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PEA Glaucoma Treatment

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Journal of Ophthalmology
Volume 2015, Article ID 430596, 9 pages

Review Article
Palmitoylethanolamide, a Natural Retinoprotectant:
Its Putative Relevance for the Treatment of Glaucoma
and Diabetic Retinopathy

Jan M. Keppel Hesselink,1,2 Ciro Costagliola,3 Josiane Fakhry,4 and David J. Kopsky2
University of Witten/Herdecke, Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50, 58448 Witten, Germany
Institute of Neuropathic Pain, Vespuccistraat 64-III, 1056 SN Amsterdam, Netherlands
Università degli Studi del Molise, Via Francesco De Sanctis, No. 1, 86100 Campobasso, Italy
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, American University of Beirut, P.O. Box 110236, Beirut, Lebanon

Correspondence should be addressed to Jan M. Keppel Hesselink;

Received 26 August 2015; Revised 11 October 2015; Accepted 1 November 2015

Academic Editor: Colin Clement

Copyright © 2015 Jan M. Keppel Hesselink et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Retinopathy is a threat to the eyesight, and glaucoma and diabetes are the main causes for the damage of retinal cells. Recent insights
pointed out a common pathogenetic pathway for both disorders, based on chronic inflammation. Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA)
is an endogenous cell protective lipid. Since its discovery in 1957 as a biologically active component in foods and in many living
organisms, around 500 scientific papers have been published on PEA’s anti-inflammatory and neuron-protective properties. PEA
has been evaluated for glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and uveitis, pathological states based on chronic inflammation, respiratory
disorders, and various pain syndromes in a number of clinical trials since the 70s of 20th century. PEA is available as a food
supplement (PeaPure) and as diet food for medical purposes in Italy (Normast, PeaVera, and Visimast). These products are notified
in Italy for the nutritional support in glaucoma and neuroinflammation. PEA has been tested in at least 9 double blind placebo
controlled studies, among which two studies were in glaucoma, and found to be safe and effective up to 1.8 g/day, with excellent
tolerability. PEA therefore holds a promise in the treatment of a number of retinopathies. We discuss PEA as a putative anti-
inflammatory and retinoprotectant compound in the treatment of retinopathies, especially related to glaucoma and diabetes.

1. Introduction analgesic, and neuroprotective actions [5], for the treatment

of (neuro)inflammation, especially related to glaucoma and
Different types of chronic eye pathologies share a common diabetic retinopathy.
chronic inflammatory response, which induce in the affected The retina as nervous tissue is highly vulnerable, espe-
tissues an immunopathological environment responsible for cially the retinal ganglion cells (RGC), and quickly suffers
disease progression and a further tissue destruction and damage due to a variety of disorders. Protection of the retinal
abnormal organ homeostasis [1–3]. Among these, it has cells against insults and the restoration of damaged tissue
recently been recognized that age-associated degenerative eye are therefore high on the list of ophthalmologists. Neuropro-
diseases such as glaucoma, age related macular degeneration tective and restorative compounds are widely searched for
and diabetic retinopathy, have strong immunological bases; by academia and the pharmaceutical industry. Compounds
in fact, also for these disorders (neuro)inflammation seems to protecting cells against ischemic and reperfusion damage and
be a common ground [1, 2, 4]. These new insights prompted immunological, toxic, and metabolic insults might have a
us to explore and review the putative role of palmitoyletha- therapeutic value for the treatment of retinopathies. There is
nolamide (PEA), a peroxisome proliferator-activated recep- a high medical need to identify such retinoprotective agents,
tor alpha (PPAR-𝛼) ligand that exerts anti-inflammatory, especially for the treatment of retinopathies due to diabetes
2 Journal of Ophthalmology

and glaucoma. Recently it has been recognized that one degenerate are not clear, although early neuroinflammatory
of the main pathogenetic mechanisms leading to diabetic responses seem to suggest a role of inflammation in glaucoma
and glaucomatous retinopathy has its fundament in chronic [19].
inflammation, leading amongst others to increased levels Lipid messengers and endocannabinoids from the PEA
of inflammatory cytokines and activation of the NF-kappa- family are synthesized in ocular tissue and have been identi-
B pathway. This was the reason to review the relevance fied as intraocular pressure reducing compounds. PEA itself
of palmitoylethanolamide for the prevention and treatment however cannot be classified anymore as a pure endocannabi-
of such disorders, as PEA can both inhibit such chronic noid; we prefer to define it as a lipid messenger or a lipid
inflammatory cascades as well as protect neural cells against autocoid. In animal model anandamide, an example of a
damage. pure endocannabinoid (50 𝜇g to 1 mg) induced a significant
Starting in the early 80s of the 20th century, clinical trials decrease in intraocular pressure (IOP) within 1 hour after
evaluating putative cytoprotective new chemical entities, for topical administration [20, 21]. The putative role of such
instance calcium antagonists, lazaroids, and NMDA antag- protective molecules in the treatment of glaucoma was
onists, did not succeed in identifying a therapeutically safe discussed already a decade ago [22]. With regard to PEA,
and useful compound [6]. Most compounds, which were its concentration is lower in the ciliary body of the eyes
cytoprotective in animal models, failed to be effective in of glaucoma patients compared to normal [22]. In states
humans [7]. In addition, a monotarget approach was proven of chronic inflammation, such as diabetic retinopathy and
not to be very useful as most morbid states are defined by age-related macular degeneration, however, PEA levels were
a number of pathogenetic pathways. This is the reason why raised, which is explained as an effort of the body to reach
PEA as an endogenous agonist for PPARalpha, which engages homeostasis and downregulate inflammatory pathways [14].
multiple transduction systems in the cell to achieve its home- In a model for uveitis exogenous PEA could significantly
ostatic effects, might be so useful. Palmitoylethanolamide reduce inflammatory parameters [13]. PEA administration as
(PEA) might be a retinoprotectant, as it has cytoprotective a depot injection could also significantly increase PEA levels
and immune (and glia-) modulating properties and is char- in the retina [23].
acterized by multiple tissue-targets (mast cells, glia cells, In a prospective, randomized, double-blind, crossover
and retina cells) [8]. PEA lowers intraocular pressure, both clinical trial, 42 patients with raised IOP, treated insufficiently
in normal and in high-pressure glaucoma, as well as after with timolol 0.5% (IOP remained slightly increased, between
laser iridotomy [9–12]. In an uveitis model, PEA inhibits 19 and 24 mmHg), received oral PEA or placebo for 2 months
inflammation and protects eye tissue [13]. There are also [11]. After a 2-month washout period patients entered the
indications for a natural neuroprotective function of PEA other treatment arm, during 1 month. PEA (600 mg/day)
in the retinal tissue [14, 15]. PEA’s metabolism has been reduced IOP by 3.2 ± 1.3 mmHg at 1 month and by 3.5 ±
extensively explored [5, 16]. It is synthesized from precursors 1.2 mmHg at 2 months. In the placebo group IOP was
residing in the cell membrane via specific enzymes such reduced by 0.4 ± 1.2 mmHg at 1 month and by 0.3 ± 1.3 mmHg
as N-acyltransferase and N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine- at 2 months. The difference in IOP reduction was significant
preferring phospholipase D (NAPE-PLD). The termination for both time points (𝑝 < 0.001).
of its action is dependent partly on fatty acid amide hydro- In another randomized double-blind placebo-controlled,
lase (FAAH) and mostly on N-acylethanolamine-hydrolysing crossover study, 40 naive ocular hypertensive patients under-
acid amidase (NAAA). went endothelium-dependent flow-mediated dilation mea-
We will review and discuss in this paper the clinical surements (FMD) in addition to the intraocular pres-
and pharmacological data supporting PEA’s use in glaucoma, sure measurements. Patients were treated by either PEA
especially related to the neuroinflammatory factors involved, (600 mg/day) or a matching placebo for three months. The
followed by a discussion of PEA’s anti-inflammatory, cyto- first treatment period was followed by a two-month washout
protective, and retinaprotective properties. Thereafter, we will period. Subsequently patients crossed over to PEA or placebo
present the data related to the inflammatory pathogenesis for another three months. The conclusion was that treatment
in diabetic retinopathy and the putative role of PEA in the by PEA during 3 months reduced IOP and led to signifi-
treatment of such complications.
cantly improved FMD values in ocular hypertensive patients
compared to placebo, by ameliorating peripheral endothelial
2. Palmitoylethanolamide in Glaucoma function, and its positive effect lasted longer than the period
of PEA consumption, as measured after 2 months of wash-
Glaucoma is the second most important cause of blindness out. No adverse events were recorded [10].
in the world, which lead to (i) retinal nerve fiber layer alter- In another clinical study, intraocular pressure and visual
ations; (ii) optic nerve head cupping; and (iii) typical visual field (VF) damage progression in normal-tension glaucoma
field defect [17]. Elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) has been (NTG) were evaluated in 32 patients and compared with a
recognized as the major risk factor for the development of control group. Patients were randomized in a 1 : 1 ratio to
glaucoma and the only modifiable factor associated with the receive PEA (600 mg/day) treatment for 6 months or no
disease [18]. Strong evidence suggests that an early insult treatment for the same period. Best-corrected visual acuity,
occurs to RGC axons at the optic nerve head. The exact IOP, and visual field test were evaluated at baseline and at
mechanisms by which RGC axons are insulted and ultimately the end of the six-month follow-up. At six months, PEA
Journal of Ophthalmology 3

treatment resulted in a significant IOP reduction (from 14.4 ± PPAR-𝛼

3.2 mmHg to 11.1 ± 4.3 mmHg, 𝑝 < 0.01). A generalized PPAR-𝛿
linear model demonstrated that the final IOP, mean deviation,
and pattern standard deviation of the VF were positively
affected by the systemic PEA treatment (𝑝 < 0.01). The Toll-4R
conclusion was that PEA reduces IOP and improves visual
field indices in individuals affected by NTG. During the
study, no side effects were documented [9]. Lastly, in a small PEA’s
controlled pilot trial in 15 patients, PEA lowered the laser Kv4.3; Kv1.5 mechanisms
of action CCL4
iridectomy induced raised IOP compared to placebo, and
patients were pretreated with PEA (600 mg/day) or placebo
for 2 weeks [12]. COX-II
In all these studies the effects supported PEA’s ocular IL-1b
pressure reducing effects and/or were suggestive for its
retinoprotective effects. Although the dose in the studies TRPV1 iNOS, NOS2
described above was 600 mg PEA/day, we recommend the
double dose (1200 mg/day) based on practice and due to the NF-𝜅B
fact that various clinical trials dosed at a higher dose ranges, Figure 1: Different molecular targets of PEA. PPAR: peroxisome
and for PEA there are no dose limiting side effects up to proliferator activated receptor; GPR-55: 119-orphan G-protein cou-
2400 mg/day. Even doses as high as 2400 mg/day have been pled receptors; CCL: chemokine ligand; COX: cyclooxygenase;
used in our clinic in hundreds of patients and are free of such iNOS: inducible nitric oxide synthase; TRPV: transient receptor
side effects. Furthermore, there are strong pharmacological potential cation channel subfamily V; IL: interleukin; Kv1.5,4.3:
and clinical indicators for a linear dose effect curve, both in potassium voltage gated channels; Toll-4 R: toll-like receptor.
clinical and in preclinical studies, 300–600 mg PEA/day being
the low effective dose. Therefore, a higher dose most probably
has a greater chance of being effective. A full dose-response
study in glaucoma hopefully will be organized in the future. 3. Palmitoylethanolamide: Early
The mechanism behind PEA’s effect on the ocular pres- Insights in Anti-Inflammatory and
sure has been explored using a porcine anterior segment- Neuroprotective Properties
perfused organ culture model [47]. In that model, PEA
caused a concentration-dependent enhancement of outflow PEA is an endogenous evolutionary old molecule that prob-
ably came into existence more than 300 million years ago. It
facility, with the maximum effect achieved at a low concen-
can be found in sea urchins and shellfish as well as humans
tration of 30 nM of PEA [47]. PEA also has a number of cell
[51]. PEA is a pleiotropic mediator and modulator, having
protective properties, and those combined mechanisms could
an effect on several receptors (Figure 1) [52]. Its efficacy
have a significant relevance in the long term treatment of and tolerability have been documented in over 40 clinical
glaucoma. Some of the following findings are supportive for trials in around 5000 patients and its side-effect profile is
this idea. very benign [53, 54]. However, due to the fact that PEA
Recently, new insights have emerged related to the is available as a nutraceutical, its therapeutic potential is
function of lipid signaling compounds such as PEA in the not well recognized in the medical field yet. PEA however
migration of retinal projections towards their targets [48]. In has been proven to be useful in the clinical treatment of
addition to this a hydrolysis inhibitor, the FAAH inhibitor chemotherapy induced neuropathy and in a number of nerve
URB597, of PEA could induce retinal ganglion cell neuro- compression syndromes supporting PEA’s neuroprotective
protection after optic nerve axotomy [49]. Furthermore, PEA and restorative properties [53–55].
and its related molecules could alleviate overactive innate Palmitoylethanolamide is an endogenous signaling lipid
immune responses in Müller glia, and the explorers of that in possession of clear anti-inflammatory properties [56]. Its
paradigm stated that such therapy may therefore orchestrate value as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent for flu and
a molecular switch to influence the balance of pro- and anti- common cold was evaluated in the 70s of the 20th century
inflammatory cytokine generation in such a way to create, [57–59]. During this period, it also became clear that PEA
as they called it, “a prosurvival milieu” [50]. The clinical was synthesized in many different tissues. Decades ago, it
results described above are supported by a vast number is understood that PEA and related N-acetylethanolamines
of preclinical reports, documenting the anti-inflammatory, protect cells against insults, such as ischemia, immunological
neuroprotective properties of PEA and more specifically its pathologies, and damage. For instance, PEA accumulates in
retinoprotective properties. In the next two paragraphs some infarcted tissue, while it could not be detected in the healthy
of this evidence will be discussed. The important research heart and brain tissues [60]. PEA and related lipids were
question about whether glaucoma affects the metabolism of also documented to exist in different vertebrates, even in
PEA in the retina is still unanswered. Our hypothesis would invertebrates, as well as in a great number of organs, including
be that due to the chronic inflammation either the synthesis the brain and the spinal cord [61, 62]. In 1993, the Nobel lau-
of PEA is decreased or its metabolism is increased. reate Rita Levi-Montalcini shed new light on how PEA could
4 Journal of Ophthalmology

achieve its specific properties in her milestone paper [63]. remains scant. Figure 1 shows a number of known targets of
In that paper, she described a number of experiments where PEA.
orally administered PEA to rats could inhibit overactive mast Both PPAR-𝛼 and PEA are present in nervous tissue and
cells (MCs) and reduce local inflammatory markers such as their expression may show large changes during pathological
tumor necrosis factor-𝛼 (TNF-𝛼). Few years later, she was the conditions. Currently there seems to be a consensus in the
first to discuss PEA’s organ specific, neuroprotective proper- literature regarding the idea that the PPAR family is one of
ties, and PEA’s mechanism of action [64]. Levi-Montalcini the primary targets of PEA. Through activation of the PPARs,
and coworkers were also first to propose the ALIA mech- especially PPAR-𝛼, PEA is attenuating proinflammatory
anism or the “Autacoid Local Inflammation Antagonism,” mediators and/or increasing anti-inflammatory mediators
later modified into “Autacoid Local Injury Antagonism” and [42, 73]. However, the role of PEA is not thought to be limited
defined PEA as such an “ALIAmide.” An ALIAmide is an to the action on PPAR-𝛼, as different targets such as PPAR-𝛿
autacoid synthesized and released in response to injury or and PPAR-𝛾 clearly play an additional role. In fact, a study
inflammation acting locally to counteract the pathological conducted on spinal cord injured mice showed that PEA
events [65, 66]. However, in some chronic inflammatory treatment induced a limited infiltration of inflammatory cells,
states, PEA tissue levels can also be decreased, either due a protective effect that was attenuated after treatment with
to decreased synthesis or due to enhanced metabolism [66]. PPAR-𝛾 and PPAR-𝛿 antagonists. PEA increases PPAR-𝛼 and
PPAR-𝛾 expression, thus restoring any neuroinflammation
Compounds such as PEA thus can be seen as endogenous
induced downregulation of these receptors [39]. Activa-
protective and reparative molecules. Her work however did
tion of PPAR-𝛿 inhibited streptozotocin-induced diabetic
not lead to the identification of the main molecular target of nephropathy through anti-inflammatory mechanisms [74].
PEA. Only many years later the link between these properties PEA was also seen to show anti-inflammatory effects in
and the effect of PEA on the nuclear receptor PPAR-𝛼 was nonneuronal tissues. For instance, it downmodulates skin
understood, based on the seminal work of Piomelli and MC activation and hence reduces immunologically induced
LoVerme and colleagues [67, 68]. release of histamine, PGD2 , and TNF𝛼 [75]. PEA reduces
spinal cord inflammation and tissue injury with signifi-
4. Palmitoylethanolamide: cant reduction of nitrotyrosine formation, proinflammatory
Retina-Protective Properties cytokine expression, NF-𝜅B activation, inducible nitric-oxide
synthase expression, and apoptosis [46]. Colon inflammation
As the retina consists of nervous tissue, neuroprotective was also seen to be improved by PEA, and proinflammatory
properties of molecules can also be regarded as an indication markers and macroscopic signs of ulcerative colitis were
for retinoprotective activity. N-Acetylethanolamines (NAEs) decreased [33]. Downstream inhibition of NF-𝜅B by PPAR-𝛼
are lipophilic, autocrine signaling molecules formed in all was responsible for the effects, as the effects were abolished
tissues on demand from membrane phospholipids called N- by a specific antagonist. PEA is also able to upregulate
acylated-phosphatidylethanolamines. The notable examples the various PPAR receptors in damaged tissue [76]. These
include PEA, oleoylethanolamide, stearoylethanolamide, and upregulated and activated receptors are key for many down-
anandamide (arachidonoyl-ethanolamide (AEA)). PEA, a stream effects of PEA. PEA at a dose of 10 mg/kg intraperi-
structural relative of anandamide, is a saturated NAE (C16:0) toneally protected nigrostriatal neurons from neurotoxicity
with a palmitoyl moiety. PEA and AEA are also present in and neuroinflammation [43]. PEA remains neuroprotective
peripheral tissues as well as in the central nervous system, even when administered once the insult has been initiated.
with the former being ten times more abundant [69]. Specific PEA had shown superior neuroprotective activity compared
noxious stimuli may lead to their independent accumu- to minocycline (TNF-𝛼 agonist) in models of neurotox-
lation. For instance, in an animal model of autoimmune icity [43]. In mice models of Alzheimer’s disease, PEA
encephalomyelitis, there was a clear increase in PEA levels reduced the increased lipid peroxidation, protein nitration,
[70]. inducible nitric oxide synthase expression, and the induction
Many of the known biological properties of PEA pointing of proapoptotic pathways induced by amyloid injection [77].
to its putative retina-protective properties can be explained PEA counteracted the negative effects of amyloid on cell via-
through the dose dependent modulation of peroxisome bility in cultured cortical neurons and astrocytes [26]. Despite
proliferator-activated receptors, especially the PPAR-𝛼 recep- the fact that PPAR-𝛼 is the most probable target for these
tor. The numbers of PEA targets are currently increasing. effects, PPAR-𝛾 and PPAR-𝛿 were shown also to contribute
Recently it was described that PEA inhibits the induction to the neuroprotective role. PPAR-𝛾 and PPAR-𝛿 presence
of the proinflammatory genes IL-1b, CCL4, and NOS2 and is reported in spinal cord under physiological conditions.
adhesion molecules such as ICAM-1 and P-selectin [71]. In one study, 24 hours after spinal cord injury, PPAR-𝛾 and
CCL4 can induce monocyte migration and this migration is PPAR-𝛿 expression was significantly reduced in spinal cord
also blocked by PEA [72]. The receptor system however that homogenates. PEA treatment could significantly restore these
mediates the majority of the agent’s effects in the case of PEA decreases again to normal basal levels. Therefore, the anti-
is due to activation of PPAR-𝛼 and downstream secondary inflammatory and protective effects of PEA are favored by
targets such as NF-𝜅B, TNF-alpha, Il1b, and ICAM, as listed the presence of PPAR-𝛼, PPAR-𝛿, and PPAR-𝛾 receptors at
in Figure 1. Evidence for roles of GPR55 and GPR119 however various sites [39].
Journal of Ophthalmology 5

Table 1: Summary of preclinical studies related to PEA’s cytoprotective effects.

Year Dose PEA Main results Reference

2015 5 𝜇M in vitro Inhibition of the Ca -dependent release of glutamate [24]
2015 Diminished inflammation, demyelination, axonal damage, and inflammatory cytokine expression [25]
5 mg/kg
in a multiple sclerosis model
2015 0.1 𝜇M in vitro Protection cell viability in cultured cortical neurons and astrocytes against inflammation [26]
2015 10−8 –10−6 M Concentration-dependently reduced expression of proinflammatory and proangiogenic markers [27]
2014 1 mg/kg Prevention of induced afferent mechanical sensitization [28]
2014 200, 400 and [29]
Inhibition of inflammation markers and chymase expression in granulomatous tissue
800 𝜇g/mL
2014 Increased AMP-activated protein kinase-𝛼 phosphorylation and carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 [30]
30 mg/kg sc
transcription in adipose tissue; polarized adipose tissue macrophages to M2 lean phenotype
2014 Reduction of structural radiation injury, intestinal wall thickness, collagen deposition, intestinal [31]
10 mg/kg
inflammation, and increased anti-inflammatory IL-10 and IL-6
2013 Reduction of the clinical signs of type II collagen-induced arthritis as well as of paw edema [32]
10 mg/kg
compared to control
2013 2, 10 or Improves all macroscopic signs of colitis and decreases the expression and release of all the [33]
50 mg/kg proinflammatory markers
2013 30 mg/kg Reduction of hypertension and protects kidney injury [34]
2013 1 𝜇M control in [35]
Protected SCI-associated neuroinflammation in vivo and in vitro
Rescue of neuron damage by amyloid and reduction of neuroinflammation (decrease of astrocyte
2013 0.1 𝜇M, in vitro [36]
2013 Normalizing the activity of sensitized nociceptive neurons; significant reduction of mechanical [37]
5–10 mg/kg
allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia in a dose-dependent manner
2013 Strong reduction of microglia activation and PEA delayed mast cell recruitment, protection of [38]
10 mg/kg
mast cells against degranulation, and abolition of the nerve growth factor increase, reducing pain
2013 Protection of spinal cord damage; restoration of PPAR-𝛿 and PPAR-𝛾 expression in spinal cord [39]
10 mg/kg
after damage
2013 10, 20, 40, [40]
Showing anti-epileptic properties in a rat model
60 mg/kg i.p.
2013 NR Blunted A𝛽1-42-induced neurotoxicity and controlled glial activation [41]
2012 Significant attenuation of the degree of renal dysfunction, injury, and inflammation caused by [42]
10 mg/kg
ischemia-reperfusion injury
Reduction of MPTP-induced microglial activation, the number of GFAP-positive astrocytes, and
2012 10 mg/kg reduction of neutrophil infiltrations, reduction of TNF-𝛼, IL-1𝛽 and iNOS in spinal cord and [43]
prevention of SCI-induced I𝜅B-𝛼 degradation and Bax expression
2012 10 mg/kg Reduction of apoptosis, brain infarctions, and various inflammatory parameters [44]
2011 Significant reduction of mast cell infiltration, expression of mediators like NGF, the activation of [45]
10 mg/kg
microglia, and astrocytes expressing cannabinoid CB(2) receptor after spinal cord injury
Significant reduction of spinal cord inflammation and tissue injury, neutrophil infiltration, and
2008 10 mg/kg proinflammatory cytokine expression and significant amelioration of the recovery of motor limb [46]
NR: Nonreported.

The putative retinoprotective properties of PEA are based blindness within the working-age population in industrial-
on the same mechanisms as the neuroprotective and cytopro- ized nations [78]. More recently new pathways which may
tective properties. In Table 1 an overview is given of studies be involved in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy have
supporting PEA’s cytoprotective properties. been identified, such as inflammation, nerve growth fac-
tor autophagy, and epigenetics. Epidemiologic studies have
5. PEA and Its Putative Relevance for the shown an association between the appearance of inflam-
Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy matory biomarkers and the occurrence of type 2 diabetes
mellitus and its complications [79]. Diabetics have increased
Diabetic retinopathy is the most common microvascular levels of inflammatory markers, including C-reactive pro-
complication of diabetes mellitus and the main cause of tein (CRP), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and TNF-𝛼 [80]. There
6 Journal of Ophthalmology

is increasing evidence that inflammatory processes play a should be considered in the treatment and prophylaxis of
considerable role in the pathogenesis of DR [81]. retinal damage in both disorders.
PEA most probably produces retinoprotection via its
anti-inflammatory properties we described above, preventing
oxidant stress and inhibition overactivation of Müller cells
List of Abbreviations
mircoglia and asterocytes. This activation of the innate AEA: Arachidonoyl-ethanolamide
immune response in the retina is thought to be triggered DR: Diabetic retinopathy
by advanced glycation end products (AGE) [82]. The retinal IOP: Intraocular pressure
Müller cells are the major source of inflammatory cytokines MC: Mast cell
in the retina [83]. But microglia and asterocytes also play NAE: N-Acetylethanolamine
a role [84]. The hyperglycemia leads in many cases to an PEA: Palmitoylethanolamide
increased production of proinflammatory cytokines by the PPAR: Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor
Müller cells and asterocytes, such as IL-1𝛽 [85]. PEA has ROS: Reactive oxygen species
been found in the past to inhibit overactivation of various TNF-𝛼: Tumor necrosis factor-𝛼.
glia cells. In a rat astrocyte model, PEA downregulates
reactive gliosis by reducing proinflammatory molecules and
cytokine release through the inhibition of NF-𝜅B. PEA causes
a marked reduction of astrocyte activation and provides neu- All authors approved the final version submitted.
ronal protection in both mixed neuroglial and organotypic
hippocampal cultures [27]. These findings are relevant, as
retina glia cell activation is also thought to be an important Conflict of Interests
pathogenetic element not only in diabetic retinopathy but
also in glaucoma [28, 86]. The authors declare that they have no conflict of interests to
Toll-like receptors (TLRs) play also an important role
in innate immune responses and inflammation and the
pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy [87]. TLR-4 for instance Authors’ Contribution
is upregulated in hyperglycemia and TLR-4 activation and
this activation leads to increased inflammation possibly via Dr. Josiane Fakhry contributed to the chapters related to
reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the authors suggested this PEA’s anti-inflammatory mechanism of action and its effects
pathway also could contribute to DR. In different paradigms, on the PPAR receptors. Professor Ciro Costagliola reviewed
the same pathogenetic role for TLR-4 in DR has been the entire paper and contributed significantly to the chapters
postulated [88]. TLR-4 polymorphisms are also suggested to related to glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy. Dr. David J.
increase the risk for DR in Diabetes type 2 patients [89]. PEA Kopsky helped editing of the paper and provided input on
inhibits TLR-4 activity and downregulates TLR-4 triggered the pharmacology of PEA. Professor Jan M. Keppel Hesselink
inflammation cascades [33]. drafted and edited the major part of the paper.
PEA thus has the potential to inhibit these various
proinflammatory activated cascades, which seems relevant to Acknowledgment
the treatment of both diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma.
The authors want to express their thanks to Dr. Ashenafi
Haileyesus Betrie, who contributed significantly to the phar-
6. Conclusion macological part of the paper.
PEA’s safety and efficacy have been evaluated in a number of
clinical trials in inflammatory conditions and chronic pain References
states, including glaucoma. PEA has been shown to be safe
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