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B.A. English Syllabus - Sem-V and VI - 2020 - Revised

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Faculty of Arts
Board of Studies - English
Draft Syllabus
Bachelor of Arts
(Semester-V & VI)
(Effective from June, 2020)
Semester- 05 ACADEMIC YEAR-2019-20

Practic Practic
S el Se Core Teac al al
r. m Course Total
Paper hing Internal External Intern Extern
UG Elective -1 Credit
No. Hour Marks Marks al al
N or este (Paper) Title Marks
o r Elective -2/ s
Marks Marks

0 U.G 05 FOUNDATIO FOUNDATION COMP. 03 45 30 70 00 00 100

1 . N

BKNMU-JND, BA-ENGLISH SEM-V (CBCS) w.e.f. June, 2020




Learning objectives:

 The course intends to strengthen the students’ language skill.

 The course intends to equip the students with language proficiency in English
 The course intends to develop students’ reading, writing and communication skills.
 To make the students aware about the Indian culture and civilization through
prescribed text.

Detailed syllabus


I SPECTRUM: A text book for college students- section – ONE (3 30 18

prose and 3 poetry) Macmillan publishers India Pvt. Ltd. Published
in 2018

II Grammar: - Degrees of comparison, Direct-indirect, idioms & 20 12

phrasal verbs (list is given)

III Comprehension of newspaper advertisement. (mobile, laptop, 10 07

freeze, T.V., washing machine, bike, car, cold drinks, etc.)

IV Essay writing (list is given) 10 08


Semester End Examination Pattern

Q. No. Sub. Q. No. Type of Question Instruction marks

1 A One line Answer questions ( From Text) 8 Out of 10 08

B Brief answer questions. ( From Text) 4 Out of 6 08

2 Short notes. ( From Text) 2 Out of 4 14

3 A Degrees of comparison ( Do as directed) 7 Out of 7 07

BKNMU-JND, BA-ENGLISH SEM-V (CBCS) w.e.f. June, 2020

B Direct to indirect ( Do as directed) 7 Out of 7 07

3 C Idioms & Phrasal verbs 6 Out of 6 06

4 Copy of Advertisement 1 Out of 2 10

5 Essay writing. ( ask from given List) 1 Out of 2 10

Total marks 70

Recommended Reading.

 Murphy’s English Grammar, Cambridge University press.

 Thompson and Martinet, A practical English Grammar, (fourth edition) OUP.
 COBUILD Intermediate English Grammar and Practice ; Publisher: HarperCollins UK;
2 edition (June 1, 2011)


List of the phrasal verbs. ( For question 3C.) (It is also given on the page no.135 in the
textbook. The paper setter is requested to choose from following list.)

(1) To give up (2) To go into action (3) To turn off (4) To keep well (5) Ups and downs
(6) Out of question (7) To go well (8) In full swing (9) To wake up (10) Off and on
(11) To look into (12) Up to the mark (13) To make a mark (14) To pass away
(15) To bring up (16) To stand by (17) To carry on (18) To cast off (19) To fall in love with
(20) To bring to light (21) To get through (22) To pass through (23) On the spur of the
moment (24) To turn a deaf ear to (25) To drop in.

List of the topics for essay writing. ( For question 5) (The paper setter is requested to
choose from following list.)

(1) Save nature (2) Global worming (3) City life V/S village life
(4) Importance of education (5) Digital India (6) library and its uses
(7) On line shopping-advantages & disadvantages (8) Health education
(9) Internet- pros & cons (10) Nationalism (11) National festivals of India
(12) Clean India campaign (13) Social responsibilities. (14) My favourite game.

BKNMU-JND, BA-ENGLISH SEM-V (CBCS) w.e.f. June, 2020

B. A. Semester – 5

Core Course in English

Paper – 11 William Shakespeare

Total Marks: 100 (30 Internal + 70 Semester End Exam)

Total Teaching Hours: 45
Course Credit: 03

Course Objectives: The Core Course intends to allow the learners to specialize in the broad
subject area and acquire knowledge and skills pertaining to that particular area. This paper
initiates the students into the literary field through the understanding of English plays of the great
Elizabethan dramatist – William Shakespeare. The objective of the paper is to familiarize the
students with the aspects of learning the major ideas and initiations undertaken by Shakespeare
in his master-pieces and to hone their ability to comprehend and analyze the basics of literature
reflected in these plays.

Learning Outcomes: The present paper will provide the literary sense to understand the
elements to the advanced level at higher education. The understanding of the Shakespearean
plays will prepare students for better learning equipments of English literary sense.

Course Content:

➢ Text: Julius Caesar – Maple Press, India. 2012

➢ Text: The Tempest – Oxford University Press, India. 2010

Unit Detailed Syllabus Teaching

Unit – I Text: Julius Caesar 11
Unit – II Text: Julius Caesar 11
Unit – III Text: The Tempest 11
Unit – IV Text: The Tempest 12

Semester End Exam: 70 Marks

Que. 1 Long Question from the Unit - 1 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 2 Long Question from the Unit - 2 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 3 Long Question from the Unit - 3 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 4 Long Question from the Unit - 4 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 5 Short Notes: 14 Marks
(A) 1 out of 2 from the First 2 Units 07 Marks
(B) 1 out of 2 from the Last 2 Units 07 Marks


Bradley, A. C. Shakespearean Tragedy. Penguin Publication. India. 1991.

Garber, Marjorie. Shakespeare After All. Anchor Books. India. 2004.
McGinn, Collin. Shakespeare’s Philosophy: Discovering the Meaning Behind the Plays. Harper
Publication. India. 2006.
Evans, Ifor. A Short History of English Literature. Penguin Books. Bombay. India, 1940
Hudson, W.H. An Outline History of English Literature. Maple Press. India. 2018
Albert, Edward. History of English Literature. Oxford Uni. Press. India. 1979
Bhatt, Dilip. Parmar, Bipin and Thaker, Yogesh. A Critical Study of Shakespearean Tragedies.
Jaipur: Paradise Publishers. India. 2015

B. A. Semester – 5

Core Course in English

Paper – 12 Literary Criticism - III

Total Marks: 100 (30 Internal + 70 Semester End Exam)

Total Teaching Hours: 45
Course Credit: 03

Course Objectives: The Core Course intends to allow the learners to specialize in the broad
subject area and acquire knowledge and skills pertaining to that particular area. This paper
initiates the students into the field of literary criticism through the understanding of English and
European critics of the higher rank from the different Ages. The objective of the paper is to
familiarize the students with the aspects of learning the critics and their critical theories and
inquiries and to hone their ability to comprehend and analyze basics of literary criticism.

Learning Outcomes: The present paper will provide the literary sense to understand the basic
elements to the advanced levels at higher education. The understanding of the literary criticism
and its pioneers will prepare students for better learning equipments of literary sense.

Course Content:

➢ Text: The Making of Literature by R. A. Scott James. Allied Publishers. India. 2009.

Unit Detailed Syllabus Teaching

Unit – I Functions of Literary Criticism, Qualifications of a Critic 11
Unit – II De Quincey, Plato 11
Unit – Aristotle, Longinus 11
Unit – IV Dante, Sidney 12

Semester End Exam: 70 Marks

Que. 1 Long Question from the Unit - 1 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 2 Long Question from the Unit - 2 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 3 Long Question from the Unit - 3 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 4 Long Question from the Unit - 4 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 5 Short Notes: 14 Marks
(A) 1 out of 2 from the First 2 Units 07 Marks
(B) 1 out of 2 from the Last 2 Units 07 Marks


Gary, Day. Literary Criticism: A New History. Edinburgh University Press. Great Britain. 2008
Prasad, B. An Introduction to English Criticism. Trinity Press. India. 2014
S. Ramaswamy and Sethuraman. Ed. The English Critical Tradition: An Anthology of English
Literary Criticism: Vol.1&2 Macmillan, Mumbai, 2009.

B. A. Semester – 5

Core Course in English

Paper – 13 Chaucer and the English Language

Total Marks: 100 (30 Internal + 70 Semester End Exam)

Total Teaching Hours: 45
Course Credit: 03

Course Objectives: The Core Course intends to allow the learners to specialize in the broad subject area
and acquire knowledge and skills pertaining to that particular area. This paper initiates the students into
the areas related to English language and creations of Chaucer and the introduction and understanding of
Old English literature. The objective of the paper is to familiarize the students with the aspects of learning
the basic elements and concepts of English language and literature of the initial stage and to hone their
ability to comprehend and analyze the basics of the same.

Learning Outcomes: The present paper will provide the sense to understand the basic elements to the
advanced levels at higher education. The understanding of the basics of the language and old English
literature will prepare students for better learning equipments.

Course Content:

➢ Text: The Clerk’s Tale by Geoffrey Chaucer. Oxford University Press. India. 2000
➢ Text: The English Language by C. L. Wrenn. Vikas Publishing House. India. 1993

Unit Detailed Syllabus Teaching

Unit – I Text: The Clerk’s Tale by Geoffrey Chaucer 11
Unit – II Text: The Clerk’s Tale by Geoffrey Chaucer 11
Unit – III Topics: General Character of English , The Indo-European Family of 11
Languages, Landmarks in the History of English - from the Text: The
English Language by C. L. Wrenn
Unit – IV Topics:, The Influence of Latin, Greek Influence, English as a World 12
Language – from the Text: The English Language by C. L. Wrenn

Semester End Exam: 70 Marks

Que. 1 Long Question from the Unit - 1 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 2 Long Question from the Unit - 2 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 3 Long Question from the Unit - 3 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 4 Long Question from the Unit - 4 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 5 Short Notes: 14 Marks
(A) 1 out of 2 from the First 2 Units 07 Marks
(B) 1 out of 2 from the Last 2 Units 07 Marks


Lass, Roger. The Cambridge History of the English Language. Cambridge Uni. Press. UK. 2000
Baugh, Albert and Cable, Thomas. A History of the English Language. Routledge. UK. 2012
Hudson, W. H. An Introduction to the Study of English Literature. Maple Press. India. 2009.
Daiches, David. A Critical History of English Literature. Vol.1, 2, 3 & 4. Supernova. 1994.
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. OUP. 2010.
Sanders, Andrew. The Short Oxford History of English Literature. OUP. New Delhi. India. 2004.

B. A. Semester – 5

Core Course in English

Paper – 14 History of English Literature – Victorian Age (1837 – 1900)

Total Marks: 100 (30 Internal + 70 Semester End Exam)

Total Teaching Hours: 45
Course Credit: 03

Course Objectives: The Core Course intends to allow the learners to specialize in the broad subject area
and acquire knowledge and skills pertaining to that particular area. This paper initiates the students into
the areas related to the history of English literature and the text from the Victorian Age of English
literature. The objective of the paper is to familiarize the students with the aspects of learning the basic
elements and concepts of English literary history and master-piece written during that period and to hone
their ability to comprehend and analyze the basics of the history of the concerned period.

Learning Outcomes: The present paper will provide the sense to understand the basic elements to the
advanced levels at higher education. The understanding of the basics of the particular period of history of
English literature will prepare students for better learning equipments to understand the same.

Course Content:

➢ Topics from the History of English Literature -

➢ Text: The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy. Notion Press. India. 2019

Unit Detailed Syllabus Teaching

Unit – I History Topics – Salient Features of Victorian Age, Alfred Tennyson, 11
Robert Browning
Unit – II History Topics – Charles Dickens, Emily Bronte, Thomas Carlyle 11
Unit – III Text: The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy 11
Unit – IV Text: The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy 12

Semester End Exam: 70 Marks

Que. 1 Long Question from the Unit - 1 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 2 Long Question from the Unit - 2 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 3 Long Question from the Unit - 3 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 4 Long Question from the Unit - 4 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 5 Short Notes: 14 Marks
(A) 1 out of 2 from the First 2 Units 07 Marks
(B) 1 out of 2 from the Last 2 Units 07 Marks


Evan. Ifor. A Short History of English Literature. Penguin Books. India. 1940
Long, W.J. English Literature: It’s History and Significance. Malik and Company. India. 2019
Hudson, W. H. An Introduction to the Study of English Literature. Maple Press. India. 2009.
Daiches, David. A Critical History of English Literature. Vol.1, 2, 3 & 4. Supernova. 1994.
Sanders, Andrew. The Short Oxford History of English Literature. OUP. New Delhi. India. 2004.
Bhatt, Dilip and Parmar, Bipin. Gems of World Literature. Sunrise Publishers & Distributors.
Jaipur. India. 2018-20

B. A. Semester – 5

Core Course in English

Paper – 15 Indian Poetics

Total Marks: 100 (30 Internal + 70 Semester End Exam)

Total Teaching Hours: 45
Course Credit: 03

Course Objectives: The Core Course intends to allow the learners to specialize in the broad subject area
and acquire knowledge and skills pertaining to that particular area. This paper initiates the students into
the areas related to the history of literary theories expounded by Indian aestheticians in the field of Indian
Poetics. The objective of the paper is to familiarize the students with the aspects of learning the basic
elements and concepts of Indian Poetics and rudiments of the literary theories from Sanskrit Poetics and
to hone their ability to comprehend and analyze the basics of the Indian side of literary theory and

Learning Outcomes: The present paper will provide the sense to understand the basic elements to the
advanced levels at higher education. The understanding of the basics of the Indian Poetics will prepare
students for better learning equipments to understand their own nation’s contributions in the fields of
literary theory and criticism.

Course Content:

➢ Topics from the Text: Indian Aesthetics by V. S. Sethuraman. Macmillan. India. 2000

Unit Detailed Syllabus Teaching

Unit – I Rasa Theory 11
Unit – II Alamkara 11
Unit – III Dhvani 11
Unit – IV Vakrokti 12

Semester End Exam: 70 Marks

Que. 1 Long Question from the Unit - 1 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 2 Long Question from the Unit - 2 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 3 Long Question from the Unit - 3 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 4 Long Question from the Unit - 4 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 5 Short Notes: 14 Marks
(A) 1 out of 2 from the First 2 Units 07 Marks
(B) 1 out of 2 from the Last 2 Units 07 Marks


Kapoor, Kapil. Literary Theory: Indian Conceptual Framework. East-West Press. India. 1998

10 | P a g e
B. A. Semester – 5

Core Course in English

Paper – 16 Non-British Masters

Total Marks: 100 (30 Internal + 70 Semester End Exam)

Total Teaching Hours: 45
Course Credit: 03

Course Objectives: The Core Course intends to allow the learners to specialize in the broad subject area
and acquire knowledge and skills pertaining to that particular area. This paper initiates the students into
the areas related to literary creations other than English especially Russian and French ones. The objective
of the paper is to familiarize the students with the texts of world literature and also the aspects of learning
the basic elements and concepts of non-British masters of literature and to hone their ability to
comprehend and analyze the basics of the world literature and master-pieces of the same.

Learning Outcomes: The present paper will provide the sense to understand the basic elements to the
advanced levels at higher education. The understanding of the basics of the Non-British authors and their
texts will prepare students for better learning equipments to understand the literary texts other than
English and their contributions in the fields of world literature.

Course Content:

➢ Text: Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Cosmo Books. New York. 1914
➢ Text: The Plague by Albert Camus. Allen Lane. London. 2001

Unit Detailed Syllabus Teaching

Unit – I Text: Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky 11
Unit – II Text: Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky 11
Unit – III Text: The Plague by Albert Camus 11
Unit – IV Text: The Plague by Albert Camus 12

Semester End Exam: 70 Marks

Que. 1 Long Question from the Unit - 1 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 2 Long Question from the Unit - 2 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 3 Long Question from the Unit - 3 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 4 Long Question from the Unit - 4 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 5 Short Notes: 14 Marks
(A) 1 out of 2 from the First 2 Units 07 Marks
(B) 1 out of 2 from the Last 2 Units 07 Marks

11 | P a g e

Thody, Philip. Albert Camus: Lyrical and Critical essay. Vintage Books. London. 1970
Mcduff, David. Fyodor M Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment. Penguin Classics. UK. 2002
Peace, Richard Arthur. Fyodor M Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment: A Case Book. OUP.
India. 2006
Bhatt, Dilip and Parmar, Bipin. Gems of World Literature. Sunrise Publishers & Distributors.
Jaipur. India. 2018-20

12 | P a g e
Semester- 06 ACADEMIC YEAR-2019-20

Practic Practic
S el Se Core Teac al al
r. m Course Total
Paper hing Internal External Intern Extern
UG Elective -1 Credit
No. Hour Marks Marks al al
N or este (Paper) Title Marks
o r Elective -2/ s
Marks Marks

0 U.G 06 FOUNDATIO FOUNDATION COMP. 03 45 30 70 00 00 100

1 . N




Learning objectives

 The course intends to strengthen the students’ language skill.

 The course intends to equip the students with language proficiency in English
 The course intends to develop students’ reading, writing and communication skills.
 To make the students aware about the Indian culture and civilization through
prescribed text.

Detailed syllabus


I SPECTRUM: A text book for college students- section – TWO (3 30 18

prose and 3 poetry) Macmillan publishers India Pvt. Ltd. Published
in 2018

II Translation of English paragraph into Gujarati and Gujarati 10 07

paragraph into English

III Guided story writing 10 06

IV E-Mail writing 10 07

V Questionnaire: Academic and social 10 07


Semester End Examination Pattern

Q. Sub. Q. Type of Question Instruction marks

No. No.

1 A One line Answer questions ( From Text) 8 Out of 10 08

B Brief answer questions. ( From Text) 4 Out of 6 08

2 Short notes. ( From Text) 2 Out of 4 14

3 A Translate paragraph from English to Gujarati. 1 Out of 1 05


B Translate paragraph from Gujarati to English. 1 Out of 1 05

4 A Develop a story with suitable title from given 1 Out of 2 10


4 B Write an E-Mail on the given topic. 1 Out of 2 10

5 Write a questionnaire on given topic.(List is 1 Out of 2 10


Total marks 70

Recommended Reading.

 Murphy’s English Grammar, Cambridge University press.

 Thompson and Martinet, A practical English Grammar, (fourth edition) OUP.
 COBUILD Intermediate English Grammar and Practice ; Publisher: HarperCollins UK;
2 edition (June 1, 2011)


Topics for questionnaire. (Question 5)

(1) Living conditions in college hostel.

(2) Unemployment among arts graduates.
(3) Library going habit of college students.
(4) College students’ participation in extracurricular activities.
(5) Students’ approach to competitive exams.
(6) Usefulness of internal evaluation system.
(7) Socio-economic condition of socially backward class.
(8) Socio-economic condition of farmers.
(9) Socio-economic condition of part-time household servants.
(10) Survey of shopping habits of working women.
(11) Survey of rising price and its remedial steps.
(12) Survey of use of internet learning by college students.
(13) Socio-economic survey of working women in city.
(14) Causes of unrest in college students.


B. A. Semester – 6

Core Course in English

Paper – 17 Modern British Literature (1900 – 1960)

Total Marks: 100 (30 Internal + 70 Semester End Exam)

Total Teaching Hours: 45
Course Credit: 03

Course Objectives: The Core Course intends to allow the learners to specialize in the broad subject area
and acquire knowledge and skills pertaining to that particular area. This paper initiates the students into
the history of British literature through the understanding of English topics before and after two great
Wars and absurd plays written in the post-War period. The objective of the paper is to familiarize the
students with the aspects of learning the major ideas and initiations undertaken by the writers and poets of
the twentieth century and to hone their ability to comprehend and analyze the basics of modern literature
reflected in the prescribed text and the topics.

Learning Outcomes: The present paper will provide the literary sense to understand the elements to the
advanced level at higher education. The understanding of the modern literary writers and trends will
prepare students for better learning equipments of English literary sense of modern times.

Course Content:

➢ Topics from the History of Modern English Literature (1900 – 1960)

➢ Text: The Birthday Party a play by Harold Pinter Surjeet Publication, India. 2018

Unit Detailed Syllabus Teaching

Unit – I Topics: Characteristics of Modern Novel, Virginia Woolf, 11
James Joyce
Unit – II Topics: Characteristics of Modern Poetry, W. B. Yeats, T. S. 11
Unit – III Text: The Birthday Party by Harold Pinter 11
Unit – IV Text: The Birthday Party by Harold Pinter 12

Semester End Exam: 70 Marks

Que. 1 Long Question from the Unit - 1 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 2 Long Question from the Unit - 2 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 3 Long Question from the Unit - 3 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 4 Long Question from the Unit - 4 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 5 Short Notes: 14 Marks
(A) 1 out of 2 from the First 2 Units 07 Marks
(B) 1 out of 2 from the Last 2 Units 07 Marks

13 | P a g e

Naismith, Bill. Harold Pinter: Faber Critical Guides. Faber and Faber. London. 2000
Merritt, Susan Hollis. Pinter in Play: critical strategies and the Plays of Harold Pinter. Durhan
and London. Duke UK. 1995
Evans, Ifor. A Short History of English Literature. Penguin Books. Bombay. India. 1940
Hudson, W.H. An Outline History of English Literature. Maple Press. India. 2018
Albert, Edward. History of English Literature. Oxford Uni. Press. India. 1979
Bhatt, Dilip. Parmar, Bipin. Gems of World Literature. Jaipur: Sunrise Publishers. India. 2018-20

14 | P a g e
B. A. Semester – 6

Core Course in English

Paper – 18 Literary Isms and Terms

Total Marks: 100 (30 Internal + 70 Semester End Exam)

Total Teaching Hours: 45
Course Credit: 03

Course Objectives: The Core Course intends to allow the learners to specialize in the broad subject area
and acquire knowledge and skills pertaining to that particular area. This paper initiates the students into
the field of literary isms and terms of various arts that influenced English literature ranging from 17th
century to 20th century artistic movements. The objective of the paper is to familiarize the students with
the aspects of learning the basics of the important literary isms and literary terms and to hone their ability
to comprehend and analyze basics of literary theory and criticism.

Learning Outcomes: The present paper will provide the literary sense to understand the basic elements
to the advanced levels at higher education. The understanding of the literary isms and terms and their
pioneers will prepare students for better learning equipments of literary and artistic sense.

Course Content:

➢ Text: A Glossary of literary Terms by Abrams M. H and Harpham Geoffrey Galt., Cengage
Learning. UK. 2015
➢ Text: A Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory by Cuddon. J. A. Wiley-Blackwell.
UK. 2013

Unit Detailed Syllabus Teaching

Unit – I Aestheticism, Classicism, Existentialism, Feminism 11
Unit – II Humanism, Irony, Modernism, Naturalism 11
Unit – III Oxford Movement, Marxism, Romanticism, Stream of Consciousness 11
Unit – IV Symbolism, Theatre of Absurd, Transcendentalism, Postcolonialism 12

Semester End Exam: 70 Marks

Que. 1 Long Question from the Unit - 1 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 2 Long Question from the Unit - 2 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 3 Long Question from the Unit - 3 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 4 Long Question from the Unit - 4 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 5 Short Notes: 14 Marks
(A) 1 out of 2 from the First 2 Units 07 Marks
(B) 1 out of 2 from the Last 2 Units 07 Marks

15 | P a g e
Bertens, Hans. Literary Theory: The Basics. Routledge. UK. 2001
Ryan, Michael. Literary Theory: A Practical Introduction. Wiley-Blackwell. UK. 1999
Seldon, Raman. A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory. The Harvester Press. UK.
Nagarajan, M.S. English literary Criticism and Theory An Introductory History. Orient Black
Swan. India. 2018
Gary, Day. Literary Criticism: A New History. Edinburgh University Press. Great Britain. 2008
Prasad, B. An Introduction to English Criticism. Trinity Press. India. 2014
S. Ramaswamy and Sethuraman. Ed. The English Critical Tradition: An Anthology of English
Literary Criticism: Vol.1&2 Macmillan, Mumbai, 2009.

16 | P a g e
BA semester -6
Core Course in English

Paper – 19 English Language and Soft Skills_Revised

Total Marks: 100 (30 Internal + 70 Semester End

Exam) Total Teaching Hours: 45
Course Credit: 03

Course Objectives: The Core Course intends to allow the learners to specialize in the broad
subject area and acquire knowledge and skills pertaining to that particular area. This paper initiates
the students into the areas related to the development of English language and the concepts and the
introduction of Soft Skills and their understanding. The objective of the paper is to familiarize the
students with the aspects of learning the basic elements and concepts of English language as well as
the understanding of soft skills and their usages in acquiring the job potentialities and to hone their
ability to comprehend and analyze the basics of the soft skills in routine.

Learning Outcomes: The present paper will provide the sense to understand the basic elements to
the advanced levels at higher education. The understanding of the basics of the language and the
soft skills will prepare students for better learning equipments of 21stcentury as 21stcentury is an era
of skills.

Course Content:

 Text: The English Language by C. L. Wrenn. Vikas Publishing House. India.1993

 Text: English and Soft Skills by S. P. Dhanavel. Orient BlackSwan. Hyderabad.2010( This
text is for the practice of soft skills in the classroom only)

Unit Detailed Teaching

Syllabus Hours
Unit – I Topics: Standardising of Spelling and Pronunciation, The Development of
Dictionaries, Methods of Study - from the Text: The English Language by C. L. 11
Unit – II Topics: The Ordering of Words and Syntax, Syntax and Parts of Speech, Bible
Translations – from the Text: The English Language by C. L. Wrenn
Unit – III Topics:
Listening Skills-(Importance of Listening, Characteristics of Effective Listening,
Types of Listening, What are some listening problems and how to overcome them)
Learning Skill-(Importance of Learning Skill, Characteristics of Learning Skill, 11
Qualities of good learner),
Problem-Solving Skills –(What is Problem Solving Skill, Give Problem and ask to
write their solutions, Some of the general characteristics of good problem solvers)
Unit – IV Topics:
Interview Skills-(Types of Interview, How to prepare oneself for a job interview?,
Preparation of cover letter, Preparation of Resume.)
Non-Verbal Communication Skills-(Importance of Non –Verbal communication,
Types of Non Verbal Communication, Explain terms like Facial expression,
Gesture, posture, Body Language, Eye-contact, Appearance)
Written Communication Skills –(Types of Written Communication, Essential
qualities of good writing, How to make writing effective)

BA semester -6
Core Course in English

Semester End Exam: 70 Marks

Que. 1 Long Question from Unit - 1 (1 out of 2) 14Marks
Que. 2 Long Question from Unit - 2 (1 out of 2) 14Marks
Que. 3 Long Question from Unit - 3 (1 out of 2) 14Marks
Que. 4 Long Question from Unit - 4 (1 out of 2) 14Marks
Que. 5 Short Notes: 14 Marks
(A) 1 out of 2 from Unit 1 & 2 07Marks
(B) 1 out of 2 from Unit 3 & 4 07Mark

Wells, John C. IPA Transcription Systems for English. University College. London. 2001
Lass, Roger. The Cambridge History of the English Language. Cambridge Uni. Press.
UK. 2000 Baugh, Albert and Cable, Thomas. A History of the English Language.
Routledge. UK. 2012 Klaus, Peggy. Rohman, Jain. Hamakar, Molly. The Hard Truth
About Soft Skills. Collins Business. USA. 2007
Kamin, Maxine. Soft Skills Revolution. John Wiley and Sons. USA. 2013
Lancster, Lynne. And Stillman, David. When Generation Collide. Harper Collins. USA.
Alex.k. soft SkillsS.Chand Publishing, New Delhi.2009

B. A. Semester – 6

Core Course in English

Paper – 20 Literary Criticism - IV

Total Marks: 100 (30 Internal + 70 Semester End Exam)

Total Teaching Hours: 45
Course Credit: 03

Course Objectives: The Core Course intends to allow the learners to specialize in the broad
subject area and acquire knowledge and skills pertaining to that particular area. This paper
initiates the students into the field of literary criticism through the understanding of English and
European critics of the higher rank from the different Ages. The objective of the paper is to
familiarize the students with the aspects of learning the critics and their critical theories and
inquiries and to hone their ability to comprehend and analyze basics of literary criticism.

Learning Outcomes: The present paper will provide the literary sense to understand the basic
elements to the advanced levels at higher education. The understanding of the literary criticism
and its pioneers will prepare students for better learning equipments of literary sense.

Course Content:

➢ Text: The Making of Literature by R. A. Scott James. Allied Publishers. India. 2009.

Unit Detailed Syllabus Teaching

Unit – I Ben Jonson, John Dryden 11
Unit – II William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge 11
Unit – III Sainte Beuve, Matthew Arnold 11
Unit – IV Walter Pater, Benedetto Croce 12

Semester End Exam: 70 Marks

Que. 1 Long Question from the Unit - 1 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 2 Long Question from the Unit - 2 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 3 Long Question from the Unit - 3 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 4 Long Question from the Unit - 4 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 5 Short Notes: 14 Marks
(A) 1 out of 2 from the First 2 Units 07 Marks
(B) 1 out of 2 from the Last 2 Units 07 Marks

19 | P a g e

Gary, Day. Literary Criticism: A New History. Edinburgh University Press. Great Britain. 2008
Prasad, B. An Introduction to English Criticism. Trinity Press. India. 2014
S. Ramaswamy and Sethuraman. Ed. The English Critical Tradition: An Anthology of English
Literary Criticism: Vol.1&2 Macmillan, Mumbai, 2009.

20 | P a g e
B. A. Semester – 6

Core Course in English

Paper – 21 American Literature

Total Marks: 100 (30 Internal + 70 Semester End Exam)

Total Teaching Hours: 45
Course Credit: 03

Course Objectives: The Core Course intends to allow the learners to specialize in the broad subject area
and acquire knowledge and skills pertaining to that particular area. This paper initiates the students into
the areas related to the modern period in the history of American literature. The objective of the paper is
to familiarize the students with the aspects of learning the basic elements and concepts of American
literature through the two master-pieces and to hone their ability to comprehend and analyze the basics of
the American literature through the prescribed texts.

Learning Outcomes: The present paper will provide the sense to understand the basic elements to the
advanced levels at higher education. The understanding of the basics of the American literature through
the modern American texts will prepare students for better learning equipments to understand the
literature written at the other side of the Atlantic.

Course Content:

➢ Text: Old Man and the Sea a novella by Ernest Hemingway World Heritage Publishers.
Lebanon. 2015
➢ Text: All My Sons a play by Arthur Miller Penguin Classics. UK. 2015

Unit Detailed Syllabus Teaching

Unit – I Text: Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway 11
Unit – II Text: Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway 11
Unit – III Text: All My Sons by Arthur Miller 11
Unit – IV Text: All My Sons by Arthur Miller 12

Semester End Exam: 70 Marks

Que. 1 Long Question from the Unit - 1 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 2 Long Question from the Unit - 2 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 3 Long Question from the Unit - 3 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 4 Long Question from the Unit - 4 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 5 Short Notes: 14 Marks
(A) 1 out of 2 from the First 2 Units 07 Marks
(B) 1 out of 2 from the Last 2 Units 07 Marks

21 | P a g e

Meyers, Jeffrey. Hemmingway: A Biography. Macmillan. UK. 1985

Oliver, Charles M. Ernest Hemmingway A to Z: The essential References To The Life and Works.
Checkmark. New York. 1999
Meyers, Jeffrey. The Genius and the Goddess: Arthur Miller and Marilyn Monroe. University of
Illinois Press. USA. 2009
Bhatt, Dilip and Parmar, Bipin. Gems of World Literature. Sunrise Publishers & Distributors.
Jaipur. India. 2018-20
Bhatt, Dilip and Parmar, Bipin. Literatures of the World. Paradise Publishers. Jaipur. India.2014

22 | P a g e
B. A. Semester – 6

Core Course in English

Paper – 22 Indian English Literature - II

Total Marks: 100 (30 Internal + 70 Semester End Exam)

Total Teaching Hours: 45
Course Credit: 03

Course Objectives: The Core Course intends to allow the learners to specialize in the broad subject area
and acquire knowledge and skills pertaining to that particular area. This paper initiates the students into
the areas related to literary creations of Indian English writers and their aster-pieces. The objective of the
paper is to familiarize the students with the texts of their own nation written in English especially after
Independence and to hone their ability to comprehend and analyze the major areas of the Indian literature
in English and master-pieces of the same.

Learning Outcomes: The present paper will provide the sense to understand the core elements to the
advanced levels at higher education. The understanding of the major aspects of the Indian writing in
English and the texts of the same literature will prepare students for better learning equipments to
understand the literary texts other than British and their contributions in the fields of world literature.

Course Content:

➢ Text: Train to Pakistan by Khushwant Singh. Orient Longman. India. 1956

➢ Text: Tara by Mahesh Dattani. Penguin Books. India. 2000

Unit Detailed Syllabus Teaching

Unit – I Text: Train to Pakistan by Khushwant Singh 11
Unit – II Text: Train to Pakistan by Khushwant Singh 11
Unit – III Text: Tara by Mahesh Dattani 11
Unit – IV Text: Tara by Mahesh Dattani 12

Semester End Exam: 70 Marks

Que. 1 Long Question from the Unit - 1 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 2 Long Question from the Unit - 2 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 3 Long Question from the Unit - 3 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 4 Long Question from the Unit - 4 (1 out of 2) 14 Marks
Que. 5 Short Notes: 14 Marks
(A) 1 out of 2 from the First 2 Units 07 Marks
(B) 1 out of 2 from the Last 2 Units 07 Marks

23 | P a g e

Shahane. V.A. Khushwant Singh. Twayne Publishers. New York. 1972

Pradhan, N. S. Major Indian Novels: An Evaluation. Arnold Heinemann. India. 1985
Dhavan, R.K. Commonwealth Fiction: Vol. 1. Classical Publishing Company. India. 1988
Tank, Nayankumar. D. Fictionalisation of Politics in Post Independence Indian English Novels.
Sunrise Publishers. India. 2015
Aarwal, Beena. Mahesh Dattani’s Plays: A New Horizon in Indian Theatre. Book Enclave.
India. 2008
Haldar, Santwana. Mahesh Dattani’s Tara: A Critical Study. Prestige Books. India. 2009
Multani, Angelia. Mahesh Dattani’s Plays: Critical Perspectives. Pencraft International. India.
Parmar, Bipinkumar. The Dramatic World of Mahesh Dattani: Voices and Vision. Aadi
Publication. India. 2012

24 | P a g e

Faculty: ARTS Subject: ENGLISH Semester- 5 & 6 ACADEMIC YEAR—2020-21

Course Group
Core Course Practical Practical
Sr. UG Paper Teaching Internal External Total
Semester Elective -1 (Paper) Credit Internal External
No or No. Hours Marks Marks Marks
Elective -2/ Title Marks Marks

1 William
UG 5 Core 11 3 45 30 70 -NA- -NA- 100

UG 5 Core Criticism – 12 3 45 30 70 -NA- -NA- 100
Chaucer and
UG 5 Core the English 13 3 45 30 70 -NA- -NA- 100
History of
UG 5 Core Literature – 14 3 45 30 70 -NA- -NA- 100
Age (1837 –

5 Indian
UG 5 Core 15 3 45 30 70 -NA- -NA- 100

6 UG 5 Core 16 3 45 30 70 -NA- -NA- 100
7 UG 6 Core 17 3 45 30 70 -NA- -NA- 100
(1900 – 1960)
8 UG 6 Core Isms and 18 3 45 30 70 -NA- -NA- 100
9 UG 6 Core Language and 19 3 45 30 70 -NA- -NA- 100
Soft Skills
10 UG 6 Core Criticism – 20 3 45 30 70 -NA- -NA- 100
11 UG 6 Core 21 3 45 30 70 -NA- -NA- 100
12 UG 6 Core 22 3 45 30 70 -NA- -NA- 100
Literature –


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