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Dethi THCS KhanhHoa 2014. Official

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Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others. (5 ms)
21. A. ready B. friend C. telephone D. speedy
22. A. sauce B. source C. enormous D. cause
23. A. sun B. solar C. safe D. sure
24. A. exotic B. anxious C. exist D. exact
25. A. friends B. tunes C. clubs D. stamps
(Questions 26-30) Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from the others. (5 ms)
26. A. energy B. exhausted C. natural D. plentiful
27. A. scientist B. industry C. agriculture D. potential
28. A. hobby B. guitar C. modest D. common
29. A. category B. regular C. relative D. equipment
30. A. national B. react C. weightless D. failure
(Questions 31-45) Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D which best completes each sentence. (30 ms)
31. She’s ...... a snobbish person ...... nobody likes to be with her.
A. such... as B. such... that C. so... that D. rather... than
32. When you apply for a job, you are usually asked ...... you left your previous one, or are leaving your
current job if you are still employed.
A. whom B. where C. why D. what
33. It doesn’t matter which medicine you give me ...... it stops this ceaseless cough.
A. however B. in case C. so long as D. whether
34. His monthly income is on a par with those of civil servants, ......?
A. aren’t they B. are they C. is it D. isn’t it
35. If you ...... to me, then you ...... what I said.
A. had listened / will have heard B. are listening / have heard
C. listened / are going to hear D. had been listening / would have heard
36. Alice: I can’t stand such people as Mag who is so bossy all the time. - Bob: ...... That’s why I try to
avoid her whenever I come across her.
A. Neither can I. B. I believe so. C. I’m not either. D. So am I.
37. We have both electric and gas heating systems, so if ...... fails, we can use ......
A. another / anyone B. either / other C. one / the other D. the other / another
38. That man ...... us. He’s been behind us since we left the cafe.
A. used to follow B. has got to follow C. must be following D. should have followed
39. If you keep passing notes in class, you will get ...... trouble ...... the teacher.

A. at / about B. into / with C. to / from D. under / for
40. It was such a difficult decision that Jeff could not make up his mind without giving it ...... thought.
A. such a little B. a good many C. as much as D. a great deal of
41. Though she ...... at the same place for ten years, she ...... of changing jobs soon.
A. has been working / is thinking B. was working / has thought
C. is working / has been thinking D. works / will be thinking
42. The reading comprehension passages ...... to us in our English class were too difficult ...... by a lower
intermediate student.
A. to be given / understanding B. being given / to understand
C. given / to be understood D. giving / to have understood
43. The teacher locks the classroom door ...... 9:00, when the lesson starts, because she doesn’t want tardy
students interrupting her lesson, so she expects her students to be ...... time.
A. around / at B. at / on C. until / to D. before / with
44. ...... working as a children’s librarian, she developed the ambition to become an author.
A. Since B. Because C. Even if D. While
45. Argentina is ...... large country occupying much of ...... southern portion of South America.
A. the / the B. a / the C. Ø / Ø D. a / Ø
(Questions 46-50) Put the words in the brackets in the correct form. (5 ms)
46. In the beginning, Tom knew nothing. But you can see he’s gaining more experience ...... (GRADE).
47. The rescuers’ immense ...... (BRAVE) was rewarded with a loud applause by the crowds that gathered
round the burning house.
48. Turn on the headlights or else you will not see the ...... (COME) cars.
49. I’ll ask someone to make an .....(LARGE) of the photo. Then, I’ll have it framed and hang it on the wall.
50. We don’t get newspapers every day. They are delivered ...... (REGULAR) to our island.
Choose the underlined word or phrase A, B, C, or D which should be corrected or rewritten. (5 ms)
51. (A) Never before (B) I have visited (C) this (D) fascinating place.
52. If (A) anybody (B) phone me, (C) tell him I (D) am out.
53. (A) Anything (B) dictionary (C) will give (D) you the meaning of these words.
54. I (A) don’t want to (B) go with him, he (C) drives very (D) dangerous.
55. There (A) is (B) something (C) is wrapped (D) in this blue paper.
Fill each of the numbered blank spaces in this passage with ONE suitable word.
...... (56) had been an unusually peaceful evening, ...... (57) no arguments or disagreements, and Susan
and Jack were reading comfortably in their chairs. Jack did not notice when Susan ...... (58) her book down.
He turned a page and read several lines before she spoke.
‘He was such a nice man,’ she said, as ...... (59) to herself.

Jack read as ...... (60) as the middle of the page before he really ...... (61) in what she had said. He looked
over his book at her.
‘Did you say something?’, he asked, ...... (62) his place in the book with his finger.
Susan ...... (63) her head. ‘No, dear. It wasn’t anything. I didn’t ...... (64) to interrupt. Just go on with
your reading.’
Jack ...... (65) her thoughtfully for a moment, and went back to his book. He tried to go on with his
reading. It was impossible.
Choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.
Scientists have warned that the Great Barrier Reef, meant to be one of the most strictly protected natural
wonders of the world, is dying, and this is because of the western appetite for prawn cocktails, and a
combination of other human activities, including tourism and oil mining. The Australian Conservation
Foundation has said that the reef could soon be listed as ‘endangered’. It is one of the world’s richest
natural sites, with more than 400 species of coral and 1,500 fish species. Every living thing in the 140,000-
square-mile park is extremely sensitive to disturbance. The scientists’ report reveals that large-scale prawn
fishing - both illegal and licensed - has in a few years reduced seabed animals by more than half. For every
tonne of prawns caught, up to 10 tonnes of marine life is being sacrificed.
66. One can understand from the passage that the Great Barrier Reef...
A. has more regulations than any other natural wonder in the world
B. is not being as carefully protected as it ought to be C. houses many species that are listed endangered
D. is not open to tourists unless they have a special permit
67. The Australian Conservation Foundation...
A. is concerned about the future of the reef B. only allows one tonne of prawns to be caught annually
C. sponsors tourism and mining in the area D. has declared the reef to be an endangered site
68. The author believes that prawn fishing...
A. should be restricted to ten tonnes per year B. is the only means for the locals to earn their living
C. only benefits the rich West D. is disturbing the balance of nature in the area
(Questions 69-75) Read the passage and do the tasks below. (28 ms)
In Japan, there is a close relationship between the worker and his company. Employees work hard and do
hours of unpaid overtime to make their firms more efficient. If necessary, they give up weekends with the
family to go on business trips. They are loyal to their organizations and they are totally involved with them.
The system of lifetime employment creates a strong link between the enterprise and its workforce. It covers
about 35% of the working population. Generally, when a person joins a firm after leaving high school or
university, he expects to stay with that firm until he retires. He has a secure job for life. Therefore, he will
not be laid off if the company no longer needs him because there is no work. Instead, it will retrain him for

another position. The pay of a worker depends on his seniority, that is to say, on the years he has been with
the firm. The longer he stays there, the higher his salary will be. When he is 30 or 40 years old, therefore, he
cannot afford to change jobs. If he did move, he would also lose valuable fringe benefits. Promotion
depends on seniority as well. Japanese managers are rarely very young, and chief executives are at least 60,
and very often 70 years old. The Japanese have a special way of making decisions. They call it the
consensus system. This is how it works: when a firm is thinking of taking a certain action, it encourages
workers at all levels to discuss the proposal and give their opinions.
The purpose is to reach a consensus, or general agreement. As soon as everyone agrees on the right course
of action, the decision is taken. Because of this method, a group of workers, rather than one person, is
responsible for company policies. One advantage of this is that decisions come from a mixture of experience
from the top, the middle, and the bottom of an enterprise. Another advantage is that junior staff frequently
suggest ideas for change. A disadvantage, perhaps, is that decision-making can be slow.
Choose the correct answer according to the passage.
69. In Japan, the companies and their employees have a close relationship…
A. in order to increase the level of productivityB. as Japanese culture values work more than family life
C. so that the workers won’t look for work elsewhere D. because so many people are employed for life
70. If there is no longer any work for a Japanese employee…
A. it is impossible to find another job B. retirement is the only option
C. the company doesn’t dismiss him but trains him for another job
D. the company will continue to provide the essentials for his family
71. Although the Japanese consensus system can mean that decisions are not made quickly…
A. no workers are excluded due to their position or lack of experience
B. at least when the decision is reached everyone will be happy
C. it is much more efficient than systems in other countries
D. they can ensure that the decision comes from those most qualified to make it
Complete the following sentences with words (or phrases) from the passage.
72. Thousands of workers have ...... because of the dreadful economic situation.
73. Her ...... to company director both surprised and delighted us all.
74. One of the most important qualities to be found in your friends is that they are ...... .
75. Our actual salary isn’t very high, but we receive so many ...... that it doesn’t really matter.
Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed
before it.
76. Ba said, “Why don’t we stop eating chicken to avoid being infected with bird flu?”
Ba suggested that chicken...............................................................................................................................
77. I could realize how important the family is only after I left home.

Not until ..........................................................................................................................................................
78. When my brother arrived in Paris, he sent me some postcards.
On ...................................................................................................................................................................
79. Someone stole my bag while we were playing tennis.
During ............................................................................................................................................................
80. The play is so popular that the theatre is likely to be full every night.
Such is.............................................................................................................................................................
(Questions 81-85) Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the original sentence, using the word given and other words as necessary. Do NOT change
the word given. (10 ms)
81. Mary couldn’t get her parents’ permission to buy an expensive car. ALLOW
Mary’s parents expensive car.
82. Do you want to go to the zoo? FEEL
Do you................................................................................................................................................the zoo?
83. Susan regrets not buying that house. WISHES
Susan...............................................................................................................................................that house.
84. “Don’t forget to turn off the light before leaving, Kate.” said the teacher. REMINDED
The teacher .........................................................................................................................................leaving.
85. Life in the countryside was completely different from that in the city. DIFFERENCE
There was ...........................................................................................................................................the city.


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