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School Grade Level 9


LOG Area
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter FOURTH QUARTER


A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of uniformly accelerated motion, motion in two-dimensions using projectile motion as example,
impulse and momentum, and conservation of linear momentum.
B. Performance Standard Propose ways to enhance sports related to projectile motion.
C. Learning S9FE-Iva-35
Competency/Objectives  Discuss motion  Capture a full  Capture a full  Show kinematic  Discuss
in two trajectory of trajectory of equations for projectiles
dimensions projectile motion on projectile projectile launched at
an inclined surface motion on an motion (Table 7 an angle
 Investigate the inclined surface p. 251)  Solve
relationships  Investigate the  Discuss problem 2(p.
between the relationships projectiles 255)
projection angle, the between the launched
height, the range and projection angle, horizontally
the time of travel of a the height, the  Apply the kinematic
projectile range and the equations in
time of travel of a solving problem
II. CONTENT MODULE 1: Forces and MODULE 1: Forces and MODULE 1: Forces and MODULE 1: Forces and MODULE !: Forces
Motion Motion Motion Motion and Motion
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages p. 168-169 p. 169-171 p. 172-173 p. 176, 178-181 p. 181-182
2. Learner’s Materials pages p. 242 p. 242-246 p. 246-247 p. 248,250-254 p.254-255
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
5. (LR)portal
B. Other Learning Resource e-Physics Science and Science and Technology
/watch?v=W0YxWzqO_z4 Technology IV 2003 IV by Navaza and Valdez

Show a picture of
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Recall free falling bodies Recall trajectory, horizontal Recall two-dimensional Recall previous activity Angry bird launching
presenting the new lesson and vertical motions. motions on air. then recall the
previous activity.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Show a video clip on Let the students draw on the Show video regarding Introduce equations
lesson sports/ball games. Ask board what pattern did they “PROJECTILE MOTION” for projectiles
students about the term see in the video clip shown then introduce the launched at an
trajectory?(Azkals yesterday. equations angle.
Game Philippines Vs.
C. Presenting Ask the students if they Unlocking
examples/Instances of the new noticed the curve paths? difficulties(e.g. v=m/s
D. Discussing new concepts and Discuss trajectory, Perform Activity # 4 Perform Activity # 4 Discuss the steps in Discuss the steps in
practicing new skills # 1 curved paths, projectiles “ Curve me on an incline” “Curve me on an incline” solving the problem. solving the problem.
that move in two Day one activity: Tracing the Day two activity:
dimensions, horizontal Trajectory on page 244-245 Launching Bottle Caps
and vertical motions. Horizontally on
page 246-257
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills # 2
F. Developing mastery Answer and discuss guide Answer and discuss guide Solve problem #1 of LM on Solve problem #2 of
questions. questions. page 252. LM on page 255.
G. Finding practical application of Cite some applications of In what aspect in your
concepts and skills in daily projectiles to sports. life can we apply the
living concept presented?
H. Making generalizations and Re-discuss the video clip Ask the students to Ask a student to draw and Ask students to generalize Ask students to
abstractions about the lesson of sports /ball games generalize what they did in label the given situation. A the relationship of generalize the
previously shown using the experiment. girl thrown a ball out from horizontal and vertical relationships
projectile concept. the window. motions in projectiles between angle of
release, the height,
the range and the
time of travel of a
I. Evaluating learning Ask students of more Ask students to cite more Give one situational .
games involving activities showing projectile problem for evaluation.
projectile concept. motion. The motion of the ball
after it is released until it
is caught is
graphed.(Shown on the
J. Additional activities for Give another problem Give another
application or remediation solving activities to the problem solving
students. activities to the
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
School Grade Level 9
Teacher Learning SCIENCE
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter FOURTH QUARTER


A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of uniformly accelerated motion, motion in two-dimensions using projectile motion as
example, impulse and momentum, and conservation of linear momentum.
B. Performance Standard The learners should be able to propose ways to enhance sports related to projectile motion.
C. Learning Competency/Objectives

Infer that the total Infer that the total Infer that the total
Identify the factors that momentum before momentum before momentum
Identify the factors that affect
affect the force of impact and after collision is and after collision is before and after
on moving objects. equal. (S9FE-IVb-37) equal. (S9FE-IVb- collision is equal.
37) (S9FE-IVb-37)

II. CONTENT Conservation of Conservation of Conservation of

Momentum Momentum Momentum
Factors affecting Momentum Impulse and Momentum
(Elastic Collision) (Elastic Collision) (Inelastic
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages p. 185
2. Learner’s Materials pages p. 256 p.259 p.265-270 p. 265-270 P. 265-270
3. Textbook pages Conceptual and Functional Conceptual and Conceptual and Conceptual and Conceptual and
Physics - A Modular Functional Physics - A Functional Physics - A Functional Physics - Functional
Approach p. 76-77 Modular Approach p. 77- Modular Approach p. 79- A Modular Approach Physics - A
78 81 p. 80-81 Modular
Approach p. 82-
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resource (LR)portal

B. Other Learning Resource

A. Reviewing previous lesson or • Ask them how is the • Recall the law • Recall the law of
presenting the new lesson change in of conservation of conservation of
Recall Newton’s first law of Recall the factors
momentum momentum. momentum.
motion. affecting
determined. • Recall Newton’s third • Describe elastic
momentum. law of motion. collision.
B. Establishing a purpose for the • Use Newton’s cradle • Use Newton’s cradle • Ask what
lesson Ask students if they have to catch the attention of again and let them happens during
watched the Pacquiao- the students. Let them predict what happens an inelastic
Show two toy cars of Mayweather match, and ask predict what happens when the first and last collision and what
different masses to be rolled what can be the techniques when 1 ball is made to ball are made to are the
simultaneously on an to lessen the impact of a collide with other four collide with the other examples.
inclined plane. Call two punch to avoid getting balls. Then follow up balls at the middle. • Use a piece of
students to come to stop the knocked out. (Manny with 2 balls. • Ask if there is also a clay rolled into a
two objects, one for each Pacquiao must move • Ask what happened to conservation of ball and hit it on
student. Ask the class which according to the direction of the momentum of the momentum in this the blackboard or
toy car is more difficult to the punch of Mayweather ). balls before and after the case and explain their a wall. Ask them
stop. Ask them to explain collision. answer. if there is a
their answers. conservation of
momentum in this
C. Presenting examples/Instances of Tell students that in physics, • Ask why does a fall onto a • Present the
the new lesson there is a quantity (a vector trampoline hurt less than • Present the formula of Considering momentum video “Elastic and
quantity) that describes the onto a cement floor. law of conservation of as a vector quantity, inelastic
tendency of a moving object momentum (m1v1 + m2v2 ask them how they collisions”
to keep moving. It is also • Ask which is better to hit in = m1v1 + m2v2) think momentum is (https://www.yout
described as a measure of case your car becomes out conserved in a collision
how hard to stop an object. of control, a brick wall or a of two football players.
Ask them what makes an haystack. (Present a picture • “Let’s play Tumbang (See page 264 of the =8ko3qy9vgLQ&t
object hard to stop and it is of the situation, see Preso!” (to be LM) =37s)
for them to find out in the attachment). (Ans: It is performed by group) or the constel
following activity. better to hit a haystack than Give the mechanics of tape about
a concrete wall because the the game through the collisions.
longer time of contact video: “Tumbang preso” • Have students
reduces the force.) at analyze the
https:/ figures 23 and 24
/watch?v=yTQUF0huAb on page 270 of
Y the module.
D. Discussing new concepts and • Ask students what are • Perform Activity 8
practicing new skills # 1 the strategies they did to “Balloon Rocket”
be able to hit the tin can and answer the
and get their slippers guide questions.
back without being
Perform Activity 6: .Perform Activity 7 : caught by the opponent.
“Investigating Momentum” “Playing Egg • Ask students to
and answer the guide Volleyball” and answer describe how
questions. the guide questions. momentum is conserved
in the tumbang preso
game. (Note: This game
can be performed
the whole period if time
can afford.)
E. Discussing new concepts and . • Recall Newton’s second Present the video • Give a sample • Ask if there is
practicing new skills # 2 law of motion (F=ma). “Inelastic and Elastic problem on this type of also a
Using this equation, show Collisions: what are collision (see page 269 conservation of
that the change in they?’’ of the LM). momentum in an
momentum is equivalent to ( • Show derivation of inelastic and
the product of force and m/watch?v=Xe2r6wey26 formula. perfectly
time (impulse). See page E&t=165s) inelastic collision.
263 of the LM. • Ask them to describe an • Give sample
• Give a sample problem. elastic collision. problems on this
type of collisions
(see attachment).
• Show derivation
of formula.
F. Developing mastery • Give a sample problem Give a set of exercises. Give a set of
on this type of collision. exercises (see
Give a set of exercises on • Show derivation of attachment).
Let them do the exercises on
determining change in formula. Give a set of
p. 259
momentum or impulse. exercises on the law of
conservation of
G. Finding practical application of Ask students to cite • Ask students to give Ask what are the
concepts and skills in daily living • Explain the function sports or activities that examples of activities do’s and don’ts to
of airbag, seat belts, exhibit law of that exhibit Newton’s avoid a collision
Cite how knowledge of and padded floors at a conservation of third law of motion. while driving.
momentum can be applied gym. momentum. • Ask if there is also a
while driving a car. • Cite how the principle of conservation of
impulse is applied in momentum in the
sports like volleyball, examples and explain
badminton, basketball and how. .
H. Making generalizations and Ask what is stated in the • Ask what is stated in • Ask what is
abstractions about the lesson Law of Conservation of the Law of stated in the Law
Ask how change in Momentum. Conservation of of Conservation
Ask what are the factors that
momentum can be Momentum. of Momentum.
affect momentum.
determined. • Describe elastic • Differentiate
collision. elastic and
inelastic collision.
I. Evaluating learning Give a short multiple Give a short
Give a short multiple choice Give a short multiple choice choice quiz.(See multiple choice
quiz.(See attachment) quiz.(See attachment) attachment) quiz.(See
J. Additional activities for application • Ask students to
or remediation show a
presentation in
which they will
demonstrate the
three types of
• Show them the
rubric on how
they will be
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%

C. Did the remedial lessons work?

No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to

require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
School Grade Level 9
Teaching Dates and Quarter FOURTH QUARTER


A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of the conservation of mechanical energy.
B. Performance Standard The learners create a device that shows conservation of mechanical energy.
C. Learning S9FE-Ivc-39, S9FE-Ivd-40, S9FE-Ive-41
Competency/Objectives  Trace and explain  Build a model  Demonstrate  Identify the positions  Determine what
the energy turbine. mechanical where kinetic energy happens to the freely
transformations in  Identify how energy, and potential energy falling object’s
various activities hydroelectric transformation and is at maximum or kinetic and potential
 Identify the energy facilities use conservation minimum energy.
forms present in water pressure to  Demonstrate  Explain the result of
the operation of work. Hydro Electric the demonstration
simple toys Power using water using conservation
 Describe the energy reservoir of energy
transformations in the system
II. CONTENT Mechanical Conservation of
Energy Transformation Transformation: Mechanical Conservation of Mechanical Energy on
Constructing Transformation Mechanical Energy Freely Falling Body
Turbine Model.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 193-195 pp. 196-197 pp.197-198 pp. 204-205 pp.204
2. Learner’s Materials pages pp. 281-284 pp. 285-287 pp. 287-289 pp. 294-297 pp. 296-297
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resource APEX Physics Unit 3 a. c. e.
/watch?v=w4QFJb9a8vo Chapter 1 LP2 Heat om/watch?v=- m/watch?v=lnbfPlpAKx m/watch?v=BGaJZu3H
Energy hooifWJ1jY 0 Vrg
b. Project Ease d. Project Ease f. Project Ease Physics
Physics Module 11 Physics Module 11 Module 11 Work,
Work, Energy,Power Work, Energy,Power Energy,Power and
and and Machines
Machines Machines
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review briefly the Recall mechanical Let the students prepare Have the students explain Recall where the potential
presenting the new lesson operational definition of energy conserve during the turbine Model that how Hydroelectric power and kinetic energy are in
Mechanical work heat transfer each group have made plants harness the power its greatest magnitude.
of moving water to
B. Establishing a purpose for the Discuss the potential and Show a model of Describe the Consider the illustration in
lesson kinetic energy equation hydroelectric transformation of energy figure 14, p. 296
needed for mechanical power plant from potential to kinetic
energy conservation energy and vice versa
computation. as shown in figure 12 of
C. Presenting Show Figures 1 to 4 Explain the procedure of g. Perform Activity 2: Show the following Use the ff. problem:
examples/Instances of the new serve as specific the activity on Hep Hep Hooray: equation: Consider a 1kg stone
lesson examples of tracing constructing a turbine. Part 2 MET1= MET2=MET3 = dropped on top of a hill and
changes in energy forms Presentation of the constant reached the ground after
constructed PE1+KE1=PE2+KE2=PE3+K 3s.
Turbine E3= constant
D. Discussing new concepts and Explain Activity 1, Perform Activity 2: Hep h. Discuss how Explain that these Explain how to get the
practicing new skills # 1 procedures and the Hep Hooray: Part 1 power generate equations imply that the Total mechanical energy of
expected learning Construction of the and transmit sum of kinetic and potential a freely falling body.
outcome. turbine and Water electrical energy energy or the total
The students will perform Reservoir mechanical energy will be
the Activity 1 Little shop constant if frictional force
of Toys Module 2 and other external force
will be ignored.
E. Discussing new concepts and Quantitative Analysis of Work on activity 3
practicing new skills # 2 Mechanical page 294-297
Conservation (LM page
F. Developing mastery Make a comparison of Answering of Guide Answer Guide Question Answer guide questions Complete the missing data
mechanical energy in a Questions. on page 289.(1-3) through an active in table 4, p. 297
stretched bow and a discussion.

G. Finding practical application Observe the energy Ask the importance of Cite The importance of Let the students determine
of concepts and skills in daily transformation when you Turbine in producing Hydroelectric power the transformation of
living are driving a car. electricity potential energy to kinetic
energy when a
construction worker uses
a wrecking ball in
of buildings.
H. Making generalizations and Let the students Plant in our Community Relate the activity done to Let the students explain
abstractions about the lesson summarize the various Test the Turbine Model. explain the conservation that the change in potential
forms of energy Find areas near in our of energy. energy and the change of
community where kinetic energy are equal in
Hydroelectric Power can a freely falling object.
be found.
I. Evaluating learning Answer the given Evaluation of Group Demonstration of the Problem: Problem:
questions of activity 1 Activity using Rubric turbine is evaluated by A runner jumps over a A stone roll down some
using a rubric. hurdle. Neglecting friction, distance and gains 45 J of
the potential energy of the kinetic energy. Considering
runner at the highest point air resistance, how much
compared to the kinetic gravitational potential
energy at the lowest energy did the bag lose?
point is .
J. Additional activities for Visit the Laguna Water
application or remediation Site in Sta. Rosa Area
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue

to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other
School Grade Level 9
Teaching Dates and Quarter FOURTH QUARTER
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of the conservation of mechanical energy.
B. Performance Standard The learners create a device that show conservation of mechanical energy.
C. Learning Competency/Objectives S9FT-IVe-b-42 (3.9 Construct a model to demonstrate that heat can do work.)
 Infer that the kinetic energy
of a bouncing ball is not
II. CONTENT Conservation of Kinetic Energy
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 205-207
2. Learner’s Materials pages pp. 297-298
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource Project Ease Physics Module
(LR)portal 11 Work, Energy,Power and
B. Other Learning Resource
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new Ask students how energy is
lesson conserved in a freely falling
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Give a “Hugot qoute”
“ Binitawan mo na aasa ka
pang babalikan ka?”
C. Presenting examples/Instances of the new lesson Drop any object in hand.Let
students give their observation.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills Work on activity 4, p. 297-298

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills Present answers on guide
#2 questions
F. Developing mastery Present formulas in getting the
velocity of a ball just before it
hits the ground.
G. Finding practical application of concepts and skills Ask students if a ball will not be
in daily living dribbled, will it continue to
H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the Have the students determine
lesson that in inelastic collisions,
kinetic energy is not
conserved, therefore kinetic
decreases as an object hits
another object.
I. Evaluating learning Answer Summative assesment
on p. 299-301
J. Additional activities for application or remediation

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for
remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other
School Grade Level Grade 9

Teacher Learning Area Science

Teaching Dates and Time Quarter Fourth



A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of generation, transmission, and distribution of electrical energy from power plants (hydroelectric,
geothermal, wind, nuclear) to home.

B. Performance
S9FE-IVh-j-46 S9FE-IVh-j-46 S9FE-IVh-j-46 S9FE-IVh-j-46 S9FE-IVh-j-46

C. Learning 1. Trace the path of electricity 1. Analyse other information

Competencies/Objec from the generating station, provided by the electric bill.
tives Describe the energy transmission station to 1. Describe how electric Practice energy
Write the LC code transmission and residential areas. power is measured. 2. Calculate the electrical conservation at home.
for each distribution from a power energy consumption at
station to the community. 2. Differentiate step- up 2. Calculate the energy cost home.
transformer from a step- given the power rating of
down transformer. some appliances at home.
II. CONTENT Transmission and distribution of electrical energy from Calculating Energy Use at Calculating Energy Use at Calculating Energy
power plants to home Home Home Use at Home


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Page 218- page 220 Page 218- page 220 Page 222-page 223 Page 222-page 223 Page 222
2. Learner’s Page 328- page 330 Page 328- page 330 Page 332-page 334 Page 332-page 334 Page 334
Materials pages
Physics: You and the Physics: Science and Physics: Science and Physics: Science and
Natural World Series, page Technology Textbook for Technology Textbook for Technology Textbook
298- page 299 Fourth Year page 178-179 Fourth Year page 178 for Fourth Year page
3. Textbook pages 179
Physics: You and the Natural
World page 402-405

4. Additional
Materials from
learning Resource
(LR) Portal Pictures of a digital and Actual electricity bill at home

atch?v=TQg2Y0kp2vI analog electric meter

B. Other Learning

Resources atch?v=wmAyLKEeLcM

Let the students enumerate Ask students to recite how Ask students about the Ask students how to
A. Reviewing previous the different power plants in electricity reaches their formula in computing the determine their
lesson or presenting the Philippines that supply homes from the generating energy cost. electrical energy
the new lesson electricity in our homes. power plants. consumption.

Tell the students that the Ask the students: Ask the students: The activity will lead the
video they will about to students to determine their
watch will show how Where does the electricity in 1. How much electricity is own energy consumptions at Ask the students: How
electricity is transmitted and your homes come from? consumed by your family home. can you help your
B. Establishing a
distributed from the in a day? In a month? parents to lower your
purpose for the
lesson generating power plants to electric bill for the
2. Do you know how it is month?
the different places in the
computed by the
electric company?

Let the students view the

video clip
Let students analyse the electric bill and identify the
atch?v=TQg2Y0kp2vI different components to be
C. Presenting
examples/instances that shows transmission of
of the new lesson energy from the power plant
to the different areas in the
community including our

Let the students identify the Let students’ role play

D. Discussing new different stations/stages of on how to save
concepts and electrical energy Let the students analyse and electricity at home
practicing new skills observe the electric meter
transmission and
#1 and let them determine the
distribution from the
generating power plant reading of the electricity using the following
based on the video. consumption. appliances:

TV, Washing Machine,

Electric Fan,
Refrigerator, Flat iron

Using students’ previous

knowledge on Current,
E. Discussing new Do Activity #2 Voltage, and Resistance and
concepts and how they are related to
practicing new skills Tracing Power Power, solve some problem
#2 related to electrical energy

Let students
F. Developing mastery Let the students discuss the discuss/explain the
(Leads to Formative guide questions in front of ways on how to save
Assessment3) the class. electricity shown in
their role play.

Let the students recite on

G. Finding practical how to use electricity wisely.
applications of Ask students to do Activity: How will you save
concepts and skills “Electrical Energy Audit” electrical energy here
in daily living in school?
H. Making Why does the generation
generalizations and charge computed separately
abstractions about with the distribution charge?
the lesson

I. Evaluating learning

Diorama Making: Ask the Make a research on

students by group to create a some additional
J. Additional activities miniature of a community energy saving tips and
for application or where electrical energy is share it to class next
remediation generated, transmitted and meeting.



A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.

Of learners who have caught up
with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to

require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did these work

F. What difficulties did I encounter which

my principal or supervisor can help
me solve

G. What innovation or localized materials

did I use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Republic of the Philippines

Rubrics for Role Play

CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Preparedness Student is extremely familiar Student is extremely familiar Student is somewhat familiar Student is not familiar with
with their role and uses with their role, and uses some with their role, but provides their role, and provides no
specific evidence to support evidence to support their little or no evidence to support evidence to support any
their arguments. arguments. their arguments. statements/arguments they
Participation Student actively participates in Student actively participates in Student actively participates in Student does not participate in
simulated meeting, speaking simulated meeting, speaking simulated meeting, speaking simulated meeting.
multiple times, adding new more than once, adding new more than once, but repeats
information/evidence each information/evidence each information each time.
time. time.
Active Listening/Response Student demonstrates active Student demonstrates active Student demonstrates active Student provides no indication
listening skills by providing listening skills by providing listening skills by listening they are listening to other
thoughtful responses thoughtful responses to other attentively while other students, by speaking while
addressing specific aspects of students’ statements, but asks students speak, but provides others speak, or repeating
other students’ statements, few or no questions. little or no response to any what others have already
including asking questions. statements. stated.
Etiquette Student acts as a model Student acts appropriately Student occasionally speaks Student occasionally speaks
meeting participant, speaking during the meeting, typically out of turn or interrupts out of turn or interrupts
only at appropriate times, and speaking at appropriate times, another student, but shows another student, or otherwise
showing respect to all other and showing respect to other respect to other participants. shows disrespect of other
participants. participants. participants
School Grade Level 9

DAILY LESSON Teacher Learning Area SCIENCE

Teaching Dates and Time Quarter FOURTH QUARTER



A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of generation of electrical energy from power
B. Performance Standard The learner shall be able to analyze how power plants generate electrical energy.

C. Learning Competency/Objectives Make a working model of hydrothermal power plant.


II. CONTENT Unit 4. Module 4.

Introduction to Electricity
and Magnetism Working Model of Hydrothermal Power Plant


A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 216 – 217 pp. 217 – 218

2. Learner’s Materials pages pp. 320 – 322 pp. 322 – 326

3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
B. Other Learning Resource Pictures of the following:

(Battery, light bulb,

transformer, power plant)
Manila paper

A. Reviewing previous lesson or Recall the concept learned DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4
presenting the new lesson from G8 about electric
current, voltage and J. Presentation
resistance F. Start of
A. Let the students G. Continuation of hydrothermal
watch the video construction the construction. power plant
B. Establishing a purpose for the Showing pictures listed in
about of their model model
lesson the learning resource hydrothermal of
power plant. hydrothermal H. Testing of model
C. Presenting examples/Instances of Giving Pre-assessment in power plant. K. Evaluating
the new lesson the form of K-W-L strategy using rubrics
I. Revision and modification
B. Let them reflect
know-want-to-know- of model
and gave some
D. Discussing new concepts and C. Let them watch
the working
practicing new skills # 1
Answering Pre-assessment model of
E. Discussing new concepts and hydrothermal
practicing new skills # 2 item 1-10 using K-W-L
power plant
strategy in a manila paper https://www.youtub
F. Developing mastery Presentation of output by
group by posting their work 5Z8rPSY
on the board D. Let them plan on
how to make a
G. Finding practical application of Let the students give working model of
concepts and skills in daily living samples of devices powered hydrothermal
power plant.
by electricity
E. Giving of rubrics
and Activity L. Presentation
H. Making generalizations and Ask students about the
Sheet of different
abstractions about the lesson importance of electricity at
sources of
home energy.
I. Evaluating learning Checking of Pre-assessment
made through K-W-L

J. Additional activities for application What is hydrothermal power

or remediation plant?



A. No. of learners who earned 80% in

the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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