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Test AV2-Hutech

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Họ và tên :……………………………………….
MSSV: ………………………. Lớp: …………………..
Môn thi : Anh văn 2 – Mã đề: ……..1B…….
Ngày thi : ………………....…………………………..
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút
Sinh viên không sử dụng tài liệu


A. Listen to three people call their neighbors then choose the correct answers. (12pts)

Conversation 1:
1. Where does he/she live ? – in a ………………….
A. apartment B. house C. dormitory
2. What does he/she want his/her neighbor to do?
A. stop the party B. turn down the music C. turn down the TV
Conversation 2:
3. Where does he/she live ? – in a ………………….
A. apartment B. house C. dormitory
4. What does he/she want his/her neighbor to do?
A. buy some milk B. move the car C. get the cat
Conversation 3
5. Where does he/she live ? – in a ………………….
A. apartment B. house C. dormitory
6. What does he/she want his/her neighbor to do?
A. stop exercising B. stop the party C. exercise earlier

B. Listen to two friends talk about different people (18pts)

Conversation 1
7. Who are they talking about ? - ………………….
A. a student B. a teacher C. a friend D. a classmate
8. What is he/she like?
A. funny B. friendly C. creative D. generous
Conversation 2
9. Who are they talking about ? - ………………….
A. a classmate B. a father C. a teacher D. a neighbor
10. What is he/she like?
A. hardworking B. generous C. friendly D. funny
Conversation 3
11. Who are they talking about ? - ………………….
A. classmates B. best friends C. teachers D. neighbors
12. What is he/she like?
A. friendly B. confident C. serious D. funny

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Choose A,B,C, or D to complete the following sentences.

13. Raise your arms ……………….

A. noisily B. deeply C. quickly D. slowly
14. Please talk ……………. in the library.
A. noisily B. quietly C. quickly D. slowly
15. Walk ………………, please. I can’t walk quickly.
A. quickly B. heavily C. quietly D. slowly
16. Don’t breathe …………… . Breathe deeply and relax.
A. heavily B. quietly C. carefully D. slowly
17. Lower your head …………….
A. heavily B. noisily C. carefully D. quietly
18. Breathe ………… yoga. Relax and breathe slowly.
A. deeply B. noisily C. quickly D. quietly
19. The living room is a mess. Let’s ………………before the party.
A. clean out B. clean up C. take out D. wipe off
20. Why is your coat on the chair? Can you ……………………….in the closet.
A. pick up B. take out C. drop off D. hang up
21. The garbage is full. Could you …………………….right away, please?
A. take out B. drop off C. put away D. clean up
22. This closet is full of old clothes and books. Let’s…………………………
A. clean up B. clean out C. put away D. hang up
23. The dishes are in the dishwasher. Would you …………………..for me?
A. pick up B. take out C. put away D. hang up
24. This table isn’t clean. Can you …………………….before dinner, please?
A. wipe off B. drop off C. clean out D. put away
25. Your magazines are all over the floor. Would you …………………, please?
A. put away B. take out C. pick up D. hang up
26. Do the children put ………… their toys.
A. up B. off C. away D. out
27. “How ……………… do you protect your skin.” _ “Not very well”.
A. healthy B. well C. much D. often
28. How ……………… are your eating habits.” _ “Quite healthy”.
A. healthy B. well C. much D. often
29. How ……………… coffee do you drink in a week?.” _ “A lot”.
A. healthy B. often C. many D. much
30. How ……………… do you eat red meat?.” _ “Every day”.
A. long B. often C. much D. well
31. How ……………… do you spend on the computer every week?.” _ “20 hours”.
A. much B. many C. often D. long
32. How ……………… times a day do you wash your hands.” _ “About six times”.
A. much B. many C. often D. long
33. He is a …………..and ………… man.
A. young/thin B. thin/young C. short/young D. big/tall
34. He has ……………………
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A. wavy long B. long wavy C. brown long D. black short
35. He has ……………………beard.
A. brown short B. brown long C. short wavy D. short brown
36. He has ………………………. glasses.
A. big round B. round big C. round little D. white big
37. He has ________money. He’s a millionaire.
A. a little B. a few C. many D. a lot of
38. “Do you take sugar in coffee?” “Just ______. Half spoonful.”
A. a little B. a few C. many D. a lot of
39. Do you have ______CDs?” “Hundreds”
A. a little B. a few C. much D. a lot of
40. I’ll be ready in ______minutes.
A. a little B. a few C. many D. a lot of
41. I’ve studied a lot of Spanish, but only ______Chinese.
A. a little B. a few C. many D. a lot of
42. Every year, over a thousand men and women ……………. In the Hawaii Iron man Triathlon.
A. competes B. compete C. are complete D. are competes
43. Triathlon ………………… three parts, but it ................... three winners.
A. has/doesn’t have B. have/ don’t have
C. has/don’t have D. have/ doesn’t have
44. The person with the best time for the three races ……………………..
A. win B. wins C. will win D. will wins
45. The winner …………… $ 100,000
A. will get B. get C. gets D. is getting
46. It’s ………….. sunny today.
A. a lot B. a little C. pretty D. quite a bit
47. It rains …………… in London
A. pretty B. a lot C. at all D. fairly
48. It’s …………………….. hot in Istanbul.
A. extremely B. a lot C. very much D. little
49. It’s ………………. cool in March.
A. quite a bit B. very much C. a lot D. somewhat
50. It doesn’t snow ………………. in Sydney.
A. somewhat B. very much C fairly D. pretty
51. It’s ………..cloudy in Seattle.
A. very B. a little C. a lot D. very much
52. It doesn’t snow ……………… in Lima.
A. extremely B. fairly C. at all D. somewhat
53. It’s …………… windy in Ireland.
A. at all B. fairly C. a lot D. a little
54. It rains ………….. in December.
A. a little B. very C. fairly D. extremely
55. It’s ……………….. hot in Mexico city.
A. a little B. quite a bit C. little D. really

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Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D.

An artist went to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday and stayed with a farmer. Every day he went
out with his paints and brushes and painted from morning to evening, and then when it got dark, he went
back to the farm and had a good dinner before going to bed.

At the end of his holiday he wanted to pay the farmer, but the farmer said, “No, I don’t want money but give
me one of your picture. What is money? In a week it will be finished but your painting will still be here.”
The artist was very pleased and thanked the farmer for saying such kind things about the painting. The
farmer smiled and answered, “It is not that, I have a son in London. He wants to become an artist. When he
comes here next month, I will show him your picture, and he will not want to be an artist any more, I think.”

56. Where did the artist spend his holiday?

B. in a beautiful country D. with a farmer
C. with his paints and brushes E. on a farm
57. What did he do during this holiday?
A. He went back to the farm.
B. He went out everyday.
C. He made paints and brushes.
D. He painted all day.
58. What did the farmer ask the artist for at the end of the holiday?
A. He asked for a picture. C. He asked for his wages.
B. He asked for many pictures. D. He asked for money.
59. Why was the artist very pleased with the farmer’s request?
A. Because the farmer had thanked him.
B. Because he thought his pictures were so beautiful.
C. Because he would sell one of his pictures.
D. Because he had so many kinds of pictures.
60. The farmer’s son wouldn’t want to become an artist any more ___________.
A. because he lived in London
B. when he came here next month
C. because he had your picture.
D. after he had seen the artist’s picture


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