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Advanced Manufacturing To Enable The Next Generation of Nuclear Plants

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§ Background
§ Development/Demonstration of 4 Advanced Manufacturing/
Fabrication Technologies
§ 2/3-Scale SMR Manufacturing/Fabrication – Phase 1
§ Component Assembly
§ Applicability to Advanced Reactors -- Summary

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Vessel Manufacture and Fabrication
§ What if it only took 12 months to produce a reactor
pressure vessel?
§ What if you could perform an entire SMR RPV girth
weld in less than 60 minutes?
§ What if you could manufacture an entire SMR head in
< 3 months with no vessel dissimilar metal welds?
§ What if you could eliminate the need for in-service
examinations of girth welds?
§ What if you could perform vertical welds to join rolled
plates without subsequent embrittlement concerns? Representative Model
of NuScale Power
Reactor Vessel

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Enabling the Next Generation of Nuclear Plants

§ Manufacture Major Critical Components to

Assemble a 2/3-Scale SMR Reactor Pressure
§ Jointly Funded Collaboration
– EPRI, Nuclear AMRC, DOE, NuScale Power
§ Others
– Synertech-PM, Sheffield Forgemasters, Sperko Photograph provided
Engineering, Carpenter, ORNL, etc. courtesy: NuScale Power

DOE Project: DE-NE0008629

What Once Took Weeks,
We Can Now Do In Hours…
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Advanced Manufacturing

§ Rapidly Accelerate the Deployment of SMRs

§ Develop/Demonstrate New Methods for
Manufacture/ Fabrication of a Reactor
Pressure Vessel (RPV) in <12 months
§ Eliminate 40% from the cost of an SMR
RPV, while reducing the Schedule by
18 Months

200mm Electron Beam Weld

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Electron Beam (EB) Welding
Why EBW?
§ One-pass welding!
§ No filler metal required.
§ EBW can produce welds w/ minimal HAZ
§ Nuclear-AMRC, TWI, Rolls-Royce & EPRI 65mm (thick) x 3m length x 1.8m diameter
have demonstrated in-chamber and/or local Welding time: <10 minutes
vacuum on thick section alloys Photograph provided courtesy: TWI (UK)

– Enables field/shop welding!

§ RPV girth welds (110mm thick) in <60 min

Inspection, Costs?
§ Huge savings in welding costs
(again, one pass welding)
§ Potential to eliminate in-service inspection!
Photograph provided courtesy: Nuclear AMRC (UK)
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Powder Metallurgy-Hot Isostatic Pressing (PM-HIP)
§ Near-net shape and complex components
(reduces materials cost and machining)
§ Alternate supply route, shorter turn-around
Steam Separator
§ Considerable EPRI/Industry development over Inlet Swirler
last 7 years.
Large 316L SS Valve Body
§ Ideal for multiple penetration applications
(RPV or CNV head) vs expensive forgings

Inspection, Costs?
§ Homogeneous-Excellent inspection
§ Costs roughly equivalent to forging
§ Eliminates need for welds in some applications.
3700 lb BWR nozzle Partial RPV Ring Section
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Elimination of Welds via Heat Treatment
--Resetting the Clock
§ Perform chamber EB weld of sub-assemblies
§ Localized Solution HT, quench; normalize; temper
§ Resulting microstructure is same as base metal
§ Fracture toughness comparable to base material !"#+$%=0 #&'(

Inspection, Costs?
§ Perform fabrication inspection prior to and following
initial solution HT, plus N&T
§ Following HT, no weld is visible
§ Potentially no weld inspection required at 10 year EB Weld after Heat Treatment
intervals WCL microstructure @ 500X
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Diode Laser Cladding

Why DLC?
§ Robotic machine welding
§ High deposition rates
§ Significantly reduces cladding thickness
required (~4mm)

Inspection, Costs?
§ Lbs. (or kg) of material required is significantly Diode Laser Cladding equipment
reduced since thinner layers can be applied. setup (courtesy of N-ARMC)
§ No machining after cladding required

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Project Tasks
1. Lower Reactor Assembly
2. Upper Reactor Assembly
3A. Thick Section EBW Development
3B. Local Vacuum EBW Development
4. Diode Laser Cladding Development
5. Elimination of DMWs—for Nozzle
6. Elimination of In-Service Inspection via
Solution Heat Treatment
7. ASME BPVC Code Development Representative Model
of NuScale Power
8. ORNL Mechanical and Metallurgical Reactor Vessel

© 2018 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
2/3rds Scale Small Modular Reactor • EPRI
Manufacture/Fabrication • Nuclear-AMRC
• NuScale Power

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2017-18 Scope/Schedule

§ EB Welding Development (Task 3A)
§ Diode Laser Cladding Development (Task 4--partial)
§ Lower RPV Assembly (Task 1)

Manufacturing & Fabrication

§ Lower Head (Synertech PM-HIP)
§ Lower RPV Flange Shell (SFEL forged)
§ Two Flanges (SFEL forged)
§ Upper Flange Shell (Synertech PM-HIP) Lower RPV Assembly

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Lower Assembly

Lower Flange Shell Mockup EB Weld -- ~6 ft (1.82m) Lower head to Lower Flange Shell
diameter (Note, mockup is upside down) (again, upside down)

Completed in 47 minutes
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Upper Flange Shell – Four sections and flange

Vertical Welding of Sections Circumferential Girth Weld to Attached Flange

© 2018 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
Task 2—Upper Reactor Assembly

4. RPV Top Head

– Manufacture via PM-HIP in two halves
– EBW halves together, annealed, Q&T
– DLC completed top head

5. RPV PZR Shell

– Forged Section
Representative Model
of NuScale Power
6. Steam Plenum Reactor Vessel
– PM-HIP & EBW together

© 2018 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Upper Head (Stamped Inner
& Outer Capsule Shells)

© 2018 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
44% Upper Head Demonstration - Laser Machining

Laser machining of the penetrations to Machining complete for outer capsule

attach CRD nozzles
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Capsules for CRD Tubes Mounted in Upper Head

Upper head at 40% scale is ~2370 lbs

At full scale, ~ 21,000 lbs.
© 2018 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
Capsules for Upper Head Completed and Ready for
Powder Filling

Solid nozzles will be bored after HIP

and heat treatment
Note “fill stems” on top of upside
down upper head capsule
© 2018 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
Upper Head– Hot Degassing & Crimping of Fill Stems

Following Degassing, All Fill Stems are Crimped

and Welded Shut. Now Ready for HIP
Hot Degassing of Powder Filled Upper Head

© 2018 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
Small Modular Reactor
Upper Head

§ ~44% scale
Photographs courtesy of EPRI
§ A508 Class 1, Grade 3 and NuScale Power
§ 27 penetrations
§ 1650kg (3650lbs); 1270mm (50
inches) diameter
§ Next, 2/3-scale head
§ Need larger HIP Vessel -- ATLAS

DOE Project: DE-NE0008629

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Lower Head – One-Half Section

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Lower Head—Stamped Capsule Sections

Inner Capsule Shell

HIP Modeling—Shows Lower Head inside of the

Finished Capsule
Final part: ~4300 lbs (1950 kg) @ 2/3rds scale;
Full Scale is ~11,000lbs (1/2 section) (4990kg)
Outer Top Capsule Shell
© 2018 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
One half lower head under construction

3/8-inch (9.5mm) thick lower head construction;

~70-inches (1780mm) diameter (2/3rds scale) Note: Two reactor internals support structures
are included for each RPV head half

© 2018 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
Completed Capsule for Lower Head

One-half of Lower Head. Note Support Legs inside One-half of Lower Head Read for Powder Filling
of the Structure

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Custom Rack Build for the One-Half Lower Head Section

§ Custom rack required due to size

of existing HIP furnaces in USA.
§ 1.67m (66 inches) diameter in
USA; 2m (78.5 inches) in Japan
§ Must be stood upright in custom
§ Remember, this is a non-
symmetrical component in one-
half section.

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Custom Rack Build for the One-Half Lower Head Section

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Lower Head Inserted Into HIP Vessel and Final Component

© 2018 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
One-Half Lower Head HIP’ed & Dimensioned

© 2018 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
Project Status (August 2018)
§ Work packages developed for:
– EBW, DLC, Machining, PM-HIP, Heat Treatment, etc.
– Flange welding, head welding, vertical welding, circumferential welding
– Lower assembly
§ Steam plenum access port completed (EPRI ANT)
§ 44% diameter (50-inch) A508 top head completed (EPRI ANT)
§ Forgings for flanges, PZR shell, lower RPV section, and HT completed
§ One-half section A508 lower head, completed
§ EBW & DLC development underway @ Nuclear AMRC
§ Heat treatment development underway soon.

© 2018 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
Applicability to Advanced Reactors -- Summary

§ Must change the way we manufacture RPVs to be cost

§ Four technologies will have direct applicability:
– PM-HIP -- for higher alloyed components; eliminate long lead-time
forgings; improve inspectibility
– EB Welding – significantly reduced welding time; for difficult to join
– Diode Laser Cladding – robotic cladding of vessels; difficult
– Re-setting the Clock – elimination of welds via heat treatment;
eliminates in-service inspection
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Together…Shaping the Future of Electricity

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Four SA508, Grade 3 Class 2 Forgings Produced

§ PZR Shell
§ Lower RPV “Flange”
§ Lower RPV Shell
§ Upper RPV Transition Shell “Flange”

§ Primary HT performed.

Forging for Two Flanges

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Flange and Shell Forgings

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Flange and Shell Forgings

© 2018 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

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