eating, I rolled my eyes when she walked out and mam Martha
smacked my hand playfully. Thembi on the other hand burst out laughing
Mam Martha; the two of you are naughty
Me; haai, ma, you know I don’t like her
Thembi; I feel sorry for you yaz. It must be difficult dealing with her
Me; I think im actually getting used to it. I just think the best way is to ignore her
Mam Martha; you should stop gossiping and go rest Rifiloe
I smiled at mam Martha, She reminded me so much of my mother at times.
I decided to actually listen to her. And go get some rest.
I left them and went to my room, I went to take a bath before sleeping. My body was a bit sore from
siting in a chair all day.
I used Siya’s bath oils #hides, I wanted to feel close to him,
When I was done bathing I went to the closet to look for Siyas that I had been sleeping with.
For the life of me I couldn’t find it anywhere. I put on Siya’s gown and went to the Kitchen to look for
Thembi. Luckily she and mam Martha were still there.
Me; Thembi, there’s a shirt belonging to Siya that I can’t find. It’s the baby blue one with white
stripes, have you perhaps seen it?
Her; yes, I took it with his other things to the dry cleaner today
Me; oh
Her; I’m sorry, I just saw it on your bed and presumed it needed to be washed
Me; its fine, dint apologise. I just use to use it to sleep in. It still had his scent. But not to worry, I’ll
use one of his other ones
Mam Martha smiled. I smiled back and left.
I really wasn’t upset that Thembi had taken the shirt to the dry cleaners, I was just sad because that
was the only thing I had that still smelt like Siya.
I took one of Siya’s other shirts out his closed, and went to bed. I was lucky to fall asleep always
I woke up the following morning feeling hopeful. I woke up and made my bed, then opened the
windows. I wanted to fit in a workout before going to the hospital.
I changed into my gym gear, then went to have breakfast. Mam Martha had set up breakfast in the
dining room instead of the veranda, I think because the weather was a bit off. Hlokes and Nails were
already having breakfast, so I greeted and joined them.
Hlokes; did you get a good night’s sleep?
Me; Yes thanks, you?
Him; yes
Me; can you take me to the hospital in about an hour
Him; aren’t you waiting for Siya’s mother? She should be here in about 30min
Me; do I have to?
Him; it would only be right. Don’t be nervous, I’m sure she’ll like you
Me; we’ll just have to wait and see.
I had the rest of my breakfast then went to shower. I thought I would have more time to prepare
myself to meet his mother. But anyway I guess it’s now or never.
I took a shower, then went to the closet to get dressed.
I decided to wear one of my maxi dresses, I wasn’t sure how traditional Siya mother was, but I didn’t
want to wear jeans, only to offend her.
I was busy brushing my hair, when someone knocked on my door. I went to open and found Linda
there. She had on a dress and wore doek. She looked like the perfect makoti nxa
Her; Hi
Me; Hi
Her; Siya’s mom wants to see you
Me; I’ll be up in sec, I just need to tie my hair up
Her; cool
I closed my door and finished off what I was doing. Then walked towards the dining room.
When I got there mam Martha was serving tea. Siya’s mom stood to greet me
She shook my hand and pulled me into a hug. She introduced herself as Busisiwe Khumal-Ndhlovu
Her; Its lovley to meet you my girl
Me; me too ma
Her; Sit, we’ve got a lot to discuss
She pointed to a chair next to Linda. God knows I wanted to refuse, but I didn’t want to seem rude.
I sat next to Linda, while mam Martha poured my tea.
Her; so tell me about yourself,’
I told her everything about me, from where I grew up, to what I do for a living etc.
Her; Siya told me your pregnant
Me; yes ma
Her; how far along are you
Me; about 11 weeks
Her; do you know the gender
Me; Not yet, but I’m sure we’ll find out on our next visit
Her; that’s good. You must take things easy.
Me; I will ma
Her; so are you two getting along
She looked at both me and Linda
Me; we stay out of each other’s way
Her; why
I looked at Linda for an answer
Linda; because she has no respect Ma, she arrived in Siya’s life, and decided to make changes. She
doesn’t care about the fact that I was with Siya before her. She turned him against me.
Me; how am I rude Linda. You’ve hated me from the very beginning, I don’t even know to this day
why. As far as I know, you and Siya were way over when I came into the picture
Linda wanted to answer, but Siya’s mother cut her off
Her; Now both of you listen to me and listen carefully. Siyabonga is laying in a hospital bed, fighting
for his life. I won’t have any pettiness in this house. You Refiloe, Linda is Olwethos’s mother. He is
the Ndhlovu heir. There is absolutely nothing you can do about that. Linda is going to be a part of
your life whether you like it or not. And wena Linda, You will respect Rifiloe as the mother of Siya’s
other children. You will not talk bad about her in any way or form. Do I make myself clear?
We both nodded
Her; Now, I’m not sure what Siya had spoken to either of you about this, but I had suggested he
marry both of you tradi
I looked at her with wide eyes, while Linda smiled
Her; hear me out. Siya loves his son, and he still has a special place in his heart for her. He may not
be in love with her, but he still cherishes what they had. Even though it’s in the past tense. Now I
know Linda still loves Siya. He was her first love. That’s not going to be easy to change. So she
would be considered his first wife.
Then he would marry you Rifiloe. We all know sitting here that you hold Siya’s heart. He told me the
day he met you that he had found the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Siya had
never spoken about anybody after him and Linda broke up, so I knew that it was real, and now you
are carrying his babies. So you would be considered his second wife.
I didn’t respond to Siya’s mother. I wasn’t really sure what she expected me to say. But deep down I
thought he idea was shit. There was no way I was going to share Siya with that psycho woman.
Linda however, looked happy with the idea.
Linda; I think that’s a good idea ma. I’m sure Siya will also agree
It took everything in me not to slap the shit out of Linda. I knew she wanted Siya but I hadn’t realised
to what extent.
I took a sip of my tea, which was now cold, Siya’s mother looked at me
Her; what do you think Rifiloe
Me; (clears throat) ahmm ma, I think we should wait for Siya to wake up, and hear what he has to
say. Its his decision after all
Her; but would you be okay with being in a polygamous marriage?
Me; in all honesty ma. No, I wouldn’t be comfortable being in that kind of marriage
Her; will you at least think about it? It’s something I believe will be the pest solution for this situation
I nodded and carried on drinking my tea, I dint want to seem rude, but there was no way I was going
to allow any of this nonsense. If Siya wanted to marry Linda, then he should’ve done so, before he
met me. There was no way I was going to be ok, with him having me as a second wife. Never
We sat in an awkward silence, and finished our tea. When we were done Siya’s mom went upstairs
to freshen up before going to the hospital. I stood up to leave but Linda held my hand
Her; so which one of us is going to accompany our mother in law to visit OUR husband
Removed my hand from hers and laughed my head off. This bitch was either smoking something, or
she was a special kind of stupid.
Me; you honestly think Siya is going to agree with this idea
Her; you clearly don’t know his mother very well. Siya loves nothing more than making her happy,
which means, what mommy wants mommy gets
Me; so let me guess, you planted the stupid idea in her head
Her; well, sometimes you’ve got to play your cards right. Don’t hate the player, hate the game honey
Me; you may have been able to manipulate his mother. But we both know, Siya won’t fall for your
Her; well, we will have to wait and see.
She got up and walked away with the biggest smile on her face. I sat back down, and took in a few
breaths. Siya really had to wake up soon, I don’t know how much more if this I could take.
I decided to let Siyas mom and Linda to the hospital without me. I just felt like 3 is a crowd. So rather
they go, and I'll go once they're back.
I instantly took a sigh of relief when they left. A few hours without Linda and maNdhlovu was music
to my ears.
I went to the kitchen to see mam Martha, I needed something to keep me busy so I wouldn't think
too much. And as always the kitchen smelled amazing
Me: hi ma
Her: hi rifiloe
Me: what are you marking
Her: just a beef stew with steamed bread.
Me: need help
Her: nom you sit down and relax
Me: ma, I need something to keep me busy
Her: aren't you going to the hospital
Me:(rolls eyes) no, Linda and maNdhlovu have gone. I'll go see him later
her: so you getting along with ghosts mom
Me: not sure yet. I think I'll just keep out her way for now
Her: can I give you some advice
Me: please
Her: always smile
Me: ma
Her: listen. When people try to come against you, smile. Don't ever let them know how you’re feeling
on the inside.
Me: Thanks ma
Her; why don’t you sit down, and peel these vegies for me?
Me; with pleasure.
I spent most of my morning with mam Martha, she was told me stories about the time she was
growing up in her village, and about her first boyfriend. I was giggling so much. I think for a second I
had forgotten about the drama surrounding my life.
Hlokes walked in while I was busy with mam Martha. The minute I saw him, I knew something wasn’t
Me; Whats wrong
Him; we need to get to the hospital
ME; What happened.
Him; Ill explain on our way.
I didn’t bother asking anymore questions, I followed him to the basement parking.
He opened the car door for me, and he got and we left
Me; What happened
Him; The doctors say Ghost has taken a turn for the worse.
Me; How
Him; they tried taking him out the induced Coma, and he didn’t respond well
Me; so what now
Him; they say they think it’s up to the family to decide if they want to keep him in the coma or let him
Me; well that’s obvious, we keep him alive
Him; that’s what I thought, but Linda has told them she thinks its best they switch off the machines
Me; what authority does she have to make such a decision
Him; apparently MaNdhlovu is to traumatised to speak, so she left everything in her hands
Me; that fucking bitch
Him; Rifiloe, you need to calm down for the sake of the babies
Me; shut up and drive faster.
I don’t know how he could tell me to calm down, when my blood was boiling
When we got to the hospital, Siya’s mom was apparently in one of the wards recuperating.
I didn’t care though, all I wanted was to make sure that Siya was ok.
I got to his room and Linda was sitting there, talking on her phone. I didn’t even bother asking
questions. I was beyond pissed. I grabbed her by the hair, and pulled her towards the door of Siya’s
room. I wanted to drag the shit out of her. I was sick of her bullshit, and this time she had gone too
I think Linda was taken by surprised, because she didn’t retaliate immediately. Hlokes came in when
he heard the commotion. He forced me to let go of her hair
Him; Rifiloe are you insane
Me; I’ve had it with this bitch
I tried grabbing her again but Hlokes was too fast.
Her; Fuck you, you bitch.
Me; Are you crazy? Who do you think you are telling them to switch off the machines?
Her; if we keep him alive, he might become a vegetable. Is that what you want ye
Me; you better stay the hell away from me and Siya you witch.
Her; you have no say in anything.
Me; We’ll see about that
I was about to walk back into Siya’s room, when I felt something running down my leg.
I looked down, and saw that it was blood. I froze.
Hlokes was still trying to calm Linda down, so he hadn’t noticed anything.
I called for him, when I felt a stabbing pain in my abdomen. Hlokes immediately let go of Linda, and
came rushing towards me. I had my hands wrapped around my stomach.
Hlokes saw the blood and looked at me
Him; we need to get you to the emergency department.
Me; Hlokes, what’s happening?
Him; let’s get you checked out first
He gave instructions to the guards to make sure nobody enters Siya’s Suit, till he gets back. Then
picked me up and carried me to the emergency room
I knew deep down this wasn’t normal, but I prayed nothing would happen to my babies.
When we got to the emergency department, I was put on a stretcher, and rushed to a room. Hlokes
was with me the whole time. I was really grateful because some of the staff didn’t speak English, and
he was able to translate. By now the pain was beyond bearable. The nurses wanted to take my
dress off, but I couldn’t lift my hands. So they opted to cut it off.
When the doctor arrived, I was in a hospital gown, and had drip in my arm.
He did an ultrasound, and he looked at me, then at Hlokes.
The look in his eyes, confirmed my fears. My eyes, watered. I had already lost so much in my life.
Why would God take away the only hope I had in this world?
The doctor was speaking to Hlokes, but I didn’t pay attention. I just wanted the pain to be gone. I
wanted to hold my babies in my arms, and I wanted Siya to wake up.
The doctor put something in my drip, and I drifted to sleep.
When I woke up, I looked around to see where I was. I noticed Hlokes sitting on a chair besides me.
I instantly remembered what had happened. My tears stated flowing. I couldn’t believe I wasn’t ever
going to hold my babies in my hands.
Hlokes woke up when he heard me crying. He got up and sat on the bed, and put his arms around
me. I wished so bad that it was Siyas’s arms that I was crying in.
Him; it’s going to be ok Fifi. These things happen
Me; (sniff) but why me Hlokes? Why can’t I ever be happy?
Him; it will come Fifi. You just have to be patient
Me; I can’t keep doing this Hlokes. I’m always crying. I can’t ever have peace in my life. I’m flipping
over it
I laid there crying till I had no more tears left. Hlokes, left me and went to check on Siya.
I looked at my tummy, and saw no difference, but my soul was empty. My babies were gone, and no
matter how much I cried there was o way they would be coming back.

I was discharged the following day. The doctors had done a D&C, and they told me I was ready to
go home. They also confirmed that the miscarriage was due to intense amount of stress which in
turn left both babies in distress.
They recommended I see a psychologist, but I wasn’t interested. I knew that it was useless because
I wouldn’t be able to tell them everything about my life and Siya’s Life, so why bother?
Hlokes bought me fresh clothes to wear. I hadn’t really said much to anyone since yesterday. I was
so tired of crying and talking. I just wanted Siya to wake up, so we could go back to South Africa. I
wanted to be back home, and not in a house with his ex.
Hlokes took me to see Siya, before I went home. I sat on the chair next to his bed, and let out a sigh
Me; babe, you really need to wake up now. You’ve been like this for over a week. (sniff)
Siya, I can’t go on like this. I’ve lost our babies, and to make things worse, Linda wants to switch off
the machines. Baby I don’t know how much more fight I have in me. You have to come back to us.
I Sat with Siya for a couple of hours. I didn’t want to leave him, but I was tired and wanted to get
some rest. I gave him a kiss on the cheek, then left to go home.
I sat most of the way home in silence. There wasn’t really much to say. This year just seemed like it
wasn’t my year. I was glad it was nearing the end because I hoped the next year would be a much
better year for me.
When we arrived home, I went straight to my room. I wanted to take a long bath, and try to sleep.
I sat in the bath for a while, then got out. I changed into my pyjamas and got into bed. I didn’t care
that it was only 5pm. I just wanted to sleep
I had just gotten into bed when someone knocked on the door. I didn’t get up, instead I put the duvet
over my head and ignored whoever it was. The person on the other end didn’t stop, instead they just
came in. I just knew it was Siya’s mother. mcm
I pretended to be asleep. I wasn’t in the mood for company.
She came on my side of the bed, and shook me awake. I yawned and pretended to wake up
Me; Hi Ma
Her; Hi, Makoti, we need to talk
Me; Ok
Her; ill be in the dining room
Me; Ill be there now.
She walked out and closed the door behind her. I rolled my eyes. I really wasn’t in the mood to fight.
I got up, put on my slippers and Siya’s gown, and went downstairs.
I got to the dining room and Mam Martha was serving supper. I greeted her then sat down opposite
Siya’s mom waited for Mam Martha to finish, then she cleared her throat.
Her; I heard about what happened between you and Linda yesterday.
I looked at her. I don’t if she was expecting an answer, but today was not the day to piss me off.
Her; Rifiloe, I’m talking to you
Me; I’m sorry ma, I’m not sure what you want me to say
Her; I want you to tell me why you attached her
Me; because she wanted to kill Siya that’s why
Her; and you didn’t think, that maybe it was for the best
Me; the best for who? Because as far as I see it, the person who thinks they are going to benefit
from Siya’s death, is Linda
Her; it’s not about the money if that’s what your insinuating
Me; then why would she not want to give him time, He’s only been there a week and already she
wants to kill him
Linda interrupted me
Linda; talking about killing, I hear you finally got rid of those things you were carrying. I know you
didn’t want them in the first place, so now you finally got what you wanted.
I stood up, and walked towards her. I was sick and tired of Linda. I wanted to teach her a lesson she
would never forget.
Siya’s mother stood before me
Her; Rifiloe, sit down. Fighting isn’t going to solve anything
Me; did you not hear what she just said to me? And instead of reprimanding her, you’re trying to stop
me from protecting myself?
Her; Ill deal with Linda. For now, yehlisa o moya
I sat down again, and took a sip of my water. I was amazed at how quite Linda was. after she had
the guts to say such rubbish to me
Her; Rifiloe, your right about Siya’s situation. I don’t know what Linda was thinking. I would have
never agreed to kill him. Never. I appreciate you fighting for Siya, it shows how much you love him.
But at the same time, you can’t go around beating people.
I just looked at her nodded.
Her; now can we please eat in peace.
I ate only half my dinner. I wasn’t hungry and looking at Linda from across the table made me want
to puke.
I was going to excuse myself, from dinner, but I saw Hlokes coming towards us. He had a smile on
his face.
He apologised for interrupting us
Him; ma, I’ve got good news
Her; I’m listening
Him; Siyabonga, woke up
Her; when
Him; the doctors just phoned.
Siya’s mom had tears rolling down her face. She looked so happy. Linda on the other side seemed a
bit nervous.
I know I had heard what Hlokes said, but I don’t think it had registered. I wanted to see for myself.
Me; can we go and see him
Him; no, the doctors said they are running tests. You can go see him tomorrow, but don’t worry, I’ll
go check up on him
Me; thank you
I left to go to my room. I was really happy that Siya was awake. But at the same time, I was really
nervous to tell him about my miscarriage.
I got into my room, and made a prayer thanking God, for waking Siya up. I know we still have a long
way to go, but I was grateful because at least there was light at the end of the tunnel.
I got back into bed, and cuddled my teddy. I was glad that soon, I would have Siya back, and
wouldn’t need to cuddle a teddy bear.
I slept pretty well, considering everything that was going on. I think it’s because I knew Siya was
finally awake.
I woke up the following morning, and went to work out. I know the doctor has said I must take it
easy, but I felt like I needed it. I hadn’t worked out in a while, so instead of using the gym I went on a
run on the beach..
By the time I got back, Siya’s mom was having breakfast with Hlokes. They looked like they were
debating something. They immediately stopped when they saw me approaching.
I greeted them and sat down. You could see that I had clearly interrupted something.
I wasn’t planning on moving though. If they needed to talk, they could talk somewhere else.
Siya’s mom got up to leave, while Hlokes stayed.
Him; how was your run
Me; fine thanks
Him; I need to tell you something
Me; please tell me its good news. I don’t think I can stomach anything else going wrong right now
Him; it’s a mixture of both
Me; ok. So out with it
Him; Siya is doing well
Me; that’s a good thing right?
Him; yes, the doctors are calling it a miracle. They are very happy with his progress
Me; so what’s the bad news ?
Him; Well, I went to see him this morning, because even though I saw him last night, I only got to
see him for about 5min. So I went there this morning to make sure he was well enough for visitors
Me; and
Him; I don’t know how to say this,
Me: just tell me
Him: the first thing out of Ghosts mouth was he wanted to see Linda
I looked at Hlokes, and tried registering what he was telling me.
Me; im lost
Him; The doctors think it's memory loss, the are trying to determine weather its long term or long
Me: so im guessing the reason she isnt at breakfast is becuase she's witb siya
Him: yes
Me: wow.....
Him: rifiloe, just give him Time. I'm sure he will regain his memory
Me: what if he nevrr does
Him: dont think like that. Rather hope for the best
Me: I want to go see him.
Him: I don't think that's a good idea
Me: why not
Him: because we don't want to confuse him. For now he only remembers his relationship with Linda,
Linda best we leave it like that until he starts remembering everything on his own
Me: is that your reccomendation or is this from his doctors
Him: this comes directly from his doctors
me: I still want to see him
Him: fine, ill take you
Me: let me just take a shower first. Ill meet you in the basement parking in 20 min
Hlokes went to wait for me down stairs, while no went to my room to take a shower. I couldnt belive
that Siya didnt know who I was. I thought with him finally being awake we would get to move on. And
now only God knows what lies Linda is feeding him.
I took a quick shower , put on my dress and sandals, then rushed downstairs.
Hlokes was already waiting for me,. I got I the car and we drove off.
When we arrived at the hospital i started getting nervous. What if siya really didn't remeber me. How
was i go in to explain who i was to him?
I arrived at siyas suit, and walked to his door. I stopped mid way because of what i saw. Linda had
her hand in Siyas. They were smiling and laughing with eachother, whole Olwetho sat on the edge of
Siyas bed. Laughing also with his parents. They looked like the perfect family. Siya looked well, and
content. Like his life was complete.
I took a set back, then another. I was so happy Siya was awake, but seeing him with linda tore my
already shatterd heart into even more pieces.
Siya may have woken up but he wasnt the same man he was when he left for his mission. Right now
all he knew was his life befor me. And if this memory loss was long term,there wouldnt be a place for
me in his future.
I stood at Siya’s door for a while. I knew that now was the time to let him go.
I had prayed to God to wake him up, and he did. So all that was left was for me to go back home.
I turned around and walked towards the exit. You could see that the guards felt my pain. Most of
them had pity written all over their faces.
Hlokes followed behind me. We didn’t say anything to each other. I was glad he didn’t try making me
feel better, because there was absolutely nothing anyone could say to make me feel better.
We drove mostly in silence. I just wanted to get out of CUBA as soon as possible.
When we arrived home, Siya’s mother was getting ready to go to the hospital.
I greeted her and went to my room. I had realised that she was following me there. I only noticed
when I was about to close my bedroom door.
Me; sorry ma, I didn’t see you there
Her; no worries. I wanted to check on you
Me; I’m fine, thank you
Her; I know this must be hard for you
Me; (sigh) I guess it will get easier with time
Her; I need to talk to you about something
Me; I’m all ears
Her; I need you to do me a favour. Siya will probably be discharged in a couple of days. I need you
to move out of your room into Linda’s room. He’s going to need to be around familiar surroundings.
So its best he and Linda move into the main bedroom for the time being.
I took a deep breath in and out.
Me; don’t worry, I won’t be around when he gets back from the hospital
Her; why not
Me; I’m going back home
Her; why would you do that Rifiloe, Siya needs you
Me; Ma, Siya has all the support he needs. God answered my prayers, by waking him up. Now it’s
time I took a step back and let him recover
Her; so you’re going to just give up on him just like that?
Me; Ma, you can’t ask me to live in the same house as Siya and Linda. While she sleeps in my bed,
and expect me to be okay with it. I love Siya with everything in me, but me loving him is killing me. I
need to let him go, so I can breathe.
She looked at me.
Her; your stronger than I thought
Me; Thank you
Her; I should get going. I’ll see you when I get back
She left, and closed the door behind her. I let out a sigh and went to the closet.
I took out my suitcases, I wanted to pack a few things. I wanted to be out of Cuba as soon as
After packing, I sent Hlokes sms asking for my laptop. I wanted to book a flight out of cuba.
Instead of responding via sms, he came to my room, with my laptop in his hands
Him; you asked for your laptop
Me; thank you
He saw the bags
Him; where are you going
Me; home
Him; Rifiloe, you can’t leave now. Not when Siya is about to come home
Me; so what do you suggest? That I sit here and watch that bitch playing happy family with him? I
can’t do that Hlokes. I need to go. I haven’t even been able to mourn the loss of my babies. Its just
too much. I need to get out of here as in yesterday.
Him; the Jet has been taken in for maintenance. It will only be available in a couple of days
Me; don’t worry, ill book a flight
Him; you can’t be serious
Me; watch me
Him; is there anything I can do to convince you to stay
Me; no.
Him; but you know you can’t book a flight directly to SA from here? You’ll need to connect from
Canada or the States
Me; Ill manage
Him; Want me to help
Me; no, I think I can do this on my own
Him; ok. Let me know if you need anything
Me; I’ll be fine. Go back to work
Hlokes left, while I sat on the bed and searched for flights out of Cuba.
I decided to connect via the US.. Luckily I could find a flight for the following morning, so I booked it.
I spent the rest of the day in my room. I didn’t even have lunch. I was catching up on my work, since
I would be back home soon, I needed to get my life back to normal Asap.
By the time I got through all the things that needed to be done, it was time for dinner. I didn’t feel like
eating so I took a bath and went to bed. I hated the fact that I was leaving Siya. I couldn’t believe this
was my last night here without him. I tried sleeping, but my tears decided otherwise. I think it was a
way of my heart letting go. I eventually fell asleep in my misery
I woke up early the following morning. My flight to the US leaves at 10:00am, and I needed to be at
the airport before then. I pulled off the sheets and bedding that I used, and put them in the laundry
room. I took a quick shower and got dressed. I decided to wear my black Adidas tracksuit set and
sneakers. I needed to be comfortable since I was flying to SA on the very same day.
I tried my hair in a bun and didn’t bother with makeup.
When I was done, I took my luggage and walked out. I wasn’t planning on having breakfast, so I
went to Siya’s office to let Hlokes know I was ready to leave.
Siya’s mom and Linda walked in the dining rooms as I was walking out towards the parking.
I greeted Siya’s mom. She looked displeased but I ignored her
Her; so you were going to leave without saying goodbye
Me; sorry ma, I was just running late
Her; what time is your flight
Me; at 10;00am
Her; I See. thank you for everything you’ve done for Siya
I nodded, gave her a hug and left.
Hlokes was waiting for me downstairs with my bags. I got in the car, and we drove to the airport.
He walked me all the way to check in and waited till my flight was called.
Him; before you go, I need to give you something
Me; what
Him; Siya made me promise to give this to you should something happen to him. I know he is alive
but I felt maybe its best I give it to you now
He gave me an envelope that contained a letter.
I gave Hlokes a hug, then went to board my flight. I didn't open the letter, I decided id open it on my
flight to SA.
I spent exactly an hour in the US, then took my flight to SA.
When the flight to SA took off, I opened the letter that Hlokes that given me. I was too curious to wait
till I got home. My eyes watered when I opened it.
My dearest Fifi
If your reading this letter it’s because I’m no more. I need you to know that I love you even to my last
breath. You’ve made me so happy since I met you. You’ve made me question my life and want to
have things I never thought possible. i never thought marriage and the whole happily ever after thing
was for me, but when i met you, you made me believe that maybe even i deserved a fairy tale
Please take care of our babies. They will keep you happy and busy, but mostly they will be a
reminder of the love we shared
My only regret now is that I died before making you my wife.
I love you with everything that I have.
Please remember to smile every day, I’ve seen you cry so much.
Now I want to look down from heaven and see you smiling.
I love you today, tomorrow and forever.
Your Siya
I read his letter more than 3 times. I had to hold myself from crying, because I knew once I started I
wouldn’t be able to stop. I put the letter back in my handbag, and tried getting some sleep. This was
going to be a long flight and what better way than to sleep.
When I woke up we were about to land. I put on my seat belt and we landed safely.
I took a cab from OR to my house. It kind of felt weird being back in SA. I think it’s because I had
gotten used to being close to the beach. But now it was time to forget about all of that. It’s time to put
on my big girl panties, and start a new life without Siya. I knew I would miss him, but I hoped with
time I would be able to move on.
Arriving at my house, after being away for so long felt surreal. The place didn’t feel like it belonged to
me. It felt cold and even lonely. It was going to take time to adjust to living alone again.
I spent the first night home in bed. I told myself I could cry as much as I wanted for the first night, but
after that no more crying.
I went upstairs and drowned my sorrows with wine. I kept on reading Siya’s letter over and over
again. in on he wasn't physically dead but in a way it felt like he was.
This letter and my ring were the only connection I had to him. I decided to take the ring, the letter,
and the scan of the twins, and put them in my safe as of the following morning. I dint want to carry
them around with me. I needed to carry in with life, and seeing those things would keep me from
doing so.
I didn’t get much sleep because of jet lag, but thanks to my second bottle of wine, I was able to drift
I woke up the following morning (Saturday) feeling better than I thought I should. I woke up and
decided to spring clean my house. It looked dull, my flowers were dead and the house as a whole
was a bit stuffy.
I put on my joyous celebration cd loud as I could take. Nothing is more soothing than gospel music
when your spirit is down.
I started in the kitchen, i cleaned out the fridge, rewashed all my cutlery, mopped the floor. Then
moved to alk the other parts of the house.
By the time I was done, it was already 13:00pm. I was hungry but didn’t have anything to eat in the
house. So I took a shower and changed into jeans and a t-shirt, and drove to the mall.
I bought groceries, flowers for my room and the living room and bought take always for lunch and
dinner. I didn't plan on cooking. I think it’s because I had gotten used to having mam Martha.
I got home and unpacked everything I had bought, then went to the lounge to watch TV.
I had left my phone at home, so I took it with me to make sure I had no messages.
I had missed calls from Hlokes, My aunt and my friend Thandeka.
I decided to call Hlokes first, he answered on the first ring
Him; Fifi
Me; Hey
Him I called you like a million times
Me; sorry hle, I was out
Him; You got home safely
Me; yes. Thank you for checking on me
Him; you know I’ll always care
Me; thanks dude
Him; I’m sure your wondering how Siya is doing
Me; yah, how is he
Him; He’s improved, but the doctors are worried about the memory loss
Me; well maybe with time, it will come back
Him; yaa, but I just hope it’s not too late for the two of you
Me; only God knows.
Him; let me go back to work. Ill speak to you soon
Me; cool
I hung up, and ignored the pang of pain in my heart. I had hoped that he was phoning to tell me
good news. I didn’t cry though. I refused.
I carried on watching TV, till late.
I decided to call my aunt back.
We spoke for a while. She was just checking up on me. She also made me promise to come home
for Christmas. Apparently she was hosting a family reunion. She told me to make sure my “husband”
was there.
I told her about me and Hlokes. I didn’t want anyone else calling him my husband.
When I was done talking to my aunt, I called Hlokes again. I had been so distracted with the drama
surrounding my life, I had forgotten to pay him back regarding the Lobola money.
Him; Miss me already
Me; in your dreams buddy
Him; what’s up
Me; I wanted to discuss the Lobola money
Him: what about it?
Me; I want to pay it back
Him; forget it
Me; Hlokes come on. We’ve been through this a million times
Him; Rifiloe, you and I may never get back together. Ive accepted that, but that money was for your
family. I don’t want the money back
Me; but, I would feel better if you let me pay it back. My parents had kept it in a 30 day interest
account. I think its really better if it goes back to your family
Him; im not saying this again. I don’t want the money
Me; so what do you suggest I do with it
Him; don’t know, don’t care
Me; ok. But promise me one thing
Him; what
Me :promise you will stick to an agreement to never bring up us being married again
Him; I promise
Me; thank you
Him; sharp. I’ve got to run.
Me; ok. See you around
Him; sharp
I decided to transfer Hlokes money into one of my investments. That way should he change his
mind, the money will always be there.
I spent Sunday mostly taking care of my appearance. I went to the gym in the morning then went to
the salon. I did my hair, nails , toes, and even got a wax.
I walked out the salon feeling like a new person on the outside, but not so much on the inside.
I slept early on Sunday. I wanted to be alive and kicking for Monday, since it was my first day back at
I woke up on Monday morning determined to kick some butt.
I missed my heels and suits. i was always in flats whole in Cuba, so it felt good to be in my formal
wear again
I decided to wear my navy formal jumpsuit and my navy Louboutin sandals.
I used a bit of makeup, and left my hair loose. I looked in the mirror smiled. I looked more like my old
self. At least my scars were on the inside instead of the outside.
I took my bag and phone, then went downstairs to make breakfast.
After breakfast I took my bag and left for the office.
It felt a bit wierd driving my car, after being driven around for so long. I quickly banished the thought.
I didnt want anything that would remind me of Siya.
When i arrived I was glad to see that no one had taken my parking space. Soni parked my baby, and
went inside.
The first person i bumped into was Anna. She looked so well, I gave her a quick hug then went to my
It was good to be back, but also wierd.
I put on my laptop, and started working. I had a meeting with the new lawyer who replaced Sizwe,
and my boss. I wanted to make sure i was still up to date with my clients portfolios, becuase I
wanted to be in full swing of things when my meeting started. I Left Siya's portfolio do last. I didnt
want to think about him, when I had so much to do.
At 11 Anna called to inform me that my boss was ready for me, So i took my laptop and went to his
When i got to his office, there was someone with him, which I figured was the new lawyer. I shook
my boss's hand as he asked me how my time away was. I lied and told him it was great. then he
introduced me to the male hunk standing next to him.
His name was Jason Richardson, and he was indeed the new lawyer.
I shook Jason's hands and introduced myself. I must say Jason had extremely gorgeous blue eyes.
We sat down and our meeting commenced.
Mr Gray had decided that he wanted to spend more time with his family, his wife had been
diagnosed with cancer, so he wanted to start taking a step back on the businesses side. So he
wanted to leave Jason ( who also happens to be his nephew) In charge of the business and he
wanted me to work closely with Jason.
So basically jason woud be incharge of the legal side of busines, whilie i attened to the financial Side
of the business.
I was really happy that even though my I was away for so long, my boss still trusted me with such a
huge responsibility
We discussed a few other things. Then we adjourned our meeting for Wednesday, becuase jason
and i needed to come up with a concept on how we were going to run things.
This was very exciting, I knew that this new promotion would keep me busy, and it also meant that I
wouldnt have as much time to think of Siya. Which under the circumstances seemed like a good

After our meeting with Mr Gray, Jason and I went to my office to start going through ideas on how
we were going to split the responsibilities that come with running a company.
We sat in my office for hours going through all the different aspects of the business.
We asked Anna to order us lunch because we wouldn't have time to go out and get.
We worked through lunch. I quickly realized that Jason wasn't just a pretty pace. He was actually
quite intelligent. He was really giving me a run for my money.
When I looked at my watch, I couldn't believe the time. It was already 19:00pm, and Jason and I
were no way near finished.
I didn’t even notice people leaving for the day.
We both agreed to take a break.
Him: what do get something to eat?
Me; please
Him: what do you feel like?
Me: something light. I need to be able to stay awake. Because it looks like we are in for a long night
Him: you don't mind
Me: no, it's not like I have anyone waiting for me at home
Him: how is that even possible?
Me: what do you mean?
Him: how can a girl like you not have a guy waiting for you at home
Me;(chuckels) you don't want to know?
Him; that bad ha?
Me: if only you knew
Him: well, I've got a listening ear if you want to share
Me: not a change. We've got way too much to get through.
Him: Ok, os what do you want to eat
Me: how about Chinese
Him: great choice, ill, order
Jason ordered dinner, then we carried on working.
Our food arrived a while later. We ate while we worked.
Jason kept making funny faces with his noodles.
I just laughed at him
Me: Jason, if you don't stop we'll, never finish
Him: its after 9pm already. my brain is fried. We should go home, and rewire. Maybe start again
Me: fine, I'm also tired, plus my feet are killing me.
Him: I always wonder how woman survive in these shoes
Me: beauty is pain
Him; well you’re a natural beauty, so I guess you don't go through too much pain.
I think I blushed a bit. I wasn't sure if Jason was flirting or if he was just being nice. But either way, I
didn't want to say anything.
I finished my food then started packing my stuff. My Body wasn’t used to being back in the office. I
kind of missed the Cuban sunset, but none the less I was glad to be home.
Jason also packed up, and we walked towards the parking
Him : I guess we'll have a lot of these long nights
Me: looks like it
Him: It’s a good thing we both don’t have people waiting up for us
Me: I guess so
Him; let me get your door for you
Me; Thank you
Jason opened my car door for me, then left to go to his car.
I drive home, and immediately got into bed. I was so tired I dozed off immediately.
I woke up the following morning ready to tackle my work. I took a shower, then got dressed. Since I
knew I was in for a long night I decided to wear a black pantsuit with my black peep toe heels. I
needed to be comfortable.
I brushed my hair, then went down to have breakfast.
Jason called while I was worming my milk
Me; hey
Him: you up?
Me: yeah ,just having breakfast, then heading to the office
Him: I was actually calling to invite you to have breakfast with me.
Me: how about you bring breakfast to the office? That was we can get an early start to the day
Him : sounds like a plan. I'll see you in 30 mins
Me: cool
Him: before you go, what do you want for breakfast
Him: farm house breakfast
Him: a woman after my own heart
Me: (chuckles) see you at the office
Him: cool
I put the phone down and took the milk out of the microwave and put it in the Fridge.
Then left for the office
My phone rang while I was driving to work. I noticed the number was international, so I thought it
was Hlokes, using one of the house phones in Cuba. I answered it via Bluetooth
Me: hello
Her: hi
I rolled my eyes. I really wasn’t in the mood for Linda
Me: what can no do for you?
Her: Siya wants to release some funds from his investments, and apparently you’re his FA
Me: how much?
Her: her 3 mill
Me: has he regained his memory
He: no
Me: in that case we can't issue a withdrawal
Her: why not?
Me: because according to legislation that would be considered fraud. He would have to be in the
right frame of mind first
Her; bull shit. You’re just mad that Siya wants nothing to do with you
Me: Linda I'm on my way to work. If there a nothing else I’d like to drive in peace
Her: you can’t keep his money from him
Me: I can and I will. I refuse to let you bankrupt him. If Siya wants the money, he needs to come to
S.A. and arrange a meeting with his lawyer and I, and we can take it from there.
Her: nxa
She put the phone down.
I really hoped Siya regained his memory soon, before Linda ruins his life.
When I got to the office, Jason hadn’t arrived as yet.
I went to my office, I was a bit troubled about the conversation I had with Linda. I decided to call
Him: mhmm
Me: hey
Him: did you look at the time Rifiloe
Me: oh shit, I forgot about time difference
Him; can I go back to sleep
Me: no, I need to tell you something
Him: I'm listening
Me: Linda just called me
Hjm: gosh what does she want now?
Me: she says Siya wants to withdraw R3bar from the funds we invested for him
Him: why would ghost need money? He has enough here in Cuba..
Me: my point exactly
Him: haai Linda is getting on my nerves
Me; Hlokes put a leash on that dog before she destroys him
Him: I'll deal with her
Me: how is Siya anyway
Him: why don't you come to Cuba and find out ?
Me: not happening. I just got a promotion. I'm concentrating on my job and my life now.
Him: so you’re just going to let Siya be with Linda
Me: yes. There’s nothing more I can do Hlokes. It's all in God's hands now
Him: well the good news is that he gets discharged today
Me; that is good news
Him: you still love him
Me: with everything in me
Him: don't give up on him fifi
Me: I should get going
Him: no use avoiding him. He's already told me he wants to come to S.A. Soon to check up on his
business. You'll have to speak to him sooner or later. You’re his Financial Adviser mos. Plus he also
mentioned checking up on his investments. Which means you'll be seeing him sooner rather than
Me: ill cross that bridge when I get to it
Him: ok. Now can I go back to sleep? In need to be up in a few hours
Me: go, ill speak to you soon
Him: Sharp
I put the phone down and let out a sigh. I'm glad Siya is getting back to normal. But I hadn't thought
about the fact that I'd have to see him. How was I going to pretend to just be his FA, when we were
more than that?
Anyway I didn’t have time to think about all that, since I could see Jason walking towards my office.
Him: hey you
Me; hey
Him: I bought breakfast
Me: thanks. You can put it over here
Him: cool
Me: aren't you joining me? I was hoping we could take off from where we left off last night?
Him; so early? I was hoping we could ease into it.
Me: we've only got today. Our deadline is tomorrow morning
Him: yes mam. Give me 2 mins
He walked out to fetch his breakfast. Then came back.
We spent the whole day working on this Damn concept.
We had lunch and dinner at the office. I wanted to make sure everything was perfect before we went
home. If he and I were going to take over running a company, we had to make sure our concept was
water tight
At 10pm, we were finally done. I let out a sigh of relief.
All that was left now was for us to hand it over, the following day, and hope Mr Gray was happy with
it. Jason was all smiles
Him: we make a great team
Me: let's not celebrate just yet. Your uncle still need to approve it
Him: it's a great concept. He'll love it
Me: I hope so
Him: we should get going, tomorrow is a big day
Me: yaah.
We packed up, and walked to our cars.
Jason being the gentleman he is, opened my door for me again
Him: drive safely
me: will do
I started my car, and went home.
When I got home I went to take a bath, then went to bed.
I was exhausted. I tried falling asleep but Siya played on my mind.
I was happy I was moving on, but a part of me felt like I was betraying him.
I woke up on Wednesday missing Siya even more. I wished he was here. He would’ve had so many
suggestions. but there was no time to mope. I needed to get to work
I took a quick shower, then got dressed.
I didn't bother having breakfast. I figured I'd eat at the office.
When I got to the office, Jason was setting up the boardroom, I looked at him questionably
Him: hey you
Me: what's with the boardroom
Him: my uncle just phoned. We're not only presenting to him, but to all of the board members as
well. He says he wants us taking over by next week
Me: Damn
Him; tell me about it
Me: need some help
Him: I'm nearly done here. How about you make us some coffee, so we can go through our key point
Me: sure
I placed my laptop on the boardroom table, then took the rest of my stuff to my office.
I could hear my phone ringing, but I didn't have time to answer. Whoever it was would have to wait.
I made our coffee then went to the boardroom.
I gave Jason his cup. I dint known if it was just a coincidence but he kind of brushed my hand.
I pretended not to notice though. I didn't want to over think anything. He probably didn’t even notice.
The board members started arriving one by one. I started getting a bit nervous I think Jason noticed
because he asked to speak to me in private. We went to my office
Him: I can see you’re nervous. Don't be, our proposal is water tight.
Me: you’re right. I'm just over thinking things
Him: don't. We got this
I laughed at how American she tried to sound when he said that.
Him: come on, let's go kick some serious butt
We walked back to the boardroom together.
Our presentation went really well, despite the nerves.
The board members were happy with our ideas, and gave us the go ahead.
Jason and I would be taking over as of the following week.
Jason was the CEO and I was made the CFO.
We left the meeting victorious. Jason gave me a hug as soon as we stepped out the boardroom. I
was a bit taken back, but hugged him back.
Him: we should definitely celebrate
Me: I guess so
Him: how about we do a celebratory dinner
Me: sure
Him; cool, ill book us a table
Me: ok
I went back to my office smiling to the moon and back.
I checked my phone and I had a missed call from CUBA. I assumed it was Hlokes, so I called him
The phone rang a couple of times. Before a familiar voice answered.
Him; Miss Mokena
I didn’t say anything. I wanted to but I froze. I didn’t expect to speak to him so soon
Him; are you there
Me (clears throat) yes. Hi
Him; how are you
Me; Well thanks and you?
Him; well enough under the circumstances
Me; ahmm what can I do for you
Him; I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but I was in an accident, which led to some memory loss. I believe
you are my Financial Advisor
ME; I heard about the accident. I’m sorry. Hope you are recovering well.
Him; I’m a tough cookie. I’ll be fine, but my memory is not back as yet. I was hoping to meet with you
sometime next week. I need to just try understanding where I am financially. I need to also do a
couple of other investments. But ill discuss that with you when I’m SA next week
Me; sounds fine. Amm, what day were you looking at
Him; I’ll try flying down on Tuesday, Maybe I can see you on Thursday
Me; sounds fine. I’ll tell Andrea to put it in your diary
Him; good. Thank you for your time
Me; always a pleasure
I hung up and a tear escaped my eye.
This just seemed like it was going to be harder than I thought. How was I going to sit across a table
with the man I love, and pretend we were just professionals?
I needed to talk to Hlokes ASAP. I called him. thankfully he answered
Him; Rifiloe
Me; you could’ve warned me you know.
Him; Rifiloe, what was I supposed to say to him? Don’t phone your financial adviser, because she’s
my ex and was your girlfriend? That would just confuse him even more.
Me; and you don’t think that he seeing me would trigger something? What if he realizes something
isn’t right? I can’t lie to him Hlokes. I can’t
Him; Rifiloe, calm down. He is just trying to get back in the swing of things business wise. Right now
he has a gap of over 8 months. You need to let him put the pieces of the puzzle together. It will all
eventually come back to him.
Me; I guess your right
Him; now go back to work. I’ll see you next week
Me; sharp
Tjo haai, this was going to be difficult. But none the less I would make sure I was prepared
professionally, but I’m worried if emotionally, I’ll be able to handle this meeting.
I was just getting back into the swing of things.
I smiled a bit. Siya always had a way of pushing himself back into my life. And now here he was
doing it all over again.
spent most of the day a bit off. I think I was worried about the Siya issue. But I had to work. I even
missed lunch.
I reminded myself to look at the list of canditaes that Anna had given me. because I really needed to
get an Assistant.
Jason came to my office at around 5pm. I had totally forgotten about dinner
Him; you ready to go?
Me; Give me 5mins, I just need to pack up
Him; I booked us a table at Southern Sun Hyde Park? Is that ok
I looked at him. I didn’t want to go to the place where Siya and I had our first date.
Me; is there any way we could go somewhere else?
Him; ahmm sure. Can I ask why?
Me; Long story
Him; how about Pronto
Me; perfect
Him; I’ll call them now
Me; thanks
I felt really bad making Jason cancel the booking, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to enjoy myself there,
because I would be too busy thinking of the time I was there with Siya
I finished packing up my desk, and went to Jason’s office
Him; shall we
Me; we shall
We arrived at pronto, and ordered dinner.
Jason insisted on ordering Champaign to celebrate. So I just let him order it.
I put my phone on silent, because it kept on ringing, the number was from Cuba, so I ignored it. I had
had enough of Cuba for one day
Him; so how long have you been single ?
Me; about a week
Him; damn. So its pretty recent
Me; yaah
Him; do you mind me asking what happened
Me; not at all. He was basically in an accident, which led tom memory loss. And part of the things he
forgot about was me
Him; ouch
Me; I know,
Him; so do his doctors think he will regain his memory
Me; well, it’s kind of 50/50 at the moment. Maybe with time, but we can’t know for sure
Him; that’s a pity
Me; yah, but enough about me. Why are you single
Him; my ex left because I was to committed to my work
Me; well I know what that is like
Him; (chuckles) I guess it’s for the best
Me; I guess so
We had dinner and lots of Champaign. Jason was really a nice guy. He made me laugh a lot, which
is why I think I was fond of him…
We eventually left the restaurant at about 21; 00pm. I had had a good time.
I think for the first time in a while, I was just relaxed and not worried about Siya.
When I got home after my celebratory dinner with Jason, I checked my phone.
I had 5 missed calls from Hlokes and 3 from the house phone in Cuba.
I called Hlokes back
Him; finally
me; what’s up
him’; why aren’t you answering your phone
Me; I was at dinner
Him; so you don’t answer your phone at dinner
Me; don’t start.
Him; (sigh) I’ve got some news for you
Me; what is it
Him; Ghost, is coming to SA sooner than anticipated
Me; when
Him; tonight
Me; shit. Why
Him; he wants to see you as soon as he lands
Me; why me?
Him; because Linda somehow transferred money from his account to hers.
Me; how much
Him; a couple of hundred thousands
Me; tjo
Him; they busy having a screaming match about it as we speak
Me; thank God I’m not involved
Him; tell me about it
Me; so what time does he land
Him; his flight is scheduled to land at 9:00am. He will see you at around 12:00pm
Me; shit
Him; relax. This is purely business
Me; tell that to my heart
Him; you’ll be fine.
Me; who’s offices are we meeting at
Him; at his
Me; I guess I’m in for a long night. If ill bee seeing him tomorrow, I need to make sure his portfolio
update is in order
Him; good luck
Me; I need more than just luck
Him;(chuckles) sharp
Me; sharp
Okay, this was really unexpected.
I went to make myself a cup of coffee. I needed to be awake if I was going to get the numbers right
for Siya’s portfolio.
I spent over 4 hour on Siyas portfolio. Some of the numbers weren’t matching because of the way
the markets been, but eventually everything matched up. I completed the portfolio, and sent it to
Anna to print and bind two copies. Then went to bed.
I didn’t sleep a wink. I was tossing and turning the whole night.
At around 5am I decided to wake up and for a run. I needed to get this anxiety out my system
somehow, and I hoped a jogging would help.
I quickly changed into my gym gear, and left for my run.
The jog didn’t help much. I was still really anxious to see Siya again. It felt like it had been an eternity
since I had seen him.
I went home and showered, then got dressed. I decided to wear the same outfit I wore the first time I
met him. Maybe it would be my good luck charm.
I was about to walk out my room, when I got an idea.
I went to the safe, and took out the promise ring Siya had given me. I put it back on right hand. Then
I went straight to the office. I wanted to make sure Anna received my email.
When I arrived Anna had just finished printing the portfolios. All she needed to do was bind them for
I thanked her, then went to my office.
I didn’t get much work done during the first half of my day. I spent most of it staring at my laptop
screen. I was too nervous to even think straight. At around 11:20am, I took the portfolios and my
bag, and drove to Siya’s office.
I hadn’t been to his office since the day I basically destroyed it.
When I arrived Andrea was already at reception. I greeted her
and she walked me towards Siya’s office. I was shacking so much, I asked her if I could use the
ladies room, before meeting him.
I told her I would find my way to his office.
I sat in the bathroom doing breathing exercises. The tears were flowing and I was shaking. It felt like
I was having a panic attack. I couldn’t do this. There was no way I could meet with him and pretend I
was ok. I needed to get the hell out of here.
I cleaned myself up, and redid my makeup, then walked out.
I planned on lying and saying an emergency at my office needed my attention. Then I’d ask Andrea
to reschedule.
I was walking towards reception, when Hlokes and Siya walked in.
I didn’t know Hlokes would be here. I thought it was only Siya. I knew there was no way Hlokes
would let me out of this, so I had to get my shit together.
They were walking towards me. Siya had the same Navy suit he had on the first day we met. And
Hlokes was in his black suit.
I made a silent prayer asking god to give me strength. Siya looked so much like his natural self.
He was walking like he hadn’t been shot. He was laughing with Hlokes like all was well in the world.
I didn’t realise I was staring, till he looked my way. Our eyes met. He didn’t look away, but I did. I
couldn’t take the intensity.
Hlokes shook my hand, and then Siya followed. I tried not to make eye contact, because he was
staring at me with his dreamy eyes.
Him; nice to meet you again Miss Mokoena
Me; Like wise.
Hlokes looked at us and smiled.
Hlokes; l leave you two to your meeting. Ghost I’ll see you later
Siya; sharp
Me; bye.
Siya kept staring at me. I didn’t know what to say.
Me; shall we head to your office
Him; (clears throat) yes. Ahmm ladies first
I turned around and walked towards the stairs to his offices. Siya walked with me
He seemed like he was deep in thought
When we got to his office. Siya went straight to his desk while I took out my laptop and his portfolio
You could cut the tension in the room with a knife. Siya came to sit, and he sat next to me again. I
swear the smell of his cologne nearly killed me.
Him; shall we begin
Me; sure
I gave him his copy of the portfolio and opened mine.
I went through everything bit by bit. He asked tons of questions and I answered.
We went through the market prices, and how much he’s made from his investments etc.
By the time we were finished it was after 3pm. I was tired, hungry and needed to get home.
I started packing my laptop away. Siya looked like he was debating something in his head.
Him; is there anything else?
I looked at him, and knew that he knew something
I froze
Me; not on my side. Do you maybe have any more questions?
Him; that ring
Me; what about it
Him; where did you get it from?
I didn’t answer him. What was I going to tell him? I didn’t want to lie, but at the same time I couldn’t
tell him the truth. I didn’t want to confuse him any further
Me; I got it from someone I used to know
Him; who
I looked away... I really needed to get out of here before I made things worse. Shit. I don’t know what
I was thinking wearing this damn ring.
Me; I should get going. You’ve got my details if you need anything else.
I rushed towards the door, but Siya got there first.
Him; not before you tell me where you got that ring from
Me; a friend
Him; who
Me; you won’t know him
Him; try me
Me; I should really get
He cut me off
Him; Miss Mokoena, I don’t like being lied to. Please just tell me where you got that ring from
I looked into his eyes, and saw so much confusion. I had no choice, but to tell him the truth.
Me; you.
He looked so confused
Me; I got the ring from you
He didn’t say anything. He just stared at me
Him; you were in Cuba weren’t you?
Me; yes
Him; I thought you looked too familiar. but i still dont understand why. and why would i give you that
ME; how did you know I was in Cuba
Him; your voice. I think I heard you the day I woke up. I just can’t remember what you said to me.
I sighed. I didn’t know what to say. Luckily someone knocked on the door.
Siya had no choice but to open.
He opened the door, and Hlokes was standing there. HE looked at Siya and I and knew something
was wrong
Him; is everything alright
Me; yah, I was just leaving
I didn’t say anything else. I just walked out. I needed to breath..
I got to my car and drove straight home. There was no use driving to the office.
This whole confrontation with Siya was beyond stressful. I wish he would just remember everything.
I don’t like lying to him. But I didn’t want to make things worse by confusing him.
I thought leaving Cuba would help me escape this nightmare, but it looked like no matter where I ran
off to. Siya always had a way of finding me.
When I got home, I put my phone on silent . It had been ringing non stop. I knew it was either Hlokes
or Siya, and I wasn't In the mood to deal with either of them.
I went upstairs to to change. I wore my jean shorts, a spaghetti strap top and my slippers
I went back downstairs and poured myself a glass of wine, and went to watch tv.
I was really hungry so I ordered pizza online.
I wanted to just eat, go to bed and forget about today
A while later, my intercom rang. I knew it was the delivery guy,so I just opened the garage door and
went to fetch my purse.
When I turned around Siya was standing behind me.
I swallowed. Shit
Him: can I come in
Me............. how did you know
He cut me off
Him: Hlokes
I swear I could kill hlokes.
Me: come in
Him; thank you
He walked in, and I walked us to the lounge
Me: can I get you something to drink
Him: I'll have what your having please
I stood up and went to the kitchen to get him a glass of wine. I was glad I got a moment to myself. I
needed to breath.
The knots in my stomach were tied to capacity.
I walked back to the lounge, gave him his wine, then sat opposite him.
We stayed in an awkward silence since couldn't take it anymore
Me: so what brings you here?
Him: you left so quickly, i didn't get a chance to ask you more questions
Me: about
Me: Si, I mean Mr Ndhlovu,
Him: please forget the formalities. I have a feeling we are way past them
Me: (sigh) Siya, I've been told not to confuse you. I don't want
He cut me off
Him: please can I ask you to forget about what the doctors said, or what bullet says. I need you to
tell me the truth. Please, I know I wouldn't have given you that ring, if you didn't mean something to
me. Just tell me
My tears threatened my eyes. But I knew that I had to tell him the truth
Me: fine.
I was about to explain, when my intercom rang
Me: excuse me a minute.
I took my purse and went to pay the delivery guy, then came back and sat opposite Siya.
Me: can I offer you something to eat
Him: no thank you. All I'd like now is some answers
Me: you gave me this ring, the day you left for your mission
Him: so you and I were together?
Me: yes
Him: but when I woke up, you weren't there?
I tried not to cry, but a tear escaped
Me: Siya when you woke up, a lot of things happened. You asked for Linda, you didn't know
anything about us. I was asked to move out our bedroom to make space for you and linda. It just all
got too much. I had to come home
Him: who asked you to move out or room
Me: your mom
Him: you know my mom
Me: yes
Him: wow
Siya seemed like he was working a puzzle in his head.
I didn't say anything about me losing the twins, because I didn't want to burden him with too many
I stood up and went to get him something to eat.
I didn't give him pizza, cause I had bought a veg pizza, and I knew he hated it. So I started cooking
I made him steak fillet with veg. Thank goodness for the Woolworths ready made veggies. All I had
to to was pop them in the microwave while I made the steak.
When I was done, I put his food on a tray and took it to him.
He looked at the food and smiled.
Me: I figured you'd be here for a while
Him: thank you
I sat opposite him and had my pizza
Him: so Linda and I weren't together while I was in Cuba?
Me: no. Why would you think that
Him: When I got home, all her stuff was in the main bedroom. But it just didn't feel right.
Me: so what now
Him: I need you to tell me everything about us
Me: there's too much to tell
Him: I'm not in a hurry
Me: don't you think it's enough for one day.
Him: not really, but i won't push
Me: thank you
We had dinner in the lounge while watching some senseless tv. I knew he wasn't the Siya I fell in live
with, but i felt like traces of him were there, which gave me hope.
After eating Siya took our dishes and washed them.
I went To my room to fetch something. I wanted to give him the letter Hlokes had given me.
I went back downstairs, and he was sitting in the lounge.
Him: I think I should get going
Me: before you leave, I wanted to give this to you.
He looked at the letter
Him: what is this.
Me: a letter you wrote to me. You asked Hlokes to give it to me, in case you didn't come home.
I watched him read the letter. When he was done, he looked at me.
Him: your pregnant
Me; I was when you left
Him: was
Me: I lost the twins, the day before you woke up
Him: I'm sorry
Me: don't be. It wasn't your fault
Him: none the less. You shouldn't have had to deal with all, of that alone
Me: I'm tougher than I look
Him: you sure are...... i should get going
Me: I'll walk you out
Him: thanks
I stood up and walked Siya out. When we got to his car, he turned to look at me..
Him; thank you for everything
Me: it's a pleasure
Him: Rifiloe, I'm really sorry about how things worked out. Maybe one day, I don't know, maybe in
another life, you and I might find a way back to each other.
I didn't know what to say, it felt like Siya was breaking up with me.
I know technically with everything that's happened we couldn't just pick up where we left off. But I
thought once he saw the letter, something would change. That maybe he would be willing to try. But
in guess I was wrong
Me: what are you saying
Him: I just don't want to keep you from enjoying your life. I know we had something before I left, but
right now I don't think I could be the man you need me to be.
Me: don't
Him: I have to. I can't have you waiting for me for God knows how long. It isn't fair. I want you to
move on. Find a man who isn't fucked up, and build a life. I'm sorry, I really am.
He didn't wait for me to say anything. He just gave me a kiss on the cheek, and got in his car and
drove off.
I stood there on the pavement looking like a love struck idiot. I was trying to register what he had just
said. I was such an idiot. I don't know why I thought Siya would want to be with me. He hardly knew
who I was.
I went back inside, and filled up my glass of wine.
I had tried so hard to put my broken heart back together, and now with just a few words Siya had
ripped it apart.
I guess it's for the best though, because now I would be able to focus 100% on me
I finished my glass, then went to bed. I was glad tomorrow was Friday. I had really had a busy week,
so it would be nice to just laze around a bit.
When I woke up on Friday,i was feeling a bit gloomy. I got up and went to get ready. I had quite a
busy day ahead of me, so I wore jeans with a white top, a leather summer jacket and my nike
I was about to leave my room, when I noticed I still , had my ring on. I decided to put it in my bag. I
think its best to return it to Siya. There was no use keeping it anymore. The person who had made
the promise was gone, and I didn't want to have a constant reminder of him with me everyday
When I got into the office, I dug into my work. I needed to go through the budget for the couple of
upcoming events.
We usually have a gala dinner for our clients towards the end of each year, to thank them for their
support. We also have a charity event, where we invite our industry rivals, clients, associate and
These two events usually happen within a couple of weeks from eachother. But because of the lack
of time before Christmas, I was trying to find a way of turning both events into just one event. That
way we save money and we are still able to have both events.
At around lunchtime, Jason came to my office.
Him: I come bearing lunch
Me: thank God... I'm famished
Me: are you ok? You haven't left your office, since you came in
Me: I'm fine, just trying to get the figures for the gala and charity dinner, done before i go home. We
need to start sending out invitations on Monday.
Him: sounds like your in for a long night
Me: more like a long weekend. I still need to go through the candidates for my PA post. Oh and I
need to find an event's planner, who can put th I together within a month
Him: Damn.......but you seem to work well under presure
Me: true. Have you found your PA?
Him; I'm keeping Laura, my uncle's PA.
Me: good idea.
Him: why not promote Anna, and have her find a new receptionist?
Me: your a genius. Why didn't I think of that. Thank you
Him: my pleasure
Jason stayed a while longer. I was really grateful he bought me lunch.
When he left, I called Anna into my office. I wanted to see if she would be interested in taking the
position of my PA
Me: thanks for coming Anna. Please close the door
Her: is everything alright Fifi?
Me: yes. Please sit
She sat down, shame she looked a bit nervous
Me: I'll get straight to the point. I wanted to known if you would be interested in being my PA? I know
you've been with the company for a while and you know everything there is to know about the
business. I think you would be a perfect fit
She looked at me with disbelief
Me: we would obviously renegotiate you salary, and redo your contract.
Her: yes.. I would be honoured.
Me: I'm glad. I'll get HR onto it right away
Her: thank you
Me: you should thank Jason. It was his idea.
Her: I will
Anna walked out my office with a big smile on her face. I was glad she took my offer.
I sent an e-mail to HR. I needed them to get this going as soon as possible.
Sometime later I was going through my bag looking for lip ice, when I saw Siya's ring.
I had totally forgotten about it.
I phoned Anna. I needed her to get our driver to drop it off.
Luckily the driver hadn't gone home yet. So I put the ring in an envelope and wrote a little note to go
with it.
" I thought best to return this to you.
You made that promise, when you were somone else
It wouldn't be fair of me to keep it.
I hope you find all the answers you are looking for.
I put the note inside the envelope. And asked the driver to make sure he hands it to "Mr Ndhlovu"
personally. I didn't want it getting lost.
It wasn't easy giving that ring back. But I couldn't honestly hold Siya to a promise he didn't even
remember making.
I had promised to let him go. And now I really had.

I spent the rest of my Friday working, my butt off.

I eventually got through everything I needed to get through and went home.
I had no plans a for the weekend, so I called Thandeka.
I hadn't really been the greatest friend lately. And I really missed my girls
Her: Mzala. Your alive
Me": hey zalas, how are you
Her: pissed at you
Me: I know.. I'm sorry
Her: where are you kodwa
Me: I'm back in S.A
Her: you should come over tomorrow. I'll let the girls know your coming. We can all chill
Me: sounds like a plan
Her: we've really missed you.
Me: I've missed you too
Her: I'll see you tomorrow then. Let's say 13:00
Me: Sharp zalas
Her: Sharp
I felt a bit better after speaking to Tee. I was really looking forwards to catching up with girls.
When I got home I made myself dinner and went to watch tv. I was busy eating when my phone
rang. I looked at the caller ID and it was Hlokes
Me: hey you
Him: don't hey you me.
Me: what did I do now?
Him: how are you giving up on him so easily?
Me: Hlokes don't start. Siya made it clear we were done.
Him: and since when do you listen to what Ghost says?
Me: since he's not the same Siya he was before this whole thing happened. I can't make him fall in
love with me Hlokes.
Him : Will , you two ever get your shit together
Me: maybe one day. Who knows
Him: haai,no i gìve up shem.
Me: I've got to run. Im exhausted
Him: I'll see you around
Me: when do you guys go back to Cuba
Him: not sure. All depends on ghost. But for now we're still around
Me: Sharp
Him: sure
After speaking to Hlokes, I went straight to bed. I was so tired. But first I had a nice long bubble bath.
I woke up the following morning with missed calls from Siya.I had forgotten I left it on silent after
speaking to Hlokes i went to brush my teeth then called him back.
He answered
Him : Rifiloe
Me; hi
Him: thanks for calling me back
Me: what's up
Him: I got the ring
Me: oh
Him: Rifiloe, why did you give it back
Me; I thought it best
Him: but it was a gift to you. Why would you give it back
Me: because Siya. That ring represents a promise you made. Now you can't keep to that promise, so
it's better to give it back to you. I couldn't possibly keep it
Him: I'm sorry
Me: stop apologising. It's not your fault
Him: I also found something else
Me: what
Him: the video and ultrasound of the twins
Me: oh. I totally forgot to delete it. I'm sorry
Him: don't. I'm glad I got to see them
Me: I should get going
Him: I guess I'll see you around
Me: Sharp.
I put the phone down. Gosh I wished he would just remember already. I miss him so much.
Evrrytime I hear his voice, it just takes me back to the first time he kissed me, or the first time we
made love.
How was I ever going to love another man? Haai cha life can really be unfair.
I went downstairs to have breakfast, then went to the gym.
My body was starting to show, that I was becoming lazy. I needed to start toning up. Especially my
I spent over 2 hours at the gym. Every muscle in me was aching, but it was so worth it.
When I got home I took a bath, I was already late for Thandeka house. So I made it a quick one.
I got dressed in ripped blue jeans, with a white t-shirt and my white all stars.
I was about to leave when I got a call from Thandeka
Her: zala
Me: I'm on my way
Her: have you left
Ms: not yet
Her: change of plans. Please try keep an open mind
Me; ok
Her: I totally forgot that I've got builders coming to the house today.
Me: okay
Her: can we come over to you?
Me: sure
Her: but the guys want to come as well. We were all going to have a braai
Me: as in your hubbies
Her: yes
Me: it's cool man. Stop being so intense.
Her: your the best
Me: are you still at your place
Her yah,
Me: cool, gives me enough time To go the shop's
Her: dont buy alcohol loyiso and the guys already brought
Me: I'll just buy meat
Her: Hamm ok
Me: relax tee. I know your probably freaking out. I dont mind
Her: your a star
Me: I'll see you in about an hour
Her: Sharp
I took my keys and went to the shop's. I knew if the girls and their hubbies were all coming, I'd need
tons of meat. I went to a near by butchers and got everything I needed.
I know Thandeka said not to bug alcohol, but i was fast running out of wine, and since I was already
at the mall, I might as well get some more.
I went to the bottle store and bought 5 bottles of white and 5 of red.
I had finished paying, when I saw Hlokes walking with a lady I didn't know.
He spotted me and came in my direction.
Him: fancy seeing you here
Me; hi Hlokes
Him: ohh, fif his is boniswa. Bono this is fifi
I shook her hand. And said hi.
Hlokes looked at my shopping cart
Him: what's with all the boose
Me: oh, I've got people coming over
Him: your having a party and you don't invite me
Me: it wasn't planned
Him; well, what time must we be there?
I looked at him. Hlokes had no manners
Me: people should start arriving in about an hour
Him: cool we'll be there
Me: ok, I'll see you guys then
Him: can we bring anything
Me: nope, I'm all sorted. Just bring yourselves
Him: cool.
I said goodbye to boniswa and left. I was really glad to see Hlokes moving on.
When I got home, I put the store bought salads in salad bowls. Then took out plastic baths and filled
them with ice, so that they could put the alcohol in there.
Thandeka and the gang arrived while I was trying to get my music system to work.
I gave them all hugs. I had really missed all of them.
Loyiso (Thandekas husband) and the rest of guys went to fill th tubs with alcohol While the ladies
and I went upstairs to have a catch up session
Thandeka: so zala, tell us why you went all Awol on us
Me: I was out the country. I'm sorry guys
Nwabisa: Mara what kind of friend goes all the way to Cuba and doesn't tell her friends
Me: it was very last minute. I'm sorry
Cleo: so where is this man of yours who drags you all across the world
Me: we broke up
They all looked at me
Cleo: so zalas you are going to bring up your baby all , by yourself
Shit, I had forgotten they didn't know about the miscarriage
Me: I lost the babies
They all looked at me with even wider eyes
Nwabisa: babies
Me: there were twins
Thandeka: askies mzala man. No wonder you've been so distant
Me: can we forget about all of this, and go downstairs. I just want to unwind
Nwabisa: not before we give you an group hug
I laughed. We all stood up and they gave me a group hug.
I was really glad they decided to come over.
We went downstairs to chill with the guys.
Before I knew it this so called get together had turned into a full blown house party.
There were more and more people arriving. Some I knew by some were strangers.
Thankfully my veranda was big enough to accommodate everyone.
By now we had changed into our bikini tops and shorts, and had turned the party into a pool party
I was busy dancing with Cleo, when Thandeka ran to us.
Her: zala, don't look now, but your ex just arrived
Me: oh
I carried on dancing with Cleo, because I assumed she was referring to Hlokes. Plus I was on my
2nd bottle of wine, so I wad at the i don't care stage
I was really enjoying myself.
Cleo and I stopped dancing becuase we wanted to get into the pool. I was going to go get us towels,
when I saw Hlokes, standing with Siya and boniswa.
I think I became sober almost immediately. Hlokes hadn't mentioned coming with Siya.
I didn't want to seem rude, so I went to say hello.
Siya looked so Damn good. I'm so used to seeing him in suits, it was nice seeing him in causa
clothes for a change
Me: hey.... I didn't see you guys arrive
Hlokes: we got here about 10 min ago
Me: I'm glad you could make it.
Siya: I hope you don't mind, Hlokes basically dragged me here
Me: not at all....
Me: we wanna play water volleyball, are you guys game
Hlokes: but we didn't bring anything to swim
Me: not to worry, Siya left some of his things here the last time we went swimming Siya: I did?
Me: yep
Hlokes: I'm in.
Siya: sure
Me:boni, come with me, I've got a spear costume. I'm sure it will fit.
I went upstairs and gave boniswa a costume and shorts she could change into. Then went back
I bumped into Siya on the stairs. It was a bit awkward but i was a bit tipsy which I guess is a good
thing, becuase my tipsiness it gave me some courage nyana. I could smell his cologne. It smelled so
damn good
Him: I was hoping I would run into you
Me: what's up?
Him: you mind showing me where I kept my stuff
me: dure
I showed Siya to my bedroom.., he looked around while I looked in my closed for his stuff
Him: you've got quite a nice place here
Me: thanks
Him: so how often was I here
Me: pretty often
I laid his shorts on the bed, with one of his t-shirts he had left.
Me: I'll give you space to change. I'll be downstairs if you need me
Him: thanks
I took an extra pair of shorts and a t-shirt for Hlokes and went downstairs.
When I got to the veranda, some of the single people were playing spin the bottle. I didn't participate
though. There was no way I was going to kiss a total stranger.
Instead i joined Cleo and nwabisa in the pool, then Thandeka and boniswa finally joined us.
I introduced boniswa to the girls, I didn't want her to feel unwelcome.
Siya and Hlokes, and some of the other guys came to join us.
I got to see Siyas scar for the first time. It wasn't as big as I thought it would be. And it made him
sexier if that was even possible.
We all got in positions. It was the girls versus te guys. We agreed that the team that losing would
have to take 5 shots each or play truth or dear
I'm not one to mix alcohol. So I didn't plan on losing., and there was no way I was playing truth or
dare. I just hoped the girls were good at playing volleyball
Needless to say we lost pretty badly. The guys were mercyless. Siya scored the winning goal.
I looked at him shaking my head, and he mouthed sorry, then smiled.
I rolled my eyes at him.
Hlokes got out the pool to fetch the vodka. I tried running away before anyone noticed,because I
really didn't want to drink the shots, but Siya pulled me back in the pool playfully. I tried freeing my
wrist but he held on tighter, all the while smiling
Him: where do you think your going?
Me: getting the hell out of here. There's no way I'm drinking those shots
Hin: a deals a deal
Me: half these people are drunk. They won't even notice I'm not here
Him: I'd notice
Me: that's because your sober
Him: maybe
Hlokes came back while I was talking to Siya
Him: so who's first.
I looked at Thandeka, and she raised her hand.
She drowned all 5 shots as if she were a professional
Then nwabisa, then Cleo
There was no way I was doing shots. So boniswa and i opted for truth or dare.
The guys then decided to change the rules. If we weren't going to do shots, then we had to choose
I tried to talk myself out of it but they all insisted.
So we went with the dare.
They started with boniswa. They dared her to hold her breath under water for longer than 10
She let out a sigh of relief, and completed her dare.
I looked at them and prayed they would give me an easy one like her.
Hlokes: ok fifi, now your turn
Me: be nice
Him: I dare you to kiss anyone in this pool, who isn't here with someone
Oh gosh, I wished I could ask the ground to open, so it could swallow me. The only person in the
pool who wasn't with someone was Siya. And Hlokes knew that
I looked at Siya and he looked game.
Me; but that's not fair. Why did Boni get such an easy one
Hlokes: fifi, a bet is a bet. So who is it going to be
Me: isn't that obvious
Him: so get on with it
I looked at hlokes, and he was really enjoying torturing me.
Nxa, what the hell, its not like I hadn't kissed Siya before.
I walked to Siyas end of the pool and stood in front of him.
Me: lookes like your the only one who isn't here with someone
Him: I'm all yours
I leaned in and gave him a baby kiss then pulled away
Everyone started protesting.
Me: what? you said a kiss. I kissed him mos
Loyiso: that's not what we meant. You've got to give him a real kiss
Me: but you guys aren't fair yaz
Hlokes: we not letting you go that easily.
Mxm, I turned around to face Siya again, and he was laughing.
Me: it's not funny
Him: I don't make the rules
Me: you game?
Him: I'd be crazy not to be
Me: mxm
Siya leaned in, and put his lips on mine.
I didn't move for a few seconds. I just breathed him in. It felt like i hadn't kissed him in an eternity
I put my arms around his neck, and stated kissing him.
He put his hands around my waist and kissed me back so tenderly I thought I was going to
perspire... it felt like it was my first time kissing him. We both knew there were people around us, but
we didn't break our kiss, instead Siya deepened it.
We finally pulled back when Hlokes shouted "get a room"
Siya looked at me but didn't let go of my waist.
Him: I hope that wasn't to bad
Me: not at all
He chuckled then let go of me.
There really was no denying the chemistry between us.
No matter how much we pulled in separate directions, the universe had a way of pushing us back
The party went on for hours.
People only started leaving at around 2:00am.
By then I was sober as a judge. I had switched from wine to water at around 11:00pm.
Thandeka and the girls wanted to stay and clean up, but i told them not to worry. I'd do it in the
Hlokes decided he was too tired to go home 😕 so he and Boni went to sleep in one of the spare
Siya on the other hand was getting ready to go.
Him: thanks for having me. I had a good time
Me: I'm glad you could come
Him: i should get going
I looked at the time and it was 3:00am
Me; siya it's 3 in the morning, I've got a spare bedroom if you like
Him: you don't mind
Me: not at all
Him; lead the way.
We walked upstairs and I showed Siya to the room he'd be sleeping in.
Me: if you need an extra blankets or towels, their in the closet.
Him; I should be fine
Me; ok.... goodnight
Him: more like good morning
Me: (giggles) ya,
I walked out to leave but Siya held my hand.
I turned and looked at him.. he had this dreamy lustful look in his eyes
Him; don't go
I didn know what he meant, so I just stood there, trying to remember to breath
Siya pulled me closer.
Him: I Want to kiss you again
I didn't respond. I was way too turned on. I just nodded
Siya, put his lips on mine again. This time I didn't move. I was trying to make my brain register that
this wasn't a dream.
He parted my lips with his tounge, and started kissing me,
I put my hands around his neck, and He put his around my waist.
His kiss was so gentle and slow, like we were dancing the waltz. He may not remember me, but he
sure as hell remebers how to turn me on.
We may have started slow, but the kiss started getting more deeper and lustful.
I knew if I didn't stop it now, we would end up in bed, and I wasn't sure I could live with myself if we
did. It would feel like I was using him.
I pulled away slowly.
Him: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have
Me: don't be
Him: what is it with you and me. I try telling myself to let you go, but i just can't seem to. Something
just keeps pulling Me back to you
Me; I don't know if I want you to let me go
Him: I don't want to hurt you
Me: so what now
Him: we forget about tomorrow, or the future. And we conserntrate on what we want now.
Me: what do you want now
Him: I don't think ive ever wanted anyone, like I want you at this very moment
I took a deep breath. I wanted him too.
I held his hand, and walked out the spare into my room.
I didn't want to be right next door Hlokes and Boni 😉

When we got to my room, I stood in front of Siya again.

Me: where were we
He didn't answer, instead he put his hands on my back and started untangling my bikini top, while
kissing my neck.
He finally got it lose and tossed it aside, then he took a step back. Admiring the view
Him: gosh your perfect
I blushed a bit.
He came closer again, and started kissing me while his hands played with my nipples.
He stopped kissing me, and moved his mouth onto my nipples. I held onto him for dear life, because
I knew if i didn't, I would fall over.
Siya stood back up and looked at me.
Him; I think im in love with you
I didnt respond. Instead i took off his T-shirt and ran my hands over his scar.
Me: I don't think I could ever stop loving you
I started Unbuttoning his jeans. He didn't take his eyes off mine.
When I was done, and he was naked, I took a step back
Him: like what you see
Me (giggles) love
Him: well now that I'm in my birthday suit, what are you going to do with me
Me: I'm going to have my way with you
Him: (chuckles)
I keeled in front of him, and put him in my mouth.
A small groan escaped his throat
I started with just kissing the tip, then licked it.
Siya had his eyes on me. I put the rest of him In my mouth. I had never done this with Siya before,
but it was kind of empowering. I was so used to having him take control in the bedroom. It felt good
to see him vulnerable.
Siya pulled me up when he couldn't take it anymore
Him: your trying to unman me
Me: I don't see you complaining
Him (chuckles)
He moved me onto the bed, and started taking off my shorts. Then my bikini bottoms.
He kissed me from my toes all the way to my to the tip of my kingdom. Then he started on the other
foot and went all the way to the tip again. Siya really had me squirming and he knew it.
When he finally put his lips on my kingdom I let out a sound of plesure which only made him eat me
even more.
Siya finally stopped when he sensed I was about to come.
I swear I wanted to kill him.
Me: Siyaaa
Him: I want to look at you
He got on top and spread my legs. He entered me so slowly.
His eyes were on mine. He finally started moving, he started out slow,but then started picking up his
We both finally exploded with our names in each other's mouths.
🙊 🙊 🙊 🙊 🙊 🙊 🙊 🙊 🙊 🙊

Siya collapsed on top of me, gosh he has no idea how heavy he is .

Me: Si. ... your crushing me
He didn't move, he just giggled, so I moved my hands and started tickling him. He immediately
jumping up and looked at me with a smile
Him: so you you wanna play tickling.
Me: Siya don't you dare.
Him: what's stopping me
Me: I'll scream
Him; I don't care
He started tickling me and Damn it I screamed. I hate being tickled.
Me: Siya stop
Him: give me a kiss first
Me: ok ok ok
He stopped tickling me. And leaned in to kiss me.
We were interrupted by a knock on the door. We both froze
Hlokes: are you two ok in there
I looked at Siya and giggled
Him: dude we're fine
Hlokes: nxa, I thought something was wrong.
Him : no need to worry.... all is well
We heard Hlokes walking back to the other room
Me: you see what you did.
Him: he'll be fine
I looked at my watch and it was already 4am
Me: we should get some sleep
We opened up the covers and got in. I know that this may not be the same Siya I fell for, and maybe
it was an mistake sleeping with him. But for now we were both happy and that's all that mattered.
We drifted off in each other's arms.
The following morning or should I say afternoon I woke up with Siya wrapped around me.
I moved a bit, but he pulled me in
Him; morning
Me; I think its afternoon
Him; where you going
Me; I need to pee and then freshen up
Him: run us a bath
Me: sure
I tried getting up but he pulled me back into the bed
Him: I think your forgetting something
Me: what
Him: a good morning kiss
I smiled and gave him a kiss, and he let go
I went to run us a bubble bath, while made the bed.
Siya got in the bath first, then I followed.
I sat in between his legs, and lay my head on his chest.
Him: fifi
Me: mhmm
Him: I .......actually I know I'm in love with you
Me: (sigh) one night with me and you think your in love, Siya you can't love someone you don't know
Him; don't do that
Me: do what
Him: make last night seem like a mistake
Me: I just think I shouldn't have let it go that far. Now you feel obliged to want to be with me.
Him: Rifiloe , I may have lost my memory, but it doesn't mean I don't know what love is. What
happened last night was not a mistake. I wanted to be with you as much as you wanted to be with
me. There's nothing wrong with that.
Me: but
Him: but nothing. We need to find a way to make this work
Me: I hear you
Him: good
Me: your still stubborn as hell
Him: (chuckles) I'm a man who knows what he wants. I wanted you then. I want you now
Me: well I guess there's no use arguing, but I'm worried about your memory
Him: don't be. I think some of it is slowly coming back.
I shifted so I could look at him
Me: what do you mean
Him: I'm not really proud of some of what I remembered
Me: just tell me
Him: I remember the day I lay a hand on you
Me: oh,
Him: I'm sorry
Me; don't be. We were way past that when you left
I leaned in, and gave him a kiss.
Him: we should get out. The waters getting cold.
We got out and he dried me off then we got dressed.
When we got down stairs Hlokes and Boni were cleaning up.
Siya joined them while i made brunch.
I laid out the table and called everyone to come eat.
I was avoiding eye contact with Hlokes. He kept on looking my way.
Hlokes: So I'm guessing by the loud banging last night, you two are back together
I turned pink. Hlokes has no filter whatsoever
Siya: shut up bullet
Hlokes: I was just saying
Boniswa smiled and i smiled back.
We enjoyed the rest of our brunch making small conversation.
Siyas phone rang, and he looked at the caller ID then put it back in his pants.
I had a feeling it was Linda. But I didn't say anything.
After brunch, Siya helped me with the dishes.
Him: we should get going.
Me: so soon
Him: Hlokes and I have a meeting with the lieutenant tomorrow. I need to make sure we're prepared
Me: sounds serious
Him: he needs to evaluate if I'm still fit enough to lead the team
Me: oh
Him: what's wrong
Me: nothing.... I'm just going to miss you
Him; I'll see you tomorrow night
Me: sounds like a plan
I didn't want to say anything about him leaving the ops team. I known he had promised. But I felt like
he had to take that decision on his own again. For now all I could do was take things one day at a
time. And hope that this time round nothing comes between us.
When siya and i were done with the dishes, Hlokes went to drop Boni at home.
While Siya stayed with me for a while longer.
Him: so what are you going to do for the rest of the day
Me: sleep
Him: but you just woke up
Me: if I remember correctly somone kept me up much longer THAN I needed to be up
Him: I don't remember you complaining
Me: (chuckles ) true, but now your going and I don't have anyone to tuck me in
He looked at his watch
Him: hlokes should be here in about 20mins. I can cuddle you till then
Me; I guess it's better than nothing
Him: don't pout
Me: don't go
Him: but babe
Me:I know
Him: I'll be back tomorrow night. I promise
We walked upstairs, and got in my blankies.
Siya stayed with me till i fell asleep.
I didn't even hear him leave.
I must've slept through out the afternoon. Because I was woken up by my phone ringing and it was
just after 6pm
I looked at the caller and it was Linda , I immediately rejected her call.
I had absolutely nothing to say to that woman
I tried going back to sleep, but sleep had decided to desert me, so I went down stairs and made
myself tea and rusks.
The weather was so bad. It was drizzling outside. And here I was alone watching tv on a Sunday.
Haai, Siya was wicked shame.
As I was thinking about Siya my phone rang. I smiled cause it was him
Me: babe
Him: hey...your up
Me: yaah... I'm sitting watching tv in this horrid weather all alone
Him: I'm sorry babe
Me: you still, busy
Him: I just finished
Me: come over
Him: tempting
Me: I'll make you dinner
Him: and
Me: I'll give you a kiss
Him: I'm not quite convinced
Me: I'll do anything
Him: anything?
Me: as long as it doesn't include blood. I'm game
Him: ok, open the garage
Me: your here
Him: open and you'll see
Me: you better not be playing with me
Him: well there's only one way to find out
I got up and went to my garage. When I opened the garage, Siya was standing next to his Ferrari
with a bouquet of roses. I ran to him and gave him a hug.
Him: at least your happy to see me
Me: of course I am
Him: give me my kiss to prove it
I leaned in and gave him a kiss
Him: these are for you
Me: thank you babe, they're beautiful. I'll go put these in a vase, while you park your car.
I took my roses, and went to find a vase.
Siya walked in while I was sorting my flowers.
He put my hands around my waist and kissed my neck
Him: I think i heard you say something about dinner
Me: well, I can make you dinner, or we can skip straight to dessert.
Him; mhmm I'll take dessert
Me: good pick
I turned around and kissed Siya. He picked me up and carried me up the stairs.
We made love again and again. We both couldn't get enough of each other.
After our 2nd round, we took a quick shower and went downstairs to make dinner
It was really cold outside so I wanted to make something hearty, but Siya wasn't patient enough to
wait, so I made spaghetti and meatballs instead.
Him: are we going to eat down here or upstairs ?
Me: upstairs. It's warmer
Him: you walk up first so I can see your bum
I burst out laughing... 🙊 and walked upstairs.
We had dinner in bed, while watching tv...
My phone kept on ringing, but I kept ignoring it.
Siya looked at me
Him: you should get that
Me: nope,
Him: who is it
Me: see for yourself
He picked up my phone and saw it was Linda. He answered
Her: so your with her
Him: where else would I be
Her: after everything I've done for you. The minute you start getting better, you run into her arms.
The same woman your mother hates.. have you on shame Siyabonga
Him: is that all
Her: si
He dropped the call. I didn't bother asking what she wanted.
I was just glad he was handling her.
We finished eating and I took the plates downstairs
Siya and I spent our evening in bed. Mainly watching tv. I could tell he had something on his mind,
but i didn't want to push him.
Him: babe
Me: mhmm
Him: I might be going back to Cuba soon. Depending on my assessment tomorrow
Me: mhmm
Him; I was wondering if you would consider coming with me?
I sat up and looked at him. I knew this was going to turn into an argument.
Me: babe, I can't just up and leave
Him: it will only be for a few weeks
Me: Siya, I've just been made CFO. I can't disappear for weeks on end
Him: but babe, you don't need to work
Me: Siya, let's not go there
Him: why not? I make and have enough money for the both of us
Me: Siya, its not about money.
Him; what's it about
Yho, Siya is so Damn stubborn. But this was one thing I wasn't willing to compromise on.
Me: it's about me having my independence. I work not becuase i have to but because I want to
Him: so you expect me to leave you here, while I go to Cuba. You can't be serious
Me: why dont you quit your job and come stay in South Africa. You could run your company on a full
time basis
Him: it's not that easy
Me: neither is it for me. I also have a company to run. You can't expect me to drop that and Chase
after you like a love stuck teenager
Him: God your stubborn
Me: not as stubborn as you are.
He laughed. Thank God. I was begging to think we were going to have a full on fight
Him: so what do you suggest we do
Me: take it a day at a time. We'll figure all that out when we get to it
Him: fine
Me; don't pout
Him: men don't pout
Me: but your pouting
Him: mcm
I shifted, so I could sit on his lap, facing him.
Me; babe, I love you. You love me. We'll find a way to make this work
Him: I guess your right
Me: good
Him: so tell me about this promotion of yours
Me: oh, that. I was made CFO and Jason was made CEO
Him: who's Jason
Me: my boss's nephew
Him: how old is he?
Me: I think about your age
Him; is he married
Me: no
Him: do you work closely with him
Me: what's with the interrogation
Him: I need to determine if he's a threat
I laughed
Me: babe, jealousy doesn't suit you. Jason and I are colleagues, and that's never going to change
Him: has he made a pass at you
Me: no. But we did go out to dinner on Wednesday. We were celebrating our promotion
Siya looked a bit off. I don't know why I told him about dinner
Him: I don't like him
Mr: Siya, you don't even know him
Him; just make sure he stays in his lane
Me: I see you haven't lost your possessive streak
Him: do you blame me? I've lost you once. I'm not losing you again
Me: stop exadurating You have nothing to worry about
Him: do you mind if I get my guys to do a background search on him
Me: yes
Him: but
I cut him off with a kiss.
Me: you talk too much
He tried saying something but i kept in kissing him.
I know with Siya he always has to have the last word. So it's better to distract him.
We made out while watching TV. I was glad he had dropped the work subject. Because there was
nothing he could say to make me quit my job. I've been to Cuba with him before, and it nearly broke
us. I didnt want to go there again any to soon
😴 😴 😴 😴 😴

Siya spent the night. I was glad we were finally spending time together, but i was a bit nervous that
he might be leaving for Cuba soon. I also wanted to adress the Linda issue, but i didn't know how.
If he was going to Cuba, I didn't want Linda being there.
I'm not comfortable with having her there with him while I'm all the way in S.A, but none the less we
would address that when we crossed that bridge.
I woke up on Monday morning with Siya fast asleep next to me. I didn't want to wake him cause he
looked so peace full, but i didn't want Him being late for his assessment.
So I first went downstairs and made him coffee, then I came up to wake him.
Me: babe, wake up
Him: mhmhhh
Me: I've put your coffee on the sideboard.
I left him there rubbing his eyes like a 5 year old, and went to shower.
I was about to come out the shower when he came to join me
Him; where you off to
Me: I need to get going or I'll be late
Him: it's only 7am
Me: exactly. It takes me about 45min for me to get ready, and I've still got to sit in teaffic
Him: your the CFO , no one will notice if your a few minutes late.
Me: I lead by example
Him: all i need is 5mins
I giggled, cause I knew quickies weren't his thing.
We ended up having a quicky in the shower. Siya was really a bad influence
I got out the shower, and got dressed in record time.
Now the problem was to get my hair to behave.
I tried getting it to behave, but it wasn't participating, so I tied it up in a bun instead, and did my make
When Siya came out the shower it was already 07:50am.
I was beyond late.
Me: babe, I'm off
He was looking at what I was wearing
Him: that suit looks good on you
Me: thanks babe
Him: isn't it a bit short
Me: Siya, I'm wearing stockings underneath
Him: I know
Me: I love you babe.
Him: what about your keys
Me: I'll get them from you later
Him: ok.
I gave him a quick kiss and headed out the door.
I didn't want to even entertain my wardrobe choices with him.
I drove to work like a maniac. I really didn't like being late. But unfortunately traffic wasn't on my side.
I only got to work at 8:30am, all because of Siyas shananigans
When I arrived at work Anna wasn't at reception, so I went straight to my office.
I found her there with a fresh cup of coffee in her hand
Her: morning fifi
Me: morning Anna
Her: I made you coffee
Me: thank you've
Her: you settled in. I've got a few things i need to run through with you
I gave Anna a smile, she was so efficient.
Me: take a seat, we might as well start now
She sat down, and I took my coffee and put on my laptop
Her: we've got a couple of things that need your approval
Me:such as
Her: I need to send out the invitations for the gala/ charity dinner but we still haven't confirmed a
Me: I was going through the figures on Friday. I'm thinking of combining the two events into one.
Her: sounds like a good idea
Me: please find us an event's planner and set up an appointment for sometime this week. Ill email
you a date once ive spoken to jason
Her: ill get onto it as soon as we're Done here
We went through the rest of the list Anna had. I couldn't beleive that my first day as CFO I already
had so many things to do. Not that I mind though. I loved it.
Her: before I forget, this arrived for you this morning.
She gave me a package. It didn't have a return address.
I opened it and found a note
" Memory loss or not, I don't break promises
I expect to see this on your finger everyday,
until I replace it with An engagement ring
Love Mr Bossy pants
I opened the little box and found my ring in it.
Anna smiled
Her: it's beautiful
Me: it isn't it
Her: he must be very special
Me: he is
Her: I should get back to my desk.
She stood up and walked out. I put my ring on, and decided to call Mr Bossy pants
Him: hey babe
Me: hi Mr Bossy pants
Him: I see you received my package
Me: I did
Him: I meant what I said, I don't want you taking that ring off ever again.
Me: yes sir
Him; I've got to run babe. I'm going into my meeting
Me: Sharp
Him; I love you
Me: I love you too
There was a time in our life, where I thought Siya and I wouldn't make it. But now I had hope that
despite it all we actually had a chance at our very own happily ever after.

After speaking to Siya, I got back to work.

I sent the final dates for the charity Gala dinner to Anna. I wanted to make sure that this night goes
without a hitch. But we were also really tight on time, since we were already at the end of October, and
this needed to happen before the December.
Jason popped into my office at around lunch time
Him; hey stranger
Me; Hi Mr CEO
Him; how was the weekend?
Me; good thanks and yours
Him; I woked through the weekend.
Me; damn
Him; tell me about it… Anyway, I came to speak to you regarding the figures for the charity gala.
Me; im all ears
Him; all looks well, but I’m worried about time. This event is the first with you and I being in charge. I
want to make sure it goes well.
Me; I’m meeting with an events planner, today at 3pm, I’m sure we’ll be fine
Him; you sure
ME; yes, the save the dates have been mailed to all our guests. They should be receiving the invitations
first thing tomorrow
Him; including the clients who are overseas
Me; yep
Him; sounds like you have everything under control
Me; I’m only managing the financial side. Anna’s the one who’s making sure everything gets done
Him; Good
ME; now that you’re here, I need to discuss something with you
Him; sounds serious
Me; its about my personal life
Him; okay
Me; I’m dating someone, who also happens to be a client
Him; O-kay. Is he one of your clients or someone else’s?
Me; one of mine
Him; damn
Me; I thought its best I told you about it I don’t want people getting the wrong impression.
Him; thanks for telling me. But I think you need to hand over his account to someone else. The last thing
I want is a lawsuit on our hands, should you guys breakup
ME; He wouldn’t do that
Him; I’m not saying he wold. But the lawyer in me always prepares for the worst
Me; ok... Ill discuss it with him tonight
Him; cool… let me let you get back to work.
He walked out.. I was glad I told him about Siya and Me being together. I don’t want any secrets that will
bite me in the butt business wise.
Speaking about Siya... I need to go to the chemist to get the morning after pill... We haven’t really been
very responsible when coming to our sex life. We should’ve used protection.
The last thing we need is me falling pregnant right now. We’re just getting back on the mend, we are not
even close to being ready to have children.
I decided I’d go to the chemist after work on my way home. I also put a reminder in my diary for me to
set up an appointment with my gynaecologist, I need to get on a contraceptive ASAP
I had lunch at my desk, then at 3pm, the event planner arrived.
We went through the requirements for the gala dinner. She seemed really hands on, so we hired her on
the spot. It’s not like we had any alternatives.
I left that meeting feeling lighter than when I walked in.
I felt between Anna and the Planner. Everything should be in order.
By the time I looked at my watch, it was already 5pm, I still needed to get my keys from Siya and pop
past the chemist, so I decided to call Siya
Him; hey babe
Me; hey, you busy ?
Him; no, just about to leave the office now
ME; oh, are you coming to my place
Him; do you want me to
Me; yes
Him; ok, I’ll meet you there in about 20min
Me; I’m going past the chemist on my way home. I’m sure you’ll get there before me
Him; chemist? What’s wrong?
Me; I just need to get a few things
Him; things like?
ME; ill discuss it with you when I get home
Him; ok.. Drive safely
Me; ok babe... Bye
Him; Bye
I didn’t want to discuss my trip to the chemist with Siya over the phone. I preferred to get home and
discuss it then.
I left the office and went to the nearest chemist. I found what I was looking for and went home.
When I got home Siya was already home. I could smell the aroma of whatever he was making, all the way
from the garage.
I have no idea what he was cooking, but whatever it was made my mouth water.
I found him in the kitchen with an apron on. I looked at him and smiled.
Who thought that this special ops/gang leader Zulu man, would have an apron on in my kitchen?
I really was blessed.
I went to give him a kiss, then put my laptop bag on the counter.
Me; what you making?
Him; roast lamb with baked potatoes and some side veggies
Me; smells amazing … I didn’t know you could cook
Him; My mom taught me well
Me; remind me to thank her
Him; don’t get used to this.. And don’t you say a word to my team about it
Me; (giggles) why not?
Him; they already think you make me soft, So if they found out I was cooking for you I would never hear
the end of it
Me; mxm, they need to mind their own business.
Him; yahh….. So how was your day?
Me; busy… but nothing I couldn’t handle. How was yours?
Him; good... I met with the lieutenant. He’s put me back in charge
Me; oh
Him; you could sound more mhappy for me
Me; I am... It’s just that… never mind
Him; spit it out
Me; I thought you were going to be taking a step back from the unit.. Siya you’ve just back on your feet
and now your back to being in the force. Shouldn’t you be taking it easy
Him; I love that you care, but I’m fine babe.
Me; ………………………
I didn’t know what to say.. Siya had promised he would leave the force, but now he was back to being in
I know he made that promise before he lost his memory, but I couldn’t help feeling a bit sad.
How are we going to make all of this work when he’s all over the world, fighting gangs and shit?
Siya came to where I was standing, and lifted my face with his finger
Him; babe, we’ll make it work. I promise
Me; I know we will. I just worry about you
Him; babe I’ve been in the force for more than 10 years, and I’ve only been shot once. That says
something about my capabilities
Me; I guess your right
Him; can I kiss it better
Me; not this time
Him; fine, so tell me why you went to the chemist
I rolled my eyes and went to the fridge. If I was going to discuss this with Siya, I would need a glass of
wine first.
I poured us both a glass of white wine, then sat on the counter.
Me; I needed to get the morning after pill
Siya stopped what he was doing and looked at me
Him; why would you need the morning after pill
Me; because, you and I had unprotected sex, and I could fall pregnant
Him; would that be such a bad thing
Me; under the circumstances yes
Him; what circumstances
Me; Siya, come on... You’re leaving for CUBA soon, and I’ve just been promoted. Neither of us would have
time for a baby right now. The timing isn’t right. Plus you and I aren’t married
Him; but
Me; Siya but nothing. We’re not having a baby anytime soon. We’ve got too much to deal with as it is.
Him; so I have no say in the matter
Me; I didn’t mean it like that
Him; well it came across like that
Me; stop being sensitive, because you’re not getting your way
Him; fine... You win, for now that is
Me; thank you….. I’m going to freshen up for dinner
Him; don’t you want to wait for me? We can “freshen” up together
Me; I don’t think your idea of freshening up is the same as mine
Him; I bet my idea is much better than yours
Me; maybe I need a taste of your idea
He smiled and came closer to me. He gave me a kiss that made me weak at the knees. Then he stepped
away leaving me wanting for more
Me; not fair
Him; you said a taste mos
Me; fine, I’ll wait for you
Siya finished off making dinner. Then we went upstairs to “freshen up”. We ended up making love in the
When we finally came out, I wore Siya’s shirt over my underwear. While he changed into shorts and a T-
shirt. He looked at me disapprovingly
Me; what
Him; babe that’s a banana republic Shirt
Me; so
Him; you can’t sleep in that
Me; who’s going to stop me
Him; Me
Me; well, you have to catch me first
He smiled
Him; if I catch you we won’t have dinner
Me; that’s if you catch me
Him; so you’re challenging me
Me; yes, I think my chances are quite good.
Siya took a step towards me, but I was already out the door.
I ran down the stairs giggling, and reached the kitchen with Siya a step behind me.
Me; you’ve got to be fast if you want to catch me..
Him; it was a lucky break, we both know I’m faster
Me; don’t be a sore loser. I won fair and square
Him; fine, let me dish up for us
We had dinner in the lounge, while watching the 8pm news
Siya is really a good cook. I think he might be a bit better than I was #hides
After dinner I went to do the dishes. While Siya continued watching the news.
I wasn’t really a fan of the news, I only ever watch to see how the market is doing.
I left him in peace to watch and went upstairs to work a bit on my laptop.
I heard Siya’s phone ringing, but I ignored it. Whoever it was very persistent, so I looked at the caller ID,
and saw it was Linda
I decided not to answer it, but took it to Siya instead.
Me; babe, Linda’s been calling
Him; why didn’t you answer
Me; It’s not my Phone
Him; she probably wants more money
Me; haai.. Ha ke di keni
As we were talking, she called again. He answered
Him; Linda
Her; Hi, uphi
Him; Him what do you mean
Her; I’m at OR Tambo. I want to make sure your home
Him; Linda, if you’re here, where the hell is Olwetho
Her; I left him with your mom
Him; in the middle of a school week
Her; don’t act all high and might with me wena Siya. You’re all the way here shacking with that twit of
Him; Linda, I’m warning you
Her; Siya you don’t scare me. I’m on my way to your house, you better be there. We need to talk
Him; is it about Olwetho
Her; no, but believe me, you need to hear this
Him; ill meet with you tomorrow
Her; Is there anyone at the house
Him; which house
Her; your house
Him; Linda, you can’t seriously be planning on staying with me
Her; haw Siya, don’t I usually stay with you when I’m in JHB
Him; Linda, we’ve discussed this.
Her; Siya, I’m not even staying in the same house as you. I’ll be in the guest cottage. Tell your girlfriend
to chill
Him; you really like making life difficult
Her; stop being so extra. Is your house keeper home?
Him; yes, I’ll let her know you’re coming. Make sure you stick to the Guest cottage
Her; ya ya Siya
He put the phone down. I just continued watching TV, as if I didn’t have a care I the world. Even though
deep down, I was boiling
Him; babe
Me; mhmm
Him; can I ask you for a favour
Me; I’m listening
Him; Can I stay with you for a couple of days
Me; what’s wrong with your place
Him; Linda’s staying there, I’m not sure for how long
Me; why doesn’t she stay at a hotel?
Him; I didn’t ask
Me; it’s cool, you can stay here as long as you want
Him; thanks
We continued watching tv in an awkward silence.
I didn’t want to say anything, but deep down I was on fire
Him; Say it Rifiloe
Me; I don’t think you want to hear what I have to say
Him; I can see your upset. Just tell me what you want me to do
Me; I want you to put Linda in her place. She decided she wants to come to JHB and Stay with you and
you expect me to be ok with it
Him; But babe I’m staying here
Me; that’s not the point
Him; then what is the point
Me; the point is that she knows she can do as she pleases, and you let her get away with it. Tell her to go
to a fucking guest house
Him; I love that you’re so possessive
Me; don’t
Him; don’t what
Me; try to play this down.
Him; I’m sorry babe... Ill deal with Linda, I promise
Me; sooner rather than later... Or else you can stay in the guest room
Him; yes mam
I decided to go back upstairs and try working. But I was too annoyed.
Siya came up and took my laptop and put it in its bag, then cuddled me
Him; babe, I’m sorry
Me; its fine
Him; I’ll take care of it
Me; please do. I don’t want us arguing about Linda again
Him; I hear you
Me; let’s get some sleep
I wasn’t really mad at Siya anymore, but I needed him to get this Linda issue sorted once and for all
I don’t want her coming in between us anymore than she already had.
I woke up the following morning feeling better than when I went to bed
Siya was wrapped around me like a python.
I untangled myself and went to take a shower, I spent some time in there thinking Siya would come
join, but he was still fast asleep by the time i was done.
I even got dressed and brother was asleep.
I decided to go and wake him. It was unlike him to be sleep in.
Me; babe wake up
Him; mhmm
Me; Siya, you’re going to be late
Him; you should come back to bed
Me; no ways. I’m not going to be late again
He pulled me onto the bed and covered me with the duvet
Me; Siyaaaa, your messing up my hair
Him; I love you with messed up hair
ME; let go
Him; no
Me; Siyaaaaaaa
Him; give me a kiss first
Me; fine
I gave him a kiss and he let go
Him; stay in bed with me
Me; I cant
Him; call in sick
Me: I’ve never called in sick in my entire life. I don’t plan on starting today
Him; so did you take your so called pill
ME; shit I forgot
Him; thank god
Me; shut up Siya
I stood up and went to take my pill. I hope it’s not too late.
I left Siya, still in bed. He was having one of those lazy days. I kind of envied him, but I didn’t have
time to think about it
When I got to the office, I put my head into my work. It was really one of those busy days. Siya tried
calling me but I was too busy to even take his call. I told myself I would call him back when I had a
Unfortunately that moment didn’t quite come. By the time it came for me to call him it was after 6pm
Shit... Knowing Siya he was going to go all ape shit on me. And I really wasn’t in the mood.
I decided to call Siya. He didn’t answer
I tried him again, and this time he picked up
Him; Babe
Me; Hey…. Sorry today has been insane
Him; where are you
Me; about to leave the office
Him; Can we do dinner at a restaurant tonight
Me; sure, where?
Him; turn and tender Illovo
Me; cool, I’ll meet you there
I put the phone down and headed to turn and tender.
I don’t know if it was me, but Siya seemed a bit offish.
When I got to the restaurant, Siya hadn’t arrived yet. So I sat and ordered drinks.
Luckily he arrived as our drinks arrived. I stood up and gave him a hug
Him; what about my kiss
I smiled and gave him a kiss. Then we sat down
Me; I took the liberty of ordering drinks for us. I hope you don’t mind
Him; not at all
Me; how was your day
Him; not bad. But I need to tell you something
ME; what’s wrong? You seem off
Him; Rifiloe, before I tell you this. I need you to try and understand where I’m coming from
Me; Siya you’re scaring me
Him; (sigh) Linda’s pregnant
Me; ******
Him; say something
Me; congratulations to her, but I don’t see how that’s your problem
Him; The baby’s mine
I didn’t move ………………… He put his hands in mine
Him; say something
ME; …………………………..
Him; Rifiloe
Me; lets order dinner
Siya looked at me like I was insane. He was expecting me to break down and cry. But my mother
always taught me to be a lady in public
I signalled for the waiter, and he came to take our order. Siya was to shocked to order, so I ordered
on his behalf
Our food came while we sat in an awkward silence. Siya didn’t touch his food. Me on the other hand
I ate mine.
When I was done, I asked for the bill. I tried paying, but Siya insisted on paying. So I let him pay.
Then stood up and walked towards my car.
I was about to reverse my car, when I saw Siya in my review mirror walking towards my door, so I
opened my window.
Him; we need to talk about this
Me; we can talk at home
Him; ill meet you there
Me; sharp
I drove home, trying not to crash into anyone. I was so pissed I swear I could kill someone
When I got home, Siya was right behind me. We parked and went inside.
The first thing I did was search for the wine, I had a feeling I would need it
Siya, just stood there hovering.
I moved to the lounge with my glass in hand and sat down
Me; so you slept with her
Him; yes, but its not what you think
Me; and you didn’t use protection
Him; yes, but Ri
Me; then you came here and you slept with me without using protection
Him; yes, but
Me; and now she’s pregnant
Him; let me explain
Me; what’s to explain? Once again I’ve been made an idiot by you
Him; babe, it wasn’t like that
Me; so what was it like
Him; it happened the first night I came home from the hospital. I was still confused. Linda had moved
into the main bedroom and she convinced me that she and I were working on things, the night I left.
Rifiloe, it just happened. But I promise you was nothing like what we have. I was still taking meds so
I was a bit out of it.
I only started realising there were cracks in Linda’s story when I found some of your texts on my
phone that came from you. Which is when I confronted her, and she told me about you.
Me; so why didn’t you tell me
Him; Rifiloe, everything that happened between us happened so quickly, I planned on telling you, but
then I met with Linda today and she dropped the bombshell.
Me; so you only told me because Linda told you she was pregnant
Him; no babe. I told you because I didn’t want any secrets between us
Me; (sigh)
I finished my glass of wine, then went to take a shower.
I didn’t see the point of screaming and shouting or crying. Linda was pregnant, and I had to take a
decision on whether I wanted to stay with Siya or move on.
One thing I know is that I’ve tried breaking up with this man a million times, and each time we keep
finding our way to each other. I just pray that I won’t let this relationship with Siya consume me,
because if I decide to stay, I will have to deal with Linda and I’m not sure I’m prepared to share Siya
with her and 2 children.
I spent over an hour in the shower. I kept trying to think of what to do about this whole situation. I tried
imagining all different kinds of scenarios in how we could make this work, but for some reason, all of
them seemed off.
How were we going to make anything work, if Siya couldn't even stand up to Linda?
I got out the shower, and went to lotion my body then got dressed in my Pyjamas .
Siya wasn't in the bedroom, so I figured he was still downstairs. I was so tired I didn’t bother going to
I just got in blankets and went to sleep, hoping tomorrow wouldn't be as gloomy as today ended.
I was just drifting off when Siya came to bed. He put his arms around me. I wanted to be so angry at him.
I wanted to tell him to fuck off, but deep down, I knew that I wanted him right here next to me.
When I woke up the following morning Siya wasn't in bed.
I didn’t really have time to ponder about where he was, so I just went to shower.
When I got out, he was in the room he looked like he had just gone for a run.
Him: morning
Me: Hi
Him: can we talk
Me: I'm going to be late
Him: it will just take a second
Me: I’m listening,
Him; come sit
I sat next to him and listened
Him: babe, I know your probably don’t want anything to do with me. I don't blame you, I just need you to
trust me when I say I'll fix this
Me: Siya how could you possibly fix this? She's having your baby. Do you have any idea how it feels to
have another woman pregnant with your child, when I just lost my babies?
Him: I know, but I still want us to try make things between us work. All I need is time
Me: time? All I've ever given you is time.
Him: I know, but this was a mistake Rifiloe. I just don't know how to make it better for you
Me: Siya, there's nothing you can do
Him; just don't give up on us. Please
Me: I'm not making any promises. I'm just trying to figure out what I want right now.
Him; can I ask to do me a favor
Me: what
Him: meet me at my house after work
Me: why
Him; you'll see when you get there. If after tonight, you want us to go our separate ways, I'll understand
Me: fine
Him: thank you.
I got up and went to get dressed.
By the time I was done getting ready, Siya was also done, so we walked out together.
Him: so I'll see you tonight
Me; yaah,
Him: I love you Rifiloe. Please always remember that
Me: I love you too Siya, it’s just hard loving someone who comes with so much baggage
Him: I know babe. and I'm sorry
Me: I’ve got to go
Him; I don't get a kiss goodbye
I leaned in and gave him a baby kiss then pulled away.
Him: I guess it's better than nothing
Me: I'll see you later
Siya opened my door for me, and I got in. He got in his and we left.
When I got the officer Anne, had a list the size of my bible that I needed to get thorough for the day.
I was really grateful to have her. Only God knows how I would survive without her.
Halfway through my list I saw the reminder on my calendar, to set up an appointment with my gyne.
I immideiatly sent it to Anna, asking her to please set it up for no later than Friday.
Then continues working
Once again had lunch at my desk. I was getting used to not seeing any sunlight.
By the time it was time to go home, I had gotten through all the important things that I needed to get
I was about to leave, when I remembered I was supposed to go to Siya’s house.
I really didn't feel like it, but thought it best to keep to my promise.
I had even so busy during the day, I had totally forgotten to take my phone off silent. I had 3 missed calls
from Siya so I called him back
Him: babe
Me; hi, are we still meeting at your house
Me: yes. I'm already there
Me: I'll be there in 20
Him: cool
I put the phone down and headed towards the parking. I was really not looking forward to going to his
house. I was hungry and tired and wanted to be in the comfort of my own home.
When I arrived at Siya’s house, I called him so he could open the gate. He opened and I drove in.
He came to meet me at one if his garages.
He gave me a hug, and we walked in
Him: can I ask you to do me a favor?
Me: depends on what it is
Him: please try keeping an open mind
Me; about what
Him; You'll see
The moment I stepped into his lounge, I knew why he asked me to keep an open mind.
Linda and his mother were there sitting by the fire place. i really hope this man didn't bring me hear to
talk about polygamy. Because if he did, i swear i was going to kill him with my bare hands.
I turned around and looked at him
Me: you can’t be serious
Him: just hear me out
He took my hand in his, and we walked in the lounge.
His mother stood up to greet me. I greeted her back, then went to sit with Siya
Him: I'm sure your all wondering why I bought you here. So I'll get straight to the point.
I've heard that you ladies had a meeting regarding my relationships while I was in the hospital. I want it
to be made clear that there is no way in hell that I would enter into a polygamous marriage.
Siya’s mom tried to say something but he cut her off
Him: now with that out the way. I've got a few ground rules that are going to be followed. These aren't
up for discussion, so don't even bother trying to change my mind. I have been thinking about this since
last night, and I know what im about to say is the right thing.
I swallowed, Siya looked so serious. I kind of feared what was about to come out his mouth.
He looked at Linda
Him; Linda, going forward you will not and I mean never phone me. If you have a problem, or you need
anything for the kids. You'll phone Rifiloe directly. I pay you enough on a monthly basis to make sure
you and the kids are taken care of, so I expect you to make sure the money I give you lasts. If for any
reason you need more, you’ll phone Rifiloe.
I looked at Siya and couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
Him; Since you currently have Olwetho on a full time basis, you and Rifiloe are going to need to work out
a visiting schedule for me to see Olwetho. Due to me being in Cuba ill have him during most his school
Holidays, but ill let you two work it out.
Linda tried cutting Siya off, but he shut her down.
Him; I haven’t been as involved in Olwetho’s life like a father should. But that’s going to change. You will
not and I repeat NOT come and go at any of my houses as you please, If you need to be in JHB, for any
reason you will use this.
He gave her a key
Him: this is an apartment that I bought specially in Olwetho’s name
It's three bedrooms and has enough space for you and the children. My houses are off limits
Linda looked pissed as hell
Her: Siya you can't be serious
Him: I'm dead serious. I've had enough Linda. Enough of your lies, enough of your nagging, enough of
your disrespect and enough of you thinking you can do what you want without having to face the
circumstances. That all ends today, right this minute. Going forward you will respect the boundaries that
I’ve put up.
Which means you will also respect Rifiloe. You will not speak badly about her to our children.
If I hear you have in any way stepped out your lane, I will cut you off in every way possible.
Her: so you’re willing to let your children starve just because I refuse to do as you say?
Him: I didn't say my children would be cut off, I said I would cut you off.
Her: if you haven't noticed Siya, the kids and I are a package deal. If I starve they starve
Him: I figured you'd say that so I had these done today.
He handed her envelop
Her: Siya what is in here ?
Him: open them and find out
Linda opened the envelope and started reading the documents.
Her eyes nearly popes out their sockets
Her: what the hell are you playing at Siya?
Him: now that I have your attention I'm sure you'll be more than willing to participate.
Her: I won't let you get away with this
Him: you can try to stop me, but we both know you would lose. I have primary custody of Olwetho.
Which means, if I decide to take him to Cuba, I can do so without a second thought, which in turn means
I can cut you off without my child being affected.
Ok, I knew Siya had had enough, but I couldn't let him go ahead with this. I’m sure Linda gets the point
Me:Siya, baby don't you think that maybe
He cut me off
Him: Rifiloe don't get involved
I wanted to protest but the cold look in his eyes told me to shut my mouth.
Him : so Linda the choice is yours. Which one will it be?
I looked at Linda, then at Siya
Her: But Siya
Him; Not up for discussion. You need to take a decision now, and be able to live with it for the rest of
your life. So which one will it be?
Her; fine, I'll do as you say
Him: good.
Now Rifiloe, now it's your turn
I looked at him and tried to figure out what the hell he wanted to say to me.
Him: I love you and only you. I’m putting one of the most important things in my life in your hands. My
family has been my only driving force for so long, but now I’m giving you the reigns over it. I need you to
understand that Linda is the mother of my children. If she calls regarding the kids, or anything
important, I need you to put your hatred for her aside and promise to always do what's right for my
children. I didn't plan on having another child with her, but here we are. Please, try to understand where
she is coming from at times.
I know that you two will never be friends, but please try to be the bigger person, because I can almost
guarantee that Linda won’t be
I looked at Him and just nodded. I really didn’t except him to say what he said, but some of it really
resonated with me
Him : thank you
Him; and now lastly, Ma, I need you to take a step back, when it comes to my relationships with both
Linda and Rifiloe.
Your constant meddling needs to stop.
You had no right whatsoever to ask Rifiloe to move out of our room in Cuba. You had no right to hold
meetings about who I decide to marry. Those are decisions that need to be taken by me and not you.
I love Rifiloe and no amount of meddling and scheming on your part will change that. Linda and I are
done. We will never be together again. I care about her has the mother of my children, but I don't love
her and its time you accepted that.
You may not ever love Rifiloelike you do Linda, and quite frankly I don’t care, but you will respect my
decision to be with her.
Siyas mother just nodded. I think she was a bit shocked.
Him; I think that we are done here. Ma, I'll come by tomorrow to make sure that you get on your flight.
And Linda, I expect you to also be on the first flight out of JHB tomorrow morning. We can’t have
Olwetho with a nanny for long periods of time.
Him; Are there any questions.
No one spoke up
Him; Good.
Siya stood up and took my hand in his.
Him: let's go
I stood up and said goodbye to his mother and Linda, then we walked out.
I had known that Siya said he would fix things, but I hadn't expected him to do what he just did.
Don't get me wrong, I was glad he had put everyone including me in their places, but I kind of felt bad,
because I felt like he was doing this all for me.
The drive to my house was rather awkward. Siya was rather quite.
I wanted to discuss what had just happened further, but I could sense he was a bit off.
When we got to my house, I decided to go straight to the bedroom. While Siya on the other hand
was searching my cupboards for hard liquor
I finally let out a sigh of relief when I closed my bedroom door.
I was really hungry but didn’t know what Siya wanted to eat. So I changed into shorts and one of his
shirts, then went downstairs.
Siya was sitting watching the news. So I walked up to him and stood in front of him. He looked at
me. I know I was hungry ne, but when I saw the look in his eyes my hear melted.
I know it must’ve been hard for him to confront his mom like that.
I moved his hands and sat in a squat position on his lap.
Me; Babe
Him; mhmm
Me; do you want to talk about it
Him; not particularly
Me; I’m sorry babe
Him; it’s not your fault Rifiloe. I did what had to be done
Me; but now I feel bad, like maybe you blame me
Him; are you serious? I did what I did Rifiloe, because I hate seeing you hurt. I don’t understand how
I let this go on for so long. I know you’ve spoken to me about Linda, and I tried speaking to her, but
when she told me she was pregnant. I knew she was going to use that to piss you off. So I had to
put her in her place once and for all.
I had put her before you in the past but now going forward. It was time to put you first.
Me; But love, …………. Wait. How did you know anything about the "past"
He looked at me, and I just knew
Him; It’s all come back
I had tears in my eyes.
Me; when?
Him; it’s been happening, over the last couple of days
ME; why didn’t you say anything
Him; I didn’t want to get your hopes up. I wanted to see my doctor first
Me; babe
I hugged him, and started crying…. My Siya was finally back.
Him; don’t cry
Me; (sniff) I’m just glad this whole nightmare is over
Him; yaah, so am I
Me; Give me a kiss
I leaned in and gave him a kiss.
Me; we should celebrate
Him; how
Me; I don’t know. Go out, have some fun
Him; sounds good but it’s a week night
Me; so we can celebrate on Friday or Saturday
Him; I’m in
Me; good
Him; but can we get something to eat. I’m famished
Me; Ill cook
Him; lets just order
Me; cool. What do you feel like?
Him; junk
Me; junk it is
I was about to pick up the phone to order dinner, When a call came through.
Me; hello
Her; Hi
Me; what can I do for you
Her; I think its time you and I sat down, woman to woman
Me; Im listening
Her; I was hoping we could meet
Me; When and Where
Her; tonight. My flight to CT leaves at 8am tomorrow
Me; Do you want to come over
Her; send me your address
ME; sharp.
I put the phone and sent Linda my address, then ordered
Him; so Linda’s coming over?
Me; it looks Like it
Him; this should be interesting
Me; stay out of it
Him; how can I stay out of it, when it involves me?
Me; we both know how you like to take over. You said Linda and I must come to an understanding,
and that’s what we’re trying to do.
Him; fine. Just promise me you won’t strangle her
Me ;(chuckles) I promise I will try really really hard not to strangle her
Him; that’s all I can ask for.
Me; I’m going to take a quick shower. Let me know when the food or Linda arrives
Him; need some help
Me; I’m pretty sure I can manage
Him; I’m sure I could help with those hard to reach places
Me; tempting
Him; I’ll make it worth your time
Me; we don’t have enough time
Him; so let me give you little taste of what you’re missing out on
I leaned in and kissed him. I know we didn’t have much time but Siya was pushing al the right
buttons, and I wanted him right there and then
I was busy unbuttoning his shirt when the doorbell rang.
Him; Damn it
Me; serves you right
Him; don’t get it
Me; haai Siya man, Let go
Him; I don’t think I’m hungry anymore
Me; it could be Linda
Him; mxm
Me; go take a cold shower
Him; not happening.
I stood up and went to open for whoever it was, and I found both Linda and the delivery man outside.
I paid for our food, Then walked in with Linda.
I put the food on the counter, and walked with Linda to the lounge.
Siya was still sitting there watching TV.
Linda greeted us then we sat down. I could she was a bit uncomfortable
Me; babe
Him; Mhmm
Me; didn’t you say something about working upstairs
Him; No
Me; (clears throat)
He looked at me, and then at Linda
Him; oh yaah. I’ll be upstairs if you need me
Me; I’m sure we’ll be fine.
Siya went upstairs to our bedroom, and I turned my attention back to Linda
Me; can I offer you something to drink
Her; no thank you
Me; ok. What can I do for you?
Her; I think it’s time you and I came to an agreement
Me; what kind of agreement
Her; regarding the kids
Me; I’m listening
Her; I think Siya asking me to only be in contact with you is a bit much. I mean, I know you two are
together, but I feel that there are things that you won’t understand.
Me; look Linda, I’m not stupid. I know that there will be some sort or communication between you
and Siya. But as far as I understand he wants that to be minimal. And I agree to that.
Her; but what about when I give birth? The first person I would want there is just seems unfair
that I would have to go through you to get to him.
Me; I hear you. Look Linda, I don’t make the rules. Siya does.
Ill discuss things with him, and I’ll let you know
Her; thanks.
Me; we also need to discuss the visiting schedules for Olwetho
Her; can I get back to you regarding that
Me; sure
Her; I should get going
Linda got up to leave, and I stood to walk her out.
I don’t get why we had to meet in person, but I was glad she was being Civil.
When I got back, Siya was eating his dinner in the lounge.
Him; I guess that well. Since you have all your body parts still intact
Me; Ha Ha Siya
I sat next to him and we had our dinner.
I know I should be glad that things seem to be falling into place. But something about Linda’s
calmness had me worried.
It was unlike her to go down without a fight, and that alone freaks me the hell out
I decided to let my insecurities about Linda go. If indeed she was planning something, I’d have to wait
and see. I wasn’t going to drive myself crazy trying to figure out what she’s up to.
After dinner Siya and I went to bed. We were both so tired, we didn’t even bother taking a shower. We
just went straight to bed.
When I woke up the next morning, Siya wasn’t in bed.
I could smell his cologne, so I figured he was downstairs.
I got up made the bed, and went to shower.
When I got downstairs Siya was having breakfast
ME; Morning
Him; Morning babe
Me; your up early
Him; yah, got to make sure my mom gets on that flight
Me; oh, I had forgotten about that
Him; your breakfast is in the oven. I’ve got to run
Me; thanks babe, I’ll see you later
Him; come give your man a kiss
Me; I thought you were in a hurry
Him; not that much of a hurry
I rolled my eyes and went to give him a kiss.
Him; your making it difficult to leave
Me; then stay
Him; tempting. But I can’t
Me ; one more then you can go
He leaned in and gave me a kiss
Him; how am I going to survive without your lips when I’m in Cuba?
I took a step back
Him; yes
ME; I thought, with you getting your memory back, you would be resigning
Him; we’ll talk about this tonight
Me; Siya
Him; babe, I’ve got to run
ME; mhmm
He gave me another kiss on the cheek, then left.
I didn’t understand why he would be going to Cuba, if he had resigned.
He specifically said he would be resigning after this last mission. Nxa
Í took a deep breath, then went to the office.
I didn’t even bother having the breakfast he made. He had just made me lose my appetite
When I arrived at the office, Anna was already waiting for me at reception, with a cup of coffee in hand.
Me; Morning
Her; Morning. You ready for press day?
Me; Press day?
Her; yes, it’s in your diary. It’s for the SA business mag.
ME; shit, I totally forgot that was for today
Her; they’re waiting for you in the main boardroom upstairs.
ME; is Jason already there ?
Her; yes,
Me; what would I do without you
Her; good thing we will never find out.
I took my coffee and walked towards the main boardroom. I was grateful I tend to always be formal
when coming to work. Imagine if I had rocked up in my jeans.
When I entered the boardroom, the place had been transformed into a studio.
There were about four different cameras in position. It looked like I had entered onto a movie set.
I wasn’t really interested in any of this. I had so much work to do.
I spotted Jason getting his makeup done, He looked so uncomfortable, so I went over to him.
Me; well this I didn’t expect to see
Him; don’t say a word of this to anyone
ME; you enjoying your pamper session
Him; I don’t get how you woman do this on a daily basis. I keep sneezing from the damn powder
Me; (chuckles) so how long is this thing going last
Him; only god knows
Me; I’m going to my office. Let me know when you need me
Him; don’t even think about it. This is a joint venture. I suffer you suffer.
ME; I’ve already done my makeup. I’m good
Him; then let’s get this over with
Me; please
We moved and Sat where the Interview would be taking place.
Apparently they were interviewing us because I was one of the youngest CFO’s in or industry and Jason
was the youngest CEO blah blah blah.
I was so hungry and so over everything. I started regretting not eating the breakfast that Siya made.
All in all everything went well. We did or interview, then had a photo shoot. Some pictures I was alone,
others were with Jason.
I think Jason was also so over the whole thing, He kept making funny faces when taking pictures.
He even photobombed one of my pictures.
The lady doing the interview even asked us if we were a couple. We both burst out laughing.
I think the reason she asked is because of how playful we were with each other.
I tried assuring her we weren’t a couple, but Jason kept playing with my hair, so I’m not even sure she
heard me, because he kept on being annoying, in a funny way.
I eventually gave up trying to explain, and just laughed.
When we were finally done it was after 2pm. I was so hungry it was no joke.
I ordered lunch, then went to try and get some real work done. This whole photoshoot thing had
disrupted my schedule, and it looked like I was in for a long night at the office.
When my lunch finally arrived I dug in. Siya called while I was eating
ME; Mr Ndhlovu
Him; HI Babe
Me; what’s up?
Him; what time are you getting off work?
Me; Maybe 9pm
Him; Why so late?
Me; I’ve got a lot to get through
Him; I was hoping we could talk
Me; we’ll talk when I get home
Him; cool. I’ll see you later
Me; sharp
After lunch I dug into my work. It was month end, and I had a million reports that needed to be
When Jason came to my office it was after 7pm. I hadn’t realized he was also working late.
Him; Hey partner
Me; Hey
Him; I saw your light on, so I thought I would take a break and come see how my partner in crime is
ME; thanks dude, I was also thinking of taking a break. I’ve been at it since 3pm, and my feet are killing
Him; want a foot massage
ME; that’s Siya’s job
Him; so tell me about this Siya guy
Me; what do you want to know?
Him; are you guys serious
ME; pretty much
Him; I hope he knows how lucky he is
Me; I’m sure he does.
Him; good. Now let me get back to work
Me; cool.
He got up and went back to his office.
I worked till about 8:30pm, then I headed home.
When I got home, Siya was already there. He was watching the news
I put down my computer bag, and put my feet on his lap
Him; hello to you too
Me; hi boo boo
Him; you look exhausted
Me; I’m dead
Him; want a foot massage
Me; please
He took off my shoes and started rubbing my feet
Him; how was your day
Me; we can speak about that later. For now, I would like to address the big ass elephant in the room
Him; Rifiloe
ME; Siya
Him; don’t start
Me; how am I the one starting?
Him; I know what I said, but things have changed. I can’t just up and leave right now
Me; so you’re going back on your word?
Him; no. I just need you to give me time
Me; time? Really. That’s NOT what you said the last time.
Him; I know, But then you were
Me; I was what?
Him; …………………………
Me; say it. You wanted to say that I was pregnant. So basically the only reason you made all those fucking
promises was because I was pregnant. And now that I’m not pregnant, all of a sudden you’re going back
on them?
Him; Rifiloe, I didn’t say that
ME; you wanted to. Fuck man
I stood up
Him; Stop being dramatic
Me; dramatic? Siya, in case you forgot, I nearly lost you. Ok. You nearly DIED and now you’re telling me,
you want to go back to Cuba, and continue as an ops leader. Are you crazy I’m not going through what
we’ve just been through again? I refuse
Him; Rifiloe, right now things aren’t as black and white as they were. I just need you to try
Me; Understanding what? Huh? That you value this damn job, more than you value our relationship?
More than you value your children and more than you value your own life
Him; Babe
Me; don’t fucking babe me. You’ve yet again lied to me and I’m supposed to just smile, and pretend I’m
okay with it.
I took of my ring and threw it at him.
ME; next time don’t go making promises you don’t intend on keeping.
I stormed upstairs, and went to my room.
What was the point of us trying to make anything work? When Siya wanted to stay in Cuba acting like a
fucking mafia boss, for God knows how long.

When I got to my room, I wanted to lock the door, but Siya was already opening the handle.
I was so mad at him. How could he not consider my feelings in all this.
He made a promise. One that I didn't force him to make, and now because there's no more babies,
he decides to go back on it.
I looked at him and he looked like his temper was also rising Not that I care though. I wasn't the one
who was at fault here. He was.
Him: once again your walking away
Me: Siya, not now
Him: then when Rifiloe?
Him: don't raise your voice at me
Me: what you gonna do? Hit me
Siya looked at me like I had slapped him across the face.
I could see that I hurt him. But I did mean to I was just pissed and it came out
He didn't say or do anything. He just took his keys and left.
I wanted to tell him, even beg him not to go, but pride got in the way.
I sat on my bed and let out a sight. I wanted to call him but i knew he wouldnt answer my call.
I decided to go take a shower, and hope he would be back.
I know I was wrong for what I said, but i still felt like Siya was being unfair.
I took a shower, then got dressed in one of his shirts.
I kept checking my phone, to see if I had missed calls from him, but nothing.
I went downstairs and made us dinner. I wasn't in the mood to cook, but they say a way to a man's
heart is through his stomach
By the time I was done with dinner, it was after 10, and there was till no Siya. I figured I would have
to put my pride aside and call him.,
I tried him twice and he didn't answer.
I tried him for the 3rd time and he answered
Him; Rifiloe
Me: babe
Him: what
Me: where are you
Him: what do you want rifiloe
Me: (sigh) I want you to come home
Him: I am home
Me: so your at your place
Him: yes
Me: is Linda there
Him: rifiloe, don't ask me stupid questions. What more do you want Me to do ?
Me: come back
Him: I'm sure you think I'm your puppet ne. Nxa
He put the phone down.
I just knew Siya wasn't going to come back. So that meant I would have to go to him
I went upstairs and packed an overnight bag. I also had to change Int something more decent, since
i was just wearing his shirt.
When I got downstairs I packed the food I had made, into a Tupperware, then checked to make surd
i had everything I needed. Then left.
I drove to Siyas house feeling a bit anxious. Knowing Siya, I was in for a long night
When i arrived a his house. I said a little prayer, then called him. he didn't pick up
I tried him again, and it rang till it went to voicemail
I decided to send him a text, letting him know I was outside.
Still. Dololo
I waited for a while, then decided it was time to go home.
I had tried making amends but failed. No use standing out here like a lost sheep
I was about to start my car when the gate opened
I drove in and parked outside one of his garages.
I took my bags out of the boot, and walked in.
Siya came to meet me at the door. He looked like he was just finished working out.
Him: what are you doing here
Me: I came to see you
Him: (sigh) come in.
I walked in and he led me to his room. I sat on the bed while he stood with his arms crossed.
Me:Siya, I'm sorry
Him: for what
Me: for what I said
Him: have you actually forgiven me for that, or are you still holding a grudge
Me: babe, I forgave you a long time ago. It just came out cause I was angry. I didn't mean to hurt
you. I'm sorry
He came and sat next to me
Him: Rifiloe, I don't regret much in life. But that day I hit you, I regret with everything in me. I don't
know why i let my anger get the best of me, I didn't mean to. It just happened. But i can't have you
bringing that up every time we have an argument
Me: I know babe. I'm sorry
Him; it's cool. Can we just forget about this? I leave for Cuba on Sunday, and the last thing I want is
to spend the little time I have with you fighting.
Me: so your really leaving
Him; yes
Me: I guess there's nothing more to say about that. I'm gonna go worm our food
Him; Rifiloe
Me: it's fine Siya. There's nothing more that needs to be said. Your going, I'm staying and somehow,
Him; I know I made a promise, but babe, this shooting made me realise, that I love my job. I don’t
even consider it a job. It’s a part of who I am. You know if I could I would, but if I quit, that means the
whole force gets shut down, then what happens to all the people who get hurt because of me
quitting? I can’t have those deaths on my hands Rifiloe.
ME; so how long would this whole task force be active for?
Him; the next 10 years. Then they don’t have a choice but to shut it down, because by then we
would have accomplished the whole point of the ops team.
Me; 10 years Siya. You expect me to be ok with you doing this for 10 years. God you’re insane
Him; Rifiloe, be reasonable
Me; So why did you say you would leave, if you knew you couldn’t
Him; I didn’t know. I only found out when I spoke to the lieutenant. I wouldn’t have said I would, if I
knew I couldn’t
Me; so you leave on Sunday?
Him; my business here is done, its time I went back. Nails has been in charge for far too long
Me; it’s only been 3 weeks
Him; yes, and now it’s time for me to get back
ME; are you at least coming to the gala dinner
Him; I don’t thinks so. I might be in Brazil then
ME; But Si (sigh) never mind
Him; don’t do that
Me; so when will you be in SA again
Him; in December
ME; That’s two whole months
Him; Rifi
Me; forget I said anything. Im ging to worm our food
I got up and went to worm our food.
Siya acc into the kitchen and put his arms around me from behind
Him; we’re going to make this work Fifi
Me; how Siya? When you’re going to be away for so long
Him; come with me
Me; you know I can’t
Him; Then you’ll visit.
Me; fine
Him; you know I love you
I turned around to face him.
Me; I know you do. And I love you too
Him; so stop being so stubborn, and let me love you, the best way I know how
Me; I’m trying
Him; Try harder. We can’t keep fighting like this. It’s not healthy. I need you to toughen up a bit
Me; Toughen up?
Him; yes. You’re so used to me being here with you, and being around you, but now things are going
to change a bit
Me; how
Him; I need to go back to being the Ghost I was before I met you. Which means I won’t always be
Me; so how am I supposed to get hold of you
Him; You can try calling, but I don’t want you huffing and puffing if I don’t answer. Just know that if
you can’t get hold of me it’s because I’m uncover
ME; so you’re going on missions again?
Him; yes. Now more than ever
Me; but
Him; Shhhh you talk too much
Me; mxm
Him; babe, I’m leaving in a few days. Can we just try getting along till then
ME; fine
Him; Give me a kiss
Me; no
Him; ill tickle you
Me; Siya
Him; 1
Me; fine. Come closer
Him; that’s more like it
I gave him a kiss and some of my fears started melting away.
I know I was being difficult, but the thought of losing him scared the hell out of me. He was so used
to this gang associated life, but for me it’s all new, and I just don’t know how to handle him as Ghost.
The following morning was Friday. I was still a bit off regarding Siya leaving, but I had to let it go. It’s
not like I had a choice in the matter, I guess it’s just another part of Siya’s baggage.
Siya was fast asleep besides me. He looked so innocent laying there with no traces of this Ghost
He opened his eyes as I was staring at him
Him; plotting to kill me
Me; luckily for you, I wasn’t. But I was plotting to kiss you
Him; so what’s stopping you?
Me; morning breath
Him; (chuckles) I don’t care.
ME; not happening buddy. I’m going to take a shower
Him; want some help washing you back
Me; I thought you’d never ask
We spent some time in the shower getting dirty and then getting clean again. 😉

I don't now how I was going to get used to not having him around.
When we finally got out. We got dressed and ready for work.
Siya looked every inch of the business man that he was. Where as I was just in jeans and I t-shirt
Him: babe, you going into the office with your jeans
Me: yep. Fridays are mor chilled at our offices.
Him : I should Implement that for my staff
Me; I'm sure they'll enjoy it
Him: we'll see
Me: before, I forget. I've got an appointment with my GYne today
Him: why? What's wrong
Me: nothing's wrong. I just want to get on a contraceptive asap. You and I haven't been using
protection. And I want to make sure j don't fall pregnant
Him: I'm going to reserve my comment
Me: good. Now lets get going, or else I'm going to be late
Him: ok, give me 2 minutes
Siya gathered all his things that he needed. And we walked out together.
When we got to his garage, he took out a key for the jeep. The Ferrari was parked right at the end.
I walked up to in, and took a good look. Siya followed
Him: you like?
Me: it's ok
Hom: ok? Babe that car is one of the best sports cars in the world. And you think its just ok
Me; maybe if I could drive it for the day , I might have a different opinion
Him:forget it. You can drive any of my cars expect that one.
I looked at him and pouted
Him: don't
Me: please. Pretty please
Him: but babe
Me: I promise I won't scratch it
Him: mhmm
Me: pleeeeaassse
Him: fine, but you scratch it I kill you
Me: deal
He went inside to get the keys, then came back.
Him: so what do I get for letting you drive my car
Me: anything you want
Him: ok. Can you get off work early?
Me: ok, what time
Him: 13:00pm
Me: cool. Now can I have the keys
Him: give me a kiss first
I leaned in and gave him a kiss.
Him: take care of my baby
Me: I will
I took the keys from his hands and got in the car.
Siya watched me with a bit of worry, as I reversed out his drive way. I don't know why he was
stressing, when I'd had my license for so long.
Driving a Ferrari was a bit different that driving my Audi.
The speed on this machine, seriously took me by surprise.
When I got to the office, I parked the car. Then went inside.
When I checked my phone, I had 5 missed calls from Siya
I smiled. I'm sure he wanted to make sure his car was ok
I didn't phone him back. I just sent a message, telling him his car was ok. He responded with smiley
When I arrived, Anna was already waiting for me in my office. As always she had a fresh cup of
coffee waiting for me.
Me: morning
Her: morning fifi
Me: shall we begin
Her: sure
We went through our schedule for the day. I was glad there weren't any urgent matters that needed
my attention, because I was only going to be here for about 2 hours before I had to go to my gyne .
It's funny how time flys when your busy. Cause when I looked up it was already time to go.
I quickly sent an email to Jason, letting him know that I had left for the day. Then left for my doctors
When I git to the doctor, we decided to first do a pregnancy test, to make sure I wasn't pregnant.
Then we decided on the best form of contraceptive, which in my opinion was the implant.
An hour later I walked out and headed to Siyas house.
When I arrived he was already waiting for me. I had a feeling he was probably tracking me, to make
sure his car was I one piece.
Him: oh than God.
Me: your such a baby
Him; one day you'll understand
Me: whatever. So tell me what I'm doing here, when I should be at work
Him; come with me.
We got into the jeep, and he drive off
Me: where are we going
Him : you'll see when we get there
Me; Siya
Him: just relax
Me: fine.
I wanted try drag it out of him, but i didn't. I thought for once let me actually trust him.
Siya drove towards the airport. I immediately became anxious. I hope he wasn't taking me to Cuba
Me: babe
Him: don't worry. I'm not dragging you to Cuba against your will. Even though I should be
Me: thank goodness. I was begging to worry
We drive directly to where his jet was parked.
Siya opened the door for me, and we boarded his jet
Me: you know I have to be back by Monday right
Him: yes
Me: son are you still not going to tell me where we going
Him: no
Me: fine.
We flew for just over an hour, then we landed.
Siya took my hand and we headed to the car. I tried so hard to get him to tell me why we were in
Durban, but he refused.
When the car finally came to a stop, we headed toward a harbour. I immediately knew we were
going on his boat.
Me: babe. We going in your boat
Him; yep. I thought we could spent the weekend here
Me: thank you
Him: don't thank me. I just wanted to spend some time with you, without the chance of us being
I gave him a kiss on the cheek as we walked onto the boat.
I must say I was rather impressed. I had never been on a boat like this in my life. I was in absolut
awe of its beauty. Most of the furniture was very alike to some of the furniture at Siyas house. It was
nice to seen it still had a bit of his touch.
Siya showed me around the boat. Then we came went on the deck, to have lunch.
Me: babe, thanks for this. It's really beautiful up here
Him: don't thank me. Everything that's mine is your
Me: not really. But ok
Him : I'm serious
Me: about what
Him; about wanting what's mine to be yours
Me; baby I'm lost
Him: Rifiloe, you know I love you right
Me: yes.
Him: and I know we still have a lot that we need to learn about eachother
Me: yes
Him; but at the same time, I already know what I want
Me: okay
Him: so why waist anymore time?
Me: babe your not making sense
Him: I brought you here because I wanted to ask you if you love me enough to become Mrs
I looked at siya, to make sure I wasn't mistaken. I know I heard him, but i wasn't sure I heard him
Me: what exactly are you saying
He stood up in front of me, the knelt down. 8
Him: baby, you know I love you more than anything in this world. You are the queen of my kingdom.
I wish there were enough words to make you see the love I have for you, but there aren't. So instead
I ask that you honour me with your hand in marriage.
I looked at siya bent down on one knee. He looked so nervouse but at the same time happy.
I wanted to say yes, i really did, but i still had fears of what our tomorrow would look like.
What if I said yes, the a few years down the line I started regretting my decision?
I really loved this man, but i wasn't sure, I was ready to become his wife, it all just seemed to soon. I
just hoped he would understand If i were to say no

I looked at this man. My not so shining knight in no Armour, but I didn’t care about that. All I knew
was that I love him. More than anything, and despite us being so different, I don’t think I could ever
love another man like I love this one.
But at the same time I had fears. Fears that he might change his mind. Fears that we might be too
different, and mostly fears that the distance might be too much.
Siya was on one knee. I could tell he was getting anxious. So I chose to put him out of his misery.
Me; babe, stand up
Him; aren’t you supposed to give me an answer before I stand
Me; says who
Him; says society
Me; I don’t care about society. Just stand up
He rolled his eyes and stood up.
I looked him in eyes
Me; Siya, are you sure about this?
Him; Yes
Me; I’m going to do something I’ve never done before, and that is put my trust 100% in you. Siya I
need you to promise me you won’t hurt me. I love you so much and it scares me at times. But I’m
going to put my fears aside and I’m going to say Yes, to being your wife.
Siya’s eyes shot open. He picked me up and spun me around.
He put me down and gave me kiss
Him; you had me worried there for a moment.
Me; sorry babe. It’s just that I wasn’t expecting this
Him; I wanted to make sure you were truly mine before I left
Me; I’ll always be yours.
Him; that’s good to hear. Him your probably wondering where your is?
Me; I even forget there’s supposed to be a ring
Him; I was supposed to do this tonight, with the whole candle thing but I was too anxious.
Me; I don’t care about all that stuff. I care more about this moment.
Him; so we’re officially engaged
Me; yes we are.
Him; give me a kiss
I leaned in closer and put my lips on his. I thought with time the butterflies in my stomach would
vanish, but every time he touches me my insides tighten. The kiss went from slow and sensual to
deep and lustful. We had to brake the kiss because we were out on the deck.
Him; will I ever get enough of you
Me; I hope not
Him; come, let’s go down and test our theory
ME; what theory
Him; who gets enough of who first
Me; your mad
Him; madly in love yes
Me; and madly in lust
Him; (chuckles) good one
Me; do you have protection?
Him; what’s that
Me; Siya
Him; we’ve never really needed it
Me; but now we doing things right
Him; well I dont go around carrying condoms
Me; well I guess we’ll just the pull out method
Him; damn
Me; but you have to promise to pull out
Him; fine
I turned around and he gave me a playful spank on my bum.
I just knew I was going to lose this theory of his. Siya had the sexual drive a lion. (Not that I’m
We spent hours in the bedroom below deck. We made love, cuddled and played around.
It felt as though Siya was trying to get his fill of me, before he had to leave.
At around 6pm, we finally went up to the deck, because apparently the ring was arriving, along with
I didn’t really feel comfortable, with walking around just dressed in gowns and slippers. If there were
other people coming and going. But Siya being the typical man forgot to back clothes for our so
called get away.
We sat on deck enjoying the view, and having dinner. When my ring arrived.
I was so excited to see how it looked. Siya signed for it and the gentleman left
I don’t know if Siya was trying to be clever or what but he just took the box and put it in his gown
pocket, then came to sit next to me like nothing happened
Me; aren’t you missing something
Him; what
Me; I want to see my ring
Him; who says it was your ring
Me; Siyaaaa
Him; I wanted to give it to you after dinner.
Me; just forget all that romantic mambojambo and give me my ring
Him; you want me to get down on one knee again
Me; no man… Siyaaa just give me my ring
Him; fine
I was so excited I stood up and sat on his lap in squat position.
Siya took out the little black velvet box and opened it.
My gosh, I fell in love. This ring was absolutely breath tacking.
I looked back at Siya and he wiped away a small tear that has escaped.
Him; I’m guessing you like it
ME; like it? I flipping love it
Him I’m glad
Me; when did you have time to even go looking for a ring
Him; I’m a man of many mysteries
Me; that you are Mr Ghost
Him; want me to put it on for you?
Me; I don’t know. It looks so expensive, I’m scared ill lose it
Him; you better not. This thing cost me an arm and a leg
Me; ha ha Siya. Like you actually felt it
Him; not the point. You have to promise not to take it off
ME; I promise
Him; not even when we’re arguing
Me; I promise
Him; good.
He took the ring out the box, and put it on my ring finger. It looked so perfect on. Despite me needing
a manicure, but that didn’t matter. At that moment all I could think was how blessed I was to have
this Crazy man in my life.
I know we wouldn’t have the perfect marriage or the white picket fence, But in the end we would
always have each other
We spent the rest of our evening below deck just relaxing. It felt so good to be carefree and just
have fun together. For that moment, I had forgotten about Ghost, or Cuba or missions.
Right now all I cared about was my crazy in lust and love Fiancé.
There is honestly nothing more peaceful than sleeping on a boat.
There’s no noise from next door or any cars passing by.
It’s just you and the ocean. Felt like so surreal.
When we woke up on Saturday we decided to have breakfast, then go take a walk on the beach.
Me; babe, I also need to go shopping
Him; what do you need to get ?
Me; clothes
Him; you don’t need clothes
Me; Siya, just get your head out the gutter, for 2 minutes. Unless you want me walking around the
beach but naked
Him; id kill you,
Me; so let’s avoid all arguing, and you take me shopping
Him; fine, let’s take a quick shower and go shopping
We both had a shower together, then got dressed to go shopping.
I don’t really enjoy buying clothes but since I wasn’t the one paying, I figured I’d go crazy. I am his
Fiancé after all .
I shopped until my feet started to hurt. My poor Siya looked so bored.
He just kept on asking, are we done yet. And I kept saying no.
I eventually finished, and we headed to the car.
As we were walking Siya was busy complaining about how broke I’m going to make him when we
get married, blah blah blah, I wasn’t really paying attention though, because I knew it wasn’t about
the money, it was more about the fact that he hated going shopping.
I don’t know what made me freeze, but somehow Siya had already dropped all the shopping bags on
the floor, and he was grabbing my hand to get me behind him.
I looked around and saw that we weren’t alone in the parking lot. There was a guy walking towards
us. He had about 3 body guards with him.
I don’t know where Siya got the gun from, but he already had one in his hand. WTF
Me; Siya, what’s going on
Him; Just stand behind me
Me; who is he
He didn’t answer me but instead he kept his eyes fixed on this guy.
I stood behind Siya, panicking. Who the hell was this guy and why did he have Siya looking ready to
The closerf this guy got, I noticed it was Themba. Sizwe’s friend.
Him; Ghost. Chill man, I’m not here to cause any trouble
Siya; Then why sneak up on me
Him; Just wanted to surprise you
Siya; what do you want?
Him; nothing particular, Just got a message for you from Stud
Siya; I told him when I let him go to stay away, and now he’s sending messaged through you?
Clearly he didn’t learn his lesson the first time round. Or Maybe I should send you and these
baboons back to him in pieces, then he might get the point
i had never heard Siya speak like this before. It kind of made me realize, i didn't know him as well as
i thought i did, but on the other hand it was kind of sexy
Him; you could try, but we both know you’re out numbered
By now Siya was staring at this guy, while eating gum in the most annoying way.
I wanted to shift a bit but his hand was so tight around my wrist, I didn’t dare move.
Siya; boy, do yourself a favor and get out of here, before things get out of hand
Him; not before I deliver my message
Siya; you’ve got 3 more second
All of a sudden, I saw Hlokes and some of Siya’s guards walking towards us.
I knew then that shit was about to hit the fan.
When Hlokes arrived Siya let go of my hand.
Him; Rifiloe, go with Bullet
I looked blankly at Siya, but he didnt look at me, He just kept his eyes on Themba
Me; wait what……….. Siya, I can’t leave you here.
Him; Now
Me; I’m not leaving without you
He took a sigh, and looked Hlokes
Him; Bullet.
Hlokes grabbed me by the hand, I tried to wiggle my hand out of his, but he held on tighter.
Me; let go of me
Hlokes didn’t listen, instead he put me over his shoulder and carried me to the car.
I tried so hard to get him to put me down, but he was too strong.
Me; Put me down, Ill walk
Him; you forget I know you
Me; Hlokes please
Him; I’m putting you down, but if you run, I swear ill pull you by the hair
Me; I won’t, just put me down
He put me down, and we walked towards the car.
He opened the door for me and I got in, then he got in and started driving away
Me; Hlokes, You can’t leave Siya here
Him; He’ll be fine
Me; Hlokes, please
Him; Rifiloe, all I know is I need to get you the hell out of here, and that’s exactly what I’m going to
Me; are we going back to the boat
Him; no. You’re off to JHB
Me; Hlokes, you can’t expect me to just leave without Siya
His phone rang, as we were driving.
Him; Ghost
Siya; where are you guys
Him; just arriving at the airport
Siya; you know what to do
Him; Yes
Siya; don’t mess it up
Him; Sharp
We got to the airport and boarded Siya’s Jet.
I sat in silence all the way to JHB. I was so worried about Siya, but I knew there was nothing I could
do about it.
It’s weird how this morning we were so carefree and all of a sudden I was on a flight back to JHB
without him.
When we reached JHB, I was taken straight to Siya’s house.
I tried calling him a couple of times but his phone was off.
I really started panicking. Was this the life we were going to live?
I know Siya told me about this, but I didn’t expect to have this happen so quickly.
I hoped we would enjoy our “honeymoon” stage before the guns started going off. But I guess that’s
what happens, when you fall in love with and OPS agent.
I kept pacing up and down Siyas lounge, like maniac. I tried him several times, but he didn't t
Hlokes had left me in the lounge and gone to Siya's study. I wanted to go in there with him, in case
there was an update, but he kicked me out and told me he would call for me. If anything arised. I
knew he just wanted me out the way.
I eventually gave up on trying to call him. I thought I might as well go take a bath, and hope he
comes home soon.
I went up to Siyas room and soaked myself in the tub. I know Siya had said I needed to toughen up
a bit, but haai, this kind of stuff I really needed time to get used to.
I looked at my engagement ring and smiled. This man was going to keep me on my toes. One
minute he's Mr bae, and the next his pulling out guns from God knows where.
I bet my mother was rolling in her grave. She probably wishes she could rise, just to slap the shit out
of me, for falling in love with a man who lives such a life.
After my bath I felt a little calmer. I needed to get dressed but i didn't have clothes here, and I did't
want to wear my jeans. So I went to Siyas closet.
I took out a pair of his briefs, and wore one of his T-shirts, then put my jeans back on.
I was quite hungry, since I missed lunch, so I went downstairs to make dinner.
I made dinner, while listening to music on my phone.
I was trying to keep busy so i wouldn't drive myself crazy with worry.
I made some roasted chicken and vegetables. Knowing Siya he would want pap to accompany that,
so I made some, and also made chackalaka
By the time I was done, there was still no Siya. So I went into the pantry and took out flour so I could
start baking.
I wasn't really in the mood, but i needed something to keep me busy. So I made some malva
pudding, then I made some cupcakes and lastly I made some biscuits. All the while hoping Siya
would walk in. But still nothing.
I cleaned up the kitchen, then went to Siyas study. Hlokes was going to talk to me whether he
wanted to or not.
I knocked on the door then entered.
Hlokes was on the phone, so I didn't get to talk to him.
I went back to the kitchen and dished up for myself.
I ate my food, then decided to just go to bed.
There was no use keeping vigil, when I didn't know when Siya would be home. I just prayed for his
sake he would come home before going to Cuba, because if he didn't, I would be the one to kill him.
I tossed and turned for a while. Siyas bed was too big without him in it. I just couldn't get
I eventually started dozing off. I think my brain and body had finally given up, so I succumbed to la la
It must've been after midnight, when I heard voices.
I thought I was dreaming, so I tried going back to sleep. But then I heard the voices again, and I
knew Siya was home.
I got up and put in his gown, and his slippers, then walked down stairs.
I could here Siya shouting at the guards. He sounded so pissed. Hlokes kept trying to explain, but
Siya wasn't having it.
I decided to rather go back to bed, because I didn't want to see him shouting. I'd probably tell him to
shut up and come to bed. And we all know that would make him even more annoyed.
So instead of getting myself into trouble, I walked back to his cold bed, and tried going back to sleep.
I was just happy he was home. I couldn't ask for anything else.
I was finally drifting off to sleep again, when Siya came to the room. I knew he was probably still a bit
pissed, So I didn't get up to ask him questions. Instead I just gave him his space, if he wanted to talk,
he could wake me.
Sleep finally took over, when Siya got into bed.
He had had a shower, so he smelled nice and fresh.
I moved closer to him because there was a gap between us.
He opened his arms and cuddled me, and I was officially lights out.
😴 😴 😴 😴 😴 😴

I woke up the next morning and Siya wasn't in bed. I was kind of sad because i knew he was leaving
for Cuba today.
I so wished he would tell me he had changed his minnd, but i knew that wasn't going to happen.
So I made the bed, and went to freshen up.
I wore Siyas gown, and went downstairs.
I found him on the phone in his study. He looked like he had been up for a while. I could tell he was
busy, but i didn't care. He was leaving today, and I wanted to spend time with him.
I walked to him and put my arms around him from behind.
He didn't turn around. He just carried on with his conversation. 😯

Hlokes and some of the guards walked in, and I let go of Siya.
He turned around and looked at me. He told the person on the other end to hold.
Him: babe, you ok
Me: I guess
Him: I've got a meeting with the guys. I'll come see you when I'm done
Me; cool.
I greeted the guards and Hlokes, then went back upstairs.
I knew Siya was in work mode and thats why he was probably a bit distant. But i was so used to
getting his attention whenever I wanted it, and now that he was back to being Ghost, I was worried
that wouldn't leave space for him to be Siya.
I went to have a bath, then got dressed in anothe one of Siyas shirts and briefs. I was getting tired of
not having clothes. But I didn't dare say anything. I also wondered what happened to all the stuff
Siya had bought me in Durban.
Siya was taking his time, so I went down to make breakfast. Still dressed in his gown.
I made breakfast and ate it by myself. I watched tv and even took a nap. And still there was no Siya.
But now I was starting to get annoyed. So I sent him a message telling him I was going back to my
What was the use of me being here if I couldn't be with him. It's better to go home, and be in my own
Siya didn't answer my message, so I wore my only pair of jeans that I had at his house. Took my bag
and walked out.
I had just started reversing, when Hlokes came rushing out the house. I opened my window a bit, so
I could hear what he wanted to say
Him: where you going
Me: my place
Him: I don't think ghost would approve
Me: I'm sure he'll be fine with it. Plus I don't have any clean clothes here
Him: rather wait for him to finish
Me: did he send you out her?
Him: no, i saw you on one of the monitor's
Me: Hlokes, just tell, Siya to come by my place when he's done or before he leaves. It's no biggie
Him: Rifiloe, just go back inside. You can't be driving around on your own righ now
Me: but
I wanted to finish my sentence, but i saw Siya approaching.
Hlokes went back inside, while Siya just looked at me.
I don't know why, but Siya looked A bit pissed
Him: uyaphi?
Me: home
Him: now's not the time
Me: but Siya
I didn't even get to finish. He just cut me off
Him: for the love of God rifiloe, can you just do as your told. this thing of you arguing with everything
I say is starting to annoy me. I say 1 and you say 10. I tell you cant leave yet and you want to argue.
Just get out the car and get back inside.
My mouth literally dropped open. Why was Siya being like this, when all. I wanted was to go to my
house. It's not like I was sulking. I Just wanted to get clothes to change in, and be in my own house.
Was that so wrong?
Every bone in my body tensed. I wanted to tell him to fuck off so bad, but i knew that would just fuel
the fire that was already burning in him.
I took a deep breath in and out, then opened my door and walked back to the house.
Siya went back to his study, while I sad gazing at the walls.
I don't know what his issue was, but i didn't like him just snapping at me for no reason.
I kept counting from 1 to 10, trying not to let my temper get the best of me. But I was failing
I got up and went to the kitchen and poured myself some justice. The went to the bedroom to watch
When Siya finally came up he had something in his hand.
He threw it on the bed and looked at me. I looked at him, then at the magazine on the bed, shit. I just
knew why he looked pissed. I saw a picture of me and Jason.
This must've been taken when he was playing with my hair. But it wasn't on the investment
magazine we had the shoot for, instead it was on some tabloid gossip magazine.
Him: rifiloe, what's this
I looked at Siya and he looked like he was fuming.
I didn't answer him. I just picked up the magazine and looked at at the headline. It read "
When I opened the article, I saw pictures of Jason and me.
Some of them looked innocent, while the others made us look more like a couple.
I know we were just playing when we took some of these. Like when Jason was photo bombing me
during my session. Or when he kept playing with my hair. It was all innocent but i knew from an
outsider they wouldn't look that way.
Siya was still looking at me for an explanation
Me: Siya, this isn't what you think
Him; then explain
Me: I don't know how they even got this pics, let alone the garbage in the article
Him: what about the pictures
Me: Jason and I were just joking around
Him: do you have any idea, what something like this does to my professional image? Or better yet
how it makes you look like some cheap whore after the richest man
When Siya said that I stood up. I know he was mad, but he had no right to talk to me like this
Me: really Siya? You know all this stuff is bull
Him; I want you to quit your job
Me: not happening
Him: rifiloe
Me: SIYA, we are not going to rehash this argument. I'm not quitting, or going to Cuba. I'm staying
right where I am.
Him: so you expect me to be ok with you working with this Jason guy
Me: I expect you to love me enough to trust me, when I tell you there isn't anything going on with me
and Jason
Him the pictures tell a different story
Me; so you believe some cheap magazine, instead of me?
Him: that's not the point.
I took a breath in and out. I really didn't want to be arguing with Siya, especially since he was
I walked to where he was standing, and put my arms around him.
He didn't hug me back but i didn't care.
Him; (sigh) I managed to buy each one of these that were printed. Promise me you will stay away
from photoshoots and interviews.
Me; I Cant promise that. But I can promises to make sure that if pictures are taken, that they will all
be professional
Him; fine.
Me: so is this why you've been so distant
I let go of him and went to sit on the bed.
Him: no, I'm annoyed because of whAt you did in Durban. Your stubbornness is going to get you hurt
one day
Me: but
Him: but nothing. If I tell you to go with bullet or any of my guys you do it. You don't fucking fight me
about it. What if those guys had pulled a gun on you? What then
Me: but Siya
Him: your doing it again. Tell me something. Who is the man in this relationship? Because right now
I feel like you keep undermining me every chance you get. I tell you something, and you want to
challenge me.
Tjo, I didn't dare say another word. I just kept quiet and stared at him.
I get he was mad, but was it really necessary for him to be so upset, when he was leaving.
Me: babe I'm sorry. I really don't want to fight with you. Your leaving for Cuba today, can't we just
forget about this and move on?
Him: I've hired 4 bodyguards for you. They will be making sure your alright, while I'm away. DON'T
give them a hard time. If they tell you to do something you do it. No questions asked
Siya walked out and left me feeling drained.
It felt Siyat had officially left the building, and now I was stuck with this Ghost guy.
I just hoped he didn't hang around for to long, because right now I longed for my loving and playful

know I can be hard headed at time. I know I, not perfect, but Siyas way of being overprotective was
annoying. Why the hell did I need 4 body guards. He just didn't know when to lighten up.
I had thought that the day after our engagement, we would be blissful, but instead Siya was distant and
I know I shouldn't have argued with him when he told me to leave with bullet. But bare in mind, I had
never truly seen this side of his life. So I wasn't really thinking. I just knew I wanted us both out of
danger. Not just me.
I let out a sigh and sat on the bed. Siya was leaving soon, and instead of spending time with me, here he
was going all Rambo on me.
I sat in the room watching tv. I was bored beyond my mind.
I went downstairs and found Siya in his study. Thankfully he was alone.
He looked busy, but i couldn't take the tension between us. So I went to him, and sat on lap, in squat
He tensed up a bit, but i didn't care. I looked into his eyes and saw a shadow of the man I was in love
Me: you still mad at me?
He didn't answer, but you could tell he still was.
Me: so how long do you plan on being like this?
Still nothing. Now I was really getting tired of his matcho bullshit
Me: fine. I give up
I tried standing up to leave, but he held onto my waist.
Him : I shouldn't have spoke to you the way I did. I'm sorry
Me: babe, I think sometimes you forget I'm your partner, and not one of your employees.
Him : I know, but Rifiloe, I need you to put your pride aside, and led me be your Man. It's my job to
protect you but you make it so Damn difficult. I need you to let go
Me: siya, when I saw those guys, the first thing that came to mind was your shooting. I nearly lost you. So
In that moment, I didnt care what happened to me. All I wanted was for the both of us to be out of
Him: I wouldn't let anything happen to you. What happened on my mission won't happen again. You
need to stop doubting my capabilities
Me: fine. Came we move on now. I'm really drained from arguing with you
Him; I'm still not comfortable leaving you here
Me: Siya are you trying to start another fight? I told you I'm not going to Cuba. That's not going to change
Him: it was worth a try
Me: so what time do you leave?
Him: at around 9pm,
Me: that's in 4 hours
Him; yah
Me: and you plan on spending those few hours we have left working?
Him: just give me an hour, then I'll be all yours
Me: but Siya, you have all the time in the world to work. I only have you for 4 hours. Can't you just finish
working on the plane or something?
Him: let me just
I cut him off. I don't want to force him to spend time with me. I know he needs to work, but i just felt like
spending time with me should've been more of a priority, than work at this moment.
Me: never mind. I'll leave you to work
I got up, and walked out. Siya didn't get it, and I wasn't going to nag.
Instead I took out my laptop and decided to Do some work. I had a few emails from Anna that needed my
approval for the gala dinner. So that should keep me busy and out of siya's hair.
The closer we got to the gala dinner, the more excited I become. Even though Siya wasn't going to be
I still hadn't picked out an evening gown for the night, and time was running out. So after replying to the
emails. I started looking on line for gowns. I wanted something simple, yet elegant. Nothing too
I searched for a while, but didn't find what I was looking for. Most of the gowns online werent to my
I thought about maybe getting the gown custom made, but i didn't think I had enough time.
While I was searching for gowns, I saw a tab for wedding gowns. I know Siya and I had just gotten
engaged, but i thought I would just take a look. I wondered when we would get married. Maybe the end
of next year.
We still had a lot to go through, before we actually said I do. But non the less I still looked forward to
being his wife
Siya walked in as I was looking at wedding dresses.
He took off his shoes, and sat next to me.
Him; you looking at dresses already?
Me: not really. I was looking for evening gowns for the gala, when I saw a tab for wedding gowns, I was a
bit curious so I looked around.
Him: this one would look good on you.
Siya was pointing at the most hidious dress ever. It was huge, and had all these ugly bling on it
Me: you have no taste what so ever. That dress looks like a cake topper
Him: isn't that woman usually wear on their weddings?
Me: may be some, but not me
Him: so what kind of dress would you wear?
Me: I'm not sure I even want a white dress.
Him: any dates in mind
Me: maybe the end of next year
Siya looked at me like I was from another planet
Him; why only then
Me: what's the rush
Him; no rush, I just thought we would get married in a couple of months
Me: I think that's too soon
Him: why? Are you having second thoughts about us
Me: don't be silly. I just think we have a lot to do before we could get married
Him; like what?
Me: can't we talk about this when your back. Right now all I want is to cuddle with my fiance, before he
leaves for cuba
Him: com here.
I put my laptop down, and moved closer to Siya. He put his arms around me, and a part of me and let out
a sigh
Him: I'm going to miss you
Me: not as much as I'm going to miss you
Him: will you come see me before December
Me: I don't thinks so babe. Things at work are crazy right now.
Him: speaking of work. Tel, that Jason prick to stay away from you
Sme: babe, don't start
Him: I'm just saying
Me:Siya, what else do I have to do to show you I love you
Him:I know you do, but i don't trust that Jason guy
Me: Siya, stop moaning and kiss me
Him; you just trying to shut me up
Me: is it working?
Him: not really. I've got a million things I still need to say to you
I really wasn't in the mood for lectures, so I sifted and sat on his lap
Me: kiss me
Him: not till
I put my lips on his. Then started kissing him. I hoped this would get him to shut up. I could feel Siya was
still, a bit tense, so I deepened our kiss.
I was tired of this Ghost guy. I wanted my Siya, and the only way I could get him back, was to seduce him.
I broke a kiss. I needed to come up for air
Me: you still want to talk
He looked at me and smiled
Him: not really. I think in like your idea better
I took that as my cue to continue.
I leaned back in and started kissing him again. This time i felt him growing hard underneath me. I knew
then that Ghost had left and Siya was back.
We made love over and over again. I think we both dreaded stopping because we knew that would mean
it was time for Siya to go. But after our 3rd round, we had no choice, but to accept that he was going.
We got up and went to shower together. Siya washed every part of me. I really started feeling anxious
now. This felt like the last time i was in Cuba. He had just given me a promise ring, then went away. I
didn't want that happening again
We got out tithe shower and went to get dressed.
I wore one of Siyas briefs again, and a t-shirts. Siya looked at me smiling
Him: those look good on you
Me: hmm
Me: Rifiloe, what is it
I didn't want to cry, but i really really didn't want Siya going.
I sat on the bed, and he sat next to me
Him: baby, talk to me
Me: (sniff) don't mind Me. I'm just being silly
Him: what is it
Me: Siya, I can't do this? I just cant
Him: do what rifiloe
Me: I don't want you you to go(sniff), it just, feels like, I'm not going to see you again
Him: baby, I won't be gone for long. just 8 weeks then I'll be back
Me: (sniff) but you'll only be back for a few weeks, and then your back in Cuba
Him: (sigh) but love, that's the life we live.
Me: what happens when we are married? Or when we have children?
Him : we'll cross that bridge she we get to it
Siya, gave me his handkerchief, and I wiped my tears. I started regretting not agreeing to go to Cuba. But
at the same time I loved my job as much as he loved his. But one of these days one of us would have to
sacrifice the love for professions for the love we have for eachother. I just hoped when the time came we
were both ready to choose eachother instead of our jobs
Siya stayed longer than the time he had. He knew he had to leave, but was conflicted about leaving
Me: you should go. Your already late
Him: how do I leave you like this?
Me: don't worry about me. I'll be fine.
Him: you know I love you right?
Me: I know you do. And I love you
Him: I just wish things were different. I hate seeing you cry, especially if I'm the cause of your tears
Me: your also the reason I smile.
He looked at me, and you could see how torn he was.
I know I wanted Siya to quit, but i could see how much it killed him to have to leave. How could I ask
him to give that up for me?
Me: come. I'll , accompany you to the airport, then go back to my place
Him: I thought you would stay here
Me: why?
Him : it's your home
Me: no babe, it your home. We'll have our home at a later stage. For now, home is my house
Him: the guards will drive you back
Me: (sigh) fine
I wants to argue with him regarding the guards driving me, but i just couldn't. Not when he was
Hloked drove us the airport. Siya gave me a list of instructions for me to abide by with regards to the
I didn't even bother arguing. I just nodded, because I knew I had no choice in the matter.
Him: babe, are you listening?
Me: mhmm
Him: your not are you
Me: just e-mail me the do's and don'ts
Him: (chuckels) you are truly one in a million. Your stubbornness has no bounds
Me: I'll take that as a compliment.
Him: I didn't mean it as one.
Me: stop insulting me, and rather kiss me
Siya rolled his eyes and smiled. He leaned in closer and kissed me.
When he pulled away he let out a sigh
Him: I'm really going to miss your lips
Me: just my lips?
Him: well that and everything else.
Hlokes cleared his throat
Him: you two have no shame. I'm sitting right here
Siya and I both laughed.
Me: I'm going to miss you too Hlokes
Him: yaah, whatever
Me: for real
Him; can i ask you to do me a favour
Me: what
Him: please check up on Boni for me. She didn't take my leaving quite well
Me: send me he numbers. Her and I can drown our sorrows together
Him: thx
When we arrived at the airport the guards took Siyas luggage and loaded the plane, while he stayed
with me in the car. It was finally time for him to go. I don't think I've dreaded anything my whole life,
like I dreaded this moment.
Him: promise you'll take care of yourself
Me: I should be saying that to you
Him: I'm serious babe. I'm going to be undercover for a while. I need to be sure your ok. I can't afford
to be worrying about you while I'm on the field.
Me: I promise you I'll take good care of myself.
Hom: good. And remember if anything goes wrong, you do as the guards say
Me: ok
Him: let me go
Me: want me to walk you in
Him: if you get on that plane right now, I wouldn't let you off
Me: (chuckles) in that case you walk sexy butt there alone
Him: 1 more kiss
I leaned in and gave him a kiss.
Siya got out the car and left. I didn't even get to see him take off. One of the guards drove me to my
house, while the others drove behind us.
When I got to my place I went straight to bed. I had had a busy weekend, and now it was time to get
back to normal.
It was weird sleeping without Siya next to me. I was so used to being in his arms, and now here I
was alone in a cold bed.
I woke up the next morning and Got ready for work.
We only had 2 weeks left before the gala dinner, so I had a lot to get through.
I tried calling Siya, but his phone was off. So i figured he hadn't arrived in Cuba.
The guards drive me to work, but didn't go inside the office's. Instead the waited in the parking. I
though it was silly, but i didn't bother saying anything
When I got to work, Anna was in a meeting with the event planner, so I went straight to my office and
started my day.
When Anna was done, she came to give me an update regarding the gala dinner. I signed off on the
quotes, then went to meet with Jason.
When I got to Jason's office he was on the phone, but he wrapped up his call when he saw me.
Him: hey
Me: hi. I came to give you an update on the gala dinner coming up
I gave him the worksheet, and he spotted my ring.
Him: that's some rock you have there
Me: oh yaah, it came as a surprise
Him: I guess congratulations are in order
Me: thank you
Him: can I ask you something
Me: shoot
Him: are you sure your making the right decisions? Don't get me wrong, but you guys literally just got
back together. And now your engaged.
Me: Jason, I've known Siya for a while now. I'm 100% sure I want to be his wife.
Him: he's a lucky man
Me: thank you. But I think I'm the lucky one.
Him: as long as your happy.
I sat with Jason for a while going through the companies financial figures. All In all financially the
company was doing well. Which meant all our staff would be getting their bonuses In December. We
also went trought the finishing details with regards to the gala dinner. And all was well.
After my meeting with Jason, I went back to my office.
I had a missed call, from Siya. I immediately called him back.
Him: babe
Me: hi
Him: I was just letting you know I arrived safely in Cuba
Me: I miss u
Him: not as much as I miss you
Me; how's Cuba?
Him: same old. Just lonely without you
Me: maybe you should just come back
Him: I'll meet you tonight in your dreams
Me: I guess that's better that nothing
Him: I've got to run babe. I'm off to Brazil
Me: already?
Him: yaah, we've got a lead, and I need to act on it asap
Me: so I guess I'll hear from you
Him; yaah. Just promise not to freak out if I don't call.
Me: I'll try
Him: love u
Me: love u more.
When Siya hung up, I focused my mind back on work. I didn't want to think about Siya too much. I
had to learn to live without him here.
After work, I went straight to the gym. I asked the guards to wait in the car but they refused.
It kind of annoyed me because I thought it was a but much having them follow me even to the gym
After gym I went straight home. I tried my luck calling Siya, but his phone went to voicemail.
I decided to let him be, and go have a bath.
I immediately dropped my phone when I saw a reflection in the mirror.
When I turned around I saw Sizwe standing in front of me.
Him: don't scream
I tried running but he held my hand
Him: Rifiloe, I don't want to have to hurt you. I just need to speak to you
I took a deep breath. What the hell was Sizwe doing in my room.
Me: what are you doing here
Him: I need your help
Me: Sizwe, I'm not interested in helping you with anything
Him: Rifiloe. Please.
Me: Sizwe, you need to get out of here.
Him; rifoloe I can't. I'm being hunted left and right. I need you to help me get hold of ghost.
Me: so you thought you would bring whoever's hunting you to my house. Are you crazy
Him: I didn't have a choice.
Me: you always have a choice in life Sizwe
Him:Rifiloe, not in kind of life that we live in
Me: that's not my problem. I need you to leave
Him: Rifiloe, you know I care about you, but don't think I'm here to ask. I need to speak to ghost and
your the only way ill be able to do that. So if that means I have to convince you, then I will
I took a step back when Sizwe pulled out his gun. He did t poi t it at me, but he was trying to make
his point.
Me: So now you threatening me
Him: don't look at it that way. Think of it as motivation
Me: if Siya finds out about you pulling a gun on me he will want to kill you
Him: I'll take my chances
Me: wow. I never thought a day would come, when I saw you, one of my closest friends threatening
Him: Rifiloe, you think in want to do this? I'm fucking desperate and the only person who can help
me is ghost
I looked at Sizwe, and he looked so shaken.
Me: Sizwe tell me something
Him: what
Me: was any of our friendship real, or was it all just lies
Him: Rifiloe
Me; don't try butter me up. Just tell me the truth
Him: (sigh) most of it was real.
I was so mad at him for lying to me. But how do I kick him out?
I picked up my phone and Sizwe grabbed it
Him: what are you doing
Me: calling Siya
Him; you can't use your phone. the line might not be secure. I need you to use a burner phone
Me: I don't have a burner
Him: use mine
Me: no ways. If you want me to get hold of Siya we do it my way
Him: Rifiloe
I heard knock on the door and we both froze. Sizwe still had the gun in his hand.
Sizwe came closer so he could whisper something in my ear
Him: I'm guessing those are your guards
I nodded
Him; go open for them and tell them your ok. Do not even think of telling them I'm here. Unless you
want your house to turn into a war room.
I took a deep breath, and went to the door to speak to one of the guards
Him: mam, I came to make sure you are o.k.. I think I heard some voices.
Me: I'm fine. I was on the phone with a friend
Him: do you mind if I do a sweep
I started panicking. Of these guys found Sizwe here. Siya would kill us both
Me: I was just about to take a bath. Can we do that later?
Him: I'd prefer to do it now
Me: well, now isn't a suitable time. Anyway if there was some on here I would've screamed my head
off by now.
Him: as you wish.
The guard turned around to go back downstairs and I closed the door and let out a sigh of relief
I walked back to where Sizwe was, and he looked shit scared
Him; I thought for a second you were going to sell me out
Me; we don't have long. Give me my phone
He reluctantly handed me my phone. I dialled Siya. Luckily he answered on the 4 ring
Him: babe
Me; hi. Are you busy
Him: not yet. I've just arrived in Brazil
Me; promise to keep an open mind
Him: what's going on
Me: just promise
Him: what have you done
Me; it's not really what I did as much as what I should've done
Sizwe decide to just grab my phone from me. Damn fool didnt realize i was trying to butter Siya up.
Him: Ghost
Siya: who is this
Him; it's stud
Siya: what the hell are you doing with rifiloe
Him: I needed to talk to you, and she was the only way I could
Him: I swear if you hurt one hair from her head. I will kill you with my bare hands
Him: I'm not here to cause trouble. I just need your help
Him: didn't you get my message from those idiots you sent to me in Durban
Him: Ghost, please. I have no where else to go
Siya: so what do you want from me
Him: I want to work for you.
Siya: not happening.
Him; ghost please. I don't have another choice. The people I worked for found out I was the one who
helped you escape I your last mission. And now their after me
Him: and now your leading them to rifiloe. You fucking prick
I heard the guards running upstairs. Sizwe put the phone on my dresser and pointed his gun at me.
Him:Rifilo this isn't how I planned for this to go. I swear I don't want to hurt you. I just need ghost to
hear me out
I didn't even get to respond, because the guards had barged in nearly breaking my door.
They all pulled out their guns and pointed towards Sizwe.
I don't know what Sizwe was thinking. It's not like he could just walk out of here as if nothing
happened. If Siya got his hands on him, he was going to kill him.

What I saw in my room looked like a scene from some James bond movie. The only difference was
that there was no James bond to save me.
I tried not to panic, but my stomach was tied in knots.
Sizwe had the gun to the back of my head, while the guards were all pointing theirs at him.
There was so much shouting back and forth.
The guards kept telling Sizwe to put down him gun, while Sizwe kept telling them to back off.
I tried to get them all to calm down, but they couldn't even hear me.
I knew deep down in my heart that Sizwe wouldn't pull the trigger, but my head was telling me
something different.
I looked at the guards and wondered where the hell Siya got them from. Instead of coming up with a
solution, they kept making the situation worse. Mind you it’s my brain on the line.
I tried telling everyone to keep quiet, but they were making so much noise they couldn't hear me.
I know Siya said to do as told but in this case these idiots were playing with my life.
So I took matters into my own hands.
I started turning around slowly. I wanted to try and reason with Sizwe.
As I turned around the noise started getting less and less.
When my eyes finally met with Sizwe's, all I could see was fear. I really don't understand why Sizwe
got into this lifestyle. It doesn’t suit him. Why waste a law degree and chase after a Gangster life?
I took a deep breath. And tried slowly reaching for the gun.
Him: Rifiloe, what are you doing?
Me: stopping you from doing something you’re going to regret
Him: don't
Me: give me the gun
Him: I can't. If I do that's signing my life away
Me: if you pull that trigger your dead anyway. Let's rather put the gun down as a sign of good faith.
That way Siya will know you had no intention of hurting me
Him: get him on the phone again
Me: ok. I'm going to slowly reach for my phone.
I moved slowly away from Sizwe, to where my dressing table was. Sizwe still had his gun pointed at
I had just reached my dressing table, when I heard a gunshot going off.
I quickly fell to the ground. Before the next one went off.
My heart was beating at such a fast pace, I swear I couldn’t breath
I opened my eyes and saw things happening in slow motion.
Sizwe was on the ground in a pool of blood. The guards were running over to me.
I looked down and saw my hands covers in blood.
One of the guards ran to the bathroom to get towels, while the other one called for an ambulance.
I tried moving but I couldn't. My intestines felt like they had been cut in half.
I kept trying to breathe, but it was getting more and more difficult. My eyes started feeling heavy, and
my head started feeling light headed.
The guard who ran to get towels returned. He forced me to lie down. I tried telling him to stop trying
to move me because it hurt, but, I couldn't form words.
I just kept trying to breath. My eyes kept trying to close, but I kept forcing them open.
I knew if I closed them there was a chance they would never open again.
I’ve never really been afraid of death. But in this moment I was terrified of it.
All I remember was someone trying to picking me up. The pain shot through my body so badly, I
blacked out.
I could hear voices, and sirens in the near distance but my eyes failed me.
I finally gave in to the darkness that took over. There was no use fighting it. At least with darkness,
there was no more pain.
At first I was scared of the darkness. I felt like it wanted to consume me. It felt cold, and dark. But
then I heard a familiar voice. A voice that I had missed so much.
I turned around to find my mother standing next to me.
I looked at her and saw how much I had really missed her.
She looked so different from the last time I had seen her. She had no traces of a bullet hole.
She held my hand, and I held onto hers for dear life.
She didn’t say anything to me. We just stood together, hand in hand.
I wanted to tell her how much I missed her, and how much my life had changed since losing her, but
I couldn’t. All I could do was hold her hand and cherish her presence.
A while later, my mother started letting go of my hand.
I tried holding on tighter. I wasn’t ready to let her go. I was comfortable right where I was.
Her: it's not your time yet Rifiloe
Me: but ma. I don’t want you to leave again
Her: I have never left you Rifiloe. What you miss is my physical being. But Spiritually I am with you
every day
Me: but why do these things keep happening to me? Why can't I have a normal life?
Her: because you are not destined for ordinary things. Keep fighting. In the end it will all be worth it
I wanted to speak to her some more, but she started walking away. I tried taking a walk towards her,
but saw a light come on.
I immediately winced. And tried going back to my mom, but the light was too strong.
I started opening my eyes slowly. I didn’t feel much pain. But I could feel a lot of discomfort in my
I looked around and saw Siya asleep on a chair next to me.
I wondered when he arrived, because he looked like he hadn’t shaved in a while.
The nurse walked in as I was trying to sit up.
Her; Morning miss Mokoena. Welcome back
I gave a smile.
Her; you’re not well enough to sit up yet. Let me rather readjust the bed for you
She readjusted my bed and pillows for me.
Her; Im going to let your doctor know that you’re up. Can I get you anything?
Me; just some water please
She went out and came back with a jug of water. She gave me a glass with a straw in it.
I took one sip and it went down the wrong pipe. Gosh the pain I felt when coughing was like no other
that I had experienced.
Siya woke up when he heard me coughing. He looked so tied.
I was still thirsty but too scared to take another sip. The nurse insisted I try again, but I said no.
Siya walked towards us and took the glass from the nurse’s hand.
Him; even after being shot you are as stubborn as hell.
I smiled at him and he rolled his eyes at me
Him; you had me worried there for a minute
Me; what day is it?
Him; Its Saturday
Me; so I was out for a nearly a week?
Him; yes
Me; what about you mission
Him; we will talk about that at another time. For now drink your water
Me; I’m not thirsty
Him; how you feeling
Me; numb
Him; I thought I was going to lose you there for a minute
Me; you should be so lucky. You’re stuck with me for life
Him; it’s not funny
Me; Siya I’m fine. Isn’t that all that matters
Him; but you’re here because of me. I can’t take that risk again. I refuse
Me; so what exactly are you saying
Him; Rifiloe, I need you to make a decision. I cannot protect you, if you’re all the way here. I need
you in Cuba. It’s the only way we could make us and everything else work
ME; what do you mean the only way
Him; exactly what it means
Me; so you’re giving me an ultimatum
Him; not exactly. I just need you to try understand where I’m coming from
Me; Siya, get out
Him; what
Me; I have just woken up. And all you care about is me going to Cuba. Your so dam selfish. Its
always about you and what you want. Well you can take your stupid ultimatum and shove it.
Him; Rifi
Me; out
Siya wanted to argue but he had no grounds to stand on.
I understand he is scared about what could happen, but giving me an ultimatum isn’t going to help.
He so quick to want me to sacrifice my life, and yet he isn’t willing to do the same for me.

I know I’m hard on Siya at times, but at times I feel like he does understand where I’m coming from.
He had no right to tell me about ultimatums. I didn’t want him going back to the force, and he insisted
on it. I didn’t give him any stupid ultimatums, but at the same time I wanted us to work.
Siya turned to leave, but grabbed his hand
Me; don’t go
Him; Rifiloe. I don’t want to fight with you while you’re in a hospital bed. All I want is to make sure
that you are safe.
Me; I understand that. I really do, but I just can’t seem to understand why I’m the only one who is
required to make sacrifices for our relationship.
Him; Rifiloe, if I could, I would
Me; how long would I need to be in CUBA for?
Him; Indefinitely
Me; that’s a lot to ask for
Him; I know it is. But it’s the only way
Me; I’ve never just wanted to be a housewife. I’m going to die of boredom, then later resent you for
making me put my life on hold, while you saved the world
Him; I’ve got a proposition for you
Me; What
Him; work for me
Me; ye
Him; I’ll make you CFO of Ndhlovu corporation
Me; so I’d basically be sleeping with the boss
Him; you’d technically be taking care of your husbands assets. Both in the boardroom and Bedroom
Me; you can be so arrogant sometimes
Him; I’d like to think of it as charming
Me; I’m not sure I’m comfortable with your idea
Him; why
Me; because Siya. I like my independence. And to have me working for you would make me seem
like some gold digger
Him; The only reason you say that is because you are afraid of what people will think of you. Rifiloe,
we’re getting married soon. You working for me would mean you are taking care of YOUR Company.
Plus anyway you have the qualifications
Me; I guess you’re right. But I still need to think about it
Him; phew..
Me; we really fight hard don’t we
Him; but we also love just as hard
Me; I’m really glad you’re here
Him; I wouldn’t be anywhere else
ME; what happened to Sizwe
Him; I don’t think you need to worry yourself about that. Just concentrate on getting better
Me; But
Him; Rifiloe, rest up. I’ll come back to see you later
Me; fine
Him; can I bring you anything
Me; food. I’m starved
Him; cool. Now let me get a kiss
Me; nope. I haven’t brushed my teeth in a week
Him; haai I give up
He leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek
When Siya left, the doctor came to check up on me. Apparently the bullet missed all major organs,
but I would have to take things easy for a while. Which obviously meant I would need to take some
time off. Which meant I would most probrably be going to Cuba.
Jason came to visit me during lunch. Siya came in as he just left.
Him; what did he want here
Me; he came to check up on me
Him; I see
I knew Siya wanted to say more, but he chose to keep quite
Me; so what did you bring me to eat? I can’t stand the hospital food
Him; chicken noodle soup
Me; smells amazing
Him; I’m glad you eating
Me; I’ve got news
Him; make my da
Me; I’ll come to CUBA
Him; are you serious
Me; yes
Him; finally she sees the light
Me; stop gloating. I’m just doing this because I love you
Him; so you’re taking my Job offer?
Me; maybe
Him; what else do I need to do to convince you?
Me; nothing. Just let me think about this
Him; have you told Jason
Me; yes.
Him; well that’s great news
Me; especially since I’m getting discharged on Monday
Him; for real?
Me; ya
Him; that’s great news
Me; so are you ready to talk about Sizwe? Oh and where did you get those idiot guards?
Him; The guards came recommended. They weren’t any of my guys, but I thought I could trust the
person who recommended them.
Me; so what happened to Sizwe
Him; (clears throat) he’s around
Me; what do you mean
Him; Rifiloe can we rather talk about something else. I can’t disclose anything else with regards to
Me; fine. Wanna see my scar
Him; how bad is it
Me; not as bad as I thought. Makes me look tough
Him; (chuckles) you always find something funny to say about tough situations
Me; no use crying. I chose to be with you and in turn got a bullet through my stomach
Him; so you’re officially a gangster’s lady
Me; (chuckles) I guess so
Him; we should get you a gun
Me; ha a Siya. I was joking
Him; I’m serious. We need you to learn to protect yourself
Me; I’m not sure I can do that
Him; we’ll get you a small sexy little gun.
Me; your corrupting me
Him; you’ll be bonnie, and I’ll be Clyde
Me; I guess so
Him; here you should put this back on
He took out my engagement ring from his pocket
Me; i wondered where that went
Him; One of the guards gave it to me, after I arrived in JHB
Me; where are the guards
Him; I fired them. From now on only my guys will be looking after you
Me; good
Him; I should leave you to rest
ME; don’t go
Him; you need to rest
ME; I need to cuddle
Him; fine. Move over
I shifted a bit, and Siya came to join me. I know that this relationship isn’t ideal, but to me there is no
other man I would even dream of being with. Siya’s lifestyle may be imperfect. But I hoped the love
we have for each other would carry us through the tough time. because the thought of being without
him hurt me more than the bullet that went through me.

Siya ended up falling asleep in my hospital bed. So much for him keeping me company till i fell
When my nurse walked in she looked at us disapprovingly.
Me: shhh don't wake him. He's tired
Her: then he should go sleep at his house. You need to rest, what if he hurts you while your asleep?
Me: he won't. Plus I sleep better with him next to me
Her: make sure he keeps away from your scar
Me: I will
Her: I'll come check up on you later
Me: thank you.
When the nurse left, I moved close to Siya and drifted off to sleep.
I woke up the following morning feeling a bit grimy. I was tried of having the urine catheter in. I really
wanted the nurses to take it out. It was starting to feel uncomfortable, plus I felt like I needed more
pain medication. My incision was throbbing.
Siya was still asleep next to me, so I gently shook him awake.
Me; babe wake up
Him: ha ana, Rifiloe
Me: what do you meant ha ana? This is my bed
Him: its actually the hospital's bed.
Me; baby I'm serious. I need you to call my nurse
Siya opened his eyes alarmingly
Him: what's wrong? Are you ok
Me: just relax. I just need another dosage of pain killers and I want them to take out this urine
catheter. It's disgusting
Him: that's not your choice to make
Me: Siya, I need to bath. I've been here for over a week. I feel filthy
Him: you exadurate
Me: please babe
Him: fine.
He got up and went searching for my nurse.
When he came back he sat on the chair next to me.
The nurse asked Siya to step out so she could take out the catheter but he refused
Me: Siya, just go
Him; but baby
Me: but nothing, I'm no letting you see this. It's disgusting
Him: I could care less
Me: just go home and take a shower. Then come back with breakfast
Him: will you be fine
Me: yes. I want to take a bath anyway
Him: I've packed all your bath oils in your toiletry bag, along with everything else you might need
Me: thank you baby
Him: what would you like me to bring you for breakfast
Me: I'm not aloud anything heavy. So maybe a fruit salad. Oh and my pj's and my gown. I don't like
this hospital gown
Him: ok. I love you ne
Me: love you too babe
He gave me a kiss in the cheek and left. My nurse closd the dosed the door behind him and came to
take out the catheter. I winced a bit because It was uncomfortable, but i felt a sense of relief once it
was out.
Getting back on my feet was a bit more difficult than I thought it would be. My feet were a bit wobbly,
and the pressure from my abdomen didn't make it any easier.
I was gratful when the nurse took out my drip. I planned on soaking myself in the tub for a while.
Unfortunately I wasn't allowed to use any of my bath oils, because they could cause an infection. So
i stuck to the plane old bath soap.
It was a but difficult reaching all the spots I needed to. But non the less I enjoyed my bath.
My nurse stayed with me and helped me get dressed.
I convinced her not to put in another catheter. I felt like I could walk if I needed the bathroom.
By the time I was finished bathing, I was in a lot of pain. My abdomen was throbbing. The nurse put
in my drip again, put didn't increase my pain med. She said I needed to get used to not taking so
much drugs, especially since I was being discharged the following day.
Siya arrived just as the meds began to work. I wasn't in as much pain, but i was very uncomfortable
Him: you don't look to good
Me: I'm fine. I'm just a bit uncomfortable
Him; what can I do
Me: nothing. Just sit here with me
Him: it breaks me to see you like this
Me: just shut up and sit down.
Him: I bought you breakfast
Me: ill have it now. Just give me a minute
Him: do you want me to call your doctor
Me: no. I'm fine Siya
Him: you don't have to pretend with me
Me: I'm not babe. The nurse said I need to cut down on the pain meds. So my body is just adjusting
Him: (sigh) if your not going to eat, at least drink your smoothie
Me: ok.. where is Hlokes? I haven't seen him
Him: he had to stay in Brazil
Me: will, he manage without you
Him: he doesn have a choice
Me: when do you need to go back
Him: as soon as your out of here
Me: so im going to be all alone in cuba
Him: unfortunately
Me: Damn
Him: maybe you could keep yourself busy by planning our wedding
Me: it's too soon for all that
Him: why?
Me: we Still need to go for pre-marital counselling
Him: counselling?
Me: yes counselling
Him: haai baby. We don't need counselling
Me: no counselling, no wedding
Him: ha a Rifiloe, now your being unfair
Me; take it or leave it
Him: but we won't be able to tell the counsellor the full truth about my life
Me: you mean about ghost. But we can tell him about Siya
Him: I'm not sure about this
Me: balls in your court. And I also think we should be celibate, till we get married
Siya looked horrified . I just knew he wouldn't agree to that. I tried not to laugh, because my stomach
couldn't handle it, but his face just cracked me up.
Him: baby are you trying to kill me ?
Me: stop being dramatic siya. no ones ever died from abstaining
Him: but baby that just torturing me
Me: you'll live
Him; rifiloe, be reasonable
Me: I am. It will help us in the long run
Him: how will it help me?
Me; it just will
Him: you win. I'll do the counselling. Just no abstaining
Me: I'll think about it
Him: what is there to think about? I'm trying to compromise here
Me: I'll see
Siya shook his head at me. I knew I wouldn't be able to commit to never sleeping with him till our
wedding. But I just enjoyed teasing him. Plus I loved the way he pouts .
Me: you look cute when you pout
Him: I told you, men don't pout
Me; you do, and I love it
Hom: your enjoying this aren't you
Me: I don't know what your talking about
Him: torturing, me like this
Me: i must admit it kind of feels good having you by the balls. No pun intended
Him: shame on you babe
Me: o tlaba strong
Him: maybe. Or maybe I will find myself someone to help me out
I gave Siya the dirtiest look ever. I may play with him, but I'm not going to take him talking like that.
I'm as jealous as hell.
Me: Siya your on thin ice
Him; but babe, you started it
Me: and now I'm ending it. I catch you even looking at another woman,I swear I'll kill you
Him: 1 bullet and you think your Jackie Chan
Me: try me
Him: I wouldn't dare.
Me: better not
Him: babe you know I could never be with anyone else. I love you too much for that.
Me: Good to know that.
Him: and I better not catch you looking at any other man. I swear I would self district.
Me: well at least that's out the way.
We both laughed and teased eachother about how jelous and possessive we both were.
Siya stayed with me for the whole day. We watched some tv, played cards and just relaxed.
I know he is busy, and him being here while His team is in Brazil is probably difficult. but it felt good
knowing that when I really needed him he would be there.
I spent so much time in the past nagging him for attention. But now those insecurities were gone.
Siya had proved his love for me countless times.
His love may not be the perfect . But it was his very own thug kind of love, and that was all I needed.
Siya spent the night with me again. I think my nurse just decided to keep her opinions to herself
because I was being discharged the following day. I was really uncomfortable during the night
though. I have no idea how I was going to cope while at home.
The next morning I decided to wake up and take a bath. Siya was already up. I think he was just
excited to finally be going home.
My doctor came to do his final check-up and we left.
Siya drove us straight to his house. I wanted to get a few things along the way but he refused.
He practically escorted me to the bedroom.
The first thing I did was change out of the tracksuit and put on one of his gowns.
Me; stop faffing, I’m fine
Him; Get into bed. I’ll go get the housekeeper to make you breakfast
Me; Siya, I can’t stay in bed forever. I need to get used to walking again
Him; the doctors said you need to take things easy for a while. So stop arguing and get into bed
Me; fine.
Him; what would you like for breakfast
Me; something greasy. I’m tired of eating all this healthy shit
Him; greasy breakfast coming up
Me; and if the doctor ordered me to rest. I’m sure he also mentioned something about being cuddled
while I rest
Him; Rifiloe amanga wakho have no limits
Me; a girls got to do what a girls got to do
Him; I need to shower and head to the office for a few hours. Then when I come back I’m all yours
ME; so you’re leaving me all alone
Him; babe I’ve been with you for 2 weeks. I need to make sure everything’s still in order
ME; Its fine babe. But first my breakfast
Him; coming right up.
Siya went downstairs and came back with breakfast for two.
He gave me mine, then got into bed with me and had his.
Me; didn’t you say you needed to get to work
Him; I thought you wanted me to stay
Me; Siya I always want you to stay. If things were up to me you would never leave my sight. But we
both know that’s impossible
Him; I’ve been thinking
Me; Lord help us all
Him; baby I’m serious
Me; Okay. Let me get my serious face on. (Clears throat)… I’m listening
Him; I was thinking maybe we could ask my mom to come to Cuba with us, so she can take care of
you. And maybe you guys can start planning the wedding
Tjo I looked at Siya and wondered what he was thinking. I didn’t want his mom anywhere near me.
That woman treated me like shit while I was in Cuba, and now he wanted her to take care of me. But
at the same time I needed to tread carefully, because Siya’s loves his mom, and the last thing I
wanted was to drive a wedge between them
Me; (clears throat) baby… My love... I don’t think that’s such a good idea
Him; why not
Me; well, because your Mom and I aren’t exactly friends. I’m sure the last thing she wants is to have
to take care of me or even help planning our wedding
Him; baby
Me; Siyaaaaa
Him; we’re going to be married soon, which means she’s going to be a part of our lives. I need you
to put in the effort
Me; mhmmmmmmmmmm
Him; can you at least try
ME; but baby
Him; please, please, please
Me; fine
Him; Thank you
Me; don’t thank me just yet
Him; 1 more thing
Me; what
Him; She’s downstairs
Fuck man. Siya had a way of annoying me beyond measure. What was the point in him asking me if
his mom could come if she was already here?
Him; please don’t freak out
Me; Siya man
Him; baby please try
I took a pillow and hit him with it
Me; why bother asking when you’ve already made up your mind
Him; I didn’t want to take the risk of you saying no
Me; see. This is why I want pre-marital counselling. You have no regards what so ever about my
Him; baby. I’m sorry
Me; don’t lie
Him; ok… I’m not sorry. But I do love you
Me; that’s not the point
Him; your so cute when your mad
Me; trying to butter me up isn’t going to help. I’m still mad at you
Him; what do I have to do to make you forgive me
Me; Nothing
Him; what about a kiss
Me; I’m eating
Him; I love you nana
Me; just shut up and help get decent for your mom.
Him; I’ve got some clothes for you in the closet
Me; do you have a dress in there
Him; a couple
Me; hand me one of them.. mxm
Siya got up and went to get me a dress to put on. I was a bit annoyed at him, but I didn’t want us to
fight about it. He did what he did with good intentions but it would’ve been nice if he’d discussed it
with me first. Its not that I hate his mother, its just that after Cuba, I don’t think I could ever truly have
a relationship with her. Plus we all know how much she loves Linda
I put on the Maxi dress that Siya gave me and walked downstairs to go see his mother.
I don’t know why she didn’t come upstairs. It’s such a mission to walk up and down the stairs.
Especially since I was still in a bit of pain.
I found Siya’s mom having tea in the dining room. I took a deep breath, and went to greet her.
I made sure I wore one of my biggest, fakest smiles ever.
Me; Sawbona Ma
Her; Makoti. Unjani
Me; I’m good and you
Her; better now that Siya and I are on good terms
I wanted to roll my eyes but I couldn’t, because she was looking at me.
Her; join me for some tea. Sarah makes the most amazing scones
Me; thanks ma
I sat down next to her and poured myself some tea
Her; so tell me how your feeling
Me; I’m fine ma, just glad to be out the hospital
Her; I’m glad.. I hear you and Siya are engaged
Me; (clears throat) Yes ma
Her; so when do you plan on getting married?
Me; no clue. We’re taking it one day at a time
Her; well that’s good. No need to rush. We don’t want you guys making such hasty decisions, only to
get divorced. Plus I feel like you aren’t ready for marriage. Linda on the other hand would’ve made a
wonderful wife.
She was clearly trying to annoy me. So I took a deep breath and decided to play along
Me; well the truth is Ma. I was hoping Siya and I would elope. It just takes the stress out of having to
plan a wedding. And that way only the important people would be there. Just me and Him. It is our
wedding after all.
She looked at me horrified
Her; that’s not the Ndhlovu way of doing things. Siyabonga is the head of the family, there is no way
he would agree to that. If you two are getting married, then you have to do things the proper way or
else the ancestors will never bless your union
Me; nothings been decided but we’ll see. And by the way. do yourself and I both a favour and stay
out of my relationship with Siya. We both know if it came to it he would chose me over you. I am the
one worming up his bed after all. So if I were you I would behave. You don’t want to have me as an
Siya’s mom looked like she was ready to faint. I finally had her right where I wanted her. It was high
time I got in the ring with her. If she wanted a fight, I was going to give her one she would never
Her; you have no shame. who do you think you are speaking to me like that.
Me; I'm the woman who's about to become your daughter in law.
Her; not if i have anything to do with it. Siya belongs with Linda and is exactly who he is going to end
up with. she has given him 2 children, and what about you, what have you given him? ha. Just you
wait and see
Me; well, i guess its game on. but just so you know. I'm not going anywhere. If you want to take me
on, make sure your ready to say goodbye to your beloved son. because as far as I'm concerned
your just as replaceable as i am.
I smiled at her and stood up
Me; excuse me ma. I need to go lie down. I’ll see you later
I left her there looking like she had chocked on her own tongue.
When I got to our room, Siya had just finished getting stressed. I always loved how he looked in a
suit. It always reminds me of the first time I saw him
Me; you look nice
Him; do I
Me; yep. I love that suit on you
He looked at himself in the mirror
Him; do you
Me; yes. Makes me want to rip it off
Siya looked at me and smiled. I walked closer to him and started kissing him. I started out slow and
sultry and then progressed to lustful. I knew we couldn’t take it further, but I wanted to butter him up,
because I knew his mother was going to complain about me.
Siya pulled away and looked at me
Him; babe. What was that for?
Me; Nothing. I’ve just missed your lips
Him; your making it hard for me to leave
Me; well you better go, because we can’t do anything. Doctor said no sex for 6 weeks
Him; are you serious
Me; yep
Him; Rifiloe
Me; Baby… im serious
Him; damn
Me; If your nice, maybe we could find a way around it
Him; now you’re talking
Me; (chuckles) go to work. I’ll see you later
Him; how was tea with my mom?
Me; it was surprisingly nice. I didn’t realize how much I missed her
Him; see. You two will be best of buddies in no time
Me; yaah… we probably will.
Him; ive got to go
Me; ok.. Give me a kiss to remember you by
Siya gave me a kiss and left.
I looked at myself and smiled. Gone was the Rifiloe who cried her way through things. Now it was
time I started standing up for myself. Siya loved me as much as I loved him, and I’d be dammed if I
let his mother get in the way of that. If she wanted to really take me on, i was going to fight her till my
last breath.

When Siya left for the office, I decided to set up an appointment with my beautician.
I couldn’t go to the salon, so I asked her to come to the house instead. I knew I wasn’t well, but that
was no excuse for me not to be tidy.
An hour later she arrived with her team. They fixed my hair, did my nails while I had lunch and even
helped me wax
When they were finally finished, I felt like a new person. I was in a bit of pain, but at least I looked
more like myself. I paid them, then walked them out.
I needed to take my pills and a nap before dinner.
When I woke up it was just after 6pm. I took my phone and called Siya
Him; babe
Me; Hey. I hope I am not disturbing you
Him; never
Me; do you plan on coming home anytime soon
Him; yah. I’m just about to leave the office
Me; ok. I’ll take a shower before you get here
Him; don’t. We can shower together
Me; mmhm sounds interesting
Him; ill make it worth your while
Me; sold... I shall wait for you
Him; good. See you now
Me; bye love
I hung up and got dressed. I wanted to see what was for dinner.
When I got to the kitchen, Siya’s mother was cooking.
Me; hi Ma. How was the rest of your afternoon?
Her; mcm
Me; I’m glad you’re doing well. So what’s for dinner?
She looked at me as though I was crazy
Me; no worries. I was planning for Siya and me to go out for dinner
Her; so is that what you do? Feed my son take aways all day?
Me; not really. But he doesn’t complain
Her; mxm
I took a bottle of water from the fridge and went to the lounge to watch some TV.
When Siya arrived he greeted his mother, then came to sit next to me
Him; hi nana
Me; hay babe
Him; you look good.
Me; Thank you. I had the beautician come over
Him; you could be bald and you’d still be beautiful
Me; thanks baby
Him; so whats for dinner?
Me; your moms making leg of lamb and vegetables
Him; I hope you got some rest
Me; I did. Thank you
Him; wanna take a quick shower before dinner?
Me; I need more than just a minute
Him; oh.. Now were talking.
I hit him on the thigh
Me; behave... your mothers in the kitchen
Him; we wouldn’t want to raise her blood pressure
Me; (giggles) definitely not. I’m enjoying having her around
Him; really
Me; yes
Him; well that’s one thing I can cross off my list
Me; I’m glad. I think you have way too much to worry about
Him; God I love you right now
Me; I’ve been thinking
Him; should I be worried
Me; I think I’ll take your offer regarding being CFO of Ndhlovu Corp
Him; really
Me; yes
Him; that’s great. I’ll let my lawyer know.
Me; I was also thinking, we need to set a date for the wedding
Him; thank God
Me; I’m not really up to planning a big wedding. I was hoping we could do something more intimate
Him; baby I would marry you right now. I don’t care for a big wedding
Me; so let’s elope
Siya looked at me like I was insane
Him; but babe. Don’t you dream of the big wedding? With family and friends etc.
Me: May when i was a Lott girl. Buy right now i dont really care
Him : I think we should still have a big wedding
Me; ok, but then i want 3 weddings.
Him; lord help us
Me; (giggles) let me finish
Him; ok. I’ll try keeping an open mind
Me; the first one, will just be the two of us and a priest. Somewhere secluded. Then we have the
normal traditional and white wedding at my home, then at your home
Him; sounds promising
Me; you said I could have whatever I want
Him; I don’t think my mom will appreciate our first “wedding” being with just the 2 of us
Siya’s mom walked in as we were talking.
Her; dinners ready
Siya; thank you
Siya helped me up and we went to sit in the dining room. Siya’s mom had already dished up for us.
Which I didn’t understand why. I expected her to lay out the food on the table. God knows what she
put in my food.
I wasn’t really comfortable with eating her food, phela this woman hates my guts.
Luckily she walked to the kitchen to fetch her food. So I knew this was my only opportunity to get out
of eating her food
Me; babe. I think I need to lay down a bit
Him; what’s wrong
Me; I’m just suddenly feeling a bit sore
Him; Go upstairs. I’ll bring your dinner there
Me; can I rather have something else. I don’t mean to be rude, but I don’t think I can stomach lamb
at the moment
Him; what can I get you
Me; I’ll make a smoothie
Him; you can’t live off smoothies. You need to eat
Me; ill come down and make something just now. For now, I just want to lay down
I stood up and walked towards our room. I wasn’t really sore, but I just wanted to avoid eating.
When we got to our room Siya, opened the blankets for me and I got in
Me; go have dinner with your mom. Ill be fine
Him; no. that can wait. Ill stay with you
Me; baby. I’m just going to try rest a bit. I’m sure I’m just overreacting
Him; I think we should call your doctor just to make sure
Me; Siya stop. I said I’m fine
Him; (sigh) you sure?
Me; yes. Now go and enjoy dinner.
Him; ok. Ill be downstairs if you need me
Siya gave me a kiss and walked downstairs. I let out a sigh of relief. I dint like lying to him, but there
was no way I was eating his mother’s food.
When Siya came back to our room he looked a bit off. I just knew it had something to do with his
Me: baby... what's wrong
Him: nothing
Me: Siya
Him: Rifiloe, why didnt you tell me about the fallout you had with my mother
Me: fall out
Him: she says you basically attacked her
Me : is this some kind of joke
Him; do I look like I'm joking?
Me: I dont know what your talking about
Him: she says you told her about us eloping
Me: I did. But I don't seen how that's a big deal. We were discussing the wedding and i told her we
were considering eloping , how is that attacking her?
Him: i don't know ok
Me: baby come here
He came to sit next to me
Me: stop stressing yourself about things. I'll speak to your mom in the morning. Im sure she just
Him: thanks baby. I know i can always count on you to be the bigger person
Me: I want us to work Siya. And if we're go in to work you have to trust me. If I felt like your mom and
I weren't getting along I would've told you.
Him: I guess your right. She's probably overreacting
Me: now that that's over. I remember you promising me a bath
Him: are you sure your up to it
Me: definitely
Him: I'll go fill the tub.
Siya got up and went to the bathroom. I was glad his mother said something because that way she
was the one nagging instead of me.
Siya came back and helped me undress. I kept looking at my scar
Him: what's wrong
me: I just hate how it looks
Him: it will heal better with time
Me: how am I going to we a bikini with this hidious scar
Him: you can a tattoo
Me: good idea. Maybe we should get matching tattoos
Him: as Lon Lon it's not butterflies or fairies I'm good
Me(chuckles) I'll think of something.
Once we were both done undressing we went to the bath.
Siya was like my own personal nurse. To be honest I was enjoying the attention.
We sat in the bath for a while, just chatting about the wedding.
Him: you should Stan up so i can wash you
Me: soy, I'm not fragile. I can bath myself
Him: but I want to be the one to do it
Me; fine. But Don touch my scar
Him: I won't.
Me: fine. Help me get up
Siya took my hand and helped me stand up. He started by washing my back, and then moved to my
chest. At first I throught it was a coincidence when he brushed against my nipples, but then he
started pinching them,and i knew this wasn't just a coincidence
Me: so much for bathing me
Me: I don't know what your talking about
Me: really
Him : really babe
He moved his attention back to what he was doing. He washed over my stomach, then moved down
to my p***y. I let out a little moan.
Instead of just washing me down there, he started slowly massaging my clit, all the while not taking
his eyes off mine. The more he massaged me there, the more aroused I became. I could see that his
manhood was as hard as a rock, so i decided to also play with it.
We both moved at the same pace for a while. The Siya put my nipple in his mouth. His tounge kept
rolling around over my nipple, while his fingers worked their magic on my clit. Siya was torturing me
in the most deliciouse way and i was enjoying every minute of it. Just as I was about to let go Siya
came to a complete halt
I looked at him confused
Him: you can't cum yet
Me: why the hell not
Him: I want to taste you when you cum
Me: siyaaaaa
Him: let's go to the bed
Me: I'm not going to make it there
(Chuckels ) I'll Carry you
Me: well hurry up. I'm dying here
Siya smiled at me and got out the bath, then he carried me to our bed. He put me down gently, then
started with the nipples again.
He slowly moved down from the nipples, down to my stomach, and then to my clit.
The minute he circled his tounge around the clit. I held on to the sheets.
He wemt from kissing it it, to liking and gently biting. He then inserts 2 fingers while licking, and It
was game over for me. I had an earth shattering orgasim that rippede through my body, to the point
of me shaking
Siya looked up at me and smiled, while I caught my breath,
Him: I hope you found that satisfactory madam
Me: mhmm
Him: I'll take that as a yes.
Me: yes
Him: good. Now get in the blankets and sleep. You've had far to much excitement for one day
me: what about you
him: what about me
Me: I also want to taste you as you cum
Him: you up to it
Me: yes
Him: ok, get up
I slowly got down on my knees and put him in my mouth.
I licked and sucked him till i could feel he was close. Then i went as deep as I could take.
Siya came with us much intensity as i did. Then collapsed on the bed
I wiped my mouth and went to go lay in his arms. We both lay in bed trying to come back to earth.
Him: your flipping amazing
Me: I can tell
Him: I hope you didn't hurt yourself
me: Siya just shoosh
We lay on the bed naked till we started falling asleep. Unfortunately his phone had other plans. He
looked at the caller ID and passed the phone to me
I looked at It and saw it was Linda.
Me: Linda
Her : oh, hi... am I was hoping to speak to siya
me: He's asleep
Her: I just wanted to remind him that i was going for my 16 week scan tomorrow. He had promised to
come with.
Me: I'll remind him
Her :thank you
I put down the the call and gave siya his phone back. To be honest it was difficult to think of Siya
going to the doctor with Linda. Especially since they discussed this while i was in hospital . But non
the less i wasn't going to let that turn into an argument. Instead I was going to give siya the message
and let him handle Linda. I had my plate full enough dealing with his mother.
I gave Siya his message, then cuddled next to him. I think he knew I wasn't ready to discuss his
appointment with Linda, because he just held me, till we both fell asleep.
When I woke up the following morning Siya was still fast asleep next to me. It's weird how when he’s
in SA he sleeps, but once we get to Cuba he'll be up through most of the night.
I got out of bed and went to take a shower. I was so hungry because I had missed dinner last night.
So I wanted to make myself breakfast.
After my shower I went to Siya’s closet to see the things he had bought for me. He had said he
bought a few things. But this wasn't the case. He had literally bought me a whole new wardrobe full
of clothes. Mxm Siya can waste money at times.
I wore one of the dresses and my slippers, then went downstairs.
I found Siya’s mother having tea in the dining room
Me: morning ma
Her: hmm
I decided to sit with her. I wanted to raise her high blood just a bit
Me: ma, I heard Siya saying there's a problem between us
Her: mxm
Me: yaz ma. I'm not aware of any problems between us. Phela Nna I love you like my own mother.
I'm sorry if I offended you about eloping. But don't worry ne. We'll have the big beautiful wedding that
you always dreamed of for Siya. I can't wait to be makoti wa ha NDHLOVU. That way you and me
will be tied together for eternity
Her: you may think your clever, but you have no idea what I'm capable of. You will never be umakoti
waka NDHLOVU, as long as I'm alive. Never. There is only one girl that Siyabonga will marry, and
that is Linda
Me: well I Guess you better start taking your pills. I don't want you tapping out on the first round.
I smiled, then went to the kitchen to make breakfast.
The whole point of me provoking her was to see if she really was planning something, and now I'm
100% convinced her and Linda were both up to something. I may not know what. But I was sure as
hell ready
I found Siya’s house keeper in the kitchen. I wasn't really sure if I trusted her or not. She seemed a
bit close to Siya’s mother. I just greeted her, and started making breakfast.
Her: mam, I was just about to start making breakfast
Me: don't worry about it. I'll handle it
Her: I don't think Mr Ndhlovu would approve. He gave me specific instructions to make sure you
Me: let me handle him. You can carry in with the rest of your duties.
Her: yes. Mam
I made breakfast for all of us. Including the guards.
I gave mamazala her's, then went to wake Siya.
I made sure I didn't dish up for me and Siya. I didn't want her spiking my food.
When I got upstairs, Siya had just gotten out the shower. He was in the closet getting dressed
Me: morning baby
Him: morning.
Me: breakfast is ready
Him: please tell me you weren't cooking
Me; fine. I wont tell you
Him; Rifiloe, what happened to resting? Didn’t you hear what the doctor said?
Me; Baby I’m fine. I can’t just stay in bed the whole day. I dint want your mother thinking I’m lazy
Him; so you’re trying to impress her
Me; something like that
Him; that’s sweet of you, but all that matters is what I think of you. And right now im not impressed at
Me; but baby
Him; no arguing. You need to rest.
Me; ok
Him; good
Me; Let me fix your Tie
I moved closer and fixed his tie for him.
Me; so when are you meeting with Linda
Him; I don’t think I’ll be able to make it to CT and back. I’ve got so much to get through before we
leave for CUBA tomorrow
ME; Maybe you can fly her down. I’m sure we can find a Gyne for her around JHB
Him; do you mind handling it
Me; with Pleasure. Maybe she can bring Olwetho, so you can see him before we leave
Siya looked at me suspiciously
Him; baby, you sure you’re ok
Me; yes. I’m certain
Him; I love you
Me; I love you more
Him; will you phone Linda and let her know
Me; sure. But first let’s have breakfast
We walked downstairs hand in hand. I went to dish up for us, and we joined his mother at the table.
Him; Ma. I spoke to Rifiloe last night, and she doesn’t seem to think there is a problem between the
two of you.
Her; mhmm
Him; Rifiloe, is trying. Can you just try meeting her halfway? I can’t have the most important women
in my life hating each other
Her; I hear you
Him; Thank you.
We had the rest of our breakfast, then I went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. Siya followed me
Him; I hope you’re not planning on washing those
Me; I was, but I guess I’ll leave these here for Sarah
Him; atleast you listen
Me; I try
Him; I’m off. I’ll see you later
Me; cool. I’ll call you regarding Linda
Him; thx babe.
He gave me a kiss, then left for the office.
I knew I was really going to be bored, sitting in bed the whole day, so I decided to go upstairs and
sort out the Linda issue. To be honest it was going to take me a while to get used to this.
The minute she answered the phone I rolled my eyes.
Her; Hello
Me; Hi Linda. Its Rifiloe
Her; what’s up
Me; Siya isn’t going to be able to come to CT for your doctor’s appointment
Her; Mxm I thought as much. Did you have anything to do with this?
Me; Linda, just shut up and listen. I wanted to know if you minded flying to JHB for another
appointment. That way he can still see the baby
Her; so I have to be the one to fly around, because he can’t make time for me
ME; take it or leave it. It’s up to you hun
Her; what times my flight
Me; The Jet will be there at 11;00am
Her; ok
Me; I was hoping, maybe you could bring Olwetho with you, if it’s not too much trouble
Her; why
Me; We leave for Cuba tomorrow, and I thought it would be nice if he could spend time with Olwetho
before then
Her; (sigh) ok.
ME; thank you
I hung up, then called my Gyne. Luckily she had an opening at 3pm.
After sorting out the Linda issue, I made a smoothie, then went back to my room.
I needed to take a nap, before having to deal with Linda.
When I woke up, I had lunch, then went downstairs to prep dinner. I know Siya said to take it easy,
but I knew I was going to drive myself crazy thinking about him and Linda looking at the sonar of
their baby.
When I got the kitchen, Sarah was already making dinner. I decided not to disturb her, and went
back to my room.
I was watching Tv when Siya called
Me; Hi love
Him; Hey. I’ve just left the doctor’s office. Owetho and I are coming home
Me; Is Linda with you?
Him; She’s leaving now
Me; Invite her to dinner
Him; huh
Me; you heard me
Him; why would we do that
Me; because your wife says so
Him; In that case, I will do as told
Me; good
After my call, I went down to let Sarah know that Linda and Olwetho were joining us. Then I went to
take a bath.
When Siya arrived, I had just finished getting ready.
Him; hey you
Me; Hi
Him; Olwetho and Linda are downstairs.
Me; I’ll go see them now
Him; don’t I get a kiss first
Me; come get it.
I gave my man a kiss, then we both walked down
The minute I saw Linda my skin crawled. There was something about her that didn’t seem right. I
just couldn’t put my finger on it
I greeted her, and went to give Olwetho a hug. He looked so much bigger than the last time I saw
Him; aunty. Today I saw my baby brother
Me; did you
Him; yes. Daddy says he looks just like me
Me; really
Him; yes.
Me; im glad you got to see him.
Something Olwetho said didn’t quite make sense. How did he know the sex when Linda was just 16
weeks along? Isn’t it usually at 18 or 20 weeks? And come to think of it, Linda looked quite big for
just 16 weeks.
We sat down and had dinner together. It was a bit awkward because there wasn’t much
conversation. So I decided to try something
Me; (clears throat) so Linda, how’s the baby doing
She looked at me and then at Siya’s mother. I knew right then that something wasn’t right
Her; everything’s fine
Me; good to know. Have you guys thought of any names yet?
Her; I was thinking to name him after his father
Me; that’s nice. Isnt love
Siya just nodded
Her; so when do you plan on having children
Me; not any time soon. Ive already got Olwetho and Junior on the way, so we’re not in a hurry
She looked at me and smiled. Not the kind of smile that was friendly, but more like she knew I was
up to something
Me; Ma, you must be excited to be a grandmother again
Her; yes. It’s a pity you weren’t able to carry your twins to term
Siya looked at me and then at his mother
Him; was that necessary
Her; I was just saying
Me; Siya. It’s fine. I get your mother doesn’t like me. I’m ok with that
Her; are you done eating
Me; yes.
Him; Lets go
I stood up and Siya’s and I walked towards the door. I had no idea where we were going
Me; Babe and now
Him; I can’t stand the tension in that room. I just don’t understand why my mother doesn’t want to
get along with you
Me; Forget it babe. It’s not the end of the world
Him; No Rifiloe. It’s not right
Me; that’s why I didn’t really want her taking care of me, because I knew it would tear you guys
Him; I think it’s time she goes home
Me; it’s a pity
Him; its time. I can’t stand her constant mood and nagging
Me; I understand. But we can’t go anywhere. Olwetho is here to see you. You need to spend some
time with him,
Him; your right
Me; I’m going back upstairs. You should take Olwetho out. Maybe watch the 8pm movie or
Him; You know I love you
Me; Yes. And I love you
Him; I love you more, because I can see how much you’re trying to make this work. I never thought,
even for a second that you would sit at a table with my ex
Me; baby we’re getting married. It’s my job to help you carry your burdens
Him; Thank you
Me; stop being so mushy, and go spend time with your son. I’ll see you later
I gave him a kiss, then went back inside. I was glad that things were finally normal between us. I
wasn’t glad that Linda was pregnant, but I wasn’t going to let Siya’s past interfere with our future.
I went back inside, and headed to our bedroom. This whole thing with Linda was troubling me.
Things just weren’t adding up. I wanted to get to the bottom of this, but at the same time, I was a bit
worried of what I would find.
What if Linda wasn’t carrying Siya’s baby? How was I going to prove it, without coming across as
I decided to put this little investigation on hold. I needed to plan this properly.
As I was busy thinking about Linda, Someone knocked on my door. I took a deep breath in and out
and went to see who it was. I opened and found Linda
Me; Hi
Her; sorry for disturbing
Me; what’s up
Her; I just came to find out what you’re playing at?
Me; I’m lost
Her; you know exactly what I’m talking about
Me; Linda, I’m tired, and I want to get to bed. So stop talking around in circles and get straight to the
Her; I know you’re up to something, so I came to give you a word of advice. BACK THE FUCK OFF,
before you get hurt
Him; Mhmm you know for someone who has so much to lose, your very confident. Especially since
full custody of Olwetho.
Her; what’s that supposed to mean
Me; nothing, just that from where I’m sitting, I have all the winning cards. So you better stay in your
lane, or else I will make you.
I think she didn’t expect me to say anything. Because she looked a bit out of place. She turned
around and walked away
I let out a sigh of relief. Siya’s baggage was proving to be a lot. I was just glad we were leaving most
of it in SA.
I decided to go take a bath, to relax a bit. I hadn’t even started packing, and we were leaving
I didn’t realise how long I was in the bath for, until Siya arrived. I think it’s because I was thinking
about this whole Linda thing
Him; your still up
Me; yaaah, what time is it
Him; after 10
Me; did you and Olwetho have a good time
Him; yah. I don’t think I realised how much I missed him.
Me; you need to really make more time for him
Him; I know love
Me; I was thinking
Him; let me join you, then we can talk
Me; we both know if you get in here, there won’t be much talking
Him; ill behave... I promise
Me; Fine. But then I need to let the water out and then fill the tub again
Him; well you better get on with it
I rolled my eyes at him and let out the water, then refilled the tub and added some bath oils.
Siya joined me, and I sat in between his legs, so I could lay my head on his chest
Me; did you speak to your mom
Him; yah. She’s decided she’s flying down with Linda, first thing tomorrow
Me; babe. Can I ask you something?
Him; anything
Me; please don’t take this the wrong way. I just want you to be honest with me.
Him; Rifiloe
Me; promise
Him; fine
Me; did you by any chance sleep with Linda, before you woke up in hospital
Him; no. Why
Me; just asking
Him; Rifiloe. That’s not just some random question that popped into your head. If you’re asking me
this, it’s because you might know something I don’t
Me; Siya. Don’t use your interrogation methods on me. that Mambo jumbo works on suspects. Not
Him; why are you being defensive
Me; stop it. You’re still doing it
Him; Baby, you need to understand something about me. I am trained to know when someone is
lying to me. I know you’re up to something. I just want to know what it is
Me; I have no idea what you’re talking about
Him; your sudden coolness around Linda isn’t normal. Not after everything we’ve been through
Me; Siya
Him; Rifiloe
Me; I’m just trying to make sure you got to see your children before you left. Is that such a bad thing
Him; not at all. It makes me love you even more. But the fact that you invited Linda to dinner doesn’t
make sense. And now you’re asking me about when I slept with her
Me; forget I said anything
Him; I won’t forget. But I will wait for you to tell me when you’re ready
Me; thank you
We sat in the bath a bit longer. I don’t know what I was thinking asking him such a question.
Obviously he would pick up something wasn’t right. Nxa
The next morning, I woke up and Siya wasn’t in bed. I looked around for him, and he wasn’t
anywhere in the house, so I called him
Him; morning sleepy head
Me; where are you
Him; I took my mom and Linda to the airport.
Me; ok, Ill see you when you get back
Him; I should be back in about an hour. Then we’ve got to go
Me ; Babe, I haven’t even started packing. I also need some stuff from my house.
Him; its being handled
Me; Siya
Him; babe
Me; (sigh) never mind. I’ll be ready by the time your back
Him; cool
I decided not to argue and rather go get ready...
I packed the few things I needed, like phone, laptop and other small things. Then went to bath.
By the time I was done, Siya was back.
Him; ready
me; I guess
Him; we’ve got to go
Me; but babe, I needed some things from my place
Him; babe. Whatever you need we can buy in Cuba
Me; that’s not the point. But forget I said anything. Let’s just go
I took my back and we walked towards the car.
On our way to the airport I got a sms from Linda
Her; ask your man where he slept the night you guys argued about priorities.If I remember correctly,
he left your ass in JHB and flew to me in CT. So next time you want to lay the law. Make sure you
know your lane.

My blood started to boil. Here I was flying all the way to CUBA for a man who might be lying to me.
I took my phone and threw it at Siya . He looked at me and tried figuring out what was going on
Me; don’t looked at me. Read the fucking message
He picked up the phone and read Linda’s message. Then he gave me my phone back and continued
with his laptop
Me; Siya
Him; Rifiloe. Don’t
Me; so you’re not going to say anything
Him; Rifiloe, as you can see, we’re not alone in the car. We can discuss this on the jet
I looked at Siya, and prayed he wasn’t playing with me, because right now I’ve had just about
enough of the Linda issue
When we got to the Jet. Siya sat down and poured himself a scotch
I sat opposite him and just stared at him. He looked up and shook his head
Him; You’re really in the mood to fight ne
Me; I’m waiting
Him; for what
Me; an explanation
Him; you’re not getting one
Me; I beg your pardon
Him; you heard me
Me; Siya
Him; no Rifiloe. You’ve already decided, so why bother
Me; Siya, I want to hear you say it
Him; Say what
Me; that you slept with her way before your mission
Him; Listen to me and Listen to me carefully, because I’m only going to say this once. I did not sleep
with Linda before Cuba.
Me; But that’s not
Him; you see what I mean, I just told you I didn’t, but you still don’t believe me. What else do you
want me to say? Can’t you see what she’s trying to do? And you madam, are walking right into her
trap, and you expect me to play along. Keep me out of this. I’ve told you the truth, and that’s that.
I looked at Siya, and he looked like annoyed as hell, but something he said resonated with me.
He was right. I was playing right into Linda’s trap, without even noticing it. Which now made me even
more determined to find out the truth. Because whatever she’s hiding, is probably huge.

I sat with Siya in silence, for a while. I know I was wrong. I should’ve rather discussed this with him,
instead of immediately believing Linda.
Once we had taken off, I went to sit next to Siya. I thought he would look up but he didn’t. he just
carried on typing on his laptop.
I closed his laptop, and placed it on the table. He just looked at me
Me; baby I’m sorry
**** Silence*****
Me; Siya
Him; after everything, you still don’t trust me. I just thought, that you and I were past that faze
Me; we are Siya.
Him; Rifiloe, I love you. More than anything, but I won’t have you throwing tantrums. It annoys me
the fuck off. If there’s something upsetting you, we can talk about it. Instead of going all psycho on
Me; askies baby
Him; and while we are discussing this. Please refrain from undermining me in front of my staff. If you
need to say something, say it in private. I won’t have my the guards hearing you speak to me like
that again
Me; okay……. Can I get a kiss now
Him; mxm. You’re a handful yaz
I could see he was a bit annoyed still. So I knew I had to do something about it. I wasn’t going to sit
on flight for over 10 hours, with Siya moping.
I stood and sat on his lap in a squatting position
Him; what are you doing
Me; kissing it better
Him; ha ana Rifiloe
Me; Baby man
Him; you know what your doing is sexual harassment right
Me; don’t act like you don’t like it
Him; o stout mara ne
Me; I love you
Him; how much
Me; this much
I leaned in and started kissing him again. This time he responded. I knew then that all was forgiven.
I pulled away, when I felt something growing between my legs.
I looked at Siya and smiled
Me; behave
Him; mhmm this 6 week thing is going to kill me
Me; shame yaz, and its only been a week
Him; at least I’ll be in Brazil for most of those weeks
Me; I hear Brazilian girls are rather good looking
Him; not as good looking as you
Me; (chuckles) nice save
Him; it’s the truth
Me; so what are we going to do about Rambo there in between your legs
Him; I don’t know, got any ideas
Me; plenty
Him; I’m all ears
Me; come ill show you
He stood up shacking his head.
I lead him to the tiny bedroom.... I shall refrain from explaining what we did in the small room. But I
guess you guys get the picture mos. Let's just say I was able to tame Rambo. 😂 😂 😂

When we were done, getting up to no good. I fell asleep in siya's arms.

😴 😴 😴 😴 😴 😴

When I woke up, Siya was sitting next to me on his laptop. I wondered if he had gotten any sleep at
Him: good thing your up. We land in 20min
Me: why didn't you wake me
Him: I was going to, but then you woke up
Me: did you get any sleep
Him: no, been too busy. Come, let's go get ready for landing
I quickly fixed my hair, and went to join Siya.
When we arrived in Cuba. Hlokes was at the airport waiting for us, with some of the guards.
I smiled when I saw him. It had been a while since I saw him. I walked to him and gave him a warm
Me: look who's been working out. You're huge
Him: link what you see
Me; mxm
Him: so how are you holding up
Me: fine.
Him: how's the pain
Me: not as bad as when I first came out of hospital
Him: well your officially a gangsters wife
Me: my man's not a gangster
Him: same thing
I looked over at Siya and he looked a bit uncomfortable. So I walked over to him, as and we got in
the car.
When we arrived home, I went to greet mam Martha and thembi. Then went to the main bedroom. It
felt kind of wierd being back in Cuba, after how I left the last time.
I looked at the bed, and my heart skipped a beat. I could just imagine siya and Linda In this very
bed. I quickly snapped out of it, when I Siya came in.
Him: you ok
me: yes. Just about to get into bed
Him: we need to talk first
I sat on the bed and he joined me
Him; I just looked at my schedule, and it looks like we depart for Brazil, the day after tomorrow
Me: that soon
Him; yes. We''ve got a lot that needs our attention that side
Me: ok
Him; tomorrow we need to go through your contract as CFO. I think we also need to go through your
responsibilities, so that you .ca start asap
Me: cool
Him: lastly we need to pick a date for the wedding
Me: which one
Him: the big one
Me: can't we rather start with the small one, and then deal with the other.
Him: so you were serious about our first wedding to be just the 2 of us
Me: yes
Him: so where do you want this to take place
Me: I haven't thought about it as yet
Him: ok. Think about it and let me know
Me: cool
He moved closer and gave me a kiss
Him: I need to go work. You should try get some sleep
Me: you should come to bed. You didn't sleep a wink on the plane
Him: no time. Il, we you later
Me: Sharp
Me: oh, before you leave, can in use your laptop. Mine's busy with updates
Him : I'm going to need mine. Maybe you could ask bullet if you can use his.
Me: please ask himm for me
Him: sure
Siya went upstairs to work, whileI changed into PJ's
Not long after , Hlokes bought me his laptop
Him: ghost said you want to no this
Me: only if your not us in it. I just want to look at some wedding ideas
him: no worries, you can use it
Me: thanks
He handed me the laptop then walked out.
I googled a couple of places but none of them really had why I was looking for. I wants something
romantic and secluded, but so far most of the places were just too busy. Until I saw this beautiful
looking resort right here in Cuba. It looked perfect, just what I was looking for.
I decided to save some of the pictures of the resort. I wanted to get siya's opinion.
When i was done saving the pictures. I went into the folder, and attached them to an e-mail, then
sent them to Siya.
When I closed the file I was in, I mistakenly double clicks onto another file.
I didn't intend on snooping, but curiosity got the better of me.
You can imagine the shock i got, when i saw that file cintained pictures of Linda. Why would Hlokes
have pictures of linda on his laptop.
I started going through the picture and immediately regretted it. Some of the pictures were rather
promiscuous. She was mostly naked and looking directly at whoever was taking the pictures.
I looked through the picture trying to understand why Hlokes would have these. It just all didnt make
sense, but then suddenly it did.
The only way Hlokes would have these, is if he took them, and that would only mean he was having
or had had an affair with Linda. Shock didn't really surprise, me because I know Hlokes had always
had an eye for the ladies.
Now my only predicament is whether i tell siya or whether I keep it to myself.

I kept going through the pictures one by one. I couldn’t believe this. If Siya found out he would kill
Hlokes. But now my concern was if Hlokes was really over me, or if this was his way of payback.
I really wanted to tell Siya, but I knew if I did it would destroy his relationship with Hlokes.
So I think it’s best to wait for him to return from Brazil. Then take it from there.
I copied all the pictures of Linda onto a flash drive, then went to give Hlokes back his laptop.
This whole thing was starting to get bigger than I thought it would. I just hoped it would end soon.
I tried to act normal around Hlokes. I didn’t want him suspecting anything. Then I went to Siya’s
office. I wanted to see if he had gotten the pictures had sent him, for the wedding.
Me; can I come in
Him; babe. I thought you would be fast asleep by now?
Me; Not yet. Did you see the pics I sent you?
Him; yes. The place looks nice
Me; so should I book it?
Him; we need to discuss dates first
Me; tomorrow night
Siya looked at me confused
ME; Let’s get married tomorrow tonight
Him; are you sure
Me; 100%
Him; we need to find someone to marry us first
Me; Vegas
Him; babe are you sure you want to do this so soon
Me; yes
Him; come here
I moved from where I was and sat on his lap
Him; what’s going on with you. You seem a bit off
Me; what do you mean
Him; why does it seem like you’re in a hurry for us to get married
Me; (sigh) Siya the last time you went on a mission, I nearly lost you, and technically you weren’t
mine. Not officially anyway
Him; I see
Me; I’m sure you can get your lawyer to draw up a prenuptial agreement by tomorrow night
Him; pre-nup?
Me; yes
Him; who said anything about a pre-nup
Me; Siya, you are a multimillionaire. You need a pre-nup to protect you
Him; Not with you I don’t
Me; babe
Him; not up for discussion
Me; Siya, as your financial advisor, I strongly recommend you get a pre-nup in place
Him; you see this is why I love you. But it doesn’t mean I’m going to listen to you
Me; But
Him; discussion over. You want us to get married tomorrow. We get married tomorrow
Me; so babe. We are going to just get married in COP
Him; yes
Me; we’re insane
Him; just promise me one thing
Me; anything
Him; Promise me that no matter what we go through, we’ll make it work. Always
Me; I promise
Him; well I guess this is our last night as singles
Me; I guess so
Him; we should rest
Me; rest
Him; yes. I plan on enjoying my last night as a bachelor. Fast asleep in the comfort of my bed
Me; (chuckles) lets go
We stood up and we walked to our bedroom. We took a quick shower, then we went to bed.
I woke up the next morning with butterflies in my stomach. I couldn’t believe that this day was the
day I would become Siya’s wife. After everything we’ve been through, we were finally going to get
our happily ever after.
I looked at the man lying next to me and I knew I was making the right decision.
Our relationship may not be perfect, but it was most definitely worth fighting for.
Siya woke up as I was staring at him
Him; what did I do
Me; what do you mean
Him; why are you staring at me like that
Me; just admiring my husband to be
Him; Husband. I like the sound of that
Me; so what time do we leave for vegas
Him; Ive got a better idea
Me; what
Him; let me handle everything
Me; ha a . now your mad
Him; Just trust me
Me; Siya, I do but
Him; then all you have to do now, is relax. Ill handle everything
Me; better be good
Him; only the best for you
Me; thank you baby
Him; you can thank me later
Me; how
Him; You’ll see
ME; ok. Come wash my back
Him; with pleasure
We got out of bed, and went to a shower together. Then we went up to have breakfast.
When we got to the Veranda, Hlokes was already having breakfast. I greeted him and sat next to
Siya. It was a bit awkward.
Me; so Hlokes, how is Boni doing
Him; she’s ok. She might be coming here for Christmas
Me; You must miss her
Him; like crazy
Me; Siya, maybe we should ask Linda, if Olwetho can spend Christmas here with us
I saw Hlokes look up at me
Siya; that sounds nice love
Me; I think it would make life easier with her being pregnant you know
Siya; that’s very thoughtful
Me; but what if she wants to come with
Him; not an option. I’m not spending Christmas with her
Me; ill speak to her
I looked at Hlokes and noticed he looked a tiny bit uncomfortable, when we spoke about Linda. So I
decided to dig a little
Me; Hlokes. You should see Linda. She looks really heavy for 16 weeks. Shame yaz. I think the
baby is going to be big
Hlokes; Im sure she’ll be fine
Me; you say that because you’re a man. If you had seen her, you wouldn’t be say that
Him; woman in general carry differently.
Me; I guess so. Cause when I lost the twins they were just 12 weeks, and you could hardly tell I was
pregnant. But with Linda shame, her stomach was already showing. That’s why I think she’s going to
have a big baby. I feel really sorry for her
I could see Hloke’s face change.
I just knew then that I was onto something. Thankfully Siya was concentrating on reading the paper.
Hlokes stood up and went upstairs. I was guessing he wanted to speak to Linda.
All I needed now was to get real hard-core evidence, that Linda wasn’t carrying Siya’s child.
I knew deep down it would hurt Siya, but I would rather have him hurt now, then to find out after the
babies born the he isnt the father.
After breakfast, Siya went to his office, while Nails and two other guards took me shopping.
When we got to the basement, I sat in the front because Nails was driving. I needed his help with
something. I just prayed he wouldn’t tell Siya
ME; nails. Can I ask you something?
Him; anything
Me; Let’s say hypothetically I wanted to get my hands on a digital file, without anybody noticing. How
would I do that?
Him; does Ghost know about this
Me; I said hypothetically
Him; Mam. I don’t mean to be rude, but no one asks such a question hypothetically
Me; are you going to help me or not
Him; no
Me; and if its Siya's best interest
Him: I'd still need to discuss it with him first
Me: nails, please. I'm begging you. I just need some certainty regarding my suspicions
Him: you're going to get me in trouble
Me: once Siya knows the truth, there is no way he would be mad. I promise
Him: (sigh) tell me what you need to get
Me:I need to get hold of a patient file at a doctor's firm
Him: who's the patient?
Me: I can't say
Him: if you want my help, you need to tell me everything. Otherwise I can't help you
Me: promise you won't say a word to Siya. Not till we're certain that I'm correct
Him: I promise
Me: it's Linda
He turned to look at me, then consserntrated on the road again
Him: ive got a feeling I'm going to regret helping you on this
Me: nails please
Him: fine. But we do things my way
Me: I don't cAre how, but i just want to take a look at that file
Him: what if you don't like what you find
Me: at least I would've tried
Him: ok. But we'll only start once ghost and bullet are in Brazil. I don't want them getting suspicious
Me: thank you
Him: just don't make me regret helping you
Me: I won't.
When we arrived at the mall, I went to a couple of boutiques to try and find something to wear. I
walked past the baby boutique that I came to the last time i was here. My heart melted a bit, but i
told myself to move on.
I wasn't really looking for a wedding dress. I just wanted a nice bohemien style dress. Nothing to
fancy, just something classic.
I found a nice vintage store, that luckily had exactly what I was looking for. I tried on a couple of
dresses, and finally made a choice on a full length ivory backless dress and matching ivory shoes.
After shopping I went to get some sexy lingerie.
Nails looked so uncomfortable in the shop, so I asked him to wait outside.
I bought a couple of lingerie sets, because I couldn't decide which one i liked more , then went tot
buy Siya a ring. I went with a plane white gold ring. Siya isn't really the flashy type.
Lastly I went to get my hair and nails done, even waxed.
All that was left now was for me to become Mrs Ndhlovu
I was rather quite on my way home. I was excited that I was marrying the man I love, but at the
same time I longed for my parents to be here. I think that's part of the reason no wanted our wedding
to be about just the 2 of us. Because it won't be easy to have a wedding in qwaqwa without my
parents being there. So at least now when I think of my wedding day, I will think of this day. And not
the huge wedding that Siyas mother wants us to have.
When I got home the place was abuzz. There were people walking up and down everywhere. I
couldn't even use the main entrance. I had to use the entrance via the kitchen.
I saw man Martha walking towards me when she saw me come in
Her: I hear congratulations are in order
Me: thank you ma
Her: you and ghost are just full of surprises
Me: we rather unpredictable aren't we
Her:but I'm glad you've found your way back to each other again.
Me: thank you ma
I gave her a hug. Mam, Martha had a way of reminding me of my own mother at times
Me: what are you making, your kitchen smells amazing
Her: you'll have to wait till later. But I promise it wil, be delicious
Me: I can't wait
Her; have you had lunch
Me: yes, thank you. I had something while I was at the salon
Her: you should go rest. I'm sure your tired
Me: I'll go just now. First I need to go see Siya
Her: isn't it bad luck for the groom to see his bride before the wedding
Me: but ma, I haven't seen him since I left this morning. I miss him
Her: you can see him later.
Me: ha ma. How can you do this to me
Her: come. I'll walk you to your room,
I took her hand and walked out the kitchen. Luckily Siya walked in, just as we were walking out
Him: there you are
Me: oh thank God. I've missed you
Him: I've missed you too
He leaned in and gave me a kiss but i pulled away because mam Matha was standing next to me
Me: Siya
Him: what
Me: behave... anyway, I've got to go. Mam Martha insists it's bad luck for you to see me before the
wedding. So you Mr Ndhlovu, won't be seeing me for the rest of the afternoon
Him: that's going to be tough, since we share the same bedroom
Me: you can use the spare bedroom to get ready in
Him: fine. I guess I'll see you tonight
Me: what time
Him: be ready by 8pm.
Me: Sharp.
I gave him a kiss on the cheek, and walked with mam Martha to my bedroom. I wanted to show her
my dress and shoes
Me: so what do you think
Her: I think it's beautiful. I love the little bits of lace
Me: I'm glad you also like it
Her: you could wear a sack and he would still think your beautiful
Me:I hope so
Her: come sit
I sat on the bed, and she sat on the ottoman
Her: as tradion, when a girl gets married, the elder woman advise her on married life. So since I'm
the only elder, I think it's my duty to give you some advice.
I smiled at her, and payed attention
Her: rifiloe, you are one of the most humble people I've ever come accross. I never thought that
Ghost would find a woman as gracious as you, but he has.
So my advice to you as his wife, is to alway honour and respect him as your husband. Remember to
always pray. You are going to face a lot of challenges being married to man like ghost, but always
remember to pray. It will be your shield against every attack that you face.
Many people think that a way to a man's heart is through sex, but in truth it's about humbleness and
respect. If you practice what I have told you. You will never ever go wrong
I had tears in eyes, because when mam Martha spoke all I could hear was my mother's voice.
I stood up and gave her a hug.
Me: thank you ma
Her: anytime you need anything, just let me know
Me: I will
Her:let me leave you to rest. You've got a big night ahead of you
Me: thank you.
I gave mam Martha a hug and then she left.
I took my dress and hung it on the outside of my closet, the took a nap. I wanted to be nice and fresh
for tonight.
When I woke up from my nap, it was 6pm.
I got up and went to soak myself in a hot bubble bath. I had 2 more hours left before Siya and I were
officially one. I was both nervous but also excited.
I got out and went to get dressed. I know how time sensitive Siya is, so I didn't want to be late.
I put on my dress, then put on my gown over it. I wanted to put in a bit of make up, and I did t want
any of it getting on my dress.
At exactly 19:50, I was done getting ready. I called mam Martha on her cell and asked her to come
to my room.
It was finally sinkingin that I was going to marry Siya, and I needed someone to help calm my nerves
When mam Martha arrived she gasped for air.
Her: you look beautiful
Me: do you think so
Her: I know so.
Me: I'm glad you think so
Her: ghost won't know what hit him, when he sees you
Me: thank you
Her: stop worrying and enjoy the moment. You look beautiful, Ghost looks hands on, and the set up
is to die for. Relax and be in this moment.
Me: your right
Her: Ghost will be here in a moment. Let me leave you
Me: wish me luck
Her: you don't need luck. You've got God on your side.
She left me, and Siya walked in
Him: wow
Me: wow to you too.
Him: you look gorgeous
Me: you don't look to bad yoursel
Him: the minister has arrived. We should go
Me: wait
Him: what's wrong
Me: nothing's wrong. I just want to take you in
He moved closer, and held my hand
Him: I love you
Me: lets go get married
We walked out our room hand in hand. I wasn't sure where we were doing this, so I let him lead the
Him: I hope you like it
We walked past the veranda towards the beach. I immidiatley fell in love with the sight in front of me.
There was an isle of candles from the veranda all the way to the beach, where a simple white
podium stood in front of a huge backdrop of lit flowers
It was everything I could ever hope for and more. Siya had really out did himself.
I took off my shoes as we approached the beach. I was really happy we had decided to do things
this way. This wasn't a sherade but it represented us.
We both walked slowly down the candle lit isle together. Siya kept squeezing my hand.
When we got to the podium, the priest began.
He read a scripture from the bible, and then gave us space to say our vows to eachother
Siyas vows really touched me. You could here that they weren't rehearsed but instead they were
from the heart.
I had tears falling throughout the ceremony.
Him: at least today I've bought you happy tears, instead of tears of pain.
It was time to say my vows, and like Siya I spoke from my heart. I just wanted him to know that I
loved him. I promise to be the best wife i could, and That i would always horror hiim
After our vows, we exchanged rings, then signed the necessary paper work.
The priest declared us husband and wife, and Siya pulled me into a kiss.
Finally we were both tied to eachother for eternity. I was now officially Mrs Ndhlovu.
I looked into Siyas eyes, and for the first time since we had met, I was 100% sure that I had made
the right decision. Despite the challenges, I was glad we had made it this far

After the Ceremony we had a beautiful candle lit dinner on the veranda. I couldn't have asked for a
better evening
Siya had taken off his jacket and we were both walking around barefoot
Him: are you ready for dessert
Me: most certainly
Him: wait here
He went to the kitchen and returned with a beautiful 1 tier chocolate coffee cake.
Him: best I could do under the circumstances
Me: it's perfect
Him; come cut it with me
I stood up and we cut the cake together.
I fed Siya a piece of the casks, and purposely spread some icing onto his face
He looked at me with his mischievous smile
Him; you got jokes now
Me: I couldn't resist
Him; (chuckels) you know what they say about payback
Me: Siya don't
I didn't even get to finish my sentence. He had already gotten icing over my upper lip and nose
I took a servette tonwipe myself, but he snatched it away
Me: Siya
Him: come Here
I took a step towards him, and he started kissing me where the icing was.
Him: there. All cleaned up
Me: reciprocate
Him: I'm all yours
I moved close and kissed him on the cheek where I had spread the icing.
Me: all Done
Him: thank you Mrs Ndhlovu
Me: always a pleasure Mr Ndhlovu
Him: dance with me
Me: of course
He pulled me in and we had our first dance as husband and wife.
Everything was perfect. It was just me and Siya and that's all I've ever wanted.
After a lot of dancing and drinking, we decided it was time to head to bed. At least as of tonight we
wouldn't be living in sin
Siya scooped me up and took me to our bedroom.
He put me in the bed smiling
Me:what are you busy smiling about
Him: I can't belive how lucky i am. Despite you seeing all sides of me, you still stayed with me.
Me: I love you despite all of that
Him; I know you do, and that's why i love you
Me: stop being mushy, and get me our of this dress
Him: mhmm, now we're talking
I stood up unzipped my dress from behind and kissed my shoulders. I don't know what it was, but
tonigh of all nights I wanted to be with Siya. I know we'be made love before, but tonigh I wanted to
be truly on with him.
I turned at round and my dress fell to the floor. Siya looked at my lingerie approvingly
He picked up my dress and tossed it aside
Me: like what you see
Him: love
Me: so make love to me then
Him: you heard what the doctor said
Me: forget that. If it hurts I'll tell you. But right now, all I want is to be one with you
Him; you look so sexy in this.
I turned around so he could see the rest of it
Him: promise you'll tell me if you can't handle the pain
Me: promise
I moved a bit closer and stood in between his legs and started Unbuttoning his shirt. Then unzipped
his pants
He took a deep breath, because he knew what was about to happen
Him: wait
I looked at him
Him: get on the bed
I was so turned in, I just did as told. I lay on the bed with him looking at me
Him: play with yourself
Me: but baby, I like it more when you do it
Him: I know, but i like to watch
Me: in that case I'll put on a show.
I started by playing with my nipples. Which were barely covered because of the type bra I was
Then I moved my hands slowly down my chest, till I reached my clit. I looked at Siya and saw how
turned on he was. Which made me even more turned on.
I started circling my finger around it slowly. I didn't realizehow wet I was. I increased the pace
slightly, then closed my eyes. Siya didn't move. He just kept taking deep breathes.
I increased the pace some more and started rocking to my own rhythm. My eyes were shut closed,
because all I could imagine was Siyas lips on me.
I was starting to get close, I didn't even notice Siya come on the bed. I just felt him opening my legs
I thought he would take off my thong, but he didn't. Instead he started muffin me with it on. The lace
fabric on my clit and his tounge together felt amazing. I arched my back and held on to his head. I
really didn't want Him to stop,because I was so close. But as always he stopped just as i was about
to explode
Him: not yet
Me: your cruel
Him: it won't be too long now. But first let's get you out of these
I got up and he took off my bra, then my thong.
Him: there you are
Me: now that I'm naked what next
Him: going forward your in change
Me: in that case. Lay down
He lay down, and I got on top.
Him: be gentle with yourself
Me: I will
I started slowly sinking onto Siyas manhood.
So far there was no pain. It had been a while since I had had him inside me, so I had to take a
moment to let my body get used to the fullness
I started moving slowly. I rocked back and forth.
Siya helped me balance on his hands and we really started moving. There's nothing more
empowering than having your man enjoying you when your in charge.
So I decided to turn around and try reverse cowgirl.
Siya clearly approved, because he liked looking at my butt. So in this position it gave him the best of
both worlds.
I rode Siya like no other, I wanted to make sure he remeberd our wedding night. I knew he was
enjoying himself because he kept spanking me. Which made me go faster, until we both couldn't
take it anymore. We both exploded together.
I swear It felt like there were firecrackers going off.
I collapsed backwards on Siya with a huge grin on my face.
Him: you never sees to amaze me
Me: (chuckels) that's what happens when you let me take charge
Him: I should do it more often
Me: maybe
I turned around and lay on him. I wanted to see him.
Me: I'm going to miss you while your away
Him: I'll be back by Christmas. I wouldn't miss your birthday
Me: I can't believe we're married
Him: you better believe it
Me: when are you going to tell your mom
Him: (sigh) we'll talk about that tomorrow. Right now all I want is for us to stay in our blissful bubble a
while longer
Me: wanna go again
Him: rifiloe you want to kill me
Me: I'm thinking the shower this time. Unless your not up to the challange
Him: so your challenging me
Me: yes
Him: in that case it's on
I giggled as I got up, he spanked me.
We made love in the shower again, and then one more time on the bed. Haai, I was now officially
done. I couldn't take anymore.
Me: I give up. I'm done. Hell I'm tapping out even
HIM: you started the challange mos
Me: well I'm ending it. Haai, you'll kill me. My poor nana is aching
Him: that means I've won my challange. Now we can sleep
Me: mxm
He laughed at me as we both got into bed. I didint even bother with PJ's. I just wanted to sleep.
Before Siya got anymore ideas.
Him: but baby, how are you going to sleep naked, and expect me not to do anything
Me: you touch me, I swear you'll sleep on the floor
Him: we haven't even been married for 24hrs and already your thinking of sending me to the floor.
Haai we are doomed
He got in the blankets and cuddled me from behind. I could feel Rumbo getting hard again, but i just
ignored him.
I have no Idea why i had challanged siya, knowing he has a sexual apitite of a Damn lion.
I woke up the next morning to the smell of Siyas cologne. I looked around and he wasn't in our
I looked at my left hand and smiled. It was my confirming that last night wasn't a dream.
I got up and wore my gown, then took our sheets,bedding, and clothes from last night to the laundry
room. I put a note for Thembi to get my dress drycleaned with siya's tux, then returned to my room
I opened the Windows for fresh air, and put on clean bedding.
I was a bit saw from last night, so I went to soak myself in a nice hot bath. I added my bath oils, and
just let the water heal me. As much as we tried to be gentle, we ended up going wild, and here I was
paying for it. But in truth I didn't care. I had a good night and that's all that matters.
When Siya came down I was still in the bath.
Him : morning Mrs Ndhlovu
Me: morning hubby
Him: I came to check on you. I thought you were still asleep
Me: I woke up a while ago and tidied up, right now I'm trying to sooth my poor body
Him: did I hurt you
Me: no, my muscles just aren't used to that much activity anymore. I think it's time i started working
out again
Him: Babe, the doctor said you must take things easy
Me: he also said to listen to my body.
Him : I'll get you a personal trainer. I don't want you pushing yourself to hard
Me: make sure he's cute. I need some eye candy while your in Brazil checking out the hot girls from
Him:scratch that. Nails can train you
Me: but baby I was just joking
Him: I'm not taking any chances. I don't want a Cuban man taking my wife from me
Me: as if you'd let that happen
Him: never. I'd lock you both up
Me: (chuckels) isn't that abusing your resources
Him: when it comes to you I spare no expense
Me: whatever
Him: come out, I'd like to have breakfast with my wife.
Me: wife.. hmm I like the sound of that
Him: I'll be in my office. Come call me when your done
Me: Sharp
I got out the bath and went to figure out what to wear.
I settled on a peach short spagetti strap dress, and gold sandals. I wasn't in the mood for anything
When I was done getting ready, I went upstairs to call Siya. I bumped into nails on the way there
Him: congratulations mam
Me: thank you nails
Him: we need to talk
Me: can it wait till later
Him; not really, just be careful around bullet. I'll explain later
Nails walked away before saying anything else. I wondered what he meant about Hlokes. I put the
thought aside, and went to Siya's office
I knocked first because the door was closed, then I walked in.
Siya was busy with Hlokes in the second office. I greeted them, then went to sit in Siyas office.
He came out with jlokes right behind him.
Me: babe, if your busy you could have breakfast up here
Him: do you mind?
Me; not at all. I'll Bring your breakfast here
Him: thanks baby
Me: Hlokes can I get you breakfast as well
Him: please
Me: sure.
I walked out and let out a sigh of relief. I just hope Hlokes didn't notice anything. At least they were
leaving today.
I dished up for both of them, the asked thembi to help me carry the trays.
I gave Siya his breakfast and thembi gave Hlokes his. Siya pulled me in for a kiss.
Me: I'll leave you to work
Him; aren't you joining me
Me: not in here. There's to many testosterone in one room for my liking
Him: I wanted to go through the contract for your position with Ndhlovu Corp
Me: give me the contract and I'll go over it downstairs.
Him: what if you need clarity on anything
Me; Siya I may be younger than you, but I've put contacts like these together before. I'll manage
Him: ok big girl. Here's your contract
Me: thank you
I took the contract and headed downstairs. I wanted to read through it in my room but first I went to
have breakfast with mama Martha in the kitchen.
Her: alililili . there she is u makoti ka ndhlovu
Me: morning ma
Her: how does it feel to be married
Me: surreal.
Her: I saw ghost this morning. He looks happy
Me: I think we both are
Her: sit down, I'll make you a fresh cup of coffee
I had my breakfast while talking with mam Martha. She was telling me how now we need to do
things traditionally.
I knew she was right, but it was 4 weeks till Christmas, and i just wanted to enjoy that before
planning a big wedding.
While I was eating breakfast, thembi ran in with my phone in her hand. I saw I had missed calls from
Linda. I rolled my eyes and called her back, just in case it had something to do with Olwetho
Her: what took you so long? I've been calling you all morning
Me: hi Linda. How are you, I'm good thanks for asking
Her: nxa. I sent you an e-mail yesterday, I still , haven't heard from you
Me: sorry man, yesterday was a bit hectic for me
Her: as you know, Christmas is around the corner, I need to go shopping for olwetho
Me: ok. How much do you need
Her: about R20 000.00
Me: I'll speak to Siya, then I'll do the deposit
Her: good
Me: what are your plans for Christmas
Her: I usually spend it with siya and olwetho, but I'm guessing this year it will just be me and my son
Me: I was actually hoping Olwetho could spend Christmas holidays here
Her: you must think I'm crazy. You want Me to let you have my son for over a month. Never
Me: maybe we could have him for Christmas, and you can have him for new years
Her: your not even Siyas wife yet and already you want to play step mommy to my child.
I looked at my ring and smiled.
Me:Linda, it's up to you, all I wanted was for olwetho to spend Time with his father. But if that's too
much to ask for then fine
She put the phone down in my ear. I didn't tell, her about Siya and I being married because he
hadn't told his mother yet. Plus I'm not really one to gloat.
I finished my breakfast then went to my room.
I emailed Siya the message from Linda, then started going over my contract. Most of it was normal,
except for the salary. This salary was nearly double what I earned at my old job. I knew Siya didn't
put much thought into this. He just likes to waste money.
I sent him an e-mail regarding this. I didint want to earn more, just because I was his wife. Anyway,
its not like I needed the money.
I was Still going through my contact when someone knocked in the door
I opened and it was Hlokes.
ME; Hey you
Him: hand them over
Me: what are you talking about
Him: don't play dumb
Me: Hlokes
Him: Rifiloe, I'm warning you
Me: since when do you give me warnings
Him: I don't know what you have planned, but i know you have those pictures, and i want them back
Me: what pictures
Him: Rifiloe, please I'm begging you.
Me:if I were you I would go. I don't want Siya finding you here
He let out a sigh, and turned to leave, but then he looked at me again
Him: I didn't know until you mentioned how big she was. I swear I didn't.
Me: I don't
Him: I'll tell ghost as soon as we're back from our mission. Please just don't say anything yet.
Hlokes had basically just confirmed my suspicions. Not only did he sleep with Linda. But he was the
baby's father.
I just didn't know if I could keep this from Siya. If he found out that I knew and i didn't tell, him, he
would be really mad at me, but at the same Time I felt like it was only fair to let Hlokes tell him

I sat in my room contemplating wether to tell Siya or not. Either way shit was going to hit the fan, and
i was stuck in the middle.
What guarantee do I have that Hlokes will tell Siya once their back? What if he gets cold feet. Siya
would have my head if I didn't tell him.
I was really stuck and didn't know what to do. The more I thought about it, the more I knew I had to
tell Siya. I'm his wife. My loyalties have to always lie with him.
I know I was betraying Hlokes, but i wasn't willing to break the trust that my husband has for me over
I took a deep breath and walked to Siyas office. It was now or never.
When I got to his office he was on the phone. I sat on one of the chairs and waited. I knew if I walked
out I might not have the courage to tell him.
Siya kept looking at me quizically but i didn't move. I just sat there waiting.
Hlokes walked in looking pissed as hell. I pretended not to notice, and conserntrated on my phone.
He went to the second office, while I waited for Siya to finish.
Siya finally finished his call and came to sit next to me.
Him: MaNdhlovu
Me: Hi baby
Him: what's up, you seem out of sorts
Me: we need to talk
Him: can it wait till later
Me: no
Him: baby, I'm in the middle of something really important. Can I come see you when I'm done
Me: Siya, I wouldn't be disturbing you if this wasn't important
Him: okay. Do you want to talk here or in our bedroom
Me: our bedroom
Him: lead the way
I stood up to walk out, but then had an idea
Me: baby, actually can the guys clear the office. I think it's best we discuss this here with Hlokes. But
the rest have to go
Him: baby we are leaving for a mission in a few hours. I can't have any of my men leave their posts
at the moment. My life depends on Intel and right now they are busy getting a lot of things in place
Me: then we'll have to do this here
I walked to the second office to call Hlokes. Then I came back and sat down.
Siya kept looking at me and then at Hlokes.
Me: Hlokes please close the second door.
He closed the door, then Sat down
I took a deep breath and looked at Hlokes. He immediately tensed. I think he realised what I was
Me: Hlokes, I think there is something you need to say to Siya
Siya looked at me, then at Hlokes
Him:Rifiloe don't
Me: I think it would be better if he heard it from you
Siya: what is it
Me: Hlokes
Him: Rifiloe, your making a mistake
I knew then if I didn't say anything, Hlokes wouldn't
Me: baby, I was hoping Hlokes would say something,but since he doesn't want to I'll have to tell you.
Him: I'm listening
Me: firstly bear in mind I don't have 100% proof of what I'm about to say, but i still feel like you
deserve to know. Because I don't want to keep secrets from you
Him: Baby, out with it
Me: I think Linda might be lying regarding you being the father of the baby that she's carrying
Siya kept quite for a minute, then looked at me
Him: so what does that have to do with Bullet
Me: I think Hlokes might be the father
Siya looked at Hlokes
Him: is this true
Hlokes: I think so
Him: so you slept with Linda
Hlokes: yes. We were drunk and it just happened
Him: so why didn't you tell me earlier
Hlokes; I only started being suspicious, when I heard rifiloe talking about how big she was for 16
weeks. So I called Linda, and she denied everything. But finally admitted it when I threatened to tell
Him: how do you expect me to trust you after this. Your my second in command and now this. Fuck
Hlokes: dude, shit happens. I didn't mean for this to happen
Him: are you fucking serious?
Hlokes: ghost, don't try getting all holier than thou on me. You took my wife away from me
Him: so this is your way of payback
Hlokes: dude, I didn't fall for Linda, I respected the bro code. Unlike you who went and married my
I knew then it was my time to excuse myself. This was something Siya and Hlokes needed to sort
out on their own.
I stood up to leave, but siya looked at me
Him: how long have you known
The look in his eyes gave me chills down my spine
Me: not long. I had my suspicions while we were in JHB, but i wasn't sure
Him; is that why you invited her for dinner
Me: partly
Him: so you knew then and you didn't think you should've told me, instead of discussing it with your
I looked at Siya surprised. Was he really pissed at me?
Me: Siya, l didn't know 100% about Hlokes, I until about 10 mins ago.
Him: but you suspected Linda was lying and you said nothing
Me; babe
Him: Rifiloe what happened to not keeping secrets?
Me: Siya I needed to make sure of this, before telling you. I didn't want you to think I told you
because I was bitter. I wanted to make sure I wasn't mistaken
He turned his attention back at Hlokes.
Him: your out of the team. Pack your bags,. I'll make sure you get transferred somewhere
Hlokes: are you fucking kidding me? Your mad because I fucked Linda, who you had no intention of
being with, but you not only fucked my wife, you fucking married her, and now you want to fucking
fire me? Fuck you Ghost. I'm not going anywhere.
Him: I'm not mad that you fucked Linda. I'm mad because the only reason I'm finding out about this
is because of Rifiloe. You should have told me man.
Hlokes: Ghost, when I realised you and Rifiloe were serious, I backed off. It brakes me to see you
with her, but i wanted both of you to be happy, which is why I backed off.
And now you Want to fire me because of Linda. fuck you man. Fuck you
Hlokes stood up and left Siyas office.
I kind of felt bad for what we had done to Hlokes. Siya and i were happy, and part of it was thanks to
Me; baby he has a point
Him:Rifiloe, don't get involved in this. If I can't trust bullet, I wont have him in my team. Thats final
Me; but babe
Him ; but nothing. He should've told Me. I can't possibly expect someone with secrets to have my
I let out a sigh
Me; so are you mad at Me as well
Him: your too cute to be mad at. But I am disappointed that you didn't come to Me immediately when
you became suspicious
Me: baby, you need to understand. I just didn't want to seem bitter or jelous. I needed to make sure
before saying anything
Him: who else knows about this
I wanted to say his mother knew, but what proof did I have?
Me: I'm not sure I anyone else knows
Him: what about my mother
Tjonna, I don't think I thought this through
Him: Rifiloe
Me: I think she migh know
Him: I wouldn't put it past her. Fuck man. I don't know what hold Linda has over her. Why would she
go along with this? It doesn't make sense
Me; Siya, I'm not 100% sure
Him: ill bet you everything I own, that she knows
Me : baby, can you calm down please. We don't know that
Him: your going to cut Linda off financially as of now. I want Olwetho in Cuba by the time I get back
Me; can we please think about this.
Him: are you going to help me or not ?
Me: baby I
Him: Rifiloe, that woman nearly tore us apart. She told us she was having a baby by me. It's a damn
miracle you stayed. And now I find out it was all a lie, and you want me to sit back and laugh about it
Me: BABY, that's not what I'm saying.
Siya was as stubborn as Damn ox. I know he was mad at Linda. Hell so was I, but to take Olwetho
from her was just too cruel
He took out his phone and dialled a number
Siya: Gordon, I need the second Jet ready for SA as soon as possible
Him: it just needs to be cleaned, then it should be ready
Siya: good. Make sure Jamey is on stand by
Him; yes sir
He put the phone down, then called nails.
Siya: nails, your going to replace Bullet on this mission. Make sure your packed and briefed in the
next hour
Him: sure ghost
Siya: get skull ready. I want him to go fetch Olwetho.
Him: sure
I sat there in silence, watching Siya give orders left and right. I didn't know how to deal with him,
when he was in this Ops leader mode. I stood up and walked towards him, while he was on te phone
with one of his guys.
I took his hand and pulled him. He stood still. I tried again, an still he didn move. I took his phone,
and dropped the call
Him: Rifiloe
Me: come
Him: I've got too much to do before I leave
Me: all I need is 15 mn
Him: I know what your trying to do. It won't work
Me: please
Him: no baby. Olwetho is coming to Cuba and that's that. I'm done when I comes to Linda. I want her
and her blood sucking ways out of our lives, and I'll be dammed if I let her bring up my son.
Me: (sigh) ok . I just hope you won't regret this
Him: I won't.
I left Siya's office feeling drained. I really though I was doing the right thing by telling him. But now
he's transferring Hlokes, he's cut Linda off and he's taking Olwetho from her.
I just feel like by me telling, I've ruined so many people's lives, while I rode into the sunset. How do I
live with that?
I went back downstairs feeling drained. Siya and I were technically supposed to be on our
honeymoon, but here we were instead putting out fires.
I went around the house looking for Hlokes. I wanted to talk to him. I know he probably blames me
for getting him fired. But I honestly couldn't do anything about it.
I looked everywhere, but no Hlokes. I was about to go to my room, when I saw him through the
window. He was on the beach. So I went to him.
Me: hey
Him: not now Rifiloe
Me: Hlokes im sorry. I know you asked me to wait, but i couldn't. He's ypmy husband. I had to tell
Him: im not mad you told him. Im mad that despite everything he can't look past what happened.
And yet I've lived with a constant reminder of what I lost. I let you go for him. I left the life we had
together Because of this Ops team. You were my wife, but i gave you up as well. Then he decided
he wants you for himself. And still I let go. And now he tells me he can't trust me. After all that
sacrifices I made for him, he tells me he can't trust Me. Fuck
I really felt bad for Hlokes. He really had sacrificed a lot for Siya, and now here he was all because
of me and my big mouth.
Me: I'll try talking to him
Him: we both know that wont work.
Me: all I can do is at least try
I gave him a hug, then went back inside.
When I got to my room I noticed I had 4 missed calls from Linda. I guessed Siya had called her.
I decided not to call her back. I didn't want to argue with her. My conscious was guilty enough.
As I was looking at my phone, she called again. I decided to pick up.
Me: Linda
Her: Rifiloe, I'm begging you. Please don't do this. Don't take my son away from me. Please
Her cries really hit me hard. I could only imagine how painful it was to have your son taken from you
Me: Linda, you know this is not my doing. I don't have a say when it comes to Olwetho
Her: (sniff) Rifiloe please. Siya isn't taking my calls. There are guard here packing his stuff. Please
Rifiloe. I'm begging you. Talk to Siya. I swear I'll stay out your lives. Just don't take my son from me.
A tear escaped my eye. You could tell she was distraught. To make things worse she was pregnant.
Me: Linda. I'll try speaking to Siya, but i can promise you anything
Her: Thank you
I never thought in my lifetime, that I would here Linda asking anything from me. She sounded so
broken. No mother, no matter how horrible deserved to be separated from her child.
I ha to speak to Siya. He was taking things to far.
I took a deep breath and went to Siya's office.
Me: Ndhlovu, we need to talk
Him: if your calling me by my surname, I know you mean business
Me: do you have time for me
Him: not if its to discuss Linda or bullet
Me: baby please
Him: Rifiloe, my decisions are final. Especially when it comes to this situation. Nothing you say will
change that
I locked the door, and went to lock the second office. I didn't wan anyone seeing this.
Him; don't even think about it
Me: think about what
Him: I know what your trying to do. It won't work babe
Me: how sure are you
Him: 100%
Me: but it's worth a try
I moved closer to him and sat on his lap
Him: baby, there are cameras in here. My guys are probably watching as we speak
Me: all , I'm doing is trying to speak to my husband. Is that such a bad thing
Him; all your doing is seducing your husband, and that is a horrible thing to do
Me: come downstairs with me
Him: no
Me; baby
Him: Rifiloe I said no
Me: (sigh) Siya, all jokes aside. I really would appreciate it, if we could discuss this in private. I just
need 15 min
Him: fine
We stood up and walked out his office, and went to our bedroom.
Him: So we're here, now what
Me: sit, we need to talk
He lay on the bed and I sat on squat position on top of him.
Him: you trying to seduce me isn't going to work
Me: I'm not trying to seduce you. If I wanted to do that all I had to do was take off my clothes. But for
now I need you out your office where your the boss, and have you here in our bedroom where we're
Him: I'm listening
Me: I know you're mad at Hlokes, but please try put yourself in his shoes.
Me: I'm not finished.
Him: ok continue
Me: Siya, Hlokes has been nothing but loyal to you. He's given up so much, to be in this Ops team.
Even when he left you bought him back forcefully, and still he was loyal. Isn't it your turn to be loyal
to Him. Don't get me wrong baby. But he forgave you for breaking "bro code" when you fell for me.
Even though you knew he left Cuba to come fix things with me. He let me go, because he saw you
loved me. And now you Want to fire him, because he mad a mistake of sleeping with Linda.
Him: baby
Me; ha ana Siya, you need to forgive him, just as he forgave you.
Him; are you done
Me: yes
Him: so who is more at fault Linda or Hlokes
I had to think about who I wanted to save in all this. I know Linda was hurting, but Hlokes has been
so good to me. There was no way I was going to hurt Hlokes to save Linda.
Me: Linda. It's not like Hlokes knew about being the father. Meanwhile Linda has known this whole
time. But I also think you need to forgive linda. Taking her son away from her, is going to kill her.
And Siya she's pregnant. This could make her lose the baby
Him: Rifiloe, Olwetho is coming, that one is final.
Me: so I have no say
Him: no
Me: and Hlokes
Him: ills speaks to him.
Me: what's that supposed to Mean
Him: I'll take him back
Me: oh thank God.
Him: your going to ruin my reputation
Me; how
Him: I fire someone, then my wife convinces me to hire him back and i do it. Like some love sick
Me: they must mind their own business
Him: I should get back to work
Me: can I get a kiss first
Him: not with you on top of me.
Me: what's wrong with me on top
Him: it reminds me of last night, and right now that as not such a good thing. I need to brief my guys
Me: Rambo in your pants isn't really getting the memo
Him: if I let Rambo as you call him, make decisions, I wouldn't get any work done
Me: you better go then
Him: then move
Me: I don't want to. Rambos got me all excited
Him: you are a horrible influence
As we were talking my phone rang. I just knew it was Linda.
I moved off siya and answered
Her: Rifiloe, they're walking out with my son. I thought you would speak to Siya.
Me:Linda I tried. I really did. But he isn't changing his mind.
I heard Linda crying like a woman possessed. Her cries were so hollow and cold. I really felt bad for
Siya took the phone from my hand and dropped the call
Him: I don't want you speaking to Linda again. Block her if you must
Me: but ba
Him: I'm serious Rifiloe. No more contact. The only reason you had contact with her was because of
Olwetho. Now that Olwetho is coming here, there is no further need for you and Linda to talk.
As Siya was speaking my phone rang again. I dint know the number so I answered
Her: You bloody witch. How could you do this ye? Why would you take Olwetho from his mother.
This is why God took those children from you. He could see you had no heart.
I gave Siya the phone, so he could hear his mother. I had had enough drama for one day
He listened for a while, then dropped the call
Him: don't worry about her. I'll deal with her
Me: Siya just don't do anything drastic. Despite everything she's your mother
Him: I know. But I need her to just stay out of my personal life.
Me: I know baby. But
Him: end of conversation.
Me: fine. Just promise you'll sort things out with Hlokes
Him: I promise
Me: thank you.
I gave Siya a kiss and he went back to his office.
I was glad he had agreed to speak to Hlokes and fix things, but i was worried about his relationship
with his mother. I hoped he would at least try, but the way i see it, that wasn't going to happen
anytime soon.
I stayed in my bedroom till lunch. Skull had picked up Olwetho and they were leaving for Cuba.
I was a bit worried about where Olwetho would sleep. Reason being that the guest room that Linda
used to use was all the way on the other end of our floor. It wasn’t suitable for Olwetho.
I needed to have Olwetho move into the bedroom next to ours, but that room was kind of like a store
room. I thought I could discuss this with Siya during lunch. Maybe I could go get a few things before
Olwetho arrived
I went upstairs and I found Siya and Hlokes having lunch. It was good seeing them together, even
though you could sense there was still a bit of tension between them.
Me; nice to see you two getting along
Hlokes rolled his eyes, while Siya just shook his head. I took that as a sign to shut up and eat my
Me; babe
Him; Mhmm
Me; I’ve been thinking
Him; should I be worried
Me; you’re really grumpy
Him; baby, not now. Please
Me; In case you’ve forgot, you leave today, so when exactly am I supposed to speak to you
Him ;( sigh) I’m listening
Me; I need the Guards to help me clear the bedroom next to ours. I’d like to get it ready for Olwetho.
Him; I didn’t think about that
Me; Of course not. You’re too busy being grumpy
Him; your making it worse
Me; shame… so will you tell them or not
Him; yes love. Ill get them to clear the room
Me; Thank you.. I think I’ll need to go shopping. We’ll need a bed and a couple of other things
Him; can’t you do that once we’ve left? My guys are a bit busy
Me; Siya, I need to get this done, before Olwetho gets here.
Him; why so quickly
Me; because you dragged him away from his other. The least we can do is make sure he has a nice
room to sleep in
Him; Well that will have to wait
Me; are you trying to piss me off
Siya, just looked at me and carried on leaving. Mxm here I was trying to make sure things were
alright for his son and he was basically ignoring me.
We had the rest of our lunch in silence. Gone was my playful Siya. He has been replaced with the
annoying as hell Ghost.
Once I was finished eating, I stood up to take my plate to the kitchen. I looked at Siya, and he truly
looked like he was in a bad mood. If it was any other day I wouldn’t have had a problem, but he was
leaving for 3 weeks, and the last thing I needed was have him this moody
I put my plate down and went to sit on his lap. He hardly moved to make space for me. Hlokes stood
up and left.
Me; your no fun when you’re in a mood
Him; baby, it’s been one of those days. I just need you to give me a moment
Me; Siya. You leave today, I’m not going to see you for next to a month. And you would rather spend
the day in a bad mood.
Him; what do you want me to say
Me; tell me whats bugging you
Him; nothing
Me; lies
Him; (sigh) let it go Rifiloe
Me; but baby
Him; Rifiloe
Me; Siya
Him; stop
Me; fine.
I stood up and took the dishes to the kitchen. I wasn’t going to entertain his mood any longer.
Instead I was going to get start getting things ready for Olwetho,
I know Siya said not to speak to Linda, but I hardly knew what Olwetho liked. I needed ideas on how
to decorate his room, or what his favourite toy is, and what foods he eats or doesn’t eat. Siya would
be annoyed but I’m sure he’ll get over it.
I dialled Linda and luckily she picked up
Me; Hi
Her; Hi
Me; Linda, I’m sorry
Her; what can I do for you
Me; I know what I’m about to ask might seem heartless, but please bear in mind that I’m doing this
for Olwetho
Her; stop babbling and tell me what you want
Me; Im trying to get a room ready for Olwetho. I just needed to know what Disney characters he likes
Her; ******** Silence ******
Me; Linda are you there
Her; (sniff) is Siya really doing this mara? Rifiloe, how am I supposed to live without Olwetho? I’ve
brought him up on my own for so long, and now he’s just taken away from me. How am I supposed
to live
Me; Linda, just give him time to calm down. I’m sure once he sees how much Olwetho misses you,
he’ll bring him back. You just need to concentrate on your pregnancy. Ill make sure Olwetho is taken
care of
Her; (sniff) He likes miles from tomorrow. His whole room here is decorated with miles.
Me; thank you
Her; and he needs to get new glasses, I was going to take him for his yearly check-up this week
Me; ill not that down
Her; He’s also allergic to fish and has asthma. He’s got a pump with him. But you might need an
extra one
Me; thank you
Her; Rifiloe. I know you resent me. I don’t blame you, but please take care of my baby for me. He’s
my world
Me; I will
I hung up with my heart feeling heavy. Siya walked in as I was making notes of all of the things Linda
told me.
Him; hi
Me; hi grumpy
Him; baby askies. I shouldn’t have taken my bad mood out on you
Me; you’re sure as hell shouldn’t have, but your forgiven
Him; what are you busy with
Me; just making notes of things I need for Olwetho
He looked at the list.
Him; how do you know about the asthma?
Me; I have my ways
Him; you called her didn’t you
Me; yes. But
Him; Rifiloe, I deliberately told you not to
Me; it was for Olwetho Siya
Him; you could’ve asked me
Me; are you serious? You’ve been so damn moody
Him; for the last time, please refrain from having any communication with Linda. Im not going to ask
you again
Me; But baby, hat if Olwetho wants to talk to her
Him; Rifiloe
Me; our stubbornness isn’t going to help you. As much as I dislike Linda. Olwetho loves his mother.
It’s going to be difficult for him to transition from Living with her full time, to being away from her. Im
just trying to make it easy on him
Him; Rifiloe, we can to that without Linda
Me; Siya
Him; for the love of God stop arguing with me.
Me; Listen to me and listen to me carefully, because I’m getting sick of your stubbornness. Olwetho
is not a porn you can use against Linda. He is your son and it’s in YOUR son’s best interest for him
to have a relationship with his mother. If I’m going to be looking after him, then I am going to need to
have some sort of contact with his mother
Siya looked at me and shook his head.
Him; do whatever makes you happy. But don’t say I didn’t warn you
Me; what’s that supposed to mean
Him; nothing.
Me; why are you so stubborn
Him; I should be asking you that
Me; so have you spoken to the guards
Him; yes
Me; thank you
I moved closer to close the distance between us
Him; I love you
Me; (sigh) I love you too
Him; so when do you want to go shopping
Me; can we go now
Him; give me 10 minutes
Me; are you coming
Him; yes.
Me; cool
I quickly changed from my dress into a pair of jeans and a spaghetti strap top.
Then went downstairs to meet with Siya.
We went to the mall with a couple of guards. I bought Olwetho a new bed, night stand, sheets and
bedding, and even some toys to keep him busy.
I could tell Siya was regretting coming with me.
I convinced him to get him a new ps4, so that he could have something to keep him busy.
By the time we left I was exhausted. Most of Olwetho’s things were going to be picked up by the
guards. Siya didn’t want them delivered for security reasons.
The moment I got home I collapsed on the bed. Siya joined me
Him; remind me to never go shopping with you again.
Me; (chuckles) I didn’t ask you to come mos
Him; I dint want to get in your bad books more than I already was
Me; (sigh) shut up and run me a bath
Him; can I join you
Me: how long do we have
Him; 20 Minutes
Me; perfect
We had our bath and luckily all was forgiven. I loved Siya to death, but I knew that our two hard
heads were going to clash. I know I need to be submissive, but I also feel like he doesn’t consider all
the people involved before making decisions. I just hoped we could learn to fight fairly.

After my bath, I went to see how far Siya’s guys with Olwetho’s room.
Luckily, they had finished clearing it, and Thembi was busy cleaning.
I went to fetch a broom, so I could help. That way it would be quicker. Because the furniture had arrived,
and I wanted Siya to set it up before they left.
Thembi and I cleaned, then I asked the guards to put the furniture inside the room.
I hung up the curtains, while nails put the bed and desks together. Siya was busy with a briefing, so Nails
was assisting me instead.
When I we were finally done, I was happy with the results. I hoped Olwetho would like it.
Siya was still busy with his guys, so I went to clean myself up for dinner
Siya came down just as I was getting dressed.
Him; I came to see if you want to have dinner here or downstairs
Me; can we eat here
Him; ok, I’ll go dish up for you
Me; thanks babe.
I decided to rather change into my PJ’s since I wasn’t going to have dinner upstairs.
Siya came down with dinner, and we both dug in.
Him; babe
Me; mhm
Him; I was wondering
Me; mhmm
Him; have you decided on a date for the wedding
Me; not really
Him; any particular reason why?
Me; I was hoping we could do that once you’re on better terms with your mom. I don’t want to have her
bad mouthing me
Him; (sigh) I’m sure she will behave
Me; what did you do
Him; let’s just say she will be staying out of our lives
Me; Siya
Him; I didn’t do anything drastic, I just threatened to cut her out our lives completely. I think she gets the
Me; I doubt she will ever accept me into the family
Him; she doesn’t have a choice
Me; I’ll give her a couple of days to calm down, before discussing the wedding with her.
Him; thank you
Me; so you want the whole white wedding/ traditional wedding
Him; as long as we have the traditional wedding. You can make a decision regarding the white wedding
Me; id just a traditional wedding
Him; so you don’t want the whole white dress and bridesmaids ect
Me; not really. You and I are already married, I don’t see why we need to do the whole traditional thing
now. ID rather have us do that
Him; whatever you want love
Me; do I have a budget?
Him; just make sure I’m not broke after the wedding
ME; so no budget
Him; Lord help me
Me; I’m joking, I’m sure all we’ll need is about R200 000.00 max
Him; sounds reasonable… You have access to my accounts. You’ll handle everything
Me; since when do I have access
Him; I got nails to link them today
Me; would’ve been nice for you to discuss that with me. What if I don’t want them linked?
Him; haw baby. I was just trying to get help
Me; ill let it slide. But next time, please discuss things with me before doing them
Him; Yes mam
Me; Thank you
Him; I guess I should tell you my uncles are sending a letter to your family this coming weekend
Me; to who? Because my parents aren’t around
Him; your aunt and uncle that I met
Me; again, you should’ve asked
Him; askies
Me; what else have you done without telling me Siya
Him; that’s it. I promise
Me; you’re a handful sometimes
Him; I love you
Me; not going to work this time.
Him; so how much do you think they’ll ask for
Me; no clue
Him; how much did they ask for from Hlokes
Me; R 75 000.00
Him; shit. Are you made out of gold?
Me; they’ll probably charge you more, since you already got me pregnant before marring me. Oh and for
marrying me legally without their consent
Him; but baby that was your idea
Me; I don’t plan on telling them that part. I’ll say it was all you
Him; you’re going to bankrupt me
Me; that’s what you get for keeping shit from me. Plus my uncles don’t play. They’re going to milk you
Him; well it’s a good thing I can’t live without you, or id be running for the hills by now
Me; (chuckles) I love you too babe. Even though you piss me off at time
Him; enough to stay with my mom for a moth after the wedding?
Me; you must be out your damn mind
Him; its her way of mending things
Me; Siya
Him; boo boo
Me; read my lips carefully.. NOT HAPPENING.
Him; but Rifiloe
Me; but nothing
Him; (sigh) I tried
Me; 2 minutes ago you were telling me how she has no choice but to accept me and now you want me to
go spend a month with her
Him; I just thought you two could really get to know each other
‘Me; conversation over
Him; Rifiloe, just think about it
Me; I have and my answer is no
Him; ok..
Me; phew haai, you can be stressful at times yaz
As we were talking, someone knocked on the door.
Siya told whoever it was to come in.
Nails; boss. She’s arrived
Siya; ill be there now
Him; can I take those for you
He pointed at our plates
Me; don’t worry nails. Ill take them up now
Him; I really don’t mind mam. Im going up there now
Me; If you don’t mind
Him; Not at all
He took our plates, and left.
Me; so who’s here
Him; one of my new agents. She’s been transferred to my team for this mission. I met her while I was in
training a few years ago
Me; She
Him; yes
Me; I didn’t realise you worked with woman as well
Him; baby, we’re undercover. At times you need woman in the picture
Me; so what exactly does she do
Him; I can’t discuss that with you. You know that
Me; is she pretty
Him; ha a Rifiloe, don’t even think of starting with that
Me; what I’m just asking
Him; I prefer not to answer
Me; Siya, is she pretty yes or no
Him; I guess she’s average
Me; have you ever had a thing with her
Him; no
Me; you better have not
Him; is the interrogation finished?
Me; I want to meet her first
Him; Baby… play nice
Me; Of course I will
Him; oh god help me
I put on my jeans and a t-shirt, then we walked hand in hand downstairs to meet this Jessica woman.
The moment I laid eyes on Jessica, I pinched Siya’a hand.
He said she was average, this chick was a lot of things but average wasn’t one of them.
She looked out she stepped out of some workout magazine. Her skin was flipping tanned, she had long
crown hair, and she looked like she trained 24/7. She was wearing army green shorts with a black top
and sneakers.
I will be honest right off and say I didn’t like her one bit. I know I hadn’t even met her, but knowing she
was going to be in Brazil with my husband for nearly a month, bugged the shit out of me.
She had a huge ass grin on her face when she saw Siya approaching.
She jumped up and ran to him, and gave him a hug. Siya had to let go of my hand nxa
Her; I haven’t seen you in ages G
Him; Hi Jess. How are you
Her; fine. I’ve missed you guy’s man. Like how long has it
Him; about 10 years
Her; I see you still as handsome as ever
All I could think was. Modimo nthusethis girl. Please
Siya; ahmm Jess. This is my Rifiloe. Rifiloe this is Jessica
Me; Hi
Her; oh you must be the famous girlfriend. I’ve heard a few things about you
Me; it’s the wife
Her; I’m so sorry. I didn’t realise you guys were married.
I had to force myself not to roll my eyes.
Me; nice to meet you too
Her; you’re a lucky woman. I know a lot of girls in the force who have wanted Ghost
I didn’t really know how to respond to that, but it made me dislike her even more
Siya; (clears throat) Babe, I’m going to brief Jess. I’ll come see you before we leave
Me; sure
I gave him a death stares and he gave me a don’t start kind of smile. Then I went to the kitchen.
I needed something to drink. I know I shouldn’t be jealous but that woman was hot as hell. And she was
going undercover with my husband for nearly a month. Knowing Siya, I probably wouldn’t be able to get
hold of him. I had a feeling this month was going to be the longest ever.

Siya stayed with Jessica for over 2 hours. I was highly annoyed. I know I was overreacting but I just
couldn’t help it.
When he came down to our room I was in bed watching a movie. I don’t even remember what I was
watching, because I wasn’t concentrating. I was to busy thinking of all the scenarios of how to get rid
of this Jessica girl.
I had literally just gotten Linda in her place, and now here comes this flipping gym fanatic looking
woman from God knows where, and she's leaving with my man. Haai, man life wasn't fair
Siya came in as I was thinking about Jessica. He took off his shoes and got in to bed with me.
Him; baby. You ok
Me; fine
Him; the team is ready, we leave in about an hour
Me; an hour ?
Him; yes . I need to be in Brazil by morning
Me; (sigh) Mhmhh
Him; do you want to talk about it
Me; no
Him; baby
Me; Siya
Him; I can tell somethings bothering you
Me; its nothing Siya
Him; so why are you pouting
Me; I’m not
Him; its Jessica isn’t it
Me; why would you say that
Him; baby, I know you
Me; did you personally choose her for the mission
Him; no
Me; mhmm
Him; baby, there’s nothing to be Jealous about
Me; who said I was Jealous
Him; baby, it’s written all over your face
Me; Siya I will flipping slap you
Him; nana, I’m leaving in less than an hour, can we just try getting along till then
Me; I’m going to miss you
Him; not as much as I’ll miss you
Me; promise to come back in one piece
Him; I promise
Me; don’t go getting shot Siya. I’m not sure I could handle that shit again
Him; baby, this time things are more planned out. It’s all going to be fine. I’ll be back before you even
know it
Me; good
Him; Now can I make love to my wife, before I leave
Me; I’m not in the mood
Me; what
Him: I'm going to be gone for a month.
Me: so
Him: so how can you not want to give me a going away present
Me: A going away present
Him: yes.
Me: so how much time are you going to spent with this Jessica woman
Him; haai I give up. I'm going to take a shower
Me: sit your ass down
Him: nana, I love you. Only you. Jessica just happens to be a part of the team nothing more
Me: I know babe, but it's just wierd having a female around you. Especially one I don't know. Plus
she seems very touchy touchy
Him: your exadurating
Me; I'm seriously babe. Did you see how she jumped up when she saw you, and how she was all
over you like a flipping dog on heat
Him: ha baby (laughing)
Me: laugh all you like, but I'm serious. That girl wants you
Him: but i don't want her mos.
Me: you better behave while your on this mission of yours, or else
Him: or else what
Me: or else I'll find myself a nice looking Cuban man, and leave you with that Jessica thing of yours
Him: baby, Cuba has been good to me. The gangsters here are my friends, the government make
sure we're well taken care of. Please don't make me kill one of them because of you
Me: (chuckels) so you'd kill for me
Him: any day. Especially if it was a man after you
Me: that's not funny Siya. You shouldn't joke like that
Him; who said I was joking? You know how hard i had to work for us to get here. I'd be dammed if I
let some guy take you from me
Me: so I guess I'm not the only jelous one
Him: just think of her as another one of the guys.
Me: I'll try
Him: you don't ever need to feel threatened love. Your my wife. I married you becuase I love you. No
other woman can even come close to that. No matter how beautiful they are.
Your the best thing that's happened to me. I love you, that's never going to change
Me: (sigh) I love you too boo boo
Him: come show daddy how much
I laughed while moved on top of him and started kissing him. I know I was just being silly with the
whole Jessica thing, but it just came as a surprise, but as always, Siya had a way of calming me
We made love again, but this time it was hot and steamy, like Siya was trying to prove a point to me,
because we went from me being on top, to him taking over in a matter of minutes.
When we were both done, Siya collapsed on top of me.
Me: Siyaaa your so Damn heavy
He moved and lay next to me
Him: how am I going to survive a month without you
Me: self service
Him: ha baby, what man does that when he has a wife
Me; the kind of man that travels
Him: not happening
Me: fine, we'll use phone sex
Him: ha a Rifiloe
Me: what? You can video call me and we can play around
Him: sounds interesting
Me: I'll make it worth your time
Him: deal
Me: come, let's get you cleaned up. Your running out of time
We went to shower together and ended up making love again. This time there was no foreplay. It
was hot steamy and strait to the point.
When we came out the shower, Siya got dressed. He looked so good in just jeans and a hoodie. I
was used to seeing him in suits all the time, that every time i saw him in casual clothes, it took me by
I put on my pink silk bum short PJ's and slippers.
Siya looked at me disapprovingly
Me: and now
Him: please don't walk around here with those on. I don't want my guards seeing you like that
Me: baby, I was going to put my gown on. Relax
Him: you should wear the onesie instead
Me: Siya in this heat Mara
Him: I was just saying
Me: baby, you need to chill
Him: I'll try remember that, but for now, please walk me out. I'm sure the team is already waiting for
me I'm the basement
Me: let's do this.
I put on my gown and slippers and walked Siya to the basement.
The last time i did this I was basically falling apart. It's like I had a feeling that something was going
to happen to him. But this time around I wasn't nervous or anxious. I felt light as though I knew he
was really coming back.
When we got to the basement the guards were all ready to leave. I saw Hlokes, and went to give him
a hug.
Me: take care of yourself
Hlokes: I'll be fine,
Me: you have a baby on the way. Make sure you come back to raise her or him
Him: I will.
Me: come Here
I gave Hlokes a warm hug. I could feel Siya's eyes burning into my back but i didn't care. I
considered Hlokes a friend and he would just have to deal with that.
Hlokes: do me a favour
Me: anything
Him: I know we hadn't discussed this, but Boni is supposed to be visiting in the next week or so.
Please don't say anything about Linda. I haven't told her, I just need to figure out what I'm going to
Me: I won't say anything
Him: thank you.
Me: I'm glad she's coming. It will keep me from being bored
Him: your the best
Me: so I take it I'm forgiven for telling Siya
Him: I was never mad at you. I understood why you had to tell him
Me; thank you
I gave him another huge then went to say goodbye to my hubby.
Me: got everything you need
Him: all except you
Me: well. I'll, be right here when you get back
Him: I look forward to it
Me: give me a kiss
Him; come get it
I leaned in and gave him a kiss, I knew I was going to miss my kissing buddy big time.
Him; behave while I'm away
Me: yes yes, I promise to behave. I'll do as told blah blah blah
Him: that's my girl
Me; what time does Olwetho arrive
Him: in the next couple of hours
Me: I'll make sure nails wakes me. J want to be there when he gets off the jet
Him: thanks baby
Me: Sharp.
I gave him one last kiss, and watched him go get into the same car Jessica was in.
I felt a bit annoyed but i refused to ponder on it. I trust Siya and I'm sure he wouldn't do anything to
hurt me.
I walked back upstairs with nails behind me. The house instantly felt quieter without Siya and some
of the other guards. At least Olwetho was going to keep me busy.
Me: nails, can I ask you to let me know when Olwetho has landed. I want to pick him up from the
airport myself
Him: will do
Me: thank you
Him: can I get you anything else
Me: I'm good thank you. I'm just going to go to bed. It's been a long day
Him: good night
I went back to my now cold bed and tried getting sleep. Luckily after the drama filled day I had had, I
fell asleep in seconds.
I was woken up by my phone, a couple of hours from me falling asleep.
I saw it was nails, telling me to get ready.
I got up and freshened up, the git dressed in tracksuit top and bottoms. I didn't bit her with shoes. I
just stuck to my slippers. It was 2am. I'm sure no one would notice.
Once I was ready, I went to the kitche to get a bottle of water, the went to siya's office, to lett nails
know I was ready.
Me: hey.. I'm ready
Him: let's go
We walked down to the basement parking, and left with some of the security detail.
When we arrived at the airport, the jet had just landed.
Skull was carrying Olwetho, who was fast asleep in his hands.
I greeted him, and made space for olwetho to sit in the back, while I sat in the front with nails.
Skull joined the other her guards in one of the other cars.
When we got home, Nails carried Olwetho upstairs. I asked them To put him in my room instead of
his. I don't want him waking up and not having a familiar face close by.
I got into bed with Olwetho and immediately fell asleep.
I really hoped Olwetho would adjust quickly to being without his mother. The last thing I wanted was
to see him cry because he missed her, meanwhile Siya was all the way accross the continent and i
was left to play mommy to his son.
I was woken up the following morning by Olwetho. He had a big grin on his face, and was shaking
me a wake. I was so tired I wanted to tell him to go back to sleep, but then I remembered he
probably had jet lag
Him: aunty , aunty wake up
Me: mhmm
Him: I want to go play on the beach, wake up
Me: boy isn't it too early for that
Him: please, please, please
Me: (sigh ) let's get you breakfast first.
I reluctantly got up and made the bed, and opened the windows. Olwetho kept following me
Him: aunty, mommy said I was going to be spend all my holidays here
Me: yes boy
Him; I can't wait till Christmas. I want to see what father Christmas bought for me
Me: I'm sure he'll get you everything you need
Him: come aunty lets go have breakfast so we can play
Me: boy, you need to bath first then we can have breakfast
Him: no, I want to eat now, then go play. I can bath later
Me: ok, let me brush my teeth then we can go
Him: ok, but hurry
I freshened up, and put my gown on, then went downstairs to have breakfast.
Mam Martha had laid out a perfect spread as usual, but Olwethos face said something else
Me: boy. What's wrong
Him: I don't like any of these
Me: what do you want to eat
Him: cereal
Me: let's got to the kitchen and see if we have
I took his small hand and went to then kitchen to look for cereal. Luckily mam Martha was there.
Olwetho ran up to her and gave her a hug.
Her: hi boy
Him: hello granny
Her: how are you
Him: hungry
Her: what can granny make for you
Him: coco pops
Her come sit
I looked at mam Martha with gratitude. At least with her around, taking care of Olwetho would be
I went the dining room to dish up for myself, then went to go and join Olwetho and mam Martha in
the kitchen
I had breakfast while talking to Olwetho. He wanted to do so many things, I wondered where I'd get
the energy from
Me: finish up so i can show you your bedroom
Him: I have my own bedroom?
Me: yes, eat up and I'll go show you
Olwetho finished eating, and i took him to go see his room.
The minute he saw it he loved it. He kept jumping up and down on the bed.
He had all the energy in the world.
After seeing his room, we changed and we went to play on the beach.
We played on the beach, building sand castles, then swimming. Olwetho was having a good time,
and i was glad he wasn't crying for his mother.
When we were both tired of playing, we went back inside to bath. I ran Olwetho a bath, but when I
went to fetch him, he was asleep on my bed, with his cute Sandy toes.
I covered him with a blanket and went to go bath instead.
I took my phone with me, I wanted to try get hold of Siya. It was already midday and i hadn't heard
from him
I tried him twice but both times it went to voicemail, so I left a message and hoped he would call me
I had a quick bath, then got dressed. Since Olwetho was sleeping, I decided to go over some of the
figures for Ndhlovu Corp. If I was going to take over as CFO in Jan. I needed to familiarize myself
with the company structure
I went upstairs to siya's office, to get his laptop
When I got to his office, Nails was busy on the phone in the second office, I didn't want to disturb
him, so i just went to Siya's desk to take the laptop. I know he usually keeps it in one of the drawers.
Luckily I found it in the very first draw. I took it and was about to walk out, when I heard something
When I looked down I saw siya's ring on the floor. I picket it up and stood there trying to understand
why he would leave it in his office draw.
I took the ring and placed it in the safe, then went back to my room. I was trying really hard not to
overreact regarding the ring issue. But why would he just leave it in the draw? Why take it off in the
first place. My annoyance was leading to anger really quickly, because I know if I had just left my
ring lying around, while I went somewhere for nearly a month, Siya would have my head. But
because it's him, ill have to play it down.
When I got to my room, I started working.
I was hoping that once I got lost in the numbers, I would forget about the ring issue. I went through
dozens of financial reports, tax reports and even salary reports.
I hadn't realised how big of a business Ndhlovu Corp was till then. Siya's staff was highly qualified. It
was clear that his second in command, was good at what he was doing, because the returns over
the past 7 years, were quite impressive.
I was so busy with what I was doing, I didn't realise that I had missed lunch, until I heard my tummy
I looked over at Olwetho and he was still fast asleep. I wondered weather I should wake him or not,
because I was worried he wouldn't sleep at night. But he looked so peaceful, I didn't have the heart
to wake him.
I went to the kitchen to make myself something to eat.
Mam Martha was already preparing dinner.
Me: hi ma
Her: hi.. I was wondering what happened to you guys
Me: Olwetho is still sleeping, and i lost track of time
Her: there's left over lunch if you'd like
Me: carry on with what your doing. I'll dish up for myself
Her: are you enjoying having Olwetho around
Me: yes, but i have a feeling he's going to keep me on my toes.
Her: boys always tend to be more hyper than girls. Especially at olwetho's age.
Me: I just hope I'll be able to keep up
Her: you'll be fine. And if your lost or you need help, you can always ask me
Me: thank you ma
As I was busy talking to mam Martha, nails walked in holding Olwethos hand. He looked a bit sad,
like he had been crying.
I picked him up and put him on the counter
Me: boy, what's wrong
Him: (sniff) I woke up and you weren't there. Then I went to look everywhere and i couldn't find you.
Me: I'm sorry boy. I just came to find something to eat
Him: (sniff) aunty I miss mommy. Can I call her
I looked Olwetho and he really looked sad, but i didn't want Him speaking to Linda when he was
down, because that would only make her think he was unhappy.
Me: boy, you can call mommy later. I was thinking king we could watch movies first
Him: what movie
Me: any movie you want
Him: can we watch angry bird
Me: we'll go download it now. But first you need to eat
Him: I'm not hungry
Me: you haven't eaten since breakfast, you need to eat something
Him: (sniff) but aunty i don't want to eat
Me: let's make a deal. You eat something, then we can have go watch movies in my room. We can
even take pop corn and some sweets
Olwetho just shook his head. I looked at mam Martha and she smiled.
I didnt know what else to do, olwetho hadn't eaten anything since breakfast, and now he didn't want
to eat.
As I was trying to figure out how to bribe him into eating, Siya called.
Me: hello
Him:hi babe. How are you
Me: I'm good, you
Him: fine. Sorry I missed your call earlier
Me: it's cool
Him: are you ok? I expected you to bite my head off
Me: babe, I've got more important things to worry about than you not phoning
Him: things like what
Me: like convincing Olwetho to eat
Him:;is he giving you a hard time
Me; not really. I think he just misses Linda
Him: let me speak to him
I gave Olwetho the phone, and went to grab a bottle of water from the fridge.
Olwetho gave me the phone back, and looked a bit sad. He had tears in his eyes
Me: what did you say to him
Him: I just told him to do as told or else
Me: or else what
Him: Rifiloe, OLwetho is a child. He doesn't have a choice. If you tell him to eat, then he must eat
Me: please tell me you didn't shout at him
Him: just a little
Me: mxm
I put the phone down on Siya. He hadn't seen or spoke to Olwetho in a while, and instead of being
nice, he was lecturing him about food.
I took off olwethos glasses and wiped his tears.
Me: sorry boy,
Him: (sniff) aunty, daddy shouted at me
Me: don't mind him boy. He's just grumpy.
Him:but he made my heart sore
Me: ooh my boy, don't cry. If you don't want to eat,you can eat later
Olwetho immediately stopped crying and smiled
Me: that's more like it.
Him: can we go watch a movie now
Me: why don't you go get uncle nails to download it for you, the we can go watch
Him: okay
I took him off the counter and he ran upstairs to nails
Man Martha looked at me
Her: he's got you wrapped around his little finger
Me: haw ma, you saw how heartbroken he was after siya spoke to him. I couldn't just watch him cry
Her: he doesn't cry blood. If you don't put your foot down, he'll never listen to you. Children are the
biggest manipulators alive. If he sees that he can get away with things, he will start taking
Me: Lord help me
Her: you'll be fine. Just try being more assertive
Me: I have no idea if I can. His cute little face just makes me melt. And I don't want him hating me
Her: he won't hate you. But he will see Ghost as a villain, because he is more strict. It's better if you
both work as a team. So if ghost says he needs to eat, then you need to make sure you also say the
same thing. Otherwise he'll be walking all over you in no time
Me: your probably right. I just hope I can do this
Her: you'll be fine.
Olwetho came back with a memory stick that he got from nails. I put together our snacks, then we
went upstairs to watch the movie.
We both got I to my bed and watched angry birds. I figured I would let Olwetho get away with not
eating for today, but as of tomorrow I would have to try being a little more strict.
My phone rang as we were busy watching. I looked at the caller ID and sAW it was Siya.
Me: babe
Him: you put the phone down on me
Olwetho looked at me and out his finger on his lips, to signal for me to keep quite.
Me: hold on siya
I giggled and went to the closet.
Me: I'm back
Him; what are you guys up to
Me: we're watching a movie
Him: did he eat
Me: no, but he's having popcorn
Him: Nana, you can't let Olwetho walk all over you.
Me: haai man Siya, he just didn't feel like eating. Its not a big deal. And I don't want to hear you
shouting at him again. You made him cry, it nearly tore my heart into pieces
Him: he has got you right where he wants you
Me: I don't care. Anyway I've got a bone to pick with you
Him: what have I done now
Me: where's your wedding ring
Him: ahmm I think I left it in my office somewhere
Me: somewhere? Why did you even take it off
Him: Nana, I had to. I couldn't go to Brazil with it
Me: and why the hell not
Him: because while I'm here I'm Ghost, and ghost isn't married.
Me: nxa, this mission of your is going to bore me
Him: I've missed your smart mouth
Me: mhmm
Him: I love you
Me: mhmm
Him: so you don't love me
Me: you know I do
Him: baby, askies man. I should've told you. It just completely slipped my mind. I'm sorry
Me: fine
Him; so I'm forgiven
Me: yes
Him: I love you Rifiloe. Always remember that
Me: i love you too Siya. Im just still trying to get used to this whole undercover thing of yours.
Him: i know babe. And i can see your trying. I just need you to trust me. I would never do anything to
ruin what we have.
Me; I'll try
Him; ok, let Me go. I'll , speak to you later
Me: Sharp
Him: put the phone down
Me: no you put down first
Him:(chuckles) I don't know if I want to
Me: then don't
Him: I have to
Me: go back to work babe. We'll chat later
Him: I'll Skype you
Me: Sharp.
This time i put the phone down.. because I knew if I didn't we would go back and forth.
I missed Siya so much, but i was glad i had Olwetho around to keep me company. I just hoped that
with time i would be able to get used to playing mommy.

It's been about a week now since Siya had left. Life at home had been ok. Olwetho has settled, and
he was getting used to being without Linda.
I hadn't really spoken to Siya, since the last time he promised to Skype. I had tried him a couple of
times, but then he sent me a message saying he couldn't talk, so I let him be. It's now been a whole
week and still nothing.
What ticked me off was that he was able to phone nails, to discuss work, but he didn't have time to
find out how Olwetho and I were doing.
The only good news was that Boniswa was arriving today.
I was kind of glad because I was starting to get bored, I could only chat to Olwetho so much, and all
we did was play on the beach or watch cartoons. I needed an adult around and thankfully Boni was
coming to my rescue.
I went to the airport with nails to pick her up. Olwetho stayed with mam Martha, but he wasn’t very
pleased about that, but I needed some me time.
When we got to the airport Boni had just landed. She looked so relieved when she saw me
Me: welcome to Cuba
Her: thank you for having me
Me; I'm so glad your here. At least now I'll have someone to talk to
Her: I'm excited to be here. It's my first time overseas
Me: I think you'll love it here.
Her; I love it already
Me: come, the guards will, get your bags
Her; you sure? I don’t want to inconvenience anyone
Me: don't be silly. They don't mind
Her: ok,
We got into the cars and nails drove us home.
Me: so how's life back home
Her: everything’s fine. Just been missing Hlokes. I was a bit disappointed when he told me he was
going to Brazil. I was hoping I would get to spend some time with him
Me: I know how you feel. But cheer up, we can still make the holidays fun
Her: thanks
When we got home, I showed Boni around the house. Then lastly to Hlokes room.
Her: your home is beautiful, thank you so much for having me
Me: it's not really my house. But it's a pleasure to have you.
Her: it's amazing how you've adapted to this whole ops life thing. I'm still struggling
Me: can I be honest?
Her: of course
Me: I haven't really been adapting quite well. I'm still trying to get my head around it
Her: are you serious?
Me: dead serious
Her: (sigh) thank goodness. I was beginning to think that something was wrong with me
Me: oh believe, there's nothing wrong with you. It's their job that's wrong
Her: tell me about it
Me: (chuckles) let me leave you to freshen up. I'm sure you’re exhausted after your flight.
Her: I actually feel quite good. I thought I'd be so sleepy by now
Me: jet lag love. It’s the worst.
Her: hopefully I’ll be back to normal soon
Me: your, be fine. Let me leave you. If you need anything. I'll be downstairs. You can join me for
lunch if you’re put to it
Her: Sounds great. I’ll take a quick shower, then I’ll come down
Me: cool.
I went downstairs to look for Olwetho. I know I had said I needed some time out, but I kind of missed
I found him in the Kitchen, mam Martha was teaching him to make a hot dog for himself
Him; aunty your back
Me; Yes love
Him; did you bring me anything nice
Me; no Boy, I just went to fetch Aunty Boni from the airport him
Him; mommy usually buys me something when she goes out
Me; I promise you, next time, I’ll make sure I get you something
Him; thanks aunty. You’re the best
I gave him a little kiss on the cheek, then went to help mam Martha lay out lunch on the veranda
instead of the dining room.
I was starting to dish up for myself when Olwetho came running with my phone in my hand. I must’ve
left it in the kitchen.
Him; aunty daddy wants to talk to you
I took the phone from Olwetho and asked God to help me not to kill Siya over the phone.
Me; hello
Him; nana
Me; Hi Siya
Him; I know your mad at me
Me; **** silence***
Him; babe I’m sorry. Things have been a bit hectic
Me; ***** silence****
Him; Rifiloe
Me; ***** Silence****
Him; baby, I’m sorry
Me; Mhmm
Him; But Rifiloe, I told you this would happen. It’s beyond my control. What do you want me to say?
I was about to answer him but Then I heard Jessica in the background telling him they’ve got to go.
I put the phone down, before he could tell me anything. I don’t know why he bothered phoning me,
when he knew he couldn’t talk. Mxm
Luckily Boniswa came down, so I had to push my anger aside, and concentrate on having lunch with
my guest.
Her; you ok
Me; I’m fine. Just a bit annoyed
Her; Let me guess. It has to do with your man
Me; Good guess
Her; I’ve got a listening ear if you’d like
Me; If we’re going to talk about men, then I need a bottle of wine.
Her; I’d only be happy to join you
Me; you are a god sent.
I got up and went to the cellar and came back with a bottle of wine.
I poured us both a glass and we dug in
Her; so what’s up
Me; I’m just annoyed with this whole Ops thing. Like I haven’t spoken to Siya in a week. And then he
calls, for 2 seconds and then he has to go. Like I feel like he doesn’t prioritise
Her; Tell me about it. I haven’t heard from Hlokes in about a week as well. The only communication I
got was my flight details and that’s it. He hasn’t even called to see if I arrived safely or not
Me; why couldn’t we find normal men, with normal jobs?
Her; at least your married to the man. I’m starting to think that Hlokes and I will never get it together
Me; why would you say that
Her; I really love him. Like really. But I just feel like lately he’s a bit distant. Like maybe he’s hiding
Gosh when Boniswa, said that I felt so bad, because I knew Hlokes was probably stressing about
telling her about Linda
Me; I’m sure he’s just stressed about work. I know it’s been tough on the whole team
Her; I hope so. I really don’t want to lose him
Me; If Hlokes wasn’t serious about you, he wouldn’t have bought you all the way across the world.
He clearly wants to be with you
Her; It feels good to speak to someone who knows how I feel
Me; look, Siya and I have been through a million issues. We’ve had more drama than any reality
show, But in the end we both love each other, and we just try make it work. Despite everything
Her; (sigh) we’ll see how it goes
ME; yah haai.
Her; I think we need another bottle
Me; you are my kind of girl.
I went down and got us another bottle. Then went to check on Olwetho.
I found him sleeping in his bed. I’m guessing mam Martha must’ve put him down for his afternoon
I went back to join Boni
Me; We should go out tonight
Her; out
Me; yaah, like a club or something
Her; Hlokes had said we need to keep within the compound
Me; Hlokes who? Hlokes is in Brazil. You and I are stuck in Cuba
Her; you have a point
Me; Its December holidays. We can’t just be stuck here the whole time. Because if we were in SA
we would be having the time of our lives
Her; are you sure about this
Me; not really, but its better than sitting here and moping around because our love lives suck
Her; I’m in
Me; Good. Now I need to figure out how I’m going to convince nails to let us go out
Her; is nails the one with the tatooos all over him
Me; yes
Her; gosh. Good luck. He looks like a hard one to crack
Me; yaah. The first time I met him he seemed like that. But deep down he’s actually a teddy bear
We both burst out laughing, because we saw nails walking towards us.
Him; Ladies
Us; Hi Nails
Him; Ahm mam, I’ve got Ghost on the line for you. He says he can’t get hold
Me; thank you.
I took the phone from nails,
Me; Siya
Him; babe
Me; what’s up
Him; I can’t concentrate on work, knowing your pissed at me
Me; so what do you want me to do
Him; I want you to try understand
Me; I do
Him; you don’t
Me; siya, just finish this mission and come home. That’s all I ask of you
Him; I will babe. I just need you to be patient
Me; Fine
Him; I’ll speak to you soon
Me; ok
Him; I love you baby
Me; I love you too
Him; I’ve got to go, ill speak to you later
Me; before you go, I need to ask you something
Him; what
Me; Boni and I are going out tonight. I wanted to know who I need to organise security with. Nails or
Him; out where
Me; I don’t know. A club or something. We want to check out the Cuban night life
Him; not happening
Me; why not
Him; because I’m not there
Me; Siya stop being selfish
Him; Rifi
Me; No. don’t flipping Rifiloe me. You’re all the way in Brazil doing God knows what. And now you
want to throw a fucking hissy fit because I want to go out
Him; (sigh) babe
Me; Siya no. I’ve been cramped here since we arrived. Why can’t you just try putting yourself in my
shoes for one
Him; fine. Do whatever you want to do. Its not like you listen to me anyway
Me; fine
Him; Rifiloe
Me; what Siya
Him; (sigh) cant this wait till im back
me; why
Him; because as your husband, im asking you to wait till im back
Me; and again, i ask why
Him; because im not comfortable with you going out to a club, and im not there
Me; but Siya, Nails will be there mos
Him; thats not the point
me; Well, im going and theres not a damn thing you can do about it
Him; we both know thats not true
Me; Siya, i swear to God, if you dare try to stop me. Ill never speak to you again
Him; that would be difficult considering your my wife
Me; is that why you wanted to get married? so you could control me
Him; Rifiloe, even if i tried, i wouldnt be able to control you. you dont have a submissive bone in you
me; says the man, who took off his ring and left it in his draw.
Him; so this is about a flipping ring
me; No its about how you can get away with murder, but i dont dare step out of line
Him; I actually cant do this anymore. Just do what you want ok. just fucking do what you want to do.
I put the phone down on him again. I don’t understand why Siya had to be so damn controlling at
times. He wanted me in Cuba, I come to Cuba. He wants me to Quit my job, I quit my Job, and now
because I need some fresh air I’m wrong, but he gets to do what he wants whenever he wants and
I'm just supposed to be okay with it.

Just as I had put the phone down, Siya called again. I really didn’t want to speak to him about this.
He wasn’t being fair at all. I stood up and went to the lounge, because Boniswa’s phone started
rining. I just knew it was Hlokes. I took a deep breath and answered Siya
Me; Siya
Him; do yourself a favour. Never, and I mean ever put the phone down on me again Rifiloe. No
matter how mad you are at me, I’m still your husband, and I think I deserve a little bit more respect
from you.
Tjo, now I knew Siya was mad. I didn’t dare answer
Him; I’m talking to you
Me; I’m listening
Him; you’re not going anywhere tonight, or any night until I’m back.
Me; but
Him; but nothing Rifiloe. You need to just listen and stop being so quick to answer.
Me; mhmm
Him; you are getting on my nerves yaz Rifiloe. Ive tried so hard to accommodate your every need,
but all I get in return is you nagging
Me; ****** silence ************
Him; are you even listening to me
Me; ****** silence ************
Him; Rifileo
Me; Siya, what do you want me to say mara
Him; how about you start working on your manners, and start acting your age. Your fucking 26 years
old, but you keep acting like you god damn 5 years old.
Tjo.. Now my eyes started to water. Why on earth was Siya being so unreasonable? All I wanted
was to go out, and just relax a bit. Was that such a bad thing
Me; are you done
Him; not even close. For your own sake, make sure that by the time I’m back you’ve grown up. I
married you because I needed a wife, not a whiney 5 year old who throws tantrums because she
can’t get her way.
Me; (sniff)
Him; so now you want to cry, when you are the one who started? a minute ago you were going off at
me and now you playing the victim.
Me; can I go now
Him; (SIGH) ill speak to you later
Me; sharp
This time I waited for him to put the phone down, because I didn’t want him biting my head off again.
I went back outside to sit with Boni. We both looked at each other and smiled
Her; I take it we aint going nowhere
Me; (chuckles) what did Hlokes want
Her; He asked my why im causing trouble on my first day here
Me; No
Her; serious. He nearly tore my head off.
Me; Haai, I give up. If Hlokes is also against us then there is no hope
Her; (laughing)
Me; mara why are men so annoying
Her; only God knows
Me; Im just going to drown my sorrows in wine today
Her; that bad ha
Me; ya. Like really bad
Her; well, here’s a toast to our crazy men, who are maddening as hell
Me; cheers
I sat with Boni on the veranda for drinking wine. Olwetho stayed with mam Martha for most of the
day. Apparently they were baking. We went from 2 bottles to 4. We listened to music and just stayed
Me; I feel like braai Vleys
Her; O qadile. Next thing our phones will be ringing off the hook, just because of meat.
I burst out laughing. Boniswa was funny. She made a joke out of everything, which was great
because after the fight I had with Siya, the last thing I needed was to be around someone uptight
Me; we’re staying home MOS. The least they can let us do is braai
Her; I have a feeling we’re going to wake up with a moorse headache tomorrow
Me; ill deal with that tomorrow. For now I want to feel numb, and the only way I know how, is by
Her; I feel you gal
Me; let me go look for Nails
I went to check on Olwetho , and I found him in the kitchen with mam Martha.
Me; ma, we were thinking of having a braai for dinner
Her; that sounds nice. Ill just make Pap, gravy and some salads
Me; would you like some help
Her; no. You go relax, ill handle it
Me; thank you ma, ill go ask Nails to go buy the meat
Her; perfect
Me; Olwetho, don’t you want to come sit with me and aunty Boni
Him; no thank you aunty. I like helping granny cook
Me; careful not to burn yourself
Him; I wont. I promise
Me; Pinkie promise.
Him; double pinkie promise
Me; Ok, ill be outside if you need me.
I went upstairs to ask nails to send one of the guards to go buy the meat, then went back downstairs
to chill with Boni
Skull came back with the meat and started braaing for us, while we downed our 5th bottle of wine.
I was finally at the stage of not feeling anything, and it felt fantastic.
That is until Siya called . I showed Boni the Caller Id and she laughed
Her; you should be answering that
Me; I don’t want to fight with him again
Her; and by you not answering him, don’t you think that will make things worse
Me; who’s side are you on vele
Her; your of course, but we both know you’re making things worse by not answering him
I decided to listen to Boni and answered him
Me; Hi
Him; Hi
Me; what’s up
Him; I hear you’re having a braai
Me; I figured since I wasn’t allowed out, I would bring the party to me
Him;(chuckles) you’re a special kind of stubborn yaz
Me; Ill take that as a compliment
Him; it wasn’t meant as one
Me; so your taking time out of your schedule to phone me, just to insult me
Him; no, I phoned because I missed you
Me; you have a funny way of showing it
Him; lets not even go there
Me; fine by me
Him; so you still mad at me
Me; I think I’m too drunk to be mad
Him; I can tell
Me; Siya. A lady never gets drunk
Him; but you just said
Me; it doesn’t matter what I said. Your supposed to dispute it
Him; next time I promise to
Me; good. Now you’re learning
Him; so how many bottles have you had
Me; just 5
Him; Rifiloe. 5
Me; yes, and it’s the really good stuff
Him; do you have any idea how much those cost
Me; send me an invoice, I’ll pay them back
Him; (chuckles) you really are enjoying your freedom
Me; you call this freedom? Haai baby, this is not freedom, this is Robin Island
Him; (chuckles) Robin island with a braai and a cellar? I don’t think so
Me; You have a point there
Him; so we’re good
Me; ill lt you know tomorrow when im sober
Him; where’s Olwetho
Me; cooking
Him; Rifiloe.
Me; relax man, he’s just in the kitchen with mam Martha
Him; I hope he’s not disturbing her
Me; she’s the one who wont let him out her sight
Him; (sigh) I have to go babe
Me; sharp
Him; no I love you nyana
Me; Nix. Ke sharp ka wena
Him; serious
Me; serious, serious
Him; well mina ngiyaz’fela ngawe
Me; even when I piss you off
Him; (sigh) even then
Me; well in that case I love you too
Him; try not to burn my house down while you’re busy braaing
Me; Haw Siya, I’m not Braaing
Him; so who’s Braaing
Me; skull is
Him; Rifiloe, Skull has better things to do than to braai for you. Who is taking care of his post while
Me; but baby, I didn’t ask him to. He offered
Him; what are you wearing
Me; what does that have to do with anything
Him; Skull has a thing for the ladies. The only reason he would offer to braai is if you’re in a bikini
Me; Siya shame on you. I’m actually wearing shorts and a top
Him; how short are your shorts
Me; haw Siya are you serious vela
Him; I’m not taking chances
Me; so why leave him here if you don’t trust him
Him; It’s not that I don’t trust him, it’s just that I know him
Me; and you think I would fall for him
Him; no
Me; so what’s with the jealousy
Him; I’m not Jealous
Me; I can smell it all the way from here
Him; you wouldn’t understand
Me; I give up
Him; Ill speak to you later
Me; sharp

I put the call down and just shook my head. Siya likes to say I’m jealous, but here he was asking me
what I was wearing. But non the less I was glad we had kind off patched things up. I didn’t really like
arguing with over such silly things, but at the same time I feel like he needs to lighten up a bit when it
comes to me having a life outside of him.
******* Siyas side of the story *******
After my conversation with Rifiloe, I felt a bit better. I hated arguing with her, but at times she had a
tendency of annoying me.
I know she needs her freedom, and independence, but what she fails to understand is that life isn't
always roses. Me being on this mission means I need to keep her safe, and her going clubbing
wasn't a risk I was willing to take.
As I was busy thinking about Rifiloe, Bullet came into my office
Him: Ghost we should get going. Your meeting with Fernandez is in 20mins
Me: is everyone in place
Him: yes. We have the club surrounded. Our guys have taken over the security cameras, and the
cars are loaded
Me: and the drugs
Him: sorted
Me: good. Make sure no one messes this up. We're not dealing with just anybody here. This man is
the most feard drug Lord in the world. And if I can get a foot in the door, then we will be able to make
arrests, without him even suspecting us
Him: sure
Me: did you speak to Boniswa? I know how stubborn Rifiloe is, hopefully Boniswa will talk her out of
this clubbing idea
Him: I spoke to her. They won't be going anywhere
Me: at least your woman listens. Rifileo is as stubborn as they come
Him: (chuckels) you made your bed
Me: tell me about it
Him: let's get going. Forget about Rifiloe. You need to conserntrate on this mission. Your ghost now.
Lets go show these Brazilians flames
Me: remember what I said. This man cannot suspect a thing. I don't want blood spilled. Tonight is all
about connections.
Him: Rodger that
Me: let's get out of here. Let Jessica know to meet us in the parking
Him: sure
I locked my personal phone in the safe. Even if something were to happen to me. At least they
wouldn't know about Rifiloe.
I took out 2 of my guns and strapped them onto me, then left with Bulled, Bones and some of my
other security detail.
When we got downstairs Jessica and the rest of the team were waiting for us.
I was really glad Rifiloe wasn't here, because if she saw what Jessica was wearing she would totally
flip. Especially since Jessica is playing my girlfriend
Me: Ready
Her: how do I look
Me: good I guess
Her: are you kidding me? I look like a cheap whore. This dress hardly covers me
Me: it's all apart of the act Jess. They have to believe you my girlfriend
Her: can we just do this and get it over and done with. I feel exposed
Me: are you sure your up to this? I don't want any mistakes
Her: this is what I'm trained for G. I'm good. Let's do this
Me: ok. Let's go
We got in the car, and i made it a point, not to stare at Jessica's legs. I was so used to going
undercover with just guys, but now having a woman in the team was a bit difficult, but i guess it only
makes sense.
Most drug dealers or gang leaders have girls all over them, and now I would also have to play the
I just felt bad because I couldn't really be honest with Rifiloe about this part of my job. It was all easy
when I was single. I had no commitment to anyone. I could really get into my role as ghost and not
feel like I was betraying Someone . But now things were different. Rifoloe was my world. I love her
so much, and the thought of me pretending to be with another woman, made me feel like I was
betraying her.
I had forbidden her from going to the club, but here i was about to walk into a strip club
When we arrived outside the club, I just took a minute to gather my thoughts. I needed to get Rifiloe
out my mind and conserntrate on being Ghost
We all, put our ear pieces in our ears.
Me: nails can you hear us
Him: yes boss. Loud and clear.
Me: is everyone in place
They all answered
Me: let's get this show on the road
I took a deep breathe, then got out the car, and walked around to open for Jessica.
I took Jessica's hand and we we walked in to the club, with bullet, and some of the guards, while the
others stayed outside
The moment we stepped foot in the Club, we were shown to the VIP section. We sat down and a
very naked looking waitress came to take our orders.
All we had to do now, was wait for the famous Fernandez to arrive.
The VIP section we were seated in was about the size of small apartment.
The strippers that were up here, were clearly specifically chosen for Ghost, because they were all to
my taste.
Bullet looked at me and smiled, because he knew that if Fernandez was putting an effort into
meeting with me, it meant we had a really good chance at getting what I came here to get, which
was connections.
All I had to do now, was drink, and pretend to enjoy the strippers. I did t want to make my host think I
wasn't enjoying the effort he had put in to find the type of girls"ghost" likes.
Our drinks arrived and we all pretended to drink. GOLDEN RULE NUMBER 1 when you go
undercover and you need to drink, you always order beers, so that you can pretend to drink,
meanwhile, your spitting it back inside the bottle
Or if your offered a glass of whiskey, you rather take the bottle, so that you can pretend to drink,yet
your spitting it back.
The last thing you want is to drink, only to find out you have been drugged.
The waitress serving us was one of our own, which meant she knew when to fetch the so called
empty bottles and replace them with full ones, just so that it looks like we are drinking.
We chilled in the VIP section for a about an hour.
I had my arm around Jessica, while I pretended to whisper sweet nothings in her ear.
I knew that Fernandez was in the building because of the intel that i had received, so i knew he was
probably watching us from one of the security cameras, so I had to make sure we looked convincing.
Jessica was quite a good actress, she knew exactly when to smile, or when to lean in and kiss me in
a playful manner.
I had my one hand around her neck, while the other one rested on her thigh
The music was pumping and the strippers were doing their thing. I was now a lot less anxious than I
was when I walked in. I think its because Jessica was easy to chill with. I fed off her chemistry and
that made things easier for me, and hopefully convincing to anyone watchin
While we were waiting for Fernandez, I got one of the strippers to give bullet a lap Dance. The poor
man looked like he wanted to die.
I know this was all an act, but we had to make it looke real. But I knew deep Down he was enjoying
I heard nails telling me that Fernandez was comingto the VIP section. I guessed we had convinced
him enough.
I looked at Hlokes then at Jessica just to make sure they had heard nails.
When Fernandez arrived, he was escorted by his security detail and 2 very good looking Brazilian
Him: well well well. If it isn't the one and only Ghost
I stood up and held out my hand to shake his.
Me: Fernandez. We finally meet
Him: I was wondering when you would reach out to me. IT seems only fitting for people of our
calebre to do business
Me: well, here I am in the flesh
Him: I'm honoured
Me: shall we get on with it
Him: Oh come now ghost, what's the rush? Ha? We can discuss business later. For now, I'm in the
mood to have some fun.
Me: of course,
I was really hoping we would meet up and just get down to business, but as fate would have it, he
wanted to have fun first, which obviously entailed girls, and tons of alcohol.
This was clearly going to be a long night. And i had promised to call Rifiloe
Fernandez sat opposite me, whith his girls. While jess remained next to me
He looked at Jess
Him: is she with you
Me: yes
Him: what's her name
Me: ruby
Him: her name suits her perfectly. She looks just like a ruby
I winked at Jessica, and she gave us a dashing smile
Him: we should have Ruby, put on a show for us
Me: what kind of show
Him: we're at a strip club aren't we
Me: well this one only strips for me
Him: you sure she ain't wearing a wire
Me: why would she be wearing a wire
Him: well, these days FBI and Undercover agents come in all forms
Me: no need to worry about that. I've screened her. She's cool
Him: how sure are you
Me: 100%
Him: I don't trust girls. I want to make sure she's not an agent. And the only way how,is to make sure
she's not wearing a wire
I looked at Fernandez and i knew he wasn't playing games. For some reason he didn't trust Jess,
And i had to diminish that asap
I looked at Jess
Me: is there something you need to tell me
Her: No of course not
Me: my friend over here seems to think you've got a wire on you
Her: why would I have a wire
Me: you tell me
Her: Ghost I don't understand what your talking about
Me: strip
Without even hesitating, jessica (ruby) stood up. She looked at me
Her: unzip me
I stood up and unzipped her dress, then Sat down again.
She turned around to face me, then started pulling off her dress. I didn't dare take my eyes off of her.
I had to convice Fernandez that she was indeed clean.
Jess took off her dress, and stood in front of us in only her hills and red Lingerie
I looked at Fernandez
Me: you happy?
Him: search her breasts. Women tend to hide things in there
I stood up, and and stood in from of Jessica. Our faces nearly touching.
I put my hands around Her and unclipped her bra, and threw it on the floor.
Me: turn around
She turned around and looked at Fernandez
Me: we good
Him: perfect
I sat back down, while she put her clothes back on. One of the girls who came with Fernandez was
now sitting on his lap, so Jessica set next to me, and put her hand in mine
Me: so now that that's out the way, how about we have a good time.
Him: now we're talking. How about a lap Dance
Me: I don't think my girl would approve
Him: she can join in
I looked at Jess and she smiled
Me: why the hell not.
Fernandez signalled at one of his guys, and in no time about 5 girls came to our table and started
stripping and giving us lap dances
One of the girls focused on bullet, while Jess got up and sat squat positon on my lap and started
kissing my neck
The minute she did that, she reminded me of Rifiloe.
I was a bit uncomfortable, but had no choice but to play along. I had to do anything to get the job
done. And right now that entailed forgetting about rifiloe and conserntrating on winning Fernandez's
trust. I just hoped Rifiloe nerv finds out about this side of my job, because if she did, i was certain i
would lose her for good

We stayed at the club for most of the nigh. Fernandez insisted on us having fun as he calls it, but in
all honesty I wasn’t having fun.
Instead here is was making out with Jessica, while thinking of Rifiloe.
As the night started to wind down, I decided to try convincing Fernandez to discuss business
Me; we should start discussing business.
Him; Ghost my friend. Why are you so uptight? You have your girl all over you, but you want to
discuss business.
I knew I had to tread carefully now. I didn’t want to make him suspicious
Him; I have a proposition for you.
Me; I’m listening.
Him; Let’s take this party to my mansion. Then tomorrow morning we can discuss “business” as you
call it
Shit. This wasn’t really going as planned. If Fernandez wanted me at his house, it was because he
had doubts. I had no choice but to continue
Me; sounds like a plan
Him; my man... You and I are going to make magic together
I could hear Nails cursing in my ear. It’s never advisable to move from an agreed upon location,
because that meant my guys didn’t have eyes on the inside
I knew at this very moment nails and the hackers were trying to get access to the security cameras
at Fernadez’s mansion, but because we didn’t see this coming, it might take longer than normal
We all got up and started walking out. Skull was outside waiting for us. I got in my car while
Fernadez got into his. At least now we would have a few minutes to come up with a game plan.
The minute I got in the car, I took my hand out of Jessica’s and let out a sigh.
Me; somebody talk to me. How far are we with the Cameres
Nail; boss, we’re busy with it
Me; make it happen. We only have 20min
Nails; yes sir
I turned and looked at Hlokes. He had his laptop open.
me; where are our guys ?
Him; on route to the mansion
Me; make sure they are not marked. I cannot have Fernandez suspecting anything
Him; sure
Me; nails. My life depends on you being able access those cameras. Make sure you get access
Him; sure boss.
I sat there with my heart racing. If I was going to be at unfamiliar territory Jess and I had to be as
convincing as hell
When we arrived at the mansion, I looked at Jess and she smiled
Me; let’s do this
I got out the car and opened the door for Jess. She slipped her hand in mine, and we followed
Fernandez inside
He showed us around then we went to his version of a man cave. It was basically an underground
floor, where he kept girls
There were all different types of girls, white, black, Latina, Indian, Chinese you name it
I knew then that I was going to have to sacrifice my marriage vows for the sake of my Job
We sat down and Fernandez looked at me
Him; you see ghost. I don’t only deal in drugs. I also have some of the most beautiful woman in the
world right here in my house
Me; I can see that
Him; so why not pick a girl you like, and let her make your dreams come true.
I swallowed hard. This shit went from 0 to 100 in less than a few hours
I looked over at Hlokes and he nodded. I had no choice but to do this.
I looked at all the girls and decided on the Brazilian girl
Me; her . With the frisky hair
Him; Good pick.
Him; Eva, come here
She walked towards us
Him; This is a good friend of mine. I need you to make him and his lady friend Happy.
She nodded and held out her hand for me to follow.
Me; why don’t you and Ruby go get ready. Ill join you in a sec
Ruby stood up and they walked to one of bedrooms.
Me; Fernandez, I need to use you gents
Him; down the passage, second door on your left
Me; thanks
I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I just needed to think about what I was about to do.
I sat on the bathroom stool and took out my head piece... I just needed to hear my own head, just for
a second. How do I betray Rifiloe like this? I’ve done this a couple times but all before I made her my
wife. And now here I was about to make history in the OP’s game, but at the expense of my
How do I look at Rifiloe, knowing I had a 3sum with other woman, most of all Jess
I put the head piece back in and let out a sigh
Me; Nails have you got visual yet
Him; not yet boss. His security team is hard to crack
Me; fuck
Him; We’re still trying
Me; I need to know if he has cameras in bedrooms? I need to try get out of this
Him; give me a sec
I heard nails typing and I knew he was trying
Hlokes; Ghost you need to get back. You’ve been in there for too long
Me; give me a sec
Him; we don’t have a sec
Me; fuck, fuck fuck
Ghost; Boss, I’ve accessed the floor you’re on, and there are cameras everywhere
Me; fucking hell
Hlokes; Ghost, you’ve done this before. Just do it and get it over and done with
Me; Give me a sec
Him; we don’t have a sec. Get out here
Out took out the ear pierce and punched the wall. I dint have a choice. If there were cameras in the
room that meant that Fernandez had his people watching us? So I had to do what I had to do. Just
so that we could close this flipping mission.
I took another deep breath, and put my earpiece back in. I needed to this and get my team the hell
out of here.
I walked back to where Fernandez was. He was busy making out with one of the girls
Me; (clears throat) so Fernandez my friend. Show me to where Ruby and Eva are
He snapped his fingers, and one of the girl stood up. She held my hand and pulled me to one of the
When I walked I found Eva making out with Jess, They both looked at me as I walked in
Eva; you ready to join us
Me; you two carry on. I want to watch
I could see Jessica was a bit out of place, but being the professional she was, she just went with the
They both continued, while I sat down and watched. Id lie if I said I wasn’t turned on. I am a man
after all, but despite being turned on, I still regretted what was going to happen
I saw a liquor cabinet next to the bed, so I stood up and went to pour myself some whiskey. I know I
said we don’t drink on missions, but right now I needed something to help me relax
I sat back down and watched as Eva took off her Ruby’s clothes, till she had nothing on.
I poured myself another glass and continued watching them. I knew that I’d have to join them soon
When I finished my glass, Ruby looked at me
Her; I thought you were going to join us
Me; come here
Eva and Jess both stood up and both came towards me. I stood and let Eva, unbutton my shirt,
while Ruby unzipped my pants.
We moved to the bed, and I let the ladies do their thing.
I made sure we used protection. I wasn’t willing to put Rifiloe’s Life at risk. I made sure that I only
had intercourse with Eva and not Jess. I was hitting it from the back, while Eva muffed Jess
That way I knew that there was still a barrier between Jess and I. I didn’t want her catching feelings
for me. I think it was my way of trying to ease my conscious
When we were finally done, we collapsed on the bed. I looked at the ceiling and hoped that I could
look at Rifiloe after what I had done.
I stood up and went to throw the condom away, then got dressed and went to the lounge. I had
proved myself to Fernandez, and ow it was time to talk business
I found Fernandez exactly where I had left him with Hlokes.
I sat down and he smiled at me
Him; how was ha?
Me; it’s always a good experience, when you have beautiful girls in your bed
Him; my point exactly. Now let me be honest.
Me; I’m listening
Him; I needed time to make sure you weren’t FBI in the force. So I just knew the only way would be
to make sure you didn’t have wires or anything on you. You can never be too safe
Me; so you’re ready to talk business
Him; show me what you got
I looked at Hlokes and he walked out to fetch the drugs. He came back and opened up the case
I stood up and gave Fernandez one of the packaging’s.
He opened it and tasted the drugs
Him; mhmm this is some good stuff
Me; straight from Colombia
Him; so how much in return
Me; half of what you’re currently paying
Him; and what do you get in return
Me; I become your second in command. I supply you entire chain. Everything.
Him; that’s a shit load to ask for
Me; you said so yourself. This stuff is the best ever
Him; your cocky
Me; not at all. I’m a business man
Him; ok, ok. We’ll start out with you supplying Brazil, then youll walk yourself up
Me; Give me Brazil, Jamaica and Barbados. Then let me work myself up
Him; mhmm deal
I looked at Hlokes and he let out a sigh of relief.
I walked out that mansion feeling like a million bucks. Finally I was getting into the ring with the
biggest gangsters alive. I was going to make history in the OP’s game. Even the FBI hadn’t cracked
this ring, and here I was 10 years into it and I was finally in. I just hoped that what happened tonight
would never come to Rifiloe’s attention, because I knew she would never forgive me

Boni and I spent the rest of our evening pretty drunk. I really enjoyed her company. She had a way
of making things seem lighter. We laughed a lot and even played with the karaoke machine
I thought I was bad at singing ne, but Boni was at another level. She had me laughing so hard.
Me; chummy, we need to go for singing lesson. Like as in yesterday
Her; I’m not that bad, It’s just the alcohol
Me; nice try
Her; for real
Me; if you say so
I looked at the time and it was after 1am
Me; Tjo, I can’t believe the time. It’s 1; 30am, and Siya still hasn’t called
She took out her phone
Her; Hlokes hasn’t phoned either
Me; I guess their probably busy
Her; (yawn) I guess so
ME; we should go to bed
Her; tell me about it
We closed the doors and windows then walked to our rooms.
When I looked at my bed, it looked so empty and cold. I know I fight with Siya, but I love him and
miss him so much.
I changed into bed and thought about the day I just had. I have no idea why I doubted my trust for
Siya so much. He had never truly given me a reason not to trust him.
I think I let my past hurt from Hlokes interfere with my relationship with Siya. I just needed to really
let my guard down and let Siya love me.
I fell asleep with Siya in my mind. I wished for nothing more than to have him wrapped around me.
I woke up the following morning with Olwetho shaking me awake. I was so hung over and tired, I
wished I could tell Olwetho go away but couldn’t
Him; aunty wake up
Me; Olwetho come sleep with me
Him; I don’t want to sleep. You promised we would go Christmas shopping today
Me; I did?
Him; yes, aunty. Last night
Me; oh
Him; wake up so we can go
Me; go brush your teeth. Ill wake up now
Him; ok.. But don’t fall asleep again
Me; I won’t. I promise
Olwetho ran off to his room looking so excited.
I got up and felt like shit. My head was pounding and my stomach felt like it was rolling around in
circles. I don’t know what I was thinking having all that wine. Now I was reaping the fruits of my
I made the bed, then went to have a shower. It was only 10; 00am, and the sun was already Blazing
After my shower, I got dressed in ripped jeans, tank top and my all stars.
If I was going shopping, then I needed to be comfortable.
When I was done getting dressed I went to check on Olwetho and found him getting dressed
Me; you ready boy
Him; nearly
Me; I’m going make you cereal first
Him; I’m not hungry
Me; Olwetho if you don’t eat, we’re not going shopping
Him; ok, ok Aunty. I’ll eat
Me; that’s my boy.
I went upstairs and found mam Martha in the kitchen.
Me; morning ma
Her; morning Rifiloe
Me; is Boni up
Her; she’s just finished eating breakfast. Can I make you anything?
Me; No thank you. My stomach is not so happy
Her; sit down. I’ll make you my hangover cure
Me; will it help
Her; of course
Me; Thanks ma
I sat down and mam Martha made watched mam Martha as she made her so called cure. The
moment she gave it to me I nearly puked
Me; ma, this can’t be it
Her; drink up. It will make you feel better
Me; but its got a raw egg in there
Her; I know
Me; oh God
Her; don’t think about it, just gulp it down
I looked at mam Martha then at the glass.
I picked it up and gulped it down in one go. It took absolutely everything in me not to bring up
I got up and took a bottle of water from the fridge and gulped it down
Me; thanks ma
Her; see not that bad
Me; I guess so
Olwetho walked in with Boni A
Her; morning
Me; hey gal
Her; how you feeling
Me; horrible
Her; did Mam Martha make you her famous cure
Me; yaah
Her; it will kick in. Give it a moment
Me; I hope so
Olwetho had breakfast, while I went upstairs to speak to nails about taking us to the mall
When I walked into Siya’s office, everyone looked like they were in a good mood.
Me; morning
Nails; morning
Me; Nails. I need to go Christmas shopping with Olwetho and Boni. Will you be able to take us?
Him; ill need to speak to ghost first
Me; do you mind getting him on the line
Him; sure
Nails dialled Siya and he answered on the second ring
Him; Nails
Me; babe, It’s me
Him; (clears throat) Oh.. ahmm hi love
He; hi.. You ok
Him; yaah, fine. Just tired. It’s been a long night
Me; sorry for bothering you. But I need to ask you something
Him; ok, I’m listening
Me; I promised Olwetho I would take him Christmas shopping today. I just forgot to run it past you
Him; babe get to the point
Me; can nails take us
Him; sure
Me; thank you
Him; don’t use your card. Take the cash from the safe
Me; how much
Him; however much you need
Me; Thanks love
Him; don’t thank me. That’s your money
Me; ok. If you say so
Him; sharp
Me; babe, you sure you’re ok? you sound a bit off
Him; I’m fine Rifiloe. I just said mos that I was tired
Me; jees I’m sorry I was just asking
Him; bye
Siya put the phone down, and I just stared at the phone blankly. I had no idea what was eating him
up. But he seriously had to get over it already.
I gave Nails the phone, then went to the safe and took out some money.
I wasn’t really sure how much to take. So I just took about 20k, just to be safe.
Me; nails, I’ll be downstairs. Please let me know when you’re ready
Him; you gather Olwetho. We’ll wait for you in the basement parking
Me; Thank you
I went to my room to fetch my handbag and my sunglasses. I put the money in the bag, then went to
fetch Olwetho and Boni
Me; you guys ready
Boni; yes dear
Me; Ma. Do you need anything from the shops?
Her; no dear. I think we’ve got everything we need
Me; I meant for you ma. Not for the house
Her; don’t worry about me Fifi. I’m good
Me; ok... Olwetho come boy
I walked downstairs with Olwetho and Boni. I know Mam Martha had said she doesn’t need
anything, but I planned on buying her and Thembi Christmas gifts.
When we arrived at the mall Olwetho was beyond excited. We bought clothes, toys, Christmas
decorations and a Christmas tree
I decided I’d come back and buy Olwetho his presents from Santa the following day, which would
also give me time to buy something for Siya, because I couldn’t figure out what to get him.
Boni and I both got a few things and then we all had lunch at one of the restaurants.
By the time we got home, we were all exhausted. The first thing Boni and I did was sit on the couch,
while Olwetho went to his room to play with some of the
Me; I can’t believe I have to do this again tomorrow
Her; The price of being a mommy
Me; I don’t even know what to get him. That child has more toys than a nursery school
Her; maybe try finding him something more sentimental
Me; something like what?
Her; I have no idea
Me; ill have to see
As Boni and I were talking. Skull came in with a phone in his hands
Him; mam. I’ve got Ghost on line for you
Me; thanks
I took the phone from Skull and walked to my room.
I really missed Siya, and I was hoping we could have a normal conversation without fighting.
Me; baby
Him; Hi love
Me; what’s up
Him; I need to apologise for this morning. I was a bit short with you. I’m sorry
Me; (sigh) its fine. Can we just forget about it?
Him; Rifiloe I’m sorry
Me; Siya I said its fine hle. Just stop apologising. I miss you too much
Him; I guess it’s a good thing I’ll be home tomorrow
Me; are you serious
Him; yaah. I’m done with Business, and now it’s time to come home
Me; Ahhhh baby. That’s the best news ever
Him; yah, I guess
Me; Siya, what’s going on? You don’t seem like yourself
Him; Baby, I just want to be home. It’s been a bit hectic here
Me; (sigh) ok. I’ll make sure everything’s in order before you arrive
Him; I love you Rifiloe. Please always remember that
Me; Siya I love you too
Him; I’ll see you tomorrow morning
Me; Bye
Him; Bye
I was about to put the phone down but I heard Siya Sigh. I know he said everything was okay, but
something about him seemed different
Me; Siya
Him; babe don’t
Me; I just want to make sure you’re okay
Him; Ill be fine
Me; come home
Him; I’ll be there in the morning. I promise
Me; No. come home now
Him; (sigh) I need to finish up something. I’ll be home in the morning. I promise
Me; ok.
Him; put down the phone
Me; no you put down first
Him; you are so damn stubborn
Me; love you too
I put the phone down before he could say anything else. Siya was a bit off but at least he was
coming home tomorrow.

Despite Siya’s mood on the phone. I was excited he was coming home. It’s been more than 2 weeks
and finally my nightmare is over.
I took a quick shower then went to chill with Boni
Me; Hi
Her; Hey
Me; so the guys are back tomorrow
Her; yaah. Hlokes just called
Me; I’m trying to think of what to do for Siya. He’s been gone so long and he seems so moody. I feel
like we’re really disconnected at the moment
Her; I’m sure it’s just the distance. Once he’s home everything will get back to normal
Me; I hope so
Her; I already know what I’m getting Hlokes
Me; do tell?
Her; a sexy little number
Me; (chuckles) I see
Her; It’s kind of been a while since we (clears Throat) you know
Me; (chuckles) sounds exciting
Her; you should try it. Make him all excited and he’ll forget all about his bad mood
Me; you might be onto something
Her; try it.
I sat with Boni throughout Dinned. I was thinking about what she had said. Maybe I should prepare
my something special for Siya.
After dinner. I put Olwetho to bed and went to my room, to look for lingerie. I went through what I
have and decided on a sexy red number, then went to bed.
I tried getting some sleep, but sleep had deserted me, I was too excited to see Siya.
When I woke up the following morning, I soaked myself in the bath. I waxed, tweezed and even
shaved my legs. I wanted to look perfect for what I had planned.
When I got out the bat, I got dressed and went to check up on Olwetho.
I found him already having breakfast with Mam Martha. I gave him a kiss and went to join Boni on
the veranda
Me; Morning
Her; Morning dear
Me; excited about seeing Hlokes?
Her; my heart is beating so fast
Me; I wonder what time they’re arriving
Her; they’ve already landed. Hlokes just called. They should be here any minute
Me; wow. I didn’t realise they’d be here so soon
Her; I know hey. I was surprised when he called
As Boni and I were talking, Siya and Hlokes walked in. I swear my heart skipped a beat when I saw
him. He looked like his normal gorgeous self.
I stood up and gave him a hug
Me; you’re back
Him; in the flesh
Me; I’ve missed you
Him; not as much as I’ve missed you
I broke our hug and leaned in to give him a kiss. He kissed me back, but it didn’t quite feel the same.
He stepped back and looked at me.
Him; (clears throat) I should go take a shower
Me; need some help
Him; Not today babe
Siya turned around and walked to our room, and left me standing there confused.
I turned around and noticed Boni and Hlokes were both gone. I sat down feeling a bit out of place.
Why was Siya acting so cold towards me? It feels as though he couldn’t wait to get away from me.
As I was busy thinking about the whole Siya thing, Olwetho came running out.
Him; Aunty, aunty, daddys back
Me; I know my love
Him; Have you seen him
Me; ahm he’s gone to take a shower
Him; I can’t wait... He said he’s taking me out today
Me; today
Him; yes aunty.
Me; that’s nice my boy
Olwetho went running back inside. It made me happy to see Siya making an effort to spend time with
him, but at the same time I was hoping he would spend the day at home. I mean he literally walked
in and already he’s going out again
I cleared the table and took the dishes inside, then went to our room.
I walked in, just as he was walking out
Me; hey
Him; Hi
Me; I hear you’re going out
Him; yaah. Ahmm I just thought I would take Olwetho ice skating
Me; I see
Him; is there anything else? I was just on my way out
Me; Siya I
He cut me off
Him; I should go. I don’t want to keep Olwetho waiting
He kissed me on the cheek, and then walked out. I just stood there not knowing what to think.
Siya wasn’t being his normal self, and I didn’t know what to do when he’s so distant. I didn’t know
whether to leave him alone, or keep trying to speak to him about it.
I stayed in my room, for the rest of the day. I kind of felt like such an idiot.
Here I was all excited that my husband was coming home. Meanwhile he couldn't take 10min out of
his time, just to have a conversation with me.
I sat on my bed and tried to think what might be the problem. I must've fallen asleep, because when I
woke up, Siya had just come in.
Him; sorry. I didn't mean to wake you
Me: you didn't
Him: you skipped lunch
Me: I must've dozed off. I didn’t realise you guys were back
Him: are u ok
Me: I should be the one asking you that
Him: Rifiloe, I've told you. I'm fine
Me: Siya, I'm not stupid
Him: I didn’t say you were
Me; what’s going on?
Him; Nothing
Me; Siya
Him; Rifiloe
Me; talk to me
Him; for the love of God Rifiloe, WILL YOU JUST DROP IT
I shifted a bit because I didn't expect him to snap at me like that for no reason
Him: I'm sorry. I'm just. Never mind.
Me: Siya
Him: I've got to go. Jess and I have a debrief with the Lieutenant
Siya got up and left our room. Leaving me again wondering what the hell was going on. I hadn’t seen
Jessica when they arrived. I wondered why she was still here.
I got out of bed and freshened up, then went upstairs to make myself something to eat in the kitchen
I made myself a sandwich, then went back to my room to watch a movie
I looked around for Boni, but she was nowhere to be found, so I figured her and Hlokes were
catching up. Which is what I thought Siya and no would be doing. Instead, he just kept snapping at
me and giving me the cold shoulder. Which I didn’t quite understand why. The last time I checked we
were ok, but now I wasn’t so sure. Something was up, and I wanted to get to the bottom of it
I decided to let it go for now, and maybe speak to him about whatever was bothering him tonight.
I watched a movie, then Olwetho came and we watched another one together.
By the time we were finished it was already 6pm and Siya was still locked up in his office
Deep down I was starting to get annoyed with him, but I decided to let it go, since I was trying to
"grow up" as Siya puts it.
I took Olwetho to his room to take a bath because he looked like he was about to fall asleep, then
we came down to have dinner.
I found Siya and Jessica seated at the table. Jessica was sitting in my seat, next to Siya.
I greeted them and expected her to move, but she didn't and Siya didn't say anything. So I decided
to rather sit down and keep my mouth shut.
I dished up for myself and Olwetho, because Siya and Jessica had already started eating.
Olwetho had finished eating, while I played around with my food
Siya was so busy talking to Jessica, I don't think he even noticed that there were other people at the
I was about to get up and go put Olwetho to bed, when Hlokes and Boni walked in looking all lovely
Them: hey guys
Me: Hi
I stood up and gave Hlokes a hug
Him: you good
Me: yah
Him: you must be glad to have Ghost back
I just nodded and smiled. Boni dished up for her and Hlokes. Then sat down next to me. She leaned
a bit
Her: you ok
Me: yah, I'm good
Her: you sure
Me: yes
Her: so are you coming out with us tonight
Me; out?
Her: Hlokes said we were going out. I assumed you and Siya were coming
Me: I wasn’t aware of any plans for tonight. I was actually hoping to spend time with Siya. We
haven’t really spoken since he got back
Her: maybe he’s just trying to readjust to being home
Me; maybe
Her; you sue you’re ok
Me; I’m fine. You should enjoy having your man back and stop worrying about me.
I stood up and went to tuck Olwetho in, then went to take a shower.
I wanted to put on the lingerie on that I picked out last night.
I stepped out the shower, and moisturizer every inch of my body, then put on my lingerie and a gown
over it
I sat in our room waiting and waiting but there was no Siya.
I went upstairs to go look for him but the place looked deserted. There were only a few guards
around, but the rest of the team was out.
I went back to my room feeling defeated. I changed out the lingerie and put on my PJ's and tried
getting some sleep. But for the life of me, sleep wouldn't come. I was now at a point of absolute
rage. Siya had gotten back this morning after being away for 2 weeks, and he decided to go out
clubbing, and didn’t even have the decency to discuss it with me.
I don't think I had ever felt so unvalued like I did at this moment. It felt like somehow I was losing
Siya. His coldness towards me kind of scared me a bit. I just didn't understand what was going on,
because Siya seemed ok, with his team, but when it comes to me, not so much.
I tried not to jump to conclusions but it felt like Siya didn't love me anymore. I quickly erased that
thought from my mind.
I knew for a fact that Siya loved me. but for some reason my gut was telling me something wasn’t
I tried so hard to fall asleep but sleep truly wasn't on my side. It just refused to cooperate
Siya arrived while I was watching some tv. When I looked at the time it was already 2am
For someone who supposedly went clubbing, he didn’t even smell like alcohol. Instead he looked as
sober as a judge
He didn't say anything. He just went to shower then got into bed as though everything was ok.
Me: Siya,
Him: mhmm
Me: can we talk
Him: can it wait till tomorrow?
Me: not really
Him: Rifiloe, please. I'm exhausted. Jet lag is killing Me
Me; but that didn't stop you from going out
Him; so I have to report to you now
Me; I didn't say that. I was saying
Him: (sigh) Rifiloe, can we just go to sleep
Me; why are you doing this
Him: doing what
ME: are you serious vele
I got out of bed and went to his side of the bed, because he just wouldn't face me
Me: Siya, you need to tell me what the hell is going on. My mind is running wild with me
Him; I have no idea what you’re talking about
Me; don’t undermine my intelligence. I’m not fucking stupid.
Him; Rifiloe. Please
Me; Siya I swear to God if you don’t tell me what the hell is going on I’m going to fucking go insane
Him; There’s nothing going on. It’s all in your mind. Can we just go to sleep? Please
I looked at Siya and he couldn’t even look me in the eyes
Me; Siya, im going to ask you one last time. What is going on?
Him; and for the last time. Nothing.
I got back into bed, with tears in my eyes. For the first ever Siya, slept on his side of the bed and
didn’t cuddle me. I know he was next to me, but our bed felt as cold as ever. I went from being angry
to just plain old sad. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I know Siya is hiding something from me, I just
hoped whatever it was wouldn’t tear us apart more than we already seem to be.

I woke up the following morning and Siya wasn’t in bed. I made the bed and opened the windows,
then went to have bath.
Christmas and my birthday were a few days away and I still hadn’t gotten a gift for Siya. I wanted to
go to the mall but dreaded speaking to Siya about it, because i know he would probrably say no
I got out the bath and got dressed. I wasn’t really in the mood to get all dressed up, so I just stuck to
my jean dungaree, with a white top underneath and my white all stars.
When I got upstairs everyone was still having breakfast. Jessica was sitting next to Siya again, and
they were all chatting like everything was hunky dory
I decided to rather skip breakfast and go pack my bags. I needed to maybe go home and just give
Siya space.
This was supposed to be our first Christmas together, but the way I see it, its going to be with him
and his team. So I would rather spend Christmas with my aunt, and go visit my mother and fathers
Maybe by the time I came back Siya would be out of his mood, and ready to discuss things.
I packed the few things I would need over the festive season, and decided to call my aunt
Her; Fifi
Me; Rakgadi
Her; Rifiloe. What’s wrong? You sound down
Me; im coming home.
Her; what happened
Me; ill speak to you when I get there
Her; come home nana. Ill be waiting for you
Me; thank you Rakgadi.
Her; bye bye
Me; bye.
I put the phone down and went to Siya’s office to fetch my laptop. I wanted to book a flight, instead
of using the Jet
When I got to the office, I found Siya there working with Jess.
Me; Morning
Him; Morning,
Jessica, just looked at me and smiled, but didn’t greet me back. Its funny how I felt like I was
intruding in my own house.
Me; I came to fetch my laptop. I think Nails had it last
Siya opened his draw and gave me the laptop. I noticed when he gave me my laptop that he had put
his ring back on.
I walked out and went to check on Olwetho. I found him in the kitchen with Mam Martha.
I gave him a kiss, then went back to my room to book my flight. I booked a connecting flight from
Cuba to the US, then to SA. all I needed now was my passport
I looked everywhere for my passport, but couldn’t find it. Then I remembered that it was in the safe. I
just knew that this was going to be a fight.
I went back to the office, and went straight to the safe. I could feel Siya’s eyes piercing my back, but
I didn’t really care anymore.
I wasn’t mad at him, but at the same time, I dint want to feel like I was a thorn in his back.
I took my passport and my house keys for my house. Just in case I needed them, then locked the
safe again
When I turned around, Siya was standing behind me. I seriously got a fright, because I didn’t hear
him standing up.
Him; where are you going
I looked at him, and saw something in his eyes that I had never seen before. He wasn’t angry, but
instead looked a bit panicked.
He looked at Jessica
Him; Jess. I need a moment
Her; Siya I'm in the middle of something
Him; don’t make me repeat myself
They both stared at each other, as if they were having an unspoken conversation. Then Jess stood
up and went to the second office
Him; I asked you a question
Me; I’m going home for a few weeks.
Him; home where? This is your home
Me; QwaQwa
Him; and you didn’t think you needed to discuss this with me first
Me; Siya, I was just trying to give you some space. I’ll be back in the New Year
Him; Rifiloe. You’re not going anywhere
I took a deep breath in and out. And counted to 10 in my head. I didn’t want to fight with him. I really
didn’t but I felt like my anger was going to take over
Me; baby. I can see that something is bothering you. Now I know you don’t want to tell me what it is,
and I’m trying to understand that. I really am, but I won’t be made to feel like I don’t exist. Its not how
you and I operate.
Him; so instead you are running away
Me; Siya. I’m not leaving for good. I just need to breathe a bit. Is that such a bad thing
Him; you’re not going anywhere
Me; Si
I dint get to finish my sentence, because Jessica walked in
Her; Siya. The lieutenant is on the line for you
At that moment again, I prayed he would just tell her that he would phone back. But instead he
walked to the second office and closed the door behind him.
I let out a sigh because, I really wasn’t looking to fight. I went back to my room and bumped in to
Him; hey stranger
Me; Hi you
Him; you good?
Me; I’m good thanks. And you
Him; I’m fine
Me; where’s Boni ?
Him; she’s in our room.
Me; I’m sure she’s glad your back
Him; I hope so
Me; I should get going
Him; where are you off to
Me; Home
Him; as in qwaqwa
Me; yes. Just for the festive season. Ill be back in Jan
Him; does Ghost know
Me; I just told him
Him; is everything ok?
Me; everything’s fine. Go enjoy the time you have with Boni. I’ll see you guys when I get back.
I put on my most convincing smile, and gave him a hug.
Him; travel safe
Me; thanks H
I walked back to my room and took my bag, and was about to walk out as Siya walked in.
He looked at my bag and shook his head.
Him; Rifiloe, why don’t you listen mara ye
Me; Siya. I’m your wife, not your child. I thought about what you said. But I DECIDED I still wanted to
go back home
Siya walked towards me and took my hand out my hand and placed it in the closet
Him; you can’t leave. We’re hosting a Christmas party to celebrate the success of the mission. The
lieutenant and some of the ministers are attending. I need you here
Bathong. This man is honesty the worst communicator in the world. Here he was planning a party at
“our’’ supposed home and he tells me the day before.
Now I was pissed off. Siya was seriously getting on my last nerve.
Me; Siya you are seriously annoying the shit out of me. What have I done to you, for you to treat me
like this?
Him; I’m not doing this
Me; so instead you’re walking away
Him; I just need you to listen to me
Me; Siya. You can’t put me in a box and expect me to act however you want me to act. I’m not one
of those woman who just listens to whatever her husband says. I have feelings Siya. Feelings you
don’t seem to care about lately. So because I care about MY feelings I decided I needed to go
home, and now you tell me I can’t do that, because of some stupid party. What happened to you
discussing things with me? To you being honest with me.
Him; (sigh) baby. I’m sorry. I really am
Me; what are you talking about
Him; I didn’t mean for it to happen. I swear
Me; what did you do
Siya. Looked at me and had tears in his eyes
Me; Siya you’re scaring me
Him; promise me you won’t leave. Please Rifiloe. I can’t lose you. Not because of this. I just can’t
I walked closer to him and put my arms around him
Me; Siya I’m your wife. I love you regardless of how annoying you can be. Just tell me what’s going
Him; I slept with Jessica
I removed my hands away from Siya’s waist, and took a step back.
There was no way Siya did this. He wouldn’t betray me like this. Never. He knows what I went
through with Hlokes leaving me for another woman. He wouldn’t make me go through this again.
Siya and I have both been through a lot in the short space of time that we’ve been together. And through
it all I always. Always had faith that we would maybe somehow find our way back to each other. And by
the mercy of God we always did.
Despite it all I forgave. I loved. I cried but never had I stopped loving him. Not even when he laid a hand
on me. Never.
I looked at him and didn’t know what to say. All I could picture was him touching her. Kissing her and
making love to her like he did with me.
My chest started tightening. My hands started shacking. Siya stepped closer, but I took a step back. I
didn’t want him touching me.
Him; Rifiloe. Im so Sorry. It isn’t what you think. I didn’t have a choice.
Me; stop talking
Him; baby plea
Me; Siya just shut the fuck up. Okay. Just shut up
Siya kept quiet and looked at me. I had so many questions but none of them came out.
Me; I need you to tell me everything
Him; Rifiloe. I
Me; I don’t want to hear how sorry you are. Or how much of a mistake it was. I want you to tell me the
truth nothing else
Him; Rifiloe. Some things I can’t say, this
Me; I don’t care about how flipping confidential it is. Siya I am your wife. You just told me that you slept
with Jessica and you expect me to be okay with that
Siya was about to respond, but then someone knocked on the door. Siya didn’t dare move. He kept his
eyes fixed on mine.
I just knew it was Jessica
I walked towards the door and opened the door. Jessica was standing there with a smile on her face.
I swear it took everything in me not to smack the shit out of her
Her; I need to speak to Siya
I didn’t say anything. I just slammed the door in her face. Then locked it
Him; Rifiloe. It might be important
Me; more important than us?
Him; (sigh) Rifiloe, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I really didn’t. It all just happened.
Me; I’m waiting for an explanation
Him; Rifiloe. Baby. Please. I can’t
Me; Then you and I have nothing more to say to each other.
I went to the closet to get my already packed bag and tried walking out, but he held onto my hand. I
could see nothing in his eyes but fear. I saw a tear escape, and he wiped it away with his other hand
Me; Let go
Him; Rifiloe. Please. I’m begging you. Don’t leave
Me; let go Siya
Him; I’ll tell you everything
Me; I’m listening
Him; please can we sit
Me; I’m fine where I am
Him; Rifiloe, please
I pulled my hand out of his and went to sit on the bed. Siya sat next to me
Him; the night of the mission, I met with the guy I had been trying to get to for my entire career. I
introduced Jess as my girlfriend, because there was no other way to explain her presence.
He asked us to meet at a strip club. Which I agreed to. I initially thought we would just meet at the club
and get straight to business. But instead he asked that we discuss business at his house.
Me; so?
Him; I wasn’t aware of the prostitution ring he ran.
Me; and then?
Him; He insisted I “test drive’’ one of the girls. It was just his way of making sure I was legit.
Me; and then
Him; baby please
Me; Siya
Him; I ended up having a 3 sum with that girl and Jessica
I swear I could literally feel my heart breaking into pieces. I closed my eyes and tried to control the
Him; Rifiloe. I swear I used protection. I only actually penetrated the other girl and not Jessica. I just
kissed her. That was all. I swear on my life
I couldn’t talk. I know I wanted to know the truth. But right now the truth was just too much to bear.
Why would Siya betray me like this? Why couldn’t he just have said no? I would rather have had him
lying in a coffin as the faithful man I fell in love with, than to have him standing here looking like Judas
Him; say something
Me; you said you slept with Jess, and now you’re saying you didn’t penetrate her. Which one is it?
Him; Rifiloe
Him; when we came home from the club, after the mission was complete. We had a couple of drinks and
one thing led to another.
When Siya told me he slept with Jessica willingly. Was honestly the last straw. I might’ve been able to
forgive him for what happened on the mission with time. But what he did with Jessica had nothing to do
with his mission. He did that willingly, and there was no way I was going to forgive him for it, and to
make matters worse, he was parading her here. In our home
Him; Rifiloe. I regret it so badly. I don’t know what I was thinking
Me; *****silence****
Him; baby, I swear. It won’t happen again. I just need you to forgive me. Please
Me;****** silence*****
Him; Rifiloe please say something. Please
Me; what is it about her
Him; Rif
Me; no Siya. I want to know what it is that she has, that would make you want to hurt me so badly.
Him; (silence)
Me; Tell me Siya. Tell me what it is that she has. That made you destroy everything we had.
Him; Rifiloe. I wasn’t like that. I was drunk. We were talking about the mission, it just felt easy to talk to
her because she was in the same industry. I’m sorry
Me; you’re not Siya. You’re not sorry. YOU DID THIS. No one held a gun to your head. You willingly slept
with her
Him; baby please. I’m begging you. I’ll do anything.
Me; there’s no need. You broke us. No amount of begging or pleading will change that. (Sniff) you’ve
broken us Siya. There’s nothing left to repair. NOTHING
Him; Rifiloe. Please baby I’m sorry. It didn’t mean anything. It was me being a fool. Please. I’ll do
anything. You name it I’ll do it. Rifiloe I can’t lose you... Not again. Please
Him; Rifi
Me; Siya. I need you to understand that this is it. You and I are over. We’re done (sniff) there’s nothing
you can do about it
Him; Rifiloe. I won’t let you do this. We can make this work. We need to make it work
Me; Siya. go be with Jessica. She understands you doesn’t she?
She gets how this while OPS thing works. Me on the other hand I wanted Siya and not Ghost. But you
weren’t willing to give all of that up. Because you wanted to have your cake and eat it. And me being the
biggest idiot on the planet gave up everything. My entire life. I left it behind for you and now here I am
with nothing but a broken heart.
Him; I’m sorry
I took a breath, and looked at my watch. I still had time to make it to the airport and get out of here.
I wiped my tears and got up. I never thought in a million years, that I would be leaving Cuba in tears
because of Siya...
I went to the closet and took my bag. Siya stood up
Him; Rifiloe. You can’t be serious
Me; move Siya
Him; I won’t. God dammit I refuse. You’re not leaving me
I tried moving to the left, but Siya blocked my way
Him; baby please. Tell me what I can do
Me; Siya move
Him; never
Me; you can’t keep me here against my will
Him; Rifiloe we both know I can
Me; so you’re threatening me?
Him; no. Of course not
Me; Then move
Siya didn’t move. He just stood there staring at me with tears in his eyes.
Me; move
Him; you’re not going anywhere
The look in Siya’s eyes gave me chills down my spine. I thought leaving would be easy, but Siya standing
in front of me made me kind of scared me.

I stood in front of Siya with such anger. I don’t understand why he wouldn’t just let me be.
Me; Siya move
Him; No
Me; please
Him; I’m not losing you over this. It was stupid. It didn’t mean anything
Me; but you still did it Siya. You slept with her. You had your hands on her body. You shared
yourself with her. What part of that don’t you understand?
Him; baby
Me; we’re done here. Now move
Him; I’m not letting you go
This going back and forth was driving me insane. All I want is to go to my home and breathe
Someone knocked on the door. Siya turned around and went to open it
Hlokes; ahhm Sorry to disturb
Siya; what’s up
Hlokes; what do you mean what’s up dude. We have officials arriving in in a couple of hours, and
you haven’t confirmed the security details.
Siya; I need you to handle it
Hlokes; Ghost
Siya; get out
Hlokes; mxm
Hlokes left and Siya stood facing me again
Him; baby I need you. Please
Me; Yho. Siya you are draining me. I really don’t want to fight with you. I’m going to miss my flight.
Just move
Him; I’ve already asked Nails to cancel it.
Me; (sigh) Siya
Him; Rifiloe. All I ask is that you try. Just try making this work.
Me; There is nothing to make work Siya. Don’t you get that?
Him; Just give me till the end of the week. That’s all I ask. Let me show you how sorry I am
Me; Si
Him; baby please. If you decide you still want out. I’ll let you go
I put my bag down because clearly I want going anywhere. It’s not like I could tackle him. Siya was
nearly twice my size.
I went to the kitchen and got myself a bottle of water. I just needed to get away from Siya. His
constant pleading, and begging was starting to get on my nerves.
He sleeps with that bitch, and expects me just to pretend to be okay with it. I started feeling a bit
dizzy since I hadn’t eaten all day, and it was already after 2pm
I let out a sigh and thought about what was happening. I couldn’t really believe that Siya had done
what he did. Why would he do this to us. Was I such a bad wife, that I led my husband into another
woman’s bed?
As I turned around I saw Jessica standing behind me
Her; Hi
I looked at her and smiled. This bitch was either insane or plane old dumb. Why the hell made her
think she could even talk to me after what she did
Her; I’m guessing by that look in your eyes, you know about Siya and me
Me; have you no shame? Walking around here after what you did
Her; I didn’t do anything. I just made sure you’re man was happy. You should actually be thanking
Me; (chuckles) you’re right. THANK YOU Jessica. For opening my eyes to who I was married to.
And now since you want him so badly. You can have him
Her; you really are dumber than you pretend to be. I don’t want that low life thing of yours. All I did
was pay a favour to an old friend.
Me; what are you talking about
Her; lets just say that Linda says Hi
I looked at Jessica dumbfounded. Did she really just say what I think she said?
Me; so this was all Linda’s doing
Her; I won’t lie and say I didn’t enjoy it because I honestly did. Now I understand why she can’t let go
of him. He’s really good in bed. Especially when he does that thing with his tongue. It drove me
I couldn’t believe the shit that was coming out of this Bitches mouth. She was trying to get to me and
she knew just how to do so.
I honestly have no idea where Boni came out from, but all I saw was Boni jumping Jessica from
behind. I’m not one for violence but in this case I was so pissed off, I was tempted to participate. But
unfortunately for me Hlokes and Siya heard the commotion and came running. Luckily Boni had
already gotten in a few punches.
I giggled a bit but moved to help Hlokes get her off of Jessica. Personally I was 100% sure if Jessica
had seen Boni coming, she would’ve beat her to a pulp. Because of all the training. But because
Boni came from behind. She wasn’t ready.
Hlokes and I managed to pull Boni off of Jessica. While Siya just stood there watching. He didn’t
dare help Jessica.
Jess; you Pshyco bitch. What the fuck is your problem
Boni; you are you condescending whore. What kind of a woman boasts about sleeping with another
woman’s husband?
Hlokes; both of you shut up
Boni; If Rifiloe won’t stand up for herself, I sure as hell will. This whore has gone too far
Me; Boni. Its fine. Just forget about this
Boni; how Rifiloe. This bitch slept with your husband just to break you guys up. You should be
beating the shit out of her
I looked at Boni and actually laughed. Like I literally laughed my head off. This chick was crazy. Who
attacks someone like this from behind, but I could tell that Hlokes was unimpressed. Jessica, on the
other hand had her hand up against the back of her head. I’m guessing Boni must’ve really hit he her
I looked over at Siya and he looked beyond embarrassed. I wish I could say I was sorry for what
Boni did, but I would be lying. Siya had bought shame to our marriage, and now everyone knew
about it. To make matters worse it was all because of that Linda Bitch. All I needed now was alcohol,
and my crazy house guest
Boni; Hlokes let go of me
Him; go to our room
Me; or better yet, let’s go get drunk
Hlokes shook his head at both of us. I could see he wanted to laugh, but didn’t because of Siya.
He let go of Boni’s hand and we left all 3 of them in the kitchen and went to the bar
Me; you’re crazy you know
Her; I couldn’t just stand there and let her talk to you like that. I guess I’m just ghetto like that
Me; I love you for it
Her; I’d do it any day. But for now. Let’s just drink
Me; hell yah
We sat at the bar drinking siders, and talking. I was so grateful for Boniswa. She just managed to
lighten up my mood like no other.
Her; we should go out tonight
Me; we both know Siya wouldn’t allow it
Her; Rifiloe you really are so cute and innocent. Let me tell you something, and you need to listen to
me carefully
Me; I need another drink first
I took out another Smirnoff storm pine twist from the fridge, and sat down
Her; Siya is the one that messed up not you. Which means he owes you. BIG TIME
Me; but how does one get over that
Her; that’s your departments. You can deal with that in your own time. But for now you have him
right where you want him. He is all putty in your hands. You should take advantage of that while you
still can
Me; (sigh) I don’t know Boni
Him; Think about it
Me; I will. But I’m definitely going out
Her; cheers
We sat at the bar drinking. Which wasn’t such a good thing, since I hadn’t eaten anything.
I saw Siya coming up the stairs and I immediately felt heavy
Him; ladies
Boni; Ill go check on Hlokes
Boniswa took her drink and walked down.
Him; we need to talk
Me; not today we don’t
Him; Rifiloe, I’m sorry. I really am
Me; (sigh) sorry isn’t going to change anything.
Him; tell me what I can do to make things right. Just don’t tell me I have to let you go
Me; There’s nothing you can do
Him; Ill leave the task force. Just tell me you’ll stay with me. And Ill leave.
In that moment, I really wanted to believe Siya. He looked so sincere. But I knew that no matter what
he did, I wouldn’t be able to truly ever forgive him. I had fought Linda tooth and nail, because i
believed Siya loved me as much as i loved him. but obviously if he was willing to throw that all away
for a night with Jessica, then i was the idiot if i chose to stay
It just all goes to show that Linda wanted Siya back, and she was willing to do anything to get it. i just
wasnt sure i was willing to fight anymore. I was finally at the stage where i didn't want to fight,
because Siya hadnt fought to keep the vows he made. Instead he had hurt me beyond words, and
all I wanted to do for now was get drunk and just enjoy the Cuban night life.

I looked at the man standing in front of me, and couldn’t believe what had become of our marriage.
Despite me loving him, I had now lost all respect for him. How am I expected to just move on as
though nothing has happened?
Siya had laterally ripped out my heart from my chest and now he was telling me to forgive him. Well
that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. I am tired of letting Siya, do as he pleases.
All I care about now is trying to find myself in this sea of unhappiness that he left me in.
Me; before I forget. Boniswa and I are going out tonight. Please make sure the security team is
ready by 9pm
Him; Rif
Me; it’s not up for discussion. The days of you dictating where I go are over.
Him; (sigh) Rifiloe, I’m still your husband
Me; not for long
Him; what’s that supposed to mean.
Me; it means you need to get the hell out of my way. And let me be
Him; how long exactly are you planning on doing this to me
Me; not everything is about you Siya. For once, just stop thinking about you and what you want. And
think about what I might be going through.
Him; baby I’m sorry
Me; not as sorry as am
Ever since I had been with Siya, I had never seen him look so lost. The spark in his eye had
vanished and all that was left was a gloomy look
Him; (sigh) I’ll get the security team ready
Me; good… Oh and one more thing. Make sure that bitch is out my house by the time I get back
Him; but Rifiloe, She needs to be here for the Christmas function, how will I explain her absence to
the lieutenant
Me; Siya, if I even smell her scent when I come back. I swear I will embarrass you in front of all your
stupid associates. Don’t try me Siya. Today is not the day.
Him; but baby
Me; are you fucking serious? You expect me to stay here while she’s also here Siya?
Him; baby, it’s just for a few days, after that you’ll never see her again
Me; wow. You really are selfish. How would you feel if I had slept with someone, and I paraded him
all around the house? Siya, you just don’t get what you’ve done do you
Him; baby I do, it’s just
Me; no you don’t. You’re supposed to be my protector. You’re supposed to ensure no harm comes
to me, you made vows Siya. To honour me and yet you’re the first one to put a knife through my
heart. And now you just keep twisting it
Him; Rifiloe
Me; Stop with the Rifiloe bullshit. It’s not going to work. Now leave me alone and make sure that
whore leaves.
I walked out the bar annoyed as hell. I don’t understand how he expects me to be ok with having
Jessica here while I’m here. It just goes to show how selfish he can be.
I went straight to my room. I needed a bit of a breather. I looked at myself in the mirror and I saw
someone I didn’t know. My eyes were red from crying, my lips dry from me licking them, so all in all I
looked like a ghost.
I took my handbag and went to Boni’s room, and found her watching movies
Me; I was thinking we should go to the salon. I need to get my nails done, and maybe a new
Her; wha do you wanna do with your hair
Me; I haven’t had weave done in ages. Maybe it’s time
Her; let me grab my bag.
Me; I’ll be upstairs. I need to get money from the safe
Her; don’t worry about it. It’s on me.
Me; don’t be silly
Her; Hlokes has just given me some money and I don’t really know what to do with it. What better
way than to get ourselves pampered?
Me; fine. Next time its on me
Her; deal.
Boni took her bag and I went to check on Olwetho. I hadn’t seen him since earlier that day because
of all of the shit that happened.
I found him in his room. He had fallen asleep during his movie. I put a light blanket over him, and
paused his move. Then gave him a kiss on the cheek, then went to Siya’s office.
I needed to speak to nails about driving us to the mall. I found Siya in his office, but Nails was
nowhere to be found
Me; is nails around
Him; He’s taken Jess to airport
Me; I need one of your guys to take me into town. I need to get my hair and nails done
Him; they’re all a bit busy at the moment. Everyone is preparing for tomorrow evening
Me; so can I drive myself
Him; you know that’s not an option
Me; so what do you suggest I do
Him; nothing. You’re beautiful just as you are
Me; if that were true, you wouldn’t have done what you did
Him; that’s not true
Me; doesn’t matter. It’s done. Now can you just make a plan please?
Him; I’ll get Bullet to go with you
Me; we’ll wait for him in the parking
Him; cool
I went downstairs and Boni and I went to the basement parking to wait for Hlokes.
He arrived and took us to the mall.
When we arrived Boni and I went to get our hair done. For some miracle I let the lady convince me
to get a full head instead of clipins.
We did our nails, then left to go home.
When I got home I took a quick shower and went to join everyone else for dinner.
By the time I got there the only seat available was next to Siya. I took a deep breath and sat down.
Siya brushed his hand over my thigh because I was wearing shorts. I immediately froze. I hadn’t
expected him to do that.
He looked at me and I looked away. I looked at everyone at the table and they all seemed oblivious
to what was happening.
Siya leaned in to whisper in my ear
Him; you look beautiful
I looked at him and wanted to say thank you, but instead I just looked away. And dished up for
I made sure I finished my dinner, because I planned on drinking my eyes out tonight
After dinner, Bonie and I went to get ready. I really felt like annoying Siya, so I wore my black leather
shorts with my open toe thig high boots, and a white top.
I put on my makeup and did a quick 360 in the mirror. And I must admit I looked hot.
Siya walked in as I was looking at myself in the mirror
The look on his face told me he was unpleased.
Him; please tell me you plan on changing
Me; not a chance
Him; baby, you can’t possibly expect me to be ok with you going out looking like this
Me; I could care less about what you want.
Him; Rifiloe, come on. Be fair
I just shook my head, and took my hand bag and left him there.
When I got to Boni’s room she was just walking out.
Her; you look hot. I’m sure Siya is going mad
Me; we better get out of here before he tries to keep me here
Her; let’s get out of here
We went to the basement parking, and found nails and some of the other guards already waiting for
We got in an nails drove us to the club. I let out such a sigh of relief when I realised that Siya hadn’t
done anything to try and ruin my night
When we arrived at the club it was already popping. The Cuban moonlight was out and people were
on the dance floor.
Nails led us to a table at the VIP lounge and we settled in.
Boni immediately ordered cocktails and we started drinking. Which is just what I needed
A couple of cocktails down the line and I started feeling numb, which was the best feeling in the
world. At this point I had forgotten all about Siya and his shit, and I was actually enjoying myself
I noticed one of the guys at a nearby table kept looking my way but I payed no attention to him,
because I knew the guards were watching us like hawks.
The more cocktails we had, the more we danced and the more this cuban hunk kept looking over
Eventually he decided to approach our table. I saw Nails immediately tense.
I gave him a don’t you dare move look, and carried talking to Boni.
When he arrived he greeted us and asked if he could take a seat. I looked over at Boni and she
looked unsure, but I thought what the hell, it’s not like I would sleep with him. So I told him it’s cool.
He sat next to me and introduced himself as Luis. He asked if we minded if his friends came to join
I looked over at his table and saw 3 of his friends waving at us. I waved back and told Luis it was fine
for his friends to join us.
Him; so what’s with all the Guards
Me; my husband’s crazy
Him; clearly otherwise why would he let you out his sight looking as beautiful as you do
I just smiled at him, and stood up to greet his friend.
I must say Cuban men are gorgeous. Luis as really light in completion, but also tanned. He had
hazel green eyes, and pink juicy lips.
I looked over and Boni, and she signaled for us to go to the ladies.
We excused ourselves and let them order more drinks.
Boni; Siya is going to kill us
Me; what did we do wrong?
Her; Rifiloe, I know what you’re trying to do, but believe me it’s not going to work. It’s only going to
make things worse.
Me; Right now I don’t really care. Siya can go jump
Her; you don’t mean that
Me; Boni don’t be a party pooper. I need you to be my wing woman and make sure I don’t do
anything to drastic
Her; I smell trouble
Me; I smell a good night
I pulled Boni out the ladies and we walked back to our table. I sat next to Luis and Boni sat next to
one of his friends.
Luis and I chatted for so long it felt like I had known him for decades. He told me about his family
and I told him all about South Africa.
I was surprised at he well he spoke English, but then he explained that he actually lives in Miami, but
is originally from Cuba
Him; so how long have you been married
Me; not even a year
Him; So where your husband
Me; Home
Him; trouble in paradise?
Me; more like shit storm in paradise
Him; want an escape route
Me; (sigh) I might take you up on that offer
Him; take my number
I took out my cell phone, and took down his number, then called it so he could have mine.
Him; would I be overstepping it if I asked you to dance
Me; not at all
I gave Boni my bag and took Luis’s hand. Boni smiled, and just shook her head at me.
My word Cuban men can move. Luis just guided me through the salsa dancing until our feet started
to hurt. Boni on the other hand was playing cards with the guys at the table and by the looks of it she
was winning.
Luis took my hand and we went back to the table and chilled with everyone else.
It felt strange having my hand in another mans but at this point I was way beyond caring. All I felt
was numb, and I was enjoying Luis Company.
After about 3am, Boni and I were ready to leave. Luis and his friends decided to walk us out.
When I got to the car, Luis gave me a hug. It was a bit intense, and gave me little butterflies in my
I broke the hug and moved back a bit because Luis was standing really close.
He didn’t say anything, he just stared into my eyes
Him; Let me know if you still need an escape route
Me; (chuckles) I wish it was as easy as that
Him; I can make you forget all about him
Me; It’s tempting, but things are too complicated right now
Him; In that case, I’ll be a gentleman and bid you good night
Me; thank you
Him; but if you need a friend. You’ve got my number
Me; thanks.
He gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked back into the club. I took a deep breath and wondered if
I had made a mistake by basically telling him I wasn’t interested. Maybe he would be the one to
bring some light in this dark boring thing that i call a life. but at the same time i knew that what i feel
for Siya was more than just feelings. he was a part of me, but at the same time he felt like a cancer
that was eating away at my heart.
I opened the car door, and expected to find Boni sitting in the seat next to me, but instead found Siya
sitting there looking like a lion ready pounce.
I closed the door and looked over at Siya. I could tell he was boiling, but I didn’t really care.
His eyes were bloodshot red, and I could smell alcohol from his breath.
I put on my seatbelt and took out my phone. I wasn’t planning on talking to him, so I didn’t want to
bother myself with his moods. Instead I was going t rather chat to Boni on whatsaap
Him; so you are just going to sit there and not say anything
I rolled my eyes, and carried on talking to Boni
Him; so now you don’t have anything to say
Me; Siya, I’ve just had a really good night. I’m drunk as hell and my feet are killing me. The last thing
I need is to have you yapping in my ear
Him; Rifiloe, how could you let him hold you like that. ye. You’re my wife Rifiloe. My fucking wife, and
now you’re letting another man touch you like that. What the fuck is wrong with
Me; ****** silence*****
Him; Rifiloe, I’m talking to you
I just ignored Siya and carried on chatting with Boni.
Him; I swear, Ill throw that fucking phone out the window.
I looked at Siya and giggled. He looked so angry but at the same time I could actually care less.
I took gum out of my handbag and started chewing on it in a loud way. I wasn’t going to answer Siya.
He had decided to do what he wanted to do and now I was also doing what I wanted to do.
As I was still chatting to Boni, Luis called. I’ll be honest and say my heart got stuck in my throat.
His timing wasn’t exactly appropriate, but I decided to answer anyway.
Me; Hi
Him; Hi… I’m just calling to make sure you got home ok
Me; I’m not home yet. But I should be there soon
Him; I can’t stop thinking about you
Me; that’s not exactly a good thing
Him; meet me for lunch tomorrow
Me; I’m not sure that’s such a good Idea
I looked over at Siya, and saw sweat was starting to roll down his face.
Him; come on, I’ll show you what CUBA really has to offer
Me; I’ll think about it
Him; well at least it’s not a no
Me; (chuckles) Bye Luis
Him; bye
I didn’t dare look over at Siya, and deep down I was glad I was ruffling up his feathers.
When the car slowed down Siya got out and slammed the door. I took my clutch and stepped out.
I immediately stilled because we weren’t at home. Instead we stood in front of a house I didn’t
I didn’t know whether to go inside or wait. So instead I went back to the car. Nails looked at me in his
Me; please take me home
Him; I’m sorry mam.
Me; then take me back to the club
Him; you know I can’t do that
Me; mxm
I opened the door and went inside. The house wasn’t as grand as HQ but it was a lovely family
home. I just wondered who owned it.
I found Siya sitting in the lounge with a bottle of Hennessy next to him.
Him; sit down
Me; Siya, what are we doing here
Him; sit down
Me; Siya, I’m tired. Can we just go home please?
Him; Rifiloe, are you really trying to piss me off?
Me; Siya, right now all I care about is taking off these damn boots. Whether you’re pissed or not, is
not my concern
Siya took a gulp of the Hennessy. Mxm ,. His stupid scare tactics were annoying me.
I sat down opposite him, and took off my boots.
Him; Rifiloe, Im trying to talk to you
Me; and I’ve told you I’m not interested Siya. What more do you want me to say
Him; Tell me you forgive me
Me; I don’t
Him; So instead you want to go and fuck that Luis boy
Me; that’s not a bad idea. I’m sure he must be very good kisser, judging from his Lips
I have no idea what I was thinking, saying this shit to Siya, since I know what a bad temper he has
Siya stood up and came towards me.
Him; I know what you’re trying to do, and believe me its working. Believe me I get the point Oka.
Now can you stop with this charade of yours? Because I’m about to lose my fucking temper.
Me; you really think I care? Go ahead Siya. throw one of your tantrums. Hopefully it will make you
better, and I’ll be able to get some sleep
Him; Rifiloe, what more do you want from me? I’ve said I’m sorry. What else can I do for you to
forgive me?
Me; you can get your lawyer to get our divorce papers drafted, and then you leave me the hell alone
Him; you don’t mean that
Me; I do. I really do. I want out Siya.
Him; Never
Me; in that case you can sit there and watch me be with other people, because there is nothing you
can do about it. Just as I watched you sit next to that WHORE after you were treating me like shit.
Like I watched you defend her to me after you slept with her. I want you to feel the pain and
humiliation you put me through Siya. Every inch of it.
Him; Rifiloe, I’m sorry
Me; no amount of words will ever be enough. Not now not ever Siya
Him; don’t do this
Me; you did this, and now I’m finishing it off
Him; but you’re my wife
Me’; was I you’re wife when you had you dick in her you asshole? Or when you had your mouth on
her? Was I your wife then? Ye Siya? Where was I when you came because she was riding you? Ye
Siya? Were you think about what this would do to me? What it would do to our marriage. And now
here you are acting all sorry because one guy shows interest in me
Him; Rifiloe, I swear to God, I’ll kill him. He ever lays a hand on you again, I’ll make him fucking
Me; what you need to do is make yourself disappear from my life.
Him; baby, I’m begging you. I’m sorry. Please just tell me you understand
Me; Siya. You’re stating to bore me. I need to get some sleep. Its 5am already. So can we just go
Him; so you’re really giving up on us
Me; I never. Not once gave up on us. YOU ripped us apart, and now I’m not willing to fight anymore.
Him; are you sure about this
Me; yes
Him; Fine, but don’t think for a second that I will make this easy
Me; I don’t want your money Siya. You can keep it. I just don’t want to be tied to you anymore. I’m
tired Siya. Tired of fighting Linda. Tired of fighting your mother, and now tired of fighting you.
Him; (sigh) I love you Rifiloe. I really do. So if you truly want a divorce then I’ll give it to you. But all I
ask is that you think about this first. Give me a month, and if I can’t convince you to stay. I’ll let you
Me; I don’t need convincing. I just need you to take a step back.
Him; okay. If that’s what you want, then fine
Me; Thank you
I stood there in front of the man I thought loved me, and watched him wipe away a tear from my
Him; Ill show you to your room
Me; my room
Him; You’ve been up all night. You should rest
Me; fine
Siya led me to one of the bedrooms. I walked in and closed the door, then let out a sigh.
I don’t know what I was thinking anymore. I loved Siya but at the same time I wanted to breathe.
Siya was suffocating me, with all his lies, and his job, I just needed time to figure out what I wanted
in my life, because right now I was at a crossroad, and I didn’t know whether to leave or stay.
I loved Siya, but I didn’t know if I could ever truly get over what he did. And now here I was nearly
doing the same thing all because of anger.
Does that make me just as bad as him, or were my actions justified. I may not know the answer, but
I do know that I would never be able to live with myself knowing I jumped from Siya to Luis just out of
I woke up the following morning, feeling better than I should. I expected to wake up with a hangover
of a lifetime, but instead I felt like my normal self.
I picked up my phone to check the time, and I noticed a WhatsApp from Luis
*** hope you take me up on that offer for lunch *******
I will make it worth your while 
I didn’t know what I was letting myself in with Luis. It felt like I was moving at a speed of a million,
and I was about to crash. All I needed now was to just go home. I need space away from everything,
just so I can breath
I got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up which was a bit difficult, since I didn’t have my
toiletries with me
I went back to the bedroom and put on my shorts from last night and took out gum from my bag.
I was dreading seeing Siya. So much had happened since yesterday when he told me about the
whole Jessica issue. I thought going out would help, but in all truths I still felt angry and so damn
I wanted to forget about this whole thing so badly but my heart just wouldn’t let me.
I went downstairs and found Siya sitting in the same place I left him last night. He didn’t look like he
had gotten any sleep
Me; Morning
Him; Hi
Me; we need to talk
Him; sit
I sat next to him, but then stood up and sat on his lap in squat position. He tensed a bit, but didn’t
Me; Siya. (sigh) I love you. I really do, but what you did has honestly broken me. I feel so damn lost
and confused. I know you say you’re sorry, but I just don’t know how I can move on from this. Every
time, I close my eyes I see you with her, and I don’t know if that will ever stop.
I had such high hopes for us. I thought you and I would be together forever. I just (sniff) never
thought you would cheat. I thought we were solid, but obviously we weren’t. So now I honestly just
need time away from you, and this whole situation. I need to assess if I really want to make this
work, or if I want out. I need you to try just letting me make this decision on my own. I don’t want you
to try and convince me or interfere.
Him; I really hurt you didn’t I?
Me; (sigh) more than I ever thought possible
Him; what was I thinking Rifiloe? I fought so hard to have you and now I go and ruin it all.
Me; I just wished I understood why Siya. Maybe if I did, then I could look past it. I feel like I pushed
you to her. Maybe if I had been less stubborn you wouldn’t have done it
Him; it wasn’t you Rifiloe. Please don’t ever think it was you. I was an idiot. I let my pride about the
mission get to me. She just knew how to brush my ego, and the next thing I knew, she was next to
me. It was stupid and inconsiderate. If I could turn back time, I’d do it in a heartbeat.
Me; (sigh) (sniff)
Him; When do you want to go home
Me; today
Him; please don’t cry baby. Please
Me; I don’t know what to do Siya (sniff) how do I get over this? I want to so bad. I want this lump in
my throat to disappear. I want to see you as the man I first fell in love with
Him; I know I’ve let you down, but I promise you that if you I’ve me another chance, I’ll never hurt
you again. I’ll leave the force. We’ll leave and go back home. Rifiloe, I’ll give you the life you want. I
swear it on my father’s grave
Me; Siya, this force is your life. If you leave for me, you might regret it later. I don’t want you
resenting me. I want you to leave because you want to, not because you feel that you have to
because of me.
Siya wanted to say something, but my phone rang, and interrupted him. I looked at the caller ID and
saw it was Luis. I looked over at Siya and instantly felt guilty
Him; I hope you’re not asking me for time away so you can spend your time with that twit
Me; I wouldn’t do that to you
Him; then you need to block the fucker before I get my hands on him
Me; you can’t keep threatening to do things like this Siya. What if I decide I don’t want to be with you
and I want to move on? Are you going to kill every guy I come in contact with?
Him ;( chuckles) I might just have to.
Me; that’s not funny
Him; It’s only a joke. I wouldn’t go that far.
Me; good
Him; but I’m serious Rifiloe. I don’t want you speaking or spending time with that Luis guy. You’re
still my wife.
Me; I’m not making any promises
Him; Is this your way of punishing me
Me; no
Him; feels like it
Me; (sigh) Siya, I’m not going to get involved with anyone while I’m still married to you. I respect
myself too much to do that. I shouldn’t have given Luis my number.
Him; so you’ll block him
Me; no. but I will tell him to take a step back
Him; mhmm
Me; we should go home
Him; Can I ask you to stay for the Christmas party tonight, then you can fly out tomorrow
Me; but tomorrows Christmas
Him; and your birthday
Me; I know
Him; so stay till the 26th, then leave for JHB. I was hoping we could spend your birthday together
Me; I don’t know
Him; please. Olwetho is so excited to have your birthday and Christmas on the same day
Me; don’t use Olwetho to fight our battles
Him; I’m not, it’s the truth
Me; Fine. Just till the 26th. Then I’m going home
Him; thank you
I don’t know what I was thinking staying, but I didn’t want to let Olwetho down. After all he is innocent
in all this.
Him; we should go home. I’ve got a million things that need to be done before tonight
Me; do you need help with any of it
Him; nope, I hired a planner. All I need is you by my side
Me; Siya we are technically separated. You can’t expect me to pretend that things are ok between
Him; Rifiloe, this is a big night for me. I’d really appreciate it if you were there
Me; but
Him; please
Me; don’t make that face
Him; so you’re coming
Me; you don’t give up do you
Him; not on you I don’t
Me; fine, I’ll be there
Him; Good, because I bought you a cocktail dress
Me; mxm, now you’re starting to annoy me again
Him; what did I do now
Me; Siya, we’re not going to fight again. You know you were wrong. But none the less, I’ll let it slide
Him; Thank God. I was gearing up for round 2
Me; Let’s just get out of here before I slap you
Him; you have to move off my lap first
I tried standing up but he put his hands on my waist and pushed me back down. I looked into his
eyes and saw they were a lot les gloomy. They had a hint of hope in them.
Me; let go
Him; I don’t know if I want to
Me; Siya
Him; Kiss me
I looked at his lips and felt so damn tempted, my heart was racing and my stomach got tied up in
knots. I wanted to kiss him, hell I hadn’t been with him in over a month, my entire body craved him,
but at the same time I couldn’t bring myself to doing anything, because all I could see in my head
was a picture of him and Jess
Me; I’m not ready
Him; I understand
Me; Thank you
Siya let go of my waist, and I leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek, then got up.
Siya got up, and took my hand, as we walked out to go home.
I may not know what the outcome of our marriage was, but I’ll be honest and say it felt good to have
spoken to Siya about how I feel. I’m so tempted to just tell Siya I’ll give him another chance, but I
know I’d be lying to myself, because my heart was honestly still in pieces . Right now what we both
needed was space. Maybe after a couple of weeks, we can come together and discuss a way
When Siya and I got home, I went straight to our room to take a bath. I was so hungry, but first I
needed to feel clean.
When I was done, I walked to the room with just a towel wrapped around me. I saw Siya sitting on
the bed with his laptop and a mischievous smile on his face. I just knew he was going to try
something, and unfortunately for me I had to walk past him to get to the closet.
I stood in the door way just looking at him, trying to weigh my options.
Siya looked up at me
Him; and now?
Me; don’t you want to work upstairs
Him; not really. The guys are up there making noise
Me; (clears throat) But I need to get dressed
Him; and?
Me; Siya, you have that stupid grin on your face, which can only mean one thing, and that is trouble
Him; I have no idea what you’re talking about
Me; Siya maan
Him; Wha Rifiloe. Im just sitting here working
Me; wabona he
Him; fine, Ill look away
Me; I’m not falling for that again
Him; haai, Uzoma lapho till Kingdome come ke
I rolled my eyes and slowly walked towards the closet, and as I knew it, Siya pushed his laptop to
the side and pulled me towards him
Me; Siya wabona, I just knew it
Him; you know me to well
Me; Let go
Him; I don’t think I could ever truly let you go
Me; you might need to one of these days
Him; well I still have you for now, and I plan on using that to my advantage
Me; Siya. You know I can’t resist you. It’s a given. But I need you to try and respect my decision.
Him; one condition
Me; What
Him; a kiss
Me; no
Him; come on. I’ve missed you so bad since coming back from Brazil
Me; Siya maan
Him; Rifiloe, Its still me
Me; (sigh) I don’t know about that
Him; let me make it up to you
Me; you can, by letting me be
Him; but baby, why can’t you stay, and have us work on us here
Me; o qadile jwale. We just spoke about this
Him; Ok, I’ll let you go one condition
Me; what
Him; Give me a kiss
Me; not happening
Him; why not
Me; because that would only complicate things even more
Him; how? You’re my wife
Me; Siya
Him; ok, ok, but will I get a goodbye kiss
Me; maybe
Him; But baby, you cant just say maybe
He pulled me closer, and I tried to tighten my towel, because I could feel that it was about to fall off
Me; Siya, my towel is going to fall
Him; let it. I already know what’s underneath it
Me; Siya hle
Him; Baby, I’ve missed you.
Me; Siya, having sex, is not going to change things. It will just make them worse
Him; Rifiloe, I’ve never had sex with you. Not ever. I’ve only ever made love to you. Every single
Me; but I need time to try get over it
Him; ok
Me; thank you, but now let go
Siya, let go, but it was too late, my towel was already on the floor. I had no choice but to bend down
and pick it up. I was beyond blushing, and Siya all smiles. Mxm
I wrapped my towel around myself again, and looked at this idiot of a husband.
Me; you are annoying as fuck
Him; but you love me anyway
Me; Unfortunately I do
Him; Then there’s hope
Me; can I go get dressed now
Him; with pleasure
I rolled my eyes at him, and went to the closet to get dressed. I put on my jean shorts and a
spaghetti strap top, with my slippers.
I didn’t see the point of getting all dressed up if I wasn’t going anywhere. Plus I would have to get all
dolled up tonight for Siya’s party, and I needed my skin to breath since I slept with make up on
When I was done, I went to the room, and found Siya in the blankets
Me; I thought you had a lot of work to do
Him; I need a nap first. I didn’t really sleep last night
Me; that’s what happens when you stalk someone
Him; I have to take care of my interests
Me; so why didn’t you come into the club
Him; because I knew if I came into that club, I would have killed both of you. Nails fucking locked me
in the car
Me; your threats are boring yaz.
Him; Rifiloe, I’m dead serious. My jealousy is one another level
Me; you need to work on it
Him; as long as you promise not to do what I did
Me; (chuckles) I am not making any promises. SA has tons of eligible bachelors. I might just get
Siya was so damn predictable. His eyes immediately widened, and he clenched his fists. He stood
up and I didn’t move. Our faces were so close, I could basically smell the minty freshness from his
mouth wash
Him; Rifiloe, I swear, Ill fucking go mad. Don’t joke like that
Me; who said I was joking? You think I’m scared of your fists?
I leaned in and put my lips on his. He didn’t move, I knew he was still pissed because of what I said.
I started kissing him slowly and lustfully, he slowly started letting go and kissed me back. I know was
only doing this just to prove my point that I could easily seduce him, but at the same time it felt so
good to be in his arm, and to have his lips on mine. I just wished I could have all of him, but I knew I
wouldn’t be able to truly see things when If I slept with him.
So I pulled back, just as things were heating up. Siya looked at me confused
Him; why did you stop
Me; we both know why
Him; (sigh) you’re killing me with these games of yours. Rifiloe, I get the point. Believe me I do
Me; Lets go have breakfast
Him; we’re in the middle of something
Me; not anymore we’re not.
I turned around and walked to the kitchen, and left Siya standing there with a boner. He was
honestly crazy if he thought that with just a few sweet words, I would just forgive and forget.
Well he had another thing coming. There was no way I was going to let him off the hook that easily.
When I got to the Veranda, I found Boni and Hlokes having breakfast.
I greeted them and sat next to Bonu
Her; thank God. I thought Siya had killed you long ago
Me; friend you have no idea, what I shock I got, when I saw him in that damn car
Her; you are crazy yaz
Me; just giving him a taste of his own medicine
Hlokes laughed
Him; you are honestly going to give the man a heart attack. You should’ve seen his face when he
saw the footage
Mel footage
Him; oh, I’m guessing you don’t know
me; Know what
Him; that’s one of Siya’s clubs.
Me; ye. So vela vela he sent me there so he could spy on me
Him; yep, and you did a great job of making him mad. He basically tore the office in half
Me; no
Him; serious. He smashed the entire office. It’s a total mess in there
Me; no wonder he’s sleeping in the bedroom
As I was busy dishing up, Siya walked in and sat next to me. I could tell he had just had a shower.
He looked so good in just Jeans and a T-shirt, and sneakers, and smelled like a million bucks.
Him; Please dish up for me.
Siya was so dam lazy at time. Like seriously, all he had to do was hold a plate and put food in it.
I dished up for him, and then sat down and had my breakfast.
Siya’s phone rang, just as we were having breakfast. He looked at the Caller ID and then looked at
me. He didn’t answer the call. Instead he just took the phone and put it on the table.
I looked at him suspiciously. Something told me it was this Jessica chick.
Boni nudged Hlokes, and they both stood up to leave.
I picked up Siya’s phone, and checked the caller ID, and as fate would have it, it was Jessica.
Him; Rifiloe
Me; fuck you
Him; (sigh) baby, its just business. I swear
Me; whatever.
My appetite immediately vanished. Here Siya was telling me how much he wants shit to work out,
and how I need to block Luis, but on the other hand he was still in contact with Jessica.
I stood up and went to see Olwetho. The last thing I wanted was to fight with Siya because of this
chick. Just when I thought we took a step forward. He had a way of taking us back to square one.
How do I stay in such a relationship? How do I begin building the trust between us when I can’t trust
him to keep to his word?
I had started thinking there was hope for us, but now I wasn’t so sure

I went straight to ‘’our’’ room with Siya coming after me. I know I might be overreacting, but the
thought that Siya would still have contact with Jessica, after everything drives me crazy.
I expected him not to speak with her again, but instead she was still calling him on his personal
phone, and again, I’m expected to be okay with it, just because he says its business?
I got to the room and tried closing the door, but Siya was already at the door.
Him; can you just listen
Me; no Siya. I’m tired of listening to your lies
Him; Rifiloe I’m not lying
Me; Siya, just drop it ok
Him; No. You can’t keep playing these games. I get I hurt you. But I wouldn’t do it again. I need you
to believe me
Me; Believe you? I trusted you when you swore nothing would happen between you and Jessica.
And yet here I am a few weeks later with my world falling apart, all because you didn’t keep your
Him; Rifiloe. FOR GODS SAKE I SAID IM SORRY. What else do you want me to do?
Me; nothing. I don’t expect or want anything from your lying ass
Him; I’ve apologised, and now I’m done apologising. If you want to go then go. Fuck sakes I can’t
take this shit anymore
Me; it’s about damn time
Siya turned around and left me standing there. I don’t understand how he thinks its ok for him to
speak to Jessica, but tells me to block Luis. Siya can’t expect things to apply to me, but when he
needs to apply them there are exceptions to the rule.
I took a deep breath, and changed into my running gear. I hadn’t worked out properly since the
shooting, and I think it was time I got back into the gym.
I went downstairs, and found some of the guards in the gym. They all cleared the room when they
saw me.
I didn’t bother saying anything. I just put on my head phones and started working out.
I ran on the treadmill, then did some cycling. By the time I was done with weights, I was sweating
like crazy. I didn’t realize how unfit I had become. I gulped down a bottle of water.
When I got back to our room, Siya was working off his laptop in our room.
I took my headphones off, and plugged the iPod in the speakers, and went with it to the bathroom.
I felt like listening to old school RNB and I didn’t want to be disturbed. I changed out of my clothes,
and pressed play. The first song that blasted through the speakers was Tyrese- how you gonna act
like that. I smiled a bit because of how relevant it was to our situation.
I got into the shower, and let the hot water soothe my aching muscles.
I didn’t hear Siya coming in because the music was so loud. All I felt were his arms around me.
I know I was mad at him, but being the shower with him reminded me of the first time we made love
in CT. I wanted so bad to tell him to get out but at the same time I craved the intimacy we once had.
He kissed my neck and I felt shivers running all the way down my back.
I turned around looked at my “crazy stupid husband’’
Him; I’m sorry
Me; I know you are
Him; so you’re willing to forgive
Me; with time maybe. But for now I just need to try wrapping my head around it
Him; you know I love you right
Me; I love you too
Him; so kiss me
He leaned in and put his lips on mine. I didn’t move for a moment, because of all the thoughts going
through my head. I wanted to forgive and forget so bad, but something was keeping me from doing
so. I ended up giving in though because I craved him as much as he craved me.
I started kissing him back, with as much intensity as he was kissing me. I stood on my tippy toes,
and put my arms around his neck and just enjoyed the moment
For the first time since he got back there were no games, revenge tactics, secrets or guilt. It was just
our two lost souls try to find their way back to each other.
We kissed for so long, I think we both forgot we were in the shower, neither of us wanted to pull
back, but we had to breathe.
I pulled back fist because my toes were getting sore.
Him; I’ve missed you
Me; I’ve missed you too
Him; no more fighting
Me; I don’t know if I can promise that
Him; (chuckles) you are a fire cracker at times
Me; but you married me anyway
Him; I married you because I love everything about you.. even though you drive me crazy
Me; we should get out of here. I’m sure Olwetho is wondering where we are
Him; he’s gone shopping with nails. then he's going to spend the night at the house we stayed in
Me; who owns that house by the way?
Him;Hlokes bought it for Boni
Me; so why did we stay the night there
Him; can we not talk about last night please
Me; why
Him; because I'm not very proud of the thoughts i had
Me; what thoughts
Him; babe. Please
me; fine. But I miss Olwetho
Him; gives us more time to make up
Me; make up?
Him; haw baby, please don’t tell me you’re still planning on going to QwaQwa
Me; I sure as hell am
Him; but
Me; but nothing. I may be calmer, but I still need to process things
Him; do I have a say in the matter
Me; no
Him; so how long are you planning on being away
Me; as long as I need
Him; can I come with
Me; no
Him; but Rifiloe, why do I feel like you’re not planning on coming back
Me; Siya can we just enjoy the few days we have left together. I don’t know what the future holds.
I’m not going to make empty promises. Just let me get my shit together in my head
Him; If that’s what you really want, Then ok
Me; Thank you. Now let’s get out of here. I need to dry my hair
Siya got out first, then I followed. I took a towel and wrapped it around me and he did the same.
By this time Norah Jones "don’t know why" was playing.
Him; dance with me
Me; in towels
Him; yes
Me; why not
He held out his hand and pulled me closer. We slow danced on the bathroom floor as if we had no
worries at all. I loved this man so much and couldn’t really imagine my world without him, but at the
same time he had broken my heart so bad. I could see he was trying to build us up again, but I still
had so many concerns.
After our dance, he looked at me and just smiled.
Me; what
Him; you
Me; what did I do
Him; You give me hope
Me; don’t start with that
Him; ok, come, let’s go get dressed. You need to dry your hair
Me; that’s going to take me forever by the way
Him; want some help
Me; what do you know about drying weave
Him; you’d be surprised.
I sat on the dressing table and let him dry my hair. I must say Siya had no idea what he was doing,
but I didn’t want to say anything.
When he finally said he was done, most of my scalp was still wet
Him; all done
Me; thank you
Him; I suck at this don’t I
Me; (chuckels) yaah, you should stick to your day job
Him; I plan on it
Siya went to get dressed, while I finished drying my hair.
By the time I had finished with my hair and getting dressed, Siya was back on the bed working
Me; I’m going to make a smoothie. Do you want one?
Him; smoothie? Haai. No thank you
Me; what’s wrong with a smoothie
Him; I need food, not smoothies. I didn’t really get to finish my breakfast
Me; so you want me to make you brunch?
Him; no, I want you to sit here with me while, I ask Mam Martha to make us brunch
Me; shouldn’t you be working
Him; yes, but the house is a mess. The party planner and her people are getting everything ready for
Me; in that case, Bed it is
I went and lay next to him.
Me; if I’m going to stay in here with you then I need you to cuddle me
Him; only if we can finish what we started in the shower
Me; what exactly do you mean by “finish off’’
Him; you know mos
Me; sorry buddy, but that shit aint happening
Him; and why not
Me; because we are abstaining
Him; isn’t it a sin to deprive your husband
Me; no, but it’s a sin for your husband to sleep with someone other than their wife
Him; so how long are we supposed to be abstaining for
Me; 40 days and 40 nights
Siya’s mouth literally dropped open
Him; but Rifiloe, Love that’s just torturous
Me; you deserve it
Him; (sigh) yaah ne
Me; please stop sulking and call mam Martha. I’m hungry
He picked up his phone and called mam Martha.
We had brunch and lunch in bed. I was surprised that no one disturbed us. I was so used to him
being forever busy, I had totally forgotten how it felt to just chill with him and truly enjoy his company.
We spent the whole day together. We just kept stuffing our faces with food and watching movies.
Siya nearly fell asleep through most of the movies, but each time I would wake him up.
When we looked at the time it was already 6pm.
Me; shouldn’t we be getting ready
Him; (sigh) we should, but to be honest, I don’t really feel like doing this tonight
Me; Siya get up, Lets go get dressed
Him; I prefer to get undressed
I hit him playfully on the chest
Me; get your head out the gutter
Him; fine. Come, I’ll show you you’re dress
I walked with Siya to his side of the closet. He pulled out a suit cover and gave it to me.
I unzipped it, and out came one of the most exquisite dresses that I had ever seen
It was a silver A-line round neck bow-knot, over the knee lace flare kind of dress.
I looked at it in awe.
Me; it’s beautiful
Him; I’m glad you like it.
Me; I love it
He gave me matching silver open toe sandals
Him; one more thing missing
Me; what
Him; jewelry
He went opened a box in his hand that had a beautiful infinity diamond bracelet
Me; Siya this is too much
Him; Rifiloe, You’re my wife. It’s my duty to spoil you
Me; thank you
Him; don’t.
Me; infinity huh
Him; yes. Forever
Me; I love it
Him; turn it around.
I turned the bracelet around and saw that he had engraved our “wedding date’’ on the back
Me; love it even more
Him; I’m glad.
Me; (sigh)
Him; what
Me; I just don’t know if I can accept this
Him; Rifiloe, I bought that for you before I left for Brazil. I just didn’t have time to give it to you.
Me; thank you
Him; stop thanking me and get dressed
Me; I need to my makeup and then my hair, then only will I get dressed
Him; ha a Rifiloe, people will start arriving any minute now
Me; Siya, in case you forgot you are the one who made us late
Him; I’m going up stairs to make sure Bullet has everything under control. Please be done by the
time I get back
Me; I’ll try
Him; I love you ne
Me; love you too
Siya left and I started getting ready. I started with my hair, then moved on to my makeup.
I stuck to being as natural as possible when coming to make up. I didn’t want to overdo it.
When I was done, I took my phone and sent Siya a message asking him to come help me zip up my
It took him exactly 60 seconds to come. I laughed
Him; you called, so I came running
Me; Zip me up please
Him; on one condition
Me; what now
Him; I get to unzip it tonight
Me; Siya, you need to give up on that. It’s not going to happen
Him; it was worth a try
Me; now shush and zip me up
Siya smiled, and zipped me up. As expected the dress fitted like a glove.
Him; you look beautiful
Me; thank you
Him; I don’t know how you expect me to keep my hands to myself
Me; Siya, just go get dressed
He pulled out his black suit, and got dressed, while I put on my shoes.
When we were both done we looked like a couple out of a magazine. Siya looked like my very own
James Bond
Me; stand still, I want to take a selfie
Him; since when do you take selfies
Me; since you looking hot as hell
Him; in that case selfie away
We took a few selfies together. Some were serious, while others were just of us goofing around.
My favorite one was with him kissing my cheek. Its funny how when you look at us all you’ll see is a
couple in love. You don’t really see the emotional scars, or the shattered hearts.
I updated my WhatsApp pic with the pic of us kissing
Him; you ready?
Me; yep
Him; lets get this party started
Siya took my hand and we walked upstairs together.
I know most of me still wanted to bury him alive, but the other part was glad that for once we were
presenting a united front. Maybe after all there was hope for us

When Siya and I walked downstairs, I couldn’t believe at how much our house had changed.
His party planner had literally transformed most of the downstairs area. The lounge and the dining
room looked so much bigger. They even had a small orchestra. I hadn’t really expected anything this
grand. It’s a good thing Siya bought me a dress.
Me; wow
Him; You like?
Me; its breath-taking
Him; Our guest have started arriving, let’s get something to drink, so I can introduce you
We went to the mobile bar, and both had a glass of bubbly.
Siya introduced me to so many people, some were Cuban, some South African.
I met ministers, musicians, CEO’s, and some people in his industry. I wish I could say I remembered
their names, but I’d be lying. There were over 100 people here. There was no way I would be able to
remember all of them.
The only person I was really interested in meeting was his Lieutenant. He seemed like the one who
was in charged, and I was just interested to see what kind of person he was.
My hand stayed in Siya’s for most of the night. I tried letting go, but he would just hold on tighter. I
knew it was because he was as bored as I was.
Some of the people here were a bit annoying. Like for example, the prime minister kept talking about
money, while the CEO’s spoke about the Rand falling.
I just kept smiling as though I had no idea what they were talking about.
I tapped Siya on the shoulder, and whispered in his ear
Me; I need the ladies
Him; ok. Promise you’ll come rescue me
Me; promise
He smiled, and let go of my hand. I walked over to Hlokes and Boni.
Me; sorry to interrupt. Hlokes can I steal Boni from you
Him; promise you’ll bring her back
Me; yes
Him; ok
Boni stood up, and we walked to the ladies
Her; oh thank God. I was beginning to fall asleep
Me; Gosh, these guys are so damn boring
Her; tell me about it
Her; How much longer will we have to endure
Me; its only 8pm. We’ll probably have to be here till much much later
Her; if we’re going to do this then we need liquor courage, and I’m not talking champagne
Me; tell me about it
Her; lets powder our noses, then go get some wine
Once we were done in the ladies, we went to the mobile bar and got a glass of wine.
Her; fucking bitch
Me; what
Her; don’t look now, but you won’t believe who just walked in
Me; tell me
Her; its Jessica
Me; tell me your joking
Her; I wish
I took a deep breath in and out
Her; don’t let her ruin your night
Me; I can’t fucking stand her
Her; Rifiloe, listen to me. She is not a factor in your life. Don’t give her the satisfaction of her seeing
you unhappy
I looked at Boni, and realised she had a point. I wasn’t going to embarrass myself in front of Siya’s
associates. Instead I was going to play the adoring wife, and try not to poison her.
I took my glass, and walked Boni back to her table, then went to Siya.
Siya looked at me and had a worried look on his face. I just smiled at him and pretended everything
was ok, despite me boiling on the inside. I put my hand in Siya’s and he squeezed it.
I could see in the corner of my eye that Jessica was walking towards us. I squeezed his hand and he
winched a bit but didn’t shift. Instead we concentrated on the conversation at hand.
Jessica arrived where we were standing, and tapped Siya on the shoulder.
She greeted everyone, then looked at Siya and gave him a hug. I took a deep breath, and pretended
not to notice.
Siya hugged her back awkwardly but didn’t let go of my hand.
I didn’t see Hlokes standing beside her.
Him; The lieutenant has arrived
Siya; thanks.
Hlokes walked away, and Siya excused us from his associates.
We walked towards the main entrance of the house, with 2 of the bod guards.
Him; I’m sorry she’s here. I have no idea why she came back
Me; can we not talk about her right now?
Him; ok.
We stood at the entrance, and saw one of Siya’s car’s approaching. It stooped right in front of us.
Skull, opened the door, and out came the lieutenant. I must be honest and say, I expected him to be
a scary looking gangster kind of guy. But instead he was a short white male, with grey hair.
He immediately smiled when he saw Siya.
Siya stepped forward and shook his head.
Him; Ghost. We meet again
Siya; Lieutenant. It’s a pleasure to see you again sir
Him; always so formal. Good to see you haven’t lost your training
Siya; Allow me to introduce you to my wife
The lieutenant faced me, and reached for my hand
Siya; Lieutenant, this is Rifiloe, Rifiloe, this is Lieutenant Dickson Rolfes
Me; It’s a pleasure Sir
Him; Please, call me Rolfes
I smiled at him, and took Siya’s hand again.
We walked back inside, and I left Siya and the Lieutenant and went to get another drink.
I saw Jessica sitting at the bar, and decided I wasn’t going to run away. Instead I walked up to the
bar, and ordered a cosmo
Her; fancy seeing you here. I thought you would be long gone by now
Me; Hello Jessica, Hoe are you.
Her; You’re a sucker for punishment ne
Me; I don’t see how that has anything to do with you
Her; well, nothing really, but just so that you know, im looking forward to going on the next mission
with Siya again.
Me; hope you have fun
Her; oh, I plan to
I took my cosmo and walked away. I was so damn tempted to throw my drink at her, but didn’t want
to embarrass Siya.
Something about what she had said scared me a bit. What did she mean by the next mission? If I
remember properly, Siya had said he wasn’t going to be working with her again.
As I was walking back to Siya, Hlokes signaled for me. I walked to him
Him; Will you let ghost know that dinner is ready to be served.
Me; sure
I walked back to Siya.
Me; sorry to interrupt, but dinner’s ready to be served
Siya; thanks babe.
We walked to our table and with both Siya and the Lieutenant.
I sat in the middle of the Lieutenant and Siya. I had switched from cosmos to water, because I could
feel I was starting to get a pit tipsy.
We were served our starts first, then moved on to the main.
During our meal, Siya stood up and went to the front. He tapped his glass a bit to get everyone’s
attention. Everyone quietened down, and so did the Orchestra
**** Siya ****
Thank you.
I believe you all know that I am not really much of a talker. So I’ll try making this sweet and short.
I would firstly like to thank everybody for honouring my invitation. As you all know we have finally
penetrated the biggest drug and prostitution ring, in the history of special services.
My team and I have been trying for nearly 10 years to track down one man, and now finally we have
a foot in the door.
So firstly let me say thank you to my amazing and talented team. I know how frustrating it must be to
always have to deal with me, but none the less you all make it so much easier for me to do what I
Id also like to thank our Lieutenant for taking a chance on all of us. Who knew when we stated that
we would be able to save so many people’s lives.
And most importantly I would love to thank my amazing wife. Rifiloe, you are my strength. Thank you
for always standing by me, even though you weren’t familiar with this part of my life you continued to
support me and stick with me through it all. For that I will forever be grateful
I looked at Siya and just smiled. I hadn’t really noticed how much his job meant to him, until this very
moment. How could I ever let him give all of this up, especially for me?
Siya finished his speech and came to sit down. I leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek
Me; you did great
Him; thank you
We continued with dinner, till I saw the lieutenant walking to the front.
The room immediately quietened.
******* Lieutenant *****
I’m sure you’re all bored to death with all the speeches, so I’ll get straight to the point
As you can all see, I’m not getting any younger, which means it’s time for me to retire.
I’ve had to think long and hard about who is best to replace me, because as you all know I’m pretty
irreplaceable. (Chuckles)
So after lots of debate with both the Cuban and South African Ops committee we have decided to
appoint Ghost as your next leader.
I looked Siya, and then at the lieutenant.
Siya looked at the lieutenant in shock. Everyone around us stood up and gave a round of applause.
Siya remained sitting. I think he was just trying to register what was happening
He eventually stood up and went to stand with the lieutenant. They shook hands, and everyone
cheered on.
Siya gave another speech thanking everyone for trusting him with such a position ect.
I was honestly happy for him, but I was also worried, because I didn’t know what this next job would
entails. Not so long ago Siya was willing to give all this up, and now I definitely knew he would never
leave the force. How could he when so many people depended on him.
The only thing left was for me to decide if I was willing to stay, even though he would never really
leave his job. Could I truly trust him enough to let him go on another mission?
I knew now more than ever, I would really need to take a step back, and make a final decision on
what it is that I want to do.
After tons of dancing and drinking, the party finally started to die down. To be honest I wasn’t really
drinking much. I wasn’t really in party mode anymore. Instead I just wanted to go to bed.
The last of the guests left at about 3am. My feet were throbbing by now. We bid them goodnight,
then I went to our room, while Siya went to talk to Hlokes.
The first thing I did when I got to my room was take off my shoes. I needed a nice hot bubble bath,
before going to sleep.
Only problem with that is that I needed Siya’s help unzipping my dress.
None the less I would have to put my pride aside, and ask him for help.
As I was about to call Siya, he came barging in with the biggest smile on his face.
Him; what do we have here
Me; a damsel in distress
Him; I’ll be your Knight in shining armour
Me; in that case, I suggest you help me out of my dress
Him; it’s a dirty job mam, but I would be honoured
Siya came closer, and I turned around.
He started unzipping my dress slowly. I closed my eyes because I knew what he was going to do,
and I don’t know if I had the courage to stop him
Me; Si
Him; sshhh
I closed my eyes again, as my dress fell to the ground. Siya undid my bra and let it fall to the
I thought he would start kissing my neck but he didn’t. I turned around and he was still smiling
Me; what are you smiling at?
Him; nothing
Me; you enjoy playing with me
Him; especially in here
Me; well, I’m not really interested in playing tonight
Him; you’re body says something different
Me; how would you know?
Him; You’re nipples do all the talking. And your slow breathing tells me you want my mouth on every
inch of your body. Especially here.
Siya brushed one of his fingers over my clit. Even with my underwear on, I still felt it.
Him; tell me I’m wrong
Me; you’re
He slipped a finger into my undies and started slowly circling my clit. I swear I nearly fainted. My
breathing started to quicken and I let out a moan
Him; so do you want me to stop?
Siya didn’t give me time to respond. Instead he pushed a finger inside me. I may still be mad at Siya,
but there was no way in hell I was going to let him stop now. So I let him continue pleasuring me. It’s
not like I had anything to lose.
Siya continued playing with me until I couldn’t take it anymore. He picked me up and put me the bed.
Him; shall I continue
Me; mhmm
Him; that’s what I thought
I slipped off my panties, and lay on back. Siya opened my legs wide and put his lips on my clit.
It was all well, until I remembered what Jessica had said about Siya putting his tongue on her. **** I
immediately froze.
Me; siya
Him; mhmm
Me; stop
He didn’t listen. Instead he just carried on with what he was doing
Me; Siya stop. Please I’m begging you
Siya immediately stopped, and got on the bed. I had tears flowing down my face. Siya looked at me
I got up, and ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I couldn’t believe how silly I was acting. Siya
was my husband for God’s sake, but the thought of him doing to me what he did to Jessica made me
feel so low.
How could he do that? How could he touch her like he does with me? Or put his mouth on her and
then come home and do the same to me? How was I going to ever get over this?
I sat on the bathroom floor, crying my eyes out. Siya, kept asking me to open, but I didn’t. I wanted
to be left alone. I wanted to finally cry my eyes out and not have him tell me his excuses.
I stayed in the bathroom for hours. Siya sat on the other side of the door.
I ran my bath, and just sat there feeling low and dirty. No amount of bathing could take away that
feeling. None at all
At around 6am, I got out the bathroom, and I found Siya nearly half asleep on the floor.
He jumped up when he saw me.
Him; Rifiloe. Talk to me. What’s going on?
Me; Its nothing. I’m sorry
Him; don’t be sorry. Rather tell me what’s wrong
Me; Siya. Nothing. Can we just forget about this?
Him; No we can’t. I need to know why you just spent 3 hours crying in the bathroom
Me; forget it
Him; I’m not dropping this.
Me; Jessica told me that when you (clears throat) slept with he. You went down on her.
Him; Rif
Me; don’t. (sniff) I know you did it. And when you did to me. It all came rushing back
Him; I’m sorry
Me; stop telling me you’re sorry Siya. It’s not going to change anything. I have that fucking shit
printed in my mind, and it’s not going anywhere. I’m stuck with that shit, and I don’t know what to do
with it . I told you I wasn’t ready, but you kept pushing.
Him; I’m sorry
I walked passed Siya, and got into bed. I wanted to get some sleep.
Today was my both Christmas and my birthday, and I needed to get enough sleep before Olwetho
got back.
I wanted him to enjoy his first Christmas with me.
Siya, came to bed, and I set the alarm for 11am. I needed more than just 4 hours of sleep, but that
was all I could get.
I was woken up before the alarm even went off. Olwetho was jumping up and down on the bed.
Siya playful tackled him
Siya; Olwetho maan
Him; daddy, its Christmas, wake up
Siya; give us 10 minutes
Him; No. Aunty wake up. It’s your birthday
I looked at Olwetho and smiled. He was genuinely excited
I got out of bed, and went to freshen up.
When I got back to the bedroom Olwetho had a wrapped box in his hand
Him; happy birthday aunty
Me; is this for me
Him; yes
Me; thanks boy
Him; open it
I unwrapped it, and had a tear escape my eyes. It was a picture of me and him, in a frame that says
best “Aunty Mommy alive”
Him; do you like it?
Me; I love it
Him; I chose it
Me; ohh thank you my boy
Him; daddy also got you a present
Me; did he
Him; Yes
Me; what is it
Him; I don’t know. He won’t tell me
Me; well I guess we’ll find out soon enough
Olwetho went running to the kitchen while I shook Siya back awake, because he was falling asleep
Him; baby, not now
Me; get up, we need to give Olwetho his presents
Him; cant we do that later
Me; no.
Him; (sigh) Finr
Siya got up, and went to freshen up. While I made the bed, an opened the curtains
When I went upstairs, Olwetho was sitting at the Christmas tree waiting for us
Him; aunty can I start opening my presents
Me; lets rather wait for daddy.
Him; he’s taking too long
Me; why don’t you run down and fetch him
Him; ok.
Olwetho went sprinting downstairs while, I made myself a cup of coffee.
When I went back to the lounge, Olwetho and Siya were sitting by the Christmas tree
Siya; we were just waiting for you
ME; sorry. I went to get a cup of coffee
Him; what about me
I took one last sip of my coffee and gave him the rest
Him; thank you
Olwetho; aunty can I open my presents now.
Me; go ahead.
I sat next to Siya, and took out my phone so I could take pictures of Olwetho.
All in all Olwetho loved all his toys. I enjoyed seeing his face whenever he opened them
We also took some pictures as a family. Olwetho was over the moon.
I decided to send a few pictures to Linda. I wasn’t doing it to be spiteful, but instead i wanted he to
know that her son was ok.
When Olwetho was done opening his presents, he went to his room to play with all of them, while I
just stayed with Siya.
Him; happy birthday babe
Me; thank you
Him; I’m sorry about what happened this morning.
Me; let’s forget about it
Him; you sure
Me; yes
Him; I got you something for your birthday
Me; what?
Him; come, I’ll go show you
I stood up and put my hand in his, and we walked down to the basement parking
Me; Siya, I’m not dressed to go out
Him; relax, we’re not going anywhere
Me; then why are we going to the basement.
The minute I asked that question, I got my answer. Siya had bought me a 2016 Maserati
Granturismo. It stood there with a big pink bow on it
Me; no
Him; yes
Me; Oh gosh Siya, It’s beautiful
Him; I’m glad you think so
Me; I can’t possibly accept it
Him; why the hell not
Me; because, it must’ve cost you a fortune
Him; I know how much you enjoyed driving my Ferrari. So I figured I’d get you your own sports car
Me; Siya, you didn’t have to
Him; I wanted to. Now stop arguing, and just say thank you
Me; are you sure about this
Him; yes. You’re now the wife of the youngest Lieutenant in the history of Ops. You should look the
Me; you’re crazy
Him; crazy in love yes
Me; give me the keys
Siya gave me the keys and I went to look at the interior. It was absolutely beautiful. The exterior is
charcoal and the interior black.
Him; its also bullet proof and has a tracker directly linked to my cell phone
Me; why am I not surprised
Him; I have to beef up security
Me; whatever you say
Him; I’m serious Rifiloe. Things are going to get really tight.
Me; what does this promotion really entail?
Him; let’s go discuss this upstairs
Me; don’t I get to test drive my car first?
Him; not yet. We need to talk
Me; ha ana Siya. I don’t feel like talking.
Him; Its important love. I want us to discuss this before lunch
Me; (sigh) ok
I locked my car, and we walked back upstairs to our room.
I sat on the bed, and Siya sat next to me with a document in his hand
Him; I think we need to discuss what this new promotion means
Me; Ok, I’m all ears
Him; well basically it means that I won’t need to go on missions anymore. Ill mainly be stuck in an
office, giving orders
Me; that’s a good thing isnt it
Him; depends
Me; on what
Him; the current lieutenant wants me to work hand in hand with Jessica
Me; I just knew it was too good to be true
Him; I have however managed to get her transferred to another department. Meaning ill only
probably see her once a month
Me; mhmm
Him; It’s the best I could do babe.
Me; its fine Siya. I mean, if you wanted to cheat again, you would. Weather she was a million miles
away or not. You would find a way
Him; and I’ve told you it won’t happen again
Me; I know
Him; moving on. Bullet will take over my position.
Me; Is he going to operate out of CUBA?
Him; that’s something else, I wanted to discuss with you
Me; I’m listening
Him; I was thinking of selling this house to him. If you don’t have mind
Me; Siya, his is you’re house
Him; It’s OUR house. I just figured it would make things easier for him and the agency. That way
they don’t have to get security features built into another place
Me; makes sense
Him; so I can present them with the offer?
Me; yes…. So where will we be based?
Him; Our HQ is in JHB, but Ill be travelling between JHB and CT mostly
Me; so we’re moving back home
Him; yes
Me; Thank God
Him; I think it will also benefit Olwetho, because he will be able to see his mother
Me; I guess
Him; one more thing
Me; what
Him; I’m going to need to step down as the CEO of Ndhlovu Corp. There’s no way I would be able to
manage being lieutenant and my business
Me; You’ve done it so well so far
Him; That was because I only had one ops team to run. Now ill have to manage, every OPS team
that exists in SA. There is no way I could be able to juggle all of that
Me; so how many teams are we talking about
Him; 49
Me; damn
Him; my point exactly
Me; so what are you going to do about Ndhlovu Corp
Him; I will still keep 100% shares of the company. But I need an Ndhlovu running the place
Me; ok, so who did you have in mind
Him; you
I looked at Siya, and saw he was serious. I have no idea why though. I had zero experience. How
was I expected to run the place?
Me; Siya,
Him; hear me out
Me; this is insane
Him; you’ll have a team of people to help you
Me; but still Siya. You just appointed me as CFO. I haven even started with my position and now you
want to have me run the place
Him; yes
Me; Siya I love that you have that much faith in me. But I can’t
Him; Rifiloe you’re the only person I trust to run my business. I know it seems like a rushed decision,
but it’s not. I’ll have people in place to help you. Ill never let you fail Rifiloe. I promise. Plus if you’re
unsure about anything you can always just ask me
Me; can I at least think about all this
Him; yes
Me; thank you
Him; Here’s the contract
Me; that quickly?
Him; You know me.
Me; I do
Him; just think of it as a way of us building a legacy for our children
Me; you honestly don’t give up do you?
Him; not on us no
Me; I can see that
I took the contract and just stared it. I know that Siya was coming from a good place, but how could I
possibly take him up on this offer. I literally just turned 26. How would it look if I became CEO of his
company? I don’t want to ever get to the top just because I’m his wife. It would be nice to be able to
clime the corporate ladder by myself. but I’m not sure that is possible with me being the wife of
someone so powerful.
I spent the rest of Christmas and my birthday in a really good mood. I had put everything aside and
made sure my family was happy.
I don’t think I had ever seen Olwetho so happy. He just smiled and giggled throughout the day. I was
glad to see he was ok being away from Linda for such a long period. I was also glad to see Siya
spending time with him.
I know I had said I needed time to think about where Siya and I stand. But this promotion of his gave
me hope.
Maybe with time I could come to forgetting about what he did, and try building our trust again.
I did love Siya after all, and maybe I just needed to fight for my marriage. I just hoped he would also
be willing to fight for us. Because I don’t think I could ever go through this again.
We all spent the rest of the day just relaxing and eating. There’s something about the holidays that
just makes you want to eat. Mam Martha had made me an amazing blue velvet cake for my birthday.
Olwetho finally fell asleep at around 6pm.
I was also so tired from not having slept properly for the past 2 days, so I decided to leave Siya and
the gang, and go get myself some beauty sleep.
I took a quick shower first, then went to bed. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I even
put my phone on silent so that no one would disturb me.
I didn’t quite remember hearing Siya come to bed, but here he was waking me up
Him; Rifiloe
Me; mhmm
Him; wake up
Me; Siya I swear, ill flipping stab you
Him; you’re going to miss your flight
Me; flight?
Him; yes
Me; Siya, just leave me alone tu
Him; baby, you said you want to leave on the 26th. It’s the 26th
Me; mxm I’m not going
Him; since when
Me; since now. Can I go back to sleep now
Him; but
Me; Siya if you know what’s good for you, you will tell your pilot to cancel the flight, and let me sleep.
Unless you want me to go
Him; of course not
Me; so let me be
I put the duvet over my head, and drifted back to sleep. I didn’t see the point of leaving, when Siya
was adamant about me staying.
Maybe with time we could get our shit back to normal.
When I woke up, Siya was wrapped around me like Ivy. I smiled a bit, because I knew that things
were “ok”, because I know somethings wrong, when he sleeps on his side of the bed.
I tried to get untangled but he held me tighter
Me; move over
Him; not happening
Me; dude, I need to pee
Him; promise to come back
Me; promise
He let go, and I ran to the bathroom. While I was in there I freshened up a bit, then went back to lay
with him.
Him; (yawn) thank you for staying
Me; don’t thank me so quickly. There are conditions to my staying
Him; tell me what I need to do to make us ok and I’ll do it
Me; marriage counselling
Him; I’m not sure that’s a good idea
Me; why not?
Him; we cant really talk about what I do to strangers
Me; we can leave out some things
Him; I’m not sure
Me; Siya
Him; mhmm Fine
Me; good. And one more thing
Him; what
Me; we need to start going to church
Him; aahhmm
Me; I’m serious
Him; but babe
Me; Siya, we have really had bad luck, ever since we got together. I think a part of it Is because we
just went with things. We never truly prayed for our marriage. The only time I prayed was when you
were in a coma. That’s not right
Him; I guess you have a point
Me; and one more thing
Him; anything
Me; Siya, I’m going to do my level best to move on from this Jessica thing. I truly am, but I’m going
to need you to promise me that you will never and I mean Ever do this again. I honestly don’t think I
could go through something like this with you
Him; Rifiloe. I swear to you that this will never happen again. I saw how much it nearly ruined us. I’m
not willing to go through nearly losing you again
Me; good
Him; so we can finally move on
Me; yes. Just give me time when it comes to (clears throat) sex
Him; Ill give you all the time you need
Me; thank you
I stayed in bed with Siya for most of the morning. It felt good to just let go of things. Me being so
angry was starting to drain me.
As Siya and I were having breakfast in bed, my phone rang. I looked at the ID and saw it was Luis.
God he had the worst timing. Siya looked at me and took the phone out of my hand
Him; I thought we had agreed to block him
Me; I didn’t get around to it
Him; Rifiloe
Me; baby
Him; block him
Me; I will
He handed me the phone
Him; now
Me; don’t you think I should explain to him why
Him; please don’t ruin our breakfast. Just block him
Me; but
Siya looked at me with his bossy face.
Him; give me the phone and I’ll do it
Me; no Siya man. Can you just relax
Him; Rifiloe.. you know what. Never mind
He picked up his phone and dialled someone
Him; Nails I need you to do something for me
Nails; sure boss
Him; there a number that just phoned Rifiloe. I want you to block it
Nails; consider it done
Siya put the call down and continued eating
Me; Siya yaz your not fair
Him; Rifiloe, we literally just made up. I honestly don’t feel like fighting with you. especially because it
has to do with another man
Me; fine
Him; don’t ever do something like that again. I’m not sure I would be able to contain my temper
Me; ohh stop already. Its not like I slept with him
Him; I would’ve killed him before it got there
Me; mxm
Him; I’m only joking, but in all seriousness Rifiloe. The thought of you with another man makes me
want to self-destruct. Promise me you won’t ever give another man your numbers
Me; ok, Siya. I promise
Him; good
I rolled my eyes at him and continued eating my breakfast. It’s funny how when someone cheats
they don’t realise how much it hurts, but the minute someone shows interest it drives them mad.
After breakfast, we went to shower together. I kind of felt bad that I couldn’t bring myself to go all the
way with him, but I honestly couldn’t bring myself to do it just yet.
I could see it was killing Siya, but he was trying to be patient. I just hoped I would get over this thing
so that I could complete my duties as his wife.
When we were done I called my aunt to let her know I wasn’t coming home after all. I promised I
would come and visit her once we were back in SA.
We stayed in Cuba for another 2 weeks, then we left to go back to SA.
Siya had decided to have Olwetho go back to Linda. It was obvious that with both of us working,
Olwetho wouldn’t have enough time with either of us, so it was best for him to go to Linda. But Siya
would get Olwetho 2 weekends in a month.
He did however make it clear that if Linda tried anything he would take him away, and this time it
would be forever
Siya and I were starting to finally mend our path. I had found a marriage councillor not far from his
house in JHB, and we had an appointment the following week.
I was hoping that with counselling I would be able to get back to being comfortable with having sex
with Siya, because he was officially dying from a case blueballs. :(

Luckily Siya was also really busy. He started his new post as Lieutenant on the following Monday, so
he was busy getting things in order.
Me on the other hand I was busy trying to familiarise myself with Ndhlovu Corp. I had my first board
meeting in a week, so I had to make sure I was up to date with absolutely everything.
On the other hand I had to attend Siya’s signing ceremony. I was a bit nervous, because apparently
it was a really big deal in his industry. So I had to make sure I was on point, because I had to host
about 100 of his colleagues .
So all in all we had a hectic couple of weeks ahead. But most importantly I can say I was glad I took
the decision to stay. Because when I first met Siya I thought we would have the perfect relationship,
but I learned very quickly that even though neither Siya nor I were perfect, the love we have for each
other was like no other, and that alone made our relationship worth fighting for.

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