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Feeding Management Broiler

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Feeding of Broiler

Feed Formulation
In the previous chapters we have discussed about the feed stuff suitable for poultry,
nutrient requirements of poultry and methods of estimation of nutrient requirements. The second
step of feeding management is how to fulfil these nutrient requirements through the available
feed ingredients and computes the ration of optimum nutrient density so that it can satisfy bird’s
daily nutrient needs.
Feed formulation is a process by which different feed ingredients are combined in a
proportion necessary to provide proper amount of nutrients needed at a particular stage of
production. For feed formulation the knowledge of nutrient composition of feed stuffs is very
essential along with the knowledge of nutrient requirement. The formulated feed should be
palatable and should not cause any serious digestive disturbance or toxic effects to the birds.
There are some factor that should be considered in feed formulation for optimum
efficiency and better output from birds.
 Acceptability: The feed formulated should be made of fresh, good quality ingredients.
 Digestibility: The nutrients in the feed should be digestible and released into the
gastrointestinal tract to be absorbed by the birds. Feed with high fibre content can not be
utilized efficiently by poultry.
 Cost: The requirement of the birds can be met through several combinations of feed
ingredients. However, when the costs of these ingredients are considered, there can only
be least-cost formulation. The least-cost feed should ensure that the requirements of the
birds are met and the desired objectives are achieved.
 Avoiding anti-nutritional factors and toxins: The presence of anti-nutritional factors
and mycotoxins in the feed ingredients affects the digestion and utilization of some
nutrients and not only makes them unavailable to the birds but also produces several
conditions and diseases. The inclusion of these feed ingredients should, therefore, be
limited in the formulation.
 Other factors: other factors that should be considered are texture, moisture and the
processing of feeds need to be considered.

Method of Feed Formulation

During feed formulation the information of nutritive value of feed ingredients is not
enough; the maximum inclusion levels of ingredients depending on several factors discussed
above also play very important role in formulating a balanced chicken feed. The approximate
inclusion levels of various feed ingredients, which are changeable depending on different factors,
in poultry ration may be considered as follow:
1. For energy: Maize upto 65 % of the ration, jowar (sorghum) upto 45 %, wheat upto 25 %
with enzyme, wheat bran upto 15%, rice upto 15%, rice by-products (bran, polishing)
upto 15%,
2. For protein: Soybean meal upto 30%, sesame oil cake upto 10%, corn gluten upto 15%,
linseed meal-15 % (20% in layers), ground nut oil cake upto 20 %, safflower meal or
sunflower meal upto 10%, meat meal or fish meal upto 10%, blood meal or feather meal
upto 2%
3. For energy and essential fatty acids: Fats and oils like tallow, lard, soybean oil, coconut
oil or palm oil up to 5% after 3 weeks. Poultry fat, fish oil and vegetable oils are good
sources of linoleic acid which is dietary essential in birds. Besides supplying energy, the
addition of fat improves the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins but increases the inclusion
of antioxidants. Birds fed diets having higher levels of poly unsaturated fatty acids tend
to produce soft fat.
4. For minerals, vitamins, essential amino acids and additives: Calcium can be added in the
form of limestone powder (LSP), dicalcium phosphate (DCP) and oyster or other marine
shells. Phosphorus can be added from manufactured products such as dicalcium or
monocalcium phosphate. Phytate phosphorus only becomes available when phytase
enzyme is added to the ration. Sodium and chlorine are usually added as salt (NaCl) at
about 0.25% of the ration. If animal by-products are being fed the minerals present in
these feed ingredients should be used in the calculation of the amount to be added. Trace
minerals and vitamins are required in small quantities. Synthetic trace minerals and
vitamins are commercially available for poultry and added to their diets as per needs.
These are added to the ration as per the instruction of the manufacturers. Organic or
inorganic synthetic amino acids like methionine, lysine, etc. are also added to the feed.
Commercial preparations of additives like probiotics, prebiotics, enzymes, acidifiers,
emulsifiers, antioxidants, anticoccidials, toxin binders, etc. are mixed with the feeds at
the rate following manufacturers’ recommendations.

Method of Feed Formulation

Steps in feed formulation

Suppose we want to prepare 100 kg ration for broiler starter (nutrient requirement as per
BIS 2007: (CP = 22 % and ME = 3100 kcal/kg diet). In practical diet formulation by calculation
the essential steps are as follows.

Step I:
Minor ingredients are fixed at slack space (4.125 kg) may be left to include them later
(Table 1). Trace minerals, vitamins, feed additives can be fixed because the contribution of
major feed ingredients for these nutrients is little. Slack space may be left for addition of salt,
calcium and phosphorus sources, supplemental amino acid to balance the diet.
Ingredients in slack space

S.No. Ingredients Parts (%)

1. Common salt 0.325

2. Dicalcium phosphate (DCP) 1.758
3. Limestone powder (LSP) 1.375
4. DL-methionine 0.227
5. L-lysine 0.105
6. Toxin binder 0.050
7. Coccidiostat (Maduramicin) 0.050
8. Choline chloride 0.050
9. Sodium bicarbonate 0.10
10. Trace mineral premix 0.050
11. Vitamin Premix 0.025
12 Antioxidants 0.010
Total 4.125

Step II:
Vegetable protein sources and energy sources are added to provide the required amount
of protein and energy. Till now 4. 125 kg of ingredients were added. Remaining 95. 875 kg of
ingredients are to be added to get 22.0% protein because slack space will not provide any

Soybean meal as vegetable protein sources and maize as energy sources are considered. The
required protein level can be calculated by Pearson’s square formula.
Table – Final ration for broiler starter

Ingredients Parts/kg CP (%) ME (kcal/kg)

Maize 52.4 5.28 1729.20
Soybean meal 38.4 16.72 921.60
Vegetable Oil 5.1 448.80
Common Salt 0.325
DCP 1.758
LSP 1.325
DL-meithionine 0.227 0.22
L-lysine 0.105 0.10
Toxin binder 0.050
Coccidiostat 0.050
Sodium bi carbonate 0.050
Trace mineral 0.050
Vitamin premix 0.025
Antioxidant 0.010
Total 100 21.996 3099.6
Physical Form of Diet
The methods give the information about quantity of ingredients used in feed formulation.
The nutrients for poultry are properly utilized when the formulated feed is given in suitable
physical form respective to categories of birds. The poultry feeds are generally prepared in the
following physical forms.
Ground and completely homogenously mixed feed is called mash. This feed is suitable
for all categories of birds. The preparation cost is less and loss of nutrient during processing is
also less but the major disadvantage of feeding mash feed is that there is wastage of feed during
handling and consumption by birds.
Ground feed compacted by steaming and forcing the material through die openings is
called pellet. This feed is suitable for all categories of birds more than age of 2 -3 weeks. The
preparation cost is more as compared to mash feed. However, the wastage of feed is less and
selective feeding is prevented causing optimum utilization.
Pelleted feed reduced to granular form is called crumble. This feed is more suitable for
birds of 0 -3 weeks of age because of smaller particle size of feed. The preparation cost is more
as compared to mash feed. The wastage of feed is less and selective feeding is also prevented
similar to pelleted feed.

Feeding Management of chicken

Poultry can be managed under different feeding systems, depending on the husbandry
practice and feeds available.
1. Complete dry feed offered as a mash ad libitum
2. Complete dry feed offered as pellets or crumbles ad libitum
3. Complete feed with added whole grain
4. Complete wet feed given once or twice a day
5. A complete feed offered on a restricted basis
6. Choice feeding- Choice feeding can be applied on both a small or large commercial scale.
Under choice feeding or ‘free-choice feeding’ birds are usually offered a choice among
three types of feedstuffs:
 An energy source (e.g. maize, rice bran, sorghum or wheat)
 A protein source (e.g. soybean meal, meat meal, fish meal or coconut meal) plus
vitamins and minerals
 In the case of laying hens, calcium in granular form (i.e. oyster-shell grit)

Feeding Management of Broiler

Broiler feeding programme is more emphasized on live weight gain and feed conversion
ratio of broilers and profitability of farmers. The growth of broilers depends upon the level of
balanced protein in their diet along with other nutrients. In absence of optimum level of protein
and amino acids the growth is restricted and birds need longer time to reach the marketable
weight. The feeding of high protein (23% CP) in initial phase results in higher weight gain and
due to lower feed intake it does not significantly affect the cost of production. In finishing stage
the energy level is enhanced to convert energy into body fat, thereby producing the desired body
weight for the market.
During feeding the feeds should be appropriate in particle size for maximum
acceptability. Crumble feeds are more suitable for age of 0-3 weeks and latter mash or palleted
feed is given. The feed should be free from all type of contamination and fungal infestation. The
feeding is done with right kinds of feeding equipments for chicks. Small feeder should be used
and their number should be more. As the size of birds increase feeder height and size is
increased. The feeding is generally done twice in a day morning and evening when feed intake is
likely to be the highest due to lower environmental temperature. There always must be provision
of fresh and clean drinking water optimum performances of the birds.
The feed intake during initial age is very small and it is increased after the age of 2 weeks
resulting in higher weight gain and after the age of 6-8 week the feed consumption is high but
gain is less so at this age the birds are suitable for table use.
The main factors that influence the feed intake are breed characteristics, feeds and
feeding management and environmental temperature.
During the hot weather birds require less energy to maintain body temperature. As
environmental temperature increases birds consume less feed at the rate of 1.5% with increase of
10C rise in environmental temperature. This means birds tend to get less protein and other
nutrients which cause reduction in growth and production. To avoid this effect the nutrient
density of ration should be increased in correct proportion during summer months.
The broiler birds have higher feed intake, higher digestibility of feed and higher rate of
conversion of feed into body mass. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) is defined as the ratio between
amount of consumed feed and body weight gain for a specified period. Presently the FCR of
broiler birds ranges around 1.6-1.7. The FCR has inverse relationship with feed efficiency or
feed utilization efficiency.
Factors affecting FCR
Factors affecting FCR are
1. Type of feed: When feed is balanced in nutrients the FCR is low.
2. Forms of feed: When crumble and pellet feeds are given to chicks the FCR is low as
compared to mash feeding.
3. Strain of bird: Strain of birds affects the FCR, e.g. Vencobb-200 has FCR around 1.7
and Vencobb-400 having FCR around 1.65.
4. Environmental temperature: FCR is directly proportional to environmental
5. Age and weight of the bird: Initially FCR is low. As the age advances the FCR also
becomes higher.
6. Poor health of birds and farm management increase FCR.

Average growth rate and feed requirements for broiler chicken (2014):

Balanced Age in daily feed Weekly Cumulativ Body Total FCR

feed weeks intake/bir total feed e feed weight body (Cum)
d (g) intake (g) intake (g) gain (g) weight (g)
0 day little 40 g
pre-starter 1st week 25 175 175 188 228 1.07
pre-starter 2nd week 45 315 490 440 480 1.11
starter 3rd week 70 490 980 790 830 1.24
starter 4th week 120 840 1820 1280 1320 1.42
finisher 5th week 145 1015 2835 1795 1835 1.58
finisher 6th week 150 1050 3885 2290 2330 1.69



Today poultry birds are more susceptible to heat stress than ever before due to their higher
production performance and feed conversion efficiency. Poultry production in the tropical
countries suffers badly due to high ambient temperature and humidity. Because, in hotter months
there are some undesirable effects on the performances of poultry birds and ultimately leads to
economical losses to the poultry farmers. There is decreased feed intake but increased water
intake. There is reduction in production of eggs, reduced size of egg, poor shell quality and
increased cracked eggs. There is decreased weight gain of the birds and poor feed conversion
efficiency, lower disease resistance. Decreased number of fertile eggs and reduced hatchability
percentage. Prostration due to heat stroke and possible mortality ultimately causes economic loss
in poultry industry.
Effects of summer heat on feed intake of poultry birds:
Poultry birds take feed primarily to fulfill its energy requirements or to keep its body warm.
There are two sources of energy for the poultry birds. One is from the feed itself and another
source is the environmental temperature. When feed energy is increased in a constant
environmental temperature then feed intake of the bird decreases. Feed intake of the bird is also
decreases when the environmental temperature is increased though the feed energy remains
constant. The ideal ambient temperature range for poultry birds lies between 13-200C.
Consumption of feed decreases by 1.5- 2% for every 10C increase in ambient temperature in the
range of 200C-300C while the feed intake may decline by 4-5% for each 10C rise in temperature
in the range of 30-400C. So, in high environmental temperature only energy requirement of the
feed is reduced but other dietary nutrient requirements like protein, minerals and vitamins remain
the same, in fact the summer diets need to contain higher level of these nutrients.
Feeding protocols to be followed during the period of high temperature:
The increasing proportion of poultry production in tropical and subtropical regions makes
it necessary to reconsider the nutritional strategies which aimed to alleviate the negative effects
of heat stress by maintaining feed intake, electrolytic and water balance and by supplementing
micronutrients such as Vitamins and minerals to satisfy the special needs during heat stress. To
enhance the birds' thermotolerance by early heat conditioning or feed restriction seems to be one
of the most promising management methods in enhancing the heat resistance of poultry birds.
The fall in feed consumption may cause general or specific nutrient deficiency. Strategies
such as temporary feed restriction or feeding at specific times of the day, increasing density of
nutrients in diet (because feed intake decreases during heat stress), providing birds with extra
electrolytes and vitamin (especially through drinking water), and changing the lighting
programme may all be helpful in managing heat stress-induced problems in poultry.
There are two simple ways to increase nutrient consumption are to increase nutrient
density and take advantage of natural increases in feed consumption at certain times of the day.
A very direct way to ensure optimum nutrient intake despite decreases in feed consumption is to
increase the nutrient density of the ration. During the hottest period of the day when ambient
temperature exceeds 360C, then offering of feed to the birds should be restricted. But a wet mash
prepared by mixing water can be offered in feeders during the hotter parts of the day. It will
result in higher intake but no mash should remain in the feeders overnight otherwise mould will
grow in the wet feed. Use anti-stress drugs, vitamins like vitamin A, E, C and probiotics in the
feed or water.
If birds are fed during the cooler part of the day, feed consumption will be higher. So,
birds should be encouraged to consume feed at night and early in the morning that is at cooler
part of the day. Birds should not be fed during the afternoon in periods of hot weather since this
will increase the amount of body heat that they must dissipate and thus increase the potential for
heat prostration. During the late afternoon there is a significant rise in body temperature, which,
if severe, may kill the bird. The late afternoon may not be the hottest time in the day, but it is the
peak of digestion in birds when eating in the early-mid morning period. A good management
strategy for layers to aid in reducing heat stress is to withdraw feed prior to the anticipated time
of peak temperature so that it may take an unneeded heat load off the bird. For broilers, a period
of darkness in the late afternoon can be used to avoid excessive activity. If using a feed
withdrawal program, it can be beneficial to give supplemental lights during the period of natural
darkness. For night feeding light schedule should be adjusted with intermittent lighting program.
A second alternative is to feed the birds at the time of day when feed consumption is highest.
The light-to-dark cycle results in a U-shaped feed consumption curve. Shortly after light come
on, feed consumption is high. It gradually declines during midday and then increases about 1
hour before lights are turned off.
When the laying house temperature is above 320C, birds are uncomfortable and the feed
consumption is greatly reduced with low egg production. Over 370C, the mortality rate is rather
high. Coupled with these, the farmer often faces low egg prices also. For each 2.5 0C increase in
house temperature above 300C, the energy requirement changes about 22Kcal/kg of feed. The
heat stress can be reduced by feeding diets with result in relatively lower heat increment
production in the body. Among the nutrients utilized by the body for energy, the fat energy has
lower feed increment capacity than proteins and carbohydrates. Protein causes the maximum
heat increment. As the total amount of energy in the feed is decreased, the proportion of total
energy provided by the added fat may be as high as 4.5% of the ration. This practice not only
increases the energy intake, but also reduces the specific dynamic effect of the diet thus helping
birds to cope better with heat stress. As compared to proteins and carbohydrates the digestion of
fat results in less production of body heat per calorie of feed energy. The heat load of the bird
can be replaced by reducing other dietary energy with dietary fat. Reduced growth rate due to
heat stress can partially be overcome by increasing fat calories of diet. The non-energy nutrients
like proteins, amino acids, minerals and vitamins are increased in the feed formulae in proportion
to feed intake. The protein content of the feed may be reduced by about 0.5% below the
calculated value if better quality proteins containing more of lysine and methionine are used in
place of incomplete proteins. In some cases the intake of required amino acids can be optimized
by providing synthetic amino acids such as lysine and methionine in increased quantity.
Otherwise provision of higher rate of animal protein should be made. Vitamin supplement must
be increased by 20-40% depending up on the heat stress. Increase mineral supplementation by
20-30% as feed consumption is lowered in summer. So, nutritional manipulations such as
addition of fat, reduction of protein, addition of essential amino acids, minerals and vitamins is
one of the option to be followed to ameliorate the effect of heat stress in the poultry birds.
At higher temperature there is a reduction in the body synthesis of Vitamin C. There is
impairment of the thyroid gland function of the birds in high ambient temperature. Addition of
vitamin C can partially restore this impairment and protect the birds from the effect of heat stress
by drastically reducing the mortality due to heat stress. Vitamin C @330 mg/kg feed or water
should be provided to the birds in the hotter days. With the Vitamin C supplementation of
summer diets there is an improvement in egg production and shell quality of eggs.
Pellet feeding is beneficial when low energy diets are used in summer months. In order to
enhance increase in feed intake, the feed should also be offered in pelletted form. Provision of
10% more feeders inside the shed may encourage the birds to consume more food

Drinking Water management during summer:

The normal intake of feed: water is 1:2 but this ratio rises to nearly 1:4 or even more when
temperature exceeds 350C. Birds need more water at higher temperatures. It is always
recommended to provide birds with cool water. So, plenty of clean and cool water must be
ensured during the summer months. Lowering the water temperature helps to keep the birds cool.
Ensure that the water is clean and of optimum quality. Waterers must be protected from sunlight
to prevent heating of water. Waterers must be provided in adequate number on deep litter system
along with fresh supply of clean water at regular intervals which may be minimum four times a
day. Cool water must be provided to the newly arrived chicks. This helps to avoid dehydration
and stress. Addition of dextrose and electrolytes may help to maintain the ionic balance of the
body in extreme summer heat. Because the electrolyte balance in birds is altered during heat
stress due to panting. Panting increases carbon dioxide loss in the bird, which reduces the bird’s
ideal water intake. By adding electrolytes to the feed or water, birds increase their water intake,
which aids in keeping a constant body temperature and maintains an effective system of
evaporative cooling. Potassium chloride and ammonium chloride @ 2-3kg/ ton of feed is
beneficial in reducing mortality in birds. These replace electrolytes which can correct the acid
base imbalance during hotter days and encourage consumption of water. Molasses or jaggery
may be added to water in hot days. The concentration of medicines in drinking water should be
reduced in summer months as the water consumption of the birds is very high. There was
beneficial effect to use water having sodium bicarbonate (1000 mg/liter) for boiler rearing during
summer season. It increases water intake and improves survivability and performance of broilers.
The high environmental temperature causes excessive loss of CO2 due to hyper ventilation and
respiratory alkalosis develops. So, concentration of HCO3 in the blood decreased and blood pH
is increased. Thin shelled or shell less egg is the result of this condition. Supplementation with
sodium- bi- carbonate in feed @ 4 kg/ton or in drinking water will be helpful in this condition.


 During early stages of Ranikhet disease, requirement of vitamin K is increased.
 Vitamin A in excess than the minimum levels needed for growth is important in the
prevention of severe lesions and losses from the CRD.
 Excess protein above the normal requirements markedly increases the vitamin A
requirements of chicks.
 Vitamin A is involved in maintaining the integrity of the cells of the mucous membrane
and secretion of mucus.
 Vitamin A helps in increasing the antibody synthesis against pathogens. e.g. Salmonella.
 Folic acid deficiency causes a marked reduction in the number of white blood cells. Its
deficiency also causes anemia.
Feeding of antibiotic: It is used in reducing early chick mortality and also in times of stress.
Thus, this is indicated in stress conditions like overheating, chilling, vaccination, deworming and
debeaking. It is fed 2 days prior to stress and 2-5 days following stress.


 Chickens receiving ten times more vitamin A than the minimum requirement gain their
appetite faster and also grow faster, when infected with oocyst of coccidian. Vitamin A
store of the infected bird is lowered down as compared with the healthy chicken. Dose: In
severe out-break 60 I.U. dose of vitamin A per bird per day almost completely prevented
mortality, while mortality was almost complete in the chickens fed vitamin A deficient
diet. Vitamin A is important for keeping the epithelial lining of the intestine healthy and
 Requirement of vitamin K increases (from normal 1.2 mg/kg to 8 mg/kg feed) in the
coccidiosis affected birds which gives maximum growth rate and feed efficiency in the
affected birds.
 Higher levels of dietary protein and Ca favors establishment of oocysts of coccidia but a
low protein and low Ca diet discourage them. For activation of trypsin enzyme, protein
and Ca is required. Whenever trypsin activity is low, due to low Ca and protein, cysts of
oocysts of coccidia are not dissolved; hence, ova are not released in the intestine.

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