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Strategic Plan 2023 - 2027

Service above Self


I am pleased to present to you the Rotary Club Mbalwa in formation Club’s first
Strategic Plan 2023–2027. The plan summarizes the strategic priorities of the Club
that have been identified to help the Rotary Club fulfill the her mission and vision.

This strategic plan is intended to ensure that the Club implements intervention to
achieve significant impact in the short and longer term. With a stronger commitment
from members , we can all contribute to the overall goal of Rotary International. I,
therefore, call upon all the club members and key stakeholders , to take this
strategic plan as the core reference to guide planning, implementing, and evaluating
the Club interventions and for mobilizing resources, as it reflects the Rotary Club
Mbalwa aspirations for attainment of our goals in Uganda and beyond.

Our Vision is "Empowered members and communities served by the Club". As Club,
we do appreciate that this is the time to graduate to chartered club and leverage on
both financial and human resources to serve our community. In pursuit of our vision ,
Rotary club Mbalwa is very well positioned in this first strategic plan to implement
and fast-track interventions aimed at contributing to Rotary International aspiration,
but also to contribute to capacity development of its members through effective
knowledge sharing and generating evidence to inform project interventions .

This Strategic Plan is a result of a collaborative process with several key stakeholders.
Most notable are the Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Bweyogerere Namboole led by
our Club Advisor Rtn Wayira Florence and the entire Leadership from our mother club
and members of the Rotary Club of Mbalwa who immensely contributed their ideas
and strategic thoughts for the future direction of club. Without their contribution, the
strategic planning process could not have been successful. Last but not least, I cannot
forget to extend our deep gratitude to Mr. Alban Mwikirize and Betty Nabirye who led
the Strategic Planning development process .

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As I unveil the RCM Strategic plan for the period 2023-2027, I appeal to all potential
Partners and key stakeholders to the enhance their technical and financial support
to the club.

Engineer Kent Kiggundu
Charter President

Acronyms & Abbreviations

DCA District Conference and Assembly
EREY Every Rotarian Every Year
ICT Information Communication Technology
KPI Key Performance Indicator
M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
PE President Elect
PHF Paul Harris Fellow
RCBN Rotary Club Bweyogerere Namboole
RCs Rotary Clubs
RCCs Rotary Community Corps
RCM Rotary Club Mbalwa
RCM-IN Rotary Club Mbalwa In Formation
RI Rotary International
RYLA Rotary Youth Leadership Awakening
SP Strategic Plan
SP-ASCM Strategic Plan Adopted Steering Committee Member
SP-SCM Strategic Plan Steering Committee Member
SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
TRF The Rotary Foundation

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Foreword – Charter President 2
Acronyms & Abbreviations 3
Table of Contents 4
Executive Summary – SP Steering Committee 5
Vision 6
Mission 6
Core Values 6
Introduction 7
1.0 Background 7
1.1 Institutional Framework 7
1.2 Our Rotary Guiding Principles 8
Situation Analysis 10
2.1 The Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis 10
The Strategic Direction 2023 - 2027 11
3.1 Key Strategic Focus for 2023 – 2027 11
The Strategic Direction 2023 - 2027 12
3.6 Yearly Goals and Targets 16
3.7 Strategic Goals, Objectives and Key Undertakings 17
The Implementation Plan 32
4.1 Operationalization of the Strategic Plan 32
4.2 M&E Plan 32
4.3 Financing Plan 32

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Executive Summary

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This strategic plan provides the framework for our future, ensuring that we continue
to be known as a respected, dynamic organization that advances the cause of
communities we serve worldwide. The Vision for Rotary International (RI) states:

“Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting
change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves”.

Within the framework of the strategic aspirations developed by Rotary International

and our mother club RCBN. The Vision for Rotary Club Mbalwa (RCM) shall be:

“Empowered members and communities served by the Club”


The mission for RCM is:

“To provide timely services that are life changing to the communities, through
effective programs that facilitate impactful humanitarian services to enhance
member valued contribution, adopt to the fast changing environment and
partnership with all stakeholders who share the Rotary Values”

Core Values
The cores values of the RCM are:

Participation, Service, Fellowship, Diversity, Integrity, Leadership.

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1.0 Background
The Rotary Club Mbalwa In Formation is under the stewardship of Rotary Club
Bweyogerere Namboole.

The purpose of this strategic plan is to ensure Rotary Club of Mbalwa service
activities and management follows set priorities, focuses energy and resources,
strengthen humanitarian service, ensure that members and other stakeholders work
towards common goals, establish agreement about intended results and outcomes.

The Club therefore intends to address activities in broader terms through the Club 5-
year strategic plan covering the period 2023/24 to 2027/28. The strategic focus will
be to ensure proper coordination in serving the community, resource mobilisation for
set projects and compliance to guidelines given by Rotary International and the
Rotary District.

1.1 Institutional Framework

1.1.1 The Club
The Rotary Club of Mbalwa In Formation is under the stewardship of Rotary Club
Bweyogerere Namboole a member of Rotary International (RI) under District 9213,
Country Uganda and Zone 15.
The District is headed by a District Governor, the Country is headed by the Country
Chair, the Zone is headed by Assistant Governor and the Club is headed by a
President. The Rotary Club of Mbalwa In Formation is headed by the Charter

1.1.2 Club Administration

Our Club administration is guided by a constitution and a set of by-laws. The
operations of the club shall be structured according to Working Committees each
headed by a Director. The following are the set of working committees:
i. Club Administration Committee
ii. Membership Committee
iii. Service Projects Committee
iv. TRF (The Rotary Foundation) Committee
v. Public Relations/ communication Committee
vi. Family of Rotary Committee
vii. Youth Service Committee
viii. Vocational Service Committee
ix. The Strategic Planning Committee
Members of the club shall be assigned to any of the above working committees by
appointment, nomination or role assignment.

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1.1.3 Buddy Groups

For effective team building and member engagement, the club shall form Buddy
groups for all its members the buddy groups shall be named using the names of the
national parks as will be agreed upon by members.
i. Murchison Falls National Park
ii. Queen Elizabeth National Park
iii. Lake Mburo National Park
iv. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
v. Kidepo National Park
vi. Kibale National Park
vii. Mgahinga GorillaNational Park
viii. Rwenzori Mountains National Park
ix. Mount Elgon National Park

1.2 Our Rotary Guiding Principles

We embrace the following Rotary International guiding principles that have been
developed over the years to provide Rotarians with a strong, common purpose and
direction. They serve as a foundation for our relationships with each other and the
actions we take in the communities we serve:

1.2.1 Avenues of Service:

We channel our commitment to service communities through five Avenues of
Service, which are the foundation of club activity.

• Club Service focuses on making clubs strong. A thriving club is anchored by

strong relationships and an active membership development plan.

• Vocational Service calls on every Rotarian to work with integrity and

contribute their expertise to the problems and needs of society.

• Community Service encourages every Rotarian to find ways to improve the

quality of life for people in their communities and to serve the public interest

• International Service exemplifies our global reach in promoting peace and

understanding. We support this service avenue by sponsoring or volunteering
on international projects, seeking partners abroad, and more.

• Youth Service recognizes the importance of empowering youth and young

professionals through leadership development programs such as Rotaract,
Interact, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, and Rotary Youth Exchange.

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1.2.2 The Four- Way Test

Of the things we think, say or do:
i) Is it the TRUTH?

ii) Is it FAIR to all concerned?


iv) Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

1.2.3 The Object of Rotary

The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of
worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:

• FIRST: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;

• SECOND: High ethical standards in business and professions; the

recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of
each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society;

• THIRD: The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal,

business, and community life;

• FOURTH: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and

peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons
united in the ideal of service

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Situation Analysis
2.1 The Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis

Strength Opportunities
 Diverse skills sets  Supportive mother club RCBN
 Passion for service  Good catchment area
 Good leadership  Presence of a receptive community
 Well respected in the community where projects can be implemented
 Fun social aspects  Existence of RCs for partnership
 Gender & age balance  Supportive leadership of Kira Town
 Relationship oriented and help for one council
another's personal development  Free fellowship venue
 Responsive members
Weaknesses Threats
 Physical Attendance still less than the  Traffic jam on the roads leading to the
desired number fellowship venue.
 Limited Member Involvement  Lack of enough funds to influence
 Poor Time Keeping change.
 Limited knowledge of Club By-Laws  Slow growth of membership.
 Low awareness of TRF
 Low Member interest in the Youth
 Limited involvement of Member Family
 Limited Club Finance
 Uneven age distribution of club
 Low level of integrity among some

2.2 Stakeholders’ Analysis

The key stakeholders for the Rotary Club of Mbalwa include;
i. The community of Kiira
ii. The local leadership of Mbalwa
In serving the above stakeholders we closely interact with;
i. Rotary District Office 9213
ii. Rotary Club of Bweyogerere – Namboole.
iii. All Rotary Clubs in Kira Municipality,Uganda and the World.

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The Strategic Direction 2023 - 2027

3.1 Key Strategic Focus for 2023 – 2027

During the next 5 years, our Strategic Focus is guided by the following 4-Areas
adopted from the Strategic Priority Areas for RI

Focus Area 1: Increase Our Impact

As a Club, we plan to ensure that our impact on the communities we serve is felt by
making a lasting change in the life of the communities we serve.

Focus Area 2: Expand Our Reach

As a Club, we plan to build connections and opportunities that will allow people who
share our values set & drive to be part of us and become involved with us in life
changing partnerships,

Focus Area 3: Enhance Member Engagement

As a Club, we plan to commit putting the needs, expectations, and growth of our
Members at the center of all we do.

Focus Area 4: Increase Our Ability to Adopt

As a Club, we plan to stay ahead of change in the next years.

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3.2 Vision
The Vision statement expresses the audacious desires of where an organization
hopes to go in the intermediate future. Vision elements are descriptions of what
organisations hope to achieve. The following shall be the Vision for RCM for the
period 2023/2024 – 2027/2028:
“Empowered members and communities served by the Club”

Through this vision, the club desires to be the premier service club within District
9213 in creating high impact life changing services

3.3 Mission
A mission statement articulates the basic purpose of an organization. In reviewing
the mission statement, emphasis was placed on High Impact community service,
Member Value, Adopting to Change and Increased Reach: The Mission statement
developed for the Strategic Plan period 2023/2024 – 2027/2028 is:
“To provide timely services that are life changing to the communities, through
effective programs that facilitate impactful humanitarian services to enhance
member valued contribution, adopt to the fast-changing environment and
partnership with all stakeholders who share the Rotary Values”

The Mission Statement highlights four important facets namely the provision of
more life changing services to communities, promotion of integrity, putting the
needs, expectations and growth of our members in centre of what we do, staying
ahead of change in all we do, and reaching out to all stakeholders who share rotary

3.4 Core Values

Rotary Club Mbalwa core values are drawn from the core values of Rotary
International and adapted to their needs. They reflect the object of rotary and the 4-
way test. They represent the guiding principles of the club's culture, including what
guides and inspires members’ priorities and actions within the Community. The core
values adapted for RCM
Participation: We believe that members should have hands on participation in club
activities and service projects. Members are encouraged to volunteer their time
expertise and resources towards club projects.
Service: We believe that our service activities and programs bring about greater
understanding and peace. Service is a major element of our mission. Through the
plans and actions of our club, we shall create a culture of focused and relevant
Fellowship: We believe that individual efforts focus on individual needs, but

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combined efforts serve humanity. The power of combined efforts knows no

limitation, multiplies resources, and broadens our lives and perspectives. Fellowship
leads to tolerance and transcends racial, national, and other boundaries.
We believe that Rotary unifies all people internationally behind the ideal of service.
RC Mbalwa encourages diversity of vocations, race, ethnicity, age, gender, religious
and political persuasions in our membership, and our activities and service work.
We are committed to and expect accountability from our leaders and fellow
members, both in the results of our efforts and in the processes, we use to
accomplish our goals. We adhere to high ethical and professional standards in our
work and in our personal relationships. We are fair and respectful in our interactions
and conscientiously steward the resources entrusted to us.
We are a fellowship of individuals who are leaders in their fields of endeavor. We
believe in the importance of leadership development and in leadership as a quality of
our members. We believe in the development and nurturing of current and future
leaders in our community as Rotarians we are leaders in implementing our core
Along with The Four-Way Test, we hope to inspire ourselves towards the ideal of
service above self and developing integrity in all our interactions.

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3.5 Strategic Priority, Focus Areas, Goals and Objectives

The RCM strategic plan has adopted the Six Strategic Priorities of Rotary
International in planning for the next 5 years. The Tables below show the Strategic
Priorities with their associated Strategic Focus Areas, Goals and Strategic Objectives

Priority Area Goal Strategic objective

1. Membership: A strong and diverse  Improved quality of Rotarians
Expanding membership is a membership in terms in the club with the aim of
key priority for RC Mbalwa of Professionalism, having members who are well
in light of the great need for quality and quantity. informed, committed and meet
service in the community. their obligations and actively
Membership expansion will participate in Rotary activities.
strengthen club capacity to  Increase in the total number of
serve while taking into members in the club
consideration diversity of  Increased diversity in
members membership in terms of
vocations, profession gender,
age, religious etc.
2. Service Projects: Increased capacity of  Improve the capacity of club
Service is the heart of clubs to deliver members to address needs
Rotary. For the RC Mbalwa, effective, impactful & and demonstrate to the
there is a need to ensure sustainable service community that Rotary is a
that service projects are projects based on the global leader in humanitarian
focused to real needs, are Avenues of Service service.
relevant, cost effective and which the club activity  Increased skills of members in
will create a sustainable is based. assessment of community
positive impact on the needs and project proposal
communities while development.
enhancing the image of  Functionalize relationships
Rotary and motivating with non-rotary strategic
members and communities partners as a way to expand
to do more together. service.
3. Image of Rotary: Advance the internal  Expansion of leadership
The public perception of and external opportunities at all levels to
Rotary depends largely on recognition and public fully utilize the talents and
the outcome of service image of Rotary. skills of club members
efforts, the commitment of  Cultivation of diversity within
members and on ensuring club leadership (age, gender,
that the correct information race, ethnicity etc.)
is shared out to the relevant  Periodic assessment of club
persons. leadership procedure in order
to ensure best practices.
 Mentoring and coaching of
Rotarians in the club to serve

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as leaders beyond the club.

 Comprehensive and
continuous training of club
members to enhance Rotary
knowledge. Opportunities for
working with fellow Rotarians
and communities exploited.
4. Leadership Optimize the  Expansion of leadership
development: development and use opportunities at all levels to
There is a need to of leadership talents fully utilize the talents and
continuously groom leaders for service within and skills of club members.
to serve within and beyond beyond the club.  Cultivation of diversity within
the club and to ensure club leadership (age, gender,
diversity in club leadership, race, ethnicity etc.)
in particular to promote the  Periodic assessment of club
role of women Rotarians in leadership procedure in order
leadership beyond their to ensure best practices.
clubs.  Mentoring and coaching of
Rotarians in the club to serve
as leaders beyond the district.
 Comprehensive and
continuous training of Club
level leaders to enhance
Rotary knowledge.
5. The Rotary To make the club an all Members of the club to
Foundation (TRF) -giving club donate to the
Engagement and financial Rotary.Foundation.
support to the Foundation Conduct fundraising activities
and increasing the quality with a mission of giving to the
and impact of humanitarian Rotary Foundation
services through Rotary  Conduct fundraising activities
Grants and the areas of with a mission of giving to the
focus Rotary Foundation
 Continued active support and
participation in the other rotary
club and the RI programs
6. Fundraising To make sure that the  Fun activities that generate the
There needs to conduct club is able to meet its funds for the club’s activities.
fundraising activities in the budget and in the  Encourage the club members
club so as to boost its event we need to to have a spirit of giving.
income to be able to meet match funds for a  All fund raising projects shall
its expenditures. grant, they are readily set aside between 10% and
available 15% of their surplus to sustain
the club’s broad program of
service activities.

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3.6 Yearly Goals and Targets

# Goal Unit Baseline Yr1 Yr2 Yr3 Yr4
2023/2024 2024/2025 2025/2026 2026/2027 2027/2028

1 Total Club Membership no 25 35 45 55 65

2 Club Member Diversity (% below 45 % 5 10 15 20 25

yrs Age)
Members in Leadership beyond the % 0 3 4 5 6
Proportion of Major Donors % 0 0 1 2 3

3 Member Satisfaction Index ratio ➢ 85

4 Club Partners no 0 3 5 7 10

5 Total Active Clubs Sponsored No 0 0 1 2 2

6 Total Active Rotaract’s Sponsored No 0 0 1 1 1

7 New Service Projects in @ of the six Focus Areas

i Peace & Conflict Resolution 1 1 1 1 1

ii Disease Prevention and 1 1 1 1 1

iii Water and Sanitation 1 1 1 1 1

iv Maternal and Child Health 1 1 1 1 1

V Basic Education and Literacy 1 1 1 1 1

vi Economic and Community Development 1 1 1 1 1

8 Community Satisfaction Index ratio ➢ 85

9 Increase in Annual Polio Fund % 20 40 60 80

10 Proportion of PHF among % 0 0 0 0 0

members of making 5 years from
11 Proportion of Members % 100 100 100 100 100
participating in EREY
12 Increase in Global Grants % 5 10 20 25
13 Club Fund UGX 10m 30m 50m 80m

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3.7 Strategic Goals, Objectives and Key Undertakings

3.7.1 SP1: Increase Our Impact

As a Club, we plan to ensure that our impact on the communities we serve is felt by making a lasting change in the life’s’ of
the communities we serve.
Strategic Priority 1: Increase Our Impact
Goal/Objective 1: Implement New Service Project in each of the Six Areas of Focus with the Highest Community Impact per Rotary Year
KPI: 1 –Service Project in each of the 6 Focus Areas /Rotary Year; 2 – Community Satisfaction Index / Community Service Impact & Reliability Annual
# Key Undertakings / Strategy When by Committee Assigned Resources Required
1 Put in place a Club Service Projects Committee to oversee all July Annually President Time & Effort
design, implementation and stewardship with clear Terms of
2 Develop clear guidelines for projects design, implementation Aug 2023 Service Projects Time & Effort
and stewardship Committee
3 Carry out adequate member training in projects design, Sept Annually Club Admin Time & People
implementation and stewardship so as to develop a pool of and /Finances
expertise in projects within the Club Continuous
4 Assign an Area of Focus to each Buddy Group and Each Buddy Oct Annually Service Projects Time & People /
Group to present at least 2 project proposals within the area of Buddy Group Finances
focus assigned for per rotary year for vetting and approval

5 Fund raise and provide funding for all approved projects Immediately Fund Raising Time & People &
Committee Finances
Finance committee


6 Ensure that all projects approved are implemented and Continuous Buddy Groups / Service Time & People &
managed according to the set guidelines and regularly Projects Finances
monitored for compliance
7 Put in place an incentive framework to motivate member and Annually Service Projects Time & Effort
buddy group participation in projects proposals,
implementation and management along with participating
Community recognition framework
8 Carry out projects baseline and Impacts assessment prior and Continuous Service Projects / Time & Effort / People
after implementation and develop projects delivery metrics Buddy Group
Goal/Objective 2: Grow the Club contribution to the Polio Fund by more than 30% per Rotary Year

KPI: Annual Polio Fund

# Key Undertakings / Strategy When by Committee Assigned Resources Required

Create awareness on the Rotary Polio Fund among members Continuous TRF / Polio Officer / Time & People /
Sub Committee Finances
1 Set an Annual Club Polio Fund Target and each Club Member Annually TRF Committee Time & People &
encouraged to contribute at least UGX 80,000= to grow Finances
contribution to more than USD 500 per Rotary Year
2 Develop Annual Polio Fund Raising Plan / Rotary Year and Annually TRF / Polio Officer / Time & People /
collect funds from the community, members and relevant Sub Committee Finances
Develop a database to capture all Polio Fund contributions and Oct 2023 Polio Officer Time & Effort
produce monthly member statements
3 Participate at all Polio Day Celebrations and other national Annually TRF / Sub Committee Time & People /
days Finances
4 Train, Inform and Engage all members and the Community on Quarterly TRF / Polio officer Time & People /
Polio Eradication Finances


Goal/Objective 3: Grow participation in the Every Rotarian Every Year (EREY) program of The Rotary Foundation (TRF) towards 100% Club
KPI: Member TRF Contribution / Rotary Year from 2023
# Key Undertakings / Strategy When by Committee Assigned Resources Required
1 Training of members and bringing motivational speakers Continuous Club Time & People /
on relevance of EREY administration/TRF Finances

2 Setting targets by club and buddy Groups- 26.5 USD Per Last quarter TRF Time & People /
member Finances

3 Mobilizing members to increase contributions towards Every TRF Time & People /
TRF- fellowship Finances

4 Encouraging Rotarians with PHF Points to give points to Every TRF Time & People /
whoever reaches contribution of USD 500 fellowship Finances

5 Develop a database and Give monthly reports on Every month TRF Time & Effort / Finances
individual and buddy group performance
6 Participate in the TRF Dinner November TRF Committee Time & People /
Goal/Objective 4: Grow Club participation in the Paul Harris Society to 100% for all Members making 5 years or more in the club within the
next 5 years from 2023
KPI: PHF Members per Rotary Year
# Key Undertakings / Strategy When by Committee Assigned Resources Required
1 Encourage all members currently in club to be PHF – 2027 TRF Time & People /
Contribute USD 200 Per Rotary Year Finances

2 Encourage PHFs with points to give points to club Continuous TRF Time & People /
members Finances


3 Hold a TRF Dinner and Raise atleast USD 1,000 Nov Annually TRF Time & People /
throughout each year Finances
4 Training of club members in TRF Quarterly TRF Time & People /
5 Motivation of members by recognitions Continuous President Time & People /
6 TRF Contribution book should be used / Develop a Every TRF Director Time, Effort / Finances
database and issue member statements Fellowship
Goal/Objective 5: Grow District & Global Grant Utilization for Club Projects by 30% Per Rotary Year

KPI: Global Grant Utilisation per Rotary Year

# Key Undertakings / Strategy When by Committee Assigned Resources Required

1 Plan and prepare club qualification by District to Last quarter PE, In coming Board Finances/time/People
participate in Global Grants
2 Write project concept notes, community assessment Last quarter Service project Time and effort
results committee /Buddy
3 Write Global Grant Applications Immediate Buddy groups Finances/time/people
4 Fundraise and seek for international/local Partners-share Immediate Fund rising Finances/time/people
3 above- PHF etcs committee
5 Attend DCA, Conventions, Rotary training institute and As per dates Service Projects Time and effort
distribute concept notes to each delegate to share with committee-
international Partners Subcommittee for
project proposals


6 Host exchange teams and participate in District programs As per district Service projects Time and effort
dates committee
7 Share concept notes and assessment results with all Continuous Service projects Time and Effort
members Committee
8 Encourage Rotarians travelling abroad to move with club Continuous Service projects Time and Effort
documents and seek international partners Committee
9 Implementation of Global Grants, monitor, evaluate and Continuous Club Finances/ Resources
celebrate and motivate
Goal/Objective 6: Create a Club Fund and Grow the Club Fund by more than 30% per Rotary Year

KPI: Club Fund per Rotary Year

# Key Undertakings / Strategy When by Committee Assigned Resources Required

1 Select a Club Fund sub-committee by club assembly – Last quarter Club administration Time and Effort
vetted by Past presidents (our mother club) Committee
2 Selected committee to deliberate and come up with a Sept 2023 Selected Committee Time and Effort
draft Club Fund Proposal & Strategy to be discussed.
3 Club Fund Proposal & Strategy Approval December Board Time and Effort
4 Submit Implementation Strategy March 2024 Selected Committee Time and Effort
5 Implement, Monitor, Evaluate and Engage, Continuous Club Admin Time and Effort


3.7.2 SP2: Expand Our Reach

As a Club, we plan to build connections and opportunities that will allow people who share our value set & drive to be part of us and
become involved with us in life changing partnerships
Strategic Priority 2: Expand Our Reach
Goal/Objective 1: Grow and diversify the Club membership to reflect more accurately the age, gender, classification diversity of our community
KPI: 1 – Member Age, Gender, Professional & Business Diversity Ratio; 2 – Increase in Membership

# Key Undertakings / Strategy When by Committee Assigned Resources Required

1 Carry out Club Diversification (Age, Sex, Gender, Classification) Oct 2023 Membership Time, effort / Finances
Survey and

Develop a 5-year Club diversity strategy in which people from Dec 2023
underrepresented categories have greater opportunities to join
and participate in the club
2 Strive for 95% membership retention while realising an Annually Membership Time, effort / Finances
increase of at least 5 members every year in accordance to the
Member Diversification Strategy (More youthful members 40-
years & below)
3 Develop an Annual Mentoring / Induction program for new Oct 2023 Membership Time, effort / Finances
members which complies to RI induction guidelines and

Ensure that all new members are inducted and vetted Annually
according to the RI induction guidelines
4 Develop and maintain an automated database of Club Rotary Annually Membership Time, effort / Finances
Alumni (former Rotaractors, Youth Exchange students, peace
fellows, and participants of other Rotary programs). and set up
a framework of feedback and continues engagement and
follow up to motivate and encourage their interest and
participation in club activities


Goal/Objective 2: Expand the Club Reach by Partnering with more Community Minded Professionals; Organizations & Agencies; and
Community Leaders
KPI: No of RCCs per Rotary Year (Professionals, Organisation & Agencies, Community Leaders)
# Key Undertakings / Strategy When by Committee Assigned Resources Required
1 Develop targeted partner categorization Database and A 4- Oct 2023 Membership Time, effort / Finances
year partnership strategy to achieve at-least 10 strategic updated committee
partners per Rotary Year annually
2 Develop and implement an automated database of Friends to Oct 2023 Membership Time, effort / Finances
the Club (visitors to the club, Rotary Community Corps) as one Committee
master list of Contacts;

and set up a framework of feedback and continuous Annually

engagement and follow up to motivate and encourage their
interest and participation in club activities
3 Participate in an "Open House" type events with other Rotary / Quarterly Membership Time, people / Finances
Rotaract clubs and purposely invite politicians, professionals, committee
public, community leaders and more to learn about Rotary and
experience the kinds of things we do
4 Increase collaboration with community leaders thru off site Annually Membership Time, people / Finances
meetings in the Communities where the club has been involved Committee
to continuously engage the communities and their Leaders Service Projects


Goal/Objective 3: Expand the Club Reach by Mothering more Clubs, Rotaract’s, Interacts

KPI: New Clubs, Rotaract’s, Interacts

# Key Undertakings / Strategy When by Committee Assigned Resources Required

1 Grow more Rotary Clubs, Rotaract’s & Interacts by developing a Annually Membership Time, Effort / Finances
5-year sponsoring and Strengthening strategy (evaluate Buddy Groups
rotary products for Rotaract’s and interacts) Youth committee
2 Enhance the engagement and collaboration among Interacts Annually Membership Time, Effort / Finances
clubs, Rotaract clubs and club members and other Rotary Buddy Groups
participants – Rotary Clubs, Rotaract’s & Interacts Visitation Youth committee
and Networking Strategy
3 Start and initiate Youth Programs / Sponsor host Youth Annually Youth Committee Time, Effort / Finances
Exchange Students or RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership
Awakening) Participants
Goal/Objective 4: Expand the Club Reach by implementing more structured Family of Rotary Events per Rotary Year

KPI: Family of Rotary Events

# Key Undertakings / Strategy When by Committee Assigned Resources Required

1 Implement a Family Day out per Rotary Year Bi-Annual Family of Rotary Time, Effort / Finances
2 Implement Anns & Andys Fellowship;/ Anns & Andys Days / Bi-Annual Family of Rotary Time, Effort / Finances
Children of Rotarians day/Fellowship
3 Develop a well-structured Family of Rotary work plan and Annually Family of Rotary Time, Effort / Finances
implement a variety of Home Events in a well-structured
manner: (Targeted Home Hospitalities, Celebrate Candidate
Success Day, Marriages, birth days, etc)


Goal/Objective 5: Build awareness of our impact & brand among all our stakeholders

KPI: Branding, Publicity, Marketing / Stakeholder Satisfaction Index

# Key Undertakings / Strategy When by Committee Assigned Resources Required

1 Build awareness of the Club through Club activities to promote Club admin Annually Time, Effort / Finances
the People of Action campaign at all our targeted communities,
and partnerships
2 Adopt and utilise Social Media / design, develop and update Club Admin Annually Time, Effort / Finances
Club website for communication & publicity (online
presence, including a public facing, visually appealing
updated club website, Facebook page, or other social media
page that explains what the club does, who its members are,
and the benefits of membership.)
3 Show Club visibility at all events using (Uniforms, Use of RI Club Admin Annually Time, Effort / Finances
branded materials, templates, rotary signs, banners, marketing
4 Publicise all Club achievements - Include a media release at the Club Admin Annually Time, Effort / Finances
conclusion of every club project. Submit also to Rotary
Showcase ( and Rotary Ideas
5 Compile Club Rotary Stories / experience of members into an Club Admin Annually Time, Effort / Finances
updated recording


3.7.3 SP3: Enhance Member Engagement

As a Club, we plan to commit putting the needs, expectations, and growth of our Members at the center of all we do.
Strategic Priority 3: Enhance Member Engagement
Goal/Objective 1: Strengthen Member engagement & value offering by ensuring that Each Member Capacities and skills are appropriately
KPI: 1 – Member Classification & Satisfaction Surveys

# Key Undertakings / Strategy When by Committee Assigned Resources Required

1 Carry out Annual Member Classification Surveys & Implement Annually Club Admin Time, Effort & People
a Classification utilisation strategy for each member of the
Club through member role assignments.
2 Strengthen the process of providing opportunities to members Annually Club Admin Time, People & Effort
to be involved in leadership beyond the club and

ensure that At least 10% of the Club Members are involved in June 2027
Leadership beyond the Club
3 Assign and implement Buddy group targets with a Annually Club Admin Time, Effort & People /
corresponding framework for Engagement of All Buddy group Finances
4 Involve each Club Member in a hands-on service project, a Annually Club Admin Time, Effort & People
leadership role, committee roles, or other assigned roles
5 Grant All Club Members opportunities to speak at meetings Bi Annually Club Admin Time, Effort & People
about their vocations and other topics of interest
6 Develop and implement a tool to assess member engagement Annually Club Admin Time & Effort
and participation in Rotary activities


Goal/Objective 2: Strengthen Member Personal & Classification Connections by developing & implementing a motivating Member Personal &
Classification Networking framework
KPI: Member Personal & Professional Networking Framework
# Key Undertakings / Strategy When by Committee Assigned Resources Required
1 Put in place a 5-year framework for member personal & Dec 2023 and Club Admin Time & Effort
classification exchange programs among Rotarians in the Annually
District and International to enrich member exposure and
strengthen member personal and classification connections
2 Establish a business networking and vocational service Annually Club Admin Time & Effort
support process in the club to offer increased business
opportunities to members of the club. Revisit the Meetup
process to aid in business networking
3 Implement Club sponsored Joint Club Meetings per Rotary Annually Club Admin Time / people & Effort
Year and encourage all members to attend all joint club
4 Hold Inter-Club/Inter-Group activities (Rotaracts, Interacts, etc) Bi Annual Club Admin Time / people & Effort
such as games, quizzes, poems, etc to strengthen team work
among club members
Goal/Objective 3: Develop & Implement a 5-year Rotary Leadership Development & Skills Training Programme to benefit all Club member
KPI: 1 - 5 Year Rotary Leadership & Skills Training Program;
# Key Undertakings / Strategy When by Committee Assigned Resources Required
1 Carry out Member Rotary Leadership & Skills Training Needs Oct 2023 Club Admin Time & Effort
2 Develop and implement 5-Year Member Rotary Leadership & Dec 2023 and Club Admin Time /Finances /People
Skills Training Program Annually
3 Identify and provide members with leadership opportunities Annually Club Admin Time & Effort
and professional development programs


4 Increase member participation at District and RI events - better Annually Club Admin Club Annual Funds
attendance at District events, District and International
Goal/Objective 4: Increase Member Satisfaction Index by more than 10% per Rotary Year

KPI: Member Satisfaction Index per Rotary Year

# Key Undertakings / Strategy When by Committee Assigned Resources Required

1 Carry out annual member Satisfaction Surveys and put in place Annually Club Admin Time & Effort
actions to improve member satisfaction
2 Put in place and implement criteria by which the success or Bi - Annual Club Admin Time / Finance & Effort
failure of the committee / buddy groups will be measured

Reward well performing buddy groups through an annual "seal

of excellence" to highlight Committees / Buddy Groups that
meet certain criteria;


3.7.4 SP4: Increase Our Ability to Adopt

As a Club, we plan to stay ahead of change in the next years.
Strategic Priority 4: Increase Our Ability to Adopt
Goal/Objective 1: Build a culture of research, innovation, and willingness to take risks
KPI: 1 – Research & Innovation Policy

# Key Undertakings / Strategy When by Committee Assigned Resources Required

1 Introduce an Innovation Sub Committee within the Club Annually President Time & Effort
committee structure to develop ICT innovations policy to keep
the Club well adopted to ICT trends
2 Explore and develop mobile apps where applicable to improve Annually Club Admin Time & Effort /
club operating efficiency (for participant evaluation of Club Finances
Rotary events, including club meetings; etc)
3 Develop appropriate club databases to maintain club records Annually Club Admin Time & Effort / Finances
and activities, and club assets.
Club Rotary database of qualified speakers, presenters,
trainers, and facilitators, and their Topics for use by the Club in
developing high quality events, Develop a database of all
current and past projects, Database of Club Assets, etc
4 Produce recordings of Rotary Stories on projects, with a Annually Club Admin Time & Effort / Finances
corresponding updated recording of the Club Memory Lane
3 Encourage a culture of reading and innovation among Annually Club Admin Time, Effort & People
members. Expose members to RI Literature and the use of
Club Runner; Invite guest speakers on key topical issues on
innovations in rotary;
4 Encourage Rotary interclub visits to bench mark innovations Annually Club Admin Time, Effort & People
that can be adopted in the club


Goal/Objective 2: Strengthen committee structures and operating processes to ensure that they are adoptive to a changing world
KPI: Updated Committee Structure & Processes
# Key Undertakings / Strategy When by Committee Assigned Resources Required
1 Review the Committee /Sub Committee Structures; Set Key June annually Club admin Time, Effort
Result Areas, Timelines for Committee meetings, etc to ensure
a more engaged, & adoptive club structure
2 Carry out Training of Committee Members about their roles June annually Club admin Time, Finances & People
and applicable reporting structures

3 The Club has an approved Strategic Plan updated Annually, Annually Club admin Time, Effort & People
Annual Goals mainstreamed into committees and buddy
groups, M&E Framework and updated Rotary Club Central
4 Review club By Laws for compliance with any new continuous Club admin Time & Effort
developments in Rotary undertakings and membership
6 The Club Budget for the upcoming Rotary Year is developed in Annually Club admin Time & Effort
accordance to the Annual Plan, Approved by June of each
rotary year with a designated treasurer and budget
performance reporting framework
Goal/Objective 3: Increase the Club Vibrancy and Appeal by adopting more Innovative Fun packed club governance & administration models
KPI: 1 – Updated Club Governance & Administration Model
# Key Undertakings / Strategy When by Committee Assigned Resources Required
1 Explore and bring on board new club practices (activities, continuous Club admin Time & Effort
meeting practices and formats, service, socials, feedback,
appreciations, etc.) to enrich Members/visitors’ experience,
innovation and club vibrancy such as changing sitting
arrangements, venues, e-meetings, etc


2 Ensure that all members of the club embrace RI innovations in Continuous Club admin Time, People & Effort
their day to day rotary conduct such as My Rotary Account,
Club Runner, etc
3 Carry out Annual Club Health Check in accordance to the RI Annually Club admin Time & Effort
guidelines to maintain the club’s vibrancy and preserve its
value for members and the community.
4 Provide and set up sufficient Club ICT infrastructure for June 2024 Club admin Time, Money & Effort
processing, storage and dissemination of club activities
(Laptop, projector, printer, etc)



The Implementation Plan

4.1 Operationalization of the Strategic Plan
As a means of operationalizing the Strategic Plan, The Strategic Planning
Committee under the leadership of the Club President will assign deliverables for
each working committee & Buddy Groups who will in turn be responsible for
formulating their Annual Action Plans and Budgets to achieve the key Goals,
Strategies and Actions within the Strategic Plan. The Committee Annual Plans shall
be consolidated by the Strategic Planning Committee and presented to the Club
Board along with the Annual Budget for approval.

The Annual Plan for Rotary Year 2023/2024 under the theme “CREATE HOPE in the
WORLD” shall be the maiden plan under this Strategic Plan.

4.2 M&E Plan

The Strategic Planning Committee together with the M&E Committee will take the
responsibility of Monitoring & Evaluating the implementation of the Strategic Plan.

Quarterly reviews shall be organized and overseen by the Strategic Planning

Committee against which appropriate interventions are agreed upon to ensure
achievement of the undertakings

The Strategic Plan shall be updated on an annual rolling basis. At the end of each one
-year period of the Strategic Plan, the Club President will ensure review of the
Strategic Plan to agree revised priorities and update the strategic Plan for the next
three years. The updated Strategic Plan shall be presented to the new Board for

4.3 Financing Plan

The Treasurer shall ensure that the annual plans are adequately provided for in the
annual budgets and shall maintain a minimum cash balance as determined by the
Board. The Treasure shall ensure that sufficient funds exist to cover any unforeseen
contingencies and shall alert the Board if current operations are forecast to breach
this balance.

Every Club fundraising project shall have the dual objective of ensuring that the Club
is financially sustainable and supports Board-approved charitable causes to the
greatest extent possible.

The Treasurer shall present quarterly reports on budget performance.

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