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Is There A Causal Link Between Inflammation and Dementia

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Is There a Causal Link between Inflammation and Dementia?

Article in BioMed Research International · June 2013

DOI: 10.1155/2013/316495 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors:

Ana-Maria Enciu Bogdan O Popescu

Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy


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Hindawi Publishing Corporation
BioMed Research International
Volume 2013, Article ID 316495, 6 pages

Review Article
Is There a Causal Link between Inflammation and Dementia?

Ana-Maria Enciu1 and Bogdan O. Popescu2,3

Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, School of Medicine, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy,
8 Eroilor Sanitari, District 5, Bucharest 050474, Romania
Department of Neurology, Colentina Clinical Hospital (CDPC), School of Medicine,
“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 19-21 Soseaua Stefan cel Mare, District 2,
Bucharest 020125, Romania
Laboratory of Molecular Medicine, “Victor Babeş” National Institute of Pathology, 99-101 Splaiul Independenţei, District 5,
Bucharest 050096, Romania

Correspondence should be addressed to Bogdan O. Popescu;

Received 31 March 2013; Accepted 20 May 2013

Academic Editor: Thomas Van Groen

Copyright © 2013 A.-M. Enciu and B. O. Popescu. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.

Neuroinflammation is a constant event in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), but the current knowledge is insufficient to state whether
inflammation is a cause, a promoter, or simply a secondary phenomenon in this inexorably progressive ailment. In the current
paper, we review research data showing that inflammation is not a prerequisite for onset of dementia, and, although it may worsen
the course of the disease, recent evidence shows that chronic inhibition of inflammatory pathways is not necessarily beneficial for
patients. Prospective clinical trials with anti-inflammatory drugs failed to stop disease progression, measurements of inflammatory
markers in serum and cerebrospinal fluid of patients yielded contradictory results, and recent bench research proved undoubtedly
that neuroinflammation has a protective side as well. Knockout animal models for TNFRs or ILRs do not seem to prevent the
pathology or the cognitive decline, but quite the contrary. In AD, the therapeutic intervention on inflammatory pathways still has
a research future, but its targets probably need reevaluation.

1. Introduction and chemokines, and the activation of the complement

cascade are known to occur in the brains of AD patients and
Based on current data, one cannot establish whether inflam- to contribute to the local inflammatory response [2], but only
mation is a cause, a promoter, or simply a secondary phe- after they are triggered by senile plaque.
nomenon in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) [1], although this can
be the case for other molecular mechanisms involved in the Argument No. 2. Neuroinflammation is a two-sided phe-
pathogenic chain of events. In this paper, we shall try to nomenon, with both neurodestructive and neuroprotective
argue that neuroinflammation, although indisputably present facets; the hypothesis in which inflammation leads to demen-
in AD, even as an early event, is not a prerequisite for onset of tia would imply a predominance of the first over the latter.
dementia—a syndrome that is met at a late stage of a disease Recent reports seem to indicate that, in AD brain, this is not
(e.g., AD or vascular dementia (VaD) or B12 deficiency). the case, as showed further on in this review.
Several clinical and laboratory research results support this
perspective, and below we present three main arguments for Argument No. 3. Even though knockout animal models
this assumption. and anti-inflammatory treatment alleviate AD-like pathology
in laboratory experiments, clinical trials were less success-
Argument No. 1. The AD pathology (soluble A𝛽/amyloid ful, even contradictory, some reporting potentially haz-
plaques) is one of the main triggers of neuroinflammation; ardous adverse effects. Prospective clinical trials with anti-
increased levels of proinflammatory factors, such as cytokines inflammatory drugs failed as trials with drugs designed for
2 BioMed Research International

other targets—but it might be argued that inflammation is an burden and reduced levels of insoluble A𝛽 in an AD mouse
early event and could be targeted for prevention [3]. model after CD14 deletion, loss of this TLR2/4 coreceptor
In brief, our argumentation is presented in Table 1, which expression was associated with increased expression of genes
includes only a part of reported data in such an extensive encoding the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-𝛼 and Ifn𝛾,
research field. decreased levels of the microglial/macrophage alternative
activation markers Fizz1 and Ym1, and increased expression
of the anti-inflammatory gene IL-10 [17].
2. Neuroinflammation-Related Events in AD Encouraging results were reported after deletion of the
TNFR1 gene in APP23 transgenic mice, leading to diminished
There are several definitions of inflammation available on A𝛽 plaque formation, reduced beta-secretase 1 (BACE1) levels and activity, and overall unimpaired cognition [18].
tion, cropped from different medical dictionaries, all of them However, treatment of AD patients with an anti-TNF𝛼 drug
constructed around the central idea of “response to injury”. was unexpectedly poor in results, as discussed in a following
Inflammatory response in the CNS occurs, similar to section of this paper.
peripheral cascade of events, in few partially overlapping CNS expression of anti-inflammatory cytokine interleu-
steps: (i) “classical” inflammation, leading to activation of kin-4 attenuates Alzheimer’s-disease-like pathogenesis in
macrophages/microglia and production of pro-inflammatory APP+PS1 double-transgenic mice, enhances neurogenesis,
cytokines (TNF-𝛼, IL-1𝛽, and IL-12), chemokines, proteases, and inhibits spatial learning impairment [19]. Mechanisms
and redox proteins; (ii) alternative activation of microglia, a proposed to accomplish these effects are activation of a sub-
“repair/resolution” state, characterized by a switch in gene set of microglia and increased expression of A𝛽-degrading
expression towards reconstruction and tissue repair, driven enzymes [20]. AD patients chronically treated with acetyl-
by IL-4 and IL-13 stimulation; and (iii) acquired deactivation, cholinesterase inhibitors have higher levels of serum IL-4
also an anti-inflammatory and repair functional phenotype, than nontreated subjects [21]; still, it is common knowledge
but this time induced by exposure of macrophages to apop- that this kind of therapy does not prevent disease progression.
totic cells or to TGF-𝛽 and/or IL-10 [4]. From animal models
of AD [5, 6] or histochemical analysis of human brain serial
sections [7], one may conclude that this response is triggered 3. Neuroprotective Effect of
by amyloid plaques, and a number of studies have reported Neuroinflammation
aggregation of activated microglia around amyloid plaques
in animal [5] and human brain [8–10]. Also soluble A𝛽 In the complex environment of neuroinflammation, there
may be involved [11]. There are also reports of soluble A𝛽- is not a clear cut between “destructive” and “regenerative”
triggered neuroinflammation at BBB level [12], suggesting actions of microglial subpopulations. The neuroprotective
that inflammation is an early process in AD pathogeny. An effects of activated microglia in inflammatory environments
increase in microglial activation has been observed in very are partially overlapping its phagocytotic, destructive ones
early stages of AD and, interestingly, it is not preserved over and may be triggered by signaling molecules produced by
time [13]. degenerating neurons, such as CX3C chemokine fractalkine
Inflammation-related gene profiling in AD patients brain (FKN). Secreted from damaged neurons, FKN promotes
samples indicates microglia to be in an alternative, “recon- microglial phagocytosis of neuronal debris through the
structive” activation state, rather than the classical, “destruc- release of MFG-E8 and induces the expression of the antioxi-
tive” state, detrimental for neuronal homeostasis [14], making dant enzyme hemeoxygenase-1 (HO-1) in microglia, resulting
the anti-inflammatory therapeutic intervention questionable. in neuroprotection against glutamate toxicity [22].
In the view of neuroinflammation-driven AD pathology, Another such trigger is phosphatidylserine—a phospho-
there are numerous attempts to identify the signaling path- lipid expressed on the surface of apoptotic neurons—that,
ways that should be blocked in order to obtain effective thera- in vitro, induces a shift in microglia expression of cytokines
peutic intervention. Although encouraging reports have been from deleterious inflammatory (IL-1, TNF-𝛼, NO) to protec-
published following animal models experiments, later clinical tive (TGF-𝛽 and NGF) [23]. The deleterious effect of NO in
study experiences showed that more likely a multimodal AD was proven by Nathan et al. [24] in an animal model, in
intervention is required, with emphasis on right timing rather which deficiency of iNOS substantially protected the AD-like
than specific target. mice from premature mortality, cerebral plaque formation,
Chronic blockade of IL-1R in a mouse model of AD alters increased A𝛽 levels, protein tyrosine nitration, astrocytosis,
brain inflammatory responses, alleviates cognitive deficits, and microgliosis.
markedly attenuates tau pathology, and partly reduces certain It has been proven that bone-marrow migrated macro-
fibrillar and oligomeric forms of A𝛽 [15]. Unfortunately, phages are actively involved in brain A𝛽 clearance [25].
brain-directed overexpression of human soluble IL-1 receptor This process requires macrophage/microglial activation by
antagonist in another transgenic mouse strain led to an chemokines and toll-like receptors. Knockout of CC chemo-
atrophic phenotype of the brain along with modified levels kine receptor 2 (CCR2) in a mouse model of AD hastes the
of APP and PS1 [16]. It is possible, however, that such block- onset and worsens the cognitive impairment while compen-
ade stimulates alternative pathways, as reported by Reed- satory increase in anti-inflammatory cytokines was noted
Geaghan et al. [17]. Although they reported decreased plaque [26]. Chronic exposure to CCR3 increased NMDA-evoked
BioMed Research International 3

Table 1: Arguments for inflammation-driven onset of dementia.

A𝛽-stimulated microglia produce and secret a number of
proinflammatory molecules and neurotoxic factors [59]
IL-1𝛽 and TNF-𝛼 synergistically stimulate microglial NGF
Cell cultures Pro-inflammatory cytokines attenuate microglial
transcription release [61]
phagocytosis stimulated by fA𝛽 or complement receptor 3
IL-1R blockade alleviates cognitive deficits, markedly
Prolonged central IL-1R blockade leads to a marked reduce
attenuates tau pathology, and partly reduces certain fibrillar
in brain volume in transgenic mice [16]
Animal and oligomeric forms of amyloid-𝛽 [15]
models 3xTg-ADxTNF-RI/RII knockout mice exhibit enhanced
TNF-R1 deletion leads to diminished A𝛽 plaque formation,
amyloid and tau-related pathological features, due to
reduced beta-secretase 1 levels and activity, and overall
reduced microglial-mediated uptake of extracellular
unimpaired cognition [18]
amyloid-𝛽 peptide pools [62]
MCI patients who later developed AD had higher serum AD patients treated with etanercept showed some
levels of improvement, but did not match the animal models results
(i) TNFRI [36–38] Measurements of CSF/plasma cytokines are contradictory
AD patients (ii) soluble CD40 [40] CSF TGF-𝛽 is increased in AD [33]—a putative effort for
(iii) IL-1𝛽 [41] neurorepair
than healthy controls It is common knowledge that AchE treatment only slows
AchE inhibitors increase serum IL-4 levels [21] disease but does not stop or reverse its course
Abbreviations: IL: interleukin, TNF: tumor necrosis factor, NGF: nerve growth factor, CSF: cerebrospinal fluid, and AchE: acetylcholinesterase.

Ca(2+) signals in the hippocampal neurons and increased its disponibility in CSF is low. Low levels of TNF-𝛼 in frontal
NMDA receptor levels [27]. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are cortex, the superior temporal gyrus, and the entorhinal
generally considered to activate pro-inflammatory pathways, cortex compared with non-AD subjects have been previously
and in the CNS they are upregulated in neuroinflamma- reported [35]. However, in the same report, Lanzrein et al.
tory conditions such as multiple sclerosis (MS) [28] and describe no significant differences between AD subjects and
its experimental animal model, experimental autoimmune controls regarding serum and CSF levels of interleukin-1 beta
encephalomyelitis (EAE) [29]. TLR 2 and 4 are reported to (IL-1𝛽), IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra), interleukin-6 (IL-
be present in amyloid plaques [30] and involved in uptake of 6), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-𝛼), the soluble TNF
A𝛽 and other aggregated proteins, thereby promoting their receptors type I and II (sTNFR 1 and 2), and the acute phase
clearance from the CNS [31]. Another member of the family, protein alpha1-antichymotrypsin (𝛼1-ACT). Diniz et al. also
TLR3, is induced on astrocytes in inflammatory conditions report no statistically significant differences in serum TNF-𝛼,
and, in turn, induces expression of a range of neuroprotective sTNFR1, and sTNFR2 between patients with MCI and AD as
mediators, anti-inflammatory cytokines including IL-9, IL- compared to controls. Nevertheless, patients with MCI who
10, and IL-11. In vitro, TLR3 activation enhances neuronal sur- progressed to AD had significantly higher serum sTNFR1
vival and endothelial cell growth, promoting neuroprotective levels as opposed to patients who retained the diagnosis
responses rather than pro-inflammatory signals [32]. of MCI upon followup [36]. Another study reports higher
CSF levels of TACE/ADAM17 activity and soluble TNFRs in
the MCI group than those in AD patients [37]. Buchhave
4. AD and MCI: Contradictory et al. also report that patients with MCI who subsequently
Data on CSF and Plasma Levels of developed AD or VaD had higher levels of sTNFR1 and
Inflammatory Biomarkers sTNFR2 in both CSF and plasma already at baseline when
compared to age-matched controls [38]. An even more recent
A meta-analysis of cytokines in serum and CSF of AD report found that TNF𝛼 expression was similar in AD and
patients showed increased serum IL-6, TNF-𝛼, IL-1𝛽, TGF- control brains [39].
𝛽, and IL-12, whereas in CSF only TGF-𝛽 was increased as Regarding inflammation and MCI progression to AD,
compared to control subjects [33]. Since CSF mirrors brain there are reports to indicate the predictive value of cer-
chemistry, this result can be interpreted as a confirmation of tain pro-inflammatory cytokines for conversion. We already
alternative, “repair” activation state of microglial population. mentioned TNFR1, with several different groups of research
Why TNF-𝛼 is not increased in the CSF, although it is a in consensus, but also sCD40—another member of TNFR
well-known mediator of inflammation and an inducer of superfamily [40]—and IL-1𝛽, but only for multidomain MCI,
apoptosis? It could be because in AD brains TNFRI levels are and not single-domain amnestic/nonamnestic MCI [41].
increased compared to nondemented brains. Furthermore, These data prove that there is an inflammatory process in
using 125I-TNF-𝛼 binding technique, Cheng et al. found MCI and AD, and it gets more intense as the disease advances.
that, in AD brains, 125I-TNF-𝛼 binding affinity to TNFRI is However, one cannot tell that the advancement is due to the
increased [34]; thus, the uptake of the ligand is increased and inflammatory process, and recent reports for new markers
4 BioMed Research International

for CSF diagnostic of AD may not even include any of the 6. Conclusions
classical mediators of inflammation [42].
The panel of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines Reports regarding pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in
seems to be different in AD from other dementias, as MCP- brains, serum, and CSF of AD patients are controversial.
1 is dramatically reduced in the grey matter in VaD and More useful in assessing the neuroinflammation role in
mixed dementia in comparison to controls, but not in AD. cognitive decline and onset of dementia seems to be the study
IL-6 decreases were also observed in the grey matter of VaD of inflammation markers in MCI patients. From the large
and mixed dementia [43]. Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) panel of chemokines, cytokines, and cytokines receptors,
patients showed increased CSF TNF-𝛼 and TGF-𝛽 [44]. This CSF TNFR seem to correlate with progression from MCI to
kind of difference is not visible in the periphery, as already AD and show a rationale for anti-inflammatory treatment.
established AD and VaD cases had similar levels of TNF-𝛼 Although CSF markers are intensively studied, they seem to
and IL-1𝛽 levels, when compared to each other and to healthy be less useful as conversion predictors than neuropsycholog-
controls [45]. ical and functional measures [58].
A reliable proof of inflammation as cause for dementia
still lacks, and therefore its mandatory involvement in pro-
gression from MCI to AD remains questionable. However,
5. Inflammation-Mediators-Targeted inflammation is only one facet of the neuropathological
Clinical Trials in AD profile of MCI, along with plaque and tangle formation,
vascular pathologies, neurochemical deficits, cellular injury,
As previously stated, inflammation is an important fac- oxidative stress, mitochondrial changes, changes in genomic
tor in AD pathogenesis; thus, the anti-inflammatory drugs activity, synaptic dysfunction, disturbed protein metabolism,
were expected to have disease-modifying effects. Surpris- and disrupted metabolic homeostasis [63].
ingly, “classical” anti-inflammatory therapies failed to prevent
dementia progression, as briefly discussed below.
Conflict of Interests
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interests.
5.1. Classical Therapies. Although both steroidal and nons-
teroidal anti-inflammatory products were extensively tested,
randomized clinical trials failed to demonstrate efficacy in
AD [46]. Used for its antioxidant effects, vitamin E, alone This paper is supported by the Sectoral Operational Progra-
[47] or in combination with other antioxidants (vitamin C, mme Human Resources Development (SOP HRD), financed
alpha-lipoic acid) [48], showed no improvement on cognition by the European Social Fund and by the Romanian Gov-
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used for their anti-inflammatory effect (pioglitazone, rosigli- by Program 4 (Partnerships in Priority Domains) Grant
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